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Gbircfipinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-07-11.pdf · \ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of...

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r,» I arr 1 M*. •«<• i ^«: Y '•" ' " " r " : * i *" .•.".-№ A law to save y > located by Secretary ef State Janes klUn' r«i«L Haie w$«n ven* oa July t Designed to remove bad drivers from Michigan Mgfe wjfca, it wiU 4esy license* renewal* to poor saving, risks.During the &si 12 mcatha 26^000 license*. w t den by th* secrotaur of state. Sftt h i i rW vexft by h* $ wez* baaed *a> Sftt chiving cwrdfc jjodge SabaOn feat month t& cdi. courtt ruled the secretary oi state does not have the power to doty ft driver a license. That he must hold l b tially tm driver a lice a hcaring.lt would be practically possible to hold 15,000 heari There are 3.000,000 good drivers in Michigan, Tbis law is needed to pro tect them. A driver denied a Ucftn&e still has the right to appeal befote a local bo.jd. Do you need help in bringing aa industry tPj^our town. The Jftifib* Dept. of Economic Industries wi\l h 8 men Dept. 8 men Dept. of E help you do so. They have Worfctng fulV time. 50 Michigan com munities have already' formed local industrial development corporations. 623 men and women are running for the legislature in the primaries. Only &8 canwin to competeforfy% 114 seata. In the senate 18 Wub D t f e a licaits and If ^f^^^tE^ position. In. the house 48 ™№» can. » d 4 Democrats are unoppos ed. 4 present senators and tf,house members at* not up for reelection. REV. JOHNM. McLUCAS Word reached here Tuesday, ing of the sodden death of * DOPBLB WEDDING i The double wadding,. double marriage . ceremony of Stone, daughter rf ta* LyJe _ of Pinck&ey to Gette F ° ^ i № ta, Canada. He left Briga a week ago with his wife, 304 Chuclrie,rfo* a *acatioa west where he expected Yellowstone National Par* er places. and l$M % M* The Joe Griffiths spent the 4th in We do Mt. Pleasant with the Dan Griffiths, nudist camp fe «S' devotions, Friday evening Tney are in West Virginia this wee*:. i«s*es of the day. i Mrs. Eleanor Ledwidge entertain ion that the Rev^ the Otto Fosters i£ SMell «pd othy Head, daughter oi H o t a i of Pinckney, Mien, to Stone , son of ^ the Lyl« Stones el Pinckney, took place July 4th at I'M p.m. at the Church of God on the Bowatt Rood, Rev. Hancock ofii eating : Barbara wore a white lace over whit* taffeta gown with lace sleeves and veil of illusion and' carried white roses.' The groom wore his , T . S. Navy Uniform. Nancy Spittler was her brides, maid. Her dress was pink figure nylon and sheer nylon coat and she carried yellow camations.His brother! ^ % ~ - was iiis besv xoftn. Norou' Foster was junior Bridesmaid. She wore blue figured nylon with sheer coat. Dorothy Head wore a white taff. dress with a lace overskirt and lace' gauntletts and white mesh veil headress trimmed with seed pearls and carried white carnations. The groom wore a dark blue serge suit and white suit. Dorothy's bridesmaid, Agatha Hoary wore pink figured nylon with sheer coat and carried pink carna. 'lions . James Knight was his best LlBRAfiY NBW8 j ipotnam ^ appo tited Mrs Cacia Cham«* f th B r d « Flower girls were Linda Stone, ' lister of Barbara and Wayne and \ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of Gordon. Mr. Stone gave Barbara away and Cectf Vincent, a cousm gave Dor.. lain a member of the Beard ef, othy away. Tfrastees of the Plnckney Commun! Richard Debrick sang "Oh Prom Ity Library for a 3 yea* term. ise Me" and Rev. Hancock "The Within 2 weeks there will be a Lord's Prayer." Robert Foster, ROD. meeting to elect officers for the en ert McDuff and Richard. White were lib. waa at the sc%$ol Where the suing year. All friends of the Ck* ed the Roscoe Yarborough, J*'ci*t Smiifi, UomiMg Woahsf, qchral .. Peoples Fellowship Berviaa 11:00 I'M 1:00 Ledwidge, Desmond Ledwige famil- who has come here ies and Mrs. Raymona Morris and against them again daughters Sunday. Angela McMack better have stayed h en spent last week with her, .revivals. Still be and will probaby Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Dam* and nU(Jiat front ^^ Mra. Constance Loomis, son, Dick clogeg them up ^ and dfughter, Cathy called on the peaked through the. Bert^enhams in Brighton Sunday. Mcnroe nuidist The Ed Kito family of Dayton, satisfied got a Ohio and Mrs. Fred Camburn oi Gbircfi Detroit visited the Lawrence Ca. burns last weak. Born in Canada, , K©v» Ordained a minister in., dist church he filled ; ser«*a> appotet merits at Lum, Yale'ind ImUy City before ccoming- here inott>37 oh loan as pastor of the Cong'l. church. He remained here 6 years.Then he went to Brighton , Methodist Church where he" was returned by the con ference this year for the 14th time. He was a member of Living. irtffaton Lodge No. 76 F. A A. M. and a past patron of Pinckney Chup ter 146 O.E.S.' Last year he was el., ccted patron of the Brighton O4S.3. He was also a 82nd Degreee Mascn and a Soriner.* . Ren J. W. Winger, fister ffeMky School 940 a. m. * Merning <W«aU» ..... * • * • *» •» Sfcara. afrnt prayer meeting a* tfco etucca at WeoVcteir jcaotfe* ... M 4 t WesVbopreej, Mala and SneaUla 8treett Ra^Tr MtiTVueiseiger, Psatot Sunday School t:4le.«> Morrfng WersMt , 1040 AM Youth iGfwt&p -.-. TWO p. m. Evening Swvtw ..... ;. trfO P» «• TOura. $aper Mtsttag «*•*, p. a* ili. Gfcofeifeactjee'Wed. , 460 p. m. Wad. and took pfctorts? aged to take some Creek camp but had awuy from him and ' "destroyed. Ba got a bill introduced l a the Mfchi. gen tent at Highland Park HosnitM U suture banning lUldist cam»a ) but his general condition ia better but it died in committed He l S » The Asher Wylies attended the f*fP- Ryan °* Detroit W agreed to Olin Robinson sr.is still In an ox tm » m* wedding of Robert Ryan and Golda " ltloduc e another simftaf bill at tfae- ! Fraaer at St. Joseph's Chuxch,Hov next se * slo n- Several Battle Creek | ell Saturday and the reception at nuJdlat » *»ve been arrested for to. decent exposure. This has happened before and the fines are small. CARD OP TttANKS I am now home from the hospital j and wish to thank all my friends and ! pchoot mates who visite<l me and sent me gifts, cards and flowers. I hopt 1 they will" Keep on visiting me. Dick Wylie the Marion town house.. Jesse Henry and wife and Gerald were Sunday dinner guests of the . Al Nesbitts at their new home on '" M-yc E near the overhead "bridge. ! The Republicans in congress Tte Robert Pikes visited the "Murl \vhobp it up for "Pres. Byingtons in Vernon Thursday. er and then proceed to vote July 4th the John Boyers attend, bin policies. Voting almost solidly ed a picnic at the Guenther cottage they cut $4,517,00O,QOQ^ft£m his fet at Base Lake. Thursday they cail^i eitf aid program. On . on the John Wrathclls in Ann Arbor, by the aid of the Dem A party was given Thursday nite 000 was restored. Then newly. Hi(? ),land last we# and hurt his CON8BRVATION DEPT- President R. A. O'Rielly d res of many l Ann Arbor,. Mrs. Pauline Amo of i Howell and Norma at home, besid iwcre seryed punch .and wedding ) daughters, Mrs. Era Rehideau cake. Both couples received nice gifts. ft* the The newly-weds went north on Fresioeni *.. *. ^«.-., thtjr wed ^ g trf ftnd their ^^ Audohon Society condemns heavy ^J* . frienda wish for Albert Schmitt official ing. •r. spraying of trees wkh DDTtoWU the spruce bud worm. He says iv not only kills the birds but also th* and worms they feed on. in Brunswick he said «oroe iorests been entirely denufjed of pi * sw nsh lure that winds up », w# hft> bee* developed at the mour Institute, Chicago. Also a Mer cury worm.. - . U1K , Houghton Lake is the Urgest m ^^ ^ ^ c o s t u m e w a 8 of wn ^ e the sUU gO,44 acres, wUowed Dy Uxc0 net> flow length> fin^rtip Te « t To^rch, Mullett, Goebic, Cbarlevioiu, ^ e d i n lace Bemi . tiara headpiece Burt,Manifltique and Black. Torch, is the deepest 285 ft 116 members of Zal Gas Grotto, Ann Arbor have formed a Michigan United Conservation Club. wore a satin and net light blue floor The rains of last week cut down ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ heftd piece gf the fi»es.5 fires burned oVer 9 acres . ^y^^ong md bouquet of semi- The dept. received another smp_ | , cmcent carna tion8. mart of Montana grayling sggs,iw« Micbael Heath ^ ftK^ was 000. llie first shipment spoiled m | beafc roan transit. .... I The reception was at 2:00 p.m. at es Chuckle. There are 3 grandchild., dren. The funeral wiU be Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Brighton Methodist. Church. Rev. Charles Bragg ef the Dundee Methodist Church will will preach the sermon. Other min Isters wiU taKe j>art. Burial will te in Fairview Cemetery, Brighton. Steven James Sou'ris of Houghton Livingston Lodge No, 76 will give bora, relatives and friends wish for them a happy long life together. x - * < WILSON-SORIS WEDDING Miss June D. Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wilson qt j Pinckney was married Saturday church here The Gilbert Skinners of Chubbs Corners spent last week in New York state. Kev. Hancock and wife of God's Church were Sunday dinner guests of the Bob Pikes; Tuesday'-night the South Marion farm Bureau meet at the townhouse Friday caHers of the John Boyers were Florence and Vincent Walsh of Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Fran's Dyninger of Detroit. The Fred Reads had Dr. Steve Brown and daughter, Marilyn of ing with southern Democrat* the? Ml led his school aid bill which ha labelled as a must prograaul MJctd gan Republicans voted against tfc* bill and 2 Democrats. This iT'eapect ed to cost the Repjubicaos votes Eft negro districts. The fill nliiistjSjT expect the presidpot 4 to cooperate wiih them by running for a se^os4. term irrespective so they can ride la victory with him but hav« no <ntaa> tion of cooperating with him W vs* ing for any of hi* bills, la time the segregation issue rages in the south^The h^ last week bjr 8i-ta and her flowers a crescent bouquet of stefanotis. red roses and earnat ions a The bridesmaid, her sister, Cl«o, nsit. The Michigan quail population, United mostly to southern Michigan is increasing. This year the count was 16 birds per rural mail carrier. Last year t was 13.1. Several pond* have been steck« with tigar »uflrellaMe and they will be planted^ whetf' they reach i ' garfev »i»- s Unlawfully killing a doe Wt of cost 2 Bonn mm. $80 *iM». co*U plus 7 days ia jaU. Anonsi School=Elktu*F 188 Votaa. were cast at ifcp •chool i hi ^n^y The rtsolta olaction heri were as foflows: Ut The rtsolta Term Max Russell Rkhard i U w '- Hajan WaHon .:...-. Trostaa 1 Year Leeter McAfat J Haka Wal|pn .«. Jf Proposition Np. 1 , To raise one mill W finish 2 class the Pinckney elementary school. The bride's travelling dressf wa.» a pink princess style travelling itress with white accessories. The groom is a student in the eng ineering dept. at Michigan Tech. College at Houghton where they will live. thu Masonic committal service at the grave. Hex Sackett of Detroit will give the funeral oration. The body will be at the Brighton Methodist Church Friday. may call. Friends 4WO SOFT .BALL GAMES HERE . After a lapse of 2 years 2 soft ball games will b*<> played on the Pisck^ ney light field on Friday nightjuly 13. In the first game at 7:80 the Pinckney Klwanis Girls of the p&unty league will play SuttouV Hardware of Howell. In the 9;00 fame the Pfndcney county league team will meet the Mill Creek Sport ing Goods team of Dexter who piay in the Ann Arbor league. An ad mission of 26c and 16c will be charged to pay for the lights. If the attendance warrants more- games wttl be played. Both team have taiforms. ' AUTO ACCIDEI^T TRAGEDY Donald Standlick, 32, of Btntley Lnke died at St. Joe hospital Friday » i ; , ..t in Ann Arbor from injuries' 1. oeived in an auto accident early :. .1 evening on Gawley Road near' ,ae old Coiniskey farm when his car collided head on with one driven by Don Ledbetter of Cedar Lake Road. Donald LeRoy Kelly of Bentley Lake, was with Ledbetter. Stanftlicks wife, Ella, 27 and stepson, Richard Kranjanic, 10* with Standlick. Mrs. Standlick suffered a broken jaw.Tfce others minor injuries. They were taken to the hospital in the Swar thout ambulance and the Keehn am. bulancc from Brighton. Ledbetter and Kelly work at the Detroit Die Set here. Kelly has 4 children. Stand | lick was employed at the Livingston lfeiih d ANOUNCEMENT The engagement of Dolores Bok ros to Lawrence McKenzie ia an. nounced. She graduated from Pinckney high school in June. He is in the service. No date for the wedd ing has been set. CELEBRATE 35th ANNIVERSARY On Saturday evening, June 30, about 200 invited guests gathered ~ftt' the home of Mr. andt Mrs. John D. Donohue at 19723 Spears Rd. to honor Mr. and Mrs. John L.Donohue parents of J. D. oh their 35th wedd- ing anniversary. A "beautifuly decorated wedding cake le was y centered the serving tab Tetroit as Sunday Kenneth Meyers and Dick Camp bell of Alpena, AJma college chums of Rickie Miller and Jerry Mrofka spent the week end with them. Norman White underwent a her, nia operation at McPherson hospital it) Howell last week but is home now. A large attendance was present at the fish fry at St. Mary's school I'nday night by St. Giranf's Guild. $248 was taken in.. a The Jack Follick family of Detroit called on the Henry Haucks Sunday. The Haucks returned with them for a visit. The James Brogan family of Lan- sing called on the Stanley Dinkels Saturday^ ( The Frank Sowers of Ann-'Arbor called on the deny Eichmens Sun- day and the Russell Glovers of Web berville called Thursday. The Harold Homings of Ann Ar- to Detroit cut. and seryed by Miss Sarah ° or ***** * « y4th with the Edwin Liwing while punch was served ty h W nt f a^ly. g p Shirley> Lining and coffee by Mrs. George Presin^er.The ice cream was fterved by James Donhue. .The Misses Norine Grumelot and Judy Donohue had charge of the truest book. ov.. Mrs. Bthel Sprout visited the Ghn Gardner family in Stanton er the week end. Visitors of Ben White and wife last week were Mrs. Ella Newman, Mrs. Joie Fonfcr and Mrs. CharTes ounty Prets J » and pla^e maker. He has, 8 children, ag*s 1 to 10 years. Last spring lie lost an eye in aa archer/ No. ••• PropotitioTi No. 8 To rake one mill to equalise teach tat 106 Na 196 A number of writata ballots wart l d in A number of wri thrown out as no (x) was placed in J CARD OF THANKS W* wish to thank everyone who helped make our wadding annMr sary such a happy occasion. j Sincerely John and Lucille Donohue William Golden 68, who operated tht Marathon gas station hara *whli and later the f t w Lodge at Brlgh-:. ton died at Veteran's Hospital •S^rffv&g are l i s wife and 3 ehiW rens, Richard 10, Nancy 6 and Deb., by 2. Also his father, Edward Stand lick of Brighton , 5 brothers, Joe, Phillip, Arthur, Rex ewT William and C sisters, Mrs. Vivian Darww, Pinckney, MrsJtorothy Zimmerman, Mrs. Ruth Trantsome, Lillian and and Joyce The funeral was Monday 'noon at the Keehn Fftmeral Home, Brighton, Be*. A. L. tartar of ft* Weslyan Methodist Church oflfidat ing. Burial in CaJtary Cemetery. WILLIAM W l U B B p N William Bnrlaooa, St,d*ed at T i b * Mcaday. Ba leaves his sister *a> Mr. atd Mrs. Donphue are the par Fo " ler of Ann*Arbor. o f 4 'cMldren: Joanne of Ann ttr D i on , Swartthout brought Dick Arbor^ames and Bill at home and J. y ]lc nomt! *™™ McPherson hoapk b.Spho with his wife planned the f 1 *™W the ambulance and he ir ty. has had a large number of visitor*. fh* honored couple received many '™°»* "»«« were Roy Clark, Jack gffts. Guests were prwent from " 0Jle » J * me « Campbell and James banned all athletic contests teams with negro playen^IllJs ia as '• peeled to affect big' whe train there in the spxi^g football games, such at the Bowl, where teams tfUtfiN|B» fr?. era have previously One of the n*t{oi tragedys took place last week two planes crashed in the yon in Arizona with a Utos of Iff lives. The planes ° i t y % 4 n oppoatte direction seem to have crashed late each other. Various means to pfa. vent another such ^di ir been discussed but ho "solution rived at. Railroads have electrle §if nala and light, anil cities traffic copi and Iights,none of which would watk in the air. Something wiii-aare to 1st woiked out as the air traffic la la. creasing each year. Of the 4 ahfridmenta to be voted on tMs fall all but oa» fell by the wayside as the sponsora did not get enough signers to their petitions asking for The only one to bl the one setting the minraun age U* & legislator at 21 year and fl lying all persons who have victed of a felony or breach of yds* lie trust. The sponsors of the £ :;lan to have Supt. of Pubik i it^ ^ the Misso PoWlttvtflelJaoweli, Stufgte, Detroit, M * ssey - Ftoclrbridge, OwWto, Ioscb, Unadill* j _ Dr - Harlow Shehan and Ypsilanti, Pracirasy and Gregory. COUNTfcT COOKS 4-H CLUB The Country Cooks >met July 5 at^ttri^fwibiey high school for fe< pot-lock dinner. Mary Menkt called the meeting to order and Dorothy Ooyfe' read tfie mmutes of the last We Voted to hold our next at S0v«rr Lake B^ach and nave * nW^dog roast ^he doentry Cooks are divided fftto-4 gfbttpe.TO*Mfa4ets are Mrs. 3nnman and Mr*. Singer. T! are enrolled ia 29 At (tie June 21st meeting wife of nd wife of Jackson aad Gerry Eicbman called on the William Shehans Thursday. Sunday guests were AJex Carish oa4 * oVagfeteW 6t Uetroif; 'feilfy and Alfred 6t of Ann Arbor Pfau of HowelL ' Mr*. Florence Ryer and Mr. Bea trice Thornton and children of Grand Rapids spent July 4ta with with the Asher Wylies. fomer Mrs. Carl Lee TIplady and Mrs, Mar left Roseel wffl attaod at rm SPEHAL NOTICE Dije to the special evangelistic meetings to be held July 22 tto 2* at r _ t w the People's,Church there will oe at Ws. «a*a «•" mowing officerl : no family Night Saturday, July 15. Instead there will be a cottage pray- er meeting at the Leslie McKlnky j at 8 p, m. oa that ftigat. You at* Jew Fftaf-aWf - Sebttnan; Secrt ction appoint^ . ^ the Missouri plai to have all judges appointed get sufficient signatures to petitions Neither, who sponsored tne ^ i^e bingo. Th«y only tSfr*45MO. 4 218.000 were needed The bOMi supervisors ass's, also failed to enough,. signatures to thetr ment to return to the eousty i Ration plan . A cour^ ed them' to use the state !£$un plan^Jhjb year wakh ts than the county. F. A A; M. on Lodge will occasion )s to f«m*rai jfe Re?. Jolih If.'] have ' ' % , 'i\.*&£> There will of ttv Thefuntrml> odist Chi Fairview out
Page 1: Gbircfipinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-07-11.pdf · \ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of Gordon. Mr. Stone gave Barbara away and Cectf Vincent, a cousm gave Dor.. lain a member


I arr





^ « :Y '•" ' " "r":*i*" .•.".-№

A law to save y >located by Secretary ef State Janes

k l U n ' r«i«LHaie w$«nven* oa July t Designed to removebad drivers from Michigan Mgfewjfca, it wiU 4esy license* renewal*to poor saving, risks.During the &si12 mcatha 26^000 license*. w t den

by th* secrotaur of state.Sftt h i i rW

vexft by h*$ wez* baaed *a> Sftt chiving


jjodge SabaOn feat month t& cdi.courtt ruled the secretary oi statedoes not have the power to doty ftdriver a license. That he must hold

l b tially tmdriver a licea hcaring.lt would be practicallypossible to hold 15,000 heariThere are 3.000,000 good drivers inMichigan, Tbis law is needed to pro-tect them. A driver denied a Ucftn&estill has the right to appeal befotea local bo.jd.

Do you need help in bringing aaindustry tPj^our town. The Jftifib*Dept. of Economic Industries wi\l

h 8 menDept. 8 menDept. of Ehelp you do so. They haveWorfctng fulV time. 50 Michigan communities have already' formed localindustrial development corporations.

623 men and women are runningfor the legislature in the primaries.Only &8 canwin to compete for fy%114 seata. In the senate 18 W u b

D t f e alicaits and If ^f^^^tE^position. In. the house 48 ™№»can. » d 4 Democrats are unopposed. 4 present senators and tf,housemembers at* not up for reelection.


Word reached here Tuesday,ing of the sodden death of


i The double wadding,. doublemarriage . ceremony ofStone, daughter rf ta* LyJe _of Pinck&ey to G e t t e F ° ^ i № ta, Canada. He left Briga

a week ago with his wife,304 Chuclrie,rfo* a *acatioawest where he expectedYellowstone National Par*er places.

and l$M %-M*The Joe Griffiths spent the 4th in We do

Mt. Pleasant with the Dan Griffiths, nudist camp fe« S ' devotions, Friday evening T n e y are in West Virginia this wee*:. i«s*es of the day. i

Mrs. Eleanor Ledwidge entertain- ion that the Rev^

the Otto Fosters i £ SMell «pdothy Head, daughter oiHotai of Pinckney, Mien, toStone , son of the Lyl« Stones elPinckney, took place July 4th atI'M p.m. at the Church of God onthe Bowatt Rood, Rev. Hancock ofiieating :

Barbara wore a white lace overwhit* taffeta gown with lace sleevesand veil of illusion and' carriedwhite roses.' The groom wore his,T. S. Navy Uniform.

Nancy Spittler was her brides,maid. Her dress was pink figurenylon and sheer nylon coat and shecarried yellow camations.His brother!^ %~ - was iiis besv xoftn. Norou'Foster was junior Bridesmaid. Shewore blue figured nylon with sheercoat.

Dorothy Head wore a white taff.dress with a lace overskirt andlace' gauntletts and white meshveil headress trimmed with seedpearls and carried white carnations.The groom wore a dark blue sergesuit and white suit.

Dorothy's bridesmaid, AgathaHoary wore pink figured nylon withsheer coat and carried pink carna.'lions . James Knight was his best


j ipotnam ^appo tited Mrs Cacia Cham«*

f th B r d «

Flower girls were Linda Stone,' lister of Barbara and Wayne and\ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of

Gordon.Mr. Stone gave Barbara away and

Cectf Vincent, a cousm gave Dor..lain a member of the Beard ef, othy away.Tfrastees of the Plnckney Commun! Richard Debrick sang "Oh PromIty Library for a 3 yea* term. ise Me" and Rev. Hancock "The

Within 2 weeks there will be a Lord's Prayer." Robert Foster, ROD.meeting to elect officers for the en ert McDuff and Richard. White were

lib.waa at the

sc%$ol Where the

suing year. All friends of the


ed the Roscoe Yarborough, J*'ci*t Smiifi,

UomiMg Woahsf,qchral . .

PeoplesFellowship Berviaa



Ledwidge, Desmond Ledwige famil- who has come hereies and Mrs. Raymona Morris and against them againdaughters Sunday. Angela McMack better have stayed hen spent last week with her, .revivals. Still be

and will probabyMr. and Mrs. M. E. D a m * and nU(J iat f r o n t ^ ^

Mra. Constance Loomis, son, Dick c l o g e g t h e m u p ^and dfughter, Cathy called on the p e a k e d through the.Bert^enhams in Brighton Sunday. Mcnroe nuidist

The Ed Kito family of Dayton, satisfied got aOhio and Mrs. Fred Camburn oi

GbircfiDetroit visited the Lawrence Ca.burns last weak.

Born in Canada, , K©v»Ordained a minister in.,dist church he filled ;ser«*a> appotetmerits at Lum, Yale'ind ImUy Citybefore ccoming- here inott>37 oh loanas pastor of the Cong'l. church. Heremained here 6 years.Then he wentto Brighton , Methodist Churchwhere he" was returned by the conference this year for the 14thtime. He was a member of Living.irtffaton Lodge No. 76 F. A A. M.and a past patron of Pinckney Chupter 146 O.E.S.' Last year he was el.,ccted patron of the Brighton O4S.3.He was also a 82nd Degreee Mascnand a Soriner.*

. Ren J. W. Winger, fisterffeMky School 940 a. m.* Merning <W«aU» . . . . . * • * • *» •»

Sfcara. afrnt prayer meetinga* tfco etucca at

WeoVcteir jcaotfe* . . .

M4t WesVbopreej, Mala andSneaUla 8tr eett

Ra Tr MtiTVueiseiger, PsatotSunday School t :4le .«>Morrfng WersMt , 1040 AMYouth iGfwt&p -.-. TWO p. m.Evening Swvtw . . . . . ; . trfO P» « •

TOura. $aper Mtsttag «*•*, p. a*ili. Gfcofeifeactjee'Wed. , 4 6 0 p. m.


and took pfctorts?aged to take someCreek camp but hadawuy from him and ' "destroyed. Bagot a bill introduced l a the Mfchi.

gen tent at Highland Park HosnitM U s u t u r e banning lUldist cam»a) but his general condition ia better but it died in committed He l S »

The Asher Wylies attended the f*fP- R y a n °* Detroit W agreed to

Olin Robinson sr.is still In an ox

tm » m* wedding of Robert Ryan and Golda " l t l o d u c e another simftaf bill at tfae-! Fraaer at St. Joseph's Chuxch,Hov n e x t se*s lon- Several Battle Creek| ell Saturday and the reception at nuJdlat» *»ve been arrested for to.

decent exposure. This has happenedbefore and the fines aresmall.

CARD OP TttANKSI am now home from the hospital j

and wish to thank all my friends and !pchoot mates who visite<l me andsent me gifts, cards and flowers. Ihopt1 they will" Keep on visiting me.

Dick Wylie

the Marion town house..• Jesse Henry and wife and Geraldwere Sunday dinner guests of the .Al Nesbitts at their new home on '"M-yc E near the overhead "bridge. ! The Republicans in congressTte Robert Pikes visited the "Murl \vhobp it up for "Pres.

Byingtons in Vernon Thursday. er and then proceed to voteJuly 4th the John Boyers attend, bin policies. Voting almost solidly

ed a picnic at the Guenther cottage they cut $4,517,00O,QOQ ft£m his fetat Base Lake. Thursday they cail^i eitf aid program. On .on the John Wrathclls in Ann Arbor, by the aid of the Dem

A party was given Thursday nite 000 was restored. Then


Hi(?),land last we# and hurt his


President R. A. O'Riellyd


manyl Ann Arbor,. Mrs. Pauline Amo ofi Howell and Norma at home, besid

iwcre seryed punch .and wedding ) daughters, Mrs. Era Rehideaucake. Both couples receivednice gifts.

ft* the The newly-weds went north onFresioeni *.. *. « . - . , t h t j r w e d ^ g t r f ftnd t h e i r ^ ^

Audohon Society condemns heavy ^ J * . f r i e n d a w i s h f o r

Albert Schmitt officialing. •r.

spraying of trees wkh DDT to WUthe spruce bud worm. He says ivnot only kills the birds but also th*

and worms they feed on. inBrunswick he said «oroe iorestsbeen entirely denufjed of pi *sw nsh lure that winds up

» , w # hft> bee* developed at themour Institute, Chicago. Also a Mercury worm.. - . U1K,

Houghton Lake is the Urgest m ^ ^ ^ ^ c o s t u m e w a 8 o f w n ^ e

the sUU gO,44 acres, wUowed Dy Uxc0 n e t > flow l e n g t h > fin^rtip T e« t

To rch, Mullett, Goebic, Cbarlevioiu, ^ e d i n l a c e B e m i . t i a r a headpieceBurt,Manifltique and Black. Torch,is the deepest 285 f t

116 members of Zal Gas Grotto,Ann Arbor have formed a MichiganUnited Conservation Club. wore a satin and net light blue floor

The rains of last week cut down ^ ^ ^ ^ h e f t d p i e c e g f

the fi»es.5 fires burned oVer 9 acres . y^^ong md bouquet of semi-The dept. received another smp_ | , c m c e n t carnation8.

mart of Montana grayling sggs,iw« M i c b a e l H e a t h ^ f t K ^ was000. llie first shipment spoiled m | beafc roan

transit. . . . . I The reception was at 2:00 p.m. at

es Chuckle. There are 3 grandchild.,dren.

The funeral wiU be Saturday at2 p. m. at the Brighton Methodist.Church. Rev. Charles Bragg ef theDundee Methodist Church willwill preach the sermon. Other minIsters wiU taKe j>art. Burial will tein Fairview Cemetery, Brighton.

Steven James Sou'ris of Houghton Livingston Lodge No, 76 will give

bora, relatives and friends wish forthem a happy long life together.

x - * <

WILSON-SORIS WEDDINGMiss June D. Wilson, daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wilson qtj

Pinckney was married Saturdaychurch here

The Gilbert Skinners of ChubbsCorners spent last week in NewYork state.

Kev. Hancock and wife of God'sChurch were Sunday dinner guestsof the Bob Pikes;

Tuesday'-night the South Marionfarm Bureau meet at the townhouse

Friday caHers of the John Boyerswere Florence and Vincent Walshof Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Fran'sDyninger of Detroit.

The Fred Reads had Dr. SteveBrown and daughter, Marilyn of

ing with southern Democrat* the?Ml led his school aid bill which halabelled as a must prograaul MJctdgan Republicans voted against tfc*bill and 2 Democrats. This iT'eapected to cost the Repjubicaos votes Eftnegro districts. The fill nliiistjSjTexpect the presidpot 4to cooperatewiih them by running for a se^os4.term irrespective so they can ride lavictory with him but hav« no <ntaa>tion of cooperating with him W vs*ing for any of hi* bills, latime the segregation issuerages in the south^Theh^

last week bjr 8i-ta

and her flowers a crescent bouquetof stefanotis. red roses and earnations a

The bridesmaid, her sister, Cl«o,

nsit.The Michigan quail population,

United mostly to southern Michiganis increasing. This year the countwas 16 birds per rural mail carrier.Last year t was 13.1.

Several pond* have been steck«with tigar »uflrellaMe and theywill be planted^ whetf' they reach

i 'garfev »i»- sUnlawfully killing a doe Wt of

cost 2 Bonn mm. $80 *iM».co*U plus 7 days ia jaU.

Anonsi School=Elktu*F188 Votaa. were cast at ifcp •chool

i h i ^ n ^ y The rtsoltaolaction heriwere as foflows:


The rtsolta

TermMax RussellRkhard i U


' -

Hajan WaHon . : . . . - .Trostaa 1 Year

Leeter McAfat • JHaka Wal|pn .«. JfProposition Np. 1 ,To raise one mill W finish 2 class

the Pinckney elementary school.The bride's travelling dressf wa.»

a pink princess style travellingitress with white accessories.

The groom is a student in the engineering dept. at Michigan Tech.College at Houghton where theywill live.

thu Masonic committal service atthe grave.

Hex Sackett of Detroit will givethe funeral oration.

The body will be at the BrightonMethodist Church Friday.may call.


4WO SOFT .BALL GAMES HERE. After a lapse of 2 years 2 soft ball

games will b*<> played on the Pisck^ney light field on Friday nightjuly13. In the first game at 7:80 thePinckney Klwanis Girls of thep&unty league will play SuttouVHardware of Howell. In the 9;00fame the Pfndcney county leagueteam will meet the Mill Creek Sporting Goods team of Dexter who piayin the Ann Arbor league. An admission of 26c and 16c will becharged to pay for the lights. If theattendance warrants more- gameswttl be played. Both team havetaiforms. '

AUTO ACCIDEI^T TRAGEDYDonald Standlick, 32, of Btntley

Lnke died at St. Joe hospital Friday» i;, ..t in Ann Arbor from injuries'1. oeived in an auto accident early:. .1 evening on Gawley Road near',ae old Coiniskey farm when his carcollided head on with one driven byDon Ledbetter of Cedar Lake Road.Donald LeRoy Kelly of BentleyLake, was with Ledbetter. Stanftlickswife, Ella, 27 and stepson, RichardKranjanic, 10* with Standlick. Mrs.Standlick suffered a broken jaw.Tfceothers minor injuries. They weretaken to the hospital in the Swarthout ambulance and the Keehn am.bulancc from Brighton. Ledbetterand Kelly work at the Detroit DieSet here. Kelly has 4 children. Stand |lick was employed at the Livingston

lfeiih d

ANOUNCEMENTThe engagement of Dolores Bok

ros to Lawrence McKenzie ia an.nounced. She graduated fromPinckney high school in June. He isin the service. No date for the wedding has been set.

CELEBRATE 35th ANNIVERSARYOn Saturday evening, June 30,

about 200 invited guests gathered~ftt' the home of Mr. andt Mrs. JohnD. Donohue at 19723 Spears Rd. tohonor Mr. and Mrs. John L.Donohueparents of J. D. oh their 35th wedd-ing anniversary.

A "beautifuly decorated weddingcakele was

ycentered the serving tab

Tetroit as SundayKenneth Meyers and Dick Camp

bell of Alpena, AJma college chumsof Rickie Miller and Jerry Mrofkaspent the week end with them.

Norman White underwent a her,nia operation at McPherson hospitalit) Howell last week but is homenow.

A large attendance was presentat the fish fry at St. Mary's schoolI'nday night by St. Giranf's Guild.$248 was taken in.. a

The Jack Follick family of Detroitcalled on the Henry Haucks Sunday.The Haucks returnedwith them for a visit.

The James Brogan family of Lan-sing called on the Stanley DinkelsSaturday^ (

The Frank Sowers of Ann-'Arborcalled on the deny Eichmens Sun-day and the Russell Glovers of Webberville called Thursday.

The Harold Homings of Ann Ar-

to Detroit

cut. and seryed by Miss Sarah ° o r ***** * « y4th with the EdwinLiwing while punch was served ty hWnt f a^ly .g pShirley> Lining and coffee by Mrs.George Presin^er.The ice cream wasfterved by James Donhue.

.The Misses Norine Grumelot andJudy Donohue had charge of thetruest book.


Mrs. Bthel Sprout visited theGhn Gardner family in Stantoner the week end.

Visitors of Ben White and wifelast week were Mrs. Ella Newman,Mrs. Joie Fonfcr and Mrs. CharTes

ounty Prets J » andpla^e maker. He has, 8 children, ag*s1 to 10 years. Last spring lie lost aneye in aa archer/

No. • • •PropotitioTi No. 8To rake one mill to equalise teach

t a t 106Na 196

A number of writata ballots wartl d in

A number of writhrown out as no (x) was placed in J

CARD OF THANKSW* wish to thank everyone who

helped make our wadding annMrsary such a happy occasion. j

SincerelyJohn and Lucille Donohue

William Golden 68, who operatedtht Marathon gas station hara *whliand later the f t w Lodge at Brlgh-:.ton died at Veteran's Hospital a»

•S^rffv&g are l i s wife and 3 ehiWrens, Richard 10, Nancy 6 and Deb.,by 2. Also his father, Edward Standlick of Brighton , 5 brothers, Joe,Phillip, Arthur, Rex ewT Williamand C sisters, Mrs. Vivian Darww,Pinckney, MrsJtorothy Zimmerman,Mrs. Ruth Trantsome, Lillian andand Joyce

The funeral was Monday'noon at the Keehn Fftmeral Home,Brighton, Be*. A. L. tartar of ft*Weslyan Methodist Church oflfidating. Burial in CaJtary Cemetery.

WILLIAM WlUBBpNWilliam Bnrlaooa, St,d*ed at T i b *

Mcaday. Ba leaves his sister *a>

Mr. atd Mrs. Donphue are the par F o " l e r o f Ann*Arbor.of 4 'cMldren: Joanne of Ann ttr

Dion , Swartthout brought Dick

Arbor^ames and Bill at home and J. y]lc n o m t ! *™™ McPherson hoapkb.Spho with his wife planned the f1 *™W ™ the ambulance and he

irty. has had a large number of visitor*.fh* honored couple received many '™°»* "»«« were Roy Clark, Jack

gffts. Guests were prwent from "0Jle» J*m e« Campbell and James

banned all athletic conteststeams with negro playen^IllJs ia as'•peeled to affect big'whe train there in the spxi^gfootball games, such at theBowl, where teams tfUtfiN|B» fr?.era have previously

One of the n*t{oitragedys took place last weektwo planes crashed in theyon in Arizona with a Utos of If flives. The planes ° i ty%4n oppoattedirection seem to have crashed lateeach other. Various means to pfa.vent another such ^di irbeen discussed but ho "solutionrived at. Railroads have electrle §ifnala and light, anil cities traffic copiand Iights,none of which would watkin the air. Something wiii-aare to 1stwoiked out as the air traffic la la.creasing each year.

Of the 4 ahfridmentato be voted on tMs fall all but oa»fell by the wayside as the sponsoradid not get enough signers to theirpetitions asking forThe only one to blthe one setting the minraun age U*& legislator at 21 year and fllying all persons who havevicted of a felony or breach of yds*lie trust. The sponsors of the £:;lan to have Supt. of Pubik

i i t ^ ^ the Misso

PoWlttvtflelJaoweli, Stufgte, Detroit, M * s s e y -Ftoclrbridge, OwWto, Ioscb, Unadill* j _ Dr- Harlow Shehan andYpsilanti, Pracirasy and Gregory.

COUNTfcT COOKS 4-H CLUBThe Country Cooks >met July 5

at^ttri^fwibiey high school for fe<pot-lock dinner. Mary Menkt calledthe meeting to order and DorothyOoyfe' read tfie mmutes of the last

We Voted to hold our nextat S0v«rr Lake B^ach and

nave * nW^dog roast^he doentry Cooks are divided

fftto-4 gfbttpe. TO* Mfa4ets are Mrs.3nnman and

Mr*. Singer. T! are enrolled ia 29At (tie June 21st meeting

wife ofnd wife ofJackson aad Gerry Eicbman calledon the William Shehans Thursday.Sunday guests were AJex Carishoa4 * oVagfeteW 6t Uetroif; 'feilfy

and Alfred6t

of Ann ArborPfau of HowelL' Mr*. Florence Ryer and Mr. Bea

trice Thornton and children ofGrand Rapids spent July 4ta withwith the Asher Wylies.

fomer Mrs. CarlLee TIplady and Mrs, Mar

left Roseel wffl attaodat rm

SPEHAL NOTICEDije to the special evangelistic

meetings to be held July 22 tto 2* atr_t w the People's,Church there will oeat W s . « a * a «•"mowing officerl:no family Night Saturday, July 15.

Instead there will be a cottage pray-er meeting at the Leslie McKlnky

j at 8 p, m. oa that ftigat. You at*JewFftaf-aWf - Sebttnan; Secrt

ction appoint^ . ^ the Missouri plaito have all judges appointedget sufficient signatures topetitions Neither,who sponsored tne ^i e bingo. Th«y only tSfr*45MO. 4218.000 were needed The bOMisupervisors ass's, also failed toenough,. signatures to thetrment to return to the eoustyi Ration plan . A cour^ed them' to use the state

!£$un plan^Jhjb year wakh tsthan the county.

F. A A; M. onLodge willoccasion )s tof «m*rai jfeRe?. Jolih If.']have

' ' • • % , 'i\.*&£>

There willof ttv

Thefuntrml>odist ChiFairviewout

Page 2: Gbircfipinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-07-11.pdf · \ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of Gordon. Mr. Stone gave Barbara away and Cectf Vincent, a cousm gave Dor.. lain a member

»>xft*L> ZuxfctA!'V': '

• t -

Wednesday, July 11, 1966

Chuck Chamberlain/ whose family has lived in theof the Sixth Congressional District since 1844, know!

government at every level through years of experience.fee earned the respect of the Michigan Senate as legalejpunjel lo its important Judiciary Committee in 1953-54.jUf he became thoroughly familiar with legislativeoperations.


if Inghaxn County Prosecuting Attorney^Attorney for Michigan Senate, 1953-54^Former City Attorney for East Lansingit Successful practicing lawyerif Former U. S. Treasury Agent %

if Veteran. Outstanding World War II Record

Vote August 7 — Republican PrimaryPol. Adv.




• SATURDAY, JULY 7th, 1951




Lawns Mowed Mowers Repaired


B.C. WHITE Jr. C.E.HEWLETT140 Livingston St. Phone UP 8.3149





I Neighboring Notes•f Burney E. Brower, 76, one time

btockbridge lawyer and later Jack-son city attorney and member of th«legislature died July .

Dr. W. T. Wright, local tetbthas an office in the Winkelhaus

Hotel, Hamburg, on Wednesdays.A party of 13 from Ohio are camp

ing at Patterson Lake.

R e y ^ Commerf ord took sevenl a d s to p o r t a g e Lake Monday for a

j swimming party., Dick Clinton has finished getting'ID his haycrop. He had 213 loads and

waJi 1 4 ^yg getting it it from 30

At the school board meeting M©nday night Cornelius Lynch was elected to the board to succeed himself.

Born to John Dancer and wife ofStockbridge June 28 a daughter.

An examination for postmaster atMunith will be held July 24tb^

Donald Keugh of Dearborn, oneof those killed in the plane crash atgrand canyon had a summer home atIiase#Lake. •<-*_.

The Chelsea school census shows585 chlidren of school age in the district.

A pair of rare sandhill crafte&jrenesting on the Gotleib Rothman /n.«*.«#.

B Waterloo* | Laura Lavey went to Chicagoe' for several Monday and signed to teach the 8th

yea.. Only 2 egg. . year are laid. * " * »t Whiting, a Chicago suburo." l U L ^ r o u n d again. Over' WfflUm Bro^ who * . —„,* . , w o a Antto tn for Teeple Hardware a number of$2,000 in damage was done to * _ x i , # -a „ a»* j i, {« fL. T flVfl years, started work for Bennettmonuments and markers in the Lake * °» . ^_ . _ . , . «MAir _ . J o a*m Haraware m Howell Monday.Or?on Cemetery last week and a aim

Anna Wilco: e n . : ..: ^ JJof friends Tuesday on her 6th birth

ilar amount of damage in the Webberville Cemetery.

Emil Lambertson who graduatedfrom Lansing Business College has

George Seaman, mgr. of the By- accepted a teaching position inerly Market at Brighton has resign- Scnectady, N. Y.ed. With Kenneth Schwartz he haspurchased a super market at Beaver

The Michigan State Fair this year


HowelL Miek. Air ConditionedPhone 1796

Bkfcard Burton, Frederick March


Friday. Saturday, July 13,Doable Feature Program

Donald Carey and .Patriccia Medinais


Tony Martin «nd Peggy Castlefa


fa Technical*


. Saturday, July 13, 14


Walter Breiuun, Brandon deWildeA Warner Bros. Picture

—also—Rages to the Scree*

"THE ANIMAL WORLD"in Technicolor

Color Cartoon


Sunday, Monday, July 15 fRobert Taylor and Dana Wjrnter

la*D-DAY The Sixth of June**,

In CinemaScope and DeLuze ColorNovelty News

— , - • • - • "

Tue»., Wed., Thurs. July 17, 18, 19UG A B Y " '


Dr. Royal S. Copeland of Ann Arbar has accepted a position as dean.at the New York Momeopathic Hos-

will feature Faye Morgan, Juliusj piial at $6,000 a year.LaRosa and the McGuire Sisters. .

Ground for the new county hospit H u ^ AMr?fh J f ,. H o w e I 1 «***al at Howell will be broken July ».• . ^ f ?™ ^ J ^ S U t e N ° m a

1 Jimmy Lobdell has finished his J"4 week.H*j*ll be tenor soloist at,'navy enlistment and is working for * e A n n Arhor

j Methodist Chur:hI the General Motors Coach Co. at ^ 1 S summer and enter the Umver.! Pontiac. He wiU enter Michigan f f Michigan this fall.

State University Sfcis~fall.A marriage license has been issu-

ed tto Stephen Sowrie, 21, Houghconand June Jeanna Wilson, 19, Pinck-ney. . '.

Mrs. Lola Lobdell of Howell is ona trip through the western states.

Rev. Silas Fultz of Kanesville,111, is the new pastor at the SouthLyon Methodist church.

C000 Girl oouts are expected thisweek at the 10 day convention ofGirl Scouts at the Highland Recrea-tion Area near Milford. Not onlyfrom this conntry but from GreatBritian West Indes, Norwaymark and Columbia.


Notes of 25 Years AgoThe Ben Hur Life Insurance Co.

have purchased the 143 acre Hynofarm near Brighton .

The Pinckney soft ball team lostit Chelsea Friday night 6 to 1. Eattories-Pinckney: Sheiks, Kinney andDinkel, Chelsea- Monroe and MeIiride.

Agnes Watson, 26, died at thehome of her mother, Mrs. ClaudeRose in Unadilla July 8 of TB. Beides her mother, she leaves her

father, A. C. Watson and a sister,Rjth. The funeral was Saturday.

Attorney General Voorhees hasruled that the resolution passed by

e Barton and -Or W. Eaton ofKansas City, Mo., visited here lastweek.

Joe Pressley of Belding will be atthe W. W. Barnard store July 16with a line of mens suits.

Sunday, Monday, .July 15- ,16Matinee Smnoay, 'I'M p. m. Ooat. . .Robert Taylor and Richard Todd ' L c s l l e C a r o n ' . s i r C e d r i c HardwJck*

Dana Wynter and Edmund O'Brien , m CwemaScope {

b •*** D-DAY, THE 6th OF JUNE" " K I N G 0 F T H E . CORAL SEA"

in CinemaScope and Technicolor W l t n

Cartoon C h i p s Raf fe fty» Rod Taylorand Imla Adey

Tut*., Wed., Thurs. July 17, 18, 19Laurence Harvey, Anthony Steel

in CineScope and Color"STORM OVER THE NILE"


Chelsea, Michigan



One man goes ahead and spends/Theother looks ahead and saves. It'severy person's choice more luxurynow or more security later. I

We don't advise scrimping to save. |There are more logical limits. What <wo do advise is moderate, regularthrift saving as soon as possibla.Make a simple calculation thencqpne in and make a"down payment"on peace of mind f


Tues., Wed., Thur., July 10, 11 12Mid Week SpecialAlfred Hitcchock's

The MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCHin Vista Vision and Technicolor

WithJames Stewart and Doris Day

Friday. Saturday, July 13, 14. . . "THE MAVERICK QUEEN"

"THE MAVERICK QUEEN" jin the New Naturama Color

—with—Barbara Stanwycck, Barry Sullivan

iCIO Drive Jn THEATREC 5 8 8 JACKSON RD. Rte 3

Iriday. Saturday, July 13, 14"FORBJDDEN PLANET"

WithWalter Pidgeon and Anne Francis

"GHOST TOWN" .—with—

. .Kent Taylor and Marion Carr...Cartoon

Sunday, Monday, July 15 ,16"BACKLASH"

In Technicolorand

i Richard Widmark and Donna Reed1 and

. "WORLD IN MY CORNER" ..•/-•with—

Audie Murphy and Barbara Rush.Also Cartoon

Federal ftupei vtsfcttMember ef Federal! Deserveporatiea sad Federal Depodt laear-ence Corporatitta.AD Depoeiti Inrared Up to UMM

fat fieek Depositorday.

The Don Griffiths of Mt. Pleasantwere Sunday guests of the Joe Griff..ith family.

Rom where I sit Joe Mar$h

?<*> "''


If yoo>« Mem *Ma?* JohnsontUt irtek, ekaneee are he's toM

> M hit wmftreat ftery. For those**• ftowrt kearit :

*ii/mP jeeently stopped at an•*••*-!**—% din«r, He ordered

ipettal-and his wait.'Mir on the job) intuit

1" ntotake. She cotf', spilled tU so*i%•" i, bn-V*^raa.


H aff, -Mac" i :< a

ft more tiiftn I n&ve," she ia!d.|From yhere I sit, that girl deJ

eerres credit for admitting hell•hortcominf s — something aot«everyone br big enough to do. Per,teiatfee, I'm convinced lota etf£flb kaow they're wrong vhenithey deny me the right to a jfaufiel bee* with my sapper . . .'JartjWt-auflo they happen to prefer!••me other beverage. TheyW0ttfdn*t like me order]nir them•o icrfT't .•*» Choice.


the county board of supervisors reg-ulating and licensing motor boats isvoid. He said Jakes and streams arestate property and only the state<?an pass laws regarding them .

Only 20 votes were cast at theschool election. For the first trusteeRoger Carr and M. J. Reason eachgot 10 votes. Mr. Reason withdrew.For the second trustee, Alta Meyergot 16 votes and M. J. Reason 4.

The James Pelham Post VFW ofDetroit will hold their annual picnisat Hi-land Lake Sunday.

The Shehan-McQuillan reunionwas held at Lake Chemung Sundaywith a large attendance.

Secretary of State Frank Fitz.perald has ruled that motorists whocannot read or write English cannotobtain drivers lienses.

Miss Lillian Swarthout of Almais visiting the S. E. Swarthoufs.

Born to John Lynch and wife ofSt. Louis, Mo. July 9th, a daughter,Mary Ann.

Mrs. E. Enterline of Alma Is visiting Mrs. Mary Lynch.

Born to Bruce VanBlaricumwife July 8, a son, William EdwaH.

Virginia Baughn' is visiting JeanBennett in Detroit.

Netes of 48 Years AgtBorn to William Harris and wif«,

Wednesday, a son.Pinckney played Dexter there

Monday and as usual the game end*ed in an arguement in the 8th inning \over Umpire Sharpens calling oia foul ball. Dexter was ahead 5 toS. The lineups: Pinckney,. Lavey Af. Moran, p, Cadwell, lh, A. Lavey,2b, F. Read 3ba F. SwarAout^s^outfield, Harold SwarthoDt, Roy Mor- !

1 antBert Roche. Dexter:Roy Snay,c, <Roseell McGuiness, p, Ed Day, lb^jBob Fitnimment, 2b, Gxxi Sek 8b,M Eck, M, outfield, Mitkjr XUan*or, Dr. Phelps, George Stebbins, >

Mrs. 0ede Hineney wbo baa beenteaching in Indiana is botte for tbt

Vote For


Sunday, Monday, July 15 ,16"S A F A R I"

in Cinemacope and ColorWith

Victor Mature and Janet Leigh

Tue*., Wed., Thurs. July 17, 18, 19By Popular Request

"STREETS OF LAREDO"in Technicolor

WithWilliam Hold en and McDonald Carev

Extra "Sportting Dogs Afield"


ENTER THE "HOWS YOURHOUSEPOW6R? ' CCNTSSTJust read the feet sheet,then take a minute to com-plete entry blank. Grandprise $10,000—200 otherprizes every month throughSeptember, For fret sheetand entrv bianks . .

See your appliance dealer Of


Tues., WTed.t Thurs. July 17, 18, 19. "ALEXANDER, THE GREAT"..

in Cinemacope and ColorWith

Kichard Burton, Frederick March..—also—



STATE CHAMPIONSHIP RACE^The state championship stock car

racos at at the Jackson Motor Speedway Saturday night, July 14 at 8:30p. nil, 24 cars are entered with aguaranteed purse of $1000

The following drivers from thissection are listed: Joe Marsh, AlLovely, Ann Arbor; Jack Conely,Brighton; Earl Wilson, Bud Wilson..Bob Pingston, Dexter ;Chuck« WinkleChelsea; Jack Ranck, Stockbridge^Micky Katlin, Howell, Ekrane Bator,Whitmore Lake, Bob Valintino,Hamburg.

Karschke of Pinckney issupervising- the renovation of theMariner's Church in Detroit, recently moved to a new location.An 80* 0'tower has been added to thte north,

west corner and construction hasstarted

An EasyProgressive Democrat | W a y t 0

For County Clerk


A 50-Lapper with 24 CartPlus 7 Other Events!

• • *

SAT. Hin , JULY 14Tritk 7:00, lit Race 8:30

JtcltMi Motor SpwdwoyMtrtfc tf i t t b o i «n M-50

Rjcei Every Sat. NiteRail Date Swid«y Nile

Let your nearest mailbox help you Bank-by-Mail.No special trips, no standing in line . . . and youget that extra money safely deposited before you'retempted to spend it! You'll like our Bank-by-Mail service and when you get a chance to visitus —you'll like the friendly people who are hertto serve you.



$ lo 110,000 JMUiiJ by Per Ifrmbttfltfp fa tht FtdMtl

-,-,!-_ ir-kkf.'ZtH

Page 3: Gbircfipinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-07-11.pdf · \ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of Gordon. Mr. Stone gave Barbara away and Cectf Vincent, a cousm gave Dor.. lain a member

ffMGKHB7 DISPATCH Wednssfty, July U,

~ - • * . . • -

thrill of nmmmmnttimBWm*0**** *k Tlier©% no feeling like tbe secure feeling

of piloting an Oldsmobile !

^ There's no investment like the solidinvestment of owning an Olds I

And there% no time like the present timeto get the most for your trade-in I





*i •


Z14 West Grand River, Howell, Mick. • • > • Phone


Charles GatesmanPros ecu tag Attorney



Wheat Profits Are Boosted byAdding Plant'Food in SpringMIDWEST farmers can make

mojiey through the use offfeiiilizer da their small graincrops this spring, reports theMiddle West Soil ImprovementCommittee,

\ The extra bushels per acre

Per Used wheat develops fnllerLeads, plumper kernels. 0

can ay for the coat of the plantf d d l b t t i lc ay ffood and leave aproLt besides, says


Research, by igiej>uiiiHti hasthat

ready well supplied with phos-phate and potash, a top-dress- ~ing of nitrogen fertilizer can beprofitable.

Wheat yields Increased an av-erage 5.3 bushels per acre foreach 25 pounds of actual nitro-gen top-dressed per acre inearly spring, reports R. K. Sti-vers, Purdue University agron-omist, in citing nine-year In-diana tests.

Farmer experience in someMidwestern states has shownthat it often pays to use from200 to 300 pounds of a completefertilizer containing nitrogen,phosphate and potash, such ae10-10-10, the committee pointsout, especially where new seed-ings are being established.

Spring seeded oats respondswell to fertilizer, particularlywhen nitrogen is added to phos-phate and potash fertilizer, ac-

yieldsto 12

p d p a s ,cording to Stivers. Oats yieldsin India i d to 12bushels jer acre henpounds m -nitrogen was addedt 0121S f t i l i l id t

to Stivers. Ona increased up

bushels jer acre when 36pounds m nrogn was adto 0-12-1S fertilizer applied atthe rate of BOO pounds per acre.

Nitrogen to fertilizer, can bedrilled with oats at seedingti t p d d i t ti*

dtime, cc after mi

vJVftff MQfl*• • a ; -

wimpetf ls><sex or theto the and e* (MeBety UJl. to e yagaiasft tysfrw, typMH u* chelert w*fc

H Pays to Fertilize fafl Seeded Wheat ft•

I T will pay farmers to fertilizethe wheat they seed this fall,

reports the Middle West SoilImprovement Committee. #

"Well fed wheat will delivermore bushels pei acre nextyear," says a statement madepublic by the committee

Higher yields will mean U>werproduction costs and more neiprofit per acre."

Midwestern agronomists estimate that wheat vields per acrecould be at least <i'>ubled mmost states suys tru- commit-tee, by better managementpractices, inciud'n^ the Use offertilizt?/

"Thesethat it is p ^where from 30u To 500fertilizer oer acx't- on

gj'(itv.;mists point out

Above, pile-ups of waitingtrncto at fertilizer factories ao4last-minute scarcities of sup*plies can be avoided if farmersorder plant food early. Left, bigwheat yields come from plentyof plant food.

says the committee. "Topyields per acre are just not pos-sible on most farms without theuse of plan' food.

Farmers aiming at highwheat yields per acre were ad-vised by the committee to con-tact their fertilizer dealers nowto make arrangements for de-livery when it is advisable.

"That's the surest way to getthe exact gr^dc and amount ofplant food you want," says thecommittee Waiting until theht.st m:nute is hazardous. Farm-ers who remember the scram-ble for scarce supplies in lastspring's rush period will see the'.vi.sdom of ordering early forthis fall's needs."

The committee points out thatmanufacturers report that it isnot MISS! 1.1 . to produce and de-liver :.ii; ihu fertilizer farmerscan :. r •fi'. My use on wheat ina tout- '.'/('!• period this fall. Their,.<v<.".nT.i 1»!' 1 j r t i l i zer wil l h a v e

-u- ^ - -H-r—rr^rf-over a" longern ••'-'.: -I.-««• t n 1 .q i n A u g u s t a n d^ l

Ten Top Corn Growers Tell,Secret of 200-Bnshel Yields \

Good management practices build top corn yields per acre.

TEN TOP Indiana corn grow-ers, whose 1954 yields ranged

from 175 to 214 bushels per acre,had these practices in common,according to studies by PurdueUniversity agronomists:

1—They believed in "pouringon fertilizer"; 2 — The cham-pions suited their planting rate•to the soil's fertility level; 3—A1J of them drilled their corn,with row widths varying from35 to 40 inches; 4—All growersplanted hybrid corn. m

M. O. Pence, Purdue agron-omist, says that all 10 growersused high analysis row orstarter fertilizer, varying from200 to 400 pound* per acre. Nineof the 10 either side-dressed

'.with nitrogen or broadcast andiplowed down additional ferti-uizer.such as 10-10-10 or 15-15-15.

The two top growers used 3,-1000 and 1,300 pounds of ferti-

lizer per acre, respectively ingetting their high yields.

The champions are firm be-lievers in growing1 Iegiifries orlegume-grass crops regularly inthe rotation. Six of the 10 topyields were produced on fieldsthat had been in alfalfa, sweetclover or blue grass .pasture.Only two growers followed cornwith corn.

The stalk population on thevarious fields ranged from 16,000to almost 30,000 per acre.

Seven of the 10 growers usedcertified seed, ana three usedpedigreed hybrids.

"It will pay corn growerseverywhere," says the MiddleWest Soil Improvement Com*mittee, "to brush up on the goodpractices used by these cham-pions and by other growers intheir states who get nftfh yieldiand cut their cost of productionper bushel."



Kpitotef vSt or girl the model

fi gumour picture, » £from the beach this summer is to shoot m the

• • * "

• > . - «• K


*~ .-

V " ** • -


Page 4: Gbircfipinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-07-11.pdf · \ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of Gordon. Mr. Stone gave Barbara away and Cectf Vincent, a cousm gave Dor.. lain a member





HELEN REYNOLDS,«*5 East Pataaa SU ttnekaer

• • •©FFItl M X


Soft Ball GSBSSPiSckney continued in their hitt.

slump and dropped a league game9 to 1 to General Motors ProvingGrounds of Milford Friday nightPfockaey could not get a hit whenthey seeded one. They only got 4 inall Milford hit Southwell ratherfreely, getting 12 hits but could nothit him with men on. He fanned 7.They had 12 men left on baeea andFinckney 4. _„ *

Jot Jaffr«y»| f«k Tosjpf .Bay Moriaxitj .Kenneth Pry .Donald Burns ..Max SouthwellTurn HbughtonFred Singer, ..Bob Meaboa •.Wesley ReaderJack JeffreysGeopge Daisy

... .11 I 7 £8819 1 t 400

.-. 12 7 5 &2.._ 7 72 * JW

16 6 4 .210. . . 11 % % .181.N 13 0 ! .143. 1 7 S 2 .111

.... 13 1 1 .077........ 8 2 2 .000

4 0 0 .000. . . . . . . .1 0 0 .660

Pinckney's lone run came In the6th, Bums led off with a hit, Singer•truck out. Young doubled Burnsin.Beader was hit by a_pitched ball.

~Be w*nt to 2nd when Southwell

210,000th KIWAN1AN

The 2f0,000th Kiwanian was officially recognized at the 48r4 annualconvention *#W at San Francisco

grounded out. Moriarity hit a line j in June. He is Claude Taggftrt, 38,drive through the box which the j of Rialto of the newly formed clubpitcher hit with one hand deflectingit to the 2nd baseman who threwMoriarity out by a step for the 3rd

there, and is employed by the Federal Social Security Administration.At a breakfast at the Hotel Whit.

eut Moriarity and Jeffreys both hit ; comb attended by 800 glub preaiin the 4th. Amburgey flied out. Jeffley* was out stealing,Gentile fannedIn the 6th Gentile hit a drive to tbethe left field fence which the fieldermanaged to catch after juggling it.

Milford's runs all came in the 3rd.polzer hit a high hopper to SingerWho juggled it Hilton and Minockflied to Amburgey. Hagman hit tofiinger and beat the throw to first.

got a hit. Deaa and Nelsonhit 3 runs scoring. Southwell

threw out Brigham to retire the•Me.

In other games Hamburg lost toFewlerville and the City Service.Powlerville game was postponed.Plnckney plays Fowlerville at Hew.•U at 9:00 tonight

Pinckney AB R HMoriarity, 3b 8 0 1Amburgey, 2b 3 0 0Jeffreys, lb .... 8 0 1Heughton, rf 1 0 0

XJentile, If ,,,. 2 0 0Burns, ef 8 1 1Singer, st 3 0 0Ypuag, If, rf 1 0 1Reader, o ; 1 0 0ftovthwell, p >..* 2 0 0

General Motors .ef

lbKelson, lbBrigham, as .....Kanitc, e .-.

If . . . . . . . .Sb .,

Sbeffler, rf

dents he was presented with •plaque.

It was also announced the Kiwanis International has purchased realestate in down town Chicago and

will erect a million dollar buildingfor the organization.


d«Uv«ry of



Houitwim/ buteoehert, «nd tfudents ell ovetthe world r e e ^ w l enjoy this

} newyoper, pub-dolly7 In ioston. World*M

4 1 1Minock, p . .„. 4 0 1


Phillip Gentile 15 5 7 .446Boh Aanbugey 18 5 7 :3ft

.fpr,,.:fpst»l^iie}jni newtttorit oiW^eiH>ro№;H> odttorialt.Special feoturti fi


I vtar *1CQ•ti' '<• •. 3 *

mertim* Sferd

frotect milkcream

from liqht,hwtorsun-




, July 11, 2M0

MINER'S CASTLE U\ i LAKE SLTERIOR Full Color Reproduction suitable for framing tent

Discover tlie natural beauty of Michigan.ertjofihe natural goodness ofMichigtth brewe$

AlirMgan brewers Association350 Madison Avenue • Detroit 26, Michigan

9n*kmmuth Division, International Brrwie*, Inc. • Goebel Brewing Co.* National Bmdng Co. of Michigan • Pftifftr Brmoing Co. • Sdmxxinf BmvingCo. • Stroh b




Two Games7;30 Pinekney Kiwanis

vs Sutton Hardware Girls, Howell9$QPinckney v& Mill Creek,Dexter

* « •


•NT1R THf "HOWrVOURHOUSCFOWC^r' CONTISTJust read the fact sheet,then take a minute to com-plete entry blank. Grandprize $10,000—200 otherprizes every month tlu-ou^hSeptember. For fact r.bvtand entry blanks . . .

July 13_ i

Removing StrawlAfter Grain»t Aids Legume Grewtfe

atteekm a k e clover "ff not present. "*

summer "Getting rid of the strawcrop is helps getrM of the danger from

fungus and f lop* enco

t t t your appftonce deolet or


KJnchke of Ptacktrey iff hthe renovation of w i i

karifter*s Church in Detroit, recent?W jgbved to a new locationJVn W* 0' ]

has been added to thte aorth I4HicVi: oatstnpMoa ka i l

h pwhere the

of sweetd

itti tad

says the Middle West>vement Committee.

-«^*»i s?« and molds cansometimes destroy t h e n e w

- * — •» -mm j i a n J i l l ^ II W ™ ^ ^m ^ "

, straw, you ••?«*?*••hading and ** 4here is exceptionally heavysir to reach! «7?*th the new — J J

fherwise,, _ can weaken'thelower their winter

Especially tlw nc .•houid notOctober 10


ScASOW Gf u N ^ I

The ^George Itaaleiii and Rra.l Maabon atte«M the Iteabon

reunion Sunday at the Cerilhon\fi at Farmington.

« M Aadww OampbeUrChris CampWn family f

5? '

Page 5: Gbircfipinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-07-11.pdf · \ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of Gordon. Mr. Stone gave Barbara away and Cectf Vincent, a cousm gave Dor.. lain a member

• r '



_JTHBpmCKNEY DISPATCH ' Wednesday, July U, 1956

.JUtter at Poafeoffk*

Dtspatoftas Second Qaaa • T

4. UTt •Hi?So. Ho«ett 8t f iv iMr Mksk ! *

Sobecriofaoevfrico fi-W a : *r i f^ ^ ^ • ™ * ™ " 1 1 •» '-ii —•> • • • -»••» — — — — f , ,

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J^nr.er jvhost and co-boaters at u July !^

y pot luck diiuu.r a: tbe \jHills Country Club.

. Tbe Ralph Hall family spent .tlu, 4th at the James H^ll home in Mar1 ion.

Mrs. R. Lesha of Birminghamcatted at the Ralph Hall ho::ic Tiiuia \day. Deanna went home with he-:i'or, a visit;" . .

Sunday guests of the Mark Nash. (ijjy were the Jyck Clark.s of De\ ',






I ler, Kenneth Kills; Mrs. Emma. Jackob.s and children"; and Virginia liirriie

'. oi Ann Arbor. -

Sunday David, and Nancy Nash 'dnd Harley Gearhait went to Farmin.' tpn to heai' tho J>ob Jones Univ-


JJrass En.semble.• * •

(Jail IToriileLi and wif'1 of Ou'ossu,the ( \ Ruperts of Howell .'Hid the

I.Jendi. -:; v,\'r't; Sundayof the L.v'M I!f:il -cs.




Complete Line of Plunbng Fixture!.

and Supplies "

Electic, Oil and Gas Hot Water Heaters



PHONE UP 8 3114 1075 E M-36






Theaa.:l I


J a i i i L - i l . i

>a :un!ay •


uny Ro::dnortli fi.shi


10 "uncthho. .Maespe:it .Sun



i.-i of LansingLthe Kobe it

PorUx^e LakeInst week Dr.

Lorings of HovvellLoiiday

n^ of Boston,with the Tom


, < < • " '


The Lester McAfee familyhint week at Cuitis, ne.ir Newberry,in th* up,.er peninsula.

Tiio Harold Porters entertainedthe 1'incline;,1 Assembly of Kainbo.v

^ in thiir home MMidax' at a [>K-and swimming party.

j ; o l ) :spent the week

j| J u l i e K r a ^ n a " .d J u i i j i I ' a u l VV'c.i J

j \ u l i b e ( i . a i r i t 'L i J u . y > - t J i . I h y h a ^ e

bought the Lily WhLe ly^toy Sitvmoa AiJorJ M ^

f-iji'ijj.s a,id iU-.y i>uni^ an I u w e iU

tonued a picnic at Portland Sun lay.

. . ! ..* - f/fii- ^iftius of A-n

<'i'.)iea on the Mrs. Maigai'eL


Wagoners Grocery6066 PINCKNEY ROAD

Quality MerchandiseL O W P R I C E S ,

Beer and Wine To Take Out


For the lunch pail brigade: "sandwiches,

cake, fruit pies, prepared in advance and

kept fresh in a thrifty home freezer or two-

in-one refrigerator-freezer. It's a wonderful

way to save precious ekrly morning nin-

utes. No wonder smart homemakers say:

— "Freezer Living is Leisure Living.9'

a t i i o \ve I J ._

M r s . V V - y n o e A t : . < e i.j

t l . e C'y A t . i ' C . i a i <.iiaci . M ,

'£h<*- i i u w a r . i J v o u i , w e r e

Ku< s t s o f t l n J D e l l J ; ; c , . a i \ i ni '.\Uu.-

chc-aer. -i\Jrs. Jaiiis iiakci' uml fainily of

Syiac'uso, N. Y., is lu;ie vi^iliny horher mothw, Mrs. Editta (',.rr. . -r

Kai.liy Fisher of Ilul'fa.o, N. Y..spent last wc-'k with the JaiiK;-WiiiUeys.

liai 'bara Uau 'hn an 1 Pamela Seefeld are vLsitin^ their grandpareiu.-i,the Eavl Jjau^hns.

Week end visitors of the GeorgeVaiA'oimans vcv t the Kd T'ara,1. ay^

•of Ann Ai'bor, tr.e .Jim Wix;.st< i-;I and Bob* Sekeels of* Detiviit.

Mi.is EL>a !ioc;< uiidei'».-cMit an op-eration a t University lio.s;;ital AnnArbor last week.

Ilex Noygle of Ann Arbor is apal lent at St. ,Joc ho pi'al, Ann Ar.bor. The Frank Abei :(cn.- called unl-.im Sunday.

The Harold Porters entertained42 r^jSt matrons and nartron.-; of ti'1-







PHONE AC 9 6257MRS. TAPPAHE Ukeland. Mich,

Daily To 7:00 P .M.. Men., Tut*. Wed. Thur. Pri. Sat.

I'inckney Chapter No. J!.r> O,K,S, atat their home at Porlairc Lake Sim-day at a picnic.

Ebter Radtke jr. and wife of Phil : , . ,udeiphia, Pa. , arc visiting thec An- »; - ^drew Nesbitts. * j

Lonnie VanSlambrook, Menvin jCampbell and Harold Porter ceajltdor. Don Refers sr. at St. Joe hos,l»ital, Ann Arbor hi.<t week. He isbetter.

The Keith Bradburys of Chfis-^a



L Candidate for


oi' Livingston County on th»

Republican t i c k e t .


24 Years

lortMt Deputy Ju»d



m Sberwin Wffliams Paints

D. E HOEY&SONSHA W 1 M Dexter •••* •• ••

of Detroit spentend with Arnold Berquiat

Ona Campbell and wife were en.,ttitanied ai dinner Thursday atSauriders at Northland by-thf L. C.Gorliams.

Tlxi Herbert Palmer jr. family ofMint were week end guests of hisparents here.

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Clinton wereSunday guests of the Ralph' Clintonsat Lincoln Park.

Walter Clack and wife vigitod^th* Tom Howes at East Tawas over"the wefck end. .

The John Boyers and AlbertDinkels atteended the Ryan Fraaerwedding* Saturday and reception atthe Marion tofpn^house.

Martin RitUr and wife attendedthe hot rod races at Jackson Satur.day -night

Mrs. Irene Aok is visiting the Orvai Goodes in Jackson who have a

W. -H. jfeyers and wife called on ),U)hn Roberts Sunday at the Ilussell )Roberts home in Gi'e^ory.

Wrs; Vivian Lerfwid.ce ha.(

to trach the Anderson school nea/the Mich. State San. next.



Phone UP 8 6607Linda Lee is w

Uty Fair Shop in Am A.hor.Mrabon and wif" amende!

the funeral of Ernost Mtabon atIIo;vell Monday.

Aria Jatfuish and wi'c of Byroncalled on the John Uoyrrs .Sunday

The Georjjro Meabons and Mi:.Alma Mcabon attended the Meabonreunion Sunday at the Ceril KeWctgghome at Farmin^ton.

Tlje Andrew Campbells and thpChris Campbell family visited theDetroit Zoo Sunday

Olio Robinson was much better onTuesday and able to bt out of tbe oxgen teot 2 hoars. . . . . . . ,





w?m r-w\y*?.?Xvp'' •^T*if^nr<""'i(STO-

Page 6: Gbircfipinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1956-07-11.pdf · \ Wayne and Darlene Foster, sister of Gordon. Mr. Stone gave Barbara away and Cectf Vincent, a cousm gave Dor.. lain a member

• * •


Window Fans$14.75

Thethat 1 willthe duties of theof my ability.


. I wish to anaoa-ee I U Ic^idate for Te^ectioa to the office of Probating Attorney.

1 believe that my pa»t record . e r -its your rapport at the coning Pri-

Prosecuting AttorneyWilfred H. Erwin

STATE OF MICHIGAN9TATB OFThe Probate Court for the County

of LivingstonIn the Matter of the Bstate of

Gertrude E. Hicks Deceased.PreeestsHoBenMbie Hiram BJunito

Jud*e of Probate.

At a seaatan af aaid Court heldJune 12 l&M.

Livingston..II * e Matter *William C. Miller, Deceased.

At a session of said Court held oaJune 26, 1956.

Present, Honorable Hiram B.Smith, Judge of Probate.

Notice is Hereby Given, that tfaejpetition of BeuJah E. Miller


Kafkaey MkUCall U i t f X M. to

Ixeoa* W

* $ * ' • • . . ' •

iiM to im t. M.

LEELAVEYGeneral Izpunnct




Office ftUtt iMtPhone tfol-W Howell, Michigan

LANDORGrand B4vor

Lrle W. MoaseU. A&tnelat*


Telephone Office 935nfftf 814

fiveaiBav by p p ^Howetl Miehigu

BERT WYLIE,Auctioneer

FAItM 8ALU A SPKULirTrfcon* FswUrrala CA 1-MM












6th District Committee

Notice ie Hereby Gift* That all administrator of thecreditors of said deceased are requir- p r a y i n g ^ h w . f i n a l accounted to present their claims in writing - 1 | o w g d a n d ^ r t f W u # ^ M i ( ,and under oath, to said Court, and toserve a copy thertof uioa ROT. IzraB«rchy of Tilmy, Michigan, fiduciary of s*id ea-sta -e, and feat such elates wiH boheard and the heirs at-law of saiddeceased wiil bo determined by said

said estate • Wbe W

es-tate assigned to the perse&ji entitledhereto will be heard at the

obate Office otT July Z¥T 1956<\y t«n A. M.

Arnold Berquistthe) m VaodOOa. 8t PJndmey,

It is Ordered, That notice there* j Pfreae UP .§-&»"bo given by publication of a «opyhereof for three weeks conseoutiveiyis the Pinckney Dispatch and tha* jpetitioner cause a copy of this noticeto bfrTerved upon each known partyin interest at bis last known address'


1 8 Wedeter 8«.Miehliraa

Court at the Probate Office on Aug..ust 21 1956. at ten A. M

It ie Ordered, that nottee feereofBO given by aohttcatioa of a copyhereof f^r three, weeks eeasecutively by registered mail, retmm receipt de-previous to aaid day af jhsarlf in the manded, at least fourteen (14> daysPindaey Dispatch and that the pet* prior to such hearir?, or by personal&Hane(r ranee a copy of "Wk nottee to service at least five (bi davs nrfar»e served npon each known party •» to such hearing.




DirectorModem EquipmentAmbulance Senfoa


frM 0. Rticttoff, Sr' - - A • ^IBTRlT


Weekly Tripe Made ^,"General l^ruck - J

PBON1 U P Mfef

Roger J. Carr AgencyC O M P L E T N D f l BCOMPLETtf



Edith R Carr1 4 2 MILL ST.

Mka. Phone UP

fleaJ Estuler'arma, Homes, Lake

Business OpportunitiesList Your Property Hith Mi

Oerald ftewpBroker — 209 Norn

u p 8-aia


Eye ExamiaatioMWodaeodar and Saturday

by Appointment•126 Chilson Road, ftaiL N. of

Phoa* Brighton AC 7-UMl

FORGeeseShan Gri.La

of matchedSt. Pierre

Bass Lake, Lakeland

FOR SALE-J»leasant fiVehome on corner lot in good locationin Pinckney. Call UP 8 8271 for anappointment to see property.

WANTED-A job on a farm or anyother odd joba. Experienced. PhoneBilly Hollister UP 8 9969

registered mail, retarm receipt debrterost at his last known addras* bfmnnded at least fourteen (14) daft Malen M. Gould,pr.or to fuch. hearing orpersonal service at least fivedays prior to such hearing.

Hirman R. Smith, Judge of ProbateA true copyBale* Jt f a *Dopt'ty S*»'n«tor ofVaaWinkle

Wm. Schmidt and family visitedthe F. C. Reickoffs in Saline Sundaywhere they have purchased a jewel .ry store and moved from Chicago.He is the son of F. C. Reickoff sr,of Howell.

Mrs. Clara Kennedy and childrenof Detroit and Mra. Herman Eiscleand 2 children of New Jeney sp*»tSunday with y£fs. Emma Volhnexu

The Jack Sharps of Lansing anMrs. Mae Metz of Howell spentSunday with the Lee Laweys.

Hiram R. Smith, Judge of ProbateA true copy

Bputy Register of Probate



WANTED-Responsibe party to takeovei payments of spbnet piano.Can \be seen in this vicinity Write thi.Credit Manager, Post Office Box g lGrutnvile, Michigan.

FOR SALE-Modern Building at 138West Main St., Pinckney, Gas Heat,Hot and Cold Running Water, Lavatory, $3,500.00. Don McLean, 1721Holden, Phone Trinity 4_19S1, Pa..troit, Michigan.

JFOR RBNT_SnaU Apaly Furnished until Sept .1.only Box 318, Pinckney, Mieb.

FOR RfiNT_» room uaptr flat.Mrs .Oscar Beck 1631 East M -36









Adding Machines



IivingstoH Office SupplyMl SOUTH V O L . S«WBLL


LOST_Pair of blue frame glassesin brown leather case. Reward.

Mrs. Shenden, Alpine 6-2431

around Co,t$aft*FOB RENT_Yearat Portage Lake.Phone Howell 1535M11FREE- Chow puppies forhomes. Howard Haines


Refilling and collecting money from{our five cent High Grade Nut mach-

ines in this area. No selling to qual.FOR SALfl Electric Rangs and an ; ify for work you must have car, re-Electric Refrigerator; George Uauck j feiences.$640 cash secured by inventPatterson Lake, Doyle Sub. j ory. Devoting 6 hours a week to bus

• liness your end of perentage coll.FOB SALE_Saddle horse 6 years j enctions will net up to $400 monthlyold brown geldbg. Mrs. McAinch j with very good possibilities of tak..*K6 Cadar Lake Rd. UP 8 5590 jing over full time. Income feere^ng

— — ! accordingly, or imterview, inoiadeWANTED-Woman to cleaa up two : phone in application. Write Northcottages at Portage Lake. Must be ; American Nut Co. Inc. 27 Williamwilling to do thorough job. Call HA I Street, New York 5 N. Y.6 5802 or contact Mrs. Lloyd Bell, j7W0 Portage Lake Road this weak/FOR SALE. DUO THERM oil heat•***• • ^ ^ I «\4 room size, tank attached 12.50.

~"—~~~""-~ 'Mrs. VanGorder^ 11805 Oak RidreWANTED.Odd jobs of any kindjak f <X. Hi-land Lake, Pinckneying yards etc.

Phone UP 8 8228

FOR SALE_3 room house, bath aniwater at 9800 Cedar Lake R4*Pinckney. also 1949 Chervolet stake bodytrick. Wayne Bennett VP8 6634

FR SALS - Chrysler Boyai Heate r

1 *7 George Inqubt

LOST_B|ack dog,, part collie,whit*,paws and cheit, name Spook. CallVP 8 9768 of 8 9967 REWARDMary Lou Bryan

K)K sALJ: House to be erected. 24x 54 on I acres. Well and foot-

ings in. Chiyiler Royal, 1947, GeorgeEngqitist, 2829 W-M-36.


5 S£F S

1011 tat Gfcosd m



FOR RENT: Acreage or on shut.Sharel Charles Mattison, 6374 Fax*

ley Rd., Tel. UPtawn 8-9763.



WANTED -Trencfcings, Foottogtand Septic Taa&ks to install.Mike Hamaak jr. phone UPS S260

Water Wefls and PnaniAH Makes of Pomps ServieoJagss ~

Phone HA 09O4

<< ' i


X: UnkSm^

muttitfftMHlf m i l MOTttt





