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GDV in Medicine

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  • 8/20/2019 GDV in Medicine


    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine






    R S ARCH

    Dr. Ekaterina Yakovleva

    Dr. Konstantin Korotkov 


  • 8/20/2019 GDV in Medicine


    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine.

    GDV Bioelectrography research.

    Dr. Ekaterina Yakovleva and Dr. Konstantin Korotkov

     This book is a survey of papers dedicated to Electrophotonic Imaging(EPI) GDV ioelectrography applications in !edicine and Psychologyfrom "### to "#$"% The most of cited &orks are presented in proceedingsof different conferences' but a lot are published in perrevie& ournals% It

    is clear that Electrophotonic techni*ue has high potential in analy+ing,uman Energy -ield for health and &ellbeing and monitoring the reactionof people to different influences and treatments%

    Dr. Ekaterina Yakovleva' !%D%' Ph%D%' Professor of the .ussian/ational .esearch !edical 0niversity named after /%I% Pirogov' !osco&'.ussia' and author of many papers published in perrevie& ournals% -rom$111 develops applications of Electtrophotonic 2nalysis in medicine% 3he

    has published 45 papers and a monography on this topic in .ussianournals%

    Dr. Konstantin Korotkov ' Ph%D%' Professor of 6omputer 3cience andiophysics at 3aintPetersburg -ederal .esearch 0niversity ofInformational Technologies' !echanics and 7ptics% Deputy Director of3aintPetersburg -ederal .esearch Institute of Physical 6ulture and 3port%,e has published over "## papers in leading ournals on physics and

    biology' and he holds $8 patents on biophysics inventions%

    I3/ 189$:9$14"19$


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    ContentsIntroduction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8

    Pages of ,istory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%8

    Part I% P.I/6IP;E3 7- E;E6T.7P,7T7/I6 2/2; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$4

    asic rules of EPI analysis%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$9

    Gender and age dependence %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"5

    .eproducibility %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"9

    .ecommended procedures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4#Part II% E;E6T.7P,7T7/I6 2/2;

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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    ;ight Therapy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9:

    !usic Therapy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%9?

     The Effect of Different Trainings%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1#

    Energy ,ealing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1?

     2cclimati+ation to ,igh 2ltitudes%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$#$

    .esponse to !obile Phone%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$#:

     2pplication of 6reams %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$#5

    3melling Essential 7ils %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$#?

    !assage Therapy%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$#8Influence of teAtiles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$#1

     The 2ffect of the Great Pyramid%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$$#

    Psychoemotional state%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$$"

    3port %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$$5

    iological ;i*uids %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$"#

    6onclusion %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$"4.eferences%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $"8


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    Books by Dr Konstantin Korotkov 

    Corotkov C% ;ight 2fter ;ife% ackbone publishing' /

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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine


     2P arterial pressure2 ronchial 2sthmaEPI Electrophotonic ImagingGDV Gas Discharge Visuali+ationGDI Gas Discharge Image3 GDI background areaI 2veraged Intensity E Energy of light in Bouls E F 3 I #%####" Bg3 Integral area coefficientE6 Emission coefficient-6 -orm coefficient-r6 -ractality coefficient-3 -unctional systems


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine


    %ages o& 'istory

     2lthough claims for the eAistence of energy fields have been &idelyaccepted in various Eastern medical practices for many centuries' claimsconcerning the reality of human energy fields &ere reected by Hesternscientists because they considered that obective evidence for their

    eAistence &as not available% This situation began to change some&hatduring the latter part of the nineteenth century &hen photographs &ere

    made of the electrical discharges fromanimate and inanimate obects% This &asbased on the effect discovered in $888 byGerman physicist and philosopherGeorge ;ichtenberg% ,e has found thatif any obect be placed in strong electrical

    field one can see glo& around the obect%;ichtenberg &as able to print images on aplate covered &ith coal dust and itbecame kno&n in physics as;ichtenberg@ figuresJ% The termelectrographyJ &as coined to describethese images eAplored by the 6+echphysicist /avratil in $999% In essence' a

    high intensity electric field is createdaround an obect &hich produces a gas discharge% 3ince this discharge isaccompanied by photon emission it can be photographed%  Georg ;ichtenberg

     The interest in photographing electrical fluorescence arose all overthe &orld after the eAperiments of /icola Tesla% ,e had developed specialcoils named after him and demonstrated that high voltage may be

    absolutely safe (of course' if you kno& ho& to use it)% 2 significantcontribution to the study of electrography images &as made by a talentedyelorussian  scientist Bacob /arkevich

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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    his time on his estate above the river/eman% There he activelyeAperimented &ith electricity'

    applying it in agriculture andmedicine% 2 straight parallel &ithmodern medicine can be dra&nfrom the description of eAperimentson the stimulation of plants &ithelectrical current' on electrotherapy'and magnetism by B% /arkevich 

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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    different social circles from grandees to plain people' and cured manydifferent diseases &ith the help of the ne&est for those days' methods% ut &ith the death of B% /arkevich

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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    ,oliday &ith a plenty of food' &ine' songs' and dances% Therefore' it is no &onder that the invention of padre de !orua produced much raptattention' congratulations' ban*uets' but &as not &idespread% Then the

    little bignose priest invented the radio (practically simultaneously &ithPopov and !arkoni)' but again he &as unable to dra& in large cro&ds%Even the military% Generals admired' reali+ed the importance andperspectives of the &ireless communication' promised to call the colonelthe neAt day and assign resources' but in an hour left for a nightKs ban*uetand forgot about everything%

    In $141' 3emyon Cirlian' a .ussian electrician' rediscovered thisphenomenon and he and his &ife Valentina began eAploring the possible

    significance of the colored aurasJ or coronas that he found surroundingthe various obects that he photographed &ith his techni*ue (Cirlian andCirlian' $1?$)% 2nd' &hen the images started to be registered and not ustadmired' it &as found that the picture of fingertips@ glo& depended of thesubect% 3omeone felt nervous or' on the contrary' fell into a meditativetrance' and the photo of glo& changed its form% Due to these effectsCirlian photography subse*uently became a topic of &ide interest toEuropean and 2merican investigators%

    3emyon and Valentina Cirlian


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    7ne of the most eAtensive 2merican investigations &as carried out at the

    06;2 6enter for the,ealth 3ciences% T% !ossand C% Bohnson ($184)indicated that they hadtaken more than $#'###Omodified@ Cirlianphotographs' chiefly of thehuman fingertip' leaves'

    and metal obects% !orethan 5## hundred personsand more than $'### leaves &ere photographed% Theyfound that a subect@senergy field &as affectedby ingesting alcohol'performing yogic

    breathing' undergoinghypnosis' or eAperiencingemotional states% 2fter

    carrying out several careful eAperiments' the investigators &ere able toconclude that the electrophotographs &ere not due to skin resistance' norto the state of the peripheral vascular system%

    In an interesting series of eAperiments' the researchers foundintriguing patterns of interpersonal influence on the photographs% The

    corona usually differed &hen the eAperimenter and subect &ere ofdifferent genders as opposed to &hen they &ere of the same gender' and astrict authority figure' such as an elderly eAperimenter' usually produced amuch smaller corona than an informal friendly assistant% In research &ithfour healersJ' the healers@ coronas &ere found to be much larger andbrighter before the healing session than during or after healing% Incontrast' the patients@ coronas increased sharply over their prehealingstates' as if an actual transfer of energy &ere occurring bet&een the healer

    and her patient% Dramatic differences in the corona &ere found beforeand after acupuncture treatment% The brightness and clarity of the corona &ere particularly noticeable if the needles &ere inserted at points kno&n tobe related to a patient@s specific physical complaints%


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

     2nother 2mericanresearcher' ;%H%Conikie&ic+ ($181)'

    under carefullaboratory conditionsusing doubleblindstudies' correctlyidentified cysticfibrosis patients andcarriers of the gene &ith a high order of

    accuracy% ,e alsofound that the day ofthe menstrual cycle influenced variations in the brightness of the energyfield and that the day of ovulation could be detected% The patterns &eredifferent for subects taking an oral contraceptive% In a later revisededition of his book' coauthored &ith ;%6% Griff ($19:)' results &erereported about their success in detecting cancer and other abnormalphysiological conditions%

    3cientific acceptance of Cirlian photography has been rather limited'ho&ever' because the type of e*uipment used in earlier years varied *uitemarkedly from investigator to investigator and there &as a &ide range ofparameters that needed to be controlled for the successful operation ofthe method% 2 multidisciplinary team' headed for several years by HilliamEidson at DreAel 0niversity in Philadelphia' concluded it &as possible toimage electrical parameters of a specimen in real time' making it a possiblefield mapping tool for energy fields% This &ork &as summari+ed in an

    article in the prestigious ournal Science (Pehek et al% $18?)%In the technological area' an organi+ation to help standardi+ee*uipment output parameters' research methods' data presentationstandards etc% called the International 0nion of !edical and 2pplied ioElectrography &as formed in $198% Professor Corotkov &as elected as aPresident of the 0nion in "### at the Horld 6ongress in ra+il and thenreelected in "##?% 2t the present time' investigators in ?9 countries arecurrently pursuing a variety of studies &ith the latest Electrography

    Imaging technology that &ill be described in the neAt sections%International conferences to present the latest findings have been held forthe last $8 years in 3t% Petersburg' .ussia%


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    %art I. %"ICI%(E) #*E(EC!"#%'#!#IC AA(Y)I)

    'o+ Does Electrophotonic,GDV !echni-e Assess a Body/

    Hilliams %' Corotkov C%

    *University of Kansas and University of Integrative Medicine, USA,[email protected] 

     The Electrophotonic Imaging EPI Techni*ue' based on GasDischarge Visuali+ation process is &ell characteri+ed in the physicalprocesses by &hich it captures and analy+es data% This paper eAplorescandidate mechanisms in physiology and biophysics through &hich EPIdata from biological subects can reflect the state of health in humanbeings% Increasing numbers of clinical studies sho& that particular detailsin EPI data correlate &ith conditions that can be characteri+ed using

    standard medical diagnostics' as &ell as correlating &ith assessmentmethods used in a &ide range of complementary medicine%

    Previous discussions C Corotkov' % Hilliams and ;% 2% Hisneski'"##:Q have proposed that EPI assessment methods can be understoodusing *uantum biophysical models of entropy and information flo&s asfollo&s 2 main reservoir of free energy in biological processes is electroneAcited states of compleA molecular systems% This *uantum modelsupports an argument that EPI techni*ues provide indirect udgment

    about the level of energy resources at the molecular level in structureprotein compleAes% 6ollections of delocali+ed eAcited Relectrons inprotein macromolecules provide an energy reservoir for physiologicalprocesses% Delocali+ation means that the collection of R electrons isdistributed in a certain &ay over the entire structure of a molecularcompleA% This enables the Relectrons not only to migrate &ithin the limitsof their o&n molecule' but also to transfer from one molecule to another'if the molecules are structurally united into ensembles% The most

    important mission of Relectrons in biological processes derives not onlyfrom their delocali+ation' but also from the peculiarities of their energystatus% The difference bet&een the energies of the main and the eAcited


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    state is much smaller for Relectrons than for Selectrons (local electrons)% The transformation of electron energy in biostructures is connected notonly &ith transfer of electrons' but also &ith the migration of electronic

    eAcitation energy' &hich does not include electron detachment from adonor@s molecule% Inductiveresonance' eAchangeresonance' and eAcitonicmechanisms for transfer of electronic eAcitation turn out to be the mostimportant for biological systems% These processes are significant &hen &econsider energy transfers in molecular compleAes' &hich aren@t' as a rule'follo&ed by a transfer of charge%

    3pecific structuralprotein compleAes &ithin the mass of the skinprovide channels of heightened electron conductivity' measurable at

    acupuncture points on the skin surface% 3timulated impulse emissions fromthe skin are also developed mainly by transport of delocali+ed Relectrons%3timulated by high voltage impulses' optical emissions amplified in gaseousdischarge' are registered by optical sensors in the EPI techni*ue% Television capture of the time dynamics of this glo& from the skin' &ith ascale of some millimeters in diameter' and framebyframe comparison ofthese pictures of fluorescence during each voltage impulse sho& that theemission centers appear approAimately from the same skin points% Ion

    depolari+ation processes in the tissue have no time to develop &ithin theshort periods of EPI stimulation of $# nsec' therefore the current may beresulting from the transport of electrons &ithin structural compleAes ofskin or other biological tissue under investigation' included in the chain ofimpulse electrical current flo&% iological tissues are assumed to be dividedinto dielectrics and conductors (primarily biological conducting li*uids)% Inorder to unite the effects of stimulated electron emission' it is necessary toconsider electron transport mechanisms along nonconducting structures%

    !ost attention in this sphere has been focused on concepts of electrontunnel transport bet&een separate protein moleculescarriers' separatedfrom one another by energy barriers% The processes of electron tunneltransport are eAperimentally &ell studied and modeled by the eAample oftransferring electrons along the protein chain% The tunnel mechanismprovides the initial act of electron transfer bet&een donoracceptor groupsin the protein' each being &ithin #%5 $%# nm distance from one another% There are also many eAamples' ho&ever' &here the electron is transferred

     &ithin the protein for much longer distances% It is thus essential that thetransfer can take place not only &ithin the limits of one protein molecule'but may also involve the interaction of different protein structures% Thecharacteristic time of electron transfer ranges bet&een $#$$ and $#? sec'


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

     &hich corresponds to the development time for a single emission act inthe EPI techni*ue%

    uilding on this prior discussion' the present paper eAplores further

    possible mechanisms for communication of internal physiological states tothe skin surface' &here stimulated emissions provide EPI information%/e& ideas about the role of biophotonic resonance processes formaintaining coordinated metabolic action' $Q and the role of &ater andreactive oAygen species (.73) in providing information flo&' energyreservoirs and energy pumping' "'4Q all emphasi+e the potential foreAtended models of physiological communication and control% .ecentbiophysical research reveals a &ide range of properties that enable the

    body to use sound' light' electricity' magnetic fields' heat' elasticity' torsionand other forms of vibration as signals for integrating and coordinatingdiverse physiological activities :Q%

     Bames 7schman has eAplored concepts of communication andcoordination in physiological processes' connecting all levels of physicalorgani+ation through &hat he calls a ;iving !atriA' reaching fromprocesses in the nuclei of cells through the intracellular dynamics mediatedby the cellular cytoskeleton and communicating through the cell

    membranes to connective tissues ramifying throughout the body% 

    Ceyinnovations have been the recognition of processes involved &ith theintracellular cytoskeleton and the connective tissues in physiology at eAtracellular levels% ,istorically biochemistry developed along lines focused onchemical processes of molecular formation' emphasi+ing the energyeconomy of reduction=oAidation reactions' &ith en+yme catalysis andhormone regulation as main sources of coordination and modulation%/e&ly developing perspectives are going beyond these processes'

    eAamining electronic semiconduction and *uantum electronic processesinvolving resonant states of compleA molecular systems% En+yme catalysisis no& being eAplored as a process regulated by *uantum tunneling 5Q and;uca Turin has proposed a model in &hich the olfactory sense identifiesmolecules by detecting interior molecular bonding structures usingelectron tunneling spectroscopy% ?Q ,ameroff &as one of the first topropose information processing along the microtubules in cells using*uantum coherence processes%8Q

     2 striking aspect of EPI data is the strong correlation &ith signal andenergy flo&s associated &ith the acupuncture meridians% Various modelshave been eAplored for the mechanisms of acupuncture% 3trong evidenceeAists for the reality and physiological character of acupuncture processes%


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    ,istological studies have identified uni*ue tissue arrangements atacupuncture points' involving a lymphatic trunk ent&ined by an arterioland an associated small vein% The lymph and blood vessels are surrounded

    by net&orks of unmylenated cholenergic autonomic nerves% The entirecompleA at each acupuncture point is embedded in a column of looselyarranged connective tissue' enclosed in a boundary of more denselypacked connective tissue% The interaction of these anatomical processesmake acupuncture points a net&ork of nodes interfacing bet&een thebodyKs matriA of connective tissues and the maor circulatory and neuralregulatory systems%9'1'$#Q 2nd ne& evidence is gathering for signal andenergy flo&s along the ;iving !atriA of the connective tissues and

    cellular cytoskeleton% 3trong evidence previously &as seen for ion flo&along lamina in tissue as part of the acupuncture processes% Evidence hasrecently also been found for ultrahigh speed signal flo& associated &ithacupuncture systems an order of magnitude faster than neurologicalsignals%$$Q!aeHan ,o proposes a multilayed physiological energy and informationsystem The eAtracellular' intracellular' and nuclear matrices togetherconstitute a noiseless eAcitable electronic continuum for rapid

    intercommunication and energy flo& permeating the entire organism'enabling it to function as a coherent and sentient &hole%$"Q ,er insightsfocus on coordination and communication processes across multiple levelsof physiology' &ith the tissues of the entire organism acting as a li*uidcrystal continuum' passing information and energy up and do&n &ithinsystems and subsystems' coordinated throughout the ;iving !atriA%$4Q Testing &ith the EPI perturbs an organism &ith stimulating voltagepulses' creating miniature displacements of the holistic regulatory system%

    3imilar to holographic processes' this transaction &ith a small part revealsthe responsiveness of the &hole% 2ny maladusted organ system sho&s adisordered sector in the corona discharge at the associated fingertip% 2nalysis in the fre*uency domains of EPI data could reveal subtle multilayered systemic resonance% The potential for such fre*uency domainanalysis has been seen in an assessment of EPI data that correctlyidentified the driving fre*uency profile in an acoustic binaural beatentrainment stimulus during a single subect session at the !onroe

    Institute in Virginia%


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    "e&erences$Q -% 2% Popp' 3ome .emarks on iological 6onse*uence of a 6oherentiophoton -ield' in -% 2% Popp' C% ,% ;i and U% Gu' editors' .ecent 2dvances iniophoton .esearch and its 2pplications' 3ingapore= .iver Edge' /B=;ondon'$11"' pp% 458484

    "Q V% Voeikov' !itogenetic radiation' biophotons' and nonlinear oAidativeprocesses in a*ueous media' in Integrative iophysics' iphotonics' -% 2% Popp';% eloussov' editors' Clu&er 2cademic Publishers' Dordrecht=osont=;ondon'"##4 pp% 44$4?#%

    4Q V% ;% Voeikov' Processes Involving .eactive 7Aygen 3pecies are the !aor3ource of 3tructured energy for 7rganismal iophotonic -ield Pumping' in ;%eloussov' -2% Popp' V% Voeikov' and .% Van Hik' editors' iophotonics and

    6oherent 3ystems' Proceedings of the "nd

     2leAander Gur&itsch 6onference and 2dditional 6ontributions' !osco& 0niversity Press' !osco&' "###%

    :Q B% 7schman' Energy !edicine in Therapeutics and ,uman Performance'utter&orth ,einemann' "##4%

    5Q 2% Cohen and B% P% Clinman' Protein -leAibility 6orrelates &ith Degree of,ydrogen Tunneling in Thermophilic and !esophilic 2lcohol Dehydrogenases'

     B% of the 2merican 6hemical 3ociety' "###' V $""' pp% $#849$#841%

    ?Q ;% Turin' 3tructureodor relations a modern perspective' in .% ;% Doty'

    editor' ,andbook of 7lfaction and Gustation "nd ed% !arcel Dekker' /e&

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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    Basic rles o& E%I analysis

    In order to correctly analy+e the physiological state' i%e% the level ofenergy of the organs and the systems (or in other &ords' the level ofautonomic regulation' in accordance &ith the adaptation levels) it isnecessary to take the follo&ing steps

    Different EPI programs reflect different aspects of a person@senergy status% EPIgrams must be processed in all programs and it isadvisable to print out the follo&ing

    EPIgrams of all fingers &ithout filterN EPIgrams of all fingers &ith filterN EPI diagramsN  2ll EPI E- (Energy -ield) proections%

     Hhen classifying EPI data by adaptation level' &e look at the follo&ingfactors

    3pecific features on EPIgrams &- and -N Distribution of EPI diagrams &- and -%

     The ' ho0eostasis 1one is characteri+ed as follo&s

    EPI &- have a small number of defectsN EPI - have no defectsN

    oth Diagrams lie in the optimal +oneN  The level of activation # W 2 X 5N Diagram variance W #%5%

     The ') ho0eostasis 1one is characteri+ed as follo&s

    EPI &- have defectsN EPI - do not have substantial defects' but are more heterogeneous

    than in , +one% Diagram &ithout filter lie totally or partially in the energy deficit



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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    -inger correlation table after C Corotkov 


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

     The types of EPIgrams revie&ed in the book Human nergy !ie"d# Studywit$ %&'(bioe"ectrogra)$y, are inherent to all levels of activation and are acompound element of the means of interpretation carried out in this

    method% Those EPIgrams can be used during specification' ho&ever' soas not to confuse perceptions' &e have left out that complicated teAt inthis discussion%

    GDV Diagram

    -ollo&ing the specified practice' the EPI method makes it possibleto carry out a reasonably accurate analysis of the physical andpsychological state of the patient% To a large eAtent' the accuracy of theanalysis depends on the depth of understanding of systemic principles ofho& the body &orks' and &hether it is perceived as a unified' holistic'indivisible system% In order to &ork out such an approach' somekno&ledge of the principles of Traditional 6hinese !edicine (T6!) is very helpful% They are based on the idea of the circulation of energy' andthese ideas are fully reflected in the practice of EPI bioelectrography% Hegauge the movement of energy through systems and organs' and in manyeAamples &e can see the direct reflection of the principles of T6!%

    In addition' kno&ledge of these principles facilitates thedevelopment of clinical intuition' and' by placing reasonable trust in one@so&n Oinner voice'@ it is possible to make an accurate and in many casesuneApected analysis based on EPI data% !any doctors &ho have used EPIover many years have indicated similar eAperiences%


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     !rst the in&or0ation provided by the E%I data +ithotconcerning yorsel& +ith the ot+ard appearance o& the patient. Inthe case o& syste0ic illnesses2 appearance is deceptive. E%I pictres

    give athentic in&or0ation on the person3s energy state.

     2 totally intuitive path of analysis &as developed by !% 3haduribased on the intuitive identification of images of organs in EPI images% This path is based on intuitive guess&ork' and EPI images play the samerole as Tarot cards by giving information to those &ith a gift but theyare not an obective means of analysis%

    3pecially designed programs allo& for easy calculation of GDVgram parameters generated in the routine process of patient investigation% To properly characteri+e the GDVgram the follo&ing indices are

    used GDI backgrond area2 averaged Intensity2 Energy2 nor0ali1edarea2 integral area coe&&icient2 e0ission coe&&icient2 &or0 coe&&icient2&ractality coe&&icient along &ith dispersions of all mentioned parameters%

    GDI backgrond area 4)5 is an absolute value and is measured inpiAels%

     Averaged Intensity 4I5  is evaluation of light intensity averaged onthe area of the image%Energy 4E5 of light in Bouls is calculated from the eAperiments as

    E 6 ) 7 I 7 8.88889

    or0ali1ed area is the ratio of GDI area to the area of the inneroval a noninformative part of the image and is obtained as a result of

    placing the finger onto a GDV camera electrodeN as essentially abackground or baseline value' it is reported in relative units%Integral area coe&&icient 4:g)5 is a relative value and sho&s the

    eAtent to &hich the GDVgram area of the eAamined patient deviates toone or the other side from an ideal model% /aturally' this parameter canhave a positive or negative valueN moreover' in the case &here it is e*ual to+ero' it indicates that the test image and the area of the ideal model is thesame%

    E0ission coe&&icient 4EC5  characteri+es the po&er of smallfragments deleted from the GDVgram and is measured in piAels%


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    *or0 coe&&icient 4*C5 is calculated according to the formula-6F;"=3' &here ; is the length of the GDI eAternal contour and 3 isthe GDI background area%

    *ractality coe&&icient 4*rC5 is calculated according to thealgorithm of !andelbro as a ratio of the lengths of GDI parameters'provided that the GDI is registered several times and averaged% -orm andfractality coefficients sho& the degree of irregularity of the GDVgrameAternal contour%

    In the process of research' separate measurements to obtain the values of these indices for each finger' average values of the indices forfingers of both hands' and particularly individual assessment for the right

     vs% the left hands is obtained%-or evaluation of the functional state of particular functionalsystems (-3) and organs' these parameters are calculated in the sectors of-3Ks proecting +ones as introduced by P% !andel $19?Q and interpreted byC% Corotkov $119Q% Evaluation of functional states for different -3 isdone by estimating the heterogeneity of the GDVgram in particularsectors' the degree of aggressive signs intensity on the right and left handsfor different interconnected sectors' as &ell as for individual fingers% ased

    upon this evaluation and in consideration of the clinical picture of thedisease' analysis is made and conclusions dra&n%It is note&orthy that GDVgram parameters &hich fall &ithin the

    +one of relative health as characteri+ed by the average range determinedfor practically healthy people' do not eAclude the presence of chronicdiseases to &hich a patient may have good compensatory capabilities%.eductions in bioenergetic activities of the patient' e%g% in the phase ofresolution of an eAacerbation of chronic diseases during rehabilitation

    (such as resolving asthmatic crisis) might be the basis for prescribingmethods of therapy% This might include promoting and activating energyhomeokinesis and rene&al of normal interaction of all the -3 of theorganism%

    6linical observations &ith GDVbioelectrography &hen people have vegetative instability results in considerable asymmetry of parametersK values for the left and right hands (i%e% laterali+ation)N this data can inferevidence of a decreased adaptation reserve of an individualKs energy

    homeokinesis' and perhaps be vie&ed as predictive% If the K&eak +onesK &ith the modified values of parameters in the presence of clinicalsymptoms and pathology are correlated &ith the corresponding -3' thepatient could be assessed and managed for these dysfunctions and


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    energetic imbalances through a composite program including bothconventional and complementary modalities% GDVbioelectrography couldhelp assess the monitoring for efficacy and reestablishment of a

    normali+ed auric field such as found in practically healthy people%3pecial attention to the role of vegetative nervous system in thedeveloping of big variety of different disorders and their representationson bioelectrograms &as poited out by Professors of .ussian !edical 2cademy of PostGraduate Education Dro+dov D%2% and 3hatsillo 7%I%"##5Q% They &rote The decisive role in the formation of theprere*uisites for the appearance and development of the diseases belongsto the mechanisms of adaptation to various factors of eAternal and

    internal environment' controlled by the vegetative part of the centralnervous system' and to the eAtent of the compensation of the disturbedfunctions% This role of the vegetative nervous system is ensured by theanatomicfunctional hierarchy of its structural components represented bythe central and peripheral sections% The GDVbioelectrography techni*ueproved to be the most informative and convenient diagnostics method inapplication% It is especially valuable for the obectivi+ation of the vegetativedisorders% 2nalysis of the GDVgrams taken &ithout filter displayed

    optical effects (taking into account the compleA vegetative influences onthe skin) &hich result in the glo& area decrease' fractality increase and thefragmentation of the obtained image up to the complete disappearance ofthe glo&% The filter that is used for the registration of the E7grams offingers cuts off the information related to the vegetative influences on theskin (both sympathetic and parasympathetic)% The GDVgrams taken &ithfilter display optical effects related to the operation of the morphologicalstructures of the organism &hich generates bioelectricity% 2nd the glo&

    area displays the integral energy resource of the organism an integralparameter of the electromagnetic field of the organismJ%


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    Gender and age dependence

    In several papers &as demonstrated that there are significantstatistical difference in GDV parameters bet&een genders% 2s a &holeenergy parameters for &omen are higher compared &ith men% This may beillustrated by the graphs from Polushin et al' "##1;.

    -ig% Gender difference in GDV parameters Polushin et al' "##1Q%

    In a group of people statistical distribution of the GDV parameters &ithout filter follo&s lognormal distribution' typical for biologicalsubects% In a group of middleaged apparently healthy people (4$5" yearsold) distribution has a tail in lo&er values' &hile in a group of yang people($9"$ yers old) the tail goes to the higher values% That means that inmiddleaged group there are some people &ith very lo& energy' &hile in ayang group there are several people &ith very high energy%


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    -ig% 3tatistical distribution of the GDV 2rea parameter &ithout filter for agroup of middleaged people%

    -ig% 3tatistical distribution of the GDV normali+ed 2rea parameter (2readevided to the area of the inner oval) &ithout filter for a group of yangpeople%

    3tatistical distribution of the GDV 2rea &ith filter is more close to normal



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    -ig% 3tatistical distribution of the GDV 2rea parameter &ith filter for agroup of middleaged people%

    Detailed discussion of age and gender difference for the &holeset of EPI indeAes is presented in the paper 6iesielskaHrobel et al "#$#Qbased on the study of population of $"? persons (9$ men and :5 &omen)%

    *ro0 this +e have to conclde that in -antitative analysisdata &or +o0en and 0en as +ell as &or di&&erent age grops sholdbe evalated di&&erently.


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     This topic &as first addressed in the paper of .usso ! et al "##$Q%y *uantitative analysis they demonstrated that reproducibility of GDVdata for most people is more than 1#[ but &e need to take into accountphysiological cycles and the influence of emotions' alcohol' medicationsand *uality of sleep%

    y performing daily monitoring the reprodcibility o& GDV para0eters< vales &as investigated for 49 practically healthy people andin 4# bronchial asthma (2) patients 2leAandrova' "##$Q% 49 healthypeople and "# asthmatic patients &ith a $#minute interval' "# practicallyhealthy and "# asthmatic patients &ith a day interval and "" sick people &ithin a day at 1 a%m%' $' 5' 1 p%m% and 1 a%m% neAt day% -or the healthypeople the values of amplitudes of the GDVgram parametersKfluctuations' daily average and average $#minute' amounted to :%$ and

    ?%?[' for 2 patients respectively 9%? and 8%8[ %

    -ig% -luctuation of GDV parameters for healthy people (cones) andbronchial asthma (2) patients (cylinders) averaged daily ($) and in $#

    minutes (")%


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     2 group of individuals ($#[ of all eAamined' 2 and healthypeople) &as identified in &hich the variability of the GDVgramparameters registered considerably higher up to $9[ over the daily

    average value% 3o &e may accept that reproducibility of GDV indeAes forpractically healthy' mentally stable people should be better than 1#[ andall variations eAceeding this level may be considered as significant% This isimportant &hen &e evaluate the effect of some influence or treatment%

     The influence of atmospheric conditions to a group of people &asstudied by Dunlop "##:Q% .oom temperature (ranged from 8$ to 9:degrees) and barometric pressure (ranged from "1 to 4$ degrees) &erenegatively correlated &ith the fourth finger entropy value% Increases in

    room temperature and a rise in room barometric pressure had a negativeeffect on the endocrine energy condition% In contrast' GDV fourth fingerentropy value measures &ere positively correlated &ith humidity (rangedfrom ?$[ to 94[) as the percentage of humidity rose' the endocrineentropy condition rose% Entropy values increased in reaction to the effectsof higher humidity on the individual% Entropy reflects the level of nonuniformity of the GDV image' in other &ords' the level of stability of theEnergy -ield% 2fter Gibson "##:Q &e may attribute it to the teAture of an

    image lo&er entropy is correlated &ith firm and fine teAture' &hile highentropy is characteristic of coarse' porous' broken contour of an image%


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    "eco00ended procedres

    $% 6alibrate the EPI device and EPI programs at least four times ayear' or if conditions change' e%g% moving the camera to another site'change of computer' severe change in atmospheric conditions% 6alibrationmust also be performed if Ounusual@ results are obtained%

    2. 6heck the capture parameters in the EPI 6amera (in accordance &ith the device instructions) and the processing parameters in programs%Changing the processing para0eters leads to distorted reslts.

    3.  Take EPI images of the patient at least " hours after theconsumption of a large *uantity of food' &ithout alcohol or strongmedicines% )o0e 0edicines 4in particlar2 hor0ones or anti=depressants5 +ill have an e&&ect on the natre o& the energy. It isadvisable to e0pty the bladder and bo+els be&ore i0age captringbegins.

    4.  The eAamination of the patients may be conducted during all theday' but preferably before any medical diagnostic procedures and the

    intake of drugs' at least t&o hours after the latest intake of food andsmoking' and at least ": hours after the latest intake of alcohol% Theintake of certain drugs influences the psychophysiological state%

    5.  The fingers must not be &ashed or &iped &ith alcohol before theregistration% If the hands are very dirty' &ash and &ait a further $5minutes%

    6. In the case o& s+eaty hands (eAcessive perspiration)' &ipe eachfinger individually and then take EPI images%

    8% efore taking EPI images it is advisable to allo& the patient torelaA for $5 minutes' drink &ater (but not tea or coffee) and sit in pleasantsurroundings &ith relaAing music%

    9% 3ome people' particularly children and the young' maydemonstrate a Omedical reaction@ &hich manifests itself as a stress reactionon the measurement process%

    >. Be&ore each 0easre0ent2 the optic lens o& the E%I device0st be +iped clean.

    $#% If unusual EPIgrams are obtained' repeat the measurement ofthe patient and be sure that the results are precise%


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    11. It is necessary to use a ne& filter for taking EPI images of tenfingers of each patient% Ensure that the filter is accurately stored'straightened out and does not become crushed during the measurements%

    $"% .epeated image capturing may lead to varying results% Decreasedclarity &ith repeated measures testifies to &eak energy% 0neven changesof the EPIgram indicats deregulation of adaptation levels% In such cases'it is necessary to carry out a series of repeated measurements and dra&conclusions accordingly% Each series of EPI images must be taken both &ith and &ithout filter%

    $4% Psychologically and physically comfortable conditions must beprovided for the individuals under study' and any random influences

    (psychological' physical' etc%) must be eAcluded%14. Each time the measurements must be taken &ith filter and &ithout it%

    15. Hhen the state of the individual is monitored by periodicallytaking the EPIgrams' the measurements must be taken at the same timeof day' by the same physician' in the same room &ith constant optimumtemperature' humidity and gas composition of the air' maintained bymeans of the ventilation and heating systems%

    $?% -actors &hich may interfere &ith the analysis other diagnostic procedures being run concomitantlyN medicines' natural substances and supplementsN food intake (preferred to &ait at least 4 hours after meals)N smokingN alcohol and other drugsN menstruation in &omen%

    17.  -or serial measurements' recurring registration of GDVgrams

    should be performed at the same time' by the same doctor' in the sameroom &ith constancy of temperature' humidity' air composition andmaintenance thereof through ongoing ventilation and heating systemcontrols%

    $9% It is necessary to establish comparable conditions of psychologicaland physical comfort for the patient' &ith specific attention to distractionsand stressorsN i%e% a *uiet' calming environment%


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    %art II. E(EC!"#%'#!#IC AA(Y)I) I !'E I!EG"A!IVE MEDICIE

    Bioelectrographic Method &or %reventive 'ealthCare

    -rom the early stage of bioelectrography development it &asdemonstrated that this approach may be applied in medicine in t&o maindirections

    Initial screening of patients &hich allo&s to detect mainorgans and systems of attention and direct patient to theneAt' more detailed and specific diagnostic techni*ues%

    !onitoring of patient@s condition in the course of

    treatment and rehabilitation%

    oth lines have been pursued by different research groups and &epresent some data published after the year "###%

    Photonic emission varies from person to person and reflects his=herpsychoemotional and physical state at the moment of study% Thus'bioelectrographic approach can then be used as a model to bridge the gaps

    in health disparities by creating an innovative approach to address healthaspects in real time measurements' &hich &ill improve rural healthoutcomes% 3o very important *uestion is &hether it is possible to useGDV approach for assessment of person@s health state and psycho physiological condition> This topic &as the obective of the research by6ohly ,% et%al% "##1Q' and the aim &as to create the dataset' &hich couldserve as a background for an alternative method of preventive diagnosticsbased on impulse analysis of fingertips@ photonic emission%

    Pilot study encompasses $4# participants of average age of "5% TheIntegral area (I2)' Integral entropy (IE) and activation coefficient (26)mean values for $4# participants &ere recorded &ith and &ithout filter% The relationship bet&een I2' 26 and IE &as assessed by binary selection


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    metric criteria% 3pecifically the average 26 &as $%1?? compared to thestandard norm ranging from " to :' I2 &as ranging from #%4 to #%$$compared to the standard norm ranging from #%? to $%# &hereas IE &as

    ranging from $%1: to $%11 compared to the standard norm ranging from$%# to "%#% Thus' pilot study of a group of $4# individuals sho&s closeagreement &ith the values defined as a standard norm% inary matriAanalysis of the distribution of mean values is a promising step to&ardsdefining base line values for disease profiles% The participants &ith healthproblems sho&ed deviation from the norm to&ards increased activity ofcertain organs%

     This &as confirmed in several studies%

    und+en et al "##4Q after analy+ing 4# people concluded that basicand integral parameters of optoelectronic emission correlates &ithhumoralmetabolic and refleA regulation processes on the level of theautonomic nervous system% Increase in activity of central (neurohumoral)part of autoregulative mechanisms corresponds &ith the increase in theoptoelectronic emission processes' increase of stress tolerance parameters'and an overall functional indeA' and corresponds &ith decrease in an indeAof energetic deficiency%

    3everal significant positive correlations for the D,E2 andD,E2=cortisol values &ith several GDV measures of general health (areainteger) and fourth finger for a group of people &as found in Dunlop"##:Q% GDV left hand area values (both &ith and &ithout filter) &eresignificantly correlated to D,E2 and D,E2=cortisol values% The GDVfilter :; finger entropy value' reflecting the energy condition of theendocrine system' &as positively correlated &ith the cortisol value% Thefollo&ing GDV scores &ere positively correlated &ith the D,E2 and

    D,E2=cortisol ratio the right hand area integer (filter and nonfilter)' thefilter right fourth finger entropy value' and both the left and right fourthfinger area (no filter) change scores%

     2 proposed compleA of diagnosis criteria using multiple diagnosticapproaches can evaluate the organismsK response to therapy and assess theappropiateness of using different therapeutic influences% 0sing the GDVmethod in addition to other diagnostic approaches substantially simplifies

    (and speeds up) goal achievement creating an individuali+edrehabilitation program and preventive recommendations Voeikov "##:Q6lassification of ne& patients by using a statistical model of GDV

    parameters coincided &ith the conventional classifications &ith an


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    accuracy of 9#[% !ost information about the diseases in this eAperiment &as derived from the finger sector :5\ to :5\ Volkov "##5Q%%

     The deviations of GDVgrams of the fingers revealed during some

    pathologic processes ($#8 people ages $9?"N ?5 men' :" &omen) do notal&ays correspond to the borders of the sectors tentatively proected toparticular organs or systems and *uite often eAtend beyond these sectorboundaries% -or deviations sho&ing post operative period increases' themaority of patients demonstrated disappearance of pathologic marks andrestoration of integrity and saturation of energy field patterns Colkin"##?Q%

    Cupeev et al "##?Q after studding 84 people (ages 4894N 4$ men' :"

     &omen) have concluded that GDV method can be used as an eApressmethod for assessing treatment procedure effectiveness and persistency ofac*uired positive changes in organisms% GDV techni*ue is *uite sensitiveand can detect changes in a fe& minutes%

    3trong correlation bet&een the GDV parameters and the diagnosticparameter measuring functional reserve capacity of a patient% Thiscorrelation has been revealed at its largest value for the filtered measuresof GDV parameters on the left hand% The parameter /umber of

    fragmentsJ sho&s large differences bet&een ill and healthy patients at ? of$# fingers in the skin disease group Gurski "##?Q (4"9 patients)%6hanges in organs and systems registered by the GDV method

    coincide in ?#1#[ of cases &ith changes registered by conventionaldiagnosis methods% Pathology initially detected by the means of GDVtechni*ue &as confirmed after&ards by conventional methods in ?#8#[of cases !amedov "##5Q (more than 8## patients)%

     2t the clinic of the 3cientific .esearch Institute of 6linical andEAperimental ;ymphology of the 3iberian ranch of the .ussian 2cademy of !edical 3ciences a doubleblind screening eAamination of$## verified patients &ith various pathologies demonstrated the sensibilityof the GDV bioelectrography method amounted to 1"[ Ignatiev et al"###Q% EAamination of patients &ith autointoAication of various etiologies(diseases of the lymphatic system' of the digestive tract organs' etc)sho&ed possibility to reveal and estimate the state of autointoAication by

    eAistence of markers toAic spots of various kinds on bioelectrograms% 2nalysis of the data obtained from eAamination of $4# patients in hospitalenvironment has proved that the bioelectrography method allo&s to revealand estimate early beforeclinical changes as &ell as hidden pathologic


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    processes' &hich manifest themselves clinically later (&ith the period ofobservation from $ month to " years) and are confirmed by laboratory andfunctional methods of research (cardiovascular pathology' diseases of

    endocrine' digestive' urogenital systems and others)%

    ig research line &as conducted at the 6entral 6linical 3anatoriumnamed after -% D+er+hinsky in 3ochi' .ussia' by ikov 2%T% !%D%' PhD and Tchernousova ;%D% !%D% "##4Q% $45 people &ere eAamined &ithposttraumatic stressfactor disorders and "1 people &ith other anAietymaking disorders% $##[ ($?: people) of patients from these groupsrevealed somatic disfunction of their nervous systemN $?%?[ ("8 people)

    of patients revealed changes in function of their endocrinic systemthyroidgland diseasesN $$%$[ (:: people) of patients revealed stomach andduodenum diseases (gastritis' duodenitis)N $?%?[ ("8 people) of patientsrevealed diseases of biliferous tracts and pancreas (chronic cholecystitis'dyskinesia of biliferous tracts' reactive pancreatitis)% GDV analysis ofpatients allo&ed to reveal dysfunctions not kno&n by the previousinvestigations% Data presented in the Table belo&%

     Table% Diseases revealed for the first time &ith the GDV method

    6ode a0e o& disease o& patients

    ?? ot o&general n0bero& patients


    Diseases of thyroid gland i%a%goiter' euthereosis' autoimmunethyroiditis

    "1 5%?[

    /:# 2denoma of prostate 8 $%4[


    Diseases of bile cyst' biliferoustracts and pancreas

    $1 4%?[

    C51 -unctional disturbances ofintestine (dysbacteriosis)' chroniccolitis

    :$ 8%1[

     2ll diagnoses &ere confirmed by clinical and laboratoryeAaminations%


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    In the research proect of phtisiopulmonology department ofCa+akh 3tate !edical 0niversity named by 3%D%2sfendiarov (2lma2ta'Ca+akhstan) $#8 patients (?# men and :8 &omen) &ith lungs tuberculosis

     &as studied both &ith GDV method and &ith classical technologies% 4#healthy people served as control 3habaev et al "##:Q% 6lear statisticaldifference bet&een healthy and deceased people' as &ell as highcorrelations (on the level #%8#%1) bet&een GDV indeAes and clinicalparameters of patients &ere found% 2nother studied group included $15patients (?#[ &omen)' bearerKs of a profound mycosis fungoidesinfection P% Variotii ainier ($1#8)' var% aaminella  Dechkan ($18:)%Profound GDVgram changes &ere noted in cases &ith eosinophilic

    reaction in blood correlated &ith anemia and decrease of immune status% These particularities could be connected &ith different biochemical basisof inflammation' but namely' &ith different stage of freeradical processesactivation%

    !onitoring of patents@ condition after rehabilitation process is beingused for many years since "##" at the 6entre of psychological research of.ussian !inistry of .ail&ay Transportation in 3aint Petersburg 3ergeev et

    al "##:Q% The shortterm rehabilitation is designed for ? hours% The doctornominates necessary procedures depending on a condition of health andpresence of problem +ones' and traces changes after rehabilitation% 2fterthe ending procedures the card displaying dynamics of a condition (resultsof psychological diagnostics and the GDV analysis) is given out% 2fter thatresults are discussing &ith the psychologist% 2fter rehabilitation the GDVgramms of fingers are characteri+ed by the greater area' greater isolationand uniformity of a luminescence in relation to GDVgramms before

    rehabilitation%In this study correlation bet&een GDV area and arterial pressure &as found% Increase of arterial pressure corresponded to a smaller area ofa luminescence (k F #'4"#' ]F#'#$)% 3imilar a pulse rate &as correlated tothe integrated area of a luminescence (k F #%":#' ]F#%#$)' and pulsepressure (k F #%"8"' ]F#%#$)% The parameter of fractality &ithout thefilter had direct correlations &ith systolic (kF #%4"5' ]F#%#$) and diastolicarterial pressure (k F #%"?5' ]F#%#$)% Increased fractality corresponded to

    increase of arterial pressure%

    Interesting study &as presented by 2badi et al "##5Q% They decidedto compare informativeness of devices designed for measuring ,uman


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    Energy -ield% The four devices comprise Gas Discharge Visualisation(GDV)' Electro 3canning !ethod (E3!)' Polycontrast InterferencePhotography (PIP) and .esonant -ield Imaging (.-I)% Each device

    delivers the information in different formats% oth .-I and E3! providera& data (fre*uencies)' &hich in the case of .-I is then used to build upan image' &hereas in E3! no computer soft&are is involved and the ra&data is used in analysis% Hith PIP' the process of data collection and imagecreation is automated% GDV builds up an image based on readings taken atthe fingertips%

    $# participants &ere chance selectedN each re*uested to complete abody perception *uestionnaire' in &hich they identified current and past

    health issues% The four scanning sessions for each participant took placeon the same day and in the same order% The scans &ere interpreted byeAperts using *ualitative analysis and compared to the health data from theclient *uestionnaire%

    Each of the devices has evidence from case studies' that has beenable to demonstrate the possibility of identifying areas of physical andmental imbalance from scans% To date ho&ever only GDV has publishedresearch in peer revie& ournals%

     2 blinded clinical study &as performed by Prof% 2%;% Tumanova atthe 3ochi 0niversity' .ussia Tumanova "##8Q' &here 5:" patients &ereseparated in t&o groups% The first group &as first analy+ed &ith EPI=GDV and after that &ith ordinary medical eAaminations% The secondgroup &as first eAamined by a medical doctor and thereafter a EPI =GDV 2nalysis &as done% The medical parameters included analysis of thecardiovascular system &ith daily monitoring' of the bronchial system' the

    digestive tract' the spine and muscular system as &ell as blood' urine andhair tests% The study revealed a correlation of EPI =GDV 2nalysis Data &ith clinical eAamination for the first group bet&een 9" and 91[ and apredictive po&er of the EPI =GDV analysis prior to the medicaleAamination of 1:[% The correlation of the EPI =GDV 2nalysis &ith theresults from the medical eAaminations for the second group (first medicaleAamination and EPI =GDV 2nalysis after&ards) &as 81[% Theconclusion from this study &as that the 2nalysis of EPI =EPI =GDV data

     &as most gainful in cases of early diagnosis of pathological conditions% The advantages of the EPI =EPI =GDV approach &ere found in the easein use' economical' fast' noninvasive' reliable and informative method ofinformation gathering and diagnosis%


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     The metaanalysis of papers published in English or .ussian

    language from "##4 to "##8 &as presented in The Bournal of 2lternativeand 6omplementary !edicineJ% Corotkov' !atravers et al  "#$#Q 2llrandomi+ed controlled studies (.6Ts) and systematic research reports(3..s) &ere evaluated using 3cottish Intercollegiate Guidelines /et&orkand Badad checklists% The search yielded $4? articles addressing fourdifferent fields of medical and psychophysiologic applications of EPI(GDV)% 2mong them 89 &ere rated OOhigh@@ on the t&o conventionalchecklists% @8 patients &ith different problems &ere compared to more

    than $### healthy individuals%

    In the &ork by

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    groups the study group consisted of 1? patients &ith coronary heartdisease and the control group composed of 4# healthy persons% The studymethods included recording of corona discharges of fingertips of both

    hands by using the Gas Discharge Visuali+ation (GDV) 6amera andanaly+ing changes in images dependent on conditions of medicaleAaminations of patients' their frame of mind' age' gender' heart rate'blood pressure' serum potassium concentration' and the course ofcoronary heart disease%

    .esults 2ge' gender' temperature in eAamination rooms as &ell asframe of mind of the study population eAerted a similar effect on EPI inboth groups% ,eart rate' blood pressure and the pattern of coronary heart

    disease eAerted varied effects on the patientsK EPI parameters in the studygroup% 6onclusions The analysis of changes in EPI may be a source ofinformation about the effect of physiological and pathophysiologicalchanges in the human health state' physical as &ell as mental%

    Detailed discussion of the principles of Electrophotonic analysis ispresented in the book EE"GY *IE(D) E(EC!"#%'#!#IC

     AA(Y)I) I '$MA) AD A!$"E by C% Corotkov available in

    electronic format%


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    Electrophotonic Analysis in Medicine

    Bronchial Asth0a

     2n analysis of the data &hich eAamines ":8 patients &ith bronchialasthma (2) compared to 5? practically healthy people &as presented todemonstrate a practical medical application of gas dischargebioelectrography 2leAandrova .% et al' "##4' "##:Q% In analy+ing thisgroup' a common trait distinguishing them &as the pronounced liability ofpsychological status and vegetative instability% 3ignificant correlations(rZ#%5' pW#%#5) &ere revealed bet&een the indices of vegetative balance

    and parameters of the GDVgrams 3avitskaa G% "##$Q% This &asinterpreted to confirm the contribution of the vegetative (autonomic)nervous system to the mechanisms of system energyinformationalregulation% Good repeatability and reproducibility of the GDVgramsKparameters &ere found for the absolute maority of the investigatedhealthy people and 2 patients (in 1#[ of the cases)%

     !he GDV=gra0s o& a practically healthy individal  &ith basalmetabolism and in harmony &ith the environment (i%e% nonstressful

    situation)' is characteri+ed by a uniform fluorescent corona located as themiddle ring of the GDV diagram% !he GDV=gra0 o& a patient +ith BA attack is distinguished by

    an KoutburstK of glo& in the respiratory +one of the fifth finger% 2t thesame time this notion has a nonspecific character as a similar KoutburstK ofglo& in the respiratory +one of the fifth finger may be detected in a patient &ith a leftside pneumonia%

     Average vales o& indices o& the GDV=gra0 in the grops o&

     patients and healthy people are given in table $%


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     !able .  2verage values of the GDVgram parameters in the groups ofpatients and healthy people% Parameters of GDV images -6 formcoefficientN -r6 fractal coefficientN E6 emission coefficient%

    Groups of theinvestigatedpeople


    -6 -r6 E6 2rea

    $% 2patients

    $4"%9"1%5 $#%9 "%:$ $%"4 #%$$ ?8:#?5$%8

    "% Patients &ith stomachand duodenumulcer

    $#1%1":%: 9%1 $%9: "%5 #%"? 9:5#9$8%#

    4% ,ealthypeople

    14%9"#%1 8%:8 $%?8 #%:9 #%#5 $#9?1$#5$%$

    3tatistics   ^$4  #%##$

    ^"4  #%##$

    ^$4  #%#5

    Diagnostically 0ost in&or0ative are the indices +hichcharacteri1e the area o& GDV=gra0. 2s &e see from table $' area valuesfor healthy people are al&ays greater' as compared to that of unhealthypatients% -or the 2 group the GDV area is larger in proportion to greaterseverity cases' higher degrees of pulmonary obstruction and morepronounced dysfunctions of the microcirculation in the lungs as seen indiagnostic scintigraphic data% Emission coefficients (E6) statistically differ

    bet&een the groups' as &ell' &hile fractal coefficients (-6 and -r6)demonstrate less significant difference%

     !he GDV=gra0 o& BA patients both overall' and in therehabilitation period after acute eAacerbation is characteri+ed by lo&er values of area indices and the area integral coefficient (Bg3) as compared to

    practically healthy people% Bg3 values for healthy people are #%5?#%45 on

    the left and #%5:#%44 on the right' &hereas for 2 patients #%:"#%?: on

    the left hand and #%5$

    #%?1 on the right hand (^F#%#$)%  The conugacy of Bg3 changes can be revealed in sector or +one analysis by correlations &iththe respiratory meridian notion in Traditional 6hinese !edicine% Table "demonstrates the difference in Bg3 average value in these +ones' &hich do'


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    and do not correspond to the respiratory system% Table 4 illustrates asignificant correlations bet&een Bg3 values in the +ones for respiratorysystems%

     Table%" Difference of Bg3 average values of +ones' &hich correspondand &hich do not correspond to the respiratory system for 2 patients(nF$"")

     ones Bg3


    $ Transverse colon  8.8 ^$"  #%#$

    " 3mall intestine #%414 ThoraA +one of spine 8.8 ^4: 

    #%##$: 3acrum #%5

    5 .espiratory system 8.8 ^5? #%##$? Cidneys #%5"

     Table%4 6oefficients of correlation of Bg3 values in the +ones'

    corresponding to the respiratory system for 2 patients (nF$"")

    ones Transverse

    colon ThoraA +one

    of spine.espiratory



    #%?1]W #%###$

    #%?5]W #%###$




    ]W #%###$


    ]W #%###$

     This data confirms the clinical significance and high correlation forsector diagnostics in the analysis of the GDVgrams%

    Monitoring o& the dyna0ics o& change o& GDV=gra0

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    side effects of therapy% 6orrelations &ere able to be established bet&eenGDVpatternsK transformations and the dynamics of leading pathogeneticprocesses for 2 patients' including eAternal respiratory dysfunction'

    microcirculation in the lungs' and other markers of bronchialinflammatory processes 2leAandrova et% al%' "##$Q%GDV parameters register demonstrated reliable differences on the

    influence of glucocorticosteroids relative to the &ays of their inectionpositive under inhalation and inhibitory under intravenous infusion% Thissignificant depression of bioenegetic activity due to intravenous infusionssuggests yet another rationale for limiting its application as a type oftherapy so as to avoid side effects systemically from treatment%

    /ote&orthy &as the positive influence in bioenergetic activitymeasures for the patient after a course of medical acupuncture% .eliableincrease of Bg3 in the process of refleAotherapy preceded positivefunctional shifts in clinical treatment outcome% 3peculation that energyinformational regulation of the patient Ks activity is one of the mainmechanisms for the acupuncture effect observed%


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    acupuncture for 2 patients &ith pathology of gastroduodenum +one &asaccompanied by a more pronounced improvement of patency of air&ays'the decrease of levels of the bronchi inflammation markers' and recovery

    of the disturbed balance of energy eAchange according to E data (] W#%#5)%Conclsion. Patterns of GDVgrams of fingers from 2 patients

    correlate &ith kno&n main pathogenic identifiers giving evidence of theclinical usefulness' informativeness of E and its complementary role inclinical medicine% Introduction of this GDV techni*ue into the medicinepractice for 2 considerably &idens the obective diagnostics and clinicalmonitoring capabilities of the patientKs global stateN moreover' its use

    contributes to greater individuali+ation of therapeutic options% 2n obviousresult of this &ork is in its application to the study of mechanisms andoutcomes for both traditional medical remedies as &ell as an array ofcomplementary strategies such as acupuncture and homeopathy%

    3imilar conclusions &as made in the research of big group of 2patients by Vilner /%3% and 3pi+ina E%2% "##"Q%


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     Atistic children analysis

    3imilar approach &as used for detecting heterogeneity and uni*uefeatures in autism Costyuk /% et%al% "##1' "#$#Q%

     The autistic children in this study &ere previously diagnosed &ithmild autism and=or 2sperger@s 3yndrome% The age of the autistic childrenfell into a range of five to t&elve years old' 1%4 being the mean age% 2llautistic participants &ere males% To reduce the barrier of a ne& setting forautistic children' parents &ere asked to participate first% The cerebral

    corteA' cerebral vessels' spleen' epiphysis' left kidney' gallbladder'abdomen' sacrum and thoraA sho& lo&er activity compared to the rest ofthe organs%

    .esults revealed heterogeneity and uni*ue features in theparticipants &ith 23D and their parents% The lo& activities that &ere foundin the +ones of gastrointestinal tract' immune system' cerebral corteA' andcerebral vessels have been described in the literature and confirm previousdata on autistic patients% These +ones &ere found to be present in all

    autistic children &e tested and therefore are uni*ue signatures of autism inour preliminary study% 2dditionally' the bioelectrographic study detectedepiphysis' kidneys' adrenal gland' cervical +one' thoraA +one and sacrum asthe +ones of misbalance in autistic children% Despite of being diagnosed &ith 2sperger@s syndrome=mild autism' autistic children had different values assigned to the +ones of cerebral corteA and cerebral vessels% Thisindicates that there eAists heterogeneity &ithin one phenotype &hichimplies the individuali+ed approach% The uneven distribution of EPE

    especially as to the response of the parasympathetic nervous system leadsus to hypothesi+e that there eAists a misbalance' &hich is eApressed on thephysical level in respective +ones of EPE%

    rothers and sisters of the autistic children though labeled asnormals also eAhibited uni*ue features common to autistic sibling butadditionally had lo& activities in pancreas and pelvis minor +one% The onlydifference bet&een the autistic children and their siblings is in thedistribution of EPE values% In autistic children the distribution is very

    uneven bet&een left and right hand &hile in the siblings the distribution isfairly even% The fathers of the autistic children share some uni*ue features of

    autism such as cerebral corteA' cerebral vessels' epiphysis and spleen%


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    6haracteristically fathers sho& lo& activities in the liver' transverse colon'descending colon' respiratory system' cardiovascular system and coronary vessels%

    !others of the autistic children share some uni*ue features ofautism such as cerebral corteA' cerebral vessels' immune system' epiphysisand kidneys% Distinguishing features include transverse colon' pancreas'and urogenital system% The images &ere characteri+ed by inconsistency andgaps pertaining to certain sector% The outer isoline of some images hadfractile nature &hich could be the evidence of emotional tension or stress%

    In conclusion' bioelectrographic method is a promising stepto&ards creating autism profile and identifying uni*ue signatures

    pertaining to the parents and their siblings% -urther &ork should involvemore participants in order to augment our findings by thebioelectrographic approach%


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     A correlation bet+een GDV and heart rate

     variability 0easres

     This study 6ioca G' et%al% "##:Q &as an eAtension of the studiespreviously presented und+en' "##"N Corotkov' "##"N uyantseva' "##4Q% The control subects (nF":) from that study &ere volunteers from the3tate !edical 2cademy in .ussia and &ere used for the 7rthostatic test%-ourtythree athletes (age $1":) from the 3tate .esearch Institute of3port in .ussia volunteered for the eAercise tests%

    'eart "ate Variability 4'"V5. ,.V measures &ere recordedusing a traditional electrocardiogram &ith four leads attached to the left _right hands and the left _ right ankles% ,.V &as calculated using the/euro3oft 6ompany (.ussia) and Polar Electro (-inland) 3oft&are% ,eart.ate (,.) &as calculated using follo&ing formula ,.F ?#A$# 4 msec=..' &here .. is the average length in seconds of the .. intervals(..//) for each group% T&o parameters &ere calculated from the timedomain measures of .. interval variability% The standard deviation of .

    . intervals (3D//) can be used as a measure of sympathetic nervousactivity' &hereas the rootmean s*uare of successive differences in ..intervals (.!33D) reflects parasympathetic activity%

    3pectral analysis of time domain curves reveals peaks in the very lo&fre*uency range (V;- #%##:#%#: ,+)' the lo&fre*uency range (;- #%#:#%$5 ,+) and the high fre*uency range (,- #%$5#%5 ,+)% ;-=,- is theratio of the lo& = high fre*uency po&er components% The V;- parameteris believed to measure the hormonal regulation (&ith some sympathetic

    nervous system activity)' the ;- parameter is a measure of the sympatheticnervous system and the ,- parameter is a measure of the activity of theparasympathetic system%

    ackground ,.V and GDV measures &ere taken after 5 minutes ofresting in a *uiet room% In addition ,.V and GDV measures &ere alsotaken follo&ing the three eAperimental conditions% -or the 7rthostatic test'subects &ere asked to deep breathe in a supine position for 5 minutes(controlled breathing involved ? breaths per minute &ith 5 second

    inhalations and 5 second eAhalations)% Then subects stood up andresumed regular tidal breathing% 2fter 5 minutes GDV and ,.V measures &ere obtained%


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     The eAercise test involved $# minutes of strenuous physical eAercisebefore GDV and ,.V measures &ere obtained% The third eAperimentalcondition &as the consumption of dark chocolate' three hours after &hich

    GDV and ,.V measures &ere taken% 6orrelation coefficients &erecalculated for GDV and ,.V results obtained during the background andduring the three eAperimental conditions% In addition to analysis ofindividual sessions' the difference bet&een the orthostatic and backgroundtests &as calculated% 3ignificant correlations &ere seen using GDVparameters from individual fingers (eg 5.)' for differences bet&een t&ofingers (eg% 5;5.) or by using all $# fingers (eg% deviations in absolute values' or mathematical combinations of all ten (stress indeA)% T&o GDV

    parameters (stress indeA and area) correlate &ith a balanced sympatheticand parasympathetic regulation of ,.V% The same balanced regulatorystate has been previously reported for other positive emotional stimuli(!c6raty' $115)%

    In the present study' despite the parasympathetic dominanceassociated &ith eAercise' the sympathetic component of ,.V (;-) &ascorrelated &ith the stress indeA parameter of GDV% Thus the sympatheticnervous activity appears to best correlate &ith GDV parameters in t&o

    different eAperimental conditions controlled by either sympathetic orparasympathetic activity%In conclusion ,.V and GDV &ere correlated in a nondiseased

    population under different physiological conditions% In situations &hereeither the sympathetic or the parasympathetic nervous systems &ereactivated' the ,.V parameter corresponding to sympathetic regulation ofheart rate &as correlated &ith GDV% In a situation inducing a positiveemotional state' the ,.V parameter &hich correlates &ith GDV is the

    balance bet&een the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems% Inall cases' GDV entropy correlated &ith the different ,.V parameters%3ince these ,.V parameters reflect involuntary reactions of the heart topsychophysical loading' the observed correlation bet&een ,.V and GDVallo&s the conclusion that &ell being can be measured as a resilience topsychophysical stimuli%

    In another research ?# athletes in the age of from $9 till "4 years'among them 4# &restlers of high *ualification took part ;ovygina "##5Q%

    GDV and ,.V parameters &ere measured both in initially and after theloading% 3ignificant correlations bet&een respiratory &aves (.H) and GDVarea (r F #%8# p W #%#5) and sluggish &aves of the $st order (3H$) (r F #%?1 p W #%#5) &as found%


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    -or several years research proect for evaluation of patients@condition after surgery &as conducted in 3aint Petersburg !ilitary !edical 2cademy% 2 lot of papers &ere published in .ussian medical ournals andt&o PhD in medicine &ere a&arded% T&o papers &ere published in EnglishPolushin et%al% "##:' "##1Q% The main conclusions &ere as follo&s

    $% There are reliable differences bet&een parameters of GDVgrams of practically healthy people and patients &ith chronic abdominalsurgical pathology%

    "% The data obtained indicate that GDI parameters areconnected &ith the functional status of the organism and reflect theseverity of the somatic state of patients &ith abdominal surgical pathology%

    4% The most informative parameters are integral area ofglo& B3J in the GDV DiagramJ programN totalJ and normali+ed areaJ'

    total densityJ' average brightnessJ' as &ell as fractalityJ and formcoefficientJ in the GDV ProcessorJ program%:% The most informative mode of registration of GDVgrams

    is the mode &ithout filterJ% 7n the &hole' the application of the filterkeeps the trend of changes' but they are often less pronounced and losestatistical significance%

    5% The revealed variability of GDVgram parametersdepending on the seA and age of patients indicates that it is necessary to

    determine their individual norms%?% The dependence of perioperative dynamics of a number ofindices on the severity of the patientKs somatic state' the patient@s age andthe duration of surgical procedure enables functional monitoring in thepostoperative period' and evaluation of operative stress%

    8% The parameters of EPIgrams reliably change in responseto the operative trauma' and their dynamics depend on the severity of thesomatic state of patient' &hich allo&s using the techni*ue for functional

    monitoring of patients in postoperative period' as &ell as for theassessment of the operative stress% The degree of intensity of changesdepended on the volume and character of the undergone physicalintervention% Thus' patients &ho had laparoscopic cholecystectomy


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    sho&ed much smaller changes of bioenergy status in comparison &ithpatients' &ho had stomach and intestineKs operations%

    9% The Electrophotonic Imaging techni*ue is mostly advisable

    for the dynamic assessment of the functional state of patient inperioperative period% /ot all the fingers may be used' at that' but only onefinger of each hand% -or eAample' the fourth finger' &here the changes arethe most significant%

    -ig% % Dynamics of some GDV indices in perioperative period% 3tagesof research $ before surgery' " $st hour after surgery' 4 in $ day

    after surgery' : in " days after surgery' 5 in 4 days after surgery' ? in : days after surgery' 8 in 5 days after surgery%

    Dynamics of GDVgram parameters of systems in perioperative period

    for :4 people% (# before surgery' $ first hour after surgery' "5 daysafter surgery)%

    Importantapproach formonitoring ofGDVparameters topredict thedevelopment ofpostoperativedelirium &asdeveloped by3trukov E0% and Tu+hikova /%V%"#$#Q%

    $"" people &ere surveyedusing aprospective


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    GDV techni*ue% Three groups &ere eAamined% The first (control) &ere :8healthy people surveyed by GDV against the background of psychoemotional &ellbeing% The second group included 5# patients operated on

    the abdominal organs% GDVgrams &ere recorded in the group beforesurgery and during the neAt five days postoperatively% The third groupconsisted of "5 patients treated at the clinic of psychiatry &ith theabstinent syndrome in preand delirious state. !he most informative &asglo& area parameter% In series taken in dynamics the most significantchanges &ere revealed% Dynamics of the glo& area parameter of patients' &hose postoperative period is complicated by the development ofdelirium' is different from the normal distribution and &as characteri+ed

    by high amplitude of the GDV area% Dynamic changes in the glo& area &ere similar to the dynamics of GDV images of patients &ith psychiatricprofile% ,o&ever' these changes in the operated patients may be revealed$#$" hours prior to the development of the clinical picture of delirium% 2s the delirious syndrome subsided' the parameter of GDV area comesback to the original data and fits into the standard distribution% 3uchperformance of dynamics of the GDV area and its fundamental similarityto that of patients &ith psychiatric profile allo&s us to speak &ith

    confidence about the possibility of prognosis of delirious syndrome inpatients operated on the abdominal organs in the immediate postoperativeperiod' even before the development of complications%


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    Evaluation of disturbed uteroplacental blood

    circulation in the course of Pregnancy 

    ig research proect &as conducted in .ostov -ederal .esearchInstitute of 7bstetrics and Pediatrics Gimbut "###' "##:Q% The aim of thestudy &as to evaluate informative diagnostic criteria of normal andpathological flo& of pregnancy% Practically all the types of pregnancydistress are characteri+ed by the disturbed blood circulation of themother placenta fetusJ system% ""? pregnant &omen &ere eAamined

    in I and II trimesters of pregnancy% The author used special method ofevaluation

     The average thickness of corona in the uterus sector of the ringfinger of each hand &as measured under negative and positive polarity ofthe electrical field% The coefficient of disbalance (6D) &as calculated foreach hand according to the follo&ing formula

    6DF 4 (Tp Tn) = D' &here Tp average thickness of corona in the uterus sector under

    positive polarity of the electromagnetic field' mmN Tn average thicknessof corona in the uterus sector under negative polarity of electromagneticfield' mmN D longitudinal diameter of the finger circle in thephotograph' mm%

     The follo&ing conclusions &ere presented by the author$% The developed modification of GDV techni*ue demonstrated an

    informative and stable GDV parameter the coefficient of disbalance(6D)%

    "% The coefficient of disbalance for acupuncture points associated &ith the uterus is a highly specific and highly sensitive indicator for thecourse of pregnancy

    `) regardless of the period of gestation' stably lo& 6D GDVparameters correspond to the normal course of pregnancy thecoefficient of disbalance tends to +ero for both hands%

    b) &hen the parameters of utero and fetoplacental blood flo&deviate from the normative values' the 6D reliably increases for one hand%

    c) under the danger of miscarriage' regardless of the period ofgestation' the 6D is higher for both hands as compared to the norm%


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    d) the stimulation of EP$:8 point under the danger of miscarriage'simultaneously &ith the normali+ation of parameters of uterine bloodflo&' leads to reliable decrease of the 6D do&n to the normal values%

    4% There eAists an inversely proportional correlation bet&een the 6Dof acupuncture points associated &ith the uterus and the intensity ofgestational dominant% ;o& values of the 6D correspond to the manifestedcharacteristics of the gestational dominantN the 6D parameters are reliablyhigher &hen the gestational dominant &eakens%

    -ig% GDV parameters in case of normal pregnancy and pregnancycomplication% !6d and !6s misbalance coefficient in the uterine sectoron the right (deAter) and left (sinister) hands' accordingly%


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    'yrdo=!herapy !reat0ent

    ;eech therapy is an ancient method of natural treatment developedin India several thousand years ago and very popular in .ussia% Professor 2lbert Crashenuk is a great proponent of leech treatment and heconducted several research proects to verify the method Crashenuk et al"##:' "##?Q% ,e is using GDV instrument in his everyday practice%

    -or the statistical analysis ":# patients &ere selected' including 5?

    men ("4'4[) and $9: &omen (8?'8[)% They &ere measured &ith GDVinstrument before and several times in the process of hyrudotherapytreatment% 2ll patients demonstrated statistically significant positivetransformation of their Energy -ield increase of 2rea' decrease of-ractality' &hich created uniform' solid Energy -ield% This process hadseveral stages' *uite typical for a &hole series of patients' &hich allo&edproposing a hypothesis on trigger character of observed effects of leeches' &hich cause specific reactions in the organism of patients% Thus' that

    involves the change of GDV glo& and classical parameters' registered byother techni*ues%-ig demonstrates the statistically significant effects of

    hyrudotherapy treatment to people of different age% 2s &e see from thisdiagram both increase and decrease of the ,E- 2rea may be observed &hich in most cases may be interpreted as normali+ation of energycondition% -or more than 95[ of people this effect &as statisticallysignificant%

     This effect &as tested in the eAperiment &ith &hite laboratory rats%$# selected rats of the same breed &ere randomly divided to t&o groups%During several sessions for every rat in one group a leach &as applied for$# minutes &hile for rats in another group $# ml of blood &ere pumpedout &ith syringe% GDV parameters from the rat tail &ere measured $ and "hours after the procedure% 2s &e see from the graphs in the first threeprocedures the difference bet&een eAperimental and control groups &asstatistically significant (the level of variations is about $4$5[) &hile after

    a month there &ere no difference% This confirms data of multipleobservations that leach therapy has significant influence for the peoplehaving problems and practically no influence to healthy organisms%


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