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Gen 1.0 User Manual V1.2.Docx User Manual Gen 1.0 Document Revision History Rev Date By Description 1.0 Oct 2018 JC Initial 1.1 Feb 2019 JC Removed EULA and added reference to refer to the separate documentation 1.2 March 2019 JC Update to installation pre-requisites
  • Gen 1.0 User Manual V1.2.Docx

    User Manual

    Gen 1.0

    Document Revision History

    Rev Date By Description

    1.0 Oct 2018 JC Initial

    1.1 Feb 2019 JC Removed EULA and added reference to refer to the separate documentation

    1.2 March 2019 JC Update to installation pre-requisites

  • User Manual

    Gen 1.0 User Manual V1.2.Docx


    Disclaimer This guide is furnished for informational purposes only and represents the state of the product at the time of the document’s last revision date and may not reflect the functionality or state of the product in future revisions. The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. iCetana assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the information presented herein. Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, domain names, e-mail addresses, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious, and have no association with any real company, domain name, e-mail address, logo, person, place, or event is intended or should be inferred.


    © 2019 iCetana Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. This publication may not be copied, modified or reproduced in any form, for any purpose, or included in derivative documents without iCetana’s prior written consent.

    Trademark acknowledgements LiveWallTM is a registered trademark of iCetana Pty. Ltd. Other trademarks used in this document may be the trademarks of the manufacturers and venders of the respective products.

    Intellectual property rights iCetana may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from iCetana, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.

    Terms and conditions For further information regarding iCetana’s terms and conditions please refer to the End User Licence Agreement.

    Feedback Please send any comments, corrections and suggestions about this guide to: [email protected] Or contact iCetana support via our phone lines:

    UK +44 203 769 6667 AU +61 8 6365 0458 US +1 415 528 6212

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    Gen 1.0 User Manual V1.2.Docx


    1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 CONVENTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................... 1 1.4 USE OF THIS DOCUMENT ................................................................................................................ 2 1.5 CUSTOMER SERVICE ...................................................................................................................... 2

    2 ICETANA SOLUTION .................................................................................................................... 3

    2.1 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 3

    3 HOW ICETANA WORKS ............................................................................................................... 4

    3.1 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 4 3.2 NORMAL VS. ABNORMAL MOVEMENT .............................................................................................. 4

    4 CLIENT APPLICATIONS OVERVIEW .............................................................................................. 5

    4.1 APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE .......................................................................................................... 5 4.2 APPLICATION SUMMARY ............................................................................................................... 6

    5 INCIDENT WORKFLOW ............................................................................................................... 7

    5.1 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 7 5.2 INCIDENT WORKFLOW ................................................................................................................... 7

    6 LIVEWALLTM ................................................................................................................................ 8

    6.1 OVERVIEW.................................................................................................................................. 8 6.2 ACCESSING THE LIVEWALLTM .......................................................................................................... 9 6.3 LIVEWALLTM CONTROLS .............................................................................................................. 11 6.4 LIVEWALLTM CONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................... 13 6.5 CAMERA FILTER CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................. 15 6.6 SELECTING CAMERAS TO DISPLAY ON THE LIVEWALLTM ...................................................................... 16

    7 PLAYBACK ................................................................................................................................. 18

    7.1 OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................ 18 7.2 ACCESSING PLAYBACK ................................................................................................................. 18 7.3 PLAYBACK CONTROLS ................................................................................................................. 20 7.4 CONFIGURING THE PLAYBACK APPLICATION ..................................................................................... 22 7.5 OPERATION .............................................................................................................................. 23 7.6 EXPORTING VIDEO ...................................................................................................................... 24 7.7 CREATING INCIDENT REPORTS ....................................................................................................... 24

    8 LIVE........................................................................................................................................... 26

    8.1 OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................ 26 8.2 ACCESSING LIVE ......................................................................................................................... 26 8.3 LIVE CONTROLS .......................................................................................................................... 28 8.4 CONFIGURING THE LIVE APPLICATION ............................................................................................. 29

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    9 PLAYBACK WALL ....................................................................................................................... 32

    9.1 OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................ 32 9.2 ACCESSING THE PLAYBACKWALL ................................................................................................... 32 9.3 PLAYBACKWALL CONTROLS .......................................................................................................... 35 9.4 PLAYBACKWALL CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................. 37 9.5 REVIEWING ANOMALIES FOR A GIVEN TIME AND DATE ....................................................................... 38 9.6 CLOSE EXAMINATION AND INVESTIGATION ...................................................................................... 39 9.7 ANOMALY REVIEW CONTROLS ...................................................................................................... 40 9.8 EXPORTING VIDEO ...................................................................................................................... 41 9.9 CREATING INCIDENT REPORTS ....................................................................................................... 41

    10 R-TRACK ANOMALY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ................................................. 43

    10.1 OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................................. 43 10.2 ACCESSING R-TRACK ................................................................................................................. 43 10.3 R-TRACK CONTROLS .................................................................................................................. 44 10.4 CREATING INCIDENT REPORTS ..................................................................................................... 44 10.5 VIEWING INCIDENT REPORTS ...................................................................................................... 46 10.6 EDITING INCIDENT REPORTS........................................................................................................ 48 10.7 REVIEWING INCIDENT REPORTS ................................................................................................... 48 10.8 FILTERING INCIDENT REPORT DATA .............................................................................................. 49 10.8.1 FILTER DATE / TIME RANGE (PRE-DEFINED RANGE SELECTION).......................................................... 50 10.8.2 FILTER DATE / TIME RANGE (SPECIFIC DATE AND SELECTION)............................................................ 50 10.8.3 FILTER BY CAMERA ................................................................................................................. 51 10.8.4 FILTER BY INCIDENT CATEGORY.................................................................................................. 53 10.9 EXPORTING INCIDENT REPORTS ................................................................................................... 54 10.10 INCIDENT ANALYTICS ............................................................................................................... 55

    APPENDIX A ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................ 57

    APPENDIX B ICETANA SUPPORT DATA COLLECTION .................................................................... 58



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    FIGURE 1: ICETANA SUPPORT PROCESS .............................................................................................2 FIGURE 2: HIGH-LEVEL TOPOLOGY OF ICETANA. .................................................................................5 FIGURE 3: LIVEWALLTM DISPLAYING TWO ANOMALIES .......................................................................11 FIGURE 4: LIVEWALLTM ANOMALY VIDEO PANEL ..............................................................................12 FIGURE 5: LIVEWALLTM ANOMALY VIDEO DISPLAY AREA CONFIGURATION ...............................................13 FIGURE 6: LIVEWALLTM APPLICATION CONNECTION CONFIGURATION.....................................................14 FIGURE 7: CAMERA FILTER MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................15 FIGURE 8: PLAYBACK CONTROLS ...................................................................................................20 FIGURE 9: PLAYBACK ANOMALY PANEL ...........................................................................................21 FIGURE 10: PLAYBACK DISPLAY CONFIGURATION ..............................................................................22 FIGURE 11: LIVE APPLICATION DISPLAYING SIX LIVE VIDEO STREAMS ......................................................28 FIGURE 12: LIVE VIDEO DISPLAY AREA CONFIGURATION ......................................................................29 FIGURE 13: LIVE APPLICATION CONNECTION CONFIGURATION ..............................................................30 FIGURE 14: PLAYBACKWALL DISPLAYING ONE ANOMALY ....................................................................35 FIGURE 15: PLAYBACKWALL ANOMALY VIDEO PANEL ........................................................................36 FIGURE 16: PLAYBACKWALL ANOMALY VIDEO DISPLAY CONFIGURATION ................................................37 FIGURE 17: ANOMALY REVIEW TOOL CONTROLS ...............................................................................40 FIGURE 18: R-TRACK NAVIGATION BAR ..........................................................................................44 FIGURE 19: INCIDENT FILTERING OPTIONS .......................................................................................49 FIGURE 20: FILTER CAMERA CONTROLS ..........................................................................................52 FIGURE 21: FILTER BY CATEGORIES ................................................................................................53 FIGURE 22: INCIDENT REPORT FORMATS ........................................................................................55 FIGURE 23: DATA VISUALISATION FILTERS .......................................................................................55

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    1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Overview

    Traditionally, surveillance was intended to allow operators to see and act on information gathered as it happens. In today’s digital age with the scale of CCTV infrastructure, the ability to see where and when it matters is an impossible task. Existing systems are typically operated reactively using the information presented from externally generated intelligence resulting from the effect of unaddressed risk. The goal of iCetana is to see what matters when it matters most giving you the ability to respond in real-time to address risk across security, safety and operations giving your business situational awareness across all aspects of the organisation. By presenting footage that is most likely to contain these types of events in real-time, iCetana gives operators the best possible chance of identifying and addressing risk when it matters. iCetana’s real-time Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted video monitoring learns what is normal for each camera scene and gains an understanding of what is ordinary so it may present the operator with footage containing the abnormal events that are most likely to contain threats and intelligence. Each day the system adapts to new environmental and behavioural events to establish new norms to identify unpredictable activity over time. iCetana's underlying AI-assisted video monitoring can scale to thousands of cameras in the one installation – future proofing the use of the video surveillance infrastructure.

    1.2 Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this document:

    Points out critical information relating to a topic or step.

    Suggests how to apply the information provided for a given topic or step.

    Explains a special case, or expands upon the information discussed in a topic or step.

    1.3 Acronyms and definitions See Appendix A.

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    1.4 Use of this document This manual is intended for use by operators and supervisors. It provides information regarding the operation of non-administrative tools used to view live and historical video recorded by iCetana. Explanation of basic configuration items that may be of use to customise the software is also provided.

    In circumstances where a change in configuration may result in degradation of system performance, it is highlighted as requiring assistance from an administrator. We strongly urge you to seek administrative assistance before changing these values.

    This guide assumes no previous experience working with iCetana products. Later versions of this document will be provided upon the upgrade of your system where appropriate. An electronic copy is also available via the iCetana website.

    1.5 Customer service Despite best efforts, there may be issues related to the iCetana system that may need you to contact our support team. Should you require technical assistance, please contact iCetana via the published support telephone numbers, support email or support portal. The following workflow will assist you to lodge an effective support request.

    Identify Identify that there is a problem with the system. There will usually be a change in the way that the system is operating. These changes may include a lack of video clip popups, errors, licensing messages or any other issue which may require escalation.

    Classify Determine the extent of the problem. Is it limited to a single camera, a group of cameras, or the entire system?

    Collect Collect as much information as possible before contacting iCetana to ensure that our team can get to the bottom of the issue quickly and as efficiently as possible. Please see the information collection table in Appendix B for the types of information that is required.

    Contact Contact iCetana via the published support telephone numbers, support email or support portal. Telephone support is available from 9 am – 5 pm Australian Western Standard Time.

    Figure 1: iCetana support process

    While we will make every attempt to respond to your queries as soon as possible, additional information is available via our support portal, where you may:

    • Download user documentation. • Find answers relating to issues via the Frequently Asked Questions section of

    our website.

    Identify Classify Collect Contact

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    2 ICETANA SOLUTION 2.1 Overview

    iCetana filters incoming video down to a manageable amount, (approximately 2% of all video), based on whether the movement in the video is normal or abnormal. From the video clips shown, operators decide whether the shown event requires action.

    The types of actionable events that can be identified include:

    • Suspicious behaviour • Unauthorized access/trespassing – people and vehicles • Violence and aggressive behaviour • Medical events • Precursory events – crowd gathering/dispersing • Vandalism • Camera tampering and theft • Fire

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    3 HOW ICETANA WORKS 3.1 Overview

    iCetana receives a constant stream of video which it analyses frame by frame through the application of machine learning to detect and display footage that is most likely to contain risks and other events that are of interest to operators by comparing motion in real-time to that which it has learned as normal. The initial training period is fourteen days, however, once this has passed the system continues to learn to allow it to adapt to changing scenes and environment dynamically.

    3.2 Normal vs. abnormal movement The upper image represents footage containing motion that iCetana regards as being representative of normal activity within the scene and subsequently, does not require presentation to the operator. The lower image represents footage containing abnormal motion that iCetana considers as an anomaly based on its understanding of the scene and should be presented to the operator so that it may be reviewed.

    Expected movement

    Abnormal movement

    Unusual 1%Not normal


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    4 CLIENT APPLICATIONS OVERVIEW The iCetana client applications are designed to provide efficient tools for viewing video from cameras configured in iCetana. Each tool is individually tailored to the task at hand whether that be viewing live video or reviewing historical video. The iCetana toolkit includes:

    • The LiveWallTM for seeing anomalies in real-time. • A suite of playback tools for viewing past anomalies. • In-built incident reporting and data visualisation tools.

    4.1 Application architecture iCetana applications connect directly to the iCetana server to subscribe to live events for display on the LiveWallTM and request historical events for review using one of the playback tools. The iCetana server also stores incident reports that are created and retrieved using its r-Track Anomaly Information Management System. The high-level topology for the iCetana system appears below.

    Figure 2: High-level topology of iCetana.

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    4.2 Application summary iCetana’s applications are organised into core and supplementary applications depending on the task being performed and expected frequency of use. A summary of each application appears as follows: Core Applications


    Displays anomalies as they are happening so that they may be assessed by an operator to determine whether action is required. This application is non-interactive. It may be used on operator machines as well as large wall mounted monitors.


    Allows past anomalies to be re-played individually for further evaluation or investigation by an operator on a per camera basis.


    Displays a historical view of anomalies at a given date and time for a selected number of cameras. This functionality may be used to mirror the events displayed on the LiveWallTM during a particular period.

    Supplementary Applications


    Displays live streams from each camera contained in a selected View Group.

    r-Track Anomaly Information Management System

    Records incident information associated with anomalies that operators determined required more action. Incident details are available to all supervisors who to foster real-time and historical reporting.

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    5 INCIDENT WORKFLOW 5.1 Overview

    iCetana allows incidents to be reported directly from the Playback and PlaybackWall tools and the r-Track Anomaly Information Management System. Details for these incidents are instantly available throughout the network to assist with response and reporting. Data captured by real-time and historical reporting provides valuable business intelligence through may be visualised using r-Track’s inbuilt tools.

    5.2 Incident workflow When an operator sees an event on the LiveWallTM, they must first determine whether this represents an actionable incident. Most events displayed to the operator are not actionable, e.g. loitering, movements through car parks, etc. However, iCetana does detect numerous events that may represent precursors, trespassing, damage to people and property that may require attention. Ultimately, it is up to the operator to assess and choose the appropriate action for a given situation. The expected workflow is below:

    1 iCetana event iCetana detects an event and displays it on the LiveWallTM as a short video clip.

    2 Operator evaluation Review of live events to determine whether an action is required.

    Note: Most events displayed on the LiveWallTM do not require action.

    3 Action required Logging of the camera name and time and further examination or investigation using a VMS or video recall using iCetana’s Playback tool.

    Note: Serious incidents and suspicious events may require additional steps in according with standard operating procedures.

    4 Incident report Post-event follow-up and completion of an incident report.

    Incident reporting categories and sub-categories can be customised to match your reporting needs.

    1. iCetana event

    2. Operator evaluation

    3. Action required (Incident)

    4. Incident report

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    6 LIVEWALLTM 6.1 Overview

    The LiveWallTM is a configurable grid that displays abnormal movement to the operator as short video clips as they are occurring. When the video first appears, the footage displayed is approximately 7 seconds behind real-time. This footage is played at 3x speed until it catches up. While this is occurring, the square in the top right of the frame flashes red. Once the video has caught up and is playing in real-time, the square flashes green.

    iCetana LiveWallTM with no anomalies to display

    iCetana LiveWallTM displaying one anomaly

    Operators watch the short clips displayed to determine what, if any, action should be taken. Each video clip is displayed for approximately 20 seconds up to the default maximum of 45 seconds before disappearing automatically. This period ensures that there is footage for operators to obtain sufficient context for investigation before displaying the next anomaly. If an anomaly requires further examination or inspection, an extended version may be reviewed using the Playback tool (Section 7). When an anomaly appears on the LiveWallTM, the video is stored by iCetana for future viewing. Supervisors can review all incidents that occurred within a shift using other tools and create an incident report.

    Depending on your system configuration, stored video may be deleted from iCetana after 4 weeks.

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    6.2 Accessing the LiveWallTM To access the LiveWallTM you need to know the username, password and address of the server.

    1. Open the iCetana Applications folder and select the LiveWall application.

    a. Up to Windows 7, click Start > All Programs > iCetana Applications. b. In Windows 10, click Start > iCetana Applications.

    Windows 7

    Windows 10

    This will open the Connect to service window.

    2. In the Server Address field enter the IP address or hostname of your iCetana

    server. 3. Enter the server Username and Password.

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    To connect automatically to the selected server when the application starts, tick the Remember my login details and Connect automatically at startup check boxes.

    4. Select the View Group containing the cameras that you want to view.

    If you are unable to see a particular View Group that you have configured, please check that the credentials entered are correct and click the q button.

    5. Click Connect. While the application is connecting the, the “Connecting”

    notification will be displayed on screen.

    6. When the application has successfully connected, the Connect to service window disappears and application is now ready to be used. Anomalies will appear on the LiveWallTM automatically.

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    7. When you have finished using the LiveWallTM you can disconnect from the server by selecting Disconnect Site under the File menu. Alternatively, closing the application disconnects you from the server automatically.

    6.3 LiveWallTM controls

    Figure 3: LiveWallTM displaying two anomalies

    1 File menu Use the File menu to access:

    • Connect and disconnect from iCetana servers • Access application preferences • Exit the application

    2 View menu Use the View menu to access: • Manage camera filters • Show/hide status bar • Go to full screen mode

    Note: To exist full screen mode, press the ESC key. 3 Help menu Use the Help menu to access to the About dialog containing the software

    version. This information is required when contacting support. 4 Anomaly video panel Three video panels are currently displaying an anomaly. It contains video

    and a title bar. More information on the structure of an Anomaly Video Panel is displayed in Figure 4.

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    5 Connection status The Connection Status informs whether the LiveWallTM is connected to the selected iCetana server. If a successful connection has not been established, ‘disconnected’ will be displayed in red to inform that the application is not connected and is unable to display anomalies.

    6 Camera filter Displays the name of the selected camera filter or “Unfiltered” if a filter has not been applied.

    7 iCetana server Displays the name of the iCetana server to which the application has connected.

    8 View group Indicates the View Group selected when the connection was made to the server.

    9 Current date and time Displays the current date and time.

    Figure 4: LiveWallTM anomaly video panel

    1 Camera name Displays the name of the camera (or alternate name) that

    detected the anomaly. 2 Time and date The date and time for the video displayed according to time zone

    configured (Figure 5). 3 Dismiss anomaly Dismisses the anomaly from the LiveWallTM if it is not of interest to the

    viewer. This action is available when the anomaly is played at normal speed.

    4 Video status indicator Indicates the current play speed of the anomaly: • Green – the video is being played at normal speed. • Red – the video is being played at an accelerated rate.

    5 Anomaly video Camera footage showing the anomaly.

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    6.4 LiveWallTM configuration

    Figure 5: LiveWallTM anomaly video display area configuration

    1 DisplayWall configuration Displays the DisplayWall configuration. 2 LiveWall configuration Displays the LiveWallTM server connection configuration (Figure 6). 3 Number of rows Sets the number of rows displayed. 4 Number of columns Sets the number of columns displayed. 5 Video status indicator Shows/hides the video status indicator (Figure 4). 6 Camera display name Determines whether to display the camera name or an alternate identifier

    (Figure 4). 7 Maximum video duration Specifies the maximum anomaly display duration.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. 8 Minimum video duration Specifies the minimum anomaly display duration.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. 9 Auto next time Note: This does not apply to anomalies displayed on the LiveWallTM.

    10 Minimum alpha level Adjusts the application’s sensitivity to anomalies detected by iCetana. Changing this setting will increase or decrease the anomalies displayed on the LiveWallTM. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    11 Automatically change grid size

    Note: This does not apply to anomalies displayed on the LiveWallTM.

    12 Play key images Reduces the frame rate of displayed video to enable remote support across a low bandwidth connection. Note: Please contact your system administrator.

    13 Skip start of video Skips a specified number of seconds of anomaly video displayed. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

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    14 Display time zone Configures the time zone for the date and time displayed (Figure 4). 15 Label font size Adjusts the font size used to display camera information (Figure 4). 16 Cancel Closes the dialog. 17 Reset to defaults Resets ALL settings to factory defaults.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    18 Apply Applies all changes made. The dialog will remain open. 19 OK Applies all changes made and closes the dialog.

    Figure 6: LiveWallTM application connection configuration

    1 DisplayWall configuration Displays the DisplayWall configuration. 2 LiveWall configuration Displays the LiveWallTM server connection configuration (Figure 6). 3 Full screen mode Starts the application in full screen mode upon successful connection to

    iCetana. 4 Use soap for live streams Changes the protocol that the application uses to connect to the iCetana

    server. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    5 Soap rendered frame rate Specifies the framerate of anomaly video displayed. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    6 Initial video speed up Adjusts the play speed of the anomaly while it catches up to present time. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

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    7 Cancel Closes the dialog. 8 Reset to defaults Resets ALL settings to factory defaults.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    9 Apply Applies all changes made. The dialog will remain open. 10 OK Applies all changes made and closes the dialog.

    6.5 Camera filter configuration

    Figure 7: Camera filter management

    1 Active filter Allows the selection of a pre-configured filter. 2 Save camera filter list Saves the changes made to a filter. 3 Delete camera filter list Deletes the selected camera filter. 4 Import camera filter Imports a camera filter from a file. 5 Export camera filter Exports the selected camera filter to a file. 6 Visible camera list Represents the list of cameras in View Group whose anomalies will

    appear. 7 Excluded camera list Represents the list of cameras in View Group whose anomalies will NOT

    appear. 8 Filter management 1 Include all

    cameras Moves all cameras to the visible camera list.

    2 Exclude selected cameras

    Moves the selected camera to the excluded camera list.

    3 Switch cameras Swaps the contents of the visible and excluded camera lists.

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    4 Include selected camera

    Moves the selected camera to the visible camera list.

    5 Exclude all cameras

    Moves all cameras to the excluded camera list.

    9 Cancel Closes the dialog. 10 All cameras / Apply filter Enables all cameras or applies the selected filter and closes the dialog.

    6.6 Selecting cameras to display on the LiveWallTM Camera filters are applied to restrict the anomalies displayed on the LiveWallTM to a specific subset of the current View Groups. This feature allows operators to focus on cameras protecting areas of particular interest, or hide annoying camera feeds from view. e.g. cameras that require maintenance. 1. To filter the camera feeds shown on the live wall click Manage Camera Filters

    under the View menu.

    This will open the Manage Camera Filters window.

    2. From this window you may select a predefined Active Filter or create a new

    filter by selecting one or more of the Visible Cameras and moving them to the

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    Excluded Cameras using the Filter Management buttons so that their feeds are no longer displayed.

    More information on the functionality provided in Section 6.5.

    3. When you have completed your task click Apply Filter to apply the filter and close the window.

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    7 PLAYBACK 7.1 Overview

    When anomalies are identified by iCetana, they are typically displayed in real-time on the LiveWallTM as a series of short video clips. When an individual event requires closer inspection, the Playback application provides the opportunity to re-play the anomaly, export video as an AVI file (MJPEG encoding) and raise incidents directly. This application consists of a video viewer, a control panel, a list of all cameras, and the events for the selected camera displayed in time order. Anomalies are played sequentially for a selected camera and period.

    7.2 Accessing Playback To access the Playback application, you need to know the username, password and address of the server.

    1. Open the iCetana Applications folder and select the Playback application.

    a. Up to Windows 7, click Start > All Programs > iCetana Applications. b. In Windows 10, click Start > iCetana Applications.

    Windows 7

    Windows 10

    This will open the Connect to service dialog

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    2. In the Server Address field enter the IP address or hostname of your iCetana

    server. 3. Enter the server Username and Password.

    To connect automatically to the selected server when the application starts, tick the Remember my login details and Connect automatically at startup check boxes.

    4. Click Connect. When the application has successfully connected, the Connect to

    service window disappears, and the application is ready for use.

    8. When you have finished using the Playback you can

    disconnect from the server by selecting Disconnect Site under the File menu. Alternatively, closing the application disconnects you from the server automatically.

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    7.3 Playback Controls

    Figure 8: Playback controls

    1 File menu Use the File menu to access:

    • Connect and disconnect from iCetana servers • Access application properties • Exit the application

    2 View menu Use the View menu to show/hide the status bar 3 Help menu Use the Help menu to access to the About dialog containing the software

    version. This information is required when contacting support. 4 Camera list Lists all of the cameras connected to iCetana. 5 Event list Displays the anomalies detected for the selected camera and date. 6 Anomaly video panel Video representing the anomaly recorded by iCetana. 7 Time slider Moves to a specific point in the anomaly 8 Report incident Launches the Incident Report dialog. 9 Connection status The Connection Status informs whether the application is connected to

    iCetana. If a successful connection has not been established, ‘disconnected’ will be displayed in red to inform that the application is not connected and is unable to retrieve stored anomalies for post-review.

    10 Camera filter Playback does not support the use of camera filters. Therefore, no filters are applied and “Unfiltered” is displayed.

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    11 Play controls 1 Time and date Displays the date and time of the video being displayed.

    2 Rewind Plays the list of anomalies in reverse. 3 Step backward Plays the list of anomalies in reverse, at 1x speed. 4 Pause Pauses the sequential play of anomalies. 5 Step forward Plays the list of anomalies, at 1x speed. 6 Fast forward Plays the list of anomalies.

    12 Save AVI Saves video from the selected anomaly as an AVI file (MJPEG encoding). This file is stored on at the selected location on your computer.

    13 Choose date Allows the selection of alternate dates via the Calendar. 14 iCetana server Displays the name of the iCetana server to which the application has

    connected. 15 Current date and time Displays the current date and time.

    Figure 9: Playback anomaly panel

    1 Camera name Displays the name of the camera (or alternate name) that detected the

    anomaly. 2 Time and date The date and the time for the video being displayed according to the

    configured time zone. 3 Video status indicator Indicates the status of the anomaly feed.

    • Green – the video is being played back at normal speed • Black – there is an issue retrieving the video

    4 Anomaly video Camera footage showing the anomaly

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    7.4 Configuring the Playback application

    Figure 10: Playback display configuration

    1 Video status indicator Shows/hides the video status indicator (Figure 8). 2 Camera display name Determines whether to display the camera name or an alternate identifier. 3 Play key images Reduces the frame rate of displayed video to enable remote support across

    a low bandwidth connection. Note: Please contact your system administrator.

    4 Maximum video duration Specifies the maximum anomaly display duration. Note: Please contact your system administrator.

    5 Minimum video duration Specifies the minimum anomaly display duration. Note: Please contact your system administrator.

    6 Auto next time Determines the duration that the current anomaly is played before a subsequent anomaly is displayed. Note: Please contact your system administrator.

    7 Minimum alpha level Adjusts the application’s sensitivity to anomalies detected by iCetana. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    8 Skip start of video Skips a specified number of seconds of anomaly video displayed. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    9 Display time zone Configures the time zone for the date and time displayed (Figure 8). 10 Label font size Adjusts the font size used to display camera information (Figure 8). 11 Cancel Closes the dialog. 12 Reset to defaults Resets ALL settings to factory defaults.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    13 Apply Applies all changes made. The dialog will remain open. 14 OK Applies all changes made and closes the dialog.

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    7.5 Operation 1. By default, Playback will display the anomalies detected for the current date. To

    choose a different date to display, click the Choose Date button.

    This will open the Calendar.

    2. Select the desired date square (day), and click OK. 3. From the Camera List, select the camera of interest. This will update the Event

    List and display the anomalies detected for the camera, for the given day.

    4. To begin playing anomalies, select a desired anomaly to start and click the

    appropriate Play Control button to begin viewing.

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    7.6 Exporting video Incidents may be exported directly from the Playback application. This enables operators and supervisors to share anomaly video at their convenience using a universally accepted video format (MPEG/AVI).

    1. In the Camera List, select the camera that detected the desired event 2. In the Event List, select the event to export. The video for the will appear in the

    Anomaly Video Panel. 3. Click the Save AVI button.

    4. This will open the Save dialog.

    5. Select a storage location, enter a suitable file name to Save As and click Save. 6. The exported video will now be available at the selected location.

    7.7 Creating incident reports Incidents may be reported directly from the Playback tool. To create an incident from this tool: 1. Click on the Report Incident button

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    The Create Incident Report window will appear

    2. The Start and End times are automatically populated with the anomaly

    information. This may be updated by editing these fields directly. 3. Select the Reporter, Category and Sub-Categories relating to the incident and

    add appropriate Remarks. 4. Click Submit to save the incident report or Cancel to close the window without

    saving. If you have chosen to save the incident report, confirmation of its creation appears as follows:

    5. Click OK and to dismiss the dialog.

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    8 LIVE 8.1 Overview

    The iCetana Live application allows an operator to view the current camera feeds for the configured Camera Sets, regardless of whether anomalies are currently detected or not. This is in contrast to the LiveWallTM application, which only displays feeds from cameras when an anomaly is detected.

    8.2 Accessing Live To access the Live application, you need to know the username, password and address of the server.

    1. Open the iCetana Applications folder and select the Live application.

    a. Up to Windows 7, click Start > All Programs > iCetana Applications. b. In Windows 10, click Start > iCetana Applications.

    Windows 7

    Windows 10

    This will open the Connect to service dialog

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    2. In the Server Address field enter the IP address or hostname of your iCetana

    server. 3. Enter the server Username and Password.

    To connect automatically to the selected server when the application starts, tick the Remember my login details and Connect automatically at startup check boxes.

    4. Click Connect. When the application has successfully connected, the Connect to

    service window disappears, and the application is ready for use. Live will begin displaying video feeds from your cameras automatically.

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    5. When you have finished using the Live tool you can disconnect from the server by selecting Disconnect Site under the File menu. Alternatively, closing the application disconnects you from the server automatically.

    8.3 Live controls

    Figure 11: Live application displaying six live video streams

    1 File menu Use the File menu to access:

    • Connect and disconnect from iCetana • Access application preferences • Exit the application

    2 View menu Use the View menu to access: • Show/hide status bar • Go to full screen mode

    Note: To exist full screen mode, press the ESC key. 3 Help menu Use the Help menu to access to the About dialog containing the software

    version. This information is required when contacting support. 4 Live video pane 1 Camera name The name of the camera supplying the live feed

    2 Video status indicator

    Indicates whether the Live application has an active connection to the camera. • Green – the connection is active • Black – the camera is unreachable

    3 Live video Video feed streaming directly from the camera

    5 Camera set selector Displays the list of Camera Sets

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    6 Connection status The Connection Status informs whether the Live application is connected to the selected iCetana server. If a successful connection has not been established, ‘disconnected’ will be displayed in red.

    7 Camera filter Live does not support the use of camera filters. Therefore, no filters are applied and “Unfiltered” is displayed.

    8 iCetana Server Displays the name of the iCetana server to which the application has connected.

    9 Current date and time Displays the current date and time.

    8.4 Configuring the Live application

    Figure 12: Live video display area configuration

    1 DisplayWall configuration Displays the DisplayWall configuration. 2 LiveWall configuration Displays the Live server connection configuration (Figure 13).

    3 Number of rows Sets the number of rows displayed. 4 Number of columns Sets the number of columns displayed. 5 Video status indicator Shows/hides the video status indicator (Figure 11). 6 Camera display name Determines whether to display the camera name or an alternate identifier

    (Figure 11). 7 Maximum video duration Specifies the maximum anomaly display duration.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. 8 Minimum video duration Specifies the minimum anomaly display duration.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. 9 Auto next time This does not apply to anomalies displayed using the Live application.

    10 Minimum alpha level Adjusts the application’s sensitivity to anomalies detected by iCetana.

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    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    11 Automatically change grid size

    Adjusts the grid size depending on the number of cameras in the View Group selected when connecting to the server

    12 Play key images Reduces the frame rate of displayed video to enable remote support across a low bandwidth connection. Note: Please contact your system administrator.

    13 Skip start of video Skips a specified number of seconds of anomaly video displayed. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    14 Display time zone Configures the time zone for the date and time displayed (Figure 11). 15 Label font size Adjusts the font size used to display camera information (Figure 11). 16 Cancel Closes the dialog. 17 Reset to defaults Resets ALL settings to factory defaults.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    18 Apply Applies all changes made. The dialog will remain open. 19 OK Applies all changes made and closes the dialog.

    Figure 13: Live application connection configuration

    1 DisplayWall configuration Displays the DisplayWall configuration. 2 LiveWall configuration Displays the Live server connection configuration (Figure 12). 3 Full screen mode Starts the application in full screen mode upon successful connection to

    iCetana. 4 Use soap for live streams Changes the protocol that the application uses to connect to iCetana.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    5 Soap rendered frame rate Specifies the framerate of anomaly video displayed.

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    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    6 Initial video speed up Adjusts the play speed of the anomaly while it catches up to present time. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    7 Cancel Closes the dialog. 8 Reset to defaults Resets ALL settings to factory defaults.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    9 Apply Applies all changes made. The dialog will remain open. 10 OK Applies all changes made and closes the dialog.

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    9 PLAYBACK WALL 9.1 Overview

    iCetana’s Playback Wall allows you to mirror what would have been shown on the LiveWallTM. Anomalies are displayed sequentially based on the selected date and time.

    To enable rapid viewing use the Speed Slider to increase the speed at which the anomaly is playing.

    9.2 Accessing the PlaybackWall To access the PlaybackWall you need to know the username, password and address of the server.

    1. Open the iCetana Applications folder and select the PlaybackWall application.

    a. Up to Windows 7, click Start > All Programs > iCetana Applications. b. In Windows 10, click Start > iCetana Applications.

    Windows 7

    Windows 10

    This will open the Connect to service window.

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    2. In the Server Address field enter the IP address or hostname of your iCetana

    server. 3. Enter the server Username and Password.

    To connect automatically to the selected server when the application starts, tick the Remember my login details and Connect automatically at startup check boxes.

    4. Select the View Group containing the cameras that you want to view.

    If you are unable to see a View Group that you have configured, please check that the credentials entered are correct and click the q button. If the View Group is displayed instead of All this may be an indication that your credentials are incorrect.

    5. Click Connect. While the application is connecting the, the “Connecting”

    notification will be displayed on screen.

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    6. When the application has successfully connected, the Connect to service window

    disappears and application is now ready to be used.

    9. When you have finished using the PlaybackWall you can

    disconnect from the server by selecting Disconnect Site under the File menu. Alternatively, closing the application disconnects you from the server automatically.

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    9.3 PlaybackWall controls

    Figure 14: PlaybackWall displaying one anomaly

    1 File Menu Use the File menu to access: • Connect and disconnect from iCetana servers • Access application preferences • Exit the application

    2 View Menu Use the View menu to access: • Manage camera filters • Show/hide status bar • Go to full screen mode

    Note: To exist full screen mode, press the ESC 3 Help menu Use the Help menu to access to the About dialog containing the

    software version. This information is required when contacting support. 4 Anomaly video panel Three video panels are currently displaying an anomaly. It contains

    video and a title bar. More information on the structure of an Anomaly Video Panel is displayed in Figure 15.

    5 Time slider Selects a specific time of the day. 6 Playback controls 1 Current time

    and date Displays the current date and time of the video displayed.

    2 Previous events

    Skip to the previous set of events.

    3 Step back Plays the videos in reverse motion, one frame at a time.

    4 Reverse play Plays the videos in reverse motion. 5 Pause Pauses the videos. 6 Forward

    play Plays the videos in forwards motion.

    7 Step forward

    Plays the videos in forwards motion, one frame at a time.

    8 Next events Skip to the next set of events.

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    7 Previous day Skips to the previous day’s events. 8 Next day Skips to the next day’s events. 9 Connection status The Connection Status informs whether the PlaybackWall is connected

    to the selected iCetana server. If a successful connection has not been established, ‘disconnected’ will be displayed in red to inform that the application is not connected and is unable to display anomalies.

    10 Speed slider Controls the playback speed of the videos displayed. 11 Camera filter Displays the name of the current filter or “Unfiltered” if no filter is

    applied. 12 iCetana Server Displays the name of the iCetana server to which the application has

    connected. 13 View Group Indicates the View Group selected when the connection was made to

    the server. 14 Current Go to the latest events at the current time. 15 Choose date Displays a calendar to select a specific date review. 16 Current date and time Displays the current date and time.

    Figure 15: PlaybackWall anomaly video panel

    1 Camera name Displays the name of the camera (or alternate name) that detected the anomaly.

    2 Time and date The date and time for the video displayed according to time zone configured (Figure 16).

    3 Video status indicator Indicates whether the PlaybackWall can access and stream video for the selected anomaly. • Green – able to stream video • Black – unable to access or stream video

    4 Anomaly video Camera footage showing the anomaly.

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    9.4 PlaybackWall configuration

    Figure 16: PlaybackWall anomaly video display configuration

    1 Number of rows Sets the number of rows displayed. 2 Number of columns Sets the number of columns displayed. 3 Video status indicator Shows/hides the video status indicator (Figure 15). 4 Camera display name Determines whether to display the camera name or an alternate identifier

    (Figure 15) 5 Maximum video duration Specifies the maximum duration to display the anomaly before removal.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. 6 Minimum video duration Specifies the minimum duration to display the anomaly before removal.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. 7 Auto next time Adjusts the maximum display period for anomalies. When this time

    expires the next anomaly is displayed. Note: Please contact your system administrator.

    8 Minimum alpha level Adjusts the application’s sensitivity to anomalies detected by iCetana. Changing this setting will increase or decrease the anomalies displayed on the PlaybackWall. Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    9 Automatically change grid size

    Adjusts the grid size depending on the number of cameras in the View Group selected when connecting to the server.

    10 Play key images Reduces the frame rate of displayed video to enable remote support across a low bandwidth connection. Note: Please contact your system administrator.

    11 Skip start of video Skips a specified number of seconds of anomaly video displayed.

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    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    12 Display time zone Configures the time zone for the anomaly date and time displayed (Figure 15).

    13 Label font size Adjusts the size of the camera information displayed for an anomaly (Figure 15).

    14 Cancel Closes the dialog. 15 Reset to defaults Resets ALL settings to factory defaults.

    Note: Please contact your system administrator. Incorrect settings will affect system performance.

    16 Apply Applies all changes made. The dialog will remain open. 17 OK Applies all changes made and closes the dialog.

    9.5 Reviewing anomalies for a given time and date Operators may review anomalies for any given time and date to enable post-mortem of an incident or simply review the anomalies that have occurred. 1. Click on the Choose Date button.

    This will open the Calendar.

    2. Select the desired date (day), and click OK. Anomalies for the selected date will be displayed on the PlaybackWall.

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    9.6 Close examination and investigation When you are reviewing anomalies by using the PlaybackWall you will often encounter video events that require further examination. For example, three tiles might be playing and tile number one contains an event that catches your attention. To examine what may be an actionable event more closely: 1. Click on the Anomaly Video Panel requiring closer examination. The video event

    is then expanded into a separate Anomaly Review tool.

    2. Navigate the video using the time slider and playback controls (Figure 17). You

    may also Report Incidents, or export video using the Save AVI functionality. 3. To return to the playback wall, you may close the window using the Close ( )


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    9.7 Anomaly review controls

    Figure 17: Anomaly review tool controls

    1 Camera name The name of the camera that captured the anomaly. 2 Time and date Start time and date of the anomaly being reviewed. 3 Video status indicator Indicates whether the Anomaly Review tool is able to access and stream

    video for the selected anomaly. • Green – able to stream video

    Black – unable to access or stream video 4 Anomaly video 5 Time slider Navigates to a specific time in the anomaly. 6 Report incident Allows the operator to report an incident by opening the Create Incident

    Report windows (Section 9.9). 7 Playback controls 1 Current time

    and date Displays the current date and time of the video displayed.

    2 Step back Plays the videos in reverse motion, one frame at a time.

    3 Reverse play Plays the videos in reverse motion. 4 Pause Pauses the videos. 5 Forward play Plays the videos in forwards motion. 6 Step forward Plays the videos in forwards motion, one frame at

    a time.

    8 Save AVI Exports the selected anomaly as an AVI to a selected location on the operator’s computer (Section 9.8).

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    9.8 Exporting video Incidents may be exported directly from the PlaybackWall application. This enables operators and supervisors to share anomaly video at their convenience using a universally accepted video format.

    7. In the Camera List, select the camera that detected the desired event 8. In the Event List, select the event to export. The video for the will appear in the

    Anomaly Video Panel. 9. Click the Save AVI button.

    10. This will open the Save dialog.

    11. Select a storage location, enter a suitable file name to Save As and click Save. 12. The exported video will now be available at the selected location.

    9.9 Creating incident reports Incidents may be reported directly from the PlaybackWall’s internal Anomaly Review tool. To create an incident from this tool: 1. Click on the Report Incident button

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    The Create Incident Report window will appear

    2. The Start and End times are automatically populated with the anomaly

    information. This may be updated by editing these fields directly. 3. Select the Reporter, Category and Sub-Categories relating to the incident and

    add appropriate Remarks. 4. Click Submit to save the incident report or Cancel to close the window without

    saving. If you have chosen to save the incident report, confirmation of its creation appears as follows:

    5. Click OK and to dismiss the dialog.

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    Incidents can be reported directly from iCetana’s Playback and PlaybackWall tools. These reports are stored in iCetana so that supervisors and other managers can review all incidents reported during a shift using the r-Track web tool. Current and historical incidents may be used to generate a report and other visualisations to provide additional insight into the occurrence of these events.

    10.2 Accessing r-Track To access r-Track you need to know your r-Track username and password, and the address of the iCetana server.

    Due to the secure nature of incident reports, r-Track requires individual user accounts to be created. An Administrator may create these accounts using iCetana’s Central Authentication Service (CAS), or they may be configured for you during system installation.

    1. Open a web browser such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. 2. Enter the following URL into the Address Bar of your web browser and press the

    Enter/Return key on your keyboard: http:///rtrack

    The r-Track Login Page will appear

    3. Enter the Username and Password for your r-Track account. 4. Click Log in.

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    5. When you have successfully logged in, the r-Track home page (Incident Reports) will appear onscreen.

    6. When you have finished using r-Track you click the Log out ( ) button on the

    Navigation Bar. You will be logged out of the system and re-directed to the Login Page.

    10.3 r-Track controls

    Figure 18: r-Track navigation bar

    1 Home Returns to the Incident Reports page. 2 Analytics Displays options for visualisation of incident reports. 3 Tools Displays option to export incidents to CSV 4 Log out Logs the user out of the system

    10.4 Creating incident reports Incident reports may be created through r-Track directly using its built-in report form. To access this form and create a new incident report: 1. Click the Create Incident Report ( ) button located on the Incident Reports

    page. If you are currently viewing a different page, you can return to the Incident Reports page by clicking the Home button ( ).

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    This will open the Create Incident page.

    2. Update the incident Status (Reported or Closed) if required, and enter the Start

    date/time, End date/time, Category and Sub-category information. 3. Enter Remarks describing the incident that has occurred and any additional

    information that is useful. 4. Select the Attendants of the incident from the list available where appropriate

    Incident attendees may be customised during installation to match your reporting needs.

    5. Enter any Tags and upload any additional files to act as Resources for this report

    by clicking on the Choose File button. Clicking this button will launch a File Browser window that allows you to select files from your local machine.

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    6. Select the desired file and click to choose or open the file.

    Your file will be uploaded to the server. On completion, a Preview will be generated if possible. You may add comments regarding the file to the Details area, or removing the file by clicking the Delete button ( ).

    7. Click Create to create the report or Cancel to close the window without saving.

    10.5 Viewing incident reports 1. To view an incident report, ensure that you are viewing the Incident Reports

    page shown below. If you are currently viewing a different page, you can return to the Incident Reports page by clicking the Home button ( ).

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    2. Click on the row containing the incident report that you wish to view.

    This will open the Incident Report window

    Incidents may be filtered by clicking the Filter ( ) button the corresponds to the field you want to filter, e.g. date/time, camera or category.

    Clicking this button will open the associated filter dialog (Section 10.8).

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    10.6 Editing incident reports

    1. To edit the incident report, click on the Edit Incident Report ( ) button

    2. Make the required changes and click Save to save your changes and close the

    dialog or Cancel to close the dialog without saving.

    10.7 Reviewing incident reports

    1. To add a comment to an incident report, click the Review Incident Report ( ) button. The Review Incident Report window will appear.

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    2. Enter the required Remarks and click Save to save changes or Cancel to close the dialog without saving. Saved remarks will appear under the Reviews section of the Incident Report.

    10.8 Filtering incident report data Incident report data may be filtered according to the date/time range, camera and categories (Figure 19). Details for using each of these filters appear in the following sections.

    Filter by camera

    Filter by category or sub-category

    Filter by date / time range

    Figure 19: Incident filtering options

    r-Track filters are global and affect all data displayed in incident reports or data exported from r-Track. These filters remain active until explicitly cleared. Please be aware that any filter set in one section of the application will affect the information displayed in the other sections and vice versa.

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    10.8.1 Filter date / time range (Pre-defined range selection)

    To enable incident reports to be searched quickly, iCetana provides several presents to aid the operator and manager.

    1. To select a pre-defined period, click on the Quick Range Select field. This will

    drop down a list of options to choose from.

    2. When you have selected the appropriate range, apply the filter by clicking the Apply Filter button, or cancel by clicking the Cancel button.

    3. The Filter Date / Time Range window disappears and the incidents reports displayed are adjusted to suit the filter selected.

    10.8.2 Filter date / time range (Specific date and selection)

    Incident reports may be filtered by date and time to enable detailed investigation into the events associated with a particular area. iCetana enable fine-tuning of the period under review by allowing the user to select the exact date and time for review:

    1. To select a specific date and time, adjust the Start and End selectors by clicking

    the respective Calendar ( ) buttons.

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    The Calendar dialog appears onscreen.

    2. To select a specific time period, click the Time ( ) button. This reveals the Time Selector.

    3. Select the desired hour, minutes and seconds using the and buttons. 4. When you have completed selecting the desired time, click the Calendar ( )

    button to return to the calendar view. 5. Apply the filter by clicking the Apply Filter button, or cancel by clicking the Cancel

    button. 6. The Filter Date / Time Range window disappears and the incidents reports

    displayed are adjusted to suit the date and time range specified. 10.8.3 Filter by camera

    Incident reports may be filtered by camera to enable detailed investigation into the events associated with a particular area. To filter cameras: 1. Use the controls show in Figure 20 to move cameras between the Include and

    Exclude lists. 2. When your selection is complete, apply the filter by clicking the Apply Filter

    button, or cancel by clicking the Cancel button. 3. The Filter Cameras window disappears and the incidents reports displayed are

    adjusted to suit the cameras specified (Figure 20).

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    Figure 20: Filter camera controls

    1 Search Searches the Include and Exclude lists for cameras that match the search criteria.

    2 Include Cameras included in the report. Note: Only cameras that have had one or more incident report raised are visible.

    3 Exclude Cameras that are excluded in the report. Note: Only cameras that have had one or more incident report raised are visible.

    4 Filter list controls 1 Exclude selected items

    Moves the selected cameras to the Exclude list.

    2 Swap list contents

    Swaps the contents of the Include and Exclude lists.

    3 Include selected items

    Moves the selected cameras to the Include list.

    5 Transfer all >> Transfers all cameras in the Include list to the Exclude list. 6

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    10.8.4 Filter by incident category Incident reports may be filtered by incident category to enable detailed investigation into the events associated with a particular behaviour. To filter based on incident category or sub category: 1. Use the controls show in Figure 21 to move categories between the Include and

    Exclude lists. 2. When your selection is complete, apply the filter by clicking the Apply Filter

    button, or cancel by clicking the Cancel button. 3. The Filter Categories window disappears and the incidents reports displayed are

    adjusted to suit the incident categories specified.

    Figure 21: Filter by categories

    1 Search Searches for categories and sub categories that match the search criteria 2 Include Categories and sub categories that are included in the report. 3 Exclude Categories and sub categories that are excluded in the report. 4 Filter list controls 1 Exclude

    selected items

    Moves the selected categories and sub categories to the Exclude list.

    2 Swap list contents

    Swaps the contents of the Include and Exclude lists.

    3 Include selected items

    Moves the selected categories and sub categories to the Include list.

    5 Transfer all >> Transfers all categories and sub categories in the Include list to the Exclude list.


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    10.9 Exporting incident reports Incidents may be exported to CSV so that they may be emailed to supervisors and other staff who have not been granted access to r-Track. 1. To export the incident reports shown on screen, click on Tools > Excel Export.

    The number of incident reports to be exported is show in brackets, e.g. 4 incidents (see below).

    2. The CSV file containing the exported incident reports will be downloaded

    automatically to you Downloads directory. Upon opening, your export will appear similar to the following example

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    10.10 Incident analytics In addition to exporting incident reports, r-Track provides a number of interactive charts to help visualise your data. These charts may be organised by date, incident category, camera or reporter (Figure 22).

    Figure 22: Incident report formats

    The data used to produce the above visualisations may be filtered according to the date/time range, camera and categories (Figure 23). Details for using each of these filters appears in (Section 10.8).

    Figure 23: Data visualisation filters

    r-Track filters are global and affect all data displayed in incident reports or data exported from r-Track. These filters remain active until explicitly cleared. Please be aware that any filter set in one section of the application will affect the information displayed in the other sections and vice versa.

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    1. To generate a graphical representation of your data, click the Analytics menu and select from one of the following options:

    a. By date b. By camera c. By Category d. By reporter

    2. The desired chart appears on screen. The incidents displayed may be filtered

    using the same mechanism as reports (Section 10.8).

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    APPENDIX A ACRONYMS AND DEFINITIONS The following acronyms and definitions are used throughout this document:

    Term Description

    Actionable Event An event detected by iCetana that requires further action. These may include suspicious behaviour, medical events, fire and vandalism.

    Anomaly Video Panel Video panel displaying the anomaly video obtained from a camera at a specific date and time.

    AVI A multimedia file (container) format that stores audio and video for playback on most applications and web browsers.

    Camera Set See View Group.

    iCetana Event An event detected by iCetana that requires evaluation by an operator to determine whether further action is required.

    Incident Event An actionable event that required further action and a subsequent incident report loaded to provide further information.

    Incident Report A report lodged by operators that describes the incident and contains additional information regarding the actions taken.

    Live Tool for displaying live video streams from cameras in a selected View Group.

    LiveWallTM Displays live events to operators using a non-interactive video grid.

    MJPEG Motion JPEG (or M-JPEG) a video compression format used to store video. This format is supported natively by most video editing applications and web browsers.

    Playback Tool for re-playing individual anomalies on a per camera basis

    PlaybackWall Tool for re-playing multiple anomalies for selected cameras over a given period. R-Track Anomaly Incident Management System

    Allows analysis and reporting of incidents by operators and supervisors.

    View Group A grouping of cameras attached to the iCetana server.

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    Please provide a detailed description of the problem.

    Does the problem affect a single camera, multiple cameras or the entire system?

    Which cameras are affected?

    Has there been a power outages or other service work that may have contributed to the problem?

    Who is reporting the problem, and who needs to be notified of any progress to the support request?

    What is the best method to contact the above persons to update on the support request’s progress. Please provide any email addresses or phone numbers.

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    APPENDIX C INSTALL PROCEDURE FOR ICETANA CLIENT APPLICATIONS Please read the End User Licence Agreement before continuing.

    Linux and macOS are supported, but not covered in this manual. If you require instructions for installing iCetana software on one of these operating systems, please contact iCetana for further details.

    Pre-installation requirements The following are required before for installing the iCetana client tools:

    • Windows Operating System • Java version 8 (latest update) installed • Administrator privileges for your local machine • iCetana server IP address • At least 360 MB of free disk space available

    Installation procedure 1. Open a web browser such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. 2. Download the installer by entering the following URL in your web browser: http:///media/iCetana-Client-Applications.exe 3. When prompted, select the option to run the application, or save to a known

    place on your computer and execute the install file manually. 4. If prompted, allow “Installer for iCetana Client Applications” to make changes to

    your device. 5. Ensure that the option to install “iCetana Applications” is selected.

    This will open the iCetana Client Applications Installer window

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    6. Ensure that iCetana Applications is ticked and click Next to choose the installation location.

    7. If required, change the destination folder for the applications. 8. Click Next. 9. In the Choose Start Menu Folder dialog, it is recommended to accept the default

    location for the iCetana shortcuts as they are referenced in this manual. Click Install to complete installation.

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    10. Installation will now be complete. Click Close to close the dialog. The iCetana client applications are now available for use.

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    1. Should you need to remove the iCetana applications from your computer, open the iCetana Applications folder and select the Uninstall application.

    a. Up to Windows 7, click Start > All Programs > iCetana Applications. b. In Windows 10, click Start > iCetana Applications.

    Windows 7

    Windows 10

    2. If prompted, allow “iCetana Client Applications Uninstall” to make changes to

    your device.

    This will open the Uninstall iCetana Client Applications dialog.

    3. Click Uninstall. 4. When the uninstallation process is complete, the Uninstallation Complete dialog

    will appear. Click Close to exit the dialog

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