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Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal...

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  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Gender mainstreaming in agricultural

    research: Evidence from a household

    survey in coastal Bangladesh

    In association with

    Sonia Akter (IRRI), Fahmida Khanam (IRRI),

    Tim Krupnik (CIMMYT), Frederick Rossi (CIMMYT)

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    In association with

    Comparing male and female headed households is not gender

    analysis. Differences between these diverse household types

    cannot necessarily be attributed to the sex of the householdhead.


  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    For gender analysis, it is indispensable to interview

    both men and women.

    This does not necessarily mean interviewing twice as

    many people or that men and women in the samehousehold must be interviewed.

    For some research questions, it may be preferable to

    interview one person per household and randomly

    choose whether it is a man or woman.

    Identifying the appropriate respondents

    In association with

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Arguments against gender inclusive social survey

    1 Difficult to hire female enumerators:

    In societies where women are not allowed to speak with men due to

    religious restrictions, female enumerators are required to gain access to

    women respondents. Given low education and empowerment, recruiting

    female enumerators is challenging or even impossible in some contexts.

    3 Women lack information:

    Although women take active part in farming practices in some capacity,

    often they are not fully equipped with the cost and return information.

    2 Men oppose

    women s


    In highly patriarchal societies, men tend to undermine womens

    preferences and opinions and hence, either prohibit women from

    participating in the survey, or if they allow participation, they tend to

    intervene during the interview.

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Objectives of the study

    Objective 1: Understanding maize farmers preferences for index-

    based, savings-linked weather insurance products.Hypotheses: Set 1

    1. Demand for savings-linked insurance product is higher than pure insurance or

    pure savings products.

    2. Demand for insurance varies across weather risks (i.e., flood, storm, hail).

    3. Demand for insurance varies across risk and time preference.

    Hypotheses: Set 2

    1. It is harder to recruit female enumerators than male enumerators.

    2. Womens participation in the survey will be lower than men.

    3. Women fail to provide complete and reliable cost and return in formation.

    Objective 2: Identifying the barriers and opportunities for including

    female respondents in mainstream agricultural surveys.

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Attributes Levels

    Insurance type (1) Pure insurance (i.e., good time payment=0)

    (2) Pure savings (i.e., good time payment=deposit)

    (3) Insurance-savings mix (i.e., good and bad time


    Deposit=Premium Tk 100 (US$ 1.2) to Tk 4,000 (US$ 50)

    Bad time payment Tk 1,000 (US$ 12.5) to Tk 5,000 (US$ 62.5)

    Good time payment Tk 0 (US$ 0) to Tk 4,000 (US$ 50)

    Risk type

    Methodology: Choice experiment

    Flood Wind Hail

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Pure insurance

    Pure savings

    Pure insurance



    Example choice questions

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Survey Set-up

    Male sample 299

    Female sample 134

    Male enumerator 12

    Female enumerator 6

    Survey team 6

    Supervisor 6

    Sub-district 3

    District 1



    2 Maleenumerators

    1 Femaleenumerator




    Data quality

    GPS coordinates

    Village level logistics

    Farmers list

    Enumerators list

    Sub-district level logistics



  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Data collection

    Survey Team Groups




  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Sample DescriptionMale (69%) Female (31%)

    Average age (max-min) 45 (18-85) 35 (20-70)

    Head of household 87% 23%

    Household size 6.58 5.57

    Illiterate 21% 18%

    Electricity connection 22% 29%

    Cultivable land (in decimal) 103 45

    Non-land asset (in Taka (US$)) 152,000 (US$ 1,948) 96,000 (US$ 1,230)

    Agricultural decisions are made

    By the respondent alone 74% 10%

    In consultation with the spouse 10% 86%

    Household expenditure decisions are


    By the respondents alone 65% 8%

    In consultation with the spouse 17% 88%

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    An additional module to track decision

    making process



    Was any member of the household present during the


    45 83

    Was the spouse present? 16 43

    Did the respondent consult with the spouse?

    Not at all 25 2

    Sometimes 67 58

    Almost all the time 8 40

    Was other household members present? 29 41

    Did the respondent consult with the spouse?

    Not at all 30 13

    Sometimes 65 74

    Almost all the time 5 13

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Decision to purchase insurance

    Male (%) Female (%)

    Full-sample 62 38

    Pure insurance 63 38

    Pure savings 62 40

    Insurance-savings mix 62 33

    Spouse present 60 37

    Agricultural decisions are taken by the

    respondent alone

    63 30

    Agricultural decisions are taken in consultation

    with the spouse

    60 40

    HH expenditure decisions are taken by the

    respondent alone

    64 32

    HH expenditure decisions are taken in

    consultation with the spouse

    50 38

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Latent class logit model: main-effects

    Explanatory variables Group 1 Group 2

    Average class probability 46% 54%

    Pure insurancea -0.40 1.10***

    Pure savingsa -3.60*** 0.93***

    Savings-insurance mixa -1.60*** 1.06***

    Premium -0.0035*** -0.0018***

    Good time payment 0.0035*** 0.00125***

    Bad time payment 0.0003 0.00044***

    Risk type

    Floodb 0.68*** 0.12

    Windb 0.61*** 0.10

    Note: a Base category=None; b Base category=Hail

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Latent class logit model: Intra-group


    Explanatory variables Group 1 Group 2 Explanatory variables Group 1 Group 2

    Gender gap Farming characteristics and spatial variation

    Female*Non-status quo -0.21 -1.85*** Revenue*Non-status quo 0.010 0.034**

    Female*Time*Non-status quo -0.003 0.05*** Land size (high)*Non-status quo 0.0005 0.001

    Female*Spouse*Non-status quo 0.25 -0.65* Land size (med)*Non-status quo 0.0015* 0.007***

    Risk aversion Land size (low)*Non-status quo -0.0015 -0.0017

    Risk averse*Pure insurance 0.16 -0.80*** Sub-district 2c*Non-status quo -0.45 1.31***

    Risk averse*Pure savings 0.76** -0.60* Sub-district 3c*Non-status quo -0.96*** -1.07**

    Risk averse*Mix -0.16 -0.41 Model fit statistics

    Time preference McFadden Pseudo R-squared 0.20

    Time preference*Pure insurance -0.53** -0.36 Number of groups 433

    Time preference*Pure savings 0.36 -0.12 Number of observations per group 6

    Time preference*Mix -0.04 0.015 Chi squared 1113.17


  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    1. Revisiting the arguments against gender inclusive social

    survey:1. Lack of female enumerators

    3. Women lack information

    2. Men oppose womens participation


    2. Pragmatic and adaptive filed management practices are

    crucial for gender inclusive research.

    3. No evidence of resentments against gender inclusivesurveys was found at the local level.

  • 7/27/2019 Gender mainstreaming in agricultural research: Evidence from a household survey in coastal Bangladesh


    Next step: A follow-up survey
