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General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General...

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General General anatomy anatomy of of skeletal skeletal muscle muscle , , its its innervation innervation and and blood blood supply supply , , General General anatomy anatomy of of spinal nerve, spinal nerve, General General terms terms of of angiology angiology and and lymphology lymphology Milo Milo š š Grim Grim Institute Institute of of Anatomy, Anatomy, First First Faculty Faculty of of Medicine Medicine , , Charles University in Charles University in Prague Prague Dentistry Dentistry - - winter winter semester semester 2010/2011 2010/2011
Page 1: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

GeneralGeneral anatomy anatomy ofof skeletalskeletal musclemuscle, , itsits innervationinnervation andand bloodblood supplysupply,,GeneralGeneral anatomy anatomy ofof spinal nerve,spinal nerve,GeneralGeneral termsterms ofof angiologyangiology andand lymphologylymphology

MiloMilošš GrimGrim

Institute Institute ofof Anatomy, Anatomy, FirstFirst FacultyFaculty ofof MedicineMedicine,,Charles University in Charles University in PraguePrague

DentistryDentistry -- winterwinter semestersemester 2010/20112010/2011

Page 2: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

HowHow to study to study skeletalskeletal musclesmusclesorigoorigo, , insertioninsertion, , positionposition ((schemescheme, , tablestables), ),

identificationidentification, , musclemuscle groupsgroups, , innervationinnervation, , functionfunction, ,

Page 3: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

OsteofascialOsteofascial spacesspaces ((compartmentscompartments), ), transversetransversesectionssections ofof body body segmentssegments

Page 4: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

AttachmentsAttachments ofof skeletalskeletal musclesmuscles –– originorigin, , insertioninsertion,,endomysialendomysial andand perimysialperimysial sheathssheaths, , fasciafascia

Page 5: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,


striatedstriated musclemuscle fibresfibres

Page 6: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

musclemuscle fibrefibre, , myofibrilsmyofibrils, , sarcomeressarcomeressarcoplasmicsarcoplasmicreticulumreticulum,,TT--tubulestubules,,triadstriadsmitochondriamitochondria,,sarcolemmasarcolemma,,basalbasal laminalamina

Page 7: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,
Page 8: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Posture, isometric contraction

Page 9: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Motion, isotonic contraction

Page 10: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

myomyo--tendinoustendinous junctionjunction

Page 11: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

synovialsynovial sheathsheath, , synovialsynovial bursabursa

Page 12: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

visualization of motor end platesvisualization of motor end plates

Page 13: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

pennationpennation ofof musclesmuscles

arrangement arrangement ofof parallelparallelrunningrunning musclemuscle fibresfibres

Page 14: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,
Page 15: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

NamingNaming ofof MusclesMusclesShapeShape::deltoid (= deltoid (= triangulartriangular), ), quadratusquadratus (= square), (= square), rhomboidrhomboid

(= (= diamonddiamond--shapedshaped))teresteres (= (= roundround), ), gracilisgracilis (= (= slenderslender), ), rectusrectus (= (= straightstraight), ), lumbricallumbrical (= (= wormworm--likelike))

SizeSize : major, : major, minorminor, , longuslongus (= (= longlong), ), brevisbrevis (= (= shortshort),),latissimuslatissimus (= (= broadestbroadest), ), longissimuslongissimus (= (= longestlongest))

NumberNumber ofof HeadsHeads oror BelliesBellies: : biceps (= 2 biceps (= 2 headsheads), triceps (= 3 ), triceps (= 3 headsheads), ), quadricepsquadriceps (= 4 (= 4 headsheads))digastricdigastric (= 2 (= 2 belliesbellies), ), biventerbiventer (= 2 (= 2 belliesbellies), ),

PositionPosition: : anterioranterior, , posteriorposterior, , interosseusinterosseus (= (= betweenbetween bonesbones))supraspinatussupraspinatus (= (= aboveabove spinespine ofof scapulascapula), ), infraspinatusinfraspinatus (= (= belowbelow spinespine), ), dorsidorsi (= (= ofof thethe backback), ), abdominisabdominis (= (= ofof thethe abdomen)abdomen)pectoralispectoralis (= (= ofof thethe chestchest), ), brachiibrachii (= (= ofof thethe armarm))femorisfemoris (= (= ofof thethe thighthigh), ), orisoris (= (= ofof thethe mouthmouth))

Page 16: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

NamingNaming ofof MusclesMusclesDepthDepth::superficialissuperficialis (= (= superficialsuperficial), ), profundusprofundus (= (= deepdeep), ), externusexternus ((oror externiexterni), ), internusinternus ((oror interniinterni))

AttachmentAttachment::sternocleidomastoidsternocleidomastoid((fromfrom sternum sternum andand clavicleclavicle to to mastoidmastoid processprocess))coracobrachialiscoracobrachialis ((fromfrom thethe coracoidcoracoid processprocess to to thethe armarm))

ActionAction: : extensor, extensor, flexorflexor, , abductorabductor, , adductoradductor, , levatorlevator (= (= lifterlifter), ), depressordepressor,,supinatorsupinator, , pronatorpronator, , constrictorconstrictor, , dilatordilator

Page 17: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

InInnnervationervation of skeletal muscleof skeletal muscleQ:Q:General structure of the spinal nerve and its General structure of the spinal nerve and its main branching (draw scheme)main branching (draw scheme)

NNeurovasculareurovascular hilumhilumBloodBlood supplysupply

Motor Motor innervationinnervationmotoneuronsmotoneurons: slow and fast : slow and fast alfaalfa motoneuronsmotoneurons, , gamma gamma motoneuronsmotoneurons, , motor endmotor end--plate, plate, AChACh

motor unit,motor unit, zone of motor endzone of motor end--plates, plates, polyneuralpolyneural innervationinnervation, segmental , segmental innervationinnervation

SSensoryensory ((proprioceptiveproprioceptive) ) innervationinnervationmuscle spindle, Golgi tendon organ, muscle spindle, Golgi tendon organ, proprioceptiveproprioceptive reflexes reflexes

Page 18: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

tendonstendons, , aponeurosesaponeuroses, , neuroneuro--vascularvascular hilumhilum (motor point)(motor point)

Page 19: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

InnervationInnervation ofof skeletalskeletal musclemuscle: : motoneuronsmotoneurons, motor , motor unitsunits, , motor motor endend-- platesplates, , acetylcholineacetylcholine, , proprioceptiveproprioceptive neuronsneurons, ,

musclemuscle spindlesspindles, Golgi , Golgi tendontendon organsorgans

Page 20: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

visualizationvisualization ofof motor motor endend platesplates andand axonsaxons, , acetylcholinesteraseacetylcholinesterase in in subneuralsubneural apparatusapparatus

Page 21: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

synaptic vesicles containing acetylcholinesynaptic vesicles containing acetylcholine(neurotransmitter) in axon terminal of motor end(neurotransmitter) in axon terminal of motor end--plate;plate;

curare blocks the transmissioncurare blocks the transmission

Page 22: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Muscle spindleMuscle spindle

Golgi Golgi tendontendon organorgan

ElektromyographyElektromyography (EMG)(EMG)

Page 23: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

A young women with sensory neuropathy of unknown origin who completely lost proprioceptive sensation:She could not stand without watching her feet, she could not held anything in her hands, and they wandered around without her awareness…

„Something awful´s happened, I can´t feel my body. I feel weird-disembodied“, she said, and „I may lose my arms. I think they´re one place and I find they´reanother“. After having proprioception explained, she said: „This proprioception is like the eyes of the body, the way the body sees itself. And if it goes, as it´s gonewith me, it´s like the body is blind…so I have to watch it - be its eyes. Right?“

Page 24: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Fibre Types of Skeletal MuscleFibre Types of Skeletal Muscle•• Type 1 fibres are slowType 1 fibres are slow--contracting and fatiguecontracting and fatigue--resistant resistant •• Type 2A fibres are fastType 2A fibres are fast--contracting and fatiguecontracting and fatigue--resistantresistant•• Type 2X fibres are fastType 2X fibres are fast--contracting and susceptible to contracting and susceptible to


Fibre Type Transformation Fibre Type Transformation Adaptive Capacity of Skeletal MuscleAdaptive Capacity of Skeletal MuscleDenervation and Disuse AtrophyDenervation and Disuse Atrophy

Page 25: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,
Page 26: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,


Page 27: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,
Page 28: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

DevelopmentDevelopment andand Differentiation Differentiation ofof SkeletalSkeletal MuscleMuscleMyogenesisMyogenesis, , MyogenicMyogenic DeterminationDetermination FactorsFactorsMyfMyf--5, 5, myogeninmyogenin, , MyoDMyoD andand MyfMyf--6 (6 (herculinherculin))MyostatinMyostatin

GrowthGrowth ofof SkeletalSkeletal Muscle Muscle HypertrophyHypertrophy, not , not hyperplasiahyperplasiaAnabolicAnabolic SteroidsSteroids

RegenerationRegeneration ofof SkeletalSkeletal MuscleMuscleSSatelliteatellite cellscells

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MyoblastMyoblastMyotubeMyotubeMuscle Muscle fibrefibreSatelliteSatellite cellcellMyogenicMyogenicDeterminationDeterminationFactorsFactorsMyostatinMyostatin

Page 30: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Mutation of myostatine gene resulting in overproduction of myogenic cells

Page 31: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

HH 25MyoD

Page 32: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Capillaries of skeletal Capillaries of skeletal musclemuscle


Page 33: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

ParaxialmesodermNonsegmentedin the head,somites in thetrunkMyogenic cells

Growth andmigrationof myogeniccells fromsomitesinto the body walland limb primordia

Page 34: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Epaxial and hypaxial musculature and its innervationfrom dorsal and ventral branches of spinal nerves

Page 35: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Epaxial and hypaxial musculature and its innervationfrom dorsal and ventral branches of spinal nerves

Page 36: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

DevelopmentDevelopment ofof headhead musculaturemusculature

Extra-ocular muscles, muscles of auditory ossicles, facial muscles, masticatory muscles, musculi linguae, musculi palati mollis et at faucium

Page 37: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Extra-ocular muscles(Innervation III.,IV. VI.)

Muscles of branchial(pharyngeal) archesMuscles of auditory ossicles(BA 1,2.- V., VII.)

Masticatory muscles(BA 1 -V.)

Facial muscles (BA 2 -VII.)

Musculi palati mollis et atfaucium (IX., X.)

Muscles from occipitalsomitesMusculi linguae (XII.),

Page 38: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

DevelopmentalDevelopmental originorigin ofof headhead musculaturemusculature

Page 39: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

RegenerationRegeneration ofof skeletalskeletal musclemuscle

Page 40: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

ActivationActivation ofof ssatelliteatellite cellcellss in in muscle regenerationmuscle regeneration

Page 41: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Fate of the free muscle graft in the rat


3. day

5. day

7. day

30. day

60. day Intact muscle

Page 42: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

General Anatomy of Skeletal MuscleGeneral Anatomy of Skeletal MuscleGeneral features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit, muscle spindle, Golgi tendon organmotor end plate, motor unit, muscle spindle, Golgi tendon organAttachments of skeletal muscles Attachments of skeletal muscles –– origin, insertionorigin, insertionMuscle Muscle fibresfibres, myofibrils, , myofibrils, sarcomeressarcomeresNaming of musclesNaming of musclesShape and Shape and fibrefibre architecture, architecture, pennationpennationThe The endomysialendomysial and and perimysialperimysial sheaths sheaths The interface between muscle and connective tissue The interface between muscle and connective tissue MyofibrilarMyofibrilar proteinsproteinsSliding filament mechanism of contractionSliding filament mechanism of contractionTendons, Tendons, AponeurosesAponeurosesSynovial sheaths and Synovial sheaths and bursaebursaeFascia, Fascia, intermuscularintermuscular septa, septa, osteofibrousosteofibrous spacesspaces

Page 43: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

GeneralGeneral anatomy anatomy ofof peripheralperipheral nervesnervesPNS PNS –– peripheralperipheral nervousnervous systemsystemCranialCranial nervesnervesSpinal Spinal nervesnervesAutonomicAutonomic nervousnervous systemsystem

sympatheticsympathetic andand parasympathetisparasympathetis partpart

neuronsneurons, , neuroglianeuroglia ((SchwannSchwann cellscells))nerve nerve fibresfibres, , endoneuriumendoneurium, , perineuriumperineurium, , epineuriumepineurium, , synapse, ganglion, synapse, ganglion,

Page 44: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

SchemeScheme ofof thethe spinal nervespinal nerve

rootletsrootlets, , anterioranterior rootroot, , motor motor rootroot, , efferentefferent nerve, nerve, motor nerve, motor nerve,

posteriorposterior rootroot, , sensorysensory rootroot, , afferentafferent nerve, nerve, sensorysensorynerve, nerve, dorsaldorsal rootroot ganglion,ganglion,

spinal nervespinal nervetrunk trunk ofof spinal nerve,spinal nerve,mixedmixed nerve,nerve,r. r. anterioranterior, r. , r. posteriorposterior ofof

Page 45: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Spinal nerveSpinal nervetrunk trunk ofof spinal spinal nerve, nerve, rootletsrootlets, , anterioranterior rootroot, , motor motor rootroot, , posteriorposterior rootroot, , sensorysensory rootroot, , spinal ganglion,spinal ganglion,mixedmixed nerve,nerve,

Page 46: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

C/Q ED 10Q PL Q PL injinj. HRP. HRP C PL inj. HRP

Marking of motoneurons using retrograde transportation of Marking of motoneurons using retrograde transportation of horseradishhorseradish peroxidaseperoxidase (HRP)(HRP) injected into the muscleinjected into the muscle

Page 47: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

LocalizationLocalization ofof motoneuronsmotoneurons for for individualindividual musclemuscle groupsgroupson on transversetransverse sectionsection ofof cervicalcervical spinal spinal cordcord

Page 48: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

DevelopmentDevelopment ofof nnervouservous systemsystem -- neurulationneurulation

B.M. Carlson (1999)

Page 49: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Derivatives of Derivatives of neuralneural crestcrest cellscells


Neurons of spinal ganglia, of autonomic ganglia, enteric neuronsNeurons of spinal ganglia, of autonomic ganglia, enteric neurons, , Schwann cells, pigment cells, cells of adrenal medullaSchwann cells, pigment cells, cells of adrenal medulla

Page 50: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Wnt1Wnt1--cre / R26Rcre / R26R

Xgal Bgal

Page 51: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Migration of NC cells of the headMigration of NC cells of the head

osteoblastsosteoblasts, fibroblasts,, fibroblasts,chondroblastschondroblasts, smooth , smooth muscle cells, muscle cells, odontoblastsodontoblastsCardiac NC (R4Cardiac NC (R4--R8)R8)::for cfor cardiacardiac ooutflowutflow tract tract N. LeDouarin (1999)ED4 chick


Page 52: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Kandel et al: Principles of neuralscience, 2000 McGraw-Hill

SegmentalSegmental innervationinnervation -- aareaereae radicularesradiculares (dermatomes)(dermatomes)

Page 53: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

spinal nerve spinal nerve plexusesplexuses, , autonomicautonomic plexusesplexuses,,perivascularperivascular plexusesplexuses

Page 54: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Regeneration of interrupted nerve fibreRegeneration of interrupted nerve fibre

Page 55: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Nerve graft bridging Nerve graft bridging thethe partialpartial defectdefect, , suturesuture ofof perineuriumperineurium

peripheralperipheral nerve, nerve, endoneuriumendoneurium, , perineuriumperineurium, , epineuriumepineurium

Page 56: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Terms Terms of general angiologyof general angiologyblood vessels, blood vessels, arterarteriesies, , veinveinss, , capillarcapillariesies,,arteriovenous arteriovenous anastomosis,anastomosis,collateral vesselcollateral vesselss, , venous plexusvenous plexuseses,,hepatic portal vein, hepatic portal vein,

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VenousVenous valvesvalves

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Page 59: General anatomy of skeletal muscle, its innervation …General Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle General features of striated muscle, its auxiliary structures, motor end plate, motor unit,

Fetal circulation before birth Circulation after birth

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7. 7. TermsTerms ofof generalgeneral anatomy anatomy ofof lymphaticlymphaticsystemsystem lymphaticlymphatic vesselsvessels, , lymphlymph, , lymphaticlymphatic trunkstrunksandand ductsducts, , lymphlymph nodesnodesLymph node, lymph tissue in the organs, main lymphatic Lymph node, lymph tissue in the organs, main lymphatic trunkstrunks

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PlatzerPlatzer: Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy : Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy ––Vol.1 Vol.1 LocomotorLocomotor System, System, ThiemeThieme 20032003KahleKahle, , FrotscherFrotscher: Color Atlas and Textbook of Human : Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy Anatomy –– Vol. 3 Vol. 3 NervousNervous SystemSystem andand SensorySensory OrgansOrgans, , ThiemeThieme 2000 2000 Netter: Atlas of Human Anatomy, Icon 2003Netter: Atlas of Human Anatomy, Icon 2003SobottaSobotta: Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol.1+2, Williams and : Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol.1+2, Williams and Wilkins 2000Wilkins 2000MooreMoore, , PerssaudPerssaud: : TheThe developingdeveloping humanhumanCarlsonCarlson: : HumanHuman embryology embryology andand developmentaldevelopmental

biologybiologyDifferentDifferent originaloriginal publicationspublications in in scientificscientific journalsjournalsAuthorAuthor´́s s ownown figsfigs. . andand illustrationsillustrations

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SourcesSources ofof usedused illustrationsillustrations::GrayGray´́s Anatomy, s Anatomy, SobottaSobotta: Atlas der Anatomie : Atlas der Anatomie desdes MenschenMenschenGrim, Grim, DrugaDruga: Z: Zááklady anatomie, 5. dklady anatomie, 5. dííllBenninghoffBenninghoff, , DrenckhahnDrenckhahn: Anatomie I., II.: Anatomie I., II.MooreMoore, , PerssaudPerssaud: : TheThe developingdeveloping humanhumanCarlsonCarlson: : HumanHuman embryology embryology andand developmentaldevelopmental

biologybiologyČČihiháák: Anatomie 1k: Anatomie 1DifferentDifferent originaloriginal publicationspublications in in scientificscientific journalsjournalsAuthorAuthor´́s s ownown figsfigs. . andand illustrationsillustrations
