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Generative Methods for Guard and Camera Placement in Stealth Games Qihan Xu and Jonathan Tremblay and Clark Verbrugge School of Computer Science McGill University Montr´ eal, Qu´ ebec, Canada [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Enemy observers, such as cameras and guards, are common elements that provide challenge to many stealth and combat games. Defining the exact placement and movement of such entities, however, is a non-trivial process, requiring a designer balance level-difficulty, coverage, and representation of real- istic behaviours. In this work we explore systems for procedu- rally generating both camera and guard placement in a stealth game context. For the former we use an approach based on weakening theoretical results for optimal camera placement, while for the latter we perform automatic roadmap construc- tion, generating more specific patrol behaviours through a grammar-based technique. We evaluate both approaches with a non-trivial implementation in Unity3D, and apply quanti- tative metrics to demonstrate how different parametrizations can be used to control level difficulty without sacrificing be- lievability. Introduction A stealth problem in a game requires a player to move between locations, undetected by entities such as cameras or AI-controlled guards. Defining the location, routes, and other parametrization of enemy agents, however, is a non- trivial task, made especially complex by the need to ensure a solution exists, provides an appropriate challenge to the player, and that agent behaviours appear suitably realistic for the game context. We investigate two methods for procedural placement of enemy agents, considering first camera placement and then the construction of mobile guard routes. For the former, so- lutions to camera (static guard) placement can be related to the well known “art gallery” problem in computation geometry (O’Rourke 1987), which seek to optimally place cameras to ensure complete coverage of a polygonal space. Weakening these theoretical results by both limiting individ- ual camera coverage and by reducing the number of cameras then provides a parametrized method for ensuring an incom- plete coverage, and thus a potentially solvable level design. Mobile guards introduce the additional complexities of planning reasonable movement routes that tour a space, along with specific behaviours guards may use to inspect the space at different points. For this we first build a simplified Copyright © 2014, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. roadmap based on a reduced medial skeleton (Blum 1967); this enables us to select appropriate end-points and paths be- tween them that traverse the space without appearing ran- dom. Additional behavioural complexity is then introduced through a grammar-based model that partitions the route into different kinds of movement and scanning segments. Both approaches have trivial reductions that can ensure solutions exist. For more interesting results we use a heuris- tic, Monte-Carlo approach. An initial, arbitrarily complex arrangement of enemy agents is first constructed, and then verified for solution existence and level complexity through a search-based analysis technique. We demonstrate this pro- cess on two game level designs, one synthetic and one based on a commercial game, exploring different configurations to give some sense of appropriate parametrizations for our techniques. Specific contributions of this work consist of: 1. A heuristic approach to camera placement based on weak- ening a solution to the well known “art gallery problem” for simple polygons. 2. The design of a flexible, grammar-based method for defin- ing roadmap-based guard patrol routes. 3. Application of quantitative metrics that demonstrate how different parametrizations affect the existence of level so- lutions and player perception of difficulty. Background & Related Work Stealth problems can be loosely defined as tasks wherein the player must move from a start to a goal position, while avoiding enemy Non-Player Character (NPC) Fields of View (FoV). This problem is presented to players in many combat games, and is central to games in the stealth genre, such as Mark of the Ninja or the Metal Gear Solid series. Designing such a game or level involves careful orchestra- tion of enemy positions and behaviours, obstacles, and other positive or negative factors that affect stealth (light, shadow, sound, etc.) (Smith 2006) so as to present an interesting but feasible challenge to the player. This requires solving prob- lems in geometric visibility along with procedural genera- tion. Within our exploration of stealth games, the design space is limited to placing geometries (occlusions) and two flavours of NPC: guards and cameras, both of which have
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Generative Methods for Guard and Camera Placement in Stealth Games

Qihan Xu and Jonathan Tremblay and Clark VerbruggeSchool of Computer Science

McGill UniversityMontreal, Quebec, Canada

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Enemy observers, such as cameras and guards, are commonelements that provide challenge to many stealth and combatgames. Defining the exact placement and movement of suchentities, however, is a non-trivial process, requiring a designerbalance level-difficulty, coverage, and representation of real-istic behaviours. In this work we explore systems for procedu-rally generating both camera and guard placement in a stealthgame context. For the former we use an approach based onweakening theoretical results for optimal camera placement,while for the latter we perform automatic roadmap construc-tion, generating more specific patrol behaviours through agrammar-based technique. We evaluate both approaches witha non-trivial implementation in Unity3D, and apply quanti-tative metrics to demonstrate how different parametrizationscan be used to control level difficulty without sacrificing be-lievability.

IntroductionA stealth problem in a game requires a player to movebetween locations, undetected by entities such as camerasor AI-controlled guards. Defining the location, routes, andother parametrization of enemy agents, however, is a non-trivial task, made especially complex by the need to ensurea solution exists, provides an appropriate challenge to theplayer, and that agent behaviours appear suitably realisticfor the game context.

We investigate two methods for procedural placement ofenemy agents, considering first camera placement and thenthe construction of mobile guard routes. For the former, so-lutions to camera (static guard) placement can be relatedto the well known “art gallery” problem in computationgeometry (O’Rourke 1987), which seek to optimally placecameras to ensure complete coverage of a polygonal space.Weakening these theoretical results by both limiting individ-ual camera coverage and by reducing the number of camerasthen provides a parametrized method for ensuring an incom-plete coverage, and thus a potentially solvable level design.

Mobile guards introduce the additional complexities ofplanning reasonable movement routes that tour a space,along with specific behaviours guards may use to inspect thespace at different points. For this we first build a simplified

Copyright © 2014, Association for the Advancement of ArtificialIntelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved.

roadmap based on a reduced medial skeleton (Blum 1967);this enables us to select appropriate end-points and paths be-tween them that traverse the space without appearing ran-dom. Additional behavioural complexity is then introducedthrough a grammar-based model that partitions the route intodifferent kinds of movement and scanning segments.

Both approaches have trivial reductions that can ensuresolutions exist. For more interesting results we use a heuris-tic, Monte-Carlo approach. An initial, arbitrarily complexarrangement of enemy agents is first constructed, and thenverified for solution existence and level complexity througha search-based analysis technique. We demonstrate this pro-cess on two game level designs, one synthetic and one basedon a commercial game, exploring different configurationsto give some sense of appropriate parametrizations for ourtechniques. Specific contributions of this work consist of:

1. A heuristic approach to camera placement based on weak-ening a solution to the well known “art gallery problem”for simple polygons.

2. The design of a flexible, grammar-based method for defin-ing roadmap-based guard patrol routes.

3. Application of quantitative metrics that demonstrate howdifferent parametrizations affect the existence of level so-lutions and player perception of difficulty.

Background & Related WorkStealth problems can be loosely defined as tasks whereinthe player must move from a start to a goal position, whileavoiding enemy Non-Player Character (NPC) Fields of View(FoV). This problem is presented to players in many combatgames, and is central to games in the stealth genre, such asMark of the Ninja or the Metal Gear Solid series.

Designing such a game or level involves careful orchestra-tion of enemy positions and behaviours, obstacles, and otherpositive or negative factors that affect stealth (light, shadow,sound, etc.) (Smith 2006) so as to present an interesting butfeasible challenge to the player. This requires solving prob-lems in geometric visibility along with procedural genera-tion.

Within our exploration of stealth games, the designspace is limited to placing geometries (occlusions) and twoflavours of NPC: guards and cameras, both of which have

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limited FoV. Guards refers to entities moving along a re-peating, pre-determined path (patrol route). Cameras do notmove, although they can rotate, sweeping a given subset ofthe level. The quality of a stealth level is typically measuredthrough playtesting, although recent work has suggested thatobjective, quantitative measures can also approximate per-ceived risk (Tremblay, Torres, and Verbrugge 2014).

Abstract solutions to related problems have been exploredin more theoretical contexts. Placing cameras (with infiniteFoV) in a given n-vertex polygonal geometry is well knownas Klee’s 1973 “art gallery” problem, and there have beenmany different algorithms and lower bounds demonstratedfor variations of this problem (O’Rourke 1987). More com-plex formulations also exist; Erdem et al., for example,presented a realistic expression of the art gallery problemwhere guards do not have 2π rotational and infinitely longview (Erdem and Sclaroff 2006). Using a discrete (grid-based) world they optimally place cameras that can ensureevery point is observed with period less than t. For this theyreduced the problem to a Set Coverage Problem, solving itusing a special case of integer programming. Cohen-Or et al.give a general survey of other, real-life application of cameranetwork placement (Cohen-Or et al. 2003). In the context ofgames, a combined approach to guard/camera placement hasbeen previously explored by Xu et al. (Xu, Tremblay, andVerbrugge 2014). They presented a space-decomposition ap-proach that enabled them to locate cameras with (heuristi-cally) maximized coverage, and to define simple, straight-line guard patrol paths. Our work here generates signifi-cantly more complex guard routes and behaviours, and pro-vides an approach to camera placement that can both guar-antee good coverage properties, and has less stochastic vari-ance in scaling down the difficulty.

Our camera/guard placement approach is intended to helpin procedurally generating stealth levels. Procedural Con-tent Generation (PCG) has been used for a wide variety oftasks in games, level generation (Spelunky), weapon gen-eration (Borderlands), vegetation filling (Skyrim), etc., andcontinues to be a popular research topic. Shi and Craw-fis, for instance, presented a design tool that tries to op-timize distribution of objects within a level, based on dif-ferent properties of player paths, such as the minimum-damage cover, longest path, and standard deviation of coverpoints (Shi and Crawfis 2013). In our work we enable flexi-ble, high-level structuring of the content generation throughuse of a grammar-based rewrite system, generating increas-ing complexity by applying rewrite rules. Grammar-basedapproaches have been used for a number of other PCG ap-plications, including vegetation (Togelius, Shaker, and Dor-mans 2014), abstract structure for platformer levels (Smithet al. 2009), narratives (Kybartas and Verbrugge 2014), andeven as a general tool that creates whole story, missions andlevels (Dormans 2010).

Strategies for Camera and Guard PlacementAlthough 3D elements are sometimes used in stealth games,the stealth pathing problem is most typically a 2D one, andthus can be addressed in terms of its underlying floor-plan.Below we describe our two main approaches to enemy agent

placement, beginning with camera placement, and followedby mobile guard placement.

Camera PlacementOur approach to camera placement builds on known algo-rithms for achieving a minimal camera arrangement shownto be theoretically optimal, and which we subsequentlyweaken. In this way we can avoid excessive, unrealistic over-lap in coverage, as well as be sure that both hard and easysolution end-points exist.

We start the placement by following Fisk’s 1978 algo-rithm for a minimal covering of a simple polygon, using⌊n3⌋ cameras for a polygon with n vertices (O’Rourke 1987).

This algorithm begins with a triangulation of the polygon in-terior, the vertices of which are then 3-coloured, ensuring noadjacent vertices share a colour. Each triangle must then useall 3 colours, and since triangles are convex, associating oneof the 3 colours with camera placement results in a completecoverage of the polygon interior.

The presence of obstacles in our floor-plan, however,means that we are actually working on a polygon with holes,and so Fisk’s approach for simple polygons does not ap-ply. More complex algorithms exist that address this con-cern (Hoffmann, Kaufmann, and Kriegel 1991), but since atheoretically minimal solution is not actually required, wecan take a simpler approach. For this we continue to makeuse of a triangulation, using the well known technique of re-ducing a polygon with holes to a simple polygon through anetwork of (conceptually) infinitely thin channels that con-nect all obstacles to the exterior, effectively converting theholes (obstacles) into part of the polygon exterior. Figure 1shows an example, where thick (blue) edges indicate thechannels. In this approach a 3-colouring is still possible,with the drawback that since each channel now representstwo exterior edges we have 2 overlapping vertices at the ver-tices of each channel, and so end up with a slightly less op-timal camera placement using up to ⌊n+2h

3⌋ cameras for an

n-vertex polygon with h holes.Finally, as these approaches assume full, 360○ camera

view, and infinite range, we can change camera parametersin order to permit more and easier solutions. We experimentwith reductions in the camera FoV angle and distance, whileimposing fixed limitations on rotation speed/patterns. Otherfactors may also be considered, such as focus, light sensitiv-ity, or more complex, 3D FoV and movements.

Guard PlacementGuard placement introduces a number of additional com-plexities to defining enemy agents. First, guards are expectedto be mobile, and thus we need not only an initial position,but a patrol route to follow as well. Second, guards are usu-ally expected to make occasional observations as they patrol,sometimes looking around rather than just staring forward asthey move.

Theoretical bases for good coverage with such guardscan be developed, either by extending camera visibility re-sults to consider mobile guards following interior paths,within the context of a weak visibility model (Ghosh 2007),

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Figure 1: Triangulating and colouring a polygon with holes. Theblue edges represent channels, consisting of two parallel edges, andchosen so as to form a spanning tree that connects all obstacles tothe exterior.

or through exploration algorithms more commonly used inrobotics (Obermeyer, Ganguli, and Bullo 2011). The result-ing algorithms, however, tend to have high computationalcomplexity, or generate movement patterns that do not seemsuitable for modelling guards in games—weak visibility so-lutions tend to favour (unrealistic) wall-hugging, while opti-mal exploration strategies result in minimized, hard to pre-dict movement that does not match player expectation forguards on routine patrol.

Our approach is thus based on two techniques that caneasily and efficiently ensure an appropriate result for guardsimulation, while still providing ample, flexible control fordifficulty adjustment. We perform this in two stages, firstconstructing a basic patrol route, and then introducing intra-route activities to add further complexity and interest.Patrol routes. Guards should move in a repetitive fashionthrough some subset of the level geometry, concentratingon large areas, and avoiding obstacle features. For this wegenerate a roadmap as a reduced and straightened subsetof the medial skeleton. We expand all edges, flooding out-ward from obstacles and inward from the boundary. Whendifferent obstacle or boundary/obstacle wavefronts meet wegenerate roadmap edges. We use a discrete representationfor this, and so we perform a final smoothing step to re-move zig-zags and other discrete artifacts, and also reducethe number of nodes in the roadmap. The end result is some-thing close to a simplified straight skeleton (Aichholzer et al.1995), but absent edges that would connect to polygon ver-tices, or which would otherwise normally be generated byinteraction of wavefronts from different edges of the samepolygon (obstacle or boundary). This approach avoids thepotential for guard paths that would walk to or from cornersand concentrates guard behaviour on touring around obsta-cles. Figure 2 shows an example of a basic roadmap, and

figure 3 shows the result after smoothing and node reduc-tion.

Figure 2: Test level with initial skeleton roadmap. The blue sphere(lower-left) indicates the player start position, and the green sphere(upper-right) the goal.

Given a roadmap network, we then select patrol routesby randomly choosing starting and ending nodes within thenetwork (different for each guard), and constructing a pathbetween them through a simple depth-first search, biasingand randomizing the search to generate relatively long paths.Patrol routes are assumed to be cyclic, with the final positionmatching the starting position: given two distinct end-points,a and b, the route consists patrols from a to b and then backto a. Note that it is possible that a = b, in which case theroute will consist of a random tour through the network thatreturns to a.Intra-route activities. The basic route generation results inguard patrols that have reasonably good level coverage, butare overall somewhat robotic in behaviour. More human-likebehaviours are created by breaking up the patrol movement,introducing points at which a guard stops and turns to scanthe space in different fashions. For this we use the grammar-based construction, shown in figure 4.

Figure 3: Test level with simplified roadmap.

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—— ::=t1




—— ::=t1






—— ::=t1





4)t● ::=


5)t● ::=

tÁ⤸ |


6)t● ::=

t↶↷ | t


7)t● ::=


⤿ |t

Figure 4: Guard patrol grammar.

However many roadmap edges are traversed, a patrolroute is initially a single segment of continuous movement.The first few rules of this grammar break up continuous seg-ments of movement into multiple segments; rule 1 rewritesa segment into two, not necessarily equal length segmentsseparated by an activity (●), while rule 2 rewrites a segmentinto 3 sections with 180○ turns between (rule 3 is symmet-ric, turning in the other direction), and so causes the guardto go back and forth over the same segment. Rule 4 rewritesthe abstract activity designator into a pause ( ), while the re-maining rules rewrite an activity into different kinds of scan-ning: a 90○ turn and return, left or right (rule 5), a 180○ turnand return (rule 6), or a full 360○ rotation (rule 7).

All rules have a time value associated with each segmentor activity. This allows us to control the pace of individualactions; for example, in rule 1 the time taken to traverse theLHS segment t is broken up into time values t1, t2, and t3 forthe three parts of the rewritten segment. Control over patroltiming may thus be enforced ahead of time by forcing thesum of times in the RHS of each rule to match the time inthe LHS, although we do not do this in our prototype.

Applying these rules to the initial guard path, follow-ing different rule selection strategies and limits on rewrit-ing depth gives control over the complexity of the patrol be-haviours. In the next section we explore the relative impactof both route selection and activity choice/density.

Experiments & ResultsIn order to validate our approach we examined the effectsof camera and guard placement on multiple game-levels,including a non-trivial test level as well as a mock-up ofthe first level from Metal Gear Solid (MGS), the Dock. Wemeasured the impact on game challenge through quantitativemetrics to determine how we can relate varying parametriza-tion to different measures of player difficulty. Below we de-scribe our metrics, followed by results from camera place-ment and then guard patrol paths.

MetricsTo measure the difficulty of our stealth levels, we make useof two different metrics, one that measures relative feasibil-ity, and another that measures the perception of risk.

We determine the degree of feasibility by computingthe success rate of a heuristic path exploration technique.Path-finding techniques are able to solve stealth levels, atleast with deterministic enemy behaviours, by modeling thegame state as a geometric space extruded over time. A paththat reaches the goal position, while continually advanc-ing in time and avoiding all enemy FoV at each point intime is then a solution to the stealth level. We computesuch paths using a Rapidly Exploring Random Tree (RRT)search (Morgan and Branicky 2004) rather than a more tradi-tional A* or other deterministic approaches, since the RRTpaths may fail, tend to have a significant, sub-optimal ran-domness to the result, and so better approximate a variety ofhuman gameplay behaviours. We thus use the success ratioof RRT searches as a proxy for overall level difficulty.

Other metrics have also been proposed and evaluated formeasuring properties of stealth levels. Tremblay et al. de-scribe 3 different path quality metrics that attempt to mea-sure the player sense of risk or danger (Tremblay, Torres, andVerbrugge 2014). Through comparison with results from ahuman study they argue that a conceptually simple path-distance measure, considering the relative distance from aplayer to enemies at each point best approximates humanperception. We thus apply this metric in order to determinethe degree of risk our levels present to players. Note that thismetric is inverted, and higher values in the distance metricindicate riskier paths that tend to be closer to enemy agents.

Both metrics are applied to game levels modeled in a non-trivial Unity3D game development framework, and so con-sider realistic player movements, including physical and vi-sual constraints typical of modern first or third-person 3Denvironments.

Camera AnalysisOur algorithmic basis for camera placement requires weplace cameras at particular points in the space. It is ofcourse possible to introduce variation into that placementas a means of perturbing difficulty, but randomizing cam-era placement easily loses the intended quality guaranteeson visibility coverage of the algorithm. We thus used a moreovertly scalable approach, modifying the angle of cameraFoV as well as the distance (range) cameras can see: withfull 360○ FoV and and infinite range we have 100% cover-age, whereas we can be certain the level is solvable if therange is sufficiently reduced.

For this experiment we used the Dock level of MGS,as shown in figure 8. The level was filled by 22 cameras,each with identical FoV and range, sweeping back and forththrough its entire potential viewing area. Figure 5 shows theresult of a parameter sweep considering different combina-tions of FoV angles and ranges over the level: FoV anglechanges from 1 degree to 14 degrees in unit increments,while FoV distance ranges from 1 to 5 with a step of 0.5—the level is approximately 40×60, and a range of about 3 issufficient to block a corridor. For each combination we per-formed 20 RRT searches, as reasonable balance between be-ing able to assess success rate and the total duration of theseexperiments. Note that we do not show the path-distancemetric here, as the camera positions do not change.

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1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0FoV distance














Figure 5: RRT success ratio from 0% to 100% for different cameraFoV angles and ranges.

From this data we can see that the design space allows forreasonable levels of difficulty by modifying either or both ofangle and range, albeit within a fairly narrow band of vari-ability. Camera view distance has a stronger impact than an-gle, which makes sense, as it is easy for a camera with arelatively long range to block an entire passage and makethe level unsolvable, even with a very narrow angle of view.

Guard Analysis

Camera placement offers clear and easy flexibility in dif-ficulty adjustment, but mobile, human-like guards providemore player interest and increase the potential design space.As such, however, the space is too large to consider exhaus-tively, and so we analyze different features separately.

We begin by exploring the impact of number of guards onlevel quality. For this we use the test level shown in figure 3.After computing the simplified roadmap we assign guardsdifferent, random patrol routes, but without any intra-routeactivities. Figure 6 shows the results for both the RRT suc-cess rate and the path-distance metrics. For each number ofguards, we applied 20 RRT searches to each of 30 uniquechoices of guard paths, giving us an RRT rate /20 and dis-tance metric values on up to 600 situations (we do not in-clude failed solutions in the distance metric).

The randomized path selection results in a large variance,but as expected, increasing the number of guards in an other-wise fixed level increases the relative coverage of space, andso makes it harder to find a path that traverses the level un-seen from start to finish. Unlike cameras, however, the cut-off for infeasibility is not nearly as sharp: a moving guardmay retard player progress, but by virtue of moving rarelytends to permanently block off an entire corridor, and evenwith 8 guards (which is quite dense) the RRT is still easilyable to find solutions. In this sense the greater slope of thedistance metric is perhaps a better representation of gamedifficulty for players—with more guards, player paths nec-essarily come closer to guards, and thus closer to being seen.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Number of guards











ce m













Figure 6: Success ratio (×’s, blue) and distance metric (○’s, red)vs. number of guards in the test level.

Grammar influenceThe choice of and amount of application of grammar rulespotentially affects the level as well. Experimentally, how-ever, we found that even fairly dense application of thegrammar rules does not have a significant impact on RRTsuccess—whether solutions exist is driven primarily by thedegree of coverage induced by the number of guards andtheir paths, and while interrupting a guard path to scanaround and so forth is visually interesting, it has limited im-pact on whether a level is actually solvable or not.

This does not mean, however, that the grammar has nouseful effect on solution paths. As guards spend more timescanning around, they temporarily block possible playerpaths, and/or require players skirt around them. We thus ex-pect that by increasing and changing guard activities we caninfluence a player’s experience in terms of perceived risk interms of the amount of time a player spends in close prox-imity to guards, and this is reflected in the distance metric.

Figure 7 shows the distance metric calculations for differ-ent kinds and amounts of rewriting, for 4 guards on our testlevel. We apply our grammar rules to introduce each of the 3kinds of rotations, the zigzag repetition of a segment (rules2 and 3 in figure 4), and a random choice of rewrite rule. Foreach of these kinds of rewriting, we considered rewriting todifferent recursive depths, where higher depth means moreintra-route activities.

The result of this experiment shows a high degree of vari-ance, but nevertheless separates behaviours into 3 main cat-egories of statistical significance (p < 0.05). The distancemetric value mainly increases due to use of 180○ rotationsand the zigzag movement, while others have a lesser impact,and all are different from a baseline of no rewriting. We at-tribute the stronger influence of 180○ rotations and zigzagmovements to the way these rules alter the ability of a playerto follow a guard: if a guard rotates 90○ or does a full 360○,it is relatively easy to follow a guard from a distance or getpast them as their point of view rotates. With 180○ rotationsand zigzagging, however, guards end up looking backwards

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0 1 2 3 4Rewriting number levels










180 Rotation360 Rotation90 RotationBaseRandomZigzag

Figure 7: Average distance metric values on the test level withdifferent kinds of rule choice and depth of rewriting.

Figure 8: The “dock” level from Metal Gear Solid, with twoguards route overlay produced by the grammar.

for some time, and a solution path nearby will need to fol-low the guard movements closely for longer in order to avoiddetection.

MGS comparisonIn this experiment we show that our grammar-based ap-proach can achieve a similar distribution of guard behavioursto a manual design in a commercial game. For this we exam-ine the first level of the Metal Gear Solid, as shown in fig-ure 8. This level has just 2 guards, and a fairly stable 100%success rate under RRT search. Of course this would be easyto make more difficult by adding more guards, but this rel-atively easy level design is also mitigated by varied guardbehaviour that provides interest and perceptual challenge tothe player as their first experience in the game.

In figure 9 we analyze the original guard movements andshow metric data for the distance metric based on 500 suc-cessful paths found by RRT searches. Overlaid with thiswe show the distributions of the same metric data produced

Figure 9: Histogram of distance metric values for MGS level.

by applying our grammar-based approach to the same basicguard routes. We used a rewrite depth of 2, and biased ourrule selection to favour zigzag rewrites over segment splits,and pauses over rotations. This produced the 2 paths pre-sented in figure 8, The red guard patrols the outside mostof the level, whereas the blue guard follows a more com-plex route within the level. double sided arrows representzigzag behaviour, the rest follows the presented notation infigure 4. Given the randomization inherent in our grammarapplication and RRT choices the distributions do not matchperfectly, although a t-test on both distributions yields theirsimilarity with 1.0. This allows to say in terms of our metricthat we can algorithmically produce a desired style of guardbehaviours.

Conclusion & Future WorkStealth games or levels are popular with players for posinginteresting, puzzle-like challenges different from the typicalcombat-intensive scenarios found in many modern games.A creative puzzle challenge, however, requires a creativepuzzle design, ensuring solutions exist, but having appeal-ing and appropriate complexity. The techniques we proposehere for procedural generation help with this design chal-lenge by providing distinct mechanisms for scaling difficultyin camera placement, generating guard routes and improvingplayer experience through variety in guard behaviours.

There are many facets of stealth game behaviours wehave not covered, and which we intend to explore in futurework, such as further, more dynamic properties of enemy be-haviours (speed, non-continuous observation), as well as thefull gamut of stealth-related game features, such as soundand footprints. We are also interested in extending the anal-ysis further to account for combat scenarios, and to considergameplay in other game genres.

AcknowledgementsThis research was supported by the Fonds de recherche duQuebec - Nature et technologies, and the Natural Sciencesand Engineering Research Council of Canada.

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