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Page 1: Genetic Engineering with Green Fluorescent Proteinfile/?item=/coll... · Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein Kit: Teacherʼs Manual with Student Guide. Carolina Biological Supply
Page 2: Genetic Engineering with Green Fluorescent Proteinfile/?item=/coll... · Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein Kit: Teacherʼs Manual with Student Guide. Carolina Biological Supply


These materials are for use only in connection with the EXSEED Green Fluorescent Protein Experiments. Any further use requires permission of Carolina Biological Supply.!!

Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein Kit: Teacherʼs Manual with Student Guide. Carolina Biological Supply 2008 www.carolina.com CB271820711

Transformations: A Teacherʼs Manual. Carolina Biological Supply 2004

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Page 3: Genetic Engineering with Green Fluorescent Proteinfile/?item=/coll... · Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein Kit: Teacherʼs Manual with Student Guide. Carolina Biological Supply

by Dr. Maria Rapoza and Dr. Helen Kreuzer

We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Doris Helms and Ms. BobbieHinson to the Procedure and Data and Analysis sections.

The procedures used in this manual were developed in cooperation with theDolan DNA Learning Center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

BackgroundThe transfer of new DNA into organisms has led to many improvements inour everyday lives. In the biotechnology industry, the transfer of the humangenes for insulin and growth hormone into bacteria has created bacteria whichobligingly produce as much human insulin and human growth hormone as weneed. Scientists can also take DNA from a deadly organism, divide it intomany pieces, and safely study the individual pieces by introducing thefragments of DNA into a nonpathogenic host bacterium. These methods havebeen used to study isolated genes from dangerous organisms such as theanthrax bacterium and the AIDS and Ebola viruses.But how is new DNA introduced into an organism? The techniques of genetransfer in higher plants and animals are complex, costly, and extremelydifficult even in the research laboratory. However, the techniques of genetransfer in E. coli bacteria are simple and appropriate for the teachinglaboratory. This manual provides detailed information on gene transfer in E. coli including

• background information on the history of transformation

• a discussion of the science of transformation

• an overview of plasmids readily available for transformation in theteaching laboratory

• and an easy-to-follow procedure for transformation.

Discovery of transformationIn 1928, the English scientist Frederick Griffiths was studying the bacteriumStreptococcus pneumoniae. This organism causes pneumonia, which in 1928 wasthe leading cause of death in the Western Hemisphere. Griffiths was workingwith two strains of S. pneumoniae: one which caused disease (a pathogenicstrain) and one which did not. The pathogenic form of the organism producedan external polysaccharide coating that caused colonies of this strain growingon agar medium to appear smooth. The nonpathogenic strain did not producethe coating, and its colonies appeared rough. We now know that thepolysaccharide coating made the smooth strain pathogenic by allowing it toescape being killed by the host’s immune system.Griffiths’ experiments involved injecting mice with the S. pneumoniae strains.When he used the smooth strain, the mice became ill and died. When he used

Transformations: A Teacher’s Manual

T e a c h e r ’ s M a n u a l 3

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the rough strain, they stayed healthy. In one series of experiments, Griffithsmixed heat-killed smooth cells (which had no effect when injected into mice)with living rough cells (which also had no effect when injected into mice) andinjected the combination into mice. To his surprise, the mice became ill anddied, as if they had been injected with living smooth cells. When Griffithsisolated S. pneumoniae from the dead mice, he found that they producedsmooth colonies. Griffiths concluded that the living rough cells had beentransformed into smooth cells as the result of being mixed with the deadsmooth cells. It was sixteen years before another group of investigators (Avery,McCarty, and MacLeod) showed that the “transforming principle,” thesubstance from the heat-killed smooth strain that caused the transformation,was DNA.

Natural transformationToday, transformation is defined as the uptake and expression of free DNA bycells. Some bacteria undergo transformation naturally. Streptococcus pneumoniaeis one of these, as are Neisseria gonorrhea (the causative agent of gonorrhea)and Haemophilus influenza (the principle cause of meningitis in children underthe age of 3). Each of these organisms has surface proteins that bind to DNA inthe environment and transport it into the cell. Once inside the cell, the basesequence of the new DNA is compared to the bacterium’s DNA. If enoughsimilarity in sequence exists, the new DNA can be substituted for thehomologous region of the bacterium’s DNA. This is known as recombination. Ifthe new DNA is not similar to the bacterium’s DNA, it is not incorporated intothe genome and is broken down by intracellular enzymes.How do these organisms select for DNA that is likely to be beneficial to them?In Haemophilus and Neisseria, the DNA-binding proteins recognize and bind toparticular base sequences, transporting in only DNA molecules containingthose sequences. Each of these organisms has many copies of its recognitionsequence in its genome. In Haemophilus, the recognition sequence is 11 baseslong. One would expect this sequence to occur randomly once in 411 times, oronce in about 5 million bases. Haemophilus, whose genome is about 5 millionbase pairs in size, has 600 copies of this sequence. The recognition sequencesensure that Haemophilus and Neisseria will mostly import DNA from membersof their own species.

Figure 1. Griffith’s transformation experiment with smooth and rough strainsof pneumococcus bacteria. (Illustration by Lisa A. Shoemaker)

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T e a c h e r ’ s M a n u a l 5


Why would it be beneficial for a bacterium to bring in and use DNA fromother members of its species? In Neisseria, transformation helps the organismto evade the immune system of its host (us!). Pathogenic Neisseria have stalk-like projections made of a protein called pilin on their surface. Our bodies’immune system makes antibodies to the pilin protein, so we should be immuneto reinfection by N. gonorrhea. But we are not. N. gonorrhea contains severalversions of the pilin gene. In undergoing transformation by DNA containingdifferent versions of the pilin gene, N. gonorrhea changes the version of pilinprotein it synthesizes, evading recognition by the immune system’s antibodies.Natural transformations are not as rare as once thought. More and moreoften, scientists are discovering pathogenic organisms that transfer virulencegenes between themselves.

Artificial transformationStill, it is rare for most bacteria to take up DNA naturally from theenvironment. But by subjecting bacteria to certain artificial conditions, we canenable many of them to take up DNA. When cells are in a state in which theyare able to take up DNA, they are referred to as competent. Making cellscompetent usually involves changing the ionic strength of the medium andheating the cells in the presence of positive ions (usually calcium). Thistreatment renders the cell membrane permeable to DNA. More recently, highvoltage has also been used to render cells permeable to DNA in a processcalled electroporation.Once DNA is taken into a cell, the use of that DNA by the cell to make RNAand proteins is referred to as expression. In nature, the expression of the newlyacquired DNA depends upon its being integrated into the DNA of the hostcell. As discussed above, the process of integration is known as recombination,and it requires that the new DNA be very similar in sequence to the hostgenome. However, researchers usually want to introduce into a cell DNA thatis quite different from the existing genome. Such DNA would not berecombined into the genome and would be lost. To avoid this problem,scientists transform host cells with plasmid DNA.A plasmid is a small, circular piece of double-stranded DNA that has an originof replication. An origin of replication is a sequence of bases at which DNAreplication begins. Because they contain origins of replication, plasmids arecopied by the host cell’s DNA replication enzymes, and each daughter cellreceives copies of the plasmid upon cell division. Therefore, plasmids do notneed to be recombined into the genome to be maintained and expressed.Additionally, since plasmids do not have to have DNA that is similar to thehost cell’s DNA, DNA from other organisms can be maintained as a plasmid.Fortunately, it is relatively easy to introduce new DNA sequences into plasmids. Plasmids naturally occur in bacteria and yeast, and they are widely used asvehicles for introducing foreign DNA into these organisms. Thus far, noanalogs of plasmids are known for higher plants and animals, which is onereason why genetic engineering is so much more difficult in higher organisms.

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Selecting for transformed bacteriaIn order to transform bacteria using plasmid DNA, biotechnologists mustovercome two problems. Typically, cells that contain plasmid DNA have adisadvantage since cellular resources are diverted from normal cellularprocesses to replicate plasmid DNA and synthesize plasmid-encoded proteins.If a mixed population of cells with plasmids and cells without plasmids isgrown together, then the cells without the plasmids grow faster. Therefore,there is always tremendous pressure on cells to get rid of their plasmids. Toovercome this pressure, there has to be an advantage to the cells that have theplasmid. Additionally, we have to be able to determine which bacteriareceived the plasmid. That is, we need a marker that lets us know that thebacterial colony we obtain at the end of our experiment was the result of asuccessful gene transfer. To accomplish both goals—making it advantageousfor cells to retain plasmids, and having a selectable marker so we can recognizewhen bacteria cells contain new DNA—we will use a system involvingantibiotics and genes for resistance to antibiotics. This system is a powerfultool in biotechnology.Your students are probably already familiar with the terms antibiotic andantibiotic resistance from their own medical experiences. The antibiotics used intransformation are very similar (or the same) as antibiotics used to treatbacterial infections in humans. In medical situations, the term antibioticresistance has a very negative connotation since it indicates an infection thatcannot be successfully treated with antibiotics. However, antibiotic resistancehas a far more positive meaning in biotechnology, since it is the end result of asuccessful transformation experiment.In a typical transformation, billions of bacteria are treated and exposed to plasmidDNA. Only a fraction (usually fewer than 1 in 1000) will acquire the plasmid.Antibiotic resistance genes provide a means of finding the bacteria whichacquired the plasmid DNA in the midst of all of those bacteria which did not.If the plasmid used to transform the DNA contains a gene for resistance to anantibiotic, then after transformation, bacteria that acquired the plasmid(transformants) can be distinguished from those that did not by plating thebacteria on a medium containing the antibiotic. Only the bacteria thatacquired the plasmid will overcome the killing effect of the antibiotic and growto form colonies on the plate. So the only colonies on an antibiotic plate aftera transformation are the bacteria that acquired the plasmid. This procedureaccomplishes our two goals of giving an advantage to cells that have a plasmidso the plasmid is retained and of having a marker so we know our cells containnew DNA. Resistance to an antibiotic is known as a selectable marker; that is,we can select for cells that contain it. There are other marker genes as well.One class of marker genes are color marker genes, which change the color of abacterial colony.

Marker genesAll of the plasmids described in this manual contain the gene for ampicillinresistance, and all of the experimental procedures use ampicillin to selecttransformed cells. Several of the plasmids contain an additional marker genethat causes the transformed cells to be colored. The plasmids and their markergenes are listed in Table 1.

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EcoRI 0I4539NarI



MIuI994BamHI 1120BGIII 1199

HindIII 1904

pAMP 4539 bp



EcoRI 396SacI 402NarI 235

EcoO 109I

Figure 3. Photo of colony transformation with pAMPFigure 2. Plasmid map of pAMP


Selectable marker gene: Beta-lactamaseAmpicillin is a member of the penicillin family of antibiotics. The fungi thatproduce the antibiotics live in the soil, where they compete with soil bacteria.Ampicillin and the other penicillins help the fungi to compete by preventingthe formation of the bacterial cell walls. Preventing the formation of cell wallskills the bacteria. Ampicillin and the other penicillin antibiotics contain a chemical group calleda beta-lactam ring. The ampicillin-resistance gene encodes beta-lactamase, anenzyme that destroys the activity of ampicillin by breaking down the beta-lactam ring. When a bacterium is transformed with a plasmid containing thebeta-lactamase gene, it expresses the gene and synthesizes the beta-lactamaseprotein. The beta-lactamase protein is secreted from the bacterium anddestroys the ampicillin in the surrounding medium by the mechanismdescribed above. As the ampicillin is broken down, the transformed bacteriumregains its ability to form its cell wall and is able to replicate to form a colony.The colony continues to secrete beta-lactamase and forms a relativelyampicillin-free zone around it. After prolonged incubation, small satellitecolonies of non-transformed bacteria that are still sensitive to ampicillin growin these relatively ampicillin-free zones.In Carolina’s pAMP transformation kit, the beta-lactamase gene is on aplasmid called pAMP. The presence of the beta-lactamase gene in the bacteriaafter they are transformed with pAMP allows the bacteria to grow inampicillin-containing media. The beta-lactamase gene is called a selectablemarker because in the presence of ampicillin, it allows you to select for cellsthat have been successfully transformed with the pAMP plasmid. Bacteriacells that have not been transformed and do not contain the plasmid and itsbeta-lactamase gene will not be able to grow in the presence of ampicillin. Note: The other plasmids described in this manual also contain beta-lactamase genes.

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Color marker gene: Mutant GFP fusion geneLike the lux genes, the GFP gene has an aquatic origin. GFP stands for GreenFluorescent Protein, and the GFP gene is from a bioluminescent jellyfish,Aequorea victoria. These jellyfish emit a green glow from the edges of their bell-like structures. This glow is easily seen in the coastal waters inhabited by thejellyfish. As with the bacteria Vibrio fischeri, we do not know the biologicalsignificance of this luminescence.However, there is a very important difference between the GFP gene and thelux genes of Vibrio fischeri. With the lux genes, the bioluminescence isproduced by all of the genes working together. But GFP glows by itself; it isautoflourescent in the presence of ultraviolet light.Because of this self-glowing feature, GFP has become widely used in researchas a reporter molecule (for GFP laboratory applications, seehttp://www.yale.edu/rosenbaum/gfp_gateway.html). A reporter molecule is oneprotein (such as the gene for GFP) linked to the protein that you are actuallyinterested in studying. Then you follow what your protein is doing by locatingit with the reporter molecule. For instance, if you wanted to know whethergene X was involved in the formation of blood vessels, you could link (or fuse)gene X to the GFP gene. Then, instead of making protein X, the cells wouldmake a protein that was X plus GFP. The type of protein that results fromlinking the sequences for two different genes together is known as a fusionprotein. If the blood vessels began glowing with GFP, it would be a clue thatprotein X was usually present and a sign that X might indeed be involved inblood vessel formation.The pGREEN plasmid contains a GFP gene and a gene for ampicillinresistance. It has a mutant version of GFP that turns bacteria yellow-green, evenin normal light. If you expose the colonies to a UV light, they also fluoresce.

Figure 7. Photo of colony transformationwith pGREEN

Figure 6. Plasmid map of pGREEN



EcoRl0/4528 Sacll




Hindlll 1893




pGreen4528 bp

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w w w . c a r o l i n a . c o m © 2 0 0 4 C a r o l i n a B i o l o g i c a l S u p p l y C o m p a n y

1. Mark one sterile 15-mL tube “+ plasmid.”Mark another “–plasmid.” (Plasmid DNAwill be added to the “+plasmid” tube; nonewill be added to the “–plasmid” tube.)

2. Use a sterile transfer pipet to add 250 µL ofice-cold calcium chloride to each tube.

3. Place both tubes on ice.

4. Use a sterile plastic inoculating loop to transferisolated colonies of E. coli from the starter plate to the+plasmid tube. The total area of the colonies pickedshould be equal in size to the top of a pencil eraser.

a. Be careful not to transfer any agar from the platealong with the cell mass.

b. Immerse the cells on the loop in the calciumchloride solution in the +plasmid tube andvigorously spin the loop in the solution to dislodgethe cell mass. Hold the tube up to the light toobserve that the cell mass has fallen off the loop.

5. Immediately suspend the cells by repeatedly pipetting inand out with a sterile transfer pipet. Examine the tubeagainst light to confirm that no visible clumps of cellsremain in the tube or are lost in the bulb of the transferpipet. The suspension should appear milky white.

6. Return the +plasmid tube to ice. Transfer a mass ofcells to the –plasmid tube and suspend as described insteps 4 and 5 above.

7. Return the –plasmid tube to ice. Both tubes shouldnow be on ice.

8. Use a sterile plastic inoculating loop to add oneloopful of plasmid DNA to the +plasmid tube.(When the DNA solution forms a bubble acrossthe loop opening, its volume is 10 µL.) Immersethe loopful of plasmid DNA directly into the cellsuspension and spin the loop to mix the DNAwith the cells.

9. Return the +plasmid tube to ice and incubateboth tubes on ice for 15 minutes.

10. While the tubes are incubating, label your mediaplates as follows and with your lab group nameand date:

a. Label one LB/Amp plate “+plasmid.” This is anexperimental plate.

Transformations Name:

Student Sheet Laboratory Procedure Date:

for pGREEN



ADD 250 µL


10 µL plasmid

LABEL PLATES+plasmid LB–plasmid LB

+plasmid LB/AMP–plasmid LB/AMP



250 µLCaCl2 (COLD!)



Luria BrothADD 250 µLLuria Broth


250 µLCaCl2 (COLD!)

500 µL (0.50 mL)

100 µL (0.10 mL)

250 µL (0.25 mL)

750 µL (0.75 mL)

1,000 µL (1.00 mL)

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b. Label the other LB/Amp plate “–plasmid.” This is a negative control.c. Label your LB plate either “+plasmid” or “–plasmid,” according to your teacher’s instructions. This is a

positive control to test the viability of the cells after they have gone through the transformation procedure.11. Following the 15-minute incubation on ice, “heat shock” the cells. Remove both tubes directly from ice and

immediately immerse them in the 42°C water bath for 90 seconds. Gently agitate the tubes while they are inthe water bath. Return both the tubes directly to ice for 1 or more minutes.

12. Use a sterile transfer pipet to add 250 µL Luria broth (LB) to each tube. Gently tap the tubes with your fingerto mix the LB with the cell suspension. Place the tubes in a test-tube rack at room temperature for a 5- to 15-minute recovery.

13. Now you will remove some cells from each transformation tube and spread them on the plates. Cells from the–plasmid tube should be spread on the –plasmid plates, and cells from the +plasmid tube should be spread onthe +plasmid plates.

14. Use a sterile transfer pipet to add 100 µL of cells from the –plasmid transformation tube to each appropriateplate. Using the procedure below, immediately spread the cells over the surface of the plate(s).

a. “Clam shell” (slightly open) the lids and carefully pour 4–6 glass beads onto each plate.b. Use a back-and-forth shaking motion (not swirling round and round) to move the glass beads across the

entire surface of the plate(s). This should evenly spread the cell suspension all over the agar surface.c. When you finish spreading, let the plates rest for several minutes to allow the cell suspensions to become

absorbed into the agar.d. To remove the glass beads, hold each plate vertically over a container, clam shell the lower part of the

plate, and tap out the glass beads into the container.15. Use another sterile transfer pipet to add 100 µL of cell suspension from the +plasmid tube to each

appropriate plate.

16. Immediately spread the cell suspension(s) as described in step 14.

17. Wrap the plates together with tape and place the plates upside down either in the incubator or at roomtemperature. Incubate them for approximately 24–36 hours in a 37°C incubator or 48–72 hours at roomtemperature.

Laboratory Procedure for pGREEN, continued

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w w w . c a r o l i n a . c o m © 2 0 0 4 C a r o l i n a B i o l o g i c a l S u p p l y C o m p a n y

1. Predict your results. Write “yes” or “no,” depending on whether you think the plate will show growth. Givethe reason(s) for your predictions.

2. Observe the colonies through the petri plate lids. Do not open the plates.

3. Record your observed results in the spaces above. If your observed results differed from your predictions,explain what you think may have occurred.

4. Count the number of individual colonies and, using a permanent marker, mark each colony as it is counted. Ifthe cell growth is too dense to count individual colonies, record “lawn.”

LB+plasmid (Positive Control) LB–plasmid (Positive Control)LB/Amp+plasmid (Experimental) LB/Amp–plasmid (Negative Control)

5. Compare and contrast the number of colonies on each of the following pairs of plates. What does each pair ofresults tell you about the experiment?

a. LB+plasmid and LB–plasmid

b. LB/Amp–plasmid and LB–plasmid

c. LB/Amp+plasmid and LB/Amp–plasmid

d. LB/Amp+plasmid and LB+plasmid

Transformations Name:

Student Sheet Data and Analysis Date:

for pGREEN



Observed Result:





Observed Result:





Observed Result:





Observed Result:



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6. What are you selecting for in this experiment? (i.e., what allows you to identify which bacteria have taken upthe plasmid?)

7. What does the phenotype of the transformed colonies tell you?

8. What one plate would you first inspect to conclude that the transformation occurred successfully? Why?

9. Transformation efficiency is expressed as the number of antibiotic-resistant colonies per µg of plasmid DNA.The object is to determine the mass of plasmid that was spread on the experimental plate and that was,therefore, responsible for the transformants (the number of colonies) observed.

Because transformation is limited to only those cells that are competent, increasing the amount of plasmidused does not necessarily increase the probability that a cell will be transformed. A sample of competent cellsis usually saturated with the addition of a small amount of plasmid, and excess DNA may actually interferewith the transformation process.

a. Determine the total mass (in µg) of plasmid used. Remember, you used 10 µL of plasmid at a concentrationof 0.005 µg/µL.

total mass = volume ! concentration

b. Calculate the total volume of cell suspension prepared.

c. Now calculate the fraction of the total cell suspension that was spread on the plate.volume suspension spread/total volume suspension = fraction spread

d. Determine the mass of plasmid in the cell suspension spread.total mass plasmid (a) ! fraction spread (c) = mass plasmid DNA spread

e. Determine the number of colonies per µg plasmid DNA. Express your answer in scientific notation.colonies observed/mass plasmid spread (d) = transformation efficiency

10. What factors might influence transformation efficiency? Explain the effect of each factor you mention.

Data Analysis for pGREEN, continued

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binding of GFP to hydrophobic resin makes column chromatographyunnecessary. The simplified method presented here uses a “batch technique”in which the entire purification takes place in a 1.5-mL tube. Since it isimportant to remove as little of the HIC resin as possible during thepurification process, clear tubes are included with the kit for good viewing.

HIC Bead ResinThe HIC bead resin consists of 50-µm porous resin that contain methyl groups(–CH3). As described in the Introduction, the methyl groups strongly interactwith hydrophobic proteins under high-salt conditions.

Further InformationThe protocol presented here is based on the following published methods:

Lin, F. Y., Chen, W. Y., and M. T. Hearn. 2001. Microcalorimetric studies onthe interaction mechanism between proteins and hydrophobic solidsurfaces in hydrophobic interaction chromatography: Effects of salts,hydrophobicity of the solvent, and structure of the protein. Anal. Chem.73: 3875–3883.

1. Prior to performing Step 2, prepare Luria broth containing 50 µg/mL ofampicillin. Do this on the same day that you start the culture. Thaw the4-mL vial of ampicillin. If you have the Demo Kit, add 15 µL of ampicillinto the 3-mL vial of Luria broth. For the 8-Station Kit, add 100 µL ofampicillin to the 20-mL bottle of Luria broth. Once the ampicillin hasbeen added to the broth, keep the Luria broth refrigerated unless you aregoing to use it immediately.

2. The day before starting this laboratory, prepare one or more overnightcultures of E. coli expressing GFP, as follows: Inoculate 2 mL of sterileLuria broth containing 50 µg/mL ampicillin with a cell mass scraped fromone colony selected from a +pGREEN plate. The +pGREEN plate isobtained by performing a transformation with the Green Gene ColonyTransformation Kit (Module 1). Use the culture tubes included with the kitto set up the 2 mL cultures. Before incubating the overnight culture(s),swirl the culture tube(s) gently until the colony is dispersed. Vigorousaeration in a shaking water bath or environmental shaker is essential toGFP fluorescence. Although incubation at 33˚C is recommended for bestexpression, 37˚C also works well. Note: The colonies used to start thecultures should be picked from a plate with a fresh transformation (nomore than 2 or 3 days old). If an old plate is used, there is high probabilitythat the culture will not be green and will not contain any GFP forpurification. Prepare a 2 mL culture for every station.

3. On the day before the experiment, equilibrate the HIC bead resin. Add1000 µL of equilibration buffer to the 300 µL of HIC resin in each 1.5-mLtube. Invert the tube several times to mix. Centrifuge at high speed for oneminute. Remove the buffer layer without disturbing the equilibrated HICresin. Prepare a tube of HIC resin in this manner for every student station.

T e a c h e r ’ s M a n u a l 7

P u r i f i c a t i o n o f G r e e n F l u o r e s c e n t P r o t e i n

Pre-Lab Preparation

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IntroductionThe methods introduced by this lab, or modified versions of them, are used in pharmaceuticalproduction to make proteins for medicinal purposes. Transformation is used to introduce a gene codingfor a foreign protein into bacteria. Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is used to purify theforeign protein. Protein gel electrophoresis is used to check and analyze the pure protein. These methodsare also used in biological research.

In addition, research scientists use green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a fluorescent marker or tag tolearn about the biology of individual cells and multi-celled organisms. Obtaining such knowledge is keyto solving many important problems in biology.

Summary of the LaboratoryThis lab introduces a rapid method to purify recombinant green fluorescent protein (GFP) usinghydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). Once the protein is purified, it may be analyzed usingpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE).

These instructions are divided into two parts, the first describing the purification of GFP by HIC and thesecond describing PAGE analysis of purified GFP.

• Part A provides a procedure for purifying GFP. Your instructor will provide 2 mL of an overnightculture of bacteria containing GFP. This culture has been grown from a single colony picked from aplate containing bacteria transformed with a plasmid expressing GFP. Depending upon how yourinstructor has organized the lab, the culture may have been started using a colony picked from aplate that you created.

The bacteria cells containing GFP are harvested and lysed on ice to liberate GFP and other cellularproteins. Detergent in the lysis buffer lyses the cells by interacting with the lipid (fat) molecules thatform the cell membrane. Then, as the first step of the purification, the cell lysate is incubated in ahigh-salt binding buffer. The charged ions in the binding buffer repel ions on the exterior of the GFPmolecule, essentially flipping the GFP molecule inside out to reveal the hydrophobic (“waterfearing”) chromophore. This exposed GFP chromophore then binds tightly to the HIC resin.Successive washes in mid-salt wash buffer elute unbound and weakly interacting proteins from theHIC resin. A final incubation with low-salt TE buffer restores the normal structure of GFP andreleases the protein from the HIC resin. The eluted protein is transferred to a separate tube and itscharacteristic fluorescence is detected by exposure to long-wavelength UV light (black light).

• In Part B (should your instructor have you do it), samples of the cell lysate, purified GFP, and aprotein molecular weight ladder are coelectrophoresed in a polyacrylamide gel and stained withCOOMASSIE® blue. A single, predominant band of GFP protein is present in the lane of purifiedprotein and is approximately 27 kDa in molecular weight. Bands and smears representingnumerous cellular proteins are visible in the lysate but are absent from the lane containingpurified GFP.

Student Guide Name

Module 2 (21-1070, 21-1072) DateModule 3 (21-1071, 21-1073)

Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein

© 2 0 0 5 C a r o l i n a B i o l o g i c a l S u p p l y C o m p a n y S-1

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Part A: Purification of GFP by HIC1. Shake the culture tube to resuspend the E. coli cells.

2. Use a micropipettor to transfer 1 mL of the overnight E. coli/GFP culture into a 1.5-mL tube.

3. Cap the tube and place it in a balanced configuration in the microcentrifuge rotor. Spin for oneminute to pellet the cells.

4. Carefully pour off the supernatant into a waste beaker for disinfection later. Do not disturb thegreen cell pellet.

5. Repeat steps 1–4 in the same 1.5-mL tube to pellet cells from a second 1-mL sample on top of thefirst pellet. This will result in a large, green cell pellet.

6. Add 500 µL of lysis buffer to the tube. Resuspend the pellet by pipetting in and out several times.

7. Incubate the tube on ice for 15 minutes. Incubation on ice helps prevent protein degradation.

8. Place the tube in a balanced configuration in the microcentrifuge rotor. Spin for five minutes topellet the insoluble cellular debris.

9. Transfer 250 µL of green cell extract (supernatant) into a clean 1.5-mL tube. Do not disturb thepellet of cellular debris.

If you are going to perform Part B (PAGE analysis), transfer an additional 100 µL of the cell extract(supernatant) to a second clean tube for later analysis by gel electrophoresis. Label the tube “cell lysate.”If you are using the cell lysate in the same lab period, store it on ice or in the refrigerator. If not, store itat –20˚C.

10. Add 250 µL of binding buffer to the tube containing 250 µL of green cell extract. Close the cap andmix the solutions by rapidly inverting the tube several times.

11. Add 400 µL of the cell extract/binding buffer mixture to the tube of hydrophobic bead resin. Closethe cap and mix by inverting the tube several times.

12. Microcentrifuge for 30 seconds. Gently remove the supernatant with a micropipettor. Do not disturbthe hydrophobic bead pellet.

13. Add 400 µL of wash buffer to the hydrophobic bead pellet. Mix by inverting the tube several times.This step unbinds weakly interacting cellular proteins from the resin.

14. Microcentrifuge for 30 seconds. Gently remove the supernatant with a micropipettor. Do not disturbthe hydrophobic bead pellet.

15. Elute the recombinant GFP by adding 200 µL of TE buffer to the hydrophobic bead pellet. Mix byinverting the tube several times.

16. Microcentrifuge for one minute. The supernatant now contains the purified GFP. Use amicropipettor to transfer the supernatant containing the recombinant GFP to a new 1.5-mLEppendorf tube. Label the tube accordingly. Note: If the GFP remains bound to the resin, repeatsteps 15 and 16 with another 200 µL of TE and pool this 200 µL with the original 200 µL of TE.

17. Observe the purified GFP under ultraviolet light. If you plan on performing the PAGE analysis inPart B, store the purified GFP frozen at –20˚C. GFP will retain fluorescence while frozen.

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Page 16: Genetic Engineering with Green Fluorescent Proteinfile/?item=/coll... · Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein Kit: Teacherʼs Manual with Student Guide. Carolina Biological Supply

Results and Discussion

1. What kind of molecule causes the bacteria to turn green?

2. Why does transforming the pGREEN plasmid into the bacteria cause the bacteria to turn green?

3. What class of molecules does the lysis buffer interact with to release GFP from E. coli cells?

4. HIC is a simple and efficient means of isolating proteins that have a hydrophobic (water fearing)domain (section). You should be familiar with the biochemical interactions taking place during eachstep of the purification.• Chloride ions in the high-salt binding buffer repel negative charges in the exterior ! sheath of

the GFP molecule (! sheath refers to part of the GFP’s structure). This repulsion causes the molecule to flip inside out, exposing the hydrophobic chromophore.

• The exposed chromophore binds tightly to nonpolar methyl groups attached to the HIC resin. The nonpolar methyl groups are what make the HIC resin hydrophobic.

• The mid-salt wash maintains GFP in the state where the hydrophobic part of it is exposed and bound to the HIC resin, but washes unbound or weakly bound proteins from the cell lysate.

• Rinsing the resin with TE, a low-salt buffer, allows the hydrophobic chromophore to flip back to its normal position on the inside of the GFP molecule, releasing GFP from the resin.

a. What aspect of GFP structure allows it to interact so strongly with the HIC resin?

b. How does the TE buffer release the GFP molecules from the HIC resin in Step 15?

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Page 17: Genetic Engineering with Green Fluorescent Proteinfile/?item=/coll... · Purification of Green Fluorescent Protein Kit: Teacherʼs Manual with Student Guide. Carolina Biological Supply

5. HIC chromatography does not yield 100% pure GFP. What other types of cellular proteins wouldmost likely be found in the GFP preparation?

Further ResearchUse a second method of protein chromatography to purify your HIC-purified GFP. Run protein samplesfrom single- and double-chromatography purifications on SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Analyze the level ofbackground native proteins between single- and double-purification schemes.

Part B: PAGE Analysis of Purified GFP

I. Denature Proteins, Load Gel, and ElectrophoreseNote: There are 10 wells in each gel and each group will load two samples, so each gel will be shared bytwo or three groups. The protein markers also will be shared.

1. Place the 12% polyacrylamide gel into an appropriate gel electrophoresis apparatus and add 1! tris-glycine-SDS buffer to both chambers. Remove the comb slowly and carefully. Make sure that the sides of the wells are straight.

2. Use a permanent marker to label two 1.5-mL tubes:

CL = cell lysate (from Part A, Step 9)GFP = purified GFP (from Part A, Step 16)

3. Transfer 5 µL of cell lysate (CL) and 15 µL of purified GFP (GFP) into the appropriate tubes. Thesevolumes correspond to approximately 10 µg of total protein. Make sure that you have a tubecontaining protein markers (PM). (You will load 5 µL of the protein marker in Step 6.)

4. Add 1.6 µL of 4! protein loading dye to tube CL. Add 5 µL of 4! protein loading dye to tube GFP.

5. Heat the samples for two minutes at 95˚C to denature the proteins. Do not heat the marker. Themarker sent with this kit is formulated to be loaded without being heated.

6. Refer to Figure 1. Load 5 µL of the protein marker into the second well. Load the entire contents ofeach sample tube into a separate well in the gel. Use a fresh tip to load each sample. Load yoursamples in the following order from left to right: PM (5 µL), CL (group 1), GFP (group 1), CL(group 2), GFP (group 2), CL (group 3), GFP (group 3). Do not use the first and last lanes of thegel, because bands from samples run in these lanes can become distorted.

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Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Figure 1
