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Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health

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  • 7/28/2019 Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health



    Genetically modified foods (GM foods, or biotech foods) are foods produced fromgenetically

    modified organisms(GMOs), specifically,genetically modified crops. GMOs have had specific

    changes introduced into their DNA bygenetic engineeringtechniques. These techniques aremuch more precise

    [1]thanmutagenesis(mutation breeding) where an organism is exposed to

    radiation or chemicals to create a non-specific but stable change. Other techniques by which

    humans modify food organisms includeselective breedingandsomaclonal variation.

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  • 7/28/2019 Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health


    FMDs, Foods of Mass Destruction, being released across U.S. without safetytesting

    by S. D. Wells

    (NaturalNews) GMO food is a chemical weapon of mass destruction, infecting

    bees, worms, beatles, plants, vegetables, fruits, soil and human beings. AsObama tries to ensure "humanity" overseas in third world countries that hateAmerica, he puts the former Monsanto Vice President in charge of the FDA

    and the legalization, distribution, and pollution of up to 90 percent of all cropsthat are eaten regularly by Americans, those who don't know about

    glyphosate and the "Roundup Ready" disease implications.(http://www.naturalnews.com)

    In outposts all over the United States (conventional grocery stores), the public

    remains misinformed or simply uneducated about the dangers of genetically

    mutated food like corn, soy and canola. Hybrid seeds are being sold at FMDfranchises and corporate mass supply stations (Home Depot and Lowe's).(http://www.motherearthnews.com). Yes there are hybrid seeds and plants

    that occur naturally, but GMO is a different story. This is much needed

    information relevant to your DNA and can prove to be a life or death decision-based future of food.

    Is "Miracle Grow" some kind of chemical soil? Is fluoridated water poison too?

    Are MSG and aspartame specifically designed to terrorize your central nervoussystem and send you to doctors for synthetic drugs? Mass destruction of

    human cells is a serial crime, and people need to wake up and choose organic,

    before the WAR on FOOD comes home to roost in their bodies, in the form ofcancer and Alzheimer's disease.(http://yosemite.epa.gov)

    Monsanto now has federal immunity from prosecution from planting untested

    GM seeds all over the earth, and growing cancer causing foods without anyrepercussions, even if the tests come in to prove this atrocity. New legislation

    is passed, and your health is being threatened. This is a global food genocide

    we are in the midst of, and everyone needs to be making informed decisionsabout food and water every day, every meal, every purchase.


    No matter what you have read, seen, heard or believe about GMO, it's killingrats in long term studies, and they don't have to overdose the rats to givethem huge horrific tumors in a short period of time. French scientists whohave no interest in corporate-led America and the Biotech frenzy ran long

    term studies and found thatGMOis destructive to animal immune systemsand ends life early! Shocking findings in new GMO studies reveal this hard

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    truth. Rats fed a lifetime of GM corn grow horrifying tumors, and 70 percent

    of the females die early!(http://www.naturalnews.com)

    The War on Food outweighs the War on Terror by a long shot

    About 3,000 people died in 9/11. Tens of thousands have died fighting in Iraq

    and Afghanistan, but at least 750,000 people die every year inside the United

    States from cancer, a totally preventable disease that the FDA, the CDC, and

    the Biotech Agricultural Industry of the United States perpetuates with GMO.

    GM seeds are seeds of deception. Find out how they can change your genetic

    structure and make your body attack itself. Hear it from the expert, Jeffrey

    Smith, for free on YouTube:



    Get the smart phone app "Fooducate" and extinguish this nightmare by

    scanning the barcode of every food product you consider buying. The

    application is free and can scan for GMO and other synthetic food ingredients

    that fuel the "FMD" Foods of Mass Destruction campaign. This is the beginning

    of the end of GMO, be a part of it.


    Planet Earth is chock full of natural resources, foods that heal the body, herbs

    and mushrooms that build immunity, extracts and seed oils that curediseases, and if no food scientists ever took any of it into a lab and cooked it

    with chemicals, there would be far less disease and disorder. Buy organic food

    and solve the problem yourself!


    Genetically Modified Organisms are Unfit for Consumption

    by Ethan Huff

    (NaturalNews) The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) hasissued a warning urging the public to avoid genetically modified foods and has

    also called for a moratorium on GMOs until long-term, independent studies

    can prove their safety. The group has also called for required labeling of foods

    that contain GMOs, a move that has been strongly opposed by the Food and

    Drug Administration and Big Biotech which cooperatively purport that

    consumers should not have the right to know whether or not the foods they

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    buy come from traditionally bred or genetically engineered sources.

    While urging for more independent studies, the AAEM paper cites its own

    studies alleging that genetically modified foods cause serious adverse health

    effects, emphasizing more than a mere "causal association" as is commonlyassumed. These effects include rapid aging, severe alterations to the major

    bodily organs, infertility, immune problems, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and

    disruption to proper insulin regulation, among others.

    Many doctors are warning their patients to avoid GMOs as well, recognizing

    the distinct correlation between GMOs and disease. Ohio allergist Dr. John

    Boyles believes genetically engineered foods are so dangerous that people

    should never eat them. Biologist Pushpa M. Bhargava, following the review of

    more than 600 scientific journals, has concluded that the drastic deterioration

    of Americans' health in recent years can be attributed to GMOs being

    introduced into their diets.

    Experimental studies of genetically engineered foods and their effects in the

    body are disturbing, to say the least. Biologist David Schubert of the Salk

    Institute has stated that children are the most likely people to experience the

    adverse effects ofGMOs, noting that apart from adequate safety studies,

    children become "the experimental animals". In truth, every citizen is a

    guinea pig when genetically altered organisms are introduced into the food

    supply without adequate safety studies let alone honest labeling.

    In the animal studies that have been conducted, some noteworthy findings

    have been discovered about GMOs:

    Female rats fedgenetically modifiedsoy saw most of their babies die within

    three weeks compared to the 10% death rate experienced by rats fed natural

    soy. The babies that survived in the genetically modified-fed control group

    were also born smaller and had problems getting pregnant later on.

    Male rats fed genetically modified soy experienced a change in testicular color

    from pink to dark blue, as well as altered young sperm and significant

    changes in their DNA.

    Indian buffalo that consumed genetically modified cottonseed experienced

    various birthing complications including infertility, abortions, premature

    delivery, and prolapsed uteruses. Many of the calves that survived birth died

    shortly thereafter.

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    In the United States, about 24 farmers reported that their pigs became sterile

    after consuming genetically modified corn.

    Genetically modified corn and cotton, purposely engineered to create their

    own built-in pesticide called Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis), have been indicted in

    several studies to provoke intense allergic and immune reactions and death.Since the levels of Bt produced in the plant represent thousands of times

    more a concentration of Bt than natural Bt spray, the effects are greatly

    amplified. Shepherds whose sheep grazed on Bt cotton after harvest

    witnessed thousands of their sheep die. Post mortem examinations revealed

    severe irritation and black patches in the intestines and liver, as well as

    enlarged bile ducts. All sheep fed the Bt cotton eventually died within 30 days

    while those that grazed on natural cotton remained healthy.

    Bt corn was also responsible for the deaths of cows, horses, water buffaloes,

    and chicken in both Germany and the Philippines.

    Genetically modified tomatoes fed to rats were shown to cause bleeding

    stomachs and eventually killed many of the rats.

    These are just a few examples of the many catastrophic effects of using

    genetically modified organisms asfood.

    Probably the worst finding in the AAEM report is the fact that GMOs can live

    and reproduce in the intestinal flora of the body long after being eaten. The

    genes present in the genetically modified organisms transfer into the DNA of

    intestinal bacteria, the good bacteria that digests food and maintains bodily

    health. This reprogramming can cause the intestinal flora to begin reproducing

    Bt pesticides, for example, rather than producing the living bacteria it is

    supposed to. The permanent, deadly implications of these alterations are mind

    boggling since intestinal flora is crucial for life.

    Despite consensus from most FDA scientists in the early '90s declaring that

    genetically modified foods are inherently dangerous and could lead to all sorts

    of serious health problems, politics won out as mandates were given from

    Washington to promote biotechnology and GMOs in spite of apparent and

    obvious dangers. This led to the promotion of Michael Taylor, former attorney

    for Monsanto, as head ofGMOpolicy at the FDA, a move that led to the

    official denial by the agency of any knowledge or substantiated concern by

    any FDA scientists about the safety of GMOs.

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    Despite findings in some 44,000 pages of internal FDA memos and reports

    released in 1999 due to a lawsuit, findings that contained the warnings from

    then scientists about the "unintended negative side effects" of genetic

    engineering, official FDA GMO policy has been scrubbed clean of the truth and

    purports blatant lies in its defense of GMOs as safe. In fact, current policyemphatically states that no safety studies on GMOs are even required or

    necessary; it is instead up to Big Biotech to determine the safety of its own

    genetically modified organisms if it so chooses.

    Many people may remember the deadly epidemic in the late 1980s from the

    genetically engineered version of L-tryptophan, a food supplement, that was

    introduced into the market. An estimated 10,000 people became permanently

    disabled and about 100 died. Yet despite the rapidly occurring, deadly effects

    from this particular GMO immediately following its release, including

    noticeable changes in the blood, it took over four years to identify the

    existence of this epidemic.

    Many concerned doctors hypothesize that the disease-causing symptoms of

    GMOs being consumed today will take years to show up, further besetting the

    efforts of those who are trying to expose the dangers of GMOs. Current data

    is showing that since 1996 when genetically modified crops were first

    introduced, the incidences of people with three or more chronic diseases has

    jumped from 7 percent to 13 percent.

    In addition to all the existing evidence, AAEM is urging its members, the

    scientific community, and those in medicine to continue gathering case studies

    and initiate epidemiological research to help determine, once and for all, the

    effects of GMOs on human beings in addition to their effects on animals.

    It is wise to avoid foods that contain GMOs and ingredients that are

    genetically engineered. These include non-organic corn and soy derivatives,

    canola and cottonseed oils, and sugar from sugar beets. Ingredients such as

    corn starch, corn meal, and soy lecithin are great examples of common

    ingredients that are suspect. Unless labeled as non-GMO or explicitly organic,

    these common ingredients are most likely genetically modified and should be

    avoided at all costs.

    Lastly, the mindful citizen should contact grocers, food manufacturers, and

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    restaurants to inquire about genetically modified ingredients and oppose their

    usage. As increasing numbers of people begin to seek out this information

    across the food supply-chain and purposefully avoid products that contain

    GMOs, producers and retailers will phase them out in order to meet demand.

    This can be seen in the gradual elimination of toxins such as high fructosecorn syrup from food as consumers learn about its effects and avoid products

    that contain it.

    Call Congress and urge support for mandatory GMO labeling, perhaps even

    the elimination of GMOs entirely. Get creative. Tell friends and family about

    the dangers of GMOs, organize local campaigns, and pass out literature. The

    sooner people become aware of GMOs and the havoc they are causing, and

    demand their removal from food, the sooner GMOs will exist only in history

    books as one of the most detrimental scientific experiments ever perpetrated

    on mankind.

    The globalization of GMOs: How genetic engineering is destroying the developingworld

    by Mariel Chance

    (NaturalNews) Globalization affects everyone. The shrinking world brings

    people in the United States closer to ideas and cultures from all corners of the

    earth. Likewise, other countries are introduced to many facets of the

    American life and that way of life includes genetically modified organisms

    (GMOs). The use of GMOs in food originated in America and while much of the

    West has banned their use, the developing world is taking part - to their


    GMO introduction

    Genetically engineered crops came to the market in America in the mid 90s.

    With much help from the FDA, who didn't require additional labeling, due to

    their concept of "substantial equivalence," the consumer was none the wiser.Basically, the FDA didn't find it necessary to inform consumers of GMO use

    through labeling because they didn't see any significant difference between

    GMOs and conventional crops.

    GMOs today

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    Fast forward to modern day. The use of GMOs in food has been problematic.

    Super weeds are destroying farmers' fields; only a handful of multinational

    corporations own the patents to these crops; biodiversity is diminishing.

    What's more, these crops have yet to be found safe for long-term human

    consumption in any independent studies. This is because the studies are doneby the corporation responsible for the technology which allows for a severe

    bias. America is exceedingly at the whim of these mega-conglomerates who

    are making very large claims. Genetic engineering is the future of food; it is

    supposed to help alleviate world hunger, produce larger yields, resist pests

    without a lot of pesticides, and help reduce farmers' labor. The technology is

    now being pawned off to the developing world as a solution to their poverty

    and hunger. How do these claims stack up? And are these corporations really

    helping the third world?

    GMOsin Haiti

    To get a better understanding of how the developing world is grappling with

    the GMO debacle, let's look at how several developing countries have

    adapted. One biotech corporation donated 475 tons of hybrid vegetable seeds,

    some treated with chemicals so toxic that agricultural workers have to wear

    special protective clothing, to impoverished Haiti. You would imagine that

    such a poor country would be grateful for donated seeds. In fact, the opposite

    holds true. Intense opposition ensued; with the promise to burn the seeds as

    they are, "a very strong attack on small agriculture, on farmers, on

    biodiversity, on Creole seeds ... and on what is left our environment in Haiti,"

    claims a Haitian peasant farmer and activist.

    Bt cotton in China and Indonesia

    The claims weren't substantiated in China either. According to one study, their

    use of Bt cotton over seven years has increased the need for fertilizer and

    irrigation water; additionally, "Bt cotton is expected to increase the incidence

    of primary pest bollworms, which could develop resistance and develop

    secondary pests like caterpillars," one study claims.

    Indonesia, also using Bt cotton, pulled the plug on the crop and switched to a

    non-GMO variety when it didn't produce the promised yields. In addition to

    smaller yields, a significant amount of the planted crop experienced total

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    harvest failure. As if this weren't enough to put the farmers into debt, the

    company selling the seeds raised the prices, and trapped in a contract, as is

    the norm when usingGMOseeds, the farmers had to acquiesce.

    African sweet potatoes

    GMO sweet potatoes were introduced into Africa with the claim they were

    resistant to a specific type of virus. In fact, they were just as susceptible to

    the virus as conventional sweet potatoes and contrarily, a sweet potato was

    produced through cross-breeding that actually resisted the virus.

    Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods

    ByStephen Lendman

    Global Research, February 22, 2008

    This article discusses the potential health risks of genetically engineered foods (GMOs). Itdraws on some previously used material because its importance bears repeating. It alsocites three notable books and highlights one in particular Jeffrey Smiths GeneticRoulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. Detailedinformation from the book is featured below.

    Genetically engineered foods saturate our diet today. In the US alone, over 80% of allprocessed foods contain them. Others include grains like rice, corn and wheat; legumeslike soybeans and soy products; vegetable oils, soft drinks; salad dressings; vegetables

    and fruits; dairy products including eggs; meat, chicken, pork and other animal products;and even infant formula plus a vast array of hidden additives and ingredients in processedfoods (like in tomato sauce, ice cream, margarine and peanut butter). Consumers dontknow what theyre eating because labeling is prohibited, yet the danger is clear.Independently conducted studies show the more of these foods we eat, the greater thepotential harm to our health.

    Today, consumers are kept in the dark and are part of an uncontrolled, unregulated masshuman experiment the results of which are unknown. Yet, the risks are enormous, it willtake years to learn them, and when we finally know itll be too late to reverse the damageif its proved conclusively that genetically engineered foods harm human health as

    growing numbers of independent experts believe. Once GM seeds are introduced to anarea, the genie is out of the bottle for keeps. There is nothing known to science today toreverse the contamination already spread over two-thirds of arable US farmland andheading everywhere unless checked.

    This is happening in spite of the risk because of what F. William Engdahl revealed in hispowerfully important, well documented book titled Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden

    Agenda of Genetic Manipulation. Its the diabolical story of how Washington and fourAnglo-American agribusiness giants plan world domination by patenting animal and

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    vegetable life forms to gain worldwide control of our food supply, make it all geneticallyengineered, and use it as a weapon to reward friends and punish enemies.

    Today, consumers eat these foods daily without knowing the potential health risks. In2003, Jeffrey Smith explained them in his book titled Seeds of Deception. He revealedthat efforts to inform the public have been quashed, reliable science has been buried, and

    consider what happened to two distinguished scientistsUC Berkeleys Ignacio Chapelaand former Scotland Rowett Research Institute researcher and worlds leading lectins andplant genetic modification expert, Arpad Pusztai. They were vilified, hounded, andthreatened for their research, and in the case of Pusztai, fired from his job for doing it.

    He believed in the promise of GM foods, was commissioned to study them, andconducted the first ever independent one on them anywhere. Like other researcherssince, he was shocked by his findings. Rats fed GM potatoes had smaller livers, hearts,testicles and brains, damaged immune systems, and showed structural changes in theirwhite blood cells making them more vulnerable to infection and disease compared toother rats fed non-GMO potatoes. It got worse. Thymus and spleen damage showed up;

    enlarged tissues, including the pancreas and intestines; and there were cases of liveratrophy as well as significant proliferation of stomach and intestines cells that could be asign of greater future risk of cancer. Equally alarming, results showed up after 10 days oftesting, and they persisted after 110 days thats the human equivalent of 10 years.

    Later independent studies confirmed what Pusztai learned, and Smith publishedinformation on them in his 2007 book called Genetic Roulette: The Documented HealthRisks of Genetically Engineered Foods. The book is encyclopedic in depth, an invaluablecomprehensive source, and this article reviews some of the shocking data in it.

    Compelling Evidence of Potential GMO Harm

    In his introduction, Smith cites the US Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) policy

    statement on GM food safety without a shred of evidence to back it. It supported GHWBushs Executive Order that GMOs are substantially equivalent to ordinary seeds andcrops and need no government regulation. The agency said it was not aware of anyinformation showing that foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods inany meaningful or uniform way. That single statement meant no safety studies areneeded and Ultimately, it is the food producer that bears responsibility for assuringsafety. As a consequence, foxes now guard our henhouse in a brave new dangerousworld.

    FDA policy opened the floodgates, and Smith put it this way: It set the stage for the rapiddeployment of the new technology, allowed the seed industry to become consolidated,

    millions of acres (to be) planted, hundreds of millions to be fed (these foods in spite ofnations and consumers objecting, and) laws to be passed (to assure it). The toll today iscontaminated crops, billions of dollars lost, human health harmed, and it turns out theFDA lied.

    The agency knew GM crops are meaningfully different because their technical expertstold them so. As a result, they recommended long-term studies, including on humans, totest for possible allergies, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems. Instead, politics

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    trumped science, the White House ordered the FDA to promote GM crops, and a formerMonsanto vice-president went to FDA to assure it.

    Today, the industry is unregulated, and when companies say their foods are safe, theirviews are unquestioned. Further, Smith noted that policy makers in other countries trustFDA and wrongly assume their assessments are valid. Theyre disproved when

    independent studies are matched against industry-run ones. The differences are startling.The former report adverse affects while the latter claim the opposite. Its no secret why.

    Agribusiness giants allow nothing to interfere with profits, safety is off the table, and allnegative information is quashed.

    As a result, their studies are substandard, adverse findings are hidden, and they typicallyfail to investigate the impacts of GM food on gut function, liver function, kidney function,the immune system, endocrine system, blood composition, allergic response, effects onthe unborn, the potential to cause cancer, or impacts on gut bacteria. In addition,industry-funded studies creatively avoid finding problems or conceal any uncovered. Theycook the books by using older instead of younger more sensitive animals, keep sample

    sizes too low for statistical significance, dilute the GM component of feeds used, limit theduration of feeding trials, ignore animal deaths and sickness, and engage in otherunscientific practices. Its to assure people never learn of the potential harm from thesefoods, and Smith says they can do it because Theyve got bad science down to ascience.

    The real kinds show GMOs produce massive changes in the natural functioning of (a)plants DNA. Native genes can be mutated, deleted, permanently turned off or on.theinserted gene can become truncated, fragmented, mixed with other genes, inverted ormultiplied, and the GM protein it produces may have unintended characteristics that maybe harmful.

    GMOs also pose other health risks. When a transgene functions in a new cell, it mayproduce different proteins than the ones intended. They may be harmful, but theres noway to know without scientific testing. Even if the protein is exactly the same, there arestill problems. Consider corn varieties engineered to produce a pesticidal protein calledBt-toxin. Farmers use it in spray form, and companies falsely claim its harmless tohumans. In fact, people exposed to the spray develop allergic-type symptoms, miceingesting Bt had powerful immune responses and abnormal and excessive cell growth,and a growing number of human and livestock illnesses are linked to Bt crops.

    Smith notes still another problem relating to inserted genes. Assuming theyre destroyedby our digestive system, as industry claims, is false. In fact, they may move from food intogut bacteria or internal organs, and consider the potential harm. If corn genes with Bt-

    toxin get into gut bacteria, our intestinal flora may become pesticide factories. Theresbeen no research done to prove if its true or false. Agribusiness giants arent looking,neither is FDA, consumers are left to play Genetic Roulette, and the few animal feedingstudies done show the odds are against them.

    Arpad Pusztai and other scientists were shocked at their results of animals fed GM foods.His results were cited above. Other independent studies showed stunted growth, impairedimmune systems, bleeding stomachs, abnormal and potentially precancerous cell growth

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    in the intestines, impaired blood cell development, misshaped cell structures in the liver,pancreas and testicles, altered gene expression and cell metabolism, liver and kidneylesions, partially atrophied livers, inflamed kidneys, less developed organs, reduceddigestive enzymes, higher blood sugar, inflamed lung tissue, increased death rates andhigher offspring mortality as well.

    Theres more. Two dozen farmers reported their pigs and cows fed GM corn becamesterile, 71 shepherds said 25% of their sheep fed Bt cotton plants died, and other reportsshowed the same effects on cows, chickens, water buffaloes and horses. After GM soywas introduced in the UK, allergies from the product skyrocketed by 50%, and in the USin the 1980s, a GM food supplement killed dozens and left five to ten thousand otherssick or disabled.

    Today, Monsanto is the worlds largest seed producer, and Smith notes how the companydeals with reports like these. In response to the US Public Health Service concerningadverse reactions from its toxic PCBs, the company claims its experience has beensingularly free of difficulties. Thats in spite of lawsuit-obtained records showing this was

    part of a cover-up and denial that lasted decades by a company with a long history ofirresponsible behavior that includes extensive bribery, highjacking of regulatoryagencies, suppressing negative information about its products and threatening journalistsand scientists who dare report them. The company long ago proved it cant be trustedwith protecting human health.

    In his book, Seeds of Destruction, Engdahl names four dominant agribusiness giantsMonsanto, DuPont, Dow Agrisciences and Syngenta in Switzerland from the merger ofthe agriculture divisions of Novartis and AstraZeneca. Smith calls these companies Agbiotech and names a fifth Germany-based Bayer CropScience AG (division of Bayer

    AG) with its Environmental Science and BioScience headquarters in France.

    Their business is to do the impossible and practically overnight change the laws ofnature and do them one better for profit. So far they havent independent because geneticengineering doesnt work like natural breeding. It may or may not be a lot of things, but itisnt sex, says Smith. Michael Antoniou, a molecular geneticist involved in human genetherapy, explains that genetic modification technically and conceptually bears noresemblance to natural breeding. The reproduction process works by both parentscontributing thousands of genes to the offspring. They, in turn, get sorted naturally, andplant breeders have successfully worked this way for thousands of years.

    Genetic manipulation is different and so far fraught with danger. It works by forciblyinserting a single gene from a species DNA into another unnaturally. Smith puts it thisway: A pig can mate with a pig and a tomato can mate with a tomato. But this is no way

    that a pig can mate with a tomato and vice versa. The process transfers genes acrossnatural barriers that separated species over millions of years of evolution and managedto work. The biotech industry now wants us to believe it can do nature one better, andthat genetic engineering is just an extension or superior alternative to natural breeding.Its unproved, indefensible pseudoscience mumbo jumbo, and thats the problem.

    Biologist David Schubert explains that industry claims are not only scientifically incorrectbut exceptionally deceptive.to make the GE process sound similar to conventional plant

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    breeding. It a smoke screen to hide the fact that what happens in laboratories cantduplicate nature, at least not up to now. Genetic engineering involves combining genesthat never before existed together, the process defies natural breeding proved safe overthousands of years, and theres no way to assure the result wont be a deadlyunrecallable Andromeda Strain, no longer the world of science fiction.

    The industry pooh-poohs the suggestion of potential harm, and unscientifically claimsmillions of people in the US and worldwide have eaten GM food for a decade, and no onegot sick. Smiths reply: How can we know as GM foods might already be contributing toserious health problems, but since no one is monitoring for this, it could take decades tofind out. By then, it will be too late and some industry critics argue it already may be ordangerously close.

    Today, most existing diseases have no effective surveillance systems in place. If GMfoods create new ones, that potentially compounds the problem manyfold. ConsiderHIV/AIDS. It went unnoticed for decades and when identified, many thousands worldwidewere infected or had died.

    Then theres the problem of linkage. In the US and many countries, GM foods areunlabeled so its impossible tracing illness and diseases to specific substances ingestedeven if thousands of people are affected. It can plausibly be blamed on anything,especially when governments and regulatory agencies support industry claims ofreliability and safety.

    Its rare that problems like the L-Tryptophan epidemic of the late 1980s are identified, butwhen it was thousands were already harmed. L-Tryptophan is a natural amino acidconstituent of most proteins and for years was produced by many companies includingShowa Denko in Japan. The company then got greedy, saw a way to increase profitsfrom a product designed to induce sleep naturally, and gene-spliced a bacterium into the

    natural product to do it. The result was many dozens dead, over 1500 crippled, and up to10,000 afflicted with a blood disorder from a new incurable disease called EosinophiliaMyalgia Syndrome or EMS.

    Its a painful, multi-system disease that causes permanent scarring and fibrosis to nerveand muscle tissues, continuing inflammation, and a permanent change in a personsimmune system. It cost the company two billion dollars to settle claims. Hundreds havesince died, in all likelihood from contracting EMS.

    This is the known toll from a single product. Consider the potential harm with Ag biotechwanting all foods to be unlabeled GMOs worldwide and governments unable to balkbecause WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and Trade Related Intellectual Property

    Rights (TRIPS) rules deny them. Theyre also prevented under WTOs Sanitary andPhytosanitary Agreement (SPS). It states that national laws banning GMO products areunfair trade practices even when they endanger human health. Other WTO rules alsoapplycalled Technical Barriers to Trade. They prohibit GMO labeling so consumersdont know what theyre eating and cant avoid these potentially hazardous foods.

    The 1996 Biosafety Protocol was drafted to prevent this problem, and it should be inplace to do it. Public safety, however, was ambushed by Washington, the FDA and theagribusiness lobby. It sabotaged talks and insisted biosafety measures be subordinate to

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    WTO trade rules that apply regardless of other considerations, including public health andsafety. The path is thus cleared for the unrestricted spread of GMO seeds and foodsworldwide unless a way is found to stop it.

    Independent Animal Studies Showing GMO Harm

    Rats fed genetically engineered Calgene Flavr-Savr tomatoes (developed to look fresh forweeks) for 28 days got bleeding stomachs (stomach lesions) and seven died and werereplaced in the study.

    Rats fed Monsanto 863 Bt corn for 90 days developed multiple reactions typically found inresponse to allergies, infections, toxins, diseases like cancer, anemia and blood pressureproblems. Their blood cells, livers and kidneys showed significant changes indicative ofdisease.

    Mice fed either GM potatoes engineered to produce Bt- toxin or natural potatoescontaining the toxin had intestinal damage. Both varieties created abnormal andexcessive cell growth in the lower intestine. The equivalent human damage might cause

    incontinence or flu-like symptoms and could be pre-cancerous. The study disproved thecontention that digestion destroys Bt-toxin and is not biologically active in mammals.

    Workers in India handling Bt cotton while picking, loading, weighing and separating thefiber from seeds developed allergies. They began with mild to severe itching, thenredness and swelling, followed by skin eruptions. These symptoms affected their skin,eyes (got red and swollen with excessive tearing) and upper respiratory tract causingnasal discharge and sneezing. In some cases, hospitalization was required. At one cottongin factory, workers take antihistamines daily.

    Sheep grazing on Bt cotton developed unusual systems before dying mysteriously.Reports from four Indian villages revealed 25% of them died within a week. Post mortems

    indicated a toxic reaction. The study raises questions about cottonseed oil safety andhuman health for people who eat meat from animals fed GM cotton. Its crucial tounderstand that what animals eat, so do people.

    Nearly all 100 Filipinos living adjacent to a Bt corn field became ill. Their symptomsappeared when the crop was producing airborne pollen and was apparently inhaled.Doing it produced headaches, dizziness, extreme stomach pain, vomiting, chest pains,fever, and allergies plus respiratory, intestinal and skin reactions. Blood tests conductedon 39 victims showed an antibody response to Bt-toxin suggesting it was the cause. Fourother villages experienced the same problems that also resulted in several animal deaths.

    Iowa farmers reported a conception rate drop of from 80% to 20% among sows (female

    pigs) fed GM corn. Most animals also had false pregnancies, some delivered bags ofwater and others stopped menstruating. Male pigs were also affected as well as cows andbulls. They became sterile and all were fed GM corn.

    German farmer Gottfried Glockner grew GM corn and fed it to his cows. Twelvesubsequently died from the Bt 176 variety, and other cows had to be destroyed due to amysterious illness. The corn plots were field trials for Ag biotech giant Syngenta thatlater took the product off the market with no admission of fault.

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    Mice fed Monsanto Roundup Ready soybeans developed significant liver cell changesindicating a dramatic general metabolism increase. Symptoms included irregularly shapednuclei and nucleoli, and an increased number of nuclear pores and other changes. Itsthought this resulted from exposure to a toxin, and most symptoms disappeared whenRoundup Ready was removed from the diet.

    Mice fed Roundup Ready had pancreas problems, heavier livers and unexplainedtesticular cell changes. The Monsanto product also produced cell metabolism changes inrabbit organs, and most offspring of rats on this diet died within three weeks.

    The death rate for chickens fed GM Liberty Link corn for 42 days doubled. They alsoexperienced less weight gain, and their food intake was erratic.

    In the mid-1990s, Australian scientists discovered that GM peas generated an allergic-type inflammatory response in mice in contrast to the natural protein that had no adverseeffect. Commercialization of the product was cancelled because of fear humans mighthave the same reaction.

    When given a choice, animals avoid GM foods. This was learned by observing a flock ofgeese that annually visit an Illinois pond and feed on soybeans from an adjacent farm.

    After half the acreage had GM crops, the geese ate only from the non-GMO side. Anotherobservation showed 40 deer ate organic soybeans from one field but shunned the GMOkind across the road. The same thing happened with GM corn.

    Inserting foreign or transgenes is called insertional mutagenesis or insertion mutation.When done, it usually disrupts DNA at the insertion site and affects gene functioningoverall by scrambling, deleting or relocating the genetic code near the insertion site.

    The process of creating a GM plant requires scientists first to isolate and grow plant cellsin the laboratory using a tissue culture process. The problem is when its done it can

    create hundreds or thousands of DNA mutations throughout the genome. Changing asingle base pair may be harmful. However, widespread genome changes compound thepotential problem manyfold.

    Promoters are used in GM crops as switches to turn on the foreign gene. When done, theprocess may accidently switch on other natural plant genes permanently. The result maybe to overproduce an allergen, toxin, carcinogen, antinutrient, enzymes that stimulate orinhibit hormone production, RNA that silences genes, or changes that affect fetaldevelopment. They may also produce regulators that block other genes and/or switch ona dormant virus that may cause great harm. In addition, evidence suggests the promotermay create genetic instability and mutations that can result in the breakup andrecombination of the gene sequence.

    Plants naturally produce thousands of chemicals to enhance health and protect againstdisease. However, changing plant protein may alter these chemicals, increase planttoxins and/or reduce its phytonutrients. For example, GM soybeans produce less cancer-fighting isoflavones. Overall, studies show genetic modification produces unintendedchanges in nutrients, toxins, allergens and small molecule metabolism products.

    To create a GM soybean with a more complete protein balance, Pioneer Hi-Bred inserteda Brazil nut gene. By doing it, an allergenic protein was introduced affecting people

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    allergic to Brazil nuts. When tests confirmed this, the project was cancelled. GM proteinsin other crops like corn and papaya may also be allergenic. The same problem exists forother crops like Bt corn, and evidence shows allergies skyrocketed after GM crops wereintroduced.

    Another study of Monsantos high-lysine corn showed it contained toxins and other

    potentially harmful substances that may retard growth. If consumed in large amounts, itmay also adversely affect human health. In addition, when this product is cooked, it mayproduce toxins associated with Alzheimers, diabetes, allergies, kidney disease, cancerand aging symptoms.

    Disease-resistant crops like zucchini, squash and Hawaiian papaya may promote humanviruses and other diseases, and eating these products may suppress the bodys naturaldefense against viral infections.

    Protein structural aspects in GM crops may be altered in unforeseen ways. They may bemisfolded or have added molecules. During insertion, transgenes may become truncated,rearranged or interspersed with other DNA pieces with unknown harmful effects.

    Transgenes may also be unstable and spontaneously rearrange over time, again withunpredictable consequences. In addition, they may create more than one protein from aprocess called alternative splicing. Environmental factors, weather, natural and man-made substances and genetic disposition of a plant further complicate things and poserisks. Theyre introduced as well because genetic engineering disrupts complex DNArelationships.

    Contrary to industry claims, studies show transgenes arent destroyed digestively inhumans or animals. Foreign DNA can wander, survive in the gastro-intestinal tract, andbe transported by blood to internal organs. This raises the risk that transgenes maytransfer to gut bacteria, proliferate over time, and get into cells DNA, possibly causing

    chronic diseases. A single human feeding study confirmed that genes, in fact, transferredfrom GM soy into the DNA gut bacteria of three of seven test subjects.

    Antibiotic Resister Marker (ARM) genes are attached to transgenes prior to insertion andallow cells to survive antibiotic applications. If ARM genes transfer to pathogenic gut ormouth bacteria, they potentially can cause antibiotic-resistant super-diseases. Theproliferation of GM crops increases the possibility. The CaMV promoter in nearly allGMOs can also transfer and may switch on random genes or viruses that produce toxins,allergens or carcinogens as well as create genetic instability.

    GM crops interact with their environment and are part of a complex ecosystem thatincludes our food. These crops may increase environmental and other toxins that may

    accumulate throughout the food chain. Crops genetically engineered to be glufosinate(herbicide)resistant may produce intestinal herbicide with known toxic effects. Iftransference to gut bacteria occurs, greater problems may result.

    Repeated use of seeds like Monsantos Roundup Ready soybeans results in vicious newsuper-weeds that need far greater amounts of stronger herbicides to combat. Their toxicresidues remain in crops that humans and animals then eat. Even small amounts of thesetoxins may be endocrine disruptors that can affect human reproduction adversely.Evidence exists that GM crops accumulate toxins or concentrate them in milk or animals

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    fed GM feed. Disease-resistant crops may also produce new plant viruses that affecthumans.

    All type GM foods, not just crops, carry these risks. Milk, for example, from cows injectedwith Monsantos bovine growth hormone (rbGH), has much higher levels of the hormoneIGF-1 that risks breast, prostate, colon, lung and other cancers. The milk also has lower

    nutritional value. GM food additives also pose health risks, and their use has proliferatedin processed foods.

    Potential harm to adults is magnified for children. Another concern is that pregnantmothers eating GM foods may endanger their offspring by harming normal fetaldevelopment and altering gene expression thats then passed to future generations.Children are also more endangered than adults, especially those drinking substantialamounts of rbGH-treated milk.


    The above information is largely drawn from Smiths Genetic Roulette. The data is

    startling and confirms a clear conclusion. The proliferation of untested, unregulated GMfoods in the span of a decade is more a leap of faith than reliable science. MicrobiologistRichard Lacey captures the risk stating: it is virtually impossible to even conceive of atesting procedure to assess the health effects of (GM) foods when introduced into thefood chain, nor is there any valid nutritional or public interest reason for their introduction.Other scientists worldwide agree that GM foods entered the market long before sciencecould evaluate their safety and benefits. They want a halt to this dangerous experimentthat needs decades of rigorous research and testing before we can know.

    Unchecked and unregulated, human health and safety are at risk because once GMOsenter the food chain, the genie is out of the bottle for keeps. Thankfully, resistance isgrowing worldwide, many millions are opposed, but reversing the tide wont be easy.

    Washington and Ag biotech are on a roll with big unstated aims total control of our food,making it all genetically engineered, and scheming to use it as a weapon to rewardfriends and punish enemies.

    Smith is hopeful that people will prevail over profits. Hopefully hes right because humanhealth and safety must never be compromised. Resistance already halted the introductionof new crop varieties, and Smith believes that with enough momentum existing ones mayend up withdrawn. He cites an example he calls a Shift away from GM foods in theUnited States in 2007. Leading it is an initiative launched last spring to remove GMingredients from the entire natural food sector. Its led by a coalition of natural foodproducts producers, distributors and retailers along with the Institute for Responsible

    Technology (IRT). Its called the Campaign for Healthier Eating in America, and its aimsare big to educate consumers about GM food risks and promote healthy alternativesthrough shopping guides.

    A Pew survey reported that 29% of Americans, representing 87 million people, stronglyoppose these foods and believe theyre unsafe. Thats a respectable start if backed upwith efforts to avoid them, and more information how is at ResponsibleTechnology.org.Jeffrey Smith founded IRT in 2003 to promote the responsible use of technology andstop GM foods and crops through both grassroots and national strategies. It seeks safe

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    alternatives and aims to ban the genetic engineering of our food supply and all outdoorreleases of (GM) organisms, at least until (or unless scientific opinion) believes suchproducts are safe and appropriate based on independent and reliable data.

    IRT urges consumers to become educated about the risks, mobilize to combat them andact in our mutual self-interest. Its beginning to happen, and Smith believes there is an

    excellent chance that food manufacturers will abandon GM foods in the near future if apublic groundswell demands it. He ends his book saying: Although GMOs present one ofthe greatest dangers, with informed, motivated people, it is one of the easiest globalissues to solve. Hopefully hes right.

    Global Research Associate Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached [email protected].

    Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to The Global ResearchNews Hou rs o n RBNMondays from 11AM to 1PM US Central time for cutting-edgediscussions of world and national topics with distinguished guests.

    Copyright 2013 Global Research


    Posted By: neuamericaDate: Saturday, 21-Feb-2004 14:05:15


    (Special thanks to Steve Quayle's website,http://www.stevequayle.com/index1.htmlfor posting

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8065http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8065http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8065http://truefoodnow.org/shoppers-guide/http://truefoodnow.org/shoppers-guide/http://www.stevequayle.com/index1.htmlhttp://www.stevequayle.com/index1.htmlhttp://www.stevequayle.com/index1.htmlhttp://www.stevequayle.com/index1.htmlhttp://truefoodnow.org/shoppers-guide/http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8065http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8065mailto:[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health


    this link)

    I have always wanted to know which foods I have been eating are genetically modified. This

    article is quite ironic because I just ate a Hostess Cupcake (which I normally never eat) as a lunch

    treat. It tasted aweful!

    I remember when I was little how good foods used to taste. Reeses peanut butter cups used to be

    good too, now they taste like detergent. Fruits and vegatables used to be crisp and juicey, nowthey're mushy and dry. Dorito's used to be a favorite of mine, now they're disgusting.

    I just found this article, and the foods listed shocked me. Cheerios are GM food! This is anotherlist of products everybody should boycott, just like the "Outsourcing," list I posted last week,

    thanks to Lou Dobb's and his fantastic coverage.

    GM labeling on all food products is mandatory in Europe, but here in America consumer's are left

    in the dark as to exactly what they are eating.

    Here is the list of Genetically Modified Foods - get ready to clean out your pantry!

    FOR A FULL LISTING OF NON-GM FOODS, the link is posted above for the Truefoodnow

    website. Prepare to blow chunks, this list is shocking. A few general observations: The availability

    of Non GM food vs. GM food is about 50/50. Most "brand name," products and corporate giants

    genetically modify their foods. Most foods listed under the "non-genetically modified," section arenot well known and are not considered "mainstream."

    baby food

    Nabisco(Phillip Morris)Arrowroot Teething Biscuits

    Infant formula Carnation Infant Formulas


    Good Start

    Follow-UpFollow-Up Soy

    Enfamil Infant Formulas

    (Mead Johnson)

    Enfamil with IronEnfamil Low Iron

    Enfamil A.R.

    Enfamil Nutramigen

    Enfamil Lacto FreeEnfamil 22

    Enfamil Next step (soy and milk-based varieties)

    Enfamil Pro-Soybee

  • 7/28/2019 Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health


    Isomil Infant Formulas

    (Abbot Labs)

    Isomil SoyIsomil Soy for Diarrhea


    (Abbot Labs)Similac Lactose Free

    Similac with Iron

    Similac Low IronSimilac Alimentum



    baking mixesAunt Jemima

    (Quaker)Complete Pancake & Waffle Mix

    Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle MixCornbread Mix

    Easy Mix Coffee Cake

    Betty Crocker(General Mills)

    Pie Crust Mix

    Original Pancake Mix

    Complete Pancake MixButtermilk Complete Pancake Mix

    Muffin MixesBanana NutLemon Poppy Seed


    Wild BlueberryChocolate Chip

    Apple Streusel

    Quick Bread Mixes Banana

    Cinnamon StreuselLemon Poppy Seed

    Cranberry Orange


    Cookie Mixes Chocolate Chip

    Double Chocolate Chunk

    SugarPeanut Butter


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    (Betty Crocker/General Mills)


    Reduced FatShake 'n Pour Pancake Mix

    Shake 'n Pour Buttermilk Pancake Mix

    Shake 'n Pour Blueberry Pancake MixDuncan Hines

    (Aurora Foods)

    Muffin MixesKellogg's All-Bran Apple Cinnamon

    Kellogg's All-Bran Blueberry


    Blueberry CrumbChocolate Chip

    Hungry Jack


    Buttermilk Pancake MixExtra Light & Fluffy Pancake Mix (all varieties)


    Corn Muffin MixBlueberry Muffin Mix

    Raspberry Muffin Mix

    Pie Crust MixMrs. Butterworths

    (Aurora Foods)

    Complete Pancake MixButtermilk Pancake Mix

    Pepperidge Farms(Campbell's)

    Buttermilk Pancake Mix

    PillsburyQuick Bread & Muffin Mixes


    Chocolate ChipBanana


    Lemon Poppyseed


    Hot Roll MixGingerbread

    baking needs


    (Kraft/Phillip Morris)Unsweetened Chocolate

    Semi-Sweet Chocolate

  • 7/28/2019 Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health


    German Sweet Chocolate

    White Chocolate

    Hershey'sSemi-Sweet Baking Chips

    Milk Chocolate Chips

    Mini KissesNestle

    Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

    Milk Chocolate ChipsWhite Chocolate

    Butterscotch Chips

    Semi-Sweet Chocolate Baking Bars



    Holsum(Interstate Bakeries)

    Holsum Thin SlicedRoman Meal

    12 Grain

    Round TopHome Pride

    Buttertop White

    Buttertop Wheat

    Pepperidge Farms(Campbell's)

    Cinnamon SwirlLight OatmealLight Wheat

    100% Whole Wheat

    Hearty Slices7 Grain

    9 Grain

    Crunchy Oat

    Whole WheatLight Side


    Wheat7 GrainSoft Dinner Rolls

    Club Rolls

    Sandwich BunsHoagie Rolls



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    English Muffins Original

    Cinnamon Raisin

    Honey WheatOat Bran


    Maple French Toast

    Toast-r-Cakes Blueberry

    Toast-r-Cakes Corn MuffinsWonder

    (Interstate Bakeries)

    White Sandwich BreadCountry Grain


    Thin Sandwich

    Light Wheat

    100% Stoneground WheatFat Free Multigrain

    Premium Potato

    Beefsteak RyeWonder Hamburger Buns




    Pop Tarts(all varieties)Pop Tarts Snack Stix


    Nutri-Grain Bars(all)

    Nutri-Grain Fruit Filled Squares

    (all)Nutri-Grain Twists


    Fruit-Full Squares


    (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)

    Fruit & Grain Bars

    (all varieties)Nature Valley

    (General Mills)

    Oats & Honey Granola Bars

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    Peanut Butter Granola Bars

    Cinnamon Granola Bars

    Pillsbury(General Mills)

    Toaster Scrambles & Strudels

    (all varieties)Quaker

    Chewy Granola Bars

    (all varieties)Fruit & Oatmeal Bars

    (all varieties)


    Aunt Jemima Frozen WafflesButtermilk


    Eggo Frozen Waffles



    Nutri-Grain Whole WheatNutri-Grain Multi Grain

    Cinnamon Toast


    Apple Cinnamon

    Banana BreadHungry Jack Frozen Waffles

    (Pillsbury/General Mills)Homestyle




    General Mills



    Corn ChexLucky CharmsTrix


    Golden GrahamsCinnamon Grahams

    Count Chocula

    Honey Nut Chex

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    Frosted Cheerios

    Apple Cinnamon Cheerios

    Multi-Grain CheeriosFrosted Wheaties

    Brown Sugar & Oat Total

    Basic 4Reeses Puffs

    French Toast Crunch

    Kellogg'sFrosted Flakes

    Corn Flakes

    Special K

    Raisin BranRice Krispies

    Corn Pops

    Product 19

    SmacksFroot Loops

    Marshmallow Blasted Fruit Loops

    Apple JacksCrispix

    Smart Start

    All-BranComplete Wheat Bran

    Complete Oat Bran

    Just Right Fruit & NutHoney Crunch Corn Flakes

    Raisin Bran CrunchCracklin' Oat Bran

    Country Inn Specialties

    (all varieties)Mothers Cereals


    Toasted Oat BranPeanut Butter Bumpers

    Groovy Grahams

    Harvest Oat Flakes

    Harvest Oat Flakes w/Apples & Almonds

    Honey Round UpsPost

    (Kraft-Phillip Morris)Raisin Bran

    Bran Flakes

    Grape Nut FlakesGrape Nut O's

    Fruit & Fibre date, raisin and walnut

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    Fruit & Fibre peach, raisin and almond

    Honey Bunch of Oats

    Honey Nut Shredded WheatHoney Comb

    Golden Crisp

    Waffle CrispCocoa Pebbles

    Cinna-Crunch Pebbles

    Fruity PebblesAlpha-Bits

    Post Selects Cranberry Almond

    Post Selects Banana Nut Crunch

    Post Selects Blueberry MorningPost Selects Great Grains



    Cinnamon Life100% Natural Granola

    Toasted Oatmeal

    Toasted Oatmeal Honey NutOat Bran

    Cap'n Crunch

    Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter CrunchCap'n Crunch Crunchling Berries




    MoundsAlmond Joy

    York Peppermint Patty

    Dairy Milk

    Roast AlmondFruit & Nut


    Kit-KatReese's Peanut Butter CupsMr. Goodbar

    Special Dark

    Milk ChocolateKisses



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    (Kraft/Phillip Morris)


    (all varieties)Mars


    (all varieties)Snickers

    Three Musketeers

    Milky WayTwix



    Milk ChocolateChunky


    100 Grand

    drink mixes and dessert toppingsCarnation


    Hot Cocoa Mixes:Rich Chocolate

    Double Chocolate

    Milk ChocolateMarshmallow Madness

    Mini Marshmallow

    No SugarHershey's

    Chocolate SyrupSpecial Dark Chocolate Syrup

    Strawberry Syrup


    Strawberry Nesquik

    Swiss Miss(ConAgra)

    Hot Cocoa Mixes:

    Chocolate Sensation

    Milk Chocolate

    Marshmallow LoversMarshmallow Lovers Fat Free

    No Sugar Added



    Del Monte

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    (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)



    (regular & no salt)

    Chili SauceCocktail Sauce

    Heinz 57 Steak Sauce


    Real Mayonnaise

    Light Mayonnaise

    Low-Fat MayonnaiseHunt's



    (regular & no salt)KC Masterpiece


    Original BBQ sauceGarlic & Herb Marinade

    Honey Teriyaki Marinade

    Kraft(Kraft/Phillip Morris)

    Miracle Whip

    (all varieties)Kraft Mayonnaise

    (all)Thick & Spicy BBQ sauces

    (all varieties)

    Char Grill BBQ sauceHoney Hickory BBQ sauce


    (Nabiso/Phillip Morris)A-1 Steak Sauce

    Open Pit


    BBQ sauces



    Fiesta Salsa

    (all varieties)Old El Paso


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    Thick & Chunky Salsa

    Garden Pepper Salsa

    Taco SaucePicante Sauce


    (Nestle)Taco Sauce

    Salsa Prima Homestyle

    Salsa Prima Roasted GarlicSalsa Prima 3 Bell Pepper

    Thick & Chunky Salsa


    (Campbells)Chunky Salsa

    Picante Sauce

    Tostitos Salsa

    (Frito-Lay/Pepsi)All Natural

    All Natural Thick & Chunky

    Roasted GarlicRestaurant Style



    Delicious Brands(Parmalat)

    Animal CrackersGinger SnapsFig Bars


    Sugar-Free DuplexHoney Grahams

    Cinnamon Grahams

    Fat Free Vanilla Wafers

    English Toffee Heath CookiesButterfinger Cookies

    Skippy Peanut Butter Cookies

    Famous Amos(Keebler/Flowers Industries)Chocolate Chip

    Oatmeal Raisin

    Chocolate SandwichPeanut Butter Sandwich

    Vanilla Sandwich

    Oatmeal Macaroon Sandwich

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    (Delicious Brands/Parmalat)

    Peanut Butter ChunkChocolate Chip

    Double Chocolate

    Frookwich VanillaFrookwich Chocolate

    Frookwich Peanut Butter

    Frookwich LemonFunky Monkeys Chocolate

    Ginger Snaps

    Lemon Wafers

    Keebler(Keebler/Flowers Industries)

    Chips Deluxe


    E.L. FudgeSoft Batch Chocolate Chip

    Golden Vanilla Wafers

    DroxiesVienna Fingers

    Fudge Shoppe Fudge Stripes

    Fudge Shoppe Double Fudge & CaramelFudge Shoppe Fudge Stix

    Fudge Shoppe Peanut Butter Fudge Stix

    Country Style OatmealGraham Originals

    Graham Cinnamon CrispGraham Chocolate

    Graham Honey Low Fat

    Crme Filled WafersChocolate Filled Wafers

    Nabisco (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)

    Oreo(all varieties)

    Chips Ahoy!

    (all varieties)

    Fig Newtons

    (and all Newtons varities)Lorna Doone

    Nutter ButtersBarnum Animal Crackers

    Nilla Wafers

    Nilla Chocolate WafersPecanz Shortbread

    Family Favorites Oatmeal

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    Famous Wafers

    Fudge Covered Mystic Sticks

    Honey Maid Graham CrackersHoney Maid Cinnamon Grahams

    Honey Maid Chocolate Grahams

    Honey Maid Oatmeal CrunchTeddy Grahams

    Teddy Grahams Cinnamon

    Teddy Grahams ChocolateTeddy Grahams Chocolate Chips

    Caf Cremes Vanilla

    Caf Crme Cappuccino

    Pepperidge Farm(Campbell's)


    Mint Milano



    GenevaChocolate Chip

    Lemon Nut


    Ginger Men

    Raspberry ChantillyStrawberry Verona

    Chocolate Mocha SalzburgChocolate Chunk Chesapeake

    Chocolate Chunk Nantucket

    Chocolate Chunk SausalitoOatmeal Raisin Soft Baked

    Sesame Street

    (Keebler)Cookie Monster

    Chocolate Chip

    Chocolate Sandwich

    Vanilla Sandwich

    Cookie PalsHoney Grahams

    Cinnamon GrahamsFrosted Grahams

    Snack Wells

    (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)Devil's Food

    Golden Devil's Food

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    Mint Crme

    Coconut Crme

    Chocolate SandwichChocolate Chip

    Peanut Butter Chip

    Double Chocolate Chip



    Keebler(Keebler/Flowers Industries)

    Town House


    Munch 'Ems(all varieties)

    WheatablesZesta Saltines

    Toasteds(Wheat, Onion, Sesame & Butter Crisps)

    Snax Stix

    (Wheat, Cheddar & original)Harvest Bakery

    (Multigrain, Butter, Corn Bread)


    (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)Ritz

    (all varieties)Wheat Thins(all)




    Better Cheddars

    Premium Saltines(all)

    Ritz Snack Mix

    (all)Vegetable Flavor CrispsSwiss Cheese Flavor Crisps

    Cheese Nips

    (all)Uneeda Biscuits

    Pepperidge Farm


  • 7/28/2019 Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health


    Butter Thins

    Hearty Wheat

    Cracker TrioCracker Quartet

    Three Cheese Snack Stix

    Sesame Snack StixPumpernickel Snack Stix


    (original, cheddar, parmesan, pizza, pretzel)Goldfish Snack Mix


    Red Oval Farms

    (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)Stoned Wheat Thins

    (all varieties)

    Crisp 'N Light Sourdough Rye

    Crisp 'N Light WheatSunshine

    (Flowers Industries)

    Cheeze-It(original & reduced fat)

    Cheeze-It White Cheddar

    Cheeze-It Party MixKrispy Original Saltines

    frozen dinners


    Pot Pies

    (all varieties)Fried Chicken

    Salisbury Steak

    Chicken Nugget Meal

    Pepperoni Pizza MealBudget Gourmet


    Roast Beef SupremeBeef StroganoffThree Cheese Lasagne

    Chicken Oriental & Vegeatble

    Fettuccini PrimaveraGreen Giant


    Rice Pilaf with Chicken Flavored Sauce

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    Rice Medley with Beef Flavored Sauce

    Primavera Pasta

    Pasta Accents Creamy CheddarCreate-a-Meals Parmesan Herb Chicken

    Cheesy Pasta and Vegetable

    Beef NoodleSweet & Sour

    Mushroom Wine Chicken

    Healthy Choice


    Stuffed Pasta ShellsChicken Parmagiana

    Country Breaded Chicken

    Roast Chicken Breast

    Beef Pot Roast

    Chicken & Corn BreadCheese & Chicken Tortellini

    Lemon Pepper Fish

    Shrimp & VegetableMacaroni & Cheese

    Kid Cuisine

    (ConAgra)Chicken Nugget Meal

    Fried Chicken

    Taco Roll Up

    Corn Dog

    Cheese PizzaFish Stix

    Macaroni & CheeseLean Cuisine


    Skillet Sensations Chicken & VegetableBroccoli & Beef

    Homestyle Beef

    Teriyaki ChickenChicken Alfredo

    Garlic Chicken

    Roast Turkey

    Hearty Portions Chicken Florentine

    Beef Stroganoff

    Cheese & Spinach ManicottiSalisbury Steak

    Caf Classics Baked Fish

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    Baked Chicken

    Chicken a L'Orange

    Chicken ParmesanMeatloaf with Whipped Potatoes

    Everyday Favorites Chicken FettucciniChicken Pie

    Angel Hair Pasta

    Three Bean Chili with RiceMacaroni & Cheese

    Marie Callenders


    Chicken Pot Pie

    Lasagna & Meat SauceTurkey & Gravy

    Meat Loaf & GravyCountry Fried Chicken & Gravy

    Fettuccini with Broccoli & CheddarRoast Beef with Mashed Potatoes

    Country Fried Pork Chop with Gravy

    Chicken Cordon BleuOre-Ida Frozen Potatoes


    Fast Fries

    Steak friesZesties

    ShoestringsHash BrownsTater Tots

    Potato Wedges

    Crispy CrunchiesRosetto Frozen Pasta


    Cheese Ravioli

    Beef RavioliItalian Sausage Ravioli

    Eight Cheese Stuffed Shells

    Eight Cheese Broccoli Stuffed ShellsStouffer's(Nestle)

    Family Style Favorites Macaroni & Cheese

    Stuffed PeppersBroccoli au Gratin

    Meat Loaf in Gravy

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    Green Bean & Mushroom Casserole

    Homestyle Meatloaf

    Salisbury Steak

    Chicken Breast in Gravy

    Hearty Portions Salisbury Steak

    Chicken FettuciniMeatloaf with Mashed Potatoes

    Chicken Pot Pie



    Meat Loaf

    Fish & ChipsSalisbury Steak

    Chicken NuggetsHungry Man Fried ChickenRoast Chicken

    Fisherman's Platter

    Pork Rib


    (Bird's Eye/Agri-Link Foods)Chicken Voila! Alfredo

    Chicken Voila! Garlic

    Chicken Voila! Pesto

    Chicken Voila! Three CheeseSteak Voila! Beef Sirloin

    Shrimp Voila! Garlic

    Weight Watchers(Heinz)

    Smart Ones Fiesta Chicken

    Basil Chicken

    Ravioli FlorentineFajita Chicken

    Roasted Vegetable Primavera

    dressings/salad oils

    none listed under GM modified

    energy bars and drinks


    energy bars

  • 7/28/2019 Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health


    Power Bar


    Oatmeal RaisinApple Cinnamon

    Peanut Butter

    Vanilla CrispChocolate Peanut Butter


    BananaWild Berry

    Harvest Bars Apple Crisp


    Chocolate Fudge BrownieStrawberry

    Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

    drink mixesCarnation Instant Breakfast Mix


    Creamy Milk ChocolateClassic Chocolate

    French Vanilla

    StrawberryCaf Mocha

    heat and serve meals



    Macaroni & CheeseMini Ravioli

    ABC's & 123's

    Dinty Moore(Hormel)

    Beef Stew

    Turkey Stew

    Chicken & DumplingsHormel

    Chili with Beans

    Chili No Beans

    Vegetarian Chili with BeansKids' Kitchen


    Spaghetti Rings with Meatballs

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    Macaroni & Cheese

    Pizza Wedges with 3 Cheese


    Spaghetti O's

    Mini RavioliPower Rangers Pasta in Sauce

    meat and dairy alternatives


    Loma Linda


    Meatless Chik NuggestMorningstar

    (Worthington/Kellogg's*)Harvest Burger

    Better 'n BurgersGarden Veggie Patties

    Grillers Burgers

    Black Bean BurgerChicken Patties

    Natural Touch


    Garden Vegetable PattieBlack Bean Burger

    Okra PattieLentil Rice LoafNine Bean Loaf


    (Worthington/Kellogg's*)Vegetarian Burger

    Savory Slices

    dairy alternatives

    Nutra Blend Soy Beverage(Bestfoods)



    *A company letter states that they are in the process of converting to non-genetically modified

    "proteins" in all products.

    meal mixes and sauce packets

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    Betty Crocker

    (General Mills)Garden Vegetable Pilaf

    Creamy Herb Risotto

    Garlic Alfredo FettucciniBowl Appetit Cheddar Broccoli

    Macaroni & Cheese

    Pasta Alfredo


    (Bestfoods)Mushroom Risotto Italian Rice

    Broccoli au Gratin Risotto

    Vegetable Primavera Risotto

    Risotto Milanese

    Original PilfChicken Pilaf

    Rotini with 4 Cheese

    Bow Tie Pasta with Chicken & VegetablePenne with Sun-Dried Tomato

    Fettuccini with Alfredo

    Classic Sauce Packets HollandaiseBarnaise



    Lemon Herb

    Mushroom BrownOnion

    Roasted ChickenRoasted Pork

    Roasted Turkey

    Pasta Sauce Packets Alfredo

    Four Cheese


    Garlic Herb



    Rice & Sauce Packets Chicken Broccoli

    Cheddar BroccoliBeef Flavor


    Chicken Flavor

  • 7/28/2019 Genetically Modified Foods on Human Health


    Creamy Chicken


    Sizzle & Stir Skillet Supers Lemon Garlic Chicken & Rice

    Spanish Chicken & Rice

    Herb Chicken & BowtiesCheddar Chicken & Shells

    Near East


    Spicy Tomato Pasta MixRoasted Garlic & Olive Oil Pasta Mix

    Falafel Mix

    Lentil Pilaf

    CouscousTomato Lentil

    ParmesanToasted Pinenut

    Herb ChickenBroccoli & Cheese


    Pasta Roni(Quaker)

    Fettuccini Alfredo

    Garlic Alfredo

    Angel Hair Pasta with HerbsAngel Hair Pasta with Parmesan Cheese

    Angel Hair Pasta with Tomato ParmesanAngel Hair Pasta PrimaveraGarlic & Olive Oil with Vermicelli


    (Quaker)Rice Pilaf



    Fried RiceChicken & Broccoli

    Long Grain & Wild Rice

    Broccoli au GratinUncle Ben's(Mars)

    Long Grain & Wild Rice

    (Original & with Garlic)Brown & Wild Rice Mushroom

    Country Inn Mexican Fiesta

    Country Inn Oriental Fried Rice

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    Country Inn Chicken & Vegetable

    Country Inn Chicken & Broccoli

    Natural Select Chicken & HerbNatural Select Tomato & Basil

    Chef's Recipe Chicken & Vegetable Pilaf

    Chef's Recipe Beans & RiceChef's Recipe Broccoli Rice

    frozen pizza


    (Aurora Foods)



    Four CheeseDeluxe


    (Kraft/Phillip Morris)


    Sausage & Pepperoni

    Extra Cheese

    Stuffed CrustThree Cheese

    Totino's(Pillsbury)Crisp Crust



    snack foods


    Act II Microwave Popcorn


    ButterExtreme Butter

    Corn on the Cob


    Lays Potato Chips

    (all varieties)Ruffles Potato Chips

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    Doritos Corn Chips

    (all)Tostitos Corn Chips


    Fritos Corn Chips(all)


    (all)Rold Gold Pretzels


    Cracker Jack Popcorn

    Healthy Choice Microwave Popcorn(ConAgra)

    Organic Corn

    (soy/canola oils)

    Mothers Corn Cakes(Quaker)

    Butter Pop

    Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn(ConAgra)



    Smart Pop

    Pour OverOrville Redenbacher Popcorn Cakes


    Orville Redenbacher Mini Popcorn Cakes

    ButterPeanut Caramel

    Chocolate Peanut

    Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn(Betty Crocker/General Mills)



    Jumbo Pop

    Extra ButterLight

    94% Fat Free ButterPringles

    (Procter & Gamble)

    OriginalLow Fat


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    Sour Cream & Onion

    Salt & Vinegar

    CheezeumsQuaker Rice Cakes

    Peanut Butter

    Chocolate CrunchCinnamon Streusel



    Sour Cream & Onion

    Apple Cinnamon

    Caramel CornQuaker Corn Cakes

    White Cheddar

    Caramel Corn

    Strawberry CrunchCaramel Chocolate Chip

    *Frito has informed its corn and potato suppliers that the company wishes to avoid GE crops, but

    acknowledges that canola or other oils and ingredients in its products may be from GE sources.

    soda and juice drinks



    Coca ColaCoca Cola

    SpriteCherry CokeBarq's Root Beer

    Minute Maid Orange

    Minute Maid GrapeSurge




    Wild Cherry Pepsi

    Mug Root BeerMountain DewCadbury/Schweppes


    Dr. PepperA & W Root Beer

    Sunkist Orange

    Schweppes Ginger Ale

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    juice drinks

    Capri Sun juices

    (Kraft/Phillip Morris)Red Berry

    Surfer Cooler

    Splash CoolerWild Cherry

    Strawberry Kiwi

    Fruit PunchPacific Cooler




    (Coca Cola)

    Grape Beyond

    Berry LemonadeFruit Integration

    Kiwiberry Ruckus

    Strawberry PassionTremendously Tangerine

    Fruit Works

    (PepsiCo)Strawberry Melon

    Peach Papaya

    Pink LemonadeApple Raspberry


    Lemon Lime


    Fierce Grape

    Frost Riptide RushHawaiian Punch

    (Procter & Gamble)

    Tropical Fruit

    Grape Geyser

    Fruit Juicy RedStrawberry Surfin

    Hi-C(Coca Cola)

    Pink Lemonade

    Watermelon RapidsBoppin' Berry

    Tropical Punch

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    Smashin' Wildberry

    Blue Cooler

    Blue Moon BerryOrange


    Kool Aid(Kraft/Phillip Morris)

    Blastin' Berry Cherry

    Bluemoon BerryKickin' Kiwi Lime

    Tropical Punch

    Wild Berry Tea

    Ocean SprayCranberry Juice Cocktail





    Squeeze It(Betty Crocker/General Mills)

    Rockin' Red Puncher

    Chucklin' CherryMystery 2000

    Sunny Delight

    (Procter & Gamble)Sunny Delight Original

    Sunny Delight With Calcium Citrus PunchSunny Delight California Style Citrus Punch

    Tang juices

    (Kraft/Phillip Morris)Orange Uproar

    Fruit Frenzy

    Berry PanicTropicana Twisters


    Grape Berry

    Apple Raspberry Blackberry

    Cherry BerryCranberry Raspberry Strawberry

    Pink GrapefruitTropical Strawberry

    Orange Cranberry

    Orange Strawberry BananaV-8


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    V8 Tomato Juices

    (all varieties)

    Strawberry KiwiStrawberry Banana

    Fruit Medley

    Berry BlendCitrus Blend

    Apple Medley

    Tropical BlendIsland Blend




    Chicken NoodleCream of Chicken

    Cream of MushroomCream of Celery

    Cream of Broccoli

    Cheddar CheeseGreen Pea

    Healthy Request Chicken Noodle

    Cream of Chicken

    Cream of MushroomCream of Celery

    Campbell's Select Roasted Chicken with RiceGrilled Chicken with Sundried Tomatoes

    Chicken Rice

    Vegetable Beef

    Chunky Beef with Rice

    Hearty Chicken & VegetablePepper Steak

    Baked Potato with Steak & Cheese

    New England Clam Chowder

    Soup to Go Chicken Noodle

    Chicken RiceGarden Vegetable

    Vegetable Beef & Rice

    Simply Home Chicken Noodle

    Chicken Rice

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    Garden Vegetable

    Vegetable Beef with Pasta

    Healthy Choice


    Country VegetableFiesta Chicken

    Bean & Pasta

    Chicken NoodleChicken with Rice


    Pepperidge Farms(Campbell's)

    Corn Chowder

    Lobster Bisque

    Chicken & Wild Rice

    New England Clam ChowderCrab Soup


    (Pillsbury)Tomato Basil

    Chicken Noodle

    Chicken & Wild RiceChicken Barley


    New England Clam Chowder

    Zesty Herb Tomato

    Roasted Chicken with RotiniFat Free Minestrone

    Fat Free Chicken NoodleFat Free Lentil

    Fat Free Roast Chicken

    tomatoes and tomato sauces


    Del Monte(Nabisco/Phillip Morris)

    Tomato Sauce

    Five Brothers Pasta Sauces(Lipton/Unilever)

    Summer Vegetable

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    Five Cheese

    Roasted Garlic & Onion

    Tomato & BasilHealthy Choice Pasta Sauces


    TraditionalGarlic & Herb

    Sun-Dried Tomato & Herb


    Traditional Spaghetti Sauce

    Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce

    Tomato SauceTomato Paste

    Prego Pasta Sauces


    Tomato, Basil & GarlicFresh Mushroom

    Ricotta Parmesan

    Meat FlavoredRoasted Garlic & Herb

    Three Cheese

    Mini-MeatballChicken with Parmesan

    Ragu Sauces (Lipton/Unilever)

    Old World TraditionalOld World with Meat

    Old World MarinaraOld World with Mushrooms

    Ragu Robusto Parmesan & Romano

    Ragu Robusto Roasted GarlicRagu Robusto Sweet Italian Sausage

    Ragu Robusto Six Cheese

    Ragu Robusto Tomato, Olive Oil & GarlicRagu Robusto Classic Italian Meat

    Chunky Garden Style Super Garlic

    Chunky Garden Style Garden Combo

    Chunky Garden Style Tomato, Garlic & Onion

    Chunky Garden Style Tomato, Basil & Italian CheesePizza Quick Traditional

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