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Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary...

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Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn
Page 1: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote

sustainable development

Massimo Vittori

Secretary General,


Page 2: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.


I. Definition and socio-economic impact of GIs

II. The protection of GIs at the national level

III. The international legal framework

IV. The role of oriGIn

V. Some conclusions

Page 3: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.


“Geographical indications are, ..., indications which identify a good as originating in the territory ..., or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.” (TRIPS, Article 21.1)

Page 4: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Economic and social impact of GIs

Local development, preservation of traditions and job creation

Spill over effects (environment, gender, tourism, etc.)

Marketing through differentiation

Globalization has generated a niche of more conscious and demanding consumers

Reduced transition costs for consumers

Trade regulations are shifting towards greater traceability requirements

Page 5: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Rights conferred to right holders

GIs as a peculiar asset of intellectual property rights:

“Light monopoly”: exclusive rights on a name not on a product

No risks of preventing innovation or slowing-down economic development

“Collective rights”: GIs are managed by several producers (within a given territory/community), not to a single economic actor

Page 6: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

GIs: a “development friendly tool”

Collective rights: several producers within the same geographic area/community have to join forces and establish a common platform

Collaborative approach throughout the life of a GI (economies of scale)

GIs are an ideal tool for small producers that,

by themselves, would never be able to reach

out to markets

No delocalisation of production

Low/medium level of innovation for GI products: labour intensive for which developing economies hold a competitive advantage

GIs vehicle to protect Traditional Knowledge and biodiversity

Page 7: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

GIs as global phenomenon

Page 8: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Potential GI products in Sudan

• Agricultural products:

- Camel meat

- Camel milk

• Handicrafts:

- Traditional clothes (“Jalabia” and “Thobe”)

- Traditional paintings, pottery

Page 9: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

GI protection at the national level

Legal vehicles

1. Sui generis

2. Trademarks and certification marks

3. Unfair competition and consumer protection / Passing off

Page 10: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

1. Sui generis systems

- Specific system to protect GIs as such through registration

- Strong protection of the geographical name used in translation, evocation, etc.

- Certain level of public involvement in enforcement (ex officio) and controls

- Example: EU system (EC Regulation 510/06, EC Regulation 479/2008 and EC Regulation 110/2008)

Page 11: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

The EC Regulation 510/2006 on the protection of GIs and DOs

for agricultural products and food staff

- From the 1992 Regulation to the 2006 Regulation

- Role of producers’ associations

- DO + GI (art.2)

- Rights conferred (art. 13): strong protection

- Certain level of public involvement in enforcement (ex officio) in light of EC Regulation 1383/2003 on Customs Controls as well

Page 12: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

2. Trade marks: preliminary considerations

- Need of distinctive character

- Cannot be used to register a geographic name, except it has acquired a secondary meaning

Page 13: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

2. Certification Marks (CM)

- CM indicate that goods or services for which they are used have qualities or characteristics that are certified by its owner

- CM are given for compliance with a defined standard

set by the certifier (can be used to certify a specific geographical origin)

- CM not usable by the owner

- Example: US system (US Lanham Act)

Page 14: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

CMs v. GIs


MAY certify origin

Individual control

Can be produced anywhere

Protection must be renewed periodically

High cost of protection : +/- 1,500 to 2,000 € per class and per CM


MUST certify origin

Collective control

Production must be rooted in a region

Illumined protection after first registration

Limited registration costs

Page 15: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

CMs v. GIs


• Scope of protection:- In principle, no protection for

the name used in translation and used with expressions like “style”, “type”, etc. or single names

- Right on the name only if used

- No guarantee against “genericity”

Enforcement: Private (more



Scope of protection:– Automatic protection for the

name used in translation, evocation and used with expressions like “style”, “type”

– Right on the name even if not used

– Guarantee against “genericity”

Enforcement: Mix of public & private (ex officio), reduced costs for producers

Page 16: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

The international legal framework

i. The main international treaties dealing with GIs

- Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and Their International Registration

- WTO TRIPS Agreement

ii. Proliferation of bilateral and regional agreements - Need of a “minimum level playing field”- Problem of transparency for small GI producers

Page 17: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

The Lisbon Agreement

• Definition of AoO (art. 2)

• National Protection + International Registration (WIPO) + Protection in contracting parties (1-year period for oppositions)

• Protection against usurpation and imitation, even if the true origin of the product is indicated, and even in translated form or used accompanied by «kind», «type», «imitation», or the like (art.3)

• It prevents the risk for a geographical name to become “generic”, as long as it is protected in the country of origin (art. 6)

Page 18: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Limits of the Lisbon Agreement

• Limited numbers of contracting States (26)

• Restrictive definition of AoO (is reputation a

constituting element for a product to qualify for protection??)

Page 19: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.


The two levels of protection for GIs

• Standard protection of Article 22 for all products, protection only if: – Public is misled by the use of the GI– Incorrect use of the GI constitutes an act of unfair competition

• Additional protection of Art. 23 for wines and spirits: – Protection against a simple usurpation of the GI– Protection of the GI even if translated– Use of delocalizing expressions such as ‘kind’, ‘type’,

‘style’, ‘imitation’ or the like are prohibited– “Mandate” for negotiating a multilateral Register

Page 20: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Misleading marketing techniques

“Prosciutto di Parma” ... made in Canada

Page 21: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

“Pruneaux d‘Agen” ... from Canada

Page 22: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

“Basmati Rice” ... made in the USA

Long Grain American Basmati Rice

Page 23: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

“Turron de Jijona” ... from Argentina

Page 24: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

“Parmigiano Reggiano” ... from Mexico

Page 25: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Current negotiations within the WTO’s DDA

a. Extension of art. 23 of TRIPs to all products

– Art. 22 does not prevent free-riding on the reputation and image of well-known GIs: reputation of traditional products is tarnished + loss of potential markets 

– No legal certainty/predictability (national jurisdictions might differ on whether the public is misled or not)

– Discrimination (“first class” / “second class” products): No socio-economic reasons justify such discrimination between the majority of GI producers and those dealing with wines and spirits

– DDA: “ ....the need for all our people to benefit from the increased opportunities and welfare gain that the multilateral trading system generates”

Page 26: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Current negotiations within the WTO’s DDA

B. Multilateral register

Objectives: - Help producers to protect their GIs worldwide- Help judges and administrative authorities when taking decisions on

GIs/trademarks registrations

Key questions: - Scope (products covered): should cover all products - Participation: should be truly “multilateral” (art. 23.4 of TRIPS)- Legal effects: should not be a mere database

Page 27: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Draft modalities on TRIPS, July 2008

• The extension of art. 23 to all GI (including the extension of the Register);

• A multilateral Register:

- binding for all WTO members

- voluntary notifications of GIs (to be carried out by Member States)

- No opposition

Page 28: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Draft modalities on TRIPS, July 2008

Register’s legal effect :

Each WTO Member will have to provide that domestic authorities consult the Register and take its information into account when making decisions regarding registration and protection of trademarks and geographical indications in accordance with its domestic procedures. In the framework of these procedures and in the absence of a proof to the contrary, the international registration of a GI will be considered as a prima facie evidence that, in the Member where those procedures are under way, the geographical indication at issue meets the definition of "geographical indication" laid down in TRIPS Article 22.1. Moreover, any assertion on the genericness exception laid down in TRIPS Article 24, will have to be considered by domestic authorities only if these are substantiated.

Page 29: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

The role of

• OriGIn - Organisation for an International Geographical Indications Network

• When? created in 2003

• What? first international organisation (NGO) of GI producers

Page 30: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.


Producers from all over the world joined forces:

Advocacy campaigns for an effective international legal system for protecting GIs

Promotion of GIs as a tool for sustainable development

Platform for worldwide GI producers and experts: exchange of “best practices” + dissemination of information

Page 31: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

oriGIn today:

• Some 85 organizations of producers

• Over 35 countries

• Representing more than 2-million GI producers

Page 32: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.


– Full Members: associations/groups of GI producers

– Associate members: persons/organisations interested to promote oriGIn’s goals

Page 33: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Type of products

Food products: Coffee, tea Rice Cheese, butter,… Ham, sausage,… Fruits, vegetables,… Pastry

Other Wines Spirits

Non-food products:

• Carpets• Watches• Cigars• Artisanal products, etc.

Page 34: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.


Luis Fernando Samper


North Africa





AfricaAgnes Nyaga





Brig. Anil


North Am.

Ramón Glez.


Central Am.

de la Grana(Cuba)

South Am.

Carlos Mejia(Peru)

Eastern Europe

Tomislav Galovic(Croatia)

Western Europe


Tedeschi (Italy) J. Enrique Garrigos


Decentralised structure: VPs

Page 35: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

in action


Technical assistance

Advocacy campaigns

Awareness on GI abuse

Updated information for our members

Research projects and studies

International events

Page 36: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Some conclusions

- Important socio-economic role played by GIs

- Problems of small producers: enforcement of rights (costs + legal advice)

- Sui generis systems better guarantee producers’ interests

- Need to strengthen the multilateral legal framework (TRIPS Modalities in the Doha Round + reform of the Lisbon Agreement)

Page 37: Geographical Indications (GIs): a tool to promote sustainable development Massimo Vittori Secretary General, oriGIn.

Thank you!

Massimo Vittori

[email protected]

