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Gerunds and Gerundives

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Gerunds and Gerundives. More Verbals !. GERUND: Verbal NOUN. GERUNDIVE: Verbal ADJECTIVE. Gerunds fill the cases other than nominative:. To form a Gerund:. 2 nd principal part: AMARE; AUDIRE; drop the –RE Add –[ i e ] nd to the stem: AMAND-; AUDIEND- - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Gerunds and Gerundives More Verbals!
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Gerunds and Gerundives

More Verbals!

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Gerunds fill the cases other than nominative:

Case Latin English

Nom. Audire Hearing

Gen. Audiendi Of hearing

Dat. Audiendo For hearing

Acc. Audiendum Hearing

Abl. Audiendo By hearing

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To form a Gerund:

• 2nd principal part: AMARE; AUDIRE; drop the –RE• Add –[ie]nd to the stem: AMAND-; AUDIEND-– for –io verbs of 3rd and 4th conjugation, you should end

up with –ie- before the –nd- (Add an i or e as needed.) • Add case endings:– Gen: -i AMANDI; AUDIENDI– Dat: -ō AMANDO; AUDIENDO– Acc: -um AMANDUM; AUDIENDUM– Abl: -ō AMANDO; AUDIENDO

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Spectare Watching

Gen. Audiendi -i Of watching

Dat. Audiendo -o For watching

Acc. Audiendum -um Watching

Abl. Audiendo -o By watching

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Monēre warning

Gen. Audiendi -i Of warning

Dat. Audiendo -o For warning

Acc. Audiendum -um warning

Abl. Audiendo -o By warning

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Docēre Teaching

Gen. Audiendi -i Of teaching

Dat. Audiendo -o For teaching

Acc. Audiendum -um teaching

Abl. Audiendo -o By teaching

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Legere Reading

Gen. Audiendi -i Of reading

Dat. Audiendo -o For reading

Acc. Audiendum -um Reading

Abl. Audiendo -o By reading

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] navigare Sailing

Gen. Audiendi -i Of sailing

Dat. Audiendo -o For sailing

Acc. Audiendum -um Sailing

Abl. Audiendo -o By sailing

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Vivere Living

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…eo, ire (irregular!)Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Ire Going

Gen. Audiendi -i Eundi

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Loqui Speaking

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Dormire Sleeping

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Scribere Writing

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Operari Working

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Aedificare Building

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Flere Weeping

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

Page 19: Gerunds and Gerundives

Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Ridere Laughing

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Saltare Dancing

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Colligere Collecting

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Custodire Guarding

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Tacere Keeping silent

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

Page 24: Gerunds and Gerundives

Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Destruere Destroying

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

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Form the Gerund of…Case Example Ending Latin English

Nom. Audire [2nd pp] Occidere Killing

Gen. Audiendi -i

Dat. Audiendo -o

Acc. Audiendum -um

Abl. Audiendo -o

Page 26: Gerunds and Gerundives

Gerunds in Ecclesiastes

• Omnia tempus habent,• Et suis spatiis transeunt universa sub caelo.• Tempus nascendi, et tempus moriendi;• Tempus plantandi; et tempus evellendi quod

plantatum est.• Tempus occidendi, et tempus sanandi;• Tempus destruendi, et tempus aedificandi.

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• Tempus flendi, et tempus ridendi;• Tempus plangendi, et tempus saltandi.• Tempus spargendi lapides et tempus

colligendi,• Tempus amplexandi, et tempus longe fieri ab

amplexibus.• Tempus acquirendi, et tempus perdendi;• Tempus custodiendi, et tempus abiciendi.

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• Tempus scindendi, et tempus consuendi;• Tempus tacendi, et tempus loquendi.• Tempus dilectionis, et tempus odii;• Tempus belli, et tempus pacis.

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Gerundive = Verbal Adjective• Gerundive = Future PASSIVE Participle• 30 forms (adjective –us, -a, -um chart)• How to form it: – 2nd principal part– Drop –re– Add –ndus, -nda, -ndum, etc.– vocarevocandus, vocanda, vocandum, etc.

• Translate: “to be [verb]ed”– vocandus: “[about] to be called”– Puerum a matre vocandum vidi. I saw the boy about to be called

by his mother.

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Gerundive Derivatives

1. tremendous2. memorandum3. Amanda4. reverend5. agenda6. addenda7. legend8. corrigenda9. referendum10. propaganda

A. to be respectedB. to be readC. to be correctedD. to be fearedE. to be brought backF. to be addedG. to be lovedH. to be extendedI. to be rememberedJ. to be done

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Future Passive PeriphrasticBy Magistra Candy Baehr

To the tune of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”

Future Passive Periphrastic Ex-pi-al-i-dundiveYou just take a form of SUM and then add

the GerundiveUse for obligation or necessity:

“Future Passive Periphrastic must be learned by me!”

Page 32: Gerunds and Gerundives

Future Passive Periphrastic• Gerundive plus a form of sum, esse, fui, futurus• Translate “must be [verb]ed”• Use DATIVE to show agent (“by whom” it must be done)• Liber mihi legendus est.

– liber = the book– legendus est = must be read (Future Pass. Peri.)– mihi = by me (Dative of Agent)

• Use neuter nom sing gerundive to make it impersonal: “it must be [verb]ed”– agendum est = it must be done

• mihi agendum est = it must be done by me I must do it

Page 33: Gerunds and Gerundives

Future Passive PeriphrasticBy Magistra Candy Baehr

To the tune of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”

Future Passive Periphrastic Ex-pi-al-i-dundiveYou just take a form of SUM and then add

the GerundiveUse for obligation or necessity:

“Future Passive Periphrastic must be learned by me!”

Page 34: Gerunds and Gerundives

Translate Gerundives!

1. Cogenda mens est ut incipiat.The mind ____________ to begin.

2. Haec non tangenda sunt.These things _____________________.

3. Rex civibus est timendus.A king ______________ by the citizens.

4. Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano.It ______ that there be a sound mind in a sound body.

5. Utendum est aetate; cito pede labitur aetas.Time ___________; a lifetime slips by on a swift foot.

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Translate Gerundives!

1. Pro urbe et deis est certandum.For city and gods _______________.

2. De gustibus non est disputandum.Concerning tastes, _____________.

3. Bellum nec timendum nec provocandum est.War neither ___________ nor ___________.

4. Nunc est bibendum, nunc pede libro pulsanda [est] tellus…Now one ____________, one must __________ the earth with dancing foot…

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Dative of Agent

• If there is a form of sum, esse, fui, futurus with a gerundive, that’s the Future Passive Periphrastic. Translate as “must be [verb]ed.”

• With the FPP, a dative noun/pronoun is the Agent. Translate as “by ____”.

• E.G.: Multi libri Ciceroni legendi erant.• Many books had to be read by Cicero.• Cicero had to read many books.

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Translate with FPP and Dative of Agent…

1. Arma mihi invenienda sunt._____ have to find _______________.

2. Hic ritus omnibus spectandus erat.This ceremony had to be ________ by ____

3. Urbs uni puero servanda est.__________ must save the ____________.

4. Oraculum regi consulendum erit.________ will have to be consulted by _____.

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Gerundive of Purpose

• ad [noun] [gerundive]• [noun] [gerundive] causā• [noun] [gerundive] gratiā

• Romam veniunt ad ludos spectandos.ludorum spectandorum causā.ludorum spectandorum gratiā.

• They come to Rome to see the games.

N.B.: The noun the gerundive modifies = the Direct Object of the gerundive’s verb.

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Rewrite the sentence using the three gerundive of purpose constructions: ad, causā, and gratiā

• Iuvenes ad palaestram ibant ut corpora confirmarent.

• The young men went to the gym to strengthen their bodies.

• Iuvenes ad palaestram ibant ad___________.• Iuvenes ad palaestram ibant _________causā.• Iuvenes ad palaestram ibant ________ gratiā.

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Rewrite the sentence using the three gerundive of purpose constructions: ad, causā, and gratiā

• Discipuli ad grammaticum missi sunt ut linguam Graecam discerent.

• The students were sent to the teacher to learn the Greek language.

• Discipuli ad grammaticum missi sunt ad___________.• Discipuli ad grammaticum missi sunt _________causā.• Discipuli ad grammaticum missi sunt ________ gratiā.

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Rewrite the sentence using the three gerundive of purpose constructions: ad, causā, and gratiā

• Diutissime manserunt ut principem salutarent.• They stayed a very long time to greet the

emperor.• Diutissime manserunt ad___________.• Diutissime manserunt _________causā.• Diutissime manserunt ________ gratiā.
