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Getting Started with Digital Media © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be...

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Getting Started with Digital Media © 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part. Chapter 1

Getting Started with Digital Media© 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be scanned, copied or duplicated, or posted to a publicly accessible website, in whole or in part.

Chapter 1


• Lesson 1.1: Learning the Keys to Success• Lesson 1.2: Reviewing the Computer System

and File Management• Lesson 1.3: Maintaining Digital Safety• Lesson 1.4: Practicing Workplace Safety

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Learning Outcomes

• 1.1: List the characteristics needed to becomea skilled digital master

• 1.2: Identify how to name and save a file• 1.3: Explain how to ensure digital security• 1.4: Practice the techniques for good


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• Learning new software and computer skills requires the following commitments– Be flexible– Keep an open mind– Use initiative– Listen and read attentively– Seek and acquire new knowledge and skills

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• Digital media certifications generally fall into three categories: – Web– Print– Video

• Adobe certifications are available online– ACA (Adobe Certified Associate)– ACE (Adobe Certified Expert)

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Work Skills for Multimedia Careers

• Behaviors that contribute to your ability to acquire a job and grow in the field of your choice:– Good attendance– Promptness– Proper attire– Clean and safe work environment– Appropriate voice– Pride

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Activity 1.1

• Commitment to Learning Presentation– Create a presentation explaining the skills needed

to complete Adobe Certified Associate and Adobe Certified Expert exams.

– Include the Adobe software skills needed to master the programs.

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Managing Files

• Digital media projects may include image, text, audio, and video files

• Naming Files– A naming convention is a set of rules used in the

naming of files and folders– Choose a name that clearly identifies the contents

of the file– For shared files, use initials or a numbering

method to clarify versions

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Managing Files (continued)

• Saving Files– Designate a place to save project files– Network locations or shared Internet locations allow

everyone access• Choosing Storage– Internal or external hard drives– A server is a computer designed to store files from

multiple computers– Writeable CD or DVD– Flash drives (also called thumb or USB drives)

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Making Backups

• Backup work to prevent losing files through a hardware failure or virus attack– Backup to hardware (flash drive or another hard

drive)– Backup over a network to another computer– Create an online backup

• Some organizations automatically back up files at a set interval

• Make sure you have a backup/recovery planDigital Media, 3e 10

Activity 1.2

• As a group, write a file management plan for our class. Include:– Naming conventions• Documents• Images• projects

– Folder structure– Back up plan

• Submit the plan to Mrs. Elzey when complete.

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Personal Security

• A cyber predator is a person who uses the Internet to make contact with others in order to harm them

• Stealing someone’s information to use for illegal purposes is identity theft

• Social engineering scams trick users into providing information in the belief that a request is legitimate

• A keylogger is software that tracks keyboard use and transmits it to be used for illegal purposes

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Computer Security

• Malware, or malicious software, is designed to damage a computer or steal information

• To keep computer secure, install virus and malware protection software and keep it updated

• Malware includes:– Virus– Worm– Spyware– Trojan horse– Adware– Rootkit

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Computer Security(continued)

• No virus protection is foolproof• Encryption converts text into an unreadable

series of numbers and letters to protect information

• Digital encryption uses software that can scramble and unscramble the data

• A hacker is a person who finds an electronic means of gaining unauthorized access to a computer

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Password Security

• Wise use of passwords are an effective way to protect your computer and information

• Strong passwords are those that make it difficult for others to figure out– Have a minimum of eight characters.– Use both upper and lower case letters.– Use at least one number.– Use at least one special character such as

! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] ; : ‘ “ , < . > / ? • Phishing is a social engineering activity where the

perpetrator uses fake Web sites or emails to trick a user into providing personal information or passwords

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Hardware Security

• Maintain the physical security of a computer• Laptops, smart cell phones, and other devices are

portable– No longer secured by the locked windows and doors

of an office– Stored in cars– Taken on public transportation– Used in restaurants, hotels, and public places

• Maintaining the security of your equipment is your responsibility

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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

• AUPs are written agreements that all system users must agree to

• AUPs may include the following:– Password selection requirements– Software usage restrictions– Netiquette rules– Limits on the use of systems or items that overtax

the network

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Activity 1.3

• Define each type of malware that was listed and add those definitions to your notes.

• Research a specific security topic covered in this section.

• Find the latest information on issues concerning the topic.

• Create a presentation associated with the topic you have chosen. Include information about a specific case.

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Avoiding Repetitive Stress Injury

• Ergonomics is a science that studies the best way to design a workplace for maximum safety and productivity

• Muscle or joint injury that results from performing actions repeatedly is repetitive stress injury

• Carpal tunnel syndromeis a type of repetitive stress injury and often requires surgery or at least a brace to protect the injured hand

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Margrit Hirsch/Shutterstock.com

Creating Effective Workstations

• Ergonomics teaches proper workstation arrangement:– Keyboard should be at elbow height and even with

the front edge of desk– Monitor should be positioned to avoid glare and be at

least an arm’s length away– Chair should have a good backrest– Back should be touching the backrest at all times– Feet should be flat on the floor (or use a footrest)– Sit up straight, keeping head and neck as straight as


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Creating Effective Workstations(continued)

• Correct Keyboarding Technique– Keep fingers curved and upright over the home row

keys– Keep wrists low, but not touching the keyboard– Lightly tap each key with the tip of finger, snapping

the fingertip toward the palm of hand• Mouse Techniques– Hold mouse gently; keep arms, hands, fingers relaxed– Keep wrist straight and use elbow as the pivot– Do NOT use a wrist rest

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Who Is Responsible?

• Who is responsible for ensuring your safety?

• Is it the employer who should provide ergonomic chairs and keyboards?

• Is it a personal responsibility that requires you to pay attention to how you are using your hands?

• What happens if you identify a problem, and your employer does not allow you to make changes to improve the situation?

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Taking a Break

• Develop a plan to make sure you take breaks• Get up from your workstation at least once an

hour• Rest your eyes occasionally

by focusing on an object at least 20 feet away

• Stretch your muscles to relax and strengthen them

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Activity 1.4

• Place a comment on capebit.wikispaces.com discussion board about ergonomics. Discuss what you will do to prevent injuries while using a computer.

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Key Concepts

• The five commitments to learning include: be flexible, keep an open mind, use initiative, listen and read attentively, and seek to acquire new knowledge and skills.

• The six behaviors that contribute to your ability to acquire a job and grow in the field of your choice include good attendance, promptness, proper attire, a clean and safe work environment, appropriate voice, and pride

• You can demonstrate your digital media skills by seeking certification from a secondary and/or post-secondary school or through a provider such as Adobe or Microsoft

• Strong passwords are those that meet a set of rules designed to make it difficult for others to figure out the word

• Repetitive stress injury (RSI) (including carpal tunnel syndrome) results from repeated movement of a particular part of the body

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