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Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du

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  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 1 introduction

    1. Aims: To introduce the textbook English 7. To guide students how to learn English well.

    2. Procedure:3. Getting to know the textbook. T asks Ss these questions:4. How many units are there in this book?5. How many sections are there in each unit?6. How many language focuses are there in this

    book?7. n which unit do you learn about health and

    hygience?8. n which unit do you learn the sim!le !ast tense?9. n which unit do you !ractice saying tele!hone

    numbers?10. "here can you #nd the list of $ocabulary for each

    unit in this book?

    11. "here can you #nd the table of irregular $erbs?12. "here can you #nd the grammar reference in this

    book?13. %re the !ictures in this book nice and clear? Ss discuss in grou!s in some minutes& then !lay

    '(ucky numbers).


    7* Keys:

    14. *+15.Two

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    16. ,i$e17. -nit *18. -nit /19. -nit 020. ,rom !age *7/ to !age */*21. 1n !age *7722. ,rom !age *+2 t !age *7+23.3es.

    II. Six main topics:24. School and work.25. ,amily26. Entertainment27. S!orts28. ,ood and drink29. Health

    III. Homework: 4ead the instruction again.

    5re!are unit * 6



    Unit 1: back to school

    89 lessons* Aims: ;y the end of the lessons& students will beable to: < =reet

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < ntroduce themsel$es and others. < %sk and answer about !ersonal information. < %sk and answer about means of trans!ort.* Grammar:

    < 5resent sim!le tense < >om!arati$es < How far is it from ..... to .....* Teaching aids: < Students and teachers books& boards&!ictures& !osters& cards& cassette& ta!e& disc* Teaching procedure:

    Period 2 Unit 1 - Lesson 1:A1,3 -

    * Teaching points: ntroductions and greetings with'@ice to meet you)& 'How is e$erything?)& 'Aust #ne B@ot bad B 5retty good.)

    !" #e$ision: Slap the board

    < Ss listen and sla! the suitable res!onse.30. "hat is your name?31. How are you today?32. "hat class are you in?33. =ood bye.34. %re you a new student?

    !!" Presentation:35. Eliciting: T asks Ss: %re you ha!!y to be back again? %re there any new classmates in your class? "ho is your form teacher?

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    36. 5resentation dialogue: %* 5* Ss listen and read the dialogue& then answer the

    questions.* Answer key:37. Her name is Hoa.38. She is in class 7%.39. @am is also in class 7%.

    !!!" Practice:*. Catching:

    5retty good

    How is e$erything?@ice to see you.So am B Ce& too.

    Aust #ne.@ot bad.

    Dhng tFt lGm.Ti cng $Iy.

    DhJ tFt.CKi $iLc nh thM nNo?4Ot $ui khi gP! bQn.;Rnh thng thi.0. =a! #ll: % 5*0& * Ss work on their own #rst& then com!are with their


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Ss listen and check.. 5icture cue drill: %9 5* Ss listen and write the letters of the dialogues in

    the order they hear.* Answer key: c -> b -> d -> a< 5icture cue drill: 8-se the cues abo$e* Note:< '@ice to meet you): UVng khi hai ngi gP! nhaulWn XWu $N XYc giZi thiLu X[ lNm quen. '@ice to meet you again): UVng khi hai ngi gP! lQi

    nhau sau m\t thi gian. 'So am ) 8Ti cng $Iy: Ui]n t^ s_ X`ng tRnh

    khng Xnh.!%" Production:Ca!!ed dialogue: ;a @am

    ... morning ... ... morning...@ice... again.

    ...& too. How ...? ...& thanks ... about...?

    ... thank you.=ood bye. See ... ;ye

    %" &ome'ork: (earn the new greetings ex!ressions by heart. Uo exercises %*&0& 8work book.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period Unit 1 - Lesson (: A(

    * Teaching points: 4eading for details and re$isingsim!le !resent& com!arisons& a lot of B


    !" #e$ision: "ord square 8!osters c h o o l d

    T T ; = H @- @ > ( E % EU - A T 5 E % S @ 5 4

    @ E " E - 3 ,T @ E 4 % 5

    !!" Pre reading: Eliciting: T elicits by showing Ss the !icture on !age** asks some questions.40. 5re teach:

    dierent 8ad.: khJc& khJc nhau unha!!y 8ad. ha!!y 8to miss: nhZ

    * Check: Rub out and remember41.True B ,alse statement !rediction:

    42. Hoa is from Hue.43. She li$es with her !arents in Ha @oi.44. She has a lot of friends in Ha @oi.45. She misses her friends in Hue.46. She is ha!!y now.

    Ss work indi$idually #rst& then !air com!are.!!!" )hile reading:47. 4ead and check !rediction. Ss read the text silently and correct their


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    * Answer key:a. T b. F c. F d. T e. F

    48. Ss listen to the ta!e once& read after the ta!eonce. Then T calls on some Ss to read the text

    aloud.49. >om!rehension questions: Ss work in grou!s: write their answers on the grou!

    boards. T collects some boards and check after !laying

    '(ucky numbers) (ucky numbers:


    9* Answer key:50. She is from Hue.51. She is staying with her uncle and aunt.52. @o& she doesnt ha$e any friends in Ha @oi.53. Her new school is bigger than her old one.54. She is unha!!y because she misses her !arents

    and friends.

    !%" Post reading: Transformation writing. ,rom the text %0 5**& Ss write another text by

    changing 'Hoa) to '). For weaker Ss: Chan!e "#oa$ to "%$. Exam!le: am a new student in class 7%. am fromHue and my !arents still li$e there. li$e with myuncle and aunt in Ha @oi& ect. ..

    For stron!er Ss: Chan!e the &n'ormat&on andchan!e "#oa$ to "%$. Exam!le: am a new student in ..... . am from .....and my !arents ..... . li$e with ..... in ..... ect ...%" &ome'ork: (earn the new words by heart.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Uo exercise % 8work book

    ********************Period ! Unit 1 - Lesson 3: b1 - 3

    p1 - 1+

    * Teaching points: To teach Ss how to ask and gi$e!ersonal information.!" #e$ision: @oughts and >rosses Ss ask and answer about the information gi$en in

    the grids.* ()ample: S: #ow old are you+

    S,: % am th&rteen.

    you B *

    her mother B (inh

    */ Hung uong Street

    !!" Presentation: Eliciting: Ha$e Ss look at the !icture 5*9 and ask:

    j "ho are they in the !icture?j "here are they?j "hat are they doing?j "hat is the teacher doing?j "hat are the Ss doing?

    j "hat are they talking about?55. 5re teach:

    family name: hK middle name: tn XLm an address: Xa ch

    * Check: Rub out and remember

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    0. 5resentation dialogue 8;* 5*9:< Ss listen and read the dialogue.. >om!rehension questions: a heck some grou!s and gi$e the correct answers.* Answer key:56. #oa &s talk&n! to &ss &en.57. #oa/s 'am&ly name &s 0ham.58. #er m&ddle name &s Th&.59. She l&1es at , Tran #un! 2ao Street.!!!" Practice:60. "ord cue drill:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    ()ample e)chan!es:S: 3hat/s 0hon!/s 'am&ly name+S,: #&s 'am&ly name &s N!uyen.S: #ow old &s he+

    S,: #e/s 4'teen.S: 3here does he l&1e+S,: 5, N!uyen 2u Street.

    0. "rite: ;0 5*+ %sk Ss to read through the dialogue and choose

    suitable question words to #ll in the blanks. 8!airwork

    Ha$e one !air read the dialogue in front of the

    class. >heck and gi$e the correct answers. %nswer key:*. "ho 0. "ho . "hich B "hat . "here 9.

    "here +. How!%" Production: ; 5*+ Ha$e Ss look at the form. 4e$iew the question words needed.

    Ha$e Ss work in !airs 8ask and answer& then they#ll in the form. Ha$e Ss cross < check the form with their !artners.%" &ome 'ork:< (earn the new words by heart.< Uo ex ;*

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period " Unit 1 - Lesson : b - p1+ - 1.

    * Teaching points: Ss use 'How far) questions and

    answers with kilometers B meters to talk aboutdistances.!" #e$ision: "ord square 8team work


    !!" Presentation:61. 5re teach:

    far 8ad: xa distance: kho^ng cJch

    * Check: Rub out and remember62. 5resentation dialogue 8; 5*+ < *7 Ha$e Ss listen to the dialogue. Then let them

    !ractice in !airs.63. >om!rehension questions:64. "here does Hoa li$e?8*0 Tran Hung Uao Street65. s it far from school? 8@o66. How does she get there?67. Codel sentences:

    How #ar is it #rom yo$r ho$se toschoo%&

    It's abo$t one ki%ometer.

    ()) meters.!!!" Practice:5icture drill: ;9 5*7* ()ample e)chan!e: S*: How far is it from yourhouse to ... ?

    S0: t is about ...

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !%" Production: Nou!hts and Crosses Ss talk about distances and means of trans!orts.

    Ha @oi B H>C B *7 km B train

    Ha @oi B Hai 5hong B *0 km B taxi

    Ha @oiB ;ac @inh B *2 km B taxi

    %" &ome'ork: (earn the new words and the structure by heart. Uo ex

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period Unit 1 - Lesson : b+ - .p

    * Teaching points: (istening for details and further

    !ractice in !ersonal information.!" Pre listening:* (l&c&t&n!: Ha$e Ss look at the !icture ;+ 5*2 andask:

    68. s (ans house near school?69. s (ans house near the !ost oce B market B

    theater? Ha$e Ss recall the structure 'How far is it from ...

    to ...)

    !!" )hile listening: ;+ 5*2 Ss listen to the ta!e twice or three times and write

    the distances. Ha$e Ss listen again and check.* Answer key:

    70. School to (ans house: m

    71. (ans house to !ost oce: 7 m72. School to mo$ie theater: km73. Co$ie theater to !ost oce: 0 km

    !!!" Post listening: Sur$ey 8;7 5*/< Ss talk about !ersonal information and #ll in theform.

    1 ( 3

    @ame 5huc%ddress + HoangUieu

    Uistance 0 kmTrans!ort by bus

    * ()ample e)chan!es:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    S*: "hat is your name?S0: Cy name is 5huc.S*: "here do you li$e?S0: li$e at + Hoang Uieu Street.

    S*: How far is it from your home to school?S0: ts about 0 km.S*: How do you go to school?S0: go to school by bus.

    Ss orally re!ort back:* ()ample: y 'r&end/s name &s 0huc. #e l&1es at 67#oan! 2&eu Street. %t/s about , k&lometers 'rom h&shouse to school. #e !oes to school by bus.

    !%" &ome'ork:< Uo exercise ;9 8workbook 57

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Unit (: personal in/ormation8+ lessons

    * Aims: ;y the end of this unit& students will beable to:

    %rrange !lans Talk about future !lans Say and write ordinal numbers Talk about the dates< =i$e in$itations* Grammar:< The sim!le future with 'will) @umbers: >ardinal& ordinal 5resent sim!le tense 8re$iew* Teaching aids:

    < Students and teachers books& boards& ta!e&disc& cassette& !osters& !ictures& cards.

    * Teaching procedure:

    Period ( Unit ( - Lesson 1: A1 -3

    * Teaching points: %sking for and gi$ingtele!hone numbers and further !ractice inaddresses.

    !" )arm up: %sk Ss these questions:74. "hat is your name?75. How old are you?76. "here do you li$e?77.Tell me your tele!hone number.

    !!" Presentation: * (l&c&t&n!:Ha$e Ss look at the book 5*/ and ask: '"here is this!age from?) 8a tele!hone directory

    78.5re teach: 8to call somebody: gKi XiLn cho ai

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    0. 5resentation text: % 50 Ha$e Ss listen and read the dialogue. Then they

    !ractice in !airs. 0.Codel sentences:

    +hat is yo$r , his , her te%ephonen$mber&

    --!1"- * Check: mean&n!8 use8 'orm8 pronunc&at&on

    !!!" Practice:79. "ord cue drill 8%*: -se the word cue cards.

    an %n B 79+* uan ;a B+9*7/

    Thanh ;a B 90+7**7 Thi ;angB /09/022uy ;ang B 207* @goc

    ;ich B 20*0+* ()ample e)chan!e: 9an An

    S: 3hat &s h&s telephone number+S,: 56;7an you


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    88.5re teach: 8to meet: gP!& Xpn free 8ad.: r^nh ri& t_ do

    * Check: Rub out and remember89. 5resentation dialogue: 8% Ha$e Ss listen and read the dialogue90. >om!rehension questions: 8a

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    see?97."ord cue drill: 8use word cue cards

    * ()ample e)chan!e:S: 3here w&ll we meet+

    S,: 3e/ll meet &n the street.!%" 0urther practice:98. (isten and write 8%9 50*: Ss listen to the ta!e twice or three times to #nd

    the answers.* Answer key:

    a& 29999b& % mo$iec& (ans housed& ;us

    %" &ome'ork: %+ 500 Ss read the dialogue and answer the questions.

    Period 0 Unit ( - Lesson 3:


    * Teaching points: Talking about dates of theyear and the !ronunciation.

    99.#e$ision: 5elmanism 8team work

    *st 0nd rd 9th /th *th#rst secon

    dthird #fth ninth tenth

    !!" Presentation:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    100. 5re teach: twelfth *0th

    twentieth 0th

    twenty #rst 0*st

    thirtieth th *st

    0. =uess the new words: 8Conths of the year: ;50

    1ctober thJng *Auly thJng 0Cay thJng Uecember thJng

    Aanuary thJng 9%!ril thJng +Se!tember thJng 7

    Aune thJng 2@o$ember thJng /Carch thJng *%ugust thJng **,ebruary thJng *0

    !!!" Practice:101. (isten and write the dates: ;0 50

    Ss listen to the ta!e twice to write the dates.Then they listen the third time to check.

    * Answer key:102. The #rst of Auly103. The nineteenth104. The sixth


    The fourteenth106. The se$enteenth107. The thirty #rst

    108. "rite the months in order: ; 50< Ha$e Ss work indi$idually #rst. Then ask one ortwo Ss to write on the board and check.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !%" Production:109. Sur$ey: 8grou! work



    110. 5lay with words: ;/ 502< Ha$e Ss listen and re!eat sentence by

    sentence. Then ask some Ss to read aloud.%" &ome'ork: (earn the new words by heart

    and do ex ;* 8";

    Period 1) Unit ( - Lesson : b - p( -

    * Teaching points: (istening for factual


    !" #e$ision:;/ 502 >all on 0 Ss to read '5lay with words) by

    heart.!!" Pre listening:* (l&c&t&n!: %sk Ss to look at the !icture and ask:'>an you guess what Cr. Tan is asking

    Hoa?)*. 5re teach: date of birth: ngNy sinh 8to worry: lo lGng ner$ous: h`i h\! wont will not

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    0. "ord square:




    ction: ;9 50+< Ha$e Ss !redict and #ll in the registration about

    Hoa. 8with answer keySt$dent registration #orm

    @ame: 5ham Thi HoaUate of birth: Aune 2th

    %ddress: *0 Tran Hung Uao StreetTele!hone number: 20+0*/

    !!!" )hile listening:111. (isten and check:< Ha$e Ss listen to the dialogue ; and check their

    !rediction. 8without books112. >om!rehension questions: a

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    h Ha$e Ss write about themsel$es 89 sentences or

    more* ()ample: y name &s #anh. % am ele1en years

    old. % w&ll be twel1e on my ne)t b&rthday. %l&1e w&th ...

    %" &ome'ork: (earn the new words by heart anddo ex ;0

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    123. 4eading: ;+ 50+ Ss read the text about (an in silence #rst. Then

    some Ss read it aloud.124. >om!rehension questions: 8!oster

    a& How old is (an now? 8*0b& How old will she be on her next birthday? 8*c& "hen is her birthday? 8Cay 09thd& "here will the !arty be? 8%t her housee& "hat is her address? 80 (y Thuong Dietf& How long will the !arty last? 8,rom 9!.m to/!.m

    !!!" )hile 'riting:

    125. =a! #ll: Ss com!lete the card& using theinformation from the answers.* Answer key:

    Uear ... Sunday& Cay 09th

    0 (y Thuong Diet Street 9 oclock to / oclock (an

    126. uestions and answers: ;7 507 Ss answer the questions in full sentences and

    oin them to form a !aragra!h.

    !%" Post 'riting: ;2 507 Ha$e Ss write their own in$itation card to their

    birthday !arty.

    >all on some Ss to read their cards aloud.%" &ome'ork: (earn the new words by heart. >om!lete the in$itation card.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Unit 3: At home8+ lessons

    * Aims: ;y the end of the lessons& students will beable to: A: < Uescribe rooms and homes < Cake a com!laint

    < =i$e a com!liment < Uescribe furniture and a!!liances and gi$etheir location : < Talk about occu!ations < ,ind a suitable a!artment < Uescribe a!artments

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    * Grammar: < 5resent sim!le < Exclamati$e sentences < %decti$es: com!arati$es and su!erlati$es

    < "h< questions* Teaching aids: < Students and teachers books& boards&!ictures& !osters& cards& cassette and ta!e* Teaching procedure:

    Period 12 Unit 3 - Lesson 1: A1,3* Teaching points: ;athroom and kitchen

    $ocabulary.!" #e$ision: Hangman *&

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !!!" Practice: A3- P 31*. TrueB ,alse re!etition drill: 85icture %< 5 *< Ha$e Ss look at the !icture and drill.

    Teacher:Students: a& There is a tele$ision. re!eat

    b& There is a washing machine.silent d& There are some chairs. re!eat e& There is a refrigerator.silent f& There are two !ictures.re!eat

    0. Ueliberate mistakes: 85icture of the kitchen < 5< Ha$e Ss read this !assage and correct the mistakes. Th&s &s the p&cture o' the k&tchen. The tele1&s&on&s ne)t to the re'r&!erator. There &s a wash&n!mach&ne between the d&shwasher and the electr&csto1e. There &s a d&n&n! table w&th ; cha&rs. es&dethe wash&n! mach&ne &s the tub.%nswer key:

    8dishwasher& sink& dryer

    !%" 0urther practice:*. >hain game: 8the kitchen< Ss look at the !icture of the kitchen again and workin grou!s:S*: There is a sto$e in the kitchen.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    S0: There is a sto$e and a sink in the kitchen.S: There is a sto$e& a sink and a refrigerator in thekitchen.S: ....

    0. =a! #ll: 8(anguage focus 7< 5 *< %sk Ss to look at the !icture 5 * and #ll in thega!s. Then call on some Ss to gi$e their answers.< %sk other Ss to correct.

    %" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words by heart.

    < Uo exercise %* < 5 * 8Exercise book

    Period 1unit 3 - Lesson (: A1,A(

    * Teaching points: =i$ing com!liments with '"hatj aB an j ad j nounz) to talk about

    the house.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !" #e$ision: "ord square 8use two !osters< Ss !lay in two teams

    , ( E H S D 1 1% S H 1 " E 4 5

    ( @ = 4 1% @ 4 E 3 4 U ;C D T > H E @5 1 U E H @ S H > - 1 > H D SU S H " % S H

    < %nswers: shower& li$ing room& kitchen&dishwasher&

    lam!& sink& desk& sto$e& armchair&chair& bookshelf& dryer& couch& bench

    !!" Presentation:*. 5re teach: adecti$es

    < ama{ing: XJng ngQc nhin< delicious: ngon< bright: sJng sa< interesting: th| $& hay< con$enient: thuIn tiLn< comfortable: tho^i mJi& d] chu< modern: hiLn XQi

    *Check: Rub out and remember.

    0. 5resentation dialogue: 8%* 5 0/< < Ha$e Ss listen and read the dialogue .

    . >om!rehension questions.< Ss work in grou!s: write their answers into the

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    grou! boards.< >heck some grou!s and gi$e the correct answers. Answer keys:

    127. They talk about the li$ing room& Hoas

    bedroom& the bathroom and the kitchen.128. ;ecause it is bright and it has nice colors:

    !ink and white.129. % sink& a tub and a shower.130. % washing machine& a dryer& a refrigerator&

    a dishwasher and an electric sto$e.131. Ss answer.132. Ss answer.

    < Elicit the model sentences from the Ss.. Codel sentences:+hat a bea$ti#$% bathroom an amaing kitchen

    >heck: j Ceaning: "hat is the #rstB secondsentence in ietnamese?

    j -se: "hat do we use these sentences for? j ,orm: "hat do the sentence begin with?

    %nd after that? etc j 5ronunciation:

    !!!" Practice: "ord cue drill. 8use word cue cards *. kitchenB ama{ing Exam!le

    exchange: 0. armchairB comfortable S*: The

    kitchen is ama{ing.

    . li$ing roomB bright S0: 3es."hat an ama{ing kitchenz . dinnerB delicious 9. storyB interesting

    !%" 0urther practice:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    *. Ca!!ed dialogue.

    This }}..house

    } beautiful}z

    %nd this } bedroom.t } nice. "here } kitchen?

    t }.. o$er there.

    1hz } modern} z

    ()ample e)chan!e:S: Th&s &s my house.S,: 3hat a beaut&'ul house?S: And th&s &s my bedroom.S,: %t/s 1ery n&ce. 3here &s the k&tchen+S: %t/s o1er there.

    S,: @h? 3hat a modern k&tchen?

    0. "rite it u!. 8%0b< 5 *< Ss work in grou!s: write com!lements& using thecues in %0b.< >heck some grou!s and correct mistakes.

    %" &ome'ork:

    < (earn the new words and the model sentences byheart.< Uo exercises %& < 5*& *9

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 1!

    Unit 3 - Lesson 3 : A(a

    * Teaching points: Caking com!laints with '"hat jaB an j ad. j noun)!" #e$ision:Aumbled words. 8-se word cards< Ss go to the board and write the words one by one.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < -se: < ,orm: < 5ronunciation:

    !!!" Practice: "ord cue drill 8-se word cue cards *. dressB ex!ensi$e 0. restaurantB awful ()ample

    e)chan!e: . dayB wet S: The

    dress &s e)pens&1e. . !artyB boring S,: es.

    3hat an e)pens&1e dress? 9. mo$ieB bad

    !%" 0urther practice: @oughts and >rosses< Ss !lay in two teams: gi$e com!liments or makecom!laints with '"hat j aB an jad j noun.)()ample e)chan!e:S: The d&nner &s del&c&ous.S,: es. 3hat a del&c&ous d&nner?




    %" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words and the model sentences byheart.

    < Uo exercises %0 < 5 *&*Period 1"Unit 3 - Lesson : 1-3

    * Teaching points: 4eading 0 texts for main ideas&details and ob $ocabulary.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !" Pre reading:< T sets the scene by telling Ss about Ts ob and askthem about their !arents obs and !laces of work.

    *. 5re teach:< 8to raise: nui< 8to take care of 8to look after< cattle: gia s|c< a ournalist: !hpng $in& k gi^< a news!a!er: bJo

    * Rub out and remember.

    0. Catching: ; < 5 9< Ha$e Ss read and match the half< sentences.* Answer: j % farmer works on a farm. j % doctor takes care of sick !eo!le. j % ournalist writes for a news!a!er. j % teacher teaches in a school.

    . TrueB ,alse statement !rediction: 8!oster

    < Ss read these sentences on the !oster and !redictwhether they are T or , without reading the texts.a& Hoas father is a worker.b& Her mother does the housework andhel!s on the farm.c& Her sister is ten.d& (ans father takes care of sick children.e& (ans mother is a doctor.

    f& (ans brother works on the farm.< %sk Ss to !air< com!are.!!" )hile reading:*. 4ead and check the !rediction: Ss read the textsand correct their !rediction.* Answer key: a. F d. T

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    b. T e. F c. F '. F

    0. 5ractise reading the texts: ;*& 0

    . >om!rehension questions: ;*& 0< uestions a < f are on !ages j . ,or questionsg& h& i & teacher writes on a !oster. g& "hat does (ans father do? h& Uoes (ans mother teach in a school? i& "hat is (ans brothers ob?< Ha$e Ss work in grou!s: write their answers on the

    grou! boards:j =rou!s *&0&& : questions a& b& cj =rou!s 9& +& 7& 2: questions d& e& fj =rou!s /& *& **& *0: questions g& h& i< Hand in four boards to correct after !laying'@oughts and >rosses) @oughts and >rosses: 8team work

    a he bi d

    < >orrect the Ss boards.* Answer key: a. Hoas father is a worker. b. He works on his farm. c. Her mother is a housewife. d. She does housework and hel!s onthe farm. e. 3es& they are. f. Hoas sister is 2. g. (ans father is a doctor. h. 3es& she does.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    i. He is a ournalist.

    !!!" 0urther practice:*. Sur$ey: 8!air work

    < Ss ask each other and #ll in the table.

    3embers 4ge 5ob P%w


    0. "rite it u!: Ss oin the information and write it u!.()ample: Tran!/s 'ather &s 'orty- one years old. #e &sa worker. #e works &n No& a& %nternat&onal A&rport.etc

    !%" &ome'ork:*. (earn the new words by heart.

    0. Uo exercise ;* < 5 *9.

    Period 1

    Unit 3 - Lesson : b

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    * Teaching points: (istening for !ersonalinformation.!" #e$ision:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !!!" )hile listening:*. (isten and check:< Ss listen and check their !redictions. 8once to threetimes

    < T correct and gi$e answer key.0. 4ecall:< Ss use the grid to talk about Tom& Susan& and ;ill.* ()ample statements: Tom is 0+ years old. He is a teacher. Heteaches at a high school. etc!%" Post listening: "rite< it< u!.< Ss use the information in the grid to write about

    Tom& Susan and ;ill.< >all on two Ss to go to the board and write. Thenelicit the correction from other Ss.%" &ome'ork: < (earn the new words by heart.

    Period 1(Unit 3 - Lesson +: ,+*

    * Teaching points: >om!arati$es and su!erlati$esof irregular adecti$es 8eg: good < better < the bestand long adecti$es 8e.g: more ex!ensi$eB the mostex!ensi$e

    !" #e$ision: Ss make sentences with >om!arati$esand Su!erlati$es& using the cues: @am : *m9 Ha@oi: o> Tuan: *m9 Ho >hi Cinh >ity: 9o> Tam: *m+ Hue: 2o>

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    *()ample statements: ;a is taller than @am. Tam is taller than ;a. Tam is the tallest.!!" Presentation:

    < T leads Ss to the lesson by asking them thesequestions:j Uo you li$e in a house or an a!artment?j "hich is more comfortable?

    *. 5re teach:< an a!artment: cn h\< suitable: !hV hY!& thch hY!

    < good < better < the best< ex!ensi$e < more ex!ensi$e < the mostex!ensi$e* Check :Rub out and remember.

    0. Set the scene: 3ou are going to read a dialoguebetween Cr. Aohn and Cr. @hat. Cr. Aohn is an Englishteacher from the -S%. He is now looking for an

    a!artment in Ha @oi for his family. He is asking Cr.@hat for ad$ice.

    . 5resentation dialogue: 8; 9< Ha$e Ss listen to the dialogue and read it in chorus&in !airs.

    . >om!rehension questions: 8a< d< Ha$e Ss work in grou!s& discuss and write theanswers on their grou! boards.< >ollect two or three boards to check after ha$ing Ss!ractice asking and answering in !airs.* Answer key: a. The one at number 07. b. The one at number 7/.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    c. The one at number 7/. d. The one at number 07.

    9. Codel sentences: /he apartment at n$mber!) is better. It's more expensie. /he apartment atn$mber (0 is the best. It's the most expensie.* Check: < Ceaning: < -se: < ,orm: < 5ronunciation:!!!" Practice: 5icture drill.

    8-se the !ictures on !age / < in (anguage focus*< exercise 9* ()ample e)chan!es:

    S*: % is a chea! toy. S0: %nd ; is chea!er. S: ;ut > is the chea!est.

    !%" 0urther practice: "ritten exercise:

    < Ss write sentences with the su!erlati$es& using thewords gi$en. *. SydneyB bigB %ustralia. 0. TokyoB ex!ensi$eB world. . HeB goodB studentB class. . The TitanicB good. 9. This foodB bad.%" &ome'ork:

    *. (earn the new words by heart.0. Uo exercise ; + < text book 5 7.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 1-Language /ocus 1 P 3 - 1

    * Teaching points: ,urther !ractice in !resent

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    sim!le& the 'will future)& %d 8com!arati$es andsu!erlati$es& ordinal numbers& question words& thereisB are and !re!ositions.

    !" 4onsolidation: Ha$e Ss re$iew the language items listed in the

    'teaching !oints)

    !!" 0urther practice:*. 5resent sim!le tense:< Ha$e Ss do exercise *< 5 2 and call on Ss to gi$ethe answers one by one.

    * Answer key: a& isB li$esB areB goes. b& areB eatB ridesB catches0. ,uture sim!le tense: @oughts and >rosses 8teamwork< Ss tell things @am will do and will not do tomorrow.()ample e)chan!e: Hew&ll !o to the !ost oce buthewon/t call;a

    . 1rdinal numbers 85 2:< Ha$e Ss write the correct ordinal numbers in theco!y book and ask one St to write on the board.< T says some ordinal numbers in ietnamese and Sstell them in English.. 5re!ositions of !lace 85 /: Dims game< Ha$e Ss work in grou!s: look at the !ictures& try toremember the !osition of the cat and then write

    sentences.< >ollect two Ss boards to check.* Answer key: a& ts under the table. b& ts in front of the chair. c& ts behind the T . d& ts next to the bookcase.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    e& ts on the couch.9. %decti$es: >om!arati$es and su!erlati$es.8(anguage focus 9< Ha$e Ss write the sentences and call on some Ss to

    write on the board.< >heck.+. 1ccu!ations: 8(anguage focus +< (et Ss !lay '(ucky @umbers): Ss listen to the A1;word and gi$e the correct de#nition. *& 7& /: (ucky numbers 0. a #reman

    . a teacher

    . a farmer 9. a doctor +. a worker 2. a truck dri$er *. a student

    7. s there a B %re there any? 8(anguage focus 7< Ha$e Ss do the exercise 7 5 * orally in class and

    check.2. uestion words:< Ha$e Ss work in !airs: ask and answer about Trung&using the information in the 4ecord. %sk them to talkabout themsel$es.

    !!!" &ome'ork: 4e$iew all the language items in(anguage focus again.

    Unit -At school87 lessonsE

    Aim: Hel!ing students:%. < %sk for and state the time < Talk about timetables

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < Talk about school subects& schedules andregulations;. < Uescribe a school library < Talk about the dierent reading materials

    < %sk for and gi$e directionsGrammar:

    < 5resent sim!le tense < 5resent !rogressi$e tense < Time < 5re!ositions of !osition < Uemonstrati$es: this& that& these& thoseTeaching aids: Students and teachers books&

    !osters& !ictures& cards& handouts& cassette and ta!e.Procedure:Period 2)

    Unit " Lesson 1: A1,(,* /eaching points: 4e$ision for telling the time&school $ocabulary and !resent tenses.!" #e$ision: %* 85 0< @oughts and crosses:8team work

    * ()ample e)chan!e:S: 3hat t&me &s &t+S,: %t/s se1en o/clock.

    7. 2. +. 9

    !!" Presentation:*. 5re teach:

    < T elicits by asking Ss to look at the !ictures 5 and gi$e the names of the school subects. j 5hysics: mn $It l j 5hysical education mn th[ dc* Check&n!: Sla! the board 8team work

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !!!" Practice: 5icture drill 8%< 5 * ()ample e)chan!e: S*: "hat is (an studying? S0: (an is studying 5hysics. S*: "hat time does (an ha$eher 5hysics class?

    S0: She has her 5hysics classat 2..!%" Production:*. Ca!!ed dialogue:< T elicits the dialogue from Ss. 8Sentence bysentence


    7o$r #riend

    "hat time...?/.0

    "hat timeB Cath?/.

    (iterature today?


    "hen?1n Tuesday.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    heck one or two grou!s.

    0. Sur$ey: %0< 5 0 85air work< Ss ask and answer the questions %0 5 0& thenre!ort back.Exam!le: E$eryday get u! at 9.. Cy classes startat 7 oclock and #nish at **.. ha$e lunch at ..

    %" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words by heart.< Uo exercises *&0&& 8Exercise book 5 0*

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    5 >H S

    3 S S - C T> 1 H% C =( @ >E U -

    * Answer key:0&ctures8 h&story8 math8 classes

    S&)th8 mom8 can8 start8 study (n!l&sh eo!raphy us&c 0hys&cs8 0hys&cal educat&on

    !!" Pre listening:

    < T elicits: 3ou are going to listen to a dialoguebetween Hoa and Thu about their schedule and theirfa$orite school subects. ;efore listening d like youto learn some new words*. 5re teach: < schedule 8n timetable < im!ortant 8ad.: quan trKng < fun 8ad.: tr $ui XVa& s_ $ui XVa

    * Check&n! 1ocabulary: Rub out and Remember0. 1!en !rediction: 8!oster< Ss !redict 9 classes Thu has on "ednesday and

    Thursday. * 0 9

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !!!" )hile listening:*. (isten and check.< Ss listen and check their !redictions* Answer key: . (n!l&sh ,. ath 5. eo!raphy 6.0hys&cal educat&on ;. us&c0. >om!rehension questions: 8!oster

    a& "hen does Thu ha$e her Englishclasses?b& "hat time do they start?c& "hat other classes does Thu ha$e on

    Thursday?d& "hats Thus fa$orite subect? "hy?

    e& "hats Hoas fa$orite subect? why?< Ss listen to the ta!e again and #nd the answers tothe questions.< Ss share the answers with their !artners.< T has Ss gi$e their answers and elicits thecorrection from Ss.* Answer key:

    a. @n 3ednesday and Thursday.

    b. @n 3ednesday at G.6

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 22Unit - Lesson 3: A+

    * /eaching points: 4eading for details andcom!aring an %merican school with a ietnameseschool.!" #e$ision: Hang man

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !redictions. %nswer key:a& Tb& , 8There are no lessons on Saturday

    c& , 81ne break in the morning& the other is in theafternoond& Te& , 8The school cafeteria is o!en at lunch time andalso at breakf& , 8;asketball is one of the most !o!ular afterlasses start at .. 2.The school day ends at } . or.

    There are lessons on Saturday @oStudents ha$e lunch at school 3es

    !%" Post reading:Transformation writing 8%+< 5 9

    < Ha$e Ss write about their school.Exam!le: There is usually school uniform in ourschool. 1ur classes start at 7 oclock}..

    %" &ome'ork:*. (earn the new words.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    0. 5re!are for the next lesson. 8;*

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 2Unit - Lesson : 1

    * /eaching points: 4eading a text to understand the

    details and !racticing (ibrary $ocabulary.

    !" #e$ision: Aumbled words 8cards< Ha$e Ss go to the board and write the correct words

    *. luratitere literature0. torishy history. his!isc !hysics. !hygrageo geogra!hy

    9. liogoby biology

    !!" Pre reading:*. 5re teach $ocabulary.< Eliciting: Ha$e Ss look at the !icture 5 7 and askthem these questions:j "hat is it in the !icture?j "here can you see it?

    j Uoes your school ha$e a library?j "hat do you often do when you go to the library?

    < @ew words:j a library: th $iLnj a no$el: ti[u thuyMtj a reader: sJch XKc thm

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    j a reference book: sJch tham kh^oj a dictionary: t Xi[n

    * Check&n! 1ocabulary: +ord s9$are posters;

    < Ha$e Ss !lay in two teams: ,ind the hidden wordsabout classes

    @ E " S 5 @ 1 > @@ , ( 4E ( ( E %H E 1 @ >

    T H , > D% S 1 E SC % = % U > T

    0. 5re questions:a& "hen is the library o!en?b& "hat kinds of books are there in the library?< Ha$e Ss close the books and guess the answers.

    < >all on some Ss to gi$e their answers.

    !!!" )hile reading:*. =rid:< Ss listen and read the dialogue and #ll in the grid.

    THE (;4%43

    1!ening time 7a.m;ooks on the

    leftCath& Science books

    ;ooks on the


    History& =eogra!hy books& dictionary and

    (iterature in ietnamese

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    ;ooks in


    4eaders& no$els& reference books and

    dictionaries>losing time .!.m

    0. >om!rehension questions: a < g 5 7

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 2!Unit - Lesson : ( - 3 p

    * /eaching points: 5re!ositions of !osition 'at the

    back B at the front & on the left B on the right& in themiddle) to describe the !osition of books in thelibrary.!" Presentation:133. 5re teach: ;0 52 a rack: giJ X in the middle: gia 8to #nd: tRm thOy

    * Check: Slap the board

    134. 5resentation dialogue: ;0 52 Ss listen and read the dialogue.

    135. Codel sentences: "here can we #nd the math books& !lease? They are on the shel$es on the left.!!" Practice: @oughts and >rossesSciencebooks




    readers biologybooks

    no$els historybooks dictionaries

    !!!" Pre listening:136. 1!en !rediction: Ss look at the !icture 52 and guess what books

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    are on the racks and shel$es 80& & j9& +j7 and#ll in the 'guess) column in the grid.

    6o G$ess

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    . censice kobo science book

    !!" Pre reading:*. Eliciting:

    all on two Ss to read the text aloud.

    0. >om!rehension questions:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < Ha$e Ss work in grou!s: write the answers in theirgrou!s boards.< >ollect three boards to check after !laying '(uckynumbers). 8the fastest grou!s boards

    < (ucky numbers: 8two teams *: uestion d 9: (@ 0: (@ +: uestion a : uestion e 7: uestion c : uestion b 2: (@

    * Answer key:a& ts in "ashington U.>& the >a!ital of the -S%.

    b& t has o$er * million books.c& t has about *. km of shel$es.d& 1$er 9. !eo!le work there.e& ;ecause it recei$es co!ies of all %merican books.

    !%" Post reading:*. >om!lete this table: 8!oster

    < >om!are your school library with the library of>ongress.

    3our schoollibrary

    The library of>ongress

    smallermore modernhas more books

    has shorterbookshel$esmore em!loyeeslargest

    0. "rite it u!:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < Ss make six sentences from the table.Exam!le: *. Cy school library is smaller than thelibrary of >ongress.< >all on six Ss to write the sentences on the board.

    Then ask others to correct.

    . ,ree talk:< "hich is the largest library in Ha @oi? 8The @ational(ibrary< "here is it? 8t is on Trang Thi Street

    %" &ome'ork:

    *. (earn the new words.0. Uo exercise ;.

    Unit : 'ork and pla5Aim: Hel!ing students:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    %: < Talk about school subects. < Talk about skills.;: < Talk about recess acti$ities.Grammar:

    < 5resent sim!le tense < 5resent !rogressi$e tense < 5re!ositional !hrases < ;e j ad. j at < %d$ of frequencyTeaching aids: < Text books& boards& ta!e& cassette& !ictures&!osters& cards& handouts& ma!s& !roector }


    Period 2 Unit - Lesson 1: A1

    * =b>ectie: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will be ableto talk about school subects using the !resentsim!le tense.

    !" Presentation:*. Set the scene: T asks Ss these questions.< How many days a week do you go to school?< "hat time do you go to school?< "hat time do classes begin?< How many subects do you study?

    0. 5re teach $ocabulary:< 8to learn about< 8to use how to use< 8to be interested in< a ma!< an ex!eriment< last last lesson

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    * Check&n! 1ocabulary: 3hat and 3here

    . 5resentation text: %* < 59*< Ha$e Ss listen and read the text.

    !!" Practice:*. =rid: 8with answer key< Ss read the text again and #ll in the grid.

    ?%asses +hat to do

    >om!uter Science to learn how to use acom!uter=eogra!hy to study ma!s and learn

    about dierent countries5hysics to do some ex!eriments0. "ord cue drill:< Ss use the grid to make questions and answerabout what Cai does in her class.()ample e)chan!e:S*: "hat does Cai do in her com!uter Science class?S0: She learns how to use a com!uter.

    !!!" Production: "ritten exercise< Ha$e Ss answer the questions and then write abouttheir classes.*. "hat time do your classes begin?0. "hat do you learn at school?. "hat do you do in your >om!uter Science class?. "hat do you study in your =eogra!hy class?9. "hat do you do in your last lesson?+. "hat time do your classes end?* ()ample:@ur classes always be!&n at se1en o/clock. At school

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    we learn about d&Jerent th&n!s. %n uor ComputerSc&ence class we learn how to use a computer. %n oureo!raphy class8 we study maps and learn aboutd&Jerent countr&es. %n our last lesson we do some

    e)per&ments. %t/s a 0hys&cs class. @ur classes end at.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    * =b>ecties: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to get the details about ;as acti$ities at schooland at home. Then they can talk about their ownacti$ities.

    !" Pre reading:*. Set the scene:< Ha$e Ss look at the two !ictures and ask:j "ho is this? 8This is ;aj "hat is he doing in the #rst !icture? n the secondone? 8Ss answer in ietnamese< 3ou will read a !assage about ;a. ;efore reading&

    d like you to learn some new words.0. 5re teach new words:

    all on some Ss to gi$e their !redictions.

    *& ;a enoys his school $ery much.0& His fa$orite subect is Electronics.& n this class he does someex!eriments.& He is not good at #xing things.9& He can hel! his !arents at home.+& He ne$er goes to art club.

    !!" )hile reading:*. 4ead and check the !redictions.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < Ss read the silently and check their !redictions. %nswer key: *. T 0. T . , . , 9. T +. ,0. =uess the meaning: 8!oster< Ss read the text again and match the English with

    the ietnamese.

    a household a!!liance buc hoaa drawing dan ghi taan artist thiet bi giadinhthe guitar hoa si

    . >om!rehension questions: a < e 59< Ha$e one St read all the questions once.< Ha$e Ss work in grou!s: write the answers into theirgrou! boards. 8The #rst half answer questions a&b&c.

    The second one answer the rest.< >ollect some boards to check and ask other grou!sto correct.

    Answer key:

    a& ;a likes Electronics best.b& 3es& he does. He enoys school $ery much.c& He learns to re!air household a!!liances.d& He will be able to #x his own a!!liances.e& 3es& he is. His drawings are $ery good.

    !!!" Post reading:*. Sur$ey: 8!oster j handouts

    @ame fa$oritesubect

    good at free time acti$ities



  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < Ha$e Ss work in !airs: ask and answer aboutthemsel$es. -sing questions f&g&h.* ()ample:S*: "hat is your fa$orite subect?

    S0:S*:"hat are you good at?S0:S*: "hat do you do in your free time?S0:0. "rite it u!:< Ss write about their !artners using the informationin the sur$ey.

    !%" &ome 'ork:*. (earn the new words by heart.0. "rite about your free time acti$ities.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 2-

    Unit - Lesson 3: A - +

    * =b>ecties: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to use school subect $ocabulary to talk and!ractice listening and reading.

    !" #e$ision:Catching 8-se cards< Ss match the !ictures 8% < 59 and the subects:

    >om!uter Science& 5hysical Education& =eogra!hy&Electronics& >lass acti$ity.

    !!" Pre listening:5rediction< Ss !redict what subects ;aB Hoa has on Saturdaymorning and write the name 8;a B Hoa next to the!ictures.

    !!!" )hile listening:< Ss listen and check their !rediction. 8twice or threetimes* Answer key:;a: d& a& eHoa: c& b& e

    !%" Pre reading:*. 5re teach $ocabulary:an essay: bNi $n 8realiacalculator: cJi mJy tnh 8realiaan e$ent: s_ kiLn 8ex!lanation!ast and !resent e$ents: nhng s_ kiLn quJ

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    kh $N hiLn tQi

    0. Catching: %+ < 599 8!oster< Ss look at their books and match. Then ask some Ss

    to gi$e their idea.< >heck and then teach these words !assi$ely: !iano&gra!hs& equation& globe& atlas& 8to !aint

    . 1!en !rediction:< Ss !redict the subects that will a!!ear in the text.< >all on some Ss to gi$e their !redictions.

    %" )hile reading: %9 < 599*. Ss read the text and check their !redictions.* Answer key: (iterature& History& =eogra!hy&5hysics& English& Cusic& 5hysical Education&

    %rt.0. >om!rehension questions:

    *. "hat do you study at school?0. "hat do you learn in (iterature?

    . Uo you study !ast and !resent e$ents inHistory?. "hat subects do you learn about dierentcountries and their !eo!le?9. Uo you s!eak English in (anguage classes?+. "hat other things do you study?

    < Ss work in grou!s: write their answers on the grou!boards.< >ollect some grou!s to check.%!" Post reading:@oughts and >rosses:* ()ample e)chan!e S*: "hat do you do in History? S0: "e study !ast and !resente$ents.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    History (anguage %rt5hysics >om!uter


    (iterature Electronics


    %" &ome'ork:*. (earn the new words by heart.0. Uo exercises %0&&. 8exercise book. 5re!are for the next lesson: ;*

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 20Unit - Lesson : 1 e6cept /or 1b

    * =b>ecties: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will be

    able to talk about recess acti$ities andre$ise the !resent !rogressi$e tense.!" #e$ision: 6o$ghts and crosses:


    ()ample: S*: 'a) T: Cusic S*: n this subect& we learn to sing songs.

    !!" Presentation:*. Set the scene: Ha$e Ss look at the !ictures in theSs books and ask:

    < "here are the children?

    < "hat are they doing?< Uo you like these games?0. 5re teach $ocabulary:< 8to ha$e fun 8translation< 8to talk about 8ex!lanation< 8to chat 8$isual< 8to !lay catch: 8}}..< 8to !lay marbles: 8}}..< 8to !lay blind mans blu 8}}..< 8to ski! ro!e: 8}}..< 8to ring: 8 mime< !o!ular: 8ex!lanation* Check 1ocabulary: "hat and "here

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    . 5resentation text: ;* < 59+< Ss listen and read the text to com!lete the list.

    4ecess acti$ities The most !o!ularacti$ityj meeting friends j talkingj talking aboutj eatingj drinkingj chattingj !laying catch B marbles

    j ski!!ing ro!e!!!" Practice:5icture cue drill:< Ss look at the !ictures ;* 59+: a < f& ask andanswer*()ample e)chan!e: !icture f

    S*: "hat is the boy doing?S0: He is reading.

    !%" 0urther practice:"rite it u!: Ss write about what !eo!le in the!ictures are doing.()ample: !icture a

    The boys are talking to each other.%" &ome'ork:*. (earn the new words by heart.

    0. Uo exercises ;0& 8exercise book

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period )

    Unit - Lesson : 3

    * =b>ecties: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to talk about recess acti$ities in %mericanschool.!" #e$ision: ;ingo< Each S writes #$e acti$ities at recess.< T reads: !lay catch B ski! ro!e B drink B !lay marblesB !lay tennis B !lay soccer B !lay baseball B talk tofriends B read B listen to music B eat B !lay

    badminton B chat B meet friends.

    !!" Pre reading:*. Set the scene:< 3ou will read a text about recess acti$ities in%merican schools.0. 5re teach $ocabulary:

    < Senior high school: trng TH5T

    < Aunior high school: trng TH>S< 8to score a goal: ghi bNn< 8to swa!: trao Xi< 8to relax: th gin< 8to take !art in 8to oin

    * Check 1ocabulary: Rub out and Remember. 5rediction: < "hat do Ss in %merican schools do atrecess?

    < Ha$e Ss work in !airs: write their !rediction in theirnotebooks.< >all on some Ss to gi$e their !redictions and writeon the board.!!!" )hile reading:*. 4ead and check !rediction:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < Ss listen to the ta!e once. Then they read the textand check their !redictions.0. Catching:< Ss read the text again and match an English word

    with its ienamese meaning.< energetic students khG! thM giZi< !ortable >U !layer bQn qua th< !ackets of candy mJy nghe >UxJch tay< !en !al ch yMu< mainly nhng gpi ko< world wide nhng hKc sinh

    nng X\ng< Ha$e Ss read the words twice.< >all on some Ss to read the text aloud to checktheir !ronunciation.. Culti!le choice: 8a& b& c& d< Ha$e Ss read the sentences a < d and gi$e theirchoice.< %sk others to correct.

    * Answer key: a& > b& % c& U d& U!%" Post reading:Uiscussion:< Ha$e Ss talk about what they often do at recess andwhat is the most !o!ular recess acti$ity in theirschool. 8grou! work< >all on one grou! to stand u! and act.%" &ome 'ork: *. (earn the new words.

    0. 4ead the text again and translate into ietnamese.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period 1Unit - Lesson +: 1b 7 ( 7 "

    * =b>ecties: ,ufther !ractice in !resent tenses and

    school $ocabulary.!" #e$ision: ,inding friends: 8;*b < 597 < T uses a!oster.





    rope to#riends




    !art in!laySki!(istenSwa!


    < Ss work in !airs: ask and answer.* ()ample e)chan!e:S*: Uo you take !art in recess acti$ities?S0: 3es& do.S*: Uo you !lay marbles?S0: 3es& do. B @o& dont.

    !!" Present simple and present progressi$etenses"

    *. (isten and match: 8;0 < 597< Ha$e Ss listen to the ta!e once.< >all on one or two Ss to gi$e their answer.< Ss listen again and check.* Answer key:Cai and ;i are !laying catch.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Dien is !laying blind mans blu with some friends.(an is ski!!ing ro!e.;a is !laying marbles.0. Sur$ey: 8; < 597 < T uses a !oster.


    soccer catchski!ro!e

    marbles read talk others

    * ()ample e)chan!e:S*: "hat do you usually do at recess?S0: usually ski! ro!e. sometimes talk to myfriends.3" )rite it up"Exam!le: Her name is Thuy . She usually ski!s ro!e.Sometimes she reads or talks to her friends.

    Unit +: a/ter school8+ lessons

    * aims: Hel!ing students:%: < Talk about after < school acti$ities

    < Cake suggestions< Cake in$itations

    ;: < Cake arrangements for after < school acti$ities< Cake& acce!t& and refuse an in$itation

    * Grammar:< Codels< 5resent !rogressi$e< %d$erbs of frequency< 5resent sim!le

    * Teaching aids:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < Textbooks& !ictures& !osters& ta!e& cassette&grou! boards& handouts.* Procedure:

    Period 2Unit + - Lesson 1: A1

    *=b>ecties: 4eading a dialogue about after < schoolacti$ities and getting further !ractice in the !resent!rogressi$e.!" Pre reading:*. @etwork:

    !laying soccer

    0. 5re teach $ocabulary:< 8to !ractice: luyLn tI!& th_c hNnh< 8to in$ite: mi< together: cVng nhau& $Zi nhau* Check&n! 1ocabulary: Aumbled words 8-se thecards

    !!" )hile reading:*. (isten and read:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < Ss listen to the ta!e once. Then they listen andre!eat in chorus.< Ha$e Ss !ractice reading in !airs.< >all on some !airs to read in front of the class.

    0. >om!rehension questions: a < f< Ha$e Ss read all the questions once.< Ss work in grou!s: write the answers on theirboards.< >ollect two or three boards to check and elicit thecorrection from other grou!s.* Answer key:

    a& She is doing her math homework.b& They are going to get a cold drink in the cafeteria.c& He is in the music room.d& He is learning to !lay the guitar.e& He usually meets his friends.f& She likes !laying $olleyball.

    !!!" Post reading:@oughts and crosses.

    (ando homework

    those boyscom!utergames


    youlisten music

    Cai andHoatalk

    the girlski! ro!

    @am!lay marbles

    (ong andCinhchat

    ;a!lay gu

    * ()ample e)chan!e:S*: "hat is (an doing?

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    S0: She is doing her homework.!%" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words by heart.< 4ead the dialogue again and translate into

    ietnamese.< Uo exercise %* 8Exercise book

    Period Unit + - Lesson (: A(

    * =b>ecties: ,urther !ractice in %d$erbs of,requency with the sim!le !resent tense for after rosses

    alwaysgo swimming

    oftengo to thebeach

    ne$ergo B thelibrary

    usually!lay soccer



    oftengo B

    mo$iesusuallywatch T

    often!lay tennis


    * ()ample e)chan!e:S*: "hat do you usually do after school?S0: usually watch T.

    !!!" 0urther practice: (anguage focus 089*. Catching: < Ss read the information in the tableand do the matching.

    4ctiities 8re9$encygo cafeteria ne$erride bicycle sometimes

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !ractice guitar oftendo homework usually!lay com!uter games always

    0. "rite it u!:

    Ss write sentences about ;a.*()ample: *& ;a ne$er goes to the cafeteria atlunchtime.!%" &ome'ork:< Uo exercise %0 8exercise book

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period !Unit + - Lesson 3: A3-

    * =b>ecties: 4eading a text for details about!astime acti$ities.

    !" #e$ision: =uessing game< Ss guess what their friends do after school.

    * ()ample:S*: Uo you !lay soccer after school?S0: 3es& do. B @o& dont.

    !!" Pre reading:*. Set the scene: 3ou are going to read a text aboutsome after < school acti$ities of the students of class7%. 5lease guess what they like doing.0. 5re teach new words.

    < s!orty 8ad.: yu th[ thao< a comic: truyLn tranh

    < a !resident: ch tch< an anni$ersary celebration: l] k niLmhNng nm< 8to collect: su tI!< a collector: ngi su tI!< a collection: b\ su tI!

    * Check&n! 1ocabulary: "hat and where. True B ,alse !rediction: < Ss close their books and

    !redict. *. @ga& ;a& @am are Ss in class 7%.0. They like s!orts $ery much.. @gas fa$orite !astime is ogging.. ;a likes collecting stam!s.9. @am !lays soccer e$ery afternoon.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    +. @am usually watches T.!!" )hile reading"*. 4ead and check !rediction:< Ss o!en their books& listen to the ta!e once. Then

    they read silently in two minutes and check their!rediction.* Answer key:

    *. T 0., . , . T 9. , +. T0. >om!rehension questions: a < d 85 +0< Ss read the text again and answer the questions.j ,irst& they work in grou!s : write the answer ontheir boards.

    j Then& T collect three boards to check. %nswer key:a& Her grou! is rehearsing a !lay for theschool anni$ersary celebration.b& He gets %merican stam!s from (i{& his%merican friend.c& The stam! collectors club meets on"ednesday afternoon.

    d& @am ne$er !lays games.!!!" Post reading:*. Catching: % < 5+< Ss listen and match each name to an acti$ities.* Answer key:

    a& Cai < go to the school cafeteriab& @am < rehearse a !layc& ;a < go to the circus

    d& (an < watch mo$iee& Dien < tidy the classroom0. "rite it u!:< Ss write a short !aragra!h about their schoolacti$ities& using the Catching.* ()ample: %fter school hours& Cai often goes to the

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    school cafeteria. }}.!%" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words by heart.< Uo exercises %

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period "Unit + - Lesson : 1

    * =b>ecties: Caking suggestions with '(ets B "hat

    about }..? B "hy dont }..?)!" Presentation:137. 5re teach $ocabulary:

    < an assignment: bNi tI! lNm nhN< fun: nim $ui< 8to relax: th gin& gi^i tr

    * Check&n! 1ocabulary: 4ub out and 4emember.0. 5resentation text: ;* < 5+

    < Ss listen and read the text.< >all on some Ss to read the text aloud.. >om!rehension questions: a < e< Ss work in grou!s: write their answers into theirsmall boards.< >ollect two boards to check.* Answer key:

    a @am wants to go to the mo$ies.

    b ;ecause there arent any good mo$ies atthe moment.c (an wants to listen to some music at herhouse.d Hoa doesnt want to go to (ans housebecause she has too many assignments.e ts Saturday.

    . Codel sentences: < Elicit the model sentences from

    the Ss.S$ggestions:j (ets go to my house.j"hat about going to the mo$ies?j "hy dont you relax?


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    j 3es& lets.j=ood idea.jSorry& cant.

    !!" Practice: "ord cue drill.

    * ()ample e)chan!e:

    S*: (ets listen to some music.S0: 3es& lets.B =ood idea.

    !!!" 0urther practice:Ca!!ed dialogue

    8ou 5our /riend

    "hat } do afternoon? } mo$ies} not good mo$ie } Cais house

    } too far } not ha$e a bike } take a bus1Dz

    * ()ample e)chan!e:S*: "hat should we do this afternoon?S0: (ets go to the mo$ies.S*: There arent any good mo$ies on.S0: "hat about going to Cais house?

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    "e can !lay a game together.S*: ;ut it is too far. dont ha$e a bike.S0: "hy dont we take a bus?S*: 1Dz

    !%" &ome'ork:< (earn the model sentences and write threeexam!les for each.< Uo exercise ;* 8exercise book

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period Unit + - Lesson : (

    * =b>ecties: 4eading a maga{ine sur$ey about themost !o!ular acti$ities of %merican teenagers and

    getting further !ractice in leisure $ocabulary.

    !" #e$ision: 5elmanism

    !!" Pre reading:*. 5re teach $ocabulary:

    < a teenager: thanh thiMu nin< a musical instrument: nhQc c< a scout 8boy scout: hZng XQo< a guide 8girl guide: hZng dn< 8to attend: tham d_

    * Check&n! 1ocabulary: 3hat and 3here

    0. 1!en !rediction:< Ss !redict what %merican teenagers like to do intheir free time.

    *& watching T +&0& 7&& 2&& /&9& *&

    !!" )hile reading"*. 4ead and check !rediction.< Ss listen and read the text to check their !rediction.0. >om!rehension questions:< Ss read the text again and #nd the answers to these

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    questions:a "hich of these acti$ities in the list of %mericanteenagers do you think are also !o!ular amongietnamese teenagers?

    b %re there many kinds of entertainment forteenagers in ietnam? "hat are they?c "hat organi{ations are there for teenagers inietnam? 83oung 5ioneers or dierent kinds of clubs forchildren

    !!!" Post reading:

    Uiscussion:< n grou!s of four& Ss ask their friends what they likedoing in their free time. Cake a list of their grou!sfa$orite leisure acti$ities.!%" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words.< Uo exercise ;0 8exercise book

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period -language /ocus ( p+ - .1

    * =b>ecties: ,urther !ractice in !resent!rogressi$e& time and subects $ocabulary

    !" Present progressi$e tense:*. Cime game:< T brainstorms the acti$ities at recess. n !airs& Ssmime the acti$ities to each other. Then some of them!resent in the front. Ss make sentences about theacti$ities in the !resent !rogressi$e tense.0. =a! #ll: (anguage focus 0 < !art * 5+2 Ss com!lete the !assage.* Answer key:do -> &s do&n!wr&te -> &s wr&t&n!read -> &s read&n!cook -> &s cook&n!!lay

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    S,: At 7.

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    world.156. &terature157. N158. es159. 'ree160. !raphs8 eKuat&ons8 calculator8 ...161. N162. #ow to use a computer163. N164. Art165. No166. 0hys&cs

    !%" This, that, these, those: ( , 0 80 5+2 Ss recall how to use them and do orally in class.%" Ad$erbs o/ /re;uenc5: ( , 0 89 57* Ss tell the !osition of ad$ of frequency and do

    orally in class.%!" 9uggestions: ( , 0 8+ 57* Ss do it at home.%!!" &ome'ork: 4e$ise all the grammar !oints in (,


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    U#L? >0 )>#@8+ lessons

    * Aims: Hel! students%. Uiscuss schedules and routines

    Talk about a students work Talk about $acations;. Talk about a work day. Talk about dierences between %merican and

    ietnameses workday.* Grammar:

    < 5resent sim!le< 8to last:< >om!arati$e adecti$es

    * Teaching aids:< Textbooks& !ictures& !osters& ta!e& cassette&

    handouts}* Procedure:

    Period !)

    Unit . - Lesson 1: A1

    * /eaching points: 5racticing com!arati$es withfewer B more to talk about a students work.!" Presentation:*. 5re teach:

    < an hour: < few < fewer< 8to last: < late < later< hard: < early < earlier

    < many < more* Check&n! 1ocabulary: 4ub out and 4emember0. 5re questions !redict:< T uses questions a& b& c& e 57

    *. "hat time do Hoas classes start and#nish?

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    0. Uo your classes start earlier or later?. How many hours a day does Hoa do herhomework?. Uo you work fewer or more hours than

    Hoa?. 5resentation dialogue: %* 570< Ss listen and read to check their !redictions.. >om!rehension questions:< Ss read the dialogue again and answer thequestions d& f& g

    9. Codel sentences:

    3y c%asses start ear%ier than Hoa'sc%asses.I work #ewer ho$rs than Hoa.

    !!" Practice:"ord cue drill:*. Hoas classes B 7. . The #lm B 2.9 1ur classes B +.9 The !lay B *. 8start 8#nish

    0. Hoa: 0 hours . (esson *: 0 acti$ities Crs (an: hours (esson 0: acti$ities

    8work 8ha$e()ample statements:

    S*: Hoas classes start later than ourclasses.S0: 1ur classes start earlier than Hoasclasses.

    !!!" Production:@oughts and >rosses< Ss make sentences com!aring their work with Hoaswork& using 'earlier B later B fewer B more)

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    classes startschool year



    #nishsummer $acation

    start work 8hours classes #nish

    acti$ities in summer$acation

    school year#nish


    ()ample e)chan!es:

    < 1ur summer $acation starts later than Hoassummer $acation.!%" &ome'ork:*. (earn the new words by heart.0. Uo exercise %*&0 8exercise book.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period !1Unit . - Lesson (: A( - 3 P.3 - .

    * >becti$es: 4eading for details to com!are%merican students $acation and ietnamese

    students $acation.

    !" #e$ision: 5elmanismearly late longer few long

    earlier later fewer

    !!" Pre reading:*. 5re teach:

    < 8to celebrate: k niLm< Easter: l] !hc sinh< Thanksgi$ing: l] tQ n< @ew 3ears E$e 8Uay: l] Xpn nm mZi< nde!endence Uay: ngNy quFc khJnh< >hristmas: l] giJng sinh

    * Check&n! 1ocabulary: 3hat and where

    0. T B , statements: 8!oster*. ietnamese Ss ha$e fewer $acations than%merican Ss.0. %merican Ss ha$e the longest $acation in thewinter.. They dont ha$e a Tet holiday.. Their most im!ortant $acation is @ew 3earsUay.

    9. They usually s!end their time with theirfamilies o Thanksgi$ing and >hristmas Uay.

    !!!" )hile reading:*. 4ead and check !rediction:< Ss listen to the ta!e twice. Then they read the text

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    silently in 0 minutes and check their !redictions.* Answer key:

    *. T 0. , . T . , 9. T0. =rid:

    < Ha$e Ss read the text again and #ll in the grid:

    acations ietnamesestudents


    (ongest $acation in the summer in the summerTet holiday 3es @oThanksgi$ing @o 3es>hristmas @o 3es

    nde!endence Uay Se!tember 0nd Auly thEaster @o 3es@ew 3ears E$e8Uay

    (unar Uecemberth

    Aanuary *st

    !%" Post reading:*. (istening: % < 57< Ss look at the !ictures and guess the name of the

    !ublic holiday in each !icture.< Ss listen and check their !redictions.* Answer key:a& Thanksgi$ingb& nde!endence Uayc& @ew 3ears E$e 8Uayd& >hristmas0. "riting:

    < Ha$e Ss write about ietnamese Students$acations 8-se the information from the grid Exam!le: "e ha$e the longest $acation in thesummer and we ha$e a Tet holiday }}.%" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words by heart.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period !2Unit . - Lesson 3: A

    * Teaching points: 4eading for details about aty!ical students life.* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to talk about students life and their life.!" Pre reading:*. 5re teach:< a !eriod: tiMt hKc< ty!ical 8ad.: tiu bi[u& Xi[n hRnh< keen 8ad.: ham hKc< la{y 8ad.: li biMng

    < 8to re$iew: n tI!& n lQi* Check&n! 1ocabulary: Rub out and Remember0. 5rediction:< Ha$e Ss guess the amount of time Hoa s!ends onher work.*. Hoa goes to school }}.. days a week.0. She has }}.. !eriods a day.. She works }}.. hours a week.

    . She has about }}.. hours of homework e$eryweek.9. ;efore tests& she works }}.. hours a week.!!" )hile reading:*. 4ead and check !redictions.< Ha$e Ss listen to the ta!e once or twice. Then theyread the text silently in about 0 min to check their!redictions.

    * Answer key:*. + 0. 9 . 0 . *09. 9

    0. >om!rehension questions: (ucky numbers*. "hy do some !eo!le think that Ss ha$e an easylife?

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    0. (@. Uoes Hoa ha$e to work at home?. Uoes Hoa work fewer than most workers?9. How many hours a week do you work?

    +. (@7. How many hours a week does Hoa work?2. Uo you work fewer or more than Hoa?* Answer key:*. ;ecause they think Ss only work a few hours a dayand ha$e long $acations.. 3es& she does.. @o& she doesnt. She works more than most

    workers.7. 9!!!" Post reading:uestions and answers:*. "hat do you think of a students life?0. Uo you think students are la{y?< Ha$e Ss work in grou!s: discuss the two questions.< >all on some Ss to ex!ress their idea in front of the

    class.!%" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words by heart write the answersto the questions in your exercise book.

    Period !Unit . - Lesson : 1

    * Teaching points: 4eading Tims letter about his!arents ob and getting further !ractice in theSim!le !resent tense.* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to talk about Tims !arents and their own!arents ob.!" Pre reading:*. 5re teach new words:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    < 8to take care of:< 8to work !art < time:< 8to re!air:< 8to !lay golf:

    < a mechanic:< a machine:< shift:< homeless 8ad.* Check&n! 1ocabulary: 4ub out and 4emember0. 1rdering: 8for main ideas

    < Ha$e Ss !redict the order of the main ideas.

    a. Cr. Aoness workb. Tims introduction of his familyc. Cr. Aoness $acation timed. Crs. Aoness work

    !!" )hile reading:*. 4ead and check !redictions.< Ss listen and read the letter and check their!redictions.

    * Answer key: *. b 0. d . a . c0. >om!rehension questions: a < e< Ha$e Ss work in grou!s: write their answer to thequestions on their grou! boards.< >ollect three or four boards to check.* Answer key:a Crs. Aones works at home. ;ut three mornings aweek she works !art < time at a local su!ermarket.b She 8together with other women cooks lunch forhomeless !eo!le once a week.c Cr. Aones is a mechanic. He re!airs machines in afactory.d He works about hours a week.e The Aoness family always goes to ,lorida on>arnations. They ha$e a great time there.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !!!" Post reading:Transformation writing:< Ha$e Ss write the letter 57+& re!lacing theinformation about Tims family with the information

    about their own family.!%" &ome'ork:*. (earn the new words by heart.0. "rite the letter into your exercise book.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period !!Unit . - Lesson : ( - 3

    * Teaching points: 5ractice com!arati$es with'more B less B fewer)* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to use 'more B less B fewer) to makecom!arati$e sentences.!" #e$ision: ,inding friends< Ss make a tick for the information about Cr. Aonesswork.

    days o week


    hours !er


    !!" Presentation:*. 5re teach $ocabulary:< a !ig:

    < the main cro!:< the bualo shed:< the chicken coo!:< 8to feed:< 8to rest:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    B 3r. /$an works more ho$rs than 3r.5ones.B 3r. 5ones works #ewer ho$rs than 3r./$an

    B 3r. 5ones has more acation timethan 3r. /$an.B 3r. /$an has %ess acation time than3r. 5ones.

    >hecking : meaning& form& use& !ronunciation!!" Practice:"ord cue drill: -se the =rid 577.* ()ample statements: %s the model sentences.

    !!!" 0urther practice:(anguage focus 89 < 5/2.< Ss make new sentences about the amount of foodin the refrigerator 0& com!are with the one inrefrigerator ** ()ample:

    There are more e!!s &n Fr&d!e , than Fr&d!e .There &s less m&lk &n Fr&d!e , than Fr&d!e .

    !%" &ome'ork:< (earn the new words by heart.< Uo exercises ;*&0 8exercise book

    Period !"Unit . - Lesson +: p.

    * Teaching points: (istening for s!eci#c details.* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will be

    able to catch the information to #ll in the grid. Then they can write about thefour !eo!le using the grid.!" #e$ision:;rainstorm: 8team work< Ss do in relay in two minutes. Then check.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    factory worker

    !!" Pre listening:1!en !rediction:< Ss !redict what 5eter B Susan B Aane B 5hong does

    and #ll in the 'ob) column in the grid.!!!" )hile listening:*. (isten and #ll in the grid< Ss listen once and check 'ob) column.< Ss listen again and #ll in the 'ho$rs per week)and 'amo$nt o# acation) columns0. uestions and answers:< Ss !ractice asking and answering& using the grid ;.* ()ample:"hats 5eters ob? < He is a doctor.How many hours a week does he work? < He works7 hours a week.How much time does his $acation last? < t last for weeks.!%" Post reading:"rite it u!< Ss write about the !eo!le 85eter B Susan B Aane B

    5hong using the grid.* ()ample: 5eter is a doctor. He works about 7hours a week. He has weeks $acation each year.%" &ome 'ork:*. Uo exercise ;& 8exercise book

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  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du



    * Aims: Hel! students%: < %sk for and gi$e directions

    < Talk about distances between two !laces;: < %sk for information at the !ost oce

    < Talk about !rices< =i$e !olite requests

    * Grammar:< Codal: >ould< 5re!ositions of !osition and directions< Ex!ressions for asking for and gi$ing directions

    < uestions with 'How far}?)< "ould like j to B @< How much}? questions< @eed to do something B @eed something< >om!ound ad.

    * Teaching aids:< Textbooks& !ictures& !osters& ta!e& cassette&


    * Procedure:

    Period !Unit - Lesson 1: a1,3 p.2 - 1

    * Teaching points: ,urther !ractice with '"here)becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will be

    able to talk and write about the !osition of the!laces in the !ictures.!" #e$ision: Aumbled words

    *. bkan . loi!hats 0. tohel 9. nstoait . tamrek +. tos! feifco

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    !!" Presentation:*. 5re teach $ocabulary: 8matching< Ss match the nouns of !laces 8from Aumbled wordsto the !ictures %* 57/* Answer key:

    a. @ational ;ank of iet @amb. Sait 5aul Hos!italc. Hoteld. The >entral 5ost 1cee. Ha @oi 4ailway Stationf. Uong uan Carket

    !!!" Practice:

    *. ;rainstorm:8team work

    in front of

    0. 5icture drill: % 52*< Ss ask and answer about !laces& using the streetma!.* ()ample e)chan!e:S*: "here is the bank?S0: The bank is between the hotel and therestaurant. ts o!!osite the hos!ital.!%" 0urther practice:"rite the location of each store 8language focus

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    The clothing store is on Hai ;a Trung Street. ts nearthe shoe store to the right.%" &ome'ork:< Uo exercises %* 8exercise book

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    Period !(Unit - Lesson (: a(,3 p - 1

    * Teaching points: %sking for and gi$ing directions.* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will be

    able to ask and gi$e directions.!" #e$ision: =uessing game< Ss choose a !lace from the street ma! % 52* andwrite it on a sheet of !a!er. 1ther Ss !ut questionsfor guessing like this:

    Is it near , between ,opposite; the C&

    !!" Presentation:

    *. 5re teach $ocabulary:< a sou$enir sho!< how to get to the !ost oce? there?< =o straight ahead< Take the #rst street< 3ou are welcome

    * Check&n! 1ocabulary: "hat and "here

    0. 5resentation text: %0 52< Ss listen and read the text.. Codel sentences:

    ?o$%d yo$ te%% me how to get there& show me the way to theminimart&D Go straight ahead. /ake the Erststreet.

    D Go straight to the Erst street. /$rnright.* Check&n!: meaning& use& form& !ronunciation!!!" Practice:5icture drill: % 52*< -se cues on the right column: resta$rantF

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    hote%F post oceF schoo% Exam!le exchange: %s the model sentences!%" 0urther practice: (isten and write< Ss look at the street ma! again& listen and write the

    !laces mentioned.* Answer key: a. sou$enir sho! b. shoe store c. hotel d. drugstore e. hos!ital%" &ome'ork:< (earn the $ocabulary

    < (earn the model sentences< "rite questions and answer about directions to the !laces on the left column 8bank& !olice station&shoe store& bookstore.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period !-Unit - Lesson 3: a, p(

    * Teaching points: ,urther !ractice with 'Howfar}?) to talk about distances.* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to talk about distances between two

    !laces in this lesson and in their reallife.!" #e$ision: Hangman

    how 'ar8 meters8 k&lometers!!" Presentation:*. 5re teach $ocabulary:

    < a long way ts a long way from here.< t takes 8time to get there. t takes about *2hours to get there by coach.!!!" Practice:*. 5redict dialogue: 8% < 520< Ss look at the o!en dialogue on the !oster and #ll inthe ga!s in !airs. Then they listen to % to checktheir answer.

    an: ou are 'rom #ue. #ow 'ar &s &t 'rom #a No&+#oa: %t &s a lon! way. %t takes about G hours to !etthere by coach.

    % th&nk &t &s about LL ME LL.an: And how 'ar &s &t 'rom #o Ch& &nh C&ty+#oa: About LL M,E LL. %nswer key: *. +2 km 0. *& km0. Ca!!ed dialogue:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    H>C >ity }.. Ha @oi *&70+ km* ()ample e)chan!e:

    S*: How far is it from inh to Ha @oi?S0: %bout */ km.

    S*: How far is it }..?!%" Production:< Ss !ractice in !airs& using the street ma! 8a aboutthe stores and the table 8b in (anguage focus 805/+. Then write con$ersations about gi$ingdirections.* ()ample:S*: >ould you show me the way to the bookstore

    from the library?S0: =o straight ahead to the !ark. Take the #rststreet on the left and go along Hue Street. The bookstore is between the minimart and therestaurant.S*: How far is it from the library?S0: %bout 9 meters.S*: Thank you.

    S0: 3ou are welcome.%" &ome'ork:< Uo Exercise %0 8exercise book

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period !0Unit - Lesson : b1 p3

    * Teaching points: ,urther listening !ractice inasking and telling the !rice* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to talk about the !rice.!" Pre listening:*. 5re teach new words:

    < an en$elo!e: !hong bR< a stam!: con tem< 8to send a letter: gi th< 8to mail a letter: gi th

    < 8to cost: cp giJ lN< change 8unc: tin l~& tin tha* Check 1ocabulary: "hat and where0. T B , !rediction: 8!oster< Ss read these sentences and say T or ,.

    *. (i{d like to send a letter to =reat ;ritain.0. She needs some en$elo!es.. They are 0&9 dong.

    . The stam!s for her letter cost /&dong.9. The en$elo!es and the stam!s are **&9dong.

    !!" )hile listening:*. (isten and check !rediction:< Ss listen to the ta!e and check their !rediction8without books

    * Answer key: . F ,. T 5. F 6. F ;. T0. >om!rehension questions: (ucky numbers< -se the questions a < d and add two morequestions.

    *. "here is your nearest !ost oce?

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    0. (@. "here will (i{ mail her letter to?. How much is the letter to the -S%?9. How much are the en$elo!es (i{ need?

    +. (@7. How much does (i{ !ay altogether?2. How much change does (i{ ha$e?

    * Answer key:*. Ss answer. 8free. To the -S%.. /&9 dong.9. 0& dong.

    7. **&9 dong.2. &9 dong.!!!" Post listening: "rite< Ss answer these questions and oin them into a!aragra!h.

    *. "here is your nearest !ost oce?0. How can you get there from your house?. "hat can you buy there?

    . How much is it to mail a letter in @?9. "hat else can you do at the !ost oce?* ()ample: y nearest post oIce &s about ;

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period ")Unit - Lesson : b(-3 p

    * Teaching points: 4eading a dialogue tounderstand the details and get further !ractice in

    'need) and 'would like) and !ostoce $ocabulary.* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to use 'need) and 'would like) to talk about !ost oce.!" #e$ision: Hang man

    postcardF stampF ene%ope!!" Pre reading:

    *. 5re teach $ocabulary:< a local stam!: tem trong nZc< a writing !ad: tI! giOy $iMt th< a !hone card: th~ XiLn thoQi< o$erseas mail: th quFc tM

    * Check 1ocabulary: Slap the board0. 1!en !rediction:< Ss close the books and !redict things Hoa needs

    from the !ost oce.< Ha$e some Ss gi$e their ideas.!!!" )hile reading:*. 4ead and check !redictions:< Ss read the dialogue and check their !redictions.* Answer key: #oa needs:

    Some local stamps Some stamps 'or o1erseas ma&l

    A phone card0. >om!rehension questions: ;0 < 52 a < c< Ss work in grou!s: write their answers on theirsmall boards. 80 min< >ollect three or four boards to check.* Answer key:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    a8 #oa needs some local stamps and somestamps 'or o1erseas ma&l. b8 ecause she has a pen pal &n Amer&ca. c8 She needs a phone card to call her

    parents once a week.. =a! #ll: ; < 52< Ss work in !airs: discuss and com!lete the dialogue< Ha$e one or two !airs gi$e their answers.* Answer key: l&ke - are - much - &s - here - chan!e!%" Post reading: Ca!!ed dialogue

    7o$ ?%erk

    } some en$elo!es and some!ostcards Here } s } all?

    } send } letter } -S%. Howmuch } ? /&9 dong

    } & dong !hone card. How much } altogether? 9& dong

    Thank you } welcome()ample e)chan!e:S*: d like some en$elo!es and some !ostcards.S0: Here you are. s that all?S*: need to send this letter to the -S%. How much isit?S0: ts /&9 dong.

    S*: %nd need a & dong !hone card. How muchis that all together?S0: Thats is 9& dong.S*: Thank you.S0: 3ou are welcome.%" &ome'ork:

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    *. (earn the new words by heart.0. "rite the dialogue in your exercise book.

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    Period "1Unit - Lesson +: b - p

    * Teaching points: (istening for details to getfurther !ractice in !ost oce $ocabulary and telling

    the !rice.* >becti$es: ;y the end of the lesson& Ss will beable to catch the details of the listening and gi$e thecorrect answers to the questions.!" #e$ision: Sla! the board< T reads the ietnamese words& Ss sla! the Englishwords.

    !!" Pre listening: 1!en !rediction:< Ss look at the !ictures ; 5 29 and !redict what Crs4obinson will buy #rst& second } . Then they !redicthow much she s!ends on each of these #$e items.!!!" )hile listening:*. (isten and check !rediction:

    < Ss listen and check their !rediction about the order< Ss listen again and check the !rice* Answer key:

    *. en$elo!es 0& dong0. a !en *&9 dong. a writing !ad & dong

  • 8/10/2019 Giao an Tieng Anh 7day Du


    . stam!s 9 dong B each9. a !hone card 9& dong

    0. %nswer the questions: ;< Ss answer orally in class* Answer key:

    j The total cost is 9/& dong.j She will ha$e *& dong in change.

    !%" Post listening: ;9 529< Ss write their answers to the questions in grou!s.< >ollect some grou! boards to check.%" &ome'ork:< Uo exercises ;0&& 8exercise book
