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Gilles Deleuze Two Regimes of Madness 1975-1995

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  • to rcturn ro thc prcv;ous siru.rn,I: rhrrc wrs srill IrL(| r.Ishlberwecn the judicial and psychirnic orlcrs (lericic,riy ol rl,c lxychiatL;c grid, an overly t road norion ol-dcgcrcr rcy, cic.) r,(l nrr l,opposition bcwcen thc rcquirements of thc sretc ancl psychiurri.cliteria.rln short, the rules ofequivalency and transhrion bcrircelLhe two sysrems rvcrc lacling. Evcrvthing rhen occ(rLe.Lrs il lrsychoanalysis Legistercd this lach of cquivalcnq aDd proposed as isubstiture a new systern offotationby ctettirg the theorctical anJpracrical conccfrs necessary for Lhis new state ofrhnrgs. Jus.;rs lbrihe ecorony, a currcrcy is called a ftoaring cuncncyrvhen its valocis no longcL determined by a 6xed mcasurc but in relarior to ficprices ofa variable, hybrid merket. TLis obviously does not exclt cany ncw regulatory mechanisrs (like the'inake" that indicatcs rhcmaximun and mnrirnun ofcurrency {lomtion). This is rLc sigDjl-icance of DoDzelot'.s corDparison belwcen Frcud and Kei.nes: it isntuch more rlrrn a rnetaphoL. In parriculaa the speciJ role ofmoncy io psychoanalysis no lorgcr needs ro L'e irrrpftted mdcrold free marher stand.rrds or rvidr inept svrnbolic forms. h bccomesr vernable psychoaDal)'ric "srr. re." Bit hotu did ptchod nUlLe^aft thi !et! Vu;dlf.)tati)n, uhcn flchiarry kn! rolnbL to./o tu?Accordine to Dorzelot, its prinnry role was to iloat public nonnsan.l privnre principles, experr appraisals and conlssions, resrs aDdmcnories rhrough thc play of clisplacement, condcrsrt;on andsymbolizarion connecrcd ro the parcnral inages and psychicxuthorities used by psychoanalysis. Evcrydring rakes pl.rce as ifl'jLLblic Privare, Stare-Family, and Law-Medicine relarionships hadlong bcen undcr a lited sysrcm rhe law-thar sct rcladonshipsand cquivalencics, wirh evcn a wide nargin of {idibiliryand varietlBut "the" social emcrgcs with the floatirg rcgnle where normsreplacc the law and regdatory and correcrive mechanisms replacc

    rlrc lix*l srrrrl.rrl.' lrrcu.l t,ri l(cyncs. No rnatter how rnuch psp,l',,rnrlvsis spcuks ol t-erv, it belongs to another regine Buritdocsr,'r lurv. thc iiml word in rhc soci:rl: while the social ;s lorrned byrhis sysLcn of rcgulared lloatarion, psychoanalysn is only onerrcchenism a,nong orhers, and not the most poverful. But it haspcmcated.rll oItllc otheL mechanisms, even whcn it clisappears oreorrbines with thern.

    Irron drc "bass" linc to the floating linc, rvith all ofthe o$crlincs in-betrveen (conjugal, philanthropic. hygienic, indusuial)'U"r',n"r lrr. drqr' .h. mr.' "' rl' o,rrl fiorn i' 'nrergcr' , t"its enpansior. He shorvs us dre binh of the NIodcLn Llybridr howdesires and powers, $c new demands lor conrol but also the ncwebilnies foL rcsist.rnce and liberation arc oLganized and conlionrcach other on thesc lines. "Having a room ro oneself" is a desire,bur also e control. ti,nversell', a rcgulatory mechanism is haurt-ed by what overliows it and makes it burst lrom rhe iftide Thefact drat Donzelor lers his naders dLaw their own provisionalconclLxions is not a sign of indifflrence, bur dre direcrion ofhisupcoming ivork in the iield he has charted.

    t20I TLr R?rin6 0fMttn6: t h. k ,,ltt? sr,nl I t))

  • Desire and Pleasure

    tAl One of the naior thescs ol Disciplinc and Panish' has tL,

  • of the Srarc rpprntus rlso t)cn.r,Ic ,',i(,(, r,,i,,u(.L,(r,Is .Lcomplete immanence of tbc rwo climcnsiorrs. ts rhc ctitlrrc,r,rthcn one ofscrle? A pagc in thc IXl.( t-rplicitly rctirtcs rhis irrrr,pretation. However, rhis pagc seerns to iink rhc mrcro rostratcgic moclcl and rhe micro ro a tacrical rnoitct. Ttis i,ortrenmc because it seems to mc rhar Michcl's micro-arangemcnts h,rvca wholly srratcgic dimension (especially il otc takcs ilto acconrrrhis diagLam liom q,h'ch thel. cannor be scparared). Anorhcrdirection rvoulcl bc one of rhc relations of po*er, as dctemrini,)irthc Dricro (sec cspecially rhe intervicw in the (2uhr/ti/te). B\rMichel. I bclieve, has not vet clcvcloped dris point: his originrtconceptidr ol rel.ttidrs ofpower must be as ncrv a conccpr :rs r

    ln any casc, rhere is hercrogeneiry, a dillirencc in the naturbcnveen micro:rnct macro, which in no way cxcludes ttrc inrna-nence ofrhe ovo. so, my qoesrion rr,oull bc rhe lollowing: Docsthis .liffcrencc in narure ailow us ro heep ialking about porvcrarraDgenents? The norion of the Sratc is not applic.rble ar rhelevcl ol a micro-ar]alysls since, es Michel says, $e issue is nor tonilietuizc the Srete. Brrr is thc norior ofpower aty morc applicable? Is ir not also a miniaturiz.rrior ofa global conccpt?

    I am gening to dre first wa).in which I dilfir fiorn Michct arrhe present time. Ii I ralk rbout asscmblages of dcsire rvirh FilixCuaLtari, it is becausc I am not surc rhar miLro arrangenrcn$ c.tnbe described in rerrs ol powcr. For me, rn assembhge of dcsircindicates that dcsire is revcr a narual or spontencous determination. For exemplc, ltuclalisrn is an axembl.rge rh:rt inaugruatesncw rehtn,nships with animats (ihc horse), wirh land, wi$ deter-ritorializarion Ghe knight Liding awat ihe Cnsades), ,vnhwomcr (courtly love and chnahy)... erc. These aLc romlly crazy

    .,$.rrl,lrlt$ l)ur rl,cy crn rhvrys l,c piltpointcd hi*orically. Irv,r,rltl sry lirr n,yscll thrt rtcsirc ciLculatcs in this hctercgeneous.,s.rrr1'hgc, irr this kincl ol symbiosis: desire is one rvirh a dcterrrrirrtrl ,rsscnbhgc. a co-lunction. Of coursc, an $senlbl.rgc ol,lcsire will includc porvcL arrangements (foL exarnPlc, feadal Po{-.rs), but rhese rrusr be locarcd among the cliltereot components,,1 rhc.rssemblage. AloDg onc rxis. we can distinguish natcs ollx ing rncl cnunciation in asscnblagcs of dcsire (this rvould conerrr with Michells distinction o1' two typcs of forntations ornrultiplicitie$. Along anodrcL rxis. we rvould distinguish tenito-rirliries or re-rerirorirlizarions. and movernenrs of dercrritorielization rhat le.rd inro o as*nblage for examplc, rl1 tllcrrovcncnrs of dcterritorializrtion lcading up ro the Cburch,chivalry, pe:rsants). Power rrrangments would urface rvhereverrc-rerritorixlizarions, evcn abstract ones, take pl:cc. PowerrrraDgcmcnts woLrld LheLeforc bc a component o1:assernblagcs,rncl vct drcse ascmbtages rvouLcl also ;nclude points oldeterritori.rlization. Tn shon. powcr rrralgements would not assernble orcomrirute anythjng. bur rathcL aseml'lages c,fdesirc would dissem-inarc powcr tonnarions according ro onc of then dimcnsions.'fhis is rvhat all

  • srrLcmcnrsi or rrrhcr u ri,Ir.(s, ] vc,,i,rtri,rs rt,,l,, wtrt, i(tr!t,,gy. A$.nt l.gcs oldcsire hrve nortri,,g ro tt,, rvirh ,c;,rcssion. V r,oL,in t,. Lt,, ,,^, t,.. . \li. .t. ..,,, i,t. ..,.,..,,i.,,, i,f ti \.rrr.ngemcnrsi I become losr il rhe vaeLrclcss ot thc.rorbiguorrsstanrs rhey have for i\e. In D r t ?. Vlichct s.rys rhrt thty nornrrlizc .rnd disciplinc. I u,orrll say rhrr rhcy cnoclc rnd,ctcrrirr:,rialize (I supposc that herc roo, rhcre is morc rc, it rhrrrjLrsr. difloencc in tcnrin,logr). Howo-cr. sivcrr rtr;rr I cmphisizc the prnnacv of dcsire ovcr poiver. or thc secordatv chrracrc,

    rr. r, | 1,.,.. t.r r,,. ,1,, ir o,!r ,,ua. ,u| ilto havc a rcpressne efticL since thcy stemp our, nor desirc us anrnual givcn. bur rhc rips ofessenbt.rges ot dcsire. Lcft rakc oncof the mosL bcrutifil drescs of lrl(: rhc sexurlitv rnanccnenrrcdrces sexualio, ti, s,:x Go rhe scxuat diltarcnce,

    ".. ttl,a i,y.l"_

    ,,.J\.i r.\1.,r rir rli .., .,,.r,.l.-r,,cl',..\r,(cll..,1,c,. I,,.,i..t|,,t,. h"r,t-, -,s...,,,,:. ^. ,,d ,,,.,..,,. .. \,,,|..-rs an histor:cally rarieble asscmbtegc ofdcsiLe l,hictr can bc dererminecL. wjth irs points of dcrcrrirodalizarion, Uuxes andcorlbinations, is going ro be rcduccd fo r rrolar rsency, sex, rrclcren if Lhe means by rvlictr rhis rcductn,n occ,rIs arc nor rcpressiv.. (he (ron ideol

  • groups looti,rg rnd s.c[ing. rhc dcrcrirorirtizrriou 1,1 rl)c (]t,rdr,peasart migrations, drc transtirmation ol chiv:rlry, $c rrrrrstirrn,r-tion of towDs and cnies rvhich wcre progressivct), rbancloningterrirorial models, rhe transformation of money that rvas injectcdinro new circuits, rhe changc in the starus of rvomen with rhedremes olr courrly love rhat dcrerritoriatized, cven chivalrous love.etc. SrraFSy is scc.,ndary ro flighr lin$, rheir coDjugatn,N, lhcir ori-entarions, dreir convergences and divcrgenccs. Here aganr, t find lhcprnracv ofdesirc, since dcsire is pLecisely rvithin drese flight lines,$c conjugation and dissoci.rtion of ltuxcs. lt is indistinguishabtefrom drern. So, ir seems to nc that Michet encounter a problemdrat does nor have e samc stams tir me ar al. For if porverardrgemenrs were jD sorne wry coDsrir(enrs, onty rcsisdncc phe_nomena coull poss;bly counrer them and rhe qucrrion invohes thcsranrs ofrhese phcnomera. In facr, rhey roo rvoutd be ncither ideo_logical nor replessive. Hence rhe importancc of two pages in ltrl/(wheLc Michel s.rys: Do not make me sal Ihat these phenomcn:r animaginary... BLrt rvhat status is he going ro giv rhcm? Ilcre, thercare many directions: 1) the onc ;r u/1l rvhere pl,cnomena otrcsn_tancc would bc like a reverse irnage of arr:urgcments, wherc rtreywould hrvc the satle chanctcristics, diffusnn. heteroeeneity.

    _ . erc..rvherc they rvoulct bc vis,),vis; bur rhis dirccrion secrns ro leacl .rrlmuch to a dead,cnd as to a way ou. ofoncj 2) thc diftcrion in.licarecl in the interwierv in Politiqae Hel a: if powcr arrangernenrs areconsriiuenrs of.ruth, if drerc is a truth in power, rhere musr be aLird ofpowcr of rmrh as a courter-srareS/ gainsr powers. Hencedr- pLoblen of the intellecrual foL Michel and his ivay of reiltro_ducing rhc categiry of trurh, sincc, nr rcnewing ir completety bymaking it depcndent on porvea he 0ncLs ammunirion which can berurned againsr powcr? But I donr see how V/c will have to rvair t'-or

    Mi.hcl r,, givc his rcw conccprion of trl,&, on the micro analyticallcvili :r) rhc thid dirccrion, which r.ould be drat of plcrsurcs. thcbrrly rnd ;rs plcurLes. Once again, I am in a snte ofrvaiting. Howclo plcrsurcs animrte counter-powers, and horv does he corcelve ofrhis rorion of plensure?

    I thilk rhat therc arc three norions which Michei uscs in acompletelv new wxy. ycr has not completely developed: porvcrrclationships, trudx, and plcasLrrcs.

    Sorrc isrucs I have.rre not raised by Michel because he Lasalready resolvcd thcn thLough his own research. cionvcLse\', Ioencourage mysell, I tcll n,ysclf drat there are o&er problems hchas, out ofhis theses and ficlings, rhat I clo notshare. Flight lincs,rrovemorts of ,leten irorializarion with collccrive. hisrorical deter-milatiors have no equivalenr in Michels rvolh. I miself don'trvoncler about rhe stams rcsistance phenonena nlay havc. sin.eflighr lines are the liLst dercrminarions, since desire assembles $csocial ficld. power xrxngenrcnrs are borh producn ot theseasseDblagcs and that which st:mps thenr our or scal them P. Ishare Michel\ bonoL rcgardirg those who chim to bc on drefringe ofsocietr': I:rrn less ard lcss able to rc'lerate romrnricizingrnrdncss, delinquency, perversion or dmgs. But flighr liles, thatis. asscmbhges of desre, are not, in my view, created bI marginnl..':rrcr"r..R,rl"'F^.-,'oL-rirel"'..',,,,i i^i,\ur'(.r.rvhere nargnral figurcs are located here and there, making a loop, asvirl, e rc-coding. I theLefolc lave no neccl to posit dre stams ofrcsistancc phcnomena if the first given of a society is that everi-thing cscapcs fron it and everything is dcrcrLirorialikd. l-Ience rhestatus ofrhe inrcllccmrl and dte political problcm rrc not the samethings theoreric.rlly for M;chel anct mc. (l willartempt lumhcr onto cxplain how I see this differena bcnvcn us).

    r23 t Tu. R.tl,'s tl Und !!

  • lCl 'L 1,. lxsl rinrc $,i si,w cl lr ort,cr, MjrJt.l Iirrr y ,r,rrt rlnrionarely told rnc sonrcti,ing til(c rtrc li, ,^!i,)g: I (.,,ir srir(t rt,,word desirc; even ifyou usc ir clillircnrty, I c.,ir sr)p nryseil tio,,Lrhinking or expericncins rhe lacr $at dcsirc = tacl,, or (lr;rr rt(siJ, i.Leprcscd. Michcl adcled: So, whar I catt "flersurc, is n,rylr rvt,.ryou call'tlesire," Lrur in rny case, t nccd a word othcr thar ctcsi,e.

    Ot viously, once aerin, it is morc than a marter i)tvoclbulxjlIror onc rhing, I can barcly stan

  • to dre body-wirhout-oLgu,s/oLgrnisr,? ln r vcly inrp.rrrnt prs-sage in W,(, Michel writes rbour how lifc givcs:r possiblc srrusto forces of resistancc. D.H. Lrwrcnce wrotc.rbort rhis lili rvhichis not rt all Nanne, but radrer dre vrLiable pianc of thc imma-ncnce oi desire, through all the dcrc.mined assembl,rgcs.Lawrcnce's conccption ofdesirc relates to posirive flight lines. (Asmall detail: rhc way in which Michcl uscs l-awrelcc at thc end oliTKis conrmry to how I use r-awrcnce).

    IHI H:rs Michd madc progLcss wirh tbe issue undcr corsict-erarion: holv cm one uphold the righs of a micro-analysis(diffusion, hcterogencity, l'r.sment.ry characrcr) :tnd still allowfor some kind ofprinciple ofunificarion that will nor trrrn out tobe like the St.rre or rhe Party, a totalizttion or a representation?

    First, as lbr power itseli I rerurn to thc two dircctions il Dazl 1, orr the one hrnd, dre diffirsed and fragnentary charactcrof the micro-arrangcmcDts, but oD d1.. orhr hancl, the diagramor abstracr machine that covers the whole social field. lt seems rome thar therc was srilL a problenr in D and l': the relationshipbetween there rwo direcdons ofthe micro-analysis will be, on onchand, dre nicro-disciplines, and on the odrcr, thc bio-poliricalprocesses. Tlrat is rvhar I mcant il point C, in thcse notes. Thepoint of vl** 6 D and P suggested that rhe diagrarn, which colldnot be rcducxl to thc global authority of thc Srarc, rvas perhapsopcradng a micro-unifiorion ofsmall armugemenrs. Should oncnow uDderstind drat the bio-political pLocesscs have this ftLnc-don? I admit rhat I fclt the diagram norion was a very lich one:Is Michel going to rediscovcr it on new ground?

    Howcver, as for lines of resistance, or what I call flight lines,how un one cnvision rhc relarionships. conjugations, .onjunc-tioos and prccesses ofunl0cation? I would say that the collective


  • 11l[


    Hence, therc are two types ofintcllccruals. In rnusic roo, rhcre aretwo conflicring conceptions of rhe sound plane. The power-l;-*f4. t;'1, as. Miche/ anaryzes ir, rnighr bc exptained as:lroys:

    pj,we:s impty a ptane.diagram ofthc firs, .yp. iro, o"rn_pre. tne urek ciry and Euclidean geometry). Conversel* rher.are counrer?owcrs, more or less relared ro war_machines andanorhcr rypc ofplanc, alt kinds ofminor knowledgc (A]chimedian geometry or the geometry ofcathcdrals against which rtrc Stateevrntually did bartle) and a whote kind ofknowtedge proper rorrres or resrsrance char does nor have rhe same form rs rhe othcrLind of knowledge),

    t31 I T@ R.iid .fMadft$


    The Rich Jew

    A 6lm by Daniel Schmi&, Shadou ofAngeh, which is playing actwo local rhcaten (Mac-Mahon and Saint-Andre-dcs-Ans), hasbe,:n acruscd of and-Semitism. As trsual, the actack comes fromnvo quartersr long-establishcd public agencies have c.lled for cuts,if not the suppression of drc film dtogethel while anonymousgroups rhreaten ftom the shadows, with menacing bomb scarcs. fthas thus becorne extremely difficult to discuss tbc beauty, thenovelty, or rhe importancc of rhis film. To do so would be likesayingr rhe film is so beautiful, we can overlook a lirtle anti'Semi-tism. . . As a consequcnce of this systemetic pressure, nor only doesthc film seem likely to disap;rat in fact, it has already disappcaredin spirit, carried away by an absolutcly false problem.

    Anri-Semitic films exist, cerrainly. And if some other groupobjeca ro this or that 6lm, ic is olcen for a precise reason that canbe daermincd. In rhis case, however, a thrcshold has been croscd,duc to the radical inanitl of rhe accusation. On can hardly bclievone's

    yes and ears. lt is rruc that thc words the rich Jew" ate oft.nused in the film to designate onc of the characters. Nor is itl*igniGcaut thar this charecrcr displays en "intentional" charm inthc 6lm. Schmidt used the following terms to explain an csscntialftaturc ofhis filrn: the faces are almost neft to the acrors. and what

  • thcy sly, ..rlrrosr nexr to the liccs. Conscqucnrly, thc rich lcwhinsellcan say 'lhe rich Jcw. "l-he rctors draw on .r srorc ofrtocl
