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Go Beyond Opens & Clicks: Using Data to Optimize Your Client's Campaigns

Date post: 21-Apr-2017
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#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday Go Beyond Open + Click Rates Using data to (actually) optimize your clients’ campaigns

#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday

Go Beyond Open + Click Rates

Using data to (actually) optimize your clients’ campaigns


It’s okay, we have good open and click

through rates.


We’re every marketer’s worst nightmare

#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday

Quick Intros!

Justine Jordan VP of Marketing, Litmus @meladorri

Jenn Fernandes Customer Success Manager, Litmus @JennAFernandes

#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday


companies know that customer lifetime value may be the single most important metric for enabling growth.

#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday

It’s less about the size of a list, and more about targeted engagement over the long term

more on this later : )

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ROI With a typical return of 38:1 on every dollar invested, email is the best ROI for digital marketers.

Creating a targeted email counts!

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Most “standard” metrics

#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday

...but what other metrics are important to consider?

Let’s talk about…

Email metrics beyond opens and clicks. How data impacts the email creation process. Trends and behaviors behind the numbers. What it all means for your clients’ campaigns!






Device, client, and app data

How subscribers interact with email


Mo’ screens, mo’ problems

#digitalagencyday Source: emailclientmarketshare.com / Litmus Email Analytics

Device trends since 2011


B2B Software

B2C Retailer

What does your clients’ data say?


Where are people reading?


Where people read affects what & how they see

Emails can look different…

Outlook 2007 Apple Mail


iPhone: Inbox by Gmail app iPhone: Mail app


… be difficult to read…


… or be downright broken L

#digitalagencyday Source: emailclientmarketshare.com / Litmus Email Analytics

Mobile is here to stay

#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday

strategy #1

mobile first aka agnostic, aware, scalable


Considers the mobile user a priority

•  One layout for all screen sizes

•  320-500px

•  Large text & buttons

•  Generous white space

•  Clear calls to action

•  Short, concise body copy

#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday

strategy #2

responsive aka agnostic, aware, scalable

#digitalagencyday #digitalagencyday

strategy #3

hybrid aka ‘spongy’


Responsive that works in Gmail

(yes, really!)


‣  Body copy: 16px+

‣  Headlines: 22px+

‣  Buttons: 44px by 44px

‣  Space: 40px+

‣  Tappable touch targets





Outlook-heavy audience Adjust design for preview pane, code for limited support

Image-blocking email clients Use styled alt text and background colors

Many Gmail users CSS must be inlined; consider hybrid approach for mobile

Large number of retina devices Use high resolution ‘retina’ images

Large Lotus notes audience Start looking for another job

Data-driven strategies

Animated GIFs for non-Outlook audiences

Pixel art for image blocking


Beware of blue links on iPhone and iPad


Read rate + influencer metrics

How subscribers engage with email


Opens ≠ Engagement!


Duration of engagement or ‘read rate’ How long does each subscriber spend reading messages?


Duration of engagement or ‘read rate’ How long does each subscriber spend reading messages?

Analyze read rate for each message opened Does this change depending on platform?

Inform design, segmentation, and copywriting decisions


Give subscribers a reason to read and return A live Twitter feed targets users that can see the functionality and participate in the stream

Encourage engagement


See where in the world

opens, prints & forwards

are happening

Why? To tailor content, inform

design, send time, segmentation,

and copywriting decisions.

Geotargeting Subscribers




62% average open rate +209% over general messages


Case Studies


Who: Nationwide coffee chain What: Increased email engagement 3%

•  Analyzed user, time of day, geolocation, and device type to segment & target

•  Utilized different design, incentives, and time of day sends to target users

•  Used geolocation to target local stores & deliver incentives right to the user’s inbox!

Sign-ups for mobile payment app increased by 3%


Open Click SRLs

Control Email 5.1% 5.0% 30

Responsive Email 4.4%% 11.5% 58

Difference -13.7% 130% 93.3%

Who: Act-On Software

What: Increased performance with

responsive redesign and A/B testing

litmus ®




Responsive Templates bit.ly/slate-templates


2016 State of

Email Report bit.ly/2016-state-email




Litmus Email Analytics

Individual user data w/ FTP delivery

Slice/dice to target + segment

Works with any ESP

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