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Good Communication Skills by Anu

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  • 8/9/2019 Good Communication Skills by Anu


    Business communications Skills Improvement Tips

    Anu Jindal,Isha Kalra

    Contact No:- 9467696437, E-mail:[email protected]

    Vaish Institute of Management & Technology, Rohtak


    Monday, January 27, 2003 was Better Business Communication Day as listed in Chases Book of

    Days. According to Barbara Christensen, of Speech Advantage, LLC in Madison, and the

    Corporate Speech Pathology Network, sponsor of Better Business Communication Day, there

    are many techniques employees should master to improve their business communication. In

    todays world development of each organization depends upon the business communication

    skills of its employees. Organisations working a lot to improve the business communication

    skills of employees. This paper mainly analyzes the question that where do we stand today and

    where do we want to go in the future years by improving these skills. Strategies and Skills

    roughly 75% of all managerial time is spent in verbal one-to-one exchange. Communication is

    the common thread, which runs throughout every working day.


    In the modern competitive world, we as business managers are required to improve the

    efficiency and effectiveness of our business operations. As there are several factors that affectefficiency and effectiveness of operations, the improvement is required to be carried out in

    every factor, so here organizations need to learn business communication skills. The modern

    world today, calls for high scale effective communication skills in order to win the heavy

    competition in all spheres of life. For effective communication, a sender transmits his or her

    message in a clear and organized form to maintain and promote the need and interest of the

    receivers. Receivers or listeners show interest only if the person communicating is loaded with

    confidence, gestures and softness. Apart from management professionals, good

    communication skills are also required at all stages of life.

    Effectivecommunication skills are skills that facilitate people to communicate effectively

    with one another. Effectual communication engages the choice of the best communications

    channel, the technical know-how to use the channel, the presentation of information to the

    target audience, and the skill to understand responses received from others. Self development,

    interpersonal skills, mutual understanding, mutual cooperation and trust is also important to

    set a complete channel of most effective and winning communication skills.

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    Effective communication skills are special qualities that every human should possess. The

    modern world of corporate, technology and learning has laid strong emphasis on basic

    communication skills.

    Every human has a misconception that like other qualities, even this quality is in built in humannature, something that is by birth but thats not so. At any stage of life you can build these

    qualities within you.

    To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive

    the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.-

    Anthony Robbins




    Business communication- The art of communication is often taken for granted and it is easier

    to understand the principles than to develop the skill required. However, investment in the

    guiding values of communication will benefit individuals and lead to more effective business

    processes and ultimately performance. For business communication required:

    The medium

    How the communication is to be made Important to select an appropriate medium for the message: Need to consider the needs of the sender, the nature of the receiver and the aims of the


    Inappropriate medium can be a barrier to effective communication

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    Vast majority of problems in business are caused by ineffective communication in oneform or another

    Businesses essentially human focused organisations V

    alue of good communications therefore inestimableTo whom

    Who the communication is aimed at, is an important factor: The nature of the medium and the content may depend on who it is aimed at Necessity of being sensitive to the receiver Should communication be formal or


    The Message

    What is the communication designed to achieve? This needs to be considered carefully to judge the best method of delivery and to judge

    the effectiveness of the feedback as to whether the message has been successful.

    Role of ICT-

    ICT has brought many advantages but also has its limitations: It enables speedy communication It can be cheap and save on costs (e.g. videoconferencing) It can be expensive in hardware requirements It can seem impersonal It can be abused

    For effective Business communication skills, required:


    Sender/Source is the place or person from where the message is sent. The sender may be a

    speaker or writer. The sender chooses the form and channel of the message.


    When you want to convey a message, you develop some idea in your mind. Encoding is the

    putting those ideas into appropriate words, symbols, gestures or other form of expression for

    sending message. This process is known as encoding. Thus the sender is often known as



    Message is the major part of the communication process. It may include a letter, speech or

    body movement.When we write, writing is the message.When we speak, speech is the

    message.When we gesture, the body movement or facial expressions are the message.

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    Channel means a method we choose to send our messages. It may be a letter, fax, telephone

    calls and Email etc. Selection of medium depends upon our needs as well as urgency, cost,

    safety, influence of the message.


    In communication process receiver is as important as the sender. Receiver is the person who

    receives the message. He plays an important role when he receives the message and reacts to it

    and sends reply. In his absence communication process remains incomplete. The sender has to

    look at the things from the receivers point of view.


    The act of understanding message is known as decoding. Once your message is received, your

    receiver assigns certain meanings to it. When we receive a message, we take ideas out of their

    code. This process is known as decoding. Thus the receiver is also known as decoder.


    The process of sending information from receiver is called feed back.When actions are taken in

    response to a message, the results of those actions are reported as Feed Back. Feedback can be

    oral or written. Sometimes silence is used as feedback. Feedback is necessary because it

    indicates the success or failure of the communication.

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    Where Problem arises???????

    Do you have trouble getting your point across? At meetings, are your brilliant ideas ignored

    because you just couldn't explain them properly?

    Maybe you have conflicts with co-workers because they misunderstand what you say. Or

    perhaps you even have trouble in your personal relationships for the same reason.

    All of these problems boil down to one issue: your communication skills.

    Following are some of the barriers/problems to communication:


    Choice of words is very important to the effectiveness of any communication. Many words have

    different meanings. Our background knowledge and experience affect our misunderstanding.The use of foreign words and technical terms may cause miscommunication.


    Body language includes facials expressions, gestures, eye contacts, movement etc. All these

    play an important role in communication. The absence of these cues block the way of



    Listening an important communication skill. It demands the attention and focus. But we ignorethis area badly. Our listening ability is no more than twenty five percent. Poor listening causes



    The effectiveness of any communication may depend on the nature of relationships between

    the sender and receiver. If relationships between people are not good, communication may

    break down.

    5. EMOTIONSCommunication cannot succeed if a person is highly emotional about the topic concerned.

    Problems may arise from anger and fear. If emotions are high on either side, it would be better

    to wait till the people cool down.

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    Good communication seldom happens by chance. Too often people start writing or speaking

    without planning. If important things like wording, channel, cost, timing etc of the messages are

    not planned, communication would not succeed.


    The choice of wrong channel may be a problem to communication. A channel should be

    selected keeping in view the receiver, cost, urgency, nature of message etc. If lengthy data

    about budget are communicated orally, they will not bring success.

    8. SYSTEMS

    In any organization, there should be prescribed procedures for getting messages to the people

    who need them. In the absence of these systems, there can be no effective communication.


    Words, colours and gestures may have different meaning in different cultures and countries. So

    the communicators must know their true meanings. Otherwise there may be



    Sometimes we jump before hand to the conclusion because of our saying and hearing is

    attached to our expectations.We do not look what actually happen there. Due to which

    miscommunication arises.


    Some people hold rigid views on certain subjects. They do not consider facts or additional

    information. Such close-minded persons are very difficult to communicate with because they

    create interruption and not ready to hear the information.

    The Real Reason People Misunderstand You And How To Change It

    Do you want know the real reason you're being misunderstood...and why people don't give you

    the credit and recognition you deserve? It's because you are not using the right words for theideas you want to express..

    Which is why, if you really want to develop effective communication skills, you have towork

    over it.

    ... And you'll convey exactly what you really mean to say with no confusion whatsoever.

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  • 8/9/2019 Good Communication Skills by Anu


    Speak Loudly

    When you speak loudly; it gives a feeling of confidence. The people whom you are in

    conversation with have the feeling that you mean what you say. An appropriate volume, tone

    and confidence ensure listeners hear exactly what you are saying.

    Stay Focused

    Sometimes its tempting to bring up past seemingly related conflicts when dealing with current

    ones. Unfortunately, this often clouds the issue and makes finding mutual understanding and a

    solution to the current issue less likely, and makes the whole discussion more taxing and even

    confusing. Try not to bring up past hurts or other topics. Stay focused on the present, your

    feelings, understanding one another and finding a solution.

    Listen Carefully

    People often thinktheyre listening, but are really thinking about what theyre going to say next

    when the other person stops talking. Truly effective communication goes both ways.While it

    might be difficult, try really listening to what your partner is saying. Dont interrupt. Dont get

    defensive. Just hear them and reflect back what theyre saying so they know youve heard.

    Then youll understand them better and theyll be more willing to listen to you.

    Try To See Their Point of View

    In a conflict, most of us primarily want to feel heard and understood.We talk a lot about our

    point of view to get the other person to see things our way. Ironically, if we all do this all the

    time, theres little focus on the other persons point of view, and nobody feels understood. Try

    to really see the other side, and then you can better explain yours. (If you don't 'get it', ask

    more questions until you do.) Others will more likely be willing to listen if they feel heard.

    Respond to Criticism with Empathy

    When someone comes at you with criticism, its easy to feel that theyre wrong, and get

    defensive.While criticism is hard to hear, and often exaggerated or colored by the other

    persons emotions, its important to listen for the other persons pain and respond with

    empathy for their feelings. Also, look for whats true in what theyre saying; that can be

    valuable information for you.

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    Own Whats Yours

    Realize that personal responsibility is strength, not a weakness. Effective communication

    involves admitting when youre wrong. If you share some responsibility in a conflict (which is

    usually the case), look for and admit to whats yours. It diffuses the situation, sets a good

    example, and shows maturity. It also often inspires the other person to respond in kind, leading

    you both closer to mutual understanding and a solution.

    Use I Messages

    Rather than saying things like,

    ou really messed up here, begin statements with I, and

    make them about yourself and your feelings, like, I feel frustrated when this happens. Its less

    accusatory, sparks less defensiveness, and helps the other person understand your point of

    view rather than feeling attacked.

    Look for Compromise

    Instead of trying to win the argument, look for solutions that meet everybodys needs. Either

    through compromise or a new solution that gives you both what you want most, this focus is

    much more effective than one person getting what they want at the others expense. Healthy

    communication involves finding a resolution that both sides can be happy with.

    Take a Time-Out

    Sometimes tempers get heated and its just too difficult to continue a discussion without it

    becoming an argument or a fight. If you feel yourself or your partner starting to get too angry to

    be constructive, or showing some destructive communication patterns, its okay to take a break

    from the discussion until you both cool off. Sometimes good communication means knowing

    when to take a break.

    Dont Give Up

    While taking a break from the discussion is sometimes a good idea, always come back to it. If

    you both approach the situation with a constructive attitude, mutual respect, and a willingnessto see the others point of view or at least find a solution, you can make progress toward the

    goal of a resolution to the conflict. Unless its time to give up on the relationship, dont give up

    on communication.

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    Ask For Help If You Need It

    If one or both of you has trouble staying respectful during conflict, or if youve tried resolving

    conflict with your partner on your own and the situation just doesnt seem to be improving, you

    might benefit from a few sessions with a therapist. Couples counseling or family therapy can

    provide help with altercations and teach skills to resolve future conflict. If your partner doesnt

    want to go, you can still often benefit from going alone.


    1. Remember that the goal of effective communication skills should be mutualunderstanding and finding a solution that pleases both parties, not winning the

    argument or being right.

    2. This doesnt work in every situation, but sometimes (if youre having a conflict in aromantic relationship) it helps to hold hands or stay physically connected as you talk.This can remind you that you still care about each other and generally support one


    3. Keep in mind that its important to remain respectful of the other person, even if youdont like their actions.

    4. Here's a list of common unhealthy ways to handle conflict. Do you do some of these? Ifso, your poor communication skills could be causing additional stress in your life.

    The ability to connect and build rapport with other people is a foundation life skill, and

    should ideally, be actively developed from an early age. It is a learned skill, and can be learnedand used at any age

    Effective communication is the key to get you to where you want to be in your life.

    Communication is an essential skill for successful business and personal relationships. Man is

    not an island - communication has the power to destroy, or build relationships.

    Communication has an impact whenever it occurs - we can use communication to influence

    every interaction in a positive way, by developing the skills needed to communicate effectively.

    Ten Easy Ways to Improve Business Communication Skills

    1. Speak slowly and clearly on the telephone, especially when leaving a name and telephone

    number on voice mail. Listeners cannot write as fast as speakers often talk.

    2. People who speak all day, such as salespeople and teachers, should drink 8 glasses of water

    per day to help maintain their voices.

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    3. Most statements should be made with a slight downward inflection at the end. An upward

    inflection in this country indicates hesitancy or a question. A slight downward inflection at the

    ends of sentences indicates certainty and confidence in our culture.

    4. Be an active listener, rather than thinking of one's next comment while waiting for the other

    person to stop talking.

    5. Adjust one's volume and rate of speech to that of the other person.

    6. Include very brief pauses after expressing important ideas. This allows the listener time to

    process and hopefully remember the idea.

    7. Consider the power of strategic silences, or "pregnant pauses."

    8. Keep your body and face fully turned toward your listener. Along with good eye contact and

    a strong hand-shake, these are vital aspects of body language that make a good first


    9. Use a microphone for group meetings of more than twenty people. As one out of every ten

    people ages 18-64 has a hearing loss, amplification, along with a written meeting agenda, will

    be helpful for them.

    10. Contact a speech-language pathologist who specializes in training to enhance business

    communication. Employees who have excellent skills except in the area of communication may

    benefit from specialized coaching to help them communicate more effectively with customers,

    staff, and colleagues.

    Here's How: to learn these effective business communication skills:-

    1. When approaching someone about behavior youd like to see changed, stick to factualdescriptions of what theyve done thats upset you, rather than labels or judgments.Heres an example:


    Your friend, who habitually arrives late for your plans, has shown up twenty minutes

    late for a lunch date.

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    Inappropriate: "Youre so rude! Youre always late."

    Assertive Communication: "We were supposed to meet at 11:30, but now its 11:50."

    2. The same should be done if describing the effects of their behavior. Dont exaggerate,label or judge; just describe:

    Inappropriate: Now lunch is ruined.

    Assertive Communication: Now I have less time to spend lunching because I still need

    to be back to work by 1pm.

    3. Use I Messages. Simply put, if you start a sentence off with You, it comes off asmore of a judgment or attack, and puts people on the defensive. If you start with I,

    the focus is more on how you are feeling and how you are affected by their behavior.

    Also, it shows more ownership of your reactions, and less blame.

    For example:

    You Message: You need to stop that!

    I Message: Id like it if youd stop that.

    4. Heres a great formula that puts it all together:When you [their behavior], I feel [your feelings].

    When used with factual statements, rather than judgments or labels, this formula

    provides a direct, non-attacking, more responsible way of letting people know how their

    behavior affects you. For example:

    When you yell, I feel attacked.

    5. A more advanced variation of this formula includes the results of their behavior (again,put into factual terms), and looks like this:

    When you [their behavior], then [results of their behavior], and I feel [how you feel].

    Here are some examples:

    When you arrive late, I have to wait, and I feel frustrated.

    When you tell the kids they can do something that Ive already forbidden, some of my

    authority as a parent is taken away, and I feel undermined..

  • 8/9/2019 Good Communication Skills by Anu


    Communication is a two-way process involving an exchange of ideas. If you try to make it one-

    way, you prevent this exchange and will eventually frustrate the other person. You may also

    frustrate yourself, if you read the other person's lack of verbosity as disinterest in the

    conversation, rather than an inability to get a word in.

    The hallmark of effective communication is the coherent verbal projection of your ideas, so that

    your listener receives the message that you intend to send. By observing these two rules, you

    will reduce miscommunication and misunderstandings.

    Tips for productive communication-

    While it's impossible to teach a person to be an effective communicator in the two minutes it

    will take you to read this article, there are certain commonalities that effective communicators

    possess. Do you think strategically about the following when you communicate?

    1. With whom are you communicating? Have you considered such elements as age,gender, language barriers, and previous interactions with this person? Your

    considerations on the latter question may have no implications - but it's better to have

    considered them.

    2. What is the situation? Is the communication basically positive or negative? You prepareyour communication differently depending on your responses.

    3. Have you set aside sufficient time for this communication? Think back to previouscommunication events similar to this one, make your best estimate, and then allow

    additional time reserves (also known as 'pockets'). There's nothing worse than beingrushed during a key communication event.

    4. Is this a "telling" communication (your task at hand is to tell someone else information)or is it a "requesting/sharing" communication (you need information that someone

    else has). Get the mindset that will be serve the communication task.

    5. Are you prepared to change your mind during the course of the communication? Doyou expect the other person to change his/her mind? "What?" you say? Change my

    mind. NEVER.Well...just ask and answer the questions I posed so that you know.

    6. Is the purpose of your communication to inform, persuade or entertain? Each of theseinvolves a different mindset and it's helpful to think about your purpose prior to yourmeeting or other encounter, when possible.

    7. What exactly are you trying to say? Consider writing it down and being as succinct aspossible; it will help you clarify in your own mind. You don't need to read what you

    wrote; it's the act of writing that is important because of the thinking you do when

    you're writing.

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    8. Why are you trying to say what you're saying?Was the communication your idea orsomeone else's?

    9. What are you hoping to accomplish as a result of the communication? Be clear on your'intention' and stay focused on that. Focusing on your intention is quite powerful. You

    can usually feel the difference in your approach and demeanor as soon as you get clearon the intention.

    10.Do you have an "agenda" (either hidden or overt)? Go ahead and acknowledge that foryourself - and the other person.

    Effective communication leads to productivity. Ineffective communication detracts from

    productivity (and from relationships, reputation, and so forth). It's worth the time to think

    strategically through the questions above prior to your communications with others.

    Eventually, it will become second nature, but if it's not at this point, then print out this list to

    have for handy reference.

    Conclusion---- in the new global and diverse workplace requires excellent communication

    skills. The art of communication is often taken for granted and it is easier to understand the

    principles than to develop the skill required. However, investment in the guiding values of

    communication will benefit individuals and lead to more effective business processes and

    ultimately performance.
