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Good Habits are Easy to Make!

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Good Habits are Easy to Make!
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WELCOME TO FIRST FRIDAYS! The Power of Habits May 4, 2012
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May 4, 2012

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About Jim Jubelirer• 14 years of $1M+ sales• Expert in sales, marketing

and leadership• Angel investor, RTP Capital• Coach and trainer for Duke Leadership Program• Frequent speaker, trainer and facilitator• BA University of California, Santa Cruz• MBA, Cornell• Graduate of Sandler Sales, Strategic Coach,

numerous other personal and professional development programs

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About ActionCOACH…

• Our Mission: World Abundance through Business Re-Education

• Our Goal: Improve Business Performance and Personal Satisfaction

• Combines the best practices in leadership, management, business excellence, and personal development

• 1,300+ Coaches worldwide in 40 countries

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Business Coaching Programs…

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Group Coaching• Weekly homework• Bi-weekly accountability• Monthly in-person coaching• Quarterly Growth CLUB 90 Day

Strategic Planning Workshop

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Upcoming Events• May 18 - Business Club of The Triangle

• June 1 - First Fridays: Essentials of Relationship Marketing

• June 19 GrowthCLUB

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GrowthCLUB 90 Day Planning Workshop

• Establish a clear and specific 90 day plan• Get energy, vision and focus about your goals• Learn strategies to build your profits right away• Get skills and tools to work SMARTER, not HARDER• Includes a comprehensive strategic planning

workbook• Participants also get a FREE one hour coaching


June 19 8:30 – 3:00 PM NC Wesleyan College, Morrisville

$129 if you register today (regularly $249)

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What is a Habit?• A habit emerges to save the brain’s

energy in fully participating in decision making.

• It stops working so hard, or diverts focus to other tasks.

• The process by which the brain converts a sequence of actions into automatic steps is called “chunking.”

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Change• Unless you find new routines— the

pattern will unfold automatically. • You can’t destroy or eradicate habits –

you can only change them. The key is inserting a new routine – a new behavior – into the habit loop.

• Habits aren’t destiny… habits can be ignored, changed, or replaced.

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Habit Loops

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Auto-Pilot• A Duke University researcher in 2006

found that more than 40 percent of the actions people performed each day weren’t actual decisions, but habits.

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Keystone Habits• Keystone habits start a chain reaction; they

influence other habits as well.

• Keystone habits say success doesn’t depend on getting everything right, but instead relies on identifying a few key priorities and fashioning them into powerful levers.

• People who exercise, even as infrequently as once a week, start changing other patterns in their life, too.

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Small Wins• Small wins, repeatedly, go a long way. A tiny habit is a

very little thing that you sequence into your life in a place that makes sense and you work to make it automatic.

• Dog-trainers know to ‘Be a splitter, not a lumper" in terms of splitting a significant behavior change goal into a series of near-insignificant, achievable goals. This allows for a high rate of reinforcement.

• 5-day Stanford 3 Tiny Habits Program (http://tinyhabits.com/)– Saturday or Sunday (12 min): You learn about habits and you

select 3 new habits you want.– Monday - Friday (3 min): You do your 3 habits, and you

respond to a message from the researcher.

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Power of Belief• Alcoholics Anonymous, the largest habit-

change program in the world, places a great deal of emphasis on belief.

• Without belief, it is much harder to overcome the mind’s habitual behavior.

• You need to have, or build, the capacity to believe that things will get better.

• Belief is easier when it occurs within a group or community that is sharing their experiences with each other.

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Skill vs. Will• Success is 80% skill and 20% will .

– (Insert your own percentages, based on your own beliefs)

• Willpower can be developed and strengthened.

• However, the importance of willpower is over-stated; alignment to purpose is more powerful.– Stay tuned for upcoming First Friday on

“Discovering Your Why”

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Organizational Routines• Individuals have habits and organizations

have routines.• The business owner and/or leader has to take

charge and establish cultures and routines for their companies and not leave these things to chance.

• Starbucks establishes routines that those behind the counter can use in high-stress customer interactions.– Employee learn how to master “inflection points”

(difficult interactions with customers)

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Bright Shiny Object (BSO) Syndrome

• Do you find yourself working harder but not getting the results you want? – Overwhelmed by too many options and possibilities– Having a hard time focusing on the Main Thing?

• Science has demonstrated that humans have evolved to be attracted to bright shiny objects due to their novelty and our innate curiosity.– Bright Shiny Object (BSO) Syndrome occurs when we get

distracted from our goals.

• To conquer BSO Syndrome, ask yourself the questions on the following page when a new opportunity arises.

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Bright Shiny Object (BSO) Checklist

• Will this activity lead to revenue in the next 60 days? – If yes, DO IT NOW!– If no…….

• Can I let it go 100%; stop doing it.– If yes, STOP IT NOW!– If no……

• Can I put it on a slow burn and get to it later as time allows?– If yes, STOP IT NOW!– If no……

• Will I commit to doing things(today, this week) that will lead to revenue in the next 60 days in an equal amount of time and effort as I am putting in to longer-term efforts?

– If yes, MAKE THE COMMITMENT NOW!– If no, ask yourself, “Am I willing to trade the pain of sacrifice now for the

pain of regret later?” – Let your answer guide your next actions.

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Walk in the Woods• Involuntary attention

– Things that are new, moving or bright, and different automatically get our attention

• Directed attention– Concentration, like a muscle that can get tired

• Rejuventation in nature can stimulate involuntary attention which gives directed attention a chance to replenish– Computer usage, urban or crowded environments, other

stimulants (coffee, sugar, TV) don’t have the same restorative effects

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What To Say When You Talk To Yourself

Programming Beliefs Attitude

s Feelings Actions

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Brainwave Synchronization• Audio or visual stimulation (or both) that

changes brainwaves to produce a specific outcome (e.g. sleep, alertness, etc.)

• Use of binaural beats (right-left tones) to lead the mind towards the desired state

• Goal is to access lower brainwave frequencies similar to meditation in a reliable, controlled, and repeatable way

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You DO Have A Choice!• The choice point mostly happens outside our

awareness• When you are doing something unconsciously,

outside your awareness, it seems as if it is “just happening” – like gravity!

• Triggers will always continue to happen; awareness creates choice

• Once you’re able to watch yourself do it, with awareness, and see HOW and WHY you’re doing it, it softens, shifts and/or falls away

• Brain training creates physiological and emotional strength that increases consciousness

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Sleep on It• Creative people are better dreamers, but anyone

can learn to tap into the restorative power of sleep.• The harder the task, the more sleep tends to help,

since the brain focuses first on tough problems of the day.

• Pre-bedtime “priming” (contemplating the probem you would like to solve) increases likelihood of getting guidance

• To do: keep a bedside journal• To stop: alcohol and caffeine interrupt REM (deep

sleep cycles) where dreams happen

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Tools and Resources• Keep a journal

– Capture your ideas, observations, and perceptions.– Record insights and keep a record of decisions you make

on that basis. – Keep track of the accuracy.

• Use Applied Kinesiology (“muscle testing”)– Make a circle with left thumb and forefinger. Use right

forefinger to break the circle. – If unable to break the circle, the answer is Yes/Strong.– If able to break the circle, the answer is No/Weak.

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ResourcesHemi-Sync (Monroe Institute)Holosync (Centerpointe)Books:

Blink, Malcolm GladwellFifth Discipline, Peter SengeHabits, Charles DuhiggWhat to Say When You Speak to Yourself, Chad Helmstetter

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Jim JubelirerCertified ActionCOACH308 West Rosemary Street, Suite 307Chapel Hill, NC 27516(919) [email protected]/jimjubelirer
