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GOODWIN Land Bureau, - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · v Prolapsus Uteri orFalling of the Womb,...

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Electro-Magnetism, the New Means of Cure. Dr. E. Robbtns' Electro Magnetic Insti- tute, corner of First and Spring streets, en- trance ou First street, is now fitted up at considerable expense, with everything that is necessary to cure chronic and so-called incurable diseases, by tiie finest electrical appal atus in 'the world. Turkish and Russian baths; also electric, sulphur and eucalyptus biths. Dr. Robblns has had sev- eral year's experience in the Australian colonies, Sau Francisco, Salt Lake City, Den- ver, and four years in Los Angeles, and hundreds of leading citizens can testify to the wonderful effects of electricity in curing cases of cbronlc diseases when all else had failed, and therefore all persons suffering should try this newremedy beforeabiudou- ing'all hope. After every medical treatment the patients are given the Massage treatment by persons of tiieir own sex. Ihe doctor diagnoses diseases wiihout explanation from the patient, free of charge. His office hours are 9 to 12, 1 to 5 and 7 to 9. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until Itgets beyond the reaoh of medicine. They often say, oh, it will wear away, but in most cases It wears them aw.iy. Could they be induce I to try the succe-sful medicine oalled Kemp's Balsam, which, we will sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would im- mediately soe the excsllent effect after takin the first dose. Price f'Oc. and tl, Trial sizo free. H. D.Godfrey, druggist. Mothers Read. The proprietors of S mta Abio have au- thorize.t Pr nss and Hance to refund your money, If after giving this King of Cough Cures a fair trial, as directed, it fails to give satisfaction. Mule-Ear Fine Cut Is the finest, tobacco you ever tufted. His made of the choicest old Kentucky leaf. If you want tho very best, try it and be convinced. A Sensible Man Would use K> mp's Balsam for the throat and ltm«.. It li ctiiiug more cases of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and k'l throst aud lung troubles, than auy other medicine. The proprietor has author- ized 11. D. Gidfrey to refund your money if, after 11kin,' three-lourths of a bottle, re lief is not obtained. Price 50c. and $1. Trial size free. Pironi's New Pharmacy. I am happy to announce to my old friends and the pu die in general that after many exatious delays my new drug store is now peu for the tran,action ot busiuess. Re- ember the location, southeast corner ourthaud Maiu streets. Chas, B. Pironi. ANew Lumber Yard Has been established by tbe Schallort-Ga- thl Lumber Company on Washington ?-reet, nearly opposite tbe Washington Gar- den, where they will keepa full 1 ne of all kinds of lumber and building material. The Homellest Man in Los An- geles As well as the handsomest mau and others ./re invited to call ou H. D. Godfrey and get \u25a0c a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the roitand Luugs, a remedy that is soling tirely upon its merits and ls guaranteed relieve all chronic and acute * ghs, asthma, bronch tls aud consump- m. Price 60c. aud $1. Nadeau House. file only first -lass hotel lv Los Angeles, wo h;i ired roomi, furnished new 'iroughout with all the art and elegance aat can prdjure. Thirty suites of rooms, elevator aud fire-alarm system. E. Di nham, Proprietor. Dr. Chas. W. Bryson, , South Sprlux street, rooms 1 and 2. cialty: Female dlse tses and diseases pe- r to children. The Raymond withinthree minutes' walk of the villa la to be sold at auctlou October Bth. En- ire of A. W. Barrett & Co., \u25a0sua. Spring St. rs.Dr. Wells, female Specialist The first lady lioentbite of Kentucky; any years' practice here and elsewhere v Prolapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb, Ulceration, 1 eucorrhea, ovarian diseases, irregularities. Prompt relief and radical chauge felt from the first treatment. 341 S. Spring street. J. Harry Conian, The leading decorator. For the Finest Glass Of lager, 5 cents per glass, go to the Wic- tand, 17 S. Spring street. Must be Sold At manufacturers'prices, guns and ammu- nltiou and everything in the sporting line, No. 1 Market street, three doors from Maiu street. Sporting Goods at Cost F r a few days only at No. 1 Market street, c doors from Main street. "ou waut real estate read the advertise- f W. P. Mcintosh in another column. J. Harry Conian, 'ing decorator. 1. Coke, Charcoal and Wood. d undersigned wholesales and retails ndsof house, steam and blacksmith , louudry and gas coke and charcoal. r> all kinds of wood lv four foot, two- l, ..ud stove-wood lengths. , '''he above delivered to all parts of the °"d county. il rates for carload lots aud to * ..esale agent for Wellington coal, the uel for all purposes In the market. WALTER 8. MAXWELL. , 10 Court street. , corner Alameda and Jackson * «, telephone 315. Bargains. D want a bargain attend the auction at Pasadena October Bth. Enquire A. W. Barrett ACo , :io S. Spring St. J. Harry Conian, adlng Decorator. liana Bitters makes the old, young and veak strong and healthy. M. Levy & holesale liquor dealers nts. , * .LOH'S VITALIZEK is what you need nstipatlou, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness ill Bymptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 50 ' cents per bottle Sold by J.C. Heinie v North Main street. DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint c a printed guarantee on every bot- i 'dlori's Vitallzer. It never falls to \u25a0aid by C. F. Ileiusemau, 122 H. Mala vant a good appetite, drink Daml- - 'rs. Michel Levy &Co., wholesale . ueuers, agents. " 'METACK," a lasting and fragran c. Price 26 and 50 cents. Bold by . elnsoman. 122 N Main St WILL YOU SUFFER from Ague larla when Gllmore's Aromatic Wine c you. For sale by H. D. G< dfrey i Block. )H'S CATARRH REMEDY?a pols ?c for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Sold by c, F. Heinxeman 122 N HMtJ WIFE, MOTHER AND MAID who -om female weakness, will find Gil- iromatic Wine a positive euro. For ... D. Godfrey, Nadeau Block. "X LIFE AND VIGOR restored In women by using Gllmore's Aro Wine. For sale by H. D. Godfrey n Block. ts L. CULVER, of Pavilion, N. V.. .at Gilmore'a Magoetic Elixir cured a long standing tbroat and lung '\u25a0in' sale by H l>. Godfrey, Nadeau iNEI)TO THEBED FOUR MONTHS i at blind, and cured by one box of f""S's Neuralgia Cure. For Bale by H. y, Nadeau Block. rl'H CUUE WILL Immediately re ,up, Whooping cough aud Bron rJoldhf 0. »'. ltelmemau, 122 t N -net. \u25a0H'S COUGH and Consumption Cure Busou a guarantee. It euros cou- ,n. Sold by C. F. Holniemac, 122 'alu utraot. . illnever aaveaaour stomach If you imlua Bittors. UN DOCTORS cannot help you, then rilmore's Magnetlo Elixir for your id lungs. For sale by H. D. Godfrey Block. "i MADE miserable by Indigos- j itlon, Dizziness, Loss of Appe- ' v Skin? Bhiloh's Vltaliier Is a ure. Sold by C. F. Uolnxeman, 12 'eet ua Bitters regulate the stomach, \u25a0vy ico., wholesale liquor dealers, -.loan remedy for diseases of the i 4Dialler, is I)imlaoißitters. M. wholesale rates, ive cure for dyspepsia?Damlana ?'ichel Levy 4 Co., wholesale Uq- i, agents. LOS ANGE.. ES DAILYHERALD, THURSDAY MOKNTING, OCTOBER 7, 1886. 3 REAL E6TATE. GOODWIN TRACT! Lots on Installments. NONFORFEITABLE! SOMETHING NEW! LOCATED ONLY ABOUT One Miie From the Business Center of the City! 4aP"-Property entirely covered with a very heavy growth of Orange, Lemon, Eng- lish Walnut and Peach trees in foil bear- ing. LOTS UNIFORM! SIZE 40X140 LOTS UNIFORM! PBII'E »«00 TEriMS : «50 Vasb and SZO a month, iv l tlio ti i Interest. NO LOTTERY! But first purchasers ha'e advantage of Comer Lots and Cho'ce Locations.' Select Your Lots at Once! gjsJf-M the present low price for which these lots are offered no guarantee can be given beyond the next thitty days that the price will not be advanced. for maps and examine the tract. CALL ON I LICKS OVBB THE POSTOFFIOB, Lob Angeles. n n 10 8m Fort Street Business Lots FOR SALE, On Fort Street, Near Second, SOME TUT DESIRABLE?? Business Property. Adjoins the Jewifh Synagogue. Has Fron'age of ISO feet on Fort Street. l_tW~ Will subdivide into small lots to suit purchasers. TEEMS IE-A-Sir. APPLY TO H. W.MILLS orM.L.WICKS. aulOCOd 101 acres alfalfa ranch, south of city, stocked; a splendid bargain, $100 per acre. IlVa acres in Alhambra, improved; a goad place to buy for a home, $5000. II acres with house, 8 rooms etc., at Sa- vannah, on 8. P. R. R? $1600. 300 acres 6 miles east of city, $00 per.acre. 3 houses and lots 1 mile from Plaza, rent for $12 per month each, $3000. 1 lot, Grand avenuo, Morris Vineyard traot, $700. ? ? _. 8 lots, Grand avenue, Morris Vineyard tract, $1600. ? | lots, East Los Angeles, for $250 each. Exchange a Specialty. 85 acres alfulfa ranch for exchange for Eastern property. Call and look over our list of property be- fore you buy, GKATIAM, TAYLOR & CO., lm No. 12 West First Btreet. Alfalfa and Corn Faims for Sale, From ton acres up. Artesian wells withall aud land warranted to grow alfalfa from six to eight crops per year, without water, the dryest years kuown to Southern Califor- HATZLIP &80N, sep-8 tf ICH North Main street. nL>HEAP_HOMES I $50 CASH AND $10 PER MONTH Will buy you a nice home of flvo acres, 16 mllcß south of Los Angeles and near rail- road. WALTER ? JONES I Office St. Elmo Hotel. am Hf ArHUSEMEJIT". xeo* SEVENTH '»» ANNUAL FAIR! or THE Agricultural Association, No. S. RAOXSS! AMD iim M liter AGRICULTURAL PARK Pavilion TURNER HALL, Spring Street, Los Angeles. Improvements at the Park have been made, and all possibllitlesol any objections bave been removed. Tbo Turner Society volunteer athletic en tertalnmeut at the Track aud vocal music at the Pavilion. Fine Orchestra engaged day and night during the week, comprising the 12,13,14,15 AND 16OF OCTOBER. The great display of Babies will take Slace Friday, October 15tb. More than a oien of the youngsters will receive pre- miums. Citlsens have offered $100 premium to the champion Base Ball Club, matches to be played during forenoons of Fair Week at the Park. Entrleß to close October Mb. Clubs f.om all over the Coast will be here. Great Ladles' Toirnament on Thursday October 14lh. Four prizes?sBo, $25, $15 and $10?open for entries tillnoon of tbe day ofcontest. Export gentleman horsemanship?Cali- fornia riding or any other?open to the world; four moneys, as above. Contest, Friday, October 15th; entries close Oct. 6th. Everything bas been done to Insure a Fair, and a rousing attendance is expected. Look at the List of Race Entries. Tuesday, October 12. Five-eigh'h mile, running, for two year olds?Manzanlta, Carmellta, David Copper- field, Foßter Fillyand C. H. Todd. SAME DAY.' One-half mile, running, free for all?Jim Polk, Johnny Gray, Oliver Twist, Minnie Stratton, AllieBill, King and Jacinto. SAME DAY, :36 class, trotting?Como, Rajab, Geron- imo and Captain Jack. Wednesday, October 13. Seven eighth mile, running, three year- olds? Mollio Capron, Oliver Twist, Xii g, Allie Hill and Fleet. SAME DAY. One mile dash, running, all ages?Dublin Bay, Ben Hill's s. g. by Reveille, Allie Hill and Jim Polk. SAME DAY. Three minute class, t rolling?Lot Slocum, Bob Mason, Captain Jack and Belle 8. Thursday, October 14. One and one-quarter mile dash, running, all ages?Dublin Bay, Jim Polk, Hill's b. g. by Reveille, AllieHill aud Gal go., SAME DAY. One mile, for two-year-oldg?Manzanlta, Carmellta, David Copperfleld, Foster Filly and C. st Todd. SAME DAY. Ladles' Riding?sloo, four moneys, $50, $25, $16 and $10. Entries to close day ofcon- test. SAME DAY. 2:30 class, trotting?Hunter, Dick J., Val- entine, Alcazar, Maid of Oaks and Captain Jack. Friday, October 15. One and one-quartor mile dash, for three- year-olds?Mollle Capron, Oliver Twist, Fleet and AllieHill. SAME DAY. One hundred dollar- for expert horse- manship, California riding. Four moneys -$50, $20, $15 and $10. Entries close Octo- ber sth. SAMEDAY. 2:10 class, trotting?Qeronimo, Rajah, Bob Mason and Captain Jack. Saturday, October 16. One and one-half mile dash, running, all sges?Manzanlta, Dublin Bay, Hill's s. g., 4, by Heveille, AllieHill, Galgo and Jim Folk. SAME DAY. One mile, consolation, for beaten horses, oloses day of race. SAMEDAY. Free for all trot?Hunter, Valentine, Stamboul, Como, Lot Slocum and Monroe Chief. This last will be the fastest trotting race ever made south of the Bay. 4)sn?Grand stock parade and award of gremiuras at 10 a. m. ou Friday, October 15. end for Premium list. J. C. NEWTON, President. E. A. DaC AMP,Secretary. au2l 3 and 5 North Main St. ANNUAL FAIR I The Third Annual Exhibition of the Los Angeles Co. Agricultural Association Will be held at Downey City, t;ul., October stb, (Itli, Ith and Ht it, 188U. The Fair thia year promises to be the most interesting ever held In Los Angeles county. Strangers should take this oppor- tunity to see the finest and most fet tile sec- tion of Lob Anteles county. For further in- formation address the President, A. E. Ma- vis, or Secretary, F. R. Willis, Downey City. Cal. -sep2l-td First Annual Ball OF THE BRICKLAYERS' Protective Association Ho. 1, AT TURN VEREIN HALL, OCTOBER 7TH, 1886. Music by Doiis' Orchestra. sep2Btdj D. P. HATCH. J. BROUSSEAD. Brousseau & Hatch, Attorney a arid Counsellors at Law. Nos. 81, 32 and 66 Baker Block, LOS ANGELES, - - - - CALIFORNIA, myl Pioneer Lead ADVANCED IN PRICE TO Be. PER POUND. o'l WHITTIER, FULLER & CO. J. Q. EVANS, Exoluslre dealer in PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS AND MIN- ERAL SPECIMENS, 2% West First street, under Natlck House, Loa Angeles, Cal, sepietf REAL ESTATE. LOS ANGELES Land Bureau, CORPORATION, AGENCY OF THE Pacific Coast Land Bureau. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. GEO. W. Fitl.N X President. WENDELL EASTON Vlce-Vresldent. F. B. WILDE Secretary. JAS. B. LANKERSHIM Treasurer. W. R. MATTHEWS Salesman. 20 WEST FIRST ST., LOS ANGELES, CAL., Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS. HOUSE AND INSURANCE BROKERS, Hold Power of Attorney for Absentees, Collect Rents, Pay Taxes. Large Tracts Subdivided and Sold at Auction or PrivateZSale. COLONISTS: 9 AND IMMIGRANTS LOCATED. / Careful Appraisements Made .for , Banks.lConrts, Administrators, Trustees, Etc FIRE INSURANCE. AGENTS FOR Ailo-Nevaia, Assurance Corporation. CAPITA!. 52,000,000. sepl2 20 West First Street. ti. tt. i HIKK, - - - President. ?7000?20-acre farm at Santa Ana and near Orange; 12 acres in English soft- shell walnuts; 800 Bartlett pears, 300 French prunes and other fruits; 4 acres of raisin grapes; 2 acres of alfalfa: new house of six rooms, large barn and out- houses. Will go with tbe placo?l span of horses, harness, 1 Jersey cow, 7 dozen chickens, 1 carriage, 1 lumber wagon, plows, harrows, lot of tools and hay inthe barn. «10,000 ? Beautiful home at Boyle Heights, on Boyle avenue; 11 acres; most all In fruit; house of 6 rooms, barn and out-houses; will take in exchange $7000 worth of Los Angeles property. Apply to Los Angeles Land Bureau, No. 20 W. First 3SO ACRES ol choice grain and fruit land, only $55 per acre, located 6 miles south of Los Angeles: all incultivation: this is a bargain; call and see it. Apply to Los Angeles Land Bureau, No. 20 W. First st. SAILWO ' vs ' N. SPRING ST.^n. The BOUQUET No, 7 Commercial St TOM SHAW. !<sitf DRS. E. H. AKOCEO. C. PARDEE, Diseases ot me m, Ear and Tbroat SPECIALTIES. 6tU Montgomery St., Corner Clay, sep2s San Fraucisco. Im MISURELAriEOITB. mi OELbAKBOVI. MiaCEt.tAN?l7a. ,1 . B First Mortgage Real Batata Lioans Guarantee E. C. WEDBTER. R. M. FURLONG. GEO. HERRMANN. BAYARD T. SMITH. E. C. WEBSTEK & CO, INVESTMENT BANKERS No. io Exchange Block, Pasadena, CaL To Capitalists, Investors, Savings Banks and Trust Institutions, Greeting: CHOICE INVESTMENT BONDS. We have In stock at all times City, County and School Bonds, which we own and have selected after a personal examination as to legal status, etc., which werun recommend to conservative investors. Send for descriptive lists. Write us if you wish to buy or sell. Dealers inMortgage and Investment Securities. Real estate bought aud sold. Care aud management of properties and estates in Pasadena, Los Augeles county and vicinitya specialty. Taxes paid and rents collected. Especial attention given to aU business of correspondents, and their interests carefully served. Prompt attention guaranteed toall business entrusted to our care. Write for references. Always pleased to answer correspond- ence. References: Auybank tnPasadena and Los Angeles city or couuty. A share of your business solicited. Address all correspondence to E. C. Webster & Co., Investment Bankers, oc3 1m PABADEHA, CAI>. PMDELPIIA BOOT Hi SHOE HOUSE. 103, 105 North Main Street, Temple Block. One door from tbe corner of Market street. CLEARANCE SALE I For the Next Sixty Days $50,000 Wortli of Men's, Ladies', Misses', Children's andlnfants' Boots and. Shoes This stock must be closed out regardless of cost, as we are compelled to make tbis sacrifl to make room for FALL, STOCK, NOW ARRIVING DAILY. We will Sell Boots and Shoes Cheaper than ever before. By giving us a call you will convince yourself of the fact. M. JACOBY, Philadelphia Boot and Shoe House. " BCp» ? ? " 4 ?" ' Qflft Painless Extraction BYLOCAL APPLICATIONS TO COM3 ONLY. DR, SMITH more than two years ago gold-capped a number\u25a0 of my teeth that I thonght were lost. They are as good as new. G. K. LONG, First National Bank. More than one year ago DR. SMITH gold-capped some of my teeth that I thought would haye to be extracted. I now My daughter's teeth were so badly deformed that I thought to have some of them extracted. Dr. Smith in a short time straightened them. Mrs. T. FREEMON, Los Angeles. TT- S3VCITH- THE WELL KNOWN DENTIST, Has opened a Branon Dentistry Department adjoining bis present -,ffice, CORNER OF TEMPLE AND BPRING STREETS, OVER HARRIS' CLOTHING STORE, Where Sets of Teeth are made for the Low Price of $6 ds7 Each- Jan2&-tf ONLY $11.00 PER ACRE FOR LAND WITH WATER IN SALT RIVER VALLEY 1 Investigate This Now, Do Delay. Buy a home where you can raise Stock, Grains and Fruit Profitably. Buy before the Railroad is completed, and secure the rise lvvalues sure tofollow. An Excursion to this FAMED VALLEYwill leave Los Angeles next Wednesday COLLINS, SYMONDS & CO., 55 Nortli Spring Street, Los Angeles, CaL, and Washington Street, Ptaix, Arlzon seftt H SLOTTERBECK, SPORTSMEN'S HE ft-DQUaRTERS TEMPLE BLOOK, OPPOSITE UNITEDSTATES HOTEL, ilealar inall latest improved English and American Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Ammn nitlonAllworkdonl In best style-speaking for Itself and no need ofself praif. and repairing of fine guns a specialty. Telephonn No. 288. senlS THE EXCELSIOR TT LAWN MOWER, // MADS Jjr EASIEST RUNNINIT" LAWN MOWER Jf,/^!? ON THE MARKET. -~ HARPER & REYNOLDS CO., 48 &BO N. MAINST. :^^f9^^^ The New Hanmiam Baths, 76 and 78 South Main Street, Los Angeles, (m/m* Have changed hands and are now under new man- agement, whoso aim it will be to make them what A they should be, viz: a LUXURY aa well as a source ArL\ of health to tbe public. This establishment is the "tilyono of th*kit ti. k B< Dthern California, and at other place on the ooast (outside of San Fran- , i-<co) Turkish, Russian, Roman, Elec- trie, Medicated, Sulphur, Vapor, Mer- ourial, Plunge and Other Baths be had as they are given at this place. We havo the most ~ polite and experienced attendants, the most luxurt- \W ous rooms for a quiet rest after the hath, and can ao-! commodate any number of gentlemen who desire to remain all night and af.no further charge. The Ladies' Department is on the second floor, is as private aa any lady's home could be made, and for comfort, privacy and eood accommodation v " 0t GentUme'u's Department open from 9A. M. until midnight. Ladies' Depar- tment from 9a.m.t06 P. M. Baths, $1. Six tickets for #5. Electricity applied free of charge. No free paaaes, complimentary tickets, or any but ooupon tickets heretofore issued are good. M j PtoprUtor# F. B. MULLARD, Maaager and Superintendent. anl2tf I.MIIOK OKALEBS. PASADENA Wine and Lipor Store. 0. W. BERREY'S and J. H. CUTTER'B tine Kentucky Bourbon and Rye Whiskies. Pure California Wines and Brandies, by tbe pint, gallon or bottle, a specialty. Orders by mail promptly attended to and delivered to any part of the city. XI. X. Oamp'bell, COLORADO STREET, -- PASADENA. sep26tf VACHEFREEES &Co. Established In 18«0. DEPOT FOR THE BROOKSIDE VINEYARD. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In FINE WINIUIQDBBS, Etc. FAMILY TRADE ASPECIALTY. Also Pure Liquors for Medicinal purposes. Oor. Commercial and Alameda Sts.. Opposite Old Depot. aagUM Fall Opening OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY. aTSF*A cordial invitation ls extended to all who wish to attend. MRS. FORSTER, UO North Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal. gtWHo oerds. sep2l GALL AT Z. REED'S, 50 SOUTH SPRING ST. Bj fore purchasing stock. No Eastern Har- ness kept. Full lines of Whips, Holies, Etc. Repairing Promptly Attended to and Neatly Done at the Lowest Prices. aep3 3m The ftth Scale! I am prepared to spray orchards of from ten to 10,000 trees, at the earliest date, with my patent scale killer. I warrant It to kill the white cottony, red, black and San Jose scales, also the Woolly Aphis, without injury tothe blossoms, fruitor tree. It does not drop a leaf nor the young fruit and leaves no disagreeable odor, like tbe whale oil. Far- ties desiring orchards sprayed will And lt to thelrinterest to call and see my work. Address or call 514 First street. sep2l lm W. D. BIGELOW. BATH & FOSMIR'S Foiin u ry and Machine Shop, Corner Virgin and Castelar Streets. Telephone MB, Los Angeles, CaL Take two-horse oar. o2tf TIL LOS AUgeles TONSORIAL PARLORS No. 16 Requena St., under U. 8. Hotel, Is the finest barbershop in the city. AU kinds of barberlng done In the best styles. Aclean mug aud towel for every man. BATHSr-Hot, Cold, Salt, Soda, Sulphur aud Mustard Baths. aug2B lm S. C. PIERCE, Prop. Gillette, ft Gibson Examiners of Title and Conveyancers, ' noma 15 find 14, McDonald Blook, Main 84. LOS ANIiKLKB OAL ' CWvftiaa Purcell, B. A. 0. E, ; ConsDltißi En«r and SurffiTor ' Associate Member Institute CtvU Engineers, London, Hoom 1* Alien Black, corner Sprlas and Tempi*, t*mt

Electro-Magnetism, the NewMeans of Cure.

Dr. E. Robbtns' Electro Magnetic Insti-tute, corner of First and Spring streets, en-trance ou First street, is now fitted up atconsiderable expense, with everything thatis necessary to cure chronic and so-calledincurable diseases, by tiie finest electricalappal atus in 'the world. Turkish andRussian baths; also electric, sulphur andeucalyptus biths. Dr. Robblns has had sev-eral year's experience in the Australiancolonies, Sau Francisco, Salt Lake City,Den-ver, and four years in Los Angeles, andhundreds of leading citizens can testify tothe wonderful effects of electricity in curingcases of cbronlc diseases when all else hadfailed, and therefore all persons sufferingshould trythis newremedy beforeabiudou-ing'all hope. After every medical treatmentthe patients are given the Massage treatmentby persons of tiieir own sex. Ihe doctordiagnoses diseases wiihout explanationfrom the patient, free of charge. His officehours are 9 to 12, 1 to 5 and 7 to 9.

Some Foolish PeopleAllowa cough to run until Itgets beyondthe reaoh of medicine. They often say,oh, it willwear away, but in most cases Itwears them aw.iy. Could they be induce Ito try the succe-sful medicine oalledKemp's Balsam, which, we will sell on apositive guarantee to cure, they would im-mediately soe the excsllent effect aftertakin the first dose. Price f'Oc. and tl,Trial sizo free. H. D.Godfrey, druggist.

Mothers Read.The proprietors of S mta Abio have au-

thorize.t Pr nss and Hance to refund yourmoney, If after giving this King of CoughCures a fair trial, as directed, it fails togive satisfaction.

Mule-Ear Fine CutIs the finest, tobacco you ever tufted. Hismade of the choicest old Kentucky leaf.If you want tho very best, try it and beconvinced.

A Sensible ManWould use K> mp's Balsam for the throatand ltm«.. It li ctiiiug more cases ofcoughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croupand k'l throst aud lung troubles, than auyother medicine. The proprietor has author-ized 11. D. Gidfrey to refund your moneyif, after 11kin,' three-lourths of a bottle, relief is not obtained. Price 50c. and $1.Trial size free.

Pironi's New Pharmacy.I am happy to announce to my old friends

and the pu die in general that after manyexatious delays my new drug store is nowpeu for the tran,action ot busiuess. Re-ember the location, southeast corner

ourthaud Maiu streets.Chas, B. Pironi.

ANew Lumber YardHas been established by tbe Schallort-Ga-thl Lumber Company on Washington

?-reet, nearly opposite tbe Washington Gar-den, where they willkeepa full 1 ne of allkinds of lumber and building material.

The Homellest Man in Los An-geles

As well as the handsomest mau and others

./re invited to call ou H. D. Godfrey and get\u25a0c a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for theroitand Luugs, a remedy that is solingtirely upon its merits and ls guaranteed

relieve all chronic and acute* ghs, asthma, bronch tls aud consump-

m. Price 60c. aud $1.

Nadeau House.file onlyfirst -lass hotel lvLos Angeles,wo h;i ired roomi, furnished new'iroughout with all the art and eleganceaat can prdjure. Thirty suites of

rooms, elevator aud fire-alarm system.E. Dinham, Proprietor.

Dr. Chas. W. Bryson,, South Sprlux street, rooms 1 and 2.cialty:Female dlse tses and diseases pe-

r to children.

TheRaymondwithinthree minutes' walk of the villa

la to be sold at auctlou October Bth. En-ire of A. W. Barrett & Co.,

\u25a0sua. Spring St.

rs.Dr. Wells, female SpecialistThe first lady lioentbite of Kentucky;any years' practice here and elsewhere

v Prolapsus Uteri or Falling of the Womb,Ulceration, 1 eucorrhea, ovarian diseases,irregularities. Prompt relief and radicalchauge felt from the first treatment. 341S. Spring street.

J. Harry Conian,The leading decorator.

For the Finest GlassOf lager, 5 cents per glass, go to the Wic-tand, 17 S. Spring street.

Must be SoldAt manufacturers'prices, guns and ammu-nltiouand everything in the sporting line,No. 1 Market street, three doors from Maiustreet.

Sporting Goods at CostF r a few days only at No. 1 Market street,

c doors from Main street.

"ou waut real estate read the advertise-f W. P. Mcintosh in another column.

J. Harry Conian,'ing decorator.

1. Coke, Charcoal and Wood.d undersigned wholesales and retailsndsof house, steam and blacksmith,louudry and gas coke and charcoal.r> allkinds of wood lv four foot, two-

l, ..ud stove-wood lengths.,'''he above delivered to all parts of the

°"d county.il rates for carload lots aud to

* ..esale agent for Wellington coal, theuel for all purposes In the market.

WALTER 8. MAXWELL., 10 Court street., corner Alameda and Jackson* «, telephone 315.

Bargains.D want a bargain attend the auctionat Pasadena October Bth. Enquire

A. W. Barrett ACo ,:io S. Spring St.

J. Harry Conian,

adlng Decorator.

liana Bitters makes the old, young andveak strong and healthy. M. Levy &

holesale liquor dealers nts., * .LOH'S VITALIZEKis what you neednstipatlou, Loss of Appetite, DizzinessillBymptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 50

' cents per bottle Sold by J.C. Heiniev North Main street.DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaintc aprinted guarantee on every bot-

i 'dlori's Vitallzer. It never falls to\u25a0aid by C. F. Ileiusemau, 122 H. Mala

vant a good appetite, drink Daml-

- 'rs. Michel Levy & Co., wholesale. ueuers, agents.

"'METACK,"a lasting and fragranc. Price 26 and 50 cents. Bold by.elnsoman. 122 N Main StWILL YOU SUFFER from Ague

larla when Gllmore's Aromatic Winec you. For sale by H. D. G< dfreyiBlock.)H'S CATARRH REMEDY?a pols

?c for Catarrh, Diphtheria and CankerSold by c, F. Heinxeman 122 N

HMtJWIFE, MOTHER AND MAID who-om female weakness, will find Gil-iromatic Wine a positive euro. For... D. Godfrey, Nadeau Block.

"X LIFE AND VIGOR restored Inwomen by using Gllmore's Aro

Wine. For sale by H.D. Godfreyn Block.

ts L. CULVER, of Pavilion, N. V...at Gilmore'a Magoetic Elixircureda long standing tbroat and lung

'\u25a0in' sale by H l>. Godfrey, Nadeau

iNEI)TO THEBED FOUR MONTHSi at blind, and cured by one box of

f""S's Neuralgia Cure. For Bale by H.y, Nadeau Block.

rl'H CUUE WILL Immediately re,up, Whooping cough aud Bron

rJoldhf 0. »'. ltelmemau, 122 tN-net.

\u25a0H'S COUGH and Consumption CureBusou a guarantee. It euros cou-,n. Sold by C. F. Holniemac, 122'alu utraot.. illnever aaveaaour stomach If you

imlua Bittors.UN DOCTORS cannot help you, thenrilmore's Magnetlo Elixir for your

id lungs. For sale by H.D. GodfreyBlock.

"i MADE miserable by Indigos-jitlon, Dizziness, Loss of Appe-

' v Skin? Bhiloh's Vltaliier Is aure. Sold by C. F. Uolnxeman, 12'eetua Bitters regulate the stomach,

\u25a0vy ico., wholesale liquordealers,

-.loan remedy for diseases of thei4Dialler, is I)imlaoißitters. M.

wholesale rates,ive cure for dyspepsia?Damlana?'ichel Levy 4 Co., wholesale Uq-





Lots on Installments.




One MiieFrom the Business Center

of the City!

4aP"-Property entirely covered with avery heavy growth of Orange, Lemon, Eng-lish Walnut and Peach trees infoil bear-ing.



PBII'E »«00

TEriMS :«50 Vasb and SZO a month,

ivltliotii Interest.

NO LOTTERY!But first purchasers ha'e advantage of

Comer Lots and Cho'ce Locations.'

Select Your Lots at Once!

gjsJf-M the present low price for whichthese lots are offered no guarantee can begiven beyond the next thitty days that theprice willnot be advanced.

for maps and examine the




Lob Angeles.n n 10 8m

Fort StreetBusiness Lots


On Fort Street, Near Second,


Business Property.

Adjoins the Jewifh Synagogue.

Has Fron'age of ISO feet on Fort Street.

l_tW~ Willsubdivide into small lots tosuit purchasers.




101 acres alfalfa ranch, south of city,stocked; a splendid bargain, $100 per acre.

IlVa acres in Alhambra, improved; agoad place to buyfor a home, $5000.

II acres with house, 8 rooms etc., at Sa-vannah, on 8. P. R. R? $1600.

300 acres 6 miles east of city, $00 per.acre.3 houses and lots 1 mile from Plaza, rent

for $12 per month each, $3000.1 lot, Grand avenuo, Morris Vineyard

traot, $700.? ? _.

8 lots, Grand avenue, Morris Vineyardtract, $1600. ?| lots, East Los Angeles, for $250 each.

Exchange a Specialty.85 acres alfulfa ranch for exchange for

Eastern property.Call and look over our list of property be-

fore you buy,GKATIAM,TAYLOR & CO.,

lm No. 12 West First Btreet.

Alfalfaand Corn Faims for Sale,

From ton acres up. Artesian wells withallaud land warranted to grow alfalfa fromsix to eight crops per year, without water,the dryest years kuown to Southern Califor-

HATZLIP & 80N,sep-8 tf ICHNorth Main street.


$50 CASH AND $10 PER MONTHWillbuy you a nice home of flvo acres, 16mllcß south of Los Angeles and near rail-

road. WALTER ? JONESI Office St. Elmo Hotel. am Hf


xeo* SEVENTH '»»


Agricultural Association,No. S.




TURNER HALL,Spring Street, Los Angeles.

Improvements at the Park have beenmade, and all possibllitlesol any objectionsbave been removed.

Tbo Turner Society volunteer athletic entertalnmeut at the Track aud vocal musicat the Pavilion.

Fine Orchestra engaged day and nightduring the week, comprising the

12,13,14,15 AND 16OF OCTOBER.The great display of Babies will take

Slace Friday, October 15tb. More than aoien of the youngsters willreceive pre-


Citlsens have offered $100 premium to thechampion Base Ball Club, matches to beplayed during forenoons of Fair Week atthe Park. Entrleß to close October Mb.Clubs f.om all over the Coast willbe here.

Great Ladles' Toirnament on ThursdayOctober 14lh. Four prizes?sBo, $25, $15 and$10?open for entries tillnoon of tbe dayofcontest.

Export gentleman horsemanship?Cali-fornia riding or any other?open to theworld; four moneys, as above. Contest,Friday, October 15th;entries close Oct. 6th.

Everything bas been done to Insure aFair, and a rousing attendance is expected.Look at the

List of Race Entries.Tuesday, October 12.

Five-eigh'h mile, running, for two yearolds?Manzanlta, Carmellta, David Copper-field, Foßter Fillyand C. H. Todd.

SAME DAY.'One-half mile, running, free for all?Jim

Polk, Johnny Gray, Oliver Twist, MinnieStratton, AllieBill,King and Jacinto.

SAME DAY,:36 class, trotting?Como, Rajab, Geron-

imo and Captain Jack.Wednesday, October 13.

Seven eighth mile, running, three year-olds? Mollio Capron, Oliver Twist, Xii g,Allie Hilland Fleet.

SAME DAY.One mile dash, running, all ages?Dublin

Bay, Ben Hill's s. g. by Reveille, Allie Hilland Jim Polk.

SAME DAY.Three minute class, trolling?Lot Slocum,

Bob Mason, Captain Jack and Belle 8.Thursday, October 14.

One and one-quarter mile dash, running,all ages?Dublin Bay, Jim Polk, Hill's b. g.by Reveille, AllieHillaud Gal go.,

SAME DAY.One mile, for two-year-oldg?Manzanlta,

Carmellta, David Copperfleld, Foster Fillyand C. st Todd.

SAME DAY.Ladles' Riding?sloo, four moneys, $50,

$25, $16 and $10. Entries to close day ofcon-test.

SAME DAY.2:30 class, trotting?Hunter, Dick J., Val-

entine, Alcazar, Maid of Oaks and CaptainJack.

Friday, October 15.One and one-quartor mile dash, for three-

year-olds?Mollle Capron, Oliver Twist,Fleet and AllieHill.

SAME DAY.One hundred dollar- for expert horse-

manship, California riding. Four moneys-$50, $20, $15 and $10. Entries close Octo-ber sth.

SAMEDAY.2:10 class, trotting?Qeronimo, Rajah, Bob

Mason and Captain Jack.Saturday, October 16.

One and one-half mile dash, running, allsges?Manzanlta, Dublin Bay, Hill's s. g., 4,by Heveille, AllieHill,Galgo and Jim Folk.

SAME DAY.One mile, consolation, for beaten horses,

oloses day ofrace.SAMEDAY.

Free for all trot?Hunter, Valentine,Stamboul, Como, Lot Slocum and MonroeChief. This last willbe the fastest trottingrace ever made south of the Bay.

4)sn?Grand stock parade and award of

gremiuras at 10 a. m. ou Friday, October 15.end forPremium list.

J. C. NEWTON,President.

E. A.DaC AMP,Secretary.au2l 3 and 5 North Main St.

ANNUAL FAIR IThe Third Annual Exhibition of the

Los Angeles Co. Agricultural AssociationWillbe held at

Downey City, t;ul.,October stb,(Itli,Ith and Ht it, 188U.

The Fair thia year promises to be themost interesting ever held In Los Angelescounty. Strangers should take this oppor-tunity to see the finest and most fet tile sec-tion of Lob Anteles county. For further in-formation address the President, A.E. Ma-vis, or Secretary, F. R. Willis, DowneyCity. Cal. -sep2l-td

First Annual BallOF THE


Protective Association Ho. 1,AT


OCTOBER 7TH, 1886.

Music by Doiis' Orchestra.sep2Btdj


Brousseau & Hatch,

Attorney a arid Counsellors at Law.

Nos. 81, 32 and 66 Baker Block,




J. Q. EVANS,Exoluslre dealer in


2% West First street, under Natlck House,Loa Angeles, Cal, sepietf





Pacific Coast Land Bureau.


WENDELL EASTON Vlce-Vresldent.F. B. WILDE Secretary.

JAS. B. LANKERSHIM Treasurer.W. R. MATTHEWS Salesman.



Real Estate AgentsAND





Hold Power of Attorney forAbsentees,

Collect Rents, Pay Taxes.Large Tracts Subdivided and Sold

at Auction or PrivateZSale.


/Careful Appraisements Made .for

,Banks.lConrts, Administrators,

Trustees, Etc


Ailo-Nevaia,Assurance Corporation.

CAPITA!. 52,000,000.sepl2

20 West First Street.ti. tt. i HIKK, - - - President.?7000?20-acre farm at Santa Ana and

near Orange; 12 acres in English soft-shell walnuts; 800 Bartlett pears, 300French prunes and other fruits; 4 acresof raisin grapes; 2 acres of alfalfa: newhouse of six rooms, large barn and out-houses. Willgo with tbe placo?l span ofhorses, harness, 1 Jersey cow, 7 dozenchickens, 1 carriage, 1 lumber wagon,plows,harrows, lot of tools and hay inthebarn.

«10,000 ? Beautiful home at BoyleHeights, on Boyle avenue; 11 acres; mostall In fruit; house of 6 rooms, barn andout-houses; will take in exchange $7000worth of Los Angeles property. Apply toLos Angeles Land Bureau, No. 20 W. First

3SO ACRES ol choice grain and fruit land,only $55 per acre, located 6 miles south ofLos Angeles: all incultivation: this is abargain; call and see it. Apply to LosAngeles Land Bureau, No. 20W. First st.



No, 7 Commercial StTOM SHAW.!<sitf


Diseases ot me m, Ear and TbroatSPECIALTIES.

6tU Montgomery St., Corner Clay,

sep2s San Fraucisco. Im


,1 . B First Mortgage Real Batata Lioans GuaranteeE. C. WEDBTER. R. M. FURLONG. GEO. HERRMANN. BAYARD T. SMITH.


INVESTMENT BANKERSNo. io Exchange Block, Pasadena, CaL

To Capitalists, Investors, Savings Banks and Trust Institutions, Greeting:


We have In stock at all times City, County and School Bonds, which we own and have selected after apersonal examination as tolegal status, etc., which werun recommend to conservative investors. Send for descriptive lists. Write us if you wish to buy orsell.Dealers inMortgage and Investment Securities. Real estate bought aud sold. Care aud management of properties and estates inPasadena, Los Augeles county and vicinitya specialty. Taxes paid and rents collected. Especial attention given to aU business ofcorrespondents, and their interests carefully served.

Prompt attention guaranteed toall business entrusted to our care. Write for references. Always pleased to answer correspond-ence. References: Auybank tnPasadena and Los Angeles city or couuty. Ashare of your business solicited.

Address all correspondence to

E. C. Webster & Co., Investment Bankers,oc3 1m PABADEHA, CAI>.

PMDELPIIA BOOT Hi SHOE HOUSE.103, 105 North Main Street, Temple Block.

One door from tbe corner ofMarket street.

CLEARANCE SALE IFor the Next Sixty Days

$50,000 Wortli of Men's, Ladies', Misses', Children's andlnfants'Boots and. Shoes

This stock must be closed out regardless ofcost, as we are compelled to make tbis sacriflto make room for


We will Sell Boots and Shoes Cheaper than ever before. By giving us a call you will convince yourselfof the fact.

M. JACOBY, Philadelphia Boot and Shoe House. "BCp»

? ? " 4 ?" 'Qflft Painless Extraction

BYLOCAL APPLICATIONS TO COM3 ONLY.DR, SMITH more than two years ago gold-capped anumber\u25a0 of my teeth thatI thonght

were lost. They are as good as new. G. K. LONG, First National Bank.

Morethan one year ago DR. SMITH gold-capped some of my teeth that I thoughtwould haye to be extracted. I now

My daughter's teeth were so badly deformed that I thought to have some of themextracted. Dr. Smith in a short time straightened them.

Mrs. T. FREEMON, Los Angeles.


Has opened a Branon Dentistry Department adjoining bis present -,ffice,


Where Sets of Teeth are made for the Low Price of $6 ds7 Each-Jan2&-tf


SALT RIVER VALLEY1Investigate This Now, Do Delay.Buy a home where you can raise Stock, Grains and Fruit Profitably.

Buy before the Railroad is completed, and secure the rise lvvalues sure tofollow.AnExcursion to this FAMED VALLEYwillleave Los Angeles next Wednesday

COLLINS, SYMONDS & CO.,55 Nortli Spring Street, Los Angeles, CaL, and Washington Street, Ptaix, Arlzon



ilealar inall latest improved English and American Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and AmmnnitlonAllworkdonl Inbest style-speaking for Itself and no need ofself praif.and repairing of fine guns a specialty. Telephonn No. 288. senlS





48 &BO N. MAINST. :^^f9^^^

The New Hanmiam Baths,76 and 78 South Main Street, Los Angeles,

(m/m*Have changed hands and are now under new man-agement, whoso aim itwill be to make them what

A they should be, viz: a LUXURY aa well as a sourceArL\ of health to tbe public. This establishment is the

"tilyono of th*kit ti. k B< Dthern California, and atother place on the ooast (outside of San Fran-,

i-<co) Turkish, Russian, Roman, Elec-trie, Medicated, Sulphur, Vapor, Mer-ourial, Plunge and Other Baths be hadas they are given at this place. We havo the most~ polite and experienced attendants, the most luxurt-

\W ous rooms for a quiet rest after the hath, and can ao-!commodate any number of gentlemen who desire to remain all night and af.nofurther charge. The Ladies' Department is on the second floor, is as private aa anylady's home could be made, and for comfort, privacy and eood accommodation v

"0t GentUme'u's Department open from 9A. M. until midnight. Ladies' Depar-

tment from 9a.m.t06 P. M. Baths, $1. Six tickets for #5. Electricity appliedfree of charge. No free paaaes, complimentary tickets, or any but ooupon tickets

heretofore issued are good.M j PtoprUtor#

F. B. MULLARD, Maaager and Superintendent. anl2tf


PASADENAWine and Lipor Store.

0. W. BERREY'S and J. H. CUTTER'Btine Kentucky Bourbon and Rye Whiskies.

Pure California Wines and Brandies, bytbe pint, gallon or bottle, a specialty.

Orders by mail promptlyattended to anddelivered to any part of the city.



VACHEFREEES &Co.Established In 18«0.

DEPOT FOR THE BROOKSIDE VINEYARD.Wholesale and Retail Dealers In


Also Pure Liquors for Medicinal purposes.

Oor. Commercial and Alameda Sts..Opposite Old Depot.


Fall OpeningOF



aTSF*A cordial invitation ls extended toallwho wish toattend.

MRS. FORSTER,UO North Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal.

gtWHo oerds. sep2l


Bjfore purchasing stock. No Eastern Har-ness kept. Full lines of

Whips, Holies, Etc.Repairing Promptly Attendedto and Neatly Done at the

Lowest Prices. aep3 3m

The ftth Scale!I am prepared to spray orchards of from

ten to 10,000 trees, at the earliest date, withmy patent scale killer. I warrant It tokillthe white cottony, red, black and San Josescales, also the Woolly Aphis, without injurytothe blossoms, fruitor tree. It does not dropa leaf nor the young fruit and leaves nodisagreeable odor, like tbe whale oil. Far-ties desiring orchards sprayed willAnd ltto thelrinterest to call and see my work.

Address or call 514 First street.sep2l lm W. D. BIGELOW.

BATH &FOSMIR'SFoiinury and Machine Shop,

Corner Virgin and Castelar Streets.Telephone MB, Los Angeles, CaL

Take two-horse oar. o2tf

TILLOS AUgeles TONSORIAL PARLORSNo. 16 Requena St., under U. 8. Hotel,

Is the finest barbershop in the city. AUkinds of barberlng done In the best styles.Aclean mug aud towel for every man.

BATHSr-Hot, Cold, Salt, Soda, Sulphuraud Mustard Baths.

aug2B lm S. C. PIERCE, Prop.

Gillette, ft GibsonExaminers ofTitle and


'noma 15 find 14, McDonald Blook, Main 84.LOS ANIiKLKBOAL

' CWvftiaa Purcell, B. A. 0. E,

; ConsDltißi En«r and SurffiTor

' Associate Member Institute CtvUEngineers, London,

Hoom 1* Alien Black, corner Sprlasand Tempi*, t*mt
