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Gout Intro Causes & Diet Suggestions

Date post: 30-Nov-2014
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Gout is a type of arthritis and is a complex disorder. It causes painful inflammation in one or more joints. Gout is characterized by an abnormal metabolism of uric acid, resulting in excess uric acid in the tissues and blood. Gout is more prevalent among men and obese people. Menopausal women also suffer from gout. Read More : http://nirogam.com/product_detail/6/Arthronil-60-Caps
i. i. Gout-An Intro Gout-An Intro ii. ii. Causes of Gout Causes of Gout iii. iii. Diet Suggestions Diet Suggestions
Page 1: Gout  Intro Causes & Diet Suggestions

i.i. Gout-An IntroGout-An Intro

ii.ii. Causes of GoutCauses of Gout

iii.iii. Diet SuggestionsDiet Suggestions

Page 2: Gout  Intro Causes & Diet Suggestions

Gout is a type of arthritis and is a complex disorder.

It causes painful inflammation in one or more joints.

Gout is characterized by an abnormal metabolism of uric acid, resulting in excess uric acid in the tissues and blood.

Gout is more prevalent among men and obese people. Menopausal women also suffer from gout.

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Gout is caused by the build up of uric acid in the blood.

Most of the time, it is passed out with urine and faeces but in people with gout, it builds up in the blood.

As time goes on, the level may become too high and tiny crystals form and collect at the joints causing pain.

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Sudden, severe attacks of pain: Gout usually affects the big toe, but can also affect your feet, ankles, hands and wrists.

Joints become red, inflamed and tender. Pain that may wake you up at night. There is lingering discomfort leading to

limited mobility.

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Those who : Are obese Take excessive amount of alcohol Suffer from untreated hypertension,

diabetes, high cholesterol etc. Have suffered from joint injuries in the past Have a family history of gout Consume high purine foods in large


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Gout can be triggered by the foods you eat. The intake of foods that contain high amount of purine and high protein is linked with gout.

Here are some triggers:

Cut back on sea food. Avoid herring, tuna and anchovies completely, while other sea food can be eaten once in a while.

Turkey and goose: It’s best to avoid red meat. Chicken and duck are the safest choices.

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Liver: Organ meats such as liver, kidneys and are a major no-no.

Asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, beans and mushrooms should be avoided.

So is sweetbread. Sugary drinks: Avoid beverages

sweetened with high fructose corn syrup.

Alcoholic drinks including beer. High fat dairy!

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Massage the affected joint with warm mustard oil or organic sesame oil. Follow with hot fomentation.

Ice packs can also help alleviate pain and inflammation.

Give the painful joint ample rest. Take weight off the joint while doing the daily chores.

Ayurvedic herbs used in the treatment of arthritis include Triphala, Guggul, Boswellia, Turmeric, and more.

Have lots of warm fluids and Vitamin C rich foods and Omega 3 supplements.

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An Ayurvedic remedy for Gout, Arthritis & High Uric Acid, ARTHRONIL helps to reduce the impact of Rheumatoid and Gout Arthritis.

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