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Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 1 St. Paul the Apostle Council 9652 July-August 2013 GRAND KNIGHT’S REMARKS Br. Scott Arnold As I humbly enter into the role of your Grand Knight, I am left honored, excited, confused and most im- portantly hopeful. Firstly, I am honored because I often look around at our gatherings and question how it is you chose me. There are so many other worthy and capable men in our Council. I also, in comparison to many, am so new to our Order. With all these thoughts aside how- ever, I must tell you that it is my intent to serve you with grace, respect and brotherly love. Secondly, I am excited with our future. With strong membership numbers, it is clear we have so much potential and resources. Over the summer I will con- sult with as many of our Past Grand Knights as possi- ble. It is my desire to have a clear understanding of the last 25 years. As a Council, we cannot look into the future without first reviewing and understanding the past. This is like our toolbox full of information and knowledge. On a final note, I must also say, I am confused. How- ever, my confusion is surrounded with hope. My con- fusion comes about, because it appears that we forget some of the lessons given to us in our various de- grees. I encourage all of us to refresh ourselves on a continual basis by attending a degree when we can. This is good for us as much as it is for supporting our candidates. Our Order should be able to grow natural- ly, if we Knights make strong efforts to live out our Principles, at the same time acknowledging we are all sinners. This model will be a true force to be reck- oned with. As an executive we will be calling on all of you over the summer. There are many good things in the works: stayed tuned, be ready, and most importantly remember why you joined the Knights in the first place. There will be something for each of us coming up in our good works. I leave you with this final quote. ‘Pay attention my young friends: to go against the current, this is good for the heart, but we need cour- age to swim against the tide. … We Chris- tians were not chosen by the Lord for little things; push onwards towards the highest principles. Stake your lives on noble ideals, my dear young people!’ (Pope Francis, April 28 th , 2013) Vivat Jesus! Table of Contents on Pg. 2 Mission Statement We, the Knights of Columbus, St. Paul the Apostle Council 9652, strive to deepen our relationship with Christ and each other by promoting God’s work. We support our Bishop, Priests and Community by holding fast to our mission as Catholic laymen. We provide support to widows and children of deceased members who die an untimely death, and foster fraternal spirit.

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 1

St. Paul the Apostle Council 9652 July-August 2013


Br. Scott Arnold

As I humbly enter into the role of your Grand Knight,

I am left honored, excited, confused and most im-

portantly hopeful.

Firstly, I am honored because I often look around at

our gatherings and question how it is you chose me.

There are so many other worthy and capable men in

our Council. I also, in comparison to many, am so

new to our Order. With all these thoughts aside how-

ever, I must tell you that it is my intent to serve you

with grace, respect and brotherly love.

Secondly, I am excited with our future. With strong

membership numbers, it is clear we have so much

potential and resources. Over the summer I will con-

sult with as many of our Past Grand Knights as possi-

ble. It is my desire to have a clear understanding of

the last 25 years. As a Council, we cannot look into

the future without first reviewing and understanding

the past. This is like our toolbox full of information

and knowledge.

On a final note, I must also say, I am confused. How-

ever, my confusion is surrounded with hope. My con-

fusion comes about, because it appears that we forget

some of the lessons given to us in our various de-

grees. I encourage all of us to refresh ourselves on a

continual basis by attending a degree when we can.

This is good for us as much as it is for supporting our

candidates. Our Order should be able to grow natural-

ly, if we Knights make strong efforts to live out our

Principles, at the same time acknowledging we are all

sinners. This model will be a true force to be reck-

oned with.

As an executive we will be calling on all of you over

the summer. There are many good things in the

works: stayed tuned, be ready, and most importantly

remember why you joined the Knights in the first

place. There will be something for each of us coming

up in our good works.

I leave you with this final quote. ‘Pay attention

my young friends: to go against the current,

this is good for the heart, but we need cour-

age to swim against the tide. … We Chris-

tians were not chosen by the Lord for little

things; push onwards towards the highest

principles. Stake your lives on noble ideals,

my dear young people!’

(Pope Francis, April 28th, 2013)

Vivat Jesus!

Table of Contents on Pg. 2

Mission Statement

We, the Knights of Columbus, St. Paul the Apostle Council 9652, strive to deepen our relationship with Christ and each other by promoting God’s work. We support our Bishop, Priests and Community by holding fast to our mission as Catholic laymen.

We provide support to widows and children of deceased members who die an untimely

death, and foster fraternal spirit.

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 2

Chaplain’s Remarks Father Leo Byrne

Dear Brother Knights,

The best definition of humanity, our humanity, comes

in the very first pages of the Bible.

God, scripture says, created the human being from the

“mud of the earth” – but then breathed into the human

being the breath of God. Forgetting either of those ele-

ments brings frustration, often anger and disappoint-

ment dealing with others – and with ourselves.

At the end of the day we are “mud of the earth”, we

are earthy, and have earthy needs, that could mean

some summer time off, a Bar B Que with a cold beer.

We also have within us “the breath of God”. That too

must be taken into consideration. This is the time of

year when we can find time for reflection and prayer.

Sunday Mass provides nourishment for the breath of

God within us.

Father Leo Byrne


The end of another fraternal year finds our Council in

excellent financial shape. We have pledged to support

a wide variety of groups, both in the parish and com-

munity. With the ongoing support of our members,

we have delivered both monetarily as well as spiritual-


The participation of the membership is the key to our

success, and we must try to be there when we are

needed. This direction was kept steady by our Grand

Knight of the last 2 terms, Terry Finn. I wish to thank

him personally, for his support, especially since our

council entered into the "Member Management" sys-

tem under Supreme.

We must give our new Grand Knight, Scott Arnold,

the support required to keep our council strong and

vibrant. I also must thank our outgoing Treasurer, Pat

Laverty, for his patience & dedication to the safekeep-

ing of our funds. I have worked well with Pat, and I

am sure the same will be true of our newly elected

treasurer, Michael Mombourquette.

We currently have 162 members; 99 associate, 61

Insurance, & 2 inactive. This includes 4 Hon, 17 Hon

Life, & 3 Disabled.

During the summer months, keep prayer a key ele-

ment in your lives, in order to experience all of God's

beautiful works of nature for our enjoyment.

Vivat Jesus! Table of Contents

Grand Knight 1

Chaplain 2

Fin. Sec. / M’ship 2

Pro-Life / Convention 3

BBQs / Elem. Schools 4

Recognition Night 5

Notable B’days/Anniv. 6

Other B’days/Anniv. 7

Golf Tournament 8-9

2012/2013 Raffle 10

Insurance 11

Good News Page 12

9652 Web Site 13

Photos 14-15-

Ed.Note /Joyful‘toons 16 Calendar / Officers 17

Sponsors 18

Financial Secretary’s Report Br. Dale Tuepah

Membership Notes Br. Andrew McAdoo

The focus of the membership initiatives for the upcoming year will not only be

recruitment into the order, but also retention of current members. We will be

reaching out through the membership to identify all Brothers who have left the

order so we can work at bringing them back.

Members can also be recruited out of the Mass you attend by identifying men

who are faithful to the Mass. This requires little effort for all concerned as these

men are already practical Catholics; remember as long as they are eighteen they

can be recruited. An Open House will be planned for mid September.

Vivat Jesus!

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 3

Pro-Life Corner Br. David Caracciolo

On Mon May 6th we gathered at St. Paul the Apostle church for a prayer vigil for Life and Family that includ-

ed Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction and Mass. This was a prelude to the annual “March for

Life” in Ottawa on Thursday, 9th May.

Approx 20 people, led by a choir of four, attended this Year of Faith and Pro-Life initiative sponsored by the

CWL and Knights. Our goal was to take a prayerful approach to the conflict and confusion surrounding our

Pro-Life and Pro-Family activities.

During his homily on the readings - Isaiah 49, Psalm 145 and Mark 12:28-34 - Fr Leo reflected that the Pro-

Life movement is "on the right side of history". He recalled recently re-reading books by and about Martin

Luther King and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. They were parts of movements that were also on the right side of his-

tory, though very difficult at the time, and even now.

He also reminded us that the most important commandment remains Love, and that prayer is important.

Vivat Jesus!

Ed. Note: Our Delegate to the State Convention in May was Peter Wadeck. Peter was responsible for drafting

a Resolution from Council 9652 asking Supreme to acquire and fund media outlets which would promote

Christian and Life issues. His report on this Resolution appears below:

“Although resolution lost the vote it sparked a very lively debate. The idea of Catholics being involved in the

media was new to most delegates. This is not surprising, since the secular media repeatedly tells us not to in-

volve religion in public affairs.

Unfortunately too many delegates did not understand how the secularists use the power of the press to attack

the church and successfully legalize abortion and gay marriage.

However, progress was still made. Many people were informed and agreed with the resolution. One deficiency

in the resolution I learned was that there is no way Supreme can use its vast finances to help use the press to

spread the gospel. Their hands are tied and asking them to solve this problem was beyond their capabilities.

So, we will have to look for other sources of funds. If we only had one dollar for every Catholic in the world

we would be able to make a significant impact. The Advocate and I are now analyzing our options. We just

may have a new resolution that will pass next year.”

Delegate to the State Convention Br. Peter Wadeck

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 4

During the past month, Knights of St Paul the Apostle

Council cooked hamburgers and hotdogs on the council's

propane barbeque in support of three parish youth

events. On Sunday, 26 May, and Monday, 3 June, An-

drew McAdoo, Michael Mombourquette, Hank Noonan

(photographer), Aubert Pereira, Tony Vella and I assist-

ed LifeTeen and Edge to complete their year's activi-

ties on a high note. In appreciation of the support pro-

vided to these events by our Council, Nadia Gundert who

leads and coordinates LifeTeen and

Edge, wrote a kind note to the Coun-

cil that read "Thank you once again

for helping us with our year-end

BBQs. Your support of youth minis-

try in the parish is awesome!"

On 24 June, Hank Noonan

(photographer), Tony Vella and I

barbequed hundreds of hot dogs for a play day lunch at

Mother Teresa Catholic School. Later that day, the

school Principal, Mrs Susan Conway-Williamson, invited

me to an end-of-year assembly, and I proudly accepted

on your behalf a Certificate of Appreciation for the

support that Council 9652 has provided to the school

over the past year. Another hotdog BBQ is planned for

Mother Teresa CS on 10 September, and I anticipate

that St Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School may also

request assistance with a similar meet and greet event.

The September barbeques are large, bringing together

parents, teachers and students at the beginning of the

school year, so I will be seeking at least four cooks and

a photographer for each event.

I believe that barbeque support to youth events is a

valuable activity for our Council on several levels. First,

these events provide an appreciated way for us to part-

ner with important Catholic youth programs in our par-

ish. These partnerships are critical to enabling the

Knights of Columbus to demonstrate

Christian values to youth in a practical

and highly visible manner. Second,

barbeque support opens the door for

us to partner with parish Catholic

schools in other ways, including the

integration of Knights of Columbus

activities such as the Substance

Abuse Awareness Poster Contest and

the Basketball Free Throw Contest into the local Catho-

lic school program. Finally, barbeque events are enjoya-

ble fraternal activities that allow brother Knights to

enjoy one another's company. So if you are new to

Council 9652, I ask you to consider becoming involved in

our youth barbeques.

Vivat Jesus!

[Photos: Hank Noonan]

Barbeque Support to Youth Events Br. Shaun Tymchuk

The Christian Example Award is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus in the four Catholic elementary schools of

the parish. This award is presented to a Grade 8 student who exemplifies what it means to know Jesus, and what

it means to be the best person you can be. The graduating student is chosen by the School and the award is pre-

sented by a member of the Knights. [From Br. ShaunTymchuk]

Presentations to Elementary School Graduates

Left: Justin MacGregor of Mother Tere-

sa School, with Shaun Tymchuk of our


Right: Samantha Murphy of Ste. Margue-

rite Bourgeoys School, with Terry Finn of

our Council

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 5

Recognition Night 2013

PGK Terry Finn instituted a new form of recognition for members reaching certain milestones

in years of service to the Knights. Here are the awards for 2013.

YEARS of SERVICE July 1/12 – June 30/13

5………..Neal HILL Luke McEACHNIE Chris O’HEARN Garnet HUFF James LESLEY




15……….Father Raymond deSOUZA Trevor HAMMOND Tony ZUBER Gerry FRENKEN


Andy NICHOLSON (passed away 2013, presented to Marilyn)

20……….Marvin BAKER Joseph RODDY


30……….John GOLEMIEC Donald DOHERTY

The members with over 30 yrs service are:

Allan Soini & Val Dumais – 31; Fred Watson – 32; Omer Guertin – 33; Hank Noonan – 34; Phil

Healey – 37; Denis Guenette & Fr. Leo Byrne – 39; Mel Kealey – 48; Walter Genereux – 49.

5 Years of service 15 Years of service 30 years of service

5 yrs—Mike Gallagher, James Lesley, Garnet Huff, Dale Tuepah 15 yrs—Fred Happy 30 yrs—Don Doherty, John Golemiec

Left: Howard Gallivan receiving his Honourary Life Membership card and certificate

Centre: Hank Noonan, Howard Gallivan and Denis Guenette, Charter Members, with the 25th Anniversary Certificate

Right: Scott Arnold presents Terry Finn with his PGK pin and Certificate of Appreciation from Supreme [Photos: Fred Happy]

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 6

Chancellor’s Report Brs. Peter Wadeck / Aubert Pereira

Opening Thought: People don't notice whether it's winter or summer when they're happy.

Anton Chekhov

The whole summer is ahead of us. Hooray! BBQs, vacations, “the boys of summer”, gardening, mowing

….all this to look forward to! As you move forward, spare a thought for those Knights and wives celebrating

Birthdays and Anniversaries.

Significant Birthdays and Anniversaries

Notable Birthdays (60+):

The 60’s Club

July: Patrick Laverty (1st); Thomas Dafoe (5th); Joseph Roddy (16th); Terry Finn (19th);

Allan DeBenedetti (24th); Marcel Picard (26th); Tim Culleton (31st)

August: Philip N. Healey (18th)

The 70’s Club

July: Val Dumais (3rd); James Ford (7th); Fred Watson (13th); Raymond Vignola (18th)

August: —-

Notable Wedding Anniversaries (40+):

July: Margaret and Paul Spooner (49 years on the 4th); Anne and Allan Soini (42 years on the17th);

Beatrice and Gord Costello (52 years on the22nd)

August: Kathleen and Tom Callery (50 years on the 17th); Margaret and Fred Happy (56 years on the31st)

Please pray for those who are sick, especially Tim Culleton and Mel Kealey, and Gerry Steenburgh, in hospi-tal for a heart bypass.

Closing Thought: “Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” ― Henry James

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 7

A Little Humour

In a convent in Ireland, the 98 year old Mother Superior lay dying. The nuns gathered around her bed trying

to make her last journey comfortable. They tried giving her warm milk to drink but she refused it. One of the

nuns took the glass back to the kitchen. Then, remembering the bottle of Irish Whiskey that had been received

as a gift the previous Christmas, she opened it and poured a generous amount into the warm milk.

Back at the Mother Superior’s bed, they held the glass to her lips. The frail nun drank a little,

then a little more, and before they knew it, had finished the glass down to the last drop. As

her eyes brightened, the nuns thought it would be a good opportunity for one last talk with

their spiritual leader.

“Mother”, the nuns asked earnestly, “Please give us some of your wisdom before you leave us.” She raised

herself up in bed on one elbow, looked at them and said:

“Don’t sell that cow!” [Submitted by Walter Genereux]


To the Knights and wives not noted above: Sincerest Congratulations to those celebrating birthdays in July and

August 2013

July: Catherine Hill (1st), Frances Frenken (3rd), Leona Francis (7th), Marie Forster, Josie Zanchelli (10th),

Patricia Roddy (11th), Marie Baker (12th), Anne Dorion (14th), Lyne Tuepah (16th), Ann Lodge (25th),

Jacqueline Laverty (26th)

Carlos Vicente (17th), Carlos Godinho (18th), Neal Hill (26th)

August: Jennifer Farah (2nd), Pamela Large (8th), Margaret Happy (12th), Anna Joseph (15th),

Anthema Brown (20th), Colleen Cross, Lise Gallagher, Anne Soini (23rd),

Doris Flynn, Trudy Potvin (28th)

Luke McEachnie (1st), Christopher Huff (15th), Michael Mombourquette (16th),

Philip N. Healey, Robert Francis (18th), John Heffernan, Anthony Zuber (19th), Sean Flynn (26th),

Tom Hunter (27th)

Anniversary greetings and congratulations for JULY and AUGUST 2013 also to those listed below.

July: Jacqueline and Patrick Laverty (30 years on the 3rd); Marcella and Michael Smith (20 years on the 3rd);

Dorothy and Peter Wadeck (7th); Anna and John Hickey (31 yrs on the 7th);

Marie and Christopher Forster (30 years on the 16th); Holly and John Heffernan (31 years on the 17th);

Nadia and Mike Gundert (4 years on the 18th); Maria and Chuck Lunn (29 yers on the 21st);

Karen and Robert Cadieux (16 years on the 23rd); Susan and Gerald Boutillier (36 years on the 26th);

Jennine and Anthony Zuber (11 years on the 27th); Rose and Tim Culleton (34 years on the 29th)

August: Doris and Sean Flynn (26 years on the 1st); Doris and Ronald Tessier (6 years on the 2nd);

Beverly and Gerald Majoros (38 years on the 15th); Merl and Philippe Trottier (11 years on the 17th);

Valerie and Reg Gore (39 years on the 17th); Colleen and Ken Cross (16 years on the 19th);

Kim and Tom Sampson (9 years on the 21st); Meriel and Ian Stuart (31 years on the 21st);

Liz and Michael Jones (4 years on the 22nd); Janet and Terry Finn (34 years on the 22nd);

Lucia and Antonio Godinho (26 years on the 22nd); Anthema and Angus Brown (38 years on the 23rd;

Carolyn and Jeffrey Knight (25th); Jennifer and George Farah (8 years on the 27th)

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 8

[Photos: Hank Noonan]

Inaugural Charity Golf Tournament Br. Michael Gallagher

Since 1989 Kingston Pregnancy Care Centre (KPCC) has been providing counselling and support services to

women experiencing unplanned or crisis pregnancies. Each year this Christian, pro-life organization, with no

public funding and limited resources, gives fuller information on a woman’s options with the result that many

choose to give birth to their babies.

In choosing this vital community resource to receive the proceeds of our Knights of Columbus Charity Golf

Tournament our council is again, offering tangible support to what our Supreme Grand Knight, Carl Anderson,

has promoted as the “Culture of Life”.

The tournament, held June 8, brought together sixty golfers and diners for an enjoyable day (yes the rain held

off for the most part) and a steak BBQ. Thanks go to the numerous volunteers from both KPCC and St. Paul

the Apostle council for all their work. And a special thanks to our committee (Howard Gallivan, Terry Finn,

Scott Arnold, Don & Betty Doherty, Jim Lawrence and Dale Tuepah) for their many hours of hard work to en-

sure the success of this endeavour. Total net benefit to KPCC from the tournament is $6,300.00. And we have

already started the planning for next year!

Vivat Jesus! (L) On the green

(R) On the way to the 19th hole — Phil Healey, Howard Gallivan,

Walter Genereux, Allan DeBene-detti, Wendy Gallivan and two

other golfers

(Below) Dale Tuepah (white cap) with his brothers and nephew,

formed a foursome.

After dinner—Phil Healey, Walter Genereux and Hank Noonan during the post-dinner speeches and awards Betty Doherty and Mike Gallagher

confer before the prize awards

Non-golfers Gerry Simpson

and Armand Bedard in the

club house waiting for dinner

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 9

More from the Golf Tournament

The Tournament Volunteer Team

Ron Skinner, Don Doherty, Terry Finn, Howard Gallivan, Tanya Knox, Donna Bell, Scott Arnold,

Betty Doherty, Terry Hall, Ron Wettlaufer, Mike Gallagher (Chair)

Wendy Gallivan, seen with Betty Doherty and

Terry Finn, collecting her prize for the

longest drive by a Lady

Mike and Lise Gallagher with Dale Tuepah

relax for a moment for this photo

Donna Bell of the Kingston KPCC

addressing the gathering Terry Hall of the National KPCC

addressing the gathering

[Photos: Hank Noonan]

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 10


First and foremost, Brothers Dale Tuepah and Howard Gallivan, Val Dumais, and Christopher

Roney would like to thank those members who donated their time in selling tickets for our

State Charity Car Raffle. Our success is totally dependent upon the work you do. THANK


This year our ticket sales reached $10,304.85; $3700.00 from Membership sales and

$6,604.85 from Store sales. The highlight of our membership sales was an increase of 18

members in buying/selling books of tickets over last year. Hopefully next year we will have

more members participate. The good news in the management of store sales was we were

$64.85 to the good after sales thanks to donations from our benefactors. As of this time we

have not received any money from State for our local charities.

The draw winners list is posted on the State Website. There were winners from many differ-

ent locations. The Kingston area was blessed with a winner Wayne Sagriff from Railton.

This ticket was sold by council 12309 in Railton. Wayne won the 2013 Chevrolet Camaro 2LS

Coupe valued at $35030.00.

Next year the challenge to meet or increase sales will be greater than ever. Rumour has it

that one of our stores will be withdrawing from the program. There are two task we must ac-

complish for next year if we hope to be successful. One is to look for new sales locations that

will be productive and two is to increase the number of members who buy/sell books in Mem-

bership sales. We know we have many members who didn’t participate, not by choice but rather

due to unconscious indifference. They simply forgot to participate. If this was you please

mark on your 2014 calendar with a reminder for yourself to buy/sell a couple of books of tick-

ets for our council.

Thank you

Dale Tuepah, Membership Sales Val Dumais, Store Sales Manager

Christopher Roney, Store Sales Manager Howard Gallivan, Car Raffle Chairman

ADVANCE NOTICE — parish FISH FRY in September

Sat 14 September, 5 pm—7 pm

St. Paul the Apostle

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 11

Armour of God (Insurance Notes) Br. Stephen Henderson Fraternal Benefits Advisor

The essence of my role as the Field Agent and the Knights of Columbus benefits is to protect Knights and

their families. I read Ephesians 6:13-17, the Armour of God each morning to inspire me, to motivate me and to

remind me why I am blessed to do this as a career.

" Therefore, take up the full armor of God; so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done

everything, to stand firm. Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAV-


PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; in addition to all: taking up the shield of faith with which

you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take THE HELMET OF SALVA-

TION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

I believe that the Knights of Columbus Insurance services help to provide you with the armour that you

need to protect you and your family from the flaming arrows of daily life.

This protection is divided into four categories:

Life Insurance- affordable whole life with dividend growth, and term insurance (some products offered

to age 80)

Long-Term Care Insurance - Protection against financial hardship from a catastrophic illness (offered to

age 80)

Retirement Products - (TFSAs, RRIFs, RRSPs)- Guaranteed income that you cannot outlive (some op-

tions offered to age 85)

Disability Income Insurance - Provides income in the event of an illness or injury (offered to age 61)

As a Knight you already are automatically receive some fraternal benefits which include an accidental death

benefit of up to $2500 on you and your spouse.

As an insured Knight you receive some more benefits which include an Orphan Fraternal Benefit of $80.00/

month, and scholarships.

But to be truly protected you must apply for one of our products.

I look forward to meeting all of you in person.

I can be reached on my cell phone 613-770-4092, or at home 613-382-1194.

My e-mail is [email protected]

God Bless!

Stephen Henderson

Fraternal Benefits Advisor

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 12

On the 4th May, a Men's Retreat was held at St.

John’s Church, titled “Men Talking to Men”.

Deacon Phil Carney was the keynote speaker, and

Howard Gallivan of our Council was one of the pre-

senters. Several men from St. Paul the Apostle Par-

ish attended:

(L-R) Aubert Pereira, Dale Tuepah, Tony Vella,

Deacon Phil Carney, Val Dumais, Howard Gallivan,

Phil Healey, Nicholas Arnold and Scott Arnold.

[Photos Left and Above: Hank Noonan]

On the 29th June, Archbishop O’Brien ordained Paul Finn to the Priesthood.

In the photo on the left, Father Paul Finn is seen on the right of the Archbishop, and in the photo on the right,

Father Paul with cousin Terry and Janet Finn .

Father Finn was a recipient of the RSVP from Council 9652 during the last fraternal year. [Photos: Fred Happy]

The Good News Page

Congratulations! Kay and Tom

On your 50th Anniversary

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 13

Council 9652 Website Ray Smith has been working on reviving the web site, and has good news:

The Web site is now up and running at http://kofc9652.com

Part of the home page is shown below. If you notice the “/blog” after the URL, do not worry

about it, since it does not affect your viewing of the site. The blog is for some time in the fu-

ture, as the site develops.

You will find lists and information about upcoming events, recent posts going back several

weeks, and, from now on, the Newsletter and minutes of meetings (minus financial infor-


So, browse through it to see what is available, and return there regularly, since new infor-

mation will appear several times a month. Hope you enjoy your Council website.

Members of the council can now start to register on the site by clicking the KofC logo on the

Members page, then select Register and complete the form. A KofC membership number is

required. Once validated by the webmaster the account will be activated.

Ray has also added a QR code for smartphones, mobiles, etc. It is shown


So, print and save this code if you wish to access the site from your smart de-


Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 14

May-June Activity

(L) Chris Stewart presented

with his 2nd Degree Certifi-

cate by Scott Arnold, with Ter-

ry Finn looking on

(R) James Hughes being pre-

sented with his 2nd Degree

Certificate by Scott Arnold

Ian Moore speaking before

presenting DGK Scott Arnold

with a banner celebrating the

25th Anniversary of the


(L) Dustin Walther presented with his 1st

and 2nd Degree Certificates by Scott

Arnold, with Terry Finn Looking on

(R) Victor Clementino presented with his

1st Degree Certificate by Scott Arnold

[Photos: Hank Noonan — 2 top and

lower right]

[Photos: Fred Happy — middle and

lower left]

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 15

June Activity / steak bbq (L) On Recognition Night, Terry

Finn presents Pat Laverty with

a certificate in appreciation of

his 5+ years as Treasurer

(R) Dale Tuepah draws prizes

for sellers of raffle tickets

Above: Garry Davis. “Mister Po-

tato Man”, with some of the crew.

(L) The potato crew — Aubert

Pereira, Earle Campbell, Tom Pen-

ning, Rena Davis and Marvin


(R) With long-time griller, Marvin

Baker, taking a break, a very able

successor, Eric Myers, did us


Happy Diners!

(L) The Mombourquettes enjoying their dinner

(R) Joe and Pat Roddy and another guest at the

Steak BBQ

(Above) Mel Kealey at the Steak BBQ.

Good to see you at the BBQ, Mel!

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 16

Editor’s Note: Br. Aubert Pereira

Another larger-than-usual Newsletter this time, because so much has happened during the last two months. There were

ten (10) contributors, covering a whole range of topics and events related to our Council.

The Arthritis Raffle exceeded its target, and Member sales helped largely with this. Congrats! to Howard and his team.

The Steak BBQ was a sell-out, with a healthy profit, and the only message to come out of that was “Buy extra steaks!”.

Co-Chairs Mario Memme and Christopher Huff did a great job. Eric Myers proved a worthy successor to long-time

“griller” Marvin Baker. And, of Course, “Mr. Potato Man”, Garry Davis did his usual, super job with the potatoes.

The inaugural Charity Golf Tournament in aid of the Kingston Pregnancy Care Centre was very successful, and enjoya-

ble — even for those who do not golf, since the dinner that followed was excellent. Congratulations to Mike Gallagher,

his Committee, and Volunteers

Our Fraternal Benefits Advisor, Stephen Henderson, has written an informative article outlining the Knights of Colum-

bus Insurance Programme. It is hoped that Stephen will continue to keep us informed about the programme.

PGK Terry Finn has handed over the reins to GK Scott Arnold, and we look forward to the new fraternal year.

Have a happy and safe summer!


The church is made up of di-

verse peoples, with different cul-

tures and styles. But, we can

come together in unity when we

are all following Jesus.

Joyful ‘toons (by Mike Waters)


A water skier has no power to ski without the boat. And so we as Christians have no power in ourselves, it comes from our

connection to Jesus and His Annointing.

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 17

Calendar of Upcoming Events

JULY 2013

Tues 2nd General Business Meeting, 7 pm, Rm. D

Thurs 4th 4th Degree Assembly Meeting, 6 pm, Holy Name, Kingston Mills

Sat 14th 4th Degree Summer BBQ, St. Paul’s (3rd Degree members invited)

Wed 17th 4th Degree Executive meeting, SK David Cupido’s Home

Tues 30th Council Executive meeting, 7 pm, Rm. D


Tues 5th General Business Meeting, 7 pm, Rm. D

Thurs 8th 4th Degree Assembly Meeting, 7 pm, St. Patrick’s, Napanee

Sun 11th Seminarian Dinner. 4 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes

Wed 14th 4th Degree Executive meeting, Tompkins

Tues 27th Council Executive meeting, 7 pm, Rm. D

Council 9652 Officers elected/appointed for 2013-2014

Elected Officers

Grand Knight Scott Arnold 530 2941 Warden David Caracciolo 384 9623

Deputy Grand Knight Andrew McAdoo 545 3983 Inside Guard Mario Memme 766 2320

Chancellor Peter Wadeck 384 0111 Outside Guard James Ford 389 4491

Recorder Aubert Pereira 634 7228 Trustee (3 yrs) Val Dumais 544 2677

Treasurer Michael Mombourquette 389 9735 Trustee (2 yrs) Ray Smith 634 1891

Advocate Allan DeBenedetti 389 0051 Trustee (1 yr) Christopher Huff 542 7199

Appointed Officers

Chaplain Father Leo Byrne 389 8222 Special Duties

Financial Secretary Dale Tuepah 389 2174 Squires Chief Counsellor Andrew |McAdoo 545 3983

Lecturer Terry Finn 634 0173 Newsletter Editor Aubert Pereira 634 7228

Captain, 1st Degree Team Val Dumais 544 2677 Photographers Fred Happy

Hank Noonan

389 9710

389 4507

Programme Director Chris Stewart 386 5143 Seminarian Liaison TBA

Membership Andrew McAdoo 545 3983

Church Ray Smith 634 1891

Family David Caracciolo 384 9623


Fraternal Advisor Stephen Henderson


613 382


(C) 613 770 4092

The Council web site is:




Your comments, suggestions and submissions are always most wel-come. Please note that the deadline for submissions is the 20

th of the

month. You may contact the Editor of the Newsletter as follows:

E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 613 634 7228

Or at the church, via the K of C mail slot in the church hall, in the rack side Room A.

Knightly News, July-August 2013 Pg. 18

Thanks to all our sponsors. We value your continued patronage.

Donald Doherty

Furniture Restorations Repairs & Refinishing

(Member of Kingston, Ontario

Council 9652) (613 384-1009)


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