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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu University of Ballarat at IIBIT (Sydney) School of IT Sydney Campus Assignment Cover Page: Group Work Course Number : Group Members SL Last Name Given Names Ballarat ID UB ID 1. Adabala Sai Sreenath 30063444 Ub20499 2 2. Sravan Kumar 30063690 Ub20530 7 3. Dodda Raj Prakash Saabarinath 30068654 UB 205832 4. Sunkara Venkateshwara rao 30063430 UB20537 3 COURSE NUMBER AND NAME:_Ecommerc for managers ITECH 7606____________________________________ PROGRAM OF STUDY: MIS TUTORIAL GROUP : N/A DAY/ TIME: Fri 6;15 Pm LECTURER: James Hu TUTOR (if applicable): James Hu TITLE OF ASSIGNMENT/ PROJECT/ CASE STUDY: Ecomm3 Group Assignment ------------------- WORD LENGTH: 5500 DUE DATE: 3/6/10 DATE SUBMITTED: 4/6/10 DECLARATION: Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia ITECH 7606
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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

University of Ballarat at IIBIT (Sydney)

School of IT Sydney CampusAssignment Cover Page: Group Work

Course Number :

Group Members

SL Last Name Given Names Ballarat ID UB ID

1. Adabala Sai Sreenath 30063444 Ub204992

2. Sravan Kumar 30063690 Ub205307

3. Dodda Raj Prakash Saabarinath 30068654 UB 205832

4. Sunkara Venkateshwara rao 30063430 UB205373

COURSE NUMBER AND NAME:_Ecommerc for managers ITECH 7606____________________________________




TUTOR (if applicable): James Hu

TITLE OF ASSIGNMENT/ PROJECT/ CASE STUDY: Ecomm3 Group Assignment-------------------


DECLARATION:We have kept a copy of this assignment/work so that we can produce it if the original is lost or damaged. We hereby certify that no part of this assignment/work has been copied from any other student’s present or previous, published or unpublished, professional or amateur work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment. We further certify that no part of this assignment/work has been written/produced for us by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorized by the unit/subject lecturer/tutor concerned. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Signature of Student(s)


Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

ITECH 7606

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

The Report is on how to expand Westpac banking corporation in Malaysia. We are four

people in the group who are going to do the report; initially we will be doing an analysis on

Malaysia to get its start on various aspects like population, economy, technology,

government and the geography.

Our group will be concentration on doing a research on the E-Commerce and E- Business

technologies in Malaysia we will be discussing thorough the factors like E Procurement, E-

Supply Chain, E-CRM and localization issues that will affect the Westpac Banking

Corporation when expanding into Malaysia.

The report will be first concentrating on the factors of the country and then concentrate on

the company profile and its statistics then get into pro and cons of the company being

expanding into the country.

Description of MalaysiaMalaysia is a country situated in south East Asia; the country came into existence in 1963

after combining the former British colonies of Sabah, Serwak and North Coast of Borneo, the

country has a total area of 329,847 Sq Km.

The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur but the government seat if in the city of Putrajaya.

The population of Malaysia is around 27 million according to the census of 2006. The

population consisting a mix of Muslim (which is the major religion and around 60% are

Muslims), Buddhists Christian Hindu Confucianism, Taoism and other local religions

Malaysia is bordered by Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Brunei.

Mahathir bin Mohammed who was the Prime Minister from (1981 – 2003) is considered has

the Economic reformist of the country and the main person to turnaround the Malaysian


Malaysia is a middle income country whose GDP by purchase power parity is around $381.1

Billion dollars and current GDP growth rate is -2.2% which has fallen dramatically in the

recent years. The GDP Per Capita is $14000 the countries labor force is around 11 million

where 51% is employed in service sector which will benefit the company has it comes under

service sector.

The current commercial bank lending rate is around 6%,

Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

The literacy rate of the country is around 88 percent where males lead than females. The

countries main exports are electronic equipment, petroleum, rubber and chemicals.

The age structure of the country shows that the young and adult population is around 64%

which will benefit our company to recruits young and experienced professionals.

In the year 1995 Internet became existence in Malaysia. The types of internet technologies

available in Malaysia are Cellular broadband with the latest being 3G and 3.5 G, DSL, Fiber

Optic, Wireless, VSAT, Leased Line and Hot Spot.

In the above listed technologies the most common technologies used for residential services

are cellular Broadband, DSL, and Wireless.

Commercial users mainly use fiber optic, leased line, and VSAT.

The internet users in Malaysia have started to rise from 1998, the current statistics are like

this the overall population using internet are 16 million according to the stats of 2009 which

is 65% of overall population according to ITU.

The some of the internet providers in Malaysia are Arc net, Atlas One and Biz Surf.




Westpac Banking Corporation:

Westpac first started its o [operation s under the name of bank of New South Wales in 1817.

Initially it had an office in the Macquarie place in Sydney; The Company proudly states in its

website it self has the oldest and the first Australian bank.

The bank changed its name to Westpac in 2002. The group has 5 key divisions that are

Westpac Retail and Business Banking

St.George Bank

BT Financial Group Australia

Westpac Institutional Bank

New Zealand Banking.

Currently the Westpac is operation in Australia and New Zealand through it branches and

other related divisions and has financial centers in key cities in the world (New York,

London, Hong Kong and Singapore.

Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

The Westpac currently employs 37000 people in all its branches and divisions situated in

Australia, New Zealand and other existing centers.

The companies total finances all around the world is estimated to be about $601 Billion. It is

ranked among the top 5 financial institutions in Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)

The current profits of the company are around 2800 million dollars and around half a million

people are the share holders in Westpac from Australia and around the world. Recently the

Westpac Corporation has acquired St George Bank.

Westpac Retail and Business banking is responsible for the commercial and banking

operation around Australia and New Zealand. Westpac has 848 branches in all which it uses

to serve the 5 million customer base and used 12oo ATMS, Internet and Telephone to serve

the customers electronically.

The Strategy of Westpac is to delight customer with a customer focused environment, create

opportunities to do business easily with the bank, take the advantage of the multi branded

stature, and invest in operations to improve technology and operation quality and to lead in

the matters of sustainability and reputation.(Source: http://www.westpac.com.au/about-

westpac/ )

Westpac’s products and services

Westpac Banking Corporation operates in Australia and New Zealand.

The company offers the following key products and services:

Products for Personal Banking:

Bank Accounts:

In Bank accounts Westpac provides Day to day accounts like cheque account, Savings

account , children account and student account, Debit MasterCard Products., and over drafts..

Home Loans:

Westpac provides variable rate home loans, fixed rate home loans, line of credit rate home


Credit Cards:

Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

Credit Card related products are Reward cards, lower annual fee awards, and lower interest

rate credit cards.

Personal Loans

Loans are being given to the people to support them in their living expenses, provided that

the bank look after whether the person applied for the loan, and whether they can repay or


Services for Personal Banking:

Online Services

Telephone banking

Banking Services

International Travel and Payments

Private Bank

Westpac Financial Education

Financial Advice assistance

Premium Financial Services

Products for Businesses:

Bank accounts

Credit cards

Loans and leasing

Merchant services



International trade

Services for Businesses

Westpac Financial Education

Banking services

Online services

Business Telephone Banking

Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

Analysis suitability of E-business in Malaysia:

Malaysia is a middle income country but growing strongly in the services sector the E-

business technologies are well developed and used to do undertake daily e-business


Malaysia has large number of global leaders in the services sector and all of its industries use

e- business has a means of doing business operations.

There are a lot of multi national banks in Australia and all of them provide e-business

capabilities to their customers. Like in Australia Internet banking faculties are provided to the

customers by the banks in Malaysia. Malaysian banks also provide services like applying for

various services using online.

Competitive Analysis:

The main competitors for Westpac will be the HSBC bank which has been successfully

operating in Malaysia and provides the services of e-business to it customers. HSBC’s

existent in Malaysian Peninsula dates back 1884 when the company was established in the

Penang Island.

HSBC was incorporated in 1984 in Malaysia and is localized in Malaysia under the name of

Hong Kong Bank Malaysia Berthed.

The bank currently has around 5000 employees in Malaysia.

HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad’s integrates its global reach and expertise that it has grown

over the years by being the world’s local bank to serve the customers to their needs both

locally and internationally.

The banks leadership and innovative role in the Malaysian Banking sector places the bank in

a determined position to commit the service for its customers.

The Hong Kong bank provides a lot of exclusive products that personal banking services,

credit cards, financial services and share market services.

HSBC bank is an which is a leader in banking services was the one to introduce the ATM

technology and Electron Touch Banking and Hexagon into Malaysia in early eighties.

The HSBC has launched new Web based Platform HSBCnet that is the pioneer of Malaysia

first security technology and was the first to introduce online cheque image enquiry.

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

HSBC was the first bank in Malaysia to provide SMS updates to it customers and from 2000

it has been provided the shares listed on the Malaysian stock market to its customer via


In 2001 it was the bank the launched the cheque deposit machine, cheque scan that help the

customers to have increased security and had the flexibility of depositing the cheque’s faster

and easier when ever required by them.

The bank launched it internet banking or online banking service for its customer that enabled

them to transfer money, pay bill or doing transaction through the internet.

The services offered by HSBC to its customers via online are on par with others and Westpac

needs to be up to the mark to give a tough competition to HSBC because the bank can be the

main competitor for Westpac in Malaysia. The HSBC bank is the innovator of the current

new trend of banking services available all over the world in Malaysia. The internet banking

of HSBC offers a dual security system that is far advance has a security mechanism than a

common net banking service.

The HSBC is the first foreign bank to launch new card service called Europay-Mastercard-

visa complaint chip credit card that offers customers to enjoy the services of MasterCard and

Visa with single card.

Analysis of suitability of e-commerceMalaysia being a middle income country, people of Malaysia belongs to middle income

group and are willing to go for the cheap and best products. This is the best advantage for

any Westpac to get succeeded when it is going to launch its business for the first time. Now

Westpac has to take care of engaging the people of Malaysia to know its services and

features available to them. This can be done through internet. When internet comes into

picture for Westpac’s daily routine, Westpac has to check whether the country is suitable to

implement the e- commerce as one of the main way to do its business. The Electronic

Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

commerce is the best way for the enhancement of a business function to modify the

traditional method that processes are carried out in any country. The E- commerce

technology offer cheaper and easier access to more information, this quality that may drive

E-Commerce business. Rather than all the time demanding the lowest cost, on line customers

have shown as interest in making quicker, improved, informed decisions. An identifiable

string among Electronic commerce projects is that they are generally information-intensive,

capitalizing on this enabling feature of the Internet as a medium. The following factors will

impact the ability or inability

Social Factor- Social factor plays major role in the success of an organisation which is

newly establishing with out local references. The people in Malaysia are easily attractable by

any new businesses as they are very friendly and trustworthy. Now Westpac has to build a

reputation that it will be helpful to the people by its services and features. It will face some

problems like Language, Culture, Work related rights, Employment, and the behaviour of the


Legal – Every Country has its own Legal issues that are to be followed by the people in that

country, irrespective of whether it is an individual or Organisation. Any Organisation has to

know all the Legal factors related to a business in Malaysia and has to check whether the

business strategy is different from what they currently using. The Legal factors are in such a

manner that Westpac doesn’t have to change its business strategy and it even more enhances

its business.

Ethical constraints- Malaysia is a multicultural country and all the people of Malaysia are

religious and politically motivated. So, no ethical issues will be raised for Westpac to

establish its branch in Malaysia.

Micro-environment factors within Westpac:

The micro-environment factor will play an important role for introducing a new business.

Suppliers and customers play an important part in determining success of adopting e-

commerce in Malaysia. In this case there are different techniques used to attract the

customers & supplier’s also Proper promotions will help in getting confidence of long term

bonding. Westpac is a multinational company and it has good brand name in the market, it

has its own way of handling the customers and building up new relations that are long


Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

The micro-environment factors are internal factors close to the company that have a direct

impact on the organizations strategy, that are customers, employees, suppliers, intermediates

and competitors.

Customers: For any Organisation to get success, it needs a character called “Customer”.

Customer play a very vital and important role in any organisation’s Success. So any

organisation that is starting its first branch have to know the people, their need s and what

they expect from the newly established Organisation. Westpac has already very large

experience in studying the customers and their needs and what they expect from it. It can

easily know, in what way the people of Malaysia thinks about Westpac and how it can

actually grab the customers from the existing market.

Employees: Employee also plays a major role in the organisation. These are the people who

drive the organisation and its daily activities to be completed. Employees should be capable

of adapting the new technologies that are implemented in the business to get succeeded and

stand still in the competitive market. The Best employee comes to the organisation by having

the best Human Resource Management and the best recruitment process. Organisation should

keep the staff motivated, and it is an essential part of the strategic planning process. Training

and development plays an essential role in the employee’s development. Westpac has a very

good record of recruiting the people and training them to the standards.

Suppliers: Suppliers are the key people for an organisation to survive in market. Westpac

has the third party suppliers to provide the required technical and other types of resources.

Competitors: Competitors are the main aspect for a company. Keeping in track with them

will surely give us competitive advantage.  Competitors will help to analyse and monitor the

changes in the market and it is crucial for an organization to maintain its position within the


Barriers and constraints to e-Commerce & e-business: 

Internet will play bigger role in any kind of business. E-commerce will provide the

opportunity to do business over the internet. Organisations that deal with finance should be

able to provide its services online to support the customers. It also have to provide the

financial position of it in the current market worldwide. The different type of the barriers

which need to be considering while doing the business, that are

Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

Setup cost: Westpac is one of the largest financial companies in Australia and also it has

branches in other countries like New Zealand and china, but opening a branch in Malaysia

not an easy and simple task. Westpac needs all kind of resources to establish a new branch

such as quality staff, place, software and hardware setups. So, before starting the business,

Westpac should consider whether it can afford all these expenses easily without putting the

existing business in risk? If the Westpac can afford all these resources, then only the Westpac

can get success.

Running cost: To run the organisation and to make sure that it exists in the competitive

market, it has to spend some funds to maintain its services to the local people. As Malaysia is

a not an expensive country, it can afford the running cost of the business in Malaysia

Infrastructure: The best infra structure will help the organisation to be in best demand.

Westpac have third party companies to provide the resources to do the required business in

Malaysia. For opening a business E-Commerce cannot operate without the required backup

services and hardware. Not all the firms have the necessary and best infrastructure to fully

benefit from e-commerce. High connectivity costs will reduce the use of the Internet.

Cultural problems: Malaysia is a multicultural country, and the people will speak Malay.

Most of the people of Malaysia are literate and can read and write the world’s known

language “English”. So, there may not be problem regarding Language and cultural in

establishing business in Malaysia

Lack of support: The Westpac company must consider whether they can get the support

from people and as well as government. Due to some financial and political problems the

Malaysia government may not be able to provide full support to establish a new business.

Constraints: Constraints also exist for any business to be started. The constraints can be

easily handled by Westpac.

Computer and equipment: In developing countries, most of the peoples find difficult in

computer Access rather then the internet access. Restrictive costs of the use of information

technology equipment hinder promotion of e-commerce in these countries. The promotion of

low-cost technologies might solve the problem.

Business Challenges faced:

The main challenges faced by B2C e-commerce are building traffic and sustaining customer

loyalty. In the market many smaller companies are finding difficulties to enter in the market.

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

Now days the online shoppers are very price-sensitive and easily go away, so getting a new

customer is so difficult. Online e-commerce credit cards businesses still struggle with low

conversion rates, understanding customer preferences, website usability etc. For powerful

financial services website an online merchant has to possess key solutions to address each of

these issues. There are some businesses challenges are given below

Competitive Challenges : Now days the e-commerce market is busy with too many

products. There is a lot competency in and between the businesses. The company

must be up to date with these challenges. So Westpac may face some competition

from local banks and also some international banks.

Trust and Reliability : Westpac has a good brand in the market. It providing services

from long-time and also it has branches in other countries. Malaysia is a one of the

biggest country in the world, so Westpac must work hard to establish their name as a

well known bank in Malaysia by providing reliable and trustworthy services to its


Security : Providing security to it customer is one of the big challenges to the e-

commerce business. Westpac Company should maintain the customer information


E-Supply chain management and e-Procurement

Supply chain management (SCM) :

Westpac in Malaysia is Sustainable supply chain management strategy and suppliers has to

provide information on how they minimized their environmental impacts, and whether they

had change in the Supply plans for the future. The information gathering must be enabled to

develop a clear business Westpac bank in Malaysia .In this promoted internal commitment

to the program and assisted in obtaining the budget allocations required to resource and grow

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Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

the Westpac’s commitment to sustainable supply chain management,. The flow-on benefits

from a sustainable supply chain include supply chain benefits, reduced costs and risks, and

improved outcomes for both the organization and society. The results enabled Westpac to

identify areas for improvement and to set realistic targets for suppliers as part of a tailored

sustainability action plan. Essentially. Westpac sought to assist their suppliers to develop a

continuous improvement strategy in the area of

E-Supply chain: It can managed electronically

Supply Chain Flows: series of business processes

Materials flows - all physical products, new materials, and supplies that flow along the


Information flows - all data associated with demand and schedules.

Financial flows – includes all transfers of money, payments, credit card information,

payment schedules, e-payments and credit-related

One should focus on a fundamental challenge for supply chain management: how to

efficiently integrate and optimize supply chain operations with widespread marketplaces and

characteristic demands using the latest advances in information and communication


Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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Upstream, where sourcing or procurement from external suppliers occur, equivalent to buy-

side e-commerce

Internal , where packaging, assembly, or manufacturing take place

Downstream, where distribution or dispersal take place, frequently by external distributors -

equivalent to sell-side e-commerce includes the movement of information and money and the

procedures that support the movement of a product or a service

The bank has since realized that suppliers need time and support to recognize the benefits of

sustainable SCM. The Supply chain has few advantages and few risks being a huge

organization with vast supply chain. It needs to be on their toes all the time in order not to

face any difficulties where a single obstruction can create huge gaps in the profits of the

organization. Bank account is main product of the company its supply chain is essential for to

fulfilling its commitment to reach high performance, and so maintain its dominance of the

high supplies in Malaysia. The e-procurement process supports the procurement and sourcing

activities via Internet technologies and enables an efficient negotiation between buyers and

suppliers. We distinguish two types of e-procurement: marketplaces and B2B. Marketplaces

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bring multiple buyers and sellers together in a virtual market, meanwhile B2B e-procurement

is a one to one relationship.

Since the procurement or supplier relationship process consists on a relationship between

businesses and needs a large amount of information sharing and transfer, the use of the

Internet has had a big impact on this process.

Potential electronic supply chain management

The electronic marketplace-the supplier trades through multiple locations using a

standardized system and aggregation of commands for record maintenance and payments is

achieved methodically. E-Supply chain is a series of business processes in which services are

produced and delivered the major impact of the Internet on the procurement process is

certainly on information sharing, since this process involves retrieving, sharing and storing a

large amount of data and information to customers through value adding activities

implemented by involved parties. It’s a manufacturing context is a sequence of Internet

enabled value-adding actions to assurance services created by a manufacturing process can

eventually meet customer requirements and realize returns on investment.

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In this phase, Westpac Company connects internal procurement processes and systems with

those of your own Westpac suppliers via a partner extranet—basically, a secure connection

between systems accomplished over the public Internet. When Westpac in Malaysia need

supplies or materials, these collaborating systems automatically communicate orders, check

availability, schedule shipments and exchange payment all without requiring involvement

from Westpac purchasing staff. E-marketplaces can provide an easy way to integrate

Westpac systems to many suppliers at once, by establishing mutual standards for e-


Electronic procurement issues related to the implementation of e-Business

and e-CommerceThe primary role of the private sector in driving the transition to e-commerce is well

recognized. E-procurement needs to be thought about in a way that is different from most

other applications. For most applications, while there may be inputs coming from outside the

company or data sent to the outside, the core of the application. Generally E-procurement is

done with a software application that includes features for supplier management. It is

supplying implemented through the Internet and sale of supplies, work and services through

internet as well as other information and networking systems such as Enterprise Resource

Planning (ERP) and Electronic Data Inter change (EDI). For most applications, while there

may be inputs coming from outside the company or data sent to the outside, the core of the

application. E-procurement is purchasing implemented through the Internet.

E-procurement means to the electronic integration and management of all Procurement

activities including purchase, request, authorization, ordering, delivery and payment between

a purchaser and supplier.The right e-procurement systems enable companies to decrease

materials expenses, slash overhead and improve supplier relationships. The category

management and supplier relationship management can be hugely profitable. We have to

follow few processes to make effective procurement such as: E-mail or database work flow

system, the orders made will be received by the central office and they will have all the

records and a network is build between customers and head office.

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E-Procurement issues

The major e-procurement issues about initiatives are security. It measures such as

authentication and encryption are therefore employed while passing sensitive information

between companies that are procured through the online medium. The rapid improvement in

software technologies has encouraged some companies to employ e-procurement for

expensive products also. Companies launch e-procurement initiative with a view to improve

the overall performance of its business machinery. Although the initial investment required

in hardware and software may be high, the return is even higher. Some studies indicate that a

company can enjoy returns as much as 300% of the initial investment, within three years.

Online goods procurement helps organizations to plan out optimized plans for organization

the supply chain. E-procurement advantages not only include saving money but also the

simplification of the whole process. There are also few issues with e-procurement such as

fraud authentications while processing, lock-in to suppliers, Organisational risks and

difficulty of implementing systems.

E-Marketing & E-Customer Relationship Management

Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying

customer requirements profitability. The each marketing plan for one product might be very

different than that for another product. There are many ways to marketing for Westpac in

Malaysia are including digital media such as the Internet, e-mail, and wireless media and

electronic customer relationship management (ECRM) systems. In this globally advanced

world and in a country like Malaysia which is technically very advanced and also got

different kind of customers who can really make use of the technology available I think

internet marketing and M commerce are the best options for marketing. Internet marketing

also refers to the placement of media along different stages of the customer engagement

cycle through search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), banner ads

on specific websites, e-mail marketing, and Web 2.0strategies. The percentage of customer

businesses has access to the Internet. The cost of distribution the message is next to nothing

emailing your contribution base is more often cheaper.

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Framework for e marketing planning.

The Westpac has greater possibility of expansion in the Malaysia because the number of the

individual using internet at home and the small businesses is above the normal level and is

ever increasing. The company decisions rely on the customer service, the type of the

advertising, efficiency of the services provided.

The Channels are requiring integration as apart of integrated e marketing strategy.Frequent

advertising, effective service

The other objectives which can be focused for marketing in Malaysia are:

Introducing new services in market.

Awaking the audiences.

Increase demand in the market of the providing new services

The marketing of the Westpac Bank needs an appropriate medium that involves acquiring a

specific number of new customers or to sell advertising space to generate specified revenue .

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E-CRM issues and opportunities with regard to a Westpac

In the past, the only point-of-contact for companies with their customers was sales personnel.

Today, however, there are a variety of channels available. This include sales people, service

personnel, marketing departments, call centers, e-mail, cell phones, fax, and Internet. While

each of these units can function independently, the challenge faced by most companies today

is how to integrate these various modes of communication so that information is available

across the different channels in a company. For example, a customer who makes use of the

Internet to know the transaction on that day it would also know the call centre staff and they

can explain everything what kind of transaction it is.

Benchmarking solutions

Implementation of services cover the practical features of site design such as aesthetics,

ease of use, personalization, navigation and speed.

Marketplace performance is considered as market share and sales trends and

appreciably the proportion of sales achieved through the Internet.

Financial performance

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Customer relationship management can also be improved by using mobile technology called

mobile CRM, which mainly aims nurturing customer relationships, acquiring or maintaining

customers, support marketing, sales or services processes, and use wireless networks as the

medium of delivery to the customers.

Localization issues within Malaysia

E-Commerce Localization issues:

Malaysia is the best country for expanding any kind of business as it is a global market

growing day by day. Expansion of Westpac Bank is more economic and is suitable for

ecommerce marketing and want to stay competitive in a fast-growing global market, it's time

to take action and localize our website. Due to the technological growth with the help of

mass communication exchange via internet, which has undoubtedly has become the global

communication media as it presents vast opportunities for the street wise marketer to unearth

new business opportunities and increase sales. There are some benefits for localizing the

website of Westpac Bank in Malaysia which will provide a global business market and as a

result will enhance opportunities for local people in Malaysia and will develop some

emplacement opportunities from other countries for expansion of Westpac bank which will

help in enhancing global business potential and helping customers and organizations doing

their transactions online which increases market for organization.

Environment in Malaysia :

Malaysia consists of federation of 11 states in peninsular Malaysia and states of Sabah and

Sarawak in north of the Kalimantan. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city, Labuan and Putra Jaya

forms the federal territories. The multiracial population has composed of 58 percent of

“Bumiputra” ( Malays and indigenous people), 24 percent of Chinese and the remaining are

Indians and other minor groups.

The environmental Quality Act of 1974 and other environmental laws are administrated by

division of environment of ministry of science, technology and environment. On other hand

discharge of untreated sewage has been contaminated with the nations water and its mostly

polluted with the areas of the west coast. Malaysia water pollution problem also extends to its river

which are 40% polluted and the nations has 580 cu km of water with 76% which is used for

Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

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farming and 13% for industrial activity. As we see inside the costal areas climate conditions are

little worsens.

The localized thunderstorms occasionally occur usually in winter and rainy seasons. Malaysia is

considered as one of the most suitable countries for the business and weather conditions in this

country is good extent the business in this type of countries.

Reap the benefits of website localization:

With the help of localizing website will result in benefiting Westpac in Malaysia. Localization

helps in enhancing global business potential while making products available on ecommerce

website for online access to the customers as a result will increase the size of the market and on

other hand an organization will enter new market with confidence and ease.

Change Management:

Change management is a structured approach in transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations

to the desired result. Change management is the process of changing a system implementing in a

controlled manner by following a pre-defined framework for some extent with reasonable. The

change management comprises of issues which arises in expansion of Westpac bank in Malaysia

which provides the solution in managing various changes that arises during the establishment of

the e-business. Change management helps in most of the issues arising during the business

expansion and as a result it will provide the complete solution which results the organization in

making profit and save time. The change management will play aim portent role in the business the

management consists of

Scheduling on an appropriate stage will have an effect on introducing change.

Risk management approaches to e-business led change.

Expansion of Westpac bank in Malaysia budget plays a major role in e-business.

With exploring knowledge management, groupware and intranets will help technology to

change the organization in success of their project.

Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

Page 21: Group Assignment

Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

Organizational structure and Resources are the primary needs for the change and differ

their responsibilities where do we obtain them.

Introduction of change of skilled employees and their impact are major large-scale e-

business change to employees.

Role of Organization culture:

Human relations (inward-looking, flexible) – the organization as family, with

interpersonal associations more significant than reporting channels, a flatter structure and

staff development and empowerment is attention of as significant by managers.

Stability (inward-looking, ordered) – the environment is basically ignored with

managers directed on interior efficiency and again managed through a hierarchical


Survival (outward-looking, flexible) – the external environment plays an important role

in leading company strategy. The company will likely be driven by customer demands

and will be a leading light. It may have a comparatively flat formation.

Productivity (outward-looking, ordered) – interfaces with the external atmosphere are

healthy structured and the company is usually sales-driven and is likely to have a

hierarchical structure.


Electronic Commerce for Managers Country: Malaysia

Page 22: Group Assignment

Group Assignment Tutor/Lecturer: James Hu

Chaffey, D. (2007). E–Business and E-Commerce Management (3rd Edition). Harlow, UK:

Prentice Hall.

Chaffey, D. (2009). E–Business and E-Commerce Management (4th Edition). Harlow, UK:

Prentice Hall.

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