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Guidelines Newsletter 1st QTR 2010

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Guidelines International Ministries 1st Quarter of 2010 Newsletter
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I n the old graveyard of Christ Church in Philadelphia lie buried the remains of the venerable sage Ben Franklin. On the headstone you will read the following inscription: “Like the cover of an old book,/ Its contents torn out,/ And stripped of its lettering and gilding,/ Lies here food for worms;/ But the work shall not be lost,/ For it will (as he believes) appear once more/ In a new and more elegant edition,/ Revised and corrected by the Author.” Those words, written by Franklin himself, were a statement of his belief that life didn’t cease when he was buried: his weary old frame simply reposed awaiting the day of resurrection when he would appear in what he termed “a new and more elegant edition, revised and corrected by the Author.” Since the beginning of time, men have been asking the question which Job asked, “If a man dies, shall he live again?” Job not only asked the question but affirmed his belief in the resurrection as he answered the very question he asked, saying, “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes I, and not another...” (Job 19:25- 27b). Another tombstone epitaph reads, “Pause, my friend, as you go by. As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so you will be. Prepare, my friend, to follow me!” A passerby, having read those somewhat challenging words, added this: “To follow you is not my intent, Until I know which way you went!” That is the real issue. Three times the Bible says there is a way which seems right to a man, but the ends are the ways of death! It also gives us the way. You find the direction-finder very clearly as Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). If you are one of those intent on going to Heaven but not sure how to get there, make Christ your hope and confidence. He is the only route through heaven’s door. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT GUIDELINES INTERNET AND RADIO l Outside the US the Philippines and China record the greatest number of visits. l Responses to our Spanish programming are strongest in Argentina, Aruba, and Mexico. l Guidelines commentaries can be automatically delivered to your e-mail from Monday to Friday. Go to www.guidelines.org and click on the E-Commentaries to sign up. l US stations producing the strongest English responses are KHCB in Houston and WIHS in Middletown, CT. Strongest response to Pautas Para Vivir (our Guidelines’ commentary in Spanish) is on HCJB (Quito, Ecuador) and KBIB (an affiliate of KHCB in Texas). l A gift of $100 a month puts Guidelines on radio week days in one of the 15 English speaking countries in Africa. D o you recall the words of Jesus saying, “I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work”? In a world where technology has changed much about the manner in which we proclaim the Good News, I am constantly aware of the reality that the impact of our lives and the duration of our ministry is something controlled entirely by God. Vast numbers of circumstances, elements, people, and situations can very rapidly change everything. That’s why every time I pack my suitcase, I pray that God will enable us to touch as many lives as possible, motivate as many people as possible to reproduce themselves, and call as many as possible to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. In January we ministered in Manila, Philippines and Hong Kong. In February we ministered in Cuba. In March and April we minister in Manila and Singapore. “How do you do what you do?” is a question I am often asked, and I reply, “It’s simple; every morning when I awaken, I point my feet in the direction God wants me to go and get moving!” I also recite the words of an old hymn as a prayer, “When morning guilds the sky, my heart awakening cries, ‘May Jesus Christ be praised!’ Alike at work or prayer, to Jesus I repair. May Jesus Christ be praised!” In the event you are not conversant with Guidelines, may I explain briefly that there are three areas of outreach and ministry which we describe as REACHING, TEACHING, and TOUCHING? The first outreach includes radio, newspaper columns in the Philippines, CDs, books, and publications in a dozen languages. The second includes conferences and seminars which minister to pastors and Christian leaders and families around the world. Our third area of outreach is touching the lives of hurting, suffering children and men and women. The ministry of Guidelines International began in September, 1963 with a commentary known as “Guidelines— A Five Minute Commentary on Living.” And while the program continues to be heard on over 1,000 stations in English and 300-plus stations in Spanish, the ministry has grown far beyond this. The teaching element was a result of radio and eventually television as people responded to the Word and wanted personal applications. Then books and publications added impetus along with the development of the Internet. The touching element has been an outgrowth of stumbling across hurting people and hearing the still voice of the Spirit say, “Do something about this.” That’s how we became involved in Kenya with an outreach to homeless kids, a feeding program for children, and a growing, thriving medical outreach in conjunction with Sister Freda Robinson in Kenya. We are pleased to report that Sister Freda’s Nursing Academy is slated to be dedicated on May 8 and it will be our privilege to represent you at this event. Of course, there is always the question of, “How do you do it when you don’t ask for money over the air?” Since 1963 our dependence has been upon the Lord. In starting the ministry we determined that if we had to beg and plead for people to support the work, we would quit! Hudson Taylor’s dictum: “God’s work done God’s way will not lack God’s supply” has been our strong persuasion. Now in our 47th year, we have seen God’s faithfulness in the lives of you who network with us giving month by month, including Guidelines in your wills and estates, and encouraging your friends to join with us reaching, teaching, and touching a world that desperately needs God. How long do we have? Only God know this! I do believe Jesus stands at the door impelling us to use assets wisely, to proclaim faithfully, and to be true to our calling. Indeed! Maranatha! by Harold Sala Dear Friend, Easter You are reading one of five printed newsletters that Guidelines produces each year. Additionally we release a monthly E-newsletter that briefs you on what is happening. To receive this, go to www.guidelines.org and click on the E-newsletter to subscribe. MARCH - APRIL 2010
Page 1: Guidelines Newsletter 1st QTR 2010

In the old graveyard of Christ Church in Philadelphia lie buried the remains of the venerable sage Ben Franklin. On the headstone you will read the following inscription: “Like the cover of an old book,/ Its contents torn out,/ And stripped of its lettering and gilding,/ Lies here food for worms;/ But the work shall not be lost,/ For it will (as he believes)

appear once more/ In a new and more elegant edition,/ Revised and corrected by the Author.” Those words, written by Franklin himself, were a statement of his belief that life didn’t cease when he was buried: his weary old frame simply reposed awaiting the day of resurrection when he would appear in what he termed “a new and more elegant edition, revised and corrected by the Author.” Since the beginning of time, men have been asking the question which Job asked, “If a man dies, shall he live again?” Job not only asked the question but affirmed his belief in the resurrection as he answered the very question he asked, saying, “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes I, and not another...” (Job 19:25-27b).Another tombstone epitaph reads, “Pause, my friend, as you go by. As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so you will be. Prepare, my friend, to follow me!” A passerby, having read those somewhat challenging words, added this: “To follow you is not my intent, Until I know which way you went!” That is the real issue. Three times the Bible says there is a way which seems right to a man, but the ends are the ways of death! It also gives us the way. You find the direction-finder very clearly as Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). If you are one of those intent on going to Heaven but not sure how to get there, make Christ your hope and confidence. He is the only route through heaven’s door.

INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT GUIDELINES INTERNET AND RADIOl Outside the US the Philippines and China record the greatest number of visits.l Responses to our Spanish programming are strongest in Argentina, Aruba, and Mexico.l Guidelines commentaries can be automatically delivered to your e-mail from Monday to Friday. Go to www.guidelines.org and click on the E-Commentaries to sign up.l US stations producing the strongest English responses are KHCB in Houston and WIHS in Middletown, CT. Strongest response to Pautas Para Vivir (our Guidelines’ commentary in Spanish) is on HCJB (Quito, Ecuador) and KBIB (an affiliate of KHCB in Texas).l A gift of $100 a month puts Guidelines on radio week days in one of the 15 English speaking countries in Africa.

Do you recall the words of Jesus saying, “I must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; the night is

coming when no one can work”? In a world where technology has changed much about the manner in which we proclaim the Good News, I am constantly aware of the reality that the impact of our lives and the duration of our ministry is something controlled entirely by God. Vast numbers of circumstances, elements, people, and situations can very rapidly change everything. That’s why every time I pack my suitcase, I pray that God will enable us to touch as many lives as possible, motivate as many people as possible to reproduce themselves, and call as many as possible to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. In January we ministered in Manila, Philippines and Hong Kong. In February we ministered in Cuba. In March and April we minister in Manila and Singapore. “How do you do what you do?” is a question I am often asked, and I reply, “It’s simple; every morning when I awaken, I point my feet in the direction God wants me to go and get moving!” I also recite the words of an old hymn as a prayer, “When morning guilds the sky, my heart awakening cries, ‘May Jesus Christ be praised!’ Alike at work or prayer, to Jesus I repair. May Jesus Christ be praised!” In the event you are not conversant with Guidelines, may I explain briefly that there are three areas of outreach and ministry which we describe as REACHING, TEACHING, and TOUCHING? The first outreach includes radio, newspaper columns in the Philippines, CDs, books, and publications in a dozen languages. The second includes conferences and seminars which minister to pastors and Christian leaders and families around the world. Our third area of outreach is touching the lives of hurting, suffering children and men and women. The ministry of Guidelines International began in September, 1963 with a commentary known as “Guidelines—A Five Minute Commentary on Living.” And while the program

continues to be heard on over 1,000 stations in English and 300-plus stations in Spanish, the ministry has grown far beyond this. The teaching element was a result of radio and eventually television as people responded to the Word and wanted personal applications. Then books and publications added impetus along with the development of the Internet. The touching element has been an outgrowth of stumbling across hurting people and hearing the still voice of the Spirit say, “Do something about this.” That’s how we became involved in Kenya with an outreach to homeless kids, a feeding program for children, and a growing, thriving medical outreach in conjunction with Sister Freda Robinson in Kenya. We are pleased to

report that Sister Freda’s Nursing Academy is slated to be dedicated on May 8 and it will be our privilege to represent you at this event. Of course, there is always

the question of, “How do you do it when you don’t ask for money over the air?” Since 1963 our dependence has been upon the Lord. In starting the ministry we determined that if we had to beg and plead for people to support the work, we would quit! Hudson Taylor’s dictum: “God’s work done God’s way will not lack God’s supply” has been our strong persuasion. Now in our 47th year, we have seen God’s faithfulness in the lives of you who network with us giving month by month, including Guidelines in your wills and estates, and encouraging your friends to join with us reaching, teaching, and touching a world that desperately needs God. How long do we have? Only God know this! I do believe Jesus stands at the door impelling us to use assets wisely, to proclaim faithfully, and to be true to our calling. Indeed! Maranatha!

by Harold Sala

Dear Friend,Easter

You are reading one of five printed newsletters that Guidelines produces each year. Additionally we release a monthly E-newsletter that briefs you on what is happening. To receive this, go to www.guidelines.org and click on the E-newsletter to subscribe.


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“My best moment was the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee when I was moved by tears thinking that Jesus had been here and walked on this water.” - Graciela

On their recent visit to Hong Kong Harold and Darlene Sala participated in two interviews that will be released on FEBC Radio to China. Feedback now consists of e-mail, Facebook, and some live response by phone—a far cry from the period of some 10 years ago when mail response averaged only 18 letters per year.

In January Harold spoke at Christ Commission in Alabang (Metro Manila), where some 4500-plus people heard the Word in three services. Dozens of people responded to the invitation and hundreds stood in line to talk to Harold and Darlene as they autographed books.

Some 400 pastors and their wives met for three days of study, fellowship, encouragement, and instruction. Harold and Darlene stressed the importance of strong families and how to keep them that way. Says Harold, “We were able to distribute three of our books to delegates at the conference, and have obtained permission from Zondervan-Vida to produce 1,000 copies of my book on biblical authority. Our hope is that this can become a reality yet this year.”

“I loved that we read the Word and talked about the biblical significance of the sites. I will definitely welcome a trip back to Israel!” - Luisa

“I had many moments of inspiration and reflection but the highlight was being baptized in the River Jordan where Jesus was baptized.” - Ron

Make plans to join Darlene and Harold in Israel from April 7 to 17, 2011. Harold will share biblical content and significance while David Kidron, a veteran guide and one of the best in Israel, will share historical and geo-political significance of what is transpiring in our world right now. The size of the group will be limited. E-mail [email protected] for additional information.

