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HDI Capital Area August 20th Meeting

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HDI Corporate and Capital Area Updates plus LaTonya Morgan's presentation on Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
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8/20/14 ©2013 HDI. All rights reserved. Welcome! Updates from HDI Capital Area and HDI Corporate August 20, 2014
  • 1. 8/20/14' 2013'HDI.'All'rights'reserved.' Welcome!( Updates(from(HDI(Capital(Area( and(HDI(Corporate(( August'20,'2014' '

2. Whats'Hot'at'HDI' New(Whitepaper:(Synergies(Between(ITIL(and(KCS( Learn'how'when'paired'together,'ITIL'and'KCS'can'improve'IT'service' management' Download'paper:'www.ThinkHDI.com/WhiteKPapers' New!(Corporate(Membership( For'medium'to'large'organizaOons'with'25+'support'sta' www.thinkhdi.com/CorporateKMembership( HDI(2015(call(for(proposals!(( Share'your'experOse'with'thousands'of'your'peers'by'speaking'at'HDI'2015' Conference'&'Expo' Visit'www.HDIConference.com'for'more'details' New(in(HDIs(Virtual(Classroom!( HDI'Desktop'Support'Manager'(HDIKDSM)' Structured'Problem'Solving'for'the'Support'Professional' These'scheduled'courses'provide'students'with'live,'instructorKled'training.' View'the'full'catalog''of'available'courses:'www.ThinkHDI.com/Courses' ' 3. 2014'HDI.'All'rights'reserved.' August'Webcast:'NavigaOng'Evolving'Support'Models''Roy'Atkinson,'HDIs'senior' writer/analyst' New(Content(to(SHARE!(( New'Blog:'Portland'and'Beyond:'The'Value'of'Face'to'Face'Contact' The'July/August'issue'of'SupportWorld'in'the'HDI'Reading'Room'app!'' Theme:'Support'Center'2.0'' New'Infographic:'Desktop'Support'Technician'in'a'Nutshell'' New'White'Paper:'Watch'for'the'new'KCS'and'ITIL'Alignment'white'paper'with' Axelos' #HDISTAT'Today:'86%'of'support'organizaOons'are'feeling'pressure'to'prove'their' value'to'the'business.' ' New'Research'Brief:'The'Alignment'of'Customer'and'Support'ExpectaOons'' #HDISTAT'Today:'HDI'cerOcaOons'increase'salaries'an'average'of'5%'according' to'@RobertHalfTech' 4. Not(a(Member?(Join(Today!( Become(a(Professional(member(for(just($495!' ' Get'more'benets'to'ensure'your'professional'growth'today.' ' Enjoy(benets(like:( Aiend'local'chapter'and'vChapter'meeOngs' Access'to'HDI'PracOces'and'Salary'Reports' Discounts'on'HDI'Conferences,'Events'and'Training' Apply'for'HDI'awards' And'much'more!' ' Learn'more'at'www.ThinkHDI.com/Join' or'by'calling'800.248.5667( ' 5. Thank(You(2014(Sponsors!!(( 6. HDI(Capital(Area(Sponsors( Diamond''The'MIL' CorporaOon' PlaOnum'Plus'K' LanDesk' PlaOnum' Beyond20' EasyVista' Gold' Robert'Half'Technology' (Global'Sponsor)' Bomgar' IssueTrak' Cherwell' Silver' Service'Now' Time'Warner'Cable' Web/Event' IOnvolve' RemedyForce'' ReACT' StrataCom' TechnoLava' ArOsys' 7. Next(Mee^ng( Wednesday,(September(17th((`(The'SoluOon:' Automated'Onboarding'and'TerminaOon'' Loca^on((Robert(Half(Technology,(Washington( DC( ( Dont(miss(it!( ( We'typically'meet'the'3rd'Wednesday'of'the' month'and'most'meeOngs'are'free' Visit'www.hdicapitalarea.com'to'register' ' 8. Todays(Speaker( ( LaTonya(Morgan( (Emo^onal(Intelligence(in(the(Workplace!(( ( 9. 1" August 20, 2014 Presented by: LaTonya Morgan, PMP" Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace" 10. 2" Agenda What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)? Five Components of EI Determine and Interpret your Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) Tips and Tricks to improve your EQ How important is Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace? How your EQ can impede your career growth and successes in the workplace 11. 3" Emotional Intelligence Definition What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)? Simply put, Emotional Intelligence not only demonstrates how well you can control and express your own emotions but also, how well you react to others emotions and apply them according to the situation at hand. The emotionally intelligent personattends to emotion in the path toward growth. Emotional intelligence involves self- regulation appreciative of the fact that temporarily hurt feelings or emotional restraint is often necessary in the service of a greater objective. (Salovey & Mayer) 12. 4" 5 Components of EI Daniel Golemans 5 Components of Emotional Intelligence 13. 5" Self-Awareness Self-Awareness Ability to perceive and understand your temperament (attitude), emotions, and ambitions and how they affect others around you. Lincolns ability to retain his emotional balance in such difficult situations was rooted in acute self-awareness and an enormous capacity to dispel anxiety in constructive ways. -Doris Kearns Goodwin 14. 6" Self-Regulation Self-Regulation = Self-Control The ability to control or divert disruptive behaviors, control impulse decisions and judgments Conflict Resolution: ability to resolve disagreements with others RESEARCH BEFORE YOU REACT! Ones greatest challenge is to control oneself -Kazi Shams 15. 7" Motivation Motivation: Determination to work for and achieve your goals and aspirations Learn from past mistakes, achievements Failure should be your motivation to improve and succeed 16. 8" Empathy Empathy: The ability to sympathize with other peoples feelings and situations React and communicate in a caring manner Treat others like you want to be treated 17. 9" Social Skill Social Skill: Ability to use the four previous components to help foster and maintain positive relationships with a host of people Comfortable around others Proficient in building strong networks 18. 10" Self-Assessment Exercise WHATS YOUR EQ? 19. 11" Group Discussion What did you learn about yourself? Do you agree/disagree and why? What were some ways given to improve your EQ? Do you want to improve your EQ? Consequences of low EQ in the workplace? Affect promotions? Poor communication skills 20. 12" Group Discussion Can Emotional Intelligence be taught? Practice, Practice, Practice using what you learned during the Self-Assessment exercise Obtain and accept feedback from others Find a coach to assist you 21. 13" Benefits of Emotional Intelligence 22. 14" Resources 23. 15" Closing Remarks THANK YOU Good Luck on your Emotional Intelligence Improvement (Healing !)
