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he ime raveller’s ime iece · 2021. 8. 2. · ime iece. the man whispered. “This watch is not...

Date post: 23-Aug-2021
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“Excuse me, sir. May I interest you in a pocket watch?” General Fitzherbert withdrew from his daydreams to look curiously at the gentleman standing before him. Before being interrupted, he had been watching the vast desert as it raced past the windows of the train and contemplating the current state of his life. His days of military service long behind him, General Fitzherbert found himself yearning for an adventure. Yes, it was perfectly pleasant taking luxurious train journeys with his dear wife, Petunia, but where was the action? The excitement? The adrenaline pumping through his body? No, those feelings were long gone … and he was missing them terribly. “Sir, I beg your pardon – the watch? Are you interested?” The General pulled himself back to the present. “Forgive me,” he said to the gentleman holding the watch. “I was lost in my own thoughts. It is indeed a fine watch; however, I have one already and have no need for another. Good day to you, young man.” The young man leaned in closer. It was almost as if he didn’t want any other passengers to hear him. “General Fitzherbert, I’m not sure you fully understand what I am offering you,” he ime ravel ler’s ime iec e
Page 1: he ime raveller’s ime iece · 2021. 8. 2. · ime iece. the man whispered. “This watch is not the same as the one you already own. In fact, this watch is unlike any other watch

“Excuse me, sir. May I interest you in a pocket watch?”

General Fitzherbert withdrew from his daydreams to look curiously at the gentleman standing before him. Before being interrupted, he had been watching the vast desert as it raced past the windows of the train and contemplating the current state of his life. His days of military service long behind him, General Fitzherbert found himself yearning for an adventure. Yes, it was perfectly pleasant taking luxurious train journeys with his dear wife, Petunia, but where was the action? The excitement? The adrenaline pumping through his body?

No, those feelings were long gone … and he was missing them terribly.

“Sir, I beg your pardon – the watch? Are you interested?”

The General pulled himself back to the present. “Forgive me,” he said to the gentleman holding the watch. “I was lost in my own thoughts. It is indeed a fine watch; however, I have one already and have no need for another. Good day to you, young man.”

The young man leaned in closer. It was almost as if he didn’t want any other passengers to hear him. “General Fitzherbert, I’m not sure you fully understand what I am offering you,”

he ime raveller’s ime iece

Page 2: he ime raveller’s ime iece · 2021. 8. 2. · ime iece. the man whispered. “This watch is not the same as the one you already own. In fact, this watch is unlike any other watch

the man whispered. “This watch is not the same as the one you already own. In fact, this watch is unlike any other watch in the world.”

“Wait a minute,” the General replied. “How do you know my name?”

“I know a lot more than your name,” the mysterious man replied. “I know that you were a fine soldier. I know that you were awarded those medals on your uniform for outstanding courage and heroic skill on the battlefield. I know that you love your wife, but these long, scenic trips she asks you to take bore you terribly. And I know that before I interrupted you, you were looking out the window of this train, dreaming of adventure and excitement. Would I be correct?”

General Fitzherbert stared in disbelief at the stranger in front of him. He was sure that he had never seen this man before in his life … so how did he know what he knew?

“I know what you’re thinking,” the young man continued. “And it’s not important. What’s important is the watch – and what it can do for you.”

“What it can do for me?” General Fitzherbert questioned. “I know what it can do for me. It can tell me the time. But as I’ve already explained, I have a completely suitable pocket watch right here.”

The man with the watch leaned closer – so close he was talking directly into the General’s ear. “It can take you through time,” he whispered. “Backwards, forwards – any which way you like. All you have

to do is think and click. The change will happen instantaneously.”

“The change? Whatever do you mean?” the General questioned, clearly confused.

“What I mean is this: if you don’t like where you are, or when you are, just think and click. The watch will take you to whatever place and time you think of. And if you get tired of that place and time, just think and click. The watch will take care of the rest.”

Despite the absurdity of it all, the General was intrigued. He was longing for an escape – he had been dreaming of this just moments ago. Could this watch possibly be the answer?

“Take it, General,” the young man encouraged. “Hold it in your hands. You’ll soon realise that what you are holding is no ordinary pocket watch.” The man gave the watch to the General and, without another word, walked quickly away.

General Fitzherbert sensed the watch’s energy instantly. It was akin to a gentle buzzing – almost like the watch itself was impatiently waiting for a new adventure to begin. The General looked around the train carriage and knew in his heart that he no longer wanted to be here.

“I’m sorry, Petunia,” he whispered sadly as he grasped the watch tightly in both hands. “I need an escape. An adventure.”

There was only one thing left to do – think and click.

By Stephanie Mulrooney


Page 3: he ime raveller’s ime iece · 2021. 8. 2. · ime iece. the man whispered. “This watch is not the same as the one you already own. In fact, this watch is unlike any other watch

The Time Traveller’s Timepiece

1. What is General Fitzherbert doing at the beginning of the narrative?

2. Why is General Fitzherbert initially not interested in the pocket watch being offered by the young man?

3. The text does not explain how the young man knows so much about General Fitzherbert’s life. Suggest your own explanation for why this might be.

4. In your own words, explain how the pocket watch can take its owner through time.


The Time Traveller’s Timepiece – Worksheet

Name: Date:

Page 4: he ime raveller’s ime iece · 2021. 8. 2. · ime iece. the man whispered. “This watch is not the same as the one you already own. In fact, this watch is unlike any other watch

5. Despite the absurdity of it all, the General was intrigued. What can we infer about the General’s personality from this sentence?

6. What does General Fitzherbert notice when he takes hold of the watch?

7. “I’m sorry, Petunia,” he whispered sadly. What is General Fitzherbert apologising for?

8. What might happen after General Fitzherbert uses the watch? Write the next paragraph of the narrative on the lines below.


The Time Traveller’s Timepiece – Worksheet

Name: Date:

Page 5: he ime raveller’s ime iece · 2021. 8. 2. · ime iece. the man whispered. “This watch is not the same as the one you already own. In fact, this watch is unlike any other watch

Answers1. What is General Fitzherbert doing at the beginning of the narrative?

At the beginning of the narrative, General Fitzherbert is staring out the window of the train, contemplating the current state of his life.

2. Why is General Fitzherbert initially not interested in the pocket watch being offered by the young man?

General Fitzherbert is initially not interested in the pocket watch because he already has one and has no need for another.

3. The text does not explain how the young man knows so much about General Fitzherbert’s life. Suggest your own explanation for why this might be.

Answers will vary.

4. In your own words, explain how the pocket watch can take its owner through time.

All the owner of the watch needs to do to travel through time is to think and click. The owner will be transported to a new place and time instantaneously.

5. Despite the absurdity of it all, the General was intrigued. What can we infer about the General’s personality from this sentence?

From this sentence we can infer that the General is a curious person who is open to new ideas and possibilities. We can also infer that he is brave and adventurous as he is still interested in the watch, despite how illogical the man’s explanation sounds.

6. What does General Fitzherbert notice when he takes hold of the watch?

As soon as General Fitzherbert takes hold of the watch, he senses its energy.

7. “I’m sorry, Petunia,” he whispered sadly. What is General Fitzherbert apologising for?

General Fitzherbert has decided that he is going to test out the watch and is apologising to his wife for abandoning her.

8. What might happen after General Fitzherbert uses the watch? Write the next paragraph of the narrative on the lines below.

Answers will vary.


The Time Traveller’s Timepiece – Answers
