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Helsinki Open Transport Data Manifesto Infographic

Date post: 04-Aug-2015
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The infographic that resulted from the ePSIplatform workshop on Open Transport Data in Helsinki on 17 September.
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backwards forward So, what do we need? Not exceptionally, but as a rule! Universal access and re-use of high quality transport data in real time, for free or at least under fair conditions, together with an inclusive infrastructure, based on common open, non - discriminatory and interoperable standards to which operators, service providers and users can connect. Because of the differences! Integrated trans - port data encompasses several domains. Held in a patchwork of local data repositories and isolated standards, it is locked in by legacies that hamper interoperability and prevent the adoption of open standards. Differences in transport modalities, market maturity and business models prevent a ‘one size fits all’ solution. And transport data holders, perceiv - ing liability risks or exercising their IPRs, restrict access and re-use to enjoy a competitive advantage. THE MISSION Open Transport Data Manifesto 17 SEPTEMBEr 2012, HELSINKI Why is this not happening? 4 5 3 L e t s j o i n f o r c e s a n d h e l p e a c h o t h e r g r o w ! 10:32 Berlin 12:45 Pisa 0:18 Paris O n e p l a n n e r f o r w h o l e o f E u r o p e W e c o u l d b e m o v i n g f a s t e r i n s t e a d o f s l o w e r backwards e n v i r o n m e n t a l s u s t a i n a b i l t y s ocia l e q u i t y e c o n o m i c s t r e n g th M o r e c e l l p h o n e s i n t h e w o r l d t h a n p eo p l e ! RICH POTENTIAL Open up transport data! Why? Because transportation directly impacts economic strength, social equity and environmental sustainability, thereby giving transport data high potential in the open data domain, as mobile tech - nology and social media allow for unprecedented re-use and the easy flow of data through digital networks. 17 September 2012 saw policy makers, experts, opinion leaders and other stakeholders from the transport data community at the Open Transport Data Workshop organised by the ePSI Platform. Their mission – create a manifesto – identify the challenges and issues hampering the free flow of transport data across Europe, focus on the opportunities and benefits of opening up and sharing this rich resource, and allocate the responsibilities of meeting the challenges among the stakeholders. #@ !!!! @# ** ## ?! 2 1 READ THE FULL MANIFESTO AT epsiplatform.eu/transport Play our part! All of us: operators and data holders in the public and private sectors; developers; experts, opinion leaders and policy makers; the European Commission; end-users and, in particu - lar, the open data community. Do what it takes to make the dream a reality. So, WHAT SHOULD WE DO? 10:32 Berlin 14:17 Paris 15:49 Pisa JUST IMAGINE A real-time seamless multi-modal travel planner that integrates all types of transport and associated data, making daily travel a breeze! Or an enriched user experience as a consequence of feedback from crowdsourced citizens. train Com E v e r y o n e c a n h e l p f o r a b e t te r f u t u r e
Page 1: Helsinki Open Transport Data Manifesto Infographic

backwards forward

So, what do we need? Not exceptionally, but as a rule! Universal access and re-use of high quality transport data in real time, for free or at least under fair conditions, together with an inclusive infrastructure, based on common open, non-discriminatory and interoperable standards to which operators, service providers and users can connect.

Because of the differences! Integrated trans-port data encompasses several domains. Held

in a patchwork of local data repositories and isolated standards, it is locked in by legacies that hamper interoperability and prevent the

adoption of open standards. Differences in transport modalities, market maturity and

business models prevent a ‘one size fits all’ solution. And transport data holders, perceiv-

ing liability risks or exercising their IPRs, restrict access and re-use to enjoy a

competitive advantage.


Open Transport Data Manifesto17 SEPTEMBEr 2012, HELSINKI

Why is this not happening?





join forces and

help each other



10:32 B


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:18 P



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lphones in the world

than people!

RICH POTENTIALOpen up transport data! Why? Because transportation directly impacts economic strength, social equity and environmental sustainability, thereby giving transport data high potential in the open data domain, as mobile tech-nology and social media allow for unprecedented re-use and the easy flow of data through digital networks.

17 September 2012 saw policy makers, experts, opinion leaders and other stakeholders from the transport data community at the Open Transport Data Workshop organised by the ePSI Platform. Their mission – create a manifesto – identify the challenges and issues hampering the free flow of transport data across Europe, focus on the opportunities and benefits of opening up and sharing this rich resource, and allocate the responsibilities of meeting the challenges among the stakeholders.


















Play our part! All of us: operators and data holders in the public and private

sectors; developers; experts, opinion leaders and policy makers; the European

Commission; end-users and, in particu-lar, the open data community. Do what it takes to make the dream

a reality.


10:32 B


14:17 Paris

15:49 Pisa

JUST IMAGINEA real-time seamless multi-modal travel planner that integrates all types of transport and associated data, making daily travel a breeze! Or an enriched user experience as a consequence of feedback from crowdsourced citizens.

train Com


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