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The Cold War
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Panamerican School History Cold War Juan Diego Tapia Broce 10/1/2013
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Panamerican School


Cold War

Juan Diego Tapia Broce



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After World War 2 the superpowers became enemies the United Sates and the Soviet

Union .The war was called THE COLD WAR, it was ¨cold¨ because any of the sides declared or invaded the other side and because of both can make nuclear bombs people were afraid

because this problem that could transform n a normal war could transform into a nuclear war

.Many bad and some good events because the competition of both superpowers led the

Space Race to see who have the better technology.

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Different Ideas

The superpowers had many differences. The Soviet Union was controlled by a dictator and

the United States by an elected president. The United States had many political parties

like Republicans, Democrats etc…Also they had different economics systems

The economic system of the Soviet Union was socialism and individual people had little

power almost nothing also they ran the entire industries and for other side the Unites States

had a capitalist system, in Unites States private companies controlled some Industries each superpower want to show or prove that

the system they have is better than the other.

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Eastern Europe

The Soviet Union wanted to control the lands that were between itself and Germany to get protected from Germans invasions. By 1946

the Soviet Union controlled the Eastern Europe. The prime minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill, said that an iron curtain

had fallen between Easter Europe and Western Europe because of different ideas and economics systems. The United States

wanted to stop the Soviet Union from controlling lands so U.S accepted a policy of containment which consist that the Soviet

Union could keep the lands they already have but they couldn’t spread the U.S and the allies

didn´t want communism to spread.

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The Berlin Blockade

Berlin was divided in four zones like Germany but it was inside the Soviet zone Germany

Americans had to pass Soviet controlled East Germany to get to their zone within Berlin.

Stalin ordered blockade to see if U.S would try to stop him. The Soviets blocked all traffic land that comes from western nations to

Berlin. Germans in that zone couldn’t get food or supplies. The United States and Great

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Britain didn´t want to go to war or invade Berlin.

They flew over the barrier to supply the people in western Germany but the solution didn´t last much, Soviets lifted the blockade.

Europe was clearly divided into Western and Eastern Europe. The Western nations

signed a treaty to form a North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Soon the Soviet Union and other Eastern nations did the same that was called ¨THE WARSAW PACT¨ Each of the two groups use the treaty of nuclear war to try to keep the peace. The city of berlin stay divided in

two and some people try to scape to the

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West. East Germany lifted a wall trough the city of berlin that wall was a symbol of the

cold war.

The Cold War Spread

The communism got spread around the world and countries like China and Vietnam

became under Communist rules, also the Cold War became stronger on the next several

years the Cold War caused many problems, more than 50,000 Polish workers went on

strike because of the Communism, the Soviets forced them to end it also in Budapest,

Hungary and other countries with Communism started a rebellion.

Thousands of Hungarians died, later the

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Communists found and arrested the leader of the Hungary rebellion.

Fidel Castro took over Cuba, the Soviets put missiles in Cuba that put very nervous

people in U.S because Cuba was too close to Unites States only 90 miles away. The

president John Fitzgerald Kennedy demanded that the missiles be removed.

The Cuban missiles Crisis was the closest moment for United States to declare war with the Soviet Union each other. Passing 13 days

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from waiting to a nuclear war the Soviet Union removed the missiles after U.S agreed to not to invade Cuba. Kennedy secretly agree to

remove the missile from Turkey.

The Space Race

The Cold War led a competition to see which country have the better technology. First the Soviets shocked the world by launching the first satellite ¨sputnik¨. Soon both countries

sent rockets around the Earth. They also sent spacecraft to explore other planets. United

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States became the first country to send people to the moon. Neil Armstrong and

Edwin ¨Buzz¨ Aldrain walked on the moon two hours and left behind the symbol of the

winning of United Sates, the American Flag.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization


Is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on four April 1949. This organization constitutes a system of collective defense

whereby its member states agree to mutual

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defense in response to an attack by any external party. His secretary General was

Anders Fogh Rasmussen. They headquarters where Brussels and Belgium.


Is the capital and the largest city of Hungary, and one of the largest cities in the European Union. It is the country´s principal political,

cultural, commercial, industrial, and transportation center, sometimes described

as the primate city of Hungary. Budapest Is a global city and primate city of Hungary

regarding the economy and business. This city is a major center for banking and finance,

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retailing, trade, transportation, tourism, real estate, new media as well as traditional

media, advertising, legal services, theater, fashion, and the arts in Hungary and


Berlin Wall

Was a barrier constructed by the Germany Democratic Republic starting on 13 August

1961 that completely cut off West Berlin from surrounding East Germany and from East

Berlin. In some European capitals at the time there was a deep anxiety over prospects for a

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reunified Germany. After the Soviet Union occupation of Eastern Europe at the end of World War 2, the majority of those living in

the newly acquired areas of the Eastern Bloc aspired to independence and wanted the

Soviets to leave.


The Cold War was the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union the

competition between both of them to prove to each other who have the best economy,

technology, social system and who have more

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territory. The Cold War led many thing many treaties and also led the first man on the

moon who would know what would happen if they didn´t compete to see who have the better technology. It led many changes to




