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HISTORY FULL TEST-01 - National Defence Institute

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ANSWERS & EXPLANATION HISTORY FULL TEST-01 Q 1.B Scythians invaded North-west India in around 1 st century BC & it became one of causes of the decline of Mauyan Empire. Hence, statement 1 is incorrect. Statement 2 is correct Q 2.B The Rajputs were staunch followers of Hinduism. They also patronized Buddhism and Jainism. It was during their period that the Bhakti Cult started. Q 3.D All are correct. Q 4.C Q 5.C Virshaiva Movement (12th Century) was founded by Basava, who was initially a Jaina and a minister in the court of a Chalukya king. His followers were known as Virashaivas (heroes of Shiva) or Lingayats (wearers of the linga).They worship Shiva in his manifestation as a linga. Lingayats believe that on death the devotee will be united with Shiva and will not return to this world. Therefore they do not practise funerary rites such as cremation, prescribed in the Dharmashastras. Instead, they ceremonially bury their dead Q 6.A He appointed the Afghan soldiers in higher posts. He introduced the Dagh" system (or) "branding the horses" to avoid false musters. He also maintained a descriptive roll for the soldiers. Sher shah revived the Dak-chauki, the espionage system. Q 7.D Akbar undertook social and educational reforms. He tried to reform marriage, sati, restriction on sale of wine etc. Akbar also revised the educational syllabus, laying more emphasis on moral education, and secular subjects such as mathematics, agriculture, geometry, astronomy. Hence, all the statements are correct. Q 8.C It was Greeks, who introduced standard coinage in India, with rulers name on coins. Pure gold coins of Kushana implies increase in economic activities whereas impure gold coins in Gupta period hints at decline in economic activities. Q 9.A The Revolt at Meerut and the capture of Delhi was the precursor to a widespread mutiny by the sepoys and rebellion almost all over North India, as well as Central and Western India. South India remained quiet and Punjab and Bengal were only marginally affected. NATIONAL DEFENCE INSTITUTE | HISTORY FULL TEST-01 ANSWER KEY 1



Q 1.B Scythians invaded North-west India in around 1st century BC & it became one of causes of the decline of

Mauyan Empire. Hence, statement 1 is incorrect. Statement 2 is correct

Q 2.B

The Rajputs were staunch followers of Hinduism. They also patronized Buddhism and Jainism. It was during their period that the Bhakti Cult started.

Q 3.D

All are correct. Q 4.C Q 5.C

Virshaiva Movement (12th Century) was founded by Basava, who was initially a Jaina and a minister in the court of a Chalukya king. His followers were known as Virashaivas (heroes of Shiva) or Lingayats (wearers of the linga).They worship Shiva in his manifestation as a linga.

Lingayats believe that on death the devotee will be united with Shiva and will not return to this world. Therefore they do not practise funerary rites such as cremation, prescribed in the Dharmashastras. Instead, they ceremonially bury their dead

Q 6.A

He appointed the Afghan soldiers in higher posts. He introduced the Dagh" system (or) "branding the horses" to avoid false musters. He also maintained a

descriptive roll for the soldiers. Sher shah revived the Dak-chauki, the espionage system.

Q 7.D

Akbar undertook social and educational reforms. He tried to reform marriage, sati, restriction on sale of wine etc. Akbar also revised the educational syllabus, laying more emphasis on moral education, and secular

subjects such as mathematics, agriculture, geometry, astronomy. Hence, all the statements are correct.

Q 8.C

It was Greeks, who introduced standard coinage in India, with rulers name on coins. Pure gold coins of Kushana implies increase in economic activities whereas impure gold coins in Gupta

period hints at decline in economic activities. Q 9.A

The Revolt at Meerut and the capture of Delhi was the precursor to a widespread mutiny by the sepoys and rebellion almost all over North India, as well as Central and Western India. South India remained quiet and Punjab and Bengal were only marginally affected.


Q 10.C

The Emperor Akbar in his profound sagacity classified the lands and fixed a different revenue to be paid by each.

Polaj is land which is annually cultivated for each crop in succession and is never allowed to lie fallow. Parauti is land left out of cultivation for a time that it may recover its strength. Chachar is land that has lain fallow for three or four years. Banjar is land uncultivated for five years and more. Of the first two kinds of land, there are three classes,

good, middling, and bad. They add together the produce of each sort, and the third of this represents the medium produce, one-third part of which is exacted as the Royal dues.

In his list of duties of the amil-guzar or revenue collector, Akbar decreed that while he should strive to make cultivators pay in cash, the option of payment in kind was also to be kept open.

Q 11.B Q 12.D

The village council and the nadu had several administrative functions including dispensing justice and collecting taxes.

Rich peasants of the Vellala caste exercised considerable control over the affairs of the nadu(group of villages) under the supervision of the central Chola government.

Associations of traders known as nagarams performed administrative functions in towns. Q 13.D

During the Vedic period, king did not maintain a standing army. During wars tribal units were mustered. The system of civil service took birth during this period as the concept of territory began to be followed.

Here, officials were assigned specific duties. Q 14.B

Numerous foreign travelers wrote about India’s wealth and love of Indians for gold and silver in their writings.

India was known for self sufficiency for most the product at the time except Gold and other precious material. Indian exported agricultural products, spices and clothes and other things at a very favorable terms and imported Gold and silver from these countries.

Q 15.C

Both laid emphasis on oneness of God & denounced idol-worship, pilgrimages and other formal observances of the various faiths. However, both Nanak and Kabir had no intention of founding a new religion & it is their followers who got inspired by their ideas gave birth to a new creed , 'Sikhism' & sect of 'Kabir Panthis' respectively.

Q 16.D Q 17.A

The Brahmans were excluded from any kind of administrative post in these Republics.


Q 18.B Khusrau, who was given the title of nayak or master of both the theory and practice of music. He

introduced many Perso-Arabic airs (ragas), such as aiman, gora, sanam, etc. The qawwali is supposed to originate with him. He is credited with having invented the sitar and tabla.

Khusrau wrote a large number of poetical works, including historical romances. He experimented with all the poetical forms, and created a new style of Persian which came to be called the sabaq-i-hindi or the style of India. Khusrau has praised the Indian languages, including Hindi (which he calls Hindavi).

Q 19.C

After Guru Gobind Singh's death in 1708, the Khalsa rose in revolt against the Mughal authority under Banda Bahadur’s leadership, declared their sovereign rule by striking coins in the name of Guru Nanak and Guru Gobind Singh.

Guru Gobind Singh had inspired the Khalsawith the belief that their destiny was to rule (raj karega khalsa).

The Khalsa declared their sovereign rule by striking their own coin again in 1765. Q 20.B Q 21.B

Shankaracharya propounded the Philosophy of the 'advaita' or non-dualism He propounded that God, soul & the created world are both one. At the practical level, there may

appear to be differences but at the 'parmarthik' level there are no real differences It is based on the interpretation of the upanishads which comprise of dialogue between teacher and

student & belived in the knowledge or Gyan marg for salvation. Bhakti marg is accepted by Ramanuja. Q 22.D

Many artisan tasks were dependent on women. The more commercialised the product, the more was women's involvement.

Peasant and artisinal women worked not only in fields but also in houses of employers and in markets. Marriages in rural communities required payment of bride price rather than dowry because of the useful

resource that women proved to be Q 23.A

Mahmud of Ghazni was a turk by descent who led 17 expedition into India which led to the establishment of the Turkish Foot Hold in Punjab.

Q 24.B

The Mughals did not believe in the rule of primogeniture, where the eldest son inherited his father’s estate. Instead they followed the Mughal and Timurid custom of coparcenary inheritance, or a division of the inheritance amongst all the sons.

Peasant revolts challenged the stability of the Mughal Empire from the end of the seventeenth century. Q 25.C

Babur received invitations from Alam Khan, the uncle of Ibrahim Lodi and Daulat Khan Lodi, the Governor of Punjab, to invade India.

Sher Shah Suri introduced the Ryotwari System. The victory at Panipat did not make Babur the ruler of India. He had to deal with a formidable foe, Rana

Sanga of Mewar. Rana Sanga was defeated in the battle of Kanwah in A.D 1527. Medini Rai of Malwa was defeated in the battle of Chanderi in A.D 1528.

Q 26.A

The script has not been deciphered yet. Rests of the statements are correct.


Q 27.C Jahangiri palace was built by Akbar for his rajput wives.

Q 28.C

Tantric practices were open to women and practitioners ignored caste, class differences within ritual context.

Q 29.A

Ibn batuta wrote Rihala in Arabic about the socio cultural life in the subcontinent in the reign of Muhammad bin Tughlaq. Hence, 1st statement is correct.

Alberuni translated Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutra into Arabic (called Kitab Patanjal). He also wrote a monograph on Indic culture, Kitab al-Hind which did not achieve the prominence of other works of comparative religion written around the same time. Romila Thapar adds that Alberuni was the finest intellect of central Asia. In the ten years he spent in India, he made observations on Indian conditions, systems of knowledge, social norms and religion.

Duarte Barbosa was the Portuguese traveler who gave a detailed account of trade and society in South India. Hence, 3rd statement is incorrect.

Q 30.C

Virupaksha Temple - Vijayanagar. Rest are correctly matched Q 31.B

The paintings belong to chalcolithic & Mesolithic phase in the Vindhyas. Paintings were done on both the wall & ceilings but not on floor. Color was prepared by grinding of rocks & minerals. They have remained intact to a great extent because of chemical reaction of these minerals with rock surfaces.

Q 32.A

There are enough evidence throughout the ancient Indian history, of prevalence of slavery. They were used for many works including agricultural activities.

Megasthenese denies the existence of slavery in India as in India the slaves were treated much better than in Greece. So he could not comprehend them as slaves.

Q 33.D

Chinese porclein was found in the urban core suggesting this area would have been occupied by rich traders.

Muslim residential quarter has also been located.

Q 34.A Ibn Battuta’s book of travels, called Rihla, written in Arabic, provides extremely rich and interesting

details about the social and cultural life in the subcontinent in the fourteenth century. This Moroccan traveller was born in Tangier into one of the most respectable and educated families known for their expertise in Islamic religious law or shari‘a.

True to the tradition of his family, Ibn Battuta received literary and scholastic education when he was quite young.

Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq was impressed by his scholarship, and appointed him the qazi or judge of Delhi.

Q 35.C

Q 36.D Q 37.A

Although a military state, Athashastra mentions many practices followed by a welfare state - incorporated by Mauryan state.

It also maintained a navy. Also it was a highly centralized administration with all the powers concentrated in king.


Q 38.A Q 39.A

It was the biggest merchant guild of southern india and strengthed under Chola kings. Most of the existing indigenous and local trade guilds became associated with it. The Manigramam and nanadesi guilds joined the Ayyavole-500. The Ayyavole guild also emerged as a maritime power. These traders were one of the conduits for transporting Indian culture to Southeast Asia.

Q 40.A

He collected four important taxes such as Kharaj-1/10 of the produce of the land, Khams-1/5 of the warbooty, Jizya-Poll Tax and Zakat-Tax on muslims for specific religious purposes.

Q 41.C Q 42.D

According to texts a married woman may not be ordained a nun without the consent of her husband and his guild; hence guild has power over social life also.

Besides economic activities, guilds also made large religious donations and built many religious architectures like Stupas and Viharas.

Q 43.C


Q 44.D Q 45.D

The system of taxation did not exist at the time & no officials existed for the collection of taxes. People made contribution to king voluntarily. The medium of exchange was gold & cows.

Q 46.A

Q 47.D

Indian social conference which is known as Social Reform Cell of Indian National Congress. It focused attention on social issues. So option 1 is correct.

Self-respect movement which was led by E V Ramaswamy Naiker rejected brahmnical religion and culture which Naiker felt was prime instrument of exploitation of lower caste. So option 2 is correct.

Deoband movement was organized by orthodox section among muslims. It has twin objectives 1) propagating pure teachings of Quran and hadis among Muslims and keeping alive the spirit of jihad against the foreign rulers. So option 3 is correct.

Q 48.C One of the most important chronicles was the Ain-i Akbari (in short the Ain) authored by Akbar’s court

historian Abu’l Fazl. This text meticulously recorded the arrangements made by the state to ensure cultivation, to enable the collection of revenue by the agencies of the state and to regulate the relationship between the state and rural magnates, the zamindars.

We are told in the Ain that the Mughal provinces of Agra produced 39 varieties of crops and Delhi produced 43 over the two seasons. Bengal produced 50 varieties of rice alone.

However, the focus on the cultivation of basic staples did not mean that agriculture in medieval India was only for subsistence. We often come across the term jins-i kamil (literally, perfect crops) in our sources. The Mughal state also encouraged peasants to cultivate such crops as they brought in more revenue. Crops such as cotton and sugarcane were jins-i kamil par excellence. Cotton was grown over a great swathe of territory spread over central India and the Deccan plateau, whereas Bengal was famous for its sugar.

Cultivation was based on the principle of individual ownership. Peasant lands were bought and sold in the same way as the lands of other property owners.

Q 49.A

All are correct. Iltutmish undertook an expedition against Bamiyan. He nominated his daughter Raziah as his successor

before his death. Q 50.A

Owing to crown ownership of land, according to Bernier, the landholders could not pass on their land to their children. Hence, Statement 2 is incorrect.

According to Bernier, many kinds of towns existed during the Mughals like trading towns, port towns, pilgrimage towns, etc. Their existence is an indicator of the prosperity of the merchant & professional classes.

However, since the profits were appropriated by the State , the artisans had no motivation to improve the quality of their manufactures . Thus manufacturing declined & the artisans became very poor. Hence, Statement 3 is incorrect.

Q 51.D

The Sangam texts are different from the Vedic texts, particularly the Rig Vedic texts, they do not constitute religious literature.

Q 52.B

Pottery first appeared in Neolithic phase. Q 53.C

In general, the Upnishads proclaim salvation by knowledge or realization. Unlike Vedas, they talk about Moksha instead of heaven.

With the advent of Upnishads, the importance of sacrificial rites declined; but unlike Jainism and Buddhism, Upnishads do not completely discard the need of sacrificial rites or supremacy of Vedas.

Aranyakas literally mean Forest Books, which are a later vedic development. Q 54.B Q 55.A

Indus Valley Civilization had Pashupathi Mahadeva and female figures for worship which are linked with todays Shiva and Shakti worship.

They also worshiped natural figures and there is evidence in the form of terrecotta figures. Tantric traditions evovled later during Buddhist and Brahmanic traditions.


Q 56.D Marriageable age in Rig Veda seems to be 16 or 17. Women‘s status was not bad. They attended political

assemblies & offered sacrifices. Rig Veda mentions about widow re-marriage. Q 57.D

All the statements are correct regarding Indus civilization. Mohenjodaro literally means place of dead and the both sites are located on the rivers given in statement respectively.

Q 58.C

Avesta is an Iranian text. Rig Vedic Aryans did not know the use of iron. It appeared in later Vedic period. Varna system was

practiced but it was not hereditary which it became in later Vedic period. Statement c is correct.

Q 59.A

Statement 1 is correct. The reason for spread was the patronage recieved by Jainism in these areas, though it was not quite of the level as received by Buddhism. But Jainism was able to maintain its inflluence in these areas whereas Buddhism vanished from the Indian sub-continent.

However, statement 2 is incorrect. Infact, Jainism did not become popular with masses because it did not clearly mark itself from the Brahmanical religion.

Q 60.B

The monuments of Ashoka's time, especially the bell-shaped capitals were influenced by Iranian models. Iranian influence can even be traced in the preamble of Ashoka's edicts as well as certain words contained in them.

Iranian coins found in the north-western region points to trade with Iran. But it would be wrong to think that punch-marked coins constinued in India as a result of contact with Iran. Hence, statement 2 is incorrect as it cannot be conclusively ascertained.

Q 61.B

All of them were determined by Aryabhatta. Q 62.C

It is the unorthodox character of Magadhan society and the happy racial admixture which helped them in defeating the other kingdoms and found in the first empire in India.

Q 63.C

To keep the bottle completely immersed, the upward force on the bottle due to water must be balanced. This can be achieved by an externally applied force acting downwards. This force must at least be equal to the difference between the upward force and the weight of the bottle.

Q 64.A

A major feature of the Chishti tradition was austerity, including maintaining a distance from worldly power. However, this was by no means a situation of absolute isolation from political power as the sufis accepted unsolicited grants and donations from the political elites. Hence, 2nd Statement is incorrect.

When the Turks set up the Delhi Sultanate, they resisted the insistence of the ulama on imposing sharia as state law because they anticipated opposition from their subjects, the majority of whom were non-Muslims. The Sultans then sought out the sufis – who derived their authority directly from God – and did not depend on jurists to interpret the sharia.

Q 65.B

Samhitas are the collection of Vedic hymns.


Q 66.A Sangam Literature is best source to know about the social and cultural set up of Dravidian societies of

past. Weaver comminity enjoyed special status and streets were named after them in their recognition. these term are streets named after them. So option A is correct.

Q 67.D Q 68.A

Early Aryans were not united against local tribes & did not possess iron weapons. They succeeded because they rode chariots driven by horses. They possibly also had better bronze tools with them & wore armour.

Q 69.D

In the administration of Shivaji, 'Ashtapradhan' was the term used for 8 ministers who were directly responsible to the Ruler. It included Peshwas, Senapati, Nyayadhish, etc.

Q 70.C

The first metal to be used was Copper. Q 71.C

Prajapati or creator was the most important god of later Vedic period & replaced Agni & Indra. Rig Vedic people did not sought spiritual enlightenment but only material benefits from their prayers

Q 72.C

Muhammad Tughlaq’s rationale for shifting the capital was that Deccan was a new conquered territory and Muslims were in small number. the empire of the sultan had become extended and Daulatabad was in the centre, and strategically important compared to Delhi and Tughlaq believed that this new capital would be kept safe from Mongol invasions

Q 73.A Q 74.C Q 75.C

In Indus valley Civilization, Shamans are men and women who claim magical and healing powers, as well as an ability to communicate with the other world. So option C is correct.

Q 76.D

The whole nobility, the bureaucracy as well as the military hierarchy, held mansabs. They could be transferred from the civil side to the military department and vice versa. Hence, Statement 1 is incorrect.

During the Mughal Period, Tajwiz System' was devised wherein a petition was by a nobleman to the Emperor to recommend an applicant to be recruited as a 'mansabdar'. Hence, Statement 2 is correct.

The mansabdars of the Mughal empire received their pay either in cash (naqd) or in the form of assignments of areas of land (jagir) from which they were entitled to collect the land revenue and all other taxes sanctioned by the emperor. Hence, statement 3 is correct.

Q 77.B

Both Kailasanatha Temple at Kanchipuram & Brihadiswara Temple - Dravida Style. Hoysaleswara Temple- Chalukyan Style

Q 78.D

The Summary Settlement Act 1956 bypassed the middlemen in collection revenue.

Lord Canning introduced General Service Enlistment Act under which the Sepoy could be compelled to serve abroad.

Religious and missionary activities of British was perhaps the first ever trace of English people landing in India, which was later to become a prolonged legendary association. However, until the renewal of the Charter Act of 1813, the British East India Company had blocked the entry of missionaries into India.

Q 79.A

With the Market Control measures , the Rulers of that time could hope to enjoy support of citizens as well as the Army.

Also, Allaudin Khalji initiated them to raise a large army to keep a check on the Mongol invasions & for this the Army was kept happy by paying them in cash.

Infact, he was the first Sultan in the Delhi Sultanat to do so. Hence, Statement 3 is incorrect Q 80.B

Artisan population was substantial reaching even upto 25% of the village households. there was also fluidity in professions as cultivators in off-season performed a variety of roles of artisans like dyeing, textile printing, etc.

Q 81.D

They did get occasional support from the kings. Their hymns are full of opposition to buddhism and jainism. It was inferred that this is because of competition for royal patronage. They were revered by peasants due to which kings supported them and built temples.

Q 82.B

Shulva-sutras, i.e. rules of the cord, which treat of the measurement by means of cords, and the construction, of different kinds of altars required for sacrifices.

Q 83.B

Domestication of animals began in around Mesolithic period. Hence, 1st statement is incorrect. 2nd one is correct.

Q 84.B

Sutta Pitaka deals with teachings of Budhha. Abhidhamma Pitaka deals with philosophical matters. The earlier Buddhist text were written in Pali but new text/chronicles were written in Sanskrit.

Q 85.A

Bhakti movement started from South India and was led by series of popular saints Alvars (Vishnu) and Nayanars (Shiva).

They rejected caste inequality and vedic rituals. The spoke in local language and went from place to place to spread the message of love and devotion to God.

Q 86.B

Vikramaditadevacharita is about the Chalukan King of Kalyan, Vikramaditya VI. Q 87.C

This discovery was a path-breaking discovery for Historian as it gave clear picture about the political developments of ancient period. Both statements are correct. John Princep was an East India company officer who 1st discoverd this fact.

Q 88.D

Sikhism had its origin in the teachings of Nanak & started the institution of Guruship. 5th Guru Arjun Dev started living a life of aristocrat unlike his predecessors & he compiled Sikh scriptures

Granth Sahib or Adi Granth. Guru Gobind Singh was the last Sikh Guru & he abolished the institution of Guruship & declared Granth

Sahib as the true source of any guidance for the Sikhs.


Q 89.A

Ashokan Inscription may be divided into - 1. Major Rock Edicts – Mansehra, Shahbazgarhi, Qandahar, Girnar, Sopara, Sannati, Jaugada, Shishupalgarh, Kalsi. 2. Minor Rock Edicts- Bahapur, Bairat, Bhabru, Maski. (Mainly in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh) 3. Pillar Inscription: Topra, Meerut, Sarnath, Kaushambi (Many in Bihar, Bengal)

Q 91.D Q 92.C

It did not have rich deposits of gold & hence statement 1 is not the correct reason. In fact, it had rich resources of iron which helped its rise.

It had deposits of iron which helped it to make iron weapons on an extensive scale. Although the Indian states were well acquainted with te use of horse and chariots, Magadha was the

first state to use elephants on a large scale. Since, it was Vedicised late it showed greater enthusiasm for expansion than the kingdoms which had

been Vedicised earlier. Q 93.D

The craft of the Thatheras of Jandiala Guru constitutes the traditional technique of manufacturing brass and copper utensils in Punjab. The metals used – copper, brass and certain alloys – are believed to be beneficial for health.

The Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage are established by UNESCO aiming to ensure the better protection of important intangible cultural heritages worldwide and the awareness of their significance

Q 94.A

All the statements except statement 3 are correct. Few rulers like Huna king Mihirkul is said to have killed many Buddhists. Other reasons include internal degenration of Buddhism as new tantric cult like Vajrayana came to the

fore and it was tried to be absorbed into Hinduism by making Buddha incarnation of Vishnu. Q 95.A

His land revenue system resembled the system followed by Raja Todar Mai under Akbar. The state also collected custom duties and professional taxes. The two other important taxes collected during his time were Chauth and Sardeshmuki.

Women were not allowed in military camps. Q 96.D

Aryabhatta considered zero not only as a numeral but also as a concept and a symbol. Q 97.A

The 'amara-nayakas' were the military commanders who were given the territories to govern by the King ; they sent tributes to the king annually and appeared in the royal court personally with gifts to express their loyalty.

They were allowed to retain a part of revenue collected by them for personal use apart for maintaining a stipulated contingent of horses and elephants.

Q 90.C Some of the Muslims participated—Barrister Abdul Rasul, Liaqat Hussain, Guzanvi, Maulana Azad (who

joined one of the revolutionary terrorist groups)—but most of the upper and middle class Muslims-stayed away or, led by Nawab Salimullah of Dacca, supported the partition of Bengal on the plea that it would give them a Muslim-majority East Bengal.


It can be compared with the 'iqta system' of the Delhi Sultanate as both were the systems of giving land revenue grants . However , whereas the 'Iqta system' was not hereditary , on the other hand 'nayakaship' was in the initial stages personal, it became hereditary in the course of time. Hence, Statement 3 is incorrect.

Q 98.D Q 99.A

Rig Veda shows some consciousness of physical appearance of people. Varna was the term used for color. Thus, color had been a factor in determination of social order.

The locals who were won over by the Aryans wee treated as slaves. This was the most important factor contributing to the growth of Varna System.

Social inequalities resulted in different trade practices. Hence, it was the result & not a reason. Though it further led to its strengthening of Varna System. Thus, statement 3 is incorrect.

Q 100.D

Buddha propounded four noble truths. Fourth of them is Eight-fold path (Ashtangika marga). Buddha denounce excesses of all kind, hence his teaching include Middle Path. As Buddhism doen't believe in existence of soul, therefore Prtityasmutpada is the concept used to

explain the process of rebirth.

Q 101.A

The 'Council Bills' were issued by the The Secretary of States. In British India, apart from existing imports and exports, there was also a particular amount of money

which colonial India contributed towards administration, maintenance of the army, war expenses,pensions to retired officers and other expenses accrued by Britain towards maintenance of her colony. These were known as "Home charges" and were paid for almost entirely by India.

The Home charges was made of three components (1) Interest payable on Indian debt. (2)Interest on the railways (3) Civil and military charges.

This ‘drain’, estimated at 5 per cent to 6 per cent of the total resources of India, took place through the notorious council bill system. British buyers of Indian exports paid sterling for council bills obtained from the secretary of state in London. The council bill were then presented by British trading firms in India to exchange banks where they were exchanged for rupees from the government of India’s revenues. The rupees were then advanced to finance the production and trade in export commodities, for example, jute. The rupee profit could subsequently be use to by sterling bills at local branches of British – owned exchange banks and London paid sterling against these bills. The sterling could then once again be used to buy council bills and so the annual cycle repeated itself.

Q 102.B

The fall in demand of indigo in the international market had let to a fall in its prices. After the Indigo rebellion of 1860, its production was discontinued in Bengal after a few years and it survived only in the backward regions of Bihar.

The rebellion was one of the first occasions when the Indian press championed the issue of peasants and the local zamindars also supported the revolt as the indigo planters were European.

The play “Neel Darpan” - Neel stands for blue/indigo, the colour of the dye obtained from the plant - was originally written by Dinabandhu Mitra in Bengali and dealt with the issue of atrocities committed by Indigo planters.

Q 103.C

To prevent the recurrence of another revolt was the main reason behind the reorganization of Army. The % of Europeans is increased in the army. So option 1 is incorrect.

European monopoly over key geographical locations and key departments like artillery, tanks was maintained to safeguard key locations and weaponry. So option 2 is correct.

To create divisions among various groups in army some races like Sikhs, Gurkhas were declared martial and others who participated in the 1857 revolt such as soldiers from Awadh, Bengal etc. declared non martial. So option 3 is incorrect.


Q 104.A Statement 1 is correct as the act recognized the control of Parliament over Indian affairs. Statement 2 is correct as it sought to address the ambiguities regarding Supreme Court and other

jurisdictional issues. Pitt’s India Act sought to increase parliamentary supervision over the Company. Hence, statement 3 is

correct. Q 105.D

Q 106.B

The period 1765 to 1813 is known for Policy of Ring fence or Buffer State.Before 1765,the company struggled for the equality with the indian states.

During this period,the chief danger was from Afghan Invader and Marathas. Q 107.A

The act was directed only towards the Vernacular (non-english) newspapers of India. The act was repealed by Lord Ripon

Q 108.C

Native Rulers who helped British Holkar of Indore remained with the British. Man Singh at Gwalior deceived Tantya Tope and Laxmibai. Nizam of Hyderabad, Gulab Singh of Kashmir, Sikh rulers of Patiala, Nabha and Jind also remained loyal to British. The Sikhs detest towards the

Mughals was the main reason behind their remaining against the mutineers. Dinkar Rao of Gwalior and Salar Jang of hyderabad were "praised" by the British for their loyalty to the

Government. Zamindars, Land Lords, Money lenders, Big Traders remained loyal to the East India Company. The elite "educated" class of Indians remained indifferent. Railways, Telegraph and Postal services, which were initiated by Lord Dalhousie saved India for British from the

hands of Indians. Q 109.B

It was not against image-worship. Infact, it recognized the value and utility of image worship in developing spiritual fervor.

The movement recognized the truth in all religions and emphasised that krishna, Rama, Allah, Christ are different names for the same god. It recognizes value of image-worship in developing spiritual fervour.

The movement never gave any political message.

Q 110.B

They aimed to liberate the Gurudawaras from the control of corrupt mahants who enjoyed the support of the government. It was a secretarian or a regional movement but not a communal one.

It was a non-violent movement. Hence, 2nd statement is also correct Q 111.B

The Indian National Congress, founded in 1885, was the first organized expression of the Indian national movement on an all-India scale. It had, however, many predecessors. However all these associations were dominated by wealthy and aristocratic elements and were provincial or local in character.

Q 112.A

Indian Agriculture during 18th century was technically backward and stagnant as techniques of production remained stationary for centuries.

Also Indian villages were largely self-sufficient. It was not a closed economy as it traded with other countires of Europe and Aisa.

Q 113.B

It was founded by Ahmad of Rai Barelli in 1820, and it began in RohilKhand.


Q 114.A

There was no place for priesthood nor any kind of sacrifices were allowed in the Brahmo Samaj building. The worship was performed through prayers and meditation and readings from the Upanishads.

It took no definite stand on the doctrine of karma and left it to individual brahmos to believe either way. Q 115.D


Majumdar (Amatya) was the Revenue and finance minister.

Dabir (sumant) was the FOREIGN minister. Q 116.C

Raja Ram Mohan Roy: Proclaimed that the purest form of Hindu religion was to be found in Upanishads.

Keshav Chandra Sen: Observed that the Brahamoism shoul become a sort of universal religion.

Dayananda Sarswati: Identified Hinduism with the religion as founded in the Vedas

Ramakrishna Paramhansa: Emphasised that there are many roads to God. Q 117.B

1. It is making small changes to a drug in order to gain a new patent. 2. It an anti-competitive practice.

Q 118.C

Statement 1 is correct as the Viceroy could now nominate members to his expanded council. Q 119.D

English provocations such as misuse of dastaks and fortification of their trading posts were provocations aimed at the Bengal rulers. Hence, statement 1 is correct.

Statement 2 is correct as due to conspiracies, a major part of the Bengal army did not participate in the war.

Statement 3 is also correct as the plunder of Bengal allowed British to export bullions from India to finance its trade with the East.

Q 120.D

Feeling of racialism between the rulers and the ruled evoked reaction in Indian mind. Researchers like Max Muller, william etc created a new picture of India’s past glory and greatness.

Q 121.A

The annexation of Indian States by company cut off their major source of patronage. So their income reduced as many of them took up agricultural activities. Because of its grievances this group participated in 1857 revolt. So option 1 is correct.

Zamindars often saw their land rights forfeited. This resulted in loss of status for them in villages. So statement 2 is incorrect.

Abolition of sati, support to widow remarriages and women education were seen as interference in social and religious domain of Indian society by outsiders. So large section of population have discontent because of such socio-religious reforms. This was one of the reason of 1857 revolt. So statement 3 is correct.

Q 122.B Q 123.B

Mahatma Gandhi founded All India Harijan Sangh. So option 1 is correct. Though Arya samaj was in favour of four fold varna system but it was against the caste system. So option

2 is correct. Satyashodhak samaj founded by jyotiba phule aimed at women education, lower caste education and

social service. So option 3 is also correct


Q 124.D

The movement's objective was not to prepare its students for government job (unlike the aligarh movement) but for preaching of Islamic faith. They were opposed to Syed Ahmed Khan, founder of the Aligarh movement.

Deoband School welcomed the formation of the Indian National Congress and in 1888 issued a fatiua (religious decree) against Syed Ahmed Khan’s organisations.

Q 125.B

Under the treaty,British undertook to defend the ruler from his enemies and promised to non-interference in the internal affairs but they didnt keep this promise.Through british


