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HOK Sustainability Update 2010-2011

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Sustainability is not (just) about the earth. It's about natural systems and human systems working together.
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sustainabilit y update 2010-2011

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sustainability is no longer a buzzword – it’s a business and social imperative. Across the world, the built environment accounts for a huge percentage of resource consumption and emissions, plays an important role in human health and drives job creation. With the economic downturn and urgent need to move away from “business as usual,” the priorities of the economy and ecology have finally come together.

K i n g a b d u l l a h u n i v ers i t y o f s c i en c e a n d t ec h n o l o gy T h u WA l , SAu d i A r A b i A | l EEd - N C P l AT iN u m

as one of the world’s most influential design firms, HOK takes very seriously our responsibility to incorporate measurable, sustainable outcomes into everything we do. We have been a leader in sustainability since the days when it was known simply as environmentally responsible design. In 1993, we made it official by establishing sustainable design as a core value.

We’re proud of what we have accomplished and of our reputation as a worldwide leader in sustainability. But we need to do more.

Designing for environmental sustainability is not enough. The design and construction industry must quickly move toward a built environment in which human and natural systems can thrive together.

hOK’s specific commitments to sustainability include:• achieving carbon neutrality in our projects and practice by 2030

• Incorporating an integrated design process and sustainable strategies into all projects

• Tracking key performance goals from design through operations

• LeeD credentialing for all HOK design professionals

• Commitment to performing pro bono work in all offices

• Implementing a global green operations plan

• LeeD gold certification or higher for all HOK offices

s u s Ta I n a b I L I T y u p D aT e 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1

first leed certified project in saudi ar abiaaia commit tee on the environment top ten green project

The time: Now.

The place: Every corner of the world.

The focus: Sustaining life by creating built environments that are based on interconnected systems, both natural and manmade, that support life.

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HOK’s sustainability agenda for the second decade of the 21st century defines three goals that we believe will trigger critical outcomes.

The actions of those who occupy and maintain a space, whether they’re plugging in a space heater, failing to recycle, or opening a window, have an enormous impact on our ability to reduce resource consumption. We are addressing facility management and occupant behavior at all scales, particularly in existing buildings.

Design solutions should be informed by the patterns and processes that have formed in nature over billions of years. This applies at all scales, from the interior renovation of an office building in the u.s. to the planning of a new town in India. partnering with the biomimicry guild, HOK is thinking beyond the building scale and modeling nature to develop large-scale, optimized ecosystem solutions with efficient closed loop systems for water, energy and materials.

To make meaningful improvements, we need to design and monitor built environments to meet clear performance goals. project teams must model performance-driven solutions around key social, economic and environmental indicators and create feedback loops that continue through an environment’s life cycle. Our commitment to buildingsMaRT features advanced use of building information modeling to produce “smart” models that drive design solutions and monitor long-term performance.

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s u s Ta I n a b I L I T y a g e n D a f O R 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1

focus on people use nature’s principles model, manage and monitor

buildings don’t use energy, people do. We must bring nature’s principlesinto our design solutions.

We can’t manage what we don’t measure.

sustainability agenda for 2010-2020

K h ed s e z m a s t er p l a n m A h A r AS h T r A , iN d i A

designed based on life’s principles35% on-site reneWable energy50% Water use reduction

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sustainability is integrated into all HOK’s architectural, engineering, interior design and consulting solutions – it’s just an essential element of good design.

HOK provides sustainable solutions throughout the life cycle of a built environment, from planning and strategy through design and construction, and into operations, maintenance and occupancy. We can provide the most long-term value and impact when we are involved in the actual performance of those environments.

Our goal is to help clients improve their business results while moving the world toward a low-carbon future in a way that enhances the quality of people’s lives.

We’re working with clients to link business and environmental goals

by greening everything from individual workplaces to buildings,

sites and global real estate portfolios.

necessity is the mother of invention. Today, our clients’ goals for doing more with less have created unprecedented opportunities for them to renew their existing environments in ways that make sound economic and environmental sense. In this new climate, we’re helping many clients creatively renovate, reuse and reposition existing environments.

Renewal projects have their own set of considerations that go beyond those traditionally associated with new building design. Our experts in renewal assignments are specialists in areas like regional and neighborhood planning; architecture, engineering and interior design for building renovation; conservation and preservation; sustainable design, the green workplace and environmental business planning; high-performance building systems and many more.

h ow w e h el p c l i en t s

opportunities for renewala sustainable foundation

life cycle services L I f e C y C L e s e R V I C e s

au to d e s K o n e m a r K e t c o r p o r at e o f f i c e s SA N f r A N CiS CO, CA l ifO r N i A

100% reuse of existing structure47% Water use reduction

30% lighting poWer density reduction

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sustainable designIntegrating sustainability into all architectural, engineering, interior design and planning solutions in a way that addresses environmental, social and economic sustainability.

biomimetic designapplying “Life’s principles” – the patterns and processes of the natural world – to the design of the built environment.

land + waterproviding green infrastructure planning and design to help communities address stormwater management and develop solutions linking water management, energy conservation, air pollution abatement, carbon storage, environmental resource management and land use strategies.

green rating systems managementManaging the documentation process for the entire project team for LeeD, bReeaM, green Mark and other green rating systems, including design guidance, charrette facilitation, research and certification submittal.

occupant engagement programengaging occupants to inspire sustainable behavior among building tenant groups through engagement, education and outreach programs.

sustainability educationDeveloping and delivering sustainability courses to advance organizational sustainability goals, including ‘train-the-trainer’ programs to build in-house sustainability leadership.

leed for eXisting buildings: o&mManaging the analysis, documentation and certification process for LeeD for existing buildings: O&M by addressing building performance, operational practices, management policies and procurement practices.

building performance analysisComparing actual building performance to design goals and benchmarks, focusing on utility performance and user experience and documenting results to inform decisions.

energy and water resource efficiency Identifying practices, policies and measures to reduce energy, carbon and water consumption, increase whole building resource efficiency and reduce operating costs.

sustainable guidelines Developing sustainable design, construction and operations guidelines to help clients manage all components of their portfolio.

sustainability planningCollaborating with organizations to develop a holistic sustainability strategy that achieves measurable results across a broad range of environmental, economic and social areas of focus.

environmental business planning Working with corporations to prioritize strategies and develop a comprehensive framework for implementing their sustainability program, including operations guidelines, environmental benchmarking, best practice research and financial analysis.

climate action planningCreating long- and short-term paths to achieve climate action goals through a rigorous analysis of strategies in a transparent decision-making process.

L I f e C y C L e s e R V I C e slife cycle services

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Figure 2 - The Traditional Economic Paradigm

Figure 4 - The New Ecological Economic Paradigm

Figure 3 - The “Triple Bottom Line” Paradigm


Figure 2 - The Traditional Economic Paradigm

Figure 4 - The New Ecological Economic Paradigm

Figure 3 - The “Triple Bottom Line” Paradigm


Figure 2 - The Traditional Economic Paradigm

Figure 4 - The New Ecological Economic Paradigm

Figure 3 - The “Triple Bottom Line” Paradigm

“The Greenest County in America”

That’s the ambitious goal that St Louis County has set for itself.

The path to this goal will reinforce the County as a truly 21st century place.

Our world is constantly changing, and with rising energy prices, climate

change and an emerging green economy, the value of our metropolitan assets

are increasing. St Louis County’s collection of established neighborhoods,

businesses, open space, infrastructure and amenities position us to prosper

in the new sustainable “green” paradigm.

A responsive St Louis County will address challenges and leverage

opportunities created by continuing global shifts and position itself as a

County of the Future. Welcome to a Green and Growing St Louis County!


WHYis this important?

WHATare we doing?

HOWdo I get involved?

WHENEvents and News

WHEREcan I find out more?















recent Work

Planning + strategyrecent Work

oPerations + occuPancy

gsa sustainable development guideu.S. general Service Administration

GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy

The New Sustainable Frontier


September 2009

ecological economics applied to triple-bottom-line policies

234 tons co2 emission reduction EnErgy star rating: 9517% facility Waste reduction

st. louis county energy efficiency and conservation strategySt. louis, missouri

metrocentre leed-eb certificationToronto, Ontario, Canada Ll LLEED-EB Silver

cadillac fairview occupant engagement programToronto, Ontario, Canada | LEED-EB Gold

chicago green housing authorityChicago, illinois

implementation of $8.4m energy efficiency and conservation block grant

multi-stakeholder, consensus-based process

district of columbia sustainable guidelinesguidebook for Projects

application guidelines for Washington, dc, green building act behavior change program

Web site and public engagement

leed ebom for schools - web learning for usgbcWashington, dC

sustainability education

LEED® AssessmentReport


green property assessmentenergy auditing and conservation planningleed-eb gap analysis

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R e C e n T W O R K

byron rogers federal office buildingdenver, Colorado

100% building rEtrofit80% EnErgy usE rEduction (ExpEctEd)100% hot Water from solar thermal

the mint projectSan francisco, California

renovation and adaptive reuse

restored natural ventilation and daylighting

national oceanic and atmospheric administrationPearl harbor, hawaii Pending LEED Certification

30% energy use reduction (expected)natural ventilation in humid climateseaWater cooling and dehumidificationrenovated pearl harbor air craft hangar

hoK london officelondon, united Kingdom LEED-CI Gold

22% energy use reduction57% building reuse48% reused furnishings

green line master planAtlanta, georgia

urban revitalization for doWntoWn atlantamulti-modal transit & lively public spaces

recent Work

design + construction: renew

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wishard health services - new medical buildingindianapolis, indiana Pending LEED Certification

30% overall space reduction through efficient space planningpatient areas of respite rooftop community garden

allsteel and gunlocKe resource centerAtlanta, georgia LEED-CI Gold

22% Water use reduction52% lighting poWer density reductioncommunity meeting place

colonel h. weir cooK terminal - indianapolis international airportindianapolis, indiana Pending LEED Certification

21% energy use reduction100% daylit public spaces91% regional materials

34% energy use reductionpublic / private research collaboration

university of florida at laKe nonaOrlando, florida Pending LEED Certification

22% energy use reduction30% Water use reduction89% construction Waste reduction

college of dupage health and sciences centerglen Ellyn, illinois LEED-NC Gold

nasa new office buildinghouston, Texas LEED-NC Platinum

58% energy use reduction40% Water use reduction97% construction Waste reduction

78% Water use reduction65% energy use reductiondesign for collaboration

jean canfield government of canada buildingCharlottetown, PE, Canada Pending LEED Certification

recent Work

design + construction: new R e C e n T W O R K

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s u s ta i n a b l e m e t r i c s


WATEr: 78% rEClAimEd WATEr, 100% WASTEWATEr rEuSEd, 42% POTAblE WATEr rEduCTiON

ENErgy: 27.1% ANNuAl ENErgy COST SAviNgS, 7.8% ON-SiTE rENEWAblE ENErgy, 80% Of glAziNg ShAdEd yEAr rOuNd

mATEriAlS: 20% rECyClEd CONTENT, 38% rEgiONAl mATEriAlS, 99% WOOd frOm fSC SOurCES, 80% CONSTruCTiON WASTE mANAgEmENT

King abdullah university of science and technology | thuwal, saudi arabia

C a s e s T u D y

1 High performance roof2 solar tower3 passive ventilation4 High-performance glazing5 Integrated shading6 Local evaporation7 passively cooled courtyards8 filtered daylight

Sustainability diagram Laboratories and pedestrian spine

certified in 2009 as the world’s largest leed-nc platinum project, King abdullah university of science and Technology (KausT) is a new international, graduate-level research university open to men and women from around the world.

▲ Integral shading ▲ High performance Roof ▲ passively Cooled Courtyards ▲ filtered Daylight ▲ solar Tower

Located on the west coast of saudi arabia, the 600,000- square-meter campus sits on a highly visible 36-million-square-meter site along the Red sea.

KausT includes 186,000 square meters of laboratory space spread across an interconnected complex of five research buildings.

The design promotes KausT’s vision of conducting highly collaborative, interdisciplinary, goal-oriented research, with no traditional boundaries between labs and academic areas.

exceptionally flexible building shells and universal floor plates accommodate virtually every type of lab and provide interchangeable, customizable lab modules.

The physical campus and its operations aspire to demonstrate new ways of building in the Middle east that will advance principles of stewardship toward energy and the environment.

lEEd-NC PlATiNum

recent Work

design + construction: new

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HOK and the biomimicry guild have formed an exclusive alliance linking the natural and built environment.

a l l i a n c e w i t h t h e b io m i m i c ry g u i l d

Through this relationship, we are integrating innovations from nature into the planning and design of buildings, communities and cities worldwide.

established more than a decade ago by biologists Janine benyus and Dr. Dayna baumeister, biomimicry is a design and leadership discipline that seeks sustainable solutions by emulating nature’s time-tested ideas.

The ‘biologist at the design table’ brings new ways of solving problems by asking questions about what nature would do. These questions often challenge longstanding, business as usual approaches to the built environment.

This bio-inspired creative process allows designers to think about a project in new ways grounded in the ecology of a site.

f u T u R e D I R e C T I O n sfuture directions driviNg hok’S SuStaiNaBility agENda

from the beginning, the team has envisioned Lavasa as a sustainable town. a key goal has been to integrate the town’s infrastructure with energy, water and waste flow to increase efficiency and close resource loops.

The biomimicry guild prepared a “genius of place” report and “ecological performance standards” that describes the pre-tested, locally attuned strategies adopted by the organisms native to the Lavasa site. In this report, the guild looked to the living creatures and plants of the moist, deciduous ecosystem to provide models for locally attuned design strategies.

The intent was to honor the local intelligence and to emulate ways local ‘geniuses’ manage water, protect soil, adapt to seasonal weather and respond to other site challenges.

The team defined specific goals for sustainability based on the infrastructure and systems requirements of the site and baseline energy, water and waste demands.

the bio-inspired design of a neW toWn in india

the new lavasa hill town is spread across 12,500 acres of picturesque, landscape on the backwaters of Warasgaon lake, southeast of mumbai.

l ava s a h i l l s tat i o n m a s t er p l a n m OS E vA l l E y, P u N E , iN d i A

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d e s i g n g oa l s f o r n e t z e r o c o u r t s u s ta i n a b l e m e t r i c s

• 150,000-200,000-Sq. fT.

• mulTi-TENANT OffiCE buildiNg

• AffOrdAblE (10-yEAr PAybACK)

• mArKETAblE


• flExiblE ANd AdAPTAblE


• uSE ‘lifE’S PriNCiPlES’ TO iNfOrm dESigN

f u T u R e D I R e C T I O n s

The team selected a potentially developable site in midtown st. Louis, Mo., for the project. They selected this site for its challenging four-season climate, because electricity costs in Missouri are among the lowest in the country — a factor that challenged the team’s ability to make the design affordable — and because st Louis’ electrical fuel profile is 81 percent coal.

The team believed that if they could create a successful net zero emissions design on this difficult site, they would be able to replicate the process in any location.

The design of net Zero Co2urt reduced carbon emissions by 76 percent through energy efficiency strategies, with only minor additional first costs compared to a conventional office building.

To provide the remaining clean energy required to reach zero carbon emissions, the team identified on-site renewable energy systems that include approximately 51,800 square feet of rooftop and wall-mounted photovoltaic panels and 15,000 square feet of solar thermal tubes on the southern building facades and roof.

The process revealed that designing a carbon neutral office building was easier and more affordable than most believe. by using strict performance parameters to inform the design, the team created a replicable process that can be applied to most building types across the world.

what is zero emissions? The u.s. Department of energy describes it as...

a building that produces and exports at least as much emissions-free renewable energy as it imports and uses from emission-producing energy sources annually.

an integrated design team led by HOK and energy and daylighting consultant The Weidt group undertook a virtual design charrette to create a market-rate, zero emissions design for a Class a commercial office building.

E n E r gy u s E i n t E n s i t y - 2 1 . 9 k t b u s /s f p e r y e a r b e f o r e r e n e Wa b l e e n e r gyc o n s t r u c t i o n c o s t: $ 2 2 3 /g s fpay b ac k : 12 – 14 y e a r sa n n u a l E n E r gy c o s t s av i n g s : $ 18 4 , 5 6 7a n n u a l E n E r gy c o s t: $ 2 , 418


future directions driviNg hok’S SuStaiNaBility agENda

F o r M o r E v i S i t N E t Z E r o C o u r t. C o M

s ec r e t g a r d e n

w e s t b u i l d i n g fa c a d e

v i e w l o o K i n g w e s t t o c o u r t ya r d

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s u s ta i n a b l e awa r ds + r ec o g n i t i o n

The honors HOK receives for sustainable design remind us of our responsibility to continue advancing sustainability toward mainstream awareness and acceptance. These include:

eight aIa Committee on the environment “Top Ten green projects,” including KausT in 2010

#1 in DesignIntelligence 2010 survey of “Most Influential green Design firms”

u.s. green building Council “Organizational excellence award”

aIa COTe, Corenet global and IIDa “sustainable Design Leadership award”

global green usa “Designing a sustainable and secure World award”

sustainable buildings Industry Council “best sustainable practice award”

aIa presidential Citation for sustainable Design

w e wa l K t h e wa l Kw e w rot e t h e b o o Ks

The hOK guidebook to Sustainable design, Second Edition This guidebook includes extensive new design process information, updated case studies, and post-occupancy evaluations organized to support use of the u.s. green building Council’s LeeD® green building rating system. Complete with practical tools and real-world examples, this hands-on reference is for architects, engineers, planners, landscape architects, interior designers, construction contractors, building owners and students.

The green WorkplaceWritten by HOK’s Leigh stringer, the green Workplace is a comprehensive guide that demonstrates how green businesses can reduce costs, enhance productivity, improve recruitment and retention, increase shareholder value, and contribute to a healthier natural environment. The book features real-world examples from bloomberg, google, sprint, adobe, Texas Instruments and 25 other companies that have experienced the benefits of greener workplaces.

s u s Ta I n a b I L I T y aT H O K

hoK firsts:hok designed the first lEEd-certified airport terminalFirst lEEd-certified embassyFirst lEEd gold project in latin americaFirst lEEd-Ci certified project in SingaporeFirst lEEd-NC Platinum project in Saudi arabiaFirst lEEd-Ci gold project in the uk

hoK designed:

nearly 100 lEEd, BrEEaM and green Mark certified projects

the largest lEEd-NC Platinum project in the world

More information: hok.com/sustainable

sustainability at hok

The HOK sustainable Roadmap, adopted by the HOK board of Directors, is a comprehensive set of goals, priorities and measurable actions to further integrate sustainability into all aspects of the firm’s culture and business. With clear actions and measures, its goal is to ensure that the firm remains a leader in sustainability while equipping HOK to meet the aIa 2030 commitment of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.

hOK london Office London, england, uK LeeD-CI gold

hOK Atlanta Office atlanta, georgia LeeD-CI gold

hOK Chicago Office Chicago, Illinois LeeD-CI platinum

hOK hong Kong Office Hong Kong, China LeeD-CI gold

hOK miami Office Miami, florida LeeD-CI Certified

hOK beijing Office beijing, China LeeD-CI gold

hOK Shanghai Office shanghai, China LeeD-CI silver

hOK Singapore Office singapore LeeD-CI silver

hOK Toronto Toronto, Ontario, Canada LeeD-CI gold

hOK St. louis Office st. Louis, Missouri LeeD-CI Certified

hOK San francisco Officesan francisco, California LeeD-CI pilot Certified

HOK is incorporating green initiatives into the design and daily operations of its offices. This includes a requirement that all new HOK offices be LeeD certified – now at 11 across the globe.
