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HOME TEAMS NEST. SILVER STILL THE TOPIC....ba Ooaaaar. a rabttlaa of C*kd Cterb CMMa. 81850 a...

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SILVER STILL THE TOPIC. jBjratATrx* KTTWAXt FINI-HES HIS SPEECH. 11E MAKF-S AX ARr.r.MHXT FOR FF.F.E COINAGE, ANU TIIK UUi <;OKS OVF.R. Waahingto- June 2.-At | oYloek ihe Mll io provlde for the free aafaBaja of pold and xllver wai hiid before the, r<enate. and .Mr. Daawad restimed bla argajned in aappod of lt. He expi-essed bi- siiipi-K" at Mr. blierman's BBhhaBaBt on Tuesdiiy Bad that he Iwd U-en ln favor of the BbBBd AlBBM t.ill. Thnt sur- ,.i»e. was caused by bta PaTr. Beawad/a) BamBtadty with tho daara expi-e-ed by the s^iiiitor from Obto ta that subject wldle he was gaa. tvt.tr>- f tbe Traaaait. >lr. Hhernmii kad <-ilti.l-.xl Umt biH Ib three clat. i.iatc laamrbl and lad nrgad it* lapeal. AbB yd be had tatd the Scnate the Otbar day tbal ii- waa a c,kk1 wn, and tbal he approadl it. it aeemed to hlm (Mr. tabrwart) tbal Mr. DbarmdVa remarki wera defeciive o.- ehm that ata prophodca Hiid predlrtlana were not of much value. Tbal Benator bad toM the Kenate that tha froa eolnage ol attrar woaM brtng the country to h silver dandard, |ad aa ba had pre- djft**! that the Hland aet wouM do. Tho present law (Mr. Mowart derlncd) WOoM do amraa Ibaa thnt. Tbe law of 1880, whteh Mr. Bher- man approved todav. l.ut mlgbl not approva b> ¦amiaw. would inevitabiy briag th- conntry to a paper standurd or to tbe niai-ket valBC itandard of ailver. baeauae it waa pdng ko be attarty Impoadble |0 malntailu gold pagawnM und.T eilatlng law. There was neuilv Bl.Oim.O0o.0U0 ont-tandinc ln paper and sllver. whlle Ibere wai only 8113.800,000 of pold ta tbe Treaaary Inctadlng tbe 8100,000^00 regarded aa b igaarwa Bw tbe redeonpttoa of green- baeba. And cvery amekly daaeaaenl of tbe Tr.a-un- thowad Umt tbe parcentage of pold eordng Into tbe Treasury was gMWiBg le>s and bjas, until lt WB« n©W r, v li pcr e.-nt of tbe Bggregnte reedpta. Ue aotteed that tbe Baaretary ..f tbe Treaaary Ib an laleratow ln »w Torb yaakerday .-aid that there would be ne premium paid on «..« dariag tbe preaent Admlnkdra. Uon. that l.e had power to taaue bonda in order aat gold, aoaai to heep th,- two metala aa a pariiy; and that they would he kopt at a jiarlty. Mr. Hlgpin- ;i-U"d Mr. Btowad il he preferrcd tkat the euaatry aboaM eoaae t«> a altrer bada. Mr. Bloaail 1 wonid prefer angthlng ratbar than have the peoplo enslaved by dtempttag to reduce tbe whole world to the nnrrow badl of goM. Tbare la over 84ch>,000,000 of sllver in the Treaaary, and the law makes silver edn a lepil tonder eoaally wlth Bdd. i would rererae the poUcy d ibe Admlntotralton, whlch baa recersed tba btw. There baa not been. for Ibe last twanty yaare, any aeM obMgatton an tbe Hoaarn- u.ei.t. And it ls the duty ol the Bcerdary d Ihe Treaaary to rcdcani the paper of tbe Goaemment In thal eurrencv wktoh la ajoal r?onvenlent. I *.\ Ibal the present poMey, undei- exlatlng law. will reduce bi not only a silver bada. but to H"- eomaaerrtal pn. e of silver, beeaaae lt k* bapoadbta lo amdatala, on tho preaent volumo of gold. the axldlng credlt ftibric ,.f tho world. m tbe eaaaaaaf hta Brgameat Mr. Btowart rldirui.-d Mr BamgaaaB'd expreadon of aympathy for tbe w..rk tng chmeea and for tba aanataiierB. "Sympalhy," be ex.-lainied, --theiv bi not bbmd enoagh Ui all »f tba pold trust men for BIM laaaonito.* lt woaM not do. he snld. for kboae robbera (they were [J^hljigelse io clalui for tbemsdvea dl boneaty. HonestJ would be banlBhed from the world when tbe cdme of 187J w*« juatltled. How long the people would .ubul to Sch robbery he did not know. but whlle he Byed. g woaM eonttnue to umrn them. _He had been ofien iold hlm that waa Unwlng awaj kblbmli teUine the trutli; but he did nol belle\e lt. He Kred that the country wonld have flrae eolnage afaUver; and wonM have it la the neer|toture. At tba ebma d Mr. dewarfa apeech Ibe aflref bili went over Wltbogt acUOO. CBAmei » WB OMr.LATION. A COXSIDER-KBLENETINCUIA^I'. SIIOWN DVattXG LASS MOXTB. Washlngton. Juno B (8pecld).-The Treasury Dc- partment's monthlv sUifement af ehaBge la Um <lr- culaUon shows B COimMerable net lncrea.se durlng the last mioiith. Xbare was a de<n;i-c d 80,332,558 ln vniw btates aaaaa, 8888,181 Ib Nattond bank natea, 9AVTJHM in ataadard Bllaar doltan and ge7,leU ln subsldlary bllver. >n tba Bkber hand. ihere wai an haareaaa of 85,588,808 la Treaaary drrar aotoa, e3,581.510 In BBM certlfleates, f,t,:>°0,000 In curren- v ceaUCc'ates. Ibtl abowa » net Inrrease durlag tbe month of 80,137,058. The total clrculatlon of kbd country on June 1 Placed at B1.6£O.Olo.a20-B per oaplta circulatloij of BM Tl, or 8118^78,008 moTe than BB Juna 1, 1881. The chnnccs ln tbe circutntlon of vurious Wuds of moner durlng May, taamtbar wlth the Baaaant tn dr- oulation on June 1. are Bbowa in th" foBowlng taMe: M,,v 1, 1892. J'l'i- 1 1808 m .. ,... .aMOT.ois.Bie a4oa.Bli.o52 Gold eoln....- ¦¦-.. " .,. , -, 07 Wi'.'-.' b^ndard aBve* doUar*. i-M3t':,'l «87»0H81 SubaMJary; dltw. ,«g -.fv,^, 167.2W .0- Crold oerllllcatej. . i!--i'js.ii SJT.-'JO 10'. b!lv.r c".-UU.aees... "Si'soiIto 8T OdS 072 BUier Treaaary boBm. 78a aal 818.4H.802 1-..IW Btatea noaea. ,o':ioSiO SV780.«iO Currejicy c- ititl'iit"--.. 1080B7 os" 1"7 427 905 >-alional baiiU BOtea. '. '"- T.ul<l .81,818,572.844 81.020.010 250 The ganeral atoeli of money eolned or baned and ln tfHd Treaaary on June l ls abaa a by tbe roOowlng table. |M llBBBgl] o ^^ ]Q ,rr ,- m ^,n .....^.8602.486.287 818S.671J.afO bmbatdlary allwr do.iar*. ,'-,,- 7^., ji 47o.0zO oo:u earuaeatea. }: -,- (1- a'.u.t.hST HflTar certWcatea...«: iai WM 10^--»314 S v-r Treaaary aotea. ai.Viasj on 2&227 7M valted BtaAea aataj... »*".«. %\ -MVaj.ooo Curr-ncy certiH.au a . f.OTi:.'*! BaUooai bank aotei. i72,4BB.B«8_».»¦>¦ TfU,, .82.240 508 510 8828 498 281 Durliic Ma'y tl.-re was 1 nd Increaae of ^¦¦";^ in tba TlBBBBry Btara d money and biilllon. rberi i; a frarraaaa af ta.T58.87l ... tho dara of^gM baflloib 8i.403.ws ln atlrer Tiaaaary aotoa, 8ld<. ¦¦ -i i, Pold coln and W40.K» la s..,.diary dlaar; whlte therc waa an racreaae or aM338.5a8 tn rmted Stotoi notcs 88,688^18 In sllv-r bullion. BB87.539 ln Btaad ard atlrer dollars and B881.86d ln tho Tr.asu.y rtote of Natlopa] bank natea. Goid eedgfleatea bdd ta oaah by tho Treaaary Jnne 1 a matad I 818*470,500, a leeremm daring May of 87,400.000; ailver eedlflcate*.bdd li. «¦"¦»' ""'""'J '. to 83613.887, an Increaae durtna tad month ol 8404. 7: I", and curreniv .-rNM a.- hHd in raat were 82JJV (*m. 01 850.000 I-- than on May 1. Tbe ftorow gow bullion li tbe Treaaary on June \ «flg«8»led *77-WJ' 613, and af alhrer Iralltoa I-.-.501,578. THE MATKWAb BAWB INQ.ntY ORDBSRBD. Wadungtcm, June B.-Iba reaoladen reaortod to the lennta from tbe Flnanea Oaaaadttoe for a eommltti of nve aaaualora to Inqnlre whether the ].w retattre to Battonal bank- furnlihm MxaTetont proteatton to d^ ¦oattorg «.nd otber credltora, and to toaadigato reeen* Llure, of National banhs and any otl.er vlolatnms of law or irrcKiilarltle- was Bjreed to to day. ajm Beaara. Chandi-,-. Hlggrna. Pdfcr, llarrla, and M- ¦1 wer.» appotnted. THF, < F.Nsrs OFFICB LWVaaTnOATION. Waahtoaton. June "- Mlm Ma CraagaB. d preaent a clerk ln the Conaaa Mreaa. atatad before Ibe Bkawe Oennm Ceaaaritltee ladbw tbal abe bad Brd been ap- pokltod tor three inonil.s. ibe had i.M-lvd B80 8 Biouth l'oi- tba Ird taro montbi ahe bad paM to ¦ba Ooaaaar. a rabttlaa of C*kd Cterb CMMa. 81850 a mr.,.-,t, of her aakarg. Bhe had done ao beoaBae ajia, oonover mM tbal she would aadeaaor lo bare ber ratdaad. Bba taitaeaal kad baea raappetatod al ihe laataaee <-f ilaaaiitrT MaaBarana, and was pd pay Bm any peraoa aay parl of ber aalary now. Bo d teuipt had baea made to gd aaoae* fram ber ¦»« ba, raaamdataKBt. kftm Ooaorer bad ratarned the ta ).¦¦ altorwarl at tba laataaee ol l. Joirj Jones Assl-tunt >"<n-ta.v OalBdMr'l pnvate Becia- u,rv aad a pereoaml Irland af Mlm Canoaar. Ciorge m Miiier nnd B. 87. Boch. aeetton chlefa ln the Cen- *'¦ .'«" madelatatomeohi In rcbultal of chargea -f undue fBaauaarttf wltb tba amaaaa etorba la Ibe aaaaa. iiiBBaaiiniiriTr fim> bw. vovxa blam«l«bb. Washliii.-ton. June .> The pram (OBaaatttaa Of cor .eaaoadenu wbleb, at the reajaad d a nambei ol cor ,e.ponde..,. conddared tba caae of Jamea *)«***. lat" cA-cuiive clerk <,f aaa aaaato, baa de,toed tbal M baa no JtuHadicttoa la aaeb a matter, retoUng .-\ cl.rs.vely to the BCta of an OfltoW of tbe Ooiri-rninenl. but fidds that in the oplnlon of llr; ommittee. there as-rft0^i^*Tii^^'0,s54ffi exeniUvo B8Baa888 «'f UM BaBBto. DOTJfOfl IN THE .-ENATE. Waahlngton. June 2.-There was un unusuallv smnll iaabaaaaaa d N-nnt^rs present aaaaa today'i moralag BaaabBM began. Althmigh 188 Bbaaab ta kfJaaaaaaafba *a- excluslvely from the atopabtW an slde of the chamber the PaaioaiaMl side made tbe imiBil ihowtnB m pdnl d fiiialli-I"-'--* 1>,llv nK ."".bma Biaaanl aa that alaa, Iba Miver'bili kaitataea ware abamd an atthelr poda Mossr-. T.-lle,. b'okotl nnd StaWad be Bkj baaeaad tagdbar and boMtag conJtiencm wltk aark otbar and wiu. Mr. ktorgan. Mr. MorrUI aabaa a.uently J./ini-d tha paaaf ui.d had i, i earne.st eaaaar Bdlaa wlth Ita membera. Mr. BkllBIII was in BM aeat. and m waa Mr. aaaaaxa, on who*- moilon the Sanate agreed V> adjourn from todar Ull Monday Baut. NoUcca were glvcu by Mr. Vest. of Ws lnten- tlon to addr"-«. the Senate on MOBdbtf uit on the Wool Tnrlff bm, and bv Mr. Morgan of b.«; intcntlon to sp-ak on the Fr-e Colnjis* blll < n Tu"~dav. SLOW WOBX ON THE POSTAL HLL. DF.MOCJUTS WAB1BO Uf TO TIII ori'OSITIOV TO CUBTAIUXa PAdUTTl B, Wiist.lngton, .Inne 2 (Speelali.-CdOW ~as the. pro graaa al tbe Poatal Axanjoartattoq biu ta tbe Coa- nlttOB Of tbe VYhule BOBafl ti.dnv. There k 100800 lo believe that -io:ne of the Drm<>. mtie BMaaben have began t<. frar Ibal the roaatry wili not wetooae any niriHiini-iit of naeexaary postui tacBBtaa, aaaa Iu th» lliune of " eioiioinv'' BBd fjr the *ol* helietit of the Deaaecrafle party. InBaeetlal Deaocrallc newspupei> Iu dlll-rent parts of the loiinlry have alraady iitt.it their rotoa ln waralng. Bach Dena eratlc edltortal exprta.dana a, ihe toltowtag Iroa .The AUantH Conatttatton" ar- antatag un taapratann. lt i> dlaanaiaglng to aa a d.peallloa on Mm pa-i of lk* Qavernaent ta cat down tuo agproprtaMaaa t>. a dearee Uiat woni.i -. rui'ii-iv crtppl. ealetkig a.11 feclllUaa and ehaeh -r prwrent tl.ateaalan al fae dellvery and raral ¦ervtae whleh tha peepk <-t ti.i- aaUea, apeetally, tn aiitiriu-tim; a a gaet beacBL Retreachaaeat unJ ..I'niioii.y in aeaw dlrecttaaa woaM ba wtaa, i.at tbe paatal aervlre eaanei ao near t- all and bei.eBta all aa laapwtlally thal to be deprlV(d_ef any of the eXlattog to IBtta wi.nld iwiM' aaieereal n.lvia.nt. Sow, whal llta Democratlc najorlty of the Peatofltce Comtiiittee-BOt "th- ( ,.vei iim-nt " propoaM Wlll ii"t .mii aii'i in-vitaiiiy ekeck aml prevent the extenaton ol tbe fiee deiivery aervlre, bat rrlppk and eartail ibe rervlre Biready In exlatence, aad Cbalraan llanderaon iin.i hk i>«.iu'..-rati.' eolkagana mu-t Kiiow It Aad rel tbey atabbornly Bght erery aaaeadnwal to Bm mii. and ihua tar have been raa_dned, axcept ta h kw a aa, by i i,o Deaweraflc aalortty of tba (toaa-Btoa ol Ibe w/boie. 11 the biii ibooJd beeoaa a taw ta iba tora reconMnended by tba FaatoBka Ooaadttoe, it would bo a -K_ni' b io Congreaa. Mr. i.iviiiiMoii, of QBOPgta, inov.d t.. tatreaee by BeOO.OOO tha approprlation f..r -tar roata Banrka. in igraktag of Brk aaeadaaeait, Br. -n-gtoy, af Malne, adaoeated tbe extenaton of Ball taeBBka to raial dtotrlrta, eonbsndtag tbat aaeb exiaaaka woard londuee greatly to the goneral bOBafll of ihe coiintry. Mr. ldvtagaton*a boUob waa agreed to.101 t" 25. Mr. i.o'.d, of »itiiforiiia, oflBtad an aaxeadment to- ereaalag l.y $12:1.01)0 th- B_Bjro_flnattan foi- nall Btea Bengar nrrtoa. Mi. BKaat, of (leorpia, offered un nmendnient ra dnrtag by a-340,000 tho Bayrogxtatloa tor taknd tranayortatton l.y ralkoad raatoa, and aatboristag tba I'ostma-hr t.eneiiil to rcadjaal the comp-li-ation lo b- ..nid after.lulv 1. 1 <'¦¦. f"r the tniaPOHaUon oflaalb iu rallrottd roniea, by rednclng ihe compenatloii 10 raUrwad compan.es lor 11.e Iranaportation ol malbi i< per .vnt from tbe ratee baaed on the welgbl BXOd BBd allowed hv ihe i.'l >.f June '". IB7«. IVtidiin: in n.ui. th- -niiimtte- my. Mr. llooker, of Mtaslaslppl, asked uaiilnions ..oii-.-ut lor 1:.- ...li-iil'-ra'l".. ". a J"."1 resolutlou .'1' piopiiitltig BW.000 for im- nliet ot fl.»«d sunerera ... Waii.n and Jefl.r-..11 Coiilttk"-, MImMPPI. Mr. Long, ol Texas, objected. The il.-usc Iben Bd loarned. B.G GCKS POB THE NWY. ¦OKfiiBoa pob TiiF. n%n ov tbe tbibteeb 1NCII OCNB BEADT POB PIX1SH1BO. Waaklngton, Jaoe 2 fjB*~ai).-In aararaBxeo ol the a.uve policy hriflatcd by OBXUBOdora VM-r wbea bv bacame CWel or the Bnreau ol Ordnanee, aft-r a rialt of obaervatloa ta Bm gaa arortat ol Baroaa BBd aftor e partad of piacfloal expertenee and experiaonl al the vaval gun foondry l.e.e, tho worl oa tha new hlgb- powarad rlda at taa gaa tonndry k prograatag raptaly aud aatbdactorUy; nnd it ta Bafe to aay thal Ba rraafl. .W4 of our new eaaeak for actaal aoraka wlll n d ba Belayed on acooant of their ordoance. Porglngi rw Ihe 11,-t oao ol Bm twalw IBdaofc fans, arhleh ara to he pii.0.11 aa it.e baBtoablpa Indtana, Oregoo and MataiKbaaetta, bare been roMwed rroaa tha raa- tni.tor,. and the tabor of Btdahlng the tnbea and lack- eta aud u-".uhitti/ BM taHoua parta wlll be proae. uieti wlth v;,.,r, and. waaa roapfcted. Ihla gun, wlth a dJ.ca.ter of bora of thirt.-n Incnei and a wetght cf tlxty tona, wlll be the beavleai and ... al poarertol gnn tbaa tar awda ta Bda eoaBbry. ,p io date tbera hnv- i.n roapietcd at the Waxh ,._,,,. gaa toandry alghteen lOinrb. ntaeteon 8- ,n,i. and 12b .-.imh hlgbpowar riflad gnint. whta ,m(i,.r eonatrncflon bat praetkalty eorapreted Bmw ,pb fniir ten-toch aad Iwo Mnch aana, tbe whota number brlng tataaded for tba prtaiary baUertoa ol the new aaaaak oi tbe Bary. Aa aoeondary bat terlc ..f th" batttoahip.. or aa prlaary battorte. of ,,.,,_., other reataata, par.irnlarly tboae Ol th- gun b_t «nd .ra.iller .rulwr rhw, there nr- eomplet-. OT n'ewrlv <o twentvnlne Mnih and thtrty-ttve 4 1-i.b ,-ap,d Bre lana, troa whtoh B_,o»Bont raaaBa « Pe\Vhen lt Is .laiaallMUl that only a fow V«>rK BflO aaaoy of the torgaxp for oar gtma arara Btapped from BnBand, bi aaaa a_ our arawr-Bdatas, it la a ,.i.,(',' ..I proper Battoaal arlda Btat to_tay wahara. ,,,,.!,, to th.- genlaa and raergy of AaarloaB Batal ,,ii..r a pi.-int where, by Bm nardpulatlon of Aaarl eu prodncta by Arnerlcan workmai, we .-an t.irn .mt ,, "i.n v I.-- manukWnred In any oijier rouniry. SSjr^9_raar-3STg ,..,..,.. or aerloua nature have V;.'^ ,, t , ¦.. ::^i::;;¦?;/7ho-e,';:r:^-^,^.,r;,i...;:l.;;l^;:^. ? - PKOVBiiOBS OP TBE a<;i:i. tt.tfbm. in.'.. WaabtagtoB, Jaaa 3.-A faatara ol Bm Mll BaWng ¦pyMaprtaflona for iba aapporl or taa Agrfcnltaral D. parttnenl for tbe ftbeal year l-'.o raported by Cbalr Ili:i,, iiwieh to tbe ii.-u- to-day ta Bal .ti'.t. pro vldlng Ibal tho monthly erop aporl t aed on Uie 181b "t eaoh Btonta iball ba ©ontaed auricUy to ¦ -t.-it-m-nt of tbe percentoge t..n.i- by Btotea and Inll tof.l wiUn.'it . immenl or argnment, and thal ll aball be -ii'b.niti'd to the Beeretary ol Agrlcnltara, wbo ahall ofb.iallv approvetha raxorl beforaH k koued or pob li-h.il Another featara tranafea rroa Bm Becreta of tbe Treaeery to the Beeratary of ABrkaBiia tbe aBpervlaton ol taa adnkal.I antoaata tor breedlng purpoaea. Buch anlaak ai the Beeretary ol Agrl culture dama worlby of totrodaetton Into Uie nll d Btaiea r.r breedlng ptrrpo..¦.. aball be jatalttad free ol dntv Tbe -ii.i.ii and regular clrculw, uropa . r. --' for I'.- Weather Barean Servloe are lo b.- flaed ,....., r-tan- ol Agrlrulture by lu'i-e.-m-nt wil telegrupb or takphona eomiMtntoa perfomitaB tbe aei <dce. _ m . Ti. RECOMBEND A BBAD1BG IJIVBBTIOATIOB. Waahlngton, June i.-A BBb-fotn»Btoe ol Bva mentbera <>r tbe Hoaae Ooaalttaa on Interatata and porelgn Commerce baa nnanlmooaly a«reed a n ra Dort recomnMndlng thal an InvoatlgaOon be made Inlo ,.. fwta cormectod with tba Baadtag Ballmad d-,.1. Tbe aport, aecoapankd by a reaoloBon prorl (,.;,., InveaOgaUon, wlll be proBeotod to Bm tall tom initt'e- to morrow tar acflon. TO PEBMIT APP-ALS TO T1IB BUPBEMB COCBT. Waahlngton. June 2.- Tha oaaato bvday pa -d - blll .flowtag an appral Ironi Ibe Coarl of ctalm. ( ,h. M.ptem-co-.r. iBcaaeairbere tia de*hdon wlll '" k-aa_ ,, _ a_a_air»_M.AHt. atr-.t Bdlon amount ta ooBtroTeray A n-fw IBBPBCTOa OF BERCBABT VRSSBW. Waabingl. J»na S-OaptalB Byroo Wlkoa baa ,..,.. orteaad lo dnty al Bew-Vork aa Bawiar of I,,,.,,,,:,,,, reaoela, ta aaceead Caatata A P. Bo., recontU reflred._m_ Tlli: BBPOBBTD CBUKB STXOD. Asrj.,T Park. N. J- JBBOfl (SpeCkl).-TbBJ.nd A'\ s,.'-|..i. of tbe uenaral Bynod ol Bm Betorra.d g££ ta A-MitoB waa bobI bvday ta Kd,.<..ti,...i ,,,,.;,h. ..,,» laportani raaorta weaa ...-.¦ ..r.h-<. m ..,,,... .feieme wlth.h,...ei,-ialA-nil.lv of.I, leliiiu lliunl. Bl tbe . ¦i.lt-.l t-tate, h-ld 1,-t a, i he coaalttea .... Bm Padetailoo of tha SEraed Cbmfh ... A.lica nnd the Berbrtaod Choab "naued Bnd B formldnble oppO-IOon 10 BM piop.-.,l u.Sn;a.^«toP«d. lt wa- tmaiiv.htod to aadM Lnorl tba Irr4 ordar tor Baoday Bfter.b. '" ,|.. oflbaday. al l-portaaca, .,,..¦. ,-onimittee .... Babbfl h ObaoraaBea, i¦¦ i>orted , ol eaaea or taratak a preeadont to. n hv aay exaeatlwa dapartatent ragardlea of tba ].,,t raporl of tba day, al laportan. ... i-ommlitee .... Babbfl h H,-ei v.-.nre. ,'..v l). Broia-a, Tbk report took advaaead oa'tba oaaefloa od etoatai taa gataa of iba n ' I '.. EXPOBBOB .( Chleago. II doekad Bm .. ,,f tha Cbarek to adBBafld all laeogslttafl of purp^_-i _.aa«-- e-hiblt on llie part of th" Ke """ r'," mml itbe eve.t of the Expoaltton op.nlng K $tea an iko atboatb. The raaori waa adoptoi by iT'unanimou-. vote. _ 3HK BOSTOS FCBLir UHRXKY ACMOtTlC. .a n, ...,n aaraaBfl n.y»t"ry ha» not yet baaa axplalBed. . ".¦;"'. 'd eS -> .h.,K"d . taw dan -ra by th. ,,,i aa aaaaa aaaa . tabtot a UM walta al dis'";:Vu i n Lrv Hd haaa a aaaged Ibal hba Bal '"* ",M ,i L aaaa or McBlm. Mead * Whia. ;"1 '" I', datiard tai ki dtof. Br. M '"' "' ..,...-f UM baatoa aflca 4 tha taa. ta k '?," ,T 'iTtowaBBaika B Iba aaMkr) wfll ba aata. 1' ;.,. n-xi w.,k. it waa bbM at th" Bew-Tarh 'T "rH _a?M y-terdav that the tabtot bad baaa ta .?"" '; r v-er _ v"-r. -nd tbat ta. arranB"n,ent of th" KVSa.^iSraB hy Jamc, Uu.h-11 lawall and otber piomln«nt UKrarv .--.. THE HOME TEAMS PLAY BALL TWO WELL-F.ARNKD VK TORIKS SCORF.T). P1TT8BDB0 DEPEATED BI THK i.I.tNTS. ANI> I.OFisVIM.F. BY TBB BBIBBOBOOMB. CAME8 TESTEBDAY. _, , Xew.York 7, PltWbOrg 4 I'hlladt-lplila 7. Chlragn 1. Brooklya 7, 1.tavllle 6. Ctavriand 7. Wiadagma 8. Bt, Uaala 7. Boatoa o. ClaeMaeU 8 Baiumam - lha foiiowe-, t»f tin taa io.ai baarball kmme kad aoBdag u. ...mpiain .< yaatetaay, Bm Bew v.,rk bIm wlaelag a bandaoaM detary, aad ibe BreaMya taam I.g it.- awaa Buag. Theaa taadltar nllh lha ayatk Knel.n I'mnr EeUd -'i.i]-" will aailta la ariaatpk wfcea BMy danee at tu. acarea ta Uw ala Leaune ^n..-» lha Bgura "7»i gfctyed au Baaartaat aatt M Ita "f Bm kaU .I../.-:, gaaaea. Tliat lllllo pmt af tl," Vdley "f BM llatlem Klver at Bm tad "f Deadbcad II111 leaembtad a taraaci wbea rod i- rbeap. a Itaea afclrt waa a aalmaee. aji.i a caal * tortere. The aaeetatari ta n.<- graad ¦and kaaaad ap breaxy sji,,t* aad dlveaad Uataaaalvca >.t ...ats. rdton an .-iitfs. «lpp.'d rool leaaaaada and tiled u, forget »h>- BMreury la watcbiBg UM ptaytag .f Um Kew.Terk and Pltttbara leome, C'rjiie d.«..rve, rredit for LI. r..n,arkal.le »ork and ho ,iu ii.n,i, to ata BM game ter Bew-Yerh Bi h " '-'"". pewader, aad I"- aaa all bai avceeoaN by Um bam att.-r half u,.. bbbm bad baea ptayad. ii- t.f,i«eti u. reure, rerer, aad by batalag bh hend Ib eaM aater bdwiaa ii.iiin--, bl wu- ah'" BI l'i''l. "'.I tl.a cimi". CrBM BMJ i>.' an arttat, bot ti.. n- Bdhtag Ihe BnaBet wttb Mn n.-rve. i,,ii,p, bm Pltuburg ptteker, -.. Hlta that Ma badaa »a« InalgnlBcaat evea ta ye«t*rday*i itiaag Baa* light. Maek, bl* eateaer, ...nU rrawl Uareegk a fcaar barrel wWhaut maehtog ctther sid". 'ii.-- iii.ii,,. piui-.-r- icarel the Ird raa ta Um leeead Imiliii.'. l.vi.ii, |ad "!T mi'Ii a bll paaB Ukld l*e.\ aud tlieu aaal lo .>.-.-.ad oa a and pUeh. Ba ran ».. tbld <". a afld Uaren by jMip. and -,-,,r.-d nu a hit by O'Baarke. Baa Y.,rk\- Bdraamga wai ahertdlred, f«r ln the ia*t half pj tba taatag tke rtaltlag men amdi a raa aad Brd Um arare. BeekJey aa aeal lo Iral aa raBed batta, evnt t., aeeond on a pa-.-d l.all. to t.Uirl ,,i. a neriBM hv Bailth, und arared on a i.it by PBrrell. iIihuI batttag ta the llfth taSlBg enalil'd the lo. al plir. era to ftet, a ruu and tak- th" l.-ad. I'.j.-etl l.al oil «.tli a ii."-,- baa* tiir t., i.-fi BeM, aad aeetad m a aimiiar Mt by Bode. Baaie, aeaerer, aaa lareed aaa ai Nie Btate by Crai,,.. and only one run leaaBad on iwo BMee-baggere, a ¦ lucle. aud a Ird baae by ern.r. Ib ti.e »i\iii tnuii.K Caaop weat to ptoee*, and the taad |ilay..'- battdl h, f».ir r>m«. I,v..n- n.ade u Uan," run .lri\e im.. u>. ]..ft Bdd mata, aud <>'r.."iru.' ui.> blt mfdy. Baat* blt aalety u, i.-ri Bdd fat twa baaa*. aad >. Baurka .-,-,.red. J-'i.ld- kU m ri(,-ht f,.r twe ..*¦..¦*. and Bada arared. Craae ua- aeat t.< lir-t on called luil 1-, an.l aaen Ma, a ti.i>-.v alMly t.I, '., mt i. Craae, >.".. The Pltt..l,,irjf in.-ii p,,t, tWa run. In th" latt.-i y.r' ,.f tbe innlna. BaaBlBg th" llnal r»-s,i!t. «. r.i BMBB BB Blerbaaer aaak taa baaaa aa a alld ttwaa by Baawtt, aetit lo ihiij ,.n a MerlSea by BhagaH, aud s.,,r..d aa a .«,. baaa Mt by Becktoy. BadUi'a twabaaa bh t" iiain Idd breaebt bama Baekley, iiiaLnic ibe aeem kew-Tark »>. PltUbarg 8 ii, Um >-i«i.fh taatag aaa moea ran weat ta Plttabnrg'a li-t. hi,,i^;,rf. i-j i.'t aim i uamatawi MI m rlgbl ti-'-i i.inl ai-..r.-j on. . BBcrlSca by Badtb. Ihe baaa* piayer* - arad ihe 8ad raa d Um gaaaa ln Ihe atath laata il.!*-.- Mt hv n Wa, aad a blt by Cn. a.M u.e Bew. v,,:k piaT.-r., bad «".. by me «:,i,,<. acare Baey bad beea defeaua lo- on Wedneaday, I' »<s a- follow»: KEW-YOBK. II. I- f , a llii bardaun 1 b Li .a-. :t h ..' i: rk- f 0 <J ii I Il II. I'llT.siUI-llij. II. I>. f.. 0 I o -. .'. I. 1 a a 2 ^ '.. 8 110 i- o il 7 II M i Iii- rl.i.l'-l, -J. ->: -.,rt. < > l.-l-l-,. 1 Mnllh, r f 3 I. 0 :. lt ii j ..rkbll f 0 0 o ii i inu, p .00119 .T"ta:e ,1-jri-^ :i' lotai.110 37 18 .'. ,. a rork. o l ii o t 4 .i o ; M ,. ,r. ,....0 10 0 0 8 l B-d atn-'i raaa Kew.York 4. Pltuburg 8 PtrM baaa by nora Xe* * rk I. PltMbtirg I I'tt wi Miae* New. Ti,rk .'.. I'ltubarg b. «i i.:,-.- .., i»H" i'rt . un' .. ,!T r.m.ii i .-¦. By i r.. 7. I, l.'mip 4 I' Uii l.rolia. 'I Ure, !,.. B .- thiitart. I.t,,l*-' M'- llu ¦. la, li-k."V. BinlUi. S* Ifl .. !¦- il .-'. rarl Kinlth Pfcriell I ..il Mll. ... ,, \mm iiurt | * ¦. Ml, r I" lloul.le pl*i> Flelda r,i,:- and Itlrbanlvai mt i.v uii bei ii. ,.: ¦-. \\ .d j.'-, i Kiiip l I-.--.1 iw,i i-.,-d- I. ii.|.u. Sheridao Tiav nf * M rba Brooklya and i.-.,'-. . tearaa playd ui taUi gaBM al Eaatem Parl Braaklyn, bdore 1.500 -;,. tatnra, Tbe baaM Uaai aaa ti.r."iB'. .' ball .. rai v la tba gaaaa, Tha Keatii ktaai aad* a baadaome :, j 'i ti,.. Blntk UMlng, a bl N, U aaal ,,,. .... |irl%.. abaaged UM reaull ..nm n.: i .Blag^alcb la Um Btatfe laalng. ;nat apoil. ng i... ,>.i;:--- ekan.f a aaaalMa \i.-u.rr. Tba !>""". fan. a^or-Hl f..ur r>."' ta UM f.'.fUi 1nnli.it ..ii BMa by Daii.'r. i.'Hri'i. aad Baraa, a tw*taaa* bn bf Carcaraa ai.u a-. .rr,.r hr vun. BaaaaahMaa »». aaBa ia ..,,. i",. Baatbrt ta Um alxtk aad aa* ta Bm avrrath. Haddacb hai the datttag baaaaea »t bl* merey BM ,i,ti, taatag, Baei hv. blta, a ta»-» .n baOa aad . paiari bafl a-av.- UM IVaalarUli ala* n>e i ia*. Ih< ,r- W-ur-l. Zb loyce, .ii nr.'i.nii.YN. r in pe f.OFISVILf.E. r 11. io lln-'i. | f. IM add k, p II o 1 1 II I. Bi aa, i f 1. lh '. -: f Jennlnga « Kn.'hn l.,»^.. \ ¦ i I I 1 0 0 10 1 l i 0 o " i i : 1 o 0 ..!. TotaN . 7 11 Broukh o im 1 run- Pwo l,it- Mr-'itJier* IH ¦J7 .i 3. TWtali .. ii .. i l 1 i . 0 o o 0 ,k ... . I.,"'--.Ui" t. 'il.'- ba in j nr .wi s .,i in Hleatton. |.-r,r,,i ai 0 0 .. 4 4 I 0 o 1 o 1 ,. 0 o 3 I l i.i 0 a o ,. -, -. M,,l li -., llrouUii-ra, Bui ,,l, Inll- WBd, l>ai,. II.kl.n ". I,aul*dll pj...i I'" < il,..).!.. i, i. htru (illr|.--i " I" -' I""- !- ¦ 1,1 \V.!,\ '. \ an t. .rifliu. Iladdork J. Jennbi II.t t.\ j..' I. Dalley I, <Mid pSt. h K-, 1,1, .tralU Vlt. n.ii,' rtoainn Ill'.l.klVI. ¦.¦ n. nnal |. .. .,-.;.. |-li t,d--ipidi .hn \V...i. 2*1 i.i Si TBE iu; plav itua, ii.i- ilm ilm i VII. i. .l rinK >i:iis- ¦-I. Cl.il.-. r.i: !¦...-., I. II -'. '.¦ -.'.o VV. ¦->.'¦ III. »| !..'..« ., llaltlnioie l'r . .4S", 4 1-' <I7 ..-111 .4.1 Torl -khn lilMls TO DAY \- Pltuburg, at. I'.,'.. iiraaada, Bi l. .,. i-i.-n I'ark. iii' Bl I.."¦!-. at ll',-f.,n. ar.Tork. -kl-.n. Phlladelphla .- Chleago, a' Pblladelphta. i-i. al Ball w ngton ra. < lev. ta id, at. Weahlngt ai Blag ^":' ¦"'. ''' ""' ,s'- l'""'', '''*'" 'aBatol Bi« Stevna InaUtute alne by 10 ta 5- The .1 nttori ol Uia Bea Tork baaeball rlub d'-nr thal |BOfl |a ta a a i embei >-f BMI orgao tal aa. Ta* ,,, al opinkM I* that Um l"<.ai t.-am baa Bm Bumy iv j daU" j' p Bt. Baaa* will pUeh f.r UM Bew.Tart U lt waa anid taat aigBi ""«' Um Br**ai n pitCka* I.OV.tt. 'Il" I'-"" I" Ods I.I lo lay. Blab had UAMES IN "i I" ''. CITIES. a/aaklagton, June :.¦ 8bi II gava aerea baaea on baUa iwo Innlaga, wklefc pve Wevetand n\" raei alth d || 'r«.i ii.,,'. w.-:. n ada aa » atagle and a bama raa. aahlngl « "*»t" B »By ta UM si\th ind """.' .. of ti.,;.:.- Um -.>: I appy rdtared i>a\i. >ii, ,i,i o 0 0 J 0 I) .1 0 1 I 0 3 8 8 8 0-7 t leveland -.'. irio) - Waah. iv ii' i, K llleeo, Uavlea a..d ti... W lilngton , leMlai.d a i'.jj,"i.i!- Waahliigton IngUaii 2. . leveland 8. Uui.py. Umplre Eai*Be. Boataa, Jaae !. raa i -' tatefeettag bbbm >,m»,,ii ii, tbli dty ";i- ptayd bere loday. UtarkMB .-,, -,, ,-u-v taat BUvrtta iw. mbaUtated In BM alith. ii «... .: -:,.-, bat gavH u." bbbm *"ar la u..- atghlh \,y bla win plkhlog. Atteadaace, 1.810. Ibe icar* |.,,.i,M .._' 8 10 1 <) -' 8 'i m. UHtla l 0 8 2 1 0 8 a x-7 llaaehlla Boatoa II, Bl. I....1N 10. Rrrar* Boataa 8, at, i.,,ui- 2. I'ltchera L'larkauo. Ulcaaoa aad .-tu.-tu. 1: |.n liaffney. i-..iiin,or.-. j. 8.The BdUmore bmm n.-t Ueday'i aaaa u.-- Clnelnnatl* batad tabb'i Irtlrrry ta Um ii"i. Inalnfl f"r thr-.- raaa. AU Bdaaca, w.>. Bealy ann Fi.k.tt aere releaard loday. Iba *eare: luitn.. ..0 0 8 <i n "i i) 1 .-' 111, ilili.ll .0 o 0 0 I " o .) v I luiiiitn.-r,' ¦'.. larlaaatl 7. Errore.BdUmera 3. I'll.-h.-i-Cobb aud Mullii.". Iinplr. lUaehlta Clni .niio.i Marrultar. FhibMelpbla, Ju:i" 9 Ta* Pfcltod Ipfe .- bH Uaby baaf iii.i at th- rlgat 11 it.-- to-day, aad -..-¦¦i aa .-- idetary ,,s.-r Chkaga, Caraey aaa Bbradlly rBerUr*, -.nd au.. ,.-.ii«d in eir:k!i,^' aal Aaaaa. Atteadaace, 2,472. Iba I 1 0 0 1 P 2 x 7 1 o n 0 0 I l.-mr- Philadel. ,1,-v jimI l.'ihy. n.p Phlladelphla . I hl SK'i Baa* '1 *.- i".¦¦¦> I- 'i h . '.' bh ig Bkdi 1 bl .-". i. !'¦' b -lliir-l. ladlaaaaaUi iaae 2 Tk .raii-en-i.-r*" aea fia haahai v,c»v 1a mvaa taatoga, bat lt waa piaetteally . Hft fraaa L'axpir* berad. Ila rd*d Albay ..-,i n Ihe foiif.li \.l"i h* inJ. f' '¦.' -"."¦'! IBM waaM have n.ade th- gamc a ti 1. 0*Baarka rave an rablMaUn al d.- [mnafiii ptaytaB that »j< UMxeambli, tatarbM Haadea atvtrdy. Oaam waa .-aiied M th- leveatk taatag on at> eaaai ti r«n 'Jn; bomi lndlanapohs . 0 1 1 ;; 1 0 0-4 olumbua . u . 0 o o 1 o 1 Baaem Clky. J""- B..Iba bbbm krtweaa Baaaai Cby nnd Omaha loday, altti U.gceptlaa al 81 keiy*i amtta piirhmif la 11." datk taalag. ami » toiatatd aae. Baaaai , nv aoa I.v hlitltik al UM rlL-lii tin,,-. Th- BraM K.N.as lllr OOO0110 (I 3-5 uniaha .... " " " 0 8 8 1 0:1 IhIi.t,.,-.. J.oi" 8.rtradeal V .n d-r BaraC iws r mraadTrom BeU-ToVk. aad In a tata al.I plaai foi .ueuBtoealng U"' BdUmorr rlub aald Im exarrta t- aotac^ new ptayera ln a taa ,1. 1. PBabm Bedy t.a. p.^n rdm«4 _ ^_ MABHTMI I'lIK-KE1ERS DKIKAIKI). A p.a.d ertohat aaatefc was played ye«ter,lay at Berktley uval by the Uaiu of UM etcatjiiblp LmbrU and a Berkelev etefOB. The snllons bad llttle rlmn. ¦ of vlrforv umin't the home team. and Htiffered defeat hv ii ti Innlng-s and ~:t run>. T. Jones nnule the top Beore for Biakukj. aad oghen wha dM Iba be<t work were ii. a. Bbbtta. B. Bartta n..d P. Payae. Tha followlng is the fiili acora: UMBBIA. IIM Inilng. S"(o.id Iniiln?. rhalon"r. b t obh . 1 C Jom-s. h . ar- oanhan . « Patea, b Farn". « " 1'aj 11-. b Hall .". Mead, 1. .b. > Jabea .... a HalkiwHI, h Payne. »' b Jauea . 1 BtiUer, 1. .i'hb ....... 0 b M.'i' :. * In.nni., .' HaU, I. -Ll. B hu. «aB"»« " 1.», Biddie. b Payne " and ' Myr* 0 Kli-v, 1 1, ». 1, Payae . - « <.'.'i-i, i> 1 -ar- imtlhiu. .0 Twaadale. e and b Payne. .> r PM-fT' b Mywi1 .'! ShiKh, ,..,i 1, payu. N"' /!"l, ;.;_ Bl_rt Dotout. 0 ebb, b ibata it,.-, . :i liii-» . u Leg-bya. ' _ Tatal .:. -2 Tot-.l.M III l-.KI.f.l V. ,. J. Miii-r. re«ad. .. T. .Im,.-. I, M.std . ¦...." P. Hall, 1. Blley . n. 11 Martln, retlred. , 1'. "...iild. I, M"i.d. ,J M. i: ..i.t. h Mead. Payne, not out. .". II. A. lli.ldl,. h M."d . .-. K. cariiaahaii. »> Mead. . n. Pepper. '- Blley . '. ... Myera, 1, BBej. VVIdea Totil ZIMMFKMAN W1N-, ABOTHEB BACB. Loadoa. June 2. Tba ABaerleaa ebanpion btoyrllat A. a. KUBBararaa, of Iba Bow-Yark Ataktlc ctab, «m aaroag ihe caatoatBBk k the raeea raa to-day B( iba groBBde ol tho l.ondon Coanty Cycllng nnd Atkletk Ctab, al li-nie Blll, Balwlcb. WaaMnaan won the haif mile bandlcap aftot a Braal foatoat, mak- Ing tbadUtancfl In ihe fa Baa "f l:lld ¦<. F.f.I'.l'TlNi; A CAPTAIB AT YAI.P.. Bew-Havea. Jnaa 2 (8aectol).-AI th" BweUag foi Iba Bnnual etoeUea af eaptala * ibe Vale traek athl.Ue teeni thla aveatag. < aptata w. 11. eyrlght af Ibe preeeal team, ¦Uted tbat la iba rbateo M a eapaata tar I.awnlng yeai taa Mea of iihaaalng a man f"i baalneaa raaha than athletlc abtllty aaa » eaaaaeadable aa t- obaerre. On Iha Bra lialint Alfred 11. .1-11'-, "f Bt. laala, »M ,.,,... 1. Mr. leaa i>a, beea a aaaabat ot taa t.am Iu twa y.-ar». ______ opposisa the bboadwjt tukvbl. O. B. POTTEB WOC-fl 0E_- ot T AT llvr.F PK1< E IP IT WU'.i' !'.' OBX, BE BAT8. The taqalry Into tbe advtaxMBty of eonrtmettng Ibe propo. ri.pi.i Iranatt rallway waa eonttnaed yea¬ terday at No. 22 w-lkta-at by tba Baprerne Coarl omalaatoa. Blepben P. Baab, Prawecfl Hall Butler, ii.ii!v 11. Man aad Orkndo B. Pottar pr.nted argn ni'iiu Bgalnal Iha rallway, wlth eapedai raferwire h, iba tannel nnder Broadway. Mr. Buttor and Mr. Man _lie,l atreiiiii.il io tba poaltton of tbe aewera ini'ier Broadway. Mr. Bntler dM m.t tblnk lt woaM h- poaalfata, bi bad been Mggeatad, h> rnn a awer aiong Conal-ab, iu caee Ihe tnnnal ahoaM 1- balB under Broadway. Ila aakrd and receitred perndsslon t.. bbbti.it experl teatlroony on the auggestlon. Mr. M.ui add Ibal tba eonalructlon of ibe road woold iiink- n. Bry ta remoTe (he aewera nnder tba rnata Iboruaghtara. Tba ralae ol propefty for hall h mii- aroand woaM be daawupd In roneequenre. H. iii.i noi bellera Ihal the ].hin- of llie flaptd Tmnall Comnlaalonen regardlng Iha aewera bad bee.tplalned Bj, entjj Tba qaeetton araa aerlona aud ol rltal |i|uved \a niaiparly iixrniira H h- peopia ahonld kaow -r. ttw wbal altorattoai ware to he aade. Mr. Ba b, icpraaenttog Trlnili Cbarrh rarpotaMan, r..\t addraaard Bm Coaaltalon Ba uppoeed afa > .Datrarilofl of taa tonnet II- aM tbai -limiJ ntractor who wcara Iha franchlaa tall to rom pleta tii-ii worb, Broadway woald b. ralned. Tliere «... ao proaialon ln the ,.i f..r tba romptetloo ol the road Tbera ihonM be aoae provlaton anlhorlzlng tba rlty t" tlm h tbe worh ln rnae ol tallura on Ibe ./ 1.ntractora, -,r t..II taa B-nrlitae. Neitber araa tbera aufllelenl prot1»too Ibr tba prote Uoo or IndemnlBratkin oi proiMrty-boblerB, Be dld ,,,t beltere, arrordli | lo tae act, Ibal ronti.n g tl.1 ronk ba boM rr_aon_Bla for daa ta Bballlng properly In r»a tba) axerched dna ,., ,. john B. taiwera, eoaaaei f-;- tbe Cowmtl-alon. anawered, bowarar, thal appaala aoaM he. aade to the .;t.. m had baaa d..ne whei-r taa atovakd raada ln jnr.d prayerty. tba toagaal aaaxaek af the day «¦»< Baada »>y Mr. Pntiee li- ald aaoag ether thinga, thal w. 11. I', .. .. HM "f the eagl.rs Ol tba lomuii-loii. had "...., r_pra*aed daaM as t.. Ua aoalMflly "f balldlng .1 nnder Broadway. Kvi--it-. II wa. braa, bad .,,1 ihal Mrh a luanel araa poaalbk, bnl tbe toal m-i.v ..f eyj,.t, w.., often antra tworlhy. Tha tan nel,be added woald ba baltt from tha anrtace. and tbe u, m renta dnrtaa. U.mabraftton t" aroperty- ..,.... wa« b rakalabk. All Ibe belMlnga would .,,,. ,,, >. rcd. No liiV.-till.eiN or impr'V.'iii-t't ,.',,,1,1 n,..l.I b-»el baalthful. Tbe 01 li ay.temid rapM tranall to be oaed to tala rltj n ...i road tj it< 'ii. -. »1 »Ka trnly Ai.1 an, ln \... ted In .\ni-ri..i. ih- aotailon ol the qaeatton tay to ihe extemdon a Ibe paaenl m a almltoi ij tom, ln 1 ai Ing anj other ,..,. |he rlBana of New Vorh Ihe c.niml*- 1 wooM brlng an Imraaawirable ra*pon*ibiniy ,,,,.,, ii,,'.,.-.'lv.',. The elerated roada Inraaard ''"' % ,1,,- ..t adj.dnlng property. Tha tannel ayalem unda liniadwa) woaM de troy mllnoBX of dollari of prop erty, and mnke a dearl nf tba Bneat tl.I In Ihe dty. ji,. ,v,., .,1 tbe h-ii'f "at nlnatentha ..f th- prop eiiv h..i.i' atong tae Boatovard would welrome an ,1 vated i".«i atong ti'at IbarwoBhtare. II- belleved thal Ibe ana Ihlng ..nia l"- aM -f the ownera ol propert) Iu otber porta -«f Ihe cily. Tbe apeaher nwned BOO f-et frontaga along wlslhava., and a targa Iroi lage uloiig ihe IbMikvard. and hr would gkdlj glvo 1,1, K.imi,-i..:i to biilld an rfevated road Uienj. m.t he edded, "II y.ai gentlemen .1-. i.t- to rarrj out H.I-. ih -ti.ii Itvc -< li. ui-. I -1 lmiM prefer 10 vll un |,l.|N-l1y Bl li.lf II |'l"-ll vi.Ill- n.l.M'l- tlia'i ..tt.pl {,, g7| Indeninltlcailon from Mime caniactor who h..i> pcna io iiiit.-hii- th.- frain hlae." \t n,i- I'.mt -"me "ti- i'i'--"» aaked Mr. Potler tf be wa« wlBlng lo rrdure llda offei of ih- -al- ol bia roojierlv 011 Ihe lenn iii.iitl'm'.l. wrltlng. II- ,.,,.., ,. .., -..i, redure lo wrltlng Biivtbliig Ihal h- ild 1.1- il'- lommlaalon. Ile |A,ped thal Ih- CiiminJ-l.f- WollW not m.ili- tbe 11,1 lake t npprovlng le prop. I 1 »eni. Another me-il".: ol Ibe <. mmkdoii wlll be h-ld at 10 a'l l... 1. to-day. .- ? thi- ( ise sror 1,1 Iout: mr CJUXD JVBJ TET. Tha '¦.-- of Dr. W. T. Buchanaa, wlm |m charged wlth poiaonblg 11- «''-. *aa n-t plared i,-f..- Uaa nrand Jarj yeaterday. 1- n-t tttorney Klroll aud 1,1. ., tant Mr. M'eUman, examlned toor aibaeaaej yeaterday. Tbey wera Ba. I'hIMa, the naraa arba attended Ba. Uu< banaB ......i}.'. Palo, BTUIaa », Dork ¦nd Rkhard B*. Ma. imber, i nllkman, of n... P3 Blghlhare. DVark repealed bl* utorla aboal Br. Uncbanan'a eonfeaatoaa to Mat, and Bal. corroboratod iim ln part Ile de. larcd thal la had henni the pbj d 1I.11 -<iv that he WOOM k'-t ild "I bl. "If"- . bartei K. Uarkon, eonnaal for Dr. Buchanan, taM Mr. Nle -ll yaterday Ihal bl* rUenl araa ready f"r Irlal Ht any Ume tf Ibe Urand Jurj found an ludlrtnwnl 11, dn t him._ rVB iBP. Bl. XWOJM ' //!/..'./'/> nT/TB POaV-BT. ii,.- i..-\. Ni.imU, Ni.oi.i. Uie Btlaalng paator _ tha iii-t. ilnataa Preabytertaa I'hureh ol Bllrabetbpert, '. ,,.,« rbarged wlth lorgery. The dtaeovery waa awde < evealng by M.rti Iloallben, lellei ,.f tbe BB«."'.."" Hanklng L_aipaa) a eheeb for .12», porportlng '- b. irawB by Ueory Pfam-r, M ehtei la ta. ebureb. reacha 11,. tawik r-i ...ii" ti'.n M0.1I.1..11 dbto't llke Ibe ap- pearaa..I Um rigaataa, Uw kandwrlilag aeemed ur.. r than tae gefjobw, Bad Mr. PfarrePa prt%a*a aart waa aliilag wn-n w. O, BaHb, Um aehtar, arHved 1.iiirmed Baallhaa'a auaplctaaa, aud th. eheek »^* aeat ta Br, rTBrrer, wha at «<.« aroneimeed it . rorgery. 11 waa dated May SB tae uuv t;.at Nlcolal dtaappared. it, waa ii.-i.-i at tj.e PabUeatloa Beelety of Um Baleb htatonad Chareb, Ba 2;t Beade-al ta tala nty. Thbt dlacorery aaaed aaeb e-rllemenl ta ta. i«ir-1. ani Ntaatol'a teraai aapparan ur- aaa deaoonelag hla. th. EBabrth Paebytety laveaUgaUa ttaa.Uee wlU ii,,. t t,, Blgbt. BTfXOO-APBrBl r.» BiPB J.v OUTIM. Th.. algbty-Bfth b/gatai aataly aaettag ol Uw Mim- poUtaa BHaoograpba kaaectatkw wa held -t '!--' lUD boum N- Bfg BftBt Tweaty.«hlid>at, tart abjhl rba Btganirattoa aaah ra ..1.1 BM eratin. II waa dalded la bold UM tii-t aattag M Bba aaaa it Bajbtoad Ba b, v .1 .ii luiv t, iu eoalaaeataa wlth taa Ph_adelp>ta Bttr g apbaa" Aa. kxUaa and tn.. Baw-Tarh Uaw Btadratt' Aaatattaa. Al taa ctaa -f ta* BMattag ibara a .- aaaetofl aml inu.i \n.ong tbaa araaai »tw H. C. Baa. i> h. Thoinav. ii. iv,rt Myrtch, » "'<*>*. Charta. w. M.Tii,. Miv M. l.. Paba, Mlaa M Balberi, Mla M«v Morrew, MarawtHta Watab. Mlai Ial. Pltaataa.a, MIM ii*rri"t Barartt, Mtaa P. E Batoaa, iaha B i.i«rv and <i. W. P. Itjn:,. v BfBXBT B.LLOX ttSKiXO. Btaaay _*Baa "-- rrpataf ta ba aabraaariy taw ia-t uittiit. Dr. WyehadT, wha baa beea ta aoawtaat Bttendan. ,,,, Mr. Bfltaa iuax_y, aaM taai wblta th- bal dM bm ¦aaa ta afleel the pati-nt aaaa, Baaa adrd algaa al ¦ta-tag, and whlle -ull hoplng for th" b'>t, LT. Wy.kulT -a .1 U.a". Mr. L»illuu'» londitiou l.ad h-BB a lurn ^r U10 Baaab AFFAIKS IN BROOKLYX- A NEW POUCE BTATIOTI OTTCVED. The new Seventeentli Pr- -clnrt Polke Statlnn, nt 1 Ib ertv and Millard st*., was fonniillv opened nt r, :.'10 p. in. yederday. 'Cbfrhata Oarama, the new Bapeda, raedvad tha preaenta the prop»ed afferlag d wbleb h.-is <r.sit"d -,. inu. h -tlr In lirooklvii. OamMtaBlniMT llnvden made :, -|,e,,h. and Ihon ..eorce W. Rulmer Baaa Hie raptda a lieit aad afcab, a iioud wartb 8500 from Iba "..-rniiin Aineri. an fmfaafaaaaal Socletv. and u korae aad earrtage from the "rlttaaaa af bba ward.H Rnemtea ef the ix.iire my that the*.e Bmded "dfJaana" nre only the 300 BqBQtd,aleii of the ineufcy Bath Ward. WBO Waal lo hcep -ln" with the rnptiiltl. Captalfl Fi«-ii.ii reedaed only a ptafa hadce after rean ofaerdca. His laeeeaaar, Captda OataaaB, ha* heeu in coinmand IWO wed». The raptnlti 8BB ex- ehBBga lh" bond for a ho'i-e and lot if he wUhe* to. li- f.-,ii".t to iay ln i.i- apeeeb ..i thaaka wh.u ktad «>f preaanti he woaM exped after he kad baaa in oaaa- inaiid for a reor. <>f coarae II wai not wrong for htm to accepi ihe preaenta. for I'mniul.ionei- llayden w;is there t.. aee tbal Hverythlng was all rlght. GATHEBaaD ABOPT TME T<>\VV. .iiiiins Raik, qaadennaster d tba iteaaaddp i;a-n. aow lylng at Madln'a Btorea, waa aaoarael yederday by accMentaBy fnlflng overboard. Ui- bodl was not rovered. The aanaal niectlns of ih" dopartment of aMetrl Itf rannedton wlth the Bruoktyn Inatltote of Ada and Hdencea was bdd at, Aaaociabon lia'l. ln Bonl .-t. Wednesday evcnlr.R. .\ tolrtean yearoM boy carue to the Thlrd aaa. -tn- ti.ui ho'i-e on vfednaasay nlgbl and baMOaptaln Kanay ibat hta father wna Dr. Mareua Bapaaaton, who keepe private retreal nt Bo, 56 nn.m-ave., riiiladeiphia. i,i umt be and Ui aMer brotber had raa away and become mparated bere in mma way. Ue was ptaeed eharge of tba ChlMren'a aoctety. brotb r bai not been licard fn.m. Mayor Boody yeaterday appdnted the flve commi-- ilonera to determlae and tay oal ihe pubtte drlaeway k|ong the >Ikmu Road ln Bny BMga The ..oinmls- donen are Oenerd Jdin B. Woodward, Outond ajlhV lam Brown, F.lijah it. Beanady, Joha Cointon aad .orpo Ingnun. At « awdlBg of the eongregatton of tlie old linsh- wi.ii Beformed Chnrca, bdd on Wadneaday eeedng, a ,-.,11 aaa extenddl to the Baa. I. C. M.< leih.nd. who ls nboui b- gradaated from the talon Tlaaitogieal Bemlnary, to mi the palpll, made vacont i.v tbe radf' nation ol tbe Baa. WlIBam II. Ford. Tin- Baa. Mr. m,i leltand aaa born in New Tork Clty, <>f Boottlab parentaga, twanty-flae v"rs ago. Tbe preadllng -tvie ln rdbiri nnd cuiTs was to weat- them wllted yeaterday, and ibermoBrntera ware blgta ln the neek. Ihe instnimeni-. at Proaped l'.nii legto- i..| :.i) d"-'i""s at no ,n. Mr-. Phoebe Cbrrdl, a yoang marrled anunan Udng i. orrkard-at, wenl ihe Lae Avenne PoUea C arl yeslerday nnd asked t.. he wni ta the Inebrldea' lloma. Mra. intoii bdd th" rouri that -he had nndergone tha Keelcy treatmenl, bul M had fdbd lo tamafll bar. A modgage of iw.ihk) baa been ]>aid by Uraee Protestni Bpl copal . bareh, at Uonadyea aud lort- rn.-r -t-.. and th.YBdoU WBI Bmde on" of k'reat i"- jdclng. Addreaaee were made by th" Baa. I- ". Darllngton, of Uraea Churcb, and the Ber. Tbomaa H KIU of Bt. ChrldlaB Chnrch, Sew-Yorb. Among ih"" ur.nt were Mi-- N. Bomedndyke, Mr- W. <;. Ivl". Ml-s BuaaB B. I\l^. Mra. R. M. ,,:,,!., altal C. C. Muii.lv, Ml.-s Ma" Millan. Mlss i.vin h. mi-s llobnea nnd msai otbera. Th.. Brooklyn Art Aaaodallon gaaa « private daw .f ibe w.iiter Crana roltecllon of deatgua, deeorattona, aater-colora, <¦(¦ ia-t nlgbt, at ibe taltettea of tho ., .. al an n bloi tagi a -*. a i.iwu party waa h-l.l on th- (rroninN of the Bronk in, orphan Aaylnm aodety, nt AttanUe nnd Ktogdon area., taat nlgbt, Andher will be bdd loday from :i to in i>. ni. A8TLVMS DBFBAUD THK CITY. BXCnVIBO lrvir- POB THI CU'.F. 0P DIB- C IIU',1.1 I) W\".l>s. foniroller Mvei-, baa dlaroaered a dngular fraad ln oniiectlon wlth Um .are -i Jnvenlle daUnuuenta who mn ,..,,( i,v .."uiniiiiiiK BMaxboaaam to BIBwnt hatltai.ie inaUtatHNM ol the clty. Theaa prabartndea and Baytama uro pdd o,rt d tha Batdae faad at tho ,..- af PB .i amaB f..<- e».<-h ehBd M-ut la them. There ,r.. aboal twenty "in-h IndttoUone, and eaery mootb .. ;.,,,,! ol K TlM.it.- BWkea ;, 41 -I rilmlJon of money .jnong them for Um amlBlenanee d raaamltted juv.- nil.-s. Tbe (oiitroili-r for Boaae Uam hiu* had b eaapte ,,f eterki at work maklog ;i (iir.-fui inrvdlgBtlan aad romparlson d Ihe rdarna of theaa Indltoltona, whlch hai reaulted ln Uie lUcovery d evnieu.e that two «.f .,..,. bave l."-n carrylng cMMrea .... tbdr lUta after Ibay i,av" been dl-. h.iit-.'d and have contlaned t.> barge ihe « . waek a kead. "no d Ibeaa aaylaaae ,. by Ihta Iraudnbsnl methud lobi-M ihe treaaary >.f , ...ni and Um dher of84.o00. The examinatkmi ra- .... nrer oulj Um i«n' I881. The ControlMr poalUvely rdaadl to glve the name .,f either Institutlon or any otbar hwta eooaectal wlth tbe nialfeasance uutll bli InveatlgaUon la ...npl.de.i. , .. dis, ..m-i? Will be Ukel> Ui in.iUe tiiiiin- unj.in ,.-..,i,l" i-i- Ihe maruigersiol the ajyluma bbether ',, v U| them baa per»onally proflted bl the tnud la nol v.'t known.__^_ .l COSFEREXCK WITHOUT RE8ULT. N A,;i:tTMINT Bl tOHEO BETWP.EB THE (,,..VMi;., CTl I'.s ISDTHF MkBUFAlTl REBS. Boaton, June 3 fopeclal) The iroubta bdween the rranlte workers and. mtracton nd ydended. rhe Esariitive t^mmlttee d Um Bea Kngtaid i.ranite , -..ur",-- a.its.-i me. tbj. afienioon at the (Juliin II. e. Boma inalt.T- Ol hu-lli' - lllUltll-hed .tilHilast..Ilngwerel.igM up aid then |lm com. ..,,,. pr.-d.-d ... ronalder Um .lUon d Mr. Mltcbdl Ibat a ..mlltea rrom aarb body. maiiu- ,;...ra and workmen'a ndona, ahouWbe appdnted UinrrangetlMdl puted matter*. K I* uiderabad IM II.nunlttee waa I..dat of arven from eacb aWe. N ..i,,,,. wai appdnud rrom Ihe Ex.Uve tom- ;.,...,t ,!.. manufacturew who d 4 o'rluch m-t ,,,. ,,,,,,,-r-. ,-f the .n-- utiioii. Includlng Jamea l.rant, Dwyer and MlUhell. Th.nfeience Utsted until ^7 ,, il(1 Uienan indeflniu udjournmenl »»- nmd L, ,,Vai glven oul th.t no aadalon bad baaa rived .t oiii.-itiiau bad baaa mdntalned befora. tba '.-ur, ,...-.- ikilm ui.it iba men rgme to Uum ,. ,lim,. ,., ,i,.,id". The trouble aeemi lo be not ao :...,. matter of wagea -.- af Um dato d the WIU, JLatber May I ar J..-O "tber sid,- maam *.,(lv ., "i,.Iba for two, lh..- Bra feara, but aarb Bdherea t.> Ita owo dato. ,,,.. of lha Saw-BaghiBd mannfartorera now bu ' .. wnrk for hlm II II datad, aud aho.lt B.0IK1 :i,K "a¦ -ta-T ,»v t w-'.b I" Naw-England. Tbe EuMi'lumrappem .... Al tbe lioad.niiirt.-ra d the PBdBi Cuttera' I'lil-m .. tbla clty J. lieaMto, the Baddanl aecrdary d the l()ll ,lM ,,,.. the gnuilte cuttera employed n Iba "lt, /arda ln BdUmore woaM be ^ked aat' b> ,,,v two men, be aM, were dta. harged rrom rrank v,i,-- yard.l Baapelb. L. I., beraaae tbej Imd been '.|,ia.un-...r' by tn- ......iii" kfanutacturara Aaaa> ,,,... ,-,.. .ml"t«.ii.sv..uid. i..-aai.t. be employed "o-day ln .his .u> whcre m.«era ... Idritak ,.,,,. n.oi.n. work tadone will be -Brrkad out. ,,,, rnrd in i-.n-Mvn will Bbw be ctoaed. tommlaaioner «.itn>y la daaafcbded wlth tbe padng work of the Dan-Bnbm men ln Um rmploj ot the con- m -i.. t.id -ud yeatedas thal Ihe pavt-menta iald bTSalBatTtolMm apaod rdaM^raaarty. PTWBBOBllWKa^COWa^BUILpiBO. Abaa hf.v mea la UM rm.- buUdag trrnta. eBudoyad .,...,,mi'i.ii ""i!. Bdldtogla i>i.tr.t., raraek |.i- " \ n aeeount ol a grteNaae* agdaat the lackaea ai.-i.i- Kural Um Worka, abteb, it b mfct, amgaaya Bea-ealeB rifl.r E8CAl»a7ll D01T8 aCiliaT* UODrifl. The i|Hl. k e\e of a BOflecmaa and piolnpt BBd I h v-r vorb iv th- rtre rtopadBg«Bl probabty sac,-d maay uves from a tin- wbleb broka out ... tbe Mg .iv,--io.v ..,, ,..,.,. \ 789 AJBBterdam aaa. si.ottly after imd ,.u... ,,n wedneaday. EHklleaaaaa Riun. ef the iwanti lUtb I're.ln.i. U.W a thlu «r.lunin of 18x088 rUlBg from um grattng on tba aMawalh ia fraad of the boaaa. lie ran to th* Baared 118808 and aent out an atarm. and men gomg ba. k to ti.e aaaaa, fcmad Boundaaaaa Beeb Tngatbai the po|t8maa klebad ln the donr and luahed tbraagh the hoaaa KraaadM |ra »n.i rapatag on the dta.rs wlth thelr dght^leba. In 8 niotneMt the baili and lalrwayi ware rbofced by a frlghtoned and (i.,..,i erowd "f natf-ctad mea and women. Tho Maoka now tmin- Iba boaaa fn>ui baiemeal lo r.,..f ekejbad and blinded thcni. BBd they ran b) lh" wind rWB, wl.eiv i,.v ,ii,d for balp. aoam «.f them preparlag to i";ip oat. otheri raahed to ihe Braaaeapa la tho rear d Ibe bdktlng. A booh and ladde. iradj i-eu,-h"d ihe leajM <>f the Ire ju-t at tba rrttfcal momaat. aad dawa me sraiinc bddera ctamberad uie woaMBaad ebtMren, he men tollownig. When the rtre was under eonirol all he tenant had eaCBPed Wlthoal Inju.y. The O.e had 1 arid to a wo,Kili..ise iinderneatU tho laundry, kept by Tei Lco. on tho gruund tjaor. BOMBARDING CRO' NEST. CADETS ATWEST POINT rRAGTTCE WITH THE 5ECOXD BATTERY. rOBBB BEBOEB IIAXDICAPPED BY Of.D GCXS AJfD ponp. _0__-B-a>aTB montmfnt at TROPHY POLNT. Weat I'olnt, June 2 (fcpccial).-All day tho e.loudd Ntve baaa rwlllng over tho green iiiotnUelna and trulliug their BabBMBl iicnw« tbe phtin. Now and tben oir In the BrOBBBBI of Ihe moitntnlii valleya could bo bctii-d a nimbllng nolse tlmt aounded Uks thiinder. but Whfeb, as everybody budwk, ls only Hen- drli k Hudson playltig at bowls w1Ui tho ghadly cr»w of hls »hlp. The aun has idior.e down wlth mei'lle,s baad between tbe p**<lng clouda, and even tho frevli wiud wnnderiiiK up tho river from tbe far- off se« eaaM only slightly temper the heat. Bo BBB who has wrltten »bnnt We« Polnt alnce tbe hal.lt BBU tlr.st iicq.iii-.-d baa i.eglooted to say aome- tblng BDOBt the Weat Polnt glrl and her fondtteaa fur radet huttons BBd .tntfortnB. lt k rlght that ta BboaU be Baaa. It Is tho only rerrage u civlllan can takc tor Bm way in whieii ht* rtakafl to nottoe ara igaarad. F.very y«.r ihe plrl*. fl-nk bere from all over Ihe eoaatry, .nd etteh year BflXf aro more beentt- fui tbaa Bm year batore. Bal tho otaBtaa cun only sing: If iilie ba not falr for ma," If .-bo be, not falr for me." and admlre from afar. Tba yonngeM eadei, witb BOd cv.n Bm dnwniiig of a BM.daeba bbbbj hia lip, ^in bo aurrooaded by a beay of bnif a daata Bfl-Brkag young ¦ aaiia. adBla ad Ba oti.«r end af the ptaaaa a grxmp of young men In civll llfe wlll rB and BbBB.¦ pUna for BM.BBg the Army do nwny with unlforms. But r-ally clvlll.ins look rem.uhahly cmntiionplaee bere. II.m (..¦... 11 yoaag man. olad ln a -ult of clothea of tho kieat i-i.t. Bm raaaM of Bm aaaawrrad inniglningK of an BBroBbU.k taBar, eeaapete with a taii and -hapeiy heir of allltery gtory, taaaaed k a aaaMatfal uniform, lloartog wKh color and shlnliBJ BdBl bbb_ The ever- kattag bflk <.r graea, bka Bowtag rttar, the mountain riataa, the oid gray bad_aaxa_a all aaa ta cail for nrartog ptaaaa aml noaad.ag kagka _nd aad for froch eook nnd tall hflda. Tlie Boord Of VMtors was at worft nll tbe morning Inapecflag taa Bjaarteta of BM enll-ted men, re-palr abopa and rartoaa other batlaiagB of th" p<>-<. There Is one giv.it. BCOd Bl Wea: Ptilui, aBjfc_ sevcral Ixwrda have apokafl of, nnd that k Miltable boaaaa for cavalry drlll. Aa it k, tae aaa horaaa arbtoh are used for cavalry drin ara Baad for iiu-i.t arBBary drin -with the i-.-i.it tii.t ihe berea are BBflbkd tor u-e in eitimr. Many of the oflkcfB liere thlnU that th" ch'-npe-t nnd noat praeflrabla wjy of Batvfag Bm IBBr.By ls to imv" a battery af BgM artBkey aoakead up hero fmm Uowerrjor- klaad or F<>rt ll.-imtUon avapy tiuminer and u-e tho ln 1*08 of tl.ut battery for dillllng the caii'-t-. The news tbat the Xorth At.-Be K<|U3dron had beea ordered ben aaa reealved attt pleaaatabla an- llrlpalloo thk aiemlng. Tba praaaaaa of tlie fl-et wiu m:ik" ihe etoatag daya of taa giadaallag exercisea more billllati! ln a reetal wny than they have becn before for ii long tinie. Tho gradnatlng ckua Bntabed Ba examinations in gdlltary onglncering to-day. The aecaad etaai wns exaadned ta natural umi exparBaaadal pbBoaaadry and tho H.ird rJaaa k Preaek. All the tir^t ciass wiu probably gradnxto, but Iu the athar oBMaag lt u Bxajka> ble tbat BBveral eaaata wlll be toaad daflekM and ar rekgatod to .imI Itaj or tareed baeB toioin tba h.-s below thelu. aOBMJ ol the pronlte li.i- arrlved bere for the monti- ni> nt to ba er.'.ted al Tropby Polal to the aflkara aud ii.en of BM B>gnkr Aray wbo f>-ll ta the Clvll War. M'ben tba real wfll arrlre n<> one raa tell, the ntrik» ta Ui.- Ma--... hiiM'tt, gaarrkfl bavtag put a ^top to adab. tlng oat tho main pmttoa of the axaaaaaaB- Tho coraei-ioiie .,f tli, uioniiiiieiit araa lald by lienernl M.-- ( i-llan tn 1863, n I.Bd hatrtog lx-en rni-.sl by t!.e uBtoera aad eaBated m-u of the Bagabxr Army for Uie p irp..f bnlMtag it. it aaa d..n« arltbaal the fcaaarl rdge of Beeretary Btantoa, who, arhaa hc Iieard of tt, ord.d Bm worb atopned, Tba tand then bbmagatai to glOeOOO. Kvciy oPfl IbrfOt nbo:it the monument and fe fund wjtn Catoael wn-.m toafl eo__M_d nt Weat I'oiut. «rbaa ba dtoeoaared that Bm i»uperin. len.lent of the Academy «n ex-ofllelo presldent of the i Monument Aaeeeh.toa nnd aaatodtaa of Uie find. whlih bad giown to tXiO.OiaO. He plaeed btmself ln i,.ti,nr.iuiiation wlth tj'e siirvlvlng membors of tha aaaoctafloe, nnd lt wa- n-ohed ta butld the monu- iiuent Bf iit lirst Intended. It wlll bo buiit of pollshed h_.rac-aaabk uiurbie. with a eeadral simft forty-one feet btgh, BBd wlll -tand aaai arhara the raptur.^ ean- iii.ti and other trophies of war arv doposlted on Tropliy Fuitit. aaar taa ha_i. Thk Jifteriionii tbera waa o drlll wlth the sea,; cna-t battery. Thk battery i- BBaaBad dowa barif of Bm hobH aad kaka otar taarard I'm' >*">t. Tho battery waa BMaaed by eadafa ad aaeead cia,, w-ttri chlefa of dafai haionk Baaa Bm axaa_taBag eias*. ii.niy II. Faitivin. of imiiana: llarbarl i». Ctaaby, od lllinoia; Bdward B. oi-^ttt. of Paaaxalraaaa.; <;>vira-i K. Il'nile. of Maiarbaaffl.: li.ib.-rt P. Johnson, of Ni.rtli CaroUaa, and Wllli.im lt. Mii.-dherir, Jr., of cailtorata, wara tho gaaaer*. Two Bbmbb larb taaatb- boraa and tbrea MaJUbirk eeoverted rtflaa bin/.ed gway al Bm toraei, Bawa toot ta a___rtor, pabxtod --u b 11 rr oa tba abare aeroa. tbe MBto bay :md » thr.-e. imL moiti.i- Bred bada ova < :V Beat. All the guns iu iba -eeroBa! battery ara of aa "i.i tvp,', .n BBort* to have tiualein inui- provMed for tbe lnstnu-tion of ihe .uiet., barlag a kr proved aaavaBtag. Tha rudela .ti.i exceiknl wurk with the old gaaa, however, .mii proved _aaaelraa arflfleryiaea dtaoi ilng af bctt.. plecen ..f ordnun. e. \tt.-t- diiiner Ibere waa an open-eir roneert bv tha arademi band ta fronl of ihe hotel. To-aarraartaji t-aetdri «ill iulld pviiliHin bri.tgcn aml ll.e exaiuina» tloi - wlll 1.iitlnti'd. .1. ,0 .iii.nt Jilti.tl Ma familv at OanMon'a la-t lilgllt. Ami.iig tho other arnval- at Cranston's a.~o i.nel l pliam, ..f the Army. and Mr-. Pbbxmb, Mr. ui.! Mr* ¦'. B, Petinock, Mr. nnd Mi*. Eraaal B_k> dolph ..niitlnr. Mi. and Bra. II. I». wTpant, Mra. .. ii Marvin and the Bkaea Marvta, Ml_ A. H. iiyde, B. m. Ilyde, w. U ukoaaa and mi.-s Baaa Tiahe, tmong Ihe arrl%_k al the We«t I'olnt Hotel wera Mr. and Mr-. John Blunt. of Brooklyni: Mbw -llxabetb Ihitrl-, of Ollllbrldge, M .. <.-< rgC IH<-l«.k. of New- Vorb" Mi- I N. Im Barrv and the MI.'.- Da Rarrv, .f l'h'lladelpl.U: Mr. and Mra. lieorw W. B. HIB. of rii-ti.ii Mra a. l>. i ...oi-iui. ..f Phlladelphla. and Mr. nnd Mr-. Kciiinih BobertaoB, Jr., of Bew-Jaraay. ?- THK PBSTIVITIES AT AXV-FOUS, tWARD OP 'Mii. PBBBE IOB THE iv.Ml'I-TITIVE DBIIX THE AI.fMNT BAXQOEff. An.apoUa, BM., Jane S..Tba bbbmM eomp"ilttv« drlll f»- tbe ba.or "f earrjrtag tlje cl un baafe pHoe ild- aarnkg betweea the toar WMapaatea raaajBaafeaj the battaloa >>f natal otaeta, Bhyal Aeaakaay. The |.lgea arera _kateaaal Atexaader simip. tf. i, n.; I.ieiitei ant II. C. (iearing. F. S. N.; l.l.utenatit Robert II. Nn'.Ie. 1'. B. A. Mt.e im vem.iii- «ere exei ufed uud Iha allBary appearanee nnd brartag ad the rom- Baatea aad aBprara and tba Baaaaor «.f grriaat rommanda wera lakrn tala Iba fedgaaat, Baak aaaxaaay hud utoill IhlrlVrlx men. Tba drflb-f wns evepthBM_B> tine. aud ii waa dlbteaB tor the aapiaoBead axaj u> detert wberetn aay exeeDed, aattl Uie taaatb rora- pajey eatored int > roapettttoa, waaa it waa aa-kadj from the t'.f-t th..t tbey had protited by the mi-iakea of ihe prewdlng roapaatoa, BBd it aaja eu-v ta -ea wim would be tha rktore. The drfltabg aaa ¦__¦ tha new tacttoa. and tba aartag ..f t me waa aaaaraad ewen i,, tba unprofe.iiiii.il. The roa-ta aaaa praasaaad to tba aaceewafal eoaxpaay. Iba b.rtb, raaaaa..af by Cwptaln BVjtaaaaai, by Btaa Btewart, af Haaaad Oaaadr. cheera wara then ghrea f«.r tbe wtaaara, for the un- ,n, ,-fnl companle-, un 1 br the womnii wb« msde the praarataBo-. Tba tayeeaafal ragdata is from Barib CaroHna. Tbe Board of Vkltara aad a iar_i3 number of aaVara iukI .ivillnbj aybtaaaaai Bm Baadaai, The alunini annii il bamiuet \ut-i civen ta¦__.I ln the iBlltrOBBX hull of the new .pnrter-. < mc huidred ¦nd ihlrtv nieinhers were pre-ent Inrludiug BBBB--* Bilrala Cpabar and Ol.erardi and Comtnodore Meado. Bear Adakal Cpabar piataftd The toa-ts were: .The Preabkat," re paadad t.. by the bund with "Hnil t-.Tluml'la-: -The Nuvs. Xdmual lg«; "ABna Mater." Comaodow Mead.-"; "Tba^Baay ta.ia-MBV^ 1 W Mlller. The biipixr r-otnmltlee e.mMstcd of LWteaaateJ. m BaTSTaad £D. Oaflc-aa. and Paaaed AadakuB B-gtaaarTt «.. l"B-» BX-TBirnMf jr caunau roi.iv.E. An ¦ IIIB lt | exhlbitlon of the work of the .-tudflOU of t." 13"Un,nt or e-abbtaBtaa of Oatoabto fkBaja aaa ,.1 y.vt,rdav la the oollec. room». The exhlpl-on. tb. BB_ in number. . _lven aakt th. BBaphaa Bf Bfl .onlor Tl ti." daxwtadB aaaaarka axaaxjlaa of aii axyka ot ar-dtaatara. and are tuBlflkla Bra_ ot tne aaaxBaM ln- "r.ii-tion aalad la baa arheel. Tbe aaBfbBBaB aflt ba ,, uiiued to-dav and la a.raw from 2 o -lo-k 5 30 ,,-,:¦,. k ta taa Bf-raaaa, aad fi..n. B mMB ll a_kah ta taa Bvaatag. HTIMW BAB-OB CAB BSTWBBB NF.W YORR ABOCAPI BAY, VIA FENN-YLVAMA FvAILK*»AI>. OB aud after June 4th a throitfh I*ullman Parhpr rar wlll be attnehed to train leaving Pcnih-vlvanta Kailroad station. New-York. at 1 p. m., weck daya. tor capo Bay, and leaving Cape May for >ow-\ork a| | ii. u. .*
Page 1: HOME TEAMS NEST. SILVER STILL THE TOPIC....ba Ooaaaar. a rabttlaa of C*kd Cterb CMMa. 81850 a mr.,.-,t, of her aakarg. Bhe had done ao beoaBae ajia, oonover mM tbal she would aadeaaor





Waahingto- June 2.-At | oYloek ihe Mll io provldefor the free aafaBaja of pold and xllver wai hiid beforethe, r<enate. and .Mr. Daawad restimed bla argajnedin aappod of lt. He expi-essed bi- siiipi-K" at Mr.

blierman's BBhhaBaBt on Tuesdiiy Bad that he Iwd

U-en ln favor of the BbBBd AlBBM t.ill. Thnt sur-

,.i»e. was caused by bta PaTr. Beawad/a) BamBtadtywith tho daara expi-e-ed by the s^iiiitor from Obtota that subject wldle he was gaa. tvt.tr>- f tbe Traaaait.>lr. Hhernmii kad <-ilti.l-.xl Umt biH Ib three clat.

i.iatc laamrbl and lad nrgad it* lapeal. AbB yd be

had tatd the Scnate the Otbar day tbal ii- waa a

c,kk1 wn, and tbal he approadl it. it aeemed tohlm (Mr. tabrwart) tbal Mr. DbarmdVa remarki wera

defeciive o.- ehm that ata prophodca Hiid predlrtlanawere not of much value. Tbal Benator bad toM the

Kenate that tha froa eolnage ol attrar woaM brtngthe country to h silver dandard, |ad aa ba had pre-

djft**! that the Hland aet wouM do.Tho present law (Mr. Mowart derlncd) WOoM do

amraa Ibaa thnt. Tbe law of 1880, whteh Mr. Bher-

man approved todav. l.ut mlgbl not approva b>¦amiaw. would inevitabiy briag th- conntry to a

paper standurd or to tbe niai-ket valBC itandard of

ailver. baeauae it waa pdng ko be attarty Impoadble|0 malntailu gold pagawnM und.T eilatlng law.

There was neuilv Bl.Oim.O0o.0U0 ont-tandinc ln

paper and sllver. whlle Ibere wai only 8113.800,000of pold ta tbe Treaaary Inctadlng tbe 8100,000^00regarded aa b igaarwa Bw tbe redeonpttoa of green-baeba. And cvery amekly daaeaaenl of tbe Tr.a-un-

thowad Umt tbe parcentage of pold eordng Into tbe

Treasury was gMWiBg le>s and bjas, until lt WB« n©W

r, v li pcr e.-nt of tbe Bggregnte reedpta. Ue aotteedthat tbe Baaretary ..f tbe Treaaary Ib an laleratow ln

»w Torb yaakerday .-aid that there would be ne

premium paid on «..« dariag tbe preaent Admlnkdra.Uon. that l.e had power to taaue bonda in order t«

aat gold, aoaai to heep th,- two metala aa a pariiy;and that they would he kopt at a jiarlty.

Mr. Hlgpin- ;i-U"d Mr. Btowad il he preferrcd tkat

the euaatry aboaM eoaae t«> a altrer bada.Mr. Bloaail 1 wonid prefer angthlng ratbar than

have the peoplo enslaved by dtempttag to reduce tbewhole world to the nnrrow badl of goM. Tbare laover 84ch>,000,000 of sllver in the Treaaary, and the

law makes silver edn a lepil tonder eoaally wlth Bdd.i would rererae the poUcy d ibe Admlntotralton, whlch

baa recersed tba btw. There baa not been. for Ibelast twanty yaare, any aeM obMgatton an tbe Hoaarn-

u.ei.t. And it ls the duty ol the Bcerdary d Ihe

Treaaary to rcdcani the paper of tbe Goaemment In

thal eurrencv wktoh la ajoal r?onvenlent. I *.\ Ibalthe present poMey, undei- exlatlng law. will reduce bi

not only t» a silver bada. but to H"- eomaaerrtal pn. e

of silver, beeaaae lt k* bapoadbta lo amdatala, on tho

preaent volumo of gold. the axldlng credlt ftibric ,.f

tho world.m tbe eaaaaaaf hta Brgameat Mr. Btowart rldirui.-d

Mr BamgaaaB'd expreadon of aympathy for tbe w..rk

tng chmeea and for tba aanataiierB. "Sympalhy," be

ex.-lainied, --theiv bi not bbmd enoagh Ui all »f tbapold trust men for BIM laaaonito.* lt woaM not

do. he snld. for kboae robbera (they were [J^hljigelseio clalui for tbemsdvea dl boneaty. HonestJ wouldbe banlBhed from the world when tbe cdme of 187Jw*« juatltled. How long the people would .ubul toSch robbery he did not know. but whlle he Byed.g woaM eonttnue to umrn them. _He had beenofien iold hlm that h« waa Unwlng awaj kblbmliteUine the trutli; but he did nol belle\e lt. He

Kred that the country wonld have flrae eolnageafaUver; and wonM have it la the neer|toture.

At tba ebma d Mr. dewarfa apeech Ibe aflref biliwent over Wltbogt acUOO.


LASS MOXTB.Washlngton. Juno B (8pecld).-The Treasury Dc-

partment's monthlv sUifement af ehaBge la Um <lr-

culaUon shows B COimMerable net lncrea.se durlng the

last mioiith. Xbare was a de<n;i-c d 80,332,558 ln

vniw btates aaaaa, 8888,181 Ib Nattond bank natea,9AVTJHM in ataadard Bllaar doltan and ge7,leU ln

subsldlary bllver. >n tba Bkber hand. ihere wai an

haareaaa of 85,588,808 la Treaaary drrar aotoa,e3,581.510 In BBM certlfleates, f,t,:>°0,000 In curren- v

ceaUCc'ates. Ibtl abowa » net Inrrease durlag tbemonth of 80,137,058. The total clrculatlon of kbdcountry on June 1 l» Placed at B1.6£O.Olo.a20-Bper oaplta circulatloij of BM Tl, or 8118^78,008moTe than BB Juna 1, 1881.

The chnnccs ln tbe circutntlon of vurious Wuds of

moner durlng May, taamtbar wlth the Baaaant tn dr-

oulation on June 1. are Bbowa in th" foBowlng taMe:M,,v 1, 1892. J'l'i- 1 1808

m .. ,... .aMOT.ois.Bie a4oa.Bli.o52Gold eoln....- ¦¦-.. ".,. , -, 07 Wi'.'-.'

b^ndard aBve* doUar*. i-M3t':,'l «87»0H81SubaMJary; dltw. ,«g -.fv,^, 167.2W .0-Crold oerllllcatej. . i!--i'js.ii SJT.-'JO 10'.b!lv.r c".-UU.aees... "Si'soiIto 8T OdS 072BUier Treaaary boBm. g« 78a aal 818.4H.8021-..IW Btatea noaea. ,o':ioSiO SV780.«iOCurrejicy c- ititl'iit"--.. 1080B7 os" 1"7 427 905>-alional baiiU BOtea. '. '"-

T.ul<l .81,818,572.844 81.020.010 250

The ganeral atoeli of money eolned or baned and ln

tfHd Treaaary on June l ls abaa a by tbe roOowlng table.|M llBBBgl] o

^^ ]Q ,rr

,- m ^,n .....^.8602.486.287 818S.671J.afObmbatdlary allwr do.iar*. ,'-,,- 7^., ji 47o.0zOoo:u earuaeatea. }: -,- (1- a'.u.t.hSTHflTar certWcatea...«: iai WM 10^--»314S v-r Treaaary aotea. ai.Viasj on 2&227 7Mvalted BtaAea aataj... »*".«. %\ -MVaj.oooCurr-ncy certiH.au a . f.OTi:.'*!BaUooai bank aotei. i72,4BB.B«8_».»¦>¦

TfU,, .82.240 508 510 8828 498 281

Durliic Ma'y tl.-re was 1 nd Increaae of ^¦¦";^in tba TlBBBBry Btara d money and biilllon. rberi

i; a frarraaaa af ta.T58.87l ... tho dara of^gMbaflloib 8i.403.ws ln atlrer Tiaaaary aotoa, 8ld<. ¦¦ -i

i, Pold coln and W40.K» la s..,.diary dlaar; whlte

therc waa an racreaae or aM338.5a8 tn rmted Stotoi

notcs 88,688^18 In sllv-r bullion. BB87.539 ln Btaadard atlrer dollars and B881.86d ln tho Tr.asu.y rtoteof Natlopa] bank natea.

Goid eedgfleatea bdd ta oaah by tho Treaaary Jnne1 a matad I 818*470,500, a leeremm daring May of

87,400.000; ailver eedlflcate*.bdd li. «¦"¦»' ""'""'J '.to 83613.887, an Increaae durtna tad month ol 8404.7: I", and curreniv .-rNM a.- hHd in raat were 82JJV(*m. 01 850.000 I-- than on May 1. Tbe ftorow gow

bullion li tbe Treaaary on June \ «flg«8»led *77-WJ'613, and af alhrer Iralltoa I-.-.501,578.


Wadungtcm, June B.-Iba reaoladen reaortod to the

lennta from tbe Flnanea Oaaaadttoe for a eommlttiof nve aaaualora to Inqnlre whether the ].w retattre

to Battonal bank- furnlihm MxaTetont proteatton to d^¦oattorg «.nd otber credltora, and to toaadigato reeen*Llure, of National banhs and any otl.er vlolatnms

of law or irrcKiilarltle- was Bjreed to to day. ajmBeaara. Chandi-,-. Hlggrna. Pdfcr, llarrla, and M-

¦1 wer.» appotnted.

THF, < F.Nsrs OFFICB LWVaaTnOATION.Waahtoaton. June "- Mlm Ma CraagaB. d preaent

a clerk ln the Conaaa Mreaa. atatad before Ibe Bkawe

Oennm Ceaaaritltee ladbw tbal abe bad Brd been ap-

pokltod tor three inonil.s. ibe had i.M-lvd B80 8

Biouth l'oi- tba Ird taro montbi ahe bad paM to

¦ba Ooaaaar. a rabttlaa of C*kd Cterb CMMa. 81850a mr.,.-,t, of her aakarg. Bhe had done ao beoaBae

ajia, oonover mM tbal she would aadeaaor lo bare

ber ratdaad. Bba taitaeaal kad baea raappetatod al

ihe laataaee <-f ilaaaiitrT MaaBarana, and was pd payBm any peraoa aay parl of ber aalary now. Bo d

teuipt had baea made to gd aaoae* fram ber ¦»«

ba, raaamdataKBt. kftm Ooaorer bad ratarned the

ta ).¦¦ altorwarl at tba laataaee ol l. Joirj

Jones Assl-tunt >"<n-ta.v OalBdMr'l pnvate Becia-

u,rv aad a pereoaml Irland af Mlm Canoaar. Ciorgem Miiier nnd B. 87. Boch. aeetton chlefa ln the Cen-*'¦ .'«" madelatatomeohi In rcbultal of chargea -f

undue fBaauaarttf wltb tba amaaaa etorba la Ibe aaaaa.

iiiBBaaiiniiriTr fim> bw. vovxa blam«l«bb.Washliii.-ton. June .> The pram (OBaaatttaa Of cor

.eaaoadenu wbleb, at the reajaad d a nambei ol cor

,e.ponde..,. conddared tba caae of Jamea *)«***.lat" cA-cuiive clerk <,f aaa aaaato, baa de,toed tbal M

baa no JtuHadicttoa la aaeb a matter, retoUng .-\

cl.rs.vely to the BCta of an OfltoW of tbe Ooiri-rninenl.but fidds that in the oplnlon of llr; ommittee. there

as-rft0^i^*Tii^^'0,s54ffiexeniUvo B8Baa888 «'f UM BaBBto.


Waahlngton. June 2.-There was un unusuallv smnll

iaabaaaaaa d N-nnt^rs present aaaaa today'i moralagBaaabBM began. Althmigh 188 Bbaaab ta kfJaaaaaaafba *a-

excluslvely from the atopabtW an slde of the chamberthe PaaioaiaMl side made tbe imiBil ihowtnB m pdnld fiiialli-I"-'--* 1>,llv nK ."".bma Biaaanl aa

that alaa, Iba Miver'bili kaitataea ware abamd an

atthelr poda Mossr-. T.-lle,. b'okotl nnd StaWad be

Bkj baaeaad tagdbar and boMtag conJtiencm wltk

aark otbar and wiu. Mr. ktorgan. Mr. MorrUI aabaaa.uently J./ini-d tha paaaf ui.d had i, i earne.st eaaaar

Bdlaa wlth Ita membera. Mr. BkllBIII was in BM

aeat. and m waa Mr. aaaaaxa, on who*- moilon the

Sanate agreed V> adjourn from todar Ull MondayBaut. NoUcca were glvcu by Mr. Vest. of Ws lnten-

tlon to addr"-«. the Senate on MOBdbtf uit on theWool Tnrlff bm, and bv Mr. Morgan of b.«; intcntlonto sp-ak on the Fr-e Colnjis* blll < n Tu"~dav.


CUBTAIUXa PAdUTTl B,Wiist.lngton, .Inne 2 (Speelali.-CdOW ~as the. pro

graaa al tbe Poatal Axanjoartattoq biu ta tbe Coa-nlttOB Of tbe VYhule BOBafl ti.dnv. There k 100800lo believe that -io:ne of the Drm<>. mtie BMaabenhave began t<. frar Ibal the roaatry wili not wetooaeany niriHiini-iit of naeexaary postui tacBBtaa, aaaa

Iu th» lliune of " eioiioinv'' BBd fjr the *ol* helietitof the Deaaecrafle party. InBaeetlal Deaocrallcnewspupei> Iu dlll-rent parts of the loiinlry have

alraady iitt.it their rotoa ln waralng. Bach Denaeratlc edltortal exprta.dana a, ihe toltowtag Iroa.The AUantH Conatttatton" ar- antatag un taapratann.

lt i> dlaanaiaglng to aa a d.peallloa on Mm pa-i of lk*

Qavernaent ta cat down tuo agproprtaMaaa t>. a deareeUiat woni.i -. rui'ii-iv crtppl. ealetkig a.11 feclllUaa and

ehaeh -r prwrent tl.ateaalan al fae dellvery and raral¦ervtae whleh tha peepk <-t ti.i- aaUea, apeetally, tn

aiitiriu-tim; a a gaet beacBL Retreachaaeat unJ

..I'niioii.y in aeaw dlrecttaaa woaM ba wtaa, i.at tbe paatalaervlre eaanei ao near t- all and bei.eBta all aa laapwtlallythal to be deprlV(d_ef any of the eXlattog to IBtta wi.nld

iwiM' aaieereal n.lvia.nt.Sow, whal llta Democratlc najorlty of the Peatofltce

Comtiiittee-BOt "th- ( ,.vei iim-nt " propoaM Wlll ii"t

.mii aii'i in-vitaiiiy ekeck aml prevent the extenaton oltbe fiee deiivery aervlre, bat rrlppk and eartail iberervlre Biready In exlatence, aad Cbalraan llanderaoniin.i hk i>«.iu'..-rati.' eolkagana mu-t Kiiow It Aad rel

tbey atabbornly Bght erery aaaeadnwal to Bm mii. andihua tar have been raa_dned, axcept ta h kw a aa, byi i,o Deaweraflc aalortty of tba (toaa-Btoa ol Ibew/boie. 11 the biii ibooJd beeoaa a taw ta iba torareconMnended by tba FaatoBka Ooaadttoe, it would bo

a -K_ni' b io Congreaa.Mr. i.iviiiiMoii, of QBOPgta, inov.d t.. tatreaee by

BeOO.OOO tha approprlation f..r -tar roata Banrka.in igraktag of Brk aaeadaaeait, Br. -n-gtoy, af

Malne, adaoeated tbe extenaton of Ball taeBBka toraial dtotrlrta, eonbsndtag tbat aaeb exiaaaka woardlonduee greatly to the goneral bOBafll of ihe coiintry.

Mr. ldvtagaton*a boUob waa agreed to.101 t" 25.Mr. i.o'.d, of »itiiforiiia, oflBtad an aaxeadment to-

ereaalag l.y $12:1.01)0 th- B_Bjro_flnattan foi- nall Btea

Bengar nrrtoa.Mi. BKaat, of (leorpia, offered un nmendnient ra

dnrtag by a-340,000 tho Bayrogxtatloa tor takndtranayortatton l.y ralkoad raatoa, and aatboristag tbaI'ostma-hr t.eneiiil to rcadjaal the comp-li-ation lo b-

..nid after.lulv 1. 1 <'¦¦. f"r the tniaPOHaUon oflaalbiu rallrottd roniea, by rednclng ihe compenatloii 10

raUrwad compan.es lor 11.e Iranaportation ol malbi i<

per .vnt from tbe ratee baaed on the welgbl BXOd BBdallowed hv ihe i.'l >.f June '". IB7«.

IVtidiin: in n.ui. th- -niiimtte- my.

Mr. llooker, of Mtaslaslppl, asked uaiilnions..oii-.-ut lor 1:.- ...li-iil'-ra'l".. ". a J"."1 resolutlou .'1'

piopiiitltig BW.000 for im- nliet ot fl.»«d sunerera ...

Waii.n and Jefl.r-..11 Coiilttk"-, MImMPPI.Mr. Long, ol Texas, objected. The il.-usc Iben Bd



¦OKfiiBoa pob TiiF. n%n ov tbe tbibteeb1NCII OCNB BEADT POB PIX1SH1BO.

Waaklngton, Jaoe 2 fjB*~ai).-In aararaBxeo ol thea.uve policy hriflatcd by OBXUBOdora VM-r wbea bv

bacame CWel or the Bnreau ol Ordnanee, aft-r a rialt

of obaervatloa ta Bm gaa arortat ol Baroaa BBd aftor e

partad of piacfloal expertenee and experiaonl al the

vaval gun foondry l.e.e, tho worl oa tha new hlgb-powarad rlda at taa gaa tonndry k prograatag raptalyaud aatbdactorUy; nnd it ta Bafe to aay thal Ba rraafl..W4 of our new eaaeak for actaal aoraka wlll n d ba

Belayed on acooant of their ordoance. Porglngi rw

Ihe 11,-t oao ol Bm twalw IBdaofc fans, arhleh ara to

he pii.0.11 aa it.e baBtoablpa Indtana, Oregoo and

MataiKbaaetta, bare been roMwed rroaa tha raa-

tni.tor,. and the tabor of Btdahlng the tnbea and lack-

eta aud u-".uhitti/ BM taHoua parta wlll be proae. uieti

wlth v;,.,r, and. waaa roapfcted. Ihla gun, wlth a

dJ.ca.ter of bora of thirt.-n Incnei and a wetght cf

tlxty tona, wlll be the beavleai and ... al poarertol gnn

tbaa tar awda ta Bda eoaBbry.,p io date tbera hnv- i.n roapietcd at the Waxh

,._,,,. gaa toandry alghteen lOinrb. ntaeteon 8-

,n,i. and 12b .-.imh hlgbpowar riflad gnint. whta

,m(i,.r eonatrncflon bat praetkalty eorapreted Bmw

,pb fniir ten-toch aad Iwo Mnch aana, tbe whota

number brlng tataaded for tba prtaiary baUertoa ol

the new aaaaak oi tbe Bary. Aa aoeondary bat

terlc ..f th" batttoahip.. or aa prlaary battorte. of

,,.,,_., other reataata, par.irnlarly tboae Ol th- gun

b_t «nd .ra.iller .rulwr rhw, there nr- eomplet-. OT

n'ewrlv <o twentvnlne Mnih and thtrty-ttve 4 1-i.b

,-ap,d Bre lana, troa whtoh B_,o»Bont raaaBa _« «

Pe\Vhen lt Is .laiaallMUl that only a fow V«>rK BflOaaaoy of the torgaxp for oar gtma arara Btappedfrom BnBand, bi aaaa a_ our arawr-Bdatas, it la a

,.i.,(',' ..I proper Battoaal arlda Btat to_tay wahara.,,,,.!,, to th.- genlaa and raergy of AaarloaB Batal

,,ii..r a pi.-int where, by Bm nardpulatlon of Aaarl

eu prodncta by Arnerlcan workmai, we .-an t.irn .mt

,, "i.n v I.-- manukWnred In any oijier rouniry.

SSjr^9_raar-3STg,..,..,.. or aerloua nature have V;.'^ ,, t , ¦..::^i::;;¦?;/7ho-e,';:r:^-^,^.,r;,i...;:l.;;l^;:^.? -

PKOVBiiOBS OP TBE a<;i:i. tt.tfbm. in.'..

WaabtagtoB, Jaaa 3.-A faatara ol Bm Mll BaWng¦pyMaprtaflona for iba aapporl or taa Agrfcnltaral D.

parttnenl for tbe ftbeal year l-'.o raported by Cbalr

Ili:i,, iiwieh to tbe ii.-u- to-day ta Bal .ti'.t. provldlng Ibal tho monthly erop aporl t aed on Uie

181b "t eaoh Btonta iball ba ©ontaed auricUy to ¦

-t.-it-m-nt of tbe percentoge t..n.i- by Btotea and Inll

tof.l wiUn.'it . immenl or argnment, and thal ll aball

be -ii'b.niti'd to the Beeretary ol Agrlcnltara, wbo ahall

ofb.iallv approvetha raxorl beforaH k koued or pobli-h.il Another featara tranafea rroa Bm Becreta

of tbe Treaeery to the Beeratary of ABrkaBiia tbe

aBpervlaton ol taa adnkal.I antoaata tor breedlngpurpoaea. Buch anlaak ai the Beeretary ol Agrlculture dama worlby of totrodaetton Into Uie nll d

Btaiea r.r breedlng ptrrpo..¦.. aball be jatalttad free oldntv Tbe -ii.i.ii and regular clrculw, uropa .

r. --' for I'.- Weather Barean Servloe are lo b.- flaed,....., r-tan- ol Agrlrulture by lu'i-e.-m-nt wil

telegrupb or takphona eomiMtntoa perfomitaB tbe aei

<dce._ m .

Ti. RECOMBEND A BBAD1BG IJIVBBTIOATIOB.Waahlngton, June i.-A BBb-fotn»Btoe ol Bva

mentbera <>r tbe Hoaae Ooaalttaa on Interatata and

porelgn Commerce baa nnanlmooaly a«reed a n ra

Dort recomnMndlng thal an InvoatlgaOon be made Inlo

,.. fwta cormectod with tba Baadtag Ballmad d-,.1.

Tbe aport, aecoapankd by a reaoloBon prorl(,.;,., InveaOgaUon, wlll be proBeotod to Bm tall tom

initt'e- to morrow tar acflon.


Waahlngton. June 2.- Tha oaaato bvday pa -d

- blll .flowtag an appral Ironi Ibe Coarl of ctalm.

( ,h. M.ptem-co-.r. iBcaaeairbere tia de*hdon wlll'" k-aa_ ,, _ a_a_air»_M.AHt.

atr-.tBdlonamount ta ooBtroTeray

A n-fw IBBPBCTOa OF BERCBABT VRSSBW.Waabingl. J»na S-OaptalB Byroo Wlkoa baa

,..,.. orteaad lo dnty al Bew-Vork aa Bawiar of

I,,,.,,,,:,,,, reaoela, ta aaceead Caatata A P. Bo.,

recontU reflred._m_Tlli: BBPOBBTD CBUKB STXOD.

Asrj.,T Park. N. J- JBBOfl (SpeCkl).-TbBJ.ndA'\ s,.'-|..i. of tbe uenaral Bynod ol Bm Betorra.d

g££ ta A-MitoB waa bobI bvday ta Kd,.<..ti,...i

,,,,.;,h. ..,,» laportani raaorta weaa ...-.¦ ..r.h-<. m

..,,,... .feieme wlth.h,...ei,-ialA-nil.lv of.I,

leliiiu lliunl. Bl tbe . ¦i.lt-.l t-tate, h-ld 1,-t

a, i he coaalttea .... Bm Padetailoo of tha

SEraed Cbmfh ... A.lica nnd the Berbrtaod Choab

"naued Bnd B formldnble oppO-IOon 10 BM piop.-.,l

u.Sn;a.^«toP«d. lt wa- tmaiiv.htod to aadM

Lnorl tba Irr4 ordar tor Baoday Bfter.b.'",|.. oflbaday. al l-portaaca, .,,..¦.

,-onimittee .... Babbfl h ObaoraaBea, i¦¦ i>orted

, ol eaaea or taratak a preeadont to.

n hv aay exaeatlwa dapartatent ragardlea of tba

].,,t raporl of tba day, al laportan.... i-ommlitee .... Babbfl h H,-ei v.-.nre.

,'..v l). Broia-a, Tbk report took advaaeadoa'tba oaaefloa od etoatai taa gataa of iba

n' I '.. EXPOBBOB .( Chleago. II doekad Bm

.. ,,f tha Cbarek to adBBafld all laeogslttafl ofpurp^_-i _.aa«-- e-hiblt on llie part of th" Ke""" r'," mml itbe eve.t of the Expoaltton op.nlngK $tea an iko atboatb. The raaori waa adoptoiby iT'unanimou-. vote.


3HK BOSTOS FCBLir UHRXKY ACMOtTlC..a n, ...,n aaraaBfl n.y»t"ry ha» not yet baaa axplalBed.

. ".¦;"'. 'd eS -> .h.,K"d . taw dan -ra by th.,,,i aa aaaaa aaaa . tabtot a UM walta al

dis'";:Vu i n Lrv Hd haaa a aaaged Ibal hba Bal'"* ",M ,i L aaaa or McBlm. Mead * Whia.;"1 '" I', datiard tai ki dtof. Br. M K«'"' "'

..,...-f UM baatoa aflca 4 tha taa. ta k

'?," ,T 'iTtowaBBaika B Iba aaMkr) wfll ba aata.1' ;.,. n-xi w.,k. it waa bbM at th" Bew-Tarh'T "rH _a?M y-terdav that the tabtot bad baaa ta

.?"" '; r v-er _ v"-r. -nd tbat ta. arranB"n,ent of th"

KVSa.^iSraB hy Jamc, Uu.h-11 lawall and

otber piomln«nt UKrarv .--..





Xew.York 7, PltWbOrg 4 I'hlladt-lplila 7. Chlragn 1.Brooklya 7, 1.tavllle 6. Ctavriand 7. Wiadagma 8.Bt, Uaala 7. Boatoa o. ClaeMaeU 8 Baiumam -

lha foiiowe-, t»f tin taa io.ai baarball kmme kadaoBdag u. ...mpiain .< yaatetaay, Bm Bew v.,rk bImwlaelag a bandaoaM detary, aad ibe BreaMya taam I.git.- awaa Buag. Theaa taadltar nllh lha ayatk Knel.nI'mnr EeUd -'i.i]-" will aailta la ariaatpk wfcea BMydanee at tu. acarea ta Uw ala Leaune ^n..-» lhaBgura "7»i gfctyed au Baaartaat aatt M Ita "f Bm kaU.I../.-:, gaaaea.

Tliat lllllo pmt af tl," Vdley "f BM llatlem Klverat Bm tad "f Deadbcad II111 leaembtad a taraaci wbearod i- rbeap. a Itaea afclrt waa a aalmaee. aji.i a caal* tortere. The aaeetatari ta n.<- graad ¦and kaaaad apbreaxy sji,,t* aad dlveaad Uataaaalvca >.t ...ats. rdton an

.-iitfs. «lpp.'d rool leaaaaada and tiled u, forget »h>- BMreuryla watcbiBg UM ptaytag .f Um Kew.Terk and Pltttbaraleome,

C'rjiie d.«..rve, rredit for LI. r..n,arkal.le »ork and ho,iu ii.n,i, to ata BM game ter Bew-Yerh Bi h " '-'"".

pewader, aad I"- aaa all bai avceeoaN by Um bam att.-rhalf u,.. bbbm bad baea ptayad. ii- t.f,i«eti u. reure,

rerer, aad by batalag bh hend Ib eaM aater bdwiaaii.iiin--, bl wu- ah'" BI l'i''l. "'.I tl.a cimi". CrBM BMJ

i>.' an arttat, bot ti.. n- i« Bdhtag Ihe BnaBet wttb Mnn.-rve. i,,ii,p, bm Pltuburg ptteker, l« -.. Hlta that Mabadaa »a« InalgnlBcaat evea ta ye«t*rday*i itiaag Baa*light. Maek, bl* eateaer, ...nU rrawl Uareegk a fcaarbarrel wWhaut maehtog ctther sid".

'ii.-- iii.ii,,. piui-.-r- icarel the Ird raa ta Um leeeadImiliii.'. l.vi.ii, |ad "!T mi'Ii a bll paaB Ukld l*e.\ aud tlieuaaal lo .>.-.-.ad oa a and pUeh. Ba ran ».. tbld <". aafld Uaren by jMip. and -,-,,r.-d nu a hit by O'Baarke.Baa Y.,rk\- Bdraamga wai ahertdlred, f«r ln the ia*t halfpj tba taatag tke rtaltlag men amdi a raa aad Brd Umarare. BeekJey aa aeal lo Iral aa raBed batta, evnt t.,aeeond on a pa-.-d l.all. to t.Uirl ,,i. a neriBM hv Bailth,und arared on a i.it by PBrrell.

iIihuI batttag ta the llfth taSlBg enalil'd the lo. al plir.era to ftet, a ruu and tak- th" l.-ad. I'.j.-etl l.al oil «.tli aii."-,- baa* tiir t., i.-fi BeM, aad aeetad m a aimiiar Mt byBode. Baaie, aeaerer, aaa lareed aaa ai Nie Btate byCrai,,.. and only one run leaaBad on iwo BMee-baggere, a

¦ lucle. aud a Ird baae by ern.r.

Ib ti.e »i\iii tnuii.K Caaop weat to ptoee*, and the taad|ilay..'- battdl h, f».ir r>m«. I,v..n- n.ade u Uan," run

.lri\e im.. u>. ]..ft Bdd mata, aud <>'r.."iru.' ui.> blt mfdy.Baat* blt aalety u, i.-ri Bdd fat twa baaa*. aad >. Baurka.-,-,.red. J-'i.ld- kU m ri(,-ht f,.r twe ..*¦..¦*. and Bada arared.Craae ua- aeat t.< lir-t on called luil 1-, an.l aaen Ma, ati.i>-.v alMly t.I, '., mt i. Craae, >.".. i¦ i«

The Pltt..l,,irjf in.-ii p,,t, tWa run. In th" latt.-i y.r' ,.f

tbe innlna. BaaBlBg th" llnal r»-s,i!t. «. r.i BMBB BBBlerbaaer aaak taa baaaa aa a alld ttwaa by Baawtt, aetitlo ihiij ,.n a MerlSea by BhagaH, aud s.,,r..d aa a .«,.

baaa Mt by Becktoy. BadUi'a twabaaa bh t" iiain Iddbreaebt bama Baekley, iiiaLnic ibe aeem kew-Tark »>.

PltUbarg 8ii, Um >-i«i.fh taatag aaa moea ran weat ta Plttabnrg'a

li-t. hi,,i^;,rf. i-j i.'t aim i uamatawi MI m rlgbl ti-'-ii.inl ai-..r.-j on. . BBcrlSca by Badtb. Ihe baaa* piayer*- arad ihe 8ad raa d Um gaaaa ln Ihe atath laatail.!*-.- Mt hv n Wa, aad a blt by Cn. a.M u.e Bew.v,,:k piaT.-r., bad «".. by me «:,i,,<. acare Baey bad beeadefeaua lo- on Wedneaday, I' »<s a- follow»:


f, a

llii bardaun 1 bLi .a-. :t h..' i: rk- f

0 <Jii IIl II.

I'llT.siUI-llij.II. I>.

f.. 0I o -. .'. I.1 a a2 ^ '..8 110 i-o il 7 II

M iIii- rl.i.l'-l, -J.->: -.,rt. < >

l.-l-l-,. 1Mnllh, r f

3 I.0 :. lt ii j

..rkbll f 0 0 o ii iinu, p .00119

.T"ta:e ,1-jri-^ :i' lotai.110 37 18 .'.

,. a rork. o l ii o t 4 .i o ;M ,. ,r. ,....0 10 0 0 8 l B-d

atn-'i raaa Kew.York 4. Pltuburg 8 PtrM baaa bynora Xe* * rk I. PltMbtirg I I'tt wi Miae* New.Ti,rk .'.. I'ltubarg b. «i i.:,-.- .., i»H" i'rt . un' ..,!T r.m.ii i .-¦. By i r.. 7. I, l.'mip 4 I'Uii l.rolia. 'I Ure, !,.. B .-

thiitart. I.t,,l*-' M'- llu ¦. la, li-k."V. BinlUi.S* Ifl .. !¦- il .-'. rarl Kinlth Pfcriell I ..il Mll.... ,, \mm iiurt | * ¦. Ml, r I"lloul.le pl*i> Flelda r,i,:- and Itlrbanlvaimt i.v uii bei ii. ,.: ¦-. \\ .d j.'-, i Kiiip l I-.--.1iw,i i-.,-d- I. ii.|.u. Sheridao Tiav nf a¦ * M

rba Brooklya and i.-.,'-. . tearaa playd ui taUigaBM al Eaatem Parl Braaklyn, bdore 1.500

-;,. tatnra, Tbe baaM Uaai aaa ti.r."iB'. ;¦ .' ball ..

rai v la tba gaaaa, Tha Keatii ktaai aad* a baadaome:, j 'i ti,.. Blntk UMlng, a bl N, U aaal,,,. .... |irl%.. abaaged UM reaull ..nm n.: i

.Blag^alcb la Um Btatfe laalng. ;nat apoil.ng i... ,>.i;:--- ekan.f a aaaalMa \i.-u.rr.

Tba !>""". fan. a^or-Hl f..ur r>."' ta UM f.'.fUi 1nnli.it..ii BMa by Daii.'r. i.'Hri'i. aad Baraa, a tw*taaa* bn bfCarcaraa ai.u a-. .rr,.r hr vun. BaaaaahMaa »». aaBaia ..,,. i",. Baatbrt ta Um alxtk aad aa* ta Bm avrrath.Haddacb hai the datttag baaaaea »t bl* merey BM,i,ti, taatag, Baei hv. blta, a ta»-» .n baOa aad .

paiari bafl a-av.- UM IVaalarUli ala* n>e i ia*. Ih<,r-

W-ur-l. Zbloyce, .ii

nr.'i.nii.YN.r in pe

f.OFISVILf.E.r 11. io

lln-'i. | f.IM

add k, p

II o

1 1II I.

Bi aa, i f1. lh

'. -: fJennlnga «

Kn.'hnl.,»^..\ ¦

i I

I 10 0 101 l i0 o "

i i :1 o 0


TotaN . 7 11Broukh

o im 1 run-Pwo

l,it- Mr-'itJier*


¦J7 .i 3. TWtali.. ii .. i l 1 i

. 0 o o 0

,k ... . I.,"'--.Ui" t. 'il.'- bain j nr .wi s

.,i in Hleatton. |.-r,r,,i

a i0 0


44 I0 o

1o 1 ,.

0 o 3 I l

i.i 0a o,. -, -.

M,,l li

-., llrouUii-ra, Bui,,l, Inll- WBd, l>ai,.II.kl.n ". I,aul*dllpj...i l« I'" <il,..).!.. i, i. htru

(illr|.--i " I" -' I""-!- ¦

1,1 \V.!,\ '.\ an t.

.rifliu. Iladdork J. Jennbi

II.t t.\ j..'I. Dalley I, <Mid pSt. h

K-, 1,1,.tralU



¦.¦n. nnal

|. .. .,-.;..|-li t,d--ipidi



i.i Si

TBE iu;

plavitua, ii.i-

ilm ilmi VII. i.


>i:iis-¦-I. Cl.il.-.r.i:!¦...-.,

I. II -'. '.¦-.'.o VV. ¦->.'¦ III.

»| !..'..«., llaltlnioie

l'r .

.4S",4 1-'<I7..-111.4.1


lilMls TO DAY\- Pltuburg, at. I'.,'.. iiraaada, Bi

l. .,. i-i.-n I'ark. iii'Bl I.."¦!-. at ll',-f.,n.


Phlladelphla .- Chleago, a' Pblladelphta.i-i. al Ball

w ngton ra. < lev. ta id, at. Weahlngtai Blag ^":' '¦ ¦"'. ''' ""' ,s'- l'""'', '''*'" 'aBatol Bi«

Stevna InaUtute alne by 10 ta 5-The .1 nttori ol Uia Bea Tork baaeball rlub d'-nr thal

|BOfl |a ta a a i embei >-f BMI orgao tal aa. Ta*,,, al opinkM I* that Um l"<.ai t.-am baa Bm Bumy

iv j daU" j' p Bt.Baaa* will pUeh f.r UM Bew.Tart Ult waa anid taat aigBi ""«' Um Br**ain pitCka* I.OV.tt. 'Il" I'-"" I" Ods I.I

lo lay.Blab had

UAMES IN "i I" ''. CITIES.a/aaklagton, June :.¦ 8bi II gava aerea baaea on baUa

iwo Innlaga, wklefc pve Wevetand n\" raei alth d

|| 'r«.i ii.,,'. w.-:. n ada aa » atagle and a bama raa.

aahlngl « "*»t" B »By ta UM si\th ind """.'

.. of ti.,;.:.- Um -.>: I appy rdtared i>a\i.>ii, ,i,i

o 0 0J 0

I) .1 01 I0 3 8 8 8 0-7

t leveland -.'. irio) - Waah.iv ii' i, K llleeo, Uavlea a..d


W lilngton, leMlai.d a

i'.jj,"i.i!- WaahliigtonIngUaii 2. . leveland 8.Uui.py. Umplre Eai*Be.

Boataa, Jaae !. raa i -' tatefeettag bbbm

>,m»,,ii ii, tbli dty ";i- ptayd bere loday. UtarkMB.-,, -,, ,-u-v taat BUvrtta iw. mbaUtated In BM alith.

ii «... .: -:,.-, bat gavH u." bbbm *"ar la u..- atghlh\,y bla win plkhlog. Atteadaace, 1.810. Ibe icar*

|.,,.i,M .._' 8 10 1 <) -' <» 8 'im. UHtla l 0 8 2 1 0 8 a x-7

llaaehlla Boatoa II, Bl. I....1N 10. Rrrar* Boataa 8,at, i.,,ui- 2. I'ltchera L'larkauo. Ulcaaoa aad .-tu.-tu.

1: |.n liaffney.i-..iiin,or.-. j. 8.The BdUmore bmm n.-t Ueday'i

aaaa u.-- Clnelnnatl* batad tabb'i Irtlrrry taUm ii"i. Inalnfl f"r thr-.- raaa. AU Bdaaca, w.>. Bealyann Fi.k.tt aere releaard loday. Iba *eare:luitn.. ..0 0 8 <i n "i i) 1 .-'111, ilili.ll .0 o 0 0 I " o .) v I

luiiiitn.-r,' ¦'.. larlaaatl 7. Errore.BdUmera 3.I'll.-h.-i-Cobb aud Mullii.". Iinplr.lUaehlta

Clni .niio.iMarrultar.

FhibMelpbla, Ju:i" 9 Ta* Pfcltod Ipfe .- bH Uaby baafiii.i at th- rlgat 11 it.-- to-day, aad -..-¦¦i aa .-- idetary,,s.-r Chkaga, Caraey aaa Bbradlly rBerUr*, -.nd au..

,.-.ii«d in eir:k!i,^' aal Aaaaa. Atteadaace, 2,472. Iba

I 1 0 0 1 P 2 x 71 o n 0 0 I

l.-mr- Philadel.,1,-v jimI l.'ihy. n.p

Phlladelphla .I hl SK'i

Baa* '1 *.- i".¦¦¦> I- 'i h . '.' bh igBkdi 1 bl .-". i. !'¦' b-lliir-l.

ladlaaaaaUi iaae 2 Tk .raii-en-i.-r*" aea fia

haahai v,c»v 1a mvaa taatoga, bat lt waa piaetteally. Hft fraaa L'axpir* berad. Ila rd*d Albay ..-,i n Ihefoiif.li \.l"i h* inJ. f' '¦.' -"."¦'! IBM waaM have n.ade

th- gamc a ti 1. 0*Baarka rave an rablMaUn al d.-

[mnafiii ptaytaB that »j< UMxeambli, tatarbM Haadeaatvtrdy. Oaam waa .-aiied M th- leveatk taatag on at>

eaaai ti r«n 'Jn; bomilndlanapohs . 0 1 1 ;; 1 0 0-4olumbua . u . 0 o o 1 o 1

Baaem Clky. J""- B..Iba bbbm krtweaa Baaaai Cbynnd Omaha loday, altti U.gceptlaa al 81 keiy*i amtta

piirhmif la 11." datk taalag. ami » toiatatd aae. Baaaai, nv aoa I.v hlitltik al UM rlL-lii tin,,-. Th- BraMK.N.as lllr OOO0110 (I 3-5uniaha ....

" " " 0 8 8 1 0:1

IhIi.t,.,-.. J.oi" 8.rtradeal V .n d-r BaraC iws r

mraadTrom BeU-ToVk. aad In a tata al.I plaai foi.ueuBtoealng U"' BdUmorr rlub aald Im exarrta t-

aotac^ new ptayera ln a taa ,1. 1. PBabm Bedy t.a. p.^nrdm«4 _ ^_

MABHTMI I'lIK-KE1ERS DKIKAIKI).A p.a.d ertohat aaatefc was played ye«ter,lay at

Berktley uval by the Uaiu of UM etcatjiiblp LmbrU

and a Berkelev etefOB. The snllons bad llttle rlmn. ¦

of vlrforv umin't the home team. and Htiffered defeathv ii ti Innlng-s and ~:t run>. T. Jones nnule the topBeore for Biakukj. aad oghen wha dM Iba be<t workwere ii. a. Bbbtta. B. Bartta n..d P. Payae. Thafollowlng is the fiili acora:

UMBBIA.IIM Inilng. S"(o.id Iniiln?.

rhalon"r. b t obh . 1 C Jom-s. h . ar-oanhan . «

Patea, b Farn". « " 1'aj 11-. b Hall .".

Mead, 1. .b. > .» Jabea .... a

HalkiwHI, h Payne. »' b Jauea . 1

BtiUer, 1. .i'hb ....... 0 b M.'i' :.*

In.nni., .' HaU, I. -Ll. B hu. «aB"»« "

1.», Biddie. b Payne " and ' Myr* 0Kli-v, 1 1, ». 1, Payae . - « <.'.'i-i, i> 1 -ar-

imtlhiu. .0Twaadale. e and b Payne. .> r PM-fT' b Mywi1 .'!ShiKh, ,..,i 1, payu. <» N"' /!"l, ;.;_Bl_rt Dotout. 0 ebb, b ibata

it,.-, . :i liii-» . u

Leg-bya. '_

Tatal .:. -2 Tot-.l.MIII l-.KI.f.l V. ,.

J. Miii-r. re«ad. ..

T. .Im,.-. I, M.std . ¦...."P. Hall, 1. Blley . n.11 Martln, retlred. ,1'. "...iild. I, M"i.d . ,JM. i: ..i.t. h Mead.

Payne, not out. .".II. A. lli.ldl,. h M."d..-. K. cariiaahaii. »> Mead.. n. Pepper. '- Blley . '.... Myera, 1, BBej.VVIdea


ZIMMFKMAN W1N-, ABOTHEB BACB.Loadoa. June 2. Tba ABaerleaa ebanpion btoyrllat

A. a. KUBBararaa, of Iba Bow-Yark Ataktlc ctab,«m aaroag ihe caatoatBBk k the raeea raa to-dayB( iba groBBde ol tho l.ondon Coanty Cycllng nndAtkletk Ctab, al li-nie Blll, Balwlcb. WaaMnaanwon the haif mile bandlcap aftot a Braal foatoat, mak-

Ing tbadUtancfl In ihe fa Baa "f l:lld ¦<.


Bew-Havea. Jnaa 2 (8aectol).-AI th" BweUag foi IbaBnnual etoeUea af eaptala * ibe Vale traek athl.Ue teeni

thla aveatag. < aptata w. 11. eyrlght af Ibe preeeal team,¦Uted tbat la iba rbateo M a eapaata tar I.awnlngyeai taa Mea of iihaaalng a man f"i baalneaa raaha than

athletlc abtllty aaa » eaaaaeadable aa t- obaerre. On

Iha Bra lialint Alfred 11. .1-11'-, "f Bt. laala, »M

,.,,... 1. Mr. leaa i>a, beea a aaaabat ot taa t.am Iutwa y.-ar».


opposisa the bboadwjt tukvbl.

O. B. POTTEB WOC-fl 0E_- ot T AT llvr.F PK1< E

IP IT WU'.i' !'.' OBX, BE BAT8.The taqalry Into tbe advtaxMBty of eonrtmettng

Ibe propo. ri.pi.i Iranatt rallway waa eonttnaed yea¬terday at No. 22 w-lkta-at by tba Baprerne Coarlomalaatoa. Blepben P. Baab, Prawecfl Hall Butler,

ii.ii!v 11. Man aad Orkndo B. Pottar pr.nted argnni'iiu Bgalnal Iha rallway, wlth eapedai raferwireh, iba tannel nnder Broadway. Mr. Buttor and Mr.Man _lie,l atreiiiii.il io tba poaltton of tbe aewera

ini'ier Broadway. Mr. Bntler dM m.t tblnk lt woaMh- poaalfata, bi bad been Mggeatad, h> rnn a awer

aiong Conal-ab, iu caee Ihe tnnnal ahoaM 1- balBunder Broadway. Ila aakrd and receitred perndsslont.. bbbti.it experl teatlroony on the auggestlon.

Mr. M.ui add Ibal tba eonalructlon of ibe roadwoold iiink- n. Bry ta remoTe (he aewera nndertba rnata Iboruaghtara. Tba ralae ol propefty for

hall h mii- aroand woaM be daawupd In roneequenre.H. iii.i noi bellera Ihal the ].hin- of llie flaptd TmnallComnlaalonen regardlng Iha aewera bad bee.tplalned

Bj, entjj Tba qaeetton araa aerlona aud ol rltal|i|uved \a niaiparly iixrniira H h- peopia ahonldkaow -r. ttw wbal altorattoai ware to he aade.

Mr. Ba b, icpraaenttog Trlnili Cbarrh rarpotaMan,r..\t addraaard Bm Coaaltalon Ba uppoeed afa >

.Datrarilofl of taa tonnet II- aM tbai -limiJntractor who wcara Iha franchlaa tall to rom

pleta tii-ii worb, Broadway woald b. ralned. Tliere«... ao proaialon ln the ,.i f..r tba romptetloo ol theroad Tbera ihonM be aoae provlaton anlhorlzlngtba rlty t" tlm h tbe worh ln rnae ol tallura on Ibe

./ 1.ntractora, -,r t..II taa B-nrlitae.Neitber araa tbera aufllelenl prot1»too Ibr tba proteUoo or IndemnlBratkin oi proiMrty-boblerB, Be dld,,,t beltere, arrordli | lo tae act, Ibal ronti.n

g tl.1 ronk ba boM rr_aon_Bla for daata Bballlng properly In r»a tba) axerched dna

,., ,. john B. taiwera, eoaaaei f-;- tbe Cowmtl-alon.anawered, bowarar, thal appaala aoaM he. aade to the.;t.. m had baaa d..ne whei-r taa atovakd raada ln

jnr.d prayerty.tba toagaal aaaxaek af the day «¦»< Baada »>y Mr.

Pntiee li- ald aaoag ether thinga, thal w. 11.

I', .. .. HM "f the eagl.rs Ol tba lomuii-loii. had"...., r_pra*aed daaM as t.. Ua aoalMflly "f balldlng

.1 nnder Broadway. Kvi--it-. II wa. braa, bad.,,1 ihal Mrh a luanel araa poaalbk, bnl tbe toalm-i.v ..f eyj,.t, w.., often antra tworlhy. Tha tan

nel,be added woald ba baltt from tha anrtace. and tbeu, m renta dnrtaa. U.mabraftton t" aroperty-..,.... wa« b rakalabk. All Ibe belMlnga would.,,,. ,,, >. rcd. No liiV.-till.eiN or impr'V.'iii-t't

,.',,,1,1 n,..l.I b-»el baalthful. Tbe 01 li

ay.temid rapM tranall to be oaed to tala rltj n

...i road tj it< 'ii. -. »1 »Ka trnly Ai.1 an, ln\... ted In .\ni-ri..i.

ih- aotailon ol the qaeatton tay to ihe extemdon a

Ibe paaenl m a almltoi ij tom, ln 1 ai Ing anj other

,..,. |he rlBana of New Vorh Ihe c.niml*-1 wooM brlng an Imraaawirable ra*pon*ibiniy

,,,,.,, ii,,'.,.-.'lv.',. The elerated roada Inraaard ''"'

% ,1,,- ..t adj.dnlng property. Tha tannel ayalem undaliniadwa) woaM de troy mllnoBX of dollari of property, and mnke a dearl nf tba Bneat tl.I In Ihe dty.ji,. ,v,., .,1 tbe h-ii'f "at nlnatentha ..f th- propeiiv h..i.i' atong tae Boatovard would welrome an

,1 vated i".«i atong ti'at IbarwoBhtare. II- bellevedthal Ibe ana Ihlng ..nia l"- aM -f the ownera ol

propert) Iu otber porta -«f Ihe cily. Tbe apeahernwned BOO f-et frontaga along wlslhava., and a targaIroi lage uloiig ihe IbMikvard. and hr would gkdlj glvo1,1, K.imi,-i..:i to biilld an rfevated road Uienj.

m.t he edded, "II y.ai gentlemen .1-. i.t- to rarrjout H.I-. ih -ti.ii Itvc -< li. ui-. I -1 lmiM prefer 10 vll un

|,l.|N-l1y Bl li.lf II |'l"-ll vi.Ill- n.l.M'l- tlia'i ..tt.pl{,, g7| Indeninltlcailon from Mime caniactor who h..i>pcna io iiiit.-hii- th.- frain hlae."

\t n,i- I'.mt -"me "ti- i'i'--"» aaked Mr. Potler tfbe wa« wlBlng lo rrdure llda offei of ih- -al- ol biaroojierlv 011 Ihe lenn iii.iitl'm'.l. t« wrltlng. II-

,.,,.., ,. .., -..i, redure lo wrltlngBiivtbliig Ihal h- ild 1.1- il'- lommlaalon. Ile|A,ped thal Ih- CiiminJ-l.f- WollW not m.ili- tbe11,1 lake t npprovlng le prop. I 1 »eni.

Another me-il".: ol Ibe <. mmkdoii wlll be h-ld at10 a'l l... 1. to-day.

.- ?

thi- ( ise sror 1,1 Iout: mr CJUXD JVBJ TET.

Tha '¦.-- of Dr. W. T. Buchanaa, wlm |m chargedwlth poiaonblg 11- «''-. *aa n-t plared i,-f..- Uaanrand Jarj yeaterday. 1- n-t tttorney Klroll aud

1,1. ., tant Mr. M'eUman, examlned toor aibaeaaejyeaterday. Tbey wera Ba. I'hIMa, the naraa arbaattended Ba. Uu< banaB ......i}.'. Palo, BTUIaa », Dork¦nd Rkhard B*. Ma. imber, i nllkman, of n... P3Blghlhare. DVark repealed bl* utorla aboal Br.Uncbanan'a eonfeaatoaa to Mat, and Bal. corroboratodiim ln part Ile de. larcd thal la had henni the pbj d1I.11 -<iv that he WOOM k'-t ild "I bl. "If"-

. bartei K. Uarkon, eonnaal for Dr. Buchanan, taMMr. Nle -ll yaterday Ihal bl* rUenl araa ready f"r IrlalHt any Ume tf Ibe Urand Jurj found an ludlrtnwnl11, dn t him._rVB iBP. Bl. XWOJM ' //!/..'./'/> nT/TB POaV-BT.

ii,.- i..-\. Ni.imU, Ni.oi.i. Uie Btlaalng paator _ thaiii-t. ilnataa Preabytertaa I'hureh ol Bllrabetbpert, '.

,,.,« rbarged wlth lorgery. The dtaeovery waa awde <

evealng by M.rti Iloallben, lellei ,.f tbe BB«."'..""Hanklng L_aipaa) a eheeb for .12», porportlng '- b.

irawB by Ueory Pfam-r, M ehtei la ta. ebureb. reacha11,. tawik r-i ...ii" ti'.n M0.1I.1..11 dbto't llke Ibe ap-pearaa..I Um rigaataa, i« Uw kandwrlilag aeemedur.. r than tae gefjobw, Bad Mr. PfarrePa prt%a*a aartwaa aliilag wn-n w. O, BaHb, Um aehtar, arHved1.iiirmed Baallhaa'a auaplctaaa, aud th. eheek »^*

aeat ta Br, rTBrrer, wha at «<.« aroneimeed it . rorgery.11 waa dated May SB tae uuv t;.at Nlcolal dtaappared.it, waa ii.-i.-i at tj.e PabUeatloa Beelety of Um Balebhtatonad Chareb, Ba 2;t Beade-al ta tala nty.

Thbt dlacorery aaaed aaeb e-rllemenl ta ta. i«ir-1.ani Ntaatol'a teraai aapparan ur- aaa deaoonelag hla.

th. EBabrth Paebytety laveaUgaUa ttaa.Uee wlUii,,. t t,, Blgbt.

BTfXOO-APBrBl r.» BiPB J.v OUTIM.Th.. algbty-Bfth b/gatai aataly aaettag ol Uw Mim-

poUtaa BHaoograpba kaaectatkw wa held -t '!--' lUD

boum N- Bfg BftBt Tweaty.«hlid>at, tart abjhl rba

Btganirattoa aaah ra ..1.1 BM eratin. II waa daldedla bold UM tii-t aattag M Bba aaaa it Bajbtoad Ba b,v .1 .ii luiv t, iu eoalaaeataa wlth taa Ph_adelp>taBttr g apbaa" Aa. kxUaa and tn.. Baw-Tarh Uaw

Btadratt' Aaatattaa. Al taa ctaa -f ta* BMattag ibaraa .- aaaetofl aml inu.i \n.ong tbaa araaai »tw H. C.Baa. i> h. Thoinav. ii. iv,rt Myrtch, » "'<*>*. Charta.w. M.Tii,. Miv M. l.. Paba, Mlaa M Balberi, MlaM«v Morrew, MarawtHta Watab. Mlai Ial. Pltaataa.a,MIM ii*rri"t Barartt, Mtaa P. E Batoaa, iaha Bi.i«rv and <i. W. P. Itjn:,. v

BfBXBT B.LLOX ttSKiXO.Btaaay _*Baa "-- rrpataf ta ba aabraaariy taw ia-t

uittiit. Dr. WyehadT, wha baa beea ta aoawtaat Bttendan.,,,, Mr. Bfltaa iuax_y, aaM taai wblta th- bal dM bm¦aaa ta afleel the pati-nt aaaa, Baaa adrd algaa al¦ta-tag, and whlle -ull hoplng for th" b'>t, LT. Wy.kulT-a .1 U.a". Mr. L»illuu'» londitiou l.ad h-BB a lurn ^r U10



The new Seventeentli Pr- -clnrt Polke Statlnn, nt 1 Ibertv and Millard st*., was fonniillv opened nt r, :.'10

p. in. yederday. 'Cbfrhata Oarama, the new Bapeda,raedvad tha preaenta the prop»ed afferlag d wblebh.-is <r.sit"d -,. inu. h -tlr In lirooklvii. OamMtaBlniMTllnvden made :, -|,e,,h. and Ihon ..eorce W. Rulmer

Baaa Hie raptda a lieit aad afcab, a iioud wartb 8500from Iba "..-rniiin Aineri. an fmfaafaaaaal Socletv. and

u korae aad earrtage from the "rlttaaaa af bba ward.HRnemtea ef the ix.iire my that the*.e Bmded "dfJaana"nre only the 300 BqBQtd,aleii of the ineufcy BathWard. WBO Waal lo hcep -ln" with the rnptiiltl.Captalfl Fi«-ii.ii reedaed only a ptafa hadce afterrean ofaerdca. His laeeeaaar, Captda OataaaB, ha*

heeu in coinmand IWO wed». The raptnlti 8BB ex-

ehBBga lh" bond for a ho'i-e and lot if he wUhe* to.

li- f.-,ii".t to iay ln i.i- apeeeb ..i thaaka wh.u ktad «>f

preaanti he woaM exped after he kad baaa in oaaa-inaiid for a reor. <>f coarae II wai not wrong forhtm to accepi ihe preaenta. for I'mniul.ionei- llaydenw;is there t.. aee tbal Hverythlng was all rlght.

GATHEBaaD ABOPT TME T<>\VV..iiiiins Raik, qaadennaster d tba iteaaaddp i;a-n.

aow lylng at Madln'a Btorea, waa aaoarael yederdayby accMentaBy fnlflng overboard. Ui- bodl was notrovered.The aanaal niectlns of ih" dopartment of aMetrl Itfrannedton wlth the Bruoktyn Inatltote of Ada and

Hdencea was bdd at, Aaaociabon lia'l. ln Bonl .-t.Wednesday evcnlr.R.

.\ tolrtean yearoM boy carue to the Thlrd aaa. -tn-

ti.ui ho'i-e on vfednaasay nlgbl and baMOaptaln Kanayibat hta father wna Dr. Mareua Bapaaaton, who keepe

private retreal nt Bo, 56 nn.m-ave., riiiladeiphia.i,i umt be and Ui aMer brotber had raa away and

become mparated bere in mma way. Ue was ptaeedeharge of tba ChlMren'a aoctety. m« brotb r bai

not been licard fn.m.

Mayor Boody yeaterday appdnted the flve commi--ilonera to determlae and tay oal ihe pubtte drlaewayk|ong the >Ikmu Road ln Bny BMga The ..oinmls-

donen are Oenerd Jdin B. Woodward, Outond ajlhVlam Brown, F.lijah it. Beanady, Joha Cointon aad

.orpo Ingnun.At « awdlBg of the eongregatton of tlie old linsh-

wi.ii Beformed Chnrca, bdd on Wadneaday eeedng, a

,-.,11 aaa extenddl to the Baa. I. C. M.< leih.nd. who

ls nboui b» b- gradaated from the talon TlaaitogiealBemlnary, to mi the palpll, made vacont i.v tbe radf'nation ol tbe Baa. WlIBam II. Ford. Tin- Baa. Mr.

m,i leltand aaa born in New Tork Clty, <>f Boottlabparentaga, twanty-flae v"rs ago.

Tbe preadllng -tvie ln rdbiri nnd cuiTs was to weat-

them wllted yeaterday, and ibermoBrntera ware blgta lnthe neek. Ihe instnimeni-. at Proaped l'.nii legto-

i..| :.i) d"-'i""s at no ,n.

Mr-. Phoebe Cbrrdl, a yoang marrled anunan Udngi. orrkard-at, wenl '» ihe Lae Avenne PoUea C arlyeslerday nnd asked t.. he wni ta the Inebrldea' lloma.Mra. intoii bdd th" rouri that -he had nndergone thaKeelcy treatmenl, bul M had fdbd lo tamafll bar.A modgage of iw.ihk) baa been ]>aid by Uraee

Protestni Bpl copal . bareh, at Uonadyea aud lort-rn.-r -t-.. and th.YBdoU WBI Bmde on" of k'reat i"-

jdclng. Addreaaee were made by th" Baa. I- ".

Darllngton, of Uraea Churcb, and the Ber. TbomaaH KIU of Bt. ChrldlaB Chnrch, Sew-Yorb.Among ih"" ur.nt were Mi-- N. Bomedndyke,

Mr- W. <;. Ivl". Ml-s BuaaB B. I\l^. Mra. R. M.,,:,,!., altal C. C. Muii.lv, Ml.-s Ma" Millan. Mlss

i.vin h. mi-s llobnea nnd msai otbera.Th.. Brooklyn Art Aaaodallon gaaa « private daw

.f ibe w.iiter Crana roltecllon of deatgua, deeorattona,aater-colora, <¦(¦ ia-t nlgbt, at ibe taltettea of tho

., .. al an n bloi tagi a -*.

a i.iwu party waa h-l.l on th- (rroninN of the Bronk

in, orphan Aaylnm aodety, nt AttanUe nnd Ktogdonarea., taat nlgbt, Andher will be bdd loday from:i to in i>. ni.


BXCnVIBO lrvir- POB THI CU'.F. 0P DIB-C IIU',1.1 I) W\".l>s.

foniroller Mvei-, baa dlaroaered a dngular fraad lnoniiectlon wlth Um .are -i Jnvenlle daUnuuenta whomn ,..,,( i,v .."uiniiiiiiK BMaxboaaam to BIBwnthatltai.ie inaUtatHNM ol the clty. Theaa prabartndeaand Baytama uro pdd o,rt d tha Batdae faad at tho

,..- af PB .i amaB f..<- e».<-h ehBd M-ut la them. There

,r.. aboal twenty "in-h IndttoUone, and eaery mootb.. ;.,,,,! ol K TlM.it.- BWkea ;, 41 -I rilmlJon of money

.jnong them for Um amlBlenanee d raaamltted juv.-nil.-s. Tbe (oiitroili-r for Boaae Uam hiu* had b eaapte,,f eterki at work maklog ;i (iir.-fui inrvdlgBtlan aadromparlson d Ihe rdarna of theaa Indltoltona, whlchhai reaulted ln Uie lUcovery d evnieu.e that two «.f

.,..,. bave l."-n carrylng cMMrea .... tbdr lUta after

Ibay i,av" been dl-. h.iit-.'d and have contlaned t.>

barge ihe « . waek a kead. "no d Ibeaa aaylaaae,. by Ihta Iraudnbsnl methud lobi-M ihe treaaary >.f

, ...ni and Um dher of84.o00. The examinatkmi ra-

.... nrer oulj Um i«n' I881.The ControlMr poalUvely rdaadl to glve the name

.,f either Institutlon or any otbar hwta eooaectal wlthtbe nialfeasance uutll bli InveatlgaUon la ...npl.de.i., .. dis, ..m-i? Will be Ukel> Ui in.iUe tiiiiin- unj.in,.-..,i,l" i-i- Ihe maruigersiol the ajyluma bbether

',, v U| them baa per»onally proflted bl the tnud la

nol v.'t known.__^_.l COSFEREXCK WITHOUT RE8ULT.


(,,..VMi;., CTl I'.s ISDTHF MkBUFAlTl REBS.

Boaton, June 3 fopeclal) The iroubta bdween the

rranlte workers and. mtracton l« nd ydended. rhe

Esariitive t^mmlttee d Um Bea Kngtaid i.ranite

, -..ur",-- a.its.-i me. tbj. afienioon at the

(Juliin II. e. Boma inalt.T- Ol hu-lli'- lllUltll-hed

.tilHilast..Ilngwerel.igM up aid then |lm com.

..,,,. pr.-d.-d ... ronalder Um .lUon d Mr.

Mltcbdl Ibat a ..mlltea rrom aarb body. maiiu-

,;...ra and workmen'a ndona, ahouWbe appdntedUinrrangetlMdl puted matter*. K I* uiderabad IMII.nunlttee waa I..dat of arven from eacb aWe.

N ..i,,,,. wai appdnud rrom Ihe Ex.Uve tom-

;.,...,t ,!.. manufacturew who d 4 o'rluch m-t

,,,. ,,,,,,,-r-. ,-f the .n-- utiioii. Includlng Jamea l.rant,

Dwyer and MlUhell. Th.nfeience Utsted until ^7,, il(1 Uienan indeflniu udjournmenl »»- nmd

L, ,,Vai glven oul th.t no aadalon bad baaa

rived .t oiii.-itiiau bad baaa mdntalned befora. tba

'.-ur, ,...-.- ikilm ui.it iba men rgme to Uum

,. ,lim,. ,., ,i,.,id". The trouble aeemi lo be not ao

:...,. matter of wagea -.- af Um dato d the WIU,

JLatber May I ar J..-O '¦ "tber sid,- maam

*.,(lv ., "i,.Iba for two, lh..- Bra feara, but

aarb Bdherea t.> Ita owo dato.,,,.. of lha Saw-BaghiBd mannfartorera now bu'

.. wnrk for hlm II II datad, aud aho.lt B.0IK1:i,K "a¦ -ta-T ,»v t w-'.b I" Naw-England. Tbe

EuMi'lumrappem ....

Al tbe lioad.niiirt.-ra d the PBdBi Cuttera' I'lil-m

.. tbla clty J. lieaMto, the Baddanl aecrdary d the

l()ll ,lM ,,,.. the gnuilte cuttera employed n Iba

"lt, /arda ln BdUmore woaM be ^ked aat' b>

,,,v two men, be aM, were dta. harged rrom rrank

v,i,-- yard.l Baapelb. L. I., beraaae tbej Imd been

'.|,ia.un-...r' by tn- ......iii" kfanutacturara Aaaa>

,,,... ,-,.. .ml"t«.ii.sv..uid. i..-aai.t. be employed"o-day ln .his .u> whcre m.«era ... Idritak,.,,,. n.oi.n. work tadone will be -Brrkad out.

,,,, rnrd in i-.n-Mvn will Bbw be ctoaed.tommlaaioner «.itn>y la daaafcbded wlth tbe padng

work of the Dan-Bnbm men ln Um rmploj ot the con-

m -i.. t.id -ud yeatedas thal Ihe pavt-menta iald

bTSalBatTtolMm apaod rdaM^raaarty.

PTWBBOBllWKa^COWa^BUILpiBO.Abaa hf.v mea la UM rm.- buUdag trrnta. eBudoyad.,...,,mi'i.ii ""i!. Bdldtogla i>i.tr.t., raraek |.i-

" \ n aeeount ol a grteNaae* agdaat the lackaea ai.-i.i-

Kural Um Worka, abteb, it b mfct, amgaaya Bea-ealeB

rifl.r E8CAl»a7ll D01T8 aCiliaT* UODrifl.The i|Hl. k e\e of a BOflecmaa and piolnpt BBd I h v-r

vorb iv th- rtre rtopadBg«Bl probabty sac,-d maayuves from a tin- wbleb broka out ... tbe Mg .iv,--io.v

..,, ,..,.,. \ 789 AJBBterdam aaa. si.ottly after imd

,.u... ,,n wedneaday. EHklleaaaaa Riun. ef the iwantilUtb I're.ln.i. U.W a thlu «r.lunin of 18x088 rUlBg fromum grattng on tba aMawalh ia fraad of the boaaa. lie

ran to th* Baared 118808 and aent out an atarm. andmen gomg ba. k to ti.e aaaaa, fcmad BoundaaaaaBeeb Tngatbai the po|t8maa klebad ln the donr and

luahed tbraagh the hoaaa KraaadM |ra »n.i rapatagon the dta.rs wlth thelr dght^leba. In 8 niotneMt the

baili and lalrwayi ware rbofced by a frlghtoned and

(i.,..,i erowd "f natf-ctad mea and women. Tho Maokanow tmin- Iba boaaa fn>ui baiemeal lo r.,..f ekejbadand blinded thcni. BBd they ran b) lh" wind rWB, wl.eiv

i,.v ,ii,d for balp. aoam «.f them preparlag to i";ipoat. otheri raahed to ihe Braaaeapa la tho rear d

Ibe bdktlng. A booh and ladde. iradj i-eu,-h"d ihe

leajM <>f the Ire ju-t at tba rrttfcal momaat. aad dawame sraiinc bddera ctamberad uie woaMBaad ebtMren,he men tollownig. When the rtre was under eonirol allhe tenant had eaCBPed Wlthoal Inju.y. The O.e had

1 arid to a wo,Kili..ise iinderneatU tho laundry, keptby Tei Lco. on tho gruund tjaor.



rOBBB BEBOEB IIAXDICAPPED BY Of.D GCXS AJfDponp. _0__-B-a>aTB montmfnt at


Weat I'olnt, June 2 (fcpccial).-All day tho e.louddNtve baaa rwlllng over tho green iiiotnUelna andtrulliug their BabBMBl iicnw« tbe phtin. Now andtben oir In the BrOBBBBI of Ihe moitntnlii valleyacould bo bctii-d a nimbllng nolse tlmt aounded Uksthiinder. but Whfeb, as everybody budwk, ls only Hen-drli k Hudson playltig at bowls w1Ui tho ghadlycr»w of hls »hlp. The aun has idior.e down wlthmei'lle,s baad between tbe p**<lng clouda, and even

tho frevli wiud wnnderiiiK up tho river from tbe far-off se« eaaM only slightly temper the heat.

Bo BBB who has wrltten »bnnt We« Polnt alnce tbehal.lt BBU tlr.st iicq.iii-.-d baa i.eglooted to say aome-

tblng BDOBt the Weat Polnt glrl and her fondtteaafur radet huttons BBd .tntfortnB. lt k rlght that taBboaU be Baaa. It Is tho only rerrage u civlllan can

takc tor Bm way in whieii ht* rtakafl to nottoe ara

igaarad. F.very y«.r ihe plrl*. fl-nk bere from allover Ihe eoaatry, .nd etteh year BflXf aro more beentt-fui tbaa Bm year batore. Bal tho otaBtaa cun onlysing:

If iilie ba not falr for ma,"If .-bo be, not falr for me."

and admlre from afar. Tba yonngeM eadei, witb BOdcv.n Bm dnwniiig of a BM.daeba bbbbj hia lip, ^in boaurrooaded by a beay of bnif a daata Bfl-Brkag young¦ aaiia. adBla ad Ba oti.«r end af the ptaaaa a grxmpof young men In civll llfe wlll rB and BbBB.¦ pUnafor BM.BBg the Army do nwny with unlforms. Butr-ally clvlll.ins look rem.uhahly cmntiionplaee bere.II.m (..¦... 11 yoaag man. olad ln a -ult of clothea of thokieat i-i.t. Bm raaaM of Bm aaaawrrad inniglningK of an

BBroBbU.k taBar, eeaapete with a taii and -hapeiyheir of allltery gtory, taaaaed k a aaaMatfal uniform,lloartog wKh color and shlnliBJ BdBl bbb_ The ever-

kattag bflk <.r graea, bka Bowtag rttar, the mountainriataa, the oid gray bad_aaxa_a all aaa ta cail for

nrartog ptaaaa aml noaad.ag kagka _nd aad for frocheook nnd tall hflda.

Tlie Boord Of VMtors was at worft nll tbe morningInapecflag taa Bjaarteta of BM enll-ted men, re-palrabopa and rartoaa other batlaiagB of th" p<>-<. ThereIs one giv.it. BCOd Bl Wea: Ptilui, aBjfc_ sevcral Ixwrdahave apokafl of, nnd that k Miltable boaaaa for cavalrydrlll. Aa it k, tae aaa horaaa arbtoh are used forcavalry drin ara Baad for iiu-i.t arBBary drin -with thei-.-i.it tii.t ihe berea are BBflbkd tor u-e in eitimr.Many of the oflkcfB liere thlnU that th" ch'-npe-t nnd

noat praeflrabla wjy of Batvfag Bm IBBr.By ls toimv" a battery af BgM artBkey aoakead up hero fmmUowerrjor- klaad or F<>rt ll.-imtUon avapy tiuminer

and u-e tho ln 1*08 of tl.ut battery for dillllng thecaii'-t-.

The news tbat the Xorth At.-Be K<|U3dron hadbeea ordered ben aaa reealved attt pleaaatabla an-

llrlpalloo thk aiemlng. Tba praaaaaa of tlie fl-etwiu m:ik" ihe etoatag daya of taa giadaallag exerciseamore billllati! ln a reetal wny than they have becnbefore for ii long tinie.Tho gradnatlng ckua Bntabed Ba examinations in

gdlltary onglncering to-day. The aecaad etaai wns

exaadned ta natural umi exparBaaadal pbBoaaadry andtho H.ird rJaaa k Preaek. All the tir^t ciass wiu

probably gradnxto, but Iu the athar oBMaag lt u Bxajka>ble tbat BBveral eaaata wlll be toaad daflekM and

ar rekgatod to .imI Itaj or tareed baeB toioin tbah.-s below thelu.aOBMJ ol the pronlte li.i- arrlved bere for the monti-

ni> nt to ba er.'.ted al Tropby Polal to the aflkara audii.en of BM B>gnkr Aray wbo f>-ll ta the Clvll War.M'ben tba real wfll arrlre n<> one raa tell, the ntrik» taUi.- Ma--... hiiM'tt, gaarrkfl bavtag put a ^top to adab.tlng oat tho main pmttoa of the axaaaaaaB- Thocoraei-ioiie .,f tli, uioniiiiieiit araa lald by lienernl M.--( i-llan tn 1863, n I.Bd hatrtog lx-en rni-.sl by t!.euBtoera aad eaBated m-u of the Bagabxr Army for Uiep irp..f bnlMtag it. it aaa d..n« arltbaal the fcaaarlrdge of Beeretary Btantoa, who, arhaa hc Iieard of tt,ord.d Bm worb atopned, Tba tand then bbmagataito glOeOOO. Kvciy oPfl IbrfOt nbo:it the monumentand fe fund wjtn Catoael wn-.m toafl eo__M_d nt

Weat I'oiut. «rbaa ba dtoeoaared that Bm i»uperin.len.lent of the Academy «n ex-ofllelo presldent of the

i Monument Aaeeeh.toa nnd aaatodtaa of Uie find.whlih bad giown to tXiO.OiaO. He plaeed btmself lni,.ti,nr.iuiiation wlth tj'e siirvlvlng membors of thaaaaoctafloe, nnd lt wa- n-ohed ta butld the monu-

iiuent Bf iit lirst Intended. It wlll bo buiit of pollshedh_.rac-aaabk uiurbie. with a eeadral simft forty-onefeet btgh, BBd wlll -tand aaai arhara the raptur.^ ean-

iii.ti and other trophies of war arv doposlted on TropliyFuitit. aaar taa ha_i.

Thk Jifteriionii tbera waa o drlll wlth the sea,;cna-t battery. Thk battery i- BBaaBad dowa barifof Bm hobH aad kaka otar taarard I'm' >*">t. Thobattery waa BMaaed by eadafa ad aaeead cia,, w-ttrichlefa of dafai haionk Baaa Bm axaa_taBag eias*.ii.niy II. Faitivin. of imiiana: llarbarl i». Ctaaby, odlllinoia; Bdward B. oi-^ttt. of Paaaxalraaaa.; <;>vira-iK. Il'nile. of Maiarbaaffl.: li.ib.-rt P. Johnson, ofNi.rtli CaroUaa, and Wllli.im lt. Mii.-dherir, Jr., ofcailtorata, wara tho gaaaer*. Two Bbmbb larb taaatb-boraa and tbrea MaJUbirk eeoverted rtflaa bin/.edgway al Bm toraei, Bawa toot ta a___rtor, pabxtod --u

b 11 rr oa tba abare aeroa. tbe MBto bay :md » thr.-e.imL moiti.i- Bred bada ova < :V Beat. All the gunsiu iba -eeroBa! battery ara of aa "i.i tvp,', .n BBort*to have tiualein inui- provMed for tbe lnstnu-tion ofihe .uiet., barlag a kr proved aaavaBtag. Tharudela .ti.i exceiknl wurk with the old gaaa, however,.mii proved _aaaelraa arflfleryiaea dtaoi ilng af bctt..plecen ..f ordnun. e.

\tt.-t- diiiner Ibere waa an open-eir roneert bv thaarademi band ta fronl of ihe hotel. To-aarraartajit-aetdri «ill iulld pviiliHin bri.tgcn aml ll.e exaiuina»tloi - wlll 1.iitlnti'd.

.1. ,0 .iii.nt Jilti.tl Ma familv at OanMon'a la-tlilgllt. Ami.iig tho other arnval- at Cranston's a.~o

i.nel l pliam, ..f the Army. and Mr-. Pbbxmb, Mr.ui.! Mr* ¦'. B, Petinock, Mr. nnd Mi*. Eraaal B_k>dolph ..niitlnr. Mi. and Bra. II. I». wTpant, Mra... ii Marvin and the Bkaea Marvta, Ml_ A. H.iiyde, B. m. Ilyde, w. U ukoaaa and mi.-s BaaaTiahe,

tmong Ihe arrl%_k al the We«t I'olnt Hotel weraMr. and Mr-. John Blunt. of Brooklyni: Mbw -llxabetbIhitrl-, of Ollllbrldge, M .. <.-< rgC IH<-l«.k. of New-Vorb" Mi- I N. Im Barrv and the MI.'.- Da Rarrv,.f l'h'lladelpl.U: Mr. and Mra. lieorw W. B. HIB. ofrii-ti.ii Mra a. l>. i ...oi-iui. ..f Phlladelphla. andMr. nnd Mr-. Kciiinih BobertaoB, Jr., of Bew-Jaraay.



DBIIX THE AI.fMNT BAXQOEff.An.apoUa, BM., Jane S..Tba bbbmM eomp"ilttv«

drlll f»- tbe ba.or "f earrjrtag tlje cl un baafe pHoeild- aarnkg betweea the toar WMapaatea raaajBaafeajthe battaloa >>f natal otaeta, Bhyal Aeaakaay. The

|.lgea arera _kateaaal Atexaader simip. tf. i, n.;I.ieiitei ant II. C. (iearing. F. S. N.; l.l.utenatit RobertII. Nn'.Ie. 1'. B. A. Mt.e im vem.iii- «ere exei ufeduud Iha allBary appearanee nnd brartag ad the rom-

Baatea aad aBprara and tba Baaaaor «.f grriaat rommandawera lakrn tala Iba fedgaaat, Baak aaaxaaay hudutoill IhlrlVrlx men. Tba drflb-f wns evepthBM_B>tine. aud ii waa dlbteaB tor the aapiaoBead axaj u>

detert wberetn aay exeeDed, aattl Uie taaatb rora-

pajey eatored int > roapettttoa, waaa it waa aa-kadjfrom the t'.f-t th..t tbey had protited by the mi-iakeaof ihe prewdlng roapaatoa, BBd it aaja eu-v ta -ea

wim would be tha rktore. The drfltabg aaa ¦__¦ thanew tacttoa. and tba aartag ..f t me waa aaaaraad eweni,, tba unprofe.iiiii.il. The roa-ta aaaa praasaaad to

tba aaceewafal eoaxpaay. Iba b.rtb, raaaaa..af byCwptaln BVjtaaaaai, by Btaa Btewart, af Haaaad Oaaadr.cheera wara then ghrea f«.r tbe wtaaara, for the un-

,n, ,-fnl companle-, un 1 br the womnii wb« msde the

praarataBo-. Tba tayeeaafal ragdata is from BaribCaroHna. Tbe Board of Vkltara aad a iar_i3 numberof aaVara iukI .ivillnbj aybtaaaaai Bm Baadaai,The alunini annii il bamiuet \ut-i civen ta¦__.I ln

the iBlltrOBBX hull of the new .pnrter-. < mc huidred¦nd ihlrtv nieinhers were pre-ent Inrludiug BBBB--*Bilrala Cpabar and Ol.erardi and Comtnodore Meado.

Bear Adakal Cpabar piataftd The toa-ts were:

.The Preabkat," re paadad t.. by the bund with "Hnilt-.Tluml'la-: -The Nuvs. Xdmual lg«; "ABna

Mater." Comaodow Mead.-"; "Tba^Baay ta.ia-MBV^1 W Mlller. The biipixr r-otnmltlee e.mMstcd of

LWteaaateJ. m BaTSTaad £D. Oaflc-aa. andPaaaed AadakuB B-gtaaarTt «.. l"B-»

BX-TBirnMf jr caunau roi.iv.E.

An ¦ IIIB lt | exhlbitlon of the work of the .-tudflOU of

t." 13"Un,nt or e-abbtaBtaa of Oatoabto fkBaja aaa

,.1 y.vt,rdav la the oollec. room». The exhlpl-on. tb.

BB_ in number. . _lven aakt th. BBaphaa Bf Bfl .onlor

Tl ti." daxwtadB aaaaarka axaaxjlaa of aii axyka ot

ar-dtaatara. and are tuBlflkla Bra_ ot tne aaaxBaM ln-

"r.ii-tion aalad la baa arheel. Tbe aaBfbBBaB aflt ba,, uiiued to-dav and la a.raw from 2 o -lo-k b» 5 30

,,-,:¦,. k ta taa Bf-raaaa, aad fi..n. B mMB ll a_kah ta

taa Bvaatag.


FvAILK*»AI>.OB aud after June 4th a throitfh I*ullman Parhpr

rar wlll be attnehed to train leaving Pcnih-vlvantaKailroad station. New-York. at 1 p. m., weck daya.tor capo Bay, and leaving Cape May for >ow-\ork a|| ii. u. .*
