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Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1917-11-30 [p...

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7 Proni the home of 1 the palm- - 1 To the ' land of the pine :. '.-- I send f my Aloha, Old friend of mine. mm ffla Carols Are made in Hono- lulu. We have en- deavored to put beautiful Hawaii on a card to send to your friends. They are hand-painte- d ; they have an original verse to , carry the spirit of Hawaii and of the season. Each has a different illustration and verse These hand painted cards are sold-fo- r 2a cents. H.Culman Go Ltd Jewelers and Manuf actur-ver-s. 1112 Fort Street tilVtiV 'UUMMlSblUNb wl The following V enlisted men 'of ' the 1 ' Hawaiian department have been named b M M MM I M as provisional second lieutenants In the national . army through cabled orders; from Washington: . Sergeants John H. Namle and Chas. J. Wellington, Engineers Robert R. Courtney, James M: Lewis and Samuel O. Bridgens, and Fireman James Riley, appointed second lieutenants, Coast Artillery, national army, effective No- vember, 88. e ss e Word has been received that Twigg Smith, local artist, is soon to sail for France with the camouflage company of which ' he has been made a cor- poral. Mr. Smith left Honolulu to enlist in F Company, 24 th Regiment I Pbts to be thoroughly cleansed not merely washed and there is nothing " just as good" as Sapolio for. the purpose. Sapolio,. the great labor saver removes the grease, - routs the dirt and polishes like new. -- Try it just once and Tkm gtmrin it marked Mr. B. PTT3 of New York begs to announce that he has rented the Bijou and Frank Arnold FOR TWO WEEKS Beginning Saturday, Dec. 1st; . where -- he 'will show the following: FOUR SUPER-FEATURE- S CONSTIPATION INVITES DISEASE A rIiU UzatlW is useessary to tli coafort and health of any , well-onler- od household, fcecauss constipation i . oondition that : affects, la greater or ls degree, practically eTery member of tbe family. Wben th. towels xofuse to act tbe entire system is af- fected j disrestioa is impaired, nerree tecla to twitch, foul rases and poisons generated ly deoom- -' poemjr substances 1& the intestines are distributed tnronfffeout the "body, and often result in serious illnoss. A prominent Trench sci- entist says ninety-fir- e percent of all human, disease is directly traceable to inactive towels. Kore than s quarter of cett-tn- xy ajro Jfr W. B. Caldwell pre- scribed a combination of simple-laxatlr- e herbs with pepsin that is . slow the standard remedy in thou- sands of homes. This prescrip- tion is sold by drug-gist- s for fifty . ' cents a bottle, tinder the nam of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. X.. trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by wrltlnsr to Sr. W. B. Caldwell, 450 Washington, St., Uontioello, Illinois. Most Complete Line of Chinese Goods at , FONG INN CO. Honolulu's Leading Chinese Curio Store 1152 Nuuanu St nr. Pauahl C2 D ev7 Everything For The Thanksgiving We are prepared to sup- ply your needs with all tbe necessities to serve a dinner to be remembered. Forty open stock patterns of dinnerware to select from. Carving Sets from $2.50 up. Roasters from $1.50 to $9.50. -- :, w. : Poultry Shears, $2.00 and " UP-- -- . W y-'f- Nut Crackers, 30c and up. W.W.Dimond&Co.,Ltd. The House of Housewares 53-6- 5 King St ( of Engineers, at Washington, D. C, which is-ma- up of artists and paint- ers. The company will be detailed for camouflage duty.,'. Smith received his promotion, and the Information that his regiment was soon to leave for the trenches. ' Bam Meed you will always SOHS CO., New York Mm i A PJ! .'Min) PJlfE Sold everywhere ENOCH MORGAN'S mm u- - . - . V Members of the Honolulu Teachers Association are " holding their annual meeting today at the Normal school building, with every prin- cipal, and teacher from all the public and private schools in the city, in at- tendance. This morning the big as- sembly hall which occupies the third floor of the ; Normal- - was filled to with extra teachers lined up against the walls, and standing on the steps leading up to the auditorium on either side. Fully 500 voices Joined In the opening chorus. U. S. District Attorney S. C. Huber made his address a stirring appeal to the patriotism of the teachers. He illustrated his arguments by drawing a on the board showing the resultant forces of war, and fol- lowed the pages of history from the t earliest days to the present to show that all wars that have been waged f since the world began have resulted In the triumph of right in the end. . Miss Leone Jopson of the Territo- rial Normal school sketched as she :j talked to the teachers on "Story Work land using the tale of Paul Revere as illustration, j An paper -- was read by ? Paul Steel of the Honolulu military 1 academy on "The Teacher Before the I Class," and Miss Martha noted Y. W. C. A. field work, urged the teacher to direct aright the enthu- siasm of the girls in war service. Instructive and .eloquent addresses were also given by Charles T. Fitts, principal Punahou and William C. Avery, of schools. Supt. H. W. Kinney, L. C. Blackman of the Honolulu military academy and Mr. Avery were on the platform. Other speakers were Miss Olive Day, on "Speech Training," and Miss Margaret Shaw on for Teaching Hygiene." Both are Normal school teachers. Mrs. Sophie Overend gave the names of the teachers who had been nominated as officers for the coming year, and the following elections were made: W. C. Avery, president; Miss Isabel Kelley, Paul treasurer. At Mrs. Over-end'-s suggestion a vote of thanks was extended the retiring officers. ' SHIP TO BE OF tThat the extreme caution of two navigators was for the meeting of the Matson steamer Manoa with a strange ship, thought possibly a German raider, last Friday noon, is the information which has reached the naval today from San Fran- cisco. Upon the arrival there of the Stand- ard Oil tanker La Primera her com- mander explained a maneuver made by him to avoid the Manoa, and of then witnessing her turn tail and start in a southerly direction. When he first changed the course of his ship he did so because of inability to identify the ; Manca and was foilo.ving navy cautions to steer clear of any unknown ship.. ! After the Matson boat turned irer ' side and stern to his ship he was able .to make out her identity. YOUR FOOD Many families now buy food in larger .quantities either to save on the cost or to be sure of what they want These people should guard carefully against rats which in one night may destroy a whole ham, sev- eral dozen eggs, or damage several dollars worth of other foods. The only way to prevent this Is by extermnat ing the rats or mice and this is jnost easily by using Stearns' Paste. A small box of this paste, which can k be bought for thirty-fiv- e cents, often a whole fam- ily of rodents in a single night; it is als'o effective with roaches and water-bug- s Adv. The light section of the Diamond Head lighthouse is now being sus- pended in a wooden trestle, which Is to be replaced by a concrete structure Following was the freight brought from Maui yesterday by the Claudine: 55 bags of beans, 182 bags of bottles, one pig, 12 boxes of chickens, six hogs, .one horse, one mule, four cows, three calves, 17 bags taro, 20 barrels of wine, one - lot of scrap tin, one automobile and ; 180 packages of sundries U Li 4J RE HONOLTJIAX STAB-BTJLLETI- N, FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 30,1917. practically overflowing, parallelogram Equipment," interesting Chickering, preparatory, Inspector;general "Equipment vice-preside- nt; MacCaughey, MANOA'S MYSTERY PROVES TANKER; SUSPICIOUS LINER responsible authorities SAFEGUARD SUPPLIES than'tisual, accomplished exterminates 7m M Wf SEA CAMOUFLAGE Painted like a "Christinas necktie a big Anglo-Saxo- n petroleum tanker now in port has excited much Interest along the Honolulu waterfront, for it is a striking example of sea camou- flage, i" f: Dressed as she. Is with great splotch- es, even squares, cross-wis- e stripes and long parellel bars of green, f grey, cream, blue, black and rust colors, ex- tending from the bow to the stern and even up to the ship's housing, make the ship an Indistinguishable mass at a distance. ,';; Beyond 2,000 yards, it is said, it is Impossible for a submarine commander to get a sight through a periscope which will register a hit with a tor- pedo. No ship disguised as is thte tanker has been lost since such sea camouflage was started, it Is asserted by the ship's officers. The tanker has other protection against the dangers of the war zone consisting of a four-inc-h gun and a British gun crew of three .men, and a cleverly contrived mine sweeper, which is also a menace to submarines.! Capt. S. H. Thackery, master of the ship, just two months from Ports- mouth, England, says: "One always has experiences in the Atlantic," but refuses to be explicit The chief officer of the tanker, C. A. Klyberg, was In another tanker which was torpedoed about a year ago, but escaped uninjured. .' The Kinau brought in the following freight yesterday from Kauai: JOne automobile, two crates of chickens, 10 barrels of honey, 20 sacks of coconuts, 128 empty containers, and 50 packages of sundries. A shipping board steamer Is due here next week with a cargo of coal which will take back all of the 1917 sugar now remaining in the islands. There are 2423 bags of Kekaha sugar awaiting shipment on Kauai. Any Kind of External Ache . Relieved By Sloan's Liniment For prompt relief from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or Lumbago, you can depend on Sloan's Liniment. The warming, soothing, Qounter-lrrita- nt effect is the quickest vay to overcome the inflam- mation, swelling or stiffness. A few drops go right to the sore part, draw the blood from the congestion and remove the cause of the ache. . The great penetrating power of Sloan's Liniment makes rubbing need less. It i3 easier and cleaner to use than plasters or poultices. It does not stain the skin or clog the pores. A bottle of Sloan's Liniment is all you need for quick rest and relief from the pains of sprains, bruises, back- ache, stiff neck, and most forms : of rheumatic .twinges. Generous size bot- tles at druggists everywhere. 25c, 50c, Adv. - ." Asthma Catarrh WH00PIN0 COUQH . SPASMODIC CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS ESTABLISHED 1678 A. elmple, safe and effective treatment for bronchial troubles, without dosing1 tbe stomach witb drugs.4 Used with, success tor thirty years. The air rendered strongly antiseptic. In. spired with every breath, makes breathing easy, soothes the sore throat, and stops the cough, assuring restful nights. Cresolene is invaluable to mothers with young children and a boon to sufferers from Asthma. Cresolene relieves tbe bronch ia 1 com rli ca tlons of Scarlet Fever and Measles and is a valu- able aid in the treat- ment o Diphtheria. Sold by Chemists. : Vapo-Cresole- ne Co. 82C0RTUIIDTST.,.T..f.S.. NEW YORK. Ann Pennington. II Ann Pennington, Famous Playoro Star In Paramount Pictures. . - , L - - LAST in ... . . 4-- U 4 H YOUNG FOLKS UNDER 16 NOT 15, 25 and 25 CENTS. The General Universal Film SERVICES, t Dally Matinees (except Saturdays and Holidays) from 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock. Saturday and Holiday Matinees from v 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 o'clock. Evenings (two shows) 6:30 and 8:45 o'clock. PICTURES CHANCED DAILY " - Prices: .10, 20 cents ; Roof Garden ': Odd Fellows Ball Mondays. e Tuesdays, Fridays 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. of Classes 8 to 9 pan. PHONE 6275 ; Take a private lesson from Madame Lester, Honolulu's leading teacher, and have your faults corrected. Removed from I. O. O. 3 hall to The M. Lester Dancing Academy, Lu-nali- lo and Alapai streets. Phone 6251. runahou car passes v bb sr m sr a mm oo Service, ( Comfort, Style and 'Safety is my motto. 1917 COLE 8 By Appointment: A. POMBO Wailuku. Maui. and Snow Cruz Colleg (t,BumpsM) I At 7:40 o'clock AFTER THE STOEY 1 11 iac ii-i- &ii tic iO)oy Ill'll A powerful military drama of the Mexican Border. New York's Crack '.'oop 100" of the Boy Scouts Plays Act- ive Parts in this Production. ; . Last Big Chapter of 3 VTHE SECRET KINGDOM" : PATHE WEEKLY NEWS PICTORIAL Prices 15c, 25c, 35c. Reserved, 55c. PHONE 5060 : Bijou Theater Tonight at 7:40 o'clock TIME TONIGHT A Special Sensational Film Offering. FEATURING Marguerite James PRICES: and academy. rTfJf u . 1 .-- 4. 4.1 rT D T7T 7"TT TTVT AMM1UA.. National1 Dancing DANCING DEMOCRACY mm IN C V TlX ATT7CTP ALLOWED. mimmi S'luariliolniesaniiLiaryf.iaroii itohight t- - - . . 55 TIME Pathe ., 7:40 P.M. Serial - 7:55 P.M. 8:30 P. M. PHONE 3937 10 PRESERVED 55 IT Music For. Augmented The only these productions will be on the Islands. .... ' . '..- .- . ..- 25c 55c Have you read the 'SCARLET; LETTERTSVou vwill surelr want to . sefr the picturizattcn of tnfs great American Every student of American see' It v Kv : . ; RUTH ROLAND In BEYOND RECALL" 4th Chapter of "The Neglected Wife." Be sure and follow up this great Pathe Better . than "The Iron Claw" or "The Fatal - - , r; ; ; , ' r. WEEKLY No. 138 Items of Interest from all iver the world. .'.t .f 7 - '''H PRICES: . 15, 25, '35 Cents. ' I U ELLEN BEAGH AW f World-Renowne- d Coloratura Soprano, and ' " ERNEST KAAI - ' : - V f Musio Man" ; ; In Two Grand Joint with MOSS at the piano , . ; MISSION MEMORIAL r, , ' . ' I Tuesday, Dec 4-Fr- iday, Dec 7 Tickets, $2.00. Season Tickets, $3.50. .On Sale Territorial Messenger " c j " Service, Phone 3461. " Make Reservations" Early. - ' Just Opened 1137 Fort St As told byg Iliodor the confidant of Rasputin the Monk REX BEACH'S FAMOUS STORY OF LIFE IN ALASKA AS PRO-DUCE- D FOR SIX MONTHS AT THE BROADWAY THEATER, SHOWING. THE TION FRANCE AND THE STORMING of the BAST1LE A PHOTO DRAMATIC SPECTACLE. A HEROIC STORY SHOWING TREMENDOUS SCENES OF ANCIENT AND MODERN TIMES. ;, At7:40o'&tock TABLE Weekly Feature FTV..IA (01 AFTEfl O'CLOCK SEATS, CENTS RRY each Production Orchestra time shown PRICES 35 .'novel. llterature'shoufd Serial. Ring." MUTUAL Hawaii's Concerts FRANK HALL' IN
Page 1: Honolulu Star Bulletin. (Honolulu, HI) 1917-11-30 [p THREE].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1917-11-30/ed-1/seq-3.… · enlist in F Company, 24th Regiment I Pbts to be


Proni the home of1

the palm- - 1To the ' land of the

pine :. '.--

I send f my Aloha,Old friend of mine.


CarolsAre made in Hono-lulu. We have en-deavored to putbeautiful Hawaii ona card to send toyour friends.

They are hand-painte- d

; they havean original verse to ,carry the spirit ofHawaii and of theseason.

Each has a differentillustration and verseThese hand painted cards

are sold-fo- r 2a cents.

H.CulmanGo Ltd

Jewelers and Manuf actur-ver-s.

1112 Fort Street

tilVtiV 'UUMMlSblUNbwl The following V enlisted men 'of ' the

1 ' Hawaiian department have been named

b M M MM I M

as provisional second lieutenants Inthe national . army through cabledorders; from Washington: .

Sergeants John H. Namle and Chas.J. Wellington, Engineers Robert R.Courtney, James M: Lewis and SamuelO. Bridgens, and Fireman James Riley,appointed second lieutenants, CoastArtillery, national army, effective No-vember, 88.

e ss eWord has been received that Twigg

Smith, local artist, is soon to sail forFrance with the camouflage companyof which ' he has been made a cor-poral. Mr. Smith left Honolulu toenlist in F Company, 24 th Regiment

I Pbtsto be thoroughly cleansed

not merely washedand there is nothing " just as

good" as Sapolio for. the purpose.Sapolio,. the great labor saver

removes the grease, - routs thedirt and polishes like new.

--Try it just once and

Tkm gtmrinit marked

Mr. B. PTT3

of New York begs toannounce that he has

rented the






Beginning Saturday,

Dec. 1st; .

where -- he 'will show

the following: FOURSUPER-FEATURE- S


A rIiU UzatlW is useessaryto tli coafort and health of any

, well-onler- od household, fcecaussconstipation i . oondition that

: affects, la greater or ls degree,practically eTery member of tbefamily. Wben th. towels xofuseto act tbe entire system is af-fected j disrestioa is impaired,nerree tecla to twitch, foul rasesand poisons generated ly deoom- -'poemjr substances 1& the intestinesare distributed tnronfffeout the

"body, and often result in seriousillnoss. A prominent Trench sci-entist says ninety-fir- e percent ofall human, disease is directlytraceable to inactive towels.

Kore than s quarter of cett-tn- xy

ajro Jfr W. B. Caldwell pre-scribed a combination of simple-laxatlr- e

herbs with pepsin that is .

slow the standard remedy in thou-sands of homes. This prescrip-tion is sold by drug-gist- s for fifty .

' cents a bottle, tinder the nam ofDr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. X..trial bottle can be obtained, freeof charge, by wrltlnsr to Sr. W.B. Caldwell, 450 Washington, St.,Uontioello, Illinois.

Most Complete Line of ChineseGoods at ,

FONG INN CO.Honolulu's Leading Chinese CurioStore 1152 Nuuanu St nr. Pauahl

C2 Dev7

Everything For TheThanksgiving

We are prepared to sup-

ply your needs with all tbenecessities to serve a dinnerto be remembered.

Forty open stock patternsof dinnerware to select from.

Carving Sets from $2.50 up.

Roasters from $1.50 to$9.50. -- :, w. :

Poultry Shears, $2.00 and"

UP-- -- . W y-'f-

Nut Crackers, 30c and up.

W.W.Dimond&Co.,Ltd.The House of Housewares

53-6- 5 King St (

of Engineers, at Washington, D. C,which is-ma- up of artists and paint-ers. The company will be detailedfor camouflage duty.,'. Smith receivedhis promotion, and the Informationthat his regiment was soon to leavefor the trenches. '

Bam Meed

you will always

SOHS CO., New York


iAPJ! .'Min)


Sold everywhereENOCH MORGAN'S

mm u- -

. - .

V Members of the Honolulu TeachersAssociation are " holding their annualmeeting today at the Normal schoolbuilding, with every prin-cipal, and teacher from all the publicand private schools in the city, in at-

tendance. This morning the big as-

sembly hall which occupies the thirdfloor of the ; Normal- - was filled to

with extra teachers linedup against the walls, and standing onthe steps leading up to the auditoriumon either side. Fully 500 voices JoinedIn the opening chorus.

U. S. District Attorney S. C. Hubermade his address a stirring appeal tothe patriotism of the teachers. Heillustrated his arguments by drawinga on the board showingthe resultant forces of war, and fol-lowed the pages of history from the

t earliest days to the present to showthat all wars that have been waged

f since the world began have resultedIn the triumph of right in the end.. Miss Leone Jopson of the Territo-rial Normal school sketched as she

:j talked to the teachers on "Story Workland using the tale ofPaul Revere as illustration,

j An paper --was read by? Paul Steel of the Honolulu military1 academy on "The Teacher Before theI Class," and Miss Marthanoted Y. W. C. A. field work, urgedthe teacher to direct aright the enthu-siasm of the girls in war service.

Instructive and .eloquent addresseswere also given by Charles T. Fitts,principal Punahou andWilliam C. Avery, ofschools. Supt. H. W. Kinney, L. C.Blackman of the Honolulu militaryacademy and Mr. Avery were on theplatform.

Other speakers were Miss OliveDay, on "Speech Training," and MissMargaret Shaw on forTeaching Hygiene." Both are Normalschool teachers.

Mrs. Sophie Overend gave thenames of the teachers who had beennominated as officers for the comingyear, and the following elections weremade: W. C. Avery, president; MissIsabel Kelley, Paul

treasurer. At Mrs. Over-end'-s

suggestion a vote of thanks wasextended the retiring officers.



tThat the extreme caution of twonavigators was for themeeting of the Matson steamer Manoawith a strange ship, thought possiblya German raider, last Friday noon, isthe information which has reached thenaval today from San Fran-cisco.

Upon the arrival there of the Stand-ard Oil tanker La Primera her com-mander explained a maneuver made byhim to avoid the Manoa, and of thenwitnessing her turn tail and start in asoutherly direction. When he firstchanged the course of his ship he didso because of inability to identify the

; Manca and was foilo.ving navy cautionsto steer clear of any unknown ship..

! After the Matson boat turned irer'

side and stern to his ship he was able.to make out her identity.


Many families now buy food inlarger .quantities either tosave on the cost or to be sure of whatthey want These people should guardcarefully against rats which in onenight may destroy a whole ham, sev-

eral dozen eggs, or damage severaldollars worth of other foods. The onlyway to prevent this Is by extermnating the rats or mice and this is jnosteasily by using Stearns'Paste. A small box of this paste,which can k be bought for thirty-fiv- e

cents, often a whole fam-ily of rodents in a single night; it isals'o effective with roaches and water-bug- s


The light section of the DiamondHead lighthouse is now being sus-pended in a wooden trestle, which Isto be replaced by a concrete structure

Following was the freight broughtfrom Maui yesterday by the Claudine:55 bags of beans, 182 bags of bottles,one pig, 12 boxes of chickens, six hogs,.one horse, one mule, four cows, threecalves, 17 bags taro, 20 barrels of wine,one - lot of scrap tin, one automobileand ; 180 packages of sundries

U Li 4J











vice-preside- nt;










7m M



Painted like a "Christinas necktiea big Anglo-Saxo- n petroleum tankernow in port has excited much Interestalong the Honolulu waterfront, for itis a striking example of sea camou-flage, i"f: Dressed as she. Is with great splotch-es, even squares, cross-wis- e stripes andlong parellel bars of green, f grey,cream, blue, black and rust colors, ex-tending from the bow to the stern andeven up to the ship's housing, makethe ship an Indistinguishable mass ata distance. ,';;

Beyond 2,000 yards, it is said, it isImpossible for a submarine commanderto get a sight through a periscopewhich will register a hit with a tor-pedo. No ship disguised as is thtetanker has been lost since such seacamouflage was started, it Is assertedby the ship's officers.

The tanker has other protectionagainst the dangers of the war zoneconsisting of a four-inc-h gun and aBritish gun crew of three .men, and acleverly contrived mine sweeper, whichis also a menace to submarines.!

Capt. S. H. Thackery, master of theship, just two months from Ports-mouth, England, says: "One alwayshas experiences in the Atlantic," butrefuses to be explicit

The chief officer of the tanker, C. A.Klyberg, was In another tanker whichwas torpedoed about a year ago, butescaped uninjured. .'

The Kinau brought in the followingfreight yesterday from Kauai: JOneautomobile, two crates of chickens, 10barrels of honey, 20 sacks of coconuts,128 empty containers, and 50 packagesof sundries.

A shipping board steamer Is due herenext week with a cargo of coal whichwill take back all of the 1917 sugar nowremaining in the islands.

There are 2423 bags of Kekaha sugarawaiting shipment on Kauai.

Any Kind of External Ache. Relieved By Sloan's


For prompt relief from Rheumatism,Neuralgia, or Lumbago, you can dependon Sloan's Liniment. The warming,soothing, Qounter-lrrita- nt effect is thequickest vay to overcome the inflam-mation, swelling or stiffness. A fewdrops go right to the sore part, drawthe blood from the congestion andremove the cause of the ache.

. The great penetrating power ofSloan's Liniment makes rubbing needless. It i3 easier and cleaner to usethan plasters or poultices. It does notstain the skin or clog the pores. Abottle of Sloan's Liniment is all youneed for quick rest and relief fromthe pains of sprains, bruises, back-ache, stiffneck, and most forms : ofrheumatic .twinges. Generous size bot-tles at druggists everywhere. 25c, 50c,

Adv. - ."

Asthma CatarrhWH00PIN0 COUQH



ESTABLISHED 1678A. elmple, safe and effective treatment for

bronchial troubles, without dosing1 tbestomach witb drugs.4 Used with, success torthirty years.

The air rendered strongly antiseptic. In.spired with every breath, makes breathingeasy, soothes the sore throat, and stops thecough, assuring restful nights. Cresolene isinvaluable to mothers with young childrenand a boon to sufferersfrom Asthma.

Cresolene relieves tbebronch ia 1 com rlica tlonsof Scarlet Fever andMeasles and is a valu-able aid in the treat-ment o Diphtheria.

Sold by Chemists. :Vapo-Cresole- ne Co.



Ann Pennington.


Ann Pennington, Famous Playoro StarIn Paramount Pictures. . -





. .4--U 4


15, 25 and 25 CENTS.

The General Universal FilmSERVICES, t

Dally Matinees (except Saturdays andHolidays) from 1:00 to 4:00 o'clock.

Saturday and Holiday Matinees fromv 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 o'clock.Evenings (two shows) 6:30 and 8:45


" - Prices: .10, 20 cents ;

Roof Garden ':

Odd Fellows BallMondays.e Tuesdays, Fridays

10 a. m. to 10 p. m.

of Classes 8 to 9 pan.PHONE 6275 ;

Take a private lesson from MadameLester, Honolulu's leading teacher, andhave your faults corrected.

Removed from I. O. O. 3 hall toThe M. Lester Dancing Academy, Lu-nali- lo

and Alapai streets. Phone 6251.runahou car passes v

bb sr m sr a mm ooService, ( Comfort, Styleand 'Safety is my motto.

1917 COLE 8

By Appointment:

A. POMBOWailuku. Maui.






At 7:40 o'clock


1 11 iac ii-i- &ii tic iO)oy


A powerful military drama of the Mexican Border. NewYork's Crack '.'oop 100" of the Boy Scouts Plays Act-

ive Parts in this Production.

; . Last Big Chapter of 3


PATHE WEEKLY NEWS PICTORIALPrices 15c, 25c, 35c. Reserved, 55c.

PHONE 5060 :

Bijou Theater Tonight at 7:40 o'clockTIME TONIGHT

A Special Sensational Film Offering.







1 .-- 4. 4.1 rT D T7T 7"TT TTVT















t- - -. .



., 7:40 P.M.Serial -

7:55 P.M.

8:30 P. M.





The only theseproductions will be

on the Islands..... ' . '..- .- . ..-

25c 55c

Have you read the 'SCARLET; LETTERTSVou vwill surelr want to. sefr the picturizattcn of tnfs great American Every student of

American see' It v Kv : .

; RUTH ROLAND In BEYOND RECALL" 4th Chapter of "TheNeglected Wife." Be sure and follow up this great Pathe Better

. than "The Iron Claw" or "The Fatal - - , r; ; ; , ' r.

WEEKLY No. 138 Items of Interest from all iver the world..'.t .f 7 - '''H PRICES: . 15, 25, '35 Cents. '

IU ELLEN BEAGH AW fWorld-Renowne- d Coloratura Soprano, and ' "


V f Musio Man" ; ;

In Two Grand Jointwith MOSS at the piano , .



I Tuesday, Dec 4-Fr-iday, Dec 7

Tickets, $2.00. Season Tickets, $3.50. .On Sale Territorial Messenger"

c j " Service, Phone 3461. " Make Reservations" Early. - '

Just Opened

1137 Fort St

As told bygIliodor theconfidant ofRasputin theMonk
















each Production












