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Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de...

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Hornby, E. C., & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in the Old Hispanic Liturgy: A Passiontide Case Study. Early Music, 44(3), 383- 394. https://doi.org/10.1093/em/caw075 Peer reviewed version Link to published version (if available): 10.1093/em/caw075 Link to publication record in Explore Bristol Research PDF-document This is the author accepted manuscript (AAM). The final published version (version of record) is available online via Oxford University Press at http://em.oxfordjournals.org/content/44/3/383.abstract. Please refer to any applicable terms of use of the publisher. University of Bristol - Explore Bristol Research General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/red/research-policy/pure/user-guides/ebr-terms/
Page 1: Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de manu inferni potentia virtutis tuae nos exime: ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus non vidit

Hornby, E. C., & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in the OldHispanic Liturgy: A Passiontide Case Study. Early Music, 44(3), 383-394. https://doi.org/10.1093/em/caw075

Peer reviewed version

Link to published version (if available):10.1093/em/caw075

Link to publication record in Explore Bristol ResearchPDF-document

This is the author accepted manuscript (AAM). The final published version (version of record) is available onlinevia Oxford University Press at http://em.oxfordjournals.org/content/44/3/383.abstract. Please refer to anyapplicable terms of use of the publisher.

University of Bristol - Explore Bristol ResearchGeneral rights

This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only thepublished version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available:http://www.bristol.ac.uk/red/research-policy/pure/user-guides/ebr-terms/

Page 2: Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de manu inferni potentia virtutis tuae nos exime: ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus non vidit

Table 1: Responsory Haec dicit dominus prevaricati

(Passages in boldface in the chant text are substantially changed from the biblical source. Italics show the passages in which the prayer paraphrases the chant text.)

Responsory (León 8) translation Hosea 7:13-16 translation Prayer (OV) translation

Haec dicit dominus:

prevaricati sunt in me

inimici mei,

et loquuti sunt contra

me mendacium;

vae illis quia cogitaberunt de me,

facti sunt sicut arcus


propterea cadent

in retia principes


a furore ire Dei, et erit

subsannatio eorum in

omnem terram

Thus says the Lord

My enemies have

sinned against me

and they have spoken a

lie against me

Woe to them because

they have plotted

against me

they became like a

deceitful bow:

thus their princes shall

fall into snares,

by the rage of God

They will be derided

in every land

vae eis quoniam

recesserunt a me

vastabuntur quia

praevaricati sunt in me

et ego redemi eos

et ipsi locuti sunt contra

me mendacia

et non clamaverunt ad

me in corde suo sed

ululabant in cubilibus

suis super triticum et

vinum ruminabant

recesserunt a me

et ego erudivi et

confortavi brachia


et in me cogitaverunt


reversi sunt ut essent

absque iugo

facti sunt quasi

arcus dolosus

cadent in gladio

principes eorum

a furore

linguae suae

ista subsannatio eorum

in terra Aegypti

Woe to them, for they

have departed from me:

they will be wasted

because they have

transgressed against me:

and I redeemed them:

and they have spoken

lies against me.

And they have not cried

to me in their heart,

but they howled in their


they have ruminated

over wheat and wine,

they are departed from


And I have chastised

and strengthened their


and they have plotted

evil against me

They turned back so

that, that they were

without yoke:

they became like a

deceitful bow:

their princes shall fall

by the sword,

for the rage of their


This is their mockery in

the land of Egypt.

Prævaricatos in te,

Christe, mortalitatis

nostræ vera redemtio,

inimicos tuos

agnovimus, eosque

contra te loquutos


pia oris nostri

confessione fatemur:

idcirco supllices

quesumus; ut

eclesiam tuam in huius

vasti gurgitis

fluctibus volutantem,

ita virtutis tuæ excubiis

premunire digneris,

ut et hic dolosorum arcus

ac iacula perversorum

dogmatum inconcusso

fidei calle pertranseat, et

post ad te,

nos omnes in sinus sui

gremio retinens,

letabunda perveniat.

We recognize the sinners

against you, Christ, true

redemption of our

mortality; and those who

have told lies against you

we acknowledge with a

pious confession of our


we thus seek

supplications that you

deem it worthy to defend

your church in the

commotion of this vast


thus you deign to fortify

[her] with the guard of

your strength,

and so that here she may

cross through the bows of

the deceitful and the

darts of perverse dogma

with the firm path of


and afterword arrive

rejoicing to you, holding

us all fast in the bosom of

her fold.

Page 3: Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de manu inferni potentia virtutis tuae nos exime: ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus non vidit

Table 2: Antiphon Disperdat dominus

Antiphon (León 8)

Psalm 11:4-6

translation Prayer (OV) translation


dominus universa labia

iniqua, et

lingua magniloquam qui


labia nostra

nobiscum sunt, quis

noster est deus;

ponam super

salutare meum,

fidenter agam

in eo

May the Lord

disperse all wicked

lips and the boastful


that say,

“Our lips are ours;

who is our God?”

I will place my

salvation over [him];

I will act faithfully in


Disperde, domine,

universa labia dolosa, et

linguam magniloquam;

ut, qui in salutare tuum

fidenter agere nolunt,

laborium suorum malitia


sicque illis Christo

domino nostro vocatis

per penitentiam,

unaque nobiscum illis

fidei lingua effecta,

labia dolosa in

utrumque a nobis

usquequaque dispereant.

Disperse, Lord,

all the deceitful lips and

the proud speech, so

that those who are

unwilling to act

faithfully for your


are confounded by the

wickedness of their


and thus, when they

have been called

through penitence to

Christ our Lord,

and when they have

accomplished a

common language of

faith with us,

deceitful lips may

perish from us in every

conceivable situation

Page 4: Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de manu inferni potentia virtutis tuae nos exime: ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus non vidit

Table 3: Antiphon Caro mea

Antiphon (León 8)

Psalm 15:9b-10

translation Prayer (OV) translation

Caro mea

requiescet in spe,

quoniam non

derelinques animam

meam in infernum, nec

dabis sanctum tuum

videre corruptionem

My flesh

rests in hope,

because you have

not abandoned me

in hell, neither will

you let your holy

one see corruption.

Domine iesu cuius caro crucis

patibulo affixa

pertulit sepulturam, cuiusque

in infernum non derelicta est

anima: tu carnes nostras

crucis tuae clavis affige,

et de manu inferni potentia

virtutis tuae nos exime:

ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus

non vidit corruptionem,

ab aeterna nos mortis liberes


Lord Jesus whose flesh,

joined to the yoke of the cross,

endured the grave, and whose

soul was not left behind in hell:

join our flesh to the wood of

your cross,

and lift us from the hand of hell

by the power of your virtue,

so that you, whose holy body

did not see corruption,

free us from the eternal power

of death.

Table 4: Antiphon Deus meus

Antiphon (León 8)

Psalm 17:3

translation Prayer (OV) translation

Deus meus adiutor

meus, sperabo in eum;

protector meus et cornu

salutis me, et redemptor


My God my help, I

will hope in him; my

protector and the

horn of my salvation,

and my redeemer.

Deus adiutor et

protector noster, qui es

invictissimum cornu

salutis nostrae: redime

nos ab omni

corruptione, qui olim

nos lavisti per


ut, passionis tuae



felicitatis aeternae

mereamur effici


God our helper and

protector, you who are

the invincible horn of

our salvation: redeem

us from every

corruption, you who

once washed us with

your blood;

so that, contemplating

the glory of your


we may be worthy to be

made coheirs of

everlasting joy.

Page 5: Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de manu inferni potentia virtutis tuae nos exime: ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus non vidit

Example 1: chants with shared opening on ‘Haec dicit dominus’, in multiple manuscripts Responsory Haec dicit dominus prevaricati sunt

León 8: 137v (unicum)

Responsory Haec dicit dominus non cessabo León 8, 289r

Silos 6, 63v

Silos 3, 153r

T4, 95r

Responsory Haec dicit dominus si custodieritis

León 8, 289v

Silos 6, 74v

T4, 100r (different


Page 6: Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de manu inferni potentia virtutis tuae nos exime: ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus non vidit

Example 2a: León 8, f.137v: responsory Haec dicit and antiphon Disperdat dominus (beginning)

Example 2b: León 8, f.138r: antiphons Disperdat dominus (end), Caro mea and Deus meus adiutor










Page 7: Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de manu inferni potentia virtutis tuae nos exime: ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus non vidit

Table 5: Notes per syllable in the responsory Haec dicit dominus prevaricati sunt

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Box 5

Haec dicit dominus prevaricati sunt in me inimici mei et loquuti sunt contra me mendacium ve illis quia cogitaberunt de me facti sunt

5 4+5 2+2+2 3+1+1+3+2 2 4 7 4+3+11+3 2+1

1 1+3+2 2 3+4 4 4+5+3+1 4 6+4 2+1 1+1+1+4+2 3 5 6+3 7

Box 6 Box 7 Box 8 Box 9 Box 10

sicut arcus dolosus propterea cadent in retia principes eorum a furore ire Dei et erit subsannatio eorum in omnem terram.

1+3 3+1 3+2+1 4+4+9+1 3+1 2 8+2+4 3+1+1 3+3+4

3 1+5+6 4+7 2+1 2 9+1 2+2+4+2+1 7+2+2 3 1+1 67+2

Example 3: recurring melodic figure

Example 4:

León 8, f.100r, Ecce dies: ‘Ecce dies Domini magne eleemosine et ieiunii / estote parati benefacere oppresis, viduis et orfanis / ut recipiatis mercedem (/) in nobissimis

temporibus / dicit Dominus.’

León 8, f.69v, Angelus domini: ‘Angelus Domini loquutus est pastoribus dicens / ecce natus est odie salvator mundi in civitatem David…’

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Léon 8, f.43r, Confortare: ‘Confortare in adventum Domini Dei tui, domus Iacob / quoniam seminantes fructum vite lumen magestatis videbitis salvatorem...’

León 8, f.159v, Habitatores: ‘Habitatores Iherusalem crucifigent iustum; et in illa die dicetur ei: que sunt plage iste in medio manuum tuarum; et respondebit dicens: ecce

quomodo plagatus sum ab eis quos diligebam…’

HD: set full width (across two cols)

Table 6: Notes per syllable in the antiphon Disperdat dominus

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4

Disperdat dominus universa labia iniqua et lingua magniloquum qui


“labia nostra nobiscum sunt quis noster


deus ponam super salutarem meum fidenter agam in


1+1+2 1+1+1 2+1+3+11 3+2+(?)


1 3+3 1+5+2+3 1 13+1 2+2+1 3+3 1+3+2 1 1 1+1 1 12+4 2+9 3+1 2+1+4+2 5+4 2+9+2 9+4

3 6+1

Table 7: Notes per syllable in the antiphon Caro mea

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4

Caro mea requiescat in spe quoniam non derelinques animam meam in infernum nec dabis sanctum tuum videre corruptionem

Page 9: Hornby, E. C. , & Maloy, R. (2016). Biblical Commentary in ......crucis tuae clavis affige, et de manu inferni potentia virtutis tuae nos exime: ut tu, cuius sanctum corpus non vidit

2+4 3+1 1+2+14+4 1 1 1+3+1 2 2+3+5+2 3+2+1 5+2 3 2+5+4 4 5+2 3+2 8 3+4+2 2+3+3+3+1

Table 8: Notes per syllable in the antiphon Deus meus

Box 1 Box 2

Deus meus adiutor meus sperabo in eum protector meus et cornu salutis me et redemptor meus

1+2 3+1 1+2+1 2+1 1+2+2 2 4+2 1+2+1 2+1 1 2+1 1+2+3 1 1 1+3+4 2+1
