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Household poisons

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بسم ان الرحي الر مResearch about: Household poisons Dr. :safia alrezami
Page 2: Household poisons



Route of poisoning……-


Signs or symptoms……….………….-

General treatment……………..……..…-

Household Poison Prevention…………………....-


Page 3: Household poisons


Household poisons are poisoning that occurby exposure to home

products,especial happened by children(because they don't know

it is,or mimickers to adults),and by adult (accidental, mistakes)

Over 90% of toxic exposure to household product occure in

children under 5 year &usually at time when product is in use

rather than storage.

ute of poisoningoR

May be poisoning occur by one of this way:

-ingestion- inhalation -skin contact


The most common household poisonsare :

If not kept out of the reachof children, or if nottaken

asprescribed,common medications inhomecan be

poisonous.Coldand flu medicines, and analgesicsaccount for

a large number of poisonings.

Among children under

the age of 6, who account for more than half the cases of

unintentional poisonings , these products are most commonly

involved. Perfumes, nail polish remover, mouthwash, even

toothpaste are poison risks for children.

Page 4: Household poisons

. e.g– Bleach, ammonia, furniture

polish;drain cleanersoven cleaners,

lye&detergents,dishwasher powders, oven cleaners,drain

cleaners, methylated spirits and turpentine.all needto be


. When treating the home for pests, it is

important to take care in what areas are treated and to

observe the label instructions veryclosely. Rodent poisons

should never be placed within reach of children or pets,

or in food storage areas.

– Whether via fume inhalation,

ingestion, or lead poisoning, paints and thinners are

potentially hazardous products. Care should be taken to use

proper ventilation when using these products.

Some household plants can be toxic when ingested

by pets or small children. Hazards includesuch common

decorative plants as mistletoe

, poinsettias and holly.

– The combination of theirsize

andchemical composition makes these miniature batteries,

like those used in watches and hearing aids, a serious choke

and poisoning risk.

– Can be fatal if swallowed,This common

household item is particularly dangerous because it has an

attractive smell and taste to pets, and is readily accessible

tothem if spills are not cleaned thoroughly.

–These products include gasoline, kerosene, motor

oil, lighter fluid, and lamp oils. They are not only a choke hazard,

but pose a risk to the lungs when ingested.

Page 5: Household poisons

general)on (gns or symptomsiS

nausea,vomiting. -seizure, confusion.-

-pain, trouble breathing.–abnormal skin color.


If the person has no symptoms but has taken apotentially dangerous

poison, should also call a poison control center or go to the nearest

emergency department for an evaluation.

General treatment( first aid)

Firstly decontamination outfrom patient.

If poison act on skin (must be wash by water)

If poison is gas (must be go to fresh air for breath)

If ingestion corrosive poison (must drink water for dilution )

If ingestion the medication orplant ( must be emesis)

Household Poison Prevention

Store potentially poisonous household products and medications

locked out ofyour child’s sight and reach.

Read labels to find out what is poisonous. Unsafe household

products include toilet cleaners, bleach, oven cleaners and

dishwasher products. Other potential hazards include

medicines, makeup, plants, toys, pesticides, art supplies and


Never leave poisonous products unattended while in use.

Many incidents happen when adults are distracted for a

momenton the phone or at the door .

Page 6: Household poisons

Do not mix cleaning products.

Buy child-resistant packages when available

Keep products in their original packages to avoid


Use child safety locks on cabinets where you have stored

poisonous items.

Be aware of poisons that may be in handbag. Store

handbags out of the reach of young children

Must wearing gloves when work with cleans and


poisons xamples for common householdE

ettolPhenalic compounds) D(The substance

cleaning products(disinfectant agent) Class Has double actionM.O.A

mild anesthesia , coagulate necrosis (clotting in superficial -: LocalB.V lead to gangrene.

, kidney (acute tubular depressianCNS(stimulation then-:Systemicnecrosis).


coagulate necrosis which gangrene in tip finger and thick Local

the wall of esophagus, stomachnecrosis of skinare white become

brown(due to oxidation). CNS (stimulation headache convulsion, then depression), Systemic

kidney(albumin urea , haematurea, oligurea, an urea),

CVS(depression in myocardium ,increase in B.P ,rapid pulse)

Gastric lavage is allowed because it cause ulcer on .Treatmentmucous membrane it use 10%alcohol or

• glycerin to dissolve phenol or Mgso4 to precipitate phenol

Page 7: Household poisons

(Na hypochlorite10%) ChloroxThe substance

Cleaning product (bleach agent) Class

Mode of poisoning The chloroxis liquid used as cleaning product and have toxicity

when ingestion or contact with skin or inhalation large amount .

has corrosive effect when ingestion M.O.A

(hypochlorite +gastric acid Hypochlorous acid +chlorine

( response on RT symptom)


Accidental exposure by ingestion small amount little symptom

(nausea ,vomiting).

Large amount cause GIT bleeding ,ulceration ,perforation ,cough

, laryngeal edema.

And in whitening of teeth will cause ulceration of the buccal mucosa,

gingive ,blackening of roots.

Treatment In small dose -----dilution with milk or anth acid and water


In large dose-----sodium thiosulfate

In complication ------corticostrtiods.

Page 8: Household poisons

)troleumGasoline,kerosene,pe(The substance


house ianin our Yementhismeterials are found , poisoningMode of so our childern are too dangerous to exposure.andingestion.

.Sign ,symptom

ModerateFever(38 -39 c),Pulmonary symptoms




clothies must removed -support respiratory functions-

GIT decontaminations not required because risk of aspiration-

Acetone The substance

)glue polish removers&nail smetics(CoClass

ingetionaccidental Mode of poisoning

acetone odor of breath&ketone in Thecharactristc.Sign ,symptomurine are sensitive indicators of

Lethargy,ataxia, headache,nausea (intoxicationMildexposure.

)stupor&comaingetions (Serious ),vomiting,incoherent speech


-Emesis is not advised

-Charcoal a dsorb 40%or more acetone &encouraged if used

within few hours.

Page 9: Household poisons

),volatile oils ,potassiumbromate (ethanolThe substance

smetics / Personal Care Product)CoClass

(Perfumes, nail polish , mouthwash ,make up Product hair colorations, hair relaxers.

by ingestionMode of poisoning

Sign ,symptom

most accidental cosmotics exposure results in no symptoms or


gastrointestinal upset(nausea ,vomiting ,diarrhea ,abdominal pain)

Systemicsymptoms are unusaual. Perfumes, nail polish ,

mouthwash may contain substantial amount of ethanol produce


&hypoglycemia.potassium bromate also deaf ness,hypotention,

acute renal failure

Treatment -mostcosmoticsingetions not require gutdecontaminations

-potassium bromate,exposure are quite serious

lavage is helpful with 2% sodium bicarbonate ,dialysis to

prevention of nepherotoxicity&ototoxicity

ethanol exposure with hypoglycemia should be corrected.

Page 10: Household poisons

organophosphates The substance

Pesticides Class

ctskin conta inhalation orMode of poisoning

Sign ,symptom

headache, (generalCNS


intestinal,bronchial,bladder smoothmuscle (effect uscarinicM


,vomting,abdominal pain)(diarrheaCholinergic

Pulmonary(dyspnea,reoiratory distress) Cvs(bradycardia,hypotention)

Treatment -Frequent suction.endotrachealintubation &\ or ventilation in

pulmonary lifethreating condition

-gut decontaminations required when patient present withen 4

hour stomach wash by NAHCO3.

Atropine is antidote is antagonize both muscarinic&CNS effect of



Dose is 1 to 2g in adult or 25 to 50 mg in child given over 3 to 5


-Diazepam in the case of convulsion.

Page 11: Household poisons

Mushrooms. Amanita muscaria, A. pantherina and A. phalloides(substanceThe

plants lassC

ingetion,poisoning Mode of

, breathing problems and salivation, lacrimationsSign ,symptomsevere abdominal pain with diarrhoea,.Cardiovascular

decompensation, vertigo and progressive mental symptoms

confusion, delirium, convulsions coma& death


Emesis then transfer to hospital to take antidote and

Symptomstreatment by give atropine

soaps and shampoos The substance

)Cleaning product (Deterogent Class

Mode of poisoning

the soaps may be solid and liquid and shampoos is liquid used as

Cleaning product for body so have low toxicity, when ingestion

can cause harmless.

Sign ,symptom

Soap cause gastrointestinal and mucous membrane irritants

,which produce (nausea ,vomiting ,diarrhea ,abdominal pain)

Shampoos only produce gastrointestinal and mucous membrane

irritants. Rug Shampoos may cause respiratory illness (cough,

headache, sore throat , dyspnea )

Emesis , lavage , andcharcoal are unnecessary. TreatmentSymptomaticstreatment , including milk or water dilution.

Page 12: Household poisons

N.B. the other classes such as medicine or plants and cleaning are

have widely examples so must be doing first aid and transfer to

hospital immediately, to give him the special care or other

household products must be transfer to hospital immediately.



Toxicology(A Textbook of Modern Toxicology (John Wiley & Sons)

The Toxiology-

The end

)(sulforonic acid, mercury, and leadThe substance

.or suck it small types tionsinge,Mode of poisoning

Sign ,symptom

The presence of GIT sign &symptoms suggests necrosis

&perforation,since free floating disc batteries pass spontaneously

GIT symptoms includes abdominal

pain,vomiting,abdominaltenderness,perotinitis. In suckessymptom metal as irritant poison(Vomiting, diarrhoea,

abdominal discomfort )

And H2SO4symptom (corrosioneffect)

Treatment If ingestion transfer to hospital to diagnosis and surgery . If suckes treatment the symptoms and according metal give chemical substance e.g (dimercaprol ),and for H2SO4 must be dilution (water,milk)
