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How PepsiCo Redefined Research by Ana Alvarez of PepsiCo and Larissa Moreira of MESH Planning -...

Date post: 29-Oct-2014
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1 Insight Innovation Exchange LatAm 2013 Ana Alvarez (PepsiCo) Larissa Moreira (MESH Planning) HOW PEPSICO REDEFINED RESEARCH Ana Alvarez (PepsiCo) Larissa Moreira (MESH Planning)
  • 1. Insight Innovation Exchange LatAm 2013HOW PEPSICO REDEFINED RESEARCH Ana Alvarez (PepsiCo) Larissa Moreira (MESH Planning)Ana Alvarez (PepsiCo)Larissa Moreira (MESH Planning) 1

2. PepsiCo in Latin America PepsiCo Brazil BeveragesPepsiCo Brazil Foods2 3. A structure that Brazil deserves AmBevs partnership since 1994 12 thousands employees + of 1 million of point of sales 19 factories 2.500 sales routes + 100 distribution center 3 4. Performance with PurpouseEncourage people to Protect the Earths Investing in our people have a healthier.natural 4 5. Consumer & Insight Vision To be an essential catalyst fortransformational growth 5 6. TO CHALLENGE THE STATUS QUO6 7. Redefine Research in Latam Process & Inspiration Partners Motivation the insight team to Innovative approach (MESHtry the newPlanning, Scoop & Co, Animux, Insittun, Touch, EC- Global, etc) Supporting them to assume risk Dual Responsibility - local & Co-create and develop researchregional expertise products proper to our realities Rigid brief process Outside eyes Costs is still an issue in this region be creative without compromising Not be afraid to say what they the qualityare not expecting Having fun always Different aproach7 8. PepsiCo Business Issue 1:PepsiCo Business Issue 2: PepsiCo Business Issue 3: How to evaluate theHow to evaluate theHow to incorporate Humaneffectiveness of neweffect of trade onSustainability into research channel strategy? brand?to act as a change agent for PepsiCo? www.meshplanning.com8 9. 1 A brief introduction to howReal-time Experience Tracking worksPepsiCo Business Issue 1: How to evaluate theeffectiveness of new channel strategy?www.meshplanning.com9 10. Mexico Gatorade Mexico LaunchSports drinks Sports nutritionResearch Challenge:How to evaluate innovative channel strategy roundexperiential touchpoints?www.meshplanning.com10 11. Gatorade dominated theexperiential touchpointsTouchpoint Share Our client Brand A Brand BNon experiential 1 36%19% 46%Non experiential 2 63%16%21%Non experiential 3 32%18% 51%Non experiential 4 33%10% 58% Experiential touchpoint 1 64% 15%20%Non experiential 5 48% 21%31%Non experiential 639% 15%47%Non experiential 752% 21%28% Experiential touchpoint 257% 22% 20% Experiential touchpoint 371%18%11%Non experiential 853% 28% 19% Experiential touchpoint 4 47%18% 34% Diary Base: Total (3543) www.meshplanning.com 11 12. These were the most persuasive Touchpoint Experience Map 80% ExperientialTouchpoint 1Purchase Intent (TB %) 70% ExperientialExperientialTouchpoint 3Touchpoint 4 60%Non-experiential Experiential touchpoint 1 Touchpoint 5 50% Experiential Non-experiential Touchpoint 2 40%touchpoint 4Non-experiential touchpoint 2 30% Non-experientialtouchpoint 5 Non-experiential 20%touchpoint 3 10% 10% 20%30%40% 50% 60%70% 80%Positivity (TB %) www.meshplanning.com 12 13. And impacted on most importantbrand metrics Impacted through experiential Impacted through digitaltouchpoints BRAND METRIC 1BRAND METRIC 1 BRAND METRIC 2BRAND METRIC 2 BRAND METRIC 3 BRAND METRIC 4 IMAGE STATEMENT 2IMAGE STATEMENT 3IMAGE STATEMENT 1 IMAGE STATEMENT 4IMAGE STATEMENT 2 IMAGE STATEMENT 5IMAGE STATEMENT 3 IMAGE STATEMENT 6EDUCATIONAL IMAGE STATEMENT 1EDUCATIONAL IMAGE STATEMENT 2 RE-POSITIONED AS CAMPAIGNEDUCATIONAL IMAGE STATEMENT 3PRIORITIESEDUCATIONAL IMAGE STATEMENT 4EDUCATIONAL IMAGE STATEMENT 5EDUCATIONAL IMAGE STATEMENT 6www.meshplanning.com13 14. RecommendedSpend more onSpend less onExperiential Traditional mediatouchpoints Generic Tailored outdoor OutdoorSub brand ASub brand B www.meshplanning.com14 15. What happened next? Money switched from TV to experiential touchpoints9088 Use by athletes8585828081 Improved77 performance757573 For someone like me706566 Modern60 Q1 11 Q2 12and Brand Metrics improved substantially www.meshplanning.com15 16. A similar study in Brazil Mexico Launchwww.meshplanning.com 16 17. Business questions:How has the Win From Within campaign performed?The real-time data demonstrates an extremely impressive campaign performance; thoughreach could have been higher. A powerful and memorablestrapline has been an important component. The Win from Within messaging was easy to relate to and clearly appealing. Comercial do gatorade, comatletas decorrida, futebol, volei. Mechamou a ateno o slogan do Gatorade: vencer vem dedentro. Senti que a mensagem foi de que no adianta voc usartimos acessrios, seja tnis, camisa... voc tem queestar bem consigo mesmo, seu corpo precisa estar bem...passa superioridade e guarra. 17 18. Business questionsWhat is the value of sponsorship?Gatorade is strongly linked to sport in general and outperforms all other brandson sponsorship.no jogo corinthians x sport, haviaum patrocinio enorme dagatorade. bem interessante e que acima de tudo valoriza a marca. fiquei contente ao ver a marca no patrocinio da copa sul-america um Gatorade Patrocina o produto qual consumo e gosto comFutebol , muito legal! um esporte q adoro muito legal Gatorade soccer sponsorship in particular generates an emotive, passionate response sponsorship here goes beyond just providing campaign support. 18 19. RecommendationSpend less on/LimitKeep investing in Spend more on spend on Non-Soccer Soccer Facebook SponsorshipSponsorship Advertising Online BrandGenerated TVIn-Store ContentGyms19 20. 2 Guatemala Pepsi study PepsiCo Business Issue2: How to evaluate the effect of trade onbrand?www.meshplanning.com 20 21. Pepsi traditional trade store experiencesare behind a key competitor but improvewhen the activation kicks inTraditional trade stores Experience Map 80% Brand C Purchase Intent TB(%) Pepsi Control 60% Pepsi Pitbull 40%Brand B 20%Brand A 0% 0% 10%20%30% 40%50% 60%70% 80%Positivity TB(%)www.meshplanning.com21 22. Overall, In store activation has drivenbrand affinity measure directlyRelative areas of impact of in store activationMakes me feel happier How muchHelps me express who I3For someone like memore likely amIs worth what you pay for someone is toit2 Is a brand I love associate astatement with Very refreshing 1 Has ads that appeal to Pepsi after inyou store activation 0experiences Is a brand that sets theConnects me to the musictrendsI love Inspire you to make most Drink when Im out with out of lifefriendsTastes better than otherAvailable where and brands when I need Is a fun brandActivations in traditional trade stores are worth investing in again in the future www.meshplanning.com22 23. Ads featured around the fridge insidethe store are the most persuasiveTraditional Trade Store sub occasions (All brands)Purchase Intent TB(%)80%70%60%Outside poster Sticker in fridgeAds above fridge50%Other Inside poster Fridge40%Social areas* Frame around window30%Shop front Inside displays*20%10%10%20% 30% 40%50% 60% 70%80% Positivity TB(%)Source: MESH Experience Tracking Diary DataBase: Experiences (texts): 7585.Due to low base weve included all groups from both waves (Pitbull TV and Pitbull In-store wave)* 10
