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How to identify and Realise Creative Opportunities

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Series 2: Content is King, Design is it's Queen How to Identify & Realise Creative Opportunities CMA | Digital Breakfast &&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk @andandandltd

Series 2: Content is King, Design is it's Queen

How to Identify & Realise Creative OpportunitiesCMA | Digital Breakfast

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


Author notes are on grey slides. CMA | Digital Breakfast

&&& Creative Ltd

Simon Brown - Founder \ Creative Director. Matt Hall - Lead Designer

The second in the series of Content is King, Design is it’s Queen design talksDid you ever find yourself thinking. How did they make that? Or at best Wow!!!

“How to identify and realise creative opportunities” is focused on sharing 3 valuable approaches developed by the Simon Brown and the team at &&& based on:•Thinking the unthinkable•& Produce the exceptional

Used individually and jointly our approaches are at the heart of our Design process1. Organise your client’s content into a structured rational2. Give your project a focused name, one that inspires creativity3. Identify and solve a challenge for the end user

eurozone, germany, euro, ECB, Greece, Merkel, eurozone crisis, sovereign debt, bail-out, EU reform, italy, EU budget, Spain, emu, European Commission, britain in europe, crisis, eu, Lisbon Treaty, France, Cameron, eurozone bail-out, european parliament, berlusconi, banking sector, finance, MEPs, referendum, bailout, Sarkozy, austerity, imf, EU waste, sovereignty, financial regulation, EFSF, Irish referendum, franco-german axis, democracy, EU referendum, Hollande, UK-EU relations, ECJ, Cyprus, UK, banking union, esm, renegotiation, Portugal, Rajoy, ireland, propaganda, david cameron, treaty change, eurozone. bail-out, German public opinion, Italian elections, CAP, EU foreign policy, Conservative Europe policy, Draghi, Netherlands, EU regulation, EU summit, German 2013 federal election, eurobonds, SPD, environment, restructuring, Greek bailout, banking regulation, summit, bank capital, barroso, democratic deficit, structural funds, Spanish bailout, Sweden, catherine ashton, public opinion, working time directive, Cameron’s EU speech, Lib Dems, German Constitutional Court, coalition govenrment, russia, troika, bundesbank, financial services, free movement, fiscal treaty, monti, 2014-2020 MFF, AFD, EU free movement, commission, default, eu foreign minister, financial transaction tax, german elections, FDP, FTT, OMT, angela merkel, depositors, jha, mario monti, referendum lock, Bersani, CDU\/CSU, ECB Governing Council, EU Constitution, MFF, Poland, deposits, Beppe Grillo, CDU, eu treaty, finland, german media, parliament, spanish banks, Bild Zeitung, Labour, criminal justice, financial markets, immigration, inflation, regulation, repatriation of powers, schauble, EEAS, anglo-german axis, economic government, emu. bail-out, growth, interest rates, Greek euro exit, Letta, Trade policy, bundestag, economic growth, eu bill, spanish regions, subsidiarity, transparency, veto, EBA, ETS, LTRO, Osborne, Slovakia, Ukraine, Van Rompuy, bond purchases, economy, national parliaments, nick clegg, ECB balance sheet, Scrutiny, UK media, access to benefits, bail-ins, china, eurozone exit, eurozone. euro, mark rutte, tax, 2014 opt-out, Constitution, EU regional policy, Greens, MEPs expenses, Spanish bank bailout, UKIP, anti-austerity, banking supervision, dutch politics, fiscal union, poll, European arrest warrant, QMV, catalonia, deficit, ecb rate cut, eu tax, eurozone bailouts, pensions, red card, weidmann, westerwelle, CSU, EU law, Herman Van Rompuy, Scrutiny committee, austria, better regulation, defence, denmark, fiscal compact, free trade, labour market reform, smp, strasbourg, Blair for EU president, ELA, EU integration, EU president, European integration, Le Pen, Pasok, Samaras, UK rebate, benefits, credit rating, debt-pooling, energy, leverage, one-size-fits-all monetary policy, single supervisor, Climate change, EU hypocrisy, EU structural funds, Viviane Reding, aid, civil liberties, czech republic, eu membership, eurogroup, hague, interbank market, juncker, lisbon, peer steinbruck, regional funding, sanctions, scotland, true finns, unemployment, wilders, 2014-2020 EU budget, Crimea, EU migration, EU trade, EU-IMF memorandum, European media, Fraud, French elections, Grillo, Mandelson, New Democracy, Obama, TTIP, accountability, bank of cyprus, brussels, charter, coalition government, corruption, dutch elections, dutch subsidiarity review, financial supervision, localism, media, nato, open europe berlin, single market, trade, usa, #EUReform, AIFM directive, Bankia, Brexit, Bundestagswahl, ECHR, EU enlargement, EU treaty change, European Council, FT, Portuguese bailout, QE, Romania, SYRIZA, eurobarometer, german court, human rights, open europe, recapitalisation, renewables, stress tests, switzerland, tariffs, the City, yellow card, British diplomacy, Bulgaria, CRD4, Die Linke, EP2014, ESAs, EU employment rules, EU financial regulation, EU social policy, EU-Russia relations, EU-US, Ed Miliband, Five Star Movement, Francois Hollande, Martin Schulz, Sikorski, Von Rompuy, bail-in, bank recapitalisation, barack obama, bernd lucke, capital controls, cfp, competitiveness, cost of borrowing, council of ministers, de Gucht, elections, enlargement, eu communication policy, eu referendum bill, eurozone north vs south, fiscal discipline, grand coalition, grexit, in\/out referendum, libertas, norway, political union, populism, protectionism, protest, recovery, schengen, solidarity, steinmeier, trichet, wallstrom, weird uptight federalist stuff, wto, Anglo-German relations, Brixit, Brown, David Lidington, ENP, EP elections, EU budget rules, EU culture, EU defence policy, EU failure, EU red tape, EU supervisors, EU veto, European federalism, Hungary, Iceland, Lega Nord, Olli Rehn, PSI, Papandreou, Passos Coelho, UK contributions, UMP, VVD, William Hague, asmussen, bank bonus, budget, budgetary discipline, business opinion, capital requirements, caroline flint, central bank, comitology, court of auditors, cypriot parliament, deflation, deposit levy, efsm, eu reform conference, eurostat, gas, greek elections, guy verhofstadt, internal devaluation, migration, monetary policy, perks, putin, resolution, right to reside, services liberalisation, single farm payment, slovenia, solar, solar panel, srm, structural reform, third greek bailout, Basel III, City, Constitution by any other name, Czech presidency, Dijsselbloem, EU Presidency, EU debate, Farage, Five-Star Movement, Fresh Start, Front National, Galileo, George Osborne, Iran, Italian debt, JHA opt-out, Karlsruhe, Lords, Maastricht Treaty, Mediaset trial, Michel Barnier, Miliband, NSA, Napolitano, PIIGS, Partido Popular, Piratenpartei, SISO, Spanish EU Presidency, Spanish deficit, Syria, Tony Blair, Tsipras, Turkey, allowances, anders borg, bbc, belgium, broken promises, bureaucracy, buyback, commons, conflict of interest, corbett, cost of EU regulation, data retention, double QMV, ecofin, enhanced cooperation, eu energy, eu military cooperation, euro realism, european elections, exports, fish, future of Europe group, gaddafi, gdp, general election, german coalition negotiations, hedge funds, horse-trading, house prices, legislated EU referendum, libya, macshane, opt-out, otmar issing, quotes of the crisis, rows, services, shortselling, single bank resolution, structrual funds, taxpayers, zapatero, Article 50, Ayrault, BTW13, Bavaria, Blair Brown Constitution, Bundesverfassungsgericht, CACs, Chris Bryant, Clegg v Farage, Coalition, EPP, ERT, EU agencies, EU migrants, EU patent, EU police laws, EU spending, EU-China trade dispute, Excessive Deficit Procedure, Frans Timmermans, Gaspar, Gibraltar, Gisela Stuart, Gordon Brown, House of Commons, Italian President mandate, Italian government, Joren Dijsselbloem, Kouvelis, Laurent Fabius, MPs, Mediaset, Mediterranean, Open Europe factcheck, Ruby, Valls, Venizelos, Westminster, asylum, bad bank, bank of england, banker bonus, biofuels, bolkestein, brrd, carbon emissions, carbon tax, chinese government, clearing houses, communication, contagion, current account, divergence, economic data, euro outs, euro referendum, eurobonds. ecb, external action service, extremist alert, football, german regional elections, glenys kinnock, impact assessment, laszlo andor, levy, lobbying, macroeconomic, media management, merkozy, mervyn king, moral hazard, nhs, opt in, private equity, rebate, recession, reform contracts, services directive, single market safeguards, single resolution mechanism, spin, state aid, swedish eu presidency, timo soini, tobacco, trade dispute, trade war, treaty, uncertainty, unit labour costs, vince cable, wine, APPG for European Reform, Alfano, Artur Mas, Ashton, Berlin Declaration, Britain, Carl Bildt, Christine Lagarde, City of London, Common Commercial Policy, Crimea crisis, Der Spiegel, Downing Street, ECR, EESC, EPPO, ESRB, EU Nobel Peace Prize 2012, EU exit, EU leaders, EU pay, EU quangos, EU treaties, EU vanity, EUwargames, Estonia, Europe Says No, FAZ, French economy, French public opinion, Friedrich, G20, GMO, Hoon, Independence referendum, Joan Ryan, Joaqu√≠n Almunia, Kiev, Liikanen report, Londongrad, Lords reform, Mali, Margaret Thatcher, Monti II, Nicos Anastasiades, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Open Europe war game, PP, REFIT, Rachida Dati, Rehn, Renzi, Rome, S\u0026P, SDP, Telegraph, The Netherlands, Tory rebels, Tusk, War game, ageing population, alert mechanism, american politics, anglo-french cooperation, bailout fatigue, balance of competences, bank bailout, beckett, blogs, bond swap, border controls, bubbles, cars, cbi, clueless politicans, co-decision, competition policy, contribution, cost benefit analysis, croatia, currency, current account holdings, customs union, danish EU presidency, decentralisation, devaluation, development, devolution of EU powers, dispute, double majority financial regulation, eea, enrico letta, esma, eu scrutiny, eu symbols, euro opt out, euromyths, european scrutiny, europol, eurozone integration, ever closer union, fiscal pact, flexible EU, forecast, forex, forward guidance, future, gas imports, georgia, german business, german grand coalition, gold, green card, greenplating, groko, handelsblatt, imbalances, in-out, infrastructure spending, italy. mario monti, jobs, junket, ken clarke, klaus, labour eu policy, laiki, late card, legal challenge, letta agenda, liberal democrats, liberals, lies, ltro repayment, malta, military action, negative deposit rate, neutrality, new settlement, nokia, oecd, oil, one-size-fits-all, parliament act, patent, people power, pmi, posted workers directive, power cuts, presidential election, pro-euro, pro-european, questions questions, reaction, rebellion, regional separatism, reinfeldt, right to reside test, shadow banking, soros, sound money, spending, sport, ssm, surplus, target 2, tax evasion, team stronach, technocrats, telecommunications, the Big Three, toolkit, trade unions, transaction tax, travelling circus, trust, welfare, weo, √ñVP, #CHvote, #DEvote, ‘citizens dialogue’, 2030, ALDE, AQR, Alex Salmond, April Fool’s day, Association Agreement, Austrian Green Party, Austrian National Election 2013, Auswertigesamt, Autumn Statement, BAE\/EADS merger, BZ√ñ, Baden-Wurttemberg, Barcenas, Barosso, Benyon, Berlin, Bettina Roehl, Big beast, Black Forest, Boris Johnson, B√°rcenas, B√∂ge, CSDP, Cameron. Anglo-German axis, Capital Economics, Centre for European Reform, Centrum f√ºr Europ√§ische Politik, Charleroi Airport, Child Benefits, Chris Davies, Chris Giles, Clegg, Club Med Bloc, Commissioners, Congress, Conservative backbenchers, Costos, Council, Damanaki, Data Protection Directive, Data Retention Directive, Dati, De Nederlandsche Bank, De Wever, Delors, Derk-Jan Eppink, Deutscher Aktientinsitute, Die Welt, Die Zeit, Donohoe, Douglas Carswell, Dutch, ECtHR, EEA plus, EFD, EP, EPAs, ESC, EU accession, EU admin spending, EU diplomacy, EU elections, EU home office, EU police college, EU policy, EU speech, EU statistics, EU\/USA trade talks, EUCO, EUU treaty change, EUreform, Edward Snowden, Egypt, Entrepreneurs, Europe, European Court of Auditors, European Neighbourhood Policy, European Public Prosecutor, European Semester, Eurozone grand bargain, FCO, FN, FP√ñ, FTA, Fabius, Finmeccanica, Finnish collateral, Forsa, French government, French local elections, Gasparri, Geenstijl, George Soros, German Basic Law, German minimum wage, German politics, Gestapo, Gilmore, Giovanardi, Globalisation, Green party, Greenwald, Guy Abeille, Hans-Werner Sinn, Helle Thorning-Schmidt. ECJ, Henri Guaino, Hewitt, Hips, Home Office, House of Lords, IIF, ISDA, Ian Duncan Smith, Il Cavaliere, Interior, Irish EU Presidency, Italian President, Italian economy, Iveta Radiƒçov√°, James Wharton, Jean Asselborn, Jerzy Buzek, Jobbik, Kanzleramt, Klaus Regling, Korwin-Mikke, Kristian Vigenin, Labelling, Lamassoure, Lavrov, Le Figaro, Le Monde, Les Echos, Lewandowski, Linke, Lithuanian, London, Lopatka, Lord Owen, Luxembourg, MIFID, Maria Damanaki, Mats Persson, Mitterrand, Montebourg, Moscovici, Moscow, Municipales 2014, NBA, Nigel Farage, No 10, OBR, ODS, ONS, OSI, Olympics, Open Europe Business Initiative, Open Europe reform conference, PVV, Paris, Pin Pong, Portas, Prism, Quatremer, RBS, Raffaele Baldassarre, Reform, Renato Baldassarre, Richard Benyon, Roaming, Romney, Royal Gallery, Rubalcaba, SGP, SP√ñ, SWIFT, Saarland, Sabine Letheusser-Schnarenberger, Schmid, Schuldenmachen, Scottish independence, Scottish referendum, Senate, Sevastopol, Sicily, Silvio Berlusconi, Simon Jenkins, Simulation, Smoking, Snowden, Socialist Party, Spanish budget, Spanish regional elections, Spanish unemployment, Sparpolitik, Spies, Stasi, Steinbruck, Swiss-EU, Syed Kamall, TUC, Tempora, Thatcher, Theresa May, Thomas de Maizi√®re, Tom Staal, Tories, Transatlantic Trends, Tweede Kamer, UCITS, UK safeguards, UK;, UKREP, UN, UN resolution, US, United Nations, University of Europe, Urmas Paet, Vickers, Volcker, Wiff Waff, Willsch, Wirtschafts Woche, Zeman, absolute majority, agriculture, andrea leadsom, anti-dumping, approval, asset quality review, awards, baailout, baby formula, balance of payments, balls, bank loans, bank run, beer, belgian EU presidency, benchmark, benelux, better off out, bill cash, boc, bombs, bond issue, bondf√∂rnuft, bonuses, brazil, brics, business, business taskforce, c deficit, catalan elections, censorship, central and eastern Europe, centralisation, cfsp, charter of fundamental Rights, chris huhne, cigs, civil society, collective action clauses, community method, competiveness pact, competiveness pact., construction, consultations, consumer confidence, consumer protection, contractual arrangements, country specific recommendations, cows, croatian accession treaty, curry, czech elections, data protection, data roaming, dbrs, de-regulation, debt relief, demographics, deregulation, diplomacy, dirty bombs, discards, discharge, doctors, dove, downgrade, draft 2013 budget, dumping, economic forecast, economic history, ed balls, eib, electoral commission, embargo, employm, energy prices, equality, errors, etc, eu ambassadors, eu fisheries, eu military, euribor, euro exot, euro opt-out, eurohttp:\/\/www.blogger.com\/img\/blank.gifzone, european investigation order, european solidarity fund, european tea party, europhile, europhile Lords, eurosceptic, excise duty, exit polls, external aid, false dichotomy, farm lobby, fascism, fear and gloating, federal reserve, fiscal cliff, fisheries, flanders, franco-german-polish axis, free speech, fund managers, funding for lending, gabriel, gaffes, game theory, gas price, george bush, goats, government lies, green creep, grosse koalition, hacking, haircut, handy-gate, hard power, hawk, health and safety, healthcare, herbal medicine, horst seehofer, ibrc, imports, influence, infographic, innovation, interview, investment, irish bailout, irregularities, isolation, jack straw, jackals, kaczynski, labour force, latvia, laws originating in EU, lazy journalism, leading by example, legacy assets, legal opinions, legal service, libor, liquidity, lisbon agenda, local government, lord Mandelson, man on the moon, manifesto, markit, ming, minority government, mmf, money market funds, multi-level Europe, nama, national security, natural gas, neo-Nazi, news management, non-eurozone, official sector, offshore wind, oligarchs, olive oil ban, onshore wind, open society, orderly default procedure, ordnungspolitik, output gap, own goal, party conference, periphery, phone tapping, ping-pong, pipeline politics, political fragmentation, portuguese constitutional court, predictions, price freeze, prisoners vote, proportionality, protests, quantitative easing, rainar bruderle, ratification, real estate, reciprocity, red tape, reflation, reforms, regionalisation, reinhart, repatriation, repo, reshuffle, restructering, review, roads, robbery, robots, rogoff, rogue statistics, rule of law, rules of origin, rural development, sareb, sector, security, semeta, shale gas, shipping, single market liberalisation, single market plus, six pack, social media, socrates, soft power vs hard power, solution, solvency, some contradiction shurely??, soteu, soverign debt, space, spain. italy, speech, spillover, spread, standard and poors, state elections, state of the union, stato, sterilisation, stimulus, strikes, student grants, subsidies, surgeons, terrorism, the editors cut, the truth will out - through screw ups, the truth will out - through typos, thespeech, think-tanks, too much information, tourism, toys, treasury, trust in the EU, trust law, twitter, twitter diplomacy, two-speed europe, uk energy policy, unemployment benefits, unicorns,

unintended consequences, us presidential election, van der leyen, vaz strikes back, veto moments, wages, wahlalternative, wealth, weber, weimar, whatever it takes, winter 2014, witches, world economic outlook,youth unemployment.

Tags should be meaningful&&& Creative Ltd


1. Organise your client’s content into a structured rationalThis is especially relevant to Mega Projects. Which can be hugely overwhelming, without a clear structured rational its ever so easy to get lost. Content audits are a great way to understand the complexity of content and is the first step to designing a structure rational.

Content in its purest form is a lucid set of ingredients.Design in its purest form is a vehicle for communication. Together they thrive off each other. Design has the ability to translate Content from a lucid set of ingredients into a tangible end product, wrapped in design aesthetic.

However more often than not our clients content is nothing like that.

So how do you turn something meaningful?

Today | Intelligence | Action

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The Structured Rational we developed for Open Europe was a series of Channels within one websiteopeneurope.org.uk

Today: The go-to source for real-time analysis on breaking European affairs.Intelligence: Providing smart hands-on solutions to the EU’s most pressing challenges.Action: We deliver tangible change through our events, campaigns and supporters.

By defining the Channels it defined the technology and design requirements;•Pdf’s to be displayed Inline at article level•Animated data components that would bring content to life•Clarified the event life-cycle and identified the key areas design and technology would play a part.•Embraced multiple technology platforms; WordPress to EventBrite to Mailchimp to AddThis to 24 LiveBlog...

We are of the opinion: If we can’t explain it, we can’t design it

TodayThe go-to source for real-time analysis on breaking European affairs.

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IntelligenceProviding smart hands-on solutions to the EU’s most pressing challenges.

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ActionWe deliver tangible change through our events, campaigns and supporters.

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Report 05/2013

Kick-starting growth:How to reignite the EU’s services sector and boost growth by €300bn

Open Europe

Stephen Booth, Mats Persson and Raoul Ruparel

Previous Design

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1. Organise your client’s content into a structured rationalThen divide this into Mini projects that fit into your structure with clear aims, deliverables...

The previous cover of Open Europe policy papers is a good example of how not to bring content to life.

The question was how will we make this more engaging and recognisable?Understanding the content is very important. Develop a design solution that make real sense for the audience.

Briefings: A simple immediate design solution, that mimics the nature of this type of quick publication.Polls: We graphically developed an abstract representation of opinion.Reports: We developed an Illustration style to communicate the nature of these In-depth Policy

Research Papers.


German voters reject all forms of further financial support to the eurozone

Open EuropeReport 04/2012

Not so bullish now?The short-term prospects for Spain inside the euro

Open Europe

Raoul Ruparel

Briefing 11/2014

How to save EU free movement: Make it fair to keep it free

Open Europe

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3,036Increase in twitter followers

13,541New users on web

Within the first 2 months

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1. Organising your client’s content into a structured rational

The Rewards For Our Client - Open Europe•Greater exposure•More engagement

For &&& Creative• It lead to us developing the Brand Strategy across print and digital.

Digital Content

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


In a world where Content, Content, Content is all we hear, its important we understand the context or platform your content will be consumed in. To accommodate learning we have frequent Research & Development days focused on:Understanding TrendKeeping up-to-date with technology

In terms of digital what does content structures mean?

Like anything it always starts with a single piece of Content (Represented by the single line).

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


Typically digital content is housed in categories.But what happens when a category starts to fill up?The outcome is:•Content is hard to find.•At some point it means an update to your platform or a complex data migration process.•Most importantly valuable content potentially becomes lost.

Digital structures are horizontal and vertical, Category and Tag based. Allowing users to cross reference content. Sites that publish huge volumes of content will at some point end back at the same point.

What happens when there is too much content?Are we happy in the digital world that content is throw-away?

Should we be developing structures that manage and server Content in a more appropriate manner?

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The Beauty of a


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As part of our Research & Development Day we looked at:What is it that makes a magazine beautiful?

The page turn is not what makes a magazine beautiful!

What is it that people love about magazines? - Issue’s - The publication - Themes - Subject Matter - The associate you have with it as a product

It’s the simple fact that you remember that Cover or that Article from that issue.

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Magazines organise content very well, within a dynamic framework.Typically magazines have sections, which you could easily translate to categories.

Well what if we did just that!

Organised content inside themes, with flexible categories and tags.

Would we address this issue and the issue we all face.

How do you take print online?

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


We did just that for a webzine called Urbanista.org.

Read the full casestudy

We organised our client’s content into a structured rational... Embracing what we love about digital and what we love about print. Every time an issue is published the homepage changes and the past issue’s url switches to be part off an easily searchable back catalogue. You can cross reference categories across themes and content types.

Think the unthinkable, be bold and innovate.

We had been Creative Directors for Cilichili magazine for Vodafone who where inspired by our work and subsequently commissioned us to design and develop Cilichili Online.

Transforming Vodafone’s customer magazine Cilichili into an online mobile ambassador.

We are Mobile Ambassadors

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&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


2. Give your project a focused name, one that inspires creativity

“We are mobile ambassadors”

This will help you design the unexpected. We switched up the publishing process, with scheduled drop dates and planned daily, weekly publishing schedules.

To mimic the sophistication of print layouts we injected a designer into the workflow, no longer was it just publishing to a single digital template.

This was Digital Publishing with design at its heart.


Monthly user sessions


Monthly users


Minutes spent reading

Source: Google Analytics comparison 6 months from launch

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The Rewards

For Our ClientHuge traffic increase achieved. Longer ready timesThis allowed third party ad spce to be sold

For &&& CreativeWe learnt that publish first, publish regularly, drives audience engagement.Think Big! It works.

Read the full casestudy

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


1. Identify and solve a challenge for the end user

What would the end user want?

This is a site for a recruitment agency called Adrem. We needed to address the issue of trust. We also needed to think like the end user, what do they want?

Fast search!

By focusing on Search this gave us a direction for the design.

Technology challenges, UX Challenges.

Making the whole “find a job” process that bit easier

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


3. Identify and solve a challenge for the end user.

Sometimes this can lead to unexpected opportunities.

Digitally we tackled the issues around Trust, putting our client at the heart of the creative industry.

We where pleased to gain the trust of Adrem who agreed on a radical idea.

Start a gallery!

Which they did and still do.

Called Dreamspace, putting them at the heart of the creative community.

In Summary

Organise your client’s content into a structured rationale...

then subdivide the project into clearly defined mini projects.

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


In summary

Mega projects can be hugely overwhelming, without a clear structured rational its ever so easy to get lost. By producing a structured rational first, you will help the team stay on track and deliver quality results on every aspect.

Immerse yourself in your clients content.

If you can’t explain it, how can you design it?

Subdivide the project into clearly defined mini projects that fit inside your structured rational.

In Summary

Give your project a focused name, one that inspires creativity

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


In summary

Yes we are building a website or a responsive website. But what is it?

What we infer as a focused name is a actually a representation of a core idea.

This “idea” should be the backbone of your project.

One that is easier for clients to understand and get excited about and one that unifies a team to produce the exceptional

Fundamentally directing your design decisions.

In Summary

Identify and solve a challenge for the end user

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


In Summary

Designing by persona is nothing unique nor is identifying and solving a challenge for the end user.

However we as designers need to have the ability to think “What would each person want”

Be that person. If the user is Sam and he loves cupcakes. At the very least be Sam and eat that cupcake. If budget allows do user testing and research groups.

Identify the challenge, solve it!

It will open opportunities and you will be thanked.

Thanks!Simon Brown, Founder / Creative DirectorMatt Hall, Lead Designer

&&& Creative

If you want to continue the dialogue, hit us up on twitter @andandandltd


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Content is King, Design is it’s Queen.Lecture Series

Series 0: Content is King, Design is it's QueenPOMP Forum | Poslovni Mediji

Series 1: Design in it’s Purest Form is a Vehicle for CommunicationDigital Shoreditch | Live Day

Series 2: How to Identify & Realise Creative OpportunitiesDigital Breakfast | CMA

Stay posted for more...

&&& Creative Ltd www.andandand.co.uk


Creative Corner: Our free monthly meetup, share knowledge, be inspired.Together lets get our awesome community talking, work.

Content Strategy


Elizabeth Malone-


Why to create a content strategy, and how to make

sure that your strategy delivers results for your business

Friday 1st May Kick-off 5.00pm

&&& Ltd, Unit 11, 5 Durham Yard, E2 6QF

RSVP: [email protected]


Creative Corner A free monthly meetup

to inspire creativity. Hosted on the last friday of every month.

Content Strategy


Elizabeth Malone-


the why’sthe how’s & the what’s of film-making

Friday 29th May Kick-off 5.00pm&&& Ltd, Unit 11, 5 Durham Yard, E2 6QF RSVP: [email protected]@andandandltd

Creative Corner A free monthly meetup

to inspire creativity. Hosted on the last friday of every month

Story, Ideas & Aesthetics.Ben Stevenson’s journey into;

the why’sthe how’s & the what’s of film-making

Brands In The Age Of Reduction

Friday 26th June

Kick-off 5.00pm

&&& Ltd, Unit 11, 5 Durham Yard, E2 6QF

RSVP: [email protected]


Creative Corner A free monthly meetup

to inspire creativity. Hosted on the last friday of every month

Ash GibsonCreative Director

Brands In The Age Of Reduction

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