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How To Make Social Media Work For Your Organization

Date post: 06-Dec-2014
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How To Make Social Media Work For Your Organization
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Social Media Marketing. How to make this ‘new’ communication work for your organization
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Social Media Marketing. How to make this ‘new’ communication

work for your organization

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“Only 12% of CEOs think their organization is effectively using social media.” - IBM CEO Survey

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What is Social Media?

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What does it mean to “do” social media?

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Social Media Marketing is a combination of…

• Community Management

• Content Development

• Strategy and Campaign Development

• Advertising

• Research and Analytics

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What’s the point? What are the goals of social media marketing?

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• Be considered

• Create “buzz”

• Can be hard to measure

• Everyone claims they’re okay with this…. But then asks, “What’s the ROI”

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• Reaffirm a choice

• Post-purchase, post-sign up

• “Get people to subscribe to your thinking”

• Long-term nature of social

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• What most businesses want

• Easy to prove with E-commerce, harder with brick-and-mortar

• Rely on coupons, promotions

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Customer Service

• Dedicated teams, dedicated accounts

• Would you ignore a phone call?

• Communication (and complaints) are evolving

• Create a process

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• Social Listening, Social Monitoring, Trend Forecasting

• Tools like Radian6, Sysomos, Sprout, etc.

• … or Google Alerts

• “The Pinterest Effect”

• How many of you are selling pumpkin-flavored coffee this year?

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The networks. Which ones should we use? What is the ‘next best thing’?

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Consider your goals, audience and resources.

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Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vine Instagram, Pinterest, 4sq, Swarm, Path, Snapchat, Yelp

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The Basics: Facebook + Twitter

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• Largest social network – in terms of users and businesses

• 1 billion active users

• Trending older

• Other networks often follow it’s functionality (header images, advertising model, newsfeed algorithm)

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• 200+ million users

• Started as a text messaging service for bike delivery

• 140 characters

• It’s language paves the way

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Social Media & Content Marketing

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What kind of content works best on Facebook and Twitter?

• Links out to websites – recent changes to FB’s algorithm support this

• Photos still popular

• Direct CTAs

• Memes/Humor can go viral

• Tagging partners, brands, other organizations

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What kind of content works best on Facebook and Twitter? (cont.)

• Videos auto-play on Facebook now

• Twitter still dominates for live event coverage and breaking news

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What else is FB and Twitter known for?

• Facebook Insights rivals most paid services

• ‘Trending’ topics is a great tool

• Advertising options

• Frequency - Facebook you can post less often; Twitter is more disposable

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Visual Content Champs: Instagram, Snapchat + Pinterest

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• Younger audience – “Most important” network

• Expanded into video, Hyperlapse

• Content often lifestyle, aspirational

• “Link in profile”

• Less viral nature

• Hashtags rule

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• Younger, highly active users

• The vanishing message has paved the way for other apps like Secret, Whisper

• ‘Stories’ have made it ad-friendly

• Requires a playful, friendly, humorous tone

• Still requires a lot of cross promotion

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• Female, older… and wealthier

• Visual bookmarking, ‘virtual cork board’

• Images link back to more content on a website

• Food and drink is most popular category

• Viral nature, more so than Instagram and Snapchat

• Still plagued by legal issues

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Press Play: YouTube, Vine

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• 72 hours uploaded every minute

• Being used more and more as a video player

• Cross promotion

• Channel trailers

• CTA overlays, end slates

• Connection with Google+ makes it a strong SEO player

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• New kid on the block

• 6-second video format paved the way for Instagram video

• Five vines tweeted every second (reliance on cross promotion?)

• Younger demo (18-20, female)

• Humor, creativity play well

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Location, Location: Swarm, Foursquare, Yelp, NextDoor

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• Formerly known as ‘Foursquare’

• Location-based check ins

• Success requires adoption

• Privacy concerns

• Will push-notification offers live on Swarm (the check-in) or Foursquare (the discovery)?

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Foursquare, Yelp

• Reviews, Discovery

• Opportunity for users to become ‘elites’ or ‘experts’

• Yelp benefits from community management

• Lots of competition in the review world – TripAdvisor, forums, ‘word of mouse’

• Of note: In 2013, Foursquare was 60% Male

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• Hyperlocal, neighborhood-based

• 1 in 4 U.S. neighborhoods

• Verification process to join

• Less narcissism, selfies

• More like a forum

• “Not for commercial use”

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Can I Pay-To-Play? !

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM) vs. Social Advertising

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What’s the difference?

• SEM, also known as ‘PPC’ or pay-per-click

• Google Adwords, Bing Ads

• Ad served based on keywords searched

• Success usually measured in clicks, CTR

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What’s the difference?

• Social Advertising is available on networks like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest…

• Ads served based on interests, employment, etc.

• Less like an ad, and more like content

• Often higher cost, but targeting is more focused

• What’s success? Click, like, RT, share….

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Building the Foundation !

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Brand Voice

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Brand Voice

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“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”

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Brand Attributes

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Brand Attributes

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Describe the brand as if it were a person.

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Audience Profiles

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Audience Profiles

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Key pain points, challenges, messages that resonate.

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Content Categories

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Content Categories

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What would your Pinterest boards be?

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Channel Guidelines

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Channel Guidelines

Social Media Marketing

Frequency, tone, popular hashtags, best practices.

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Content Calendars + Checklists

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Content Calendars + Checklists

Social Media Marketing

Start with key events, deadlines and work from there.

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Measurement + Analytics

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Measurement + Analytics

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Answer the 5 W’s.

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Thank you [email protected]
