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How to Make Vegan Butter - Regular Vegan Butter - Coconut Oil Base - Veganbaking

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Vegan butter recipe
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(http://www.veganbaking.net/recipes/fats/vegan-butters) How to Make Vegan Butter - Regular

Vegan Butter - Coconut Oil Base

How to Make Vegan Butter - Regular Vegan Butter

- Coconut Oil Base

(/community/mattie/profile) Written by Mattie (/community/mattie/profile)

User Photos (1) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/photos?id=NzM1OmNvbV9jb250ZW50&by=users)

Page 2: How to Make Vegan Butter - Regular Vegan Butter - Coconut Oil Base - Veganbaking

Butter is one of those ingredients that can be so central to baking that as soon as some people hear the term vegan

baking they wonder aloud almost in a panic, “what about the butter?!” Many vegan baked items get along great with

fats like canola, coconut oil or even olive oil. These types of fats work wonders for cakes, cookies, bars and breads.

When designing recipes where we need something to act like butter, things start to get complicated. Solid fats like

butter and margarine are integral to things like puff pastry, pie crust, shortbread, croissants, danish dough and

certain cakes. This is because in these cases the fat is used to coat the flour so gluten doesn't develop too much and

also trap air bubbles to enhance leavening and texture. The only option in these instances is to turn to a margarine or

similar vegan butter that is solid at room temperature and gets soft as it melts so it blends to one cohesive mass of


Vegan butter options as of this writing are pretty slim. If you're lucky, you have access to Earth Balance Buttery

Sticks or Spectrum Spread (tub margarine is a no-no in baking due to its excessive water and salt content). These

margarines utilize a blend of fats, water, starches and gums to mimic real butter. If you're unlucky you only have

access to other margarines which use a process called partial hydrogenation to solidify vegetable (usually soy) oil.

This hydrogenation process alters the fat structure which also happens to create compounds called trans fatty acids

that are highly toxic to the body. Toxic to the point of where finding local, sustainably raised real butter would

ironically probably be a better pseudo-vegan alternative in the grand scheme of things.

Non-hydrogenated vegan margarines aren't knights in shining buttery armor either. Lots of them use palm oil which,

as of this writing, is currently associated with rainforest destruction due to its rising popularity as regions like

Sumatra scramble to devote more land to its production without respecting the environment. Imagine that: a vegan

option that actually leads to habitat destruction. There are efforts currently underway to sustainably cultivate palm oil

but as vegans know, the best way to really know that you're not contributing to it is to just not buy it.

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I've never been a huge fan of margarines because I find that they're so packed with chemicals and stabilizers that

they frequently remind me of what it would be like to chew on a candle on a hot day. Have you ever done a taste

test with butter and margarine? Butter dissolves away on the tongue and margarine overstays its welcome by a long

shot, leaving a gummy residue lingering on. Loving a challenge, I decided to do something about this lack of quality

vegan butter and give my best shot to making my own alternative. Lucky for us, this turned out to be much easier

than I thought and I think I may have opened a buttery portal to give vegan bakers a little more power to innovate

with the flavor of their recipes. White Chocolate Almond Croissants anyone?

I make Vegan Butter in large batches and store it in my freezer. The night before I bake I transfer it to my

refrigerator or kitchen counter depending on the consistency my recipe calls for.

Understanding Real Butter

To create Vegan Butter we must understand real butter. Real butter consists of about 78% fat, 18% water and 4%

milk solids. In Europe, the fat is usually even higher in proportion to the water. The milk solids are responsible for

emulsifying the fat and water, adding additional flavor and allowing the margarine to melt softly. I decided that in

order to have a tasty vegan drop-in replacement for butter and margarine in things like laminated doughs and pie

crusts, I'd have to stick to these figures. And heck, I'd might as well do my best to make it taste awesome as a

spread too.

Real butter comes from heavy cream. The fat globules in the cream are completely surrounded and suspended in a

network of emulsifying compounds in the water. As you shake the cream, the fats get shaken out of their

emulsifying network, find each other and join together. As they join together they start to solidify and the water can

be drained away to a point. The result is butter.

Designing Vegan Butter

In regards to fat I'd have to use something that's solid at room temperature and not be palm oil due to the

environmental issues associated with it. Coconut oil is perfect for this application because it's available refined

(unflavored) and unrefined (with coconut flavor intact). Cocoa butter comes in a close second but let's face it- it has

an overwhelming chocolate flavor. So I developed a bonus White Chocolate Vegan Butter so there. Here's to hoping

coconut oil and cocoa butter production don't lead to habitat destruction as their popularity rises.

Coconut oil supposedly has health benefits over other fats but as of this writing it really depends on who you talk to.

One camp insists that coconut fat is made up of medium-chain fatty acids that are small enough to the point of

where they don't get stored as much as other fats and result in quick-burning energy. This camp also insists that the

high amount of saturated fat in coconut oil isn't detrimental to health as other saturated fats. The other camp pledges

that all saturated fats are bad and should be avoided. I personally think it's too early to say one is right and the other

is wrong and happily exercise the everything in moderation approach.

It would be pretty easy to make a fat with the consistency of butter but how would I mimic the flavor without

resorting to chemicals? I'm a firm believer in the power of curdling and fermentation. Fermentation and curdling

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involve hundreds of chemical reactions that produce a multitude of complex flavor compounds with a depth that

can't be replicated by chemicals. I know that dairy products like cultured butter and crème fraiche involve a certain

level of fermentation; you can even buy the cultures at cheese making stores and make it yourself. I wasn't

interested in the complexity of fermenting before mixing my ingredients though. This would probably be more

trouble than it was worth. What if I simply curdled non-dairy milk to build the flavor I was looking for?

Non-Dairy Milk Curdling

Curdling involves adding acids to a liquid that causes the proteins to unravel like balls of yarn. As the proteins

unravel, their strands line up, join together and tighten. This tightening causes tiny clumps in the mixture and also

generates a large array of flavors that add a significant amount of depth to almost anything you bake it with. You

may have noticed how much of a fan of curdled non-dairy milk I am due to how often I use it in my recipes on


Several weeks prior to these Vegan Butter experiments I conducted tests with different non-dairy milks to see how

they vary in curdling in regards to taste. I ended up curdling a half cup of soy, hemp, almond, rice and coconut

milks each in 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar for 10 minutes, then analyzing thickness and flavor. The results were

surprising: soy milk curdled the most and had the most complex flavor (think buttermilk), followed by hemp milk,

then almond milk. Coconut milk and rice milk didn't curdle at all. This confirmed my theory that curdling is directly

proportional to the amount of protein in the non-diary milk. This makes perfect sense after the explanation of

curdling above. This Vegan Butter was going to have to use soy milk. You could probably make a cashew purèe to

use for this base if you're not keen on soy, however I haven't tried this yet as of this writing. Banana Vegan Butter

doesn't use curdling to build flavor so this is an option for those interested in eliminating soy. It can also be made


Due to this discovery of the flavor-building properties of soy milk curdled with acid, I'll be using soy milk

exclusively when I want to build flavor in this manner from here on out.

The role of acidity in Vegan Butter

Page 5: How to Make Vegan Butter - Regular Vegan Butter - Coconut Oil Base - Veganbaking

Traditional butter doesn’t really have a noticeable acid profile to speak of. Since we’re building our own butter from

the ground up, we need to think about acid’s extremely subtle role in savory, buttery foods. In this case, the acid

plays two roles:

It’s responsible for curdling the proteins in the soy milk which creates a layer of savory flavor.

Buttery flavor is also enhanced from the acid itself.

After I experimented with several vinegars as well as lemon juice, I originally settled on 100 percent apple cider

vinegar to drive buttery flavors. This vinegar features malic as well as acetic acid which is a great combination. The

malic acid delivers initial fruity notes whereas the acetic acid promotes a volatile cultured butteriness that can be

easily perceived in the nose.

One of the problems with malic acid is that it features an initial sharp, acidic punch that quickly fades. This burst of

acidity can be a little too much for people who are sensitive to acidity. It wasn’t until later that I discovered the

merits of coconut vinegar.

Coconut vinegar lacks the fruitiness of apple cider vinegar but features a smoother acid profile that lingers longer. I

found that combining apple cider vinegar with coconut vinegar provides the best combination of subtle fruitiness

with a smooth, lingering finish. If you can’t find coconut vinegar, feel free to use 100 percent apple cider vinegar. If

you’re particularly sensitive to acidity in general, don’t be afraid to experiment with lowering the acidity to your


Emulsifiers and stabilizers

Now that I had the fat and flavor-building ingredients down, I needed to bring everything together into a smooth

cohesive, malleable mass that could be worked into dough, creamed into airy masses for cakes and cut into pie crust

dough. Emulsifiers are compounds that bind oil-based ingredients and water-based ingredients into one cohesive

mixture. I decided to use soy lecithin for this purpose due to its affordability and effectiveness. Xanthan gum was

developed in the mid 20th century from the slimy grime that grows on vegetables in the refrigerator. It so happens

that this vegetable gum is a wonder ingredient, acting as both an emulsifier and a stabilizer. A stabilizer is able hold

air bubbles and support structure.

Psyllium husk powder

As I’ve learned in the comments section for this Vegan Butter, for one reason or another, some people just aren’t

that keen on xanthan gum. For some it’s due to an allergic reaction. Others just aren’t into the idea of eating food

that’s not in its natural state. Although I feel that xanthan gum works as an excellent emulsifier and stabilizer in

Vegan Butter, I respect those who choose to not consume it.

After some suggestions in the comments and further testing, I’ve found that psyllium husk powder can work as a

suitable stabilizer for Vegan Butter.

Keep in mind that if you choose to not use xanthan gum or psyllium husk powder, Vegan Butter will be, as they say

in the butter world, less plastic or malleable. This can cause it to be more difficult to work with in some recipes

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because it’ll shear when cut into recipes instead of squish. It also won't be able to hold air bubbles when whipped.

Fine tuning the salt

I decided to walk a fine line in regards to salt in Vegan Butter. You may laugh at the measurement of ¼ + ⅛

teaspoon salt in the recipe below. I wanted the salt level to be sufficient enough to yield buttery flavor in most

applications but not to the point of where it added to the saltiness of baked items.

I ended up fine tuning this formula and the results worked so well I decided to develop variants I now feature in the

Vegan Butters recipe section. These variants include Miso Tahini Tarragon Vegan Butter (/recipes/fats/vegan-

butters/miso-tahini-tarragon-vegan-butter), Three Herbed Vegan Butter (/recipes/fats/vegan-butters/three-herbed-

vegan-butter), Cultured European Style Vegan Butter (/recipes/fats/vegan-butters/cultured-european-style-vegan-

butter) and White Truffle Vegan Butter (http://www.veganbaking.net/recipes/fats/vegan-butters). Use these

anywhere you would use traditional butter or margarine. I must say I'm baffled as to why this hasn't been done

before and promptly placed on the market. A vegan butter that doesn't use space-age ingredients would surely fly

off store shelves, even if it were relatively expensive.

When making these Vegan Butters it's highly recommended that you use a silicone mold like the Tovolo King Cube

Extra Large Silicone Ice Cube Tray (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00395FHRO?

ie=UTF8&tag=veganbakingne-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B00395FHRO). This will allow you

to make gorgeous butter cubes that can easily be slid out of the molds.

Find out how to make Regular Vegan Butter with Cocoa Butter as a base (/fats/vegan-butters/818-regular-vegan-


Page 7: How to Make Vegan Butter - Regular Vegan Butter - Coconut Oil Base - Veganbaking

This is regular 'ol Vegan Butter that's designed to mimic your favorite commercial variant. Use it wherever you use

butter or margarine. Like traditional butter, Vegan Butter is more solid than tub margarine and not as spreadable.

This is so it can perform optimally in vegan baking applications. If your goal is to have a conveniently softer,

spreadable Vegan Butter, swap out 1 Tablespoon of the coconut oil with 1 additional Tablespoon canola, light olive

oil or rice bran oil.

Regular Vegan Butter Recipe - Coconut Oil Base

¼ cup + 2 teaspoons soy milk

½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar

½ teaspoon coconut vinegar (if you can’t find coconut vinegar, substitute with ½ teaspoon apple cider vinegar so

the total is 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar)

¼ + ⅛ teaspoon salt

½ cup + 2 Tablespoons + 1 teaspoon (130 grams) refined coconut oil, melted

1 Tablespoon canola oil, light olive oil or rice bran oil (/articles/guides/best-oils-for-vegan-baking)

1 teaspoon liquid soy lecithin (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00014DUSE?ie=UTF8&tag=veganbakingne-

20&linkCode=xm2&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B00014DUSE) or liquid sunflower lecithin

(https://www.google.com/search?q=sunflower-lecithin) or 2 ¼ teaspoons soy lecithin granules



¼ teaspoon xanthan gum or ½ + ⅛ teaspoon psyllium husk powder

1) Curdle your soy milk

Place the soy milk, apple cider vinegar, coconut vinegar and salt in a small cup and whisk together with a fork. Let it

sit for about 10 minutes so the mixture curdles.

2) Mix your Vegan Butter ingredients

Melt the coconut oil in a microwave so it's barely melted and as close to room temperature as possible. Measure it

and add it and the canola oil to a food processor. Making smooth Vegan Butter is dependent on the mixture

solidifying as quickly as possible after it's mixed. This is why it's important to make sure your coconut oil is as close

to room temperature as possible before you mix it with the rest of the ingredients.

3) Transfer the Vegan Butter to a mold so it solidifies

Add the soy milk mixture, soy lecithin and xanthan gum to the food processor. Process for 2 minutes, scraping

down the sides halfway through the duration. Pour the mixture into a mold and place it in the freezer to solidify. An

ice cube mold works well. The Vegan Butter should be ready to use in about an hour. Store it in an airtight container

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in the refrigerator for up to 1 month or wrapped in plastic wrap in the freezer for up to 1 year. Makes 1 cup (215

grams), or the equivalent of 2 sticks Regular Vegan Butter.

For more Vegan Butter recipes check out the Vegan Butter recipe section


Page 9: How to Make Vegan Butter - Regular Vegan Butter - Coconut Oil Base - Veganbaking

Get a price on the Liquid Soy Lecithin I Recommend


20&linkCode=xm2&camp=1789&creativeASIN=B00014DUSE) at Amazon.



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Regular Vegan Butter - Cocoa Butter Base (/recipes/fats/vegan-


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Cultured European Style Vegan Butter (/recipes/fats/vegan-


Category: Vegan Butter Recipes


Spreadable Olive Oil Vegan Butter (/recipes/fats/vegan-


How to Make Vegan Butter - Regular Vegan Butter - Coconut Oil

Base (/recipes/fats/vegan-butters/vegan-butter)

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Reviewed by Alysha June 26, 2014

sweetened milk?

This butter was great, but I'm not sure if my soy milk curdled enough when I made it. I was wondering if you

used sweetened or unsweetened soy milk?

(/community/4548-katymc/profile) Reviewed by katymc (/community/4548-

katymc/profile) June 06, 2014

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page=2#user-4548) - View all my reviews (2) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=4548)

No More Earth Balance for Us!

bless you for sharing this! i subbed ground chia seeds for the last 2 ingredients, and it turned out really well. i'd

rather dip bread in olive oil than use something like earth balance. the texture and melting quality of this was

perfect! delicious in your chewy vegan chocolate chip cookies too. you've made life much more bearable for

this mom of a baby with 10+ food allergies! :) if he's clear on soy, we will be all set, thanks to you!

(/community/4537-trisha/profile) Reviewed by Trisha (/community/4537-

trisha/profile) June 02, 2014

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page=15#user-4537) - View all my reviews (1) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=4537)

I don't want to be "that person," but coconut, regardless of the new hype on the product and the mis-

information about it spreading like wild fire all over the internet is actually a saturated fat and yes, contrary to

popular belief, your body will store this fat and it will raise your blood lypids and cholesterol levels. I am trying

desperately to find and alternative that is neither a saturated fat, nor a trans fat product. I won't use soy or oils

of any kind. It would just be amazing if someone on this forum new of anything or could come up with anything

that might actually work. Thanks so much! Sorry for the downer. :/

(/community/4527-verveine/profile) Reviewed by verveine

(/community/4527-verveine/profile) May 31, 2014

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page=2#user-4527) - View all my reviews (3) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=4527)

like buttah

the only problem is that i only made 1 batch. and it's already gone. will remedy that situation tomorrow, officially

known in the house as "vegan butter making day." i used soy lecithin granules which did not dissolve, but like

others have mentioned, it didn't seem to affect the outcome of the butter or the baked goods i made with it. i

used it in the Chewy Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies (by far one of the BEST cookie recipes i have ever made),

and used the leftover in place of some shortening for biscuits. i actually felt kind of bad mixing it with the

shortening. there's something so special about fresh, high quality butter. i feel like i was gifted this recipe. thank

you Mattie!!!

(/community/3322-charj/profile) Reviewed by charj (/community/3322-charj/profile) May 30, 2014

Top 500 Reviewer (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/reviewers?page=24#user-3322) - View all my

reviews (1) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=3322)

Coconut Sap Vinegar Vs. Coconut Water Vinegar

Does it matter if you use coconut sap vinegar or coconut water vinegar when making vegan butter?

Owner's reply

Great question charj! I believe I'm using coconut vinegar derived from coconut water in this Vegan Butter.

Reviewed by hiranyakasibu May 29, 2014

want to know if coconut oil can be substituted? it has high saturated fat content . using it as an alternative for

butter again a highly saturated fat content spread makes me think is there a healthier oil alternative?

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Reviewed by Jodie May 28, 2014

Xanthan Gum Concerns

I read one person's concerns about xanthan gum being genetically modified. I'm sure this is true with many

brands but Bob's Red Mill is not. I contacted the company about it and they're very dedicated to GMO free

products. In fact GMO free will be appearing on their labels. When in doubt about an ingredient in a recipe, just

contact the company. Nowadays, it's easy to do via email and they're generally good about replying. You like

their answer, buy their brand. You don't like their answer, don't buy their product. Simple.

Reviewed by Claudia May 13, 2014

Great butter!

Love this butter! Tried it yesterday and it came out perfect, I used it to make a banana loaf and an apple cake

and both turned out great. Next step: making it savoury with garlic and herbs.

Reviewed by Emily May 12, 2014

I am having the same issue with the soy lecithin granules not dissolving

completely. Doesn't bother me really, though next time I am going to try putting them in with the curdling soy

milk at the beginning so they have a little longer sitting in liquid to soften. My food processor isn't very good so

running it longer hasn't helped much.

Today I threw a bunch of garlic cloves into the mix so that I could use this to make garlic bread! So wonderful

- the only thing I had access to before was this really soft olive oil spread that was terrible for baking.

Reviewed by bj May 05, 2014



Your vegan butter recipe is so good. I have made this butter couple of times. Now we are not buying anymore

butter from stores. I have made some little bit of changes instead of using Soy milk I used unsweetened Almond

milk and as for lecithins I replaced them with flaxseed meal. It came out great. Thanks for the recipe. :)

Reviewed by mememe May 04, 2014

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The use of monkeys in the coconut indrusty


I didn’t read all the recipe (I’ve read the intro mostly) and comments, so maybe Matty or someone else already

mentioned that. But there is (ab)use of monkeys in in the coconut industry (they are used to pick the coconuts).

I’ve never managed to find out how widespread is this practice, and which brands are ethical.

Just FYI, because I guess some of the readers care about that. Also I’d be happy to find out more on the subject

myself if anybody here knows something. Maybe my comment will drive some people to look for more info and

hopefully they will be more successful than me.

(/community/4424-zambarano/profile) Reviewed by Zambarano

(/community/4424-zambarano/profile) April 17, 2014

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page=5#user-4424) - View all my reviews (1) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=4424)

coconut oil link

I am soooo excited to make this butter, thank you for the recipe! We went vegan 6 months ago and I find that

all I want to do now is cook. I just made brownies using your recipe tonight, with Earth Balance, and they were

great, can't wait to do it with the butter!

For Nicole, here is where I get refined coconut oil: http://www.vitacost.com/vitacost-organic-coconut-oil-


Happy baking!

Reviewed by marijke April 16, 2014

use Xanthan gum or guar gum

Hi Mattie. I have looked and looked I cannot find Guar and Xantham gum. I used agar agar but I think the

boiling of the soy milk to activate the agar agar changes the taste profile. Can I leave it out?

Owner's reply

Hi marijke! The xanthan gum is preferred for emulsification and so the Vegan Butter can hold onto air

bubbles slightly. If you leave out xanthan gum/guar/agar/psyllium husks it'll probably turn out more dense

and the fats and oils will separate more easily during melting which isn't desired. I recommend ordering

xanthan gum online. It's relatively affordable and will last you about forever. I haven't had to buy more in

years. I just can't seem to run out of the stuff!

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(/community/4388-deblewis87/profile) Reviewed by deblewis87

(/community/4388-deblewis87/profile) April 13, 2014

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page=2#user-4388) - View all my reviews (2) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=4388)

LOVE this Vegan Butter!

Have now made pancakes and muffins using this butter. All turned out WONDERFULLY. My skeptical

roommate has liked everything so far...and I can bake again!

(/community/4388-deblewis87/profile) Reviewed by deblewis87

(/community/4388-deblewis87/profile) April 08, 2014

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Very Nice!

Made the butter last night, which was easy to do. Decided to make biscuits tonight to compare to regular

biscuits made with butter and milk. They tasted great! My "guinea pig" room mate tried them and thought they

tasted just like regular biscuits! THANKS!

(/community/2601-susamaphone/profile) Reviewed by susamaphone

(/community/2601-susamaphone/profile) April 05, 2014

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2601) - View all my reviews (4) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=2601)

This is gold Mattie, gold!

(/community/4343-havebrainwilltravel/profile) Reviewed by

Havebrainwilltravel (/community/4343-havebrainwilltravel/profile) March

30, 2014

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reviews (1) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=4343)

I can't believe it's not dairy!

As a former carnivore, the only 2 things that I've missed since making the change to a vegan diet are butter &

bacon. While I've made peace with the fact that there will never be a satisfying substitute for bacon, I wasn't

ready to give up on finding a better alternative than the hydrogenated frankenbutters on the market. I am

absolutely over the moon for this amazing guilt-free vegan butter. The ingredients were easy to find, the recipe

was simple to follow, and the result is delicious! I followed the recipe almost exactly, only adding a little extra

salt (unrepentant saltaholic) The taste and texture is so much like "real" dairy butter. Thank you so much for

sharing! Love, love, love it.

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Reviewed by Catherine March 06, 2014

Can you replace the soy milk with almond or rice milk?

Owner's reply

Hi Catherine! I go over the viability of using different non-dairy milks in the article. Almond or rice milk

is not recommended.

Reviewed by nicole March 02, 2014

Loving your butters!

I made your coconut vegan butter and it is the most delicious thing ever. In fact, I love it more than real butter. I

was so surprised, it even has the sour notes of cow butter. I didn't have a silicone ice cube tray, but I did have

some little foil muffin cups and I used those to mold the butter. I have a question...do you have a good source

for refined/deodorized coconut oil? I'm having a hard time finding it anywhere as it seems to be frowned upon

because it's processed. I really want to make a savory butter. Thanks!

Owner's reply

So glad you're loving the vegan butters nicole! I use Spectrum brand refined coconut oil. It's hard to find

so I always end up buying it whenever I see it at the health food store when I see it, whether I need it or

not. Spectrum should distribute throughout the US. You can always order it online too.

I'm probably "preaching to the choir", but I don't believe refined, aka deodorized coconut is detrimental to

health. I think many people have issues with anything that uses the word "refined". It's my understanding

that the oil is passed through a filter to remove the flavor and aroma compounds. On the molecular level

the oil is still intact and not degraded. Good luck!

Reviewed by Mariley_224 February 26, 2014


Hi, thanks so much for this wonderful recipe and your detailed explanations. I'm wondering will I be able to

achieve the same outcome as the original recipe if certain were substituted? For example will Flax oil work

instead of the oils you have listed, and instead of using lecithin will psyllium work to achieve the same

consistency; as this too is an emulsifier?

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Owner's reply

Hi Mariley! Flax oil definitely won't work because it solidifies at a different temperature. It also has a

considerable off-flavor that would likely clash with butter flavors. Other commenters have had luck with

psyllium husks, although I don't believe it's an emulsifier. Good luck!

Reviewed by Josephine Austin February 19, 2014


Thanks for this recipe. I find the vegan margarine here in Norway revolting and also don't think it is a product

that is very healthy to use (hydrogenated fat). I make a soft 'margarine' that is suitable for spreading but I

wanted something I could bake with where oil wasn't suitable. My biscuits and shortbread were lovely using this


I had to tweak the recipe a bit as some of the ingredients are not readily available here. I used ground flax seeds

instead of xantham gum and soy lecithin powder. I'm surprised something like this isn't produced commercially.

Owner's reply

So glad you're enjoying the Vegan Butter Josephine! Glad the ground flax seeds worked for you.

(/community/4228-hdepaulo/profile) Reviewed by Hdepaulo (/community/4228-hdepaulo/profile) February 16,


Top 100 Reviewer (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/reviewers?page=6#user-4228) - View all my

reviews (1) (http://www.veganbaking.net/jreviews/my-reviews?user=4228)

What if you can't use soy?

I love the idea of making my own butter. However, my son just recently tested as having an allergy to casein

AND soy! What other lecithins, milks, etc can I use in place of all the soy?

Owner's reply

No problem Hdepaulo! I have a Banana Vegan Butter here that's soy-free:


You could also substitute the soy milk for another soy-free non-dairy milk in this Regular Vegan Butter.

The flavor won't be as buttery but it'll still work. Good luck!

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(/community/4222-yume/profile) Reviewed by Yume (/community/4222-yume/profile) February 13, 2014

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Soy lecithin

Wow, this is great. I really appreciate this recipe for making home made vegan butter. I am interested in trying

but have some concerns. First off Xantham Gum is derived from GMO crops, and it is impossible to find

organic. Another reviewer recommended guar gum which is an interesting recommendation, but I have read that

it is used in fracking. So ethically, I would prefer another alternative, although there is no actual health risk

associated with guar gum (at least less of one than xanthan gum). Secondly, are there any alternatives to soy

lecithin? As soy is predominantly a GMO crop, I do not want to consume any soy products that are not certified

organic. I know you give an alternative of sunflower lecithin, but I have never used sunflower in cooking, and

am not knowledgeable enough about it's effects on health or the environment to use this. Any safe alternatives?

(/community/4213-anner/profile) Reviewed by AnneR (/community/4213-

anner/profile) February 10, 2014

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This is a baker's delight. My vegan, gluten free son has a bad reaction to Earth Balance. Although this doesn't

have much taste at all (4/5 stars), it works well in recipes that call for butter ( Jules gluten free biscuits and

cookies in particular). He uses it in potatoes as a spread. Yesterday, I quadrupled the recipe to have plenty on


@Robyn, I also use the soy granules, and they are visible but don't seem to affect the texture at all. Yesterday, I

ran them through a coffee grinder which did "powder" them, but still noticeable in the butter.

Owner's reply

So glad the Vegan Butter works well for you AnneR! I have some other varieties at

http://www.veganbaking.net/recipes/fats/vegan-butters that have different flavor profiles. I recommend

Cultured European Style Vegan Butter if you prefer an additional complex buttery kick. Thanks for the

great tip on making the soy lecithin granules smaller for more effective dissolving!

(/community/4209-justin-goldberg/profile) Reviewed by justin-goldberg

(/community/4209-justin-goldberg/profile) February 08, 2014

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This recipe is great.

The mixed ingredients (the prepared ingredients before putting into the freezer) actually tasted like sour cream. I

had to use a less than half a cup (roughly 1/4 to 3/8 of a cup) of coconut oil as I just ran out in preparing this.

I could add some honey or stevia to make this more like sweet cream butter!

I substituted used psyllium seed husk for the soy lecithin and in the place of the xanthan gum, I used 1 tbsp chia

seed and 1 tsbp flax meal with 2 tbsp boiling water


http://about.me/justingoldberg (http://about.me/justingoldberg)

Owner's reply

Psyllium husks and chia seeds sound like a great Vegan Butter variation Justin. Thanks for sharing!

Reviewed by Robyn February 03, 2014

Soya Lecithin Granules

Hi Mattie!

I tried out this recipe today for the first time, I'm new to vegan baking and I am so stoked that there is a way to

make your own vegan butter!

It worked brilliantly, the only thing that went wrong was that the soya lecithin granules didn't dissolve

completely when processing in the food processor, so I ended up with little yellow specs in my butter...

Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I could try to avoid that problem? I don't think I can get hold

of liquid soya lecithin here in South Africa...

Thanks in advance and thanks again for your awesome recipes! :)

Robyn xxx

Owner's reply

Hi Robyn! The soy lecithin granule flecks has been an issue with some of the other commenters here as

well. I've tried to recreate the problem but I haven't been able to because I believe the soy lecithin granules

I use, which are Bob's Red Mill, dissolve more easily.

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Please try increasing the time the mixture mixes in the food processor. I would imagine that after a few

minutes of processing they should be well dissolved. If not, try heating the mixture in a saucepan until very

warm, but not hot. Then try processing as normal until the soy lecithin granules are dissolved. Good luck!

(/community/4191-petethebird/profile) Reviewed by PeteTheBird

(/community/4191-petethebird/profile) February 03, 2014

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I think I love you

Hey Mattie

I was looking for a vegan palm-oil free margarine which cannot be found anywhere around here in Switzerland -

and then I fell in love with your recipe.

As I was too lazy to get some xanthan I just tried it without this magical ingredient - and it woked so well

already I'm now a frequent coconut-oil buyer in my shop around the corner.

So I think I should get a box full of the xanthanian wonder and go ahead in buttering =)

Thank you so much!

Do you think this can be used if something like melted butter is required, e.g. for cinnamon rolls?

Best from Switzerland!

Owner's reply

So glad you like the Vegan Butter PeteTheBird! Yes, Vegan Butter is designed to be used almost

exclusively as a drop-in replacement for traditional dairy butter in vegan baking applications. So it should

work great in cinnamon rolls.

Reviewed by Ayesha January 28, 2014

ingrediants in weight measurements?

I LOVE this recipe the only thing that would make it even better is to have all the ingredients in ounces or grams

rather than cups and spoons, is this possible? Many thanks!!!

Owner's reply

I feel your pain Ayesha! I'm planning to add gram weight equivalents to my recipes in the future. The only

problem is that its an extremely time-intensive project!

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(/community/4145-lilly38/profile) Reviewed by lilly38 (/community/4145-lilly38/profile) January 18, 2014

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Excited to try!

Thanks so much for this; I am really looking forward to trying! And was just about to order the mold you

suggest, but I am wondering how to measure for baking? Does the size of the cubes compare well to standard

butter molds? Thanks so much!

Owner's reply

Great Vegan Butter questions lilly38! This recipe makes 1 cup, which is about 215 grams, which is

equivalent to 2 sticks of butter. When recipes call for butter by volume, I'll melt the butter and measure it

in measuring spoons or measuring cups. When recipes call for, say, an unmelted stick, I'll weigh half of the

215 grams, which is about 108 grams.

I recommend buying a scale if you don't have one already. Weighing will make sure you hit your mark

every time and don't waste time or precious ingredients. Good luck!

Reviewed by Don January 13, 2014

follow up comment on my previous question. i used soya lecethin granules which i bought from health store. i

also found the xanthan gum in the same store. tried to do it again with all the ingredient posted above. but still oil

and water separated every time i take it out from the fridge.

Owner's reply

Hi Don, don't forget to put the Vegan Butter in the freezer for solidification. Placing it in the refrigerator

will cause the fats and water to separate before the whole thing gets a chance to solidify. It's extremely

important that the mixture freezes as quickly as possible. Good luck!

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