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How to plan successful digital campaign

Date post: 15-Aug-2015
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Plan > Reach > Convert

Plan > Reach > Convert

Who are the people you are targeting?

Have a clear understanding of your target audience

• behavioral• demographic• psychological

what are their job titles?

Develop your customer personas

Convert the target group into real people

25-343 years of work experienceInterested in postgraduate education

Millennials: mil-len’ni-als (n.pl.) Individuals born between the mid 1970s and the late 1990s, who have grown up during the current golden age of digital technology

Plan > Reach > Convert

Banner advertisements perform better when shown to audiences who’ve already expressed interest in your product.

Focus on the networks that best position your organization to reach target audiences.

Online video ads are one of the fastest-growing ad mediums, far outpacing other digital formats.

Most successful ad positions are






ContentHeadingLeft column Right column Ads below the fold

Not everyone needs to be on Facebook

• High engagement.•Strong performance in mobile ad network.• Rich in multimedia.• Viral traffic driver.

• Consumers critical about ad targeting and banners.

• Twitter users are masters of condensing information into short spaces.• # for discovering and participating in new conversations.

•Ad platform can be limited in delivering web traffic

•Variety of paid channel solutions• Interest-based groups

• Some professionals don’t consistently use LinkedIn• Advertising on LinkedIn is relatively expensive

•Strong referral traffic driver.•Strong skew towards female-focused demographic.

•Can be a challenging marketing medium for non-visual brands.

•Audience of entrepreneurs, marketers, engineers and students.•Intelligent community.•Promote blog posts.

•Requires dedicated time and effort.

•Significant referral traffic driver.

Pick up the right network for you

Which platform do you advertise on?

In 2015, we will see video-focused ad campaigns run mainly on the Facebook News Feed. It seems clear that mobile-native videos are going to be the immediate, valuable future of social media advertising.

Promoted Tweetsallows you to highlight a particular status update to get more exposure for it

They are offered on a CPE ( Cost per engagement) basis

At the top of search results for particular keywords…

Promoted tweet in search reach highly targeted users but the delivery is limited in timeline because users have to proactively to search for the keyword

1. Headline2. Ad copy3. URL4. Photo

According to LinkedIn optimization team, choosing a photo of woman typically have the best CTRs

Plan > Reach > Convert


The age of multi-screen

Today 90% of our media consumption occurs in front of a screen. As consumers balance their time between smartphones, tablets, PCs and televisions, they are learning to use these devices together to achieve their goals. This multi-screen behavior is quickly becoming the norm, and understanding it has become an imperative for businesses.

Daytime planning

• Color schemes• Headlines• Landing page copy• Themes• Video vs. no video• Call to action copy• Images• Page templates• Homepage concepts

Performable was able to increase click-throughs 21% by using a red call-to-action button instead of a green one

A/B testing

Performable was able to increase click-throughs 21% by using a red call-to-action button instead of a green one

Frequency capping

Performable was able to increase click-throughs 21% by using a red call-to-action button instead of a green one

Transform CPM

1 website 4 visits per day 50 impressions 1 user

The most important part of your ad is the image. You can write the most brilliant copy in the world, but if your image doesn’t

catch a user’s eye, you won’t get any clicks.

Don’t use stock photos that looks like stock photos.

Rotating ads

After a few days, delete the ads with the lowest CTRs

Each campaign should have at least 3 ads with the same targets.

Email marketing has been used for years to keep in contact and maintain relationships with customers. Lately, with the increasing use of smartphones the effectiveness continue to rise.

High open rates

TIP #1Eye catchy subjectMake it:ShortCatchyCuriosity provoking

TIP #2The TriggerOpening an accountCompleting a form

High open rates TIP #3Format for mobileKeep the design simpleNever go overboard with graphics

TIP #4Write e-mails for mobileGet to the pointPlace CTA on the top of message body

TIP #5Make a dealInclude a freebie, content, or deal that they’ll receive in exchange.

Consumers are asked what they do if they get an e-mail on mobile that doesn’t look good

Thank you!
