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HSK Selection - roarnold.co.uk

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HSK Selection

Page 2: HSK Selection - roarnold.co.uk
Page 3: HSK Selection - roarnold.co.uk

Walk In Atelier

Pro loft ii

SlIder Atelier PlAn


PIvotIng BI-Fold exKluSiv

HInged Atelier PlAn

Premium Softcube

PIvot-HInged tourA

FlIPPer Panel tourA

BatH ScreenS fAvorit

Premium Softcube

acceSSorIeS Made to MeaSure

natura SHoWer trayS










HSK iS locAted in tHe centre of SAuerlAnd, An AreA to tHe nortH weSt of germAny. it iS An AreA widely recogniSed for Producing brAnded, trAditionAl SAnitArywAre. in KeePing witH tHiS cuStom, only HigH grAde mAteriAlS SucH AS Aluminium, Acrylic And tougHened SAfety glASS Are uSed to Produce HSK ProductS; tHe mAjority of wHicH Are covered by A lifetime quAlity guArAntee, giving you comPlete confidence in your PurcHASe.

one tHing HSK do excePtionAlly well iS tHeir mAde to meASure Service, offering ProductS tAilored to your SPecific bAtHroom requirementS rAtHer tHAn mAKing StAndArd SizeS fit; All At reASonAble PriceS.

to AccomPAny your HSK SHower encloSure you’ll need A SHower trAy wHicH cAn StAnd tHe teSt of time. AvAilAble in A vAriety of SizeS And colourS, nAturA’S Stone cASt trAyS Are tHe Perfect fit for your new bAtHroom.

HSK And nAturA offer A wide vAriety of ProductS And tHiS brocHure SHowcASeS juSt A HAndful of tHem. SPeAK to your locAl SHowroom to find your Perfect fit,

Page 4: HSK Selection - roarnold.co.uk

* Stocked ItemS4All Prices include VAT




Walk In : Atelier

• Aluminium, HigH gloSS cHrome, cliP ProfileS witHout viSible ScrewS or cAPS

• 1.2 m SquAre StAbiliSing bAr included

• 20 mm AdjuStment

• mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

Walk In atelIer, StraIgHt Panel WItH return FlIP PanelcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (rigHt HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

172709041500l/r 90 x 35 x 200 cm * £ 988.90

172710041500l/r 100 x 35 x 200 cm * £ 1043.90

172712041500l/r 120 x 35 x 200 cm * £ 1098.90

172714041500l/r 140 x 35 x 200 cm £ 1208.90

172750041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 180 cm £ 1428.90

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

HeigHt Above 200 cm uP to 220 cm (Add on to mtm Price) + £ 239.00

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5* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt




• Aluminium ProfileS in mAtt blAcK finiSH

• eASy inStAllAtion

• 1.2 m StAbiliSing bAr included in mAtt blAcK

• Slim Profile

• 10 mm AdjuStment

Walk In : Pro loft ii

Walk In Pro loFt II, decor 2, StraIgHt PanelblAcK

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

1733100167068500 100 x 200 cm * £ 973.08

1733120167068500 120 x 200 cm * £ 1011.24

1733140167068500 140 x 200 cm £ 1054.80

decor 1 decor 3decor 1 and 3 avaIlaBle, Poa

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* Stocked ItemS6All Prices include VAT




• Aluminium, HigH gloSS cHrome ProfileS

• conceAled roller mecHAniSm witH Soft cloSe AS StAndArd

• eASy cleAn de-cliP mecHAniSm

• 20 mm AdjuStment

• mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

SlIder : Atelier PlAn

atelIer Plan, 1 door SlIder For receSS and FIxed PanelcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (rigHt HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

1722810041500l/r 100 x 206 cm * £ 1460.26

1722812041500l/r 120 x 206 cm * £ 1523.86

1722814041500l/r 140 x 206 cm £ 1587.46

1722816041500l/r 160 x 206 cm £ 1651.06

1722850041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 200 cm £ 1830.41

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

HeigHt Above 206 cm uP to 220 cm (Add on to mtm Price) + £ 239.00

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7* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt




• Aluminium, mAtt blAcK ProfileS

• conceAled roller mecHAniSm witH Soft cloSe AS StAndArd

• eASy cleAn de-cliP mecHAniSm

• 20 mm AdjuStment

• mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

SlIder : Atelier PlAn

atelIer Plan, 1 door SlIder For receSS and FIxed PanelblAcK

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (rigHt HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

1722810068500l/r 100 x 206 cm * £ 1460.26

1722812068500l/r 120 x 206 cm £ 1523.86

1722814068500l/r 140 x 206 cm £ 1587.46

1722816068500l/r 160 x 206 cm £ 1651.06

1722850068500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 200 cm £ 1830.41

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

HeigHt Above 206 cm uP to 220 cm (Add on to mtm Price) + £ 239.00

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* Stocked ItemS8All Prices include VAT




• Aluminium, HigH gloSS cHrome ProfileS

• conceAled roller mecHAniSm witH Soft cloSe AS StAndArd

• eASy cleAn de-cliP mecHAniSm

• 20 mm AdjuStment

• mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

SlIder : Atelier PlAn

atelIer Plan, 1 door SlIder and FIxed Panel PluS SIde PanelcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (rigHt HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

1740810041500l/r 100 x 90 x 206 cm * £ 2159.86

1740812041500l/r 120 x 90 x 206 cm * £ 2224.73

1740814041500l/r 140 x 90 x 206 cm £ 2287.06

1740816041500l/r 160 x 90 x 206 cm £ 2351.93

1740850041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 200 / 230 cm

£ 2541.46

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

HeigHt Above 206 cm uP to 220 cm (Add on to mtm Price) + £ 239.00

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9* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt




SlIder : Atelier PlAn

• Aluminium, mAtt blAcK ProfileS

• conceAled roller mecHAniSm witH Soft cloSe AS StAndArd

• eASy cleAn de-cliP mecHAniSm

• 20 mm AdjuStment

• mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

atelIer Plan, 1 door SlIder and FIxed Panel PluS SIde PanelblAcK

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (rigHt HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

1740810068500l/r 100 x 90 x 206 cm * £ 2159.86

1740812068500l/r 120 x 90 x 206 cm * £ 2224.73

1740814068500l/r 140 x 90 x 206 cm £ 2287.06

1740816041500l/r 160 x 90 x 206 cm £ 2351.93

1740850068500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 200 / 230 cm

£ 2541.46

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

HeigHt Above 206 cm uP to 220 cm (Add on to mtm Price) + £ 239.00

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* Stocked ItemS10All Prices include VAT




SlIder : regency

• Aluminium ProfileS in cHrome finiSH

• Solid cHrome HAndleS And toP bAr, eASy glide roller SyStem

• 20 mm AdjuStment wHicH cAn be enHAnced to 100 mm

• mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

regency, 1 door SlIder For receSS and FIxed PanelcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

62210041500 100 x 200 cm * £ 856.90

62212041500 120 x 200 cm * £ 878.90

62214041500 140 x 200 cm £ 988.90

62250041500 mAde to meASure mAx. 180 cm £ 1318.90

modeSty glASS + £ 239.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 239.00

HeigHt Above 200 cm uP to 220 cm (Add on to mtm Price) + £ 239.00

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11* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt




SlIder : regency

• Aluminium ProfileS in HigH gloSS cHrome finiSH

• 20 mm AdjuStment wHicH cAn be enHAnced to 100 mm

• Solid cHrome HAndleS And toP bAr eASy glide roller SyStem

regency, 1 door SlIder and FIxed Panel PluS SIde PanelcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

64210041500 100 x 80 x 200 cm £ 1274.90

64212041500 120 x 80 x 200 cm * £ 1296.90

64012041500 120 x 90 x 200 cm * £ 1318.90

64014041500 140 x 90 x 200 cm £ 1428.90

64050041500 mAde to meASure mAx. 160 x 100 cm

£ 1813.90

modeSty glASS + £ 239.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 239.00

Second Side PAnel PoA

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* Stocked ItemS12All Prices include VAT




PIvotIng BI-Fold : exKluSiv

• Aluminium ProfileS in HigH gloSS cHrome finiSH

• inner flAt SmootH HingeS

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• door Knob witH Protective rubber liP

• 20 mm AdjuStment

exkluSIv, PIvotIng BI-Fold doorcHrome

6 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (rigHt HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

40607541500l/r 76 x 200 cm * £ 768.90

40608041500l/r 80 x 200 cm * £ 790.90

40609041500l/r 90 x 200 cm * £ 834.90

40610041500l/r 100 x 200 cm £ 878.90

40612041500l/r 120 x 200 cm £ 988.90

40650041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 130 cm £ 1098.90

2nd HAndle + £ 95.00

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

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13* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt




PIvotIng BI-Fold : exKluSiv

• Aluminium ProfileS in cHrome finiSH

• 1.2 m SquAre StAbiliSing bAr included

• 20 mm AdjuStment

• mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

exkluSIv, SIde Panel For PIvotIng BI-Fold doorcHrome

6 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

43607541500l/r 76 x 200 cm * £ 438.90

43608041500l/r 80 x 200 cm * £ 460.90

43609041500l/r 90 x 200 cm * £ 493.90

43650041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 130 cm £ 658.90

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

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* Stocked ItemS14All Prices include VAT




PIvotIng BI-Fold : exKluSiv

• Aluminium ProfileS in cHrome

• inner flAt SmootH HingeS

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• door Knob witH Protective rubber

• 20 mm AdjuStment

• imAgeS SHowS modeSty Section

exkluSIv, corner entry WItH PIvotIng BI-Fold doorScHrome

6 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

42601441500l/r 80 x 80 x 200 cm * £ 1263.90

42601841500l/r 90 x 90 x 200 cm * £ 1318.90

42601941500l/r 100 x 100 x 200 cm * £ 1406.90

42602841500l/r 120 x 120 x 200 cm £ 1593.90

42650041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 120 cm £ 1758.90

2nd HAndle + £ 95.00

modeSty glASS + £ 239.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 239.00

See PAge 27 for bi-fold doorS oPen

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15* Stocked ItemS

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HInged : Atelier PlAn

• Aluminium, HigH gloSS cHrome, cliP ProfileS witHout viSible ScrewS or cAPS

• toP StAbiliSing rAil

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• 20 mm AdjuStment • mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

atelIer Plan, HInged door For receSS WItH In-lIne PanelcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (left HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

1701807541500l/r 76 x 200 cm £ 885.31

1701808041500l/r 80 x 200 cm £ 927.29

1701809041500l/r 90 x 200 cm * £ 934.92

1701810041500l/r 100 x 200 cm * £ 1029.05

1701812041500l/r 120 x 200 cm * £ 1063.39

1701850041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 120 cm £ 1092.65

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

HeigHt Above 200 cm uP to 220 cm (Add on to mtm Price) + £ 239.00

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* Stocked ItemS16All Prices include VAT




HInged : Atelier PlAn

• Aluminium, HigH gloSS cHrome, cliP ProfileS witHout viSible ScrewS or cAPS

• toP StAbiliSing rAil

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• 20 mm AdjuStment • mAde to meASure (mtm) AvAilAble

atelIer Plan, SIde Panel For HInged doorcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

1790807541500 76 x 200 cm £ 655.08

1790808041500 80 x 200 cm £ 671.62

1790809041500 90 x 200 cm * £ 711.05

1790810041500 100 x 200 cm * £ 749.21

1790812041500 120 x 200 cm £ 787.37

1790850041500 mAde to meASure mAx. 120 cm £ 876.41

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

HeigHt Above 200 cm uP to 220 cm (Add on to mtm Price) + £ 239.00

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17* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt




HInged : Premium Softcube

• Aluminium, HigH gloSS cHrome, cliP ProfileS witHout viSible ScrewS or cAPS

• 30 mm AdjuStment (20mm down And 10mm uP)

• inner flAt SmootH HingeS

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

PreMIuM SoFtcuBe, HInged door For receSS WItH In-lIne PanelcHrome

6 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (left HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

680107541500l/r 76 x 200 cm £ 625.90

680108041500l/r 80 x 200 cm * £ 636.90

680109041500l/r 90 x 200 cm * £ 658.90

680110041500l/r 100 x 200 cm * £ 746.90

680112041500l/r 120 x 200 cm £ 823.90

680150041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 120 cm £ 988.90

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

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* Stocked ItemS18All Prices include VAT




HInged : Premium Softcube

• Aluminium, HigH gloSS cHrome, cliP ProfileS witHout viSible ScrewS or cAPS

• 20 mm AdjuStment • inner flAt SmootH HingeS

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• 1.2 m StAbiliSing bAr included

PreMIuM SoFtcuBe, SIde Panel For HInged doorcHrome

6 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

683007541500 76 x 200 cm £ 405.90

683008041500 80 x 200 cm * £ 416.90

683009041500 90 x 200 cm * £ 438.90

683010041500 100 x 200 cm * £ 471.90

683050041500 mAde to meASure mAx. 130 cm £ 658.90

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

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19* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt




PIvot-HInged : tourA

• Aluminium ProfileS in HigH gloSS cHrome finiSH

• 20 mm AdjuStment And 10 mm AdjuStment in receSS

• inner flAt SmootH HingeS

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• Swinging Hinge

toura, PIvot-HInged door For receSScHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (rigHt HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

268208041500l/r 80 x 200 cm * £ 823.90

268209041500l/r 90 x 200 cm * £ 845.90

268210041500l/r 100 x 200 cm * £ 878.90

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

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* Stocked ItemS20All Prices include VAT




PIvot-HInged : tourA

• Aluminium ProfileS in HigH gloSS cHrome finiSH

• 20 mm AdjuStment And 10 mm AdjuStment in receSS

• inner flAt SmootH HingeS

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• 1.2 m StAbiliSing bAr included

toura, SIde Panel For PIvot-HInged doorcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

268308041500 80 x 200 cm * £ 438.90

268309041500 90 x 200 cm * £ 460.90

268310041500 100 x 200 cm * £ 493.90

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

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21* Stocked ItemS

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• Aluminium ProfileS in HigH gloSS cHrome finiSH

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• eASy inStAll, no toolS required

• cAn be uSed witH otHer SHower ScreenS

FlIPPer Panel : tourA

toura, FlIPPer PanelcHrome

8 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

263204041500 40 x 200 cm * £ 499.00

modeSty glASS + £ 150.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 150.00

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* Stocked ItemS22All Prices include VAT




BatH ScreenS : fAvorit

• Aluminium ProfileS in HigH gloSS cHrome finiSH

• towel bAr included

• 20 mm AdjuStment

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

FavorIt, BatH Screen WItH 1 PIvotcHrome

5 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (left HAnd SHown)

Product code meASurementS Price

16208641500l/r 80 x 150 cm * £ 328.90

modeSty glASS + £ 119.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 119.00

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23* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt




BatH ScreenS : Premium Softcube

• Aluminium ProfileS in HigH gloSS cHrome finiSH

• inner flAt SmootH HingeS

• integrAted riSing-butt mecHAniSm

• 20 mm AdjuStment

PreMIuM SoFtcuBe, BatH Screen 2 PIvotcHrome

6 mm tougHened SAfety glASS

AvAilAble in left or rigHt HAnd configurAtion (rigHt HAnd SHown)

Product codemeASurementS (individuAl PAnel meASurementS)


680609041500l/r 90 x 140 cm (48 / 40 cm) * £ 482.90

680610041500l/r 100 x 140 cm (55 / 43 cm) * £ 526.90

680611441500l/r 114 x 140 cm (69.5 / 43 cm) * £ 526.90

680650041500l/r mAde to meASure mAx. 120 cm £ 1034.63

modeSty glASS + £ 119.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 119.00

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* Stocked ItemS24All Prices include VAT




BatH ScreenS : Premium Softcube

• Aluminium ProfileS in cHrome finiSH

• includeS ceiling SuPPort, witH AdjuStment to 2.8 m

• mAde to meASure AvAilAble

• 20 mm AdjuStment

PreMIuM SoFtcuBe, SIde Panel For BatH ScreencHrome

6 mm tougHened SAfety glASS


Product code meASurementS Price

681607041500 70 x 140 cm * £ 328.90

681607541500 75 x 140 cm * £ 361.90

681650041500 mAde to meASure mAx. 80 cm £ 599.66

modeSty glASS + £ 119.00

SmoKed glASS + £ 119.00

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25* Stocked ItemS

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SHoWer Squeegee WItH HoldercHrome

code: 100015 *Price: £ 21.89

douBle roBe Hook For 5-8 MM glaSScHrome

code: 100024 *Price: £ 21.89

t-SHaPed StaBIlISIng Bar For glaSS Wall (1.2 m includeS 2 HooKS, round)cHrome

code: 1600003 *Price: £ 86.90

StaBIlISIng Bar, roundcHrome

code: e79322 *Price: £ 86.90

Foot SuPPort BarcHrome

code: 100025 *Price: £ 64.90

StaBIlISIng Bar, SquarecHrome

code: e78342 *Price: £ 108.90

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* Stocked ItemS26All Prices include VAT

Made to MeaSure oPtIonS

witH HSK tHe SKy iS tHe limit AS tHey cAn SuPPly cuStomiSed SHower encloSureS for unuSuAl SPAceS or requirementS, botH quicKly And At comPetitive PriceS. tHey AlSo offer A lArge vAriety of Profile colourS And different glASS oPtionS to comPlete your Perfect bAtHroom.

delivery time on Any mAde to meASure Product iS APProximAtely 4-6 weeKS.

mAde to meASure for quAdrAntS, PentAgonS And otHer SolutionS Are AvAilAble uPon requeSt.

special width


ial h



roof pitch cut

Walk In



cut out

roof PitcH

roof PitcH

cut out

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lIFetIMe guarantee

teSted to tHe HigHeSt StAndArdS tHere iS A lifetime quAlity guArAntee on All HSK SHower encloSureS mAnufActured ProductS, giving you comPlete confidence in tHeir PurcHASe; excluding All SeAlS And fAir weAr-And-teAr.

HSk SHIeld

HSK SHield iS A Protective covering on eAcH PAnel of glASS. we AdviSe not to uSe AbrASive cleAnerS AS tHey will StriP tHe Protective SHield from tHe glASS. AlwAyS uSe A Squeegee to remove exceSS wAter After eAcH SHower.

HSK iS A truly excePtionAl comPAny tHAt offerS toP quAlity ProductS Suited Perfectly to you. tHey Are All mAnufActured to tHe HigHeSt StAndArd witH A guArAntee tHAt tHey will Serve you for A lifetime. eAcH Product iS teSted to tHe HigHeSt StAndArd to creAte SometHing tHAt will bring tHe feel-good fActor to your bAtHroom.




exkluSIv corner entry WItH PIvotIng BI-Fold doorS, aS SHoWn on Page 14

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28 natura SHoWer trayS

tHe Perfect AccomPAniment to HSK SHower encloSureS Are tHe nAturA SHower trAyS. tHe collection of trAyS includeS vAriouS SHAPeS And SizeS, AS well AS A vAriety of colourS; mAKing tHem tHe Perfect fit for your bAtHroom.

HAving been deSigned to Suit Any SHower environment, tHiS rAnge of SHower trAyS cAn be inStAlled eitHer fluSH to tHe floor, on tHe floor or rAiSed on A leg Set. every trAy witHin tHe collection iS 35 mm in dePtH And includeS A 90 mm cHrome, fASt flow wASte.

being mAde from AntibActeriAl Acrylic, witH A Stone cASt reSin interior, enSureS All of tHe trAyS HAve StrengtH to lASt A lifetime, tHerefore Allowing nAturA to offer A lifetime guArentee AcroSS tHe rAnge.

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29* Stocked ItemS

All PrIceS Include VAt

natura SHoWer trayS

Product code meASurementSPrice (rePlAce x witH colour code)

W (wHite) S (Silver grey) B (blAcK gloSS) M (blAcK mAtt)

nt7070Scx 70 x 70 cm SquAre £ 129.70 £ 305.46 £ 305.46 £ 305.46

nt7676Scx 76 x 76 cm SquAre £127.71 £ 313.91 £ 313.91 £ 313.91

nt8080Scx 80 x 80 cm SquAre £ 129.70 * £ 315.31 £ 315.31 £ 315.31

nt9090Scx 90 x 90 cm SquAre £ 144.83 * £ 329.39 £ 329.39 £ 329.39

nt1010Scx 100 x 100 cm SquAre £ 180.75 £ 370.09 £ 370.09 £ 370.09

nt8080qx 80 x 80 cm quAdrAnt £ 133.60 £ 354.73 £ 354.73 £ 354.73

nt9090qx 90 x 90 cm quAdrAnt £ 147.36 £ 367.40 £ 367.40 £ 367.40

nt9090Px 90 x 90 cm PentAngle £ 152.28 £ 374.43 £ 374.43 £ 374.43

nt1290lPx 120 x 90 cm PentAngle lH £ 221.38 £ 441.49 £ 441.49 £ 441.49

nt1290rPx 120 x 90 cm PentAngle rH £ 221.38 £ 441.49 £ 441.49 £ 441.49

ntw9 9 cm SHower wASte cP £ 12.80 *

wHite Silver grey blAcK gloSS blAcK mAtt

colour key

any non-Stock IteMS are uSually avaIlaBle on one Week delIvery

Page 30: HSK Selection - roarnold.co.uk

* Stocked ItemS30All Prices include VAT

natura SHoWer trayS

Product code meASurementSPrice (rePlAce x witH colour code)

W (wHite) S (Silver grey) B (blAcK gloSS) M (blAcK mAtt)

nt9076rcx 90 x 76 cm rectAngle corner wASte £144.60 £ 320.94 £ 320.94 £ 320.94

nt9080rcx 90 x 80 cm rectAngle corner wASte £ 147.36 * £ 329.39 £ 329.39 £ 329.39

nt1080rcx 100 x 80 cm rectAngle corner wASte £ 152.28 * £ 330.80 £ 330.80 £ 330.80

nt1090rcx 100 x 90 cm rectAngle corner wASte £ 155.16 * £ 363.17 £ 363.17 £ 363.17

nt1076rxx 100 x 76 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 150.36 £ 327.98 £ 327.98 £ 327.98

nt1180rxx 110 x 80 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 158.36 £ 361.77 £ 361.77 £ 361.77

nt1190rxx 110 x 90 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 159.32 £ 364.58 £ 364.58 £ 364.58

nt1276rxx 120 x 76 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 180.43 £ 367.40 £ 367.40 £ 367.40

nt1280rxx 120 x 80 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 180.43 * £ 374.43 £ 374.43 £ 374.43

nt1290rxx 120 x 90 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 189.39 * £ 378.66 £ 378.66 £ 378.66

nt1480rxx 140 x 80 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 222.34 * £ 425.11 £ 425.11 £ 425.11

nt1490rxx 140 x 90 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 232.90 * £ 440.59 £ 440.59 £ 440.59

nt1680rxx 160 x 80 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 252.74 £ 480.01 £ 480.01 £ 480.01

nt1690rxx 160 x 90 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 262.33 £ 481.42 £ 481.42 £ 481.42

nt1780rxx 170 x 80 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 311.92 £ 495.49 £ 495.49 £ 495.49

nt1790rxx 170 x 90 cm rectAngle centrAl wASte £ 318.32 £ 513.79 £ 513.79 £ 513.79

wHite Silver grey blAcK gloSS blAcK mAtt

colour key

any non-Stock IteMS are avaIlaBle on one Week delIvery

Page 31: HSK Selection - roarnold.co.uk
Page 32: HSK Selection - roarnold.co.uk

Due to variables in the photographic process, colours shown in this brochure may vary slightly from the actual product. Images are not displaying actual sizes and are subject to layout.Dimensions are subject to tolerances. R O Arnold reserve the right to make modifications.

October 2019
