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HT Til JHAIIr UtSy H I Jrt! SaU-O- fl H...

Date post: 16-Sep-2018
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HT "" " ' ' 1 J 1 UtSy " ' H Til JHAIIr FPEAL FHri) AY, FE BR lel-SrioT- f - - H . I I j - ' - - ' I 1 H i MANUFACTURER, sTtZhCSAK. MEMPHIS, " M 0 B?JA ' S T-T- 'lke CANDY grin,, B15K ETC. . ... eI ral i fl DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY BB j- -' ,.. Depository & Financial Agent MOORES, SMITH & CO., VaWtuHvVw ' g fl 15 SaU-O- J establish f.d iph8. jjo. so Bt. Francis tt mobile, ala- W. Bradloy'. OT m FINANCI AL AGENT g 3 .wTT, . H !bfSrdId0,- - A "T r"" UNITED STATES ; -- -- d-- ,-,. strt. of thh csmu stateb. 3 USflk T!rSS I Jrt! ROCCO, DUPLEX ELLIPTIC H L. Wi.C.CAYCECO, HIDES OIL AND LEATHER ngladies- - gQ B Wholesale and Retail Grocer, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, i x. -- r. Saddlery Hardware C0LLEGIATE IMITUTE' General Bankinf Business, 1 1 &t X -- SSSHSSS B aiCuiiite for wcflW, bradlet i rARV, .f wu dJaflrict drew, , FOBJ1ST HILL TNH BB '.XSltV: n,FunA.Duuni All(.tlon 4 ( omiI1iSsion Merciuuite, Proprtet,,ra d M.car.. General Bankm Business. ' Awui.uonto - 355WJTiH K BB .' eT disarranged. Thrbj-tinT- f And General Agent, for hnuds w.iw INDIA RUBBER BELTINC, Returned lu Exerri.es the Second day of flHHK 2 JSSTfcJ S- -X flH L - inv,.ivti in the additional STAPLE Lnu FANCY bnUlital&o, 'm m M m. m. rouowio. January, i sc.;. coLi.rxTiojm ix the soith QD .JBv Q 'i::.u rSLSIS-:- : BH :. hi ..iily for walkin-- , - THE BLACK DIAMOND Bopiw mm E"" 'ten Director, for the nv. ?.":. r ; .ffaafaaaal itiv set KlUptic I"ure Refined steel Springs, lngenioualy "aire : Lg T TX W Uati : th wiaiaBj Ktonn.,. BH confectioneries, Ti5S3 UW"L SSSSBSS -- e.roMr. SADDLES AND BRIDLES, HMISEgStfigfc L. SkS5TS ooocaiatBc IH rTtivhyUrefocttJamtiU iUenl merit ,, U,.., Tokacrot, brsAI, eV EAajwjji": of AND SALE Burditt A oo. . LLLB ?ak,- -. ajl th tie unwortby or uecliT prrvMHelr f the many thnr,iyMy tcald. rmm. it hi lent E Best. .nieapet nd momt eonomloal Tebju or iajle.-- a m mi mx a.ath Hi B !r t.-H- .T. hpe more ton twice an long nuy singl R. MeORFROR forth-- in looted M Foreet U1U ttton. Man- - I floor in aw. r ..f-- - M) B BflH UM great gains of coeiiier mp PITTSBCRu - PENNSYLVANIA. Skirt tbt erer hwt or cq be rad it Kh(MnakCn' pule and Cbarleaou Ealinwd, liien mlW o- r- Ail loeera of and wboleaoma bread, aad a uamt taaaa a fm f la jTui . bbbbbH oarrl The petticoat, not quit four HOA. WO ana Zi oeoena BLrf, B?VOIMlBrfni flexlbimy ai.4 graft comfort rt. ,. ISIinerS, LUnierS, eMt of ,,aj.. blacoit, ate.. canTby aatna tala WUmi, aare m Ma A. Atv-To- tlerh ad Uaater 1HBB bbbbbbbbbI vTr.i r to the The and pleaaure to any lady wearing the Duplex Mouregor A L. , OOTernnicnt, State au,i OUl'r trma, uoohle. money, and dlaappotntment. It h;8 : SU liVoVSrSS CHaneery Sale of Real Estate H IB iea-- : MX mchw above tbe hem of tb locorborated I nder the beral ItnUf church news, a.m c , tor Beeuritiefc PowderreaiTlrtar, TaaaCaCW to.1- IHLB I" cist of tbe Buit, In wide thphh TEllvniEt 1 , ,,r IVnVhaatlu promene d boaae-aat- bak wean ba or Rice, am A Co. . TOOLS ASiD FI5TD1XCS, TERMS PER MONTH JTSuundOXLT HAU t!w u ,na- - --o H 8S.W S.! oapii,s8oo,ooo, ?" ' weo, coach a acor gt3 a.jaa.a SSsfSf5S3E fl H them, relief for miaaea and lad lea Jolra C. 8 m Anatia M. Cook f at mouitb to receive a ,and and eon.taally reoelrlaE. one of the o. For cluldren. young GEO W IelfTlaug Ingredients ' TROTTE,l'E"ft" TtBj H -- nsSi pSJSS?"- - i H H jjlgiaft IMW 1PB BtB P gSaSgaii 'T: BCH-KTMSS- , h'fe; .ndcer or,. HSISIS of tle Mined Baaleati, of Belgium, Ur JJJ"' 't,!SJj E t?5 rklrtSe double and twice of A Co. ; J. B. HCTCHIUHON, Nackaaat Bank or tat j!XSm!ttha7&IuZ-:F- BBaaal B - --- Kas STrxsxsF -- r.Avx,, 5b55ffi,,,, v ..V, whfej.. Anerala-ortme- nt pUin and fancy HLSLKV ED : r-f- ii BADLE BAGS, COLLARS, Etc. Pct Hiu , " T T ' : 'iSSK.-S- W H & line expanded. W Candies, For Worklnt fapltal, - 4,000 Shares. All are made of the new and elegant corded SAN ABLE, ' f MA C. Rallroa.!. fe " uaahler. UjlfjjlNTrr ;ptalnaaUonaiBank. perBarrell I tkc onsnmer. aEtootlaiaW rStaaEBEaiEarrai OH f ---S- ; C' "nVoUner Coallu.eo! Fund. - . . V Sh.rea. gSSStBSS HOWX,, WEST TENNESSEE COLLEGE, gSWffSS- .- S? pp jStigSK IB iLTof reSSS; SSJSaZTLI- l- HARNESS, Ja4.h80ri, TetMte-be- .. N tiosl - 3 ,hL - . SrftSC "hio.. buve so long floated in the fash- - Flga, . Can Mackerel, OOUen: ajSHaUTlU- - FRED. W. SMITH, Vlea PraaldaDt; aiT."" 'f TJ. "aVtSe? ."tn'.e Era, , .. I ionat'le air, no oracle can tell. The Curranta, Can Tomatoes, t su'aud. anadaa, HavanaTe Mexioo, . T'Moi,'?., nnrTI.L v,rmriTntf. Tih ,',1 f-fe?- r'"p ;,.Hi BJUKe7 sn" SI BeSI r:i:Jz? to0 gsdaEB. .EEWa-p- p, .s b BEAuicosT, itw d 8 ft-ui- s, INSOMNCE COUPIIiy, B H . r.ed,- - but. in the same bream, 'from Jellies in Giaea. Sardines, AJ bxe., ..!w,intlni rba ia: " Bea.unont, Haanium at Co.; nti 'Tithe1 Pr5" iaramrTpartmentwTirbe fnd !y"r,'r" i'"n"?JhJciJS 2?" SaUatrgUy, 31 f JtarcJa, 'fit .IIIIH tbe rly of eontractl..n. pluck- - the very PrearTea in Gtim, Lobster. I 4 2 Iba., uorrxAx.. WeMter. Pean. Bravdley, Duplex Elliptic Skirt, iHOsT. J. W. LEFTWICH, --or- thoroughly in.tructed, and more advanced po. Bnoceaaor lo Cameron A cary, Bankers, n,wTk.oal2aal7to.h.'!; H hv announcme that tnis cnanji Brandy Peaches, Pickles, i, i, j, and CouibUiaa eleaaiice, Uehtneaa, durability, nastm pll will be prepared toeuier )m rmulart ollcge adTaataaetu uae thia Floor, aa u KtoNukt Ban Mar aa. w sannnnnnn1 H certamlv heiran ill London, and not in Bearra! Bnlaeis aaperlaSHHleali aaofort anX eoonomy, and unuueatlouablyUw - ciaasea at tho owning of the Fall lon. For and SAtrsF ACTIO m avarr raapaet. " " L" Pans lorin.ver. the ide gored dresses haZmO? Pictlei, T. BoawEt-- Ph.i.L.. "UBnd deatjrable article ma.Aa or le W NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. All qoalltiea and dorlpaena. eAjctalnin, 'lT(m gCff' w0 12 Jffft"W"1 Slrert RECOBIIS ENDATIONS b.STlTjT BsaB are more popular that. ever, the MBit Pineapples in Glaa, Hirup!bbl. A i do., r.,w..ra: "MENKEN BROTHERfl TO- - I I - - !?? aStSrSf: B material-- ! ni' ma.le thu- -. and it Can Peaches. Whed eiugar, Nicholas -( HNF.lHEit. asa Main Bt.. corner court at, w H. totnis, who has been toranme time EtaaFHw,TE?r3., Angoat 3, isat lt"l,.riiL :i'irLJ--r- .r veiy e...pr.r groa -- tout and Can Pineapple Kef dA Coffee do, Ch.r.esSeWrt O''SlUiav Bradley-- . Ouplex EIHptiO Shirt, wLirTa.iw NURSERIES. MEMPHIS, TENN. aaJ doTTa? IH B gr"10" S. SXTwlT SSSSS'-f- e FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES. "HN F. CAMERON, tI Praaident. alraaMleES,al5'lS,yr"" D The same writer diaooorses of ladies Ceve Oysters, 1 A 2Pickied Lobsters, nrrirr ati Mam ftt. freight over this Une tor New York goes - article of oread snpanor to that made in b aBflBaBaBBBai follow - lb. cans. Salmon, 1 4 lb cans PRINCIPAL through without ,:iiange of cant, thereby -- aVimr HCSSDt.X CIaT, : : : : I oraiuary ina.mar. tee3s oaim.mmm&n of sixamt ewatea B '"Switb the shun dress the que-ti-.- n of CVIebrtaed KFFG inour, lo. Water Slreel. PUUbart, Feun. Bradley'. Onplex Elliptic Skirt, SSSSWSSS 3r OO I JOE. E. ETVnEVARSE, Jo. . raATamRE OB H lootinp becomes inip'rtant. In the Candles, Starch, of the beat material, style and manufacture, ar cor..un.m dbalbbs ra WefWly eoaear Id the above, narlBt s- -. mooev a aSto 5oS 1S5 Gr aaaBrBBBl H streets ' plain bla-- kid boots, buttoned or Garrett 'a Snuff in bottles and packa, dn madeo'rle Offlaa-N- o. TH Madlaoa earast. lata Nurseryman and Florist, amlned tiia iugradianu. Thia the 5tt J.n.ia-- . JaaS-S- i & .Ui1!ngrnbe: Ut NOfc 1,2 General Agent, for Tenneaace, fegjSfSk SOUTHERN OHasU GOLD. SILVER & UNCURRENT l!" M BeMMVT Mt Sf ttt Aflll H bbL the Mai-ker- in kits Xos. 1, 2, and 3, - T . Aiao, Apple, Peach ami Pear Treaa I have examined tha Ingradienta and pro--I ' aaBBBBaEl Lsee.,o,,..em. which tiakee the Cail M. C. CAYCE fc CO. Bndle u p P EMIGRANT AOETOY, 1Paarai BaV BJSSB IHI aagwUaa' nounc. tn H 1 becomes frayed and Fine Cut Tobac-j- foil, differet meat popular and flexible la oaa. ror foot l.xtk broader, in Brands, pe de27-- .t - r- draegled. and has rightful place only on Fine Cut Tobacco in half B&a., X.. 56 Jefferaoa Street, aaia by walker bro-- r a oo., - - ' AI O ZS E- - X . mdoto tn Anna. taa. "irday, Sarrh M, ,herei;err,he-!iarpjunc- - a Main Street. Memphis, Tenn, HOLLAND TAXCE, FRUIT TREES. exuTu a,rr B ture I'.r A large assortment of Tobacco, different MEMHPIS TENN., ciaimaiorit, and ia enti.-ei- y harm-j- ai toall. r . . full dress, IsmW of tbe exact shade of the brands,. and all further Infnr- - Bradleya Duplex Elliptic Skirt, m MAI STREET M ck o well, aad la especially adapted aaadlet ( uTTanfwJm ireatuaw, r H robe of white or black kid, or Spices, all descriptions, ground A whole, monin"Z!" dem u the be miit, every grseefoi BETTER INDUCEMENTS KOE. at BLEDSOE, Bars and sella Iiehange on Jew Tork, mr ii'P-ptt- e. tS-- ; TX. TTh or'..r hrotue, and white satin uckete Tuba. Brooms. Wrds.etc, $&t&JX&SZ Have the SaBSStffZ SltXT BZSL'S lM opened an omca, in connectton with thr Proprtetors o, Clnclanatl, St. Louisa a. 0rle, MM rrCril ""'uce, BOOKS & STATIONERY. MACK BROthe a bo- b- h SHELBY NURSERIES, yb ,r.. of a .t. the appearanee of a slipper. Blacking, J i.Sauce, 'Jfl Mam aar. gwraed York ha. com- - YET.g olllerville. Shelby Co., Tenn.. Pay. Inter the rat. ol Six r cent. rr T.al Bl which is so universally unbecoming. By Indigo, German Soap, thos. cat oik. F. ds rcaiAX. the demand-i- n hi- - prrmjiW axaEJ XFFER for sale, dnr-n- i spni e of laaj, a annum ct (T Harrison, or itaeqnai Jala Ma (He aeuwaf itaad HoV!... EaBaEaBxi B a quilling of ribbon, and an ingenious ar- - Cream Taj tar, Palm Soap, One Million Five Hundred and - Wagasaasa aBaa gTgagSSS U choice lot or fklm tui:es, . vaneue. The oread and biaruit mi fr.,m ttdsajjw v a!.;Jn plan of th. Ze C FiaA, rangemTnt oieiot.ked silk over a rose- - Nut Meg,, Rio A Java Coffee, suty.Tw Thonaand Foor CWder wo0mdo ,..i give a- - n early caiL Than Aaj Ho., lu tkSo.thweat. li'X IWft Danjajjja- - Wngth. qp Vm H colored lining the shape of the slipper Blueing, irPhllefK and Civil En"lnetTs, ZTZ ' prl. e llata or catalognea. adoreas ua -- .t c..lil-- r- 111160 nraa-h- . and has b:n knows togreatly beasot ) uraaalaw and otfeaea. aDrvwy ma. ' LtLW . HtiEEazH and the tint of the silken-hoae- d and 50 bbls. Tine Old Bourbon Whiskv. Hundred and Eighty-On- e TT, BERTffA n Ti vuie. Two., or Koen . u:edsoe. comm.s-io- n auweaaaa Kerr .u a,i, .:t ! dAintrf..tareae.Ured." 2 bbls. Imiution Bourbon Whiak, . No. iw Main Street, liZTSJS!?- - -- '.gy receives deposits rt ap 1. 6, It M, and M pound pi karet, SgSgZ1, ... .WM K The eaapare Umnet has had its day, 35 bl,K Orange Vallev Vhiaky, 1 Webater Bloek, (up suirv MEMPHIS, TENN. '.jfra " Udlf Barrels aad Sarrela ist o ue. we .sf MsUnjn Buod. ''EBaEBSEBs! Sn'-xrr- $zr' . vaientinesi p,, - xursy. K-- up ,7- -- HBHB Nr a rk is thus described: Medeira, Abevntlie, , meaounna work, etc. Also, we IflHkanBBREgssaBHK , i': ' .; -- "iia". v "- - i v.- - I'h airilu nf ".,.. beeebbebeI LBEEWal I: that there remains In am- - Port Just Opened and tor sa a at attention to the location and construction of IBZZZy -- WWPff Saddlery, HSrflwere and Mannfactartn" al ' InduremenU Offered to Laboring 7 doors Sonth of Beaie, Mamphia, Tenn. tUOUCXtJ ViaC I BttU aVsaali, .VebbbbI asHsSS Levees. Mapiug, Drawing au.l Fainting of .vary AgfX C'laaS. a. Atlanuon wiU to a liberal discount wii be made tt? tne Traiie. SsaaEaaw wrld.VewTuienK FIRE WORKS! FIREWORKS!! .y w,l.Mpil;,el. Wrjk -- V- V'ht thlacuooofdepositora. jfSr, IM1 au F. MOKiaaN. Ptopnasoa. 1 SjoblXlg wSgtSe .worwawaw wa,eww. ra, A. & D. O'Brien, J Ffe W 'iM " '" 'ft ' " ' CottOQ Plantation for Sale. Samrday, March H Bf lneh ladies who dispense apples an J gin- - Uor"" U LAUGH ! ' LAUGH LAUGH T .a- a- jmSm :u Oil. oountry, enables u. to off.r our pod. ffimT52. 7 flnntlTtATirftl fianlf ' IiOWLfO., flEH gerbread nu amid the silvery silence of mppfTn PTPhsilfro ad PmiTTatinn OfflnP 1mmmmSfi 1 Park row, and, at the back, the helmet 800 boxes Fire Cracker- -, XulllliU liILJlallu liulliiaUUll UiUlrO, dealix ni se LOW aa tney caa be had m V X ai T " sw 73Hir T HAVE, for aals, in Tipton tonoty.Traa., j. M- - Alexander and others r. Adcaaon : BawBBal Sortr Torpedo, BLE,0CX Vorth Went tor. 5d & Chestnut bts., MC toi MuSiCol IjJtoSutSi . or clBClMati MtSE mot., o, Baak SSffiHS- - H punted by. bunch of flowers. .,K,ve a twaeral tocs of Ha. the FlUtuieat and Ftoeat ST. LOCIS. MO. Agent for ..fPf Mtf .Jfl' 1 nd contalnln. wh-E- ffi Rockets. Roman Candles. 8ICHT DRAFTS ' P. V S3 ia" wmofrf-- ! jM jawTc,7J tt: " warns, in. VALENTINES! lSLn T ' ' - - - " ll,'8a THCSSi!n1SlT flH H ture is mlldiy desenbed as ' rather trying . . largest stock of sheet music at 5 Main street arith Cablaa. iln Mouse, stabiea and irchards. to thefaoe.- - - . PASSAGE TICKETS Mphls. W M.WHEAT0N ha. onhandeeerv variety -10-- AIYO SO KTt ffl S5SS'' .IbBBbI B There are no novelties m Cloaks to ST GO S66 Him! YOU Will LaUgll. c AKK.A.NTED AS KPBESS3iTED Fncland and Old Pianos take. In for new one. of Fruita. Indndlng Peaches. Plum., tt Uenii-Lla- . or " my.lf;a awaaaaaal record. The paletot - still the favoriu? UStlm A. It o'sauS?" and repalrtng and tuning proSTptly done. ailll MStinfaetUrerS ApW.u. Apple.. Cherries, wrawherrie.. SAVINCS INSTITUTION, ' A IaTlT KrVofBoTer?,--- ' f 6 . . J " " u aaEaEBBEBBBaB le For rteolioc and in heavv ""-lai- S . vri iierrtea, -., a oil every kind of Lvergieen. laniHlm I - aaEaEBBEEaaEB " Haanollas by tha thousand. MEMPIUP, TENN ESSE. f taEaEBBEBi Uie Frenefaaacoue is the preferable Shape, r Q-- ! GrO I GrO ! Keferrins lo the Above Card The under- - AMWJaEaVXON, - f LbebbbI b hecaoseit riawaaa3i5 Delivered iree of inarge v- - .ppomtoi general ac,ent the best pianos Mim' jm't ' " Boajtin iiooe. 19 muob st. tegal tii'a.tTrn!l riai mi.it .HIIIH H adjusted, and c mvt' ... e. and will j befcra parchaaing .iaewheia. BH t elk raiment a I "1 close fit- - To All Parts Of the City bold hlmseir responsible for his official ,rns- - Kiown to ifuaicnl Cntics and to Mind " " Zzrr Rhoaa, three hundred .. H ooo-an- uy rng Stationery and School Books . ,iTHTYco ItasciXIaAyiSOUS. twoisipaw. LKI StB-S- S -- rfc belongs only U an elaborate haviua friends 1 Lurope. at the Piano Fortes, Utr tale at H. BF.RNAKD'S, MOORES SMITH&CO ,7f Mareb. laai, by Ira Moore and - WBawaBI H ..oiette. Opera cloak. .are made in colon . Eg BUUeL POlatOeS Chef!e, etC. UMrwW Kates. 28(1 JiVmoAii. Term. 77w 8eeral Ilthaaee 4 BanllBg tWl.Sa, a,-,- re to ae; uTi the .avn.cnt o, certain n.sa. W ua. L. Byi.r. and oaircoSer 1 and almost "rsalW dispense with SliAiilS., iDWArUMtLHOLLAND. .... ..'Try ,. , fF. J. Burton, .rih fl .. which wjy Wto. tKe wya to . H pretty and yenerabie hooa.' Ptay- - ft-l- m Memphis. Tenn. yrea!ntt and nl the lowest KO. S62 MAIU STBEHT, nrt Ctomeaiic Exc'iamse. uld. saver and Cn- - hglatei'aoaiee 01 -- halby county, 1 will, M tae au river, tben.w down w H ii.g in itpiaaeio sashes of rich ribbon PENS. INK. PENCILS. ETC. Mt,NB SSm BNa EachiJtru- - HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Sell- - Kchange in -- urns 10 H, m iui..,g.,. nr- -t M,., - M 10000, SS9 'Provln. Building,, w ill.. w LaasSo. tjoj; a l. da IssssssH. 'weYa-rmoTSS- rnc.U warrant, aui old Piano Uxkn . rySfSr'n aLdl K Comer Mad-- oa ana Bacond Strata, Remember the Number, INSURANCE. ofthe Galden S.lrr-- p. FRESCOING. bag. : XZS" B - e. m. a t'aahier. BH Paper Eang.ng, Harhllng, firalniug, vest, f?f- - i,:; ILi?r ts-oana- i MEMPHIS INSURANCE AGENCY. lud-IB- groceries. Teim merchants- - aih.ari.,il " - B alur .run UjKin an v one kind. A writer pTrpVT" MILL8' - 33.3 MtraiOH8l Mcmphig ir or toe two huodrwi wre tra.-i- . yHK mnvener o aw ww , of WeMoaasa. a.,:,,- - are superseded MARBLE WORKS - - &?' ES NATIONAL BANK W BaaaB(BIB bv those Of astrakhan. Lenow Blmk. r,,B rThi-- . Februare rn. ISSS felo t,. ionel -- aid eatata are tkmrnmrnB BLELOCK t? CO. Vo- - Madison sireei. p.aBoxaa jpatiai. p. a Boa a wuh i..e ier BSaH .pe. bo- m- IWVLT PT OTTW '"b'! Geo. c. iiadiey & to., .,ferenoe to FreBC.lng ,nd House pamung of Memphis, Cttaneery Sale of llal feiate, ,r. 'W ..ufnr HH AJ W I JJV U Hit 3 InlOB St., Bel. 2d dv 3d Ma., In the pro rata tettlemwl. or tiua not:. M jja Some of these a xeetdingly VALENTINES, - tSuccesaora to H. r. Vansyckle A Co.,1 0e85ffl 9 JeflerSOn Street. 2 H " IfchamaTeem Italian and American Marble, LF?0rv-i.lden.Wo- L If mil s.B bB . bBB1 lmiaim'LSa0x, a-----l .HB J. W. LEFTWICH a CO., XfOXt MENTIS, Tablets, Head and Koet PROVISION MERCHANTS, kYiwI' Presuyterlao c'hurcu.Bev. Ur. awaataaaa. lap 7 itrn 1.beebI aaaaaaaaaaaaaaB , , ri J p ' -a-asa-aasr .l Hu,nes, Box Tomb- -, VaulU. ManUaa Va- - Iluubar's Saloon, idecoralion on the alley,, 7 " . faaEEEEEB B '"""y are, ge'Mar not t rjaaataaOp and Have on beHtlineatal 1110 bOIDlC, ail kinds au.ne won done for now McCullougirs. Paid ill CaDttSl. 8250,000 John Overton t. James B. Relnaart - at I'iianCerY Sale Of lt' PrOB4rtT, B'flLtB tending to be better thev are. The A band, averf graas of 1 iour. buildings at auort noUoe. Having been waa. tommcrcla! St., 41. Mary . College A Institute, Third street. nv.,e. ,r.. inwnmnr. ,la ..tnal Baaaaaaaali dark fun. isiaimand IktitialH ged in the marble business In Memphis lor IS Catholic laall fm ,,1!! aaaaaaaaaB as a nri, 'In th above me n Th. p!nu,re Bank ffenneeaeasa Baaaraai. aaasEaaaaaH -T- H1:- yeara. we would respectfully call tne attention Bet Pine A Chestnut, SAINT LOUIS. AotbOriZed Capital, - $1,000,000 g e '""Jt lilted the royal f. DOlleU 1 OTD lU'ill UllU I tHHl o those In need of marole work to our estab- - ',' or' nh. "li j,;, w,' , t!;", Ih TY virtue af an interlocutory de."ree entered H wearer, can be U.uvht lor very much T M QTT O A XT P V PDMP A NY llaLmeuL We have alwav. on hand a laree as-- I.'alt'C'l ltll ilOUCO. Mi?ri. 'ih. I ,1 l' In thiaoww oo we IBM W X Mi: mmmmmm Ltttttttm aaaa than a gvasi t of mink. Its deli- - Of all Deacrlptiona. MOST ELECANT STYLES, IWOwskaaWU WBIAH i s.,rlmcnt of anishe.1 work and drawings of the ve constantly oe hand a mil supply of door in the ewrof Memphis, between the hours 11 and renewed at :. latest of Monuments which will be of llw Side ol Uie common Law aod H atylea we cnaanry hower. makes It useleos Barreled " I.ard and Flour OFTICERS. ,.f t,n t m. .fjK cacj ei,e,'. a. Warren. Choice Family Floor guaranteed Iwaw, to ow to any who may favor us with . "'"jl. rjgt laa .11."" A rSaUL ' J'x, M lor lull toilette, ana It is not a WLse to floor " We can getup workln asg.l .tyle and . f"- - V aaaaaaaaaB pur- - equal any in the market. fl SATURDAY In March next, - - -- President. tuiate .n county, near ins dry of Mem- - BBaaalaaaaaaaaaB reasonable ti other establish- - I . w.n.i.ninii ,.r- - .rl. , in tba ijlty or Memphis, en -- aturday, chase mil rf on as rms as anv r. ,1,1.1 .i.. nt mri moron will r ,i., m, rT Kr'iTe. O-- ce. X.. S. Beal Street. WHOLESALE & RETAIL, HARTFORD. ZrJHF ' m 2 A.T. IsACBT. v,eo.Pres.dwt. 1S MwokJMj-J-- wd B attire, a hke raond. on ungloved Maaara. KlngACo. No tatLGavoso is fence. Call and see lu Wnl' WXii Irrs. ' aherlDTrrmi?; R. C. DAHIEL, Ct. eJf "?:V1 ttXto'JS rl'Wl'. ....H B hands, or bracelete at breakta-l- . HaaA. taaeTw otT oald for . w at imSb-2- JbUiOtt af. CO., rrusiee. Justices of tin "eace. ConstHblca, and ji at rest U 0 ww. to aa JfZJS' "mdTT aaaaaaaH H There will l no novelties in dress Lowest Mill Praaas. JJittOlUtt01l ail ol her offlcers for ai MM, wherever va-- alley ; thence east with -- aid alley ieet; fience a .t ii,. ,.urs ... imaaxtaieet to he H lr:X;iZ?L th;Mr; ox consignment geo.pattison&co's. ' CoiMion aoi Fonrardin. Merctoats, tST directors: EHS:"' . jr LMmmWmmmmm with little regard U. arti-ti- c :feDl! 4WFW P,700.MU, AMrw WOODRCFF, ProMdwt Memphis sad Tr!RM-- o, Xili.-- A credit of alx n.ontha, TEJU ,;r!aALS.on (TrAut rstxand rwerre H A-- nxaxxas is t. a. thomab, a r w. thosias, Ohio Railroad. notes with -l -- ecuriiy taken, and a Hen re-- H aaaaaaaaaaB f the Kail q.HElsirtnerahtpheretoforeexisting anderUbe montii ta equal purcnaaer giving S3 ,.' InfrXZ - Biyle of M. FRIEt'LAIs OER & CO., Is this Clarksville. Tenn. I Louisvt Me. Ky. B CHURCH. ti,n,'?,? furUlfr r?:2'cv with approve.! Vunty .H B plain l.iisey woowey fOT Sale LOW to the Trade, day dissolved by mutual consent. - . a B. a'cat'tET AUanta,Oa. R. "uoCGH. C. s. Collector Internal Revenue. Clerk and Maater. aU.L'5Iu.N aLSTOS clerk and M.. BH m.sieeiii !a there at an aUia- - COMlUlSSIOIV. - win be conducted un- - Hay, UatS, lorn, Brail, a. j. white, of a. j. White v. laao-td- s gHBH serirSa.llIw."Qr," " Fire and Inland msurance THOMAS A CO., ''waMI rf Qfr IHb. w . ,T" SaaaaaaaaH ', CXth. ba aelUed, at 9U4 Main stxeeL stairs. Lime, OMaBBj llf THOS 1L SMITH, of Plteer Miller Co. UDanCeiT OaiC 01 LllJ rrOpelTy BBaaal The old laahlon of dresses in two ool- - Iy.".,,ra' 1 lOLKsALL M. FRIeLlaNUER A CO. rnPWSrriinir Mprrtailfx L H. WAflOK.NEB.of J. U. WaggenerACe. -- o- gtH LtttttmmmU ore is revived. A Mtai of black ilk is Memphis, Tenn., Jan. is. ltuo. Xo. t Promenade. lOIEIMM dflll AClLUdilUl, II. .v. PARTEE, CommiWon Mefcnanu . . --ON- LaaaH BaaaaaaaaaaaaB both -- AT A- S- Hod. JlJMSW.. SMITH. TtlCsda.V Vi'.h naj f Hartll, I 6 HB one or tides with a r MllM. H riefeiarrayof cor and taaaeK wdbpv J. H AUCTION EMPORIUM. Foot of JafmrwD ea, opP. 8twmbo.t Lading. ... vi.. l, mcHwn, o., 01 Saturday March S, 1S6. B REMOVAL). fe, im Memphis, tenm. jj ZicSf Jw I (Trhead FAVORABLE TERMS - aa wnn.m Davidson. Ad. c. Maivrn H and a briirht bow at the throat aaateh ' . lawaaM c , A c. .'aumix. a st saia. H.OABEa Nclrlam itom Uuiiain,, uavkiaon and othera. J. D. William, aa. Valentine Werner. Fmmtt H LaaaaaaaaaaaaH lower akirt in hue Anauviswa -a- -.L eVrwww. Cor. Sixth A Main Sta LOUISVILLE, KT- TJ Y virtue of an interlocutory deores on tbo Mix. Wm. H. Portar, Daniel M. Sechler. end jBaBaBaBfl aMSKBSS. fit a. !, aiao-a- aS baa. Mass Pork, " w. I. The underalgned have removed from 7X to X chancery Side of tha Common Law and John ElUwn ea Vaiwtino Waraar. and Coal- - m mm na-- an over areas ot black falling bf ap do. As the Haxarls Permit for npuiS Bank will Buy and Sell Exchange on all chancery Court of the city of Memphis, I man Boyd ea. Valentine Wr mWLWM H low the knee and Wped with wahea of 2 bSL'TV., CATCt. BtAnUoiCU. 804 lain Street, Vp stairs, McAllister. MeNair & Gardes. Refe MoCuiioch, Hon. o. a. 1 .North and rimun deal m aii win seuatPobiie Auction "e conrtHmse hv " ,f '''Siri; I;; LHalH In She of. Men, aim)" of State and Lnlted s Securities: door. tea mXXtttttm A el .v Cttinj: waistcoat of neorv D. N. Keunody. Fresldent Northern Jty WmmU Sreen where they will continue to ClarksvlUe: ihouinson vndersoo, Berrv sno in addition to Its ordinary Exchange and March lh. iauiitv black keep a large as- - Hank. L..H...H STTi'rt. ,h a oin a "" "- - AX7CT10:Nr:E2:-- - RELIABLE INDEMNITY. .,mnUi of Foreign and Do,nlc yCT WHOLESALE GBOCEBS, AOemov.ile, A. Hamilton. Na.uv.lle 'w. tC Oepoali buslnea., haa opened a aa, the Mowt yaeribeJClty U. laga. oCh.aan. o Mi): HAINER dc MASOIT. Sffi &iJ' savings dspartmeht, aSSgtJS gSg B B loTnt5rr rfe r"1 ' -- 4Bradie, BWh. Real tBMS BBwtH ifBBw xM0 No. 74 COMMON ST, LfrVLa ,B ww taaaya W- - rfr.taM'S: urday Man H i. ..v. .ne roiiowiaa; uweorpar- - Now Orleans; Daviu Bro.ier, Lo. Norton d greater sum. will ba received, wd draw inter- - iH "w,nafr1Ld.efo hew But -- A. OSOZOS UEXRT A. LITTLETON, BLUFF CITY ew Orleans. oX, w,.- - e'rt2r 'ZXtSTZ 'B-U- ' b"B;"n 'Stl"lL"Fmhi lH Commission Merchants. Agw, COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS riT L 'S"Auroi,.ftet..J),a,.r Bfli J r w'niadra ,TCK F CMC' f.-,- ggBgB ?Io. 824 Secon d Street, SftlC. 5 ! L MEMPHIS INSIJSANCE ChW) Sale of Cit) I.OL, iSwSW H fresh and attractive new one. Flour.oee. fc S7 South Court St.. a T. 3. w. i. SOUTHWESTERN alley ; aiao tlie said alley in Lne rr at Urn WMf j eaoept on thin dreesea (or evening wear' AT COST. STATE AXEIS'T (Dally Commercial Building.) Of Nashville, Tenn. Of ?reen.boro7Ala COMPANY 0- - warom cauaty araet i'r HH Memphis, ie-n- . c. walsh, Proprietor iTew, jfftcAe Co., Livery, Boarding & Sale Stable. mi- mi Tuesday. March ism, N Wfia?ii aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBi ni.air ..ij i up, uu ruitmi uaua,.iij.i. pain. TNTEXMSO to chansi bt mataa. Iw; or tot coxDiTios or THE Memnhis ca-i-ed -- outh Memnua. tosetner with B SmanTiate Wholeae Dealer. ,n Xa. M 1-- S Tnion Street. Office, 22 1-- 2 luadiSOn StT9t XZ?tr. LM SIONBBKTS SOLICITBD. Be ,t Orah. ra Mra fwrrtaa Ht- -d HlapleandtWyOroceriea Xf.. ISURAMCE COMPANY Mm 6R0CBRIB8, PROVISIONS, ETC., j PBOPftSE to ksep on hand the best Ueerj- - 1 Mre UaKaaaawk-.- .- Libera. Adrs.ce. Made. Sal SLwSlS eperauou a Hw. Front Street, aS SSSS 81-- " 'Sa""'- - DIRECTORS fashi of L.. f-- n-. . Qalvh tale. A Proa.pt Belnrn.. OE IBB 1ST PAT o, JAECAET, 18M, Haxnesa and Saddle Court of tha clly ol Mamphia, 1 will H .ne-rtul-e X,-- ! CXXlOAa,. SPICE MILL, (Under Ooaaaaereial BotaL) J. J. MrHTPreaid.nt, ?r SSS ChaHCerT Sate Of Seal Estate. B T&Arl;,ri of' RCgUlar Trade M&i' Tettneaaaee. W.SWJ W-tf- SB TBSy"'' J " " JS-fct- H lac, are much worn The sleeves It corner Iln hecand Ku. ,,,, aock ol O.ooerle-- , Provision., Plantation Sup-- Jo r' ' svtaitoh, of the hoow of Stxatton .I'TTkr BaaaaaaH 1 ' ..rrnxMEMf.. s t,...,. A PaWBBB atOABXBD 080)700, XSrmmmmmT ROOflng! ROOfing!! , SKrSti; Saiara.j.Idiaf.flartb.lSM. ,Ex lumiah Several now. - Z.n '' ' ' im VEBB. MITCHBLLACO. CAMUEL DAVIDS, Agent for Hie Outta Per- - T. A. NeiIsoN, of B. O. AT. A. Neiaon A Co., o?tne Rwt.nd?W asaaaaaB B " '- - :'- iri i.nrt modn 3. X AM'--: ASH LOCATIOH. ; J ctiaCenieut Uoonng. Tiiiroofliigi.com- - F. M. Cash. WetFact u"vei and MTiivldeaonSth I sBaaaaaaai LM -v- danacoetly. RECEIVINC. FORWARDING V'Z. f &&grl. ga.aAgiSaAS: &ttmjSL&7fcmptt Thlammtotlen lanreperel to Reeelve De-- St 'LSaiop .5? J" MaUM7 H ri. ol tulle, or I n ' onn. entirely rwiia, to Buy and Sell Exchange on all the Avenue, and rnnnlna back ju feet. TY virtue of an lntarloeutorv daorse made at H B Ihe tiL-l- leak,. - M'lt lil. --AN- CAPITAL. I also Import Direct and Job Marilker.Gaae & WilcOX. ing any thtug eoue In my Ime I w,ll mi, ! am principal .!.mmereisl Cities, and to ColleM Thrxs or bai-a-o- a creaid of aaven K the November term of the Otaaeay aaaeuf Baaaaaaaaai B l. - ic c to 'ls-rr.r.- i Tie .mount or Its Capital Stock 1. prepared waive pei u. This .ail- - ;irans on this city auo all principal points In mouiha iK uawi Law sad cbsaesr, Court ol the H H immortalltv ii-- .. Cwo Mlllloo Two Masslrad aajd TeOS Of Every ClaSSlilCatlOlL, inglsnote 'ly1''"0;;1'1'.'' "";!:""m'',; thlasectlon. leltt tda A. ALSTOS. Clerk aod Master. oity ot Mempeis. I will scilat Fu.ii; AuoBnEa.al - H . .il'.LiiJ VaDaahad,! F'lty Thousand Dollars, and is paid and Rmittancee Promptly Attended to. theCoun dwawt, on saturoav ,tbe thir.i ltral fOSialiltll MSffCkSBta. up $2,250.000 0!) Which, with Coffee and Splee,, I a:n prepared WHOLESALE .'InJ'Jo' XXZ! JXiLl " M- - ' TVUSteeS Sale. J ' JJSfitJS gtEJ- -. SS? ll bibbbbbbbbbbbbbw i u j a. , ,n i, ..ii.ef tii,le . i latlous of ti- - t . r- .- ' O- -, AIMAIS. lo furnish to the ITsdo, in all oasee making a rj1" J ,vlll in i,c oountrv It anJ Qaca esaaaaaaaaaaaaaal .wissUsiice an- - - ' Ageaoy far laa Caah on hand, id Baui, and with Liberal dlaoount in i hair favor. " taaarSaweat I wiuid a so Y virtue of . Deed or Trust, exeeoeaat as tie. of ianu, in Shelby eouniy . i mieaaee, .contain- - WMWM B LISTON WA11EH0USE, Agents MUliJi aar , C0TTW FACTOHS n e my"in"si,. meu2. to coinc audoe H1A.NKLIN tj undenugne- - br-ah- Conned, on the 13th .ng .an ja, two .l a mil sownwa t&mZ'";:. ajtTOtiJ5? "'B Nts Monroe street, corner of sIsocimL ttmXZ lBBh... rorwardlB, and liAWU' j m..ln excJUI,ite:.v l,...,ri..ph..ne.... IIBBMB " CQT-T- J MBPS. MISS. ? .u -- :.;s -- 3........... Jal7lrn WnfftC,Sm-A,lil- LiOMtAJHI, ZLVmmtJ?. SwI aoe. ::v laiAn d w tne wie.:. , oen vh,uary ,s. ss iMttTiwwiNiti! Qiranrass Mtta Mafluiacturts : ! .LSfwiaft icMlSiS?1. .bbH BH axe wo.u over au unde;-- . ..i.reoi kmethwi. oMk j,. ... COMJCISSION MEHCHANTS, Memphlas Tennessee, wit Beginnings a point oowaaden, .11 k, Wbteh otrrfauea the dlfB - nJ saa. c. raisx. winLLaa tnaav. ' County and rtJu1; and ladiee' maid- - exisr..i,..e 111 lai! - J"0 B'ock, Man dtiaet farvT artin AUaotlc Mutual lna.Oo.iS. Ydtoia a,eia 0v T p TRFAT (Chartered by the atate of TeaaeaEM la UM wardly parallel with Adams street rorly feet witfi the avenue -- aat .r oe . B aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB lai any " - , TJCM st,xtJl Sa SO Front Street. " on a Hue parallel with equal diauancea aa will, with parrelloo .::i in- - Baaaaaaaaai .fa"lmartaStleM - i.thc Total Ae R067. t 80 JSlOxSH, tANCFACTURES Plowa, Scrapers, Bull SUU conUnus. to transact wlely a Third street twr5:wVre., SVaH ."..H : V L A "X" Tpoc BLUFF CUT COTTON SHFD TvniooatoforaH PRACTICAL GUN SMITH, M- - mtoorde, general banking WiiLTmVi rzg -- r"d3- ...:a tun:.- - uie thick, pale - X Jli a. IO , 1 I 10 Banksor oih. r creditoia. Nona Agrrenltural dealers and planters will And It ,,. i D HalalB B. . i,e- - ti.eenowv robe. Mauv roa Lua-ea- a adjusted and due a Nona No. Ida Main St., (upstairs; cor. Washington, MK.ill HIS, to tneir interest to wU and see ue.belr.re par- - aso in tha .uty of Mempn... IX. o. x oua. -- nms. " tattllltT; .Nile 01 Kt'oJ hStilM". BaaTaaaaaaal is it.. Ou J" luxurious, OT toad of DOY0LVi,,M iSSaaSal.i.isii MEMPHIS, TENS. Alsotorsale two PorUble Engines, on Madl- - Memphis. Jan. M. law. lnMuU. .HI M(0,so ';;r ,uVTviU.:'::-:r:- 3 kxchance bu,m"' Chancery Sde ef leal fotate, uro.,, .r Mareh, .so, B aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB f We would call attention to At the Comer of . , ,. , a.anTa '1 f.rr printing.etc.ea respectfully your saaHaaaB H t:.- - large SOUTHERN PLANING MILLS the above oercVB. J. if a riper, late of Tipton LoiMrtnCt'hhtp JSutlce. -n- r- aaaaaaasVaaaaH reita a. so, GO TO JT county, and Oage A Wlh-.- htU ol 7K Pronl Front and JefTsraon Srrests, BaH aa iSBaaa a as- - Total a -- 44 ., 1; c.r ; rl a- i ri.n'.iui, u,,irnUii Street, hare ti.im-.- -i a coiairtnersiiii.. uiidei rTAMNo again, asso.aate.1 'lie.:.-,,.,-,!.- ,. ajutiitlay. March 3d, lSdti. T. C. Bawia m cm. aa Fraaar TJtua BJBjBJH HB - Tom Sale Stabtco. i:' rK l!s KXttSXZS P ISSA-lSeireraonSt- V rT Af.Sp Srcry,Coon ana Oont.M.on Bnalnea.. nu SElr co4?W-5- S SH B jOTll-Wr- M SoSiS' MEMPHIS MERCHANTS WV'ol. fepm:?n htV-V- '' Oldest S,...e Keeper,. lBe (llJ 'JO Cof,,oa 1,, To. ............H when ..ff""1 mcorporotlon or tald Company Is A Eontiaman will devote hi. lie. and atten- - .ffwtwilSfVTr fr are unairranaasl In tba dep- - '. low. The will, Oeneral aorsa. Msronan la, Meupfcla,Tenn. on file mho tha Auditor. m West IHT . W. S. BrUCft aSc Co ment, having prompt aLu relUble correapon- - Socr", 0101", March S 1W h- - i"" "KSmnmm m Wmm eVL,1ZbC Haboyaahea.iaciieapeaada. ,u,k --S- LcTr,r SSSSlSP aSaSSA Dc.V IBi " Gulbreath A BttttunH, e?TorAo S? carriage ,,WSc Snf.W?,:: . SSIJS S&SS"""--- - ,ifeufaii te'tnek, .uie., Commission Merchant, SeSSSST- O- -- m-W 8 MAPFACTTJRJ5R8 & DEALERS, SSaSe IH thernatoTS'rwa .iTO FERDUE'S Mention to ther in,er-- la JCjuSS. iSnua IH ,xa wd 39 Monroe Street. T" burnett Bicic el, o-x- aMt. thhewNTnnxt ' si? o Aii & molasses ' (Hd Established llUiflery Y JWWU i A wMVw-Sw- JT gbanaLg f , , US St1.-ftfaJffi- WMS Ke.poa..alafge.ndved stock ore,. HB era, turougn aioopol pcane or otaer or mmmmmm - -- - r.v rareet, i HOLSL, M xm gant Vehicles, to which they Invite the atten- - Tfirootors: y eSra) r '.!? 10 a peean tree marked g. on aewjaaaaw nameuUl hand, there la little uew : tfuruea, fc tmO aringer, , nuaryVSa HK.NRV FOWLBR, . !zr! tion or buyers. nrm of J. J- Bawilnga A Co ,n,,J,,Zifc.J -- : sffsaBari -- The bandlets stiU remsin in favor. W ORLEAWg s.aef. Juweeor the P Xo. SM Main Mrccl. Xo. 383, GROCERIES PRODUCE. & ttSET denMaaTunvT'i Hi XO. IS SOl'TH 4TH hT., - " a Ca fe' HEfe " H LtthhaiTa JSS , West Side be. Oayoao and MoCall 8ta AJT- - E and awneUntly Trm 7 Fort, Cc, SaB,' ranffealt PHIhAEX.PH IA, JSS ZZZZttT'l J 5 CarriogO anil Bilgy HameSS, d? era are worn in the bail-r.K- hut .1 v.--J.- oil , - J is. W Hatchmt. t..mptroUerorths Treaa- - FRFCU H. cary, Eao. .Ja.-a- m (iackbai?y marked K ; tbeioa along Beadle's A. Mnna.wA.HA Doweil wd HBB ' " C" 'itWt&of I 5 iaT3 FLT GROCERIES OASKA " KfSwc H aaSa rw-'c- aS 'Vsy!, of laoTar. aeaTo TtM 'f ' ;' CoiUlIlission, ForwardiZl- - .' .:?hmZm?Z hj.X:' HARDWARE & TRIMMINGS W. F. Orne, moftoiorrj,, gBel H ..ryy. i rSaMtaMg V- -.- ..I ktokagK MtlKIliAxn nSiSo iw- - BBtter,Kg8,,r,uiooa,elc, Ulllli - l" Wo. , M Offlca BuUdlng, Sfifc, .nd tweive month. fwwKLwMw&?Joen..ll rrM!mg iiie l,,ur uiu.ty. . . boot and Paiirriad aawu oompuwllh J'a ilt. Oil l nd VarnisItSS, MEMPHIS, TEHlf credu. Puroba-- er giving wuA w-- and lowlnj m - l".--.- ConataaUyonHd. iHH rUf1VidurmTra- - WWHU'W --- -J .a- -. EtL "'' ''C ' b""01- - Mra F. Ouy tolltne. ' baa lv. n a call. SET All Good. Deli-- f I JUS-td- . tS ' tf .-- .H laOiH ll- S I ': tint to BESSI OppoaUe Coounarclal Uotal aur'iiri Y 1y'";t oT IRON A STEEL. IE a ml- -" l )o?WiffLS H .;wht .SorX- - &ifeS- - a -- 00, 55! St to H ewM ' Brno. Co. , HnH I Prominatu.naonw.iorcte,. la V SSUu ai,1 Sfe. D1"- - JaM ha "vA HuiaH. uaM. ai lPO AaAJaXKra WTlw&.lwlti .Bfl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK. ' Ja. . -r.- -tf Aft 1 !gVgBaWK AlataaaBBaaB "' aafl ,.,,1-111- 1 aailaIiai SaawA nil. aaataaat & V aiSEj, - llllsl Mill I M IssBrlillaaaBalltiHaiMlaMlllllaaaa Wf l

HT "" " ' ' 1 J 1 UtSy " ' HTil JHAIIr FPEAL FHri) AY, FE BR lel-SrioT-

f - - H.

I I j - '- -

'I 1


CANDY grin,, B15K ETC. . ... eI ral i fl DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY

BB j- -' ,.. Depository & Financial Agent MOORES, SMITH & CO., VaWtuHvVw ' g fl 15

SaU-O-J establish f.d iph8. jjo. so Bt. Francis tt mobile, ala- W. Bradloy'. OT m FINANCI AL AGENT g 3 .wTT, . H!bfSrdId0,- - A "T r"" UNITED STATES ;-- -- d-- ,-,. strt. of thh csmu stateb. 3 USflk T!rSSI Jrt! ROCCO, DUPLEX ELLIPTIC HL. Wi.C.CAYCECO, HIDES OIL AND LEATHER ngladies- - gQ

B Wholesale and Retail Grocer, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, i x. --r. Saddlery HardwareC0LLEGIATE IMITUTE'

General Bankinf Business, 1 1 &t X --SSSHSSS BaiCuiiite for wcflW, bradlet i rARV, .f wudJaflrict drew, , FOBJ1ST HILL TNHBB '.XSltV: n,FunA.Duuni All(.tlon 4 ( omiI1iSsion Merciuuite, Proprtet,,ra d M.car.. General Bankm Business. ' Awui.uonto - 355WJTiH KBB .' eT disarranged. Thrbj-tinT- f And General Agent, for hnuds w.iw INDIA RUBBER BELTINC, Returned lu Exerri.es the Second day of flHHK 2 JSSTfcJ S- -X flHL - inv,.ivti in the additional STAPLE Lnu FANCY bnUlital&o, 'm m M m. m. rouowio. January, i sc.;. coLi.rxTiojm ix the soith QD .JBv Q 'i::.u rSLSIS-:- : BH:. hi ..iily for walkin-- , - THE BLACK DIAMOND Bopiw mm E"" 'ten Director, for the nv. ?.":. r ;.ffaafaaaal itiv set KlUptic I"ure Refined steel Springs, lngenioualy "aire : Lg T TX W Uati : th wiaiaBj Ktonn.,. BHconfectioneries,Ti5S3 UW"L SSSSBSS -- e.roMr. SADDLES AND BRIDLES, HMISEgStfigfcL. SkS5TS ooocaiatBc IHrTtivhyUrefocttJamtiU iUenl merit ,, U,.., Tokacrot, brsAI, eV EAajwjji": of AND SALEBurditt A oo. .LLLB ?ak,- -. ajl th tie unwortby or uecliT prrvMHelr f the many thnr,iyMy tcald. rmm. it hi lent E Best. .nieapet nd momt eonomloal Tebju or iajle.-- a m mi mx a.ath HiB !r t.-H- .T. hpe more ton twice an long nuy singl R. MeORFROR forth-- in looted M Foreet U1U ttton. Man- - I floor in aw. r ..f-- - M) BBflH UM great gains of coeiiier mp

PITTSBCRu - PENNSYLVANIA. Skirt tbt erer hwt or cq be rad it Kh(MnakCn' pule and Cbarleaou Ealinwd, liien mlW o-r- Ail loeera of and wboleaoma bread, aad a uamt taaaa a fm f la jTui .bbbbbH oarrl The petticoat, not quit four HOA. WO ana Zi oeoena BLrf, B?VOIMlBrfni flexlbimy ai.4 graft comfort

rt.,. ISIinerS, LUnierS, eMt of ,,aj.. blacoit, ate.. canTby aatna tala WUmi, aare m Ma A. Atv-To- tlerh ad Uaater 1HBB

bbbbbbbbbI vTr.i r to the The and pleaaure to any lady wearing the Duplex Mouregor A L. , OOTernnicnt, State au,i OUl'r trma, uoohle. money, and dlaappotntment. Ith;8 : SU liVoVSrSS CHaneery Sale of Real Estate HIB iea--: MX mchw above tbe hem of tb locorborated I nder the beral ItnUf church news, a.m c , tor Beeuritiefc PowderreaiTlrtar, TaaaCaCW to.1-

IHLB I" cist of tbe Buit, In wide thphh TEllvniEt 1 , ,,r IVnVhaatlu promene d boaae-aat- bak wean ba or Rice, am A Co. . TOOLS ASiD FI5TD1XCS, TERMS PER MONTH JTSuundOXLT HAU t!w u ,na- - --o

H 8S.W S.! oapii,s8oo,ooo, ?" ' weo, coach a acorgt3 a.jaa.a SSsfSf5S3E flH them, relief for miaaea and lad lea Jolra C. 8 m Anatia M. Cook f atmouitb to receive a ,and and eon.taally reoelrlaE. one of the o. For cluldren. young GEO W IelfTlaug Ingredients' TROTTE,l'E"ft"TtBj H -- nsSi pSJSS?"- - i HH jjlgiaft IMW 1PB BtB P gSaSgaii 'T: BCH-KTMSS- , h'fe; .ndcer or,. HSISISof tle Mined Baaleati, of Belgium, Ur JJJ"' 't,!SJj E t?5 rklrtSe double and twice of A Co. ; J. B. HCTCHIUHON, Nackaaat Bank or tat j!XSm!ttha7&IuZ-:F- BBaaalB - --- Kas STrxsxsF -- r.Avx,, 5b55ffi,,,, v

..V, whfej.. Anerala-ortme- nt pUin and fancy HLSLKV ED : r-f-ii BADLE BAGS, COLLARS, Etc. Pct Hiu , " TT ' : 'iSSK.-S-W H& line expanded. W Candies, For Worklnt fapltal, - 4,000 Shares. All are made of the new and elegant corded SAN ABLE, '

fMA C. Rallroa.!. fe " uaahler. UjlfjjlNTrr;ptalnaaUonaiBank. perBarrell I tkc onsnmer. aEtootlaiaW rStaaEBEaiEarrai OHf ---S- ; C' "nVoUner Coallu.eo! Fund. - . . V Sh.rea. gSSStBSS HOWX,, WEST TENNESSEE COLLEGE, gSWffSS- .- S? pp jStigSK IBiLTof reSSS; SSJSaZTLI- l- HARNESS, Ja4.h80ri, TetMte-be- .. N tiosl - 3 ,hL -

. SrftSC"hio.. buve so long floated in the fash- - Flga, . Can Mackerel, OOUen: ajSHaUTlU-- FRED. W. SMITH, Vlea PraaldaDt; aiT."" 'f TJ. "aVtSe? ."tn'.e Era, , . . Iionat'le air, no oracle can tell. The Curranta, Can Tomatoes, t su'aud. anadaa, HavanaTe Mexioo, . T'Moi,'?., nnrTI.L v,rmriTntf. Tih ,',1 f-fe?- r'"p ;,.Hi BJUKe7 sn" SI BeSI

r:i:Jz? to0 gsdaEB. .EEWa-p-p, .s b BEAuicosT, itw d 8 ft-ui- s, INSOMNCE COUPIIiy, BH . r.ed,- - but. in the same bream, 'from Jellies in Giaea. Sardines, A J bxe., ..!w,intlni rba ia: " Bea.unont, Haanium at Co.; nti 'Tithe1 Pr5" iaramrTpartmentwTirbe fnd !y"r,'r" i'"n"?JhJciJS 2?" SaUatrgUy, 31 f JtarcJa, 'fit .IIIIHtbe rly of eontractl..n. pluck- - the very PrearTea in Gtim, Lobster. I 4 2 Iba., uorrxAx.. WeMter. Pean. Bravdley, Duplex Elliptic Skirt, iHOsT. J. W. LEFTWICH, --or- thoroughly in.tructed, and more advanced po. Bnoceaaor lo Cameron A cary, Bankers, n,wTk.oal2aal7to.h.'!;

H hv announcme that tnis cnanji Brandy Peaches, Pickles, i, i, j, and CouibUiaa eleaaiice, Uehtneaa, durability, nastm pll will be prepared toeuier )m rmulart ollcge adTaataaetu uae thia Floor, aa u KtoNukt Ban Mar aa. w sannnnnnn1

H certamlv heiran ill London, and not in Bearra! Bnlaeis aaperlaSHHleali aaofort anX eoonomy, and unuueatlouablyUw - ciaasea at tho owning of the Fall lon. For and SAtrsF ACTIO m avarr raapaet. " " L"Pans lorin.ver. the ide gored dresses haZmO? Pictlei, T. BoawEt-- Ph.i.L.. "UBnd

deatjrable article ma.Aa or le W NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. All qoalltiea and dorlpaena. eAjctalnin, 'lT(m gCff' w0 12 Jffft"W"1 Slrert RECOBIIS ENDATIONS b.STlTjT BsaBare more popular that. ever, the MBit Pineapples in Glaa, Hirup!bbl. A i do., r.,w..ra: "MENKEN BROTHERfl TO-- I I - - !?? aStSrSf:

B material-- ! ni' ma.le thu--. and it Can Peaches. Whed eiugar, Nicholas -( HNF.lHEit. asa Main Bt.. corner court at, w H. totnis, who has been toranme time EtaaFHw,TE?r3., Angoat 3, isat lt"l,.riiL :i'irLJ--r-.r

veiy e...pr.r groa -- tout and Can Pineapple Kef d A Coffee do, Ch.r.esSeWrt O''SlUiav Bradley-- . Ouplex EIHptiO Shirt, wLirTa.iw NURSERIES. MEMPHIS, TENN. aaJ doTTa? IHB gr"10" S. SXTwlT SSSSS'-f- e FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES. "HN F. CAMERON, t I Praaident. alraaMleES,al5'lS,yr""

D The same writer diaooorses of ladies Ceve Oysters, 1 A 2Pickied Lobsters, nrrirr ati Mam ftt. freight over this Une tor New York goes - article of oread snpanor to that made in baBflBaBaBBBai follow - lb. cans. Salmon, 1 4 lb cans PRINCIPAL through without ,:iiange of cant, thereby -- aVimr HCSSDt.X CIaT, : : : : I oraiuary ina.mar. tee3s oaim.mmm&n of sixamt ewatea B

'"Switb the shun dress the que-ti-.- n of CVIebrtaed KFFG inour, lo. Water Slreel. PUUbart, Feun. Bradley'. Onplex Elliptic Skirt, SSSSWSSS 3r O O I JOE. E. ETVnEVARSE, Jo. . raATamRE OBH lootinp becomes inip'rtant. In the Candles, Starch, of the beat material, style and manufacture, ar cor..un.m dbalbbs ra WefWly eoaear Id the above, narlBt s- -. mooev a aSto 5oS 1S5 Gr aaaBrBBBl

H streets ' plain bla-- kid boots, buttoned or Garrett 'a Snuff in bottles and packa, dn madeo'rle Offlaa-N- o. TH Madlaoa earast. lata Nurseryman and Florist, amlned tiia iugradianu. Thia the 5tt J.n.ia-- . JaaS-S- i

& .Ui1!ngrnbe: Ut NOfc 1,2 General Agent, for Tenneaace, fegjSfSk SOUTHERN OHasU GOLD. SILVER & UNCURRENT l!" M BeMMVT Mt Sf ttt Aflll HbbL the Mai-ker- in kits Xos. 1, 2, and 3, - T . Aiao, Apple, Peach ami Pear Treaa I have examined tha Ingradienta and pro--I ' aaBBBBaEl

Lsee.,o,,..em. which tiakee the Cail M. C. CAYCE fc CO. Bndle u p P EMIGRANT AOETOY, 1Paarai BaV BJSSB IHI aagwUaa' nounc. tn H1 becomes frayed and Fine Cut Tobac-j- foil, differet meat popular and flexible la oaa. rorfoot l.xtk broader, in Brands, pe de27-- .t - r-draegled. and has rightful place only on Fine Cut Tobacco in half B&a., X.. 56 Jefferaoa Street, aaia by walker bro-- r a oo., - - ' AI O ZS E- - X . mdoto tn Anna. taa. "irday, Sarrh M,

,herei;err,he-!iarpjunc- - a Main Street. Memphis, Tenn, HOLLAND TAXCE, FRUIT TREES. exuTua,rrB ture I'.r A large assortment of Tobacco, different MEMHPIS TENN., ciaimaiorit, and ia enti.-ei-y harm-j- ai toall. r . .full dress, IsmW of tbe exact shade of the brands,. and all further Infnr- - Bradleya Duplex Elliptic Skirt, m MAI STREET M ck o well, aad la especially adapted aaadlet ( uTTanfwJm ireatuaw, r

H robe of white or black kid, or Spices, all descriptions, ground A whole, monin"Z!" dem u the be miit, every grseefoi BETTER INDUCEMENTS KOE. at BLEDSOE, Bars and sella Iiehange on Jew Tork, mr ii'P-ptt- e. tS-- ; TX. TThor'..r hrotue, and white satin uckete Tuba. Brooms. Wrds.etc, $&t&JX&SZ Have the SaBSStffZ SltXT BZSL'S lMopened an omca, in connectton with thr Proprtetors o, Clnclanatl, St. Louisa a. 0rle,MM rrCril ""'uce, BOOKS & STATIONERY. MACK BROthe a bo-b- h SHELBY NURSERIES, yb ,r..

of a .t. the appearanee of a slipper. Blacking, J i.Sauce, 'Jfl Mam aar. gwraed York ha. com- - YET.g olllerville. Shelby Co., Tenn.. Pay. Inter the rat. ol Six r cent. rr T.alBl which is so universally unbecoming. By Indigo, German Soap, thos. cat oik. F. ds rcaiAX. the demand-i- n hi-- prrmjiW axaEJ XFFER for sale, dnr-n- i spni e of laaj, a annum ct (T Harrison, or itaeqnai Jala Ma (He aeuwaf itaad HoV!... EaBaEaBxiB a quilling of ribbon, and an ingenious ar- - Cream Taj tar, Palm Soap, One Million Five Hundred and - Wagasaasa aBaa gTgagSSS U choice lot or fklm tui:es, . vaneue. The oread and biaruit mi fr.,m ttdsajjw v a!.;Jn plan of th.Ze CFiaA,rangemTnt oieiot.ked silk over a rose- - Nut Meg,, Rio A Java Coffee, suty.Tw Thonaand Foor CWder wo0mdo ,..i give a- - n early caiL Than Aaj Ho., lu tkSo.thweat. li'X IWft Danjajjja- - Wngth. qp VmH colored lining the shape of the slipper Blueing, irPhllefK and Civil En"lnetTs, ZTZ ' prl. e llata or catalognea. adoreas ua --.t c..lil-- r- 111160 nraa-h- . and has b:n knows togreatly beasot ) uraaalaw and otfeaea. aDrvwy ma. ' LtLW

.HtiEEazH and the tint of the silken-hoae- d and 50 bbls. Tine Old Bourbon Whiskv. Hundred and Eighty-On- e TT, BERTffA n Ti vuie. Two., or Koen . u:edsoe. comm.s-io- n auweaaaa Kerr .u a,i, .:t !dAintrf..tareae.Ured." 2 bbls. Imiution Bourbon Whiak, . No. iw Main Street, liZTSJS!?- - --'.gy receives deposits rt ap 1. 6, It M, and M pound pi karet, SgSgZ1, ... .WMK The eaapare Umnet has had its day, 35 bl,K Orange Vallev Vhiaky, 1 Webater Bloek, (up suirv MEMPHIS, TENN. '.jfra " Udlf Barrels aad Sarrela ist o ue. we .sf MsUnjn Buod. ''EBaEBSEBs!

Sn'-xrr- $zr' . vaientinesi p,, - xursy. K-- up,7---

HBHB Nr a rk is thus described: Medeira, Abevntlie, , meaounna work, etc. Also, we IflHkanBBREgssaBHK , i': ' .; -- "iia". v"-

- i v.- - I'h airilu nf ".,.. beeebbebeILBEEWal I: that there remains In am- - Port Just Opened and tor sa a at attention to the location and construction of IBZZZy -- WWPff Saddlery, HSrflwere and Mannfactartn" al ' InduremenU Offered to Laboring 7 doors Sonth of Beaie, Mamphia, Tenn. tUOUCXtJ ViaC I BttU aVsaali, .VebbbbI

asHsSS Levees. Mapiug, Drawing au.l Fainting of .vary AgfX C'laaS. a. Atlanuon wiU to a liberal discount wii be made tt? tne Traiie. SsaaEaawwrld.VewTuienK FIRE WORKS! FIREWORKS!! .yw,l.Mpil;,el. Wrjk --V- V'ht thlacuooofdepositora. jfSr, IM1 au F. MOKiaaN. Ptopnasoa.

1 SjoblXlg wSgtSe .worwawaw wa,eww. ra, A. & D. O'Brien, J Ffe W 'iM " '" 'ft ' " ' CottOQ Plantation for Sale. Samrday, March HBf lneh ladies who dispense apples an J gin-- Uor"" U LAUGH !' LAUGH LAUGH T .a-a- jmSm :u Oil. oountry, enables u. to off.r our pod. ffimT52. 7 flnntlTtATirftl fianlf' IiOWLfO., flEHgerbread nu amid the silvery silence of mppfTn PTPhsilfro ad PmiTTatinn OfflnP 1mmmmSfi1 Park row, and, at the back, the helmet 800 boxes Fire Cracker- -, XulllliU liILJlallu liulliiaUUll UiUlrO, dealix ni se LOW aa tney caa be had m VX ai T "sw 73Hir T HAVE, for aals, in Tipton tonoty.Traa., j. M- - Alexander and others r. Adcaaon : BawBBalSortr Torpedo, BLE,0CXVorth Went tor. 5d & Chestnut bts., MC toi MuSiCol IjJtoSutSi . or clBClMati MtSE mot., o, Baak SSffiHS- - Hpunted by. bunch of flowers. .,K,ve a twaeral tocs of Ha. the FlUtuieat and Ftoeat ST. LOCIS. MO. Agent for ..fPf Mtf .Jfl' 1

nd contalnln.

wh-E- ffi Rockets. Roman Candles. 8ICHT DRAFTS ' P. V S3 ia" wmofrf-- ! jMjawTc,7J tt: " warns, in. VALENTINES! lSLn T' '

- - - " ll,'8a THCSSi!n1SlT flHH ture is mlldiy desenbed as ' rather trying . . largest stock of sheet music at 5 Main street arith Cablaa. iln Mouse, stabiea and irchards.to thefaoe.- - - . PASSAGE TICKETS Mphls. W M.WHEAT0N ha. onhandeeerv variety -10-- AIYO SO KTt ffl S5SS'' .IbBBbIB There are no novelties m Cloaks to ST GO S66 Him! YOU Will LaUgll. cAKK.A.NTED AS KPBESS3iTED Fncland and Old Pianos take. In for new one. of Fruita. Indndlng Peaches. Plum., tt Uenii-Lla- . or " my.lf;a awaaaaaalrecord. The paletot - still the favoriu? UStlm A. It o'sauS?" and repalrtng and tuning proSTptly done. ailll MStinfaetUrerS ApW.u. Apple.. Cherries, wrawherrie.. SAVINCS INSTITUTION, ' A IaTlT KrVofBoTer?,--- ' f6 . . J " " u

aaEaEBBEBBBaB le For rteolioc and in heavv ""-lai-S

. vri iierrtea, -., a oil every kind of Lvergieen. laniHlm I -aaEaEBBEEaaEB " Haanollas by tha thousand. MEMPIUP, TENN ESSE. f taEaEBBEBi

Uie Frenefaaacoue is the preferable Shape, r Q-- ! GrO I GrO ! Keferrins lo the Above Card The under- - AMWJaEaVXON, - f LbebbbIb hecaoseit riawaaa3i5 Delivered iree of inarge v-- .ppomtoi general ac,ent the best pianos Mim' jm't ' " Boajtin iiooe. 19 muob st. tegal tii'a.tTrn!l riai mi.it .HIIIHH adjusted, and c mvt' ... e. and will j befcra parchaaing .iaewheia.BH t elk raiment a I "1

close fit- -To All Parts Of the City bold hlmseir responsible for his official ,rns- - Kiown to ifuaicnl Cntics and to Mind "" Zzrr Rhoaa, three hundred .. H

ooo-an- uy rng Stationery and School Books . ,iTHTYco ItasciXIaAyiSOUS. twoisipaw. LKI StB-S- S-- rfc belongs only U an elaborate haviua friends 1 Lurope. at the Piano Fortes, Utr tale at H. BF.RNAKD'S, MOORES SMITH&CO ,7f Mareb. laai, by Ira Moore and - WBawaBIH ..oiette. Opera cloak. .are made in colon . Eg BUUeL POlatOeS Chef!e, etC. UMrwW Kates. 28(1 JiVmoAii. Term. 77w 8eeral Ilthaaee 4 BanllBg tWl.Sa, a,-,- re to ae; uTi the .avn.cnt o, certain n.sa. W ua. L. Byi.r. and oaircoSer 1

and almost "rsalW dispense with SliAiilS., iDWArUMtLHOLLAND. .... ..'Try ,. , fF. J. Burton, .rih fl .. which wjy Wto. tKe wya to .H pretty and yenerabie hooa.' Ptay- -

ft-l-m Memphis. Tenn. yrea!ntt and nl the lowest KO. S62 MAIU STBEHT, nrt Ctomeaiic Exc'iamse. uld. saver and Cn- - hglatei'aoaiee 01 -- halby county, 1 will, M tae au river, tben.w down wH ii.g in itpiaaeio sashes of rich ribbon PENS. INK. PENCILS. ETC. Mt,NB SSm BNa EachiJtru- - HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Sell- - Kchange in --urns 10 H, m iui..,g.,. nr- -t M,., - M10000, SS9 'Provln. Building,, w ill.. w LaasSo. tjoj; a l. daIssssssH. 'weYa-rmoTSS- rnc.U warrant, aui old Piano Uxkn . rySfSr'n

aLdl K Comer Mad-- oa ana Bacond Strata, Remember the Number, INSURANCE. ofthe Galden S.lrr-- p. FRESCOING. bag. : XZS" B- e. m. a t'aahier.BH Paper Eang.ng, Harhllng, firalniug, vest, f?f- - i,:; ILi?rts-oana- i

MEMPHIS INSURANCE AGENCY. lud-IB- groceries. Teim merchants- - aih.ari.,il " - Balur .run UjKin an v one kind. A writer pTrpVT" MILL8'- 33.3 MtraiOH8l Mcmphig ir or toe two huodrwi wre tra.-i- . yHK mnvener o aw ww , of WeMoaasa.

a.,:,,- - are superseded MARBLE WORKS - - &?' ES NATIONAL BANK WBaaaB(BIB bv those Of astrakhan. Lenow Blmk. r,,B rThi-- . Februare rn. ISSS felo t,. ionel --aid eatata are tkmrnmrnBBLELOCK t? CO. Vo- - Madison sireei. p.aBoxaa jpatiai. p. a Boa a wuh i..e ier BSaH.pe. bo- m- IWVLT PT OTTW '"b'! Geo. c. iiadiey & to.,

.,ferenoe to FreBC.lng ,nd House pamung of Memphis, Cttaneery Sale of llal feiate, ,r. 'W ..ufnrHH AJ W I JJV U Hit 3 InlOB St., Bel. 2d dv 3d Ma., In the pro rata tettlemwl. or tiua not:. M

jja Some of these a xeetdingly VALENTINES, - tSuccesaora to H. r. Vansyckle A Co.,1 0e85ffl 9 JeflerSOn Street. 2H " IfchamaTeem Italian and American Marble, LF?0rv-i.lden.Wo-L If mil s.B bB . bBB1 lmiaim'LSa0x, a-----l

.HB J. W. LEFTWICH a CO., XfOXt MENTIS, Tablets, Head and Koet PROVISION MERCHANTS, kYiwI' Presuyterlao c'hurcu.Bev. Ur. awaataaaa. lap 7 itrn 1.beebIaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB , , ri J p ' -a-asa-aasr .l Hu,nes, Box Tomb- -, VaulU. ManUaa Va-- Iluubar's Saloon, idecoralion on the alley,, 7 " . faaEEEEEB

B '"""y are, ge'Mar not t rjaaataaOp and Have on beHtlineatal 1110 bOIDlC, ail kinds au.ne won done for now McCullougirs. Paid ill CaDttSl. 8250,000 John Overton t. James B. Relnaart - at I'iianCerY Sale Of lt' PrOB4rtT,B'flLtB tending to be better thev are. The A band, averf graas of 1 iour. buildings at auort noUoe. Having been waa. tommcrcla! St., 41. Mary . College A Institute, Third street. nv.,e. ,r.. inwnmnr. ,la ..tnal Baaaaaaaalidark fun. isiaimand IktitialH ged in the marble business In Memphis lor IS Catholic laall fm ,,1!! aaaaaaaaaBas a nri, 'In th above me n Th. p!nu,re Bank ffenneeaeasa Baaaraai.aaasEaaaaaH -T- H1:- yeara. we would respectfully call tne attention Bet Pine A Chestnut, SAINT LOUIS. AotbOriZed Capital, - $1,000,000 g e '""Jtlilted the royal f. DOlleU 1 OTD lU'ill UllU I tHHl o those In need of marole work to our estab-- ',' or' nh. "lij,;, w,' , t!;", Ih TY virtue af an interlocutory de."ree entered Hwearer, can be U.uvht lor very much T M QTT O A XT P V PDMP A NY llaLmeuL We have alwav. on hand a laree as-- I.'alt'C'l ltll ilOUCO. Mi?ri. 'ih. I ,1 l' In thiaoww oo we IBM W X Mi: mmmmmm

Ltttttttm aaaa than a gvasi t of mink. Its deli- - Of all Deacrlptiona. MOST ELECANT STYLES, IWOwskaaWU WBIAH i s.,rlmcnt of anishe.1 work and drawings of the ve constantly oe hand a mil supply of door in the ewrof Memphis, between the hours 11 and renewed at :.latest of Monuments which will be of llw Side ol Uie common Law aod Hatylea we cnaanryhower. makes It useleos Barreled " I.ard and Flour OFTICERS. ,.f t,n t m..fjK cacj ei,e,'. a. Warren. Choice Family Floor guaranteed Iwaw, to ow to any who may favor us with . "'"jl. rjgt laa .11."" A rSaUL ' J'x, Mlor lull toilette, ana It is not a WLse to floor " We can getup workln asg.l .tyle and . f"- - V aaaaaaaaaBpur- - equal any in the market. fl SATURDAY In March next, - - - - President. tuiate .n county, near ins dry of Mem- -

BBaaalaaaaaaaaaB reasonable ti other establish- - I . w.n.i.ninii ,.r- - .rl. , in tba ijlty or Memphis, en --aturday,chase mil rf on as rms as anv r. ,1,1.1 .i.. nt mri moron will r ,i., m,rT Kr'iTe. O-- ce. X.. S. Beal Street. WHOLESALE & RETAIL, HARTFORD. ZrJHF ' m 2 A.T. IsACBT. v,eo.Pres.dwt. 1S MwokJMj-J-- wd

B attire, a hke raond. on ungloved Maaara. KlngACo. No tatLGavosois fence. Call and see lu Wnl' WXii Irrs. ' aherlDTrrmi?; R. C. DAHIEL, Ct. eJf "?:V1 ttXto'JS rl'Wl'. ....HB hands, or bracelete at breakta-l- . HaaA. taaeTw otToald for . w at imSb-2- JbUiOtt af. CO., rrusiee. Justices of tin "eace. ConstHblca, and ji at rest U 0 ww. to aa JfZJS' "mdTT aaaaaaaH

H There will l no novelties in dress Lowest Mill Praaas. JJittOlUtt01l ail ol her offlcers for ai MM, wherever va-- alley ; thence east with --aid alley ieet; fience a .t ii,. ,.urs ... imaaxtaieet to he Hlr:X;iZ?L th;Mr; ox consignment geo.pattison&co's. ' CoiMion aoi Fonrardin. Merctoats, tST directors: EHS:"' . jrLMmmWmmmmm with little regard U. arti-ti- c :feDl!4WFW P,700.MU, AMrw WOODRCFF, ProMdwt Memphis sad Tr!RM-- o, Xili.-- A credit of alx n.ontha, TEJU ,;r!aALS.on (TrAut rstxand rwerre HA-- nxaxxas is t. a. thomab, a r w. thosias, Ohio Railroad. notes with -l --ecuriiy taken, and a Hen re-- HaaaaaaaaaaB f the Kail q.HElsirtnerahtpheretoforeexisting anderUbe montii ta equal purcnaaer givingS3 ,.' InfrXZ - Biyle of M. FRIEt'LAIs OER & CO., Is this Clarksville. Tenn. I Louisvt Me. Ky. B CHURCH. ti,n,'?,? furUlfr r?:2'cv with approve.! Vunty .HB plain l.iisey woowey fOT Sale LOW to the Trade, day dissolved by mutual consent. - . a B. a'cat'tET AUanta,Oa. R. "uoCGH. C. s. Collector Internal Revenue. Clerk and Maater. aU.L'5Iu.N aLSTOS clerk and M..BH m.sieeiii !a there at an aUia- - COMlUlSSIOIV. - win be conducted un- - Hay, UatS, lorn, Brail, a. j. white, of a. j. White v. laao-td- s gHBH

serirSa.llIw."Qr," " Fire and Inland msurance THOMAS A CO., ''waMI rf Qfr IHb. w . ,T"SaaaaaaaaH ', CXth. ba aelUed, at 9U4 Main stxeeL stairs. Lime, OMaBBj llf THOS 1L SMITH, of Plteer Miller Co. UDanCeiT OaiC 01 LllJ rrOpelTy BBaaalThe old laahlon of dresses in two ool- - Iy.".,,ra' 1 lOLKsALL M. FRIeLlaNUER A CO. rnPWSrriinir Mprrtailfx L H. WAflOK.NEB.of J. U. WaggenerACe. --o- gtHLtttttmmmU ore is revived. A Mtai of black ilk is Memphis, Tenn., Jan. is. ltuo. Xo. t Promenade. lOIEIMM dflll AClLUdilUl, II. .v. PARTEE, CommiWon Mefcnanu . . --ON- LaaaH

BaaaaaaaaaaaaB both -- AT A- S- Hod. JlJMSW.. SMITH. TtlCsda.V Vi'.h naj f Hartll, I 6 HBone or tides with a r MllM.H riefeiarrayof cor and taaaeK wdbpv J. H AUCTION EMPORIUM. Foot of JafmrwD ea, opP. 8twmbo.t Lading. ... vi.. l, mcHwn, o., 01 Saturday March S, 1S6.

B REMOVAL). fe, im Memphis, tenm. jj ZicSfJw I(Trhead FAVORABLE TERMS - aa wnn.m Davidson. Ad. c. MaivrnH and a briirht bow at the throat aaateh ' . lawaaM c , A c. .'aumix. a st saia. H.OABEa Nclrlam itom Uuiiain,, uavkiaon and othera. J. D. William, aa. Valentine Werner. Fmmtt HLaaaaaaaaaaaaH lower akirt in hue Anauviswa -a- -.L eVrwww. Cor. Sixth A Main Sta LOUISVILLE, KT- TJ Y virtue of an interlocutory deores on tbo Mix. Wm. H. Portar, Daniel M. Sechler. end jBaBaBaBfl

aMSKBSS. fit a. !, aiao-a- aS baa. Mass Pork, " w. I. The underalgned have removed from 7X to X chancery Side of tha Common Law and John ElUwn ea Vaiwtino Waraar. and Coal- -m mm na-- an over areas ot black falling bf ap do. As the Haxarls Permit for npuiS Bank will Buy and Sell Exchange on all chancery Court of the city of Memphis, I man Boyd ea. Valentine Wr mWLWMH low the knee and Wped with wahea of 2 bSL'TV., CATCt. BtAnUoiCU. 804 lain Street, Vp stairs, McAllister. MeNair & Gardes. Refe MoCuiioch, Hon. o. a. 1 .North and rimun deal m aii win seuatPobiie Auction "e conrtHmse hv " ,f '''Siri; I;; LHalHIn She of.Men,aim)" of State and Lnlted s Securities: door.teamXXtttttm A el .v Cttinj: waistcoat of neorv D. N. Keunody. Fresldent Northern Jty WmmU

Sreen where they will continue to ClarksvlUe: ihouinson vndersoo, Berrv sno in addition to Its ordinary Exchange and March lh.iauiitv black keep a large as- - Hank.L..H...H STTi'rt. ,ha oin a "" "- - AX7CT10:Nr:E2:-- - RELIABLE INDEMNITY. .,mnUi of Foreign and Do,nlc yCT WHOLESALE GBOCEBS, AOemov.ile, A. Hamilton. Na.uv.lle 'w. tC Oepoali buslnea., haa opened a aa, the Mowt yaeribeJClty U. laga. oCh.aan. oMi): HAINER dc MASOIT. Sffi &iJ' savings dspartmeht, aSSgtJS gSg BB loTnt5rr rfe r"1 '

-- 4Bradie, BWh. Real tBMS BBwtH ifBBw xM0 No. 74 COMMON ST, LfrVLa ,B ww taaaya W- - rfr.taM'S: urday Man H i. ..v. .ne roiiowiaa; uweorpar- -Now Orleans; Daviu Bro.ier, Lo. Norton d greater sum. will ba received, wd draw inter- - iH"w,nafr1Ld.efo hew But -- A. OSOZOS UEXRT A. LITTLETON, BLUFF CITY ew Orleans. oX, w,.- - e'rt2r 'ZXtSTZ 'B-U- ' b"B;"n 'Stl"lL"Fmhi lHCommission Merchants. Agw, COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS riT L 'S"Auroi,.ftet..J),a,.r

Bfli J r w'niadra ,TCK F CMC' f.-,- ggBgB ?Io. 824 Secon d Street, SftlC. 5 ! L MEMPHIS INSIJSANCE ChW) Sale of Cit) I.OL, iSwSW Hfresh and attractive new one. Flour.oee. fc S7 South Court St.. a T. 3. w. i. SOUTHWESTERN alley ; aiao tlie said alley in Lne rr at Urn WMfj eaoept on thin dreesea (or evening wear' AT COST. STATE AXEIS'T (Dally Commercial Building.) Of Nashville, Tenn. Of ?reen.boro7Ala COMPANY 0- - warom cauaty araet i'r HH

Memphis, ie-n-. c. walsh, Proprietor iTew, jfftcAe Co., Livery, Boarding & Sale Stable.

mi- mi Tuesday. March ism, N Wfia?iiaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBi ni.air ..ij i up, uu ruitmi uaua,.iij.i.pain. TNTEXMSO to chansi bt mataa. Iw; or tot coxDiTios or THE Memnhis ca-i-ed--outh Memnua. tosetner withB SmanTiate Wholeae Dealer. ,n Xa. M 1-- S Tnion Street. Office, 22 1-- 2 luadiSOn StT9t XZ?tr. LM

SIONBBKTS SOLICITBD. Be,t Orah. ra Mra fwrrtaa Ht--dHlapleandtWyOroceriea Xf.. ISURAMCE COMPANY Mm 6R0CBRIB8, PROVISIONS, ETC., j PBOPftSE to ksep on hand the best Ueerj- -

1 Mre UaKaaaawk-.- .- Libera. Adrs.ce. Made. SalSLwSlS eperauou a Hw. Front Street, aSSSSS 81-- " 'Sa""'- -DIRECTORSfashi of L.. f--n-. . Qalvh tale. A Proa.pt Belnrn.. OE IBB 1ST PAT o, JAECAET, 18M, Haxnesa and Saddle Court of tha clly ol Mamphia, 1 willH .ne-rtul-e X,-- ! CXXlOAa,. SPICE MILL, (Under Ooaaaaereial BotaL) J. J. MrHTPreaid.nt, ?r SSS ChaHCerT Sate Of Seal Estate. BT&Arl;,ri of' RCgUlar Trade M&i' Tettneaaaee. W.SWJW-tf-SB

TBSy"'' J " " JS-fct-

H lac, are much worn The sleeves Itcorner Iln hecand Ku. ,,,, aock ol O.ooerle-- , Provision., Plantation Sup-- Jo r' ' svtaitoh, of the hoow of Stxatton .I'TTkr BaaaaaaH

1 '..rrnxMEMf.. s t,...,. A PaWBBB atOABXBD 080)700, XSrmmmmmT ROOflng! ROOfing!! , SKrSti; Saiara.j.Idiaf.flartb.lSM.

,Ex lumiah Several now. - Z.n '' ' ' im VEBB. MITCHBLLACO. CAMUEL DAVIDS, Agent for Hie Outta Per- - T. A. NeiIsoN, of B. O. AT. A. Neiaon A Co., o?tne Rwt.nd?W asaaaaaBB " '- - :'- iri i.nrt modn 3. X AM'--: ASH LOCATIOH. ; J ctiaCenieut Uoonng. Tiiiroofliigi.com- - F. M. Cash. WetFact u"vei and MTiivldeaonSth I sBaaaaaaaiLM -v- danacoetly. RECEIVINC. FORWARDING V'Z. f &&grl. ga.aAgiSaAS: &ttmjSL&7fcmptt Thlammtotlen lanreperel to Reeelve De-- St 'LSaiop .5? J" MaUM7

H ri. ol tulle, or I n ' onn. entirely rwiia, to Buy and Sell Exchange on all the Avenue, and rnnnlna back ju feet. TY virtue of an lntarloeutorv daorse made at HB Ihe tiL-l- leak,. - M'lt lil. --AN- CAPITAL. I also Import Direct and Job Marilker.Gaae & WilcOX. ing any thtug eoue In my Ime I w,ll mi, ! am principal .!.mmereisl Cities, and to ColleM Thrxs or bai-a-o- a creaid of aaven K the November term of the Otaaeay aaaeuf BaaaaaaaaaiB l. - ic c to 'ls-rr.r.- i Tie .mount or Its Capital Stock 1. prepared waive pei u. This .ail- - ;irans on this city auo all principal points In mouiha iK uawi Law sad cbsaesr, Court ol the HH immortalltv ii-- .. Cwo Mlllloo Two Masslrad aajd TeOS Of Every ClaSSlilCatlOlL, inglsnote 'ly1''"0;;1'1'.'' "";!:""m'',; thlasectlon. leltt tda A. ALSTOS. Clerk aod Master. oity ot Mempeis. I will scilat Fu.ii; AuoBnEa.al -H . .il'.LiiJ VaDaahad,! F'lty Thousand Dollars, and is paid and Rmittancee Promptly Attended to. theCoun dwawt, on saturoav ,tbe thir.iltral fOSialiltll MSffCkSBta. up $2,250.000 0!) Which, with Coffee and Splee,, I a:n prepared WHOLESALE .'InJ'Jo' XXZ! JXiLl " M- - ' TVUSteeS Sale. J' JJSfitJS gtEJ--. SS? llbibbbbbbbbbbbbbw i uj a. , ,n i, ..ii.ef tii,le . i latlous of ti- - t . r- .- ' O--, AIMAIS. lo furnish to the ITsdo, in all oasee making a rj1" J ,vlll in i,c oountrv It anJ Qacaesaaaaaaaaaaaaaal .wissUsiice an--

- ' Ageaoy far laa Caah on hand, id Baui, and with Liberal dlaoount in i hair favor. " taaarSaweat I wiuid a so Y virtue of . Deed or Trust, exeeoeaat as tie. of ianu, in Shelby eouniy . i mieaaee, .contain- - WMWMB LISTON WA11EH0USE, Agents MUliJi aar

, C0TTW FACTOHS n e my"in"si,. meu2. to coinc audoe H1A.NKLIN tj undenugne-- br-ah- Conned, on the 13th .ng .an ja, two .l a mil sownwat&mZ'";:. ajtTOtiJ5? "'B Nts Monroe street, corner of sIsocimL ttmXZlBBh... rorwardlB, and liAWU' j

m..ln excJUI,ite:.v l,...,ri..ph..ne.... IIBBMB " CQT-T- J MBPS. MISS. ? .u -- :.;s -- 3........... Jal7lrn WnfftC,Sm-A,lil- LiOMtAJHI, ZLVmmtJ?. SwI aoe.::v laiAn d w tne wie.:.

, oen vh,uary ,s. ss iMttTiwwiNiti! Qiranrass Mtta Mafluiacturts : ! .LSfwiaft icMlSiS?1. .bbHBH axe wo.u over au unde;-- . ..i.reoi kmethwi. oMk j,. ... COMJCISSION MEHCHANTS, Memphlas Tennessee, wit Beginnings a point oowaaden,.11 k, Wbteh otrrfauea the dlfB -nJ saa. c. raisx. winLLaa tnaav. ' County and rtJu1;

and ladiee' maid- - exisr..i,..e 111 lai! - J"0 B'ock, Man dtiaet farvT artin AUaotlc Mutual lna.Oo.iS. Ydtoia a,eia 0v T p TRFAT (Chartered by the atate of TeaaeaEM la UM wardly parallel with Adams street rorly feet witfi the avenue --aat .r oe . BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB lai any " - , TJCM st,xtJl Sa SO Front Street. " on a Hue parallel with equal diauancea aa will, with parrelloo .::i in- - Baaaaaaaaai

.fa"lmartaStleM - i.thc Total Ae R067. t 80 JSlOxSH,tANCFACTURES Plowa, Scrapers, Bull SUU conUnus. to transact wlely a Third street twr5:wVre., SVaH."..H : V L A "X" Tpoc BLUFF CUT COTTON SHFD TvniooatoforaH PRACTICAL GUN SMITH, M- - mtoorde, general banking WiiLTmVi rzg --r"d3-

...:a tun:.- - uie thick, pale - X Jli a. I O , 1 I 10 Banksor oih. r creditoia. Nona Agrrenltural dealers and planters will And It ,,. i D HalalBB. . i,e- - ti.eenowv robe. Mauv roa Lua-ea- a adjusted and due

aNona No. Ida Main St., (upstairs; cor. Washington, MK.ill HIS,

to tneir interest to wU and see ue.belr.re par- - aso in tha .uty of Mempn...IX. o. x oua.

--nms." tattllltT; .Nile 01 Kt'oJ hStilM". BaaTaaaaaaal

is it.. OuJ " luxurious, OT toad of DOY0LVi,,M iSSaaSal.i.isii MEMPHIS, TENS. Alsotorsale two PorUble Engines, on Madl- - Memphis. Jan. M. law. lnMuU. .HI

M(0,so ';;r ,uVTviU.:'::-:r:-3

kxchance bu,m"' Chancery Sde ef leal fotate, uro.,, .r Mareh, .so, BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB f We would call attention to At the Comer of. , ,. , a.anTa '1 f.rr printing.etc.ea respectfully yoursaaHaaaB H t:.- - large SOUTHERN PLANING MILLS the above oercVB. J. ifa riper, late of Tipton LoiMrtnCt'hhtp JSutlce. -n- r-

aaaaaaasVaaaaH reita a.so, GO TO JT county, and Oage A Wlh-.- htU ol 7K Pronl Front and JefTsraon Srrests, BaHaa iSBaaa a as- -

Total a --44 ., 1; c.r ; rl a- i ri.n'.iui, u,,irnUii Street, hare ti.im-.- -i a coiairtnersiiii.. uiidei rTAMNo again, asso.aate.1 'lie.:.-,,.,-,!.- ,. ajutiitlay. March 3d, lSdti. T. C. Bawia m cm. aa Fraaar TJtua BJBjBJHHB - Tom Sale Stabtco. i:' rK l!s KXttSXZSP ISSA-lSeireraonSt-

VrT Af.Sp Srcry,Coon ana Oont.M.on Bnalnea.. nu SElr co4?W-5- S SH

B jOTll-Wr- M SoSiS' MEMPHIS MERCHANTS WV'ol. fepm:?nhtV-V- '' Oldest S,...e Keeper,. lBe (llJ 'JO Cof,,oa 1,, To.............H when ..ff""1 mcorporotlon or tald Company Is A Eontiaman will devote hi. lie. and atten- - .ffwtwilSfVTr fr are unairranaasl In tba dep- - '.

low. The will, Oeneral aorsa. Msronan la, Meupfcla,Tenn. on file mho tha Auditor. m West IHT . W. S. BrUCft aSc Co ment, having prompt aLu relUble correapon- - Socr", 0101", March S 1W h-- i"" "KSmnmm mWmm eVL,1ZbC Haboyaahea.iaciieapeaada. ,u,k--S- LcTr,r SSSSlSP aSaSSA Dc.VIBi " Gulbreath A BttttunH, e?TorAo S? carriage ,,WSc Snf.W?,::

. SSIJS S&SS"""--- -,ifeufaii te'tnek, .uie., Commission Merchant, SeSSSST- O- --m-W 8 MAPFACTTJRJ5R8 & DEALERS, SSaSe IHthernatoTS'rwa .iTO FERDUE'S Mention to ther in,er-- la JCjuSS. iSnua IH,xa wd 39 Monroe Street. T"burnett Bicic el, o-x- aMt.thhewNTnnxt ' si? o Aii & molasses ' (Hd Established llUiflery Y


gbanaLg f , ,US St1.-ftfaJffi-WMS Ke.poa..alafge.ndved stock ore,.HB era, turougn aioopol pcane or otaer or

mmmmmm - --- r.v rareet, i HOLSL, M xm gant Vehicles, to which they Invite the atten- - Tfirootors: y eSra) r '.!? 10 a peean tree marked g. on aewjaaaawnameuUl hand, there la little uew : tfuruea, fc tmO aringer, , nuaryVSa HK.NRV FOWLBR, . !zr! tion or buyers. nrm of J. J- Bawilnga A Co ,n,,J,,Zifc.J -- : sffsaBari

-- The bandlets stiU remsin in favor. W ORLEAWg s.aef. Juweeor the P Xo. SM Main Mrccl. Xo. 383, GROCERIES PRODUCE. & ttSET denMaaTunvT'iHi XO. IS SOl'TH 4TH hT., - " a Ca fe' HEfe " HLtthhaiTa JSS , West Side be. Oayoao and MoCall 8ta AJT-- E and awneUntly Trm 7 Fort, Cc,SaB,'

ranffealt PHIhAEX.PH IA, JSS ZZZZttT'l J 5 CarriogO anil Bilgy HameSS, d?era are worn in the bail-r.K- hut .1 v.--J.- oil , - J is. W Hatchmt. t..mptroUerorths Treaa- - FRFCU H. cary, Eao. .Ja.-a- m (iackbai?y marked K ; tbeioa along Beadle's A. Mnna.wA.HA Doweil wd

HBB ' " C" 'itWt&of I 5 iaT3 FLT GROCERIES OASKA " KfSwc HaaSarw-'c- aS'Vsy!, of laoTar. aeaTo TtM 'f' ; ' CoiUlIlission, ForwardiZl- - .' .:?hmZm?Z hj.X:' HARDWARE & TRIMMINGS W. F. Orne, moftoiorrj,, gBel

H ..ryy. i rSaMtaMg V--.-

..I ktokagK MtlKIliAxn nSiSo iw-- BBtter,Kg8,,r,uiooa,elc, Ulllli - l" Wo. , M Offlca BuUdlng, Sfifc, .nd tweive month. fwwKLwMw&?Joen..llrrM!mg iiie l,,ur uiu.ty. . . boot and Paiirriad aawu oompuwllh J'a ilt. Oil l nd VarnisItSS, MEMPHIS, TEHlf credu. Puroba--er giving wuA w-- and lowlnj m - l".--.-

ConataaUyonHd.iHH rUf1VidurmTra- - WWHU'W ----J .a- -. EtL"'' ''C ' b""01- - Mra F. Ouy tolltne. ' baa lv. n a call. SET All Good. Deli-- f I JUS-td- . tS ' tf .--.HlaOiH ll- S I ': tint to BESSI OppoaUe Coounarclal Uotal aur'iiri Y 1y'";t oT IRON A STEEL. IE a ml- -" l )o?WiffLSH .;wht .SorX- - &ifeS-- a -- 00, 55! St to HewM ' Brno. Co. ,HnH I Prominatu.naonw.iorcte,. la V SSUu ai,1

Sfe.D1"- -

JaM ha "vA HuiaH. uaM. ai lPO AaAJaXKra WTlw&.lwlti .BflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK.



-r.--tf Aft 1!gVgBaWK AlataaaBBaaB "' aafl,.,,1-111- 1 aailaIiai SaawA nil. aaataaat

& V

aiSEj, - llllsl Mill I M IssBrlillaaaBalltiHaiMlaMlllllaaaa Wf l
