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Human rights and peace in nepal

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(An Internet Movement)



Madhesh Foundation for Peace and Development



(An Internet Movement)

Author : Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav [email protected]

Copyrights © : Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

Published : 2007 September

Published by : Madhesh Peace University, Gaur, Nepal

ISBN NO. : 978 - 99946 - 2 - 976 - 3

Price : Rs. 60

Computer settings : Easy Computer Service Mobile : 9841215276

Dedicated for

Those, who irrespective of race,

religion, gender, nationality, profession

have advocated/ acted for the human

rights of people in any part of the world

and to promote peace in any corner of

the globe.

Contents: Preface Introduction Page Mahatma Gandhi and His Words Mahatma Gandhi 1 Mahatma’s Words for Common Life 3 Words for Nonviolence in Politics 5 His Words for Satyagraha 10 Words for Peace 11 Madhesh in Nepal Madhesh as a Colony in Nepal 12 Separatism or Freedom 14 Time to Test 20 The Human Rights of Half of the People

of Nepal 23 True Integration of Nepal

Towards True Integration of Nepal 25 Restructuring of the State (Rejoinder) 35 Thoughts for Madhesh State (Rebuttal I) 40 Economic Delusion of Water Resource in State Structure (Rebuttal II) 43 Firing on Madheshi: A Major National Sin 46 Madheshi-Martyr 47 Request for Help 48

Letters to the World’s Dignitaries

Letter I to the Prime Minister of Nepal 49 Complaint Petition to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 52 Letter to the Prime Minister of India 63 Letter II to the Prime Minister of Nepal 65 Letter to the United Nations Secretary General 67

Love, Nonviolence and Madheshi-Movement Madheshi – Right: To Strengthen National Unity 69 Nonviolence Must be Practiced 71 Love and Nonviolence as Means for Fight for Rights 75 Let’s Tolerate and Forgive 77


Madhesh University/ Madhesh Peace University 79 Madhesh Foundation for Peace and Development 90 Beginning of Madheshi Glory 91

Appendix: Email network 96


Justice is the matrix of coexistence. If out of two biological children of a parent, one gets more favour and another remains deprived of parental care then gradual decrease of brotherly love takes place between them that causes growth of hatred, which finally brings to fighting between brothers. A similar happening also happens in national life. When a big portion of people is marginalized in the country prospective, care and respect among people gradually diminished, and leads to disharmony and lack of peace in the country. Presently, Nepal is also passing through such crisis. Knowing the fact, the ruling government is not bringing marginalized Madheshi into the main stream of national life. Maoist – movement has created abundance of awareness among marginalized citizens. The collection of emails is a tiny effort to create consciousness among Nepalese political leaders for truth and justice with reference to marginalized groups. Words of Mahatma Gandhi on nonviolence and satyagraha (truth force) is also included to enlighten fighters for rights. May God bless Nepal, bless Madhesh. B P Yadav Krishna Janmasthami September 4, 2007/Kathmandu


After completing Shanti Ki Khoj, I thought it is time to convert all electronic emailed letters, which were made from August 2006 to March 2007, while I was working as International United Nations Volunteer for United Nations Development Programme Trinidad and Tobago in Port of Spain, into a form of booklet. It was a coincidence that Professor (Dr) Vishwanath Prasad Agrawal suggested the same. That was three years ago, when during web search we found out a web site ‘Democracy in Nepal’ dedicated to Madheshi issues in Nepal, operated from United States of America by Mr. Pramendra Bhagat, who had developed a network of people of similar mission. In June 2006, Nepal has entered into democratic system with 8 parties’ alliance government. People had new hope. Also, Madheshi had identical hope for liberation from indirect colonization. It was a wonderful opportunity to share ideas. Another web site ‘Madheshi United We Stand’ was also publishing abundance new information. I utilized this oppourtunity to express my feelings and thoughts with reference to Madheshi issues. I actively participated through email for the noble cause and call of discriminated people of half of Nepal. This booklet is a collection of emails, which were emailed by me to the people, who were living in the different countries of the world, but, were deeply concerned with Madheshi discrimination. These are also available in unedited forms on internet/blogs/websites: http://madhesi.wordpress.com (Madhesi-United We Stand), http://demrepubnepal.blogs pot.com (Democracy For Nepal), and http://human-rights-half-nepal.blogspot.com (Peace in Nepal). It presents true picture of the denial of the state of its responsibility towards its half of the population. It also contains emailed massage of love, ethnic coexistence, and nonviolence under spirit of

brotherhood/sisterhood. Furthermore, this booklet begins with guiding words of Mahatma Gandhi on nonviolence, satyagraha (true force) and peace (not emailed). I owe a special debt of gratitude to Dr Nilesh Buddha, a young medical doctor from the land of Mahatma Gandhi- Gujarat, India, whom I met in Trinidad in 2004. In 2006, while he was working for Caribbean Epidemiology Centre, Port of Spain (presently he is working for World Health Organization Sudan); motivated and encouraged me for mission ‘Madheshi-human rights’. Also, I am deeply indebted to Mr. Claudio Providas, Resident Representative, United Nations Development Programme, Trinidad and Tobago, Surinam, Aruba and Netherlands, for his guidance and support to make a complaint regarding Madheshi discrimination to the United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva (Head Quarter). Further my special thanks go to Dr Mukesh Prajapati, who is also from the land of Mahatma, and was working with me in Port of Spain (presently with World Health Organization South Sudan) for sharing his valuable insights for the noble cause. I am genuinely beholden to all friends/ sisters /brothers of the email network (list is included as Appendix.), who took pain and provided her/his valuable time to read my emails and provide constructive criticisms and encouragement. Without their moral support it was not possible for me to keep stamina to continue the process. I thank Prof Vishwanth Prasad Agrawal and Dr Ram Dev Singh of Madhesh Peace University, who edited the email letters; and appreciate their editorial labours and constructive criticism. I am greatly thankful to my many friends such as Mr. Prakash Ghimire, Mr. Sham Dev Yogi, Dr Ram Prasad Chaudhury, Dr Vimal Gupta, Mr. Surenrda Kaji Sindurakar, Mr. Rajkumar Shrestha, Mr. Prahlad Dahal, Mr. Vikram Mani Tripathi, Mr. Gopal Thakur, Mr. Dharmendra Jha, Mr. Ram Narayan Dev, and so many for their assistance and cooperation in bring this booklet in the present form.

Mahatma Gandhi

According to Hindu philosophy incarnation comes on earth to serve others and suffer himself, and to show the path of truth and love to the world. They prove that the spiritual power is mighty over physical power. Gandhi Ji, childhood name Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, was born on October 2, 1869 in a well to do Indian family of Gujarat state. Truth was his friend from very early childhood. He graduated as barrister from England. He was married with Kasturba at thirteen years. In 1893, he was only twenty-three, arrived in South Africa as attorney to conduct a case for an Indian trading company. Very soon he realized about life of Indian immigrants, and wrote-“It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings.” At that time, there he worked ceaselessly to improve the rights of immigrant Indians, and he developed faith in Satyagraha (truth force) against injustice. ‘Satyagraha’; that is to say, the force which is born of truth and love or nonviolence…” He had lost the power to hate anyone and to lie for material gain. He was an embodiment of love and truth. He had absolute faith in God. But, his God was truth, love, nonviolence, distressed and diseased human being. He appealed for the living rights of all creations on the earth (not only human being).

Entire life he served others and suffered himself. He served India with nonviolence and love. As result India became free from British rule and world learnt the lesson of nonviolence, civil disobedience, and non cooperation as way for political struggle as well as living day to day life. Constructive programmes of social uplift: service to Harijan, spinning, weaving, and prohibition were equally important for him as political activities. Having capability of making lots of money and living a luxurious life; in practice he lived a life of a poorest Indian either in jail or in an ashram (hut) in countryside. At the time of death, as he received bullets, uttered ‘He Ram’, ‘He Ram’ (name of Hindu God). His heart stopped beating and lungs refused to breath on January 30, 1948; 5.17 p.m. The great scientist Albert Einstein was moved to say of Gandhi: “Generation to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.” Looking at the words and deeds of Mahatma Ji and considering his attitude and practice towards life and death my mind without hesitation accept him as an incarnation of the modern age. Bindeshwar Krishna Janmasthami (September 4, 2007)

Mahatma’s Words for Common Life

“I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and nonviolence are as old as the hills. I have not the shadow of a doubt that any man or woman can achieve what I have, if he or she would make the same effort and cultivate the same hope and faith.” “It is because we have at the present moment everybody claiming the right of conscience without going through any discipline whatsoever that there are so many untruths being delivered to a bewildered world.” To use the language of Bible, “What shall it avail a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul? In modern terms, it is beneath human dignity to lose one’s individuality and become a full-blooded, fully developed member of society.” “A nation that is capable of limitless sacrifice is capable of rising to limitless heights. The purer the sacrifice the quicker the progress.” “Political power means capacity to regulate national life through national representatives. If national life becomes as perfect as to become self- regulated, representation becomes unnecessary. There is then a state of enlightened anarchy. In such a state everyone is his own ruler. He rules himself in such a manner that he is never a hindrance to his neighbor. In the ideal state, therefore, there is no political power because there is no state. But the ideal is never fully realized in life. Hence the

classical statement of Thoreau that the government is best which governs least.” “Government of the people by the people and for the people cannot be conducted at the bidding of one man, however great he may be.” “Good travels at a snail’s pace. Those who want to do good are not selfish, they are not in a hurry, they know that to impregnate people with good requires a long time.”

Words for Nonviolence in Politics

“Nonviolence should never be used as a shield for cowardice. It is a weapon for the brave.” “I see neither bravery nor sacrifice in destroying life or property for offence or defence.” “It is the acid test of nonviolence that in a nonviolent conflict there is no rancor left behind and, in the end; the enemies are converted into friends.” “In this age of the rule of brute force, it is almost impossible for anyone to believe that anyone else could possibly reject the law of the final supremacy of brute force. And so I received anonymous letters advising me that I must not interfere with the progress of non-cooperation even though popular violence may break out. Others come to me and, assuming that secretly I must be plotting violence, inquire when the happy moment for declaring open violence will arrive. They assure me that the English will never yield to anything but violence, secret or open.” Choice between Cowardice and Violence “I do believe that where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence I would advise violence.” Thus when my eldest son asked me what he should have done, had he been present when I was almost fatally assaulted in 1908,

whether he should have run away and seen me killed or whether he should have used his physical force which he could and wanted to use, and defended me, I told him that it was his duty to defend me even by using violence. I advocate training in arms for those who believe in the method of violence. I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should in a cowardly manner become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonour. Nonviolence is superior to Violence “I believe that nonviolence is infinitely superior to violence, forgiveness is more manly than punishment. Forgiveness adorns a solider. But abstinence is forgiveness only when there is the power to punish; it is meaningless when it pretends to proceed from a helpless creature. But I do not believe myself to be a helpless creature. Only I want to use India’s and strength for a better purpose.” “Let me not be misunderstood. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. We have better work to do, a better mission to deliver to the world.” “Nonviolence is the law of our species as violence is the law of the brute. The spirit lies dormant in the brute and he knows no law but that of physical might. The dignity of man requires obedience to a higher law – to the strength of the spirit.” “The rishis who discovered the law of nonviolence in the midst of violence were greater geniuses than Newton. They were themselves greater warriors than Wellington. Although knowledgeable in the use of arms, they realized their uselessness and taught a weary world that its salvation lay not through violence but through nonviolence.” “Nonviolence in its dynamic condition means conscious suffering.”

“I am not pleading for India to practice nonviolence because she is weak. I want her to practice nonviolence being conscious of her strength and power. I want India to recognize that she has a soul that cannot perish and that can rise triumphant above every physical weakness and defy the physical combination of a whole world.” If India takes up the doctrine of the sword, she may gain momentary victory then India will cease to be the pride of my heart. I believe absolutely that she has a mission for the world. “The force of nonviolence is infinitely more wonderful and subtle than the material forces of nature, like electricity.” “The force generated by nonviolence is infinitely greater than the force of all the arms invented by man’s ingenuity.” “Nonviolence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man” “Strength of number is the delight of the timid. The valiant in spirit glory in fighting alone.” “Nonviolence succeeds only when we have a real living faith in God.” “Nonviolence means courage of the highest order and therefore readiness to suffer. There should therefore be no yielding to bulling, bluff or worse, even though it may mean the loss of a few precious lives. Goondaism as a disease Writers of threatening letters should be made to realize that their threats will not be listened to. But at the same time their disease must be diagnosed and properly treated. Even the goondas are part of us and therefore they must be handled gently and sympathetically. People generally do not take to

goondaism for the love of it. It is a symptom of a deeper-seated disease in the body politic. The same law should govern our relations with internal goondaism in the system of government. And if we have felt that we have ability to deal with that highly organized goondaism in a nonviolent manner how much more should we feel the ability to deal with internal goondaism by the same method? Soul force or Brute force “To me, on the day when brute force gains ascendancy in India all distinction of East and West, of ancient and modern, will disappear. That day will be the day of my test. I take pride in looking upon India as my country because I believe that she has it in her to demonstrate to the world the supremacy of soul-force. When India accepts the supremacy of brute force, I should no longer be happy to call her my motherland. It is my belief that my dharma recognizes no limits of spheres of duty or of geographical boundaries. I pray to God that I may then be able to prove that my dharma takes no thought of my person or is not restricted to a particular field.” “There is no question of the mouse forgiving the cat. It will be evidence of India’s soul-force only if she refuses to fight when she has the strength to do so. It is necessary to understand what the phrase ‘strength to fight’ means in this context. It does not mean only physical strength. Everyone who has courage in him can have the strength to fight, and everyone who has given up fear of death has such strength. I have seen sturdy Negroes cowering before white boys, because they were afraid of the white man’s revolver. I have also seen weaklings hold out against robust persons. Thus, the day India gives up fear we shall be able to say that she has strength to fight. It is not at all true to say that, to be able to fight, it is essential to acquire the ability to use arms; the moment, therefore, a man wakes up to the power of the soul, that very moment he comes to know the strength he has for fighting. That is why I believe that he is the true warrior who does not die killing but who has mastered the mantra of living by dying.

“The sages who discovered the never-failing law of nonviolence were themselves great warriors. When they discovered the ignoble nature of armed strength and realized the true nature of man, they discerned the law of nonviolence pervading this world all full of violence. They then taught us that the atman (soul) can conquer the whole world, that the greatest danger to the atman comes from itself and that conquest over it brings us the strength to conquer the entire world.” “We are constantly being astonished these days at the amazing discoveries in the field of violence. But I maintain that far more undreamt of and seemingly impossible discoveries will be made in the field of nonviolence. “We have to make truth and nonviolence not matters for mere individual practice but for practice by groups and communities and nations. That at any rate is my dream. I shall live and die in trying to realize it. My faith helps me to discover new truths every day.”

His Words for Satyagraha

Satyagraha means. “Truth (Satya) implies love, and Firmness (agraha) engenders and therefore serves as a synonym for ‘truth force’. I thus began to call the Indian movement ‘Satyagraha’; that is to say, the force which is born of truth and love or nonviolence…” “That is the beauty of satyagraha. It comes up to oneself; one has not to go out in search for it.” “Avoidance of all relationships with the opposing power can never be a satyagrahi’s object, but transformation or purification of that relationship.” “It (Satyagraha) is a force that may be used by individuals as well as by communities. It may be used as well in political as in domestic affairs. Its universal applicability is a demonstration of its permanence and invincibility. It can be used alike by men, women and children. It is totally untrue to say that it is a force to be used only by the weak so long as they are not capable of meeting violence by violence.”

Words for Peace

“The way of peace is the way of truth. Truthfulness is even more important than peacefulness. Indeed, lying is the mother of violence.”

“The better mind of the world desires today not absolutely independent states warring one against another, but a federation of friendly interdependent states.”

“If the mad race for armaments continues it is bound to result in a slaughter such as has never occurred in history. If there is a victor left the very victory will be a living death for the nation that emerges victorious.”

“It may be long before the law of love will be recognized in internal affairs. The machineries of governments stand between and hide the hearts of one people from those of another.”

“I have found that the life persists in the midst of destruction and therefore there must be a higher law than that of destruction. Only under that law would a well-ordered society be intelligible and life worth living.”

“If we are to reach real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children; and if they grow up in their natural innocence, we won’t have to struggle; we won’t have to pass fruitless idle resolutions, but we shall go from love to love and peace to peace, until at last all the corners of the world are covered with peace and love for which consciously or unconsciously the whole world is hungering.”

August 15, 2006

Madhesh as a Colony in Nepal

– Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

If definition for colonism is: A policy by which a nation maintains or extends its control over foreign dependencies. Control by one power over a dependent area or people. The purposes of colonialism include economic exploitation of the colony's natural resources, creation of new markets for the colonizer, and extension of the colonizer's way of life beyond its national borders. Colonialism is the extension of a nation's sovereignty over territory beyond its borders by the establishment of either settler colonies or administrative dependencies in which indigenous populations are directly ruled or displaced. Colonizers generally dominate the resources, labor, and markets of the colonial territory and may also impose socio-cultural, religious and linguistic structures on the conquered population. The term colonialism also refers to a set of beliefs used to legitimize or promote this system, especially the ethnocentric belief that the mores of the colonizer are superior to those of the colonized. Such beliefs are often a form of racism.

About Madhesh in Nepal following are facts: Before 1813 (AD) Madhesh was a group of independent states. Gorkha kings won several small sovereign states including Madhesh and cleverly colonized Madhesh-states under name of unification of Nepal. Followings are evidences of colonization of Madhesh: Sovereignty of Madhesh was finished. It was controlled by the policy of king. Colonizers had have dominated over the resources of Madhesh. Hilly cultural and Nepali language were imposed on indigenous socio- cultural structure and languages (Bhojpuri, Maithili, Awadhi, Hindi etc languages of Madhesh). The original name of ‘Madhesh’ was changed by the ruler (colonizer) to ‘Terai’. It was totally against the consciousness of the indigenous Madhesh population. Concept of superior and inferior was brought in practice. Hill dwellers are far superior, and Madheshi are very inferior. Hill dwellers are administrators over existing sizeable native populations (Madheshi). They used force to control. If anybody, who ventured to raise the voice for justice, was killed; and his family was ruined. In several parts of Madhesh, hill dwellers migrated and displaced the indigenous populations. For Madheshi to travel inside the country visa provision was mandatory. To work in own country they had take work permit.

Date: August 30, 2006

Separatism or Freedom

– Dr. Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

(It is a comment on the article titled “POLITICS-NEPAL: Now Ethnic Separatism” published on website: http://madhesi.word press.com) Summary Time is writing the history of Madhesh, which is ancient land with indigenous population. It is truth that Madheshi are treated as second class citizens in Nepal. They are miserably marginalized at policy making, implementations and administrations level. Also, similar discrepancy is in the judiciary system. Millions of Madheshi are without citizenship, and their culture and language are eroded. The land is being occupied by non- Madheshi. Several are forcibly displaced against the United Nations convention. In the past, they have faced the problem of ‘work permit’ and visa provision to travel in the different part of the country. They have completely lost their identity. Examination of the Government’s attitude and act, in the light of “United Nations Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and Tribal peoples in Independent Countries” reveals that the Government has been violating following articles: 2.1, 2.2©, 3.1, 4.3, 6(b), 6(C), 7.1, 14.2, 16.1, 17.3, 18, 20.2, 26, 28.1, 28.3, 31, 32.

In recent past twenty years Government has changed several times, but no rule has addressed their problems. Madheshi want true unification in the spirit of equity and justices, with dignity and identity, and with no attitude and act of superiority, and discrimination. United Nations supports quick end of colonization and freedom for colonized countries. Description The Madhesh is holy land of Lord Buddha (the light of Asia), King Janak and divine mother Sita. The Madheshi are great offspring of great ancient ancestors. It is truth that Madheshi in Nepal are treated as second class citizens. In own country, millions Madheshi are stateless (without citizenship), it is not found anywhere else in the world. Madheshi culture and language are eroded. The name of the land “Madhesh” is changed to “Terai.” The land of indigenous Madheshi is forcibly occupied by other group of people under strategic planning of the government. In this process, non-Madheshi captured the land of indigenous helpless people. Few decades ago, they also faced the problem of ‘work permit’. Since the time of conquered non-Madheshi military force are on the land of Madhesh. They have completely lost their identity. Are these all not the evidences of fake unification and hidden colonization? Examination of the Government’s attitude and act, in light of “United Nations Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and Tribal peoples in Independent Countries” reveals that the Government has been violating Article 2.1, 2.2©, 3.1, 4.3, 6(b), 6(C), 7.1, 14.2, 16.1, 17.3, 18, 20.2, 26, 28.1, 28.3, 31, 32. Let’s see United Nation’s definition for Indigenous People Article 1 (b) People in independent countries who are regarded as indigenous on account of their descent from the populations which inhabited the country, or a geographical region to which the country belongs, at the time of conquest or colonization or the establishment of present state boundaries and who,

irrespective of their legal status, retain some or all of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions.

Violated articles are: Article 2.1. Governments shall have the responsibility for developing, with the participation of the peoples concerned, co-coordinated and systematic action to protect the rights of these peoples and to guarantee respect for their integrity.

Article 2.2 © Assisting the members of the peoples concerned to eliminate socio-economic gaps that may exist between indigenous and other members of the national community, in a manner compatible with their aspirations and ways of life.

Article 3.1. Indigenous and tribal peoples shall enjoy the full measure of human rights and fundamental freedoms without hindrance or discrimination. The provisions of the Convention shall be applied without discrimination to male and female members of these peoples.

Article 4.3. Enjoyment of the general rights of citizenship, without discrimination, shall not be prejudiced in any way by such special measures. Article 6 (b) Establish means by which these peoples can freely participate, to at least the same extent as other sectors of the population, at all levels of decision-making in elective institutions and administrative and other bodies responsible for policies and programmes which concern them; Article 6 © Establish means for full development of these peoples’ own institutions and initiatives, and in appropriate cases provide the resources necessary for this purpose.

Article 7. 1. The peoples concerned shall have the right to decide their own priorities for the process of development as it affects their lives, beliefs, institutions and spiritual well-being and the lands they occupy or otherwise use, and to exercise control, to the extent possible, over their own economic, social and cultural development. In addition, they shall participate in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of plans and programmes for national and regional development which may affect them directly.

Article 14.2. Governments shall take steps as necessary to identify the lands which the peoples concerned traditionally occupy, and to guarantee effective protection of their rights of ownership and possession.

Article 16.1. Subject to the following paragraphs of this Article, the peoples concerned shall not be removed from the lands which they occupy.

Article 17.3. Persons not belonging to these peoples shall be prevented from taking advantage of their customs or lack of understanding of the laws on the part of their members to secure the ownership, possession or use of land belonging to them. Article18. Adequate penalties shall be established by law for unauthorized intrusion upon, or use of, the lands of the peoples concerned, and governments shall take measures to prevent such offences. Article 20.2. Governments shall do everything possible to prevent any discrimination between workers belonging to the peoples concerned and other workers, in particular as regards:

(a) Admission to employment, including skilled employment, as well as measures for promotion and advancement;

Article 26. Measures shall be taken to ensure that members of the peoples concerned have the opportunity to acquire education at all levels on at least an equal footing with the rest of the national community. Article 28. 1. Children belonging to the peoples concerned shall, wherever practicable, be taught to read and write in their own indigenous languages or in the language most commonly used by the people to whom they belong. When this is not practicable, the competent authorities shall undertake consultations with these peoples with a view to adoption of measures to achieve this objective. Article 28.3. Measures shall be taken to preserve and promote the development and practice of the indigenous languages of the peoples concerned. Article 31. Educational measures shall be taken among all sections of the national community, and particularly among those that are in most direct contact with the peoples concerned, with the object of eliminating prejudices that they may harbour in respect of these peoples. To this end, efforts shall be made to ensure that history textbooks and other educational materials provide a fair, accurate and informative portrayal of these societies and cultures of these peoples. Article 32. Governments shall take appropriate measures, including by means of international agreements, to facilitate contacts and co-operation between indigenous and tribal peoples across

borders, including activities in the economic, social, cultural, spiritual and environmental fields. Madheshis don’t want separation. They want true unification in the spirit of equity and justice, with dignity and identity. How long will they be in this world like living cadavers? However, we feel Madheshi human rights fighters should not resort to the use of weapon. At the time of globalization, emigration has become a phenomenon. In Madhesh, good hill dwellers will be accepted; however those who are agents of discrimination, exploitation are certainly not acceptable. Even a king having such attitude is not acceptable, what to talk of others. In fact the Madhesh has availed full human rights. The time has done it. Human rights defenders are just means. For true unification the government must grant autonomy to Madhesh within Nepal: i. Undivided Madhesh state, ii. Madheshi youths in Madhesh barracks, Chief District

Officers, Superintendent of Police, and Chiefs of the other Madhesh offices; and

iii. Proportional representation in every sector of the country. May God bless Nepal? May God bless Madhesh?

September 1, 2006

Time to Test

– Dr. Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

(It is a thought on political assurance to Madheshi. Following is the publication on the websites:) “Expressing sadness over the fact that Madhesis are living like second class citizens in the country despite being an indigenous group, he said, “Our party started the campaign of liberating Madhesis, and making them masters of the state right from the first year of the people’s war.” -Maoist chairman Prachanda Source: eKantipur.com http://www.kantipuronline.com/kolnews.php?&nid=80143 Summary Madheshi should keep marching towards the goal; the goal of Political, Defense, Administrative, Economical, Cultural, Social and Language independence within the boundary of Nepal, where, in practice, equal opportunity for employment, representation and justice should be available to all. Unified Madhesh state is acceptable. Being link tongue for millions of Madheshis, Hindi should be second language. To date, for Madhesh and Madheshi democracy is a dream.

Comment: Statements appear to sound very good and attractive as well. Here, the concern is: whether the statement would transform into action? Prevailing Political Reality Several top politicians have recorded their names in the modern history of Nepal. But all (including democratic) Governments have ignored the Madhesh and Madheshi. Ex Prime Ministers speak about the agony and suffering of Madheshi, but what did they do when they had responsibility to realize and the power to perform? Nothing! For Madhesh and Madheshi till date, democracy is a dream. Proposed state boundary- Proposed division of Madhesh raises doubts in the peoples’ mind. Is this division motivated by divide and rule policy?” Division among Madheshi reminds us the division of family property between two brothers. The poor mother (the wife) lives with one brother, and the powerless father (the husband) lives with other brother. Just for bread, both old heads are compelled to kill their life-long emotional attachment; they spend day and night with unheard cry of their souls. Similarly, such proposed state boundaries, will cause negative impact on Madheshi population. We hope that the boundary of Madhesh state will be according to people consciousness. In Surinam, Hindi is second national language while Dutch is the first language. In Trinidad and Tobago, people proudly speak Hindi and Bhojpuri. However, English is the national language. The government and African Trinidadian have no objection. In south India most people don’t know Hindi, they are doctors, engineers, and other professionals; still they are good Indians. We all know in Madhesh, there are several mother- tongues; and Hindi is the only link language over ten million population. Does it harm Nepalese national integrity, if Hindi is accepted as a second language? Asking to make Hindi as a

second national language, does not mean Madheshi are not as responsible as the non-Madheshi Nepalese citizens. Should Madheshi be dependent? We feel Madheshi should neither approve nor disapprove any promise from any leader; they should see the act and match with the promises. It is time to test. But, don’t wait and watch. Keep marching towards the goal: goal of Political, Defense, Administrative, Economical, Cultural, Social, and Language independence within the boundary of Nepal, where, in practice, equal opportunity for employment, representation and justice should be available to all. Unified Madhesh state is acceptable. Being link tongue for millions of Madheshi, Hindi should be second language. To date, for Madhesh and Madheshi democracy is a dream. At the same time, special opportunity should be created for back log Madheshi to bring them into the main development stream of the nation. We all must bear in mind; it is an outlook for true human independence, not to create a separate nation outside Nepal. Madheshi must remember that only Madheshi, no one else, can transform their fate and future! Bitter Truth To be free from discrimination and being able to enjoy full human rights inside the united Nepal. Madheshi should demonstrate absolute will power, power to sacrifice, and only then, they will be able, in reality, to be integrated with the remaining population of Nepal. Because integrity and respect, brotherhood and friendship are possible only between equals.

December 14, 2006

The Human Rights of Half of the People of Nepal

What is Madhesh

• The southern part of Nepal, from East to West, along the Indian boarder, plain land is known as Madhesh, also called Terai.

• Its Indigenous population is called Madheshi, and they constitute approximately half of the population of Nepal. They resemble Indians in physical appearance and culturally similar.

• There were several small sovereign states in Madhesh; and in 1813, the king of Nepal, who was neighbour, conquered Madhesh, and called unification of Nepal.

What is the problem • In fact, under the coverage of unification, rulers

started unseen colonization of Madhesh and Madheshi. Almost all, in every district of Madhesh, armed forces, who are non-Madheshi are in barracks; and similar in civil administration.

• Madheshis are victim of racial discrimination. Millions of them are victim of denial of citizenship. Their languages and culture are eroded. They are extremely marginalized from the main stream of the development of the nation; and from participation in the state affairs and institutions.

• Hill dwellers (non Madheshi), according to planned strategies of the rulers, have been migrated in the Madhesh region. This migration has created political, social, cultural, economic imbalance in the Madhesh.

What activities are going on • People are demanding end of discrimination, initiation

of true unification, proportional participation in state affairs and institutions and to join the main stream of national development.

• Madhesh as a state within Nepal (it may be United States of Nepal), to promote development, culture, language etc; and to eliminate discrimination.

• In the lack of positive response from the present government, some outfits are demanding complete liberation of Madhesh. It is leading to a serious threat for restoration of peace in Nepal.

What can we do • Explore the truth independently through Internet

available evidences and from the field. (Must avoid biased sources of information).

• Suggest the government and the prominent political parties to provide justice, proportional representation in the state affairs and institutions; or liberate to them, who can make their destiny.

• Your support: Moral, Technical etc for the truth and justice to promote peace.

February 12, 2007

Towards True Integration of Nepal (In prospective of human rights and peace)

– Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

With reference to present situation in Nepal I think it is valuable to quote ancient Sanskrit sloka from Vedas given to humanity thousand of years ago: “Na karmana na prajaya, dhanena, athyagenaike amrutatwa manshu.” (Not by action, not by progeny, not by wealth, but by sacrifice alone can immortality be achieved.) The massage is “What can’t be achieved by action, wealth and progeny, can be achieved through sacrifice.” In other words, unachievable can be achieved through sacrifice. Today, only sacrifice can solve the problem of Nepal and Nepalese. Secret of integration of Nepal lies in sacrifice of national leaders. Are national leaders and palace ready to sacrifice? Prime Minister’s statement on February 7, 2007 is a beginning step towards real integration. We hope that social and political justice will grow without hindrances. As we have decided to go forward for justice and peaceful coexistence. Therefore, it is needed to see the gaps and to work to fill it up. Following are

major existing gaps that need to be addressed gradually for long lasting peace in the country. Major Existing Gaps needed to be addressed 1. Madheshi population

Fig. 1. Contribution of Madheshis in the Population of Nepal




Non Madheshis

Fig.1A. Contribution of Madheshis in the Population of Nepal




Non Madheshis

Madheshis make up 33-45% of Nepal’s population of 27 million, but are seriously underrepresented in the government. The figure itself speaks the discriminatory and exploitive attitude and activities of the Nepal government.

2. Madheshi in Civil Services

Fig. 2. Madheshis representation in Civil service of Nepal in Year 1991




Non Madheshis

In spite of 33 % to 45% population contribution, in the government civil service Madheshi is only 8.4 % in 1991. Nepal Public Service Commission report revealed that only one Madheshi in the list of 77 persons was recruited for the post of Section Officer. One from hill-janjati and one Madheshi are in the period of multi party democracy. The administration and civil service sector is composed of 85 percent Bahun, 9 percent Chhetris and 2.6 percent Newars. 3. Madheshi in International Organizations in the country as national staff

Fig. 3. Less representation of Madheshi even in International Organizations in Nepal in Yr 2001 (Total no. 767)



5% International Staff

National NonMadheshiNational Madheshis














Population Working fororganizations

Working inprojects

Fig. 4. Involvement of Madheshis and Non Madheshi as National Staffs in International Organizations & Projects in 2001


Non Madheshi

As national staff in international organizations Madheshi are marginalized (Fig. 3 & 4). 4. Madheshi on higher positions in the government institutions

0 0 0 0 0







Fig.5. ZERO Representation from Madheshis Community Chiefs of ConstitutionalBodies Vice-Chancellor Universities

Vice-Chancellor Academies

Chief of Security Forces

Chief of Govt. InformationAgencies

















Secretary/ RegionalAdministrators

Dept. Heads of theGovernment

Chief ofGovt.Corporations/



Fig.6. Madheshis as High Officials at Government Posts


Fig 5 shows zero representation, and fig 6 shows negligible share of Madheshi

5. Madheshi participation in the constitutional bodies of the country













Royal StandingCommittee

Members ofConstitutional




Heads ofParliamentary

Bodies &Committee


Fig. 7. Madheshis Participation in Constitutional Bodies

MadheshisNon Madheshi

Fig. 8. Madheshis representation in Ambassadors/Consulate Generals




Non Madheshi

6. Madheshi in Judiciary System
















ChiefJustice inAppealCourts

Judges ofAppealCourts

Judges ofDistrictCourts

First ClassOfficers


Fig. 9. Madheshis in Judiciary service in 2001

MadheshisNon Madheshi

As first class officer no one is from Madheshi community; and judges are few. How will a Madheshi get justice in Nepal?

7. Madheshi in Government media












Press Council Radio Nepal Gorakhapatra Nepal Television Rastriya SamacharSamiti

Fig. 10. Madheshis Representation in Government Media

MadheshisNon Madheshi

In most wings of media Madheshi is not welcomed. Who will hear their voice? 8. Madheshi in Policy Making

Fig. 11. Falling Trend of Madheshis Representation in National Legislature from Year 1959 - 1999

2218.5 19.6








1959 1981 1991 1999





in %


Over 40 years experiences demonstrate that Madheshi representation is decline in the national legislature assembly. Who will make welfare policy for them?



321 10


119 47 01020406080


Parties in Houses


Fig.12. Madheshis Vs Non Madheshi Representation in Upper & lower House

Non MadheshiMadhdeshi






















Fig. 13. Madheshis Significantly in lower number from all parties in upper house

Non MadheshiMadhdeshi

9. Madheshi representation in central committee of major political parties


















CommunistParty (UML)



Jan MorchaNepal


Fig. 14. Madheshis Representation in Central Committee of Major Political Parties, 2006

MadheshisNon Madheshi

Discrimination and suppression with Madheshi in political parties. 10. Continued discrimination and exploitation in both systems







Population Cabinet Ministers

Fig. 15. Madheshis shares in population and Cabinet Ministeries in Nepal (1951-2005)


Non Madheshi














King resigm Democratic Population

Fig. 16. Madheshis representation in Cabinet Ministry in King's & Democratic resigms in Nepal


Non Madheshi



8 7.54








Ministers inCabinet



Women asMinisters

Home Minister

Fig. 17.Comparision of Madheshis Representation in King's & Democratic resigms

King resigmDemocratic

Democratic government has shown greater level of cruelty than king –regime with reference to Madheshi as Home Minister and Madheshi- women as Minister. 11. Absence of Madheshi in Nepal Army

Fig. 18. Complete abscence of Madheshi in Nepal Army




Non Madheshi

Madhesh land is full of Nepal Army barracks, but there is none of the Madheshi as army officer in armed force. Some are cleaner, cook and similar. It presents living evidence of indirect colonization of Madheshi/Madhesh in Nepal. Frequently, government speaks of ‘inability of Madheshi youths as army officer’; and presents ‘absence of these young men in British and Indian army’ as example. Careful analysis revels that it is not true. British and Indian governments take foreigners in their armed forces as their need. Simply, it is based upon principle of purchaser’s need. These governments have youths like Madheshi, and are deprived of men like Gurkha. Therefore, it is injustice to say that Madheshi is not able for service in armed forces. Here, the objective is to serve motherland. Every child irrespective of physical and mental status has equal right for the love of the mother. Possible hurdles Evidences are available in history that disintegration of country happens due to power lust of national leaders. Division of great India into Hindustan (India) and Pakistan happened, because Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru (first Prime Minister of free India), as well as, Mr. Quaid-i-Azam Jinnah (first President of Pakistan), wanted to be the Prime Minister of undivided India. Division of the United States of Soviet Russia (USSR) is another example. In context of present Nepal, there are many power-ambitious leaders that create threat on national integrity. Again I would like to say, “Secret of national unity lies in sacrifice.” Are national leaders and palace ready to sacrifice? Do we think? Why did Gandhi, a child of well to do family and England trained barrister, gave up everything? He did with great pleasures to make India free. Several leaders, around the world, such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King have practiced life of sacrifice for their country and countrymen. Now is a test time for Nepalese leaders.

How great Nepal is! A combined plain land, hills and himal (Himalayan range) is truly great. How great are - Snowfall of Jumla, natural beauty of Bajura, way through Humla to Mansarovar and Kailash, and holiness of Khaptar and blessing of Lord Pashupatinath etc! Remembrance of these events, even today, creates a romance in my consciousness. References (Sources of data):

1. Ahiraj. Madhesh Vani. 2006. 2. Dhungel D.N. The Nepalese administrative system in

contemporary Nepal. 2005. 3. HMG. Nyaya Parishad Bulletin, Nayaya Parishad

Secretariat, December 18, 2001. 4. Mehta D. Democracy is incompatible with the

concentration of power. 2005. 5. NPC, HMG. Short description of the organization of

National Planning Commission, Singha Darbar. 2040 B.S. 6. Parliament of Nepal. Parliament Secretariat records, Singha

Durbar, Nepal, 1999. 7. Rana P. Nepal’s Fourth Plan: A Critique. Yeti Pocket Book

Ltd. 1971. 8. Risal B., Risal R.M. Nepal ka Mantriharu (2007 to 2061

B.S.). Jestha 2061 B.S. 9. Shah S.G. Social inclusion of Madheshi community in

nation building. 2006. 10. Singh A. Restructuring of Nepali State: A Madheshi

Perspective. 2003. 11. UNDP. Nepal. Directory of United Nations and its related

Specialized Agencies in Nepal. 2001. 12. Yadav R.P. Caste/Ethnic representation in His Majesty’s

Government at policy level in Nepal. 2005.

Date: September 7, 2006

Restructuring of the State (Rejoinder)

– Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

Summary There are evidences to support restructure of states based on ethnicity, language, and geographic region. Basically the madhesh revolution is against injustice. In the spirit of the time; let the people do restructuring of the state according to their own conscience. Let’s create “United States of Nepal”. For perpetual peace we must stop ‘Negative use of Intelligence and Power’. Let our inner being guide us all. Background The political leaders of Nepal have agreed to have a federal system of government. It has brought a series of discussions about number of states and boundary of the states. In the context of present Nepali political discourse several doubts are arising in sensitive minds. Such as, autonomous states might cause disintegration of the country. Let’s have a look at the evolution of politics. Monarchy system has failed due to its own demerits: demerits of not discharging its honest duty towards the subjects, and ruling the nation not according to the principles. The monarch or king, who had all the three principle powers of the states: legislature, executive

and judiciary, had moral duty to serve the people. But they became selfish and suppressor on the people. As consequences, the bond between the king and the subjects became weak. This change in the paradigm of the state administration invited revolution. It is possible for political scientist to suggest, “The state cannot be structured principally on the basis of fault lines (such as ethnicity, religion, population and even geography to some extent) which pose substantial threat to national unity in the event of mismanagement”. In these lines political science is just providing a theoretical principle for national integrity, but at the same time it is indicating towards the inability and ineffectiveness of the administration. Evidences from History There are evidences to support restructure of states based on ethnicity, language, region, and population. Before the British- empire, in India, there were approximately four hundred sovereign states those were headed by kings/monarchs. When the kings left the serving subjects, and started serving themselves. Consequently, the subjects rejected them. The creation of Pakistan on the map of the world is based on the religion. Furthermore, the division of Pakistan, and creation of Bangladesh is language and geography based. Discriminative administration of West Pakistan (presently Pakistan) towards the people of East Pakistan (presently, Bangladesh) was the revolution -igniting factor. In the recent years, within the Indian national boundary, several states are restructured. Therefore, new states have come into existence: such as Jharkhand state from Bihar state; Uttaranchal from Uttar Pradesh; and Chhatishgadh from Madhya Pradesh. These are evidences of creation of ethnicity cum geography based states. Thus, in the present context of Nepal, it is totally baseless to say that ethnicity, religion, population and geography should not be the basis of state restructure.

Identity is human right. Trinidad and Tobago, a twin islands, a sovereign country, in which Tobago has fifty four thousand population and 41 by 14 kilometer area; where as Trinidad has population of 1.2 million and land area of 80 by 60 kilometer. The importance of identity can be seen with the name of nation “Trinidad and Tobago”. Newly formed Indian state, ‘Chhatisgadh’ indicates a union of thirty six (Chhatis in Hindi) states, which were in existence in earlier time. Without identity man is nothing, but a mass of flesh, bones and blood. If someone’s identity is grabbed; it is quite natural that at every possible forum, he/she will try to get it back. Is it not a reality, millions Madheshi are without identity in present Nepal? The demand of autonomous states in Nepal by people is scientifically sound, and evidence- based. It is based on two principles of life: The first is “Every action has opposite and equal reaction.” This principle of physical science is also applied in the human life. If we have not realized it then we need to do it. A second principle is: “What you sow, so you reap”. What is happening today in Nepal is reaction of the past action. Evidence based state restructure We must accept the reality. Overall the interpretation of an event largely depends upon the observer’s mind. How does he articulate his own reasoning? Some people see a glass half full, while other see half empty. In both circumstances, the truth is the same. Positive minds see positive aspect that is fullness of the glass, and express joy and hope; while negative minds see the negative aspect that is emptiness of the glass, and project sadness and hopelessness. A holistic view of Nepal spontaneously revels that it had the body of a state, and the mind and spirit of an enterprise. It has

all the three organs of a state – the legislature, the executive and the judiciary system. These represent the body of the state. But the administration was not based on the legislative laws; and furthermore, the judiciary was not independent for the people purpose. Therefore, the state had lost the spirit and the thinking regarding welfare of its people. It had projected as a state and behaved as an enterprise. Our mind doesn’t digest the idea, “That said we just cannot restructure the state for a particular class, ethnic group, religion, region or language, which will prove suicidal in the long run.” We feel that the present situation is very serious. Nepal can’t afford to act on this idea. The implementation of this thought will be proved immediate suicidal for the nation. No time to wait for long. It is like refusal of medication in the fear of side effects, and being unaware that the disease will kill in the absence of medication. State as per people’s consciousness In the spirit of time, the only best possible solution for the restructuring of the states is let the people decide according to their conscience, even it based on ethnicity, language, region and population. It will finally lead to democratic process. Use of force for consolidation of a country is no longer desirable in modern time. People have right to go back to the history and regain the shape of their states as those were before they were conquered. The fact is; in spite of all injustice and deceive, suffering and agony, people want to remain united; but with identity and real unity based on truth, justice and human rights. We like to suggest: In the spirit of the time:

• Let the people do the restructuring of the state as per their conscience.

• Impose responsibility on them to demonstrate the mechanism for maintain inter states; and state -center cordial and professional relations.

• They should also develop strategies and guidelines to show a strong national bond.

Let’s create “United States of Nepal”. Ruling class knows very well that the present state administration is not pro-public. It does not have maximum people participation and representation, which is the essential requirement for peace in the state. During the period of Madheshi –movement none has tried to correct, even though all forces were engaged to suppress the people’s movement. Negative use of Intelligence Common Nepalese are great and trustworthy. Do the people, who are leading the nation, poses the same character? Self evaluation of weakness and strength must have high priority for top national position occupying personnel. For perpetual peace we must stop ‘negative use of intelligence and armed force. Engineering of untruth (deceive) and injustice are always harmful. In addition, we begin soul- searching.

Date: November 25, 2006

Thoughts for Madhesh State (Rebuttal I)

– Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

(Our one friend has proposed Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali states. He also proposes double digit economic growth for the country. This rebuttal is response to this proposal) With reference to profession, I am not a politician. I am a human rights defender and lover of human dignity and peace. My simple mind says followings:

(A) Proposed 3 states are Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali. Each state is comprised of terai, hills and mountain districts. It is a copy of Anchal in old system.

1. It will obstruct overall development of Madhesh. 2. It will also decrease employment opportunity for

Madheshi youths. 3. It will never allow Madhesh and Madheshi - identity to


Therefore, it is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

We propose Madhesh state comprising pure terai districts (without hills and mountain districts). It provides: 1. guarantees overall development of Madhesh and

Madheshi, 2. brings recognition and identity 3. Provide opportunity for sharing of political power.

(B) Double digit economic growth of a country does not mean double digit economic growth of common people (Middle class, lower, poor) of the country. In present trend of economic development of the world, most of the economic is remaining in the hands of handful people of the country. There is sufficient evidence for growing gap between rich and poor.

My mind has pictures of common people. Therefore, it welcomes economic model providing economic growth to common people of the country. It is need of Nepalese communities. (C) In small country, presidential form of government

posses’ higher potential of risk of Dictatorship, because most of the powers are invested with him. We would like to suggest parliamentary form of government in Nepal.

December 29, 2006

Economic Delusion of Water Resource in State Structure (Rebuttal II)

– Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

(Further, the email friend wrote economic gain from water resource named Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali in proposed Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali states. This rebuttal is response of that view) The knowledge to differentiate between brass and gold is important for selling and buying business. Brass looks like gold; it mimics gold but is not gold. For purchasers of gold, it becomes most important to know what qualities of brass are similar to gold so that one may not purchase brass thinking of gold. It also important to know what quality of gold confirms that it is pure gold. Let’s make an evidence based analysis that water resources such as Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali in state structure are gold or brass. Is it a reality for economic development with reference to millions state-exploited Madheshi in Nepal? Is state-structure of Nepal a real need? Nepal is a small country. Its population and geography do not need state restructure; if there is justice based national administration. Also, its economy does not allow state restructure, because a big portion of the developmental budget

will be diverted for administrative purpose of the states. Looking at these facts, one must ponder, why such move for several states in Nepal! Despite all above facts, people sentiments-based state structure has become most important for the present Nepal. The root cause is century long unjust national administration. It is like a poor patient, who sells his land and wife’s jewelry to buy expensive medical care to save his life. Today, Nepal must go through state structure to save national unity and to provide people with the power of decision and governance. Dilemmas of Economic development Some decades ago, Madheshi were economically and educationally better in comparison to the people of other part of the country. Unjust policy and discriminatory act of the government did not provide opportunity for growth and development of Madheshi. Further, state exploited and suppressed them. Consequently, today economically and educationally they have been pushed behind. Political power is a great means to gain economy In several countries of the world such as Asia, Africa, Americas, (what I know personally) Indian Diasporas have had economic and educational power of the country, but now they are suffering. In fact, political power, which governs administration, makes policy and manipulates judiciary, is the master of all other powers. Presently, a move for states within Nepal is a shift for sharing state- authority. In the present world, national leaders of many countries misuse power for economical gain. If Madheshi is without administrative and decision making ability then other will snatch their wealth.

Water resources and laws There is international law for use and distribution of water resources in case of a river passing through more than one country. There is also law to guide states on the use of water resources if a river passing through several states in a country. Therefore, proposed Madhesh state (comprising of only terai districts) has legal rights in the water of Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali. Autonomous states have justified share in water resources. It doesn’t need to compromise with people’s sentiment and rights. In case of proposed Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali States:

• Firstly, Madheshi will not get political power and autonomy in this proposed state structure.

• Secondly, they will remain deprived of control. Therefore, justified generated economy will not come to them. Major portion will go somewhere else.

• Thirdly for Madheshi, Nepal without state is better than proposed Koshi, Gandaki and Karnali states.

In conclusion, it is an economic delusion and dilemma. We must not buy brass in confusion of gold. The top most needs of Madheshi are UNITY & AUTONOMY.

Date January 30, 2007

Firing on Madheshi: A Major National Sin

– Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

The great leaders of Nepal If, half population of Nepal- Madheshi are asking for their birth-rights in national-life, without hesitation you say them ‘criminal’. There is no change in Madheshi’s condition, whether it was a king rule or the rule of democratic government. The rule of a king like Janak is all right and highly regarded. However, the discriminatory and suppressive ruling of a democratic government is not acceptable. Firing on colonized Madheshi is a major national sin; and the nation cannot escape from the punishment of this sin. A well tested truth is “No king, no prime minister, no leader, can remain in power if he/she sets himself against the people.” Democratic leaders are repeatedly failing in Nepal, because they never set themselves for the people.

January 30, 2007


– Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

“Who is born will die” is universal truth. Great are those, who have death of a brave, a death of sacrifice for their fellow brothers. Mother Madhesh is certainly proud of such brave sons. Every drop of their blood is a milestone of freedom for Madheshi and Madhesh from indirect colonization. Please allow me to quote great Gandhi- address to youth at Varanasi (Banaras) during Indian freedom fight. “If we trust and fear God, we shall have to fear no one,” Gandhi assured them (youths), teaching his passionate message of “love of the country,” and the value of “bravery” and tapas to all the bright-eyed young men, who felt uplifted, instantly inspired by his fearless simplicity, his dauntless courage. “I hope I would be prepared to die,” Gandhi told them, in defense of India’s freedom. “That would, in my opinion, be an honourable death.” The Madheshi-martyr is symbol of fight against untruth, injustice, discrimination and direct/indirect colonization. True homage for them is many more sacrifice of life including me for global peace, truth and human dignity.

Date: February 2, 2007

Request for Help

(It was emailed during historical Madheshi movement) Madheshi politicians should ask Indian leaders for help. it is based on firm technical reasons. First of all, in international politics neighbour country plays significant role. Madheshi have started peaceful movement for their justified human rights, even though government is killing innocent people. In case of army operation (if happens), there is high probability of high number of casualties. India is our neighbour. Thus, we need to ask for justified political help. Let’s remember the freedom fight of East Pakistan (present Bangladesh). Firstly India recognized, and it was followed by Nepal. Subsequent to credit of both neighbouring countries, Bangladesh got easily acknowledgement from every country of the world. Presently, in Somalia, North West portion (North West Somalia/declared as Somaliland) has a stable government since several years, yet in absence of recognition from neighbouring countries namely Ethiopia, Djibouti and Kenya, has not succeed to receive credit from the globe. Likewise, till 1990, 113 countries of the earth supported Nepal’s proposal of “Peace Zone”. In spite of that it could not go through because neighbour country India was in opposition. Further, Nepalese top leaders, especially Prime Minister usually visit Indian Prime Minister. Therefore, without hesitation Madheshi leaders should request Indian Prime Minister and other national leaders for justified political help in favour of millions discriminated people.

Letter I to the Prime Minister of Nepal

To: The Honourable Prime Minister of Nepal & The Members of the Parliament (both Upper & Lower Houses)

CC: Dear Peoples of Nepal (via electronic media) Date: August 18, 2006 Sirs/Madams


We all are aware with the slogan of the “unification of modern Nepal”; in practice, Indigenous Madheshi* of Nepal are victims of denial of human rights, loss of integrity, racial discrimination, domination and exploitation. Before the unification, in the early nineteenth century, (before 1813) in the Madhesh region, there were several small sovereign states. After conquered by the king, the Madheshi states lost their sovereignty and the people have been subjected to progressive victimization from the denial of citizenship. Millions indigenous Madheshi are without citizenship and as such has ruined their culture in that even the name of Madhesh has been changed to Terai. Further more, an attack on their linguistics and land, pursing deliberate resettlement of non Madheshi in Madhesh, creation

of feelings of superiority and inferiority, and further economic exploitation, through ruler’s organized plans and programmes via exercising control over the political, administrative, and social institutions and apparatus have led to a call for the rights of these people.. The region Terai, (Madhesh), contributes 70% of the national economy, and in return government provides only 16% of the reserved fund for the development for the Terai, where half of the country’s populations live. Analysis of the facts related to the Madheshi doesn’t show the spirit of unification, but it best reflects the shadow of colonization. Nepal is a member state of the United Nations Commission on Human Right. However, in spite of that, with reference to Madheshi, till date it has disrespected and violated the treaty of Human Right Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and Tribal peoples in Independent countries. For the promotion of world peace and co-operation, United Nations advocates and assists all people have an inalienable right to complete freedom, self- determination, and the ability to exercise their sovereignty and integrity. In past, people movements have brought shifts of power from the king palace to the elected –people in parliament; but none of the governments has tried to provide justice and human rights to the thirteen million Madheshi people of Nepal. Presently, it is clearly visible that the “Neglect/ Inaction of the Government is invitation of another unfortunate crisis in Nepal.” In the way forward to the solution of the problem, we would support the idea of

(i) Federal system of the Government with Madhesh autonomous region,

(ii) According to population proportion representation, employment and development opportunity to Madheshi.

(iii) In addition, we propose the transformation of armed forces; Nepal army, Maoist army, and proposed Madhesh Army into ‘Reconstruction &

Developmental force’; and for the time of need, United Nations Peace keeping force can be requested.

We believe timely appropriate action will create an atmosphere of equity and integrity in the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood. May God bless Nepal? May God bless Madhesh? Sincerely yours Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav [email protected] [email protected] For details and references, please find attached: (i) Article by Divita Mehta, Madhesh Ethno; and (ii) Article by Shree Govind Shah, Social inclusion of

Madheshi community in nation building. (iii) Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and Tribal

Peoples in Independent Countries. * Madheshi are indigenous people of Nepal since ancient time, who inhabitated the Southern part of Nepal of Madhesh (presently known as Terai) from East to West in between the northern Indian boarder and foothills. They resemble Indian’s physical appearance; and constitute half of the population of modern Nepal.

Complaint Petition to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for

Human Rights Background The voice of Madheshi leaders was confined within national boundary of Nepal. World was unknown with suffering of million Madheshi. In 2005, in Port of Spain, (I was working there) the problem was shared with Mr. Claudio Providas, Resident Representative United Nations Development Programme, Trinidad and Tobago. He assured to support. In 2006, after establishment of people’s interim government, Prime Minister of Nepal requested United Nations for support. On August 3, 2006, an email titled ‘Police brutality to Madheshi at Dhanusha’ reached to us. On the same day through email I proposed the idea to take Madheshi issue to United Nations. I received emails conforming the proposal on August 5, 2006. With aim to internationalize the Madheshi issue, to draw the attention of United Nations and human rights organizations towards violation of human rights of half of the population (Madheshi) in Nepal, a formal complaint petition to the United Nations Office of the High commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva was written; and on October 10, 2006; it was emailed to [email protected] . The content of the petition is on the following page. Further, it was followed and CC was referred to: CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Date: October 10, 2006 To: OHCHR- UNOG

8 – 14 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland

Email: [email protected] Fax: + 41 22 917 90 06 From: Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

United Nations Volunteer Medical Doctor (First name: Bindeshwar) Nationality: Nepalese Date and place of birth: July 28, 1956, Nepal Address for correspondence: 63, Park Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Email: [email protected], [email protected] Phone: 01868-744 6046 Sir/Madam Re: HUMAN RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS MADHESHI IN NEPAL Summary In present Nepal, indigenous Madheshi people, who constitute approximately half of the population of the nation, are living as second class citizen or colonized person. Millions are without citizenship. The State had has compelled them to suffer economically, politically, socially

and emotionally. Their language and culture have been eroded.They are excluded significantly from policy and decision making; as well as from administrative and judiciary frame work of the government. They are victims of discrimination in employment in government sectors; and are not allowed employment in the arm force. State had has been sponsoring and supporting internal migration of non-Madheshi people in the Madhesh land. The state has violated following articles of “Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous peoples in Independent Countries”: Articles: 2.1, 2.2©, 3.1, 4.3, 6(b), 6(C), 7.1, 14.2, 16.1, 17.3, 18, 20.2, 26, 28.1, 28.3, 31, and 32. Now, Madheshi people are demonstrating and demanding: for Citizenship to all deserving Madheshi before elections for the Constituent Assembly’ (CA); establishment of Federal, Democratic Republican political system; proportional representation in all state structures; and in the CA election. A fraction of Maoist, composed of Madheshi youth, called “Terai Janatantrik Mukti Mocha’’ is demanding for ‘Independence’ that has imposed a threat of new armed revolt. Timely intervention of United Nations is extremely needed to provide human rights to Madheshi population to prevent a new cycle of violence and to establish the peace in Nepal.

Information on the complaint: I am a Nepalese national, and belong to Madheshi community. Presently, I am an International United Nations Volunteer Medical Doctor for United Nations Development Programme, in Trinidad and Tobago; and am assigned to the Ministry of Health, Port of Spain. From history Until 1769, present – day Nepal was composed of small independent states and principalities of different ‘nationalities’; and it was only in the 1930s that the Nepalese government

began to adopt the name ‘Nepal’ in an attempt to make it a modern state (Shrestha BG 2004). Modern Nepal is a result of conquest by Gorkhali kings over sixty principalities during the period from 1768 to 1813. All of these principalities resembled nation-states as they fulfilled all the criteria of nationhood: language, religion, culture, territory and a history of nationhood (Mehta D 2006). In 1813, the king conquered a large low land area called Madhesh, and included into the kingdom (Shah, G. S. 2006). The choice of the word ‘unification’ rather than ‘conquest’ was used to describe the expansion of Gorkhali power of Nepal (Whelpton 2006). Madhesh and Madheshi

• The southern part of Nepal that is lowland between the boarder of Indian states of West Bengal, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Uttranchal, and hill-foot, presently called Terai of Nepal; historically known as Madhesh.

• Its Indigenous population is called Madheshi, who resemble Indians in physical appearance; and constitute approximately 40-50 percent of the population of Nepal. They include different culture and linguistic groups- Maithili, Bhojpuri, Awadhi, Tharu, and also some tribal groups.

• The domestic economy of Nepal depends overwhelmingly on this region that forms its industrial hub with more than 70-80 percent of all industries located in this region. Its agricultural bowl produces more than 65 per cent of the nation’s food grains.

• Before the quest, 1813, there were several small principalities or republics in the Madhesh region. The Nepal rulers treated the Madheshi people as second class citizens or colonial subjects, and suppressed them particularly in four areas: i. denying employment in the army overtly, and other government services covertly; ii. Capturing their land iii. Disempowering through restrictions in the use of their languages and practice of their customs; iv. Denying citizenship right. As a result,

the Madheshi are suffering economically, politically, socially, and emotionally (Neupane G 2006). Prachanda said, “Expressing sadness over the fact that Madheshi are living like second class citizens in the country despite being an indigenous group, he said, “Our party started the campaign of liberating Madheshi and making them masters of the state right from the first year of the people’s war (Prachanda 2006).”

• Tarai (Madhesh) contributes 70 percent to the state’s economy while the government only gives back 16 percent of the funds reserved for development (Lal, C.K. 2003).

• The practice of the State with Madheshi population matches with the criteria of colonization (Yadav, B.P. 2006). Overall, evidences support that in Nepal, Madhesh and Madheshi are treated as if colonized under the cover of unification.

State concerned/Articles violated Name of the State that is either a party to the Optional Protocol (in the case of a complaint to the Human Rights Committee) or has made the relevant declaration (in the case of complaints to the Committee against Torture or the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination): (A) For Indigenous Madheshi, Government of Nepal had has violated the followings: Articles of the Covenant or Convention alleged to have been violated: Following articles of “Convention (No. 169) concerning Indigenous and Tribal peoples in Independent Countries” are violated: Articles: 2.1, 2.2©, 3.1, 4.3, 6(b), 6(C), 7.1, 14.2, 16.1, 17.3, 18, 20.2, 26, 28.1, 28.3, 31, 32. (B) State Nepal is treating Madhesh and Madheshi as if colonized.

Exhaustion of domestic remedies Steps taken by or on behalf of the alleged victims to obtain redress within the State concerned for the alleged violation – detail which procedures have been pursued, including recourse to the courts and other public authorities, which claims you have made, at which times, and with which outcomes:

• The Madhesi issue is as old as the emergence of Nepal’s democratic movement in 1950s; major grievance of that time was the imposition of Nepali as medium of education. In the mid-1970s and 80s, issues of citizenship and ‘work permit’ were the major problems for the Madhesis. For the last fifty years, they have been raising their voice against alleged ‘discrimination’ by the state, yet their problems remained unresolved (Yhome K 2006).

• The marginalized socio-cultural groups have repeatedly protested against various articles of the 1990 Constitution that they claim discriminate against them (Lawoti 2006).

• The Madhesis have demanded easy availability of citizenship certificates, constitutional recognition of the Hindi language, 50 percent reservation for Madhesis in government, and semi-government jobs, mass requirement in the army, land to the landless and demarcation of an electoral constituency based on the population and geographical and cultural uniformity (Hindustan Times 2003).

Application to other international procedures I have not submitted the matter for examination under another procedure of international investigation or settlement. Facts of the complaint

• Madheshis are treated as second class citizens or like colonial subjects.

• Millions are the victim of denial of citizenship of Nepal.

• State had has compelled them to suffer economically, politically, socially and emotionally.

• Their language and culture have been eroded. • They are significantly excluded from the policy and

decision making; as well as from administrative and judiciary frame work of the government.

• They are victim of discrimination in employment in government sectors.

• They are not allowed employment in the country’s arm force.

• Their lands have been captured in different ways by the states and relatives of rulers.

• State had has been sponsoring and supporting internal migration of non-Madheshi people in the Madhesh land.

Demand of Madheshi people

• Citizenship to all deserving Madhesis before elections to the Constituent Assembly’ (CA),

• Establishment of Federal, Democratic Republican political system

• Proportional Representation for Madhesis in all state structures

• Proportional Representation for Madhesis in the CA election

• Tarai Janatantrik Mukti Morcha demands ‘Independence of ‘Madhesh’.

Present Situation Part I

• In principle, Government of Nepal has agreed to amendment in the rule for citizenship. It looks; hopefully, it will solve citizenship problem at large.

• Hot discussion is going on about the language issue. • In principle, Government has agreed to recruit

Madheshi youths in armed forces. But, the burning issue is how many and when?

• In principle, the Government has agreed for federal system of state. The government wants to divide the

Madhesh region. Madheshis feel that it is a divide and rule policy; therefore, divided Madhesh is unacceptable.

• Madheshis are doing demonstrations for their demands.

Part II (For Independence of Madhesh ) • “He (the leader) told a group of journalists, "We are

fighting for independence because we have been discriminated against for too long! (Pradhan S 2006)".

• Madheshi youth feel that they have been colonized; and their homeland is a colony under the rulers of Nepal.

• In the terai (Madhesh), a violent hate triangle has been under play since 2004. The three players are the Nepal army (and other parts of security apparatus), the Maoists, and the secessionist Tarai Janatantrik Mukti Morcha (TJMM), a breakaway fraction of the Maoists. TJMM recruits more members in its ranks and wages a war for secession much similar to the Tamil tigers. As it is, there is already a Tarai Tigers (Tigers in the plain 2006).

• While the Maoist insurgency, that unsealed a decade- old cycle of violence in Nepal and killed over 13,000 people, is heading for resolution, a new armed revolt is threatening to take place in the terai region of Nepal (Hindustan Times).

• The situation reflects that without complete liberation, the problem of Madhesh will not be solved; and violence will be continued.

• Overall the situation may impose another cycle of violence in Nepal; and it will cause more life lost than it had happened in Maoist insurgency.

We request for assistance to support that Madhesh and Madheshi people can avail their human Rights that only will prevent further violence, and promote peace in Nepal. For any further information, please contact us without any hesitation. Looking forward to your positive response. Kind Thanks and best regards, Sincerely yours, (Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav)

Checklist of supporting documents:

A Map of Madhesh (Tarai) in Nepal (pdf)

A copy of first page of my Passport

Demonstrations http://demrepubnepal.blogspot.com/2006/09/hands-off-madhesi-activists.html Hindustan Times (2003) “Nepalese discrimination against people of Indian Origin.” Indo-Asian News Service. Kathmandu, December 28. Accessed on December 28, 2003. http://www.hindustantimes.com/online

Hindustan Times. 2006. “Discontent brewing in Nepal's terai region”, August 17, 2006. http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/7598_1770329,000500020003.htm

Lawoti, M. 2006. The constitution as the source of exclusion https://madhesi.wordpress.com/2006/08/19/the-constitution-as-the-source-of-exclusion-4th-chapter/

Mehta, D. 2006. Democracy is incompatible with the concentration of power. https://madhesi.wordpress.com/2006/08/19/democracy-is-incompatible-with-the-concentration-of-power/ Neupane, G. 2006. Madheshies: colonial subjects or masters of their destiny? http://parivartannepal.blogspot.com/2006/08/madheshies-colonial-subjects-or.html Prachanda. 2006. Kantipur. ‘Beware of peddlers of Madhesi right’ eKantipur.com http://www.kantipuronline.com/kolnews.php?&nid=80143 Pradhan S. 2006. Politics- Nepal: And Now Ethnic Separatism http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=34406

Pradhan S. 2006. Tarai on a slow burn http://madhesi.wordpress.com/2006/08/21/tarai-on-a-slow-burn/ Shah, S.G. 2006. Social inclusion of Madheshi community in nation building https://madhesi.wordpress.com/2006/07/27/social-inclusion-of-madheshi-community-in-nation-building/

Shrestha, B. G. 2003. “Ethnic Nationalism in Nepal.” IIAS Newsletter, March 2003. http://www.iias.nl/iias/show/id=41332

Tigers in the plain http://nayanepal.blogspot.com/2006/08/tigers-in-plains.html

Whelpton 2006. http://madhesi.wordpress.com/files/2006/08/a-history-of-nepal-cambridge-university-press.pdf Yadav, B.P. 2006. Is Madhesh a colony? http://demrepubnepal.blogspot.com/2006/08/bindeshwar-prasad-yadav-is-madhes.html Yadav, B.P. 2006. Human rights for half of Nepal http://demrepubnepal.blogspot.com/2006/08/bindeshwar-prasad-yadav-human-rights.html Yadav, B.P. 2006. Separatism or Freedom https://madhesi.wordpress.com/2006/08/30/separatism-or-freedom/ Yadav, B.P. 2006. Prachanda on Madheshi: Time to Test https://madhesi.wordpress.com/2006/09/04/time-to-test/ http://demrepubnepal.blogspot.com/2006/09/bindeshwar-prasad-yadav-prachanda-on.html Yadav B.P. 2006. Nepal: Restructuring of the State http://madhesi.wordpress.com/2006/09/07/nepal-restructing-of-the-state/

http://demrepubnepal.blogspot.com/2006/09/bindeshwar-yadav-restructuring-of.html Yadav R, P. 2006. Facts and Figures on Madhesi Marginalization (Caste/Ethnic representation in His Majesty’s Government at policy level in Nepal) http://demrepubnepal.blogspot.com/2006/08/dr-ram-prakash-yadav-facts-and-figures.html Yhome. K. 2006. Madhesis: A Political Force in the Making? https://madhesi.wordpress.com/2006/07/16/madhesis-a-political-force-in-the-making/

Letter to the Prime Minister of India

(With aim to inform world dignitaries on violation of Madheshi human rights in Nepal, I have written letter to the Indian President, the Indian Prime Ministers, the President of China, the President and Vice President of USA, the Prime Minister of UK and several others. For example, below is the letter to the Indian Prime Minister) Date: December 14, 2006 Honourable Prime Minister of India Government of India New Delhi Ufs: The High Commissioner Indian High Commission Port of Spain Dear Sir

Re: Support of the Government of India for “Human Rights of Indigenous Madheshi in Nepal”

I am a Nepalese citizen belonging to Madheshi community, and presently serving as International United Nations Volunteer in Trinidad and Tobago.

Unrest in Nepal is world known. With reference to above subject, Madheshi population has been treated as second class citizens or colonized people by the state. The State’s practices have had has compelled them to suffer economically, politically and socially. The state has violated following articles of human rights “Convention (No. 189) concerning indigenous people in independent countries”: Articles 2.1, 22(c), 3.1, 4.3, 6(b), 6 (c), 7.1, 14.2, 16.1, 17.3, 18, 20.2, 26, 28.1, 28.3, 31, and 32. Now, Madheshi people are demanding their human rights. A revolutionary group called “Tarai Janatantrik Mukti Morcha (Tarai Janatantrik Liberation Front) is campaigning for Independence and as said there is now a threat of new armed revolt. . . Regarding this on October 10, 2006 I have communicated through email to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Geneva (a copy of complaint with CD containing details) is attached. We (Madheshi Community) are looking forward for the support of the Government of India in seeking the Human Rights of Madheshi people in Nepal to prevent further violence and establish peace in Nepal and in the region. Sincerely yours Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav 63, Park Street, Port of Spain Cell: 744 6046 Email: [email protected]

Letter II to the Prime Minister of Nepal

December 29, 2006 To: The Honourable Prime Minister Government of Nepal The Honourable Members of the Parliament The respected people of Nepal (Via electronic media) Sirs/Madams Re: Peace and Madheshi Rights in Nepal

History is witness that Madheshi are victim of state caused injustice since centuries; and are living as colonized on their own motherland. Colonization has come to end to the most part of the world. In Nepal, now, no force can continue it. Who is responsible for the new emergence of racial-unrest? No one is responsible as individual. The responsibility lies on untruth, unjust, and unrighteous state-policy and state-actions. Peace can be restored by justice and righteousness that emerge from truth. Present growing hatred, killing and violence among national brothers remind me the scenario of epic Mahabharata. It brings the remembrance of great leaders of the

kingdom like Bhishma, Drona, Karna, Kripacharya etc., who kept watching the prevailed unjust and unrighteous actions of the ruler Kaurava over truthful and righteous Pandava, and did nothing for correction. They all failed to prevent, as well as, to win the battle of Mahabharata, because they were by the side of untruth, injustice and unrighteousness. It was possible for the grand to prevent the large number of life lost in that battle. Truth, justice and righteousness must prevail. Time has changed. This moment has brought complete human rights to the Madheshis. None can stop it. Only we can prevent growing hatred, violence and killing. Sooner, their full rights will be delivered in the light of United Nations Human Rights declarations; the peace will prevail in the country. Everyone will live together in the spirit of national brotherhood and sisterhood. If it is delayed it will facilitate growth of hatred and violence

We must learn from our own country- happenings in recent years. In favour of united and peaceful Nepal, in the spirit of humanity, as soon as possible Madheshis should be honoured with their human rights in light of truth, justice and righteousness.

May God bless Nepal! May God bless Madhesh!

Truly yours Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

Letter to the United Nations Secretary General

(Historical Madheshi movement was going on. Soldiers were not hesitating to kill demonstrators. With aim United Nations advices Nepal government to stop innocent killing I wrote this letter to United Nations Secretary General.)

Date: February 1, 2007

Mr. Ban Ki-moon United Nations Secretary General Your Excellency Re: Nepal Government Sponsored Violence against Madheshi in Nepal Over ten million Madheshi people of Southern Nepal thank United Nations for investigation and recognition of longstanding discrimination and oppression done by Nepal Government. In January 2007, the meeting of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) Ms Louise Arbour with Nepal’s Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, to address longstanding discrimination and social exclusion of Madheshi is significant. However, since last week of January 07, Nepalese police/army is attacking on peaceful colonized Madheshi-demonstrators who are raising voice for their human rights. That has brought

over fifteen deaths and several hundred injured. Killing of innocent Madheshi people by Nepalese police/army has created a terrified situation, as well as, has converted a holy peaceful Madhesh into a battlefield. It has created a scene of insecurity, as well as, rebellion attitude among Madheshi- youths that is quite natural, but it is detrimental to the peace process in Nepal. Continuation of prejudice and injustice; and use of arms by the Nepal- government will create crisis in the country. In lack of urgent and effective measures, there is no doubt; Nepal will be included in near future, into category of Somalia and Sri Lanka. To prevent the crisis in Nepal, for Human Rights, Justice and establishment of Peace following are suggested measures:

1. Immediate stoppage of use of arms against peaceful Madheshi-human rights- demonstrators/protesters.

2. Formation of Madhesh Peace Force (Madhesh Shanti Sainik).

3. Formation of Madhesh Peace Police (Madhesh Shanti Sipahi).

Looking forward for assistance of United Nations to bring to end government sponsored violence and discrimination against Madheshi in Nepal. Thanking you for your continued support. Sincerely yours Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav (Nepal citizen) [email protected], United Nations Volunteer Trinidad and Tobago CC: [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

November 18, 2006

Madheshi Right: To Strengthen National Unity

– Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

Demand for participation in national main stream by Madheshi is human rights, as well as, it is a philosophy of human life for peaceful co-existence. It is neither a racial issue nor an intension of cessation. It is simply a firm voice for justice and human rights for those, who are victim of injustices, suppression, discrimination and denial. It is an intervention for bridging the gap between over advantaged and disadvantaged for strengthening of co-existence of different ethnic and cultural people in peace and harmony. I think it is worthwhile to mention some of my experiences in service and social contexts. I, in 1984, first joined government service in Gorkha (a hilly district). It was followed by Siraha (a Madhesh area), Dharan (a hill foot land), Kathmandu (valley), Salyan (remote hilly district) and Jumla (mountain). In fourteen years of my service-journey, I less than two years was in Siraha and Kathmandu combined. More than twelve years I worked in hills, hill foot and mountain. I came across many people, different cultures and variety of experiences. Struggles and

solutions were my close friends. Overall, I think how fortunate I was! A great opportunity for desh darshan (country visit)! I was privileged to visit Mansarovar (largest lake in the world at that height) and Kailash (abode of lord Shiva as Hindu mythology). Almighty God granted me more than what human beings snatched from me. As far as my social experiences are concerned, even today, being physically apart from several hilly friends for several years, in my heart tender feelings are alive; in mind pure sounds are ringing. All are symbols of selfless friendship and cordial relation. We all are in professional and social network. It is great that the whole nation has realized the suffering and suppression of Madheshi. Now, the time has come to put the realization into practice. Past ten years of Maoist insurgency has taught Madheshi a lot. Justified proportional representation of Madheshi in all dimensions of country profile has become prerequisite for peaceful and respectful coexistence. It has appeared as test for national political leaders. It is a test of top leaders for ‘Power lust’ or ‘Power just’. If national unity is not strengthen then top leaders will be responsible, as king Gynendra is responsible for the present condition of the state. In case, people fail to live as brothers; situation might be compelled to live as neighbours for peace. May God bless us all! (Complete names are not written in light of individual’s confidentiality and respect.)

Date: Feb 6, 2007

Nonviolence Must be Practiced

– Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

(It was emailed during historical Madheshi movement) There is no doubt that present world is fairer than it was in the past. Day by day it is progressing towards better justice. Justice must prevail. “Truth must prevail. Justice must prevail.” This is the basis that people have overpowered king- rule in Nepal. Next truth, in context of Nepal, is indirect colonization of approximately half the country's population. On the basis of same principle “Truth must prevail; Justice must prevail” indirect colonization of Madheshi must come to end. What the Madheshi movement is about

• Have you asked your inner being (your soul) what the Madheshi movement is about?

Present Madheshi movement is against discrimination and exploitation. Government media is imposing that it is for a separate country. I would like to ask those who believe or think like this.

Is a separate country “Madhesh” the best option? In my opinion, NOT. The best option is true unified Nepal with autonomous Madhesh. On the other hand, the worst option is present state, where Madheshi is discriminated and humiliated. Fortunately, Madheshi people have awakened and proved capability to avail their human rights. Now, Madheshi will not accept on going discrimination. Issue is very clear. Will rulers' offer Madheshi justified rights? If, yes. Certainly people will go for the best option- living peacefully in true unified Nepal. If, not. It will be compulsion for Madheshi to go for complete freedom, a sovereign state that is neither desirous nor the best, but will be a compulsive option. Unfortunately, the state rulers will be whole responsible for this. If the process of delivery of autonomy of Madheshi is done sooner and smoothly in light of United Nations Human Rights declarations, Nepal will be transformed into a true and real unified state and people will live together peacefully in the spirit of national brotherhood/sisterhood. On the other hand, if government sponsored killing of innocent people and damage of people's property will continue then jealously, hatred and enmity will grow. As result united Nepal will not possible. Madheshi-martyrs In the world, many people are dying daily due to diseases, accident, homicides and suicides. But, those Madheshi who are getting bullet are not dying. They are immortal. They are great soul. Service to distressed Madheshi is service to Almighty God. Their souls are united with the Supreme soul. They are in peace. Nonviolence must be practiced Violence favours none. Nonviolence favours everyone. Present state sponsored violence in southern Nepal/Madhesh is shame

and sign of ignorance of our ministers. Nepalese history speaks that late king Birendra never supported use of army against Maoist; and he remained popular even among the Maoist. However, king Gyanendra used armed against Maoist; and finally has become responsible for the end of king rule. In this connection, I would like to draw your attention towards Gandhi’s view and practice- “He strongly objected to congress ministers calling upon the army and police to break up striking workers or stop protestors, arguing that would only “admit” congress’s “impotence”. In past century, several colonial countries have got freedom with means of nonviolence. The power of nonviolence, the power of truth, the power of soul is many folds greater than the power of bullets and bombs. Mahatma Gandhi experimented these powers to end British colonization from India. Please allow me to suggest my view. Both Nepal government and Madheshi agitators must practice nonviolence. For agitators have faith in your victory, have patients, begin talk with government, ask government to talk, wait for action of government. There should be no place for ego. Determination and persistence are main elements for victory. For me, it has become one objective of my life to preach and promote the power of nonviolence, strength of love and spiritual vigor for Madheshi human rights. I have unshakable faith in the victory; I can act and wait, but never ever support violence and hatred. For the government must come out of ego of power. They also should practice nonviolence and tolerance while dealing with agitators/protestors. Application of bullet on unarmed people must be prohibited. Now, it is confirmed that application of army and police would not stop human rights of Madheshi. Of course, it would increase the toll of martyr. As result, the country would pay unaffordable price for it. To prevent Nepal becoming like Somalia, Sri Lanka or Iraq smooth handover of autonomy to Madhesh is mandatory.

Love for hill dwellers in Madhesh We all must have a clear picture in our mind that this movement is not racial. It is for birth right- political power that has been snatched by some Khas hill dwellers and their closers. It is nothing against common millions hill dwellers. Some hill dwellers brothers have written great truthful articles in favour of Madheshi. Some are doing great jobs for justice and truth. Madhesh mother would feel proud to call them sons. Any short of hatred against them would be injustice with humanity and God. Therefore, we must increase our love and respect for common hill dwellers as we intensify our movement for rights. It would multiply the effect of our movement. It is spiritual law.

Date: December 29, 2006

Love and Nonviolence as Means for Fight for Rights

– Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

Assassination of innocent people is unbearable. It is sad and shameful act for humanity. Nepal had not experienced major racial-riots in the past. Unfortunately, Nepal has decade long experience of butchery for the change of political power. Do we choose violence as a means to achieve Madheshi human rights? Let’s think. Is bloodshed necessary to get human rights? Is no other effective means available to obtain justified civil liberties? Neither God nor people will be happy about carnage. Mahatma Gandhi used to say “Violence is a crime against God and Humanity”. History is witness that Mahatma Gandhi- lead Indian freedom fighters have achieved the goal with the means of LOVE and NONVIOLENCE. In their movement social service of fellow human beings was efficient and effective matrix. Their unshakable willpower and determination were encouraging forces. These means have been tested and proved effective for liberation of several colonial countries around the world.

Mother Madhesh bore the most enlightened son on the earth Gautam Buddha, who was a great massager of love, nonviolence and peace. Another Madheshi son was king Janak, who was righteous and subject caring. He had also a daughter named Sita, who was embodiment of purity and truth. She happily and voluntarily renounced palace-pleasure and accepted pain for righteousness. We, Madheshi, are fortunate enough to be the offspring of such great people. Violence is not in keeping with the splendor of our ancestors. Why do we not adopt the time tested freedom fighting means of LOVE and NONVIOLENCE? If we develop strong enough will power and determination, and practice love and nonviolence combined with service of our villagers/dalits/needy people then our rights certainly will come to us. Let me clear that we are human rights defender by the side of truth, justice, and righteousness for the promotion of peace in light of universal brotherhood and sisterhood. For Nepal, a sandwich between two powerful countries: China and India, army is really not needed; because it cannot afford to fight against these powerful nations. History is witness that its armed forces has been used against own people to suppress truth and justice. Presently, armed forces have been doubled with addition of Maoist army. Struggle for Madheshi human rights is not against any particular person, officer or politician. It is a pure fight against discrimination and injustice.

Date: February 16, 2007

Let’s Tolerate and Forgive

– Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav

(It was emailed to motivate leaders of Madhesh Peoples Rights Forum/ Madheshi Janadhikar Forum for table talk with government.) Dear (brothers and sisters) Madheshi Rights Fighters Please accept my hearty thanks for the demonstration of your bravery and courage in the struggle for Madheshi rights. Kindly allow me to put forward my humble request “to tolerate and forgive each other” in light of our objective to make just Nepal with self empowered autonomous Madhesh. History of Madheshi is very painful. Compensation of that very pain is not possible. The only remedy and the best remedy are to put a full stop at the past; and tolerate and forgive each other for our mutual peaceful and respectful coexistence. I do feel the pain of millions distressed, hundred injured and several shahid (martyr). It can’t be compensated by the resignation of minister or by the change of the government. As far as the issue of resignation of Home Minister Mr. Sitaula is he is ready to resign. It means he has resigned. He is continuing on the post by the mercy of Girija baboo. If people consider respecting Girija baboo (as senior most leader) then they can go ahead for talk.

I would like to thank congress member “Girija baboo’s daughter who has asked Mr. Sitaula to resign. My thank goes to her because in this case she is by the side of truth and justice. She is by the side of people, not by the party. She has considered people greater than the party. It is truth. Let’s have a look at the police’s act, whoever Home Minister is matters not much. Because, in most cases soldiers kill people and claim to do so in self-defense. With statement in favour of Madheshi people’s right Prime Minister has brought himself by the side of people. It comes in my mind that as he is Prime Minister of Madheshi leaders too. It becomes his moral duty to encourage and support also Madheshi leaders in the fight for the rights of people. As result, it strengthens Girija baboo and Madheshi people relationship. True test of Madheshis leaders is table talk. There is great challenge ahead. Our prime aim should be equal right in every aspect. We should prevent deviation due to small matter. They need to put their equal rights demand in each and every aspect of national life fearlessly and firmly. May God bless autonomous Madhesh and integrated Nepal?

Date: January 12, 2007

Madhesh University/ Madhesh Peace University

From Port of Spain, a draft of concept paper “Madhesh University” for discussion was emailed to the team. As result several academicians, as examples, Prof Dr Bishwanath Prasad Agrawal, Prof Dr Bishwanath Yadav of B P Koirala Institute of Health Science Dharan, and Dr R P Chaudhury of Tribhuvan University Kathmandu etc responded very positively. People started working on it. Madhesh Foundation for Peace and Development (MFPD), a non governmental, non profit making, non religious, non political, social organization, which is registered with Kathmandu District Office, took lead to establish the university. With reference to present country scenario and projected high importance on peace promotion activity; the executive committee members of MFPD proposed and approved the name of the university as ‘Madhesh Peace University’ (MPU) in stead of Madhesh University. Therefore, on holy occasion of Ramanavmi (March 27, 2007), in a meeting held in Banepa, Lalitpur, Kathmandu MFPD announced formally establishment of the MPU. A press release was made, and it was published in local daily Nepali and English newspapers, such as Kantipur, Kathmandu Post etc.

1. Following was the press release:

PRESS RELEASE The meeting of the Madhesh Foundation for Peace and Development held in Lalitpur on March 27, 2007 (on occasion of Ramanavami) has decided to establish Madhesh Peace University in Nepal. The foundation has decided to launch the endeavour under consideration of the Education for Peace and Development in Madhesh as per the need of the current era. The meeting also decided to launch classes for “PEACE EDUCATION” from lower secondary to Post graduation level. The office of the University will run in Maharshi Balmiki Campus Gaur at present. Latter on the permanent office of the University will run as per the public opinion. The meeting constituted a 5 member committee to form ad ministerial and economic infrastructure as well as the syllabus of the University. Members:

1. Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav 2. Prof. Dr Vishwanath Agrawal 3. Prof. Dr Vimal Narayan Pd. Gupta 4. Prof. Dr Ram Prasad Chaudhary 5. Dr Ram Dev Singh

Dr Bindeshwar Prasad Yadav President

Madhesh Foundation for Peace and Development

2. Following draft Concept paper on the University was emailed on January 12, 2007: Concept Paper

1st DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION (Please contribute your valuable inputs & take the ownership)

“The most important human endeavour is the striving for morality in our action. Our inner balance and even existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life. To make this a living force and bring it to clear consciousness is perhaps the foremost task of education.” - Albert Einstein Purity of life is the highest and truest art

- Mahatma Gandhi

Introduction Madhesh University is a peace-promoting higher learning center, as per the cause and call of on going violence and killing in Nepalese communities. It is open to all students irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, sex and nationality in spirit of peace building, and promotion of brotherhood and co-existence. It focuses on combined peace building education and higher learning. A part of the curriculum of peace education will be mandatory for each subject/faculty of the university, because it is the most important building block for the community and the country. Goal The overall goal of the Madhesh University is to build peace in the community and the country, and to promote quality higher education of the modern time. Mission To offer humanity an institution, this promotes peace education, higher learning, training and research. It makes students competent in job seeking, as well as, equips them for peaceful coexistence without causing pain to others, in the spirit of understanding of purpose of human life and importance of human values. Vision To see powerful peace promoter youths in the spirit of understanding, cooperation, tolerance, forgiveness and non-exploitation, that will be proved very important assets to make peaceful and developed communities and the country. Objectives

• To offer Peace building Information, Education and Communication programmes.


Humanitarian assistance


Love Non violence


• To offer Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelor and Master degrees in different subjects/faculties

• To conduct Training and Research, as well as, to develop and publish needed and useful materials.


1. Peace is the greatest challenge of present Nepal, and it (peace) can be attained if the young mind has been imbued with notion of peace. It is necessary to fill man’s mind with peace through an educational institutions on the basis of Spiritual Wellbeing and human value.

2. Education is the fundamental pillar for development of the individual, and the community; as well as, it is the means to bring the marginalized community towards the core of the developmental stream of the nation.

3. Law of punishment and disarmament has not become fully successful to establish and preserve peace on the globe. Yet, the fact shows that weapons are increasing and peace is decreasing on the level of community and the country. In other words, violence, killing and hatred are on increase in the individual’s mind.

Stakeholders of the Madhesh University Any individual (irrespective of sex, race, religion, nationality)/ organization/institution may be the stakeholder of the Madhesh University, who/which is ready to contribute for the peace building and educational development. Ownership of the Madhesh University Any individual (irrespective of sex, race, religion, nationality)/ organization/institution, who/which contributes, in any form, for the establishment and development of the University will be entitled for ownership like students, teachers, management, including cleaner of the premises, gardeners, well wishers-community members, and so on.

Madhesh University a Collaborative Venture Each and every organization, institution and individual, who belief in its principle may join as collaborative partners, as it is a University of partnership for solidarity, promotion of peace and academic excellence. Madhesh University a Non-Profit Institution It is a non-profit making institution. Available any amount of surplus money/fund after all expenses of the University at the end of the year will be utilized for the purpose of peace promotion and human development. Place for establishment In principle it will be established in Madhesh. But the community should be ready to accept major responsibility as stakeholder and ownership. Somewhere, central place will be more suitable. (It may be Dhanusa, a central place, honoured with Sita, an embodiment of purity and truth; and with Janak, who was a great, peaceful, subject caring and righteous king. However, the final decision will be made by the people). Board of Management Any individual (irrespective of sex, race, religion, nationality), is a potential candidate for a member at the board of Management, who is willing and able to contribute significantly for the management of the programmes of the University to achieve its objectives and goal. Number ……. Organizations representative……. Academic board Any individual (irrespective of sex, race, religion, nationality), who is recognized academician is a potential candidate for a member at the Academic board, who is willing and able to contribute significantly for the academic programmes of the University to achieve its objectives and goal. Number ……. Organizations representative…….

General Assembly Any individual (irrespective of sex, race, religion, nationality), is a potential candidate for a member of General Assembly of the University, who is willing and able to contribute significantly for establishment and development of the University. Number ……. Organizations representative……. Academic Quality Assurance Handbook This document provides strategies and guidelines to practice effective programme design, programme approval, programme monitoring and review. It will form an overall code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in academic programmes of the Madhesh University. It will provide reference point for the university as it consciously, actively and systematically assure the academic quality and standards of programmes, awards and qualifications. It will be developed in early March 07. Policy and Regulation Handbook This document contains University’s policy and regulation regarding curriculum, courses, admission, class attendance, leave of absence or withdrawal, awards of qualification, examination and certification, grade point average, scholarships, transcripts, confidentiality etc. as per need. It will be developed in early March 07. Constitution This document provides the rules and regulation to manage the university. It provides the guidelines to constitute different boards and committees, and their duties and responsibilities, as well as other needed components. It will be developed in early March 07. Initial Proposed Activities

• Discussion/Consultation/Collection of suggestion Widely discussion on the concept paper is important. Consultation should be made with wide range of people,

like academicians, politicians, parliamentarians, businessmen, common people, student, professionals etc, irrespective of race, religion, geographical boundary etc.

• Finalization of the concept paper. • Preparation of ‘Academic Quality Assurance hand book’ • Preparation of ‘Policy and Regulation hand book’ • Temporary Office for the University • Identification of interested, voluntary, qualified

personnel for different categories of activity • Finalization of the list of people available to work • Beginning of small activities…….

Proposed Timeline of Activities of Proposed Madhesh University

January – June 2007 Activities Jan Feb Mar Apl May Jun


ollection of suggestion

Preparation of ‘Academic

Quality Assurance


Preparation of ‘Policy and

Regulation hand book’

Development of the

‘Constitution’ of the


Development and

Finalization of the draft


Beginning of a small

Office for the University

Identification of interested,

qualified, volunteer


Identifications of

Academic Departments/


Beginning of small

community and institution

based activities

Reasons for Madhesh University

• Need for value education. Hatred, violence and crime are spreading like plague in the modern society; and agencies are finding it extremely difficult to cope. To rescue the mankind who is threatened with wild thoughts and actions through education, training and research.

• Opportunity for spiritual development. Growth of spiritual dimension of every individual is an essential component of holistic development of the human being. It can be achieved through professional training and educational program based on spiritual principles and neutralization of inner (mind’s) poisonous forces which are normally present in each and every human’s mind.

• To bring youths in the mid developmental stream of

the nation. To link the marginalized youths with main stream of country prospective in light of foster sisterhood/ brotherhood among country people for mutual coexistence of different ethnic groups.

• Seeing through peace perspective. Our inner-force

helps us to differentiate right from wrong, and good from bad. We must have choice to see the world with peace perspective.

• Constructive thinking and living. Life is as we think.

The aim of education is to provide an art and science of living. Peaceful and loving individual is a product of constructive thinking and holistic living.

• Education for transformation. This educational

concept rewires the mind to think and act in more positive and constructive way for peaceful collective living.

• To make leaders to save humanity. Leaders are

needed to protect humanity- leader with quality of truthfulness, self reliant, courageous, majestic and just; while the world is going to rest on the platform of either collective survival or combined suicide.

• To produce peace promoters. In peace- deprived

world, to produce peace promoters.

• Healthy and happy tomorrow. Labeling of quality of life has created severe economic strains. However, true quality of life lies beyond money model. Abundant medicines and advanced medical technology of modern days have not been able to provide health, happiness and peace to the mankind.

• To lead from information to wisdom. Information may

be either constructive or destructive power. To train youths to find wisdom out of information, as butter comes out of milk.

Madhesh Foundation for Peace and Development (MFPD)

The Madhesh Foundation for Peace and Development (MFPD) has been established as a forum for the purposes of processing and disseminating information associated with the various aspects of the Madhesh region vis-à-vis Nepal, undertaking initiatives for conflict management and strengthening national integration, and carrying out developmental activities to improve quality of life in the region. It is a non governmental, non political, non religious and non profit making organization, and is registered with District Administration Office, Kathmandu Registered. No. 837/059/060, as well as is affiliated with Social Welfare Council Affiliation No. 14768/060. Out of several aims, two important aims are: To work for human rights, peace, social justice and equity for the Madheshi in the larger context of their national life. To undertake research and developmental activities (education, community health, income generation, etc.) in conjunction with Nepal Government and other reputed agencies. Similarly out several activities, two important activities are: Promotion and safe guarding of peace, human rights, social justice and equity. The prioritization and implementation of developmental activities to cater for the societal needs in the Madhesh.

Beginning of Madheshi Glory

On April 24, 2006 (Baishakh 11, 2063) Nepal experienced a new political scenario, and entered into Democratic system, and this date is celebrated as Democratic day in the country. However, for half population of Nepal (Madheshi), still colonization is continued. It was historical day December 9, 2006, when United Nations Mission in Nepal organized a meeting in participation with different groups and individuals from Madheshi community in Kathmandu. It was the first time, United Nations and International Non Governmental Organization working for human rights acknowledged serious discrimination by the government against over 12 million population of South Nepal. Representative of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal, Ms Lena Sundh addressed the discrimination against Madheshi, Dalit, Janjati, Indigenous group. Along with other issues, she focused on the issue of citizenship less hundreds of thousands Madheshis. In the beginning of the New Year in January 2007, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms Louise Arbour met with Nepal- Prime Minister Mr. Girija Prasad Koirala and addressed longstanding exclusion of Madheshi community from national affair.

Along with several events these dealings built up moral of suppressed people and motivated them to lunch movement for their human rights. Interim parliament produced an interim constitution for a so called democratic country. It had not addressed the justified issues of Madheshi population; it created anger in human rights fighters. Therefore, on January 16, 2007 (Magh 2, 2063) a group of youths of ‘Madhesh Peoples Rights Forum’ (MPRF) put a copy of the charter on fire. The government put the leader Mr. Upendra Yadav with some colleagues into jail. Consequently, the movement began in south Nepal. With combined actions and reactions of several events, the movement became historical, it continued over three weeks and left over forty people dead and hundreds injured, and came to rest after public speech of the Prime Minister. Following is the brief of events: Date Some Important Movement Activities and

Consequences January 16, 2007 (Magh 2, 2063)

Beginning day of the historical Madheshi movement. Demonstration in several districts of south Nepal including putting a copy of the interim constitution on fire in Kathmandu. Arresting of 28 demonstrators of Madhesh Peoples Rights Forum.

January 17, 2007 (Magh 3, 2063)

Demonstration by several groups at different places in South Nepal.

January 18, 2007 (Magh 4, 2063)

Demonstration by several groups at different places in South Nepal.

January 19, 2007 (Magh 5, 2063)

Demonstration by several groups at different places in South Nepal. Road closed movement (traffic less road). Unfortunately in Lahan clash took place between people of MPRF and a group of Maoist who were determined to drive. One 16 year youth of MPRF was killed by the bullet of Maoist. He was the first martyr of

the movement. As consequence, some vehicles and people property etc were put on fire by MPRF. As result, curfew was imposed in the local town. Also, it aggravated the movement.

January 20, 2007 (Magh 6, 2063)

Demonstration by several groups at different places in the country. Some places road closed movement. Clash between people and police.

January 21, 2007 (Magh 7, 2063)

Destruction of public property by agitated mobs. Curfew imposed. Several injured in clash.

January 22, 2007 (Magh 8, 2063)

Ethnic clash in Nepalgunj. A group of hill dwellers started destruction of property and homes of Madheshi. They put house and shops on fire. In Lahan, 4 Madheshi were killed and became martyrs.

January 23, 2007 (Magh 9, 2063)

Demonstration by several groups at different places in the country. Some places road closed movement continued. Property destructive activities at several places.

January 24, 2007 (Magh 10, 2063)

In Janakpur clash between MRPF and Maoist. Several injured. Curfew imposed. A call for indefinite strike by MRPF.

January 25, 2007 (Magh 11, 2063)

Demonstration, destructive activities. Police firing leads to several injured. Curfew imposed.

January 26, 2007 (Magh 12, 2063)

Demonstration, destructive activities. Police firing leads to several injured. Curfew imposed.

January 27, 2007 (Magh 13, 2063)

In Kalaiya (Bara) 1 youth was killed by police bullet. Several injured. Demonstration at several places.

January 28, 2007 (Magh 14, 2063)

In Bara, again, 1 man was killed by police bullet. Several injured around the south Nepal. Demonstration and destructive

activities. Curfew imposed in several towns. Nepal Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights appealed to Nepal Government to address Madheshi-issues.

January 29, 2007 (Magh 15, 2063)

Political parties became very sensitive towards the issues and movement. Political meetings to address the issue. Demonstration at several places.

January 30, 2007 (Magh 16, 2063)

In Biratnagar 1 man killed and several injured. Request to the Government by American Ambassador to address Madheshi issues.

January 31, 2007 (Magh 17, 2063)

Prime Minister addressed to the country people. It was accused that the address did not answer the Madheshi problem. As result, movement continued with demonstration, destruction, death and injury by bullets. Curfew continued.

February 1, 2007 (Magh 18, 2063)

Movement continued with demonstration, destruction, death and injury by bullets.

February 2, 2007 (Magh 19, 2063

Movement continued with demonstration, destruction, death and injury by bullets. Curfew continued.

February 3, 2007 (Magh 20, 2063

Movement continued with demonstration, destruction, death and injury by bullets. Curfew continued.

February 4, 2007 (Magh 21, 2063

Movement continued with demonstration, destruction, death and injury by bullets. Curfew continued. The President of Rastriya Prajatantra Party Mr. Pashupati Shamsher Rana requested the Government to include Union System of Government and Proportional Representation in the interim constitution.

February 5, 2007 (Magh 22, 2063

Demonstrations and clash on some places. Some deaths. Several injured.

February 6, 2007 (Magh 23, 2063

The government requested Forum for talk. Meetings, demonstration, clash with police, several injured.

February 7, 2007 (Magh 24, 2063

23rd day of the movement. Demonstration, firing, death, injury continued. “Need to address Madheshi issue” – European Union. Address to the country people by the Prime Minister.

February 8, 2007 (Magh 25, 2063

Movement was temporary stopped by Madheshi Peoples Rights Forum. Life began to move towards normal.

It was historical movement by discriminated Madheshi for human rights. At several occasion hundreds of thousands people participated in the demonstrations. They neither care for curfew nor for death. Over forty people were killed by bullets and several hundreds were injured. Several got permanent disability. Similarly, many times meetings of 8 parties on Madheshi issues ended without result. But, finally all parties, in principle, have accepted that the demands of Madheshi are justified.

Appendix: Email network: "Dr Pramod Kantha" <[email protected]>, "Pramod Yadav" <[email protected]>, "Praveen" <[email protected]>, "Kumar Roy" <[email protected]>, "Ramkewal Shah" <[email protected]>, "Ram Prakash Yadav" <[email protected]>, "Shatish Jha" <[email protected]>, "Shree Govind Shah" <[email protected]>, "Surendra Kumar Mahto" <[email protected]>, "Devika Timilsina" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Vijay Karna" <[email protected]>, "Abinash Visit" <[email protected]>, "Bimal Gupta" <[email protected]>, "Yogendra Yadav" <[email protected]>, "B.N. Yadav" <[email protected]>, "Gopal Thakur" <[email protected]>, "Harishchandra Tripathi" <[email protected]>, "Dr Hemant Kumar" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Ap Kanth" <[email protected]>, "Basant Kumar Karn" <[email protected]>, "Madhesi Tarai Nepal" <[email protected]>, "Mukesh Harrikissoon" <[email protected]>, "MP Yadav" <[email protected]>, "Nawal Kumar" <[email protected]>, "Bimal NIdhi" <[email protected]>, "Nilambar Jha" <[email protected]>, "Navin Kumar Thakur" <[email protected]>, "Shatis Jha" <[email protected]>, "Madhesh Nepal front" <[email protected]>, "CDC Group" <[email protected]>, "CSS DK" <[email protected]>, "Dama Kant" <[email protected]>, "D Man" <[email protected]>, "Dbya Garan" <[email protected]>, "Devenra Mansingh" <[email protected]>, "Divita Mehta" <[email protected]>, "Digambar Jha"

<[email protected]>, "D Johnson" <[email protected]>, "Shmaha Seth" <[email protected]>, "ABCD" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Dileep Agrawal" <[email protected]>, "Vishwanath P Agrawal" <[email protected]>, "Anand" <[email protected]>, "Anubhavajit" <[email protected]>, "Baburam" <[email protected]>, "Karna Basant" <[email protected]>, "Dilli Basel" <[email protected]>, "Ajay Bhagat" <[email protected]>, "Babita Bhagat" <[email protected]>, "Parmendra Bhagat" <[email protected]>, "Devendra Bhattarai" <[email protected]>, "Binda" <[email protected]>, [email protected], "Brikhesh" <[email protected]>, "Dr. Nilesh CEC) Buddha" <[email protected]>, "Nilesh Buddha" <[email protected]>, "RP Chaudhary" <[email protected]>, "Balbhadra Das" <[email protected]>, "BP Das" <[email protected]>, "Das" <[email protected]>, "Annapurna Deo" <[email protected]>, "Y Devkota" <[email protected]>, "Divesh" <[email protected]>
