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Hyper Responsive Manifesto Transcript

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Glenn livingston
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1 Manifesto Hyper-Responsive Month One HYPER FOCUS: What's the single most important keyword for your business? What are the smallest number of related keywords which will make you the most money? This month you'll discover a simple but powerful method to confidently answer these questions. You'll see the role relevancy, volume, and price play for every keyword, and you'll use a spreadsheet which "rolls them all up" into a single score to help you decide. This is the best way to eliminate distraction (and stop wasting time on irrelevant keywords which dilute your message) so you can conquer your corner of the internet with focus and determination. Table of Contents: Video 1 ................................................................................................................. 2 Video 2 ................................................................................................................. 5 Video 3 ................................................................................................................. 7 Video 4 ................................................................................................................. 9 Video 5 ............................................................................................................... 11 Video 6 ............................................................................................................... 14 Video 7 ............................................................................................................... 17
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    Hyper-Responsive Month One HYPER FOCUS: What's the single most important keyword for your business? What are the smallest number of related keywords which will make you the most money? This month you'll discover a simple but powerful method to confidently answer these questions. You'll see the role relevancy, volume, and price play for every keyword, and you'll use a spreadsheet which "rolls them all up" into a single score to help you decide. This is the best way to eliminate distraction (and stop wasting time on irrelevant keywords which dilute your message) so you can conquer your corner of the internet with focus and determination.

    Table of Contents: Video 1................................................................................................................. 2 Video 2................................................................................................................. 5 Video 3................................................................................................................. 7 Video 4................................................................................................................. 9 Video 5............................................................................................................... 11 Video 6............................................................................................................... 14 Video 7............................................................................................................... 17

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    Video 1 This is Dr. Glenn Livingston. Welcome. Id like to make a genuine difference in your business this month and every month using hyper responsive marketing principles. I thoroughly believe that hyper responsive principles are the quintessential culmination of everything that all of the successful marketers online and off are offering and the reason I say that is because you cant be everything to everyone. Thats marketing 101 and within whatever market you are approaching, it only makes sense that you need to approach a specific segment more aggressively. Now, if 80% of your profits come from 20% of your customers well within that more important 20% you could also apply the 80/20 rule. So, 80% of the profits come from this 20% of the customers but 80% of these profits come from 20% of these customers also. 20% of 20% is only 4% and if you do the math, Ill throw it on the screen, so that it makes sense but dont worry too much about the math cause thats not whats important. Whats important is that a very small percent of your customers are responsible for a disproportionately large percent of your profits probably half or more and so the implication is that if you dont know exactly what that 5% of your customers really want thats driving such a large portion of your business then youre not going to be able to serve them, youre not to be able to get them to buy repetitively from you to buy more expensive products from you and to evangelize about what it is that youre offering and thats what I want for you, I want you to be attracting the people who love what you have, give you lots of money for it and go out and evangelize what youre doing. So, thats why I think that hyper responsive customers are so important. If you apply this to internet marketing and again everything were going to be talking about, these principles can be applied offline as well as online and Ill show you as we go through one thats so. But when you look at internet marketing particular, then mathematics becomes startling. Now remember we got to this idea that 5% of the customers are going to be worth a very large percent of your profit maybe half of your profit. Only one visitor out of 100 in a good internet marketing campaign becomes a customer; only one out of 100. So, if only one out of 100 become a customer and only one customer out of 20 is a hyper responsive customer, whats the implication? The implication is that one out of 2,000 visitors, one out of 2,000 visitors may be responsible for half your profits. So, stunning, astounding, startling, if you can align the economics and the mechanics and the marketing of your business to thoroughly address the needs and concerns of that one visitor out of 2,000 than everything else starts to fall into place because they buy more for more money more frequently and the evangelize about what youre doing. Quick, a little bit about me just in case you dont know. Im a psychologist by training. Dr. Glenn, Im a shrink and I worked with marital and family counseling for many years, had a very large practice. I actually come from a large family of

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    17 psychologists, psychotherapists and you absolutely dont want to come to my family reunion but thats another story. I also married a marketer because I was always interested in affecting people in a broader scale than what you could do as an individual psychologist. I started consulting for large companies using some of the protocols that I learned in graduate school. It turned out in graduate school just by happenstance that I got really good at computer modeling and I first I took a course in computer modeling of human behavior and then I taught the class and it sounds really fancy but I want to reassure you again that any math were going to looking at here, any statistics, first of all theyre going to be a calculator or a spreadsheet that does it all for you. Secondly, 99% of it is just going to be your adds, your subtraction, multiples, your divides. So, if you could do fourth grader arithmetic, youre going to be fine to use all the principles that we are talking about here. So, I started consulting for Whirlpool and Lipton and Novartis and AT&T and if you look at my resume; I think its on the site, theres a long list of spaghetti and a lot of publications we got and you know, New York Times and Los Angeles Times and fancy spancy places like that and I wont bore you with but that you can look on the site if you want to. But what is important for you to know is that I left all of this dollars for hours, all of this trading dollars for hours work and decided that my wife and I were going to open up a large facility. We wanted to escape the trap of using all of our time, we wanted to spend our time together. We were considering having children at that time but it just wasnt possible and we were jet setting around the world and working, you know, 80 hours a week just wasnt possible. We decided to open up a practice but I cant believe that we did this when I think back. I just cant believe that we did this but what happened was we got carried away and rather than saying to ourselves these companies are paying us all this money, I mean they where were projects where we were paid almost a million dollars for. Were being paid all this money for this expertise we developed over the years for this very careful, methodical research and application of a set of principles. Lets take those set of principles and apply them for ourselves when we develop this business. No, what happened instead was we decided well these people were paying us all this money because were brilliant and we have this intuitive intuition about what works in a market and what doesnt and boy were we wrong, boy were we wrong. We lost two million dollars. Thats when I found out you can lose two million dollars without having two million dollars. Its not like losing your car keys where you have to have them first. We almost went bankrupt. I would have if Sharon didnt stop me. But you know with chaos comes opportunity and that was an opportunity for us to start applying everything that we knew to the internet online marketing. We decided we still werent going to take clients. We still didnt want to trade dollars for hours and I went out and got some coaching and became a marketing junky probably just like you, started absorbing everything I could about direct response online search marketing, pay per click marketing, everything that I could possibly absorb about it and applying the protocols that I was using offline to find out what

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    made people really want to buy. I started applying them online to markets that had nothing to do whatsoever with making money. I mean I was selling books on how to raise your guinea pigs or rabbits or pigmy goats and I was selling CDs and tapes about breeding alpacas and I was selling stuff about sudoku; remember that puzzle, the craze that was out in 2005? I was selling books about that. I was selling books about waste water management. Then I started marketing all types of things having nothing to do with marketing online. Eventually, I got noticed and asked to speak in seminars. Perry Marshall asked me to talk originally. That just led to a whirlwind of activity and before I knew it I was teaching seminars, my own seminars. I had several hundred students of my own and then private coaching students and mastermind group. Then, the natural evolution was to start an online advertising agency because everybody wanted us to do it for them. So, I am now back in the agency game. The agencys name is Rocket Clicks, if youre interested and its the done-for-you component of everything that well be talking about here but its probably way, way in the future for anybody thats watching this today. What were really concerned about here is how can you focus on hyper responsive principles to attract the most responsive people in your market and thats what Im going to be talking to you about in the rest of the videos. Now, before this introductory, this very small introductory video finishes I want to talk to you about the most common objection that people have with regards to hyper responsive marketing. The most common objection is Hey Glenn; youre talking about 1 out of 2,000 visitors online. Are you crazy? Are you really going to restrict your focus to one out of 2,000 visitors online? My short answer to that is go look at the graph on my website and see what happened when I did. Thats the short answer. The real explanation is that the hyper responsives and the way that well be defining them and studying them and catering to them, the hyper responsives in your market are people who are originally not so hyper responsive. They are people who began by learning about your market little by little and becoming more and more involved and finding out all the issues and concerns. Eventually, becoming really the most knowledgably and enthusiastic people in the market and the implication is that these are the people that can teach you the most about the market. What I have found consistently is that in the way that I do and I cant say that the way that everyone would do this would work like this but in the way that I do it, the hyper responsive focus actually leads to a greater volume of customers and profits; certainly, a greater volume of profits and most frequently a greater volume of customers than trying to diffuse and diversify and try to attract a larger volume of people. Its actually the most effective and efficient form of marketing that I found and were going to be talking very specifically about why that is and how that is and how you go about it. Its all going to start with focus, focus on the single most important keyword in your business because theres no way youre going to find a hyper responsive message if you dont know what keyword

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    conversation you are addressing, what keyword conversation youre addressing. Every keyword represents a unique set of thoughts and concerns and buying language on the part of the person typing it in. You need to very clearly define with 100% accuracy, not only your dead center bulls eye keyword but also whats the vocabulary thats surrounds that keyword unambiguously. Every keyword links to every other keyword online eventually. There is so much hyper connectivity and in the keyword databases, there is so much tangential presentation of keywords that you could make money. Well, maybe you make money with this, maybe with that. That before you know it, youre considering marketing to some ridiculously irrelevant keyword and you never got focused and your head is spinning. So, the very first modules going to be all about getting out of that keyword candy store, stepping out of the keyword quicksand, getting unstuck, getting focused so that we can develop a hyper responsive marketing message. Im going to pause here for a second and move on to the common characteristics of hyper responsives and what makes them buy in the next video as part of this introductory manifest.

    Video 2 Now I want to talk to you about what makes hyper responsive people in the market buy as compared to the more general consumer because if you can figure out what makes the hyper responsive buy than you can lead the rest of the market. It might not surprise you that hyper responsives buy distinct advantages that other vendors arent offering in the market. The reason that shouldnt surprise you is that the hyper responsive customer usually knows the market best so they know what the price of entry really is. They can distinguish the vendor who has a distinct advantage or a point of different benefit over and above what the run of the mill vendor is providing because theyve been around. Hyper responsive buyers usually started as less responsive buyers as they gathered the concerns and interests and objectives of people in that market and they saw the consolation of offerings that the rest of the competitors are providing. So, what theyre looking for is something unique, something distinct, something they cant get from the other vendors. For example; in the internet marketing space, I know that youre familiar with that because you just purchased an internet marketing course from me. Right? In the internet marketing space, the price of entry is that you need to prove that youve made money yourself cause even the most general consumer is unlikely to purchase an internet marketing course if theres not some type of proof that the person who is teaching has done some type of a project themselves and succeeded. The point of difference or a point of difference is a vendor who has made money in areas other than internet marketing cause theyre all these people out there who are getting up and teaching internet marketing and the only place that theyve ever made money was teaching internet marketing.

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    A point of different might be someone who provides proof that they have made money in projects that are more similar to what the purchaser might be interested in pursuing. To give you another example in the market of alpacas; an alpaca is this cool little $10,000 to $15,000 animal that people are breeding across the United States as a real business and everybody who wants to provide information about alpacas for sale or who wants to sell alpacas themselves, everybody who wants to be in running for that has to tell you how long they live, how to take care of them, what are their general breeding habits, what are the basic parasites to watch out for and how to get started without much land or money. Everybody in the market really needs to address that but some of the points of difference benefits and this is one of my markets so I know this fairly well, some of the points of difference benefits are can you provide me with access to real camelid veterinarians. The veterinarians who take care of alpacas are fairly rare and specialized and its difficult for hyper responsive customers, the people who really know alpacas in the market, difficult for them to get access to the information that they need to really take care of the unusual problems and symptoms that alpacas might have and they want access to those camelid veterinarians. For the more aggressive investors who are planning $100,000, $200,000 herds, they want to know do you have a specific business plan template thats appropriate for a larger investor that demonstrates what the value of the section 179 tax return might be this year and in the years to come. Can you provide me with access to CPAs; certified professional accountants, who can give me information and projections that I could rely upon with regards to that tax advantage. So, you see what Im saying? There are very specific benefits that you can offer when you know this information and its not information that youre going to find in a list of frequently asked questions because by that definition, this is a mistake that, its a myth that its propagated online that if you just figure out what the list of frequently asked questions are and then you address those, then youre going to get people to buy. Frequently asked questions are also frequently answered questions and theyre usually also answered for free. The solutions to them are often not very expensive. So, the frequently asked questions usually correspond to the price of entry benefits. What were going to be working on in our time together is how to identify what the real point of difference benefits are because thats what hyper responsive people buy, thats also very impressive to the rest of the market because its obvious that if you come to a site about alpacas and you start seeing all this information about camelid veterinarians and section 179 applicability and access to CPAs and expert interviews with the camelid vets, youre not going to be seeing that on the other sites. Although, now that people are seeing this maybe theyll be somebody else who goes into the market and does that. But the point is that I had done the research to figure that out and youll do that research in your market and very, very precious few people ever bother to do that and to take the time to deliver but take the time to develop and deliver those distinct advantages that nobody else is providing. Hyper responsive buyers first and foremost look for distinct advantages that no one else is providing in the market and its easier to figure that out than you might think. Its easier to provide them than you might

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    think but it does require some work and effort which is why you can own them which is why you can do the effort to figure out what they are and then you make the effort to deliver them and then youre the first to market with those benefits and you can begin the process of owning that position in the market. We are the alpaca provider, the alpaca information provider who delivers, explains. Do you see what Im saying? Hyper responsive buyers look for unique points of differences, distinct advantages that you own in your market that other people cant deliver. Were going to be focusing very strongly on that. Lets go into the next piece on the next clip.

    Video 3 The next characteristic of hyper responsive buyers is that they need to hear their specific buying language mirrored. Now, what do I mean by buying language? Some of you have heard my work before. So, you know that I really harp on the conversation in the prospects head. I always say that the biggest mistake in marketing is narcissism which is wanting the customer to want what you want them to want or what you really think they want as opposed to asking them what they want and then join in that conversation whatever they are thinking and feeling and striving towards in the specific language of their concerns, objections and strivings as they are at the point of purchase. So, thats kind of a mouthful. Let me tell you what I mean. When I was in corporate research and a headache manufacturer would come to me; this is hypothetical, they would say well Glenn, we know that headache sufferers usually have two kids and theyre between 35 and 54 or maybe 35 and 44 and they live in this part of the country by a skew of 65 to 35 and were looking for men and women because thats really the constellation of our market. Thats important to know. Its particularly important to know how your buyers and your hyper responsive buyers are demographically skewed because that empowers you to buy offline lists and target them via direct mail much more effectively. There are also some services where you can target them online. A much better way to go about that is to just capture people when theyre searching and theres two reasons. First of all, when people are at the point of purchase like that when theyre searching and theyre gathering information, trying to prepare for a buying decision, theyre in heat and the language in their head, the way that they express their emotional desire and their concerns or their objections, its different than if you call them up and you ask them to speculate about what was going to be important to them the next time they have a headache. Talking to people when they have a headache and they need someone to relieve it right now is much different than talking to them about the last time that they had a headache. I hope that makes sense. The first thing about buying language in general is that it needs to be captured at the point of purchase when people are in heat.

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    The second thing about buying language is that on the internet, its indexed by keyword and very, very similar keywords might have a very different underlying mindset or set of concerns and desires and objections; different language. I learned about this offline when I was working with suicidal adolescents because there were two different ways that they would approach me. Some would say, Hey doc, Im thinking about killing myself and when I would talk to them, I wouldnt be as concerned. Now, this isnt advice for psychologists who work with suicidal adolescents, its a marketing lesson but take note as. The reason I wouldnt be as concerned is because people that said, Ive been thinking about killing myself were very different than people that would say, Im afraid I might kill myself. The people that were thinking about killing themselves, there was thought involved and they were thinking about it. They thought if they had some support to bolster their thoughts, that they could think their way out of it. Usually the right approach was a very calm reaction to help them talk more about it and very frequently by the end of the first session; they were feeling much less suicidal. On the other hand, someone who said, Im afraid that I might, see they were overwhelmed and their capacity for thought had been overtaken by the intensity of the emotional conflict. Those people required an entirely different response. Sometimes I had to get a psychiatrist involved. Sometimes I had to get the family involved but I had to much more aggressively consider what the issue was. From a marketing perspective, the lesson is that there can be a dramatic difference between subtlety different keywords. Lets look at the difference between the word headache singular and the word headaches plural. If you were to intercept people and in later modules, we going to talk about exactly how to do this and exactly how to get this language down. If you were to intercept people searching the word headache, you might find that theyve got one right now and theyre looking for a solution and they want to be out of pain. Thats a very different customer or a different prospect than someone whos searching for the word headaches plural. Someones searching for the word headaches plural might be someone whos doing more general research either to avoid headaches the next time; maybe its a student doing some research, maybe just someone gathering information, less seriously motivated to solve a problem. When you intercept them to find out what their language is for example the person who types in headache might say well (excuse me while I look at my notes cause I wrote this down) whats the fastest acting and safest pain reliever for the throbbing headache I have right now. If you ask them their most important question about the word headache that they typed in, they might say whats the fastest acting safest pain reliever for their throbbing headache Ive got right now. Just to show you how you could use that buying language to sell to them assuming you could deliver this benefit that you could honestly deliver and thats important because another characteristic of hyper responsive buyers is that theyll see right through any kind of lets call it prarie-poop, Ive got another word for it but lets call it prarie-poop for right now. Theyll see right through any kind of b.s. and whats the fastest and safest pain reliever for a throbbing headache

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    Ive got right now, thats the most important question. The sales bulletin might be or the headline might be Now Proven, the Fastest Acting Safest Pain Reliever for Throbbing Headaches. See, its that simple. You find their buying language and you mirror it back to them. I think thats clear. Whats probably not clear to you yet is how hyper responsive buying language is different. The hyper responsive buying language will be different according to the distinct advantages that hyper responsive buyers are looking for in the market. Youll find that out by surveying them but what youll also find when you survey hyper responsive buyers is that theres a different quality. Were not just talking about substance, were talking about form. Theres a different quality to their answers. Theyll give longer answers. Their answers will be more passionate, more colorful, more descriptive. They will be more likely to tell you that its been hard for them to find the answer while theyre searching. Theyll be more willing to give you their phone number or agree to come in for a personal interview to follow up on the survey or the research, just generally more enthusiastic and involved. Theres a wide variety of indicators that we can actually boil down to simple mathematics that will isolate whos the most hyper responsive and in what keywords are they more likely to reside so that we can capture them with greater frequency and we can isolate their buying language. The next common characteristic to take away here is that hyper responsives need to have their buying language mirrored back to them in a believable, honest, truthful way with supporting facts because hyper responsives dont respond to hype. Thats the next principle well get to on the next on the video.

    Video 4 The next thing about hyper responsive buyers is that theyve got very, very strong b.s. detectors. Theyre repelled by hype. What this means for you is that youve got to have a strong understanding of what hype is because its very common for people to say oh, I know what hype is and hype is just b.s. but the truth is that theres a very structural underpinning of a solid emotional statement. The absence of which is perceived by hype. What I mean by that for the most part and I want you to listen to the emotional marketing bonus tape where I interview my wife whos interviewed 40,000 consumers about emotional response advertising in and of herself. This is where I really got my understanding of this but what the primary misunderstanding of hype comes from is the belief that emotional marketing just means marketing with attitude. Essentially, what that is well, Im just going to say it loud. Im just going to say it loud and thats going to get the point across. It doesnt work. What emotional marketing means is that youre connecting a product, service, a specific feature that delivers a rational concrete benefit to an underlying human need. Thats what emotional marketing means. A classic example that Ive given maybe youve seen the previous seminar might have to do with hiking boots. What anybody who talks to people who are hikers knows that theres an

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    experience of transcendence that theyre looking for. Theres just something about the top of the mountain that makes you feel like youve gotten away from it all, that youve transcended youre daily existence. Thats a correct insight but how you deliver that has everything to do with whether or not youre going to be perceived as hypey versus not. If you just say to people transcend your daily experience! Buy my hiking boots, that doesnt give them a reason to believe that you can actually provide that transcended experience but if you explain to them that the no twist, high rise alpaca yarn reinforced boots prevent their ankles from twisting so they can jump from rock to rock and climb the mountain safely, then theyre going to reach the top and have that transcended experience that theyre looking for then the emotional benefit comes through. Do you see what Im saying? Heres another example: Radon, which is a market that I built a little book for which was moderately profitable. Radon is this invisible gas that kills people. It gives them lung cancer and kills people and you have to have your house tested for radon when you buy a new house. You might try to scream it loud by saying radon kills, protect your family from deadly invisible gas; radon solutions get rid of your problem fast! Its the right emotion. Its going after fear and it goes right to the heart of the matter so thats correct. Its possible to get emotional marketing wrong by the way by getting the emotion wrong entirely. Thats part of why I want you listen to Sharons interview. Even though in this case were getting the emotion right, theres no reason why. Theres nothing to believe. Why should; even if I am afraid, even if Im successfully frightened about being killed by radon or that my familys going to be killed by radon and that I need to protect my house, why should I choose your solution over everybody elses? Why would I believe that your solution is going to protect me better than everybody elses just because you said it, just because you said it loud? No and the truth is that the hyper responsives in your market will go the other way. If you say something loud and you dont have legitimate reasons to support it that are logically connected to a specific feature or point of difference; its really got to be grounded, then theyre going to go the other way. I dont know if you realize its actually possible to unsale a customer. There have been studies that were done where customers were ready to buy something and they saw advertising and then a lower percentage of those people bought. I think it was Ford that put an advertisement in every other issue of Readers Digest and then they compared their buyers list to their non-buyers list and found; Im probably saying this not entirely correctly, but what they found was that there was a lower proportion of people that could measure if there was a lower proportion of people who bought the product, who bought the Ford after they saw the ad. So, it would have been better off not advertising at all. Thats the message I want you to take home is that its better not to advertise at all than to advertise with hype.

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    Emotional marketing requires that you understand the logical connection between the rational feature, the specific articulable concrete benefit that it provides in the emotional end benefit. No twist high rise boots reinforced by alpaca yarn prevents your ankles from twisting so that you can jump safely from rock to rock to rock and transcend the mountain to have that spiritual experience that youre looking for. Theres a very clear and logically branded pathway. If you think of a very common statement thats never really thought through in other marketing circles I forget who said it originally, you frequently hear that people buy for emotional reasons and then they justify it with logic. Well, that statement is usually used to drive home the point that everything is emotional even if you think that people are buying for logical reasons but the truth is that emotions in and of themselves are just an anticipatory state. Its how we hold our excitation before we make a purchase. In order to logically ground people, this is the process that you have go through. I dont want to overkill that. For hyper responsive buyers once you know how to isolate hyper responsive buyers in your research, you will know who to study so that you can follow that process. Theres an exercise called laddering which takes you from the benefits that people say that they want because thats what you can actually get in surveys and focus groups and by the way this is the primary reasons why you hear focus groups and interviews poo-pood in our circle. Thats because theres a giant gap between what people can say and what they actually do. People arent always aware of their emotional motivation but there is an exercise that you can take them through to go from the feature all the way through the human need to the right label for that human need that gives you the overall emotional mood and tone of the advertising thats going to work. Its extremely powerful and its extremely important that you understand this when you going to market to anybody, really but specifically to hyper responsives because you need a very consistent, believable logically branded emotional message to get them to feel the way you need them to feel to make the purchase. Id like you to watch this one again if you need to because its that important. Thanks.

    Video 5 Lets put it all together. The first thing that Im going to have you do is something that I call hyper focus because you wont be able to attract the hyper responsive buyer and achieve all of the characteristics we talked about above with your marketing message if you dont know who your market is. It probably wont surprise you that since Ive talked about the critical importance of the mindset behind every keyword that I consider every keyword to be a conversation that Im going to ask you to define your business in terms of the single most important keyword. If you could only advertise in one keyword, if you could only rank for one keyword, if you had to describe your business so that people knew what you offered and what you could provide for them with only one keyword, what would that keyword be? Its the ultimate elevator speech.

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    Ive got a very specific method for helping you to discover the single most important keyword in your business which involves the volume of searches, the percent of people who are searching that keyword who are likely to be presold on purchasing a solution from somebody like you; not necessarily from you, but someone like you and other vendors ability to monetize to make money on those searches. Weve got a spreadsheet and a formula that puts that all together. Thats what this month is about; not only finding your dead center single most important keyword to define your business. Its a little anxiety provoking at first cause you feel like when youre choosing that you might be restricting some other possibilities but the truth is its going to expand your profit volume. Its probably going to expand your traffic volume, as well. Were going to draw a 100% unambiguously defined circle around the rest of the market vocabulary that youre going to use so that when youre done with this months focus lesson youre going to breath because youre going to know which keywords to study the conversation behind, youre going to know which keywords the study of the competitors on, youre going to know which keywords to look at blogs and forums. Youre going to have a very small piece of the internet thats going to be yours to conquer because whoever understands the customer best wins. You cant understand any customer best if you dont which customers youre going after. Thats the first very critical module that well be going through. By the way, other than this first month you dont necessarily have to do everything in order. Im presenting it in the most natural order for someone who was building a new business but if you have an existing business and you find that you skip a month or two and then you come back to it, youll find that you can apply whatever month is most relevant to where you are in your marketing cycle. I do think its important to get this focus and market definition done first and foremost because everything else relies on that. The next thing that well be doing is what I call hyper espionage because in the 1980s when the internet was an ugly set of computers with a couple of experimental things called hyperlinks on them, the large companies were paying $100,000, $200,000, $250,000 for competitive intelligence. You can still charge large companies an awful lot of money for competitive intelligence online and by the way if you follow the principles that Im teaching you and you learn them inside and out, theres nothing to stop you from becoming consultants to large companies the way that I was. This information is priceless to large companies. Its priceless to small businesses. Thats beside the point. The point I want to make here is that when you know what your center is and you know what your market vocabulary is well, now there are free tools and low cost tools that you can use to figure out who the small set of competitors are that are really serving your market the best. You might look at the market and feel like oh my God, its all sewn up and there are hundreds of competitors and its completely overwhelming and by the time that youve done the hyper espionage youll realize theres probably only three or four maybe a half dozen competitors at most who really know what theyre doing. When we know who they are, there

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    are ways to legally steal their keywords to figure out what advertising copy is working best for them. Well know how to reverse engineer their landing pages. There are ways that you can actually look at how their landing pages have changed over time and see when they had their big breakthroughs cause you can compare their traffic patterns to what changes they made on the site. You can download the keyword that theyre using so you can figure out what other keywords you might be able to expand to. You can sign up for their auto responders and look at how theyre marketing to other people in the market and Ill show you bit by bit by bit how you can really dissect what theyre doing and get yourself such a head start that for many people, itll be enough to be profitable in the market in and of itself. If you have followed my earlier work, youll say Glenn, wait a minute. Thats a very significant departure from what you used to do. I used to tell people that the first thing you do in any market is a market test with surveys. Why am I changing tone right now? The reason Im changing tone is because of the way the internet has evolved. There are two things that have happened. First, its become possible to get this competitive intelligence which gets you about half way to where the surveys will get you with the emotional buying language and hyper responsive benefits that we talked about before. So, not to do it would be crazy and its relatively cheap if not free. The second reason Im advising this is that as the pay per click environment has become more competitive and Ive always advised starting with pay per click because its the most controllable form of traffic. Its the purest form of traffic where you can intercept people with a very specific keyword conversation. As those engines have become more competitive, they start to also ratchet up their requirements for the type of site that theyll allow to advertise. The bottom line is it looks like you need to have in all but the least competitive markets, you really need to have if youre going to advertise on Google, a site that people like a priority before you can do your surveys. This is how you figure out what people like, whos succeeding and design a site that Google will let you run your surveys and the rest of your market intelligence on. I should say that there are work arounds so if you dont want to do this, if you dont want to do the work necessary to build that kind of site then at least at the time Im recording this right now, you can go to MSN or in some cases Yahoo and buy the traffic there. Ive done a number of tests and it looks like the results translate. There is some skews for more square business to business markets but its minor. It looks like you can do that now if you want to but I recommend against it because I think thats building on sand. I think that the rest of engines are going to follow Googles suit and I would rather teach you a set of principles that will work now and forever and the intelligence you get by looking at your competitors is just amazing. Its just amazing. Ive got some very specific ways of utilizing the output from the software thats available so Im sure a lot of you are familiar with the software that I recommend

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    the Affiliate Spy Tool or Affiliate Elite or Espionage. Im sure that a lot of you are familiar with that but its what you do with it and what you do with the sites that it identifies afterwards thats really most important. I hope that you will watch that and go through it and execute on the espionage. Its going to be very, very important to you. After we complete our espionage then its time for research, then its time for intercepting the customer and getting their buying language and identifying the hyper responsives within those surveys and figuring out exactly what they want. Thats really my forte. Thats where I excel. Thats where youre probably going to get the most bang for your buck in the work that we do together. Im sure that thatll be very, very exciting for you. The other element of research that I havent talked about so far is the cost estimation of risk management because theres something that I noticed when I went into market after market after market after market which was that my cost per survey corresponded very closely to the cost per lead when I was ready to jump into the market and that my cost per lead corresponded a little less closely, there were some other factors involved but it still corresponded pretty closely to my cost per sale. As part of the research module, if you estimate your cost per lead and your cost per sale based upon your cost per survey youll have a sense of how hard its going to be to make money.

    Video 6 As part of the research module, youre going to be learning how to estimate your cost per sale and your cost per lead before you develop a product, before you spend hours and hours or days and weeks developing an entire sales funnel. Its a very critical piece and its something that, if there was one area that my students have ignored over the years that I wish that they wouldnt have its been this cost estimation because they get very excited about a market and they dont want to look at these red flags. Probably, the single most important thing that I did to produce that graph that went straight up was to pay very close attention to what the cost per sale and cost per lead was likely to be and then I would make sure that I was matching what I was going to sale. So, that Id have something with that kind of margin because its very, very easy to get emotional and especially if you pick a market that youre passionate about. Its very easy to get emotional and just say well, I know that people are going to love this and Im going to make it work no matter what and bad numbers are bad numbers. So, I hope that youll pay close attention to that and that you will take the necessary steps to make sure that youll be profitable going in. Let me say one more thing about that. This will make more sense when we actually go through that months module but were not just going to measure the cost per lead and cost per sale for the market as a whole, Im going to be showing you different ways of marketing so theyll be different media that you go through maybe some of it will be pay per click, some of it will be SEOs, some of it will be just through buying lists and postcards and maybe printing ezine lists or renting an offline list and

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    doing telemarketing. Youll be able to do some estimation of your cost per sale across media. Within each one of those media, you will be able to look at sub-segment so whats most relevant for we internet marketers is looking at the cost per sale and cost per lead on a keyword group basis. If youre familiar with adwords and you break the keywords into ad groups part of what well be doing in this first month. When you break them up into relevant ad groups, some ad groups will produce a higher cost per sale and some ad groups will produce a lower estimated cost per sale and one of the tricks to entering the market is to roll into the market on the maximum likelihood profitable pathways and get everything working and then expand to the other pathways as you go along. One of the benefits as we go through all this and you say well Glenn why are you breaking things down so granularly? Why not just look at the market as a whole? Well, thats the reason. Its like when youre going fishing, theyre going to be some spots in the lake that are great and some spots in the lake arent. I want a heat map. I want you to have a heat map so you can see where the fish are and where you should get started so that you can have a business. I would rather that you had a lower volume but you were profitable than you went after the lake as a whole and you were losing money and not able to sustain your connection and sustain your marketing in that market because I think that the name of the game is staying in the game until you win the game especially online because if youre able to at least break even then you can get consistent feedback from your market. You can send an email to your list and get tremendous value back from that single email with a couple of questions on a survey. Youll be able to see where the hyper responsive part of that list is and what you should be delivering to them and what youre doing wrong. Once youre in the market and youve got a consistent flow of fresh hot leads coming through, even if youre not making money or even if youre breaking even or even if youre just losing a little money, you can almost always tweak that up testing and tracking marketing research. Actually, when Im talking about marketing research Im also talking about talking to people. Im actually talking about not only doing surveys and quantifying the market but Im talking about getting on the phone and talking to these people and sometimes going out to their houses, going out to where theyre hanging out and getting to see what they smell like and what they feel like so that you can really figure out whats going on and what the most responsive people need. Of course, a big part of the research module is going to be in all of your research sampling, the hyper responsives leave clues and were going to really focus squarely on what those hyper responsive people want. Im very, very excited. Ive been a researcher my whole life and there is a saying among some of the best copywriters that says that the best copywriter in the world will lose to a researcher whos done a solid amount of research because how you say things is less important than what you say. How you say things, its important but if

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    youre giving people the wrong message it doesnt matter how flowery you dress it up, youre still not going to get through to them. You need to figure out what to say and who to say it to, those are much more important than how you say it. That will be the end of the research portion. Once I show you how to thoroughly do your research and figure out what the hyper responsive people want, then its critically important that we talk about how to translate that into advertising that sales. If I were to criticize myself, that is where I fell down several years ago when I did my first seminar. I focused entirely on showing people how to do the research and isolate the hyper responsives in their research sample but I didnt really show them how to translate that information into advertising copy with example after example after example and then how to layer imagery on top of the advertising copy that works; how to prioritize the benefits because were going to find the hyper responsives in the group and then were going to figure out a whole list of things that they want but I also want to show you how to prioritize that list of benefits so that youre most likely to get their attention; then where do those benefits belong in the context of all of the other benefits that the market wants because remember the hyper responsive marketing method means you figure out what the unique advantages are, the points of difference that you can offer, distant advantages you can offer that nobody else in your market can offer then you present those to people to really get their attention and show them that youre the vendor of choice but you also need to prove to them that you can answer the frequently asked questions on the market. I want to show you how that all fits together and how you use that to develop advertising copy and then how you layer imagery, spokes people, mood and tone of the advertising stories, even sound signatures and every element of the five senses that goes along with presenting an advertising message. I want to show you how that comes together and God forbid I should say this word but I want to talk to you about branding. In direct response circles, its very common for people to say that branding is stupid. The branding is a way that big companies spend lots of money, lots of stock holder money on stupid parties and focus groups and everything like that. I can tell you theres a lot of dumb money doing a lot of dumb things in big companies. Ive been a large brand consultant for a long time but what I can also tell you is that the reason that occurs is because people have a misunderstanding of what branding really is. What branding really is; remember we were talking about emotional marketing before how emotional marketing is proving to people that that the distinct advantages that you offer with concrete rational real product features, service features that no one else is offering in your market. The reason that there are point of different benefits, the reason that they are distinct advantages is because people want them to fulfill real human needs and that emotions is a label that we give to this feeling of excitation inside of us, its a precursor to action. So, when people say that emotions drive purchase its because excitation drives purchase. Its the anticipation of meeting a human need.

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    If you consistently show people that with your messaging that you will offer these distinct advantages and meet that need, then over time youre brand whatever imagery and name and overall persona, that becomes associated with your message you become a brand. You actually become a brand especially in relationship marketing when you are following up with dozens or even hundreds of follow ups. Dont get scared, Ill show you how to do that real easily. If you do that over time and youre very consistent about hammering home those distinct advantages, you become a brand and to ignore that is to ignore the most powerful thing that you can do. Im not talking about dancing bears. Im not talking about mumbo jumbo that only makes sense to some rocket scientist out in Alabama. Im talking about the phenomenon of people developing a short cut in their head like if youve been on my list for any length of time, you know that Glenn Livingston delivers unique valuable information about how to research your market and know your market better than anybody can teach you how to know your market. At the risk of being immodest, I would say that Ive got something unique to offer and that over the course of 142 follow ups in several years that you would come to understand and expect that from me and the sites that I offer and the audios that I present and my products and then evidentially my services. Its a very, very powerful tool because the stronger that consistent communication becomes, the less work you have to do for the other marketing support you might put in place. For example; when I want to sell my time, if I want to sell my time at $1,000 an hour; no I dont do that very frequently because I dont really want to do a lot of that dollars for hours work, but I do get people coming through and the sales letter that I wrote, that took me about a day. Its really just a matter of having it available and sending people an email to it and they wont do it unless theyve experienced me as a brand for a year or so. I never get people coming through that letter in the first day but I do get people that come through and dont hesitate after a year, year and a half, two years. Im not saying that you have to build such a strong brand or you have to do that amount of follow up but the way that the internet works, you know that when you get out there and you just add a message a week or even a message a month theres almost no reason not to because the cost of distributing valuable content via emails and blogs and even videos on the free distribution services these days is so low that you can give people the experience of being with you over time and your enthusiasm and your power to build a relationship carries forth electronically. So, why wouldnt we talk about branding? Why wouldnt we? Its part of a distinct advantage that I can offer you as one of my hyper responsive buyers because its a unique experience that my wife and myself have had over the last---

    Video 7 I didnt tell you how many years. Its more than 20. Im getting to be an old guy, look at all this gray. Can you believe all this gray? Im getting to be an old guy

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    and Ive been around large companies and Ive also been around direct response for a long time and I know where the intersection is. Im going to spend a good deal of time explaining to you how you can rise above all of the nonchalant dismissal of branding and how you can rise above the stupidity that goes on in large companies where people are not spending their own money and take the best of both worlds, take the best of direct response, take the best of branding; enough about marketing research and branding. Youre going to love that module and it will actually be more than one module. Well go through it over the course of several months. Again, make a difference in your business each and every month. Ill break it down to something you can actually do that month and make a difference. When were done looking at the research and looking at how to translate that into advertising copy, were going to start to talk about segmentation. Lets go way back to the beginning where we realized that a keyword is really a conversation in somebodys head. Remember people dont like to search, they like to solve. What they would much prefer to do is sit down with a loving uncle and say Ive having a problem with my dog. My dog keeps crapping in the living room and I just dont know what to do and have that loving uncle come over and sit down next to them and tell them the exact solution that they went through with their dog and teach them step by step. They dont have that online. What they have are these little tiny search boxes and so they have to think well how do I compress this incredibly emotional human experience into two or three words? So, they type dog potty training in two or three words and a lot of the work that were going to do is going to show you how to decompress what theyre typing in that box back into that full emotional experience so that you can really connect with them like a loving uncle or a loving grandma or a loving sister or loving child depending upon how old you are what the relationship is in that market. Whats very valuable is rather than landing everybody on the same page an out birth of your research and your copywriting with me an understanding that there are several unique segments in the market. If I stayed with the dog example, maybe there are people who are having trouble potty training their dog. Maybe theres a group of people that is having trouble with an older dog that never had problems potty training but it seems to be have broken down. Thats a unique problem. So, theres people who want to train them for the first time and then there are people trying to train an older dog whos losing control of their bladder. Theres a unique way that you would talk to them. Theres a unique way that you present solutions and that will become apparent as we do the research. What Im going to show you is how to decide how many segments there are and whether its worth it to take the time to address them separately because in this example if 90% of the people who were looking to potty train their dog were looking to potty train a new dog but only 10% were looking to potty train a dog whos losing it after many years because theyre losing bladder control. Maybe, its not worth while developing a whole separate landing page or even a whole separate product for that 10%.

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    Were going to look at some simple math you can do on a spreadsheet to figure out whether its worth breaking your market into a segment and into how many. Even though were going to do a lot of work to figure out whats behind each keyword group, youll probably wind up with between two and six segments at most. In some markets it maintains itself as one. When you break things down and you talk to people more specifically, you usually get a higher conversion rate because people say, Oh, wow thats exactly for me. Thats exactly what I want. So, were going to spend a little time on how to make those decisions most practically to get the most about of bang for the least amount of effort. See where those decisions are. Then, were going to spend a lot of time talking about following up because as the internet gets more and more competitive, as people figure out how to use it better and better the real money will be made in relationships over time. We talked about the power of branding before but thats only possible when you are systematically following up with people. Were going to talk about how you take your research and translate that into auto responder messages that almost write themselves for hyper responsive people. Were going to talk about how to prepare videos and blog posts and how to get your market commenting on your blog and how to get other people to produce content for you and how to use testing and tracking to make sure that all of that follow up is happening automatically and systematically for the maximum value for your business. Thatll be a very, very important addition. In particular, were going to talk about isolating the hyper responsives on your lists as youre developing a list, some people will be more responsive than others. Were going to figure out how to best serve them and what products they need and what solutions theyre looking for and what type of communication is going to get them to buy the most. Were going to spend a lot of time working on hyper responsive follow up methods and from there we will also be talking about conversion methods for your landing pages and sales letters. Something people dont know about me, is that I originally when I first got into the corporate work it was very, very statistical and I had a unique way of looking at modeling behavior. Its harder and more complicated than I need to explain right now but what Ill be presenting to you is my take on what computers can see that people cant. Im hesitating a little bit because this is really on the advanced section of the course. It wont be for 10 to 12 months but were going to talk about what computers can see that people cant. Were going to talk about doing that all with adds and subtracts and multiples and divides and maybe, maybe, maybe with a simple statistic that your spreadsheet can calculate for you called the correlation. Were going to look at things that computer can see on your site that can tell you why the hyper responsive people are not buying and what you can do about it.

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    Then, well continue to talk more about product development and customer satisfaction and even things like how to use your hyper responsive list to find outsourcing because this is something people never really think of but if you work hard to build a relationship with your list, they become one of the best sources of labor for you. The reason for that is first of all they know your market. Right? This goes all the way back to the idea that the hyper responsive buyer wasnt always a hyper responsive buyer, they took the time to learn the market and discover all the issues and they decided this is where they want to put their life energy. The most natural place to recruit for people to execute your projects is on your list. Not only do you get a better bang for your buck because the people coming through your list are enthusiastic about your market but theyre willing to work for less also just to have the opportunity to work with you because the way we go about this; remember were going to- we know our single most important keyword, we have a very limited set of vocabulary that we go after around it, weve got a very focused message and then were answering their questions cause weve surveyed them, weve talked to them. Were answering the exact questions that they have and were showing them weve already proved to them that weve got distinct advantages and were going to have given them an awful lot of value for free. If youre on my list for a long time you know I provide an awful lot of value for free. Over time that builds a sense of reciprocity. They want to give back to you. They also believe that you know what youre doing and you will. So, why shouldnt they? Part of the gratification for them in working with you is not monetary. Its the ability to be part of your team and the ability to be even more involved with this market that they were hyper responsive for in the first place. If youve been on my list then youve seen me lately start to recruit for our advertising agency. I cant tell you how overwhelmed we are with applications for that. There are people who are a perfect match. There are people who really know my marketing philosophy backwards and forwards and people approach us about working on straight commission and theyre willing to start at whatever level just to have the opportunity to participate in the company. Thats what I want for you. I want you to develop this rabid following that wants to be around you and really appreciates the value that youre providing. As well, they should because youre going to research their needs. Youre going to find out what they want but theyre having trouble solving themselves and youre going to solve it for them. Youll be able to make a big profit while youre doing it. Youre going to able to provide a lot of value and help a lot of people and why shouldnt you have a gathering of people around you who appreciate and reward you for that. Why shouldnt you? Thats what hyper responsive marketing is all about. I promise I will bring you my best thinking. There will always be a feedback forum in every months module so I want to hear from you and find out whats making a difference, whats actually helping you to improve, where are your sticking points, where do you help and I will be updating the modules as we

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    go along. Ill let you know when theyre updated so you can go back and look at the answer to your questions and whatnot. I want to leave you with a couple of thoughts about what youre going to get each month and the best way to use it. Some people work best with videos. Some people work best with audios. Some people work better with the written word. Some people need to see charts and graphs and I will do my best to provide all of that for you. More importantly every month, Im putting a lot of thought into what could you actually do this month with about one afternoons work to get it all started that would make a genuine difference in your business in the next 30 days. Ive been around this game for awhile now and I know that people wont drink from a firehouse, they get very, very excited and then they get very, very let down. Im working very hard to package it all up into something that you can do each and every month. Along those same lines, Im going to do something different than most marketers do because Im also a psychologist and Im cognoscente of the emotions that people go through as marketers, I am not only going to get you excited about what can happen and what will happen for you but Im also going to try to continually give you a realistic picture so Ill bring you up and then Ill bring you down and Ill bring you up and Ill bring you down so that you have a smooth experience and my goal is for you to have continual progress. Its a slow and steady progress that wins the race that Ive seen all the time. Of course, you will have breakthroughs. Of course, youll jump up a level thats what were all about but I will also be telling you the truth. Ill be showing you the good, the bad and the ugly and I want you to have a realistic picture of what it means to be a marketer in modern times and make the most of all the information thats out there so that your tribe can grow. So, welcome, thank you, thank you for trusting me and lets get started. Id like to make a difference in your business this month. Thanks.



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