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I ' . f " r J ^ ij OATSKHX MOtFNTAIM iO&WiS January 7, 194$ ^ 4 Big Indian-Oliverea Board Of Trade Elects Officers Oliverea, Jan. 5. — The annual election of officers of the Big Indian-Oliverea Board of Trade took, place at the fire house in Oliverea Tuesday evening^ J ^ . 4. George Bedell M d Anton Doebele were reelected president and, vice- president, resjpectively. Jack Pearson succeeds WesU^ ]&ail- lairge as secretary-treasurer. The following committees were named: Membership, Wesley Ball- lairge and Archie ^ e y ; fire, Harry Cradduck and E. H, Marsh; pub- licity, Sidney Levine and Sig Ley- man; entertainment, Bill C3iisholm and Ira Beadle; sport, Frank Crhkovie Jr. and Leslie Haynes* sign, Marty Maben and Frank Reel; welfare, Frances Leyman and Eric Griesser; fish iand game, Louis Combe and Bob Grennie; sick committee for Oliverea, A. Burkarth and Ira Beadle; for Big Indian, Steve Casimir and Frank Cmkovic. One new member Was admitted. John Moehle of the Onteora school system, as speaker of the evening, explained the effoiHs rela- tive to the proposed school site to be voted on in Phoenicia Jan. 12. ^ Bill Chisholm and George Be^- dell were the generous hosts of the evening. The music and sing- ing by various members was em joyable. ANDES Downsville Folks Shiver When Cellars Flood Downsville, Jan. 4.—^Downsville had high water last week. The rise of the water surprised the New York dam contractors who had seen the fiver only in summer rad thought of it as a fishermen's creek. - The contractors were forced to move their machinery to higher ground.' :^fore they could do go some of it'was covered with many feet of water. The pumps could not handle the flood as fast as it came. There were various re- ports as to the amount of flood water in the tunnel. Seventeen feet seems the most reasonable figure. Except for guards all work ceased. Water flowed between the bridges and entered the cellars of many homes in the lower part of the village. The A & P store had no fire. Employes put on extra sweaters and shivered. TTie president of the bank counted change slowly as he had nursed his home furnace aU night. He had many to sympathize with him. Leighton Hinkley Wed To Joan Layman Roxbury, Dec. 29; — A pretty holiday wedding took place at 1 Sunday altemoon, Dec. 19, at the Gould Memorial Reformed church when Miss Joan Layman, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mra. Frank Layman of Prattsville, became the bride of Leighton Hinkley, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hinkley of Roxbury. ' The ceremony was performed by Rev, Herman E. Lubien, pastor of the church, in the presence of the imediate members" of the family. The bride wore a pretty gown of white winter w w l with a corsage of red roses. • Her bridesmaid, Miss Barbara Kreiger of Pratts- ville, wore blue wool vwth' ii; cor- sage of pink carnations, Philip Finch of Roxbury was best man. Mrs. Hinkley attended Gilboa central school and Mr. Hinkley attended Roxbury central school. Tbey plan to noake their home in lua apartment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan Jr.,. sister and brother-in-law of the groom. Mr. Hinkley will assist Mr. Dugan. in farming. , ,. Saved From Burn^g Hfttne Four were saved from a burning house at Merrickviile, near Frank- lin, Sunday. One of them, Mrs. Pearl Bowers, owner of the house, is a cripple and was carried but on a blanket. The other three escaped the burning home at 4 a. m. in night clothes and suffered frost bitten feet in the show. The house was destroyed. Suffers From Broken Ribs Fleischmanns, July 5. -—Frank Greene suffered four broken ribs and other bruises Dec. 24 and he does not know what happened to hbn. He went out to pick some Christmas greens, and must have fallen, but does not remember. He was able to get back to his home alone. Visit Prominent Organist '' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Spehr, have just returned from their Christ- mas vacation in New York and Brooklyn* While there they had dinner with theit friond, EHvin Wood, assistant organist of St. Johns cathedral and an organist Qti radio and television broadcasts. ®ave a Date With Uncle - Many farmers, business ^ d pro- fessional folks have a tax date svith Uncle Sam Jan. 15.' It is also the date for those who wish to change a previously filed tax estimate. Regular income reports uare due March 15 as usual; ^Pastor Goes West < ^ Hev. Milfred Douglas, pastor of Delhi Methodist churph, has . accepted a call to a large chunch -in Ruling, Wyo. He'^'effipve^ ii pTj^ttm^e ^upi^ for . Mr. ^ d Mrs. Harland Jester were New Year day dinner guests V«?lth his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jester, in Delhi. Stanley Burton and Walter Gladstone Jr. returned to their studies at Cornell university after spending the holiday with their parents, Mr. aild Mrs. Roland Biu-f ton and Mrii and Mrs. Walter B. Gladstone/ . Mr- and Mrs. Andriew Gardiner entertained three tables at dessert b^dge last Monday evening. High ladies were Mrs. M. M. Wright; second, Mrs. Holland Shea. High men were: Dr. A, L. All; secondj C. Ferris, I Ralph Worden spent a ffew days last week in Margaretville hospital for observation. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burgin of Boyina Center were weekend guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Hisman. Mr. Burgin is recuper- ating from a major operation per- formed at th6 Bathgate hospital a few weeks, ago. Miss Joyce Wright entertained seewal friehds at the home ' of ^er parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wright, New Year eve. Miss Phyllis Decker entertained several friends at th^ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E, M Decker, New Year eve. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Temming visited relatives in New York city Sunday and Monday. The Ladies Auxiliary of the U P church wiU meet at the church parlors Thursday, Jan. 13, at the usual time. Election of officers will take place at this time. ' The American Legion held their meeting at the Firemen's hall Tuesday evening. The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. John W . Roney. Walter B- Gladstone made business trip to Utica for a few days last week. ' • The American Legion Auxiliary reports that it gave $20.50 for Veterans hospital for Christmas presents. . Gifts given individually and sent in a package to Bath hos- pital for veterans amounted to $14.75 and to a veteran's family in this community amounting to $5.35, Dr. J. D. Frisbee spent a couple of days this week in Margaretville hospital for observation. CLASSIFIED ADS Bluing or Selling T h ^ Bring Results OlasslCtod Ads 'imd Cards of Thanks Two Cento W o r ^ SOnibuiim 50 Cents FOR SALE FOR SALE — (Newsi. Rubber stamps. j^c FOR SALE—New $21 Schick elec- tric shaver, used twice, for $10, B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. j7c FOR SALE — 100 f^t yearling hens. Norman J. Sanford, Mar garetville, phone 22-F-ll. j7p F O R SAIjEI—Citrus pulg, $51 c^h, platform* N. Y. E. M. Decker, Andes dSltf F O R S A L E — Turner stationary baler, slightly used. James Cronk, Roxbury, N. Y. jl4p FOR SALE—Several reconditioned Maytag washers. Also some other makes. Terms. S. C. Mead, Halcottville. j7c FOR SALE — DeLaval rubber parts, Pulso-pump oil, complete units. M. H. Sanford & Sorl, Arena. j2lc Miss Marjorie Tweedie spent a week with her unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tweedie, in Andes., IVIr. and Mrs. Charles Morse spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mra. James Stoutenburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Avery and daughter, Vivian, of Halcott- ville were Friday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Blnch. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Finch and son, Dickie, of Denver were Saturday evening guests of his parents. Mr. and MrS. Herbert Raeder and soris, Jerry and Bnice, and Mrs. Eala Lawrence were New Year's eve dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Felter. Harvey Lawrence was a Friday evening caller in Cohoes with friends. Classified Ads, Cards of rhanks, etc.. 2c word, none les9 than 50c. CARD OF THANKS I want to liiank all the men and Ralph Sanford of Arena for the effort arid help they have given me when I had my truck accident, 37p H. Ofehlinger I wish to thank all of the boys of the Margaretville Fire Depart- ment for their wonderful help in response to my call on such a bit* ter cold night. Jennie Leyden I wish to express my deepest and most heartfelt thanks to Mrs; Clayton Myers and all my friends io Highmount who sent gifts and helped make Christmas pleasant for me here in the hospital. j7c Sumner Olmstead I want to thank the Margaret- ville Red Cross, the Arkville Fire- men, and the Decker family for Christmas baskets, also IVfa-. and Mrs. Lee Finch and sister. Hazel, the employes of the B. J. Harri- son factory for thdir Christmas presents, sflso all who sent cards and flowers. Fred Gray W e wish to take this ddcasion to thank our friends and neighbors for many kind deeds nad words. We thank Odell Kelly, Willa BeUe Streeter. We idso thank the Lord for little Carole Ann, also Dy. Chahiplih and beloved nurse Mrs. Garold Johnson, also the staff of Margaretville hospital. Dr. Paleh, Dr. Huggins. Thanks to Mra. Bernard Wadler, Mrsv Kenneth Streeter arid those who helped with stork shower and Ladies Aid for sunshine box. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ballard and Family. f7p MM We wish to thank Dr. Palen, Dr. Huggins, our friends and neigh- bors, the be^ere, Mri. Herrick, Rev. Crabb for his comforting words, those who sent flowers and cards, Francis Sanford and the road crew, and those who helped in any way during our recent Ije- reavement Mrs. Georgea Todd V, Mr. and JMfrs. David Todd ^ d Family Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly and J^amily ' iMr, and J^lrs. JEzia ToAi FOR SALE — 1935 Ford Fordor sedan, good condition, reason- able. C. Leiching, phone 3316, Pine HiU. D 14 C FOR SALE — Early cut heavy clover hay, mow bsiled. Cart- wright, Morse Hill, Arkville, phone Margaretville 25-F-5. j7p FOR SALE—Hot air furnace; 6- bumer gas range; kitchen , range, home size, bums coal. Kass Inn, Margaretville. j7c FOR SALE—^20 tons baled hay, also winter cabbage by the bag or ton. William Duboveck, Mar- garetville, res. Hubbell Hill. 37c FOR RENT—Redecorated 4-room apartment, service of central heat and htft water included. Rent, $58. Phone Margaretville 125. 37c FOR SALE—Now in stock, for immediate delivery, new Jeep, truck and Jeepster. Covered Bridge Garage, Jeep Sales and ' Service, Arkville, N. Y. n5tf FOR SALE HOSPITAL BEDS and Wheel chairs for rent or sale. Herridk Funeral Home. dl3tf FOR SALE—I have a few good chattel notes for sale, guaranr teed.' Edson J. BabcOck, Miu-- garetville, phone 45-F-2. j7p FOR SALE Farm, 100 acres, near village, state road, running water, lights, telephone. Inquire D, News office. j7c WANTED—Housekeeper on farm, one in family^prefer woman w' can milk. Floyd Rose, Uni Grove, N. Y. • 37p F O R S A L E — Automatic washing machine, one year old, reason- able. . Inquire Mrs. Abrams, Fleischmanns 52. 37c CHRYSLER, DeSoto, Dodge, Plymouth. Genuine M O P A R fac- tory parts. As complete a stock as you will find anywhere. Try u® first. Stout-Craft Motors, Margaretville. a9tf WINDOW SCREEN and storm window made to order. Get yours made now. Also can make most anything else you desire. Charles Greene, Wagner Ave., Fleischmanns, N. Y. 323tf FOR SALE—Now in stock, for immediate delivery, new Jeep, truck and Jeepster, skid chains, snow tires, tubes, alcohol, genu- ine Preston and Zerex. Covered Bridge Garage, Jeep Sales and Service, Arkville, N. Y. n5tf F O R S A L E — Margaretville, 9- room house, suitable boarding business, one acre, large bam, sacrifice, quick action needed, $2,000 down, balance monthly like rent. HT T. Lukow, realtor, Margaretville. , j7c FOR RENT FOR RENT ^ Modern 3-room apartment, steam heat, hot wa- ter, shower and bath. Inquire B. Steuihardt, Fleischmanns 115. 37c s LEGAL NOTICE!^ Notice The Town of Middletown has terminated its lease with the village of Margaretville, on Jan. Mj" for use of the village dimip. Residents of the town, with the exception of thos6 living in Mar- garetville, no longer have any right to use the dump. TOWN'BOARD Notice The annual meeting of the shareholders 6f the National Bank of Andes will be held in their banking rooms on Tuesday, Janu- ai^ 11^ 1949, from 9 to 10 a. m., for the! |>urpose of electing direc- tors for the ei^uiiig year and for ally other business thgt may prop- erly come before said meeting. 37c M. M. WRXGHTi Cashier NOTICE is hereby given that License No. HL-2224 has been issued to the undei'siigned under the provisions of the Alccjholic Beverage Control Law to sell liquor, wine and beer to be con-r sumed on the premises where soldk at Murray s Hotel on the soutihi side of Maui street in the village of Margaretville, N. Y. Murray Schrier, Margaretville, N. Y. ' 3l4c WANTED FOR SALE—1947 Plymouth four- dor sedan, ; 20,000 miles, good rubber, radio, heater; price rea- sonable. J. B. McCann, phone Fleischmanns 247-R after 4 p. m. " 37p FOR SALE—Have on hand two new Pontiacs, one convertible, one sedan coupe. Will sell Out- right or trade. Affron Motor Sales, Margaretville, phone 158. 37c V FOR SALE—^A country house, 5 acres of land, barn 30x30, 5 minutes to village and trans- portation, reasonable price and terms. Box 345, Margaretville, N. Y.; j7p FOR SALE — Used coal burning living room heaters, new oil- biirnirig circulating heaters; Maytag washer, in excellent condition; Water Witch washer. Priced to sell. Margaretville Hardw^e, Inc. 37c IF I C O U L D charm the plaster right off the ceiling, then find some rich dame whose father would put it back for me." Well, I will cut a ready to erect frame for bungalowi 18 x 24 ft., for Sorry, no phone. Arthur Conklin, Arena. j7p FOR SALE 1940 Poritiac six sedan, good tires, radio, heater, runs nicely.* Our )rice $850. Many others-r^'good )uys. STOUT-CRAFT MOTORS Phone 100-W, Margaretville, N. Y. 37c MAGIC CHEF domestic gas, coal and combination ranges, com- mercial ranges, Servel refrigera- tors, water heaters. Duo Therm oil space heaters, coal or wood heaters, Crosley appliances, "Pyrofax" Sup^or Bottled Gas Service for Delaware county. Delaware Gas Service, 123 Dda- ware St., Walton, N. Y., phone 87-R. f6tf O N E new Myers snow plow for Ford tractor; two Farmall Cubs, one with snow' pIoW; special pri§& on four-can milk cooler and Marquette farm welder. International 11 cu. ft. freezer; 8 cu: ft. refrigerator; Stewart Clipmasters and blades. , One Farmall A with cultivator; 15 cu. ft. freezer. Douglas Kelly, Margaretville, N. Y. 37c FOR SALE New KB2 %-ton International pickup, long wheelbase and 4-^ speed transmission, 7.00-16 tires. One K B 5 1%-ton International. One KBS6 2-ton International, 176-in. wheelbase, 2-speed axle, 8*25 tirGS* Two KBS7'Internationals, 176-in. wheelbase, 9.20 tures. ^^ One 1946 1%-ton G M C with 7.50- 20 tires and 12-ft. radc body. International Sales and Service ' K. F SCOTT Phpne 49-R;-2 ' Margaretville N E W 1948 Chevrolet trucks, ton stake with end gate; 2-ton short wheelbase, Z speed, 8.25x 20 tires; 2-tori long whedbase, 8.25x20 tires; 19411%-ton Inter- national ; 1934 F'ord 1 ; 1939 2-ton GMS; 1934 Fprd Tu- dor, $110. Short blocks, heads, fenders, radiators, grilles, run- ning boards, niufflersr Corduroy tires and tubes, Pennzoil motor oil, Delco batteries, G M anti- freeze, pasenger car chains and a few truck diains, cross ^alns, side ^ain and fasteners and a complete line of Chevrolet parts an a accessories. "If it's for a Chevrolet try us first," Sanford CJievrolet Co., Inc., Margaret- ville. J7c W A N T E D — T o rent a typevmter for two months. Evelyn Young, ArkviUe, N. Y. 37p W A N T E D —Work on Saturdays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. George A. (Frey, Margaretville, N. Y. WANTED—Lone Pine Mink Ranch will pay $8 to $20 for old and disabled horses according to size. Phpne Franklin 14-F-14. sl7tf WANTED Beech LOgs THE MAYES COMPANY, INC. Fleischmanns, N. Y. Phone 161 d31tf . W A N T E D — W e are now buying hard maple logs suitable for bowling pins in any quantity. Also in 18-inch lengths. Top prices paid;. Cash on delivery our mill, Livingston Manor. Write or phone 101. Burr Sher- wood, Livingston Manor. d26tf NOTTCE OF SAJLE—By virtue of default on tllonditional Sales Contract, the , General Motors Acceptance Corpora^bn will sell at public auction on January 17, 1949, at 11 a. m., at Affron Mo- tor Sales, Inc., in Margaretville, New York, one 1939 Pontiac, 2- door sedan, model No. 6EA, motor No. 6-554290, serial No. 6EA6290. retiaken from Mr. Clinton R. Odell, Corbett, New York. 37c State of New York, County Courts C!oimty of Delaware MARY ROHALY, Plaintiff, I -against- DAYHOLI INN, INC., CHARLES ZAREM, SAM ZAREM, BERN- ARD ZAREM, ERNST BLOCK, THE MARGARETVILLE TELE- PHONE EXCHANGE, SYLVIA HOPE, HAYIM SARIN, CHRIS MARTENS, THE JEWISH AG- RICULTURAL SOCIETY, INC., AND KEENETH G. ROBERT- SON, Defendants. WANTED—^We su-e always inter- ested in offerings with prices and quantities of 1 inch and 2 indties thick pallet lumber, de- livered at Big Indian, N. Y. This CTade takes anything above dunnage.. Mixed hardwoods, grebn or dry. Big Indian Wood Products Co., Big Indian, Ulster county, N. Y. d3tf MEN OR WOMEN Full or part time opportmiity to increase your income if you tetiow farms or rural property. Ej^ri- ence unnecessary. Leads furnished. Car and telephone essential. Write brief personal history.) EASTERN REAL 'ESTATE AGENCY 3 GROVE STREET AMSTERDAM, N. Y. MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL REPAIRS — Pipe fit- ting, carpenter work, painting, modem kitchen change over. Joseph J. Haviland, Union Grove, N. Y. j28p CARPENTER and BUILDER Estimates Cheerfully Given JOSEPH ElSELE Kelly Comers Phone Margaretville lO-F-41 ol5tf D A N C I N G every Saturday night, beginning Jan. 8, at Allaben Waffle Shop. Food served. All legal beverages. No minimum, no cover. Phone Phoenicia 63- F-21. j28c NOTICE — Snow deared from driveways and parking lots in Arkville, Margaretville and vicinity. Just caU 40-R-14 or contact L. D. Clausen or Bus Peck. flip NOTICE — Expect another ship- ment of pineapple, oranges and grai^fruit from Florida abOut Jan. 12. If interested send me card and will deliver. B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. j7c NOTICE—There will be a party at the Middletown American Le^oh'Hrane Saturday, Jan. 15, for all Legionnaires and their wives. For further details con- tact Harold Davidson or Floyd Luiui, Pp ANNOUNCEMENT—Dr: A. Wein- berg wishes to announce that his .office will be closed from •Jan. 5 to Jan. 21. During this period he plans to attend sev- eral post-graduate clinics in surgery. jtc N O n C E is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stock- holders of tiie Arena Water Company wiU be held Friday, JajtL 7, at 7 p. m. in the hcHne of Mrs. Katharyn ]>idteon, Arena, New York. E. D- San-r ford, secaretary. : jTc TO THE ABOVE NAME DE- FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this ac- tion, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summonsj to serve a notite of yoxir appearance, on the plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service. In case of your failure to appear or answer, 3 'udg- ment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Trial to be held in the County of Delaware. Dated this 26th day of November, 1948. GEO. A. SPEENBURGH Plaintiff's Attorney Office and Post Office Address Fleischmanns, Delaware County New York To th6 Defendant: ERNST BLOCK: The foregoing Summons is serired Upon yOU by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Arthur F. Curtis, County Judge of the County of Delaware, dated the 4th day of January, 1949, and filed on the 4th day of January, 1949, With a cop^ of the Complaint in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware at the Court House, in the Village of Delhi, Delaware County, New York. The object of this action is to foreclose a Mortgage upon the premises described Jjrfow, executed by Ernst Block to Mary Rohaly, dated October 20, 1944, for $9,000.00 with interest from Octo- ber 20, 1948, which Mortgage "was recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware, State of New York, on the 24th day of October, 1944, at 3 o'clock P. M., in Liber 140 of Mortgages, at Page ^ 4 . The property in question is de- scribed as follows: A L L T H O S E TRAJCTS OR PARCELS OF L A N D situate in the Town of Middletown, Delaware County, New York, on State Highway, Route 28, as more particularly described in a Deed from Mary Rohaly to Ernst Block, dated Oc- tober 20, 1944, and recorded in the Delaware County Clerk's Office October 24, 1944, in« Liber 256 of Deeds, at Page 359. Dated: January 4, 1949. GEO. A. SPEENBURGH Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address Fleischmanns, Delaware County New York' jT-flS LEGAL NOTICES Notioe The auoiual meeting of the Mid* dletown and Jloxbury H r e Insins ance Company will be held i|i Masonic Hall ^uildinfe, Margarets ville, New York, Tuesday, JsgtiU- ary 11, 1049, at 10 a. hi., for^the trwisaction of sueh business afl may properly come before said meeting; HARRISON, C MORSE Secretary Roxbury, New York j7c . Notice By agremeht between the Town of Middletow^i and the Village of Margaretville, the lease of the dump owned by the Village of Margaretville will be terminated to take effect on th^ 15th day of January, 1949. The entt^ce to the dump has been changed and a fence and gate erected at the entrance thereto. This gate will be kept locked at all times £md parties taking g$u?bage daily will be given a key, and a key also will be left at the Vaiiage Clerk's office which will be available to any inhabitant of the Village who needs it. J<dm; EUiott will pick up your garbage upon notification by you. The Village Board insists that no fire be hereafter set $.t the dump ^ d wyone found doing so will be iprosecuted. A bulldozer, when necessaiy, will attend to the garbage and accordingly no fires will be necessary. ^ The cooperaticm of the inhabi- tants Of the Village in connectimi therewith will, be greatly appre> dated. Dated December 28, 1948. THE VILLAGE BOARD j7c xTax Nottee Town of Middletown, Delaware County, New York I will collect taxes in said town at the following places until Feb. 1, 1949, from 10 to 3 o'clock. After that date at 1 % for the first month and ^ % for each additional month thereafter. I wip collect taxes at the time and places listed belov*^ and at my residence in Margaretville from 10 to 2 Mon- day through Friday. Msurgaret^lle'— Peoples National Bank, Wednesday, Jan. 5; Fri- day, Jan. i28. Fleisdiihanns — First Nationsil Bank, Friday, Jan. 7j Monday, Jan. 24. Arkville— Mrs: H. Todd's Store, Monday, Jan. .10. Arena—-Dickson's Store, Wednes- day, Jahi 12. HalcottviU6—Griffin's Store, Fri- day, Jan.. 14. New Kingston-—Faulkner's Store, Monday, Jan. 17. Kelly Comers — Grant's Store, Thursday, Jan. 20. Dated iat Margaretville, N. Y., December 31, 1948. LENA TROWBRIDGE Collector d31c Margaretville, N. Y. KEBPS 3rour bom* cooler in «am- mer, wamwr k» winter. Cut» fn^ bin* psnnaneiitly/'Baqr tmnM. Kraa wiliiiftwi ' BETTEB HOMES IMPROVXaCENT CO. nww> «M TwmenvfDew X . T. State of New Yor^ County (Donrt, Ootinly of D ^ w a r e CLAUDE J. KELLY, Plaintiff, against RAY L. HAMMOND, Defendant. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and ehijej:;ed.;in the above entitled action and bearing date of the 4th day of January, 1949,1, the under- signed, the Referee in said 3 'udg- ment named, will sell at pvdbUc auction at. the front door of the - law office of Layman G. Snyder in the; A^iUage of Marg^tville, Delaware Cbimty, New York, on the 19th day of Februaty, 1949, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the premises described by said:4udgment to be sold and therein described as follows: ALL THAT PIECE OR PAtt- CEL with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate in ivthe Town of Andes, C<^ty 6l"'^laware and State of New Yoifeknd bounded &id fle- scribed'faos-foilows: Beginning at a notch c u t ' t h e top stone of the eastert;^ lahutment on the south- erly side of the bridge aoposs the Barkaboon Stream and runs' thence N. 57° 45' E. 6J.5 feet to an iron jpin; thence N. 57" 45' E. 276.75 feet to an iron pin; thehce N 57^ 45' E. 0.85 feet to the lands of Hosea C. Mason; thence al<mg said Mason's land N. 45" OC W . 156.4 feet to an iron pin in the southeasterly comer of land of Mrs. Vivian Becker; thence along said Becker's land S. 76° .59' w . 126.7 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 76° 59' W. 14,4 feet to the easterly bank of the Baricabotm Creek; thence up said easterly bank 245 feet to the place of be- ginning, eohtkining acres of land more Or less, according to a survey made by -W. J. Howland oh ''the 15th day of July, 1922. EXCEPTING AND RESERV- ING the right to the first parties herein to cross said premises for the purpose of maintaining and keepmg in repair the water jiipe leading to the village of Union Grove and also to repair or build a new box in the ground to protect shut-offs and pipes as they are now maintained by the party of the first part and parties of the first part shall restore lawn to the original condition so far as pos- sible. Also the parties of the first part agree to furnish water at the water box without rent for one year and after" one year at the yearly rental of ten doUare per- year if water is furnished. EXCEPTING AND RESERV- ING from the above described premises the right of way for a highway as now maintained across the comer of this property. The parties of the second part assume one-half liability for maintaining bridge across Baiicaboon Stream, that is, they take the first parties place in such liability they have contracted with the owner thtie adjoining farm. GEORGE A. SPEENBURGH Referee Dated January 5, 1949. , LAYMAN G. SNYDER ^ ' Attorney for Plaintiff omce and Post Office Ad^teim' Margaretville. N. Y, ti^J.3

I ' . f " r J ^ ij

OATSKHX MOtFNTAIM iO&WiS January 7, 194$

^ 4

Big Indian-Oliverea Board Of Trade Elects Officers

Oliverea, Jan. 5. — The annual election of officers of the Big Indian-Oliverea Board of Trade took, place at the fire house in Oliverea Tuesday evening^ J ^ . 4. George Bedell M d Anton Doebele were reelected president and, vice-president, resjpectively. Jack Pearson succeeds WesU^ ]&ail-lairge as secretary-treasurer.

The following committees were named: Membership, Wesley Ball-lairge and Archie ey; fire, Harry Cradduck and E. H, Marsh; pub-licity, Sidney Levine and Sig Ley-man; entertainment, Bill C3iisholm and Ira Beadle; sport, Frank Crhkovie Jr. and Leslie Haynes* sign, Marty Maben and Frank Reel; welfare, Frances Leyman and Eric Griesser; fish iand game, Louis Combe and Bob Grennie; sick committee for Oliverea, A. Burkarth and Ira Beadle; for Big Indian, Steve Casimir and Frank Cmkovic. One new member Was admitted.

John Moehle of the Onteora school system, as speaker of the evening, explained the effoiHs rela-tive to the proposed school site to be voted on in Phoenicia Jan. 12. ^ Bill Chisholm and George Be-

dell were the generous hosts of the evening. The music and sing-ing by various members was em joyable.


Downsville Folks Shiver When Cellars Flood

Downsville, Jan. 4.—^Downsville had high water last week. The rise of the water surprised the New York dam contractors who had seen the fiver only in summer rad thought of it as a fishermen's creek. -

The contractors were forced to move their machinery to higher ground.' :^fore they could do go some of it'was covered with many feet of water. The pumps could not handle the flood as fast as it came. There were various re-ports as to the amount of flood water in the tunnel. Seventeen feet seems the most reasonable figure. Except for guards all work ceased.

Water flowed between the bridges and entered the cellars of many homes in the lower part of the village. The A & P store had no fire. Employes put on extra sweaters and shivered. TTie president of the bank counted change slowly as he had nursed his home furnace aU night. He had many to sympathize with him.

Leighton Hinkley Wed To Joan Layman

Roxbury, Dec. 29; — A pretty holiday wedding took place at 1 Sunday altemoon, Dec. 19, at the Gould Memorial Reformed church when Miss Joan Layman, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mra. Frank Layman of Prattsville, became the bride of Leighton Hinkley, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hinkley of Roxbury. '

The ceremony was performed by Rev, Herman E. Lubien, pastor of the church, in the presence of the imediate members" of the family. The bride wore a pretty gown of white winter wwl with a corsage of red roses. • Her bridesmaid, Miss Barbara Kreiger of Pratts-ville, wore blue wool vwth' ii; cor-sage of pink carnations, Philip Finch of Roxbury was best man.

Mrs. Hinkley attended Gilboa central school and Mr. Hinkley attended Roxbury central school. Tbey plan to noake their home in lua apartment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan Jr.,. sister and brother-in-law of the groom. Mr. Hinkley will assist Mr. Dugan. in farming. , ,.

Saved From Burn^g Hfttne Four were saved from a burning

house at Merrickviile, near Frank-lin, Sunday. One of them, Mrs. Pearl Bowers, owner of the house, is a cripple and was carried but on a blanket.

The other three escaped the burning home at 4 a. m. in night clothes and suffered frost bitten feet in the show. The house was destroyed.

Suffers From Broken Ribs Fleischmanns, July 5. -—Frank

Greene suffered four broken ribs and other bruises Dec. 24 and he does not know what happened to hbn. He went out to pick some Christmas greens, and must have fallen, but does not remember. He was able to get back to his home alone.

Visit Prominent Organist '' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Spehr, have

just returned from their Christ-mas vacation in New York and Brooklyn* While there they had dinner with theit friond, EHvin Wood, assistant organist of St. Johns cathedral and an organist Qti radio and television broadcasts.

®ave a Date With Uncle - Many farmers, business d pro-fessional folks have a tax date svith Uncle Sam Jan. 15.' It is also the date for those who wish to change a previously filed tax estimate. Regular income reports uare due March 15 as usual;

Pastor Goes West < ^ Hev. Milfred Douglas, pastor of

Delhi Methodist churph, has . accepted a call to a large chunch -in Ruling, Wyo. He' 'effipve ii pTj^ttm^e ^upi^ for

. Mr. ^ d Mrs. Harland Jester were New Year day dinner guests V«?lth his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jester, in Delhi.

Stanley Burton and Walter Gladstone Jr. returned to their studies at Cornell university after spending the holiday with their parents, Mr. aild Mrs. Roland Biu-f ton and Mrii and Mrs. Walter B. Gladstone/ .

Mr- and Mrs. Andriew Gardiner entertained three tables at dessert b^dge last Monday evening. High ladies were Mrs. M. M. Wright; second, Mrs. Holland Shea. High men were: Dr. A, L. All; secondj C. Ferris, I Ralph Worden spent a ffew

days last week in Margaretville hospital for observation.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burgin of Boyina Center were weekend guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. WiUiam Hisman. Mr. Burgin is recuper-ating from a major operation per-formed at th6 Bathgate hospital a few weeks, ago.

Miss Joyce Wright entertained seewal friehds at the home ' of ^er parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Wright, New Year eve.

Miss Phyllis Decker entertained several friends at th^ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E, M Decker, New Year eve.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Temming visited relatives in New York city Sunday and Monday.

The Ladies Auxiliary of the UP church wiU meet at the church parlors Thursday, Jan. 13, at the usual time. Election of officers will take place at this time. ' The American Legion held their meeting at the Firemen's hall Tuesday evening. The American Legion Auxiliary met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. John W. Roney.

Walter B- Gladstone made business trip to Utica for a few days last week. ' • The American Legion Auxiliary reports that it gave $20.50 for Veterans hospital for Christmas presents. . Gifts given individually and sent in a package to Bath hos-pital for veterans amounted to $14.75 and to a veteran's family in this community amounting to $5.35,

Dr. J. D. Frisbee spent a couple of days this week in Margaretville hospital for observation.

C L A S S I F I E D A D S Blu ing or Selling T h ^ Bring Results

OlasslCtod Ads 'imd Cards of Thanks Two Cento Wor^ SOnibuiim 50 Cents


FOR SALE — (Newsi.

Rubber stamps. j^c

FOR SALE—New $21 Schick elec-tric shaver, used twice, for $10, B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. j7c

FOR SALE — 100 f^t yearling hens. Norman J. Sanford, Mar garetville, phone 22-F-ll. j7p

FOR SAIjEI—Citrus pulg, $51 c^h, platform* N. Y.

E. M. Decker, Andes dSltf

FOR SALE — Turner stationary baler, slightly used. James Cronk, Roxbury, N. Y. jl4p

FOR SALE—Several reconditioned Maytag washers. Also some other makes. Terms. S. C. Mead, Halcottville. j7c

FOR SALE — DeLaval rubber parts, Pulso-pump oil, complete units. M. H. Sanford & Sorl, Arena. j2lc

Miss Marjorie Tweedie spent a week with her unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tweedie, in Andes.,

IVIr. and Mrs. Charles Morse spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mra. James Stoutenburgh.

Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Avery and daughter, Vivian, of Halcott-ville were Friday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Blnch. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Finch and son, Dickie, of Denver were Saturday evening guests of his parents.

Mr. and MrS. Herbert Raeder and soris, Jerry and Bnice, and Mrs. Eala Lawrence were New Year's eve dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Felter.

Harvey Lawrence was a Friday evening caller in Cohoes with friends.

Classified Ads, Cards of rhanks, etc.. 2c word, none les9 than 50c.

CARD OF THANKS I want to liiank all the men and

Ralph Sanford of Arena for the effort arid help they have given me when I had my truck accident, 37p H. Ofehlinger

I wish to thank all of the boys of the Margaretville Fire Depart-ment for their wonderful help in response to my call on such a bit* ter cold night. Jennie Leyden

I wish to express my deepest and most heartfelt thanks to Mrs; Clayton Myers and all my friends io Highmount who sent gifts and helped make Christmas pleasant for me here in the hospital. j7c Sumner Olmstead

I want to thank the Margaret-ville Red Cross, the Arkville Fire-men, and the Decker family for Christmas baskets, also IVfa-. and Mrs. Lee Finch and sister. Hazel, the employes of the B. J. Harri-son factory for thdir Christmas presents, sflso all who sent cards and flowers. Fred Gray

We wish to take this ddcasion to thank our friends and neighbors for many kind deeds nad words. We thank Odell Kelly, Willa BeUe Streeter. We idso thank the Lord for little Carole Ann, also Dy. Chahiplih and beloved nurse Mrs. Garold Johnson, also the staff of Margaretville hospital. Dr. Paleh, Dr. Huggins. Thanks to Mra. Bernard Wadler, Mrsv Kenneth Streeter arid those who helped with stork shower and Ladies Aid for sunshine box.

Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ballard and Family. f7p


We wish to thank Dr. Palen, Dr. Huggins, our friends and neigh-bors, the be^ere, Mri. Herrick, Rev. Crabb for his comforting words, those who sent flowers and cards, Francis Sanford and the road crew, and those who helped in any way during our recent Ije-reavement

Mrs. Georgea Todd V, Mr. and JMfrs. David Todd

^ d Family Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kelly

and J^amily ' iMr, and J lrs. JEzia ToAi

FOR SALE — 1935 Ford Fordor sedan, good condition, reason-able. C. Leiching, phone 3316, Pine HiU. D14C

FOR SALE — Early cut heavy clover hay, mow bsiled. Cart-wright, Morse Hill, Arkville, phone Margaretville 25-F-5. j7p

FOR SALE—Hot air furnace; 6-bumer gas range; kitchen

, range, home size, bums coal. Kass Inn, Margaretville. j7c

FOR SALE—^20 tons baled hay, also winter cabbage by the bag or ton. William Duboveck, Mar-garetville, res. Hubbell Hill. 37c

FOR RENT—Redecorated 4-room apartment, service of central heat and htft water included. Rent, $58. Phone Margaretville 125. 37c

FOR SALE—Now in stock, for immediate delivery, new Jeep, truck and Jeepster. Covered Bridge Garage, Jeep Sales and

' Service, Arkville, N. Y. n5tf


chairs for rent or sale. Herridk Funeral Home. dl3tf

FOR SALE—I have a few good chattel notes for sale, guaranr teed.' Edson J. BabcOck, Miu--garetville, phone 45-F-2. j7p

FOR SALE Farm, 100 acres, near village, state road, running water, lights, telephone. Inquire D, News office. j7c

WANTED—Housekeeper on farm, one in family^prefer woman w' can milk. Floyd Rose, Uni Grove, N. Y. • 37p

FOR SALE — Automatic washing machine, one year old, reason-able. . Inquire Mrs. Abrams, Fleischmanns 52. 37c

CHRYSLER, DeSoto, Dodge, Plymouth. Genuine MOPAR fac-tory parts. As complete a stock as you will find anywhere. Try u® first. Stout-Craft Motors, Margaretville. a9tf

W I N D O W SCREEN and storm window made to order. Get yours made now. Also can make most anything else you desire. Charles Greene, Wagner Ave., Fleischmanns, N. Y. 323tf

FOR SALE—Now in stock, for immediate delivery, new Jeep, truck and Jeepster, skid chains, snow tires, tubes, alcohol, genu-ine Preston and Zerex. Covered Bridge Garage, Jeep Sales and Service, Arkville, N. Y. n5tf

FOR SALE — Margaretville, 9-room house, suitable boarding business, one acre, large bam, sacrifice, quick action needed, $2,000 down, balance monthly like rent. HT T. Lukow, realtor, Margaretville. , j7c

FOR RENT FOR RENT ^ Modern 3-room

apartment, steam heat, hot wa-ter, shower and bath. Inquire B. Steuihardt, Fleischmanns 115. 37c s


Notice The Town of Middletown has

terminated its lease with the village of Margaretville, on Jan. Mj" for use of the village dimip. Residents of the town, with the exception of thos6 living in Mar-garetville, no longer have any right to use the dump.


Notice The annual meeting of the

shareholders 6f the National Bank of Andes will be held in their banking rooms on Tuesday, Janu-ai^ 11 1949, from 9 to 10 a. m., for the! |>urpose of electing direc-tors for the ei^uiiig year and for ally other business thgt may prop-erly come before said meeting. 37c M. M. WRXGHTi Cashier

NOTICE is hereby given that License No. HL-2224 has been issued to the undei'siigned under the provisions of the Alccjholic Beverage Control Law to sell liquor, wine and beer to be con-r sumed on the premises where soldk at Murray s Hotel on the soutihi side of Maui street in the village of Margaretville, N. Y. Murray Schrier, Margaretville, N. Y. ' 3l4c


FOR SALE—1947 Plymouth four-dor sedan, ; 20,000 miles, good rubber, radio, heater; price rea-sonable. J. B. McCann, phone Fleischmanns 247-R after 4 p. m. " 37p

FOR SALE—Have on hand two new Pontiacs, one convertible, one sedan coupe. Will sell Out-right or trade. Affron Motor Sales, Margaretville, phone 158. 37c V

FOR SALE—^A country house, 5 acres of land, barn 30x30, 5 minutes to village and trans-portation, reasonable price and terms. Box 345, Margaretville, N. Y.; j7p

FOR SALE — Used coal burning living room heaters, new oil-biirnirig circulating heaters; Maytag washer, in excellent condition; Water Witch washer. Priced to sell. Margaretville Hardw^e, Inc. 37c

IF I COULD charm the plaster right off the ceiling, then find some rich dame whose father would put it back for me." Well, I will cut a ready to erect frame for bungalowi 18 x 24 ft., for

Sorry, no phone. Arthur Conklin, Arena. j7p

FOR SALE 1940 Poritiac six sedan, good tires, radio, heater, runs nicely.* Our )rice $850. Many others-r^'good )uys.

STOUT-CRAFT MOTORS Phone 100-W, Margaretville, N. Y.


MAGIC CHEF domestic gas, coal and combination ranges, com-mercial ranges, Servel refrigera-tors, water heaters. Duo Therm oil space heaters, coal or wood heaters, Crosley appliances, "Pyrofax" Sup^or Bottled Gas Service for Delaware county. Delaware Gas Service, 123 Dda-ware St., Walton, N. Y., phone 87-R. f6tf

ONE new Myers snow plow for Ford tractor; two Farmall Cubs, one with snow' pIoW; special pri§& on four-can milk cooler and Marquette farm welder. International 11 cu. ft. freezer; 8 cu: ft. refrigerator; Stewart Clipmasters and blades. , One Farmall A with cultivator; 15 cu. ft. freezer. Douglas Kelly, Margaretville, N. Y. 37c

FOR SALE New KB2 %-ton International

pickup, long wheelbase and 4- speed transmission, 7.00-16 tires.

One KB5 1%-ton International. One KBS6 2-ton International,

176-in. wheelbase, 2-speed axle, 8*25 tirGS*

Two KBS7'Internationals, 176-in. wheelbase, 9.20 tures. ^ ^

One 1946 1%-ton GMC with 7.50-20 tires and 12-ft. radc body.

International Sales and Service ' K. F SCOTT

Phpne 49-R;-2 ' Margaretville

N E W 1948 Chevrolet trucks, ton stake with end gate; 2-ton short wheelbase, Z speed, 8.25x 20 tires; 2-tori long whedbase, 8.25x20 tires; 19411%-ton Inter-national ; 1934 F'ord 1 ; 1939 2-ton GMS; 1934 Fprd Tu-dor, $110. Short blocks, heads, fenders, radiators, grilles, run-ning boards, niufflersr Corduroy tires and tubes, Pennzoil motor oil, Delco batteries, GM anti-freeze, pasenger car chains and a few truck diains, cross ^alns, side ^ain and fasteners and a complete line of Chevrolet parts an a accessories. "If it's for a Chevrolet try us first," Sanford CJievrolet Co., Inc., Margaret-ville. J7c

WANTED—To rent a typevmter for two months. Evelyn Young, ArkviUe, N. Y. 37p

WANTED —Work on Saturdays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. George A. (Frey, Margaretville, N. Y.

WANTED—Lone Pine Mink Ranch will pay $8 to $20 for old and disabled horses according to size. Phpne Franklin 14-F-14. sl7tf


THE MAYES COMPANY, INC. Fleischmanns, N. Y.

Phone 161 d31tf .

W A N T E D — We are now buying hard maple logs suitable for bowling pins in any quantity. Also in 18-inch lengths. Top prices paid;. Cash on delivery our mill, Livingston Manor. Write or phone 101. Burr Sher-wood, Livingston Manor. d26tf

NOTTCE OF SAJLE—By virtue of default on tllonditional Sales Contract, the , General Motors Acceptance Corpora^bn will sell at public auction on January 17, 1949, at 11 a. m., at Affron Mo-tor Sales, Inc., in Margaretville, New York, one 1939 Pontiac, 2-door sedan, model No. 6EA, motor No. 6-554290, serial No. 6EA6290. retiaken from Mr. Clinton R. Odell, Corbett, New York. 37c

State of New York, County Courts C!oimty of Delaware

MARY ROHALY, Plaintiff, I -against-


WANTED—^We su-e always inter-ested in offerings with prices and quantities of 1 inch and 2 indties thick pallet lumber, de-livered at Big Indian, N. Y. This CTade takes anything above dunnage.. Mixed hardwoods, grebn or dry. Big Indian Wood Products Co., Big Indian, Ulster county, N. Y. d3tf

M E N OR W O M E N Full or part time opportmiity to increase your income if you tetiow farms or rural property. Ej^ri-ence unnecessary. Leads furnished. Car and telephone essential. Write brief personal history.)




ting, carpenter work, painting, modem kitchen change over. Joseph J. Haviland, Union Grove, N. Y. j28p

CARPENTER and BUILDER Estimates Cheerfully Given

JOSEPH ElSELE Kelly Comers

Phone Margaretville lO-F-41 ol5tf

DANCING every Saturday night, beginning Jan. 8, at Allaben Waffle Shop. Food served. All legal beverages. No minimum, no cover. Phone Phoenicia 63-F-21. j28c

NOTICE — Snow deared from driveways and parking lots in Arkville, Margaretville and vicinity. Just caU 40-R-14 or contact L. D. Clausen or Bus Peck. flip

NOTICE — Expect another ship-ment of pineapple, oranges and grai^fruit from Florida abOut Jan. 12. If interested send me card and will deliver. B. C. Todd, Fleischmanns. j7c

NOTICE—There will be a party at the Middletown American Le^oh'Hrane Saturday, Jan. 15, for all Legionnaires and their wives. For further details con-tact Harold Davidson or Floyd Luiui, Pp

ANNOUNCEMENT—Dr: A. Wein-berg wishes to announce that his .office will be closed from •Jan. 5 to Jan. 21. During this period he plans to attend sev-eral post-graduate clinics in surgery. jtc

N O n C E is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stock-holders of tiie Arena Water Company wiU be held Friday, JajtL 7, at 7 p. m. in the hcHne of Mrs. Katharyn ]>idteon, Arena, New York. E. D- San-r ford, secaretary. : jTc

TO THE ABOVE NAME DE-FENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to

answer the complaint in this ac-tion, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the complaint is not served with this summonsj to serve a notite of yoxir appearance, on the plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service. In case of your failure to appear or answer, 3'udg-ment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint.

Trial to be held in the County of Delaware. Dated this 26th day of November,


Plaintiff's Attorney Office and Post Office Address Fleischmanns, Delaware County New York

To th6 Defendant: ERNST BLOCK: The foregoing Summons is

serired Upon yOU by publication pursuant to an Order of the Hon. Arthur F. Curtis, County Judge of the County of Delaware, dated the 4th day of January, 1949, and filed on the 4th day of January, 1949, With a cop^ of the Complaint in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware at the Court House, in the Village of Delhi, Delaware County, New York.

The object of this action is to foreclose a Mortgage upon the premises described Jjrfow, executed by Ernst Block to Mary Rohaly, dated October 20, 1944, for $9,000.00 with interest from Octo-ber 20, 1948, which Mortgage "was recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Delaware, State of New York, on the 24th day of October, 1944, at 3 o'clock P. M., in Liber 140 of Mortgages, at Page ^ 4 .

The property in question is de-scribed as follows: ALL THOSE TRAJCTS OR PARCELS OF LAND situate in the Town of Middletown, Delaware County, New York, on State Highway, Route 28, as more particularly described in a Deed from Mary Rohaly to Ernst Block, dated Oc-tober 20, 1944, and recorded in the Delaware County Clerk's Office October 24, 1944, in« Liber 256 of Deeds, at Page 359. Dated: January 4, 1949.

GEO. A. SPEENBURGH Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Post Office Address Fleischmanns, Delaware County New York'



The auoiual meeting of the Mid* dletown and Jloxbury Hre Insins ance Company will be held i|i Masonic Hall uildinfe, Margarets ville, New York, Tuesday, JsgtiU-ary 11, 1049, at 10 a. hi., for^the trwisaction of sueh business afl may properly come before said meeting;

HARRISON, C MORSE Secretary Roxbury, New York

j7c .

Notice By agremeht between the Town

of Middletow i and the Village of Margaretville, the lease of the dump owned by the Village of Margaretville will be terminated to take effect on th^ 15th day of January, 1949.

The entt^ce to the dump has been changed and a fence and gate erected at the entrance thereto. This gate will be kept locked at all times £md parties taking g$u?bage daily will be given a key, and a key also will be left at the Vaiiage Clerk's office which will be available to any inhabitant of the Village who needs it. J<dm; EUiott will pick up your garbage upon notification by you.

The Village Board insists that no fire be hereafter set $.t the dump ^ d wyone found doing so will be iprosecuted. A bulldozer, when necessaiy, will attend to the garbage and accordingly no fires will be necessary. ^ •

The cooperaticm of the inhabi-tants Of the Village in connectimi therewith will, be greatly appre> dated. Dated December 28, 1948.


xTax Nottee Town of Middletown, Delaware

County, New York I will collect taxes in said town

at the following places until Feb. 1, 1949, from 10 to 3 o'clock. After that date at 1 % for the first month and ^ % for each additional month thereafter. I wip collect taxes at the time and places listed belov* and at my residence in Margaretville from 10 to 2 Mon-day through Friday. Msurgaret^lle'— Peoples National

Bank, Wednesday, Jan. 5; Fri-day, Jan. i28.

Fleisdiihanns — First Nationsil Bank, Friday, Jan. 7j Monday, Jan. 24.

Arkville— Mrs: H. Todd's Store, Monday, Jan. .10.

Arena—-Dickson's Store, Wednes-day, Jahi 12.

HalcottviU6—Griffin's Store, Fri-day, Jan.. 14.

New Kingston-—Faulkner's Store, Monday, Jan. 17.

Kelly Comers — Grant's Store, Thursday, Jan. 20.

Dated iat Margaretville, N. Y., December 31, 1948.


d31c Margaretville, N. Y.

KEBPS 3rour bom* cooler in «am-mer, wamwr k» winter. Cut» fn^ bin* psnnaneiitly/'Baqr tmnM. Kraa wiliiiftwi '


nww> «M TwmenvfDew X . T.

State of New Yor^ County (Donrt, Ootinly of D ^ w a r e

CLAUDE J. KELLY, Plaintiff, against

RAY L. HAMMOND, Defendant.

In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and ehijej:;ed.;in the above entitled action and bearing date of the 4th day of January, 1949,1, the under-signed, the Referee in said 3'udg-ment named, will sell at pvdbUc auction at. the front door of the -law office of Layman G. Snyder in the; A iUage of Marg^tville, Delaware Cbimty, New York, on the 19th day of Februaty, 1949, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of that day the premises described by said:4udgment to be sold and therein described as follows:

ALL THAT PIECE OR PAtt-CEL with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate in ivthe Town of Andes, C<^ty 6l"'^laware and State of New Yoifeknd bounded &id fle-scribed'faos-foilows: Beginning at a notch c u t ' t h e top stone of the eastert; lahutment on the south-erly side of the bridge aoposs the Barkaboon Stream and runs' thence N. 57° 45' E. 6J.5 feet to an iron jpin; thence N. 57" 45' E. 276.75 feet to an iron pin; thehce N 57^ 45' E. 0.85 feet to the lands of Hosea C. Mason; thence al<mg said Mason's land N. 45" OC W . 156.4 feet to an iron pin in the southeasterly comer of land of Mrs. Vivian Becker; thence along said Becker's land S. 76° .59' w . 126.7 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 76° 59' W . 14,4 feet to the easterly bank of the Baricabotm Creek; thence up said easterly bank 245 feet to the place of be-ginning, eohtkining acres of land more Or less, according to a survey made by -W. J. Howland oh ''the 15th day of July, 1922.

EXCEPTING AND RESERV-ING the right to the first parties herein to cross said premises for the purpose of maintaining and keepmg in repair the water jiipe leading to the village of Union Grove and also to repair or build a new box in the ground to protect shut-offs and pipes as they are now maintained by the party of the first part and parties of the first part shall restore lawn to the original condition so far as pos-sible. Also the parties of the first part agree to furnish water at the water box without rent for one year and after" one year at the yearly rental of ten doUare per-year if water is furnished.

EXCEPTING A N D RESERV-ING from the above described premises the right of way for a highway as now maintained across the comer of this property. The parties of the second part assume one-half liability for maintaining bridge across Baiicaboon Stream, that is, they take the first parties place in such liability they have contracted with the owner thtie adjoining farm.


Dated January 5, 1949. , LAYMAN G. SNYDER • ^ ' Attorney for Plaintiff omce and Post Office Ad^teim' Margaretville. N. Y,

ti J.3
