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THE WASHINGTON TIMES SATURDAY MARCH 21 IH03 7 I I HAPPENINGS OF THE DAY IN SOCIETY I de and Mrs Roosevelt Entertain Dviner J me Azpifcos Receivd at tihe kite fous l at 11- J I I Th White The rr l l f ami Mr Ro N v lt en- tertained at last BIght Mr- Reo rv U woe a gown of pink brocade Dinner arva in Ute itat dining Mid th table decorated with Ooldea Gate and fetes Tbe guests were the BrlJoh ambassador and Lady Herbert Mrs AVlnthrop Cban ler Mitt Roostrelt Mta Alice Mr Daring Hoyos Major LJottttnaafc loCoy- Mmo Azlroz wife of the Mexican mbabsMdpi and several ladies oC the Hou U i afternoon by Mrs Reoeo- veH the o being the presentation of Jmbora of the first sec- retary vrb has recently arrived with her hiisbad in tide country Mrs Itoosev ltwolcome l her visitor in ute Blue Diplomatic Gossip Baronoi Monchour wife of the BO- lglnn has goiic to West Paint to vldit Horfrotlnrlnlaw anti atelor Cap- tain nndMra JOAN Tho minister will join the pronoss later on The odlsh minister Mr Gr1i fans rcLurnedtrom his trip to Mexico Mr lilltfo tho chargo daffaires of Ve 7U ja leaves town today for Tb offico of the Venezuelan lega- tion in chargo of Fodorico Pezot tbo flrsfsooratary of ha Peruvian loga Dinners The tajlan ambassador and Signora will ontortain at InucrlonlghU- Sanri r sad Mrs Dcpew ontortalnod at dlnnorlnst night the following guests Sanatf Frye Senator and Mrs and Mrs Quarlos Senator and Mrs i ollivor Senator Clark Senator Kaon Senator Bevcridge Lieutenant and Miles and Mrs Dowlas Mr anti Mrs Robert Pat and Mrs Hamilton Flab Webier Mrs Van Renseolaor Cruger iissxaan Miss DeorIng and Miss Pat ten House fADer was room was XI and 111 nor Mi Ita SntlrRolr BAgner ount How Yre reeeiled at the kite lou Mm i Cara- cas 1 bO I Algor Sona Mrs Command r sea Warmer 1M oubaU wife PariS mlitor ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ait Draper will oatsrtain at dinner ilrnnd Mrs George G Knowlos ontor talne t dinner at tho Portncr O- BTtturlay ovonlnp In of HtfloiVariak Boswell Notes Sectary Hay retfairaod to Washington tods after1 a two waaiKB stay su- ThonavlHo Ga Us wee greatly bone Btedn health Adtant General aid Mrs H C Cor bin ft hore this afternoon fer Jekyl Jslait Ga for a weeks visit to Mr cad rs Edwin Gould SojLor Cwllorh will preside and livoran address at the meeting af tho Acadny of Political and Social Science in on April 13 The meeting Willie attended by a number of the SouUAmorlcan diplomats stationed In Waumstpn and the question or closer aad social relations between tbaircouatries and the United States wlll j the chief subject of Stftor Hanna and Miss Phelp left WaiQ Mn last night for their homo in ji and airs Paul Bachschmid brid the fiftieth anniversary of their woiing Tuesday at the of their dajRtor Mrs Fred Carl Although Mrs BrWohmid has been a invalid for sev ort months p t she was able to ro cop She oongratulaUeas of her friends is eigbtyflTe year old an W wife to sevootyniae- e SaiUJfltey Bvenlng Assembly will g anothor of their popular tfaacos ts at National Ar i e Elizabeth Parkiason a yoMng- Aorlcan singer debut at the a ConiktM to Deeembor last was sh a SUMOM mad her socead appear ae la tho title rOM of Lk e at X Opera Coraiaue Park on TH tcs4iay- rtfag bofereaa aixliaaee the greater yt of Which was unaware t her Weati 1 Site aoored jMt us great s ne em ion th first occBste- atr Lyman Abbott of New York ar r4 in Wanhlngtoflf yesUrday for a sys visit and restetwod at the New Illard- bbsndler Hale sos f the Senator bst Mais LseentUrr af tb Amari- a embassy at Vlcana and Mrs Hate ted on the Cedric fro Liverpool MUrday They will frtt the parents t Mr for weeks Mrs bas seat InvlUtt- rptloa in honor ierlnlHw for Wednesday March 2S Baltimore Jottings Charles 8 Wight guy a luncheon tnd card party yesterday at bents at the Srni at which about btrtyQve ladles wore present LuneKI- OK was served at small tables adorned fith American Bcwtty PrIson tel awarded t thoca winning the ilgbest scores eonciuslan of the Dainty Gibson pine were also rented as souvenirs several ddbu anton who a ss ed the hostess In eepfns tbe scores Mrs Heiaa Wfll of rambrfclHa Mass a most artistic sad Anlshed luro recital yesterday at the residence- t Mrs Gilbert Fraser 14 East Mount toni t honor I de P dfg l lon Clapand gels Rome G lag vJ 0 Hale several oat tor a re ot her daup Mrs hr apart II at to r I I Miss roW Rifles whose < lab son aid roses the amos aye lee > < > Vntn Plo Tfc JlMt of the read iBg vftut Birthday by araws- v theater club Occupied seats at the Academy on Thursday evening to A Otmtrjr Girl TM party ws chap- eroned by Mr and Mrs Alexander Ir f ton After the play a dvIlgntfuL supper wan iciviu party by Miss Henrietta HoffnMut t the residence of hr par eats Mr and Mrs R Carson Hbffmeli on St Paul Street There went three new members present John Albert Ritchie and Frank Frlcfc New York Doings The last subscription night of the sea son at the opera was made brifeiant by large attendance Mrs R T Wilson Mrs Jasophiae Johnson Mrs Lloyd Bryeoj Miss Bryce tcm W D Sloaae Mrs Richard Oambrlll Mrs Jnmes B HHggJn Mrs Perry Belmont the Misses The the lomb Rob- ert cee Oil er a ¬ ¬ = = = = HEARD IN HOTEL 1 CORRIDORS I May Be On the Commission Col Wtllard Young of Now Ytork a former officer in the Haglneer Corps of the United States Army is a giiQBt at the Raleigh Colonel Yowig is an appli- cant for membership on the Panrnma Ca nal Commission and has the support of tho Western States Senators Colonel Young called upon pie President this morning accompunled by Senators Kearns and Sraoot of Utah from which State Colonel Young came The colonel is only candidate for a placo on the commission from the Rocky MJountain section and thero is reason to as sure his friends he will be succossful Senator Smoot and the colonel were Boated in the lobby of the Raleigh this morning when the colonel was asked by a reporter for The Times as to his chances He said The whole matter now rests in the hands or the President- I feel that fhave oxpsrionce suRluiont to assume the duties of a member with credit not only to myself but to the many friends who have indorsed mo Fo- rT than twenty years I was in the the over ¬ ¬ ¬ Engineer Corps of tbo and An that lima was connected with many Impor tnwt angiaaertag undertakings 1 shall certainly appreciate the honor Not in Touch With Politics I am taking no irfter t In polities a t this time said the lion John Sty af Fayotte county West Virginia this morning to a Times reporter in cor- ridor of the New Wltlard I bavo bees lit Now York for the past two weeks un ifet lo treatment for a severe throat tTBMalft with which I am svffciring Two das ago I reeoived a dispatch to return t sane to my home oa important legal matters When I arrived in Washing- ton I received another message infiorm lag me my return was not necessary at this tine anti I am simply resting here a day or so before going bock to New York to continue my treatment I have paid so little attention to pol- itics this year I feol rather out of touch Of course you know tho Demo- crats have but little chance any more In West Virginia and only succeed In ob- taining office now and then when there is dissatisfaction Ui the Republican ranks Mr St Clair is a warm person- al friend of William Jennings Bryan and in both of Bryan campaigns addci the same audiences with that OtistlB- gulshad candidate while touring the State of West Virginia I rmy the a Clair i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Americans Prefer Luxury In Trav L- Sarautl Maody of Plttsburg assistant general passenger agent of the Pennsyl- vania lines with jurisdiction owr a greater part of that system is a guest at the Riggs House Mr Moody connected with the Pennsylvania roads for a number of years and i one of its Times h said last night The Penn ajrivanla Railroad has experienced a won- derful growth within the past five years WOMANS NATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION MEETS- A business of the WonwuTs National Press Assentation was held bun evening at the MOMS of Mrs Belva A Lockwood past president of the association Bessie Agn s Dwyer oC the Library at Congress and Miss Mary Boole Hlnto elected to active SM mb r lrip The placed 1t self oa record as heartily indorsing the t to prevent axpoctoraiiwit in public places in Washington On motion of Dr Alice Burrltt a resolution was parimd cottgratulattng Mrs J G Loffi- maff at Oakland on her success In securing the adoption of Call farnki peppy as the State flower of Call foral NAMEOF ROOSEVELT GRACES SIXTEEN POSTOFFICES M ria M Simmons has been named postmistress at Rooeevolt Custer D a recently established post eutee Tills Is the sixteenth offee naonod alter the President Other offlces bear his name are located in the foDow tug States Alabama Louisiana Ar- kansas Georgia Idaho Kansas Ken- tucky Minnesota Missouri New Ytork North Carolina Pennsylvania Texas and Wisconsin Oklahoma also has a post offlce named after President Roosevelt GREAT ISSUE OF PATENTS- Six hundred and seven patents wre issued during the weak ended Thursday Net a dozen times in the pest tw sntv years Weekly Issue oxcowlod 600 and the indications are that business will increase greatly hate been veteran oIBe8l a The were association Cal COU- Rt 50 fag the f T reporter for meeting the has the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Thornton Mrs John J Wysong Mrs Robert Fulton Cutting Mrs John Hp hart Warren Mrs Henry Clews Mrs Whitney Warren and Miss Therese Ise lln wore among those in tho boxes Mr and Mrs Perry Bolmont will loave today for a WonTs Visit in Wn hinston D C In aid of the charity annex of LoomIs Sanitarium for Consumptives an unusually Interesting entertainment was sven yesterday afternoon in the grand ballroom of WaldorfAstoria It was also tbo tenth anniversary or the open- ing of the hotel and to celebrate this event the ballroom was donated to char- ity for the day All the artists contri- buted their norvle and as was Miss Harriatte a rcrcopjJon yesterday afternoon at her home 263 West Fortysecond Street for Mrs Charles F Green of Paris Among those invited wore Mrs Jacob Berry Mrs S Montgomery Roosevelt John N6tmaji Mrs Mason Bey Alder Freeman Mme DurandRuel Mrs H Durant Cheever Mrs Edward Mitchell Dr Charles J Harriion and Raymond the tbor a laTe a sum was real Lied awdIenco quite Cady gave ¬ ¬ ¬ > N w branches are being extended in ov cry direction and business seems to spring up from every little town through which the lias passes This year the management is expending millions of dollars in improvements Of course I am more familiar with the passenger business and am pleased with the large j amount of business being done I notice Increased desire of tbo American people to travel with every luxury and the patrons of tho 2n t trains increase in number ovary day I think furnishes more travelers than any city of its sIze In the country and every yoar sends a lrc contingent abroad That is due to tho great number ofwealthy persons who live there Plttsburg by the way is the garden spot of the world I eo far as business is cohcernod Canadian Banker Visits Capital Lieutenant Colonel Ray or Port Ar thur Canada is registered at tho New Willard for a few days whllo viewing Washington Colonel Ray is a banker nd deeply interested In the develop- ment of Canadian interests He Is en his way to Cuba lor an inspection tour of the island and may close some finan cial doals before returning home To a reporter for Times ho nald this morning Canada has developed won- derfully within the past ten years When the Canadian Pacific Railroad was pro- jected and constructed many people said it would not produce sufficient money to buy axle grosso They were mistaken for the road has more business than it can Handle Consequently three other transcontinental railroads are being projected through Canada and fourteen hundred miles of the Canadian Northern has boon built from Port Arthur to the Pacific Coast The TransCanadian Grand Trunk and Canadian Northern may be merged Into one system and one line built across the country from ocean to ocoan I think that two lines will be built within the next few years If they are there will be no trouble In ilaanoing them Canada has plenty of money and more is bejng made every year Hustlers from the United States have aided in development of our dominion Colonel Ray is president of two banks private Institutions and both of which are doing a largo amount of business The Institutions are located at Port Arthur and Port two important shipping points of the great northwest the Pltl burg The William the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sirs Talmage Returns Home Mrs T DeWitt Talmage of this city widow of the lato eminent divine who has been In Florida for the past six weeks arrived In Washington last night pad obtained temporary quarters at the New Willard She was accompanied liy Miss Collier Mrs Talmage was much pleased to get back home and status her health is much Improved by her trip South DR DANIEL C WESTON DIES AT GREAT OLD AGE Tho Rev Dr Daniel Con Wonton an episcopal minister died yesterday at his home 817 0 Street northwest of sonlld dtbillty and exhaustion aged eightynine roars Tho funeral will be hold at the Church of Epiphany tomor row afternoon at X oclock and the body will be taken to New York for Dr Wonton was born In Augusta Me February 4 181 and was the son of the lion Jatban Wdstbn chief justice of Male aCer many years He was also an ancle of Justice Fuller of the United States Supreme Court Dr Wos was A graduate of Bowdoln College Me Ho prastleed law for several years before a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal Church REPORT ON MINERS FIGHT HANDED TO PRESIDENT Former Governor G W Atkinson of Wost Virginia now United States at torney for the southern district of that State has presented to the President the report of the grand jury investigat ing tbo fight between miners and marshals at StandKord City Raleigh county in that State on 26 when five persons were killed and seven injured B F Keller of th stErna district presided at the court and at his Mr Atkinson came to Washington to present the report in person to the Department of Justice and to the I Inter- ment Chl on < I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Baro7iess Monckeur Wife of the Belgian Minister Off on a Visit to Wst Point Notes From Baltimore There was music during the re- ception DwIght Miller Harris a cojisin of 1 George Gould Is seriously ill at his resi- dence 3 East Seventysixth Street The Smart Set in Henley crew ball will take place In Horticultural Hall on April 34 Howard Elsenbrey Is chairman of th committee This ball will be the largest affair given under the of the University of Pennsylvania this year and will bo of considerable Importance socially Mrs Charles I Cragin of this city gave a luncheon on Thursday at Palm Beach in honor of Mrs Kpox wife of the Attorney General The guests were Mrs Knox Mrs Eugene M ON ll Mr George M Ward Mrs James Sullivan Mrs Herbert Hosiettor Mi Mrs Hugh Willoughby Miss I Me000 I I Philadelphia- The I I Rob- Inson ¬ ¬ FINE CONCERT BY THE Heard to Splendid Advantage in Three Notable Selections The Georgetown Orchestra for many years the foremost permanent musical organization in the District of Colum- bia performed at the Columbia Theater yeatordny the program of its fiftyfifth concert The entertainment was In on sense a departure as the orchestra played In the afternoon and this fact interfered somewhat with the complete success of the undertaking by prevent- ing the attendance of many business- men who have long given it loyal sup port Otherwise however the concert was distinctly noteworthy Throe orchestral offerings wore in- cluded in the program Tho overture to von Webers Dor Frelochutz Rob ert Volkmanns Symphony in D minor op 44 Edward Gormans Gypsy Suite The first of those is as familiar as tho overture from William Tell and is per- haps the more popular on that account The second has boon played in several times by orchestras of much greater pretensions than Georgetown Orchestra Tho third was new to most of the audience All three were excellently performed The Von Wober number has rarely boon hoard to such advantage Strings roods and horns united in its several move- ments with marked harmony and much force The symphony was also done excellently especially In its ocond movement As for the Gypsy Suite the performance ranked with the best orchestral performances heard here this season The attack was confident and felrong The movements were sustained admirably The harmony was most pleasing especially In the second sum bar a love duet In the nuances light and shade and crescendo passages the orchestra excelled This number was manifestly the orchestras triumph In viewing snob results as these it is well to note the slondor means by which they are produced The Georgetown or- chestra is an organization of amateurs Its members are for tbe most part not thoroughly trained Its rehearsals are less frequent and the attendance loss regular than with orchestras made up of professional musicians Yet these dlffl cultlcs have in this instance all been overcome and a plane of musical oxcel Ienco reached almost as high as that of any orchestra which is heard in Wash ington This achievement is surel I GEORGETOWN ORCHESTRA the a I Wash- ingtOn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ nne tribute to the energy and of Conductor Kaspar and the earnest sup of his associates The Georgetown orchestra has long been a credit to the community from which it takes its name After yesterdays concert it takes rank musically with the best organizations the National Capital has produced The soloist of yesterday was Mrs H Clay Drowning a local soprano Her numbers were the recitative and aria from Gounods La Rolne da Saba List Lohmanns Cupid and the Rose and Tho Llttlo Thief by Leo Stern As an encore she sang Liza Lchmanns If No One Ever Marries Me Her singing was of a sustained high grade her per- sonality proved to be decidedly pleasing ned her reception was warm all of which fact suggest anew the perennial query Why must the soloists for nearly All our local concerts be imported DR RADCLIFFE LECTURES- AT FAIRMOUNT SEMINARY Dr Wallace Raucliffc of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church last night dolievored a lecture before the girls of the Fairmount Seminary and a few of their friends The address discussed the quality of Emphasis In Affairs of Llf Dr Radcllffc showed how wrongoraphasia or lack of emphasis just as in elocution can put a false interpretation on the real activities of life He advised the girl students to be careful not to put themselves in false positions by indifference to tho things in life worth while nor by too much enthusiasm over minor matters The lecture was listened to with great Interest and Dr Radcllffe was heartily applauded RAILROAD DENIES CHARGE The Norfolk and Western Railroad has filed with the Interstate Commoner Commission its separate answer to the charge of the Buckeye Buggy Company Unfairness in rates and methods of shipment were charged the company and tho railroad denies the allegations In full port 1 A D A skill ¬ TO QS2 G2S i 2 BE22 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets on every 25c fl f7I 9 c 7DtL box Willoughby and Mrst Bstello- Wlnuor The decorations waro Easter lilies and oloanilara Mrs Goorge Gould stopped J city aCtoraeen and had luncheon at Ute Balievuo Later sho left for Georgian Court Lakowood A ton was given yesterday aXiornooa by Mrs Charles Stockton Thorn at 4708 Chester Avaama In honor of Miss Warner of Washington The reflaftvlsc party wore entertained afterward at din- ner and cards Mr and Mrs IvSatthowson Scott will soon return from Washington where they have bon for tho past few Mrs Roberts of 1436 Walnut Street hae gone to Washington D C ten a stay of two Miss Franco Rob- erts Is in New York Kath dne t ray days visIting h this Samuel ¬ SEEKS COMPENSATION FOR HAGUE Assistant Secretary Poirce Secures In junction Against Treasurer Roberts Herbert H D Pelrco Third Assistant Secretary of State has instituted pro In the Supreme Court of the District to enforce isis claim for services rendered the Eagle Fishing Company of California in the presentation of its claim to the arbitrator at The Hague in 1SC2 The litigation is in the form of injunc Von proceedings in which the Eagle Fishing Company Elite H Roberts Treasurer of the UnIted States Charles- L Patton and Junes H Embrey are named as defendants The court is asked to restrain Treasurer Roberts from pay in to the other defendants certain moneys In tho United States Treasury to their credit until Mr Peirces claim for services has been settled The petition was presented to Justice Gould who is- sued a tumpontry order restraining tho distribution of th fund until further or- der of the court The claim of the Eagle Fishing Com- pany Is Against the Russian Government and is tho outcome of the Bering Sea fishery troubles It is said that on iluly 15 192 tho Russian cruiser Zablaea- cnpturpd the C H White a vessel owned by the JEagle Fishing Company The lat- ter plaited Its elate for SJWM in the hands of Charles L Patton for collection Ho in turn assigned part of hi commit slon to James H Embrey and In March 1WO Mr Pcirco was engaged to appear before the arbitrator at The Hague In b halt of the Eagle KJshtng Company In March IMS the arbitrator announced his decision in favor of the Eagle Fishing Company for the amount claimed en the ground that the seizure of the C H White was illegal It is said that Masars- Embrey and Patton cannot agree as to amounts of their claims and that Mr Pcirces claim a stated ia J1260J1I NO DANCES OR CARDS FOR THESE TEACHERS Greenville Pa Pedagogues in Protest Over New Rule GREENVILLB Pa Marsh SI Teach- ers in the schools here are for- bidden by a new rule of the school board from attending dances or card parties The penalty for such offence Is dismissal There are forty teachers In the schools here and many of thorn arc outspoken in their protest against th boards moral censorship Some of them yesterday said they would seek other positions if the new rule was enforced PERSONAL MENTION Hon Frederick I Allen Commissioner of Patents went to Auburn N Y yes- terday to attend the annual business mans banquet of that city He will re- spond to the toast Inventive Genius of Our Country He vlll return la four or five days SERVICES AT THE co I the publl I The f Qirgs that ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CLEANING FINE LACESs- uch as Durhftse Old Point Guipure and Brussels is one of our perfected specialties Took us years t learn tiow to make them filmy and white Rest assured your old family lace Is In expert hands when sent to A F BORNOT BRO French Scourers and Dyers U03 G STREET N W GREAT PACIFIC ATLANTBC TEA CO Corner Seventh and E of houses do net embarrass the heel Estate Dealer The Want Columns snow CONGRESSIONAL 5 C lb ern Rosvs uses Times LOCAL MENTION of March and April Consump 1 tive Fits fa a month herd OB SWOBS With w fc IWHfR TWe of Spews Wise to- H tfce BMMM of to preteng Dt lives f thoasMMfc pelt die nrfti l period after ROt entirely cofW to be tate toe at teott to coMo Abloom With Spring Flowers At Shaffer FoMricartfc and I mi Pa Oh How Delicious My Coffee pound Walker Serratti SUfeew A Mysterious Shooting- A nqeteifaiii beotl n orcMcrcd OB iflewafll fel two KftMicr but tl balUm nt wide of the stark Aa unknown IH P fe MM to hav Aral the the loMitr had txvk D a glees In a ow WIMVC IM 9 om wtJ jPtCL When You Want a Cut Ot arytWn Jojnee Bogra g Ow Star nWgi Laundering Household Linen 550 Dos hjr the ad Mpecfer JtaHht- OHMc LiMMdrr Phase S3VU iMKrw 1710 S Street and fW bovt ftttt Street Home Cure for Nervous Dyspepsia and Btenwek trowMes R Endows KU Sixth Street northwest Burglars in Warehouse broke iato the n rcco m Fimttetn Months use 4 WWft are t7 w you ill sad ease n yesterday PIwH- r of uy a valley eI were lit forta f- all roo aw el el Street d rest be they other anti phep Jo see at- e < early sondstr EM a sots be I TSM then s Thieves hue wprthwet ne < I whKd at S98t tern laMraied C theft The Sweetest Violets That Grow Collars 2 Cents Cuffs 4 Cents Pair IlfgKrst grade work plant lot mae M r flwne S7SI 1T 2 Street nd W FoartMHtfc Street New Sewing Machines Ten Cents A Day Rent or AMcrbaeh 7 II Ntestfte Afrf- Stolen Box of Stockings j Max MhKtrr at UH8 V Street They celled at the ptoce TTwradaj and after making a emaa purchase departed with the Whiskey of Fame A ripe mdtow wbwe purity reeaiHHCHitf It rot aedMoal well a ptMrfwscs Delivered n mall ar rrien fi hy WH Cannon 1836 7 Seventh owar Sootett L5 WtUe Drcadnwght bottle Reno Bargain Store Boater novelties baseball taeklo unten gaw ote Molten Proprietor Tenlsjrtown D C Hurt by Fall WIMtam HoU J a HCRTO aged ttrentytw years felt fr ma t 4 pbonc pile at FsurlwnUi- anrt B trefU yetrttey a fractured wrist lie taken to the Bmergaaey Ilea littal Are You Covered With Tornado ipsttnuteotf Kate very la tlte werlA Jv iii I Writer tat F Street n rth west Phone B 9 Latest in Mens Fashions wields the IUt TIle Jk t ttxsth 1 lmP4 we wet nil De The pIIIiee tee swva a of coelllt tnMB the 1 PurisimaThe god Whl k a tae Per flaking I wet Jew fort e o A L p s few days sad ii a slst bees she Siue ers Fea and newest ate Metthing Mr bes- at sEek baa steve northwest oda > 900 sties of Urn v t and most se m tatmctof ilomcstlc iprlnpr MMngs Taller OK JUt am- Ciirby Circular Saw fleeting W baud en a rewHi p Hrewiar sow Ciermln r ab n MaNtr Lowiafai a- VMNM MetaiiMil severe IttJiiriM at WlseaiHTaI- N aeveral nc s 4tatin he taken Genuine Ss S6 and 7 Sample Shoes Three hundred styles at StSC Kecne Store G Street northwest Cherjcydale Sp Water 6 Gal 600- Katwr A O 14K Pa Ph ne Expert Watchmakers CMU k Covert Kl Seventh Street northwest KJ Ants IeeE and s P ot weed day Ills WH cue the amputation a thumb at the WON POS aYe 2btI Jules w Sit works hand badly or Erwergesuy Shoe SIOY The New Spring Styles j j In WearWell Shoes For Women Are Superb T There are 13 Afferent tries end S MIOM ia world Iriee- I Street FACE BLEMISHES bUrkheaHx freckle largf pores B- id oe red skin and a diaoritars affectinr the skin wad ptmxHfmly j- fier Full InfnrMMIion with hr4 JOHN II WlX D- IlfUY I r 11th and F St N W Kasnia ton i T T tot I1are I I wth I5 S 3 1 EDMONSTONS F Iimpi h oily cured it your hems tM of 9 k free 1 I new good icethers- Wwer t any the 50- i i rip ray > BEAUTY Takes the skin and comptcxten as its prtoeiiml feature It to pAatlhfo tn have Skin sad Oompiesion frm Sewn ih bright beautiful Our trentmentA for the numeral f Ftial INewi he i and th cure of Skin Di nts are uniformly Mieceet fiiL A Mani ass a weak with a months treat roc t of Skin or dwrlH March The Ji Oi Dermalologicil B Parlors- S Coiner F and llth Sto Entrance 527 lth Street Fire Proof StorageSep- arate locked compartments 2 per month up Lowest rate of insurance Every conven ience Estimates furnished Merchants Transfer Storage Co 920922 E St HUG ai nUt wt Optfelan r wl gti nit Franklin C I to dttfcult tlon and frame Phone Mala 274 M I I j the fld I I Snip LITTLE DA TAte Iuter k let L frAa Plain Its ties I SA I ccs = ¬ Credit for All Washington WE TACK MAIlINGS DOWN FREt OF COST j AND YOU ARE WELCOME ALL YOU WANT CREDIT NO NOTES NO INTEREST WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOU Housekeepers have learned that I the Mattings and Furniture that t from Grogans can be re lied upon for durability Wo sell the grades oC Chinese and Japanese Mattings and charge only for the actual number of 4 yards necessary to cover your floors The latest patterns in 4 Baby Carriages and GoCarts are 1r I ture for every room In your house 1 I- SI781982IS23 N w Between EC and I Sta I I- J I f 1 i t f i- TO t ft i i I I I i I t i I t t t Jest ready for your selection Furni PET R GROAN i SEVENTHST f a s ssa s aa S C I C I C PETER fiOAN r i r O- Nt i t came 4 I + + + Burchels Leaf Tea OvelBl selection and curing and parking to ivaterprcof bags the delicious flarci that has made this tea famous 50c Ib W BurcheH J J Georges Son Chiropodists LADIES HAIRDBESSIXG AND SHASIPOOIKa 1211 Pa Ave Washington O C Id and 3d floors elevator Phone Main 427X 8a ra ta 6 p nu Sundays 0 to 12 t t Spring N IZ5 F StmhHtf 4 a t S SSe u s e aa e s MkNICURING near and at i- dUtanet fl O A KAH J 335 K nw DROOPS MUSIC SPECIAL PALMS LfSTSPIEL OVERTlRE- OXK SWEETLY SOLEMN THOTGHTT IL TROVATORE SELECTIONS FAfST SELECTIONS OARMBX SELECTIONS Our Price roc Per Copy E F DROOP SONS 925 Penna Ave Fit Union Dental CIO F X V Second Floor lalltf Bargains In new and woe instruments ot rarlcui mckee Sole agents for th Aeolian and Pianola Pianos Rented WilL hate Co 1209 Pa MAKE YOUU CONTRACTS FOR St jfMER ICE CREAM Our p Cream is not surpassed as ore use pure irwlH frees our own dairy Phon Mam f 2 DARBY Suoeessor to T E Breanla c- r72O I3th Street I Goldtilled- EJUlasus L I t IJef I u L ART 5 TeethThat ilhgsCroW1U PAIXLES3 Parlors PIANOS A I N w flE INTERME- 720pg SONG n LOWEST nilass ndxewerk and MJLrID EXT c1IO- DIL It170NS IKNABE Pr >



HAPPENINGS OF THE DAY IN SOCIETYIde and Mrs Roosevelt EntertainDviner J me Azpifcos Receivd at

tihe kite fous





Th WhiteThe rr l l f ami Mr Ro N v lt en-

tertained at last BIght Mr-

Reo rv U woe a gown of pink brocadeDinner arva in Ute itat dining

Mid th table decorated withOoldea Gate and fetes Tbe guestswere the BrlJoh ambassador and LadyHerbert Mrs AVlnthrop Cbanler Mitt Roostrelt Mta Alice

Mr Daring Hoyos MajorLJottttnaafc loCoy-

Mmo Azlroz wife of the MexicanmbabsMdpi and several ladies oC the

Hou U i afternoon by Mrs Reoeo-veH the o being the presentationof Jmbora of the first sec-retary vrb has recently arrived withher hiisbad in tide country MrsItoosev ltwolcome l her visitor in uteBlue

Diplomatic GossipBaronoi Monchour wife of the BO-

lglnn has goiic to West Paint tovldit Horfrotlnrlnlaw anti atelor Cap-

tain nndMra JOAN Tho minister willjoin the pronoss later on

The odlsh minister Mr Gr1i fansrcLurnedtrom his trip to Mexico

Mr lilltfo tho chargo daffaires ofVe 7U ja leaves town today for

Tb offico of the Venezuelan lega-tion in chargo of Fodorico Pezottbo flrsfsooratary of ha Peruvian loga

DinnersThe tajlan ambassador and Signora

will ontortain atInucrlonlghU-

Sanri r sad Mrs Dcpew ontortalnod atdlnnorlnst night the following guestsSanatf Frye Senator and Mrs

and Mrs Quarlos Senator andMrs i ollivor Senator Clark SenatorKaon Senator Bevcridge Lieutenant

and Miles andMrs Dowlas Mr anti Mrs Robert Pat

and Mrs Hamilton FlabWebier Mrs Van Renseolaor Crugeriissxaan Miss DeorIng and Miss Patten



wasroom was

XI and111 nor

Mi Ita SntlrRolr BAgnerount How

Yre reeeiled at the kite




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Mrs Command r


Warmer 1M











ait Draper will oatsrtain at dinner

ilrnnd Mrs George G Knowlos ontortalne t dinner at tho Portncr O-BTtturlay ovonlnp In ofHtfloiVariak Boswell

NotesSectary Hay retfairaod to Washington

tods after1 a two waaiKB stay su-

ThonavlHo Ga Us wee greatly boneBtedn health

Adtant General aid Mrs H C Corbin ft hore this afternoon fer JekylJslait Ga for a weeks visit to Mrcad rs Edwin Gould

SojLor Cwllorh will preside andlivoran address at the meeting af thoAcadny of Political and Social Sciencein on April 13 The meetingWillie attended by a number of theSouUAmorlcan diplomats stationed InWaumstpn and the question or closer

aad social relations betweentbaircouatries and the United Stateswlll j the chief subject of

Stftor Hanna and Miss Phelp leftWaiQ Mn last night for their homo in

ji and airs Paul Bachschmidbrid the fiftieth anniversary of theirwoiing Tuesday at the of theirdajRtor Mrs Fred Carl Although MrsBrWohmid has been a invalid for sevort months p t she was able to rocop She oongratulaUeas of her friends

is eigbtyflTe year oldan W wife to sevootyniae-

e SaiUJfltey Bvenlng Assembly willg anothor of their popular tfaacos ts

at National Ar

i e Elizabeth Parkiason a yoMng-

Aorlcan singer debut at thea ConiktM to Deeembor last was

sh a SUMOM mad her socead appearae la tho title rOM of L k e atX Opera Coraiaue Park on TH tcs4iay-rtfag bofereaa aixliaaee the greater

yt of Which was unaware t her Weati1 Site aoored jMt us great s ne emion th first occBste-

atr Lyman Abbott of New York arr4 in Wanhlngtoflf yesUrday for asys visit and restetwod at the NewIllard-

bbsndler Hale sos f the Senatorbst Mais LseentUrr af tb Amari-a embassy at Vlcana and Mrs Hateted on the Cedric fro LiverpoolMUrday They will frtt the parentst Mr for weeks Mrs

bas seat InvlUtt-rptloa in honorierlnlHw for Wednesday March 2S

Baltimore JottingsCharles 8 Wight guy a luncheon

tnd card party yesterday atbents at the Srni at which aboutbtrtyQve ladles wore present LuneKI-OK was served at small tables adornedfith American Bcwtty PrIsontel awarded t thoca winning theilgbest scores eonciuslan of the

Dainty Gibson pine were alsorented as souvenirs several ddbuanton who a ss ed the hostess Ineepfns tbe scores

Mrs Heiaa Wfll of rambrfclHa Massa most artistic sad Anlshed

luro recital yesterday at the residence-t Mrs Gilbert Fraser 14 East Mount

toni t




dfg llon






Hale severaloat tor a re

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hr apart








roW Rifles


labson aid



aye lee




Vntn Plo Tfc JlMt of the readiBg vftut Birthday byaraws-

v theater club Occupied seats at theAcademy on Thursday evening to

A Otmtrjr Girl TM party ws chap-eroned by Mr and Mrs Alexander Ir fton After the play a dvIlgntfuL supperwan iciviu party by Miss HenriettaHoffnMut t the residence of hr pareats Mr and Mrs R Carson Hbffmelion St Paul Street There went threenew members present JohnAlbert Ritchie and Frank Frlcfc

New York DoingsThe last subscription night of the sea

son at the opera was made brifeiant bylarge attendance Mrs R T Wilson

Mrs Jasophiae Johnson Mrs LloydBryeoj Miss Bryce tcm W D SloaaeMrs Richard Oambrlll Mrs Jnmes BHHggJn Mrs Perry Belmont the Misses



lomb Rob-ert


Oil er





May Be On the CommissionCol Wtllard Young of Now Ytork a

former officer in the Haglneer Corps ofthe United States Army is a giiQBt atthe Raleigh Colonel Yowig is an appli-cant for membership on the Panrnma Canal Commission and has the support oftho Western States Senators ColonelYoung called upon pie President thismorning accompunled by SenatorsKearns and Sraoot of Utah from whichState Colonel Young came The colonelis only candidate for a placo on thecommission from the Rocky MJountainsection and thero is reason to assure his friends he will be succossful

Senator Smoot and the colonel wereBoated in the lobby of the Raleigh thismorning when the colonel was asked bya reporter for The Times as to hischances He said The whole matternow rests in the hands or the President-I feel that fhave oxpsrionce suRluiont toassume the duties of a member withcredit not only to myself but to themany friends who have indorsed mo Fo-rT than twenty years I was in the






Engineer Corps of tbo and An thatlima was connected with many Importnwt angiaaertag undertakings 1 shallcertainly appreciate the honor

Not in Touch With PoliticsI am taking no irfter t In polities a t

this time said the lion John Styaf Fayotte county West Virginia thismorning to a Times reporter in cor-ridor of the New Wltlard I bavo beeslit Now York for the past two weeks unifet lo treatment for a severe throattTBMalft with which I am svffciring Twodas ago I reeoived a dispatch to return

t sane to my home oa important legalmatters When I arrived in Washing-ton I received another message infiormlag me my return was not necessary atthis tine anti I am simply resting herea day or so before going bock to NewYork to continue my treatment

I have paid so little attention to pol-

itics this year I feol rather out oftouch Of course you know tho Demo-crats have but little chance any more InWest Virginia and only succeed In ob-taining office now and then when thereis dissatisfaction Ui the Republicanranks Mr St Clair is a warm person-al friend of William Jennings Bryan andin both of Bryan campaigns addcithe same audiences with that OtistlB-gulshad candidate while touring theState of West Virginia











Americans Prefer Luxury In Trav L-

Sarautl Maody of Plttsburg assistantgeneral passenger agent of the Pennsyl-vania lines with jurisdiction owr agreater part of that system is a guestat the Riggs House Mr Moodyconnected with the Pennsylvania roadsfor a number of years and i one of itsTimes h said last night The Pennajrivanla Railroad has experienced a won-derful growth within the past five years


A business of the WonwuTsNational Press Assentation was heldbun evening at the MOMS of Mrs BelvaA Lockwood past president of theassociation Bessie Agn s Dwyer oC theLibrary at Congress and Miss MaryBoole Hlnto elected to activeSM mb r lrip The placed 1tself oa record as heartily indorsing the

t to prevent axpoctoraiiwit inpublic places in Washington On motionof Dr Alice Burrltt a resolution wasparimd cottgratulattng Mrs J G Loffi-maff at Oakland on her successIn securing the adoption of Callfarnki peppy as the State flower of Callforal


M ria M Simmons has been namedpostmistress at Rooeevolt Custer

D a recently established posteutee Tills Is the sixteenth offee naonodalter the President Other offlces bear

his name are located in the foDowtug States Alabama Louisiana Ar-kansas Georgia Idaho Kansas Ken-tucky Minnesota Missouri New YtorkNorth Carolina Pennsylvania Texas andWisconsin Oklahoma also has a postofflce named after President Roosevelt

GREAT ISSUE OF PATENTS-Six hundred and seven patents wre

issued during the weak ended ThursdayNet a dozen times in the pest tw sntvyears Weekly Issue oxcowlod600 and the indications are thatbusiness will increase greatly

hate been

veteran oIBe8l a The



COU-Rt 50



T reporter for










Thornton Mrs John J Wysong MrsRobert Fulton Cutting Mrs John Hphart Warren Mrs Henry Clews MrsWhitney Warren and Miss Therese Iselln wore among those in thoboxes

Mr and Mrs Perry Bolmont will loavetoday for a WonTs Visit in Wn hinstonD C

In aid of the charity annex ofLoomIs Sanitarium for Consumptives anunusually Interesting entertainment wassven yesterday afternoon in the grandballroom of WaldorfAstoria It wasalso tbo tenth anniversary or the open-ing of the hotel and to celebrate thisevent the ballroom was donated to char-ity for the day All the artists contri-buted their norvle and as was

Miss Harriatte a rcrcopjJonyesterday afternoon at her home 263West Fortysecond Street for MrsCharles F Green of Paris Amongthose invited wore Mrs Jacob BerryMrs S Montgomery Roosevelt JohnN6tmaji Mrs Mason Bey AlderFreeman Mme DurandRuel Mrs HDurant Cheever Mrs Edward MitchellDr Charles J Harriion and Raymond


tbora laTe a sum was realLied

awdIenco quite

Cady gave





N w branches are being extended in ovcry direction and business seems tospring up from every little town throughwhich the lias passes This year themanagement is expending millions ofdollars in improvements Of course Iam more familiar with the passengerbusiness and am pleased with the large

j amount of business being done I noticeIncreased desire of tbo American

people to travel with every luxury andthe patrons of tho 2n t trains increasein number ovary day I thinkfurnishes more travelers than any cityof its sIze In the country and every yoarsends a lrc contingent abroad Thatis due to tho great number ofwealthypersons who live there Plttsburg bythe way is the garden spot of the world

I eo far as business is cohcernod

Canadian Banker Visits CapitalLieutenant Colonel Ray or Port Ar

thur Canada is registered at tho NewWillard for a few days whllo viewingWashington Colonel Ray is a bankernd deeply interested In the develop-

ment of Canadian interests He Is enhis way to Cuba lor an inspection tourof the island and may close some financial doals before returning home Toa reporter for Times ho nald thismorning Canada has developed won-derfully within the past ten years Whenthe Canadian Pacific Railroad was pro-jected and constructed many people saidit would not produce sufficient money tobuy axle grosso They were mistakenfor the road has more business than itcan Handle Consequently three othertranscontinental railroads are beingprojected through Canada and fourteenhundred miles of the Canadian Northernhas boon built from Port Arthur to thePacific Coast The TransCanadianGrand Trunk and Canadian Northernmay be merged Into one system and oneline built across the country from oceanto ocoan I think that two lines willbe built within the next few years Ifthey are there will be no trouble Inilaanoing them Canada has plenty ofmoney and more is bejng made everyyear Hustlers from the United Stateshave aided in development of ourdominion Colonel Ray is president oftwo banks private Institutions and bothof which are doing a largo amount ofbusiness The Institutions are locatedat Port Arthur and Port twoimportant shipping points of the greatnorthwest


Pltl burg









Sirs Talmage Returns HomeMrs T DeWitt Talmage of this city

widow of the lato eminent divine whohas been In Florida for the past sixweeks arrived In Washington last nightpad obtained temporary quarters at theNew Willard She was accompanied liyMiss Collier Mrs Talmage was muchpleased to get back home and statusher health is much Improved by her tripSouth


Tho Rev Dr Daniel Con Wonton anepiscopal minister died yesterday athis home 817 0 Street northwest ofsonlld dtbillty and exhaustion agedeightynine roars Tho funeral will behold at the Church of Epiphany tomorrow afternoon at X oclock and the bodywill be taken to New York for

Dr Wonton was born In Augusta MeFebruary 4 181 and was the son ofthe lion Jatban Wdstbn chief justiceof Male aCer many years He was alsoan ancle of Justice Fuller of theUnited States Supreme Court Dr Woswas A graduate of Bowdoln CollegeMe Ho prastleed law for several yearsbefore a clergyman of theProtestant Episcopal Church


Former Governor G W Atkinson ofWost Virginia now United States attorney for the southern district of thatState has presented to the Presidentthe report of the grand jury investigating tbo fight between miners andmarshals at StandKord City Raleighcounty in that State on 26when five persons were killed and seveninjured B F Keller of thstErna district presided at the court andat his Mr Atkinson came toWashington to present the report inperson to the Department of Justiceand to the











Baro7iess Monckeur Wife of the BelgianMinister Off on a Visit to Wst PointNotes From Baltimore

There was music during the re-ception

DwIght Miller Harris a cojisin of1 George Gould Is seriously ill at his resi-

dence 3 East Seventysixth Street

The Smart Set inHenley crew ball will take

place In Horticultural Hall on April 34

Howard Elsenbrey Is chairman of thcommittee This ball will be the largestaffair given under the of theUniversity of Pennsylvania this yearand will bo of considerable Importancesocially

Mrs Charles I Cragin of this citygave a luncheon on Thursday at PalmBeach in honor of Mrs Kpox wife ofthe Attorney General The guests wereMrs Knox Mrs Eugene M ON ll MrGeorge M Ward Mrs James SullivanMrs Herbert Hosiettor Mi

Mrs Hugh Willoughby Miss











Heard to Splendid Advantage in ThreeNotable Selections

The Georgetown Orchestra for manyyears the foremost permanent musicalorganization in the District of Colum-bia performed at the Columbia Theateryeatordny the program of its fiftyfifthconcert The entertainment was In onsense a departure as the orchestraplayed In the afternoon and this factinterfered somewhat with the completesuccess of the undertaking by prevent-ing the attendance of many business-men who have long given it loyal support Otherwise however the concertwas distinctly noteworthy

Throe orchestral offerings wore in-

cluded in the program Tho overtureto von Webers Dor Frelochutz Robert Volkmanns Symphony in D minorop 44 Edward Gormans Gypsy SuiteThe first of those is as familiar as thooverture from William Tell and is per-haps the more popular on that accountThe second has boon played in

several times by orchestras ofmuch greater pretensions thanGeorgetown Orchestra Tho third wasnew to most of the audience

All three were excellently performedThe Von Wober number has rarely boonhoard to such advantage Strings roodsand horns united in its several move-ments with marked harmony and muchforce The symphony was also doneexcellently especially In its ocondmovement As for the Gypsy Suitethe performance ranked with the bestorchestral performances heard here thisseason The attack was confident andfelrong The movements were sustainedadmirably The harmony was mostpleasing especially In the second sumbar a love duet In the nuances lightand shade and crescendo passages theorchestra excelled This number wasmanifestly the orchestras triumph

In viewing snob results as these it iswell to note the slondor means by whichthey are produced The Georgetown or-chestra is an organization of amateursIts members are for tbe most part notthoroughly trained Its rehearsals areless frequent and the attendance lossregular than with orchestras made up ofprofessional musicians Yet these dlfflcultlcs have in this instance all beenovercome and a plane of musical oxcelIenco reached almost as high as that ofany orchestra which is heard in Washington This achievement is surel

















nne tribute to the energy and ofConductor Kaspar and the earnest supof his associates The Georgetown

orchestra has long been a credit to thecommunity from which it takes its nameAfter yesterdays concert it takes rankmusically with the best organizations theNational Capital has produced

The soloist of yesterday was Mrs HClay Drowning a local soprano Hernumbers were the recitative and ariafrom Gounods La Rolne da Saba ListLohmanns Cupid and the Rose and

Tho Llttlo Thief by Leo Stern Asan encore she sang Liza Lchmanns IfNo One Ever Marries Me Her singingwas of a sustained high grade her per-sonality proved to be decidedly pleasingned her reception was warm all ofwhich fact suggest anew the perennialquery Why must the soloists for nearlyAll our local concerts be imported


Dr Wallace Raucliffc of the New YorkAvenue Presbyterian Church last nightdolievored a lecture before the girls ofthe Fairmount Seminary and a few oftheir friends The address discussed thequality of Emphasis In Affairs of LlfDr Radcllffc showed how wrongoraphasiaor lack of emphasis just as in elocutioncan put a false interpretation on thereal activities of life

He advised the girl students to becareful not to put themselves in falsepositions by indifference to tho thingsin life worth while nor by too muchenthusiasm over minor matters

The lecture was listened to with greatInterest and Dr Radcllffe was heartilyapplauded

RAILROAD DENIES CHARGEThe Norfolk and Western Railroad

has filed with the Interstate CommonerCommission its separate answer to thecharge of the Buckeye Buggy CompanyUnfairness in rates and methods ofshipment were charged the companyand tho railroad denies the allegationsIn full






TO QS2 G2S i 2 BE22Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets

on every25c

fl f7I9 c 7DtL box

Willoughby and Mrst Bstello-Wlnuor The decorations waro Easterlilies and oloanilara

Mrs Goorge Gould stopped J

city aCtoraeen and hadluncheon at Ute Balievuo Later sholeft for Georgian Court Lakowood

A ton was given yesterday aXiornooaby Mrs Charles Stockton Thorn at4708 Chester Avaama In honor of MissWarner of Washington The reflaftvlscparty wore entertained afterward at din-ner and cards

Mr and Mrs IvSatthowson Scottwill soon return from Washingtonwhere they have bon for tho past few

Mrs Roberts of 1436 Walnut Streethae gone to Washington D C ten astay of two Miss Franco Rob-erts Is in New York

Kath dne

t ray








Assistant Secretary Poirce Secures Injunction Against Treasurer Roberts

Herbert H D Pelrco Third AssistantSecretary of State has instituted pro

In the Supreme Court of theDistrict to enforce isis claim for servicesrendered the Eagle Fishing Company ofCalifornia in the presentation of itsclaim to the arbitrator at The Hague in1SC2

The litigation is in the form of injuncVon proceedings in which the EagleFishing Company Elite H RobertsTreasurer of the UnIted States Charles-L Patton and Junes H Embrey arenamed as defendants The court is askedto restrain Treasurer Roberts from payin to the other defendants certainmoneys In tho United States Treasury totheir credit until Mr Peirces claim forservices has been settled The petitionwas presented to Justice Gould who is-

sued a tumpontry order restraining thodistribution of th fund until further or-der of the court

The claim of the Eagle Fishing Com-pany Is Against the Russian Governmentand is tho outcome of the Bering Seafishery troubles It is said that on iluly15 192 tho Russian cruiser Zablaea-cnpturpd the C H White a vessel ownedby the JEagle Fishing Company The lat-ter plaited Its elate for SJWM in thehands of Charles L Patton for collectionHo in turn assigned part of hi commitslon to James H Embrey and In March1WO Mr Pcirco was engaged to appearbefore the arbitrator at The Hague In bhalt of the Eagle KJshtng Company InMarch IMS the arbitrator announced hisdecision in favor of the Eagle FishingCompany for the amount claimed en theground that the seizure of the C HWhite was illegal It is said that Masars-Embrey and Patton cannot agree as to

amounts of their claims and thatMr Pcirces claim a stated ia J1260J1I



Greenville Pa Pedagogues in ProtestOver New Rule

GREENVILLB Pa Marsh SI Teach-ers in the schools here are for-bidden by a new rule of the schoolboard from attending dances or cardparties The penalty for such offenceIs dismissal

There are forty teachers In the schoolshere and many of thorn arc outspokenin their protest against th boardsmoral censorship

Some of them yesterday said theywould seek other positions if the newrule was enforced


Hon Frederick I Allen Commissionerof Patents went to Auburn N Y yes-terday to attend the annual businessmans banquet of that city He will re-spond to the toast Inventive Geniusof Our Country He vlll return la fouror five days




















CLEANING FINE LACESs-uch as Durhftse Old Point Guipureand Brussels is one of our perfectedspecialties Took us years t learn tiowto make them filmy and whiteRest assured your old family lace IsIn expert hands when sent to

A F BORNOT BROFrench Scourers and Dyers



Corner Seventh and E

of houses do net embarrassthe heel Estate DealerThe Want Columns



ernRosvs usesTimes


of March and April Consump1 tive

Fits fa a month herd OB SWOBS With w fcIWHfR TWe of Spews Wise to-

H tfce BMMM of to preteng Dt livesf thoasMMfc pelt die nrfti l period after

ROt entirely cofW

to be tate toe at teottto coMo

Abloom With Spring FlowersAt Shaffer FoMricartfc and I mi Pa

Oh How Delicious My Coffeepound Walker Serratti SUfeew

A Mysterious Shooting-A nqeteifaiii beotl n orcMcrcd OB iflewafll

fel two KftMicr but tlbalUm nt wide of the stark Aa unknownIH P fe MM to hav Aral the

the loMitr had txvk D a glees In aow WIMVC IM 9 om wtJ jPtCL

When You Want a CutOt arytWn Jojnee Bogra g Ow Star nWgi

Laundering Household Linen 550 Doshjr the ad Mpecfer JtaHht-

OHMc LiMMdrr Phase S3VU iMKrw1710 S Street and fW bovt ftttt Street

Home Cure for Nervous Dyspepsiaand Btenwek trowMes R Endows KU SixthStreet northwest

Burglars in Warehousebroke iato the n rcco m Fimttetn



4WWft are t7w you



ease n yesterday PIwH-r of uy a valley eI

were lit fortaf-all



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early sondstrEM a sots



TSM thens

Thieveshue wprthwet ne


I whKd at S98t tern laMraiedC theft

The Sweetest Violets That Grow

Collars 2 Cents Cuffs 4 Cents PairIlfgKrst grade work plant lot mae

M r flwne S7SI 1T 2 Streetnd W FoartMHtfc Street

New Sewing Machines Ten CentsA Day Rent or AMcrbaeh 7 IINtestfte Afrf-

Stolen Box of Stockings j

Max MhKtrr at UH8 V Street Theycelled at the ptoce TTwradaj and aftermaking a emaa purchase departed with the

Whiskey of FameA ripe mdtow wbwe

purity reeaiHHCHitf It rot aedMoal well aptMrfwscs Delivered n mall ar

rrien fi hy WH Cannon 1836 7 Seventhowar Sootett L5 WtUe Drcadnwght


Reno Bargain StoreBoater novelties baseball

taeklo unten gaw ote Molten ProprietorTenlsjrtown D C

Hurt by FallWIMtam HoU J a HCRTO aged ttrentytwyears felt fr m a t 4 pbonc pile at FsurlwnUi-anrt B trefU yetrttey a fractured

wrist lie taken to the Bmergaaey Ilealittal

Are You Covered With Tornadoipsttnuteotf Kate very latlte werlA Jv iii I Writer tat F Street n rthwest Phone B 9

Latest in Mens Fashions

wields the IUtTIle Jk

t ttxsth 1 lmP4 we


nil De

The pIIIiee tee swvaa of coelllt tnMB the 1

PurisimaThegod Whlk



Per flaking



Jew fort e





few days sad ii a slstbees


Siue ers Fea and


ate Metthing Mr bes-at sEek baa stevenorthwest



900 sties of Urn v t and most sem tatmctof ilomcstlc iprlnprMMngs Taller OK JUt am-

Ciirby Circular Sawfleeting W baud en a rewHi p Hrewiar sow

Ciermln r a b n MaNtr Lowiafai a-

VMNM MetaiiMil severe IttJiiriM at WlseaiHTaI-

N aeveral nc s4tatinhe taken

Genuine Ss S6 and 7 Sample ShoesThree hundred styles at StSC Kecne

Store G Street northwest

Cherjcydale Sp Water 6 Gal 600-Katwr A O 14K Pa Ph ne

Expert WatchmakersCMU k Covert Kl Seventh Street northwest

KJ AntsIeeE and


P ot

weed day Ills WH cuethe amputationa thumb at the






Sitworks hand badly

or Erwergesuy



The New Spring Styles jj In WearWell Shoes

For Women Are Superb T

There are 13 Afferent tries end S

MIOM ia worldIriee-

I Street

FACE BLEMISHESbUrkheaHx freckle largf pores B-

i d oe red skinand a diaoritars affectinr theskin wad ptmxHfmly j-

fier Full InfnrMMIion withhr4 JOHN II WlX D-

IlfUY I r 11th and F StN W Kasnia ton


T tot I1areII wth I5S 31


Iimpih oily

cured it your hems tM of9k free


new good icethers-Wwer t any

the 50-

i i



BEAUTYTakes the skin and comptcxten as itsprtoeiiml feature It to pAatlhfo tn have

Skin sad Oompiesion frm Sewnih bright beautiful OurtrentmentA for the numeral f FtialINewi he i and th cure of Skin Di ntsare uniformly Mieceet fiiL A Mani

ass a weak with a months treatroc t of Skin or dwrlH March

TheJi Oi DermalologicilB

Parlors-S Coiner F and llth Sto

Entrance 527 lth Street

Fire ProofStorageSep-

arate locked compartments2 per month up Lowest rate

of insurance Every convenience Estimates furnished

Merchants Transfer Storage Co

920922 E St

HUG ainUt wtOptfelan r wlgti nit Franklin CI to dttfculttlon and frame Phone Mala 274 M








DATAte Iuter


let L frAa








Credit for All Washington















Housekeepers have learned that Ithe Mattings and Furniture that

t from Grogans can be relied upon for durability Wo sellthe grades oC Chinese andJapanese Mattings and chargeonly for the actual number of 4yards necessary to cover yourfloors The latest patterns in 4Baby Carriages and GoCarts are


I ture for every room In your house1 I-


N wBetween EC and I Sta

I I-



1 it

f i-




i i




I ti




ready for your selection Furni





s ssa s a a S C I C I C



i r

O-Nt i







BurchelsLeaf Tea

OvelBl selection and curing and parkingto ivaterprcof bags the delicious flarcithat has made this tea famous 50c Ib

W BurcheH

J J Georges SonChiropodists


Id and 3d floors elevator Phone Main 427X8 a ra ta 6 p nu Sundays 0 to 12

t t


NIZ5 F StmhHtf

4 a t S S S e u s e a a e s


near and at i-

dUtanet fl O


335 K nw




Our Price roc Per CopyE F DROOP SONS

925 Penna Ave


Union DentalCIO F X V Second Floorlalltf

Bargains In new and woe instrumentsot rarlcui mckee Sole agents for th

Aeolian and Pianola

Pianos Rented

WilL hate Co1209 Pa


ICE CREAMOur p Cream is not surpassed as ore use

pure irwlH frees our own dairy Phon Mamf 2

DARBYSuoeessor to T E Breanla c-

r72O I3th Street


Goldtilled-EJUlasus L

I t IJef



5 TeethThatilhgsCroW1U






N w



n LOWEST nilassndxewerk and




