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I i j I The of J I Shirt Waistsufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00912/0115.pdfGeorge Smith...

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TWO OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY AUJST 3 1903 I EVENING STAR t C L BITTINGER CO C L Bittinger and R R Carroll Proprietors and Publishers C L BITTINGER i Editor and General Manager- R R CARROLL City Editor and Business Manager A GREAT DAY AT OXFORD The Oxford annual barbecue hs come and gone and left a train < f pleasant memories to the 2000 people who attended not forgetting the pleasant smiles that will wreath the 500 baby faces that the busy census taker said were present for a week to come It Is true the people of Oxford ex- pected ¬ j a big crowd and some of the enthusiasts like Hamp Brinson and I Tack Driggers insisted it would be = a record breaker in more particulars- than one and some how these old time picnic prophets were for once right The crowd of Saturday beat anything in numbers that ever gather- ed ¬ In the social village of Oxford The day was ideal could not have been more perfect had Henry Shaw of Pedro who never misses the gather ¬ ing been permitted to name the in ¬ gredients that consists a perfect pic ¬ nic day in Florida It Is true some people insisted the sun was too vat > between 12 to 3 oclock but the really handsome young ladles present and there were a few insisted that every ¬ thing and everybody including the Ice cream lemonade and coca cola was perfectly lovely and that they would die protesting the same as they came up smiling to the stand Every time a young gallant or an old one too for that matter would pleasantly remark come and have an Iced drink as sure as the sun did shine and the 500 babies cooed and the mothers laughed as their babies cooed the said handsome and coquettish fair one irresistibly replied thanks and I will Now this question or re- freshments ¬ in the form of liquids is attested by the fact that the lemon- ade ¬ and ice cream stands over which the following oldstandbyes officiat- ed ¬ namely Will Jeffcoats Walter Martin M W Henson and Jefferson Moulds ice cream Hamp Brinson R P Bowman Will Steele and Will Stepp and Wess Harris and E C Hood sold tickets so as to expediate the serving of refreshments The money taken in by 4 oclock was 240 which- is I some take at 5 cents a take They used a ton of ice and seeing that they would run short telegraphed for an extra supply and that soon disappear- ed ¬ and shortly after 4 oclock the stands closed up for lack of stock in trade while the meat man of the place who had stocked up with soda water but could not sell as long as the cem ¬ etery association had drinks opened- out and he cleaned up every thing he had In stock showing the thirst fest I could not be abated but as the form of drink was of the kind that did not I inebriate the moisture of the earth was all to the good Rube Perry he of the 400 pounds girth and whose equal is not in the I state when it comes to barbecuing meat did to the queens taste two big I beeves seven hogs and five goats and not a pound of which was left- over It just did fill the bill to the great gastronomic pleasure of all to say nothing about the basket supply of chicken fixing and all the word im- plies ¬ with pies cakes tarts buns preserves jellies jams etc It wag all to the good To show the crowd was all that we insist it was the two rows of tables than ran for a block and a half to the south to the Baptist church under the magnificent rows of oaks a big wide street was a solid mass of people and the tables not near large enough to supply all these so additions were scattered in all directions at one of which was counted 100 people- For an hour this genial jovial crowd performed gastronomic feats that on any other day would have caused the I same people to blush at the thought of the wonderful appetites they pos ¬ I sessed and to top it all off ninety gal ¬ lons of the genuine juice of the coffee bean were brewed with cream and sugar thrown in as an assurance of good faith and it was taken at its face value every particle of it This annual barbecue and picnic at Oxford is given for the benefit of the cemetery fund The net proceeds of the refreshment stands go into a fun to see that the fence walks al d lawns of the Oxford Pine Level Cem- etery ¬ are kept in presentable shape during the year and they surely are to the credit of the people of the Oxford I section I Oxford Truckers We have said often and repeated it the people of Oxford and community- in I all the essentials of generous kind- ly ¬ manhood and fair womanhood com ¬ pares more than favorably with any other section of the state and in fer ¬ tility of lands and competent truckers and farmers they are the equal of the best if not a little superior They 1 sure do live at home and board at the same place I Here is the showing of the Oxford Truckers Union which handles half of the truck output The veteran Dick Phillips is president of the excellent organization and J Q Reece is its able and efficient manager It was Mr Reeces purpose to give up a detailed statement of the seasons work and results but his assistant had the key to the office and he gave it from memory and in a general way The union handled 5000 worth of fertiliz- ers ¬ of the WilsonTcomer make The I result of this application notwith- standing ¬ the dry weather amounted to 425 cars of melons 125 cars of can- taloupes ¬ 225 cars tomatoes with a number of cars of squash beans etc which in that section are side lines Y The crate bill of the union was 1600 It banked 15000 as the net proceeds- of the crop handled The union paid the fertilizer bill and while the sea- son ¬ was not a brilliantly successful one as far as profits go yet In the main the truckers have not much to complain about But in Oxford as elsewhere the o old story is repeated A few made money the great majority of them 4 V I came out even all bills were paid and- a few dollars to their credit and that other remnant that lost out I When the growers union of Oxford I truckers is taken with the other 50 per cent who did not belong to the union the showing Is not so had j which is verified by Mr H A Collier head of the Sunset Lumber Crate J Co of Oxford who said speaking of I the output of his mill that with them I it was the best sca on they ever had I and most satifartory in payments J This institution employs thirtyfive i persons steadily nnd at present forty as the mill is being overhauled for re ¬ sumption of work I The stores four In number are do- ing j a gcod business bit on a strictly i cash basis Big signsare displayed saying goods exchanged for cash only but prices lower than ever I The school at Oxford is manned for the season and those who will wield the birch are Principal E A Lowry- of Graysville Tenn and Miss Bevil I first assistant and Mrs E M Reece i primary j Lest we forget we must here men ¬ i tion the tug of war contest led by Jack Driggers and Christopher Drig I gers respectively which tug was settle which set was to wait on the I I tables It was certainly an excitm event and after a fierce contest Jacks forces won and the leader then dunned his hued shirt standing collar I and plug hat and did the bossing for the day Notes The tent photographer was in evi- l ¬ deuce and did a land office business Among the few we noted present I were Hugh Nichols J S Gamble J H Moore Wildwood Rev Weather I ford the Lady Lake preacher who has seven appointments and travels thirtyeight miles every Sunday with Mr and tilts Seyler Mrs Yin on anti daughter Miss Williams Mr Blesch and Mr Milton Sligh the well known I commission man Mrs Vaughn and I others I Rutland sent Col Wall the veteran cattleman S Pendarvis and Jeff Rut ¬ land and family Coleman was in evidence in the per ¬ son of Mr Wicker and family and Mr D W Currie Prof Carr the well knjwr educator and normal teacher- of Dad tity N A Brinson Ed any Prof Brinson and family of Winter I Park John Lucius and Dudley Har ¬ rison Leesburg L B Ayer Little River Miss Virgie Webb of OBrien Peter Olsen Mr and Mrs Sigmon- son Lawson and John and daughters Sallie and Julia Mr and Mrs Steve Carter prom Weirsdale there were six teams and each team carried six persons and among those we noted Mr and and Mrs Brinson Coggins- Prof Ervin Mrs A N Cameron Miss Harriet Simpson George Turner Gaiter Gordon Parham Holder I George Smith Tampa Jack Blair and family Lake Weir John Leitner and I sister Miss Mattie Anthony with I George Priest an dthe Luffmans Walter John and J W Colbert of Sparr the McWhites Mr and Mrs Joe Davis and Dolf Mitchell Summer field while Mr and Mrs Nathan Mayo represented Belleview with Miss Nich ¬ ols and the Spencer boys and girls John W Stevens and wife Fort Mc ¬ Coy Ocala sent down about fifty persons the leader being Mr D E McIver with Frank Leightsey and wifeMr Sol Smith who for years hay been afflicted with asthma was pres ¬ ent the first time in four years We had the pleasure of again meet ¬ ing J W Pearson a former resident- near Ocala then moved to the Joe Lee place six miles west of Oxford but two years ago an affliction took pos ¬ session of his wife and he tookvHe r to the Hampton sanitarium in Tarirpa where she remained 22 months ancS she came out of it cured of cancer Of course we met all of the old standbyes among them Prof Borden the venerable educator and at present enthusiastic Tom Watson man for president He said the Oxford pre ¬ cinct would give a majority vote for Tom that 100 persons from Sumter county would attend the populist con ¬ vention in Ocala August 27th if the railroad would give an excursion rate and in passing and ending will say the Star is the most popular paper that comes to the Oxford postoffice that we added twentyfive new names to our list there and brought home a few 1 plunks A day pleasant and memo ra ur newspaper work TI- e TO DR W V NEWSOM Ocala Fla Dear Sir This happened seven i years ago A man hawing three little poultry houses bought one gallon each of two paints to paint them paid 160 for one and 175 for the other 15 cents difference The 160 gallon painted one house I the 173 gallon painted the other two houses The cost of the paint was first house 160 second house S71 tc I thind house S74c- But I painting goes with paint and it costs as much to paint one paint as another about 350 a gallon The painting of one of those houses with 160 paint cost the same as that of the other two with 175 paint 350 Difference 175 a house same way as the 75 cents I Four years ago he painted that first I little house again same painthe I wanted to know what the cost of keeping a house wellpainted really is The other two houses didnt need painting 1 Last year he painted all three little I houses same paints as at first and reckoned his cost to date of begin- ning ¬ of the job The first little house had cost 510 t twice or 1020 and was ready to I paint again the second two houses had again cost 520 and were ready to paint I That is saving 15 cents a gallon made one house cost twice as much as the other two houses besides the fuss of an extrapaint job in three years The 175 paint was Devoe This tale is madeup of a thousand experiences Devoe is always the paint that takes less gallons costs less money wears lower less fuss I And the cost of Devoe a s about one I fourth of the cost of a paint that doubles the gallons I Yours truly 59 F W DEYOE CO j- I SThe KnightMartin Co sells our slut U I 100 REWARD 100 The readers of this paper will big pleased to learn that there is at least I one dreaded disease that science has j been able to cure in all its stages and > that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure- is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease re ¬ quires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter ¬ nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system I thereby detroyinpr the foundation of I the disease and giving the patient I strength by building up the constitut- ion and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much I faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars fur any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address 1J Cheney Co Toledo0 Sold hy all drug fists + lte Hall Family Pills for constipation I M KING MONEY AT MONTBROOK- But Making it Too Fast and the- Manufacturers Must Answer to Uncle Sam Montbrook Aug 3 Marshal Ricn I and of Cedar Key came over yester- day ¬ and accompanied Deputy Sheriff McDonald went out to B C Brooks place and arrested him and ins brother S B Brooks for making- and attempting to pass counterfeit money They found them with the pot on the fire and the liquid in the moulds They had 25 cents 50 cents and 1 moulds They acknowledged everything and gave up some very clever countergeit quarters this being the only denomination they had made This was indeed a clever piece of work- on the part of Officers Richard and McDonald B G Brooks the oldest of the two brothers attempted to assault Marshal Richard with a hot ladel but I was promptly introduced to the muz I ble of a 14 Colts which had the quiet ing effect They were carried Aw oe sCommi sioner Cubberly for a heartng TRAGEDY AT CENTER HILL A Fourteen Year Old Boy Killed by I Accidental Discharge of a Gun Center Hill Aug 2A horrible trag- edy ¬ which is of too frequent occur- rence ¬ happened here Saturday after ¬ noon when Bernice Kimbrough a lad of 14 years was instantly killed by the j accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of one of his companions Young Kimbrough and two other lads of about the same age Herbert Vaughan and Fountain Venable each carrying a gun started for the woods about 4 oclock to shoot doves They had not proceeded more than a quar ¬ ter of a mile from town when in the excitement due to the flight of a dove there was a report and Kimbrough fell The other two boys were so frightened by the accident that they at once fled to the nearest house to spread the alarm Neither seemed to know whose gun had done the fatal work Love Kimbrough an uncle of the boy was the first to get the news and hurried to the spot where he found Bernice dead in a cow path with a large hole in his right side and the shirt around the hole on fire Dr Shipworth of Webster who hap ¬ pened to be near was called and on probing the wound found that the load of No 3 bird shot had passed en- tirely ¬ across between the spine and heart and lodged just under the skin- on the left side As everybody was perfectly satis ¬ fied that the shooting was purely acci ¬ dental and there was no officer with- in ¬ reach an inquest was deemed un ¬ necessary and the body was remov- ed ¬ to the home of the grandmoth- errs Nancy Kimbrough from where thefuneral will take place this after noon TimesUnion- A WEAKLING- Is the only way to describe the poor child that is afflicted with worms No I matter how much or how often it eats the worms get all the nourish ¬ ment from the food the child gets practically none Whites Cream Vermifuge gets rid of the worms quickly easily and with no bad after I effects Price 25 cents a bottle Sold I by AntiMonopoly Drugstore NEW GOODSJ- UST i IN No1 and 2 Mackerel I Brick Codfish I Pickled Pork Bologna Sausage I I Sweet Mixed Pickles I Cucumber Pickles Slutted Peppers O K Grocery Clark Bros ProprietorsP- HONE 1- 74PURE I JERSEY MILK FROM TESTED COWS Delivered every morning at your door Milk per quart lOc Cream per pint 20c Buttermilk per quart6ioC- all the White Wagon o- rrHiawatonL 114 Dairy fL fING FROM TilE FLAMES i I I Scores of Lives Lost and Thousands I Homeless by Forest Fires in British Columbia Winnipeg Man Aug 3As a re ¬ sult of bush fires that started yester ¬ day and still rage for many miles Fernie B C is wiped off the map I Michel fourteen miles distant is in- flames t and the fate of Hosmer Olsen I and Sparwood intervening towns is I in doubt as they are cut off from com ¬ munication More than 100 lives were I reported lost seventyfour of them in I Fernie A territory rf 100 square miles in extent is a seething mass of I flames Through it are scattered I hundreds of lumbermen and prospec- tors ¬ so that the actual loss of life will rujt be known for days Inhabitants of the affected towns lied to the open country to seek safety The railway companies have all available trains at the disposal of refugees and unless there is a change of wind within the next twentyfour- hours the whole of the Crows Xest Pass country will be abandoned to the flames There is no possibility of estimating- the loss of life and property which will result for the flames are driven by a half gale making it impossible to put up a fight against their advance The conflagration is the greatest which has ever visited Canada- At present the fire is following the crest of the mountain chair above Sparwood eating down into the val- leys ¬ on either side- It is traveling at a tremendous rate suul unless there i a change of wind Will cross the boundary into Montana within the next twelve hours There- are thousands of mines and prospec ¬ tors claims in the track of the fire all of which are in peril The Badge of Honesty Is on every wrapper of Doctor Pierce Golden Medical Discovery because a full list of the ingredients composing it is printed there in plain English Forty years of experience has proven its superior worth as a blood purifier and invigorat- ing tonic for the cure stomach disorders- and all liver ills It builds up the run ¬ down system as no other tonic can In which alcohol is used The active medic ¬ inal principles of native roots such as Golden Seal and Queens root Stone and Mandrake root Bloodroot aud Black Cherrybark aro extracted and preserved by tho use of chemically pure triple refined glycerine Send to Dr R V Pierce- at I Buffalo N Y for free booklet which quotes extracts from wellrecognized med ¬ authoritips such as Drs Bartholow- King Scudder Coe Ellingwood and a host of othpp showing that these roota can be dop nded upon for their curative action mall weak states of the stomach accompanied by Indigestion or dyspepsia us well is inall bilious or liver complaints- and in snjwastlng diseases where thero- is los gradual running down- of Ui strength and system The Golden Medical Discovery makes rich niIre blood and so Invigorates and re u ates thestomach liver and bowel and throng thorn thn whole system Thus all skin affections blotches pimples and eruptions as well as scrofulous swel ¬ lings and old open running sores or ulcers- are cured and healed In treating old running sores or ulcers it is well to In ¬ sure their healing to apply to them Dr Pierces AllHealing Salve If your drug ¬ gist dont happen to have this Salve In stock send fiftyfour cents in postage Stamps to DrR V Pierce Invalids Hotel Surgical Institute Buffalo N Y and land box of tho AllHealing Salva reach you by return post You cant afford to accept a secret nos ¬ trum as substitute for this nonalcoholic medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit Dr Pierce Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach liver BugarcqUd tiny granules easy to- ILET e U Ciln I THEM DOWN EASY 1 Oyster Bay Aug Considering jchat the dismissal from the United States military academy at West Point- of eight cadets found guilty of hazing- to be too severe a punishment for the offenses they committed President Roosevelt and Secretary of War Wright decided yesterday that the eight young men be reinstated to their classes and other punishment be visit ¬ ed upon them by the superintendent- of the academy Colonel Scott order- ed ¬ the cadets suspended and sent to their hornets to await the action of the president and the secretary of war Instead of obeying the instructions of the superintendent the cadet pro- eeJeJ c to Washington in a body o ap I tl to the secretary of wa- ry DISAGREEABLE AT HOME pors of men and women Who are agreeable with others get cranky ft home Its not disposition its the liver If you find in yourself that you feel cross around the house little tiling worry you just buy a bottle- of Ballards Herbine and put your liver in shape You and everybody around you will feel better for it Price 50 cents per bottle Sold by AmiMonopoly Drugstore A NEW FLOOR COVERING Just received at the TheusZachry Furniture Co a big assortment of im- ported ¬ palmetto matting ranging in price from J2 to 59 First Importation- of the kind in Ocala direct from the I Bahama Islands It is life wearing I and the very thing for floors during- the I hot season Call and see it I I THINKS IT SAVED HIS LIFE Lester M Nelson of Naples Maine says in a recent letter I have used I Dr Kings New Discovery many years j for coughs and colds and I think it saved my life I have found it a re- liable ¬ remedy for throat and lung i complaints and would no more be without a bottle than I would be 1 without food For nearly forty years i New Discovery has stood at the head- of throat and lung remedies As a preventive of pneumonia and healer- of wear lungs it has no equal Sold j under guarantee at all drug stores Fifty cents and SL Trial bottle free y f HEINAUERS The Best Offerings of Yeas in Ladies I Shirt Waists We have taken the largest possible advantage of the favorable market conditions to make this the greatest sale of its kind that we have ever held OFFERING VALUES LIKE THESE Lot No Consists of 200 shirt waists all this seasons styles former price 350 now 269 Lot No Consists of l 50 shirt waists all new styles former price 84 now 298 Lot No3Consists of 100 shirt waists plain- or tucked linen former price 450 now 389 Lot No 4 Consists of 150 shirt waists novelties former price c 5 now 415 Lot No 5Consists of 175 shirt waists the sea- sons ¬ I highes novelties former price 6 to 7 I now 468C- OMPANY UU U1 s DEB I I I THE WISTERIA- R S Marshall Proprietor FOR UPTOHATE ROOMS AND BOARD Special Rates by the Week Satisfaction Guaranteed- No 15 North Second Street OCALA FLORIDA- B 1 H SEYMOUR K MacPHERSON Marion Development Co DEALERS IN Real Estate and Building Material WOOD LUMBER SHINGLES PURE WHITE SAND Proberties Bought and old ft Lots for Sale Cash or Easy Terms P 0 Box 715 Phone 129 Ocala Florida FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES- Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions I W P EDWARDSPho- ne lOS City Market Floridas Higher Educational Institutions University of the State of Florida Gainesville Florida- A highgrade institution for young men offering Literary Scientific En ¬ gineering Agricultural and Pedagogi- cal ¬ Courses Strong faculty well equipped lab- oratories ¬ thorough instruction both theoretical and practical careful su- pervision ¬ and discipline high moral toneNo tuition charges to Florida stu ¬ dents Other expenses very low For catalogue and information address ANDREW SLEDD President KodolF- or Dyspepsia and Indigestion- If Suffer from Indigestion Dyspepsia Stomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn- etc little Relieve almost Instantly Kodol supplies same digestive juices that are found in a healthy stomach a it starts digestion at one Kodol not only digests your food but helps you enjoy every mouthful you eat You need a sufficient of good wholesome food to maintain strength and health But this food must be digested thoroughly otherwise the pains of indigestion and dyspepsia are the result When your stomach cannot do its work properly take something to help your stomach Kodol is the only thing that will give the stom ¬ ach complete Why Because Kodol does the same work as a stomach and does it in a natural w- arjjjjj I I The State College fjr Women Florida Female College I 1 Tallahassee Florida I I A for Women without a par- allel ¬ I In the South embracing a Col- lege ¬ of Liberal arts a Normal School a School of Industrial Arts a School I of Fine Arts offering instruction In I drawing painting piano pipeorgan s violin voiceculture elocution and physical culture Forty Florida counties and seven I States represented in the enrollment last session I Fine new dormitory with rooms for one hundred and sixty girls just I completed Plans for other extensive j improvements are already made For further information or cata- logue ¬ I write toA A MURPHREE I President l you Gas on the a Kodol will you the Being liquid amount rest strong College So dont neglect your stomach Dont become a chronic dyspeptic Keep your stomach healthy and strong by taking a little Kodol You dont have to take Kodol all the time You only take it when you need it Kodol is perfectly harmless Our Guarantee- Go to yourdruggl today and get a dol- lar ¬ bottle Then after you have used the entire contents of the bottle if you can that it has not done you any cood return the bottle to the druggist and he will refund your money without ques ¬ tion then pay drug gist Dontyhesitate all druggiststhe- gists know that our guaranty Is good This offer ap ¬ plies to the larze bottle only and to but one in a large botte contains 254 times cs much as the fifty cent Kodol is prepared at the laborator- ies 1 of E CDeWitt St Co Chicago > t
Page 1: I i j I The of J I Shirt Waistsufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00912/0115.pdfGeorge Smith Tampa Jack Blair and I family Lake Weir John Leitner and I sister Miss Mattie Anthony





C L Bittinger and R R CarrollProprietors and Publishers

C L BITTINGERi Editor and General Manager-

R R CARROLLCity Editor and Business Manager


The Oxford annual barbecue hscome and gone and left a train < fpleasant memories to the 2000 peoplewho attended not forgetting thepleasant smiles that will wreath the500 baby faces that the busy censustaker said were present for a week tocome

It Is true the people of Oxford ex-pected


a big crowd and some of theenthusiasts like Hamp Brinson and I

Tack Driggers insisted it would be =

a record breaker in more particulars-than one and some how these oldtime picnic prophets were for onceright The crowd of Saturday beatanything in numbers that ever gather-ed


In the social village of Oxford Theday was ideal could not have beenmore perfect had Henry Shaw ofPedro who never misses the gather ¬

ing been permitted to name the in ¬

gredients that consists a perfect pic ¬

nic day in Florida It Is true somepeople insisted the sun was too vat>between 12 to 3 oclock but the reallyhandsome young ladles present andthere were a few insisted that every ¬

thing and everybody including theIce cream lemonade and coca colawas perfectly lovely and that theywould die protesting the same as theycame up smiling to the stand

Every time a young gallant or anold one too for that matter wouldpleasantly remark come and have anIced drink as sure as the sun didshine and the 500 babies cooed and themothers laughed as their babies cooedthe said handsome and coquettishfair one irresistibly replied thanksand I will Now this question or re-


in the form of liquids isattested by the fact that the lemon-ade


and ice cream stands over whichthe following oldstandbyes officiat-ed


namely Will Jeffcoats WalterMartin M W Henson and JeffersonMoulds ice cream Hamp Brinson RP Bowman Will Steele and WillStepp and Wess Harris and E C Hoodsold tickets so as to expediate theserving of refreshments The moneytaken in by 4 oclock was 240 which-is


some take at 5 cents a take Theyused a ton of ice and seeing that theywould run short telegraphed for anextra supply and that soon disappear-ed


and shortly after 4 oclock thestands closed up for lack of stock intrade while the meat man of the placewho had stocked up with soda waterbut could not sell as long as the cem ¬

etery association had drinks opened-out and he cleaned up every thing hehad In stock showing the thirst fest I

could not be abated but as the formof drink was of the kind that did not I

inebriate the moisture of the earthwas all to the good

Rube Perry he of the 400 poundsgirth and whose equal is not in the I

state when it comes to barbecuingmeat did to the queens taste two big


beeves seven hogs and five goatsand not a pound of which was left-over It just did fill the bill to thegreat gastronomic pleasure of all tosay nothing about the basket supplyof chicken fixing and all the word im-


with pies cakes tarts bunspreserves jellies jams etc It wag allto the good

To show the crowd was all that weinsist it was the two rows of tablesthan ran for a block and a half to thesouth to the Baptist church under themagnificent rows of oaks a big widestreet was a solid mass of people andthe tables not near large enough tosupply all these so additions werescattered in all directions at one ofwhich was counted 100 people-

For an hour this genial jovial crowdperformed gastronomic feats that onany other day would have caused the I

same people to blush at the thoughtof the wonderful appetites they pos ¬ I

sessed and to top it all off ninety gal ¬

lons of the genuine juice of the coffeebean were brewed with cream andsugar thrown in as an assurance ofgood faith and it was taken at its facevalue every particle of it

This annual barbecue and picnic atOxford is given for the benefit of thecemetery fund The net proceeds ofthe refreshment stands go into a funto see that the fence walks al dlawns of the Oxford Pine Level Cem-etery


are kept in presentable shapeduring the year and they surely are tothe credit of the people of the Oxford I


Oxford TruckersWe have said often and repeated it

the people of Oxford and community-in


all the essentials of generous kind-ly


manhood and fair womanhood com ¬

pares more than favorably with anyother section of the state and in fer ¬

tility of lands and competent truckersand farmers they are the equal of thebest if not a little superior They 1

sure do live at home and board at thesame place I

Here is the showing of the OxfordTruckers Union which handles halfof the truck output The veteran DickPhillips is president of the excellentorganization and J Q Reece is its ableand efficient manager It was MrReeces purpose to give up a detailedstatement of the seasons work andresults but his assistant had the keyto the office and he gave it frommemory and in a general way Theunion handled 5000 worth of fertiliz-ers


of the WilsonTcomer make The I

result of this application notwith-standing


the dry weather amounted to425 cars of melons 125 cars of can-


225 cars tomatoes with anumber of cars of squash beans etcwhich in that section are side lines

Y The crate bill of the union was 1600

It banked 15000 as the net proceeds-of the crop handled The union paidthe fertilizer bill and while the sea-


was not a brilliantly successfulone as far as profits go yet In themain the truckers have not much tocomplain about

But in Oxford as elsewhere the oold story is repeated A few mademoney the great majority of them

4 V


came out even all bills were paid and-a few dollars to their credit and thatother remnant that lost out I

When the growers union of Oxford I

truckers is taken with the other 50per cent who did not belong to theunion the showing Is not so had j

which is verified by Mr H A Collierhead of the Sunset Lumber Crate J

Co of Oxford who said speaking of I

the output of his mill that with them I

it was the best sca on they ever had I

and most satifartory in payments J

This institution employs thirtyfive i

persons steadily nnd at present fortyas the mill is being overhauled for re ¬

sumption of workI

The stores four In number are do-ing


a gcod business bit on a strictly i

cash basis Big signsare displayedsaying goods exchanged for cash onlybut prices lower than ever I

The school at Oxford is manned forthe season and those who will wieldthe birch are Principal E A Lowry-of Graysville Tenn and Miss Bevil I

first assistant and Mrs E M Reece i

primary j

Lest we forget we must here men ¬ i

tion the tug of war contest led byJack Driggers and Christopher Drig

I gers respectively which tug wassettle which set was to wait on the


Itables It was certainly an excitmevent and after a fierce contestJacks forces won and the leader thendunned his hued shirt standing collar

Iand plug hat and did the bossing forthe day


The tent photographer was in evi-l


deuce and did a land office businessAmong the few we noted present

I were Hugh Nichols J S Gamble JH Moore Wildwood Rev Weather

I ford the Lady Lake preacher whohas seven appointments and travelsthirtyeight miles every Sunday withMr and tilts Seyler Mrs Yin on antidaughter Miss Williams Mr Bleschand Mr Milton Sligh the well known

I commission man Mrs Vaughn andI othersI Rutland sent Col Wall the veterancattleman S Pendarvis and Jeff Rut ¬

land and familyColeman was in evidence in the per ¬

son of Mr Wicker and family and MrD W Currie Prof Carr the wellknjwr educator and normal teacher-of Dad tity N A Brinson Ed anyProf Brinson and family of Winter

I Park John Lucius and Dudley Har ¬

rison Leesburg L B Ayer LittleRiver Miss Virgie Webb of OBrienPeter Olsen Mr and Mrs Sigmon-son Lawson and John and daughtersSallie and Julia Mr and Mrs SteveCarter prom Weirsdale there weresix teams and each team carried sixpersons and among those we notedMr and and Mrs Brinson Coggins-Prof Ervin Mrs A N Cameron MissHarriet Simpson George TurnerGaiter Gordon Parham Holder


George Smith Tampa Jack Blair andfamily Lake Weir John Leitner and I

sister Miss Mattie Anthony withI

George Priest an dthe LuffmansWalter John and J W Colbert ofSparr the McWhites Mr and MrsJoe Davis and Dolf Mitchell Summerfield while Mr and Mrs Nathan Mayorepresented Belleview with Miss Nich ¬

ols and the Spencer boys and girlsJohn W Stevens and wife Fort Mc ¬

Coy Ocala sent down about fiftypersons the leader being Mr D EMcIver with Frank Leightsey andwifeMr

Sol Smith who for years haybeen afflicted with asthma was pres ¬

ent the first time in four yearsWe had the pleasure of again meet ¬

ing J W Pearson a former resident-near Ocala then moved to the Joe Leeplace six miles west of Oxford buttwo years ago an affliction took pos ¬

session of his wife and he tookvHe r tothe Hampton sanitarium in Tarirpawhere she remained 22 months ancSshe came out of it cured of cancer

Of course we met all of the oldstandbyes among them Prof Bordenthe venerable educator and at presententhusiastic Tom Watson man forpresident He said the Oxford pre ¬

cinct would give a majority vote forTom that 100 persons from Sumtercounty would attend the populist con ¬

vention in Ocala August 27th if therailroad would give an excursion rateand in passing and ending will say theStar is the most popular paper thatcomes to the Oxford postoffice thatwe added twentyfive new names toour list there and brought home a few 1

plunks A day pleasant and memo raur newspaper work



Ocala Fla

Dear Sir This happened seven i

years ago A man hawing three littlepoultry houses bought one galloneach of two paints to paint thempaid 160 for one and 175 for theother 15 cents difference

The 160 gallon painted one house I

the 173 gallon painted the other twohouses The cost of the paint wasfirst house 160 second house S71 tc I

thind house S74c-But


painting goes with paint and itcosts as much to paint one paint asanother about 350 a gallon

The painting of one of those houseswith 160 paint cost the same as thatof the other two with 175 paint350 Difference 175 a house same

way as the 75 cents I

Four years ago he painted that first I

little house again same painthe I

wanted to know what the cost ofkeeping a house wellpainted really isThe other two houses didnt needpainting 1

Last year he painted all three little I

houses same paints as at first andreckoned his cost to date of begin-ning


of the jobThe first little house had cost 510

ttwice or 1020 and was ready to


paint again the second two houseshadagain

cost 520 and were ready to paint I

That is saving 15 cents a gallonmade one house cost twice as much asthe other two houses besides the fussof an extrapaint job in three years

The 175 paint was DevoeThis tale is madeup of a thousand

experiences Devoe is always thepaint that takes less gallons costsless money wears lower less fuss

I And the cost of Devoe a s about oneI fourth of the cost of a paint thatdoubles the gallons

I Yours truly59 F W DEYOE CO j-

I SThe KnightMartin Co sellsour slut


100 REWARD 100

The readers of this paper will big

pleased to learn that there is at least I

one dreaded disease that science has j

been able to cure in all its stages and>

that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure-is the only positive cure now knownto the medical fraternity Catarrhbeing a constitutional disease re ¬

quires a constitutional treatmentHalls Catarrh Cure is taken inter ¬

nally acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the system


thereby detroyinpr the foundation of I

the disease and giving the patient I

strength by building up the constitut-ion and assisting nature in doing itswork The proprietors have so much


faith in its curative powers that theyoffer One Hundred Dollars fur anycase that it fails to cure Send forlist of testimonials Address

1J Cheney Co Toledo0Sold hy all drugfists + lte

Hall Family Pills for constipation I


But Making it Too Fast and the-Manufacturers Must Answer to

Uncle Sam

Montbrook Aug 3 Marshal RicnI and of Cedar Key came over yester-day


and accompanied DeputySheriff McDonald went out to B CBrooks place and arrested him andins brother S B Brooks for making-and attempting to pass counterfeitmoney They found them with the poton the fire and the liquid in themoulds They had 25 cents 50 centsand 1 moulds They acknowledgedeverything and gave up some veryclever countergeit quarters this beingthe only denomination they had madeThis was indeed a clever piece of work-on the part of Officers Richard andMcDonald B G Brooks the oldest ofthe two brothers attempted to assaultMarshal Richard with a hot ladel but

I was promptly introduced to the muzI ble of a 14 Colts which had the quiet

ing effect They were carried Aw oesCommi sioner Cubberly for a heartng


A Fourteen Year Old Boy Killed byI Accidental Discharge of a Gun

Center Hill Aug 2A horrible trag-edy


which is of too frequent occur-rence


happened here Saturday after ¬

noon when Bernice Kimbrough a ladof 14 years was instantly killed by the

j accidental discharge of a gun in thehands of one of his companions

Young Kimbrough and two otherlads of about the same age HerbertVaughan and Fountain Venable eachcarrying a gun started for the woodsabout 4 oclock to shoot doves Theyhad not proceeded more than a quar ¬

ter of a mile from town when in theexcitement due to the flight of a dovethere was a report and Kimbroughfell The other two boys were sofrightened by the accident that they atonce fled to the nearest house tospread the alarm Neither seemed toknow whose gun had done the fatalwork

Love Kimbrough an uncle of theboy was the first to get the news andhurried to the spot where he foundBernice dead in a cow path with alarge hole in his right side and theshirt around the hole on fire

Dr Shipworth of Webster who hap ¬

pened to be near was called and onprobing the wound found that theload of No 3 bird shot had passed en-


across between the spine andheart and lodged just under the skin-on the left side

As everybody was perfectly satis ¬

fied that the shooting was purely acci ¬

dental and there was no officer with-in


reach an inquest was deemed un ¬

necessary and the body was remov-ed


to the home of the grandmoth-errs Nancy Kimbrough from wherethefuneral will take place this afternoon TimesUnion-

A WEAKLING-Is the only way to describe the poorchild that is afflicted with worms No


matter how much or how often iteats the worms get all the nourish ¬

ment from the food the child getspractically none Whites CreamVermifuge gets rid of the wormsquickly easily and with no bad after I

effects Price 25 cents a bottle Sold I

by AntiMonopoly Drugstore




No1 and 2 Mackerel I

Brick CodfishI

Pickled Pork

Bologna Sausage I


Sweet Mixed Pickles I

Cucumber Pickles

Slutted Peppers

O K GroceryClark Bros ProprietorsP-






Delivered every morning atyour door

Milk per quart lOcCream per pint 20cButtermilk per quart6ioC-

all the White Wagon o-







Scores of Lives Lost and ThousandsI

Homeless by Forest Fires in

British Columbia

Winnipeg Man Aug 3As a re ¬

sult of bush fires that started yester ¬

day and still rage for many milesFernie B C is wiped off the map I

Michel fourteen miles distant is in-


and the fate of Hosmer Olsen I

and Sparwood intervening towns is I

in doubt as they are cut off from com ¬

munication More than 100 lives were I

reported lost seventyfour of them in I

Fernie A territory rf 100 squaremiles in extent is a seething mass of I

flames Through it are scattered I

hundreds of lumbermen and prospec-tors


so that the actual loss of life willrujt be known for days

Inhabitants of the affected townslied to the open country to seek

safety The railway companies haveall available trains at the disposal ofrefugees and unless there is a changeof wind within the next twentyfour-hours the whole of the Crows XestPass country will be abandoned to theflames

There is no possibility of estimating-the loss of life and property which willresult for the flames are driven by ahalf gale making it impossible to putup a fight against their advance Theconflagration is the greatest which hasever visited Canada-

At present the fire is following thecrest of the mountain chair aboveSparwood eating down into the val-leys


on either side-

It is traveling at a tremendous ratesuul unless there i a change of windWill cross the boundary into Montanawithin the next twelve hours There-are thousands of mines and prospec ¬

tors claims in the track of the fireall of which are in peril

The Badge of HonestyIs on every wrapper of Doctor PierceGolden Medical Discovery because a fulllist of the ingredients composing it isprinted there in plain English Fortyyears of experience has proven its superiorworth as a blood purifier and invigorat-ing tonic for the cure stomach disorders-and all liver ills It builds up the run ¬

down system as no other tonic can Inwhich alcohol is used The active medic ¬

inal principles of native roots such asGolden Seal and Queens root Stone andMandrake root Bloodroot aud BlackCherrybark aro extracted and preservedby tho use of chemically pure triplerefined glycerine Send to Dr R V Pierce-at


Buffalo N Y for free booklet whichquotes extracts from wellrecognized med ¬

authoritips such as Drs Bartholow-King Scudder Coe Ellingwood and ahost of othpp showing that these rootacan be dop nded upon for their curativeaction mall weak states of the stomachaccompanied by Indigestion or dyspepsiaus well is inall bilious or liver complaints-and in snjwastlng diseases where thero-is los gradual running down-of Ui strength and system

The Golden Medical Discovery makesrich niIre blood and so Invigorates andre u ates thestomach liver and boweland throng thorn thn whole systemThus all skin affections blotches pimplesand eruptions as well as scrofulous swel ¬

lings and old open running sores or ulcers-are cured and healed In treating oldrunning sores or ulcers it is well to In ¬

sure their healing to apply to them DrPierces AllHealing Salve If your drug ¬

gist dont happen to have this Salve Instock send fiftyfour cents in postageStamps to DrR V Pierce Invalids Hotel

Surgical Institute Buffalo N Y andland box of tho AllHealing Salva

reach you by return postYou cant afford to accept a secret nos ¬

trum as substitute for this nonalcoholicmedicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION noteven though the urgent dealer maythereby make a little bigger profit

Dr Pierce Pleasant Pellets regulateand Invigorate stomach liverBugarcqUd tiny granules easy to-


eU Ciln


1Oyster Bay Aug Considering

jchat the dismissal from the UnitedStates military academy at West Point-of eight cadets found guilty of hazing-to be too severe a punishment for theoffenses they committed PresidentRoosevelt and Secretary of WarWright decided yesterday that theeight young men be reinstated to theirclasses and other punishment be visit ¬

ed upon them by the superintendent-of the academy Colonel Scott order-ed


the cadets suspended and sent totheir hornets to await the action of thepresident and the secretary of warInstead of obeying the instructions ofthe superintendent the cadet pro-eeJeJc to Washington in a body o ap

I tl to the secretary of wa-ryDISAGREEABLE AT HOME

pors of men and women Who areagreeable with others get crankyft home Its not disposition its theliver If you find in yourself thatyou feel cross around the house littletiling worry you just buy a bottle-of Ballards Herbine and put yourliver in shape You and everybodyaround you will feel better for itPrice 50 cents per bottle Sold by

AmiMonopoly Drugstore


Just received at the TheusZachryFurniture Co a big assortment of im-


palmetto matting ranging inprice from J2 to 59 First Importation-of the kind in Ocala direct from the

I Bahama Islands It is life wearing I

and the very thing for floors during-theI hot season Call and see it


I THINKS IT SAVED HIS LIFELester M Nelson of Naples Maine

says in a recent letter I have usedI Dr Kings New Discovery many yearsj for coughs and colds and I think itsaved my life I have found it a re-


remedy for throat and lungi complaints and would no more bewithout a bottle than I would be

1 without food For nearly forty yearsi New Discovery has stood at the head-of throat and lung remedies As apreventive of pneumonia and healer-of wear lungs it has no equal Sold

j under guarantee at all drug storesFifty cents and SL Trial bottle free



HEINAUERSThe Best Offerings of Yeas in Ladies


Shirt WaistsWe have taken the largest possible advantage of the

favorable market conditions to make this the greatest saleof its kind that we have ever held


Lot No Consists of 200 shirt waists all thisseasons styles former price 350 now 269

Lot No Consists of l 50 shirt waists all newstyles former price 84 now 298

Lot No3Consists of 100 shirt waists plain-or tucked linen former price 450 now 389

Lot No 4 Consists of 150 shirt waists noveltiesformer price c 5 now 415

Lot No 5Consists of 175 shirt waists the sea-



highes novelties former price 6 to 7I now 468C-



I THE WISTERIA-R S Marshall Proprietor


Special Rates by the Week Satisfaction Guaranteed-

No 15 North Second Street OCALA FLORIDA-




Marion Development CoDEALERS IN

Real Estate and BuildingMaterial


PURE WHITE SANDProberties Bought and old ft

Lots for Sale Cash or Easy TermsP 0 Box 715 Phone 129 Ocala Florida


Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Fed BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armours PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions


W P EDWARDSPho-ne lOS City Market

Floridas Higher Educational Institutions

University of theState of Florida

Gainesville Florida-

A highgrade institution for youngmen offering Literary Scientific En ¬

gineering Agricultural and Pedagogi-




Strong faculty well equipped lab-


thorough instruction boththeoretical and practical careful su-


and discipline high moral

toneNotuition charges to Florida stu ¬

dents Other expenses very low Forcatalogue and information address


KodolF-or Dyspepsia and Indigestion-

If Suffer from Indigestion DyspepsiaStomach Belching Sour Stomach Heartburn-

etc little Relieve almost Instantly

Kodol supplies same digestivejuices that are found in a healthystomach a it startsdigestion at one

Kodol not only digests your foodbut helps you enjoy every mouthfulyou eat

You need a sufficient ofgood wholesome food to maintainstrength and health

But this food must be digestedthoroughly otherwise the pains ofindigestion and dyspepsia are theresult

When your stomach cannot do itswork properly take something tohelp your stomach Kodol is theonly thing that will give the stom ¬

ach completeWhy Because Kodol does the

same work as a stomach anddoes it in a natural w-


I The State College fjr WomenFlorida Female College

I1 Tallahassee FloridaI

I A for Women without a par-allel


I In the South embracing a Col-lege


of Liberal arts a Normal Schoola School of Industrial Arts a School

I of Fine Arts offering instruction InI drawing painting piano pipeorgans violin voiceculture elocution andphysical culture

Forty Florida counties and sevenI States represented in the enrollmentlast session

I Fine new dormitory with roomsfor one hundred and sixty girls just

I completed Plans for other extensivej improvements are already made

For further information or cata-logue


I writetoA




you Gas onthe

a Kodol will you

theBeing liquid





So dont neglect your stomachDont become a chronic dyspepticKeep your stomach healthy andstrong by taking a little KodolYou dont have to take Kodol allthe time You only take it whenyou need it

Kodol is perfectly harmless

Our Guarantee-Go to yourdruggl today and get a dol-


bottle Then after you have used theentire contents of the bottle if you can

that it has not done you anycood return the bottle to the druggist andhe will refund your money without ques ¬

tion then pay druggist Dontyhesitate all druggiststhe-


that our guaranty Is good This offer ap ¬

plies to the larze bottle only and to but onein a large botte contains 254times cs much as the fifty cent

Kodol is prepared at the laborator-ies1 of E CDeWitt St Co Chicago

> t
