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,.rj;;AJ-fei.jt?- f I3PI 8 I . THE SUN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER "13, 1914. aKS! 1 I ft 1! 8b gait SUNDAY, DECKMUHR 13, nt the Post nt New York at Cl.iti Mall Siuliserlpllinis hy Postpaid. Per 0 AO Per Year 0 00 MtNDAY. Per 35 NL'NDAY (tn 1'u n a. la), Per 40 NU.NUAY, Per Year 3 50 AMI SUNDAY, Per Year 8 30 AND t!.lAY, Per 73 IVr 1 23 AY, Per 03 AND SUNDAY. Por Month.,.. 1 UO Till". i:Vi:NIN(l Per S3 Till: Per Year S 30 THU i:Vi:NIN(l SUN (Foreign), Per Mo. 1 03 All Ac, to be pijable to Tuc Mx. Published Including .Sunday, by the Hun Pruning and Publishing Association at 10 In tho Hujiugh uf Man Now President and Trtaturer, C. 170 P. Mitchell, 170 Secretary, C. 12. l.uxton, 170 trcct. HtUiiKham 1 1'jrli C Hue de la Mlchodlere, oft llur dii Septcmtire. Washington Illlib llulldlng. Ilrook'.jn 10s LIGngstoii our if An ilio' If Ith ra,intirW)M and HtuttratfiiH tor publicntivi tilth to hare thru In (ill etna Ifiitf for that mams or rosritMiAxn. 4'lrnrly hy u taunting American ,utliiirll on Intcriintlount To tub Kditoii or you not In resisting the Influences at Washington nre trying to our In contraband during this It Is not a question of for the law la perfectly It Is a question of ethical prejudice. Neutral- ity Includes mult nil js us It neu'nil duties. Not a century ago belligerent 5c painfully stretched. Ger- many violates treatlca, breaks neutral- ity, bombards without notice, unusual penally fur sniping, lavs In the seas Illegally. Knglind and rubber absolute contraband, t Jurisdiction over the extracts reservists neutral bot- tom?, cuts off our Germany without blockade. The Is ci.nimerrc, an emergency tax, dlsattcr. Is bad enough. Uut should the Administration bad by seeking 'to discourage In contra-Uin- d be a partial make- weight? The impertinences of the Her- man Ambassador are endured appar- ently without remonstrance. Tin; I'resl-de- a contract for sub- marines In sections, aro simple contraband, by our absurd construction uf the forbids our fur- nishing A .Senator proposes n bill to UK In contraband alto- gether. a neutral Government prefer belligerent interests to neutral interests? It Is a betrayal of It Is an assumption by the neutral of tho belligerent of preventing the carriage of contraband, Illegally tnking in the war and Inevlubly aiding one belligerent at tho expense of tho as as no our own cost. Tiieopoiie S. Woolsby. Haven, December 12. Has He Travelled In the Renlins of If Colonel I!oom;i i.t really wrote, In any spirit ,ui,n humorous the public Is of hearint; he hU Thursday la tho persons to a equal tn containing a ,f nuinber. To he he was not to "reforms," hut was i.i rtlr up tin; animals In auotlier bis and entomolofflcal col- lection of rcmlnlsccncos his "pleas- ure on the Unknown IMver. arc, moments, sometimes are the Colonel Ihu sensibilities and treads on the toes of n of his countrymen. lie the war bonnet and rcaehe ruthlessly for scalps ho cotister-natio- especially the I,aodlceans the political paclllsts. lie shrieks Ills war h's moccasins are thun- der stones; Is no of n his wlswam, It Is his reason- ably list of peculiarities he smol.e. Sometimes has stinlleil uniquf sieclmen of (or polltlcm, lias resrelted lie refuses to the nicotian: 1m denies himself sterllm; sedative, Tlieie are the Colonel rest mill disarmament. thoituh as the serpent, the Colonel Is as downrinht as dyna- mite, lie was was lu the ascendent. He dearly a shindy. If it were legitimate to slmjlo out one element lu a nei.ealopy so elalio-rat- e as his K especially In a campaign, we should say the Colonel was es sentlally and Immortally a belated he knows mid so Is somethlns of Ci.c'iit.TAiN ; and a energy recalls a different of a associated Cithulain by Mr. Jami.s Sri O'IIiiil.v of the O'llrlen nation and the Kingdom of Kerry, Kiiadamantiius (lie loiiiienior rejsret any of the of the On el his Trouble on e. nu. i in the place, trouble. In the hot place, was the business and !'n- - ,m nf ever h.'Wueivnt s ,'."f uf the o'llrlen niitkin, I ' I'nlniiul has trouli'o II" .in and elsewliere; a id ii- - i in I In- - lle.-- h of all con. i i -- la lei's and peojile ' ,i nltfllls; bill he lias a ' 'M .hill 111 IV lh Ml If.'lvt II Pf.fl. of Hooscvelts behind pecta-cle- s Is ns chnrmiiiR to cveryboily except a few tinfaiinnl nattirallsts as the red 11oohuvi-.l- Is nlarnilnp to botiseholdcrs the po flyln' through the nlr. ItoosF.VKi.r the hunter, the cowpttneher, pioneer, traveller, the Indefatigable, humorous, highly educated primitive, the. of sixteen n In Innumerable experiences of animals Itoosuvr.ir. In n house, com-Iioun- d of Natty Uumito, Damf.l Hoone, MAncu Uruch the traveller, Mayni: the pro- fessor of natural history, Dr. AnitoTT's Immortal Inquisitive rel- ative, Hollo the out of Hooskvklt the Jungle, and shows his spoils and mosquito bites, Ite Is a Wonder n Jungle In kbnkl. Fortunate the tell of cannibal of crocodlle-dwartln- g man-eatin- g catfish the Incautious monkeys lean- ing the on the ; of arboreal in habits; march in Innumerable armies, specimens of the Colonel's wardrobe In the knaps-nck- , speak. of soldier; of scorpions In shoes; of butter-tile- s as "as birds," say robins, to the Image concrete; of parrot steaks monkey chops; of and nnd stlugllkc a Progressive minority; of rnttleless rattlesnakes and ten-fo- bush-master- excellent executioner of the the miissitranui, the Hrazllian incorjiorates the polsou brothers lu bis capacious nnd Immune midst. even In the pur of adventures bo jrallantly carried of privations a of observations difficulties, an allegory n lovely : "On w enoountored rrsembltd a katydid, but a like a steam- boat whistle," even the Colonel, has seen and so sjieclmens of it, expected to find lu all too known variety of the American political locustld? Germany's Ability to Finance the Germany long.wnr against the two greatest financial Pow- ers lu the world, two halng-:i- s an moreover, a nation th-.- can put In tho armed soldiers any other? In a sieecli tho HrltlMi of the Kxchequer declared In sub he eontldeutly exiK-cte- Ger- many and Ati-tr- la to fail In- ability to provide the la- -t ?10O.OKi.lX)ll of "cash." Hut Germany is carrying on the struggle by the use of liuaucial ex- - Ndlents different any ever considered practicable similar circumstances. expedients are Is de- tailed In a Interesting article In the December number of the Atlantic Motillilu, written by IIolanii G. r.sifi.n, the known nuthor of Professor L'sitr.u declares the German statesmen are proceed- ing on the principle money, Is or sccle money, is essential or valuable for war purposes in so far as It enables to put an i the and sustain it it is winning the campaign. Im naturally the Gentian peo ple at tn fed and care of, and be employed and contented. If things can 1h accomplished tho German theory Is It matters whether the quantity of money, money, lu the country is or money, so called, the puriose of an exchange of If matters can bo so arranged an ex change of can place without the use of money, is unneces- sary. In the place, therefore, if the Government has to the of paternalism and centralization to breadth and accuracy It knows concerning the per- sonal nnd private affairs of its citizens where nil the resources of tho conn- - try are located In particular, tist it Is necpsary to provide outside In case of In ad of the outbreak of war It was enabled to preparations for the struggle of a Infinitely mi- nute formidable ever has In the before. financing of for the present conflict has ac cording to Professor Usiir.it, Included, to an extraordinary and efUclent organization of German private nnd nntionnl Industry war cannot Involve a dislocation of Industry as has in all calamitous. If not disastrous, to the countries In It occurred. system of conscription in' Germany has enforced In a a sulllclent number of men has left to In factories, counting houses and similar places, so tho business of the country can be carried on. second has easily taken, and Is a complete regulation of commodity prices. has not so difficult ns It be- cause Is merely the exchange of a commodity expressed in of money. Unless is a deficiency In supply or an uniisiril Increase In demand, prices ought to re- main the the elements of supply nnd demnnd looked after, speculation controlled the German people feeling nn inexhaustible confidence In the of Gov- ernment the of Its tho of money, Is currency or specie as an exchango medium In Irade, Is inconsiderable, because any guaranteed by the Govern- ment can Its place. Is tho theory, 1t Is a pretty one. it bo confessed. It has worked up to date. ns the Government's valori- zation scheme In Hrazll set at naught Ihu operation of the lnw of supply nnd demand for a couple of It remains to be seen whether tho theory Indefinitely. Except in so far as It includes an extremely mclliodlc.il preparation for a war In tho collection cataloguing of Ger- man resources, we fall to observe It Involves anything n financ- ing of the war through the use of the old expedient of Hat money. Iot It lie supposed at. the end of six mouths the supply In Ger- many, not having reenforced, bo-gi- to fall short, an unavoidable In Its heavy In the weakened Gcmum prow-im- s and begun to tell German spirit; factories nre closed hecntiiu men drawn was calculated chances of German In the war become dimmed, and tho money was thought to be this as nt the beginning of the Is universally rccogulzed to be thirty on n dollar. In case theory stand' weekly statements of the Iuiierlal of Germany so changed of as to be almost un- intelligible, but Is no at all the holdings of the. considerably enlarged, the bank's of money has en- larged ery tho on.-brea- k of the war the for Its money has diminished de cidedly: nnd It Is lnvauo of un- doubtedly the rale of German ex- change lu and outside Germany has to a Indicates Indirectly a pre- mium on German Germans are trying to on war practically without the of be considered hjr standards nn adequate re- - It Is not nt all Impossible do so, mid successful In efforts so It be Interesting to see if nre successful to the Street Signals to I!ti1nr to (So Ahead. were no disappointments In the reojiened market yesterday. lioeful expectations prepared for a restoration of public trading were multiplied In the realization. Indeed, the session develoKsI a ifying surprise lu the volume of actions and the of prices. were on n act ho had predicted. .Moreover quotations ros as trading progress!. the advance particularly sharp lu a number of Issues. Selling pres- sure was conspicuously lacking despite tho apprehensions recently tained. significance the market has for business in de- partment of is shown by com paring the se.lon resump- tion the last session before the suspension necessary by the outbreak of the Kurojiean war. On Thursday. .10, quoted for securities of all descriptions, aud stocks were crashing violently downward liquidation was coming the of the was portent of a terrific panic nnd It was even doubted if closing the market to it. During the Kxchange suspension the financial and business has recovered stability. Normal financial nnd commercial fael!ltl"s reestablished and the market has ojiened activity and rising prices. had the of the l'xchange less auspicious the ability to It at all encouraging. Im- portant was to nien the mnrk.H business conditions and pros- pects are reilected and discounted. The fact of the opening demonstrates the war has passed: and the fashion of the opening Is of even favorable are shrewd forecasters In Street, and the de- velopments In the restored notice to the Amer- ican business has something lesliles the war to Having (lie Flagman's Wages, was a violent collision lietween trolley cars at the Intersection of Klghth and Fifty-thir- d on Friday evening. Hy man fortune no one was killed, hut eighteen or twenty pioplo were Injured, the of se- verely. cars were damaged, one In particular badly smashed. Tho entire surface of the central section of the was up for a nnd disorganized for the entire evening, to tho annoyance and Injury of several thousand passengers. The accident was due hi the 7 :.'!() o'clock In the evening no llagman Is nt crossing to the traffic. location Is one of the busiest In the cars of the Hroadwny run- ning Fifty-nint- h use Fifty-thir- d for the east nnd section of Eighth car is one of on cars are rim frequency. In addition Is automobile up and Klghth nt all of the evening. tho crossing Is one of the Important and one of the danger- ous In the or principal II roadway corners Is hardly a crossing In the where the for watchfulness and control Is urgent. conditions of danger by no end tint business hours. continue nt the cars becomo In- frequent and pleasure riding In cars Is reduced In volume. It incredible tho respon- sible operating olliclnls of the traction company should n place for tho misguided exorclso of a econ- omy. cost of a tlHgnuin presumably be to ?2 a night. saving of a sum at the of life and property a fatuous of public safety, ns.sum-lu- g no damage should be brought by the Injured passengers the of repairing the damaged cars would probably my the of the llagmau for n couple of Incidentally the accident demonstrated once the danger to tho public of the new entrance whose by elaborate machinery, Miii? so together as to be Involved, as u In any mishap to either. tho jcnnlng of n crowd In n smashed or burning car serious con- sequences. on Mnntn Clntis. Citizens receive Christmas pres- ents abroad a pleas ant surprise In re notification the to up and jnty !15 or 51 or 03 on the pretty bagatelle which friendly remembrance Indicts on nt become of the present Administration's contri- bution to the cost of living. They discover lu addition to the and regardless of Its amount Is chalked up ngalnst n of 25 for the United Custom House entry. careful newspaper reader will dimly having noticed lu the schedule of tile "emergency" tax bill which President Wilson got through the Congress by gentle pressure In thy hurried of the of the session. Hut he in doubt, lie astonished to find It applies to his own micro- scopic and Involuntary ImiHirtiitlon. So far as be thought "f It at all, lie sup- posed the fee was a tax on conunerclnl transactions nt the Custom' House. If, howewr, he makes or less hented Inquiry at the window nn urbane otildal explain to rhe minimum Is 25 Is. not condescend to collect lib tax where the e Is less the tax official will hasten to In cases Is no the tax still be assessed. Some- times a Custom House oonjivtnres a be chargeable. lie makes mi entry. cMimluatl.m Is the vanlshe-- ; nn otllclal bm the Is a sacred and irrexocable thing. It stands nnd so the 25 tax. So the citizen must pay for theoilii'lal blunder. All is splendidly logical, inter- nal ami socially serviceable. It greatly enhances the happy taxpayer's pride n his Government. Hut It be In- teresting to Congress- men understood were lmiio. ing a (M'ttlfogglng annoyance of this sort on the man In the for the "emergency" I suddenly nennatiy. trils j her to uut of .Morocco nnd to out Jtr.nNARD (iMfofmenf of "Common tit nue." i Mr. rxposes France, (which was as tho bullied tn tho i Morocco it, now appears, as was believed by who the tureneth of his character, that Gneral dreamed of offering his fortune and to ild General to in Mexico. "I solemnly declare," Victuiimno IlrnaTA ltiuce-lon- a, I cin dealings Cuiiunza, the Musher; Srm, tlie highwayman, nnd Villa, tin. Jall-lrt- nl " As must Ik; .i Mexicans at who precisely the same opinion of warrlni; ehteflulns the prospect for nnd reconstruction ,s as ns It b. "Tipperarj" 1ms in Secretary Gaiirison and General I.. Scott, the of Mr. Garri- son was not at all shocked some one told him that i of cavalry bad manivuvred In Madison Square Garden to the nlr is !n the trenches In Flanders. The of "It Is a spirited tone nnd a nnd I like It." We tbnt the of men to Mime fun at the expense of the. muzzled Is too to be The of the lun "Tlpperary" will be to men it aH tho nnd It will provoke the men of the to it on A hy Kmpcror William to INcnLK, and by the to "a resident of liamblcdon," has sold at miction In for to aid tho I ilea I Ited hospltnl. The ltcd is to bo eoimratul.itid ltn fortune, but smokers like to Is Uixshalk gave the F.mperor's cheroot. It be to in is a jus carrying regulation so far as to It a mils-anc- It Is a question whether the rule lequlrlng drivers in who to turn Into it side 4o th" left to turn first to the the around ami get Into the lino moving In the con- trary direction In to cross tho will a real udvanlago In making the difficulty of turning around In the cross is considered, especially for cats, It as If the new rule considerable Individual hardship and in tho scheme do more Tho object of regulation Is not to nn per- fection of system but to things moving minimum annoyance to Individuals. The new income tax blanks require tlie to specify whether ho was his on December 31, Surely this Is not the question. If tho died on December 30, tho Treasury Department attempt to rob tho husband of his exemption? As- suredly no uphold It, The stntutory question Is a one cover- ing the and not one of It. officialdom so to a virulent construction on the it has to administer? Tw. l the ivlth the reolc l !mirejnir hr on ( Siltetert. Jai'k Tart Nay, tar Is too Jotepliim illl not hae It Oj Let "purity" the rule. We'll man tho navy with Jack MUSICAL APPliECIATiOX. Sir. Matter Umnrosch Deplores tho of It In a Certain To the or Tun Sun Sir: Is with our musical or public? Wednisilay I at a performance of of Oerontlus," by tho Oratorio So- ciety. The Is of Ineffable nnd 1 tho first of thle with tho Henedlotus In Hcethovcn's mass and with the German Itequlem of Itruhms. To the believing Christian, be ho Catholic or Protestant, tho real and vltnl h may foil, and to him who .to It lis a of art, tho nobility of Ite themes, the refinement of workmanship In development and the richness of the orchestration must keenest delight and satisfaction. Tho performance was of iniperlatlve I greater beauty of lone and orchefltrj, and the singing and of Mr. the pllgrlmnKe of the soul Intensely nnd uplifting. Hut of the hundred or so present lu tho audience, nuch a and ten that number. It Is true that of our very well to do so distractions and tempta- tions by of that tlnd the time or 'the strength to all that Is offered, or the very multiplicity of opportunities prevents tint concentration of Is the first eesentlal for e. Our very on the the opportunity to acquire the fundamental cduentlon on a enjoyment of the beautiful In art is Uut how our I am 1h.1t of consider that to society Is accomplished contributed more or kss liberally to the charltt'e nnd philanthropies of our and that thoy do no: them- selves and the and spiritual de- velopment of own with so of :ib an art has nexer n cultivated, or It has smothered at a tltnn of life ami be evqulsltely sensitive to r.s ennobling Influence, It Is true th'U In a for si'tiiphiiilc but such masterpleois of real Inspiration ns tho "Dream of Oerontlus" are Hill created, this of musical art not bo allowed no for want of support. Walter Damroscii. Nhw December 11. Minin.f: avi:s. "larl(," Are Intellectual Triumph". To the or Tub Susf fiir; The Innuendo of "II. eomeuhero In the fourteenth century" tn hit on the "Sabbath Committee" be leys eoeksiirely had he time to consult with who whereof reference in In 1 respectfully a dip Into nonio such thoughtful book as Dr Nicholas Murray ltiulers tr' itlse on "fhllociphv." "i; II." the Columbia prejd-dent- 's conclusion as to the a eoniiul'in on ivsenivh and schol- arship. iiess Is certainly not characteristic ,,: 'he thoughtful Dr. and he has this to say. To uppoj- - thit Mich nn nue ai tlil tthe Ariel ran prnprly li; dejcrlhcil u dirk Is ml to to the lliul-tatlo- n of one's knnnledco .md fMnpathy. ?.', as' wai ilark In anj' true sense that witness.! tho aseniMlnK ef at the fiet of ami llrali.iuui that aa the rise of unlverltlei', of nulld- - anil of IhJt us tired by Hie enthusiasm and zeal of St. unit HI. Ih.al r.ie l.lrlh to lh .liirv nf Ih nt the Holy of the "Nlbelur.Ken" anil ' the Onmecly" of that wit those triumph" of J turc tint Mil: eneij rye that rests upon or th.it knew the I'oiiFtltutlon it Clarendon, the ami th I lefal art. " of doer personal In a Just estimate of the maligned that of ten centuries undentood ami less appttiiated. Thomas .I. Orit.roTLE. HliooKLTtf. December IS. .Mr. ('mil To Tin: or Tin; St-- s Sir; Tuft at So'iiervllle. that the In our di Indication of "i mitd hy-tfl- a' "a' ii time by of the war the neres!?v for such is protalil less than It baa been for lie suggests that we u.ic t" our ii Government the of suppress- ing the caue of a war of .lgcrvsslon, and he says: only real po.sj of a war that I can Is the iceMcjs, willingness on the part of a of the country to ra-l-- il prejudice and by flagrant hi each of In the of law or by Molcnce." are like ', pure come from a man who s President of the who was for Secre- tary of War and also Governor of the Philippines. He JiKstltles the of President In seeking to prevent the caue of war. will be no war If we cool ainl do not give to peoples. come from an experience and knowledge of that him a far counsellor than Representative Gardner or Lawyer Menken. H. T. Stscnr.. December 11. (he AtMrlnus Captured ll Hie llusslans? To tiir or Tun Sun Sir: One of the wnr deserves lias so far remained unremarked' It Is the way In the Austrian Russians. I the Austrian? have never a victory or d the most crushing capturing any-wher- o from to Russian nnd of artillery. Won- derful nre! to bo celebrated lit Ming or In Imperlshible (no wonders the Russians come been raptured to for all tlie u C. Stki'iiu.vsiis:. L N1K1NMLLK, Vt December II. A Ailjnile Tn THE or Tiir. sin Mr; In tne little 1 (tot nil my education the cr not tn use tn connection with some obligation, aa for iliunaKes." Now I'm all at sea, for Hut Mr. J, '.n tils criticism of "Dr. sajMi "Wc are all, even humanly liable to Wouldn't It 1'u "tn try and lliul" a "likely" to use In of In this aentenoe? December 15. All Through the Into tno blue eye Bate etraltht back at you, watching red Hps curve and pout. What obe mure man do? Her hair lay 011 my My arm. embraced her Her little hand tny grasp In contldciice was And I, fTeh from the teacher's art In and Trod all tlie ory With skill thu tro I l.vme rlrst with and dip, Then wrien I saw a tear my darling's I changed And the little dear. The clock the elorV My strength was pent. Sllll the iiviim of the I'nfuiiehtngly I at Urt. Into her fse I toiik a Healthy paep And oh, Jov, my babe At 'last had con to H H H. I cnvisK of avesua. The Cmilen ami Miryoc) of (he thu Kmdon wjs picked up by tho Sydnoy, It. M. Austra.tan her commander had u of forty-tlirc- o men on Keeling. object was to destroy tho wireless, u low Installation designed primarily for communication Christmas and at sva, and to cut the of thu East- ern company's system. a landing probably bo com- mand of a Junior and division officer, a l.eutuant-zur-Se- und u gun ns a of Tho Emdeu was to nnd this was left us spec-tite- rs of tho end of tho on had played of gladsome adventure. Thenco set to escaped but sad at Uio loss of companions; It was veri the beginning of u now Odyssey, and the end Is not yet in tho ecas of the Islands, not too violence this Cocoa-Keelin- g and un old schooner In tlie lagoon. was the Ayeshn, u schooner of feet over nil, once tho of Clunlcs-ltos- s, tho of Cocos-Kcelln- Young Clunies-llos- s was not on tho at tho otherwise the men might had a comfortable yacht. Km-barki- on the Ayesba, probably a of gratitude to Mohammed's or to according as memory served captain und crow of S. M. S, Ayeslin lu a uncertain status, rtinauatc, part corsair. The has come left C'oco.s-Keolln- g on November 10 is tm on November 2S touched at Fadailg on tlie west of Sumatra nnd aboard supplies. sleepy factory has scarcely had a warlike stir February fi, the American frigate Totoniac up the neighboring Unjah of Quulla. In a and salutary racket. Whither Tlie yot the black-whltc-ro- d banner Is on the cast African and blockade. The Ayesha to come to harbor at' a Itrltlsh at Zanzibar within eyeshot. She run for the harbor, the for Is by tho vessels Hie Koenlgsbetg and ore keeping her up. The chance for the survivors of the F.mden Is to the Ayesba eastward and to go on a through tlie Malay travels slowly In of enchantment, w.ll lie n byway of tlie .sea no one of the and tho 1'mden men can whatever news may please To the traders will come ns n godsend, for new faeo Its own welcome. Tho Day.iHs respect for anything on that like a unifotm und will themselves peaceful even if not cordial to the wanderers Is no should not a pleasant Crusoes of tho t.ermnn and the war t has come to Its end tip y can surrender in some convenient tlie , has but u ' modest Incident of wnr. the of sudors. I I Present .shipping facilities for merle:iit To tiii; or Tin: Si'n Sir: Presi- dent Wilson's contains .. . . ,'"""""' ; Impression that Is a lack of nduiuate shipping facilities , between this country and Central America are regular steamship lines the pott of New nnd potts mi the nK and wist ' of Amoiioa. nut Including atn lines g., to Caillhean are. In iddltloii. othc-- I sttiimshlp Ilnea running to the Amor'c.m markets. Including the America and the Caribbean Of the tllst four are operated with steamships Hying' j the American ltag. Th. se ' adxi rtise In om New V.irk commercial ' il.nlv this morning iwcnty-llv- e v,l. lug" for the net In the next a will tor AtnerU.i d,i. are ill addition sailings fur AinerK.t of the In Mew of the w lib authori- tative e th. wli Ii U to 1. rigretteil that once the popular fallacy that are no shipping t.icllltles for American support. Any can confirm for himself nil the In nil Fi:. .v 1; u s; .1 o n-- , Publisher .tmcrii-m- t LVporfrr, December to. sniii nt the licjlinle. To tub hi- - The si-- sii : y,ut do well to call attention to the thurdlilcx of some of ihu sliM- - proscciillous. In t'10 Inst case w lu re the Attorney and the Federal In Chicago lutenciml it was 111 tile newspaper that the man was arrested because he had In his promise to .his wife ami the complainant If any such bargain w is ever between the husband ami the complainant It was of Immoral nnd Indecent, nnd the husband com- mendation for breiklng It. Can it be true that sapient authiirltk-- Indicted him fur not carrying out a I.AWvr.n. Nhw December 12. Vt tent Inn, Philosophers! To tiik tn Tun sir: and lu was the sense of first ilc ? H, ,s, y, 1'uhti.anp, Me., I et 12. "Onliiiin," In 1111. Km ron ur Tu -- Sir: Is of I he name of the new Cunnrrter, Onluna? 1 havo a but have in en to ttud nu reference to It. The SliitcKinnii'n Year lta.ik ima tho word a military In Turkey, but no self. ting tcanihip go Into at the time for a name. H. PiTCnoorr, U I.. Hscemher 11 A Japanese ml Hell, Idly In the glu.pnliu Ho on.-- ' go Memories, and miet In a wild and awe,.! Through the open zeplivrs triailltic Hy the Mini bill there of lu the air tn the tiny ami ruilyann. blue flags long and And Hie 01 fan's rim. In a As tho Jingle-jangl- To thu whlnpers soft and Ot lit as the) i E WILLIAMS ART SALE raiittiiijrs Foremost JforTrrn Artists Will He posed DATE NAMED MTHR An announcement that is of t interest tn art uonnotsscurs Is the of pictures In tho lata lehabod T '. collection, wit) be srVd tin- - by tho American Art iitw, In this collection are mast of the gr m in art, both Kuropian t American, and tho sain will sun v un enlivening upon the seis-n- . Tho Ilarblzon is well reprn.e'i In the collection nnd Is header) bi T Quarrlers," un Important example, Ktlcnne Itousse.-iu- , nnd m n . American division are a head by Jo ii Sargent and by (. r Mr. Williams wa.s a well a p' t - collector and un Intimate, of i , lato Cottier, tlie Hit exp- -t n'n had so to do with forming t .a lie in this country tli of this collection is an example. Tho salo Is by f executo.rs of tho and will .. m, v two evenings. H will b held in tlie gr.u i ballroom of tho on to bo announced Tho list of s- follows : of nnrtilfon Mnetora. Tho Ilarblzon are n'- - by notable IJuaniers. Troyon'n "Morning on tho of Nn mandy, In Pasture' and "A P cheron" ; Corel's very Important Neml," Woodman' CXit end "French Landscape" ; Kousseau's "T i and "Woodland Landscape." Dan blgny'a efwlftly aildes," "D. parting and the : of Fontalnorjlenu, nt Suntet," Lovers." "Uo;m." "T s Sun Worshippers" nnd Houiuei it nd Dupro'u "Marine." The Modern Msistera. Tho modern masters aro repr- - by the a lists by by "A of The Soi On the and "A Moorish I.idi ' Matthins by "A of I, Hague." Drums," the enlng" ; Matthias In comblnatloi Montlcelll by "A "iala and ' Me, He Me Mattlvas In combination with Molllnger h' "Returning be t'i of the Milkmaid T. de by "An Morning." Me dag by "Drifting Awhuri." by Interior," Heshooni b bis "Church Interior, I and Scene," and Scliwartze 1 tlie mastcrpliie entitled a Amsterdam," exhibited .it t World's Columbian Kxpo-otlo- In ISI'3 The nnd contcntpor nalnteis Jacques,' let t.a.. ...ni .e .. r... i r ieiaeroK' "Frmcli Vollon'fc "Portrait of Sister." Cm and MephStopln les" m Itoybefs "Spanish OyiMits nn,i "Abduction of Kch.ce.-i.- Mettl'ri: "'fruit" and "Ib llos of the of the Ai list. s " ld Has Its Solace.'' Is.ibi's "A Meeting Wood." Michel's of Muni m.irtre," Honmnlsou's Pool " T' Winning "A on the "i iy's "re st ...ill. . .tr.ta r . .. 111.111 1. .m i""ii .ii - jjontleelli's "landscape and 1. , -- Woods." far ' "TV ., F.irm.ir.l. ' Imiiortiint A 11 fill ,1 1 nu. ... ... . .... ne prominent arun, xr. who, ib ., and rlpciud late in lift p, ' h s love for art and his siiiglene- - pose stivnirtliciied as le gi like nil great t'a'.nters. ho an life, and strongly retleetnl h r Is worthily nteil very Impoitnnt c.invnsis, tn "Ro'tiaiiy Thtough tlb Vl ! lows" and "Landscape.' s n- - s gent b- - the Impurtant "A Cap' '. Wy.uu by two "LiiiiitM-aiie.- " .1 C V' r phy by "Autumn," .1. F. in ' "Winter Lilldseape," I51,ke'o, K Madonna." A P. Itvd-- " Kirn.iuid" and "Tie .1. Aid. n hy his -r- iic " , 1 Music," and Colman, I s"i n .lohlison, WhlttredKC, Mclutu, W. T. Itlchanls and I. b lepresentnllve The old tli the ' -- by S'lssnfi't-ato- , Diuiienlehlno. 1 n Van Go.M'li, Van de Vi lib J ' ' A. and Van The old nnd ITuiopenn ceiiimies, late I 'i rock er stul Venitat objects, bronze, teria iwi- ' library, rtehmss, drawings aid ' furniture belonging to the sin will be sold nt trip in Immediately the m ' - paintings. RUSH CITIZENSHir Sulnrnj' Ainrmlirr NaltlranZatuMi ma te by County r-- on ' that In the "f Noveinb, r t applied for i it'.zi Tn laigest number ot applicant- - t 011 in any ' and Is due t i ' enforced provision of the Si iti I that citizens can lie cmp contracts. Tlie niajiirlt of the . laborer, although . norkiiieii, tii.uu ,f t employed ns lltnbertnen and l'i In subwav also applied. l'Vw uf h" applied lime in tln . a year, and cimm- - b zens In bss than live ie.it s li.nl practically cease epccted that applic.itiuns f ir ' dwindle 10 abii -' ' but the subw.i:. 111 ri's i Increase of too per i'i.l "During tin 'ast tlx, Schiiehb r. 11 number of aiiplle.it Ions has be a year, nnd in the Lis an of hate g en and 4 " admitted 'throm.li th V naturallzailon bureau. "If hII tlie In voto oir u liv at least '."" Manhattan ind The ' of foreign aciru was and lu 191 il the was Through tlv actl to get this fr. ign vote that the new iitl7eiis I" ' the of agi In s i, one of the umaller p.irtlin or fa- usually ally then-si- one of the two big parties, ail limuge." t Hill en l'i heating a continuation atgument on of ' L. Hlllard. I"1 William Skinner, of the hi Ibe New an a .11 the t'liiii i District tiservid di istni da' and gave the 11 Thursdny to tile llml I I 3ii 1014. Lnurd Oltlce Second Mutter, Mull, DAILY, Monti IIAII.V, .Month Month DAILY DAILY Month l'liKEUIN ltATlt. DAILY. Month CUM Month DAILY SlUN, Month sTN. cheeks, money orders, tnada dally, Nassau street. hattan, York, William Kelok, Nassau street; Vice-P- : .tasr.t. Edward Nassau street; Nassau London ollkt, House, Arundel street, strand. oMre. ymtre oltlce, otttce, atreet. frtetidt r'jtcted iirlirfri rttvrnrd mutt' Haini.i imriioK. rm: stated ljw. Tub Scn Sir: Will assist vhlcli limit trade war? law, clear: rights quite much docs since have rights been levies un- due tines, exacts mint's high makes onpper lalms whole North Sea, from direct trade with result ruined This why make worse trade which would dally forbid largo which statute which ships. stop deal. Why should trust. More than that, duty thus part other well New .Much (iulil. and other ,mit that "tired from me." had answer nlfiht (1,000 who tried crowd Into ball third their sure, talk about way, from trip" 'way down There there years, when Jabs good many When dons caiu-e- s anions and soiiu, there pipe peace ainoiic lous that loo-m- 't 'I'm: Sr.v, which Iouk this homo vlr) that drink holy herb that this times when ileitis and quiet Tor, subtle often horn when .Mars loves that Irish, ftourc from Celtic snjjas that loves well. Theru tierce which very broth hoy. with i'iii...s, who made that Clan eaino way. rouble aood that ropni uifiile soino ai'ilii party iliurii nlpai that '''in ijicnt those who many sober when rnzzers with heart and head rich and other men; when this who never slept this I'olo, Heid, nnd Ly- man when real doors comes back from who shall resist him? Hook nnd Hook bound were folks who beard him fishes that each other ent; that leap from water ajid pull down from trees bank ants their nuts that with leaves and solo each fiery little that sleep azure long small sl.ed make nnd gnats wasps that buzz aud that snake tribe snake trust, who And glow and borne with grin and among lifts head Infect mnda nolso Could who heard many have Urazil this well Hnr. How will carry oifn these ally, third Held more than recent Chan cellor stance that from their from that have been under What these very well that that that cash only them army Into Held there while Tills plies that who stay home shall taken also shall kept these that little real actual large small. Ileal serves only value. that value take money first lieen able carry forces such that every detail Just every and what from war, then long vance mako kind more and more than been made world The true thus, begin with, snch that tills such other cases lxen which The used been such manner that been still work that still The sdep been that This latter task lieen seems, price value terms there seri- ous same. With with and with power their and success nrms, wed that token take This and very Also, must very well Just great coffee thero years. Hut will work nnd that more than that food been with rise cost; thai losses Held have upon that more have been from them than upon; thai. success havo that paper which Hiinio gold year worth only cents what then would this The Hank have been late there doubt that wlille gold bank have Issue paper much more. Since gold basis paper Issue this that New York other cities fallen point which large gold. The carry their help what would ordi nary gold nerve. tbnt they may they have lieen their far. will they end. Wall There stock The with which Wall Street grat trans course Deal ings much more scale than been being only enter What stock eery effort first after with long nnide July val- ues bonds alike, under which from ends earth. There every would help avert Stock world have been stock with Kven fresh shirt Stock been make would have lieen most The thing where very that crlis more omen, They down there Wall initial stock mar- ket give world that think about. There avenue street ellous good them Hoth being tratllc west city tied while fact that afler kept this con- trol Tim city. The Sixth avenue and lines alxive street street west bound their route. The ave- nue line those which with great there very great tratllc down avenue hours Thus most most New York. Next after three four thero city need more The means with They until late night when motor seems that select such petty The would from $1.50 Tho such risk shows riven that milts cost wages years. more great side cars, doors opeu and shut only said doors close both rule, Some day may hnvo Wnr Tax who from this year havo store. When they eclve from post office step cents duty them they will once nwnre lateet high will that duty there them "war tax" Item cents States The recall this Item days, close will, that entry small large more iwst otllce will him that limit cents; that Uncle Sam will entry duty than Itself. The add that many where there duty entry may sage that duty may Then When made duty Into guess, entry does cent this would know how many that they stiiH.t when they otisl bill. Franco bullies clear clear harp. from GEoniK Shaw's latrt Thus Siuw posing affair. those knew never sword Villa restore order cables from "that never have with four there treat many home have these praee about dark could found friends Upon Oilcf Staff. when troop which sung Chief Staff says: lively tune, fancy nrmy hnw navy good lost, effect upon make nrmy slug more, navy bawl leave with great gusto. cigar given lyoril latter lieen $71.50 Cross Cross upon good what would know why away may well bear mind that there such thing traffic muko latest Fifth avenue desire street rlKht into Mreet then turn order avenue prove tratllc flow. When streets largo motor looks might cnuso ;enernl harm than good. trnllic rrento ideal keep with victim living with wife t9H. wife would court would broad entire Vnr day Why doe? strive hard place laws Martial Knli-ke- r What matter Rmltha? nocker Their Ktlllur them. tianre tnueh black, beromo Snoirl Mot Case. Editor What wrong rather night tended Elgars "uream given work beauty would rank part ora- torio great muslo makes what before have only dimly would listen only work their give, merit. Never have heard from chorus diction Ehves madu mov- ing Instead ilWeeti mai'tcr work mauler should havo drawn times many have many oftcrrd them rennn their wealth they either cannot enjoy their mind which poor, other hand, seldom have which proper reared. about great middle clues? afraid mmy these th?Ir duty nfter they have v.irlous city, realize their duty toward mental their souls. Al.is! many them miisle hen when mind he.irt fhould thero much larger public music, "idle Ising branch should decay popu- lar Tomk, tiii: fnlleil They llrlslit Mlth i:p!TOR It.'s" "back suulb might penned taken thus'- know they speak when historic order. suggest where would learn Dark Age, based Hut-Id- -, MI'Mle Invite Httrntlun scholar Aiciiln Maura-- , iltle, lloniliile Francis; ('.rail, "Divine Dante, tiesseil llotlilc archltec- - ilrMcht them, .Mi.pn.i chart.i comment ltr.leton. Thus dce.i study exult much Middle Age, group little Tnft'N Wisdom Tnmmc nilcd. Kiutou stated Mas., rei'enth current Intenst fences clos When reason pre-ei- 't de- fence scleral decades past." na- tion iiuaus "The ihlllty foresee wanton. wicked narrow see-In- r.rntlfy class hatred treaty rlchts form State lawie.-- i These winds nppUs geld. They sercd Fnlted Slates, several years policy Wilson There keip offence other Taft's words world af- fairs make wiser Ni:w York, lime KfUTcn phase which surely notice awful which capture believe gained surfeit defeat without fl.HOfi 3i),iiuu troops whole parks fellows they They ought liionze. where ifiom, since enough have account miles John- - Nutmec licker, ItPiton dMtrirt scjionl nhero children taiiKlit "lliible" unless "liable Thomas Durell Sintax" clise writer, error." better Kncllsh place "liable" l'AHMia. Mlironii. Conn., Mght, When looking Which When could golden breast, walet, within placed, tango maxle, latest eteps seeks. ducked ihrl Upon cheek waltied atruek "one," struck "two," almnt through ihnm went, Pntll. found, little aleeo. Tin; run Men Their .South Hens. When navy, Just landed fehoro party Cocoa Their power with Island with ships cable Such party would under watch would have boat show forco. called battlo small party ashore brave ship which they thoir part they forth, glad havo from death their dear tably warm Spice With much shore party raided prov. sinned This about sixty yacht King time, have steam with sense sec- ond wife th.r them, they sailed nway, most part only word which from them since they report that they coast took fresh This little Dutch such slneo 1S32, when shot Hattu great next? nearest land under const under cannot hope with naval bse cannot only other Itutijl Hlvcr, Mafia Island IkIiI whl.h chased buttled only head Slnbnd voyage Seas. News those isles there found many where knows world ablaze bring them. remote they every makes have grent deck looks show There renson why they have Fall, these navy, when port with know!- - edge tint, white their been they have done whole duty Mnitli Trade. Rmtoi: annual mecsage """"""- - eonvey there. and. Smith There twelve rtiiiiilng Iti'twein York coasts Smith wlu-i- i ports, 'tntre twelve other Latin West Indies. Central popl.. twelve lines above named twelve lines paper thirty d.ne other words, dining thirty days stunner leave Smith lieirl ocry There numerous l.atlu from other P'irts Fulled States. spread liitliiein which have. again there South trnle should reei.ve person facts atme Mated hour's time. Nr.w VoiiK, tnele KniTott public wicked wniti- - noiiil Fnlted States District Grand Jury st.itnl acioupt failed dlvoice marry made course these wicked York, F.pitoh s'un- - When what people humor eloped ember Sin-th- e What nieiinliig made carutul search unable (IOIO) "Ordu." district respei lhigllnh company would Turkey pres- ent shlp'i Anlsr.inx CillMAN. HltllliK fanciin dreams lslone tingle ntudoo Healing .softh blow, hanging Wealth music L1rtn clamor Lutiu blooms Lillet, slim, distant mown together tangle crsmals brrmn h'nw nvmia. liy Pis Of. TO BE prfat-cs- t Inms'a which winter Assn. mimes modoni effect school threo canvatos Fuller. Know friend Daniel much tasto along whle.h adtnlra order estato Tiaza Hotel dates later. painll. Work masters repres Millet's work "Tho Coast "Cows "Dvi' ping, Lako "Tho Well" "Tho Water Day" "Hy Klvor" Diaz's Forest "Cattla '"Hie "Tim Dutch Dutch sented notable works, among Wilbm Marls "Dutch Cutta Jacob Marls Toller Canal" Marls Corner "Day "After t'hrnt Murals with Day" lovcs Not" Marls Home." Anton Mauve notable canvas "I'etp Hock April Albeit iiuys "Dutch Main," Street Theren- - "iiit Orpl tllrls. modern French Include "The .it..,Hi.H Farm House Coiol's turt's "Fans: "tllrl's Head," War." Itll.o' "Studio ItotiMti "The lUlghl- - "The berg's "The Card.' Cons-j- , Weir Sleiir." ..i.iiiiii.iir Flguie "Dolce Nluile yVKXlC ..ThJ inerleii .iinenc.iii G"orge Fuller, "like Corot. slowly only ulit," repres' Girl." "Led John Indian r'ne." "The Weir S.iiniiii .11'-lie- , Cediv works m.iter Neer, Cuyp iM.nle Gicik potteiv. delft. ball", Jade, -- cublliet Amrrb lerns after BIG FOR WorU llal.ra Hrrui'il llnlitli. tlgures trrda Clerk month nsiup pape;-- record county Stater ehletly only pulilii' nppl' Italian cxpep; vanced work eonsiiti been than they glutton lapels would probli about Clerk 17.0011 nier.ige in.OOo papers. Helwi II.OUO liavo been alien born could they wntii'i native born votei-- s Bronx excess born eltizi-r- s IJ.tiuil, 17,000. Ikians usu.i'.ii clslng light niftr later they 1bey seldom I'lens gsln After picas fmmu' .lolm James three ll.li'i-- S'icri; CUtlntl, Judge lirubb Couit attornc- - bilef
Page 1: I3PI Tin; 8b gaitchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1914-12... · ,.rj;;AJ-fei.jt?-f I3PI 8 I . THE SUN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER "13, 1914. aKS! 1 I ft 1! 8b gait SUNDAY, DECKMUHR

,.rj;;AJ-fei.jt?- f


8 I . THE SUN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER "13, 1914.aKS!





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Published Including .Sunday, by theHun Pruning and Publishing Association at10 In tho Hujiugh uf Man

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HtUiiKham 1

1'jrli C Hue de la Mlchodlere, oftllur dii Septcmtire.

Washington Illlib llulldlng.Ilrook'.jn 10s LIGngstoii

our ifAn ilio' If Ith ra,intirW)Mand HtuttratfiiH tor publicntivi tilth to hare

thru In (ill etnaIfiitf for that

mams or rosritMiAxn.4'lrnrly hy u taunting American

,utliiirll on IntcriintlountTo tub Kditoii or

you not In resisting the Influencesat Washington nre trying to

our In contraband duringthis It Is not a question offor the law la perfectly It Is aquestion of ethical prejudice. Neutral-ity Includes mult nil js

us It neu'nil duties. Nota century ago belligerent

5c painfully stretched. Ger-many violates treatlca, breaks neutral-ity, bombards without notice,

unusual penally fursniping, lavs In the seasIllegally. Knglind andrubber absolute contraband, t

Jurisdiction over theextracts reservists neutral bot-tom?, cuts off ourGermany without blockade. TheIs ci.nimerrc, an emergency tax,dlsattcr.

Is bad enough. Uut shouldthe Administration bad byseeking 'to discourage In contra-Uin- d

be a partial make-weight?

The impertinences of the Her-man Ambassador are endured appar-ently without remonstrance. Tin; I'resl-de-

a contract for sub-marines In sections, aro simplecontraband, by our absurd constructionuf the forbids our fur-nishing A .Senator proposes n billto UK In contraband alto-gether.

a neutral Governmentprefer belligerent interests to neutralinterests? It Is a betrayal of

It Is an assumption bythe neutral of tho belligerent ofpreventing the carriage of contraband,

Illegally tnking in the warand Inevlubly aiding one belligerent attho expense of tho as as noour own cost. Tiieopoiie S. Woolsby.

Haven, December 12.

Has He Travelled In theRenlins of

If Colonel I!oom;i i.t really wrote,In any spirit ,ui,n

humorous thepublic Is of hearint; he

hU Thursday la thopersons to

a equal tn containing a ,fnuinber. To he he was not

to "reforms," hut was i.irtlr up tin; animals In auotlierbis and entomolofflcal col-

lection of rcmlnlsccncos his "pleas-ure on the UnknownIMver. arc, moments, sometimes

are the ColonelIhu sensibilities and treads on the toesof n of his countrymen.lie the war bonnet and rcaeheruthlessly for scalps ho cotister-natio-

especially the I,aodlceansthe political paclllsts. lie shrieks

Ills war h's moccasins are thun-der stones; Is no of nhis wlswam, It Is his reason-ably list of peculiarities he

smol.e. Sometimeshas stinlleil uniquf

sieclmen of (or polltlcm,lias resrelted lie refuses tothe nicotian: 1m denieshimself sterllm; sedative, Tlieieare the Colonel rest

mill disarmament.thoituh as the serpent, the

Colonel Is as downrinht as dyna-mite, lie was waslu the ascendent. He dearly ashindy. If it were legitimate to slmjloout one element lu a nei.ealopy so elalio-rat- e

as his K especially In a campaign,we should say the Colonel was essentlally and Immortally a belated

he knowsmid so Is somethlns ofCi.c'iit.TAiN ; and a energyrecalls a different of aassociated Cithulain by Mr.Jami.s Sri O'IIiiil.v of theO'llrlen nation and the Kingdom ofKerry, Kiiadamantiius (lieloiiiienior rejsret any of theof the On el his Trouble one. nu. i in the place, trouble.In the hot place, was the business and!'n- - ,m nf ever h.'Wueivnts ,'."f uf the o'llrlen niitkin,

I ' I'nlniiul has trouli'oII" .in and elsewliere;

a id ii- - i in I In- - lle.-- h of all con.i i -- la lei's and peojile

' ,i nltfllls; bill he lias a' 'M .hill 111 IV lh Ml If.'lvt II Pf.fl.

of Hooscvelts behind pecta-cle- s

Is ns chnrmiiiR to cveryboilyexcept a few tinfaiinnl nattirallsts asthe red 11oohuvi-.l- Is nlarnilnp to

botiseholdcrs thepo flyln' through the nlr. ItoosF.VKi.rthe hunter, the cowpttneher, pioneer,traveller, the Indefatigable, humorous,highly educated primitive, the.

of sixteen n InInnumerable experiences of animals

Itoosuvr.ir.In n house, com-Iioun- d

of Natty Uumito, Damf.l Hoone,MAncu Uruch the traveller,

Mayni: the pro-fessor of natural history, Dr.

AnitoTT's Immortal Inquisitive rel-

ative, Hollo the out ofHooskvklt the Jungle,and shows his spoils and mosquitobites, Ite Is aWonder n JungleIn kbnkl.

Fortunate thetell of cannibal

of crocodlle-dwartln- g man-eatin- g

catfish theIncautious monkeys lean-

ing the on the ; ofarboreal in habits;march in Innumerable armies,

specimens of the Colonel'swardrobe In the knaps-nck-

, speak.of soldier; of scorpions

In shoes; of butter-tile- s

as "as birds," sayrobins, to the Image concrete; ofparrot steaks monkey chops; of

and nnd stlugllkca Progressive minority; of rnttleless

rattlesnakes and ten-fo- bush-master-

excellent executionerof the the miissitranui, theHrazllian incorjioratesthe polsou brothers lu bis capacious nndImmune midst. even In the pur

of adventures bo jrallantly carriedof privations a

of observations difficulties, anallegory n lovely :

"On w enoountored rrsembltda katydid, but a like a steam-boat whistle,"

even the Colonel, has seenand so sjieclmens of it,

expected to find lu alltoo known variety of the Americanpolitical locustld?

Germany's Ability to Finance the

Germany long.wnragainst the two greatest financial Pow-ers lu the world, two halng-:i- s

an moreover, a nation th-.-

can put In tho armed soldiersany other?

In a sieecli tho HrltlMiof the Kxchequer declared In sub

he eontldeutly exiK-cte- Ger-many and Ati-tr- la to fail In-

ability to provide the la- -t ?10O.OKi.lX)llof "cash." Hut Germany is carrying onthe struggle by the use of liuaucial ex- -

Ndlents different anyever considered practicablesimilar circumstances.

expedients are Is de-

tailed In a Interesting article Inthe December number of the AtlanticMotillilu, written by IIolanii G. r.sifi.n,the known nuthor of

Professor L'sitr.u declaresthe German statesmen are proceed-

ing on the principle money,Is or sccle money, is essential orvaluable for war purposes in sofar as It enables to put an i

the and sustain itit is winning the campaign. Im

naturally the Gentian people at tn fed and

care of, and beemployed and contented. If thingscan 1h accomplished tho German theoryIs It matters whether thequantity of money, money,lu the country is or

money, so called, thepuriose of an exchange of Ifmatters can bo so arranged an exchange of can place withoutthe use of money, is unneces-sary. In the place, therefore, if theGovernment has to the

of paternalism and centralizationto breadth and accuracy Itknows concerning the per-

sonal nnd private affairs of its citizenswhere nil the resources of tho conn- -

try are located In particular,tist it Is necpsary to provide

outside In case of In adof the outbreak of war It was

enabled to preparations for thestruggle of a Infinitely mi-

nute formidable everhas In the before.

financing offor the present conflict has according to Professor Usiir.it, Included,to an extraordinaryand efUclent organization of Germanprivate nnd nntionnl Industrywar cannot Involve a dislocationof Industry as has in all

calamitous. If not disastrous, tothe countries In It occurred.

system of conscription in'Germany has enforced In a

a sulllclent number of menhas left to In factories,counting houses and similar places, so

tho business of the country canbe carried on.

second has easily taken,and Is a complete regulation ofcommodity prices. has

not so difficult ns It be-

cause Is merely the exchangeof a commodity expressed in

of money. Unless is adeficiency In supply or an uniisiril

Increase In demand, prices ought to re-

main the the elements ofsupply nnd demnnd looked after,speculation controlled theGerman people feeling nn inexhaustibleconfidence In the of Gov-

ernment the of Itstho of money, Is currency orspecie as an exchango medium In

Irade, Is inconsiderable, becauseany guaranteed by the Govern-ment can Its place.

Is tho theory, 1t Is apretty one. it bo confessed.It has worked up to date.ns the Government's valori-zation scheme In Hrazll set at naughtIhu operation of the lnw of supply nnddemand for a couple of

It remains to be seen whether thotheory Indefinitely. Exceptin so far as It includes an extremelymclliodlc.il preparation for a war Intho collection cataloguing of Ger-man resources, we fall to observeIt Involves anything n financ-ing of the war through the use of theold expedient of Hat money.

Iot It lie supposed at. the endof six mouths the supply In Ger-many, not having reenforced, bo-gi-

to fall short, an unavoidableIn Its heavy In

the weakened Gcmum prow-im- s

and begun to tell Germanspirit; factories nre closed hecntiiu

men drawnwas calculated chances

of German In the warbecome dimmed, and thomoney was thought to be this

as nt the beginning of theIs universally rccogulzed to be

thirty on n dollar.In case theorystand' weekly statements of theIuiierlal of Germanyso changed of as to be almost un-

intelligible, but Is no at allthe holdings of the.considerably enlarged, the

bank's of money has en-

larged ery tho on.-brea- k

of the war the for Itsmoney has diminished de

cidedly: nnd It Is lnvauo of un-

doubtedly the rale of German ex-

change lu andoutside Germany has to a

Indicates Indirectly a pre-mium on German

Germans are trying to onwar practically without the

of be considered hjrstandards nn adequate re- -

It Is not nt all Impossibledo so, mid

successful In efforts so Itbe Interesting to see if nre

successful to the

Street Signals to I!ti1nrto (So Ahead.

were no disappointments Inthe reojiened market yesterday.

lioeful expectationsprepared for a restoration

of public trading were multiplied In

the realization.Indeed, the session develoKsI a

ifying surprise lu the volume ofactions and the of prices.

were on n act hohad predicted. .Moreover

quotations ros as trading progress!.the advance particularly sharplu a number of Issues. Selling pres-

sure was conspicuously lacking despitetho apprehensions recentlytained. significance themarket has for business in de-

partment of is shown by comparing the se.lon resump-tion the last session before the

suspension necessary by theoutbreak of the Kurojiean war.

On Thursday. .10, quotedfor securities of all descriptions,

aud stocks were crashingviolently downward liquidation

was coming the of thewas portent of a

terrific panic nnd It was even doubtedif closing the market to

it. During the Kxchangesuspension the financial and business

has recovered stability. Normalfinancial nnd commercial fael!ltl"s

reestablished and themarket has ojiened activity andrising prices.

had the of thel'xchange less auspicious

the ability to It at allencouraging. Im-

portant was to nien the mnrk.Hbusiness conditions and pros-

pects are reilected and discounted. Thefact of the opening demonstrates

the war has passed: and thefashion of the opening Is of evenfavorable

are shrewd forecastersIn Street, and the de-

velopments In the restorednotice to the Amer-

ican business has something lesliles thewar to

Having (lie Flagman's Wages,was a violent collision lietween

trolley cars at the Intersection of Klghthand Fifty-thir- d on Friday

evening. Hy man fortune noone was killed, hut eighteen or twentypioplo were Injured, the of se-

verely. cars were damaged, oneIn particular badly smashed. Thoentire surface of the centralsection of the was up for a

nnd disorganized for the entireevening, to tho annoyance and Injury ofseveral thousand passengers.

The accident was due hi the7 :.'!() o'clock In the evening no

llagman Is nt crossing tothe traffic. location Is one of

the busiest In the cars of theHroadwny run-

ning Fifty-nint- h use Fifty-thir- d

for the east nndsection of Eighth

car is one of oncars are rim frequency. Inaddition Is automobile

up and Klghth ntall of the evening.

tho crossing Is one of theImportant and one of the danger-ous In theor principal II roadway corners

Is hardly a crossing In thewhere the for watchfulness andcontrol Is urgent. conditionsof danger by no end tintbusiness hours. continue

nt the cars becomo In-

frequent and pleasure riding Incars Is reduced In volume.

It incredible tho respon-sible operating olliclnls of the tractioncompany should n place fortho misguided exorclso of a econ-omy. cost of a tlHgnuinpresumably be to ?2 a night.

saving of a sum at the oflife and property a fatuous

of public safety, ns.sum-lu- g

no damage should be

brought by the Injured passengers theof repairing the damaged cars

would probably my the of thellagmau for n couple of

Incidentally the accident demonstratedonce the danger to thopublic of the new entrancewhose byelaborate machinery, Miii?so together as to be Involved,as u In any mishap to either.

tho jcnnlng of n crowd In n smashedor burning car serious con-sequences.

on Mnntn Clntis.Citizens receive Christmas pres-

ents abroad a pleasant surprise In re

notification theto up and jnty !15 or 51 or 03

on the pretty bagatelle whichfriendly remembrance Indicts on

nt become of thepresent Administration's contri-bution to the cost of living. They

discover lu addition to theand regardless of Its amount

Is chalked up ngalnst nof 25 for the United

Custom House entry.careful newspaper reader will

dimly having noticedlu the schedule of tile "emergency" taxbill which President Wilson got throughthe Congress by gentle pressure In thyhurried of the of the session.Hut he in doubt, lie astonished tofind It applies to his own micro-scopic and Involuntary ImiHirtiitlon. Sofar as be thought "f It at all, lie sup-posed the fee was a tax on

conunerclnl transactions nt theCustom' House.

If, howewr, he makes or lesshented Inquiry at the windownn urbane otildal explain to

rhe minimum Is 25Is. not condescend

to collect lib tax where the e

Is less the taxofficial will hasten to In

cases Is no thetax still be assessed. Some-

times a Custom House oonjivtnresa be chargeable.

lie makes mi entry. cMimluatl.mIs the vanlshe-- ; nnotllclal bm the Is a sacredand irrexocable thing. It stands nndso the 25 tax. So the citizenmust pay for theoilii'lal blunder.

All is splendidly logical, inter-nal ami socially serviceable. It greatlyenhances the happy taxpayer's pride nhis Government. Hut It be In-

teresting to Congress-men understood were lmiio.ing a (M'ttlfogglng annoyance of thissort on the man In the

for the "emergency"

I suddenly nennatiy. trilsj her to uut of .Morocco nnd toout Jtr.nNARD

(iMfofmenf of "Commontit nue."

i Mr. rxposes France,(which was as tho bullied tn thoi Morocco

it, now appears, as was believed bywho the tureneth of his

character, that Gneraldreamed of offering his fortune and

to ild General toin Mexico. "I solemnly declare,"

Victuiimno IlrnaTA ltiuce-lon- a,

I cin dealingsCuiiunza, the Musher; Srm,

tlie highwayman, nnd Villa, tin. Jall-lrt- nl

" As must Ik; .iMexicans at who preciselythe same opinion of warrlni;

ehteflulns the prospect fornnd reconstruction ,s as

ns It b.

"Tipperarj" 1ms inSecretary Gaiirison and GeneralI.. Scott, the of Mr. Garri-son was not at all shocked someone told him that i of cavalry badmanivuvred In Madison Square Gardento the nlr is !n the trenchesIn Flanders. The of"It Is a spirited tone nnd annd I like It." We tbnt the

of men to Mimefun at the expense of the. muzzledIs too to be The of thelun "Tlpperary" will be to

men it aH tho nnd Itwill provoke the men of the to

it on

A hy Kmpcror Williamto INcnLK, and by the to"a resident of liamblcdon," hassold at miction In forto aid tho I ilea I Ited hospltnl. Theltcd is to bo eoimratul.itidltn fortune, but smokers

like to Is Uixshalkgave the F.mperor's cheroot.

It be to inis a jus carrying

regulation so far as to It a mils-anc-

It Is a question whether therule lequlrlng drivers in

who to turn Into it side4o th" left to turn first to the

the aroundami get Into the lino moving In the con-trary direction In to cross tho

will a real udvanlago Inmaking the difficultyof turning around In the cross isconsidered, especially forcats, It as If the new rule

considerable Individual hardshipand in tho scheme do more

Tho object ofregulation Is not to nn per-fection of system but to thingsmoving minimum annoyance toIndividuals.

The new income tax blanks requiretlie to specify whether ho was

his on December 31,Surely this Is not the question.

If tho died on December 30,tho Treasury Department attempt torob tho husband of his exemption? As-suredly no uphold It, Thestntutory question Is a one cover-ing the and not one of It.

officialdom so toa virulent construction on the

it has to administer?

Tw.l the ivlth the

reolc l !mirejnir hron

( Siltetert.Jai'k Tart Nay, tar Is too

Jotepliim illl not hae It OjLet "purity" the rule.

We'll man tho navy with Jack

MUSICAL APPliECIATiOX.Sir. Matter Umnrosch Deplores tho

of It In a CertainTo the or Tun Sun Sir:

Is with our musical orpublic? Wednisilay I at

a performance ofof Oerontlus," by tho Oratorio So-

ciety. The Is of Ineffable nnd1 tho first of thle

with tho Henedlotus In Hcethovcn'smass and with the German Itequlem

of Itruhms. To the believing Christian,be ho Catholic or Protestant, tho

real and vltnl h mayfoil, and to him who

.to It lis a of art,tho nobility of Ite themes, the refinementof workmanship In development andthe richness of the orchestration must

keenest delight and satisfaction.Tho performance was of iniperlatlve

I greater beautyof lone and orchefltrj, andthe singing and of Mr.the pllgrlmnKe of the soul Intensely

nnd uplifting.Hut of the hundred or so

present lu tho audience, nuch aand

ten that number.It Is true that of our very well to

do so distractions and tempta-tions by of

that tlnd thetime or 'the strength to all that Isoffered, or the very multiplicity ofopportunities prevents tint concentrationof Is the first eesentlal for e.

Our very on thethe opportunity to acquire

the fundamental cduentlon on aenjoyment of the beautiful In art

isUut how our

I am 1h.1t of considerthat to society Is accomplished

contributed more or kssliberally to the charltt'e nndphilanthropies of our and that thoydo no: them-selves and the and spiritual de-velopment of own withso of :ib an art hasnexer n cultivated, or It hassmothered at a tltnn of lifeami be evqulsltely sensitiveto r.s ennobling Influence,

It Is true th'U In afor si'tiiphiiilc but

such masterpleois of real Inspiration nstho "Dream of Oerontlus" are Hillcreated, this of musical artnot bo allowed no for want of

support. Walter Damroscii.Nhw December 11.

Minin.f: avi:s."larl(," Are

Intellectual Triumph".To the or Tub Susf fiir; The

Innuendo of "II. eomeuhero Inthe fourteenth century" tn hit onthe "Sabbath Committee" be leyseoeksiirely had he time toconsult with who whereof

reference in In1 respectfully a dip Into nonio suchthoughtful book as Dr Nicholas Murrayltiulers tr' itlse on "fhllociphv.""i; II." the Columbia prejd-dent- 's

conclusion as to the aeoniiul'in on ivsenivh and schol-arship. iiess Is certainly notcharacteristic ,,: 'he thoughtful Dr.

and he has this to say.To uppoj- - thit Mich nn nue ai tlil tthe

Ariel ran prnprly li; dejcrlhcil udirk Is ml to to the lliul-tatlo- n

of one's knnnledco .md fMnpathy.?.', as' wai ilark In anj' true sense thatwitness.! tho aseniMlnK ef at thefiet of ami llrali.iuui thataa the rise of unlverltlei', of nulld- - anilof IhJt us tired by Hie enthusiasmand zeal of St. unit HI.Ih.al r.ie l.lrlh to lh .liirv nf Ih ntthe Holy of the "Nlbelur.Ken" anil '

the Onmecly" of that witthose triumph" of J

turc tint Mil: eneij rye that restsupon or th.it knew the I'oiiFtltutlonit Clarendon, the ami th I

lefal art. " of

doer personal Ina Just estimate of the maligned

that of ten centuriesundentood ami less appttiiated.

Thomas .I. Orit.roTLE.HliooKLTtf. December IS.

.Mr. ('milTo Tin: or Tin; St-- s Sir;

Tuft at So'iiervllle.that the In our

di Indication of "i mitd hy-tfl- a'

"a' ii time by of thewar the neres!?v for such

is protalil less than It baa been for

lie suggests that we u.ic t" ourii Government the of suppress-

ing the caue of a war of .lgcrvsslon, andhe says: only real po.sj of awar that I can Is theiceMcjs, willingness on the partof a of the country to

ra-l-- il prejudice andby flagrant hi each of In the

of law or by Molcnce."are like ', pure

come from a man whos President of the

who was for Secre-tary of War and also Governor of thePhilippines. He JiKstltles the ofPresident In seeking to prevent thecaue of war. will be no war Ifwe cool ainl do not give to

peoples.come from

an experience and knowledge ofthat him a far counsellor

than Representative Gardner or LawyerMenken. H. T. Stscnr..

December 11.

(he AtMrlnus Captured ll Hiellusslans?

To tiir or Tun Sun Sir: Oneof the wnr deserveslias so far remained unremarked'

It Is the way In the AustrianRussians.

I the Austrian? have nevera victory or d the most

crushing capturing any-wher- o

from to Russiannnd of artillery. Won-

derful nre! tobo celebrated lit Ming or In Imperlshible

(no wonders the Russians comebeen raptured to

for all tlie uC. Stki'iiu.vsiis:.

L N1K1NMLLK, Vt December II.

A AiljnileTn THE or Tiir. sin Mr; In tne

little 1 (tot nil myeducation the cr not tnuse tn connection with someobligation, aa for iliunaKes."

Now I'm all at sea, for Hut Mr.J, '.n tils criticism of "Dr.sajMi "Wc are all, evenhumanly liable to

Wouldn't It 1'u "tn try andlliul" a "likely" to use In of Inthis aentenoe?

December 15.

All Through theInto tno blue eye

Bate etraltht back at you,watching red Hps curve and pout.

What obe mure man do?Her hair lay 011 my

My arm. embraced herHer little hand tny grasp

In contldciice wasAnd I, fTeh from the teacher's art

In andTrod all tlie ory

With skill thu troI l.vme rlrst with and dip,

Then wrien I saw a tearmy darling's I changed

And the little dear.The clock the elorV

My strength was pent.Sllll the iiviim of the

I'nfuiiehtngly I

at Urt. Into her fseI toiik a Healthy paep

And oh, Jov, my babeAt 'last had con to

H H H. I

cnvisK of avesua.The Cmilen ami Miryoc) of

(hethu Kmdon wjs picked up by

tho Sydnoy, It. M. Austra.tan hercommander had u

of forty-tlirc- o men onKeeling. object was to destroytho wireless, u low Installationdesigned primarily for communication

Christmas andat sva, and to cut the of thu East-ern company's system. a landing

probably bo com-mand of a Junior and divisionofficer, a l.eutuant-zur-Se- und

u gun ns a of ThoEmdeu was to nnd this

was left us spec-tite- rs

of tho end of tho onhad played of

gladsome adventure.Thenco set to

escaped but sad at Uio lossof companions; It was veri

the beginning of u now Odyssey,and the end Is not yet in tho ecasof the Islands, not tooviolence this Cocoa-Keelin- g

and un old schoonerIn tlie lagoon. was the Ayeshn, uschooner of feet over nil,once tho of Clunlcs-ltos- s, tho

of Cocos-Kcelln- Young Clunies-llos- s

was not on tho at thootherwise the men mighthad a comfortable yacht. Km-barki-

on the Ayesba, probably aof gratitude to Mohammed's

or toaccording as memory served

captain und crow ofS. M. S, Ayeslin lu a uncertainstatus, rtinauatc, part corsair.

The has comeleft C'oco.s-Keolln- g on

November 10 is tm onNovember 2S touched at Fadailgon tlie west of Sumatra nndaboard supplies. sleepy

factory has scarcely had awarlike stir February fi,

the American frigate Totoniacup the neighboring Unjah of

Quulla. In a and salutaryracket.

Whither Tlie yotthe black-whltc-ro- d banner Is on

the cast African andblockade. The Ayesha tocome to harbor at'a Itrltlsh at Zanzibar withineyeshot. She run for the

harbor, the forIs by tho vessels

Hie Koenlgsbetg and ore keepingher up. The chance forthe survivors of the F.mden Is tothe Ayesba eastward and to go on a

through tlie Malaytravels slowly In of

enchantment, w.ll lien byway of tlie .sea no oneof the and tho 1'mden mencan whatever news may please

To the traders will comens n godsend, for new faeoIts own welcome. Tho Day.iHs

respect for anything on thatlike a unifotm und will

themselves peaceful even if not cordialto the wanderers

Is no shouldnot a pleasant Crusoesof tho t.ermnn and the war thas come to Its end tip y can surrenderin some convenient tlie ,

has but u'modest Incident of wnr.

the of sudors. I


Present .shipping facilities formerle:iit

To tiii; or Tin: Si'n Sir: Presi-dent Wilson's contains.. . .

,'"""""' ;

Impression that Isa lack of nduiuate shipping facilities ,

between this country and CentralAmerica

are regular steamshiplines the pott of New

nnd potts mi the nK and wist '

of Amoiioa. nut Includingatn lines g., to Caillhean

are. In iddltloii. othc-- Isttiimshlp Ilnea running to the

Amor'c.m markets. Including theAmerica and the

CaribbeanOf the tllst

four are operated with steamships Hying'j

the American ltag. Th. se '

adxi rtise In om New V.irk commercial'

il.nlv this morning iwcnty-llv- e v,l.lug" for the net In

the next awill tor AtnerU.i

d,i.are ill addition sailings

fur AinerK.t ofthe

In Mew of the w lib authori-tative e th.

wli Ii U to 1. rigretteil thatonce the popular fallacy thatare no shipping t.icllltles forAmerican support.

Any can confirm for himself nilthe In nil

Fi:. .v 1; u s; .1 o n--,

Publisher .tmcrii-m- t LVporfrr,December to.

sniii nt the licjlinle.To tub hi- - The si-- sii : y,ut

do well to call attention to thethurdlilcx of some of ihu

sliM- - proscciillous. In t'10Inst case w lu re the

Attorney and the FederalIn Chicago lutenciml it was

111 tile newspaper that the manwas arrested because he had In hispromise to .his wife ami thecomplainant If any such bargain w isever between the husband ami thecomplainant It was of Immoral nndIndecent, nnd the husband com-mendation for breiklng It. Can it be truethat sapient authiirltk-- Indictedhim fur not carrying out a

I.AWvr.n.Nhw December 12.

Vt tent Inn, Philosophers!To tiik tn Tun sir:

and lu was the sense offirst ilc ? H, ,s, y,

1'uhti.anp, Me., I et 12.

"Onliiiin,"In 1111. Km ron ur Tu -- Sir: Is

of I he name of the newCunnrrter, Onluna?

1 havo a but havein en to ttud nu reference to It.The SliitcKinnii'n Year lta.ik ima thoword a military In Turkey,but no self. ting tcanihip

go Into at thetime for a name.

H.PiTCnoorr, U I.. Hscemher 11

A Japanese ml Hell,Idly In the glu.pnliu

Ho on.-- ' goMemories, and mietIn a wild and awe,.!

Through the openzeplivrs triailltic

Hy the Mini bill thereof lu the air

tn the tinyami ruilyann.

blue flags long andAnd Hie 01 fan's rim.

In aAs tho Jingle-jangl-

To thu whlnpers soft andOt lit as the)

i E


raiittiiijrs Foremost JforTrrn

Artists Will He



An announcement that is of t

interest tn art uonnotsscurs Is theof pictures In tho lata lehabod T '.

collection, wit) be srVd tin- -by tho American Art iitw,

In this collection are mast of the gr min art, both Kuropian t

American, and tho sain will sun v

un enlivening upon the seis-n- .

Tho Ilarblzon is well reprn.e'iIn the collection nnd Is header) bi TQuarrlers," un Important example,

Ktlcnne Itousse.-iu- , nnd m n .American division are a head by Jo ii

Sargent and by (. r

Mr. Williams wa.s a well a p' t -

collector and un Intimate, of i ,

lato Cottier, tlie Hit exp- -t n'nhad so to do with forming t .alie in this country tliof this collection is anexample. Tho salo Is by f

executo.rs of tho and will .. m, v

two evenings. H will b held in tlie gr.u i

ballroom of tho on tobo announced Tho list of s-

follows :

of nnrtilfon Mnetora.Tho Ilarblzon are n'- -

by notable IJuaniers.Troyon'n "Morning on tho of Nnmandy, In Pasture' and "A Pcheron" ; Corel's very Important

Neml," Woodman' CXit

end "French Landscape" ; Kousseau's "T iand "Woodland Landscape." Dan

blgny'a efwlftly aildes," "D.parting and the :

of Fontalnorjlenu, ntSuntet," Lovers." "Uo;m." "T sSun Worshippers" nnd Houiueiit nd Dupro'u "Marine."

The Modern Msistera.Tho modern masters aro repr- -

by the alists by

by "A of The SoiOn the and "A Moorish I.idi '

Matthins by "A of I,Hague." Drums," theenlng" ; Matthias In comblnatloi

Montlcelll by "A "iala and 'Me, He Me MattlvasIn combination with Molllnger h'

"Returning be t'iof the Milkmaid

T. de by "An Morning." Medag by "Drifting Awhuri."

by Interior," Heshooni bbis "Church Interior, I and

Scene," and Scliwartze 1

tlie mastcrpliie entitled aAmsterdam," exhibited .it t

World's Columbian Kxpo-otlo- In ISI'3The nnd contcntpor

nalnteis Jacques,' lett.a.. ...ni .e .. r... i

r ieiaeroK' "FrmcliVollon'fc "Portrait of Sister." Cm

and MephStopln les" mItoybefs "Spanish OyiMits

nn,i "Abduction of Kch.ce.-i.- Mettl'ri:"'fruit" and "Ib llos of the

of the A i list. s " ldHas Its Solace.'' Is.ibi's "A MeetingWood." Michel's of Munim.irtre," Honmnlsou's Pool " T'

Winning"A on the "i iy's "re

st ...ill. . .tr.ta r . ..111.111 1. .m i""ii .ii -

jjontleelli's "landscape and 1., -- Woods." far ' "TV., F.irm.ir.l. '

Imiiortiint A 11 fill ,1 1 nu.... ... . ....ne prominent arun, xr.

who, ib .,and rlpciud late in lift p, '

h s love for art and his siiiglene- -

pose stivnirtliciied as le gilike nil great t'a'.nters. ho anlife, and strongly retleetnl h r

Is worthily nteilvery Impoitnnt c.invnsis, tn"Ro'tiaiiy Thtough tlb Vl !

lows" and "Landscape.' s n- - sgent b- - the Impurtant "A Cap' '.

Wy.uu by two "LiiiiitM-aiie.- " .1 C V' rphy by "Autumn," .1. F. in '"Winter Lilldseape," I51,ke'o, K

Madonna." A P. Itvd-- "Kirn.iuid" and "Tie

.1. Aid. n hy his -r-iic " , 1

Music," and Colman, I s"i n

.lohlison, WhlttredKC, Mclutu,W. T. Itlchanls and I.

b lepresentnllveThe old tli the ' --

by S'lssnfi't-ato- , Diuiienlehlno. 1 n

Van Go.M'li, Van de Vi lib J ' '

A. and VanThe old

nnd ITuiopenn ceiiimies, late I 'irock er stul Venitat

objects, bronze, teria iwi- 'library, rtehmss, drawings aid 'furniture belonging to the sinwill be sold nt trip in

Immediately the m ' -



Sulnrnj' Ainrmlirr

NaltlranZatuMi ma teby County r-- on '

that In the "f Noveinb, r tapplied for i it'.zi Tnlaigest number ot applicant- - t011 in any '

and Is due t i'

enforced provision of the Si iti I

that citizens can lie cmpcontracts.

Tlie niajiirlt of the .

laborer, although .

norkiiieii, tii.uu ,f temployed ns lltnbertnen and l'i

In subwavalso applied. l'Vw uf h"applied lime in tln .

a year, and cimm- - bzens In bss than live ie.it s

li.nl practically ceaseepccted that applic.itiuns f ir '

dwindle 10 abii -' '

but the subw.i:. 111 ri's i

Increase of too per i'i.l"During tin 'ast tlx,

Schiiehb r. 11

number of aiiplle.it Ions has bea year, nnd in the Lis

an of hate gen and 4 "

admitted 'throm.li th V

naturallzailon bureau."If hII tlie In

voto oir uliv at least '.""

Manhattan ind The '

of foreignaciru was and lu 191 il thewas Through tlv actl

to get this fr. ign votethat the new iitl7eiis I" '

the of agi In s i,one of the umaller p.irtlin or fa-

usually ally then-si-

one of the two big parties, aillimuge."

t Hill en l'iheating a continuation

atgument on of '

L. Hlllard. I"1William Skinner, of thehi Ibe New an a

.11 the t'liiii i

District tiservid di istnida' and gave the 11

Thursdny to tile llml




Lnurd OltlceSecond Mutter,





SlUN, MonthsTN.

cheeks, money orders, tnada


Nassau street.hattan, York,William Kelok, Nassau street; Vice-P- :

.tasr.t. Edward Nassaustreet; Nassau

London ollkt, House, Arundelstreet, strand.


oltlce,otttce, atreet.


r'jtcted iirlirfri rttvrnrd mutt'Haini.i imriioK.


ljw.Tub Scn Sir: Will


limit tradewar? law,


rights quitemuch docssince haverights been

levies un-

due tines, exactsmint's high

makes onpperlalms

whole North Sea,fromdirect trade with


This whymake worse

tradewhich would


forbid largowhich

statute whichships.

stop deal.

Why should

trust.More than that,


thus part

other well



and other ,mitthat

"tired from me."had answer nlfiht(1,000 who tried crowd Into

ball thirdtheir sure,

talk aboutway,

fromtrip" 'way down

Therethere years, when Jabs

good many Whendons

caiu-e- s


soiiu,there pipe peace

ainoiiclous that

loo-m- 't 'I'm: Sr.v,which Iouk this

homo vlr)that drink

holy herb thatthis

times when ileitisand quiet

Tor, subtleoften

horn when .Marsloves


ftourc from Celtic snjjas thatloves well. Theru

tierce whichvery broth hoy.


who madethat Clan

eaino way.rouble aood

that ropni

uifiile soinoai'ilii party

iliuriinlpai that


ijicnt thosewho

manysober when rnzzers

withheart and head rich

andother men; when thiswho never slept this


nnd Ly-

manwhen real doors

comes back from

who shall resist him?Hook nnd Hook bound

were folks who beardhim fishes that eachother ent;

that leap from waterajid pull down

from trees bank antstheir nuts that

withleaves and

soloeach fiery little

that sleep azurelong small sl.ed


gnats wasps that buzz

aud thatsnake tribe

snake trust, who

Andglowand borne with grin and

amonglifts head

Infectmnda nolso

Could whoheard many

have Urazil thiswell

Hnr.How will carry oifn

theseally, third

Held morethan

recent Chancellorstance that

from their

from that havebeen under

What thesevery


thatthat that


them armyInto Held there while

Tillsplies that

who stay home shalltaken also shall kept


that littlereal actual

large small.Ileal serves only


value takemoney

firstlieen able carry

forcessuch that

every detail

Justevery and

what fromwar, then long


kind moreand more than

been made worldThe true


begin with, snch

that tillssuch

other caseslxen

whichThe used

been suchmanner that

been still work


The sdep beenthat

This latter tasklieen seems,

pricevalueterms there seri-ous

same. Withwith

and with

power theirand success nrms,

wed that


This and veryAlso, must

very well Justgreat coffee

thero years.

Hutwill work


more than


rise cost; thai lossesHeld have


more have been from themthan upon; thai.

success havothat paper

whichHiinio goldyearworth only cents

what then would thisThe

Hank have beenlatethere doubt

that wlille goldbank have

Issue papermuch more. Since

gold basispaper Issue

thisthatNew York other cities

fallen pointwhich large

gold.The carry

their helpwhat would ordi

nary goldnerve. tbntthey may they have lieen

their far.will they




The with whichWall Street


course Dealings much more scalethan been


only enterWhat stock


first afterwith

long nnide

July val-

uesbonds alike,

underwhich from endsearth. There every

would helpavert Stock


have been stockwith

Kven fresh shirtStock been

make wouldhave lieen most The


verythat crlis


They downthere Wall initial

stock mar-

ket give world that

think about.


avenue streetellous good


beingtratllc westcity tied


fact thatafler

kept this con-

trol Timcity. The

Sixth avenue and linesalxive streetstreet west bound

their route. The ave-nue line those which

with greatthere very great

tratllc down avenuehours

Thus mostmost

New York. Next after threefour

thero cityneed

more Themeans withThey until

late night whenmotor

seems that

select suchpetty

The wouldfrom $1.50

Tho such riskshows

riventhat milts



more greatside cars,

doors opeu and shut onlysaid doors

close bothrule, Some

daymay hnvo

Wnr Taxwho

from this year havostore. When they

eclve from post officestep cents


they will once nwnrelateet

highwill thatduty there

them "war tax"Item cents States

Therecall this Item

days, closewill,


entry smalllarge

moreiwst otllce

will himthat limit cents;that Uncle Sam will

entryduty than Itself.

The add thatmany where there dutyentry may

sagethat duty may Then

Whenmade duty Into

guess, entry

does cent


wouldknow how many

that they

stiiH.t when theyotisl bill.

Franco bulliesclear clearharp. from GEoniK

Shaw's latrtThus Siuw


those knewnever

sword Villa restoreordercables from

"that never havewith four

there treat manyhome have


praee aboutdark could

found friendsUpon

Oilcf Staff.when


which sungChief Staff says:

lively tune,fancy

nrmy hnwnavy

good lost, effectupon make

nrmy slug more,navy

bawl leave with great gusto.

cigar givenlyoril latter


CrossCross upon

good whatwould know why


may well bear mind thatthere such thing traffic


latest Fifthavenue desirestreetrlKht into Mreet then turn

orderavenue prove

tratllc flow. Whenstreets

largo motorlooks might


harm than good. trnllicrrento ideal


victimliving with wifet9H.

wife would

court wouldbroad

entire Vnr dayWhy doe? strive hardplacelaws

MartialKnli-ke- r What matter

Rmltha?nocker Their

Ktlllur them.

tianretnueh black,



Editor Whatwrong rather

nighttended Elgars "uream

givenwork beauty

would rank part ora-toriogreat

muslomakes what beforehave only dimlywould listen only work



merit. Never have heardfrom chorus

diction Ehves madumov-

ingInstead ilWeeti

mai'tcrwork mauler should havodrawn times

manyhave many

oftcrrd them rennn theirwealth they either cannot


mind whichpoor, other hand,

seldom havewhich


about great middle clues?afraid mmy these

th?Ir dutynfter they have


realize their duty towardmental

their souls. Al.is!many them miisle

henwhen mind

he.irt fhould

thero much largerpublic music, "idle

Isingbranch should

decay popu-lar


tiii:fnlleil They llrlslit Mlth

i:p!TORIt.'s" "back


penned takenthus'- know they

speak when historic order.suggest

wherewould learn

Dark Age,based

Hut-Id- -,

MI'MleInvite Httrntlun

scholarAiciiln Maura-- ,

iltle,lloniliile Francis;

('.rail,"Divine Dante,

tiesseil llotlilc archltec- -


.Mi.pn.i chart.icomment ltr.leton.

Thus dce.i study exultmuch

Middle Age, grouplittle

Tnft'N Wisdom Tnmmc nilcd.Kiutou

stated Mas.,rei'enth current Intenst

fences closWhen reason

pre-ei- 't de-fencescleral decades past."


tion iiuaus

"The ihllltyforesee wanton.

wickednarrow see-In-

r.rntlfy class hatredtreaty rlchts

form State lawie.-- i

These winds nppUsgeld. They

sercd FnltedSlates, several years


Therekeip offence

otherTaft's words

world af-fairs make wiser

Ni:w York,


KfUTcnphase which surelynotice

awful whichcapture

believegained surfeit

defeat withoutfl.HOfi 3i),iiuu

troops whole parksfellows they They ought


ifiom, since enough haveaccount miles


Nutmec licker,ItPiton

dMtrirt scjionl nherochildren taiiKlit

"lliible" unless"liable

ThomasDurell Sintax"

clise writer,error."

better Kncllshplace "liable"

l'AHMia.Mlironii. Conn.,

Mght,When looking


couldgolden breast,



tango maxle,latest eteps

seeks.ducked ihrl

Upon cheekwaltied

atruek "one," struck"two,"

almntthrough ihnm


found, littlealeeo.

Tin; runMen Their

.South Hens.When

navy,Just landed fehoro

party CocoaTheir


with Island with shipscable

Suchparty would under


have boat show forco.called battlo

small party ashorebrave ship

which they thoir part

they forth, glad havofrom death

their deartably

warmSpice With much

shore party raidedprov. sinned

Thisabout sixty




sense sec-ond wife

th.r them,they sailed nway,


only word which fromthem since they

report thatthey

coast tookfresh This little

Dutch suchslneo 1S32,


Hattu great

next? nearest landunder

const undercannot hope

withnaval bse

cannot onlyother Itutijl Hlvcr, MafiaIsland IkIiI whl.hchased

buttled onlyhead

Slnbnd voyage Seas.News those isles

there found manywhere knows

world ablazebring

them.remote they

every makeshave

grent decklooks show

There renson why theyhave Fall, these

navy, when

port with know!- -edge tint, white their been

they have donewhole duty


Rmtoi:annual mecsage

""""""- - eonveythere.


There twelvertiiiiilng Iti'twein

Yorkcoasts Smith

wlu-i- i ports,'tntre twelve

otherLatinWest Indies. Central

popl..twelve lines above named

twelve lines

paperthirty d.ne other

words, dining thirty daysstunner leave Smithlieirl ocry

There numerousl.atlu from other P'irts

Fulled States.spread

liitliiein whichhave.

again thereSouth

trnle should reei.veperson

facts atme Mated hour's time.

Nr.w VoiiK,



wniti- -

noiiil Fnlted StatesDistrict GrandJury st.itnl


dlvoice marry




F.pitoh s'un- - Whenwhat people

humor elopedember

Sin-th- e Whatnieiinliig

made carutul searchunable

(IOIO)"Ordu." district

respei lhigllnhcompany would Turkey pres-ent shlp'i

Anlsr.inx CillMAN.

HltllliKfanciindreams lslone


ntudoo Healing.softh blow,

hangingWealth music

L1rtn clamorLutiu bloomsLillet, slim,


mown together tanglecrsmals

brrmn h'nwnvmia.




prfat-cs- t

Inms'a whichwinter Assn.

mimes modoni


threo canvatosFuller.



muchtasto alongwhle.h adtnlra


Tiaza Hotel dateslater. painll.

Workmasters repres

Millet's work "ThoCoast


ping, Lako "Tho

Well""Tho WaterDay" "Hy Klvor" Diaz's

Forest "Cattla'"Hie



sented notable works, amongWilbm Marls "Dutch Cutta

Jacob Marls TollerCanal"

Marls Corner"Day "After t'hrnt

Muralswith Day"

lovcs Not"Marls

Home." Anton Mauvenotable canvas "I'etp

Hock AprilAlbeit

iiuys "DutchMain,"

Street Theren- -

"iiit Orpltllrls.

modern FrenchInclude "The

.it..,Hi.HFarm House

Coiol'sturt's "Fans:"tllrl's Head,"

War." Itll.o'"Studio ItotiMti

"The lUlghl- -"The

berg's "The Card.' Cons-j- ,

Weir Sleiir."..i.iiiiii.iir

Flguie"Dolce Nluile

yVKXlC ..ThJ


G"orge Fuller, "like Corot.slowly


ulit," repres'

Girl." "LedJohn

Indianr'ne." "The


.11'-lie- ,



Cuyp iM.nleGicik potteiv. delft.

ball", Jade, --


Amrrblerns after


WorU llal.raHrrui'il llnlitli.

tlgurestrrda Clerk

monthnsiup pape;--

record countyStater ehletly



vanced work eonsiiti

beenthan they


lapels wouldprobli



17.0011nier.ige in.OOo

papers. Helwi II.OUO

liavo been

alien borncould they wntii'inative born votei-- s

Bronxexcess born eltizi-r- s



clslng light niftr

later they

1bey seldom

I'lens gslnAfter

picas fmmu'.lolm James

threell.li'i-- S'icri;

CUtlntl, Judge lirubbCouit

attornc- -

