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Identifying neurocorrelates in psychological type ap ti tc 2011

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The Neuroscience of Personality presented at the Association for Psychological Type International Twin Cities chapter. 11-11-11.
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Your Brain and You: Indentifying Neural Correlates in Psychological Type Implications for Uncovering Personal Potential and Coaching
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Your Brain and You: Indentifying Neural

Correlates in Psychological Type

Implications for Uncovering Personal Potential and Coaching

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1. How does psychological type fit into the broader context of brain science?

2. A review of some of the findings of Dr. Dario Nardi from the 2011 APTi conference.

3. How to use the neuroscience of personality to uncover personal potential and in individual coaching

What will my brain get out of this?

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The Brain is Hip!

Discoveries made in the 1990’s and 2000’s have revealed more about the brain than was known for the past several centuries combined!

Everyone wants to know about me…

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Prior to the advent of functional neuroimaging, many theories about brain and behavior were based on examining brain damaged individuals.

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Today’s Challenge for Psychologists

• Neuroimaging techniques such as fMRI, PET scan, SPECT scan, MEG scan etc… have made it possible to attach neurological data points to cognitive theories about how the normal brain works

• Without such data, it is difficult to remain relevant because this is an emerging trend that is likely to continue!

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New research from Dr. Dario Nardi, a professor at UCLA suggests there is certain types of EEG brain activity associated with psychological type.

One advantage of using EEG is that the subject can move around and engage in a variety of activities.

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• EEG’s measure neocortical electrical activity along the scalp

• Dario Nardi used 16 sites of attachment for his research

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Brain activity associated with ENTP/ENFP personality types leading to creativity but also burn-out and poor follow-thru.

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Dario Nardi’s Key Findings for Each of the Eight Jungian Cognitive Processes:(Dominant process listed in the following slides)

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Left side of brain Right Side of BrainFp1 Chief Judge Fp2 Process ManagerF7 Imaginative Mimic F8 Grounded BelieverF3 Deductive Analyst F4 Expert ClassifierT3 Precise Speaker T4 Intuitive ListenerC3 Factual Storekeeper C4 Flowing ArtistT5 Sensitive Mediator T6 Powerful FuturistP3 Tactical Navigator P4 Strategic GamerO1 Visual Engineer O2 Abstract Impressionist

 Fp=Pre-Frontal LobeF= Frontal Lobe T=Temporal Lobe C/P=Parietal Lobes O= Occipital Lobe

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Extraverted Sensing

• Whole brain pattern is “tennis hop”: a low level of overall cognitive activity to allow for quick response in the moment

• Easily go into the Zone (all over blue EEG pattern) in a crisis situation

• Are frequently bored. Show more brain activity when looking out the window than doing desk work.

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Introverted Sensing

• Brain activity reflects their background, training and expertise

• They have high levels of activity in T5 area: attend to social feedback (note Si has respect for protocol and social order)

• Active in T6 area “Consider the Future”. This area corresponds to planning

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Extraverted Intuiting(ENTP, ENFP)

• Show the transcontextual brain activity or “Christmas Tree Brain”

• Least likely of all types to have an overall blue/zen or “flow state” unless activity is due to expertise

• Regions that support imagination such as F7 “The Imaginative Mimic” area are seem in ENFP

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Introverted Intuiting(INFJ,INTJ)

• Often show a zen-like pattern. Overall blue EEG.

• They show this state when asked a single question or to envision the future

• Strong activity in the visual areas O1 and O2

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Extraverted Thinking(ESTJ, ENTJ)

• Show efficient use of mental energy• Rely on 4 key regions: T3, O1, C3, and Fp1, all in the left brain and focusing on hearing, seeing, recalling, and deciding

• Female Te tend to show more diverse brain activity and respond more to social feedback than male Te

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Introverted Thinking(ISTP, INTP)

• Show high use of 4 regions that afford complex logical reasoning: F3, F4, P3, and P4

• These 4 regions are nestled deep inside the neocortex away from visual, auditory, or kinesthetic distractions. Therefore able to “detach”

• Sometimes show the tennis hop pattern (ISTP)

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Extraverted Feeling(ESFJ, ENFJ)

• Increased brain activity that focus on social responsibility: Fp1 and T5

• Active in T3 which handle diction and grammar• Show the least activity of all types in O1 and O2, the visual areas

• ESFJ’s are more left-brained, ENFJ’s are more right-brained

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Introverted Feeling(ISFP, INFP)

• Listen in an active, holistic way. When listening, the EEG shows a solid bright blue color suggesting that all areas of the neocortex are in sync

• INFPs listen(and maintain this color on EEG) for a longer period than ISFPs

• INFPs listen for connections and can show “Christmas Tree Brain.”

• ISFP’s are attentive when others withhold info

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• There is a great chance that randomly selected people will share very little of the same brain activity

• Overall randomly selected people share 33% the same but as little as 5%

How alike is the brain activity of 2 randomly selected people?

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How alike are two individuals of the same type?

• When personality type is the same, half the subjects shared 70-90% of the brain regions.

• The other half skew to the middle range.

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20% will be atypical of their type!

Possible reasons include: context, gender, physiology, education, upbringing and influences from deeper brain regions.


We are reminded people are more than their personality type!

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Hypothetical Case Study:


• Likely that EEG indicates transcontextual thinking or “Christmas Tree Brain”

• May be able to get “in the zone” doing a rehearsed activity or doing a task with expertise

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Brain activity associated with ENTP/ENFP personality types leading to creativity but also burn-out and poor follow-thru.

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ENTP/ENFP is not likely to achieve this “flow” unless engaged in a highly developed and practiced skill

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• The Brain has a finite amount of energy in the form of glucose

• Certain brain structures use more energy than others

• There are ways to use energy more efficiently

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The PFC is heavily involved in making decisions, prioritizing and problem solving.

Due to the complexity of it’s role, it uses a tremendous amount of Energy.

However, the more developed it is, the more efficient it is.

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Meditation is brain training

The brain is active!

Increases focus, mindfulness, and cognitive flexibility

Can create awareness around tendencies to be fearful, anxious, or worried.“Just in case you’re wondering, I am not relaxing…”

Meditation is often recommended for ENFP/ENTP types! Now we know why it works!

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The MORE information you can take out of working memory and physically place on cards, idea boards, notes etc… the more brain energy you have to work the problem.

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Ways to work with a “Christmas Tree Brain”:

• Meditation (Builds awareness)

• Set daily objectives at the start of your day

• Eliminate distractions

• Have a colleague help you stay on task!

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Know Your Brain!

• Familiarize yourself with the type-related EEG patterns that might be occurring in your own brain

• As with all type-related concepts, remember that these are tendencies and not absolutes.

But remember….

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• The brain is neuroplastic and can change and adapt to experiences.

• The pre-frontal cortex plays a critical role in modulating behavior by directing energy toward different parts of the brain

Type is just one very important influence on your personality!

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To deepen your learning, Julius the Dog suggests:

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The Neuroscience of PersonalityBy Dario Nardi

Newly released book discussing Dr. Nardi’s findings as well as offering practical applications and coaching tips.

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Authors@Google: Dario Nardi - Neuroscience of PersonalityAugust 2011.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGfhQTbcqmA

View Dr. Nardi discuss his findings. This presentation is similar to the one given at the APTi 2011 conference

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Neuroscience of Personality Certification Course

January 18-20, 2012

Dallas, Texas.

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Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]

Websites: Annholm.net QueenAnntics.net



Ann Czajka Holm
