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  • 7/30/2019 IE 5111 Systems Engineering Group Report.docx



    IE 5111 Systems Engineering I Final Report: Navigators

    Alex Andrews, Belinda Befort, Emily Chen, Stephanie Cramer,Alex Martinez, Kevin Um, Meagan Young

    University of MinnesotaTwin Cities

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    Increasing awareness while in the midst of driving, walking, biking, or using public

    transportation is of great concern in recent years as the number of cell phone and GPS related

    accidents increases annually. In this vein, the following report outlines the primary points taken

    to develop a heads up display that resembles an everyday pair of glasses. Heads up displays have

    been in use by the military in fighter jets as well as some high performance sports cars, however

    their use has largely been segregated from the general populous. However, the idea behind them

    can easily be extrapolated to everyday use in navigation. Simple overlay of directions of a users

    field of view would improve efficiency of travel, as well as negate the risk of looking at a cell

    phone or GPS while in transport.

    In producing a concept for heads up display, titled The Navigators, a hybrid of systems

    engineering concepts and the DoDAF framework was used. Therefore, an AV-1, an OV-1, an

    OV-2, an OV-5, as well as several architectures and a risk plan were developed. In doing this,

    the design was refined from higher-level structures such as the functional analysis and system

    architecture. In this way, the design meets the requirements without harboring preexisting

    notions of how the system should be constructed.

    After completing the analysis, the resulting design accomplished all requirements.

    However, as there are a lot of electromechanical intricacies in this project, the physical design of

    subsystems are suggestions versus detailed designs. This project would have to be done in

    conjunction with a design engineering team to ensure that the designs were acceptable.

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    Cell phones and GPS devices, while convenient in some ways, have become a hassle in

    others. Under certain modes of transportation they can increase the risk of causing an accident or

    severely decreasing user concentration on his or her surrounding environment. The following

    report seeks to address this problem through the development of a new hands-free system that

    will allow people to navigate their way to destination without the distractions of manual input or

    looking away from their route to a small graphic display.

    Overview and Summary Information

    When beginning a project, the project goals must be set and the assumptions and

    background of the project must be established. The main stakeholders, particularly those who

    have a large effect on the success of the project, must be identified. These factors are all

    addressed in the Overview and Summary Information (AV-1), which gives a high-level overview

    of the projects, establishes basic architecture, and is essentially the foundation of the system. The

    AV-1 for the Navigators system can be found in the Appendix.

    The architects of the Navigators system are Alex Andrews, Belinda Befort, Emily Chen,

    Stephanie Cramer, Kevin Um, and Meagan Young. The purpose of this project is to develop an

    affordable, compact, hands-free GPS device within four months at a cost not exceeding

    $5,000,000. The scope was set at four months because the high-tech field moves quickly, and

    since this is a modification of an existing technology, relatively little research and development

    (R&D) would be needed. Thus, four months is a realistic timescale to develop and launch the

    Navigators. $5,000,000 was chosen as the cost because it should cover the costs of engineers and

    operators for developing, testing, manufacturing, and marketing the initial run of the product in

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    the short time frame required of the project. The geographic scope is to first launch the

    Navigators inside the United States, due to greater demand, ease of gauging the market, and legal

    ease (if the product is to be launched internationally it would require international patents.) If

    the product is successful in the United States, we will launch in other countries with large

    consumer bases.

    The milestones for the project range from the completion of the AV-1 to the final

    presentation and report, and include the development of user needs, system requirement,

    functional analysis, architecture, verification and validation, and risk management plans. The

    deliverable of this project is a lightweight optical device that displays GPS information while not

    impairing normal eyesight functions which meets the criteria stated in the purpose. The mission

    includes that this GPS device will be easily usable for bikers and pedestrians as well as drivers.

    The design team envisions a glasses-like design that displays GPS information and receives

    voice input.

    There are several disadvantages and potential threats to the success of the Navigators

    system. First, there is the possibility that the Navigators glasses may be more distracting than

    current GPS models. It is assumed that, through careful design, a less distracting system can be

    developed. This can be accomplished by designing an unobtrusive display, and easy-to-operate

    user interface, and making it hands-free and voice operated. Many drivers must take their hands

    off the wheel or stop to adjust most traditional GPS systems, and must look away from the road

    to see the GPS screen. By putting the GPS display in lenses right in front of the users eyes and

    making the system hands-free, both of these distractions should be solved. These features will be

    refined through testing.

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    A second threat is that the technology may not be able to keep up with the user needs,

    especially within the short timeframe of product development. However, the technology

    required for the product already exists, and indeed, similar products for other applications have

    been introduced, such as navigational visors for military purposes and Sonys Entertainment

    Access Glasses. The main challenge in creating this product would be making it small,

    unobtrusive, and weatherproof enough for bikers and pedestrians. These changes should require

    minimal R&D and thus the system could be developed in four months.

    A third threat would be user problems: malfunctions and ergonomic issues. With

    extensive user testing and careful consideration of materials used and technological capabilities,

    a product can be developed with the necessary speed and security but light and comfortable

    enough to prevent ergonomic issues. The final threat would be the cost of the Navigators. By

    focusing on user-friendly design and portability and using market surveys, a product will be

    developed that users are willing to pay more for than a traditional GPS. By designing a smaller

    system, less material will be used and costs kept low.

    In designing the Navigators system, several assumptions and constraints had to be made.

    First, the system is constrained to be hands-free and provide less distraction than a traditional

    GPS, as discussed above. A GPS signal is assumed to be available in all places the Navigators

    are used. Since the Navigators will be used by pedestrians and bicyclists as well as drivers,

    another constraint is that the system must be able to withstand a range of ambient temperature

    conditions, from -20 to 50 C. It also needs to be waterproof, so it can work in rain or snow.

    Another constraint is that all IEEE codes and DOT codes must be followed. We want to avoid

    any legal or approval issues, and following all IEEE codes ensures that the technology is

    compatible with other IEEE approved technology and thus can be used more widely. Another

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    assumption is that the Navigators will be connected to other industries via the use of GPS

    technology and information. Since the system will not draw information from privately owned

    satellites or internal GPS information, the system relies on partnerships with GPS companies to

    provide the coordinates and triangulation algorithms processed by its software. Last, the

    Navigators must be easily expandable to other applications, such as for educational purposes

    (viewing a presentation via the glasses, for example, reducing the need for large screens) or

    entertainment. This constraint was added so that the market for the Navigators technology and

    design could be easily expanded, and this opens the door for additional collaboration with non-

    GPS companies.

    Based on the assumptions behind the system and the capabilities of the Navigators, there

    are several basic rules the system must follow. First, GPS satellite connectivity is required to

    retrieve user locations and update real-time directions; that is based off of the assumption that

    this system will be used where there are GPS satellite signals. Second, the system can be used

    by a single user only. The glasses are designed for a single user, and will be customized to that

    person when first used (for example, the user provides a short voice sample so that the GPS can

    easily recognize the voice for voice commands.) There will also be options for the Navigators

    user to add coatings to the lenses like real glasses. If more than one user uses the system, there

    could be misinformation errors or ergonomic issues. This would make the system more

    distracting and less easy-to-use than a traditional GPS system, violating the non-distraction

    assumption. As just stated, another rule is that the system will come in a standard form, but there

    will be opportunities for individual calibration for varying levels of eyesight required, and

    capability for customization of glass. This allows the Navigators to be mass-produced, lowering

    costs of production, but keeps customers happy by allowing them to customize their Navigators

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    if they desire. The device is to be sold in technology stores nationwide, because that would be

    the main demographic and is similar to where GPS devices are sold. The system must also be

    safe for use by licensed drivers, cautious cyclists, and pedestrians. Safety is paramount, and first

    rule of designing the system is that it cannot distract or otherwise endanger its users.

    After research of the utility and limitations of the Navigators system, time limitation of

    the project and the technology available was found to be a concern, but the Navigators have great

    potential for applications in many fields. In four months, it may be difficult to round up the

    technology to develop the product with all the features that we envision. Features and to some

    extent, performance, can be sacrificed for ease of use and availabilitythe minimally viable

    product. We can then roll out more products with more features and greater capabilities. Even

    so, it may be difficult to develop a thin, durable screen to display GPS information while still

    seeming like glasses. Another finding is that one essential requirement is a small size and weight

    of the system. To ensure user comfort, it is important to use lightweight materials. Average

    sunglasses generally weight 2-5 ounces, so our product should be close to that range. We also

    found that a major factor in the rejection of entertainment glasses technology is the bulkiness

    and general unattractiveness of the system. Thus, we must create a small system that resembles

    real glasses. Since we will not need to display videos or have lots of storage like entertainment

    systems do, we can use smaller processors, avoiding the bulky protrusions of most similar

    products. Another limitation is the update speed of the GPS. We must partner with a company

    with reliable GPS information and have enough processing power to update the information

    quickly enough for drivers. We have also found that when drivers do not need to turn their heads

    and look away from the road to view GPS information, and use a hands free system, they are less

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    distracted from driving and find it more convenient to use a GPS system---thus the value

    proposition of the Navigators.

    The main stakeholders for this project can be classified into users, the government, the

    private sector, industrial stakeholders, IT and computer companies, and future expansions of the

    technology. The main users of the Navigators are pedestrians, bikers, and drivers. Pedestrians

    and bikers will be using the Navigators in ambient conditions, so will need a waterproof, durable

    product. They will also be concerned with the portability, visual design, and ease of use of the

    system, since they will be using it in public without free hands. They also need a system that

    takes sidewalks and side streets into account and has an option to avoid highways. Pedestrians

    and cyclists currently have no GPS available and move slowly, so if the Navigator meets their

    needs and is priced reasonably, they will purchase the product. Drivers have significantly more

    choice in GPS systems and move more quickly, so speed of updating and currency of traffic and

    route information is more important. Drivers, too, are looking for ease of use, and the hands-free

    nature of the product may prove attractive. The government entities interested in the Navigators

    include the federal government, the military, the DOT, DMV, and public transportation. The

    DOT, DMV, and the federal government are all involved in the regulation of technology like the

    Navigators. The military and public transportation may be interested in uses, modifications, and

    large-scale implementations of the Navigators.

    The private sector stakeholders include the GPS, optical, power/battery, and audio

    sectors, as well as possible competitors. Since we will be relying others GPS satellites and

    information, we must collaborate with GPS companies. Other GPS companies will be

    competitors and thus will be affected by the Navigators. We will be collaborating with the

    optical, power/battery, and audio, and IT sectors because we use these components in the

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    Navigators and will partner with these companies. To provide software support, updates, security

    for GPS systems, especially if the Navigators expand to federal or military applications, we will

    need to partner with IT, software, and computer security companies. We will also partner with

    the industrial stakeholders, sellers of raw materials, manufacturers of electronics, and

    automakers. (Eventually, we may combine the glasses technology with windshields, allowing

    built-in GPSes in cars.) We may also expand to other applications of the glasses display. For

    example, class material and powerpoints could be sent to the glasses instead of GPS information,

    making the Navigator technology an educational tool. Instead of handouts or projection screens,

    each person could follow the device from their own glasses. Another possible expansion of the

    technology would be for entertainment. Subtitles for games, performances, or movies could be

    unobtrusively be displayed on the bottom of the glasses, so that deaf viewers could see subtitles

    without having to go to special subtitle viewings, and non-language speakers could understand

    movies in any language. The needs of the stakeholders listed and the resultant system

    requirements are detailed in the Users and User Needs section found on page 15 of this report.

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    High-level Operational Concept Graphic

    The High-level Operational Concept Graphic (OV-1) uses generic images to convey

    basic system organization concepts stakeholders involved in the system design. It is the most

    general of the architecture-description products and the most flexible in format. Its main utility is

    as a facilitator of human communication, and it is intended for presentation to high-level

    decision makers (DoDAF, 1997, p. 4-7).

    The OV-1 developed for the Navigators system is shown in Figure 1. The power button

    provides a signal to the energy source, displayed here as a battery. The energy provided by the

    battery to the computer chip allows for general system operations. GPS input is required for

    display output on the monitor. In the Navigators, the glasses will serve as the display interface.

    The information displayed on the glasses will ultimately be viewed by the user. The system

    organization and subsystem mechanisms will be discussed in further detail in the following


    Figure 1. High-level Operational Concept Graphic (OV-1)Navigators

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    High-level Operational Node Connectivity Description

    The High-level Operational Node Connectivity Description, or OV-2, portrays the

    relationships of nodes in the system and pertinent information exchange. (DoDAF, 1997, p. 4-

    10). Relationships are represented by arrows pointing in the direction of information flow

    between nodes and indicate characteristics of information, volume requirements, security

    or classification level, timeliness, and requirements for information system interoperability

    (DoDAF, 1997, p. 4-10). Unlike the OV-1, the OV-2 portrays external operations required to

    make the system work, rather than enabling subsystems.

    The OV-2 for the Navigators system consists of the following nodes: the Navigators

    themselves; IT; government entities such as lawmakers, military, the Department of

    Transportation, and the Department of Motor Vehicles; users/consumers; retail stores; power;

    private sector companies (primarily GPS); and industrial sector companies. Each of these nodes

    has a relationship with at least one other node. Some of these relationships are strictly one-way

    whereas others extend both ways between nodes. The illustration of these relationships is

    provided in Figure 2. The central node related to all other nodes is the Navigators device, thus it

    is the most dominant with regards to OV-2 node relationships. It has, at the very least, a one-way

    relationship with all other nodes. The node with the next highest number of relationships, one- or

    two-way, is the government and government-related entities.

    The numbered node relationships in Figure 2 are listed and detailed in a list of Need

    Lines provided in Table 1 in the Appendix. The need lines are indicated by arrows on the OV-2

    and point in the direction of the information or command exchange. For example, the federal and

    state governments will set the laws by which the primary users of the Navigators will follow.

    States have different rules regarding driving and the use of mobile devices, such as cell phones.

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    New legislation will most likely need to be introduced regarding the use of Navigators while

    operating an automobile.

    With regards to the aesthetic components of the system design, consumers (users) will

    provide feedback to stores both directly and indirectly through their purchases which styles and

    designs are most popular. The most popular designs will determine how many of each color or

    model will be manufactured in industry.

    Figure 2. High-Level Operational Node Connectivity Description (OV-2)Navigators


    Governnment GPS





    1, 23, 4


    6, 78


    10, 11

    12, 13

    14, 15

    16, 171




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    Command Relationships Chart

    The Command Relationships Chart, or OV-4, is a visual presentation of relationships

    between organizations or resources in an architecture (DoDAF, 1997, p. 4-36). The types of

    relationships typically depicted in an OV-4 include command and control as well as coordination

    (DoDAF, 1997, p. 4-36). Relationships such as these are displayed in the OV-4 for Navigators,

    Inc. provided in Figure 3. The company is run by a CEO, who commands three central Vice

    Presidents (VPs). The VPs are in charge of the three main divisions of the company: human

    resources (HR) and finance, engineering, and marketing.

    Human resources and finance encompass all monetary workings (i.e. accounts),

    recruitment of new employees, as well as internal relations between employees and conflict. The

    finance/accounting department covers paychecks, overhead and administrative costs, grants,

    stocks, and investments for Navigators, Inc. The human resources department is responsible for

    the recruitment and retention of employees, which involves outreach to universities for college

    interns, as well as training programs for healthy employee relationships within the company.

    They are involved in the storing and filing of employee paperwork, employee training, ensuring

    the companys compliance with labor laws, researching competitive salaries, and employee


    Engineering breaks into two main departments: research and development (R&D) as well

    as technical staff across the fields of electrical, mechanical, computer, and systems engineering.

    The R&D department is responsible for researching patents, products, and technology currently

    available in the market and academia, as well as researching and developing new technology to

    be used exclusively by Navigators, Inc. Technological innovation is a driving force behind the

    Navigators, and new applications of this technology will be expanded to other industries in

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    addition to travel in the near future. In the design department of the engineering branch of

    Navigators, Inc., teams of engineers rely on good communication between disciplines to design a

    final product with interconnected subsystems that operate smoothly.

    The third and final division, marketing, develops the aesthetic design and advertising for

    the final product developed by Navigators, Inc. Naturally the aesthetic design is guided by the

    functional design developed by the engineering teams, but consumer tastes and needs are crucial

    for the development and sale of the Navigators product. The marketing team provides input

    regarding the users and user needs from the point of the consumer to ensure the product will be

    successful on the market.

    Figure 3. Command Relationships Chart (OV-4)Navigators, Inc.


    VP HR Finance VP En ineerin VP Marketin





    Research &

    Develo mentElectrical

    En ineerin


    En ineerin


    En ineerin


    En ineerin

    Desi n


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    Users and User Needs

    User needs are necessary to develop the basic requirements of the various project stakeholders

    provided in the AV-1. This section will discuss the development and justification of the user

    needs for Navigators, which will be used to develop the more detailed system requirements in the

    following section. The user needs for the Navigators were developed for the primary users,

    mainly pedestrians, bikers, and drivers. Secondary stakeholders include government entities such

    as lawmakers, military, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Motor

    Vehicles, as well as GPS companies and the industrial sector companies that will be

    manufacturing the systems components.

    The primary user needs can be divided into a number of general subcategories somewhat

    similar to those of the system requirements. These subcategories include physical characteristics,

    technical specifications, and economic expectations. Physical characteristics are defined as those

    having to do with the physical appearance or properties of the final product. Technical

    specifications include anything related to the interior technology that allows the system to

    function. Economic expectations encompass cost and retail standards following the manufacture

    and distribution of the final product. The subcategories of primary user needs will be discussed

    in greater detail below.

    The physical user needs of the Navigators include the following:





    AdjustableSun protection

    No lotus effect

    Scratch resistant

    Minimal glare


    Ease of use


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    The needs andproperties listed here should not interfere with the users comfort or ability to use

    the device. Comfort is affected by the weight, size, adjustability, sun protection, and glare. The

    longevity of the product will be dictated by the durability of the materials used in its

    manufacturing, overall dimensions (portability), scratch resistivity of the display surface, and

    waterproofing (for pedestrians in wet weather conditions). Aesthetics are entirely dependent on

    user preference but essential for product marketing.

    Technical specifications, those related to the internal workings of the Navigators system,

    include the following user needs:

    Frequently updated

    No technological lag

    Warning for nearby vehicles

    Language independent

    Computer memory

    Zoom function

    Security levels

    Brightness settings

    Day/night settings


    Settings for specific users


    Ease of use


    The technical needs of the primary users include technological speed, information accuracy,

    information security, and program functions. Technological speed includes technological lag and

    computer memory. Information accuracy is provided by frequent updates to maps and directions.

    Security is necessary to protect information as well as access to various levels of detail (e.g.

    military bases). Program functions include warnings for nearby vehicles, language independence

    for multilingual nations and/or the expansion of product distribution to the global market, zoom,

    brightness, day/night, and display resolution. These needs should be implemented and up-to-date

    with the most recent technological and security standards.

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    One may note the inclusion of customization, ease of use, and hands-free in both

    physical and technological user needs. The need for customization applies to both as the user

    may request different styles of frames or display surfaces, as well as the ability to customize their

    device to store different destinations or personal information. Moreover, the potential for

    subsequent updates to the Navigators device may include applications related to audio/visual

    entertainment or education. Likewise, ease of use is required in both physical and technical

    designs of the system so the user will undergo minimal or no training prior to using the

    Navigators device. Similarly, the need for a hands-free GPS device overlaps with physical

    requirements for data input mechanisms as well as the technical programming to receive the data

    transmitted to the device.

    Economic expectations, the third group of primary user needs, includes the following:






    The economic and retail standards deal with the relationship between the user, device, and its

    sale in retail stores nationwide. In short, this relationship and group of needs can be considered

    the driving force behind successful marketing of the product once it reaches widescale

    distribution. A more detailed breakdown of marketing needs and requirements will be

    determined by the marketing team at Navigators, Inc.

    Secondary users, such as government entities and industrial sector companies, have a

    different set of user needs than those of the primary users discussed above. Government entities

    will be largely interested in security of data and its transmission, the accuracy of provided

    information, as well as civilian safety. Lawmakers will enforce the passing of regulations to

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    ensure user attention to the road is not inhibited by the Navigators system, similar to cell phones

    or other electronic devices. Government entities in this context refer to the United States

    government. These needs may have to be changed for other countries should the Navigators

    system be distributed globally. Driving laws and road regulations vary country-by-country, so

    the GPS program integration with the Navigators system must be considered and modified


    GPS companies constitute another faction of the secondary stakeholders. Since the first

    generation Navigators will be used primarily for navigational purposes, GPS companies will

    require accessibility to data, satellite usage, and tracking information in order to provide the

    appropriate information to the Navigators to display on the user interface. Should future

    generations of the Navigators expand their scope to include audio/visual entertainment,

    education, or other applications, the user needs will be modified to reflect this expansion in

    application capabilities.

    The industrial sector will require materials information from users and Navigators

    designers for production and assembly purposes. Material selection will be important to achieve

    the primary user need of durability, glare and scratch resistance, and waterproofing, among

    others. Of the economic expectations of primary users, affordability and quality will also be of

    importance to industrial sector stakeholders as different materials will offer different qualities of

    service (e.g. a material with a greater hardness and thus resistance to scratches). These are just

    some of the needs considerations of secondary stakeholders in the development of Navigators

    devices. The user needs presented here will be used to develop the general and detailed

    requirements of the system, which will be presented and discussed in the next section of this


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    System Requirements

    A requirement is something that the product must do or a quality that the product must

    have. A requirement exists either because the type of product demands certain functions or

    qualities, or the client wants that requirement to be part of the delive red product. (Monson,

    2012a, p. 1). System requirements are essential for the success of the project and take up

    approximately 8-14% of the overall project cost (Monson, 2012a, p. 1). Moreover, system

    requirements help to determine the project scope. For example, they help define what is going to

    be developed or who will be responsible for which task. They reveal where further research is

    necessary during the development phases of a project. System requirements are a driving force in

    a project that moves it toward a final solution, rather than reversing the process (Monson, 2012a,

    p. 1).

    The main reason for spending much time on system requirements is to outline details to

    understand the finer points of the system and how the subsystems will interact. In the end this

    will save the project time and money. This allows for example a higher efficiency through

    communication, less time spent on revising product or service requirements during or after

    implementation and fewer contract changes with external vendors. With good requirements

    better product and service quality and performance accountability can be achieved (Monson,


    p. 1).

    System Requirements can be divided into eight different types: functional, technical,

    usability, operational, security, physical, support and training requirements (Monson, 2012b,

    slide 61-63). Many system requirements also have a super- or sub-requirement. Super-

    requirements are required to be in place prior to the implementation of the given requirement.

    Similarly, sub-requirements can be included following the implementation of the given

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    requirement. In the following pages, each type of requirement is defined and then it is applied to

    the Navigators system. A more detailed list of all system requirements, as well as any super- or

    sub-requirements, is provided in Table 2 in the Appendix. In the following will be a discussion

    of their contents.

    Functional Requirements

    The functional requirements reflect what the product or service needs to do through

    implementation of action requirements and workflow steps (Monson, 2012b, slide 61). Simply

    put, it is what the Navigators are expected to do for the primary users (consumers).

    In considering the functional requirements for the Navigators system, the device shall

    display graphic overlay navigation and up-to-date information. This is extremely important for

    newly constructed roads or road changes so the user is still able to use the Navigators with only

    minimal updates required. Moreover, the system shall display directions over area viewed by

    users, so that if the user is turning his or her head the navigation information will still be

    provided in the correct orientation. This will require the implementation of a gyroscope.

    Given the actual maps and directional information is correct, the Navigators must also

    indicate the users current location by calculating the route to his or her intended destination.

    Route calculation requires total travel time and amount of miles to the destination. Furthermore

    the system shall adjust travel time to velocity of user, so the time and miles left to the destination

    will be updated frequently so the user will be updated about his or her travelling status.

    Sub-requirements of the aforementioned requirements are that the system shall provide

    the option for the fastest route in respect to time, the shortest route in respect to distance and

    most fuel efficient route. Depending on the situation or user, there might be a different purpose

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    for getting to a destination requiring shortest or longest time or distance. These options will be

    provided for the user, as well as the ability to see where traffic may be congested along a given

    route. For ease of use the system shall maintain the option to save 30 destinations and maintain a

    record of the last 20 destinations. Because of this function, the user will save time entering his or

    her destination. Each user will have his or her personal destinations they frequent more than


    Furthermore, the Navigators shall automatically turn on when opening the temple arms of

    the glasses and automatically shut down when the user the user closes the temple arms of the

    glasses. Thus the user would not have to bother with giving special input for turning on or

    shutting down the system and it would save time in actually using the glasses. The last functional

    requirement for the Navigators system will be that the system shall charge its own battery.

    Technical Requirements

    The technical requirements consider the conformance to standards and system type

    (Monson, 2012b, slide 61). Under these requirements, the Navigators shall use a TI M3 Context

    processor and a TI C6000 Digital Signal Processor for graphics realization and the system shall

    conform to IEEE standards. Moreover, the system shall use at minimum a 2000 mAh battery for

    providing the power necessary for processing and displaying information. For the ability to make

    the system available for every person, the system shall provide software which is compatible

    with the following: Windows XP or later for Microsoft operating systems, OSX 10.6 or later for

    Macintosh operating systems, and the most recent version of Linux. In addition the system shall

    provide interface software compatible with Macintosh iOS and Google Android mobile

    operating systems.

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    Usability Requirements

    The usability requirements describe how the functional requirements should be executed.

    Usability includes the following characteristics: user-friendly, graphic user interface, reliability,

    speed, accuracy and number of steps to complete the task (Monson, 2012b, slide 62).

    Applying the usability requirements to the Navigator system will show that the system

    shall be language independent. For example, there are many Spanish speaking people living in

    the United States who do not have English as a mother tongue. There will be an option to change

    the graphic information display (as well as information input) to Spanish so it is easier for these

    users to understand the information, especially because it is mostly technical vocabulary. The

    technical vocabulary may make it difficult for people to understand if English is not their native

    language. Moreover for future potential expansions to other countries the language function is

    already included.

    In addition to language independence, the Navigators system shall indicate status. This

    means that the system will show if the device is on, off, standby, or maintenance. Another

    usability requirement is the system shall provide fast tracking and suggestions for the user input.

    The user can save time so he or she does not have to remember the exact address because the

    system will start providing suggestions because of fast tracking (similar to internet searches). An

    important fact in the sense of user security is that the system shall not distract the user from their

    responsibility to pay attention to traffic. Therefore the system shall not provide too much

    information at once and the information should be shown for an amount of time that the user

    does not have to rush to understand it. In addition to traffic, the displayed information shall not

    hide important signals or signs on the street from the user. The Navigators system shall allow

    the user to adjust quantity and type of information displayed on the screen. Some users might

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    like to see more information at once, such as driving speed, average speed, time and miles left

    until reaching the destination, and speed limit. Other users might be distracted by too much

    information and their mental workload will rise, so they might prefer to reduce the amount of

    information displayed on their system. With regards to the physical architecture of the system, it

    shall be user adjustable in the way of adjusting the bridge and the length and the angle of the

    temple arms, which will make it easier for the user to read the displayed information.

    For the subcategory graphic user interface there are several system requirements that

    should be taken into account. For example, the system shall provide visual navigation

    information. The system must provide adequate font size to be usable by persons with limited

    visual acuity. Because of this the system is not limited to individuals with perfect vision and

    opens up a greater customer base to people with limited visual acuity who may have difficulty

    using an internal navigation system in a car or other GPS device. Furthermore, to handle the

    navigation information more easily the system shall display the name of upcoming intersections

    and exits which should be taken. That will also show redundancy with the graphic information

    and so it reduces the mental load of the user.

    The next subcategory, reliability, will include the system requirements that the system

    shall experience no technical lag. The system must be 99.99% in line with actual user movement;

    otherwise the user will be distracted by the lag of the graphic display and not able to navigate

    safely. The subcategory speed will as well be considered for the Navigator system. One system

    requirement which will be in this subcategory is that the system shall provide navigation

    information five seconds after destination input from the user. Because of that a fast output will

    be provided and the user will get directions shortly after his/her input. A short time to

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    information display following input will allow the user to start driving, walking or cycling and

    follow the navigation information which will show up shortly after beginning travel.

    With respect to time of use, system shall be usable for 30 continuous hours of average use

    before charging the battery. In that amount of time the driver should be at least able to complete

    four long distance trips or 15 trips of two hours each before recharging the system. Additionally,

    the Navigators system shall not average more than five minutes to install or upgrade Navigator

    software on the users personal computer/laptop, and they shall not average more than ten

    minutes to upgrade the embedded Navigator software itself. Navigators are a non-essential

    device for daily life, so the user shall not spend much additional time updating the system

    compared to its actual time in use.

    A final subcategory on which should be mentioned is the subcategory accuracy which

    will include the system requirements that the system shall measure distance to three meters

    accuracy. Moreover, the system shall display distance to the user in the largest unit denomination

    greater than or equal to one. For example, if the distance to a destination is half a mile, the total

    distance will be provided in feet, rather than 0.5 miles. Additionally, the system shall use

    accurate industry-standard geographic information. The last requirement is especially important

    in the sense of new streets or rearranging the route of the street or size of the street. The graphic

    overlay of navigation information will not only provide directions on the road but they will also

    take into account the number of lanes and adjust arrows accordingly.

    Operational Requirements

    The operational requirements are a subcategory of the system requirements that describe

    the environment around the use of the presented system (Monson, 2012b, slide 62). Operational

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    requirements for the Navigator system first include that the system shall be light intensity

    adjustable. This is extremely important in the case of bright sunlight or darkness that the user is

    still able to see the displayed navigation information and the surrounding signs, signals and

    traffic. According to the different climate areas in the United States and with that the different

    temperature levels the system shall tolerate temperatures between -50 to 55 degrees Celsius

    (USA Today, 2011a & USA Today, 2011b). This will be even more important when the system

    will be expanded for people all over the world. The same reason as mentioned before about the

    different climate areas will come up with the next system requirement that the system shall

    withstand 100% humidity. Additionally, dependant on the humidity and the surrounding weather

    the system shall not cloud the vision of the user. This point will be very important for people

    going from cold areas to warm area, such as going from outside on cold winter day to inside a

    warm car.

    Security Requirements

    The security requirements will include confidentiality, accessibility and legal

    considerations about the considered system (Monson, 2012b, slide 62). Overall the system shall

    not replace manual driving skills. The driver still has to consider surrounding traffic and signs

    and streets which might be different to the information displayed in the glasses. In the sense of

    accessibility the Navigators system shall not have sharp edging that someone would be able to

    cut him- or herself while using the Navigators. Moreover, the system shall not pinch the finger of

    the user when opening the temple arms of the glasses. Additionally, the Navigators lenses shall

    be made of safety glasses that in the case of an accident the glasses will not cut the face of the

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    user or damage their eyes. In the case of the system accidentally being dropped on the ground,

    the display interface will not be made of material that can easily shatter.

    The system shall not cause health problems by people using the Navigation. Material use

    will include safe, approved plastics and metals for proximity to the human face. Legal

    considerations in the security requirements subcategory will include that system conforms to IT,

    federal and military security standards. Furthermore, the system shall not be used by any driver

    under 18 years of age because there are laws about usage of hands free devices in some states

    which will forbid the use for people under the age of 18 (Minnesota Department of Public Safety

    Driver and Vehicle Services Division, 2012). Therefore the presented requirement is to prevent

    the user from breaking state and federal driving laws. In relation to the previous requirement (but

    not entirely regulated by the law), the system shall not be recommended for use by pedestrian or

    cyclist under 12 years of age. This, again, is for user safety and compliance with transportation


    For confidentiality the Navigator system shall be encrypted to security standards.

    Personal destinations should be not accessible by other users (or even the government with

    certain privacy laws). Furthermore, people should not be able to hack into the Navigator system

    and be able to change to displayed information to cause an accident or crime.

    Physical Requirements

    Another subcategory of the system requirements are the physical requirements, which

    include equipment size limitations, portability, weight limitations, materials, durability and

    company brand requirements (Monson, 2012b, slide 62). With regards to size limitations, the

    system shall not exceed 7.5 x 3.8 x 3.3 inches when stored in a spectacle case and the system

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    shall not exceed 7.5 x 7.5 x 3.8 inches when in use. With these size limitations, the Navigators

    will not exceed the size of sunglasses by much. It will be a convenient and familiar size for

    primary users. In addition to the size limitation is a weight limitation. The system shall not

    exceed seven ounces, which was determined to be appropriate for a glasses system to avoid

    irritation of the neck or face.

    Moving on to the category materials-durability, the frame shall have a chrome finish.

    Moreover, the Navigators shall be sold with a storage case that protects the device against

    crushing, torque and scratches. Damage to the glasses could impede the view of the user and

    with that distract the user from the surrounding traffic. Repairs to the device could potentially be

    expensive. The glass display surface itself shall be transparent and have sun protection.

    Transparency will allow a user to use the Navigators at night. The sun protection is important for

    drivers of convertible cars who would probably not use the Navigators without sun protection

    because in a convertible there is a high risk of sun burns. This fact will also be important for

    bicycle riders and pedestrians using the Navigators. In very humid weather conditions or in the

    case of dirt clinging to the glasses, the system shall provide glasses with no lotus effect. This

    implementation will allow the dirt or water to run down the glasses automatically so no cleaning

    is required during use. This, again, will minimize distractions for the user.

    Considering the design of the glasses, the Navigators shall be released in a modern design

    and in different colors. Additionally the system shall provide a storage case in at least 10

    different colors. These requirements reflect the customization and the user might feel more

    related or attached to the glasses when choosing their own design. Furthermore the Navigators

    surface shall not exceed 38 degrees Celsius so that the user will not be burned by the device. For

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    long distance travel or extensive use of the Navigators, the system shall provide a place in the

    storage case for an alternative battery.

    Support Requirements

    Support requirements include maintainability and service level requirements (Monson,

    2012b, slide 63). According to support requirements, the system shall operate without

    maintenance for a period of at least one year. Moreover, the system shall be repairable because

    of higher quality and software and not be a one-time technical device. The Navigators shall be

    updateable. Because of this the newest software updates will be available for the user of the

    Navigators. Additionally, the system shall have a maintenance panel with which the repair or

    maintenance can be done. The system will indicate which the part of the Navigators which needs

    repair or maintenance.

    Similar to the previously mentioned requirement is the requirement that the system shall

    internally notify technical support representatives of malfunctions for immediate repair.

    Furthermore, the system shall include a care manual with which the user will not clean or

    maintain the Navigators incorrectly and with this reduce repairs and damages to the system.

    Since the Navigators are easy to use and are used (at this point) only during travel, the system

    shall only require in-depth cleaning and repair after six months. If a repair is necessary to the

    Navigators there should be a service representative available 24 hours per day and the system

    shall be repaired within five business days of service call.

    Training Requirements

    The training requirements will include the details about training the trainer, training

    specified number of business or technical users and the number of hours or days are used for

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    training (Monson, 2012b, slide 63). With regards to the Navigators system, no prior training shall

    be required on part of the user, but the system shall provide access to tutorials for first-time

    users. Because of this users with more experience with technical devices will be able to use the

    Navigators with intuitive ease, and users with less experience with technical devices can use the

    tutorials prior to their first use and become familiar with the device.

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    Functional Analysis

    Functional analysis is one of the most basic tools in systems engineering, and is used

    extensively to develop the system architecture, where the components of the system can be

    further defined. This simple tool allows engineers and designers to look beyond what is currently

    available into the realm of what is possible. Frequently, engineering teams will look to the

    current market to derive products, and use preconceived notions of acceptable to do design

    work. However, this is frequently insufficient, especially in high tech industries where

    innovation is key. When systems engineers begin to design new products, a functional analysis is

    done to truly understand what is needed from the product and what is not. This helps take the

    potential product out of the physical world, and allow the engineer to forgo any design that has

    previously been developed. It also allows the engineer to become more in tune with how and

    where the product will be used, so as to better design the physical components later in the

    process. Thus, functional analysis is especially important during the initial, preliminary stages of

    design, when the item to be produced is still a somewhat vague concept, and can be molded

    throughout the process to end at the most suitable and innovative design.

    For the product in question, the functional analysis was just as any other would be. It was

    a walkthrough of what the product needed to do, and what it did not need to do. The functional

    analysis in any electromechanical system is slightly more complex, simply because of the

    complexity of the end result. Shown below are the functions deemed appropriate for this product.

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    What does this system need to do?

    Switch on/off Regulate Power Supply to Elements Recharge Monitor Power Supply Level Record System Failure Details Supply Software Supply GIS Database Record User Preferences Record Destinations

    Prioritize Functions

    Render Display Handle System Failures Detect Display Orientation Detect GPS Location Connect to Wireless Device Display Directions Report System Failure Query User Preferences Listen for Voice Commands

    At this point, it is useful to define the states this system must be in, as this will help

    further define the tasks that need to be accomplished to define this system as a success. In this

    system, the states that are possible are as follows

    Navigation Off Computer Control

    Recharging Pre-Shutoff.

    Simply from these states, a lot can be gleaned about the needed system. When in the

    Navigation state, the system is operating at nearly full capacity. The system is displaying

    directions overlaid on the environment to the user, and it is continually updating position and

    direction to provide accurate directions. It is also consuming power, communicating to a GPS

    satellite, and can communicate to a Bluetooth device such as a cell phone to acquire directions.

    In addition, this state is the only one in which the system communicates any problems

    encountered to the user, so the glasses need to be continuously monitoring for software faults and

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    firmware issues to display. This state is the primary state in which the user will interact with the

    system, thus nearly every function needs to be operating during this time. The second state is the

    Off state. This state is fairly self-explanatory, and is the state in which the system is not in use.

    Note that there is no standby state, as this system is unlikely to need one. Since the system is

    only on when the temple bars are open, they are likely to be on someones face at that point.

    When they are shut, the glasses cannot be in use, and can simply be off.

    The next state available is Computer Control. This state is important, as the glasses

    themselves will not have any tactile control on themselves. Thus, any updates or troubleshooting

    that is needed shall be done on another device. When in this state, the system will not be

    displaying anything, and thus will not be available for use. However, the processor and data

    storage components still need to be operational in order for the computer resolve any issues.

    These issues need not be flaws in the system; they may be standard upkeep such as updating

    firmware, updating the GIS data, or setting Bluetooth preferences. Conversely, they indeed may

    be issues in the software, problems connecting to GPS satellites, or data storage problems. In this

    state, the system need not draw power from its own battery, as the processor can simply draw

    power from the device it is connected to. The next state listed is very similar to Computer

    Control; Recharging. In the Recharging state, the processor is not available, nor the display.

    There is no user interaction, and the only part of the system functioning is the battery. Thus, it is

    almost the inverse of the Computer Control state.

    The final state that logically is defined is Pre-Shutoff. This state is complex, as it is a

    state defined between two states: Navigation and Off. Between these two, all data input into the

    system during operation needs to be stored for use the next time the system is used. This data can

    range from user preferences, to locations navigated to, to preferring to avoid highways in

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    navigation. In order to accomplish this, the glasses need to stay active long enough after closing

    the temple bars to access the data storage, save data, and then power down.

    From the list of necessary functions, a map of how all the functions interact can be

    developed, as shown on page 65 of the Appendix. Initially disregarding the coloring of the

    diagram, this is a simple map of how the functions themselves need to communicate. This will

    useful as it helps drill down and split up the system into independent subsystems that can be

    further refined by physical design. This map can also be used to break down the system into

    software components. These hardware and software definitions are two separate decompositions,

    and will be referred to as the system architecture and software architecture, respectively.

    The software architecture becomes clear from the functional analysis, although it is not

    the focus of this design process. It is highly likely that the way the processor and data storage

    hardware is designed and built by suppliers will define how the software functions with it. In

    addition, this system would likely not have proprietary software initially, and this portion of the

    end result would be outsourced to a reliable software company. This would lend the highest

    likelihood of producing a reliable operating system to ensure success. The choice was made to

    draw the borders of the box of the system to not include the programming aspect.

    The system architecture, however, is almost fully realizable straight from the functional

    analysis. Again referring to the diagram on page 65 of the Appendix , the systems processes start

    in the bottom left corner. Supply power is obviously the first thing done, which is followed by

    regulating the power supply. This would be necessary as the different components of the system,

    i.e. the display, the processor, the antennae, ect., would likely all require different voltages to

    operate. This is the first example of the system architecture influencing the physical design


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    Following the power components, the firmware starts. This is the first function carried out by the

    processor, and will need to occur first in order to awake the other parts of the processor, and to

    ensure the processor is in proper working order initially. At this point, the system executes

    processes. This is a blanket term used intentionally to create loops. This may mean a multitude of

    processes but since the brain of the processorcarries them all out, little attention will be given

    to them individually. From this point, the first thing done would be the detection of wireless

    device input, as the wireless device can be used to indicate desired address. From this point, the

    flow goes to analyze input streams, which is another blanket term used to create a loop of

    processes. This node will stand for the analysis of all inputs, both from antennae and the user.

    The processor then updates the parameters, and computes the process outputs. This essentially

    means that it updates the processor and creates new inputs for the processor to take into account.

    The processor must then prioritize its processes. This is a dependency on the likelihood

    of using a single core processor able of doing one thing at a time. This constraint is imposed

    under the assumption that a single core processor will be smaller, and thus easier to allocate

    space for on a system as small as a pair of eyeglasses. This also has the added benefit of likely

    producing less heat, which would make the user much more comfortable. From this point, the

    flow goes back to the execution of processes, which completes one loop. The second loop likely

    to be made is the detection of the GPS signal, as this is the primary purpose of the system. This

    would require triangulation of the signal by the satellite, as well as the transfer of information to

    and from the GPS antenna. These processes were all encapsulated in one node, as this is one

    single process that needs to be completed.

    The next logical process to be completed is the computation of an optimal route. This

    would immediately begin following the acquisition of a GPS signal and a location to navigate to.

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    This should be a relatively short process, and the computational power should be minimal. This

    process will be influenced by preselected preferences of the user, such as the avoidance of

    highways. This would then go into the computation of process outputs, and prioritized to be sent

    back to the execution node.

    At this point, there are three more nodes in the loop. All of these are processes that would

    be happening in tandem, although not literally. As mentioned before, the processor would likely

    only handle one process at a time, so the processor would have to work with its internal clock to

    ensure the following functions are completed once every few milliseconds. The first function is

    the detection of the display orientation. This would allow the glasses themselves to alter the

    display based on the direction of the head of the user. This would be particularly useful when the

    user looked up or to the side while moving forward.

    The next function that happens periodically in the loop is the detection of vocal input.

    The monitoring of this every few milliseconds is the most effective way of processor allocation,

    as even a large delay (in milliseconds) of the detection of a command is highly unlikely to affect

    the end result, or the reaction of the system. When vocal input is detected, this node is the

    priority in the entire loop, and until vocal input is no longer detected, will be the only thing done

    in the loop. After this input is ended, the input is analyzed and input back into the execution

    phase of the processing. The last periodic function that occurs is the monitoring of the available

    power. This is necessary to determine the life left in the battery, as with most electronics today.

    As the rate of change in the charge left in the battery is unlikely to be high, this process can be

    monitored less often than all others in the loop and still be effective.

    When the system recognizes that it is in distress, it can then go to the handling of system

    failure. This node is followed by reporting the system failure to the user, which has two outputs.

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    This failure is recorded by the system, such that it can be addressed, and it also directs to the

    rendering of graphic output. This process then flows to the displaying of the information on the

    lenses. The rendering and displaying of the graphic output are not limited to system failures of

    course, and are connected to the computation of process outputs, as can be seen in the diagram.

    The final few nodes in the map are solely when the system is connected to a computer.

    Starting from the top left of the map, the system needs to first allow itself to be controlled by an

    external device. This node is then connected to three nodes suboridinate to it, which can occur in

    any sequence. The first is trouble-shooting issues, which is where the solution is to the problems

    that occur when in operation. While in this node, the user interacts with the computer to gain

    more insight into the problem, see the best way to fix it, and possibly connect to the Internet to

    let the problem be resolved by others. Another node the needs a computer is the updating of the

    firmware. This is required as things become newer, faster, and better than before. The third and

    final node in this system is the updating of the GIS system. This is necessary every so often so as

    to keep up to date on the newest construction of roads, and to ensure that the directions to be


    All of the processes relating to the computer, as well as the processes in the execution of

    the normal software of the system need to access a save function, indicated by the store function

    node. In the final stages of this systems operation, the power is cut to all functions. This is the

    end of the map, as after this node is passed, there is no more power to function.

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    System Architecture

    From the preceding analysis, there are a number of subsystems that these functions can be

    decomposed into. These subsystems help design the product, as their further definition will help

    produce requirements that the components of the subsystems will need to address. After

    considering these functions, the following subsystems were deemed appropriate

    Power Control Subsystem Wireless Subsystem User Input Subsystem

    Processor Subsystem Display Subsystem Maintenance Subsystem

    These subsystems also communicate in a specific way that can be mapped out as shown in Figure

    4. The system architecture is helpful not only in realization of the inner workings of the product,

    but also the inner workings of the product design process. Through this architecture, the project

    may be divided among several teams, and the communication lines between nodes in the map

    indicate essential communications that need to take place between functional development teams

    in order to ensure that the system will operate as intended.

    Figure 4. Navigators System Architecture

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    Physical Architecture and Its Verification and Validation (V&V)

    The Navigators: GPS Glasses System, herein after referred to as the device, shall be

    implemented with hardware and software, along with accompanying advanced technologies.

    This physical implementation is divided into separate subsystems to be designed, in order to

    obtain the benefits of modularity and compact design. The subsystems are Power Control,

    Processor, Wireless Communication, User Input, and Display. After the design is complete,

    verification and validation (V&V) tests are conducted to ensure proper and consistent operation

    of each component in each subsystem.

    Power Control System

    The purpose of the power control system is to provide a stable and appropriate supply of

    power to the device. The implementation is comprised of a battery storage device and a voltage

    regulator and control system. The five volt battery will provide the required potential to the

    devices digital systems, and will provide the appropriate power rating, high enough to support

    the power intensive applications on the device, most notably the display light source and

    projection. Other power intensive applications include wireless broadcast antennas for Bluetooth

    and GPS. The particular battery technology will also adhere to size and safety constraints of the

    device. The particular requirements can be found in the system requirements document; however

    it suffices to mention here that the battery size will be hidden, with its weight indistinguishable

    from the weight of the device. The safety considerations include the chemical potential and

    temperature effects as potential health hazards to the user. Design considerations such as the

    battery encasing and limits on power draw are design solutions to these requirements.

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    A mechanical switch shall be located on the hinges of the device, completing an electrical

    circuit when the glasses are opened and disconnecting when the hinges of the device are closed.

    The switch provides a direct means of powering off the device. This can be accomplished by a

    number of methods, a couple of which are mentioned here. The switch in Figure 5 shows an

    implementation that fully disconnects power to the device. In other words, the mechanical switch

    fully determines power to the device. In an alternative implementation, the switch may instead

    provide a status signal to the power control system. Based on the status signal, the control system

    can power the device in a variety of low power configurations. This decision is left to further

    consideration in collaboration with the design engineering team.

    A voltage regulator is the interface between the battery and the devices components

    requiring electrical power. The voltage regulator will provide the means for a stable power

    supply by regulating changes in the output due to a change in load current or a change in input

    supply voltage from the battery and will provide a constant reliable source for the device,

    limiting noise and variation in the supply characteristics. Additional control circuitry will power

    different components of the system at different amounts in response to the real time power

    demands for energy efficiency. The control circuitry will be a simple passive network. A further

    means of protection is the addition of fuses between the regulator and the various device

    components receiving electrical power. This will prevent overcurrent and severe device

    destruction and user harm.

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    Figure 5. Power Control Subsystem system schematic.

    The verification and validation of the Power Control Subsystem is accomplished with a

    number of electrical and mechanical tests conducted by the systems engineering team. The

    natures of the tests are component based and functional-system based. The components, systems,

    and tests can be seen in Figure 6. The test plan shows that each component will be tested on its

    individual characteristics, followed by system tests for more complicated functions. Finally, the

    entire subsystem is tested before being integrated into the device.

    The power control subsystem provides the electrical supply for the device, but is also a

    hazard source for the user. The verification and validation tests must adhere to heavy safety

    standards, and the risk analysis must determine the acceptable range of results for the V&V tests

    for this system.

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    1.0 Power Control Subsystem

    Component Verification Test

    Micro USB connecting to battery Electrical Test

    Battery Pack

    Inspection (Size), Current Draw Test, Max

    Stress Test (Temperature and Durability)


    Contact Test (Electricity), Life Cycle Testing,Accelerated Fatigue testing of spring loadingmechanism

    Voltage Regulator Electrical Output Test

    Voltage Regulator to Battery Electrical and Logic Tests

    Waterproof Seal Submerge to 20m and check for leakage.

    1.0 Power Control SubsystemVerification

    Inspection, Test current draw, Test current atopen and closed switch positions, Test

    durability, Test regulator when one or morecomponents changes voltage requirements.

    Figure 6. Verification and Validation Tests for the Power Control Subsystem.

    Processor System

    The purpose of the processor system is to compute and implement functions and

    algorithms central to operation of the device. This system also serves as the primary interface

    between the other subsystems of the device. It is therefore apparent that the processor subsystem

    implements several diverse functions using its computational blocks. The nature of the specific

    microprocessor(s) and interface chips are left to the design engineering team. Here, the required

    functions are described relative to their importance to the subsystems required characteristics.

    The processor subsystem is composed of a microprocessor, a digital signal processor

    (DSP), data storage devices, and power and data buses. The standard software of the device is

    included in the processor subsystem as a fundamental component for implementing the various

    functions. The buses and connections are illustrated in Figure 7. In general, the chips are

    connected to the power supply, and each processor performs a function for each subsystem.

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    Figure 7. Processor Subsystem system schematic.

    The Wireless Communication sends information to the processor from the devices

    antennas. The data may need to be decrypted and will need to be processed to useful information

    for the other subsystems such as maintenance updates or display information. The User Input

    Subsystem sends raw data from the user from a microphone as analog data, and also from a

    micro USB port in the form of digital data. The processor must perform analog to digital

    conversion for sound information, to be sent to the DSP. Data from the serial bus should be able

    to be stored and accessed in memory by any other function of the processor subsystem. The

    digital signal processor handles sound and graphics intensive applications such as producing

    specialized graphics or rendering the display. The DSP obtains information from the processor,

    and directly outputs to the user output components, primarily the projection display.

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    2.0 Processor Subsystem

    Component Verification Test


    Inspection, Memory tests, Timing Tests,Stress Tests, Power Comsumption tests,Check for voltage spikes,

    Digital Signal Processor Set up test circuit, test outputs.

    Processor to DSP Electrical and Logic Tests

    Processor to Microphone Electrical and Logic Tests, Sample tests

    Processor to Memory Electrical and Logic Tests

    Processor to Wireless Subsystem Electrical and Logic Tests

    Processor to Micro USB/Computer Electrical tests and trial data transfers.

    Processor to Power Control Electrical test for maximum efficiency

    Software Unit Test

    2.1 - Software Maintenance

    Component Verification Test

    Warning MessagesInduced critical state, inspection of outputfrom Processor

    Power Supply ShutdownInduced critical state, inspection of outputfrom Processor

    Updates to GPS software

    Load initial software, check that processor

    knows of update

    Bluetooth UpdatesLoad initial software, check that processorknows of update

    Firmware UpdatesLoad initial software, check that processorknows of update

    2.1 Maintenance SubsystemVerification

    Software download test, check for downloadsuccessful

    2.0 Processor Subsystem Verification

    Initial software download, render a display,access all memory channels, obtain GPSdirection set, access power control system,Voice control test

    Figure 8. Verification and Validation tests for the Processor Subsystem.

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    The software is composed of algorithms for performing the mentioned functions. The

    specific implementation of these algorithms and programs is highly dependent on the design

    constraints and are thus left to the design engineering team. It suffices to say that the software

    shall accomplish with the processor subsystem hardware all the functions described here.

    The processor subsystem requires much more technical specification and consequently,

    much more technical V&V testing. Such tests for each component can be found in Figure 8. This

    computerized system can be tested by modeling the environment the processor will embed.

    Much of the tests can be automated to test a breadth of test cases and can be repeated for

    redundancy checks.

    Wireless Communication System

    The purpose of the wireless communication system is to provide access to Bluetooth and

    GPS technologies for device communication. The physical architecture incorporates an antenna

    transceiver system for both technologies. The inputs and outputs to the system are power and

    data. The power is supplied by the power control system, and it should be noted that the higher

    power requirements for this system indicate the need for risk safety analysis. The temperature

    and radiation are factors for potential hazardous to the user. The raw data demodulated by the

    system is sent to the processor system via data buses for computation and use by the device. The

    specifications of the transceiver systems, as well as the specifications for the power and data

    buses are highly dependent on the design implementation of the processor and power systems,

    and are thus left to the design engineering group.

    The validation and verification of the wireless communication system is composed of

    tests on the individual antenna transceiver systems, data and power buses, and on the entire

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    wireless subsystem as a whole. The test plan can be seen in Figure 10. As with any other system,

    integration tests are conducted to ensure correct operation of a subsystem in its supersystem. For

    V&V, the components must be tested in a modeled environment independent from the device

    itself. For example, testing a component such as the Bluetooth transceiver system will require the

    creation of an ideal functioning environment modeling the glasses and environment. Such an

    environment will be composed of a known clean power signal, data buses to a processor, and

    clean wireless signals. Clearly, test cases can be varied here, and will be done so for breadth in

    the V&V test plan. Redundancy or consistency is also an important measure for validation and

    will thus be incorporated into the test plan.

    Figure 9.Wireless Subsystem system schematic.

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    3.0 Wireless CommunicationSubsystem

    Component Verification Test

    Power Supply to GPS antenna Electrical and Signal transmission test

    Power Suppy to Bluetooth Antenna Electrical and Signal transmission testProcessor to GPS Antenna (andreverse) Signal Transmission Test (Both Ways)

    Processor to Bluetooth Antenna (andreverse) Signal Transmission Test (Both Ways)

    GPS Antenna to Satellite Isolated connection test

    Bluetooth Antenna funtionalityBuild test circuit, attach antenna, connect toperipheral device

    3.0 Wireless Subsystem Verification

    Send/Recieve data on both wireless

    technologies, intelligent power supply test.Cycle on/off with power supply to ensure noextraneous current draw.

    Figure 10.Verification and Validation for the Wireless Communication Subsystem.

    User Input System

    The purpose of the User Input System is to transfer data between the user and the device.

    It is composed of two distinct components, the audio input (microphone) and the digital data

    input (micro-USB port), as can be seen in Figure 11. The user input system requires a power bus

    connection from the power control system, and is connected to the devices processor system.

    The microphone will be required to sense the range of audible frequencies, as its primary use is

    voice recognition. Furthermore, the microphone shall reject noise or undesirable signals as it is

    important to prevent noise from propagating through the devices systems. The micro-USB port

    shall adhere to its industry standards. Since the bus will be used for both power and data,

    appropriate tests must be created, as mentioned in the verification and validation tests in Figure

    12. Since the micro-USB port follows an industry standard, this component will see little to no

    modifications for the devices purposes.

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    Figure 11.User Input Subsystem system schematic.

    The verification and validation testing for the user input system is not safety critical, so

    test cases will focus more on functional ability. The V&V test plan and components list can be

    found in Figure 12, where the subsystem integration is listed at the end. It should be noted that a

    system integration test for each subsystem will be conducted, though is not listed. This system

    integration test (SIT) shall test the interaction and behavior of the subsystems connected together

    in the device.

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    4.0 User Input Subsystem

    Component Verification Test

    Microphone Build test circuit, test range and sensitivity

    Micro-USB PortSignal Integrity Test, Transmission AccuracyTest

    4.0 User Input Subsystem Verification

    Receive Sound Data from microphone andoutput on oscilloscope. Receive Data on USBand observe data on oscilloscope.

    Figure 12.Verification and Validation Tests for the User Input Subsystem.

    Display System

    The purpose of the display system is to provide a user interface and acquire user

    preferences and commands. The display system is implemented using existing advanced

    projection technology, composed of the sunglasses visor and optics to provide a simulated screen

    upon the lens of the device.

    It can be seen from Figure 14 that the display system is composed more specifically of

    special optical lenses, a light source, a color filter, a digital light processing (DLP) chip, and

    information from the processor subsystem. In general, the optica
