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If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s...

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If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017
Page 1: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed


Page 2: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

OurmissionistopromotePropertyAssessedCleanEnergyfinancingby providingleadership, support,problem

solving,dataandnetworkingopportunitiesforagrowinguniverseofPACE marketparticipants.

• MonthlyNewsletters• QuarterlyMarketData• CaseStudies• IndustryWhitePapers• DownloadableGuidedPowerPointPresentations

• PACETalksInterviews• LibraryofPACELawsandMarketData• LegislativeBestPractices• YouTubeTutorials• RegularBlog

Page 3: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed


ü TheCREMarketanditscharacteristics

ü WhyisEEatoughsellintheCREmarket?

ü WhatMakesPACEsoCompelling?

ü ExampleoftheFinancialImpactofPACE

Page 4: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

• Buyitorbuilditright– CREcompaniesbuildandpurchasethecorrectpropertyinthecorrectlocation• Leaseitright– CREcompaniesleasespacetotherightmixoftenantstomaximizethevalueoftheproperty• Financeitright– CREcompaniesutilizetheappropriateamountofdebtandequitytoreducetheiroverallcostofcapitalandmaximizetheirreturnoninvestmentgivenaconservativelevelofrisk.


Page 5: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed


Page 6: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed


- RealEstateForum July/August2015


DespiteBenFranklin’smaximthat“Apennysavedisapennyearned”,assetmanagementandexpenseminimizationadistant4th onthelistofCREpriorities

Page 7: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

Capitalexpendituresarededucteddirectlyfromcashflowü Lesscashavailablefordistributionü Lesscashfornewacquisitions/coreprojects


NOI $1,000,000

LessCAPEX ($100,000)

CashAvailableforDistribution $900,000

Page 8: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

Capital expenditures aredeemed to come from “theequity pocket”, andinvestments not related tothe core business arefurther subjected toallocation of capital, andare burdened with riskallocation premiums






Page 9: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed


ü TimePressure:Peopleareoverworkedandhavelittletimeorinclinationtofocusonanythingnew

ü PoorCredit:CREpropertiesareoftenownedbyspecialpurposeentitieswithnoassetsbeyondthepropertyandparentcompaniesarereluctanttoprovideparentalguarantees.

ü HoldingPeriodBias:CREcompaniesarenotinclinedtoinvestinapropertyiftheydon’tknowhowmuchlongertheywillownit

ü PerceivedRisk:CREexecutivesdon’ttrustsavingsforecastsandaddsubstantialriskpremiumstohurdlerates.

ü SplitIncentive:Manyleaseformsprovidedis-incentivesforlandlordtoinvestinenergyprojects

Page 10: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed


Page 11: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed







Page 12: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

üCashFlowvsCAPEX• PACEfunds100%ofhardandsoftcostsandeliminatesdeductionsfromcashflowforCAPEX.• PACEisacheaperformoffinancingforCAPEX

WhatMakesPACE soCompelling?

Page 13: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

üPoorCredit• PACEisstrictlyproperty-basedfinancing• Goodrealestatetaxpaymenthistory,notcreditstrength,iskeytofinancing.• Reasonableloantovaluerequirements• Nonrecoursetobuildingowner


Page 14: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

üHoldingPeriodBias• Automatictransfertothenewowneruponthesaleoftheproperty• Non-accelerating


Page 15: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

üPerceivedRisks• 20-yrfundingavailablebasedontheaverageusefullifeofECMsreducesriskbymakingitpossibletogeneratemorepositivecashflow• Wellacceptedbymortgagees• Favorablebalancesheettreatment


Page 16: If you Build It, Will They Come? · If you Build It, Will They Come? Presentation at ACEEE’s Energy Efficiency Finance Forum May 23, 2017. Our mission is to promote Property Assessed

üSplitIncentive• Dependingontheleasestructure,theannualPACEtaxassessmentburdenmaybesharedwithtenants,alongwiththebenefitsofanenergyefficiencyorrenewableenergyproject.• Thetenants’cashflowsavingsfromreducedenergycostsfromtheimprovementsarepartiallyoff-setbytheincreaseinpropertytaxpassthrough,resultinginanetsavingsfortenants• Thiseliminatesthesplitincentiveimbeddedinmanyleaseforms.

