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Ifoameu Regulation Position Paper Roadmap Growth Organic Sector 20141110 0

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  • 8/9/2019 Ifoameu Regulation Position Paper Roadmap Growth Organic Sector 20141110 0



    Position on the Commission

    proposal for a

    new organic regulation

    A roadmap towards

    sustainable growth

    of the EU organic sector

    6 November 201

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    6 November 2014 Page 2 of 21


    !" !ntroduction ................................................................................................................................................. 2

    !!" #eneral !$%A& EU position ...................................................................................................................... 2

    !!!" Commission proposal doesn't meet challenges......................................................... ........................... (

    1) Mixing up Implementation problem !it" t"e #egulation................................................................. $

    2) %n in&omplete Impa&t %ement............................................................................................................ 4

    $) 'nambitiou (uropean rgani& %&tion Plan.......................................................... .................................... *

    !)" Anal*sis of Commission proposal ............................................................................................................ 6

    1) Innovative element of t"e legilative propoal........................................................................................ 6

    2) %rea of &on&ern........................................................................................................................................ +

    )" !$%A& EU recommendation for a progressive organic development............................................1+

    1) ver&ome t"e "ort&oming of t"e exiting organi& regulation b, enfor&ement of &urrent tandard. 1-

    2) In&lude ne! proviion to develop and trengt"en t"e regulation to future need............................... 20

    $) Identif, !"ere poli&, meaure outide t"e organi& regulation are important to enable organi& e&tor

    development in&luding ambitiou implementation of t"e (uropean rgani& %&tion Plan............................. 20



    n 24 Mar&" 2014 t"e (uropean /ommiion publi"ed it legilative propoal for a ne! organi& regulation

    &omplemented b, annexe and a&&ompanied b, an impa&t aement reportand a ne! (uropean rgani&

    %&tion Plan. "i !a t"e reult of a pro&e !"i&" began in 2012 !"en t"e /ommiion de&ided to revie! t"e

    &urrent legilative and politi&al frame!or3 for organi& farming. "e /ommiion &ompleted an impa&t

    aement in ummer 201$ and from autumn 201$ !or3ed on a propoal for a ne! regulation to repla&e t"e

    &urrent organi& #egulation (/) No 5$4200+.

    I7%M (' i t"e umbrella organiation of t"e (uropean organi& movement repreenting t"e entire organi&

    produ&tion &"ain and graroot organiation. 8it" t"i poition paper it ee3 to rea&t to t"e /ommiion

    propoal evaluating t"e &"allenge and opportunitie fa&ing t"e e&tor and putting for!ard a roadmap

    to!ard utainable development of organi& produ&tion in (urope.


    #eneral !$%A& EU position

    I7%M (' "are t"e /ommiion9 aim for utainable gro!t" of t"e organi& e&tor t"roug"out (urope. It

    re&ognie t"e intention of t"e /ommiion: propoal for an improved organi& regulation and a&3no!ledge

    t"e need for furt"er development of t"e regulation baed on organi& prin&iple. It i eential t"at t"i

    development !ill be upported !it"out t"e &reation of obta&le to organi& gro!t". (uropean &iti;en mut

    &ontinue to benefit from organi& food and farming !"ilt maintaining &onfident in t"e !"ole organi& value


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    6 November 2014 Page $ of 21

    farm and buinee and le developed region. It put at ri3 a e&tor t"at i one of t"e fe! poitive

    e&onomi& torie of gro!ing demand for utainable food in (urope !it" a mar3et t"at meet &onumer and

    &ommunit, expe&tation for "ig" =ualit, food !"ilt prote&ting and en"an&ing t"e environment. It alo fail to

    re&ognie t"e divere ituation a&ro all t"e (uropean member tate.

    "e trategi& role of t"e organi& e&tor goe far be,ond t"e dire&t benefit provided b, organi& produ&tion. % aleading utainable food and farming ,tem it i a >learning &amp for utainabilit,: generating 3no!ledge

    te&"nologie and pra&ti&e relevant for ot"er food produ&tion ,tem and t"u driving t"e !"ole agrifood

    e&tor to!ard greater utainabilit,. "erefore (urope need more organi& food and farming not le.

    % roadmap for utainable gro!t" of organi& food and farming in (urope i needed t"at trengt"en t"e

    &ompetivene of t"e e&tor provide ne! opportunitie for operator and maintain and build upon t"e "ig"

    level of trut amongt &onumer for organi& food. I7%M (' &all for furt"er development of t"e organi& legal

    frame!or3 baed on organi& prin&iple !it" a better balan&e bet!een t"e bai& regulation and annexe and

    t"e ne&ear, reour&e needed for good implementation and furt"er innovation. In t"i &ontext it i no!

    &ru&ial t"at all (' intitution &ommit to an ambitiou implementation of t"e (' organi& a&tion plan in&luding

    real funding and upport. %n organi& regulation i needed t"at upport t"e development of t"e e&tor baed

    on a progreive tepb,tep pro&e !it" &lear viion t"at ta3e t"e diverit, of member tate region and

    organi& operator into a&&ount.

    In t"i poition paper I7%M (' anal,e t"e /ommiion propoal and provide &on&rete uggetion for "o!

    to develop organi& food and farming in (urope.

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    6 November 2014 Page 4 of 21

    Intead a progreive tep b, tep development of t"e organi& legilative frame!or3 baed on t"e &ontent of

    &urrent (' organi& #egulation (/) No 5$4200+ !ould "ave been more appropriate.

    2" An incomplete !mpact Assessment

    "e propoed regulation i baed on an in&omplete impa&t aement !"i&" la&3 eential data and in&lude

    problemati& aumption t"at lead to =uetionable &on&luion and inade=uate proviion. It alo ignore t"e

    &on&luion of t"e &ientifi& evaluation of t"e e&tor &arried out on be"alf of t"e /ommiion a !ell a

    man, of t"e re&ommendation offered b, t"e e&tor t"roug"out t"e &oure of t"e /ommiion: regulator,

    revie! and reviion pro&e.

    !ncomplete 3uantitative data

    "e /ommiion "a itelf aerted t"e &urrent limitation of t"eir exiting data on organi& produ&tion notabl,t"e e&onomi& of organi& farm and operator pri&e t"e mar3et i;e and trade flo!. Intead t"e impa&t

    mentioned in t"e report remain =ualitative in nature. "i i alo refle&ted in tatement t"at de&ribe t"e

    li3el, effe&t of t"e /ommiion: preferred option for example t"e impa&t aement fail to =uantif, t"e

    extent to !"i&" &ountrie !ould be affe&ted and produ&er !ould "ave to leave t"e e&tor be&aue t"e, are

    eit"er mixed &onventionalorgani& "olding or depend on ex&eption or &ould not bear t"e "ig"er produ&tion

    &ot t"e tri&ter rule !ould re=uire.

    % &omplete over"aul of a running legal frame!or3 &an onl, be Autified !it" a full aement baed on

    &ompre"enive data on organi& produ&tion.

    5oo much focus on a flawed public consultation

    "e report eem to bae t"e maAorit, of it aumption on t"e (uropean /ommiion: publi& &onultation

    &arried out at t"e beginning of 201$ and eem not to give t"e ame !eig"t to ot"er part of t"e impa&t

    aement u&" a to t"e ta3e"olderE opinion or t"e "Bnen external evaluation report publi"ed in

    Fanuar, 2014.

    "e publi& &onultation !a baed on a elfele&ted and unrepreentative ample o t"e reult &annot

    reliabl, refle&t &onumer opinion nevert"ele it "a been ta3en a t"e Autifi&ation for drafting t"e propoal

    for a ne! regulation. %t t"e ame time it eem t"at t"e opinion of organi& produ&er and expert "a not been

    given t"e ame !eig"t.

    I7%M (' al!a, !el&ome t"e !illingne of (' Intitution to promote a tranparent poli&, development

    pro&e t"roug" publi& &onultation.

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    6 November 2014 Page * of 21

    conflicts between consumer expectations and reality. However, consumer knowledge on quality schemes is

    usually low.? page 15).

    "e impa&t aement report fail to re&ognie t"at t"e o &alled &onumer "ave al!a, been an in"erent

    part of t"e movement and not impl, paive &utomer of organi& operator. In realit, t"e foundation of

    organi& farming are baed on trong relation"ip bet!een &onumer&iti;en and produ&er t"at &ontinue tobe developed.

    Poor consideration and reporting of the different sta4eholder input

    In t"e end ta3e"olderE opinion "ave onl, been partl, &onidered. 7or a number of number of ,ear I7%M

    (' and ot"er ta3e"older "ave preented propoal on "o! to furt"er develop t"e &urrent frame!or3 and

    inert ne! element into t"e regulation in order to be in line !it" &onumer expe&tation.

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    6 November 2014 Page 6 of 21

    t"er!ie (uropean organi& operator !ill be over!"elmed b, far rea&"ing ne! obligation and proviion of

    a ne! organi& regulation !it"out an, mean to be able to fulfil t"em t"e, ri3 loing t"eir &ompetitivene.


    Anal*sis of Commission proposal

    1" !nnovative elements of the legislative proposal

    8"ile I7%M (' i &on&erned about man, ape&t of t"e /ommiion legal propoal !e re&ognie t"at it alo

    deliver ome valuable and innovative element u&" aC

    Environmental performance criteria for processors and traders

    In t"e propoal it i foreeen t"at processors and traders ex&luding mi&roenterprie) mut put in pla&e an

    environmental management ,tem !it" a vie! of improving t"eir performan&e. "i propoal "a been put

    for!ard b, I7%M (' on t"e bai of meauring environmental performan&e. %t t"e ame time I7%M (' !ant

    to avoid for&ing operator into a rigid and bureau&rati& management ,tem.

    ne reaon &onumer bu, organi& i baed on t"eir &on&ern for t"e utainabilit, of food and farming ,tem.

    In primar, produ&tion &rop and liveto&3) t"e re=uirement pe&ified in organi& tandard lead to pra&ti&e

    t"at aim to improve t"e utainabilit, of agri&ultural pra&ti&e for example b, forbidding t"e ue of mineral

    nitrogen fertili;er and &"emi&all, ,nt"eied peti&ide.

    %t t"e pro&eing and trading level t"e organi& regulation doe not ,et ma3e an, re=uirement for

    environmental performan&e. "erefore a re=uirement for pro&eor and trader ex&luding mi&ro

    enterprie) to implement pra&ti&e to meaure and to improve t"eir environmental performan&e i !el&ome

    provided t"at t"ee meaure are imple and do not ubtantiall, add to t"e bureau&rati& burden on operator.

    "ere i no need to intall a &ertified environmental management ,tem u&" a (uropean (&oManagement

    and %udit D&"eme (M%D). Intead monitoring environmental performan&e "ould be implemented b,

    different 3ind of meaurement ,tem adapted to t"e pe&ifi& ituation of t"e operation.

    !$%A& EU recommendations#e=uirement to oblige pro&eor and trader to meaure t"eir environmental

    performan&e "ould be inerted !it" t"e follo!ing &riteriaC

    o define relevant parameter appropriate for ea&" operation)J

    o etabli" a ,tem t"at enable t"e operation to meaure and evaluate t"e reult of t"e ele&ted


    o "ave appropriate do&umentation in pla&eJ

    o "ave a trateg, t"at guarantee &ontinuou improvement of t"e environmental performan&e of t"e


    o avoid unne&ear, dupli&ation of t"e &ontrol pro&e t"ee &riteria "ould be &"e&3ed !it"in t"e organi&&ontrol pro&edure. Ker, mall pro&eor and retailer "ould be exempt.

    "i i a tranparent olution &ompared to t"e poible extenion of t"e e&olabel &"eme to t"e food and drin3


    !nsertion of group certification s*stem in the EU

    "e /ommiion "a alo in&luded anot"er I7%M (' propoalC to allo! t"e poibilit, to &ertif, group of

    operator !it" detail to be de&ribed in nonlegilative a&t. @roup &ertifi&ation i &urrentl, onl, allo!ed for

    mall farmer in developing t"ird &ountrie. "erefore to enable t"i in t"e (' i ver, !el&ome.

    In t"e propoal onl, farmer !it" le t"an * "a agri&ulture land !ould be allo!ed to be part of a group of

    operator. Nevert"ele t"e L* "a limit i not a good &riterion for operator to be able to parti&ipate in a group

    &ertifi&ation &"eme in&e for example farm !it" * "a of tra!berrie &ould not be &onidered mall.

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    6 November 2014 Page + of 21

    !$%A& EU recommendation "i innovative &ertifi&ation ,tem "ould be et to in&lude ex&luivel, mall

    farmer. Gai& &riteria "ould be et in t"e bai& text and "ould be baed not on t"e farmE area but on ot"er

    appropriate &riteria u&" a total turnover or labour ue. @roup "ould be managed ex&luivel, b, farmer

    t"roug" an internal &ontrol ,tem I/D) and farmer "ould be geograp"i&all, &loe.

    7implified structure

    "e propoed legal tru&ture i totall, different from t"e &urrent one. "e &urrent legal tru&ture in&lude a

    ,tem of t"ree regulationC one bai& regulation !"i&" et t"e main and fundamental prin&iple and

    re=uirement (/ No 5$4200+) and t!o implementing #egulation (/ No 55-2005 and No 12$*2005) t"at

    et out t"e implementing rule and !"i&" "ave been ube=uentl, amended everal time. "e /ommiionpropoal intead foreee a ingle regulation &omplemented !it" annexe detailing t"e produ&tion rule.

    %lt"oug" radi&al &"ange to t"e legal tru&ture !ill &aue gro!ing un&ertaint, for operator and extra effort to

    adapt and bear t"e ri3 of in&oniten&ie an alignment to ibon reat, i needed and &ertain ape&t of t"e

    ne! tru&ture implif, t"e reading of t"e regulation re=uirement. % &lear improvement i to 3eep eparate t"e

    re=uirement for different pe&ie of animal.

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    6 November 2014 Page 5 of 21

    % referen&e to t"e reat, doe not fulfil t"e intention of implifi&ation of t"e legal bai for rgani&

    and till leave open =uetion to t"e uer of t"e text. 7or t"e purpoe of a "armonied

    implementation of a #egulation it i &ru&ial t"at t"e &ope i !it"out doubt and eail, undertandable.

    7urt"ermore t"e ne! propoal doen:t olve t"e la&3 of a &lear ditin&tion bet!een primar,

    agri&ultural produ&t and pro&eed produ&t !"i&" i a "ort&oming of t"e &ope in &urrent regulation.

    It i alo un&lear if t"e poibilit, to etabli" national rule for outof&ope animal pe&ie remain. In

    t"i &ae it !onEt be poible to "ave for example organi& &ertified deer or rabbit.

    Pet food alread, fall !it"in t"e &ope of t"e regulation but a t"ere are no detailed rule "o!ever

    t"ere are man, different national and private tandard in t"e (' enabling organi& &ertifi&ation. Din&e

    pet food produ&t are traded all over (urope a ingle et of produ&tion rule at (' level i needed.

    7urt"ermore t"e ne! propoed &ope in&lude ea alt. "i i depite %rti&le 2*) of t"e propoal

    outlining t"at ?only products which are closely linked to agricultural products shall be eligible for

    inclusion?. Dea alt i neit"er lin3ed to agri&ulture nor a=ua&ulture and &ould repreent a ri3,

    pre&edent of opening t"e door to ot"er nonagri&ulture produ&t !it"out produ&tion rule being

    defined in t"e organi& regulation. It i ver, diffi&ult to imagine organi& produ&tion rule for ea alt

    produ&tion. I7%M (' propoe to leave t"e &ope un&"anged and to add an annex to t"e future

    regulation !it" all t"e ne&ear, &larifi&ation.

    /ometi& textile organi& farming input u&" a fertilier and ot"er nonfood produ&t are outidet"e remit of t"e regulation. /one=uentl, an important part of t"e organi& mar3et for nonfood

    produ&t i not ubAe&t to &ontrol regarding t"e ue of t"e organi& label. "i i &onfuing for

    &onumer and lead to unfair &ompetition

    %&&ording to t"e propoal t"e ne! regulation !ill &ome into for&e in 201+. It mut be enured t"at

    !"en t"e ne! #egulation &ome into for&e it doe not &onfli&t !it" t"e upport period under ne!

    #ural Hevelopment Programme #HP). "e bet approa&" !ould be to treamline u&" a #egulation

    !it" t"e ne! #ural Hevelopment Programme. If t"i i not poible guarantee mut be &learl,

    outlined in t"e #ural Hevelopment Program t"at farmer !"o "ave entered in to organi& farming

    upport and ot"er related organi&pe&ifi& upport &"eme &an remain !it"in t"ee &"eme until t"e

    end of t"e period !it"out ri3 of being put at an, finan&ial diadvantage.

    %&&ording to t"e propoal in&onverion plant produ&t &annot be &ertified.

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    preent in t"e mar3et and of interet to &onumer. /one=uentl, !it"in t"e frame!or3 provided for

    organi& under regulation (/) No 5$4200+ H@ D%N/ &ometi&) and H@ (N textile fertilier)

    "ould introdu&e appropriate prote&tion of t"e ue of t"e >organi&: de&ription. 7or example

    &ometi& and textile &an &urrentl, be &ertified a organi& againt !idel, a&&epted international

    tandard. "ee tandard &ould eit"er form t"e bai of t"e future legilation or t"e, &ould be ued

    a named approved tandard for t"e purpoe of organi& produ&tion and labelling of &ometi& and


    In t"e event t"at t"e (uropean /ommiion /oun&il and Parliament de&ide to &ontinue in t"e

    dire&tion of a &ompletel, ne! regulation intead of tead, &ontinuation of improvement and

    implementation of t"e exiting regulation t"e date of &oming into for&e of t"i &omplete ne!

    regulation "ould be treamlined !it" #ural Hevelopment programme or tranitional rule "ould be

    foreeen eit"er in t"e organi& regulation or in t"e implementation of #ural Hevelopment

    programme for t"oe farmer !"o are benefitting from upport under meaure in&luded in t"e

    fort"&oming /%P programming period in order to avoid an, finan&ial diadvantage. In parallel iuet"at t"e e&tor "a a3ed to be reolved !it"in t"e &urrent regulation over t"e pat everal ,ear u&"

    a prote&ted &ropping) mut not be put on t"e "elf be&aue a &ompletel, ne! #egulation i in

    di&uion. %n independent pro&edure "a to be ued for t"ee &ae.

    /ertifi&ation of in&onverion plant produ&t mut remain "e &loed &,&le &on&ept "ould appl, a toda, and "olding in t"e firt ,ear of &onverion "ould

    be able to ue feed produ&ed on t"eir o!n land a in t"e preent regulation.

    "e term ?integrit,? mut be repla&ed or &learl, defined.

    b" 5oo man* fundamental production re3uirements remain unclear with inappropriate delegated


    o adapt t"e regulation in&reaed exe&utive po!er "a been granted to /ommiion in&luding (1poibilitie

    to adopt delegated a&t and 12poibilitie to adopt implementing a&t. In fa&t part t"at !ere !it"in /oun&il

    regulation (/) No 5$40+ "ave been moved to annexe or "ave been potponed to be et out at a later date

    !"en t"e final regulation "a &ome into for&e. "i i even t"e &ae for ne! &on&ept t"at "ave been

    introdu&ed into t"e /ommiion propoal. "i in&lude for example a maAor part of produ&tion re=uirement

    for &rop and liveto&3. It i &ru&ial t"at bai& re=uirement and t"e &ornertone of ne! &on&ept are defined

    no! and !it"in t"e bai& text in order to be part of t"i legilative pro&edure. "e number of delegated po!er

    afforded to t"e /ommiion i not appropriate a implementing or delegated a&t "ould be limited to define

    noneential and detailed rule !it"in a &lear frame!or3. "e propoal !ould ignifi&antl, in&reae t"e po!er

    of t"e /ommiion to &"ange eential part of legilation b, nonlegilative a&t.

    Helegated a&t "ould be ued onl, for noneential amendment !"ere =ui&3er de&iion are ne&ear, t"an

    t"e &ode&iion pro&edure allo! but onl, !"en t"e bai& re=uirement are alread, properl, defined.

    Implementing a&t "ould be ued ex&luivel, to adapt t"e regulation to more te&"ni&al rule !"ere pe&ifi&

    national differen&e mut be &onidered !"ere involvement of national expert i needed and for better

    implementation of rule in t"e Member Dtate u&" a adaptation of t"e exiting retri&tive lit for permitted

    inputC i.e. fertilier plant prote&tion produ&t feed and feed additive &leaning and diinfe&tion produ&t

    !mpact "e &urrent propoal raie a number of &on&ern in&ludingC an un&lear frame!or3 open to

    fundamental &"ange not enoug" legal &ertaint, an in&reae of t"e /ommiion: po!er to &"ange

    fundamental part of t"e regulation !it"out formal approval of /oun&il and (uropean Parliament.

    !$%A& EU recommendations % mentioned in t"e previou point fundamental part of t"e regulation u&"

    a produ&tion re=uirement and t"e &ope "ould be table and not ubAe&t to &"ange t"roug" nonlegilative

    a&t. %ll delegated po!er "ave to be revied ,temati&all, and be redu&ed to !"at i ne&ear,. 7urt"ermore

    all delegated a&t "ave to &ompl, !it" t"e rule of t"e ibon reat, and "ave to be defined pre&iel, regarding

    for example t"e duration of delegation and onl, ued for noneential amendment !"ere =ui&3er de&iion

    are ne&ear, to adapt t"e regulation to &ientifi& and te&"ni&al innovation and development. Implementing

    a&t "ould be ued ex&luivel, for adaptation of more te&"ni&al rule !"ere pe&ifi& national differen&e mutbe &onidered and !"ere involvement of national expert i needed and for meaure for better

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    6 November 2014 Page 10 of 21

    implementation of rule in t"e Member Dtate. In arti&le !"ere rule "ave been proven to be effi&ient and

    effe&tive delegated po!er "ould not be foreeen. 7inall, not ever,t"ing "a to be regulated at (' levelJ

    implementation of a number of re=uirement &an be left at national level.


    !nade3uate improvement of the control s*stem

    Ma3ing t"e &ontrol ,tem more effi&ient !a one of t"e main driver to tart t"e reviion of t"e organi&

    regulation in 2012. Durpriingl, t"e propoal doenEt uffi&ientl, addre t"i &riti&al area nor doe it provide

    &onvin&ing olution.

    "e /ommiion propoal foreee t"e follo!ingC

    moving all t"e &ontrol re=uirement under t"e "ori;ontal legilation for offi&ial &ontrol on food and


    introdu&ing group &ertifi&ation ,temJ

    extending t"e &ontrol a&tivitie on all t"e organi& &"ain in&luding all retailer !it"out ex&eptionJ

    fo&uing on ri3 aement b, abandoning t"e annual inpe&tion &on&ept.

    Moving t"e organi& &ontrol ,tem under t"e &ope of legilation dealing mainl, !it" food afet, i not t"e

    bet !a, to improve &ontrol. rgani& =ualit, i eentiall, defined b, a pro&edriven approa&" !"i&" i a

    &ore value of organi& produ&tion and part of it identit,. Mot of pro&e &riteria a t"e, are etabli"ed !it"in

    organi& regulation !orld!ide are guaranteed b, &"e&3ing t"e pra&ti&al implementation in annual audit.

    "erefore organi& &ontrol &annot be inpe&tion to &"e&3 t"e afet, of t"e final produ&t but are rat"er

    =ualit, audit of t"e ,tem a a !"ole. Moreover organi& produ&t li3e e.g. ot"er food produ&t are ubAe&t

    to all ot"er "ori;ontal legilation. %nnual viit from t"e &ontrol bodie and aut"oritie "ould aim at &"e&3ing

    t"e pro&e and en&ouraging t"e organi& produ&er to &ontinuoul, improve "i or "er ,tem.

    7urt"er moving all organi& &ontrol re=uirement out of t"e organi& regulation &annot be &onidered a

    implifi&ation. 7or organi& produ&er and generall, for all ta3e"older it !ould be mu&" better to "ave all t"e

    re=uirement related to organi& produ&tion under a ingle regulation. "i !ould alo fa&ilitate t"e

    negotiation for e=uivalen&, !it" "ird /ountrie.

    (xtending t"e &ontrol a&tivitie to t"e entire produ&t &"ain b, obligatoril, in&luding t"e retailer of pre

    pa&3aged produ&t !ould add bureau&rati& burden to t"e ,tem !it"out providing an in&reae in &onumer

    trut. n t"e &ontrar, "op !it" a mall amount of organi& produ&e u&" a petrol tation and mall "op

    !ould end up ta3ing organi& produ&e off t"e "elf to avoid t"e extra &ot. /learl, t"e &one=uent redu&tion of

    organi& retail outlet &ontradi&t !it" t"e obAe&tive of t"e (uropean /ommiion. 7inall, t"e annual

    inpe&tion i an eential element to maintain &onumer trut in organi& produ&e. 7urt"ermore it give t"e

    operator t"e opportunit, to get &larifi&ation on "o! to ta, in line !it" t"e organi& rule.

    "e rgani& #egulation i alread, t"e tri&tet tandard for utainable produ&tion and organi& farm and

    produ&er are alread, a lot more &ontrolled t"an t"eir &onventional &ounterpart b, &ertifi&ation bodie and

    &ompetent aut"oritie. Potential ri3 for t"e &onumer b, non&omplian&e in organi& produ&t are in mot

    &ae mileading &laim and normall, not ri3 andor "a;ard a defined in #egulation (/) No 1+52002t"at t"reaten t"e "ealt" of &onumer. "ee food and feed e&urit, iue are topi& for "ori;ontal legilation.

    Nevert"ele amendment to in&reae t"e effi&ien&, of &ontrol t"e tranparen&, and t"e tra&eabilit, of

    organi& produ&t "ould be done on t"e bai of t"e &urrent regulation alongide "ori;ontal legilation and

    a&&reditation norm. "ee amendment "ould be ta&3led primaril, in t"e implementing rule. "e main

    &"allenge till i effi&ient implementation.

    7urt"ermore t"e &ontrol &on&ept of auditing and &ertifi&ation mut be &learl, ditingui"ed from t"e

    invetigative &ontrol approa&". %ll &ontrol &on&ept mut &one=uentl, be baed on t"e pro&e oriented

    =ualit, approa&" a et up in organi& regulation (/) No 5$4200+.

    #egulation (/) No 5$4200+ !a etabli"ed in a !a, t"at enured t"at operator are reponible for t"eir

    a&tivitie. Hupli&ation of re=uirement "ould be avoided. It i re&ommended t"at point in&luded in ID 1+06*

    "ould be treed and reiterated to /ontrol Godie /G) b, /ompetent %ut"oritie and %&&reditation Godie

    !"ere t"e, are not being &omplied !it" but t"e, "ould not be dupli&ated in legilation.

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    "e I7%M (' @roup i alo of t"e opinion t"at t"ere i a la&3 of &larit, in t"e &urrent regulation regarding

    liabilit, in t"e &ae of a&tion on irregularitie. "ere i alo a la&3 of &larit, over t"e extent to !"i&" produ&t

    made !it" ingredient ube=uentl, found to be non&ompliant "ould be removed from ale a organi&

    under retri&tion of &ommenurabilit,. "i manifet itelf ometime !it" ver, different &one=uen&e in

    different Member Dtate in &ae of de&ertifi&ation.

    %t t"e level of a&&reditation t"e &urrent monopol, of a&&reditation in ea&" Member Dtate and t"e variou level

    of involvement of t"e national a&&reditation bodie in a&&reditation for operation outide t"e (' lead to

    variation in a&&reditation pro&ee and un&ertaint, for /G and operator. "ere "ould be a trengt"ening

    of international a&&reditation outide t"e (' !it" a &lear re=uirement t"at a&&reditation bodie operating

    outide t"e (' "ould "ave !ide international experien&e dedi&ated to organi& a&&reditation.

    /ontrol bodie "ave t"e obligation to operate ri3 baed inpe&tion ,tem.

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    d" !nconsistent import regime that does not ensure coherent import rules and ris4 shortages of the

    suppl* with organic produce from third countries

    "e &urrent import regime !ould be &"anged into an import ,tem !it" t!o alternativeC

    &ontrol bodie and aut"oritie re&ognied for t"e purpoe of &omplian&e and

    &ountrie re&ognied a e=uivalent under a trade agreement.

    #e&ognition of &ontrol bodie for t"e purpoe of e=uivalen&e and t"e &ountrie re&ognied a e=uivalent !ill be

    p"aed out.

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    !$%A& EU recommendations

    Maintain an import ,tem baed on e=uivalent &ontrol bodie but implif,ing and ma3ing more

    tranparent t"e e=uivalen&e &on&ept b,C

    - 'nlin3ing t"e re&ognition of &ontrol bodie from t"e re&ognition of tandard in&luding t"e

    option and en&ouragement of t"e ue of regional tandard dire&tl, approved b, t"e


    - "e /ommiion developing and publi"ing a met"odolog, and &riteria for t"e a&&eptan&e of

    e=uivalent ,temJ

    - Publi"ing a lit of approved e=uivalent tandard and t"e geograp"i& and produ&t &ope of

    t"eir approval and re=uire t"at e=uivalent &ontrol bodie ue onl, tandard approved in t"i


    Improve t"e uperviion of e=uivalent &ontrol bodie t"roug"C

    - 8or3ing to!ard t"e development of "armoni;ed international re=uirement for %G

    &ondu&ting organi& a&&reditation in t"e frame!or3 of t"e I%7 parti&ularl, !it" a vie! to

    enuring t"at I%7 member &ondu&ting organi& a&&reditation are re=uired to emplo,

    aeor !it" t"e ne&ear, e&tor expertie.

    - (nuring regulator, proviion for allo!ing dire&t &ommuni&ation bet!een t"e /ommiion

    and t"e %G and allo!ing a&&e to t"e 7IDJ

    In&lude &lear rule and pro&edure for negotiation of re&ipro&al trade agreement. "e rule "ould et

    out t"e mandate of t"e /ommiion !it" full tranparen&, in reporting to /oun&il a !ell a a /oun&il

    veto rig"t

    7or t"e &omplian&e option develop and publi" a lit of ex&eption of bot" produ&tion rule and

    &ontrol meaure !"ere full &omplian&e !it" t"e (' regulation i not re=uired outide of t"e ('. "i

    lit "ould be developed in &onultation !it" t"e organi& ta3e"older and parti&ularl, t"e organi&

    &ontrol bodie a&tive outide of t"e (' a !ell a repreentative from t"e non(' organi& operator.

    e" $ailure to address the diverse situation of the organic sector throughout Europe

    "e /ommiion removed #e&ital 21) of #egulation (/) No 5$4200+ on flexibilit, !"i&" a,C

    ?t is appropriate to provide for flexibility as regards the application of production rules, so as to make it

    possible to adapt organic standards and requirements to local climatic or geographic conditions, specific

    husbandry practices and stages of development. This should allow for the application of exceptional rules, but

    only within the limits of specific conditions laid down in !ommunity legislation.?

    "e organi& ,tem "ould be in &ontinuou development to bring pra&ti&e &loer to t"e prin&iple aim and

    obAe&tive. In t"at lig"t t"e aim i &learl, to move a!a, from and even eliminate ex&eption.

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    !mpact "e deletion of man, ex&eptional rule ri3 ex&luding produ&er from t"e organi& e&tor in parti&ular

    mall farmer and farmer operating in &ountrie !"ere t"e organi& produ&tion i till in it infan&,.

    7urt"ermore farmer and produ&er operating in diffi&ult &ondition and area u&" a iland or mountainou

    region !ill be li3el, to be for&ed to =uit organi& produ&tion.

    !$%A& EU recommendations #e&ital 21) and %rti&le 22 of #egulation (/) No 5$4200+ on flexibilit, "ould

    be reinerted.%fter a &areful evaluation of ea&" ex&eptional rule in ea&" Member Dtate t"e, "ould be eit"er

    deleted or &onverted to tranitional rule or tranparentl, &onverted to permanent rule.

    /urrent ex&eption to be deleted or &onverted to tranitional rule in future rgani& #egulation in&ludeC

    'e of nonorgani& animalC "e origin of animal i a &ru&ial point and I7%M (' &onider it

    important to ma3e progre in t"i area b, ma3ing t"e &urrent permanent exemption temporar,

    a&&ording to %rti&le 42a) of #egulation (/) No 55-2005. In a future organi& regulation t"i rule

    "ould be&ome a tranitional rule. 'e of nonorgani& protein feed of plant and animal origin for liveto&3C "e progreive redu&tion in

    allo!ed per&entage of nonorgani& feed i a u&&eful example of "o! ex&eptional rule &an be

    a&&ompanied b, furt"er progre b, t"e e&tor. In t"e lat ten ,ear t"ee rule !ere lo!ered from

    10 to 0 for "erbivore and from 20 to * of ex&luivel, protein feed for ot"er pe&ie. I7%M ('

    propoe an approa&" !"i&" goe furt"er b, retri&ting t"e * allo!ed per&entage of nonorgani&

    protein feed onl, for pe&ifi& tage of life and pe&ifi& protein &ompound. "e ex&eptional rule laid

    do!n in arti&le 4$ of #egulation (/) No 55-2005 &on&ern por&ine and poultr, pe&ie. I7%M ('

    propoal i to limit it ex&luivel, to piglet up to $*3g ,oung pullet and &"i&3. "e final aim i to

    rea&" 100 organi& feed alo for omnivore.

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    Dpe&ifi& management problem in organi& liveto&3C t"e ex&eption regarding t"e final fattening period

    ex&luivel, for bovine %rti&le 46 of #egulation (/) No 55-2005) "ould be 3ept a a permanent rule

    in&e it i &onne&ted to animal !elfare prin&iple a&&ordingto %rti&le 141)b)$) of #egulation (/) No5$4200+ and %rti&le 142) and $) of #egulation (/) No 55-2005.

    "e ex&eptional rule on t"e ue of nonorgani& eed and propagating material i de&ribed belo! in point g).

    f" !ntroducing a specific legal threshold that ma4es organic producers liable for pesticide

    contamination b* conventional farmers

    In t"e propoal t"e etabli"ment of a de&ertifi&ation t"re"old for nonpermitted ubtan&e i propoed.

    #eferen&e i made to t"e bab, food Hire&tive !"i&" et a 0.01 ppm a t"e t"re"old. "i mean farmer

    !ould be "eld a&&ountable for not onl, t"eir o!n &ondu&t but alo for &ontamination &aued b, t"eir

    neig"bour and general environmental &ontamination.

    "i propoed re=uirement !ould be diproportionate in term of t"e burden on t"e e&tor &ompared to t"e

    realit, and t"e i;e of t"e iue. In fa&t it i demontrated b, everal monitoring a&tivitie t"at t"e preen&e of

    &ontaminant in organi& produ&t &an be 800times lowert"an in &onventional produ&t1.

    It i &lear t"at peti&ide reidue are not a maAor problem in organi& produ&t even if (uropean organi& farmer

    !or3 in a &ontext in !"i&" -* of t"e arable land i treated !it" a "uge amount of peti&ide. "i i t"an3 to

    t"e eriou !or3 of organi& ta3e"older to avoid &ontamination or reidue.

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    If eed &ompanie are forbidden to produ&e t"e ame variet, of eed in bot" nonorgani& and organi&

    =ualit, a &urrentl, t"e /ommiion propoal ugget t"e availabilit, of organi& eed !ill furt"er

    dimini". "e mar3et for &onventional eed i mu&" bigger and if eed &ompanie are for&ed to =uit

    t"e produ&tion of eit"er one of t"em t"e, !ill &"ooe to =uit organi& eed produ&tion.

    o redu&e t"e number of aut"oriation granted b, Member Dtate and to finall, in&entivie t"eprodu&tion of organi& eed and vegetative propagating material parti&ularl, from varietie t"at are

    bred a&&ording to organi& prin&iple and for ue under organi& &ondition everal meaure are

    ne&ear,. "e &olle&tion and anal,i of data t"roug" report from Member Dtate t"e &reation of

    National lit &ontaining varietie and pe&ie for !"i&" ex&eption are not poible and olution to

    lin3 t"e tool at national level at (' level are among t"e meaure t"at "ould be explored.

    I7%M (' alo agree t"at t"e implementation of t"e &urrent rule mut be improved. In parallel to

    in&reaing t"e availabilit, of pe&ie varietie and plant reprodu&tion material uited for organi&

    farming nonregulator, meaure "ould en&ourage organi& breeding and multipli&ation a&tivitie a

    !ell a reear&" for t"i purpoe !it" pe&ial regard to parti&ipator, breeding.

    7or example a 10 ,ear of (uropean and national fund i needed to invet in plant variet, breeding

    programme adapted to organi& gro!ing &ondition and lo&al &ir&umtan&e. "ee are ne&ear, to

    en"an&e agrobiodiverit, and trengt"en t"e &apa&itie of t"e food and feed e&tor to adapt to

    &limate &"ange. Dupport for optimiing t"e ,ield potential of organi& farming &ombined !it"

    multipli&ation programme for t"ee ne! varietie are alo ne&ear, a !ell a imilar proAe&t for

    animal breed in parti&ular for poultr, and pig.

    7inall, in t"e frame!or3 of t"e /%P to be in line !it" (uropean 'nion &ommitment on biodiverit,

    and geneti& reour&e agrobiodiverit, mut be en&ouraged. "erefore &ro &omplian&e proviion

    of t"e /%P mut not "inder organi& farmer to ue and ex&"ange t"eir o!n propagating material.

    rgani& farm uing ni&"e material and propagating material obtained from ot"er farmer "ould be

    able to benefit from all relevant upport under t"e /%P.

    &i/ed farms % for mixed farm to date t"ere i not enoug" data on "o! man, farm !ould beaffe&ted b, t"e propoed ban. 7or example in 7ran&e 2* of all organi& &ertified operation are

    involved in a mixed produ&tion i.e. organi& and &onventional)2 and imilar per&entage &an be

    oberved in ot"er Member Dtate.

    (ven if I7%M (' upport t"e ideal of &onverion of t"e !"ole farm t"i i not al!a, poible.

    Mixed produ&tion i often a for&ed option. 7or example if produ&er are !illing to ell organi&

    vegetable and o!n fruit or&"ard in&luding varietie !"i&" are not adapted to organi& produ&tion

    t"e, &annot be obliged to repla&e t"e fruit or&"ard !it" organi&all, adapted varietie. "ere ma, alo

    be mar3et reaon for not &"ooing total &onverion. It "ould be furt"er &onidered t"at t"e

    poibilit, to &onvert part of t"e farm i a firt tep and t"e &onverion of t"e remainder in a e&ond

    p"ae after a &ertain tranition period &ould en&ourage more farmer to ma3e t"e move to &onvert

    t"e entire farm to organi& produ&tion. o pro"ibit mixed farming a foreeen in t"e /ommiion

    propoal !ould "ave a diatrou effe&t on ome region and i t"erefore not an option.

    %rigin and 9ualit* of $eed I7%M (' upport t"e aim to in&reae t"e per&entage of feed &oming

    from t"e ame farm or region but it i ne&ear, to &onider region in &ountrie !"ere t"e organi&

    e&tor i in it infan&, a !ell a in iolated area u&" a iland and mountain. % tepb,tep

    pro&e i needed and an evaluation about !"at level are feaible mut be &arried out. Geide t"e

    origin alo t"e =ualit, of feed i important. oda, t"ere i a la&3 of t"e rig"t 3ind of protein in t"e ('

    and medium and longterm nonregulator, meaure mut be &onidered for example under /%P.

    !ntroduction of non,organic animals for breeding purposesC %nimal population ma, be mu&" too

    mall to "ave different geneti& bae for organi& and &onventional produ&tion. "ere i a need for t"e

    ex&"ange of animal in order to maintain geneti& variation in t"e population.

    Animal welfare : rgani& farming alread, deliver a ignifi&antl, "ig"er tandard for animal !elfare.

    I7%M (' upport furt"er development in t"i area. In t"i &ontext t"e ban on all mutilation i an

    2%gen&eGio 201$ "ttpC!!!.agen&ebio.orgitedefaultfileuploaddo&ument4R/"iffreGro&"ure////201$R&"ap4R7ran&e.pdf

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    intereting propoal.

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    I7%M (' upport furt"er development of t"e organi& regulation "o!ever t"e /ommiion propoal fail to

    deliver a viable and &o"erent approa&". 8e !ant to outline in t"i &"apter our viion for a progreive

    development of t"e organi& e&tor. "i i t"e out&ome of our anal,i and an extenive &onultation !it" our

    member repreenting organi& e&tor ta3e"older t"roug"out (urope.

    8e need a ne! propoal for a regulation one t"at dra! on t"e trengt" of t"e &urrent regulation (/) no5$4200+ !"ilt in&luding innovative element and meeting t"e re=uirement of t"e treamlined tru&ture of

    t"e /ommiion propoal in line !it" t"e ibon reat,. /riti&all, t"i propoal mut in&lude t"e man, pe&ifi&

    and detailed re&ommendation developed b, I7%M ('.

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    &loer to it prin&iple an organi& development and innovation programme "ould be prioritied &overing

    iue u&" a$C

    (tabli"ment of programme for organi& plant breeding and multipli&ation and for animal breed and

    train uitable for organi& farming in&luding grandparent and dualpurpoe breed in poultr,.

    #eear&" on ne! t,pe of protein feed from nonvertebrate !orm and ine&t) t"at &ontain largeamount of t"e rig"t t,pe of protein for organi& liveto&3 produ&tion.

    &) (n"an&e green publi& pro&urement @PP) b, in&reaing t"e ue of organi& ingredient and organi& meal in

    t"e &anteen of publi& intitution in t"e (' and Member Dtate.

    d) Hevelop t"e lin3 bet!een /%P implementation and t"e need for an (' protein trateg, !it" t"e rgani&

    %&tion Plan in order to fa&ilitate a&"ievement of t"e goal of 100 organi& feed for liveto&3.

    e) Dtronger &onideration of organi& need in "ori;ontal legilation u&" aC

    Dimplifi&ation of t"e approval of lo!ri3 ubtan&e for plant prote&tion produ&t and upport for

    regitration of traditional plant prote&tion ubtan&e.

    a3ing t"e pe&ifi&it, of animal manure and farm &ompot into a&&ount in t"e reviion of t"e fertilier

    #egulation (/) 200$200$. 7a&ilitating mar3et a&&e for open pollinating lo&al and &onervation varietie in ne! eed and

    propagation material legilation.

    (tabli"ing more effe&tive prote&tion and liabilit, meaure at t"e (' level prote&ting operator

    erving a non@M mar3et. Non@M food produ&tion mut &ontinue to be poible in all Member

    Dtate and region. Prote&ting organi& farmer: and pro&eor: legal rig"t not to be ubAe&t to an,

    &ontamination and enuring t"ere i liabilit, for &ompenation !"ere &ontamination i found remain


    3Not ex"autive lit
