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Impact Newspaper 1

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Hall Mead School Volume 1 Welcome Front Page: Laura Caskey By the Pupils, For the Pupils
Page 1: Impact Newspaper 1

Hall Mead School

Volume 1


Front Page: Laura Caskey

By the Pupils, For the Pupils

Page 2: Impact Newspaper 1

Contents Page 1: Important events

Page2: Sound Of Music

Page3: Sport Relief

Page4 Tribute to the Titanic & Film Reviews

Page5: Wall Of Fame

Page6: Game Zone

Page7: PS3 Gaming Reviews

Page8: PS3 Gaming Reviews

Page9: Top Ten & App of the week

Page 10: Agony Aunt

Page 11: Sports news

Page 12: Student voice

Page 13: the Impact team

Editor's note Our first issue! A huge milestone for the team behind “IMPACT”. After

preparing and putting off our launch for weeks-it’s finally here!

This edition has given us some brilliant stories-stories such as; Sport Re-

lief, The Sound Of Music and of course Mr. Lockwood’s hula-hooping com-


Although we’ve had a few issues along the way, our aim was to get out

this edition to you soon. We know, that our next edition will much better,

much bigger with much much more! So watch this space! We’ve printed

this first edition but our aim is to be ECO friendly so catch us next time

on Moodle or the Hall Mead website.

I hope that you’ll find this issue as action packed and interesting as our

time has been finally getting it out there to you!

Megan and Eloise

(Editor & Director)

Page 3: Impact Newspaper 1

Firstly, important events around


WE need to say a BIG GOODLUCK to the year

11’s who will be and have been undertaking their


We wish all the best for your exams and hope you

make Hall Mead proud!

Mrs Read and others have been

working hard on the recent jumble

sale and has raised approximately

£900– all which will be going into

out faculties!

We’ve had to say bye to a few teachers

this term...thank you for all your hard

work! You will be missed! Good luck with

your future endeavours and don't forget

to pop in and say hi occasionally!

This Saturday staff are run-

ning in the Brentwood’s ‘race

for life’ in the memory of Mrs

Tynan. Show your support!!

A quick message to raise awareness about a

past student James Riley! He’s been putting

exhibitions up in Havering and even made it

in the newspaper last week. He will putting

up another exhibition in the ‘flat’ soon so

look out for that. Well done James, another

Hall Mead success!

Page 4: Impact Newspaper 1

The sound of music is a story about a young lady

called Maria. She wants to be a nun. Her task to be-

come a nun involves her looking after seven young

children. Captain Vonn trapp the father of the seven

children is desperately searching for a new wife and

is unable to look after the children. The story is about

Maria looking after the seven children and then fal-

ling in love with the Captain. Maria and the children

have many adventures along the way but as soon as

the Captain and Maria fall in love the family is com-


This show was extremely popular and had people

talking about it for ages. Gareth Withers said “ I

had fun being a part of the sound of music, there

were many laughs and I became friends with others I

never expected to get to know.”

We have to say Mrs Lucas’ daughter was the

CUTEST Von Trapp of all!!

Thanks for all your hard work. We thoroughly en-

joyed it!

What’s on next year Ms Garred?

By Laura

The Sound Of Music

Hall Mead School Presents….

Page 5: Impact Newspaper 1

Sport Relief

So many students helped during this years sport Re-

lief week. Some of the activities were Cake sales,

teacher challenges, sponsored sporting activities Hula Hoop-

ing, Sponsored silence, car washing and many more...We are

so impressed at the level of contribution from all of the Staff

and pupils here at Hall Mead. At the moment we’ve made ap-

proximately £1,200– but the money is still piling in everyday.

Even Ms Trafford had a go!!

Top Ten

Hi and welcome to the very first edition of impact. I will be doing a top 10 every issue! For

each edition the subject will be different but this time it will is top 10 subjects at Hall Mead

school as declare by the students of Hall Mead


9– Religious studies

8– Art

7– Foreign languages

6– D.T

5– English

4– History

3– P.E


1– Drama

by Jamie

And that is the end of the first top

10 here at Impact newspaper. Check

out the next edition for another top


Page 6: Impact Newspaper 1

The passenger ship R.M.S Titanic were among approxi-

mately 2223 who sailed on the maiden voyage of the

second of the white star line Olympic class ocean liners

from Southampton to New York. Halfway through the

voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank in the early

morning of April 15th 1912. Resulting in the deaths of

1517 people including approximately 832 of the passen-

gers. The Titanic passengers were divided into three

classes determined not only the price of their ticket but by

their wealth and social class. Those travelling in first

class were the wealthiest passengers on board were

prominent members of the upper class including busi-

ness men politicians high ranking military personal indus-

trialists bankers and professional athletes. Second class

passengers were middle class travellers including profes-

sors authors clergymen and tourists. Third class or steer-

age passengers were primly immigrants' moving to the

United States or Canada.

by Oliver Rose Grand Staircase of the Titanic

Captain of the Titanic.

A Tribute To The Titanic

Rating: 8/10

Certificate: 12a

Genre: Horror

Review; The story centres on a London lawyer called Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe) who has to

take a job in the countryside involving a recently deceased widow. Once there the horrible

truth regarding the town begins to surface and Arthur has to find out who the woman is

before she takes revenge on the people he loves.

By Andrew Jones

Rating: 9/10

Certificate: 12a

Genre: action/comedy/ romance


This film is about two spies who are also best friends and a woman

caught between the two. One of the spies enters onto a dating web-

site and gets a date with the girl. But his best friend follows him and doesn’t realize that she

was the one he had a date with! Naturally he falls in love with her; that spirals into a very

funny war!!!


Woman In Black

Film Reviews

We know Mrs Sharma is taking her

creative writing club to watch this at

the theatre next month...let us know

what you think!

Page 7: Impact Newspaper 1

Wall of Fame

The wall of fame is where we show pupils who have

amazed teachers. So far this year countless of pupils

have been nominated for the Wall of Fame. Well done!!

Here are just a few...

Ms Lucas would like to thank the Head Boy for helping with the fundraising for Can-

cer Research UK. So far Ms Lucas has raised nearly £3000!

Well done to Karisma Rae (7DF) and Bethany Preston (7TL) from the year 7 French

classes have worked exceptionally hard this year, especially to Bethany Preston who

has really put an immense amount of effort in.

Well done to Maisy Port in 8DG who is just a cheerful and energetic girl; always there

to help out in a crisis. Maisy joins in with activities such as the school production and

knows the benefit of working in a team! Thanks Maisy

Ms Fanning would like to mention her class of Year 11s who are voluntarily doing an

extra half GCSE in their own time with her after school! (wow– truly inspiring)

Mr Lockwood would like to say well done to Neida Zelvyte who always works hard

every lesson, always produces great homework and always does her best. Neida

you’re doing brilliantly!

Mr Lockwood would also like to nominate Robert Kenwood in Year 11 (‘who will

probably hate the idea’ says Mr Lockwood). Robert is so focus and his concentration

has improved so much! He’s working positively and productively which means he is

making great progress towards his GCSE target grade! (keep it up)

Well done to Jessica Watkins in 8WMC who produced an excellent assessment that

placed her top of the class.

Mr Rogerson would like to mention 8I because he thinks they are an amazing class.

In particular; Simren Samra, Eliz Hall and Ed Barnes.

Mr Wells would like to congratulate Keenan Ngo who succeeded in Grade 8 piano,

which is very exceptional at Keenan’s age.(congratulations!)

Will your name appear in the next edition...stay tuned for

more wall of fame!

By Katharine

Page 8: Impact Newspaper 1


Now I know that many of you who play games would play them on a console like Xbox or ps3

but others (like me) play on their laptop too!

I’m going to start off with a couple of personal favourites, First off it’s...

Team Fortress 2!

“A, crazy, hat collecting, first person shooter!” A common phrase used to describe this game.

It’s on console in a game pack called The Orange Box but the best experience is on the PC.

This is where the customization begins hats, guns, weapons, badges, paint, watches that

make you turn invisible and more! As well as it being FREE on the PC. And on console there

are a couple of bug updates and that’s about it. The game play is quick and explosive and

every class has a pro and a con.

There are 9 mercenaries set into three differ-

ent class’s offensive: The Scout, the Soldier

and the Pyro,

Defensive: The Demoman, the Heavy, and the


Support: The Medic, the Sniper and the Spy

There is no storyline it’s

just download, join a

server and play this

frantic game!

But you do need to

download steam first

(the game platform its

run on) search for


If you don’t know what portal is, where on earth

have you been for the last decade!

Portal is a game for almost all consoles. You are

a girl named Chell who is trapped in an unknown

facility called ‘aperture science

laboratories’ filled with robots

addicted to testing. In the

game you must complete many

tests involving a gun which

fires portals and complete vari-

ous rooms, which does get very,


By Jack Pittaway

Portal A robot named

GlaDOS is the only

thing that seems to

be alive and talking

throughout the first

game and tries to get

you to complete the

tests by taunting you

with cake.

By Samclops

Start thinking with portals!

Page 9: Impact Newspaper 1

Overall Rating: 99%

Noah Pellicci ‘s

I really loved the story to this game, it had everything; all

the characters, all the action the makers of the game

even gave a shocking end of *SPOILER ALERT* kill-

ing a character! And as we all know, when there are

bad guys, there will always be good guys. The game

includes; Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Catwoman, and Alfred.

Sadly, you can only play as Batman and Catwoman, Robin

and Nightwing Can only be playable through an expansion




Gameplay: 99%

The gameplay is also very good. You can glide, use

your batarang, zip-wire, explode brick walls using your

explosive gel, see through walls with your detective

vision, and much more. The range of gadgets and abili-

ties is massive.

Extra stuff: 100%

Now, where do I begin? If I could, I would give this

section a 101% and the reason I say that is because

of the side missions. Even after you complete the

game, there are still loads of side missions to com-

plete and secrets to discover, you will never get

bored! Also, there are riddler challenges and sepa-

rate Catwoman levels to do as well.

Overall Rating: 100% The storyline in all of Naughty Dogs ‘Uncharted’ series is amaz-

ing, The Characters of ‘Nathan Drake’ (the main character)

‘Elena Fisher’ and ‘Victor Sullivan’ are really good trio. Nathan

Drake is a fortune hunter who claims that his ancestors go back

to Sir Francis Drake and that he has left lots of treasures be-

hind for him to discover. But, in each game there are bad guys

claiming that the treasure is rightfully theirs. There are even

magical creatures stopping Nate and his gang! They have to

travel all over the world to find the treasure and that even

results in a massive plane crash into the desert. (See pic-

Storyline: 100%

Plane Crash Level.

Page 10: Impact Newspaper 1

Gameplay: 100% The gameplay is also immense. The graphics are like none

other! Well none I’ve ever seen! The game uses motion cap-

ture technology to make the animations so great.

‘Uncharted 3’ is a third-person adventure game with a bit of

Extra stuff: 99% The extra stuff is very good. There is a co-op mode, an online

multiplayer zone and a shop where you can buy costumes and

weapons for the multiplayer using points you get from playing

the game.

Katherine Marlowe

Nathan Victor Sullivan

Elena fisher

Overall Rating 95%

Storyline: 67%

The story is good, but it is the old, original adventure

story. A happy world; then evil strikes- one man is sent out on a

journey to save the world.

Gameplay: The gameplay is, I think, excellent and entertaining. I especially

love the fact that you can change your little characters facial ex-

pressions and clothing. The online play is very good as well. Nor-

mally online play in most games can only let you play certain

levels online and with friends but LittleBigPlanet lets you play

all the levels online that you can play offline.

The main thing that made me give this category 100% is the

make your own levels bit. The whole game of LittleBigPlanet

or LBP is based around making your own games and sharing

them with the world, the game’s tagline is ‘Play, Create,

Share’. There are literally millions of games people have

made from all over the world and you can play, comment on

them and rate them.

Extra Bits: 100%

Page 11: Impact Newspaper 1

Game play:

Because this is an app the game play is limited but it is still very fun to play. I would rate

it a very well deserving 7/10


I don't really like the storyline that much because it is just really cheesy, when you finish

the game you just get a cup with something that looks like spaghetti so I would give it a



Like the game play the graphics are limited but they are kind of basic but its the game

play for it that makes it good and its still good graphics 6/10


Overall I really like this game and its very addictive and fun to play. However I do think

that this game is too much like gravity guy witch is available for iphone and ipod touch but

this is 2d but gravity guy is 3d but I still really like this game so I would rate it a good 9/10

By Jamie Hall

App of the week


Game play You have to

complete a series of challenges in this game. The game play is very good with 6 levels.

There is ‘normal fall’ which is where as soon as you jump on the podium it falls so you can’t

go on it again. There are loads of enemy’s and you have to eat ham burgers to get fire

power, there’s ‘right’ which is like fall but only your moving right. Also there’s ‘down’ where

a walls coming crashing down on you and you’ve got to move down and there is also ‘right+’

enemy where your moving right and there are enemy’s.

Story line

the story line is pretty good. You are called Mr Papi and you have to get through all tricky



The graphics are pretty good but they can do better.


Page 12: Impact Newspaper 1

Got A Problem? well our Agony

Aunt is here to help..

Dear Agony Aunt,

I’m getting really stressed about the

GCSE Exams. I haven't even begun

to revise and wouldn’t know how to

start. Everyone around me seems

confident but I’m not sure what to do

to feel the same way. Please help.

Anonymous (yr11)

Dear Anonymous Year11,

I know this seems like a really difficult time but

you need to take a step back and BREATHE!

Others around you may seem confident,, but , I

promise you they are not. Yes, some may have been

organised and have been revising for a while-they

are not so stressed. But, there is no point in stress-

ing now...action is BEST. The best thing to do if

you haven't already is to create a revision timeta-

ble. This will help you to get organised and know

where to start. Revise at least 2 hours per day. En-

sure you have all your revision resources made up

and organised, then use this every time you revise.

Being disorganised can really be a bad thing at

this stage. Talk to your friends and your teachers!

They will help you.

Good Luck-I’m know you’ll be fine!

Agony Aunt x

Dear Agony Aunt,

I know this sounds stupid but I can’t

help always worrying about the way I

look. Everyday it takes me ages to get

ready and I hate looking at myself , yet

I stare at myself all of the time. The

longer I stare the worse I feel. Even at

school I’m always worried about what

others will think about the way I’m

dressed or how ugly I am. How can I

stop always worrying and feeling so

ugly? I just want to enjoy teenage life.

Stressed student

Dear stressed student,

As you said , you want to spend your teenage

years being happy. I’ve been told that these are

the best years of your life! You’ll have an entire

lifetime of worrying about things but the way you

look should not be one of them!

Trust me when I say you are NOT the only one

who worries about the way they look. Every stu-

dent, I bet, looks in the mirror to make sure they

look good each morning but making it an obses-

sion is a bad idea. School is school and you have

to be realistic about looking ‘Perfect’ each day. If

you looked your best all of the time, then those

‘special occasions’ would be boring. You are who

you are and excepting your looks is the first step

to being happy. Nobody's perfect! We all have

our bad days. Think about all of your friends and

family, they love you no matter how you look-

that’s the next key to being happy.

Do me a favour, tomorrow look in the mirror af-

ter you get ready and tell yourself that you are

beautiful and kind and your family and friends

love you for who YOU are! Then walk away and

don’t look back!

Good Luck

Agony Aunt x

Page 13: Impact Newspaper 1


Hall Mead year 11 girls won the overall bad-

minton league championships just before the

Easter holidays, BEATING Coopers and

Bower park. the team included Katie Nicholls,

Paige Beaumont, Nicole Zweistra , Lauren

Weatherly and Victoria Towey.

Mrs Gidley says: “a big WELLDONE ladies”

Isabella Woods just came 71st for the under 17’s

in the mini marathon last weekend. This

is AMAZING considering there were 200

other under 17’s running!

Isabella: Inspirational

The Virgin London Mini Marathon results:

The Borough Challenge: there were Teams of 6 per age group

for each London Borough


Under 13 Boys: Lewis Deacon 7DF - 105 and Ben Ellis 8TH -


Under 15 girls: Louise Lear 9WP- 55 and Heidi Surman

Wells 9DT - 61

Under 17girls: Isabella Woods 11CDC - 9th

Well done guys...you’ve made us proud

Isabella was also 78th in the National Intercounties at Bir-

mingham - Isabella was competing for Essex!

ANOTHER achievement for Isabella and... for Hall Mead

The year 11 netball

team played their final

Net ball rally this week

and WON! That's 4

out5 games WON since

being at Hall Mead...

We've got some big

shoes to fill!

Page 14: Impact Newspaper 1

The Student voice Page

For those who don’t know Student Voice is a student-run group which strives to help pupils in the

school. In these articles we will be reporting about some of the matters the Student Voice has dis-

cussed in the latest meeting.

On of the main things that Student Voice is focusing on at the moment is getting themselves more

well-known. They will hopefully by doing this by going round to forms and telling them about what

they do and how they can help. They are also hoping to do some assemblies for Yr 7 to tell them all

about themselves and they may be planning an open mini-meeting or party for you to get friendly

with them! Hopefully some new Student Voice members will have been elected from Yr 7 by the time

this paper comes out. They are also doing a competition to design a logo for them which should be

really good fun! Make sure you take part!

We asked the Student Voice what they wanted from being in it and this is what they said: “We want

to represent our forms and help them communicate with us. We want to become more well-known

throughout the school. Everyone has an opinion and this is one of the only places where those opin-

ions can be heard. We want everyone to be connected to the school through us”

Well read up... If you have a problem then these are the faces you need to know. Come and find them;

they are a friendly and helpful bunch.

Just a few other up coming events and things you should know:

1.Year 7 student voice representative elections - will have all the names of newly elected by Monday

2.Whole school student voice 'Logo' Competition - design a logo for the Student Voice - there is a prize

- deadline is May 18th and submissions can be given to the office, Mr Hughes, Miss McFadden or any

art teacher

3.Trying to boost communication between student voice members and student body - student voice

reps trying to be more visible during form time - attempting to gather info from students about what

changes they'd like in the school - any further comments/ideas can be emailed to student-

[email protected]

4. Helping to prepare for the Olympic garden party and the whole school Olympic themed sports day

at Hornchurch stadium

Thanks guys..we know you’re there. By Sam

Page 15: Impact Newspaper 1


Team Director: Eloise

Editor: Megan

Reporters: Freddie Sam

Columnists: Sam, Freddie

Photographer: Noah

Artists: Jack, Laura

Agony Aunts: Agony Aunts

Game Consultants: Noah,

James, Jack

Researchers: Andrew

Musical Experts: Jack

Gaming Expert: Noah

Film reviewer: Andrew

Dont forget you can contact

us any time if you have a

story you want us to publish,

any questions or if want to

join our fabulous team. We

run every Tuesday lunch-

time in E6 from 12.45. just

pop in or drop a note in the

little box next to the plan-

ning office window. It’s la-

belled ‘agony aunt and un-

cle’. Alternatively you can

catch the team anytime—

our names are on the right.

We look forward to hearing

from you!

Watch out for the next edition. There is so

much yet to come...


We need some fashion ex-

perts to run their OWN page

on the latest fashion and

gossip in the fashion world.

If this sounds like you then

please pop in to our next


We also need some more

sports experts who will cover

any sports stories around

the school and Havering.
