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Import Procedures in india

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Dr. Jayaraj R Procedures for Imports
  • 1. Procedures for ImportsDr. Jayaraj R

2. How to Import -Introduction Governed by the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation)Act, 1992 With the globalization of Indian economy andconsequent upon comfortable balance of paymentposition, Government of India has liberalized theImport Policy and practically all Controls onimports have been lifted. Imports may be made freely except to the extent,they are regulated by the provisions of Import Policy orby any other law for the time being in force. 3. Principal Law & Import Export PolicyImports in to India are governed by Foreign Trade (Development &Regulation) Act 1992. Under this Act, imports of all goods is Free except forthe items regulated by the policy or any other law for the time being inforce.By the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992 the Government has issuedthe following Rules & Order: Foreign Trade(Regulation)Rules, 1993, provide for grant of speciallicense, application for grant of license, fee, conditions for licenses,refusal of license, amendment of license, suspension of a license,cancellation of license, declaration as to the value and quality ofimported goods, declaration as to the Importer- Exporter Codenumber, utilization of imported goods, provisions regarding making,signing of any declaration/statement or documents, power to enterthe premises and inspect, search and seizure of goods, documents,things and conveyance, settlement, confiscation (Elimination) andredemption and confiscation of conveyance. 4. Notifications and Circulars The Import - Export Policy and Procedurebooks issued by the Government areamended/clarified/ explained by the Ministryof Commerce from time to time. The types of Notifications/Clarifications/Instructionsissued by the Ministry for this purpose are: Public Notices. Notifications Policy Circulars 5. Select the commodity/Product you wish toimport Be aware of the import potential and the commercial viability of thecommodity/product. Check whether the items of your interest fall in the Restricted list ofITC(HS) Indian Trade Classification (Harmonized System)Classifications of Exports & Imports items. Prohibited items are not permitted to be imported at all. List of Prohibiteditems of import are detailed below:Tallow(hard fat), Fat or Oils rendered (caused), un rendered or otherwise of anyanimal origin, animal rennet (food) and wild animals including their parts andproducts and ivory any part and products, including ivory. For import of items appearing in Restricted list you need secure importlicense. Third category of items comes under the Canalised list of items. Import of itemsincluded in Canalized d list are permitted to be imported through Canalizing Agencies. Thus items not appearing in Prohibited list, Restricted list and or inCanalised list can be imported Freely without any import license. A largenumber of Consumer goods are freely importable without license. 6. Registration with Regional LicensingAuthority Registration with Regional Licensing Authority is apre-requisite for import of goods. The Customs willnot allow clearance of goods unless: The importer has obtained IEC (Importer ExporterCode) Code Number from Regional LicensingAuthority. However, no such registration is necessary forpersons importing goods from/ to Nepal provided Value of asingle Consignment does not exceed Rs. 25000/= 7. Obtaining IEC (Importer Exporter Code)Code Number An application for grant of IEC Code Number duly signed by the applicantshould be supported by the following documents: Bank Receipt (in duplicate)/demand draft for payment of the fee ofRs.1000/- A copy of Permanent Account Number issued by Income TaxAuthorities, if PAN has not been allotted, a copy of the letter of legalauthority may be furnished. If there is any non-resident interest in the firm and NRI investment isto be made with repatriable benefits, full particulars thereof alongwith a photocopy of RBIs approval. If there is NRI investment without repatriation benefit, a simpledeclaration indicating whether it is held with the general/specificpermission of the RBI on the letter head of the firm should befurnished. In case of specific approval, a copy may also be furnished. 8. Import Policy For items not mentioned as Prohibited, Restrictedor Canalised List for import in ITC(HS)Classification of Export and Import items; import ofsuch items are freely permitted. There is no need toobtain any license or permission for importing such goods. The ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Importitems contains 99 chapters and in each chapterthere are column heading covering Exim Code,items description, policy and nature or restriction.The information related to import policy for any item can beobtained from site under Customs Duty Calculator Schedule. 9. Procedure to be followed for grant ofimport license An application for grant of an import license for import of the items mentioned as restricted for import in ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import items may be made to the regional licensing authority concerned. 10. Fees for License Application: Every application for import license or CCP (CustomsClearance Permit ) should be accompanied by 2 copies of abank receipt from the Central Bank of India or a BankDraft from any Bank indicating the deposit inaccordance with the prescribed scale of fees. Rs. 200 where the value of goods specified does not exceed Rs. 50,000. Rs. 2 per thousand or part thereof subject to a minimum of Rs. 200 and amaximum of Rs.1 lakh 50 thousand, where the value of goods exceeds Rs.50,000. Rs. 200 where Application is filed be SSI units where the CIF(costinsurance and freight) value of goods specified in the application doesexceed Rs. 2 lakh. Rs. 200 where application is for grant of duplicate license. 11. Validity of License Besides import license for import of restricted items there are other variety oflicenses and such licenses have different period of validity. Export Promotion Capital Goods License validity 24 months Customs Clearance Permit " 12 months DEPB(Duty Entitlement Passbook) " 12 months Advance License/Special Imprest License/Advance authorizationscheme (A special imprest license is given to manufacturer exporters for theimport of inputs required in the manufacture of goods to be supplied to thedeemed export categories ) (Deemed exports refers to those transactions inwhich the goods supplied do not leave the country and the paymentfor such supplies is received either in Indian rupees or in free foreignexchange) For Project/Turnkey Project "18 months or co-terminus with thecontracted duration of the Project For the cases where the license expires before the last day of themonth, the license shall be deemed to be valid until the last day ofthat month. 12. Revalidation of License: License revalidation can be done on merits but not beyond 12 months by the concerned licensing authority for a period of six months at a time considered from the date of expiry of the validity period. 13. Conditions of LicenseThe license for import is taken into considerationprovided: the goods covered by the license shall not bedisposed of except in accordance with theprovisions of the EXIM Policy, 1997-2002 or in themanner specified by the licensing authority in the license; the applicant for a license shall execute a bond forcomplying with the terms and conditions of thelicense. 14. It shall be deemed to be a condition of everylicense for import that no person shall transfer or acquire by transfer anylicense issued by the licensing authority except inaccordance with the provisions of the Policy; the goods for the import of which a license is granted shall be theproperty of the licensee at the time of import of which a license isgranted shall be the property of the licensee at the timeof import and up to the time of clearance through theCustoms; the goods for the import of which a licensee is grantedshall be new goods, unless otherwise stated in thelicense; the goods covered by the license for import shall not beexported without the written permission of the DGFT. 15. Disposal period for import application Provided the application is complete in all respects along with prescribed documents, the applicant- importer can expect the disposal in: IEC No. - 3 working days Duty free license where input-output norms(standard norms which define the amount of inputs required to manufacture a unit of output for export purpose.) are notified - 5 working days Duty free license where input-output norms are notified but cases are to be placed before -15 working days Duty free license where input-output norms are not notified, EPCG licenses/export licenses/export licenses/specific import licenses - 15 working days Revalidation of license and extension of export obligation period by - 5 working days Acceptance of Bank Guarantee/Legal undertaking - 3 working days Redemption of Bank Guarantee/Legal undertaking/Endorsement of Transferability - 10 working days Issuance/renewal of Export House/Trading House/Star Trading House/Super Star Trading House - 15 working days Amendment of any category of license - 5 working days - 7 working days Fixation of Standard input-output norms - 45 working days DEPB (Duty Entitlement Passbook )- 5 working days All licenses falling under Chapter 8 - 5 working days Miscellaneous - 15 working days Fixation of deemed exports drawback rate - 45 working days 16. Imports under Special Scheme forExporters The Govt. of India has framed the certain schemes topromote exports. 17. Export Promotion Capital GoodsSchemes Capital goods including fixtures, dies and mouldsmay be imported at a concessional rate of customsduty. Subject to an export obligation to be fulfilled over aperiod of time. In addition spares up to 20 per cent of thecost insurance and freight (CIF) value of the capital goodsmay also be imported under the scheme. Under this scheme Customs duty is 5% if the exportobligation is 5 times the CIF value of the capitalgoods or 4 times the CIF value of capital goods. Theperiod of fulfillment of the export obligation is 8 yearsreckoned from the date of issuance of license. 18. Duty Exemption Scheme Duty exemption schemes enable duty free import of inputs Schemes required for export production.Duty Exemption Schemes consist of(a) Advance Authorisation scheme (free import ofinputs required for export production.) and (b) DutyFree Import Authorisation (DFIA) scheme. A DutyRemission Scheme enables post export replenishment(replacement) / remission (reduction) of duty on inputs used inexport product. Duty Remission Schemes consist of (a) DutyEntitlement Passbook (DEPB) Scheme and (b) Duty Drawback(DBK) Scheme. 19. Advance Release Order A duty free license holder except Advance Intermediate LicenseHolder intending to source the inputs from indigenoussources/canalising agencies/EOUs/SEZ/EHTP/STP units in lieuof direct imports has the option to source them against AdvanceRelease Order (ARO) denominated in foreign exchange/Indianrupees. In such cases, the license is invalidated for direct import andpermission in the form of ARO is issued which will entitle the supplierto the benefits of deemed exports. Back to back inland letter of credit: This is an alternative to ARO. Forthis the duty free license holder intending to avail such facilitymay approach a bank for opening an inland L/C in favour of anindigenous supplier. Before this the bank will ensure that necessary bankguarantee or Letter of Undertaking has been executed by the license holderand endorsement to this effect has been made on the License. 20. Hints/Suggestion for finalization ofimport order/contract:Selecting the Overseas Supplier: Imports can be madefrom any country of the world. The information regarding overseassupplier can generally be obtained from the following sources: Trade Directories and Yellow Pages, like Singapore yellow pages,Japan yellow pages, USA yellow pages etc. available from leadingbooksellers in India including. Consulate Generals and TradeRepresentatives of various countries in India and abroad. Friends and relatives in foreign countries. International TradeFairs and Exhibitions for which you may contact: International Trade Promotion Organisation(ITPO),Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.Chamber of Commerce.Directorate of Industries, etc.Indenting Agents of Foreign Suppliers. 21. Capability and Creditworthiness ofOverseas Supplier Successful completion of an import transaction willmainly depend upon the capability of the overseassupplier to fulfill his contract. The credit worthiness of the overseas supplier, hiscapacity to fulfill that contract, etc. should, therefore, beproperly verified before entering into a contract withhim. Confidential reports about the supplier may be obtainedthrough the banks and Indian embassies abroad. Reputed overseas suppliers normally have theirIndenting Agents with offices in India and contract canalso be finalized through them for smoother operations. 22. Mode of Pricing and INCO TERMS The importer can also take the assistance of CreditInformation Agencies for specific commercialinformation on overseas suppliers. They may alsocontact Trade Information Centres of the country concerned. While finalizing the terms of import contract, theImporter, should, inter alia, be fully conversant withthe mode of pricing and the manner of payment forthe imports. As regards mode of pricing, the overseassupplier normally quote the terms prevailing in internationaltrade. 23. The importer for his benefits should know themeaning of the technical terminology. To avoid ambiguity in interpretation of such terms,International Chamber of Commerce, Paris, Hasgive detailed definition of a few standard termspopularly known as INCO TERMS. 24. INCO TERMSEx-work :Ex-work means that the sellers responsibility is to make thegoods available to the buyer at works or factory.The full cost and risk involved in bringing the goods from thisplace to the desired destination will be borne by the buyer. Thisterms thus represents the minimum obligation for the seller. It ismostly used for sale of plantation commodities such as tea, coffee and cocoa.Free on Rail (FOR)/Free on Truck (FOT):These terms are used when the goods are to be carried by rail,but they are also used for road transport. The sellers obligations arefulfilled when the goods are delivered to the carrier.Free Alongside Ship (FAS):Once the goods have been placed alongside the ship, the sellersobligations are fulfilled and the buyer notified.The buyer has to contract with the sea carrier (transporter orshipper) for the carriage of the goods to the destination and paythe freight. The buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss ordamage to the goods hereafter. 25. Free on Board(FOB):The sellers responsibility ends the moment thecontracted goods are placed on board the ship, free ofcost to the buyer at a port of shipment named in the salescontract. On board means that a Received for ShipmentBill of Lading (A bill of lading is a documentacknowledging the receipt of goods )is not sufficient.Such B/L if issued must be converted into Shipped on Board B/Lby using the stamp Shiped on Board and must bear signature ofthe carrier or his authorized representative together with date onwhich the goods were boarded. 26. Cost and Freight (C & F):The seller must on his own risk and not as an agent of thebuyer, contract for the carriage of the goods to the port ofdestination named in the sale contract and pay the freight.This being a shipment contract, the point of delivery is fixed tothe ships rail and the risk of loss or of damage to thegoods is transferred from the seller to the buyer at thatvery point. As will be seen though the seller bears the cost ofcarriage to the named destination, the risk is alreadytransferred to the buyer at the port of shipment itself.Cost Insurance Freight (CIF): The term is basically the same as C& F but with the addition that the seller has to obtaininsurance at his cost against the risks of loss or damage tothe goods during the carriage. 27. Payment against imports Payment under letter of Credit is a universally accepted mode ofpayment. A letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyers payment to aseller will be received on time and for the correct amount. Inthe event that the buyer is unable to make payment on thepurchase, the bank will be required to cover the full orremaining amount of the purchase. The bank also acts onbehalf of the buyer (holder of letter of credit) by ensuringthat the supplier will not be paid until the bank receives aconfirmation that the goods have been shipped. A Letter of Credit is a Signed instrument and an undertakingby the banker of the buyer to pay the seller a certain sum ofmoney on presentation of documents evidencing Shipment ofSpecified goods subject to Compliance with the stipulatedterms and Conditions. 28. Parties to a Letter of Credit Following persons are generally parties, to a letter of Credit: Beneficiary : The exporter of goods in whose favour the L/C has been established. Customer/importer : The person we intends to import the goods andinstructs bank to established Letter of Credit. Issuing Bank: The Banker in the importers Country who opened the L/C. Correspondent Bank or Advising Bank: The banker in the exporterscountry, who is authorized by the issuing bank to advise the beneficiaryof the Credit and to effect such payment or to accept and pay such billsof exchange or to negotiate against Stipulated documents and onCompliance of Stipulated terms and condition specified by the importeron the exporter. Confirming Bank: The banker in the exporters(beneficiary) country,who at the desire of the beneficiary adds confirmation to the letter ofCredit so that beneficiary can get payment without recourse from theConfirming bank. The Confirming bank may be correspondent bankitself or some other bank. 29. Letter of Credit vs. Bank Guarantee A letter of credit differs from a bank guarantee. Bank Guarantee is a guarantee from a lending institutionensuring that the liabilities of a debtor will be met. In otherwords, if the debtor fails to settle a debt, the bank will cover it. A commercial credit is neither a performance bond, nor it is aguarantee of the quantity or quality of the goods shipped. 30. Letters of Credit are Separate Transactions A contract for sale of goods between the seller and the buyerincorporates mode of settlement. Letters of credit by their natureare separate from the sale contract, and banks are not concerned orbound by such sale contracts even if the credits bear reference tothem. The credits stipulate documents which have to be tendered forpayment and it, therefore, follows that in credits parties deal withdocuments and not with goods, services or performances to whichthe documents relate. It is, therefore, in the interest of all the parties concerned that theconditions and terms of credit are complete and precise andbanefit of excessive details. The seller(beneficiary) cannot take advantage of any contractualterms in between the buyer and the opening bank and between theopening bank and the advising/confirming bank. 31. Uniform Customs and Practice forDocumentary Credit In the course of time, a number of practices, expressions andterms have evolved between banks dealing with documentarycredits. To ensure uniformity of interpretation ininternational trade, the International Chambers ofCommerce in Paris has worked out the "UniformCustoms and Practice for Documentary Credit". Thesehave been revised and brought up to date several times in the past.The latest in the line of revisions is the UCP 500 (w.e.f. January 1,1994) which updates and consolidates the previous UCP 400.They are now applied by the banks in nearly allcountries including India. 32. Precautions to be taken at the time ofestablishing Letter of Credit Letter of credit offers almost complete protection to the sellerbut the buyer is put to many disadvantages and has to makepayments against documents only. Before agreeing to open a letter of credit in favour of the seller, theopener must be satisfied with the creditworthiness and generalreputation of the seller. Entire success of an L/C transactiondepends on proper conduct of the seller. Confidential report on the seller must be obtained at the timeof first transaction with him. 33. Letter of credit also does not offer any protection forthe quality/quantity of goods supplied under theL/C. It would, therefore be necessary to know the natureof goods and specify submission of qualityreports/inspection reports from an independentagency to ensure receipt of goods of proper quality. It is necessary that complete and precise informationmust be given in the L/C application form specifyingtherein the description, unit rate and quantity of thegoods covered under L/C and details of documentsrequired in absolute clear and unambiguous terms.The reference to underlying sale contract must be avoidedas far as possible. The L/C application must neverthelesscontain all the required/information based on whichL/C could be opened by the bank. 34. Import contract may be concluded either in terms of INRor in foreign currency. Where the contracts are in INR, therelated documents are also prepared in INR and noconversion is involved. However, where the bill is drawn in foreign currency, thepayment is made in Indian rupees equivalent to theforeign currency. The equivalent rupee value is arrived atby applying suitable exchange rate. These rates are appliedby banks to standardise the foreign exchange-rupeeconversion process. When the price of foreign currency is quoted in terms ofhome or local currency it is called direct quotation basis..However, there is a difference between inter-bankexchange rates and merchant rates. 35. Merchant rates are the exchange rates applied by the bankersfor transaction with their customers for various purposes,including imports and exports. These rates are calculated bythe banks as per the guidelines issued by the ForeignExchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI). Inter-bank rates are the rate for transactions amongst theauthorized dealers in foreign exchange and depend on themarket conditions. Since exchange rates are volatile, documents delivered by thebank at the time of a favourable exchange rate( high value)will enable the Indian purchaser to pay less of Indian rupees. Forex rates are always quoted as two way price i.e. at a rate atwhich the bank is willing to sell foreign currency(buying rate)and at a rate at which the bank is willing to buy foreigncurrency(selling rate). There is always some difference in buying and selling rates.However, the maximum spread available to bank is restricted in terms ofceiling imposed by RBI. All exchange rates by authorized dealersare quoted in terms of their capacity as buyer or seller. 36. TT(Telegraphic Transfer) Selling Rate This rate is applied for all clean remittances (payment) outside India.For selling foreign currency to its customer by the bank such as forissuance of bank drafts, mail/telegraphic transfer etc.TT(Telegraphic Transfer) Buying Rate This rate is applied for purchase of foreign currency by banks whenthe banks in India have already obtained the cover in India. Thus allforeign inward remittances (transfer of funds) which are madepayable in India are converted by applying this rate. A mail transfer issued by a bank in Dubai for US $ 10,000 drawn onany commercial bank having branch at the overseas destinationwill be converted into rupees at TT buying rate. Reading Rates-The rates announced by the banks every daymorning are card rates. Or announced by news papers etc. 37. Reputed importers can always bargain with the bank forimprovement in the card rates for reducing their rupeeliability on conversion of foreign currency into Indianrupees. Also a distinction is made between spot rates and forwardrates. Spot rates are applicable on the day of transaction,whereas forward rates are fixed in advance for a transactionthat will mature at a specified date or during a specifiedperiod in future imports. 38. Hedging against Forex risk: Exchange risk arising on account of adverse movement ofthe exchange rates, can be avoided by the following methods: By requesting the supplier to invoice the goods inIndian rupees (possible only when the seller agrees to it) By entering into a forward exchange contract. 39. What is Forward Exchange Contract? A special type of foreign currency transaction. Forward contractsare agreements between two parties to exchange twodesignated currencies at a specific time in the future. These contracts always take place on a date after the date thatthe spot contract settles, and are used to protect the buyerfrom fluctuations in currency prices. Forward contracts ordinarily takes place within ten days of thetransaction date. They cannot be canceled except by the mutual agreement ofboth parties involved. The parties involved in the contract are generally interested in hedging aforeign exchange position or taking a speculative position. 40. Hedging against Forex riskThis involves booking of forward exchange contract with thebank of the importer. For booking forward contract the importer shouldapproach his bank with which an L/C has beenopened. The bank will book a forward contract only againstgenuine trade transaction. The bank will verify suitable documents to ensure theauthenticity and the amount of permitted currency ofthe underlying transaction. 41. The amount, date and number of the forward contract will bemarked on such documents under the stamp and signature ofthe bank to ensure that more than one forward contract is notbooked in respect of the same underlying transaction. A transaction may be covered either in parts or in whole. The period and extent to which an exposure is to be coveredis left to the choice of the customer. If the documents of import are not received within the agreedperiod of the contract, the contract needs to be cancelled(anfresh contract booked if desired) for which the bank will levycancellation charges as per FEDAI rules. In case the documents are received before the stipulated dateand the importer wants early delivery, the bank will again levycharges for early delivery, as per FEDAI rules. 42. The importers should be careful in choosing the period offorward contract. Otherwise early delivery or cancellation offorward contract would lead to unnecessary charges. The RBI allows substitution of an import order on specificrequest, provided the bank is satisfied with the circumstanceleading to the non-performance of the contract. Where the documents are under a contract(Non-L/C case), theseller will submit the complete set of documents to his bankerwith the request to either purchase/discount the documentsor same on collection basis to the importer. In the former case the sellers bank finances the sellerswhereas in the latter case, no financial facility is extended tothe overseas seller. The sellers banker may advance some money againstdocuments sent on collection basis while, treating thedocuments as collateral(guarantee) security. 43. When the documents are under L/C, the documents areprepared strictly in conformity with the letter of credit. After preparing the documents the overseas seller willtender the documents to his banker for negotiation. The bank, after receiving the documents, will examinethem to ensure that they are strictly drawn as per theterms of the credit. Following this the overseas banker will send thedocuments to the importers banker in India. The importers bank will advise the importer to collectthe shipping documents either against payment oracceptance as per the terms of the contract. 44. In case the documents are drawn under L/C, the issuingbanker(of the overseas supplier) will examine thedocuments and if found in order it will hand over thesame to the importer after debiting his account withamount involved or against acceptance as per the termsof the credit. If the documents are not in line with the terms of thecredit, the overseas banker can either refuse tonegotiate further and ask the seller to send them oncollection basis only; or it can contact the importersbank(in the buyers country) for authorization; or it canalso make payment under the reserve against sellersindemnity (compensation) 45. Procedure to be followed for grant ofimport license: Scrutiny of documentsThis is a very important function and this should bedone with great care. After receiving the document from the overseassuppliers bank, the importers bank will scrutinisethem to verify the extent of correctness as per the termsof the L/C. For discrepancies in the documents following principlesare adopted: Certificate of originIt is issued by the authority stipulated in the L/CThe description of goods agrees with that in the invoice 46. Checking other documentsAll other documents stipulated in the L/C are verified They are issued by the authorities specified in the L/C They contain the details as required by the L/C For matter relating to Documentary Collections and Commercialterms, the importers are likely to be conversant with the brochuresissued by the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC), Paris. Following are the brochures:Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Collection andCommercial TermsUniform Rules of Collections (ICC522)Uniform Rules for a Combined Transport Document (ICC298)INCO Terms 1990RBI regulations for Making Payments by importers 47. Customs Clearance of imported goods Customs Authorities and the Clearing agents play the key rolein the import of goods. All goods imported into India have to pass through theprocedure of Customs clearance as they cross Indian border. The goods are examined, appraised, assessed, evaluated andthen allowed to be taken out of charge of the Customs for useby the importer. The entire process of customs clearance is complex and to carryout this procedure smoothly, the help of accredited customsclearing agents has to be taken. 48. The importers need to present a Bill of Entry on receiptof the advise of the arrival of the vessel. The B/E is noted in Import Department, withcorresponding endorsement made against theconsignment entry in the IGM along with the date. (Theshipping line has to give a detailed report of all the goods onboard in a report known as "Import General Manifest) The B/E will then be presented in the AppraisingDepartment with all the relevant documents likeinvoice, Bill of Lading, Import license and catalogueliterature. 49. Custom Authorities There are two main wings of Customs House. In theAppraisement wing the job of collection of revenue isassigned, while the Preventive one aims at preventionof smuggling. The Customs authority functions under the Ministry ofFinance (MoF) with the Central Board of Excise &Customs at the apex. The board is headed by a Chairman and assisted byMembers. 50. The Members (Customs) looks after the following matters: Classification of Customs tariffThe basic legislation is the Indian Customs Act, 1962 read withCustoms Tariff Act, 1975. Section 12 of the Customs Act,62empowers levy of duties on goods imported into orexported from India. However, the rates at which the different import exportduties shall be leviable have been respectively specifiedin the First and Second Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975-called the import Tariff and Export Tariff respectively. With effect from Feb. 28, 1986, the new tariff importschedule based on international convention ofHarmonised Commodity and Coding system, commonlyknown as Harmonised Coding System came into being. 51. Import through CourierAs laid down by the current foreign trade Policy, import ofgoods through courier is permitted in accordancewith the Courier Imports & Exports (Clearance)Regulations, 1998. If the CIF value of the consignment imported does notexceed Rs.100000, the relative Bill of Entry is requiredto be filed by the registered courier service. If the CIF value is Rs.100000 or more, importers are tofile separate B/E as in the case of other imports. 52. Import of Samples Bona fide technical and trade samples of items, even those in the restricted in ITC(HS)Classifications of Export and Import items is allowed without a license for a value not more than Rs. 1 lakh(CIF). Prototype (trial or model products) import This may be allowed on payment of duty without a license to an actual user, industrial engaged in the production of or having industrial license/LoI or research, as the case may be, provided the number of items imported does not exceed 10 in number in a year. 53. Passenger BaggageUnder the Rules various kinds of articles can beimported up to certain value limit depending uponthe duration of stay of the passenger abroad and on thebasis of Resident and Non-Resident Status of thepassenger. Passenger Baggage Rules and import duty structure forbaggage as applicable for such imports under theBaggage Rules has been given separately 54. Thank YouContact Author: [email protected]
